THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 15, 1911. These High Quality Coats at a Moderate Price I02M 4 IRRESISTIBLE COMBINATION Our plans this season for an assortment of coats at moderate prices, which would eclipse all our past efforts, have foeeu fully realized. So inany women have heeome en thusiastic wearers of these coat that Monday we will f-cp practically a new-showing in this busy section. A very eenerous shipment of the two-tone reverslbles will continue the well deserved prestige of Benson and Tbome coats, This clever garment, which, made Its Omaha debut at thin afore, cornea In combinations of gray and grn. pray and coronation, maroon and pray, tan and white, and blue and tan. One may wear one coat lo the theatre and another, entirely different, homo. Then, too, are trim Biau-tallored coat of mannish mixture and the more elaborate affairs of chlffon-broadc'oth. And every coat, no matter what the irlre, possesses that Inimitable tyle which Invariably brings back the chopper who "looks around." Junior and Small Women's sites. Prices $t 1.715. SI 3.50. 914. 7o 917.50. $10.75. 922.50. $25.00 up to $05.00. The Girls' Coat Seclion Contains just the coats which Instantly win the heart of every little girl who sees them A I t Q ind C? Tft P,MlnK variety In preUy shades of blue, rtl UIIU UJw tsn. navy, red and brown and mlitures of mm brown and gray. 81 tea to 14 years. At S7.50. $3.50 and $9.75 warm military collar- A great many girls select the man tailored, full-lined coats with the -At these prices, also, are beautiful plush, caracul unl corduroy velvets, kerseys In pretty shudes, and brown and gray wU tues. For ages 8 to 14. At tlfl fn (10 7'vMo,hrs 4elrlng the ultra styles snd richest ma Xll vlv W 1JI "ferlals for the daughter s winter wraps can find nothing more exclusive and moderately priced than In this beautiful col lection of Velvets, broadcloths, chinchillas and mannish mixtures. The Polo models are Included. For ages 8 to 16. m toBM nmn omm Yeats lStS-lEX) J AIM AH EZZSZZt GAS CASE LONG DRAWN OUT Dct Moines Has Costly Tight Ahead Orer Price Cut INTER UBBAK EMPLOYES SECEDE Withdraw front Carnaea'a lil.n at Dee Maine Jala Brother bond Deteptlra Proeea to Hare Maar FTlende. (From tff CirreBpondent.) DF.fl MOISTS. Oct. 11 -(Special Tele tram. )-The testimony In the long drawn nut eltv -ae eeee was ronrludert before J'ldfte Klonn. matr In rhancery. today. The rasa ha laeted all mtmmer and the teMlmony ha Inrludrd the statementa of notable cxifrts In public service matters from all over the country. It ti certain tli race will have coet upward of $23,000 before it l flnlehed. The coniet I one to have the city entablifh a price of 30 cent for see as ar.alnet fj now. The city had Andrew Fanaater of Chlcaso and Edward W. Betnli of New York on th stand today sa Its lent ttnenes. Oral arguments will he hrard later and finally the whole matter will be presented to Judge Mc Fhersnn Interarbaa Employe Seeer. As a remilt of th recent street car trouble the employes of the Interurban railroads running out of Dee Moines have eneried from the union of atreet car workers and have joined the railroad brotherhoods. They will abandon their contract with the managers of the com- panlea and form a new contract under the regulations of the railroad conductors and railway trainman. Merer Ilaa Friend. Arreated on a charge of forgery, E. M. Meyers, claiming' to be a private detec. tlve, waa visited by two women at the city Jail. At flrat both of them claimed to be his wife. Later the earlier arrival changed her relationship to that of alster. Both had oome to the station Ignorant of each other's existence to attempt to secure Meyers' release. BOY CRUSHEDBENEATH CAR Probably Fatal Injuries Received by . Isie Firtht on Sherman Ave. HEAD OF SALESMANSHIP SCHOOL AT THE LAND SHOW. RELEASED BY WRECKING CREW Walla (milai Grace Street at Ms. teeata II Una Behind a Xarta- baa a 4 Car lata th War " Having keen creund under th forward trucks of a south-bound Ihtrmtn avanu lar at Sixteenth and Orer street Satur day morning. 11 Ftraht. asad U . ftt Clark st reek lies, la a dylos condl oa at the St. Joseph hospital with a fractured skull and aorcral broken bones. Several surgeons are working to save hi Ufa. '. He is th son af Mas FtrsM tit i'0 Clark rtreet. About 1 11 o'clock tnia kornlng ht attempted to cross the tracka It Sixteenth and Uraca .streets. He ranj behind 'a north-bound Kherman avanvla car Juet In tiro to be struck by a south bound caur. t t Wl4 h fell b rolled under th fender Th motormmi saw tb lad as he mrgd from behind lh north-bound car and a quick as a flash reversed th current, but before the ear could b atopi-ed the lad had been graund under the forward truck. Tb la s body waa squeesed Into a space of not more than five or alx Inch. , , . It was impossible to extrUste th ,boy without the aid of a wrecking crew, which was immediately summoned. When th crew arrived it was found necessary to lack th car up In order to raleaae the boy, who was pinned beneath th trucks for fltn" minutes. Tb car underneath which the boy was round waa manned by Charles Had berg, molurman, and W. W. McDonald, conductor. The father of th boy con ducts a aecond-hsn store at ?1 North Sixteenth street. 1 "" e , ')0 to net our loan obligation with a sur plus for Interns! developments, which w have planned, such as harnealng rivers and building railways." The situation In Hsnkew is unchsnged. Four British .warships and two vessels apiece of the American, German end Japanese navies are protecting th foreign cttlsens. YUAN SHLKAI IS AGAIN IN POWER (Continued from First Tage.) J. V. Wllhelniv, R, U. farter, H. B. Weller, K. K. Wrure, Thomas A. Fry, John K. Mack, K. . McOlltnn, Clnrk (. fowell, J. A. Ruannon, M. HJorntnn. C. O. funtilnf ham. W. R. Adair. John U Mct'asue. W. M. PherraUen. C. W. Mortnn. Charles E. Ula.-k. J I. tor laid will. J M Andersnii. H. M. Johsnnsxen. H. lj. Teterson. F. .1. ntzKerald. J. E. Wlnon, It J. Dlnnlnr. T. J Petteirrew, A. W. Ron-man, T. B. Norrls. John v. Ftobblns, IT. A. Kwlnir, J. J. PerlRht, C. J Pnleer, F. D. Weed. J. C. Root. K. 8. Tliompeon. Herbert M. Rogers, tMt O. ("artipbeir. A. W. Fdtulaton, A, L. Havens. A. P. U'lillm,ir federleli v. Clarke, J. B Blanehard. U Morettl. av. R. Kriimmond, T. O. Hnnna. t. 8. Oirtla. If. C. Weeden. W. F. Churrh. K. A. Benson. H. K. Haailnaa. Th copy furnlahed by Mtv Sunderland Includes a blank form of application for membership, which one and all are In vited to fill In and mall to o.r deliver at the aecretary s office, 1R2 City National Pank building, the aecratary's Identity being undisclosed. PRISON REFORM MEETING STARTS (Continued from First Page.) aglag. Indeed and bids fair In due course of time te prove a strong bulwark In the reduction of crime, as well as of the criminal class." Rial Mass Meeting Today. Three convention events ere scheduled for today. The annual sermon will be preached at 11 at the Flret Mehodlst church by Rev. F. U Loveland of Topeka, Kan., formerly of Omaha; a mass meet ing will be held In the Auditorium at I and at 9:30 In the evening the National Wardens' association will meet. Addresses will be made at the mass meeting by Bishop Tllien of Lincoln, Maud Balllngton Booth of the Volun teers of America, Prof. Charles R. Hen derson of the University of Chicago and Dr. J. T. Oilmour of Toronto. The Fourth Infantry band from Fort Crook will play. The convention will continue through Thursday. Moadar'a Proaraa. MORNING. In assembly room, Rome hotel. S.4S a. m.-Chapiain' earlv meeting. : a. m. The National Wardens as sociation. Joseph r". Scott, supai Uitn dent of prisons of the state of New York, Albany, president, to proelde. Annual addreaa hv tha Draaldant. Mr. Scott. Paper, "Prlaon Construction." by A. H. Leslie, superintendent Alleghany County Workhouee. Pittsburgh, Pa. Paper, "Mending the Immoral Morone." by Frank Moore, superintendent New Jersey reformatory, Rahway, N. J. Paper, "Prison Recreations," J. K. Cod ding, warden Kansas state penitentiary, Lne1ng. Kan. Dlacuaalon opened by General Demetrlo Castillo, warden Cuban prison. Havana. 11 a. m. Report of the standing com mittee on prison discipline by the chair man. Henry K. W. Scott, warden New Hampahlre state prison. Concord, N. H. Ltscussion. AFTERNOON. In assembly room. Rome hotel. 2 p. m. The National Chaplains' asso ciation. Rev. Charles M. Miller, chaplain western penitentiary of Pennsylvania, Al gneny, fa., president, to preside. Annual address by the president, Mr. "Th Pasafon for Service," by i. bvKnox'. DEATH COMES TO JUSTICE HARLAN tContlnued from First Page.) . HI' son, John M. Harlan, of Chicago, a lawyer, waa summoned here, however, snd another son. Dr. Richard C. Har lan, traveling In Europe, was notified Met night he grew worse snd this morning at (:1S o'clock death came. TO SPRING CITIZENS' UNION! (Continued from First Pag.) of th Cities of Hankow, XV a Chang and Ilaa Tang. General U announce that he ertll protect foreigners if they remain neutral, but that he cannot promise pro Section t tr-oe ara'tttng th klimhui. 4 Tb rhel generallsslme. al UstiH I proclainstien signed- as "commander of th' poof'' army.'' In which 'he ex hort the Chinese people to shew their unity and strength and to drive out th Mentha traitor. ' A visit to W Chang by th Asooclated res representative ttday dlselod Vividly' the deveststlon. which ha been Wrought In that city by the attack of th revoluilpnlrti ' Corpses are piled every where about the street. )?IMt Uodles In One Heap. f Titty bodies were aeen In a alngle heap Juat Dutalde one of the gates. Ailhougn Jsnthus hsve been killed tftus far rtthln the limits of the city the invading troops 'are still scouring every quarter for ihore of their enemies. I.rults are flocking to th revolutionary standard i General LJ Yuan Heitg uM at his hal ouarteis In Wu Chana tbti-he w Its aoldUirs (omially eniollrtl. lie said that the revolutionary leaders haw plenty of fundi). General I.I plans li mov shortly aalnit the -liiiixi is! tartru. Which have rolttaU'd aionji tin- lailWuy ri a ton on th hi. dei- i,t Hunan. Th rebel vicetoy lank. ho Is rstab Itshed St u Chang, said in .in interilew today: "Th objact of our nvoit Is lo mak tb government of China like 'that of America. The irMiit laxc It hunesll; admiiilstered will provide umplc revenue Knees BecomoGtif ' rtv Tsar of hersr Kaaamattaa Th cur or Henry Goldstein, 14 Eartoa Street, boston. Utj . i ,iut r victory by Hood Uarsaparllla. Tn.a great medicine ha tuwwM in many case wher others bsv uttvily fall! Mr. Ooldstetn saya: "I Buffered from rhauinatlsm flv years. It kept m from businaaa and cause. excruciating pain. My kna would Lecuui aa atlff mm steel. 1 tried mauy medi.-lnea without relief then took iism Mai aapa' llUi, soon fcit much better, and now consider myself entirely tured. 1 revun.mend liooda." Get It today In uauaJ. Jiquld f urui or ckavwlated taUlet trailed aaraataba. in th neoDle a behalf la a fight to win s gainst, machine control and machine Candidates. tvirv cltlxen wnoae rurnos is in ac cord with th abov la asked te join. the i lusen union. - Applioatloa blanka win n sent to tnose who wish to join upon request to the V.vsrns' union bv telephone, mail r per sonal call. Temporary oftice, room . City National bank buuaing. telephone. indnMndant. Bell. , There will b no membership fees or dues. The undersigned subscribe lo the pur poee of this organisation aad commend it to th active support of every cltlsen of cimaha. It la understood that thee blanks call ing for enrollment hav already been tlgned up by most of the Business Men's association membership, snd such ethers as they could reach representing other organisations, and that the statement I soon to be put out over a grsat array of signatures Intended to Impress th public with th apontaneousness of th movement. ThU fuiacaat In last night's Be of tb advent of th Cllisens' union aeema to have hastened It arrival, me cui having been gUen out later officially by Ralph . Sunderland for general publl cation, with th I olio ins names at tached: .Mil vrrrlek Cohnw w. Wood. Rev. T. J- Vlaukay. t harles G. McDonald John L. Webster ha known Justice Harlan personally for twenty years, and In that time has had many caae In th supreme court. A few year ago he attended a banquet given by the Amer ican Bar association for Justice Harlan, In honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of' his appointment to th court. "He was an extremely genial and so ciable gentlemen, always glad personally to meet the lawyers who had raaea be fore the court," said Mr. Webster. "He was always a close listener to the dis cussions In the court. He wss sn In dependent thinker and did not hesitate to speak his opinion. "LMatlngnlahtng characteristic of him a g member or the court waa his lib eral and forceful view of enforcement of th' Interstate commerce laws. It so happened that nearly every caa on the margin line of Infringement on these lawa waa assigned to him 'to write an opinion. By Instinct he was a state's rights man, but In every Instance where state legis lation Interfered with the federal con stitution, he held the stat laws uncon stitutional. He was the chief protector of federal control of Interstate com merce, regardless of states tinea." tect society and to provide, under humane discipline and restraint, an adequate pun Ishment for the offender; the securing of the proper snd regular employment of the prisoner In prison under wise state law; the obtaining of a rightful portion of the prisoner's earnings for the use of his dependent family; the systematic In vestlgatlon of their real needs and the furnishing of prompt relief to the worthy and possible effort for their rehabilita tion or removal to more favorable si)r roundlngs; the Invoking of the probation law where such will be conducive to the best results; ths comprehensive study of the prison population as far as possible to secure proper statistics en which te baae accurate results: the well organised effort now at work In a number of our larger centers of population, In the study snd betterment of the slum districts and the more general effort In many localities In the Interest -of the beterment of the environment of the children and youth. are all encouraging signs of the far- resetting Interest at work for th uplift and saving of humanity, and to this end we say, Oodspeed to the organisations which,' In carrying forward their work, hav gone back to the childhood days, and which, striving to break the bond age, not only of heredity and environ ment, are, through eympathy, love and Interest thus securing a foothold In dis tricts, communities snd individual homes ss well, and In which their - organised effort la besrlng a fruitage most encour- Miller. Paper, Rev. E. Paper, "Putting Religion Where It Should pa In the Prison." bv Rev. Wil liam J. Batt. chaplain emeritus of the Massachusetts reformatory, Junction, Mass. 4:15 p. m. Trolley ride. KVENING. In the First Methodlat church. 8 p. m. Mr. Patton, president, presid ing. Invocation Rev. J. M. Kersey, D. D., pastor First Christian church. Report of standing committee on "Pre vention and Probation, " by the chairman. Prof. Franklin H. Br I (NTs, superintendent of th Stat Agricultural and Industrial school. Industry. N. Y. Paper, "The General Kffect of Proba tion Cpon Olrls Who Afterward Become Subject to Institutional Care." by Mr Ophelia L. Amlgh, Geneva, III. Paper, "Canadian legislation Respect ing Juvenile Delinquents," by William Trent, police magistrate, Reglna, Sas katchewan, Canada. Address, "Prevention," by Governor 8. R. Vesey of South Dakota. JOHN R.WALSH IS . RELEASED FROM PRISON (Continued from First Page.) by Thursday at the latest. When It failed to arrive yesterday noon, hours after he had expected It. he passively gave up all hope. "I fear the finding haa not been favorable," he said, and seemed greatly depressed. The order for parole was sent by tele graph by Attorney General Wlckeeeham. Walsh was Immediately summoned into Warden McClaughrey's office and told of the favorable finding. Although be said little, the smile that wreathed his face told plainly of his great happiness. . Orest Jar 1 Walsh Home. CHICAGO, Oct. H.-Relatlves of John R. Walsh here were almost overcome at the final news of the parole. They had reoetved so msny previous reports from unreliable sources that when the news cam they were unprepared to believe It. At the Walsh home, where he Is awaited by his wife, the news was re ceived with especial joy. Do You Like I usic : The Imoeen Study rlub of Florence met at the home of Mrs, Morse Sierl Thurs-1 (lay all er noon, when Mrs. tsiert and Mrs. r H. Reynolds were the hostesses. They spent and enjoyable evening aiuiivlna- Shakeepear after which they took up" plana for ths winter's work, they Inteuded . doing Desiae the studying. I'll' tPfe-J' If: . mJm r.uea L.t-i.1 t ' " ' u .. MSYrretivm. VV. . V rlgiu. t u tor v I. u. Ixiuls V. Uu. w. II. tucnvis. Ar Hi sick). , ac Huresli. eniuei .-nouo. on ii i . ate. ..mia ihiii. .oulius U Nebl. . ns.u.os. r. J Boienson, jeoise ini. uiiy L- eisiin, . J, rucnaiue. It. b. L.kwo4. .-d J. Atams. Ldwln T. Bob. I aul W. Kuhns. 4.. l. Armstrong. Lysi I Abbott, ri. t- eundrlad. hlVltsntV.' Baxter, t hail" A. AlUrll . . rvl'aid. M W D. Wllliama. ( haries C. Ueorg. k,. k.. torando. l.arneet et. P A. Wells. C.Lgrod T tastmaa. W. It. Harper. A. H- Roberta Joseph biransky. It V. . Piervoot. W. R- Mcranaad. u. T A. I.anOLajwr, . j. C. Kechmer, . v . r'oeltr. - F Merer. George G. W allaca. .w ..uaU. ,.n li. Adams, Morris Lvy. A. Griiumet, '. V. U. t-aioier. George W. Sumner, f. VA . Hint. W. H 'ole. C. M. W li lielm. Robert Iieni peter, W. M. Ralnbolt. M. I) Cameron Geore 1. Hammer, T. C. Byrne. I. W. 1 . ( ar renter. A. A Mcurew. R. W. Moor. IV H Weir, R J Hshn. Arthur N Smith. R W. Hall, Joseph barker. It. L. Jenkins. C. 6 liayward. t; C. K ipllnger. A. U Reed. . W. T. vJi aham. A. G. Hucnanaa. M. n Murphy. K J. Hsrt. H b. King. W C. Norrls. W. G. Cleveland, Luc w n a'lephens. U. L. Mcllvain. ' A J. Merlin. John rxiuglaa. A. b Mctonnell. I J. Dunn. Z D Clsrk. W. C. Pullard, Htary H Claioora. H f Mean. Ertck T. Johnson. F. H. Myera. Ass as Field. Harry Uawrl. T. b. Ringwalt. U M McClauahan. Jay li. Foster, fc-wlng liro a. Char es D. Beaton. A. V. Joaaa. Paul A. beaton. R. Js. Davia. H. A. Tukey. Jaines a. White. P. h. MoGuira, fir m .1114 Suit$ and Overcoats to Order $20.00 Take three men. One is tin- pre! i ely gttired. Another is Indifferently dressed. The other Is badly garmented. Which one of the three (all other things bing equal) will gain the quickest audience with modem business man? No. I, of course! The man whose raiment re fects his individuality and character emphasizes his owu self-respect- he wbote gar ments are made for htm will surely derive, many extra bus iness advantages from his tailoring-advantage. f'f course. ear tailoring when we're (Ing of talking wc r thinking of eooul our attire. Mac-Carlby-Vilson Tailoring Co. SOI-StNl South lath tM. Five Sirpa Huutii of I-amain. Popular Near Classic -- Classical If so, and you are not a musician, you ihould call t our store and allow us to explain and demonstrate t-i Inter-Player Pianos that we have very carefully selected so as to satisfy the most exacting person. In our line you will find the world's best. The Angelus,' the acme of perfection in the Player Pianos. Knabe Angelas, Emerson Angelus, Angelus Piano. Fischer. O . , i a Estey, Schaeffer, Price & Teeple, I Harmonola, Milton All eighty-eight note, fully warranted players. Prices on these instruments range from $350 up, with twenty-five rolls of music free. Pianos taken in exchange. Terms to suit. .Haydeii Bros. A Saving Event in Ladies' New Suits and Goats Bargains like these keep things stirring la oar busy new Suit Section, Second Floor. S20 Ta lored Suits and Goats 200 hsnome sntts la all wool serges, cherlota, and fancy mixtures; gome plain tailored; other beantlfttlly trimmed. Jackets lined with Ruar Jiteed satin, skirts show the latct sty lea. Mon day af 911.75. Also 10O heaotlfui new fall coats In plain, novelty mixtures, blanket effect, etc. many with the pretty sailor col lars; others In handsome fall tyle effect. Monday at. . . . .$11.75 $23.50 PLrsn COATS afM.OS Made of rich 8ealette riuoli, .V-d through, out with guaranteed satin. HandaonuNt trimmed. Showing of New Fur and Fony Coats and Fur Seta SPECIALLY PRICKH. y Millinery Dtpt Second Floor. SPECIAL SALE MONDAY BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED HATS at $2.08, $3.08 and $4.98. REGULAR VALUES UP TO $10.OO. You'll be delighted with one of our made-to-nteaaure suits, coata or skirt. And the price are Tery reasonable. . Suits to Meanurt $!S.OO and Hp. Shirts to Measurt $5.00 and up. 'm I aen A We Have the Very Suit You Want and at Big Saving to You Come in, look over our splendid new stocks of men's and young men's sutts and overcoats. Compare the quality and the prices with what you have seen elsewhere. Note the splendid fit, and the neat, bust ness-like appearance they give you.( You'U have to admit that onr Fall Suits and Overcoats at $10. $12.50 and up to $13 are equal In every respect, style, fit, work manship and qnaUty, to the suits sold else where at $15.00 to $27.00. Why not save that $S.0O or $10.00? You can do It If you buy your clothing here. Furnishing Goods Department Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers at 37c each. Holeproof Hosiery, six pair guar anteed six months. Per box of six pair, $1.50. Men's Munsing Union Suits, $1 and up. Men's Shoes at $2.50 and $3.00 Tea nay pay nor for shoes elsewhere, bat you will not re any mora wear or oomf or en of them than 70U will from our ahoes a ta.00 and S3. OO. They are mad from h fin lathra and ar mad to give the utmost comfort to the wearer. r.lain Floor Specials Monday til mW&M ' X.OKO Irtmicii dOwv xikovoi at sso o aaea XAsTSBAaS Just reoelved a larff ahlpmaat of spleaald new Kendbars, whleh go ri.Airirxi.ZTTa MIOXT OOWjrg, a sale Koaday at . .ao to 9M -I at 48o aad ee T. A nuts' HUi XOBX. KOaSAT AT M Made of splandtd Brook a9 I .U U AU leadlnf shad, hand, atink ur somely mad Mentor Comfort Knit Underwear for Women, atlssas and Children. Hisses' and Boys' Union Bulta, 1 x.aais' union anixi at BOo, Too and 880 I np from .99 to, as ThelSovel4yQ. 214-16-18 No. 16th. CLOTHIERS to MEN and WOMEN. (Formerly Novelty Skirt Co.) Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats made-to-order. $25 to $35 So5BSt ii Free Land Information The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand of its readers for land information, has gathered and compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry. Do You Want to Know About government land laws, location of land of fices, etc , How to get irrigation lands, location of projects, laws governing 6ame, etc. Best sections for fruit growing, general farming, .stock raising or dairying. Your questions will get prompt attention. State plainly and specifically what you want to know. "Write, Land Information Bureau The Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha, Nebraslia