Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 12, Image 12

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a Women Can Always CSiose from Greater Wariefe atiirandeis Stores
n k P
To the thousands who will visit the
Omaha Land Show
during the two weeks to come
We Extend a Hearty Welcome
Make Yourselves nt Home iu Our Store and Make
- V'p of the Many Free Accommodations We
H;tve for Out-of-Town People.
Free Baggage and Parcel Check Stand.
Free Waiting Rooms and Kest Rooms for Women
and Children (Uniformed Maids in Attendance.)
Hoods lelifre(l Free to Any Depot, in Omaha.
Ch'eeks Cashed Free on All Banks.
Bot Mo'lcrnte Priced Host aura nts and Lunch
Room in Omaha.
kSt e the Three Bi Tunneled Arcades Under Doug
las and 17th Street?. They Connect Four of
Omaha 's Biggest Buildings, underground.
See the F'oropeian Room.
a Oi n f
? a. oiunning uruup ui
Women's Suits at $35
In ctforing this lot we are showing the fin
est group of women's suits that were ever
aold anywhere for 1 33. They are the
very latent Ideas In point of style. Every
"oire t new fall and winter' feature usu
ally shown only In the most expensive
salts Ir represented here. Many of the
suits are samples or odd garments, but
every one shows that smart metropolitan
style that distinguishes It Instantly from
ordinary suits. The vsrlety Is wonder
fully romplete. Many
actually worth up
to $60, at
Choice of 200 Women's
We've never shown a classier lot of Tail
ored Skirts on speHal sale. They ar
perfect examples of tailoring skill, made
of fine broadcloths, mixtures, novelty
cloths, voiles, chiffon panamas. There
are a number of amplns and
odd skirts rich blacks and
the new popular shade, at.
Lace Curtains and Drapery Goods
Select our curtains here. You'll get much belter
prices and you II get a wider variety to choose from, too.
Swiss Curtains in pis In or
figures with 'edges or ruf
fles, at pair 08c, 1.25
and '.$1.50
3-lnch and 40-tticli (axe
men! Cloth, worth up tq
20c, at, per yard . 12H
Filet and Bungalow Nets
Huudredtt of patterns, at
yd. 3c, 30c, 40c, HV,
nl 08
Bent Grade Figured SlUtoline
All new patterns, at,
'ri 12 V
Window Shades 3x6 feet,
complete, at each ..20
We arti showing everything that Is new for fall In flue
cretonnes, at yard 10. 25c and 30
New Arrivals of C7 CZ
No medium priced suits can be compared
In any way with these famous "Kashlon
seals." Thy are perfection in tailoring
and the materials are woven gr awe
expressly for these suits Ha 1 3 fb
-every new style Idea at
Omaha's Most Complete Stock, of
High Class Coats and Dresses for
Children, Juniors and Misses
A special section devoted exclusively
to children's and mlsseV apparel of higher
than ordinary character. You'll not find
sucih a selection of charming attire fof
children anywhere else. It is wonderfully
l"i' Mil
a special uner 4
Women's Vfinter Coats, $19 i
Every coat in this pplendid group is well
worth $25. The variety includes every
popular kind' of fall and winter coat.
There are smart broadcloths, plushes, car
aculs and an excellent assortment of those
much favored new double-faced reversible'
coats and mannish heavy mixtures. All
have those, roomy but graceful lines of tho
present season. Hun
dreds to choose from
Mondav, at. . . ,
Women's Plush, Caracul and
Velour Coats
There is a world of style In these
coats and there is plenty of service as
well. You'll find Just the coat you want
here at
$25.00, $39.00 or $49.00.
Women's New Coats of Black
Extremely popular this season. They
are in great demand and Brandels has the
real variety in Omaha. The newer models,
ahown only here, are
$19.00. $25.00. $35.00.
Women's Blue and Black Serge
They are full weight coats built on grace
ful lines and practical and dressy as they
can be. Two splendid groups at $12.50
and $15.00
Women's White Polo Coats ,
Never so popular as now and no line was
ever so smart as this one. Both the
plain white and- the color combinations.
Specially fine fabrics In these ' coats,
t ... $22.50. $25.00 and $35.00
I 1 Qn&tM I
The Season's Great
Chance to Buy
Men's Overcoats
Classy Suits
(All samples and extremely
well tailored and finished.)
Worth '$15, $18 and $20,
Hundreds of Omaha's business men are com
ing to this store because they can buy a strictly
up-to-date, new model fall suit at the beginning
of the fall 'season for $12.50. (The same suit would
cost them $15.00 to $20.00 anywhere else.) It is
certainly a rare chance to buy clothes at' a real
reduction at the season's, opening. Come in if
you want to save that $5.00 or more.
A. V
White Goods Specials
45-inch white Irish Linon..
suitable for waists, dresses.
pillow cases, etc; fine qual
lty. that retails at
85c a
..1-1 . -j
jaru . . . .
t retails at mg
yard spe- Jg
Imperial English nainsook,
chamois finish, for chil
dren's dresses, undergar
menta. Blips, etc. a 4 9ft
Bolt of 12 yards, J
Omaha Women Realize
That Brandeis is the
Store that Knows
The moment you see Brandela'
Millinery section, you reallie the
difference. The deslgna are all
strictly correct. Hats are trim
med by finishers who. "know
how." Saleswomen who. know
what hat becomes you best are
at your service. When you buy
a hat at Brandels, you know that
it Is correct and that It be
comes you,
. We are showing a score of
strictly new models far the first
time at
$15 to 325
osl lenairlliafefe
Lace and Embroidery Sections
18-inch Floss Silk and Silk and Metallic Embroidered All
over LacesAll colors; also dainty effects in crochet,
Venice and Oriental AUovers, white, cream and rn.
ecru; worth to $1.25 yd.; bargain square, yd .9 JC
Floss Silk Embroidered Bands Crochet, Venise and Filet
laces, insertions and galloons. Oriental insertions, net
top laces, dainty lace edges; worth up to 50c yd.; 0C
at, yard. S3C
High Class Parisian Novelties in Laces and Dress Trim
mingsComplete Assemblage..
Novelties suitable for street and evening wear; Laces,
Bands, Flouncings, Nettings, Passementeries, Garnitures,
Knotted Silk and Ball Fringes, Girdles, Tassels, Cords, But
tons, etc. at reasonable prices. ' " ' ""
.11 L
a! f ' 1
On Our
Third Floor
Here is one more grand occasion proving the power of Brandeis cash and its value
in bringing great bargains within the reach of Omaha people. . .
We bought this immense stock of high grade floor covering from an eastern ware
house at a great sacrifice. : . -
We have held big linoleum sales before, but never one where the quality has been so
high and never one where the. bargains have remarkable..
The Celebr'd Flunsing Underwear
Drumrii is mot aaeni. iu umsua tor ae most economical as well
aa the most comfortable underwear you . can
buy. Its durability and washablllty commend
it to the thrifty, and IU fine quality dell gate
Women's Veeta, Pants and Union Sulta, complete
usee 01 lau and winter weights, at, garment
Misses', Children's and Boys' Vests,
Pants and Union Suits fall and win
ter weights; garment, 49c, 75c to $1.50
43?, 9Sc, $1.50 SUMS'
' Dose
In Our
, Storr.
I d up
"" '
la Agent
for the
Gt the
Tlie patterns and colors are the very best. and you'll save money on every yard you
All the 2-Yard Wide
that sells regularly
up to 75c & yard'
goes at per sq. yard. ;
All the Highest Grade
2 yards wide that
-sells regularly up
to 85c square yard, 'ID
goes at square yard.
All tho 4-Yard Wide
that sells regularly f"3 Ty
up to $1 sauare yard UZS I
craen at bo vard . .
D -- V . V J
All the Genuine
iiilaid unoLEun
Colors through to the back
Fine grade that usually
sells at $1.50 square yd.,
goes at, square yard . ;. .
Practically Our Entire Third Floor Devoted to This Sale
65 Clerks to Wait on You No Crowdinp
1.1 IK, n
Kid Gloves
Women's fine French lCid Gloves
in white, black, tan, grey, blue
and beaver; embroidered backs
or Paris point stitched; 2
clasps; Perrln make. Fitted
to the hand, pair
$1.50 & $1.75
Women's One and 2-clasp Glovee
7 "ceqcb lambskin, cape and
genuine Arabian Mocha; grey.
tan and .black, at .
One of the best assort
ments of shoes we have yet
displayed this reason.
These shoes are velvets
with satin tops, dull leath
er and patent leather in the
new wide "stubby" toe
lasts, high heels and arches,
extreme short foreparts and
well made welted soles.
Regular 94 and $5 ft a 1C
Shoes, in every slae 53
and width, Monday. . . V
On Basement Bargain. Square?
Apron Glnghama All size blue
checks and mill remnants, 12
dress ginghams In fancy m
checks, stripes and J
plaida, at yard
Size' 81x90 Seamless
Bleached Sheets,
equal to-Pequot or
Utica: 80c values, at
Tard wide Bleached
. Shaker Flannel,
12 MsC value, will be
sold at yard
Big Sale of Wall Paper
' Another one of those famous Brandeis purchases of de
sirable wall papers at 50c on the dollar. "We place this stock
on sale Monday at just half regular price.
Plenty, of clerks to wait on you.
A big special lot of fine pa
pers with borders to match,
worth up to 8c a roll,
at, per roll.
A fine selected line of bed
room papers, all the new
fall styles, new colorings,
etc.; sells regularly as high
as 18c; Monday, fig
per roll....... ...2
The new oatmeal papers in
please the most particular customer. Two
special lots, worth up to 75o a roll, at. . . . .
30 patterns of beautiful pa
pers, all colors and designs,
suitable tor most anv room.
worth 15c a roll; spe
. cial at, per roll
A beautiful line of gold pa
pers, the. latest styles for
fall decorating. Be sure to
see this lot. Worth t 1 1 1
: 30o roll ; Monday, roll . 1 1 v
beautiful patterns that can
Remnants of 18o Pillow Tub
ing, all desirable widths
will be sold at, per J Qg
Yard ' "Wide Percalea
and Fleeced. Dress
Flannels will be sold
at, yard
r K- Iml I p S
See the
rt n Operatloa B Viicotrfr
Maaca PrstrtMlrr fill., thm
' VooouvM, B. C. U giving practical
I fcmontrtlon of how th slnd ui
orha la a municipality. Mayor U C.
Taylor of Vaacour hl! to Nw Tork
City rerndy. give tbt reporter au
! .tl.,D ot ho th achem opentei
"Tb aingla tjc a put Into ffx-t Ut
said tho mayor. 4Th city has
i tn graduitlly orklng In that d:rcUon
Inr is6. v'a firai xemptad from tax
ation 3 pr cnt of ba valu of Un
proveiaeaia ac4 two aar Ut bft per
cent, (tad t.o on, until when I took of
f.ra wra tixini only g, per cent of
lir.provemetita Now we ievy a tax
imply ua land valuaa. Tha aaor
.kjiea a valriatioa every year and It to
happaoa there haa baa a yearly Incraaaa
m vajuauon ao far. Thla year, for In
aiano. valuations have or
per cent over laat year. We are not
carrying out Henry aeorgV theory In
Its entirety. Our ta rate haa not rune
up in ouneo.uenre of the nw law. It
l only twenty-two mllle on the dollar,
whlrh la low for a new eity. The flret
Y(r took off the tiMiimeDt of lm
pioveniente enlirrly the rate remained
the aame aa the preredlns year.
"I mey 'y without rjuallf Ration that
the law haa worked out very aucceea
fully. It haa had a tendeocy to encour
age the ownara of vaaeot property to
build. In MM there were M per rent
tnoie biuidina permlta leeued than In
W. and thla year they will be fully
PW nt In txcrx of the number la
ued laet ar. Jiiilin- by the. rate at
which they are now telna taken out.
Tbeae permits are for rtaidenrea, offUe, aiorea and warhouea. la ar
rtvlnc at tha valuation of the land we
tv to get a nrar aa poeilble to the last
idling pnea. Of that our aluatioa la
only bj per cent; a let. for iutjni.e. thut
la i!ud at iW betng taxfd at tl'A
"How the law ia generally reeardej bv
the veople you may jude when I ' tell
you theie ham t been a elnele kick from
property owners ilnce H was put- Into
effeot. Here le the way the law works
out. feupiioee there are two pteeea ot
Tvptrty lying aide by aide, one bearing
a thlrteen-atory building, the other only
a four-story building, or, perhaps.' being
a acaru lot. The onar of the latter
ha to pay. the aame tax aa. the oner
of the lot with the building on It. In
other word, inetead of fining a man
for improving ble property, put the
wela-ht of a fine on the man- who doei
not. We do not believe that the man
who erects a handsome residence or a
fine office building on his lot liuld be
fined fnr the energy he dtplays In im
proving hta property.
"Of courae we have other taxes tn tha
city, but they are thoee aeeed by the
provincial government. They aisees a
Ux oa pereonal property aa ell ii real
eatate We get back a portion of thla In
the way of apeclal grants for eehoola,
hospitals and such things.
"After wttiieutng the success of tha ex
emption of Improvements In taxation la
tha cltv. t would go so far aa to advo
cate making the natural resources and
the land of a rountty bear all the taxa
tion, exempting personal, Income and Doll
Natation. In other word. I believe that
nothing a man created through bis own
rnergy should be taxed, but that all
thing created by nature for the use of
the people of the earth should bear-the
burden. I propose at the next provincial
election to run for the pro lucUl house
with that as one plank tu my platform.
You can Imagine bow British Columbia
would . grow . If all improvements,- all
merchandise and all machinery were
exempt from taxation. The manufacturer
who cama Into the country could buy
land and pay a tax on It, but would
have no other tax to pay."
The ' Lmre of the Uonnlalaut De
striked hr Oet-of.Doere
It seemed strange to sleep tn a paltry
hotel chamber after the spacjoua mag
nificence and luxury of the starry sky
and silver fir grove. Bade farewell to
my friend and the general. ' The old sol
dier was very hind, end an Interesting
talker. He told me long stone of the
i'lortda Seminole war. in which he took
part, and Invited me to- lflt him In
Omaha-Calling Carlo,1 I 'scrambled home
through-the Indian Canon gate. . rejoic
ing, pltylag the poor professor and gen
eral, bound by clocks, almanact, orders,
duns, etc.. and compFl'td to dwell with
lowland car and duet and din. woere
nature Is covered and her voice smoth
ered, while the poor. Insignificant wan
derer enjoye tha freedom and glory of
Cod a wilderness.
-On. the way back to our Tuolumne
camp, I enjoyed the scenery If possible
more than when It first came 1 lew
Every . feature already seem. Uimliar
aa If I had lived here always. I never
weary faxing at the wonderful Cathedral.
It haa more Individual character than
any other rock or mountain I ever saw,
excepting perhaps the Yosemite south
dome. The forests, too, sretn kindly fa
miliar, and the lakes and the meadows
and glad einglug streams.
I should like to dwell with them for
ever. Hera with bread and water i
should be content, fcven If not slewed
to ream and climb, tethered to a stake
or tree In some meadow or grove, even
then I should be content f 01 ever Bathed
In such beauty, watching the tars, wliirti
her have a glory that the lowlander
never dreams of, watching the circling
seasons, listening to the songs of the
waters and wings and birds would be '
andleea pleaure. And what glorious
cloudlands I should see. storms and calms
a new heaven and a new earth every
day. aye and new inhabit mte. . And ho v
many visitors I should have 1
bura I should not have one dull moment. '
And why should this appear extiavagant ?
It la only common sense, a kign of health,
genuine, natural, all-awake health. One
should be at an endless Godful play, and
what speeches and music and acting and
scenery and lights' mn. moon, stars,
auroras: creation jut begtnnlng, the
morning star "still unglng together'
and all the sons of God shouting for Jov." '
John Muir In "My First Bummer la the