17 r I f I r "i J HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Office Coatlaaea. "CANO" High grade poltlon. (CO Bse. WANTED Experienced dree good salesman at arte. Apply Superintended Brandel Store. Factory and trade. Drag stores (snaps) Joos. Knlest. Bra b'g. GOOD cralmaker wanted. J. F. Gcesen. Eeward. Neb. WANTED First d.-ise prescription Clark. Apply n own hundwritlng stating experience and names of former employ, era. Bherman & McConuell Drug Co., Uth and Dodge. WANTED An experienced ladles' tailor at once; Rood salary; steady posi tion. 608 8. lth. EXI-F.RlENCED candy helper. Apply 1511 Burt St. WANTED An experienced platen press feeder at once. I. A. Medlar, 414 Bo. 14th. WANTED First-clas pants maker, steady work for right man year around. Phone Red u7. Council Bluffs, FIRST-CLASS praasara wanted. 1811 Harney St. Mtscellaaeoa. RAILWAY MAIL. CLERKS, poatoffle clerks, mail carriers. November exam ination! in Omaha. Bample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 17 J, Hit cheater, N. V. BLATZ Weiner. Tel. Doug, loul for case. WANTKI) for U. s. Army Able-bodied unmarried nieu, between ages ot la and la; citisena of Lnneu Siaisa, of. good character and temperate heuita, who can apeak, read and write the bnglieh lan guage. For information apply to Re cruiting otficer, Uiu and uouglas St., Omana. Net)., 0i 4th Bt., Sioux City, la.. 120 N. 10th tit, Lincoln, Neb. UO 2100 MONTH AUTOING. - aU'IU bCHOOL, OJOAJ1A, NEU ' LAKUliio AMU BhioT. WHUli. ADVERTISING MEN WANTED la Hw a uiuntn enough lor your Can you earn It T will you aee six business men a uay buaineaa men who know you are coming and will wait to see you? If your anawer is yes, writa tonight to brains corporation, uepi. o-K, buranion, fm. EARN 2to to 800 per week. Positions. Few weaka completes. Ureal demand. Write at once. iee catalogue, auiu bebool of feu Louia. Uue rule St., au louts. Mo. 7.0O GOVERNMENT positions open. Write for Hat. Franklin inUtui,'Dpl, Hi J, Rochester. N. X. WANTED A first claas delivery man who la aiao a salesman to take charge of a dairy route. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam street. YOUNO Swedish man; experienced; for assistant editor. Address Ui Young Man's Chrisnan association. ABL1 bodied men warned for the U. S. Marine corps, between the age of 1 and 86. Must be native born or have first paper. Monthly pay lfi to 800. Additional compensation possible. Food, coining, quarters and medical attanuano free. After go year a aarvice can retire wttb J per sent of pay and allowance. Service on board ship and ashore In all parte oi the world. Apply at U. B. Marina Corps Recruiting oillce, 1408 Farnam Bt., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile busiaeea, largest and beat equipped shops. Nat'l Auto Training Aee'n, Omaha. TEAMS To haul brick. Smith Brick Co. 100 MONTHLT and expenses to travel and distribute aamp.es for big manufac turer; steady work. S. bcheifer, U Y, Chicago. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he hae made Omaha famous with his oandy. It Mrs. M. M. Hamlin, 108 Po. 25th St., wilt come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 6o-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALnl OH FEMALE WANTED Man and wife to work on a farm; steady work and good wages; write Immediately to C J. Almgren, Potter, Neb. WANTED Man or woman In each town to handle the Harrison skirt supporter, holds aklrt to any position desired; every woman wanta from two to six; immense profit; big money foi easy work; enclose 8fa silver for aampi. Address Harrison Skirt Supporter Co., Hotel Murray, Omaha, Nab. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aa Vehicle. FOR 6ALE All kinds of good horses. 6U N. Slat tit. Fhone Douglas 5000. FOR SALE Family horse. Harney 8918. CHEAP, an old buggy, taenia. 2309 No. Nlne- FINE, young milch cow, cheap it taken Soon. Webster Halo. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS harig lost some arUo.e Would do well to Ml up the oitice of u Omaha 4k Council bluiis Bireet Railway company to ascertain wneiiiar lusy mit it lei m su'swi vara. Many arucie eaun day are turned la and Uia company la anxious to restore ihem tu la iiautfui vwuar. Call ixiug laa 4a. CkLAfcU. COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET HAIL WAX COM AN k. L08T A cameo brooch, vatued as an belrloom, In omaha or Council Biufis; RoUfy Julius jweppnerf giooer, 'lei. ei. WHITE Spits female dog, brown Mr, broan aoot bu hack, iietuiu Hii N. uai. heward. LOST A bunch of keys on ring. May have loat them la etouut Oniatia. Pnuu louglaa oik, or return to culp-Lag. wormy, utn ttnd Haiuey, Omaha. FOUND Th T!'1, Bear "P' t clean era ana oyei e. A-si; D. tiut. FOUND New dressmaking establish ment; good work guaranteed. Weoaier MM. LOST A diamond circle pin, probably at the Ak-Sar-lien den. October S H.. ward for return to F. E. Wlihelm, i82 namey ot., umana. LOST Diamond pin; pearl crown and wiuga. nawiua. Aauress c-sbu, care Bee, BT. BERNARD dog, 4 months old. Also black rat terrier. 2324 S. Uth St. Bouglas M14. Reward. THE beat treat for a wife and baby Is a dlah of Dalsell'a Ice cream. If E. Johnson, 1336 S. Uth St., will come to The Be office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this tlno lea cream. MONEY TO LOAN ala?r aad Chattels. ti.mooo. I1.0UOOOO. ; $1,000000. WE HATS tl.OOOOOO TO LOAN OUT to the people of Omaha before Christmas On FURNITURE. PIANOS. WARD!. HOUSE RECEIPTS, FIXTURES, REAL ESTATE. HORSES, WAGONS, etc.. or n YOUR PLAIN NOTE If steadily em. ployed. Same old low rales and each usnwauoa strictly private. " mass more loans tnan ail or the there. There's a reason. If you can aee a piece of thla HON EY why, just vu ma isrgeai, Diftajeai ana Dee I. Hlf.lshT W , ' 1 Kill" rr Third FliKr. M Paxton Block. Xli S. lltb bu j-nooes uougiaa 1411 and A-14U. MONEY loaned salaried people, womea keeping house and others; without se curity; easy payments. Offlcea In 7 piia at pal cltlea. Tolmao, MM Omaha Natl DIAMOND loans at IV and I per nt .a, v iui juwaga, Aea seia. MONEY TO LOAN alary aad Chattela Taatlaaed. WE LOAN MONEY to any working man or woman oa loat a personal note; no security or Indorser equired. Ythy mortgage your personal belonging whrn VOL'K CREDIT 13 OOOD HEREf All transactlona confidential. Coma In and see or phone ua. OMAHA TRUST CO.. 437 Board of Trad Bldg. Fourth Floor. Bell Phone Douglaa Silt. CHATTEL LOANS AT UEASONABT.E U Tr;. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., CM Bee Rldg. Douglas Uia, A-Utt ank Bldg., formerly N. I. L.ife Bldg. GO TO TILE HOME LOAN CO. Room , Patterson Blk., l&U Farnam St.. tor the lowaat rate and is.tiesi terms on Chains Loans. Strictly private and reli able. Phono Douglas US. MEDICAL WHILE in Omaha visit Dr. Ward' In stitute of Manual Therapeutics. Cures chronlo and nerve diaeaaea. bin Bee Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT UtHtrU and Hooiua. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 611. A-2611. Portoia, family hotel, 2ith Av. u liar. THE HOTEL BERKLEY in the old luiliard home, 24111 and Har ney. Front Larior lor two Mentiemen BEST home board: modern: to per weak. .04 Webster. Douglas 2i72. The Shrlner, 26 A Harney; room & board. Furnished Hooraa. CUT PRICE LAUNDRY; shirts, 6-IO0; collars, 2o. Iil4 Harney. Elegant rooms. W. M. hotel, 418 S. S4th. Dewey European Hotel. 14th 4k Farnam. X20 NORTH 23d l neatly furnished, mod em, steam healed rooms. 1815 CAPITOL Ave., nicely furnished rooms; modern. MODERN, furnished room for one or two young ladies, near Brownell Hall, with family of two. Address H 402, oar Bee. 411 N. 19th, furnished rooms for rent. NICELY furnished room for two gen tlemen; private family; walking dis tance. Harney blKt, Sunday or e von lug a. TWO excellent furnished room; down town location; modern; gentlemen pre ferred. Call Douglas ls?. FOR RENT Newly furnished, steam heated room. 221 S. 26th tit. Tel. Tyler 107. 618 N. 19th St., nicely furnished, mod ern rooms. , HANDSOMELY furnished rooms In hew brick home, strictly modern, private lamuy, very aeairame. eai a. inn Ave. TWO or 8 fumlahed or unfurnished rooms. Call evening or Sunday, H. 3483. 1822 CASS Bleeping rooms, day or weak. 08 N. 17th. furnished rooms for lls-ht housekeeping. FIVE large, newly furnished sleeDlnar rooms In a delightful neighborhood; heat, bath and light furnished. Call Web. 6i9a. 1010 Sherman Ave. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for I or I gentlemen. 822 N. I3d tit., near Cuming. LARG roomy parlor, two beds. 1814 Dodge. Reasonable. nicely furnished' modern rooms. Phone Harney 6362. 2040 FARNAM. south front room for two. 1529 PARK AVE. Elegant rooms, pri vate family. Desire 10 or 12 ladies at 82.00 each per week. Must see to appre ciate. 815 8. 26th Bt. On very pleasant room, best of table board, everything modern. Famished Hoaaekeepiagf Room. TWO or three nicely furnished front rooms complete for housekeeping. iiuU Davenport St. . THRRF1 nicely furnished housekeeping front rooms. 2018 Davenport. TWO lurnlsned rooms for ligct house keeping. 7.4 N. 21st. The Manuel and Howard. II Howard. t and 4-rm. nkpg. apu., 823 to 840. YOUNQ widow. 22, Wishes to shaie part of a e-room steam heated apaiinisut; reference required; within walking Uis lanoe. Address. N S6. Be. 1901 CALIFORNIA Fumlahed room: well heated; hot and cold water day and night. t . u n ir rrtimv datIop. twa hAda. 1 Kl 1 i . - - - - T.wIoa DaMiiniLhlfl. m.T-h nn vAmS Iff! hrlffW t a nri-a reasonable. Harney 8J68. I NICELY furnished separate rqonia; suitable for 8 adults; strictly modern; light liouseaeepiiia ivia Ksiauif distanc. 2i N. 2lth bu LARGE leplng or housekeeping room; private family. Uaruey tblg. IS weioouieu. w ww . A I . " Hi .1 u. A ft Unu,n...n iixiy m. in u wiuvi iui m yir ui seals to tha Woodward Stock company at the American theater if she will come tO The lilt Ollice wimni iur uaya. 218 S. 2flth St., on large rooms, suit able for light housekeeping. tarnished Meases. one block to car. Tel. Douglas 47J. FURNISHED modern home, 7 rooms, to responsible partus. I2ii b. 20th bt. He tela aad Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen, ilia. CHAlliAM. 110 a. Uth Bt. Hub hotel, steam heated, lout Doug. tit. PALM HOTEL, 12JS Douglas, newly furnishod 100ms. uO cents; weeaiy, ,4 up; stesui heat. Ihh; scHLlTZ HOTEL. Our 2c plat tiiius trie sasl ta Uia cuy. DODUnJ HOTEL, Utn and DodgtJ all cool euiside rooms, apeciai week ra.e. HOTEL ALBANY; mo.t elegant rooms; hot and coid water; fireproof; priue iuiaul; pulu puuiisa uii uuuS'M Excellent meals, 80S N. Hth. Bo. Omaha. Howard Hotsl, alegaat r. 1002 Howard. Grand Hotel, room Jeo up. 8J0 S. Uth. Vienna, mod., reasonable. 1011-18 Far a. THE IRVING, U08 Laaveaworth; tlret class room and Poard. OXFORD and Aroada, apaalal w kly rata. NMiW VOKsC hotel, rma, Jm. hum iuia Hotel Antler, aisgaot room. 81444 B. Wth. nn-lari ITntol CouncU .Bluff. Reema vgubuuv. Sams) M li.00 pel per week. Burllngloa, aica reoma, 8 block to dspot CASS HOTEL, nice rooms. 170 Cass Bt WINDSOR HOTEL Jleoma 80a t L88, UaUl Lyoua. room 80 up. 118 N. 83th, Persistant Advertising la the Road la BIB Returns- OFFERED FOR RENT (Continued.) Ayartsaeats aad Flats. NEW, modern, sis. roams and reeeptloa hall. 21it Caa 8U Harney UTk. i-room fiat on Sherman A vs. Web. trtA. STEAM HEAT. ONE 8-room up-to-date apartmant. No. 111. N. 86th St Tel. D. 4181. CHOICE 2-ROOM RTEAM-HEATED APARTMENT I.V THE CALIFORNIA. SEE JANITOR. D. M87. STANDARD STEAM HEATED CHICAOO FLATS SEPARATE HOMES 6 large handaom rooms, beside private hall, bath; lhadea, range, free hot water all year. Janitor, walking distance, lease, rrferenrew. nothing itil them. 811 winter, 121 summer and up. PAYNE SLATER CO., Sole Agrnta. tin Flour, om. Nat, fik. THREE and six-room flats. Martli block, lbuh and W abater. FINE 6-rorm apartment on West Far nam St.) heat, shades, gaa itova and jan itor (ervloe; very choice. JOHN W. nOBBINS, 1002 FARNAM ST. I'nfarnlaaea R 00 ass, THREE room, prlxat bath room; out aid porch. Modern except heal; no chil dren. 2ol7 N. 18th St. 4 rooms, 1918 Bo. 10th St., unfurnished. THREE or four unfurnlihod rooms or apartment. Walking distance preferred. Douglas 7791. THREE of four unfurnished room or apartments. Walking distance preferred. Douglas 7791. H oases aad Cottages. THREE blocks front court house, five room cottage, modern except heat; 824, winter 828. Doug. 714. 4-ROOM coi tan, modern except heat. Call Harney 8635. FOR RENT Flva rooms, 8302 N. 21st. Adults only. Call late In afternoon or venings or phone W-668. Om. Van & Storage Co., packa, move, tores household goods. Fireproof stor age. 804 a. 16th. Branch, 80 a. lith. lei. D. 4163, A-M3. OMAHA EXP. CO., moving vans and storage. Trunks, baggage dot IK 144, 416 N. 17th. 1M DAVENPORT St., large brick house. Apply to either Mr. Taggart, manager, or Mr. Rosa, building superin tendent. Hotel Loyal. 217.00 132 8. 27T1I ST., 6 mil., mod ax. heat. 816.008176 a Uth St., mod. ex. heat tio.oo wo N. 4la t tit., nrlctly mod. $26.00-2602 N. Uth St., rma., partly mod. 82).80-Mst and Military An., rma,, mod. 236 008211 Wirt 6t, 8 rm mod. 840.001301 S. 86th St, 8 rma., new and mod. 83300 1788 B. 29th Bt. 6 rms., mod. PYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. -ROOMS, modem. 2812 Chicago. D. 2717. VERY desirable, 7 rooms, modern, fur nace heat. See Reichenberg Bros, 694 Brandels Bldg. Tel. D. 1670. New 6-room cottage, full basement, electrlo light, good barn, well and pump, and nine aores of ground, 8 block to oar Una, 620.00 par month. 842 S. 22d tit., 4 bedrooms, reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen, thoroughly modern, water paid; walk ing distance, 2.60. 2T28 Caldwell, e-r, modern, except heat; valklng distance, J17. M Pacific St, second floor, city water, toilet and gaa, cloae to depot, 814. 2601 Parker fit., 7-r, modern, except heat, water paid; 130. 812 N. 47th Ave, 6-r cottage, will b all modern, except heat and tn fin ahap by October 10th, rent 818. BIRKETT TEBBENS, 423 Bee Bldg. D. 4784. A. 1764. THREE! room for rent 2920 Hamilton. RENTERS SAVE HALF MONTH. 6-R.. mod.. eleot. olose. 610 8. 2Sth. 830. We have 22 bouae, 4 to 8 rooms, 86 to 830. and on several can make conces sion of half to full month rent. Phone Dougla 867. RUSSELL A M'KJTRICK CO., 422 Ramgs Mldg. Uth and Harney. FIVE-ROOM houses, with electric Hunt, gaa, city water. 427 N. lath, South umaha. HAN8COM PARK DISTRICT (-room modern brick; hardwood floors; only 836. Wright a Lasbury, 6ue & 10th. Phone D. 162. FIVE-ROOM modern flat near Han scorn psrk, easily heated, and very neat and olean; practically new. 122.60. 10-room modern irame nat, near zsa and Cans, will be vacant aoon. To per manent tenant 230. 6-rooiu brick, wlUi small barn, near Walnut Hill car line, 216. Harrison & Morton, 918 Om, Nat Bk. OAK finished, handsomely decorated; nearly hew; modern house. 2706 Howard. Decided bargain. Phone Harney 261. 838 B. iith St., 8-r. mod. 118. 612 8. 2th St., -r. flat, 630. 8228 S. 83d 6 and 8-r. flat mod., both, 2W.&0. 610 s. ritn. -r. uai, -. 2ki 13 Woolworth Ave., e-r., mod., (36. 2328 N. 27th Av., 6-r., pt. mod., j0. 6d and Military Ave., 6-r., 812. Ke St., 5-r.. 612. BEMIS-CARLBERO CO., 810-212 Brandels Theater. FOR RENT -room house; modern ex cept heat; No. 4631 N. 80th Bt., on block north from Ames Ave. car line. Address 1218 N. 24th tit. 'Phon Webater 67J4. MODERN 10-room house, (21 Bo. 2td Bt. Inquire next aoor south. FOR RENT Modern apartment t rooms, two bath rooms, apartment 4 Tha Clarlnda, 61st and Farnaiu. Houses, In. Rlngwalt, Brandels Th. Bldg. Must ssll m v house. Call uulck: sliun ' 618 S. 24th Ave. SIX-ROOM modern house, nearly new and nloely decorated throughout Parlor, dining room, kitchen and hail on first flour; three bedrooms and bath on sec ond. (ood neighborhood; 2710 Decatur Bt., at 823. Phone Douglaa lie or Harney 6482. FIVE rooms; cheap rent to right party. H. Andreaeen, 8414 Parker. SNAP to good tenant without children; 6 rooms; modern except heal; good loca tion; near car. 'Phone Web. 877. 6-ROOM modern house, nearly new. tilt Decatur tit. 825. 'Phone Webater 2711. 6-ROOM strictly modern except heat 7o So. Mth dt J. I. Kemp, 812 Leaven worth. Both phones. 2622 N. 20th. 6-roora modern houaa. In quire Webster 1876. 7-ROOM house, not modern, gaa, water, ink and toilet. U. (178. Only 7-room ; new, full 2-story, quare; 1 block west of No. 24th line; near KounUa Plaoe. You choose decora tions O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Natl Bk.; Doug, or A-2151 Eva. 11. 2642 or H. 6134. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, for warded; cheap freight rates; moving aad storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. 11. Doug. 894. City ertlce (16 o. 17m til, be Bldg. FOR RENT Big-room modern house. 4244 Patrick Ave., 230. Call Webstar 4m FOR RENT Tha twenty-room brick house, with brick stable and about five acre Unproved grounds, at southwest corner of Sherman avenue and tipruc street Inquire room 814 First Nat'l bans Bldg. Telephone Loulaa 1242. FOR RENT Two 6-room oottage. 801-06 No. Uth Bt Apply W. N. Cham bers' law offlcea, 808 brandel Theater, let D. 18u. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoaaea and Cottaae Tontlaaed COZY 7-room house, strictlv modern with hut water heat, on car line, at n' W. corner of 1.1th tieel ami Mirsoiiri Ave., tMuth Omaha; larg grounitu, with garden and fruit trees $.'7.W. Inquire Crelghton Real Katat Co., 2u Flral Na tional Lank Bldg. T-ROOM cottage, Leavenworth. 825. Web. m.'. 2414 Decatur. 8-ROOM modern house, t4T7 S. Douglaa 6.V. 80th. HOUSE for rent or sale; very cheap, 911 Atlaa. Inquire ilO Homer. CLOSE In 5-ronm rottann. modern, f22. Phone Douglaa 6- 1023 S. 21t Ml. ArOVlVO n furnittire. utor- "u ' "ige, Douglas Exprens Hag gage Co. ltxu St. Mary's Ave. D. !M. 4-ROt")M house f.ir ante or rent. 218 S. 42d St, Inquire 2109 8. 4t'th St. Harney 8322. NINE rooms, close in; rent reasonable. M 446. Bee. SIX-ROOM cottage. JM7 Franklin St. 8-ROOM houaa, modern except heat; nice lawn; one block east of the Univer sity of Omaha and one block from 21th Bt. car. Call Webater 4!7. 10-ROOM modern, strictly up-to-date residence; lint water heat; east front 81st Ave., and Douglaa St.; opposite Turner park 80. MADS A. HANSEN, MoCaga Bldg. iHiuglaa 1SSJ. FOR RENT A new seven room mod ern house. Call 27i!7 Davenport, ltainey 21S2. SIX-ROOM cottages, modern except heat. Tel. Red 19. FOR SAl.K Ftillv equipped abstract of fice, earning 8j.ikio.00 yearly. Must sell on account of poor health. Address J. 448. Bee. SEVEN room nnd barn, 1313 Tlno Bt. Cheap rent. Call Douglaa 6.17. 8118 FRANKLIN. 7 room, 217. H 1709. 672 80. 2Sth St 8 rooms, comtiletelv modern, Hi.aD. Hall, 433 Haing. D. 7406. A -4404. 1810 N. WD ST. 7-room house; all mod ern; on car line; 8. Webater 3218. DESIRABLE 6-room cottane. modern except heat. Inquire 1H44 N. 18th St. RENT reduced; 8 rooms, nearly new; 816.00. Tel. Red 4K6S; 2009 South 8th St. Store aad Office. NEW RTORIC ROOM, 80th and Lake. Apply 8008 Lak. FOR RENT Store room. No. 123 N. 16th St.. cor. Davenport and ldth Sta., Hotel Lyai Appiy to either Mr. lag- art. manager, or Mr. Rosa, building au. perlntendent, Hotel Loyal. WILL sublet south private office and reception room cheap. 404 lloe Bldg. FOR RENT A corner store, 10th and Douglaa; modern, up-to-date; rent rea sonable. TWO office, 8d floor Crelghtou block; also store at 116 8. 10th St. Alfred Thomas, Agent 308 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1808 and 1828 Farnam St Tel. liar. 2496. WE1RICH Fixture Co., high grade mill work; storm sash. Webster 2677, Lll! No. Mth Bt OFFICE to rent Mulligan, 210 S. 13th. CLOTH INO store, cheap rent 2623 O St., South Omaha. DESK room 436 Bee. Wish to sublet suit of five rooms In City National Hank Bldg. Call D. 4128. Hall. ' 1 WASHINGTON HALL Lodge, dance, banquets. C. C. Sorensen. D. 2326, A-2325. OFFERED FOR SALE Feraliaro. WISHING! to leave the city will aacrl flee furniture of 6-room hours for 2100; house modern except lurnaue; (2u rent; enitv nritlkliiif dislunce: uuml in..,a ,.. roomers, j 227, Bee. ONE leather davenport and rn.w.r tables, etc, practicably new, cheap. R. ull. LEATHER couch, (20; sideboard, (12; dresser, tlo: two chillonter. 13 a.nit i book case, 27; parlor table 3.Uj; piano bench 85; muaio cabinet, 86; Iron bed, spring and matireaa, 26; Iron bed and springs, 84.60; hall gias, 84. bo. ciO a. iuu. Bt. FOUR large rug, la good condition, Call Webater 4C94. FOR BALE Good Cook stove, alao aoft coal heater. 614 N. 16th, So. Omaha. South 1O00. Typewriters. SMITH PREMIER modela No. 2 or No. 4, in excellent condition, ranted three month for 80. SMITH i'ltk-MIER TYPEWRITER CO.. - mil and Douglas. FOX typewriter. 106 Farnam tit. RENT an Oliver typswriter from the Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 4919. TYPEWRITERS-Speclal aula for a short lime 011 all inultes. tic window for big price reduction. IS. bwausuu Co., 1318 Farnam St., Omaha. TYPEWRITERS Remington No. S, 812; Chicago, 8; ilainiiiuud, ij, Wliiiains Viaiole, 214; ' Undtrwouda, L. C. toiumis, fciiiitli 1'ieinlers, Olivers, etc., at bargain Slice. B. bwamon Co., 1214 Faiuaiu t-. city. THE ROYAL la king of typewriter 866. Typewriter, 813. 60. 1607 Farnam. D-606. LIGHT touch Monarch Vlslblea for rent. The Monarch Typewriter Co., 411 ti. lath bt. phone Doug. 4oV. REMINGTON and Oliver typewriters; good order; cheap. McArdle 2410 Hamil ton tit. Tel. Web. 978. Musical Ipetraaneata, PIANO bargains. 108 N. 15th, D. 1101 LEAV1NU THE CITY-WILL SELL AT ONCE. SACRIFICE, a Steiuway pUtso. 1402 Lrftnrop. weosier uua. Pianos, wholesalta pra. Ml Boston Store. D11NO allhtlv li-M 11 k.,lN egcrstrom Pnuiu Mfg. CO., 19th and sar aaiu tiia. FOR BALE 8400 piano for 8b0. Call t. Ooul. A UOOU CORNET, cheap. Red 7Uiu. Mlaeellaneona, BAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes ; bargain. American Bupp.y Co., 1110 Farnam tit SIX-FOOT bookkeepers desk, oak fin ish, (or sale at llO.Oo. Apply, Ueorg W. Wright, 8e Publishing Co. FOR BALE One five-footed show horse. Omaha 'isiil and Awuiug Co., Ilu2 liar nX St TWO good aecond-liand National oaah rtglslura for sal at a bargain and ou easy terms. 11. b. W hilenoua. o4 a. Uih Bt 18 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solltair dLaniond ring; will sauritic at a big Lav gam. Addraaa. ti 2l4, bee. FULL dreaa suit, evening party dresses, tor sale or rent. Km N. 1th John Feldman. Douglas 3128i A-toM. FOR BALE Alaska seal coat, perfect condition; worn short time; x tust 24 long; will sell for low Ugure. 'ihons Douglas WMu. NATIONAL cash register, big bargain 808 N. Into, OFFERED FOR SALE Mlsrellaaroas 4 untlnned. IIAIUIAIN In su.ie fixtures at lea han coKt of msterlnl. snuill lot of nearly new store shelving and ature eniloanre. stx-dratver counter especially smiatue for iMorery huslhesa. Central Supply Co , 1117 Farnain. 815 BUT9 almost new drens suit, onlv worn a few tune; tail and slim. Addrca R KA, Bee. NEW and rid lumber, and houpes to move, cheap. Dworak Lumber Co .in n 1,1. FOR PAT.rV-Crlaspett machine, randv furnace, etc., or what have you to trade? Case, P10 So. 22d. KOH SALE New and aecond-hand bil- Hard and pool tables. Wv lead the world In cheap Par tixturee; easy paym.nta Brunswick-Balks-Collender, 4ti7 S. lvlh til. SEVERAL standard maksn of piano will be disposed of tor storage and re pair charaes, will sell or trade. Call mornings, C'haa. 11 Thatcher, piano lac lory. iww Harney St. Kindling. 14 load, II Qroas Wracking. W. 8S.S4. FOR SALE Two schnlnrshlps In th Omaha Commercial colloge and two in Boylea college. Buam otflc. Omaha Bee. 100 STEAM RADIATORS. HOME PIPE, some caat. N. Stelnbeig, 10 U Harm). CHEAP, one electric piano, 2 muslo boxes and t0 vending machine. 3124 Leavenworth. II. 243, Ind A-2tS3. OAS range and baby buggy. Phone TInrney 791, rvrilT n-rann 1. rin . wlin ll f O'Brien. I neesuss he has made Omaha inmrMis with his canrty. If Mrs. K J. Ctislck. 1222 Central boulevard, will come to The Hee. office within three day we will alve her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Hrlen'a candy free. PERSONAL MAXWELL curea pllea. 408 Om. Nat. bk. Automatic Phone Bus's. 82; residence. (1 M-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Oladdlch Pharmacy, 12lh and Dodge. MAWAflU Bath, aalt glow aromatic UADOAUri traatment Mm. Allen of Chicago. 100 B. 17th St.. first, floor. D. i66i. Marhann Theranv maasag treatment h trouble. Dr. Mnraarst Halloran. t22-3 Neville Blk. D. 7761. Open after 6. irnr WT.F.rTrtlC PAItrKT CLEANING rilONE D. 6291 PRICES REASONABLE. FOR case of Blatt Ber Tel. Doug. 1081. MRS C. W. CHAPMAN. H. 6240. Hair good, all descriptions; combing mad up. Massage, Hittenbous. 808 Old Boston Did. Dr. Burka, Women's Diseases. 41 Dgls. Blk JAMES CORR ELECTRIC COMPANY -Movtd to 208 ti, 19th St. Douglaa 1311. STT A MTTH traatm'ta. Mrs. Steele, ex OXLUll JJ .,.r, OB,r i r. 10J ti. 1!. 2 fU Mis. Snyder. Swedish massage, baths, radiator and vibrator treatment ine Dunsuny, Mat 8, lutn and Pierce. D. 44MA . , 1 1 ,l, k.l, tnnA hall. MmA Frayer, Megeath tiia. Co., loth and Faro. nun M a PliiRCE 4jliamDOoln. hair dressing and manicuring. Make a spe cialty of dying and removing surplus hair. 291 Farnam. Harney 0021. lud. A-l4. YOUNG WOMEN coining to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Voung Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth Ht. and tit. Marya Ave.. here they will be directed to suitable bourdlng place or ultw-rwi assisted. Look fur our travelers aiu 11 me uiuou iiiNiino TABLETS will build, brace. strengthen, boo. BELL DRUG CO. WE rent and repair all'kind of sswing machine. Ind. A-1003, Douglas 16e4. Xshr3rlABiVA liiijIi 16th and Harney tits. TVf A CJC! A flV. Treatment. Mr. Steele, MAODAUrj lu7 Bi 17 in, ti iloor, rm. i. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast- off clothing, in fact, anything you do not Reed. We collect, repair and sell, at 131 . 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy pour. Call pilous Douglas u and wagons will call. MAWAflU Bath, salt glow aromatlo ilOVUU treatment. Mine. Alien of Chicago, 109 B. 17th tit., 1st floor. D. 7m.fi. U AnMVTTP! treatment. E. Brott, 718 MAUINli J J.U fc. 1ilni M fiuor. n. 'iut. MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better fur rheumatlaui. Ladies, 81; gentle men, (1.60. Apt 2, lu2 Farnam. D. 6021. Dr. Burke, nervoua diaeaaea. 41 Doug. Blk. DRUGS at cut prlcea; freight paid on (10 orders; catalogue free, rilierman at MoConnel Drug Co,, Omaha, Neb. POULTRY AND PET STOCK POULTRY supplies all kinds. The Ne braska tised Co., 1013 Howard, D. liiil. THOROUGHBRED B. C. Rhode Island Red chlcKsns, old and young; take Ames Av. car tu 0th and Qianu. Can ai 3.il,' baiatoga. FLOOR sweepings, good chicken feed, (1.00 per hundred. Wagner. 601 No. loth. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell a Ice cream. If Mrs. L. T. Finney, Hols Bug glea tit., will coin to '1 lie Bee office within three days we will give her un order for a quart of this fine Ice cream. REAL ESTATE AUSTHAC'IS OF 111X11. Frank J Norton, 218 S. 17th, Be Bldg. "There s a Hearon. ' I miuimiae your title troubles.'' Unm phones. Abstracts, M. T. Brsnnan, m Brandels Th. Midland Guar. & Trust Co., 1714 Far. H. 11 Nfcale. proa.; i. Campbell, sec. D. im. Feter Jessen, Jr.. Co., let Doug, liiii. U. V. Biei.nan, abstracts. Brantluis, Ilia Heed Abstract Co., oldest abstraot offic in Neui.saa. iU6 Brandels Theater. BlILUEH' I.N FOH ilATlOM, Electric, gaa fixture. Omaha Silver Co. i'latt Gravel & Washed Sand Co., 442 Bu Ideal Cement Stone Co., Hth and Cuming. L. F. Van Valkenberg, plumbing. W. Ml. Carpenter contracting, repalra. liar. 42(1. B. K. Watera, cement cont 1618 N. Mh UL Flatte Uravel & Washed Sand Co., 442 Bee Omaha Sign Hang. Co., D. 2ti&. 114 S. lJth Fucha, Son 4t Blind, painting daoorating. M. I'eterson, gen'al con. im Ohio. W. 1JSL Amer. Spiy. Co., roof'g, paints, 1102 Nlch. WANTED TO BUY. LIST our city prierty for sal with Vugel, 409 Uarbach Bldg. IITV DtOPKHTV KOH SALE. Owner Says Sell At Once 2102 GRACE STREET EASY TORMS This attractive hou has 1 large rooms, oak finish In parlor, dining room and retention hall, insole floor in kitchen. upstairs finished In ysllow pine; both electrlo light and gas, with combination futures; eement walka and on paved treei; within walking distance eon. venlent to school and stores. Fin for a home or investment. ITloe has been rut way down for quick sale, I'rlce 8J.0UO. Hastings V Heyden, 1618 Harney Bt. REAL ESTATE CITY I'HOI'KHI l Pint .!. B (Continued.) X1) SOLD TIiKKK LOTS IN KOUNTZE PLACE n Tuesday and have THREE LoTH left on l.vuns attest east of -4th street, 47xl20-$S7o EACH Thene am bArgnlti counter prices. There Is only one KOUNTZE PLACE and when these few lots are sold von will pay t.t tr a lot In that addition or beautiful homes. Theae lota have sewer connection, city water for every lot, cement walks and una. one-half block from car and two blocks from the Lothrop school. In 80 days these lots all will Im sold and you will wonder why you didn't get one of them. one-fourth cash, balance one, two and tin we years. NOKMS & MARTIN, 4(4) Bee Bldg. Doug. 42.0, A-42,0. KOH SALE Cheap, n good corner lot with a small house. Ill Dundee. Phone Harney 8.m 12 Per Cent Investment Four 8-rootrl attached brick dwellings, within one mile of Omaha postoffice; flint-clnsa construction ; almost new; In come, 21.21V; price, 8W,i, full particulars mi application. J. H. Dumont & Son Phon Dougla 690. ! Farnam Pt. Near Kountze Place On block to 84th car line; east front corner; 4 morns down. 2 and bath up; full cninted basement; full 8-story; square tvle; 23. V0. " on ah. balance ny. O'KEEEE REAL ESTATE CO, Evening, H 2M2 or H 6134. Creighton's 1st, $2,830 East front on Slat St.. S room, full ce mented basement, good attlo, gaa and electrlo, nicely dnourated, praotlcally new. See this at once. Terma. D. V. Sholes Co., City National Bank Bldg. A-2049, D. 49. Less Than Cost ART HOME FIELD CLUB DISTRICT New nnd Distinctive Design This aleaant homa of 7 .largo rooms and ileeplna; porcb, with flrat gtory and porcb VX32 ft. of brick-laid colonial aiyie, ana aecona gtory la stucco, carrie out tha "rraftaiuan" or "straight line" Idea of architecture. Basement baa toilet. laundry, vegetable room, wim ahelvea, coal and ah bins. First floor hat tiled vestibule, mirrored door ln reception ball, large living room, with Uundaome oak and tap estry ; brick mantel, on one aide of which la an L.-nhapoa. ouiii-in Book case, and on the other aide an . L ahaped, built-in seat. Theae feat urea form a nook which' la very at tractive. The dining room Is pan eled In oak and has beamed cell ing and window seat. Kitchen, built-in china closet and cupboards; two coat closets; second story has four large bed rooms, with ample closets; one room has mirrored door, two closets, window seat and la fin ished tn white enamel; one finished ln mahogany and two in natural curly birch; bath room has tiled floor and walls, 20x04 Inch beveled mirror and medicine cabinet; fine attic. , i Brushed brans light fixtures and brushed brass hardware, with cut glass knobs. First floor is finished ln oak, except the kitchen, which Is ln maple and gum. Carton furnace and first-class plumbing. This fine home was built by day labor and of the very best materials. Lot fares east and south on the corner cf 86th and Poppleton avenues. Owing to the Illness of the owner this beauti ful home will be sold for less than you can build It for. Open for inspection dally from 10 a. m. to 0 p. Inquire for owner at house next door west. VACANT 86th Av & Popp.otoii kast front... 11,800 Jftth Ave. and I'uppleton Ho. front, 8 lota. 40th and Seward .South front 1 noo liili and l.alrtl Last front suO 8oth and Mpaulding Mouth front.... 800 DOlh and Burdette Mouth front 47 1 U and Chicago South front , 275 47th and Oram North front jou 24i li and Ft. omaha Ave.-West front 2o) 4L'd and Unkney North front 126 The above are all full lot and can be ,n d rxi reawtmri'e tfiin" PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., D. 1781; A-Hr. NOTHING DOWN $25.00 PER MONTH The owner of a brand new 5-room cot tage, lurated snuthwest of llanscnm lark, will give soma good, ivllubla mall an opportunity to obtain a homo by nay- Ing 8 par month, including Inluicst. The price la low, oiny 41, sou. r.ow, Hun t let this get (i way from yini PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., O'Ni'.lL'H Heal Es.ai and Insurance Agtncy. l.'iOi Fuinuin; city property and farm land a apaulalty: we have bargains West Farnam Owrier guln auay, niter one of tha newest and moat complete 10-room houses on Wumi Farnam hill at a bar gain. HICKS HEAL ESTATM CO., 219 Board of Trade Bldg. HH1 BAKUAIN. Two 40xl56-fot lots, on 3Mh Ave., Just off Farnam, for 82,UjO each. Hick. 219 Board of Trade Bldg. BUNGALOW AND TWO ACRES. At 87th and Newport Ave. we have a brand new 6-room bungalow, beautifully located, overlooking the surrounding country In all directions; plenty of young fruit started, and lust the place for a man who want to farm a llttl and con tinue hi work downtown. Frice, only $i l PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. FURNISHED cottage of 6 room, 8 block of postofflue. Modern except heat. A snap. Call at 207 North 20th. between 2 to 11 a. m-, 8 to 6 it. ai. station. East H lot 10, block 85. In Benson, easy walking distance of car; new horn being built en lot near thl on; make offer. Addrss P 86X 2av BEMIS PARK. 8 room, modern, hot water beat, Urge eeraer lot, 24 j0, Ulova Mealiy byudiual. Douglaa 8uU. REAL ESTATE city ruoriuiri v foh sai.m (Continued.! Big Bargain Artistic Home CLOSE TO FIELD CLUB English Cottage With Craftsman Ideas Fin home nf six larse rooms and aleep ItiK poicli, exterior Is stucco painted a lii'h olive green; basement hna furnace room, lautiiiry, veneiahle room, conl and nh tilnn; first stoiy, which Is finished In mahogany, with onk floors, ha larg living room, in which there Is a fin tapestry t.rlok fireplace, with built-in bookcase on one side and aeat on th other aide; dining room, coat closet, kitchen and built-in china oloset and cup boaid; second story haa three larae bed rooms, all flnlhed In white enamel and liiHhoKunv doors; one with mirrored door, window aeat and two closets; bath room liai tiled floor ami walla and iMull beveled minor and medicine cabinet, and linen closet; burnished bruxa light fixture and hardvtate; Carton furnace and good liluinhliiK. This house was built hv day labor nnd of the very brat materials; occupied only since last spring. Leaving city permanently ; mil make low price, on houso and eaav Urm. If you want an up-to-date, cosy home. In a siilnndld neluhtioi hood, Inspect thl one ami you'll buy It. Call any time at No. 00 Foppl ton Ave. sri.KN 1 ll paving rooming house for sain; close in and full of roomers and hoarder. Tel. Hrd 4VW. 1 nit ctmo of lliuis bvr tel. Doug. 101. 1NVKSTMKNT OVI'OHTITNITT. IS 1100M4, A LI. MUDKRN, 80.000. We have a two-apnitment hoiiso, con lululnu l.i rooms, two bath rooms, seven bed rooms, with pallor, dining room and kitchen In each apartment, with new plumbing and sued heating plant. Thla property I too large for present owner anu It la a splviidll proposition fot some one ho will buy It and divide il Into four three-room apartments. Owing to the arrangoment of the heme this wot a can be uon ai a very small expense and when completed the apartments will rent for t& each. The buyer ran live in one apartment, rent th rest a. 1.1 make a good Investment out cf your home. The building I well built nnd In good condition; only thirteen minute' rid to the center of the city; one block from the Dodg at rest car Una and tn good reel deuce district. IHhl NUMBER ! 2618 N. 201'U ST. It Is ust north of Ohio on the Florenoa Blvd. A good six or seven-room modern house will be taken tn exchange el th right price. Thi proposition la vertaluly worth looking at. NuKHIS MARTIN, 400 Be Bldg. Daujcla 41.0. A 4278. 22,tlAO-8iO CASH. Will buy you a great bargain In a new well arranged d-room all modern homa 011 fine large lot In fine neighborhood, near Hanacom park. Good vacant lot considered na part payment. Ree J. W. RAf?P CO., x Hrandel Bldg. COTTAOB of five large room and bath, In good repair, wtth city water and gaa, lot 46xlM, within .one block of car and walking distance of Mo. 1'ao, and Union Faclflo shops. 8091 N. 1Mb. For sal at reaaunabla pr'.C. Owner will show property. N1CULY fumlahed rooms, suitable for two or three gentleman, ai N. 23d ' 6u, . near Cuininlng. 1 1226 N. UTH. South Omaha, two cot tages, 4 and 8 room, corner lot. con venient distance from packing houaea. I'rlce right. Liberal terms. Owner on premises. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LAND FOR SALS California. Strong Endorsement Th Patterson farm that we are of fering In the Ban Joaquin Valley are selling to California people. Last week w made ales to men who nave lived In the atate for many year soma of whom are selling their land In the Lo Angeles section In order to Invest at 1'atteraon. Hera Is wnat one of th In vest or say; "W hav Just closed th purchase of 40 aores of land 1H mllea from ratter son. W came here four year ago front Corning, la., anld are very much pleased Indeed with California. Would not think of going back to lows. Wish I hnd more of my Iowa friends here: you nan tell them for m It they coma they will tay. We own 40 acre In aouthern California and are selling It to com her to I'at- l.raon. aa 1 believe we can better our selves and make Just aa much money on 40 arrea here at 2Jl0 per acre aa on tha i acres we are selling at sttuv. (Signed) J. li. Woodward. Mrs. J. H. Woodward". Tho Other Man's Opinion If the opinion of some other man la worth anything wa can give you a t.umber of testimonials Just an strong aa the above, but we are selling this land to those who go and look at It, not like th boy trade Jaokkniva. ratter son has much to recommend It. i It la not a pioneer proposition, it I not Isolated. It 1 not undeveloped land. It I not dry land. On th contrary you are within lass than 100 miles of ban Fran cisco, the center of a million popula tion; It la only 46 miles from Stockton, a flourishing oily, only ai mllea trom Sacra mento, th capital, and only 109 mil from Fresno. Cheap Transportation Tha Southern - 1'arltic railroad runs through Ih land and the Man Joaquin tiver Is along ts boraer, making in cheapest transportation In tn world. The water suppiy 11 abundant and condi tions are ripe for marvelous development at I'aiterson. Ask us tor literature, ask for a copy of th LAND OWN lR or come In and we will show you photographs that wl,l convince you that wo have here on of the beat propositions In California. If you have time stop and look at our showruao on Flftutmlh street, then coma up and see us. Payne Investment Company, Omaha, Neb. ' Colonisation Agent. Cauada. NEW CO'JNTRV OPBN1NG. The Urand Trunk i'aclfio railroad Is now closing Its gap across the famous eraser va.ley In CF.NTHAL BRITISH CohL Mill A the choicest region of tha richest province In t'anuda. Here Is your chance to buy fertile land at opening price In the great Fort Ueorg Country. For further Information call, writ or B. MKYEL. DISTRICT SALR8 AGENT. 010 Paxton Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Thone Dougla 2lai'; Ind. A-433T. FOR SALKT.620 acre of choice agri cultural land near Broadview, Saskat chewan, 00 per cent of It a steam plow proposition. Itlght prices and terms will he mails on this tract. Address 84, Endl cott Bldg., St. FauI.e Colorado. FRUIT land bargbalns Intermountala Land Co.. 1122 Farnaiu. Phone D. iCCi IF YOU want to buy good farm land t Jlo.uO tu lii.oo per acre, or want a good homestead reliiniulBhment writ to or call on The Mattoson-l'urdy Land Company, Otis, Colo. Bargains Fruit land. 62 Brandels Bldg. 4.K20 ACRE8. eastern Colorado stock ranch, for sal, In olld body; plentv cf water and hay; fenoed and orosa-fenced; thirty mile of wir. Owner, J. Bland. Bland, Colo. Georgia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA. BIRMINGHAM ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Land adaptable to th whlert rang ot cropa. All the money crops i t the tuutli plentifully produced. For I.'' .'. 11 treat ing with thla coming counny, i soil, clt mat, church and school advantage, writ - W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K. Qaueral Ftsrigr Agent. ATLANTA. OA.