Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1911, Image 5

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A Runaway Oil Well
In Kern County and other sec
tions of California great lakes of
crude oil lay some 3,000 feet
below the surface.
The United States Government
Geological Survey estimates that
they contain billions of barrels
of oil.
When a company drills into
these vast underground caveraa
and sands the accumulated gases,
rush up (unless properly con
trolled) with a roar, carrying oU,
sand, tools, derrick and all sky
ward, frequently causing great
loss of property and sometimes
lives as well.
The destruction a runaway well
Can accomplish is appalling, and
it is to the credit of the boss
drillers that the awful stored up
energy in the bowels of the earth
does not more often cause serious
The California oil fields, in the
volume of this precious liquid,
are compared with Pennsylvania,
where for about forty years great
fortunes have been made-as
Niagara Falls is compared to a
tiny rivulet tumbling over a rock
or a thimble to a barrel.
Oil Dividends
Produetaf oil companies' stock lilt
ed oa California exchanges to March
Jt, 19t0, ptld i9,34J,S0J.68 in
dividends, and durtnf Mirch, f730,
9lt.2i, These companies are capi
talised at I99.S9J.000.00, with 7I.
1t4,S4t.O0 tattied, or actually paying
now t per cent per month on iaaued
stock or it per cent net to atock
holders per year. The total shares
sold on Los Angeles Stock Exchange
for March was a.533,923, valued at
ft.70S.tia.3S. That oil ts a stable
business snd a sure Income producer
Is demonstrated by the above figures
beyond s doubt The Imperial OU
Company, to Kern River field, hie
paid 2,000,000.00, or f 30.00 p7r
share. Can you do better f The con
trol of the Union, the largest oil com
pany In California, sold ten years ago
for a trlllng sum In comparison to its
present value. In March It patd its
164th dividend of SO cents per share,
or 1124,113.00, or total dlvidenda to
dite of Sa,36S,3SS.tS, and Its atsets
sre conservatively estimated in excesi
of Hoo,oo,ooo.o. Is oil a safe
business In California?
SUme Oil Facts Worth
Wherever the hum of machinery Is
heard, wherever the factory or furnace
puts forth Us product, there oil Is tn
dispensable. Truly, oil lubricates the
wheels of commerce snd is s univer
sal necessity. A ton of oil will pull
a train So per cent farther than a ton
of coal, at about half the cost. The
railroads of California sre estimated to
have saved 140,000,000 by burning
oil Instead of coal during the past
5 years. Twenty-thiee hundred lo
comotives require 1S,00 a, M0 barrels
f fuel oil every 13 months.
Three thousand vessels plying from
California ports' use oil ss fuel, con
suming 7,000,000 barrels annually. Oil
la used In numberless irrigating planta.
It furnishes the heat for brick kilns,
the power In electric light plants snd
manufactories without number. It is
used In the power houses of street
railways, the great machine works and
the Iron foundries of our Western
Japan Is negotiating for a contract
to run several years with California
producers for fuel oil for Its navy snd
for refined products for several pur
poses. It Is estimated that the speci
fications from Japan call for the ship
ment of 10,000,000 barrels of fuel
oil s year. The British admiralty,
after s secretly conducted but none
the less exhaustive series of trials and
tests with smaller craft, extending
over many years, has decided to adopt
oil fuel ss s substitute for coal in the
British navy.
Oil for the United States navy has
been s favorite topic for the last ten
-ears. To s limited extent, oil was
'opted, chiefly for Co lit defenders
..d minor craft, the use to be ex
tended liter. With the completion of
tlje Panama Canal, vessels will paas
far more frequently from the Atlantic
to the Pacific snd the need of being
sble to use either fuel will become
more manifest. Now, the six
largest battleships in commission
snd under construction In the
Americin Navy are equipped for
the use either of oil or coal,
while the fourteen largeit de
stroyers use ell exclusively.
li MM
Bavid D. Bolck, (he Foamier ol the Great AolomtbUe Industry that Makes the Car el thai Name, b
DBBlIeatlsg Els llaBnlactariag Success la the Oil Fields el California
STANDARD OIL COMPANY Takes Entire Product at 15 to 20 Cents
Per Barrel Over Ruling Price Because of High Quality of Product
Quarterly Dividends Begin December 15th. Extra Dividends Will
Be Paid. Big Success Breaks All Records for Speed
Stock Values Jnxnplsid Skyward Quick Duyera Can Profit Stock Should Urn
Worth $3 to $10 or More Per Share Within One Year No Debts Did Gash Sur
Elus Extra Dividends Company Owns and Controls 040 Acres of the Dest Oil
ands in the State of California
Progress in the fields of Science, Commerce and Finance is not achieved by Mummies, but by real Hv
men whose red blood flows fresh and clear through their veins and arteries and stimulates the brain until It
is fired with a sane optimism that makes all things appear possible.
The workers, the men who do things the men who carry messages to the Garcias of the worli are those
who discount obstacles, aim at success, close their ears to the croakers and, with a firm faith in their own
powers, win real victories, of benefit to themselves and to all humanity.
This ia the day when the man of moderate means has his investment opportunities as well as he of "Great
Riches." What makes for the increased safety and profit of one is equally effective for the other.
When Mr. David D. Buick was working as a mechanic at $3.00 a day not so many years ago- he saw
his chance in the manufacture of an automobile that would be the best for the price that could be turned out,
Already vast sums had been lost in various attempts to make and market cars, and had Mr, Buick been
a pessimist he would probably have yet been a $3.00 per day mechanic. He made good so big that tha General
Motors Co. finally bought him out and today the factory that makes the Buick automobile is the "third largest
factory of any kind in the world."
In the automobile business a wide-awake man can acquire much valuable information about other Indus
tries and see wherein greater profits can be made at the other fellow's game.
Automobiles eat up oil both in the form of gasolin and lubricating the more autos the more oil that ts.
used. Mr. Buick made a study of oil and when he sold to the General Motors Co. he went to California and
acquired large holdings of 6ome of the best property in the proven oil fields.
This company Is now financially Independent. It has a large
cash surplus tn Ha treasury, that Is rapidly crowing. It has
an Income of about 1(00,000 a year from Its first well, with
another expected to become s producer each day and which
should double this great revenue. Many other wells will fol
low. It has no debts. Its surplus, rapidly growing, was on Sep
tember 13th nearly
All who sre stockholders of record by November Uth will
receive the first quarterly dividend payable December 13th.
Extra dividends will be paid as the profits are Increased.
Months ago this company Invited the public to bay Its shares,
and many there were who cheerfully responded. Others said
NO with s capital N. Those who bought when asked find that
today their Investments have doubled, trebled and quadrupled
tn worth and the swelling values have but Just begun.
Those who wouldn't buy this stock, because It represented
an oil company, are not of the class of men who ct tbera.
They will always remain at the bench.
The success of the 'Buick Oil Company Is s demonstrated
FACT that can't be denied. A success that scores of Investors,
oil experts, sightseers and newspaper men have witnessed with
wide open eyes. A success which has every necessary element
to Justify the prediction that It wW rapidly grow into one of
the biggest and most profitable enterprises of the kind In Cali
fornia, and that means the world, because the California oil
fields appear to be richer and possessed of greater vitality than
those of any other part of the globe.
To properly appreciate the possibilities of the Buick Oil Com
pany with Its large control of exceptionally well located prop
erty, the following extracts from The Evening Standard of Lon
don, England, Issue of May 2nd, 191 1, gives some Interesting
facts bared upon U. S. Government Geological reports, and the
reports of Dr. Ralph Arnold, formerly of the United States
Geological Surveys
"The oil business In California Is the' greatest single Indus
try and undoubtedly the most profitable In the state. Mar
vellous though the growth of the oil Industry Is, generally, In
California, Ita development has, in one decade, surprised even
the most optimistic of Its pioneers. In this short space of time
the value created by It Is estimated at 400,00t,000, and
bis paid some 150,000,000 In direct oil dividends when
It comes to a consideration of dividends the oil business has
really no competitors. And even now the oil Industry Is In
process of evolution i men are learning to bore cheaper and to
bore deepen methods of transportation are Improving, and con
sumers of oil becoming more adept In Its use. But the most
astonishing feature of all has been the growth of the demand
for crude oil.
"The total production of oil tn California has Increased with
startling rapidity la tecent years, rising steadily from about
9,000,00 sarrels In 1901 to above 77,oo,ooa In 1910.
"Notwithstanding the ever-Increasing demand, this phenonv
enal development could scarcely have been possible but for the
elaborate and aystemattc studies of the oilfields that have been
made, especially by the United States Geologlcsl Survey. One
of the great attractlona offered by these oilfields Is the fact
that the geological conditions are so well established that
cpiul ni narar W rUk4 la UnU of doubtful value. More
over, tltlea In California are generally freehold ones based on
S government patent, and the government demands no royalty.
Most atrtktng proof of the value of the geologlcsl knowledge,
of the fields Is to be found In the returns giving the reauiti ef
the wells bored. Whereas In 1904 the percentage of f adores
was 34.4, tn 1905 It was only 3.2, and In 1901 3.7, snd tail
although In 190S there were 617 wells bored, as against 411 In
1904. It la atill more remarkable that of the J.Sll wills bored
from 1881-1908 only 18.1 per cent were fiUurea,
The test of s field's richness or poverty ts, however. Its
average production per well. The figures of 1907 give a dally
average per well of 42.36 barrels for California, as compare)
with 14.08 barrels for the Qulf fields, 8.35 for Colorado
Wyoming, and 3.29 for Illinois. In California the trend ef pro.
duction per well has been consistently upward.
"To enable the huge production of oil In Callfornls to be
distributed, there baa oeen constructed a vast system ef pits
lines, uncontrolled by any organization, thua ensuring reason
able rates and certain possibility of transport. To give some
Idea of the capacity of the plpellnea seaward, we may state that
nearly 2l.000.soo barrels of crude oil and 1,327,000 barrels
of refined oil were piped In 1909 foi shipment. , -
"In California today the real power of the Independent pro
ducer has been proved conclusively. There he has arisen and
overcome all attempts to control the oil business. The enor
mous production of fuel oil In California has practically placed
It beyond the possibility of control by any Individual Interest,
and the development has gone too far for this poaltloa to be
"The oil Industry Is a basic Industry, not only giving employ
ment to thousands, but other Industries even more vast may
be built upon It. Thanks to the possession of the best and
cheapest fuel In the world, California may expect to play a
large part In the Industrial world triumph of the United States,
This Industrial development would demand more oil than Is
now produced, and therefore It Is all-Important to Increase the
production steadily. With California oil consumed at the rate
of 65,000,000 barrels a year, It dots not look sensible to talk
about overproduction; rather Is It necessary to study to pro
duce more, so as not to hamper the industrial and general
. ''Th 2M ?f f'aI!fornl ." n,vT,i on n retlroaai In Cell.
fornl and axtttnds Into Arlaon. Nw M.xloo, N.vada, Orn and
WMhlnjton. Thj Great Northarn, Northern JHelfle and. Canadian
Paclflo Ballwaye have recently commenced Ita uae, and It le probable
tl,t ,r.? IonS railroad, on the Parlflq Coaet from Mesloo t Alaeka
will follow. Coaitwlee teamare burn it. ai do vaaaela plylriB to the
Hawaiian talands. and Trana-Paclflo teamera will douhtleaa alio aoen
uae thla fuel. To preeent poeelbllltiea muat ba added thee eaenlnf
by the completion of the Panama Canal.
"A ton of oil will pull a train 10 par cant further than ton ef
eaal at about half the coat. The railway, of California are aatlmatad
tp have aaved 40,00.00 by burnlna- ell Inataad ef eoal durtna
til,1"tonv,.yr'; T7i?ly:thrf loeamotivea In ua an th
Pacific Coeat require 1S,00,000 barrel! af ful every twelve month
Three theueand v.aaele, plylnf from California port, uae all a fuel,
oeneumlng T,oe See barrele annually. Oil la alao ueed for other pur
poea too auroeroua to mention: In ehort, It la the tteady buf terV Ae
propeller of commerce and all Ita adjunct. In Callfornfa and en the
Paclflo Coaet. Indication, aeem to point to an alroo.t UoomDre.
nenaiBie aemana, ana me on inau.try I. to be meaaured by the a.
man a lor on, wnicn can only really commence developing- when intra
i. certainty or auppiy. in tne aurplua .took of all above around l the
nan t
i n J i m
tantial ateck In trade that the world wanta and muat have, X larei
permanent .took of oil above ground mean, tn.uranoe aain.t poael
ble atand.tlll If o l la adopted; It le the ee.enttal element whl ha.
aa yet been lacking. In thl. re.peet the California praduoara hold
the werld'e eltuatlen In thlr hand.; they can brine an, or retajel the.
development of the uae of oil."
How You Can Make Money In Buick Oil Stock
The mora money yon make through air orfloe the mora bualne.a
I will do. My bualnea. la to Mil proflt-maklng eecurltle.. I muat
make money for other ta remain .uocaaaful. I will gladly place e-our
fund. In any aecurlty you wl.h. but I know Buick Oil Block la
worth your conaldaratlon ; and the cheaper you buy thla atock the
mora you ehould make in dlvidenda and th mora you should make
from the incraaae In 1U worth.
Subject to prior aale I offer a limited number of Buick Oil Bharea
at SI. 00 each; the price will ba advanced In a few day., or week
t th moat.
I Well Buick Oil Stock will ka worth betwwan $8 and $10 par abara within on yer from thl. elate. I am holding a large
block for my personal account with this anticipation. The value of your estate I am confident will be gieatly enhanced If you
buy at once, all of thla atock you can afford at 11 per share.
I Of iae CCICIll tl iaSC n vaaaot ray ah vasts outrts aiaj at
Pirehtset lor a Shaft Tlae tie 4-PtymcBt Plan
It la a safe thing to follow the Judgment of many whan a large
numovr , nnvuvniina.D, naraneeaaa people ooneoiontleuely ea
amine Into any proposition and unanlmoualy eppreva of It and beak
their oplnlone wltn their money, there can be but ana eonolualen
that they are right. Banker, lawyare, buelneae men and othere af
all claaaea have carefully Inveetlgated every detail relative to th
Buick Oil Company and Ita future, and the more carefully they In.
veatlgated, the more atock they bought. The aoeuraoy of their Judg
ment le amply demonatratad by the preaent preapereu. condition of
the company, whioh, however flattering, I only a beginning of what
It ehould become.
DON'T WAIT A DAY. Address all communications to
316-318 McCormick Bldg., CHICAGO, DLL.
JfiSO-lBSO City National Bask
Building, OmaJua, Nebraska.
SIS MeConnlrk Balldlag, Cb leave.
umv Bin
ef Stork
value of
nctvraiira DDiiamg, coieafe,
Mr: I hcraby make aBpUoaOoq for .Ba
i In the Bulek oil ro. at l 00 par olare or a
It. 00 each. Xneleaed Sad I ,,, to pay tut aa
Addreaa . . . . .
Tewa .,,.,,,.Btet.