Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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The omaiia daily bed
Kntcred nt Omaha postoffice M second
clM matter.
Funds? m-p. mv year J2.W
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lai y ami Hurdsy, one ) wr s.oo
Evenlr-K lio (with Sunday), per month. "Ic
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Daily l;ee miihout Smila i. prr mo 4.V.-
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Kouth Omahn flu N. Ht.
Council Hluffa 14 Scot 81.
Lincoln M Little Building.
Chit aio-lMS Ma-quetle Hulldlng.
Kansas City Hellenes I1ulldlni.
New Vork-M ert '1 hlrtv-f-lrd.
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C O K n K S I'O N I J K N C E .
Communications relstlng to newt and
editorial matter shrult be srl1re-d
Ompha Bee. Kdltorlal Department.
Btate of Kebraka. Count r of Douplas, ex.
Dniptit WDlliims. circulation manaper
of The He Pub.lxhlng company, being
duly morn, aaya that the average dally
circulation, lets spoiled. unuvi and re
turned copies for the month of Bupteinber,
1JH. was
Circulation MiwinKer.
ftiibrcribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this Id day of October, l'.Hl.
liteal.l KOllkHT HLNTKR,
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temporarily ahoatd have The
Bee mailed in I hem. Address
will be vhanaed oftea as
requested. 1
Next big event on the boards
Land how.
Turkey cries for peace. It wag g
piece of northern Africa that sent
Italy to war.
That city hall debate over Junkets
and junketing aceing to have guttered
untimely lapse.
Turkey Is ready to quit. Sultan
probably anxious to get back home
to aee the folks.
Old "Chris" Columbus would
surely feel highly honored If he were
till in our midst.
That St. Louta parson who says
badee is a state, evidently proposes to
drag In all Missouri.
Des Moines street car men have de
cided to arbitrate Inatead of to
strike. Not a bad tip. -
The referees should see that
neither the Lorimer nor the Stephen
ton tussel ends in a dog-fall.
We shall take no stock in rumors
of peace between Italy and Turkey
until Richard Harding Davis la heard
Neither the worlds list of great
battles nor the honor roll of war
heroes is being augmented by the
Turko-Italtaa fiasco.
Typhoid is again more or less
prevalent, but no yellow Journal out'
cry against the water works. No
bonds to be voted Just now.
Archbishop Ireland fails to see any
Justification for the recall of Judges.
But then, Senator Norrls Drown
takes the oposlte view, which ought
to settle It.
In building their platform for
1912, th democrats are advised not
to put too much raw material In It
Beuoned timber will more likely pre
vent warping
Newg from the Turkish war arena,
they aay, Is being censored. Let
them cut out the names of the offi
cers on both sldea and readers will
not complain.
No matter how many mean things
they aay of Senator Stephenson, they
must admit he Is an easy-going old
gentleman, who baa put a lot of
money in circulation.
It may be taken for granted that
our democratic United States sen
ator will get batter posted next time
before be puts up a talk to the grain
men as a prelude to bis golf game.
The Chinese government has an
impressive way of showing the revo
lutionists there the forbidding side
of their enterprise by Just beheading
a few recalcitrants in the presence of
the others.
Dr. Msdero is doubtless a good
man, but the report that his brother
is about to touch the government
strong box for 043.195 pesos, would
Indicate that be also Is a very practi
cal statesman.
After hie addreaa President Taft was
driven to the new building of the Colum
bia club, where he made a short talk te
the Knight of Columbus. Associated
J'reas dlfpttch from Portland.
Wonder if the Protestant clergy
men will enter a protest, and insist
that tbey have bec-n alighted.
Over In Illinois a member of the
legislature has been found willing to
declare under oath "that he never
suspected any member of the legisla
ture of disonckty or corruption of
any character." We ifttmot testify
as to the Illinois law-making bodies,
but if a Nebraska aolon could be un
earthed with a similar declaration In
Lis mouth, be would be regarded aa a
candidate tot the insane asylum.
Why These Democrat!- Antics f
The dust-throwing antics of our
democratic friends In the present
local campaign are easily accounted
f eldom in the history of Douglas
county politics have the republicans
presented a ticket made tip as a whole
of at. good material, with candidates
of clean record and high standing,
jetullarly fitted for the respective
offices for which each has bren nom
liiatpd, while the democratic ticket
is loaded down with as sorry a lot of
Incompetents and nondescripts ai
ever wore the party label.
Man for man from top to bottom
down the ticket, the democrata tan
have nothing to aay why the demo
cratic nominees should be preferred
on their own merits over their repub
lican opponents, whose superiority
they have to admit. We will com
pere and contrsst the candidates for
i different offices on the two tick
ets as we go along, and no fair com
parison, by whomsoever made, will
fall to rate the republican ticket,
taken altogether, far above the demo
cratic ticket.
Knowing this, the democrats re
alise that their only possible hope
for a few crumbs of. comfort from
the Impending election lies In their
ability to foment republican disten
tion, and by falsehood, misrepresen
tation and trickery to lure ropubll
tans Into pulling the democratic lever
When they make reckless charfecs of
primary eluctlon frauds and illegal
registration, they have no sincerity
back of them. The pretense at sud
den and noisy conversion to the
cause of reform of democrats feeding
at the public crib as beneficiaries of
the very support they would- now ex
ploit, may fool others, but not them
selves. The democrats must divert atten
tion away from the weaknesses of
their own candidates, and for that
purpose they will seise upon any
faked-up side Issue, which thoy think
may aerve to promote that object.
Taft In Waihinyton State.
The St. Paul Pioneer-Press, which
has been one of the foremost antl
Taft, Insurgent papers of the west,
publishes an Interesting political
story from its Spokane correspondent,
touching on the visit of
Taft to that state, hia reception and
the aentlment toward him. It ahowa,
the Pioneer-rress aaya, that Taft la
strong In Washington, a state that
has been afire, and la supposed to be
yet. with antl-Taft aentlment; the
slate of Senator Polndexter, one of
the leading La Follette promoters.
This excerpt from the St. Paul pa
per's apeclal correspondence reveala
the light that tntereata:
In aplie of all this evidence of oppo
sition to the Taft policies, there Is
every Indication that the president is
much stronger In Washington than In
any other state dominated by the pro
gressives. Senator Polndexter hag an
nounced his personal preference for
Senator La Toilette as a republican
candidate for the presidency, and vet
t hears remarkably little talk of the
Wisconsin man among the people out
side of politicians. The majority of
the business men here told the corre
spondent that they unqualifiedly approve
Taft's administration, and the majority
Of the worklngmen questioned either
commended the president or said he
ought to be given a further trial.
Mr. Taft's speech In this city patently
created a favorable effect. Ha spoke at
the fair grounds before an Immense
crowd which listened to his arguments on
half a . dosen Important questions with
noticeable Intentness. Many people told
the Pioneer-Press representative today
that the president's statements either had
removed doubts or had produced the con
viction that he ought to have a further
opportunity to carry out his plana In re
gard to the tariff, world, conserva
tion and administrative economy.
One finds himself halting between
two questions hat President Taft,
by his straightforward methods and
gpeerheg, turned the popular tide
toward himself, or had the .illiged
unfriendliness for him been greatly
overdrawn by his critics? It is Just
possible and probable that there has
never been aa much antl-Taff sr-utl-ment
In Washington or elsewhere as
his enemies go persistently tried to
make out.
Small Sums for Lar?e Things.
Postmaster General Hitchcock will
ask congress for an appropriation of
1150,000 to defray the expenses of
Inaugurating parcels post. That
aeema like an Insignificant sum for
such a purpose after all that has been
said for the parcels post. It Is a
small sura for such a mammoth un
dertaklng, but the apparent disparity
Ig readily reconciled when on re
members that the government al
ready possesses the machinery In its
wonderful postotflce aystem for or
ganlalng and putting Into operation
this new scheme. In fact, Its machln
ery la so much greater than the dt
nianda even now made upon It that It
will later on be able to take care of
still other extensions In the service.
It Is not necessary, therefore, to pro
vide new and independent equipment
before the parcels post experimental
stations ran be opened for business.
The postmaster general requests
that this appropriation be made In
three parts of f 50,000 each, respec
tively, for use on the rural routes,
in the cities and on the railroads and
steamboats. It la to carry on only
the preliminary work, to prepare the
way, reslly. for the forthcoming sys
tem, which the president and post
in an ter general are thoroughly con
vinced will promptly commend Itself
as a atrong and valuable arm to the
Postofflce department. Our govern
ment baa proceeded cautiously with
respect to the parcels post and will
proceed cautiously In Introducing It.
Nor do we quite enter upon this
Innovation in the dark. While It Is an
Innovation, It la scarcely to be re
garded aa an experiment, except
practice with us, for It has witnessed
most satisfactory and successful re
sults in European countrlea ani
should turn out equally well here
W Ith an office plant capable of dotn
enormously more business than it
at present, we need not fear taxln
the resources of our government
machinery, and it should not take
long for parcels post, not only to be
self-sustaining, but to become i
profit-making part of the poatal ays
"Why Travel Makes Travel."
Under the caption, "Why gravel
makes travel," the Railway Ape-Oa-xctte
recently contained an Interest
ing article, showing how electric trol
ley lines and automobiles, while
rlvala of or competitors with the
steam railroad, are at the same time,
feeders of them. While they carry,
as lnterurban passengers, many per
sons who without such means of
travel would use the steam roada,
they nevertheless operate In the end
to Increase the total volume of traf
fic, Of course, it requires no deep
thinking to find out why this is so.
The trolley and the automobile, as
the Age-Gazette points out, bring
the home, the shop and the store
closer together and closer to the
railroad station. "The rural home
of wealth, formerly remote, Is now
hardly, by figure of speech, by auto
mobile, across the street from the
steam railway."
It might be explained, In this con
nection that not only Is the automo
bile in this way cultivating passenger
traffic for the railroads, but freight
aa well. The automobile la a pro
motor of good roads; good roads are
promotera of larger railroad traffic.
No other factor of commerce affected
by the advent and the multiplicity of
automobiles will prove of greater po
tency in enlarging the freight busi
ness. The good road certainly is an
annlhilator of dlatance; it lessens the
coat ag well aa the effort of Initial
transportation, thus bringing the
farm into closer touch with the rail
road, .the producer with the con
sumer. How doea this tend to In
crease freight traffic? Do not the
producera have to ahlp their prod
ucts by rail to the ultimate con
sumer? Dy having placed' at their
disposal quicker and cheaper trans
portation, they will market more of
their cropa and In exchange buy more
of other gooda brought in from afar.
In the list of, expenditures made
by Nebraska In the apeclal interest .1
agriculture, the appropriation of
$ 4 1,2 80 for the pure food commis
sion Is Included, though Just why is
not spparent. The farmer doubtless
benefits from the pure food Inspec
tion, but hardly more proportion
ately than people In other walka of
life. If the pure food laws sre not
for all the people, It will be hard to
Identify any legislation that Is.
The depths of despair to which the
democratic bosses have fallen must
be low Indeed when they have to
conjure with the name of a notorious
political grafter and professional pan
handler like Van Alstlne. It Is, sot
conceivable that the democrata would
resort to such downright lying (j'
as. a a -
nraxen meuaaoity u tney naa any ue-
cent grounda on which to Appeal for
votes for their county candidates.
What's this, the unearthing down
at Lincoln of Illegal voting and
frauds among members of the Junior
law claas at the state university suf
ficient to require the annulling of an
election and. the holding of a second
election? Who would have thought
William E. Curtis, just dead, belonired
In that vanishing, type of newspaper
men that shed aredlt on the nrnfMaien
from many angles. Atlanta Constitution.
Mr. Curtis, Indeed, is entitled to
this tribute and more, but whv re
flect upon the profession by implying
that all those who are honoring Jt are
rapidly vanishing?
A New Yorker aaya "none of the
unconscionable natlona of Europe
ham ever been guilty of a more high
handed piece of bullying" than the
United Statea committed In getting
the Panama. lie must admit,
though, that it makes a rattling fine
Mr. Bryan Is urging democrata
vote their . ticket straight this year
as a boost for democratic victory In
Nebraska next year. That should be
a convincing argument why Ne
braska republlcana should stay with
their own ticket this year.
Oae aleaeer I'eaaolailoat.
Indianapolis News.
Tropoll may derive some satisfaction
from the fact that no wicked American
trusts are concerned In these eneractic
preparations to monopolise its trade
Thwa the Heart Speake.
Indianapolis News.
Inventor Edison. ho has Just returned
from a tour of Europe, says. "I tell you.
boys. I felt like kissing the Statue of
Liberty when I came up the bay." Well,
ahe's (here to be admired.
CrowdlBsr the Waltlaar Btacktt,
Kanaas City Star.
"The courts," says the president, "are
my Ideals on earth that typify what we
shall meet In heaven." However,' If fit.
Peter la aa slow as the courts the aver
age applicant will be kept waiting frem
ons to five years.
Booking Backward
I his Day In Omaha
Thirty Years Ago.
Nebraska democrats held a state con
ventlon In the second story of Masonic
hall this evening with "quite a large and
respectable attendance present." J. iter
ung Morton called the convention to
order. lie said they stood for "free trade
honest' money and amendment or uncon
ditional repeal of the Bloeumb law." For
supreme Judge W. H. Munger of Fre-
mont was nominated over M. A. Harti-
swn. J. H. Broady, Judga J. r. Kinney
W. H. Platte and J. C. Crawford.
The committee soliciting subscriptions
for the cyclone victims In Madison and
Stanton counties report having collected
Mayor Boyd has given Street Commis
sioner ford a written order to oblige
the street railway company to leave
Farnam street In its usual condition after
the track laying la finished.
Hlshop Clarkson Invites all the ladles
In the city Interested In establishing a
children's hospital to meet him In the
cathedral Friday at ( o'clock.
Hanging In the Wlthnell house is
large leather medal containing the In
crlpflon. "To J. C. McUrlde for effi
ciency for furnishing light at the state
fair." It Is a well deserved tribute to
the general's electric light abilities.
Major Btevenson, deputy United States
mnrshall has Just returned from a trip
loionei nmythe, wife and child, and
Mrs. Lowe returned from the White
Prof. Hebry W. Meek, 17 Jackson
street, offers to give private Instruction
In French, German, Greek and Latin.
Morris Dee, a brother of Jerry Dee, one
Of the old timers, met with a horrible
death by being thrown out of his buggy
on his head In descending the steep hill
on Twelfth street, near Jones. His skull
was not fractured, nor his neck broken.
but death la supposed to have resulted
from concussion of the brain.
The Imperial club has reorganised for
the winter season under these officers
A. Tr&ynor, president; W. A. Saunders,
vice president. J. C. Wllkliu, secretary;
C. H. KelBsy, treasurer.
Twenty Years Ago.
Sam D. W. Manneiley, a well known
traveling man from Rochester, N. T..
inhaled gas for sis hours at the Millard
hotel and died. It was a case of suicide,
apparently, but for which no cause could
be assigned.
A complimentary banquet to Hon. M
V. Oannon, president of the Irish Na
tional league, who was in the city, was
given at the Dellone hotel and attended
by about 100 prominent men. Governor
Boyd acted as toastmaeter and County
Attorney T. J. Malioney was the principal
speaker after Mr. Gannon. Other speak
ers were Moses P. O'Brien, T. B. Mlna
han, Mayor R. C. Cushlng, John P. Sut
ton, Michael Lee, T. J. O'Nell, T. J.
Moriarty. The banquet closed amid the
strains of "God Bave Ireland."
Miss L. Schmidt of Chicago, the guest
for seven weeks of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Schmidt, went to Humphreys, Neb., for
the winter.
Rev. Charles E. Bradt, pastor of the
Second Presbyterian church of LJnooln,
was In the city attending the Nebraska
synod at that ohuroh.
Miss Jennie Schmidt of Beat rice ar
rived In the oity to be the guest of Miss
Ktta Rosenbery, MIS Blnney street.
Arthur Chllson and Miss Llisle M.
Uomgardner were married at SI! South
Twenty-ninth avenue In the morning by
Rev. T. B. Crambiet, pastor of the First
Christian church.
John M. Thurston, addressing a mast
ing, of Omaha cltlsens In the Farnam
street theater upon the prospects of
Omaha landing the national republican
convention, told them he thought this
city's chances were good. Ex-Oovnernor
Saunders spoke and boosted the plan.
Miss Kate Quealey. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Quealey of Omaha, and
Mr. P. J. McKay of Laramie, Wyo., were
married at St. Peter's Cathollo church,
TWenty-elghth and Leavenworth streets.
The bridesmaid was Miss Mamie Quealey,
sister of the bride, and best man was
Mr. J. N. Kelly.
Ten Years Ago.
The reward of 169,000 which Mr. Cudahy
offered for the capture of pat Crowe
for kidnaping his son, Kdward. was with,
drawn on stipulation that Crowe come
and give himself up. The stipulation was
made In a note dated Manchester, la..
addressed to Chief Donahue and signed:
"Unci of Fat Crowe."
Edwin C. Weed was found dead in a
room at the State hotel on Douglas
street. Some years before he hud been
bookkeepr for the Ha urn Iron works an
had also worked for Itiley Bros., but had
Immediately returned from the harvest
fields of North Dakota and had retired
at I a. m.
The retail grooery clerka announce they
will attempt to have all suoh stores close
on Sunday and will fight hard to en
force the rule.
The body of a boy was found on a
sandbar In the Missouri river near Gib
son by John Havel, Fred lr.aielc and
Antone Marttnek, but it was not Indentl
fle.d. The dad boy was abeut 14 years
of age.
Rev. H. D. Burgeag of Plattsmouth of
ficiated In the morning services at Trin
ity Kplscupal cathedral la the tbeense ef
Dean Campbell Fair.
Rev. W. W. Jonee of South Omaha
was burled, the funeral services bing
held at the Preabyteriatt church in Belle
vue at 11 a. m.
People Talked About
Among the names to appear on the pas
senger list of the steamship Majestic,
which arrived In New fork, was Daniel
D. indwell of Hartford, who, after forty
seven days of constant travel, completed
his second trip around the world west
ward from New York.
David Crockett, a confederate hero e(
the civil war and couain of the famous
Texan of that name. Is dead at his home
In Columbia, Mo., aged IB. During the
border warfare In Missouri Crockett waa
hanged to a tree by union soldiers and
waa rescued at the point of death by hu
Although Miss Catherine B. Park, who
died at the City Home, Cambridge, Maaa,
September A. baa been dependent on char.
Ity for yeays. a search of her home re
vealed approximately IU0OO, la various
parte ef the house under mattresses, In
bjok. vases and elocks wag faund
nearly KM In gold a& paper currency.
Tlie Bee's Lclfcr Box
4r rrJ
Third Ward Polities.
OMAHA, Oct. 11. To the Editor of Ths
Bee: Kindly permit me te say a few
worda regarding the alleged Irregular
voting conditions claimed to exist In the
Third ward.
The Third ward is nominally republican,
the same made possible by a strong ward
organisation. An honest Inquiry Into this
organisation will produce the fact be
yond all doubt that those who dominate
the same are bonafide respectable men,
whose residence In Omaha dates for many
years back. Further Investigation will
show that the majority of these men are
engaged In the various ordinary voca
tions of life.
The acquisition of title to property In
the residence districts nas been abso
lutely restricted on account of the tenure
of the same by railroads and other cor
porations, one condition which necessarily
attracted within Its boundaries a sort of
nomadic population to tenant the more
or less undesirable dwellings. Especially
Is this true In the lower part of the
Conditions caused by a redltght district
of thirty years standing In connection
with other superinduced evils, suddenly
restricted by hasty and rarally dominated
legislation cannot be suddenly curbed by
a sudden and explosive reform of a few
democratic office seekers and dis
gruntled searcher of notoriety.
Aa to Just how these Individuals can at
tempt to expose what they term "The
deplorable conditions of the Third ward,"
Is just a bit perplexing, coming as they
do from the democratic machine, when
It Is an actual fact that the election of
our present junior senator was made
possible on one occasion to the house of
representatives by the votes of the'Thlrd
ward and we might as well mention the
very nice vote given the traltorlous
Shallenberger together with the hand
some majorities for Mayor Jim In all of
his campaigns; neither oan we emit our
present county attorney, who has been
magnificently favored on three occasions,
And then, what about ths democratic
candidates to our last legislature who,
under the guise as being against county
option again carried with them loving
remembrances of a Third ward support.
The law-abiding and reapeotable cltl
sens of the Third ward are tiring of the
attacks made on such thinly disguised
pretexts and If they are te be used "aa
the goat" by which certain democratic
candidates wish to gain favor and sup
port of the voters of ether wards It
should eause them to adhere to their
party lines and then they will have no
reason to regret, as has been their lot
almost everytlme they have listened to
the golden promises of the demooretlo
The Demo ratio Hoodwlak.
BRADSHAW, Neb.. Oct. H.-To ths
Editor of The Beet The above caption Is
not very pretty, we admit, but it is more
or leas suggestive. Just now the damo
cratlq party Is highly Intoxtoated with
the hope of success In 18U., Every strata,
gem and device known to modern polltlos
will be resorted to that their hopes may
be realised. Republican party division
must be accomplished, (or without that
democratic hopes of success would be
absolutely futile. Every wild-eyed scheme
or project, under the gulae of reform, that
any faction of the republican party may
advanoe tbat has the ear-marks of dis
sension in the republican ranks will be
hailed with delight and lauded to the
skies by demooratlo demagogues in the
press and on the stump. Every noted In
surgent Is already receiving favorable
notice and commendation from ' the
demooratlo speakera , and newspapers.
Even our own W. J. Bryan, "the greatest
Romsn of them all," In his speech at
York threw great handfuls of bouquets
at Senator La Follette and insurgency
In general.
What for, do you suppose? Was It be
cause Bryan would aslt with one llttls
finger to elevate La Follette to the presi
dential ciialrT No, no, not on your life;
but Bryan sees In the La Follette fac
tion the very best grounds for demooratlo
succors. He sees a considerable faction
of republicans bowing at the altar of in
surgency, while Bryan, with his demo
cratic coworkers are busy placing
stealthily and oautloualy ths hoodwink
over the eyes by showers of flattery.
Does anyone think for one moment that
Bryan or any other leading democrat
would vote for or la any way support La
Follette any sooner than they would
Taft? Never, nsvsr. Republicans should
not be hoodwinked. Bryan and alt hia
hosts will wage as fierce a war to de
feat La Follette, should hs get the nomi
nation, as they wlll.U Taft ahall be
nominated. The democrats want the eog.
trol of this country, and though, aa near
as La Follette may have come to the
demooratlo brink, thank fortunes he Is
not yet a democrat, able to travel and
work aa one, nor does anyone know that
he ever will be one, even in 1912. He has
traveled well so far, hut be has a way
to travel yet that Is beset with many
demooratlo difficulties and pitfalls, and
may meet with political death, as h
many other eminent political adventurer
in the past.
Therefore, my dear republican friend,
dp not be hoodwinked, and by all means
do not baeome Intoxicated with any of
tba batches of democratio flattery they
may hand out between now and next
April; for while It may appear sweet In
the mouth. It will be In the belly aa
blttw as gaul. Keep your eyes open and
fcuow for yourself that you are a true
republican from well grounded principles.
Oiiomi Malloal llelth Dartti.
OMAHA, Oct. 1S.-T0 the Editor of The
Bee: In a recent editorial with referenoe
to the pure food law you closed with
these wordsi "Perhaps we shall eventu
ally come to Dr. Wiley's proposition of a
national board of health, but for the
time being the machinery the govern
ment now has for carrying out these
measures can do very good service"
The thought expressed therein Is worthy
of the eareful consideration of all.
There are few who are not thankful for
the sincere efforts of those who have In
terested themselves In asaurtng the purity
of ths food we consume, but we should
proceed with care before giving our ap
proval to a national bureau of health
merely because the Idea seems to be as
sociated with that of pure foods.
For' twenty years and more soma of
our political doctor friends have tried to
secure lawa which their various utter
ances have plainly Indicated are for the
xpreaa purpose of evenutally putting out
ef business all methods of treatment ef
disease save that known as the "regular"
er allopathic. It Is only fair to aay that,
although this work has beo eonducted
by the American Medical anauciattun. a
large part of Its membership g by bo
means In favor of the avowed objects of
the political doctors.
The effect of a national bureau of
health, under the laws proposed by Hen
stor Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma, which
he has said were Introduced because the
American Medical association wanted
them, would be felt through a govern
mental department -which would be under
the control of the oniy school of healing
that la now recognised by United States
officials In sppolntments to some 7.000
medical positions. Then, aa now. It would
be Impossible for any doctor of other
training to pass the examinations no mat
ter how well he might have succeeded
When the shove facts are considered In
connection with the knowledge that the
campaigns for a national health bureau
have been conducted only at tremendous
expense and that there is no public de
mand for compulsory treatment of dis
ease, other than Is provided for under our
ordinary sanitary and quarantine regula
tions, we begin to see the selfish motive
back of a seemingly innocent proposal.
Every man ha a right to the services
of the medical practitioner of individual
selection and none should be clothed
with governmental authority to infringe
on this privilege. Some of our eastern
magaslnes have criticised those who hold
this view, but so far they have failed to
discuss the merits of the question In
volved. L. B. McCOUN.
Wear Side or Far gldet
OMAHA, Oct" 11 To""th"Editor of Ths
Bee: I note by The Bee that the ques
tion la up with Manager Leussler of the
Street Railway company In regard to
stopping street cars on the "near side of
the street."
I frequently on returning from out of
town In transferring north on Sixteenth
street am obliged to ride across that
street and then cross back on foot with
a heavy grip or two as best I can to my
When riding downtown on Dodge, Far
nam or Harney cars and transferring
south on Sixteenth, I must walk back
across this street, which Is so full of
traffic as to require a policeman at eaoit
of these crossings.
Again, la transferring from north Six
teenth cars to Farnam or Harney cars I
am obliged to ride across these streets
and then push my way back' through the
heavy trafflo, Incidentally missing the
ear which always pulls out Just as "we
almost got it."
In Chicago and Milwaukee, at down
town crossings, the cars stop on the
"near" aide for the signal of the police
man to cross and for passengers to get
off and on; In St. Paul the cars atop on
ths "near" side; in Lincoln, in the down
town district, ths oars stop on both sides
at transfer points.
As to people having to "walk through
the mud to the oar platform where there
are unpaved streets, if the new .arrange
ment Is mads," the Street Railway com.
pany could easily accommodate the pub
lic to the extent. ef stopping at the cross.
Ing at these few places. Let us have a
change, at least downtown.
Heroines at the Switchboard."
Boston Transcript.
All of us have something to say of, and
very often to the telephone girl. We are
apt to regard her as a frivolous young
woman whose Joy is to give us the wrong
number. The spirit of the Roman senti
nel at Pompeii Is the very last thing we
expect to see manifested by the sister
hood, and yst telephone girls at Austin,
Pa., who stuck to their posts and called
up the community to tell tt the flood was
coming have associates In dsvotlon and
courage at Black River Falls, Wis. When
the dam at Lake Arbutus gave way the
telephone girls stood at the switch
boards until the water flooded the build
ing they occupied, and they were rescued
In boats. By the way, did anybody men
tion women aa the timid sex?
-? 1 a - MS r -
X' B 'Ml
; -5-fc. ft- t?S era. f4 t. J .
m- aV-
V - t - i Je
"The Favorite live M8ataK8i88MM'
cf Six Generations"
the U.
Its age is Guaranteed by the
U. S. Government.
Its purity by the Schenley '
Distilling Company.
Its quality speaks lor itself.
Wben you buy Rye, buy Schenley. At all dealers.
Schenley Distilling Company, Loceeco, pa.
Indianapolis News: Woodrow Wilson
ays the old hymn, "Beautiful Isle of
Somewhere," Is too ambiguous to be
practical. Mr. Rockefeller says It Is
"good enough," thus showing the optlmls
tlo difference between New Jersey and
New Tork.
Baltimore American: Judging from the
way In which the Turk la shrieking to
the various powers of Europe for help,
it Is to be presumed he la no longer un- -speakable.
From the response so far,
however, he has no strong reason to con
gratulate himself on being persona grata.
Louisville Courier Journal: Peace Is a
great thing. Long may It endure, and ,
wide may be Its scope- But nobody who
loves a dog fight can help speculating on
how lively a tussle would result If Italy
should Invade Turkey and give the sul
tan's land force a whack at the best of
the king's men.
Wall Street Journal: Farmers who un
derstand seed, soil and fertility are what
we need, that seedtime and harvest may
not fall. in the agricultural colleges
thousands of educated young men are
studying te make farming a profession.
They may not try to cultivate as many
acres as the present average, but they
will cultivate them so that the earth,
shall truly yield hr Increase. Not merely '
farmers, but educated farmers who will
make farming a profession. Is the eoun- !
try'a need.
Rankin They've found out lately, as t
suppose you know, that candy to a cure
for the drink habit.
Fyle (father of six glrls)-So I've heard. 1
I wonder If there la any cure for the
candy habit. Chicago Tribune.
"I have a dog and a hen which are fast
friends. Isn't that queer?" 1
"I don't think so merely natural af
flnlty." ,
"In what wayT"
"I believe your hen and your dog ara 1
both setters." Baltimore American.
A noted sociologist tells the following
story of a woman In a southern manu
facturing town. Approaching her for'
statistics, he asked: "Madam, have you '
any children?" M ,
"Nd" she replied, "I hare to work in I
the factory myself." Life.
"Fifth grade this year Tommy?"
"Yes, sir."
"Tou're In decimals or fractions now,
no doubt T"
"No, sir. I'm In eroohet work and clajrv
modelling now." Louisville Courier-'
John Keata.
Season of mists and mellow frunfu14
Close bosom friend of the maturing
Conspiring with him how to load and '
With fruit the vines that round the,
thatch-eaves run; I
to bend with apples the moss's cottage
trees, And fill gll fruit wltn ripeness te the'
To swell the gourd, and plump the basal
With a sweet kernel; to get budding
more. ,
And still more, later flowers for the.
bees, ,,
Until they think warm days will never)
For summer . has o'er-brlmrned. their ,
Clammy cells.
Where are the aonga - ef soring Ay.
where are theyt
Think not of them, thou hast thy
music, too
While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying ,
And touch the stubble plains .with rosy
Then in a wailful choir the small gnats
) Among - the . river swallows, home '
aloft '
Or sinking aa the light wind lives or
And full-grown lambs blsat loudly from :
hilly bourn 1 l
Hedce chickens sing; and now with I
treble soft ' I
The redbreast whistles from a garden. '
croft, 1
And gathering swallows twitter In the ;
skies. ,
A Hotel oT xfined ek
egaoce. located to
NwfcrkY.ocUl centre
Easily i accessible, to
tleatre; and stropping
districts i
' wttk Bath 1S r'5
DouUe Bases wHfc garb V W ITO ' &,
The ouitiNLtl bottle is
rull of pure rye, because
the SCILENLEY label says so.
. mm t - 1 1 1 all n h
is 4 times distilled in copper.
(Ordinary whiakey not too re than twice)
This means absolute purity
delicate flavor extra
tJotticd m Bond L
bottle i sealed with
S. Government Stamp.
"Xae saa atatasl