THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, OCTOHER 12, 1011. REAL ESTATE FARM HA IV CM UMI lOlt SALE. Caaada. CAXADMN LANDS. Do you want a farm In mern Canada, where the rrn thin year are In advance of anything grown on the continent? For wheat growing, dairying, mixed farming and rattle raining the province of Alberta la unsurpRxaed. Land a-e now offered by the CANA DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY at prices ranging from 110 to M an acre on LONU TKHMS of payment or on the crop payment nan. That I", paying for your farm with a portion of your crops ach year. Land values have Increased 10 per cent In two years. Ureat opportunity for the homeeeeker. Call or wrlle for full particulars, book lets, map, etc. K. 8.. FUOR. Oenernl Agent, Canadian Pacific Alleria l.and Co, 440 Hoard of Trade llldg NKW COI'NTRY OPENINO. The Grand Trunk Pacific railroad Is now closing Its gap serous the famous Kraier valley In CKNTIUI, HRITIHM C L.1MBIA the choicest region of the richest province In Canada. Here la your chance to buy fertile land at opening pticea In the great Fort Oeorge country. For further Information call, writs or wire B. HFTFt DISTRICT SALES AOKNT, 610 Paitnn Hldg.. Omaha. Neb. 'Phone Douglas 1167; Ind. A -43:7. FOR BALK 7.B30 acres of choice agrl cultural lands near Proadvlew. Faakat rhewan, 90 per cent of It a steam plow proposition. Right prices and terms will be made on this tract. Addreas 34, Endl- cott mag., hi. raui. California. Strong. Endorsement The Patterson farms that wa are nf. fering In the San Joaquin Valley are ecuina io v amornia people, jast week wa made aales to men who have lived In the atate for many years some of wnom are selling their land In the Los Angeles section In order to Invest at Patterson. Hera Is wnat one of tha In vestors says: "Wa have Just closed the purchase of 40 acres of land 14 mllea from Patter eon. We came here four years ago from Coming, la., anld are very much pleaeed Indeed with California. Would not think of going bark to Iowa. Wish I had more of my Iowa friend here; vou can tell them for ma If they coma they will atay. We own 40 acres In southern California and are selling it to come here to Pat terson, aa I believe wa can better our selves and make lust aa much money on 40 acres here at 260 per acre as on tha 140 acres w are selling at J.VW. (Signed) J. II. Woodward. Mrs. J. H. Woodward'. The Other Man's Opinion If tha opinion of some other man Is worth anything ww can give you a I'Umber of testimonials Just an strong aa tha above, but wa are selling this land to those who go and look at It. not Ilk tha boy trade Jackkr.lves. Patterson has much to recommend It It Is not a pioneer proposition. It Is not Isolated. It Is not undeveloped land, It la not dry land. On the contrary you are within less than luo mllea of lan Fran cisco, the center of a million popula tion; It Is only 46 miles from Stockton, a flourishing city, only 81 miles from Sacra mento the capital, and only 100 mllea yfrotn Frvsno. Cheap Transportation .Tha Southern Pacific railroad run through the land and the San Joaquin river Is along ta border, making th cheapest transportation In tha world. Tha water-supply Is abundant and oondl- ""jrtwteVi'.n? n"oua development Ask us for literature, ask for a cenv Of the LAND OWNBK or cm. InSd w will ahow you photograph that will convince you that w have her on of the best propoaltlona In California. If you hav time atop and look at our tprndvm-nth tr-t-th'" Payne Investment Company, Omaha. Nb. Colonisation Agents. Cwlerada. National lav. Co.. ua Brand! Bid-. FRUIT land bargbalns. Inlermountala Land Co., lui luuuu. Phone L). tun. ..IF.,T.i?U. 'fn,to bu' 00 'rn l at 110.01) to mot per acre, or want m good homestead relinquishment writs to or call on Th Maileaon-Purdy Land Company. Otis. Colo. Georgia, GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by th ATLANTA, M1KMINOH AM A ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Land adaptable to the wldeat rang t crop. All th money crops of th Mouth plentifully produced. For literature treat, tag with this coming country, lis soil, ell mate, church and school advantage wriio W. H. LEAHY. DEPT. K. Ueaerai passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. levra. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your faint is to Insert a email want ad tn the Do Molnoa Capital. Largest cir culation In In slat ui Iowa, 44.UUU daily. lh Capital la read by and, believed In by Hi standpatter of Iowa, who simply re (us to permit any other paper tu theif homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; per line per month; count sIk ordinary words to th line. Atltlrcs LHjs Mollis Capital. I Ja Mulnea. la. U ACRES. fl.KiO, twelve miles out, ail smooth upland, not a foot of waste, no buildings, but fine building site; lit) cash It you build; li It you don't; long time on balance at 4 per cent. McUe Real Kstel Co.. lift Pearl bt.. Council Blutf. 1. fcO-ACKK Improved farm, northwestern Iowa; lto acrrs tins plow land, balance hay and pasture; mint; worth ;v; cash Junes, Peterson, la. 12&-ACRE Improved farm, with orchard I miles N. K. Council muffs, Uw per acre. If quick, to acres, well Improved. 11 per acre. ,Mki 1 mllea from town. Day Hess Co., Hula Agents, Co. Bluffs ML ST sell aatem Kansaa farm. 0 si res, choice property, well Improved. 0 miles from Kansas City; price, tdu. J M. Neville. Lawrenc. Kan. "" Sebraaka. 80-Acre Sarpy County Farm tltJ take this. . us at once l( you mean bueiucs; smait lmpiovriiieiits. Ad dress Graham-Peters Realty Co. 621 Omaha Nat l Hk llldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED et Nebraska ranches an farms fur Iowa customer. AUesbouse Co.. Council Liu Its. la. FARMS fcJ6 per acre up within tt mllea Orla M. Merrill. UU City Nat, bank Uidg. NEBRASKA and Oregon land U un. b4 fcrandels Blog. M uft IIOME8TEAD-U0 acres for 1171; about V miles out; rich farm laud, not aand! Waa an old ntry. now cancelled Wr.a H.OuO. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. N.b. IMPROVED Nebraska farms. s a, acre up. Writ or call (or our lint. Wood ward. 14 Omaha Nat. liana liiug W4-ACRK farm near Benson for sala cheap, owner has Inuurabls sKkoesa lu-uulrs room 604. liruwa block. EVERY person knows rh r. O'Brien Is b'uM he haa made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs J 1 1 ,rady. Ha, Frederick St.. will com to The lie office within three dava -- .n give ht-r an order for a tO-ceul bos of v - . m jr A SNAP. ' area of choice lend 1' mile from Liiehlli-ld: 1J0 acres In cultivation Ml of It in slfa'fs, all fenced; pile. U.UU. J EASTERN N.. and Iowa, farme to eiutiaiiK lr Dakota lands. Walker 4k ' m BiaoUlea theater, Omaha. REAL ESTATE FA It M RA( II I.An FOR SALR (Continued.) ' Korth C'arwllaa. FOR SALE Pest of corn and vegetable lannn; two crops yearly; delightful ell mate; near ocean. Bos 161 Southport Korth Dakota. NO CASH-CROP PAYMENT PLAN, lAO.noO acres rich wheat land In east North Dakota; own your own horn. T. W. WHEELER. Sale Mgr. Omaha Office, Cll Be Bldg. Urtges, 1,100 ACRES of apple and strawberry land In Hood river valley, Oregon for sal on easy terms and cheap; best whole sale proposition In west. Se or writ owner, A. W. H., Minneapolis beat Bank, Minneapolis, Minn. oath Dakota. ROSEBUD LANDS. AUTHENTIC niap of that portion ope (or settlement neat month. Maps, Ma each. On aale at Beaton Drug Co. or U alcConneil. wu paaton Blk.. Omaha. F0 ACMES In Gregory county, South Dakota, lw acres bloke, DO acres more suitable for breaking, balance very best hay and grating land; haa abundance of water and lots of timber; this Is one of the beet location In South Dakota for a ranch; price $24 per acre; tH.ZiD cash, bal ance t year time, per cent Interest J. F. Spats. St Charles, 8. D. Teaaa. TEXAS IRRIGATED LAND, near Cor pus Chrlstl; Immense profit; one year's crop will bay price; write for folder. Simmons-Elmore Investment Co., Corpus Chrlstl, Tes. tlseellaaeoaa. IOWA and NEBRASKA farm. Graham feters, K27 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Faraa Bad Roach La age. IflO acre Irrigated. 4 mllea from Wheat. land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 section It muss rrom Kimoau, isen.; mo acre broken; fine land: and 1M acre 11 mllea from Atkinson, Neb. If. Oross. 601 B. 124. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., UM Farnam St OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN-Payno lnv. Co. WANTED-Clty loans. Peters Trust Co. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZKR, f 4W wV ayaw.w- UV yivmt61, J , 11 Wsad, Waad Bldg., 18th and Farnam. Ksfi Am tl3 lafsfs Owtem 4 tMutmr.l la Writ a MONEY to loan on business or real. denoe properties, 11,000 to MW.OU0. W. H. THOMAS, 601 First Nat Bank Blog. LOW RATES. BKMItf-CARLBKKatXV tlo-tll Brandeto Theater Bldg. ' WANTED FARM LOANS. Kloke 1. vestoient Company, Omaha. FIRST TRUST COf LARGE city loans wanted; mortgage, i bonds bought and sold. Sl'ULL liKoti nATivnsr RTmsLo. w to boo. ...... . t cim. Na. kUL LA ROE LOANS, municipal bonds rnnpr. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE D4 Plica tlO.000; mortgage 6,4oU, qulty M.tOO. What hav you? C. C lasanhuui. TO Til ins1 A ft t AAA miiIiw I. - room bouse, barn and two lota In Omaha tor smuuiwuuft, t . a. wuaoiusrs. Aaasr son, la. RYruiMnira ell kln1. II.. .1.1. .... rand for sxchangs book. Colorado L4Uti 4k Investment Co., Pallsada, Colo. KV('IIANII-Jtl CI. Jaar.ll u. .i Trade. D. liu;. SEE J. L. Barber to sell, or aaehanae anyUii&g. 40 Boaid of Trada. D. tMl. TRADES If you hav anything ta trad, writ me. a. IS. W ait, ali Bee uldg. I HANDLE exchanges overywhar. For results so lua. Dean, ell Be Bids. D. VR exchang proierties of merit. C. W. WalaU. aU-U O. N. Boa Bldg. Doug. 766, Ml ACRES In Thurston Co. for real aetata. '11, Harney u. Harry n. fuinaiu, iu40 xturt. UOOOU paying teleDhona axchanae la Uv town, no competition; will consider term io trau. u vie, tfu. WANTED, from owners onlv. larae and mail stocks of general merchandise. doming, haidware, etc., to exchang tor uiiiinpioveu, clear lend in Mlniiueola, Norm Dakota and Montana. John A. Marun. Aberueen. ti. U. IOWA FARM j0 acre. Woodberrv county, mile southwest S.oan; rich black loam, M acres in cultivation, 40 acres paetura; fair Improvements. Price, 1U0 per acre: want tj&.uOO to MJ.OuO in com or linploments or hardware. Oet busy, this Is a good one. J. w. Dean. UJ Be Bldg., Omaha. Are you a traderf I trad anvthlnc wher or time. Kailey, tH Nevlll blk. Oiu. t'i 1 1 1 mi I.- ,-in 1' t, iw ia peaches and apples, H-mlle from Palisade, prlce'$12,0U0. W. K. Bell, Eminett. Jda. ' WHAT havo you In city prooertv to exchange for Iowa farm? Mrs. Myrtle ueuei, uus r. zetn oi. wsd. luux. FOR a dnlnty dessert use Daltell's lea cream. If Mrs. F. C. Warner, 1121 Wil liam Bt., win com to I he Be office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fin 1c cream. WANTED TO BUY td-hand goods. Kleser, 1020 Center. D-eeei. WE PAY hlrhnst lirlc. ,.i ..-. mA hand clothing. M. Nathan. lu 8. Uth. A SADDLE. Addreas F 441. Bee. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rant 4-roonx house, aari motlrrn, iu any part of city. Addroa N. If, bee. IVlVTVtl T.n . 1 k. -l . . bath, near business district Addreaa with eaiaiis, care u Mi. uee. THREE or four unfurnished heated rooms, or apartments; walking distance preferred. Douglaa T7VL W INTril A ..1... - .. .... . n w . . w . .wu. V, .ITS rooms; rent must not be over lit per month. Addreaa. C 17a, cara Bea. wivTrn t. . . .. . . . . mm vr .umi uiii iiniienea rooms, niut not la very far out Mra, Herman. J2 California. WANTED A cottage, four or ftv rooms; rent must not be over 111 per month. Addreaa, C IT, car Be. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNO lady, with high echool eduoa. lion, wlslies a position. C IwU. Be. MAN wants position as Janitor; good references. Address B-lai. oaro Baa. KiHor class practical nuraa cam. be ogagea at oooa. uvugia i4 SEWING by tha day In families; good suit guaranieeu. ruoo tvebalar 4t4X WANTED Place on lama for boy U a we. m . m. eie DAY work and family washing. Har ney Comptometer operator, railroad xpr Itnca Q. M, be. WANTEDSITUATIONS (Continued.) A CAPABLE enera-etie woman of ax perienc and ability wants position a rook and houstkeeper for olub house, or In widower fnmi.y, Can furnish beet refarencea Address Mr. U. W. 1124 West in t., North I'lattc. Nab. , MAN and wife, very rapabl. delrea employment; experienced as manager ana nousekreper. Aaureee, li-3w. Bee. WANTED Position as housekeeper In tirst-riass notei; thoroughly competent; reference; In or out of ciiy, Addres Bos tli, Excelsior Springs, Mo. SCANDINAVIAN man and wife, with two children, one 4 an.l one 1 year old. want to work on a (arm or camp; good strong worker. Address Y 1, care Bee. YOUNO msn wants position a team ster. Harry Olaser, 1410 Uarfleld Ave., city. SITUATION by woman cook; call or write. 1 10 Chicago St WASHING or cleaning for Thursday and Friday. Webster 4J09. WOMAN wants day work. Phon Web. SITUATION WANTED Printer wants Ituatinn at once. Address Frank Wal ker, Persia, la. OERMAN. middle aged, reeoectahle widow; all alone, would Ilk a aood home witn an eineny gentleman, more than wagea. beet references. Address Y. 6, car Bee. LADY with -year-old child wants to work for room and board In private fam ily, sty, a. OOOD penman wlahe position as policy writer. Address K 444. Bee. STENOGRAPHER, nigh school rradu- at and have completed atenoaranhlo oouree; salary not th object; will start on trial. H 443, Bea. AFTER a day's work a little recreation ia welcomed. W will glv to Mrs. Kee- nan, 2410 Chicago St., an order for a pair of tickets to the Woodward Stock com pany at tha American theater If she will com to The Be office within three day. .TO TI enit A ramiuialtn, wr . r, . rt,.1 linn steady or extra; eight years' country ex perience; temperate. Address Y 7, car on-.. FAMILY and bundle washlnr: spe cialty, lac curtains. Webster 6902. WASHING and curtains dona. T. II 1420 EXPERIENCED accountant will take car of small set of books during spar time. N 447, Bee. TRUSTWORTHY lady with 1-year-old girl want to work for board and room in private family, or do housekeeping for old couple. Address D 439, Bee. - " " " ' 1 ' I OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchants. consignment solicited. iW Brandels. Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 7(4 Brandels. THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Conslen. ments carefully handled. Omaha, Neb. MERK1AM COMMISSION CO. "Ask th man who haa tried ua." CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. wholesale dealera In graa, hay. chop feed, la Hranaeia Jttiag. ROBERTS GRAIN CO.. grain conalvn. menta solicited, grain bought to arrive. Ti Brandels. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Rhltt vour stock to Sooth Or-uliai are - mileage and shrinkage; your consiKDuituiis rcvcivv rvuts ana careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byars Bros. 4k Co. strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., K4-M Kxchang Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha 4k Denver. W. R. SMITH bON juat handle sheep. W. F. DENNY Ik CO., UI Kxch. Bldg. TAGG BROS, handle cattl. hugs, sheep. CLIFTON Com. Co.. Ui Kxohange Bldg. Donahue ft Randall Co., 202 Each. Bids. Clay, Robinson 4k Co., sOo EjicO. Bldg Tha Standard Com. Co., lis Ejtch, Bldg. W. K. SMITH 4k BON juat handle sheen. Interstate Co. Belter rtsuits. Bhlp to ua. BURKE-RICKLY CO.. 301 Kxch. Bldg. L. E. ROBERTS 4k CO., JS Kxch. Bldg. Allan Dudley 4k Co.. 236-17 Kxch. Bldg. Cox 4V Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. Ralston At Fonda. 11 v stock com. mar. Farmers L. B. Com. Co., JUS Exchanga rialuull HFnMa n . K 1 m n 1 a. - taroa Nat I Bank. Only bank at yania. WINN BROS. 4k CO.. Exchange Bldg. LAVKRTY BROS-. Us-eO Excb. Bldg. paxtQD-Eckman Cham. Co. at'k ramadlaa. Martin Bros. 4k Co.. X-T Kxch. Bldg. Alex G. Buchanan A Bon. 1M-M Ex. Bldg. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROIOSALli FOR LEUU1NS AND HAT Cord. Chief tuarlermaeler'a Olflve, Federal Building, Chicago, ill., October 7, W1L tiealed prupoaala, in triplicate, sub ject to Ilia usual conditions, will b re ceived at this office until 12:00 o clock, M., October , lull, and then opened, foi furnishing and delivering at either the Boston, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis or Chicago depot of tha (Quartermaster Department: ttiO.OOO pre. Leggins. Canvas, and 1U.UM Cords, Hat; subject to Increase of not to exceed 00 per cent. If desired by this department Right Is reeerved to reject or accept any or ail proooeala or any part thereof. .Preference will be given to articles of domestic manufacture, conditions of quality and price (Including in tne price in toreiitn productions or manufacturea the duty thereon) being eiul. Standard samples can be seen, and specifications, blanks for proposals and full Information will be furnished upon application at ths olflce, Knveloies con taining proposaia to be indorsed "Proposal for Lrggln and Hat Cords, to be opened Oct , lull." COL. JNO L. CLEM, Chief Quartermaster. OCl-lu-ll-lJ-3S-27 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Deasaad for Cattl aad heea Steady Hogs Higher. CHICAGO, Oct. 1!. BATTLE Receipt atlmated at 7.000 head; market steady; beeves, llMtLW; Texas steer. 4. IbfL SO. weetern steers. 4.1bi!iMk; atocker and feeder. tlStxy&TO; row and heifer. U.iM tie 16: calves, la.&OiiS.bO. HOUS Receipts estimated at M.0U0 head; market 6c higher; lights, !.00ti. To; mixed, Ie.ttu4.7&; heavy, ti.SO-u 76; rough, 16 D.MU6.20; good to choice heavy, v'(r '. pig. KooyluO; uulk of sale. K-IOid 1.46. SHEEP AND LAMRS-RecelDta eatl. mated at 40.ou head; market steady to luo lower; native, 12 bout 10; western. 11 Ou n ie; yearunga ifc-JH : lamba, native. t.suQ.w, w eel era, M. Q. la . Usli I lea Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Oct 1J.-OATTLE Rei-elpt 4.6C0 head. Including l.ano Texan; market ateady; native beef steers, tS.Uw 36; eowa and heifer, ti oo tiT.S; sKHkers and feeders. 11 .&JJ6.I6; Texas and Indian steers. 1411)4x7 .00; cow and heifers, ki.0uuo.0u; calves lu car load lota, lluou7.&. HOtiS Receipts. 000 head: market ateady; piss and lights, 4(w(irt; pacK era. It.4&.u.a6; buUhera and beat heavy e.4M4'6. SliKEP AND LAMBS Receipt estl mated at iU head: market steady: na- Uv muttons, U isjtou, lambs, .o10. OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Beit Cattle Ten to Fifteen Higher Than Tear Ago. HOGS ARE STRONG TO HIGHER Parkers Parrkae Be Ead of the Re relpte aheea aad Laaiba Actlv aad Slightly Lower la Price, SOUTH OMAHA. Oct 12, 19U- Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Official Monday 10,33 13K9 477 66.4iv orriclal Tuesday 7.W1 i-lilcls Wednesday .. I.vll Estimate Thursday ... I.WW 7,24t 4,700 16.100 Four days this week.K,4r0 Same days last week. W. 4? Same daya t wks. ago..M.2 Sam day 1 wks. ago.. 29.223 Same days 4 wks. ago. 2X.75I3 Same day last year..3S.3HS M.717 136M 2.1. 1H7 20. 6 lS.ij.- 13.40 1M.2-W 137. 5i lM.Olii 171. 2Ko 182. & Tha following table show the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for th year to date, a compared with last year: inn iio. Inc. Dec. ' attl HOg.JU M6.191 11,773 Hog t.a.k 1.WK1.0I7 S42.4M Sheep 2,l4.2oS I,141,02 23.123 Th following table show the average f nines for hog at Bouth Omaha for th ast few days, with comparison: Dat 1911. m0.10B.l0l.19n7.190.19OS. Oct. .. Oct. 4.. I 4.1 62 e I Rl I 4 I V II 2S' 7 Ml 7 I 2l I 00 Oct .. 22V4 I 111 I 271 46 SI t 141 291 lot Oct I.. Oct 7.. I 40 7 7 e II e 1 oi I 06 B 03 I 06 4 9 i 91 42W I 471 7 54 16 I la I 20 16 Oct .. I 27 7 67 I I 07 I 11 12 S SO I 2- Oct. . T 1 1 7 Oct 10.. I 14 I 22 I 23 Oct. 11.. Oct. U..J 21 161 I 20 I 41 7 7W llj I 21 Sunday. Receipts snd dlsnnaltlnn nf live stock St the Union Stock Ysrria South llmihi for twenty-four hours ending at I p. ni. yesterday: RECEIPT 8 CARS. Cattla TTncr. Uh..n II'.'. n r . m. tm DL t Wabash J I .. 1 1 67 23 1 "i 17 ii " 78 92 1 Missouri Pacific... I Union Pacific ii C. A N. W.. east.. C. A N. W. west.. 11 C, B. A Q., east.. .. C., H. Ac Q west.. 7 C, R. I. A P., east. 1 C, R. I. A P., west S Illinois Central .... I C. O. W Total receipts ..117 DISPOSITION HEAD. . Hogs. Sheep, uiwhii racking Co 2ti9 owni ana company 1,220 Cud&hy Packing Co 6H Armour Co 470 1.1.12 1,27 2 ie7 g'uuK i fm ' l,4i 147 W. Mumhv Cudahy, from Denver.. 207 Omaha, from Denver.. 62 morrell 43 W. B. Vansant Co aa Benton, Vansant 4k L. 121 Hill 4k Bon 7 F. B. Lewis i Huston 4k Co M . .Root A Co -i J. H. Bulla A7 U F. Hus ii L. Wolf 189 McCreary 45 . werthelmer 17 H. F. Hamilton. 9 Lee Rothschild 61 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.... 117 Christy 4k Klin 71 Other buyers 829 22,067 Totals 5,031 CATTLE RecelDts todnv 4,871 S2.6U were pretty mucn th sam as on last Thursday and wia quaiiy of the arrivals hss shown very little chsnge for several days. Very " ii snoweu up in tha of fering, but such as there wer found ready sale at right around steaay prlcee. Demand for western lang beeves was perhaps a little bailee tn.n . .... and th more oealrabla irrades ,niH tn rather better advantage. As ther was considerable competition from th feeder oo in supply of good, flesny tock ws not at all large. Compared with a week ago. th market Is pretty close to lo16o higher, although tha com moner grades are still slow and uneven sellers. Cows and heifers found a broad outlet at steaay to stronger prices all around. Demand from both local packers and out side butchers for th good to choice grades hss shown considerable Improve ment this week and prloes are all of 104 16c higner than they wer at th clos of last week. On the mhar h.n .1 demand for th common and canning grades haa ' not been ao good and these ar probably that much lower then . week ago. Veal calves sre strong and bulls, stags, etc.. are selling in suostanuaiiy in sam notches as a week ago. 'ther waa a fair dea-rea nf life an activity to th atocker and feeder trade and volume of business continues rather nuerai miner me innuenc of a Vigorous demand from th country. Innuirv i generally for steers of good weight and Huauuj, dui UW1 iigni stun also sell readily and well, as there la a -n.t in quiry for practically anything at all use ful In this Una. Prices are fullv lOrnif-, higher for th week, and Indicium. . r. favorable for a good clearance. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, I7.264j7.lft); fair to good beef steers,; common to fair beef steers. 4.76u4.60: aood to nhnin. V,. tr ees. 4.7fKa6.0: good to oholoa cowa. 1 urt 6.0U; fair to good cowa. t.76i4.eO; common 10 iair cows, so. i(Kt.Mi; veal calves, 11.60 7.60. Quotations on range cattl: Good to choice beef steers, !6.60$t).60; (air to good i'ct i imn, e.vwov.ev; common to lair beef steers, t4.26Q4.Mli good to cholc heif ers, I4.ib4jb.26; good to choice cows, 4.40t 16.00; fair to good cows, 13.76(84.40; good to cholc atockars and feeders, l6.vXKa4.00: fair to good Blockers and feeders. 14 40k 6.00; common to fair Blockers and feeders. tags, etc., XX2606 UI. Itepresentative sales t WESTERNS NEBRASKA. M heifers... 787 I 90 26 feeders.. 622 5 75 40 4 05 3 M 4 65 4 ti 4 ti 4 65 6 10 8 V 24 feeders.. 73 27 cow ko0 4 66 4 16 4 70 4 9 4 20 4 00 4 40 I 60 i 10 4 cows Ms) 14 heifers... 748 11 cows biA feeders.. 3X7 18 cows 1032 8 feeders.. (w7 13 feeders.. 841 U2 Blears... 1145 10 feeders.. 7(i5 ii feeders.. 107 11 cows &4 tJ steers.... koo 12 steers.... tl 14 calves... 1W fcj steers.. ..11MS cows...,. 937 15 cows Si I 25 BEEF STEERS. Ne. At. Pr. Ne. At. Tt. ti 1044 4 7 U loot T 14 U4 i It lt t 40 IT 1141 4 tt W 1141 1 a 4 424 t M COWS. I b I U 14 lot I 44 7 I is 6 eta 4 oa I TH IS 4 7V7 4 4 I mu I 14 t ; 4 w I I 4 4 1U2I 4 w 4 SM 6 4 H... Mil 4 1 , .Elf , mvj 6 444 I 4 I 144 I 40 4 b 4 44 I W IW 11) lw) 4 M CALVE8. 1 174 I tt l....- 140 T X UI I M l. 14 t 44 1 it IH 1 14 f 4 1..., No. 1J... 4.... 1... m... 7.... U... ti.... 4... 14..., .... 44... 44... 4... 41... 44... 44... 44... 44... ... 44... 11 1 SB CKHti.j AND FEEDERS A. sk. rt. Ne. At. 8k. rY. (7. ...... hi ue 4 uu. 4 k w 4 I.', 4 lu 14 ( UI, 44 l4 ... IU. 1 141 44 4 It 134 4 4 S4 74 IJ4 4 4 M 41 U4 lt 4 4 M 141 ... M 44 1M N Is 44 1M W IX 74 444 S 4 X4 7 44 44 I 14 44 It M tt Tl 171 IU 4 tt 41 l II tt o 4 X4 41 M tt itt lie x4 " M M 4 14 47 147 ... in II t 44 4 M 14 1M ... tt 44 147 4 4 tt 744 I 4 104 4M 7( 714 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 44 4 4 4 tt 4 44 4 74 4 14 I 4 4 M 4 4 4 4 M W 4 W 10 4 M 4 xe 4 i 4 0 4 t 4 W 4 M 4 M :4 4 : 4 11 4 ri4 4 4 11 luu 411 1M ... .M .114 ...14 ...Hi ...4 ...H4 ...X . ...Ill ...tT ...k4 .. t ...T ...m ...4 .. ...121 ...114 ,...114 ... Il 44.... 17.... 47.... 44.... 41.... a.... 41.... 40.... 41.... ! JJ ... 46 I1 Wis 41 ..114 M 4 a 4 14 4 14 4 n I 14 4 !4 4 !? 4 lite rn M 4 M 4 le 4 4 74.. ..111 44 .14 t ... ..144 II .101 lie ..411 xu .141 S4 . iJ ... ..MS 4 ,.17 ... ..134 11 .14 W 74.,,. tl.... 44... 44... IT. ... 71.... ..141 .111 . -4 ..lit ..: ..t.t .1.4 4 tl I U W 44 ... 44.... ...trr 1 in h ti W4 ... ...110 120 4 tl4j H 117 ... 4 ll4 ..HI Ml t in, 1:17 ... 1 i; ...I74 t 12 u w Ml 24 4 n ..tin ... I3 si 1W . ...147 114 'KK. ii lei la I Aug. Bergman .Neb. 15 feeders 27 cows... 26 cows... 4 calves.. . T 4 66 I cows 1021 4 00 W. C. Coble Neb. . 920 1 90 27 cows "5 . ' I 6T calvee... 361 , 21 I 60 23 calves. . . v . 241 I 60 t 70 I 00 6 15 U calves. M. R. Robertson Neb. 11 cows. 906 8 SO I'. Hempel-Neb. 7 cows... 11 heifers. 997 4 00 I calves... 210 f7 I 66 F. W. Bonts-Neb. I 60 4M 4 25 I cows. ... M 4 10 9 steers.... 985 W. Y. Slmonson Neb. 23 feeders.. 970 4 W 19 heifers... 608 10 cow 900 I 76 I C. A. I incomer Neb. I 40 steers, ... 1288 5 60 J. F. Btrong Neb. 21 feeders.. 1240 6 25 19 cows 1043 4 23 7 SO 1 cows 1010 I 60 1 calves... ldo WTOMINU. 10 cows 974 4 26 Western Ranches Wyo. 43 stera....ll2o 4 76 30 steers.. ..1002 7 cows fcJO I 26 19 cows 783 Daly Bros. Wyo. 19 steers.. ..10H0 4 60 13 steers.. ..1184 heifers... 1071 4 46 J. B. K end rick-Wvo. 4 28 5 00 58 cows 971 4 35 65 cows 956 40 cows 930 I 70 27 cows 9.1O 21 cowa 915 I 70 62 steers. ...11K9 16 steers.... 1135 4 60 23 steors. ...1143 4 I 70 6 35 4 t0 6 85 4 60 4 36 R. Montgomery Wyo. 81 cows 845 1 15 4 steers.. ..1235 8 steers. ...1340 6 85 6 steers... .1204 W. C. tiulllvan Wvo. 24 feeders.. 956 4 65 23 cows 1041 U &11...II 1' I II ..Ivu All A Tl W ImnW 27 feeders. .1305 6 60 16 cow....'.l(W) 4 60 6 la 4 50 4 10 10 cows 10U2 165 II steers. ...1576 J. Jones Wyo. 14 cows 833 1 75 " steers.... 9S6 O. H. Oross Wvo. 41 steers.. ..1170 6 05 82 cows 1007 O. Carr Wyo. 45 steers.. ..1091 I 05 MONTANA. 9C0WS 1085 4 60 30 feeders.. 1020 BOUTH DAKOTA. I 20 11 calves... 241 6 00 27 feeders.. 808 4 90 I 60 16 heifers... W 1 20 86 cows 810 27 calves... 840 4 76 J. W. Kelly 8. D. 44 cows 820 1 60 22 yearlings 587 4 40 7 00 17 heifers... 623 I 70 6 calves... 110 J. T. Craig-S. D. 6 cows 818 3 25 6 steers.. ,.iwK) 7 cows 1W7 3 75 W. J. Henderson S. D. 19 heifers... 600 8 75 Western Ranches 8. D. 4 85 24 Steers. ...1127 4 60 IH steers.. ..Ill 24 steers... .11W 4 25 28 steers. ...1110 4 S5 4 & IS steers.. ..1228 6 36 F. W. Bonts 8. D. I cows 883 4 10 9 steers.... 985 O. R. Romm S. D. 490 IS feeders.. 9iM) 4 66 HOUS Prices for hogs hardened a t trill but tne average Improvement waa hardly worth mentioning. An active de- ouia 01 nuwiiri wae uhiimkiri si quot ably strong figures. The yards wer practically cleared of all offerings befor 10:30 o'clock. Supply was measured by an estimate of about seventy-five loads, ordinary pack- Ing stuff being the general rule. Bacon animals were rare exceptions and ther waa nothing on sale as toppy as th t.4o toaa 01 yeeteruay. . .v.v.M - .110 big end of re ceipts and only a tew loads were required on outHldo orders. There was very little demand of a purely speculative nature, a trade condition that ha been more or leso pronounced for some time past Droves were put up largely at two or three prices, bulk landing at 96.20rtf6.26 as compared with yesterday's popular price of 16.20. The best bacon weights on sale dropped to 16.85, a limit that aenms low when matched with yesterday's high top. 1 BHEEP For a Thursday receipts of miCTir akou iwiiit ii.m punny u. sise, num bering about 25,0u0 head. Thla estimate makes a four days' total of fully 166,000 head, an aggregate that compares very favorably with the high-water receipts this week last year. Th new supply squisi )j jo eSviuaaaad j2Us pjaso than usual, but feeder classes were still In the heavy majority. Bheep, either feeder or fat Were hard to find. In fat lambs buying sentiment was de cldedely bearish from tha start. In creased offerings, together with th fact that recent prices at this point hav been relatively high, prompted efforts at cheapening cost. Early sales Indi cated a substantial break in values, declines ranging around loo. One string of toppy lambs, similar to th 36.90 ar ticle of yesterday, had to move at 1575, while really good dressers landed around 15.5a From an actual top of 16. ou yes terday, the quotable limit waa pushed back to 85.80 or 85.86, and the demand at the average decline waa anything but active. Fat sheep moved off well, being in very modest supply, snd steady prices were generally maintained. Oood weth ers were wanted around $3.854.00 and ewes ranged at 13.40 and lees. Extra, quality ewes would hardly pas the 13.50 mark. Yearlings drew a healthy demand, but business In this branch of tha trada was small and scattered. everything except a few loads of feed ers found an outlet yesterday, but da spit a roomy market for the new offer ings, the aupply seemed to be In excess 01 tne requirements, few country buy ers were present and the demand from yard traders had a heavy, gorged ap pearance. Aa a result, prices ruled some lower all along the line, feeder lambs getting the poorest treatment. Deslrablo airings with a little weight were casned around 84.76 and it would take something first clsss In every respect to command 15.00 or better. Feeder ewes were quot able from 12.75 downward. Three days' purchase on country account amounts to 103.000 head. Quotations on Bheep and Lambs Lambs, good to choice, t6.6u15.8S; lambs, fair to good, 86.25&6.60; lambs, feeders, 3 60p5.00; yearlings, good to choice, 14 a&M 50; year, lings, feeders. I3.90ty4.26; wethers, handy, l4.7Mi-t.10; wethers, heavy. t3.6Ty94.00; wethers feeders, I3.2&83.6&; ewes, good to choice, 13.253.50; ewes, fair to good, 83.00 ClS.25; ewes, breeders. l3.2Mi4.0O; ewes, feeders. li2.Vfrl.75; ewes, culls, fl.50ia2.2e. Reoreaentatlv sales: No. Pr. 150 4 80 t 25 4 00 00 100 100 140 4 00 1 90 I 70 1 60 1 75 I 60 4 76 I 25 6 26 4 65 4 25 4 66 1 45 1 75 2 65 I 10 I 15 6 15 6 0 4 90 490 4 06 I 25 1 35 80 I 90 t 10 4 70 4 75 KB Wyoming 1'bs, f d'rs, culls.. 37 350 Wyoming l ms, f'd'rs, culls.. 56 M Wyoming lambs 429 Wyoming lambs 419 Wyoming lambs 2)8 Wyoming lamba 674 Wyoming lambs 956 Bouth Dakota weth fdrs South Dakota ylgs fdrs., ISO Wyoming owes, breeders.., 444 Wyoming ewes, feeders.., 270 Wyoming ewes, feeders.., 93 Wyoming ewes, fdrs, culls, 461 Wyoming ewes, feeder.., 72 Natlv lamba , 74 Buck , 105 Montana lamba 1,403 Wyoming lamba, feeders, 778 Wyoming lamba, feeders... 859 Montana lamba, feeders.., 625 Wyoming we. feeder.,, 124 Wyoming ewe, feeder.., 614 Wyoming ewes, feeders.., 146 Wyoming ewe, feeder.., S30 Wyoming lamb, feeders.., 64- 71 72 71 73 91 70 84 86 96 78 85 66 89 64 67 49 64 87 76 98 91 61 313 Wyoming lamba, feeders.... 61 11 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 64 887 Wyoming lamba, feeders.... 67 frO Wyoming lamba. feeders.... 67 fc4 Wyoming lamba 60 110 Wyoming ewee 100 241 Wyoming ewes 87 I i Wyoming ewe and wetn..los 1.4A6 Idaho iambs 70 564 Idaho lamba, feeders 61 Wyoming lamba. feeders.... M tn Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 68 Kaasaa City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITT, Oct. It CATTLE Re ceipts 7.0UV head. Including 2,0X0 southerns; market steady to strong; natlv steers, to.2Mi6.26; southern cows and heifers, 12.75 tr4.76; natlv row and helfera, 12.604(7.00; Blockers and feeders. 14.0vj5 90; bulls, 83. 26 u4.6o; ralvea. t4.2o4i7.25; western steers, I4.0utr7.60; western cows, 83.0ut4.7B. HOGS Receipts, 8.0U0 head; market to higher; bulk of salea. 86.25u.46; heavy, fci 3oni6.46; packers and butchers, le.2i4 6-Ml; lights, l-l lit! 6. 46; pigs. I4.76ki6.00. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 15.000 head; market ateady to luc lower; mut tons, I3.ZS14.00: lambs, 14 60ifr6 90; range wethera and yearlings. 83.26tj4.O0; lamba, 34 6ri6.ii0; rang wether and yearlings, 83.2xa4.76; rang ewee, K.60U4.7S. 4. Joeewa Live Iteek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Oct. IX CATTLE Receipts. 1, 000 heead; market, ateady: teers. t4.5uo8.00; cows and heifers, 12. surf 6b0; calves. I3.6ii4tl.76. HOUcl Receipts. 4.500 head: market, steadv to strong; top, 86.45; bulk of sales, ln lfc-oS 35. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.600 head; market, slow; laaiba, li.Ounni.00. Weel Market. ST. 15U1S, Mo.. Oct. ll-WOOL Blow; territory and western mediums, lTqJoc; fin medluins, 17il9c; fin, 11 lie IT.. 70.. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET CHF.KKE Imported ewlss. 32c; Ameri can bwlss, 2Jc; block Bwlsa. 14c; twins, ltci daisies, 16Sc; triplets. 164c; blue isbel brick, 16c; llmberger, 2-lb., 14c; Urn bergrr. 1 lb.. l!c. BUTTER No. 1. Lib. csrton. 29c; No. U In 60-lb. tubs. Hc; No. X T7Hc; pack ing. ITHc. POULTRY-Brollers, 18c; springs, 19o; hena 13c; cocks, 9c; ducks, 6c; geese. 15c; turkeys, 2&c; pigeons, per dos.. 8160. Alive: Bratlera, Uc: hens. o: old roosters and stags, 4c; old ducks, full feathered, Wc; geese, full feathered, 10c; turkeys, lftc; guinea fowls, 15o each; pigi-ons, per aoa, toe; nomers, per dos., 12 60; squabs. No. 1, 11.50; No. 2. 50c. FISH-Plckerel, 11c; white. I0ci pike, 15c; trout. 15c; large crapples, l.VJ14c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, lHc; haddock, wc; iiounoers, ic; green catrish, 16c; roe shad, 11.00 each; shad roe, per pair joc; salmon, isc; halibut, 9c; yellow percn, ih;; uuuaio. ec; DUlineaOS, 14c, BEEF CUTS Ribs: No. 1. 18c: No t 2, 14c; No. 1. 9o. Chuck: No. T 7S43 No. 2. 5c; No. 8, 5"ar. Round: No. 1 lie; No. 1, mio; No. 1, tc Plat: No. l! 6c; No. 2. 5c; No. I. 4c. FRUITS, 7ic Apple: Cooking va- 1 . . , - - v. 1 ..... 1 . , 'T ritvie, yri uui,, e.iD, .uiisinxn, per nhl, 14 00; California Bellflower, per box, l 2S! Colorado Jonathan, extra fancr. per box' 1126. Bananas: Fancy select ner hunch I2.26ig2.50; Jumbo, per bunch, 2. 75S3.75. rrices 01 otm jois iuds: xn o. 1. ikc No. X. 13c: No. 1. 8Ho. Loins: No. L 1H: No. t, 14c; No. I, to. Chuck: No! L 7H; No. t 64,o; No. t 5c Round: No. 1. He: No. 1. 8Hc: No. 1. 8c Plate- Na 1 4c: No. t 5c: No. 1. 4H. VEGETABLES Beans: Strln an.1 wax. per mkt buk.. 90c. Cabbarei tvi,. consin, per lb., lHc. Celery: Michigan per dos., S5c; Colorado Jumbo, per dos.' 660. Cucumbers; Home grown, ner do.' 50c. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, oar dos.. 11.50. Oarllc: Extra fancy, white, per lb., 15c. Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dos.. 4wc. viiions: iiome grown, wnite, per crate, 11.75; yellow, per crate, 11.60; red globe, per lb., 2'4c; Wisconsin, yellow. In sacks, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate. 81.76. Parsley: Fancy home grown, per dos., bunches. 46c Potatoes. Minnesota Early Ohio, per bu., 90c; Wisconsin whit tock, per bu., 85c. Sweet Potatoes: Vir ginia, per ddl. ou: ner du. hic 11 at Rutabagas: In sacks per lb., llo. Tol maioes: nome grown, per mkt bsk., 60a. ist.citii.Ani,uuB Aimonas: Califor nia soft shell, per lb.. 20c: In sack lot. Io less. Brazil nuts: Per lb., 13c; in Bscs, iui, .0 iBBB. nesuiuts: rer Ib 16c. Cocoanut: Per aack. 16.00. Filberts: Per lb.. 14c: In sack lota, la nuts: Roasted, per lb., 8Hc; raw, per iw.. v,. . Am IRC. unr id.. 1 ISC " in sack lota, la less. Wslnuts: California. .Kwn un,, io fee, noney: New, 24 frames, 83.75. Kraut: Pr 15- su. mi --o, per o-gai. Keg, ji.iu. I.ondea Stock Market. LONDON. Oct. 12. American aecurltu. opened steady hers today and a fraction nigner. i racing was light and was con fined to Union Pacific Southern Pacific ana in ilea mates eteel. After a quiet .niiBKiii ins inaxaei cioeea siesdy, with prices from to higher than yester- Lr new i ura Closing. London closing stock quotations : Consols, money .... HV4 Ixiulsrllls 4V Nub. 141 lio sennnt ....77 4-11 Mo.. Ko. A Taxes It Amsl. Copper 61HN. T. Csntrsl 10714 AnaconA IH Norfolk Wstera.l04u, Atchison 10414 4 pli ig 4 B" WstOntsrto A Westers 1414 Baltimore A Ohio.. Pennsjlvanla uu. Canadian Pacific ..IllHRand Mines 7 Chosap4ke A Ohio. 74Kea4lnc 7ou cm. ureal wwtarn. 11 Southern By 7vi v-mi., im.i. mm ou ao pia, OX-S1V. t Beer 1 Southern Paclfle Danver A Rio a... 4114 Union Paolno .., 4 Pf4 4H4 4a pM , Brie II U. g. Steal , do let pf4 H do pf , do 14 Bfd 41 Wahaah 70 u ..110T4 ..14 .. IH .. 11 Grand Trunk 41 da sfd ........... Illinois Central ...141V , M feiiVLK war, qmet at 24 6-16d per ounce. MONEY-m92 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 8 per cent; for three months' bills, 3B4 per cent Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct 13. WHEAT December, I1.0D,; May. 11.13141.134,; No. 1 hard, 11.10; No. 1 northern, 11.004. 1.08; No. 1 northern, 11.06Hl.v7T.: No. A 1.01,1.04H. FLAX-I2.38H. . BARLEY 70c 11.15. CORN No. I yellow, 68Hc. ' OATS No. I white, 46&46HC RYE-No. 1, 92H90. B RAN 821. 50l&2i.uo. - " . , nni 1 1 , eo.ov'; sec ond patents, 84.9t&5.20; first clears. 13.80ia 4.16; second clears, 12.70&3.10. Chleagro Prodare Market. . CHTPAno rw- in niTTTD.,..j creamery, 23g29c; dairies, 21i&26c. . cuua Bteaqy; receipts, 1,778 cases; at m rW r- u ... 1 n-l , , .1 mA i?. eiH,. . prime first. 21Vc CHEESE Steady; daisies, 14ffll44e: twins? 13V4134ic; young Americas, Hi Uhc; long horns, 14ffll4c. " POTATllRH . .V,I.. . Affair to ioodT63r w " w ruuLTKi-Kasy; turkeys, 15c; chick ens, 10Vc; springs, 11c. VEAL-6teady; 60 to 60-lb, wts.. llife; 60 to 85-lb. Wts., 9S10ic; 85 to llO-lb! wts., 11c. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILJ4DKnPH7A. Oct. in pttttd-d Firm; extia western creamery, 13c: nearby prints, 14c. LOOS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free ra ... x ia current receipts 17.60 per case; western firsts, free cases, 88.10 per case; current receipts, f re cases, I7.20iS7.5O per case. Liverpool Urmia Market. . IJVERPOOL, Oct. 11. WHEAT Spot, dull; No. 1 and No. I Manitoba, not quoted. Futures steady; December. 7 6'Ad; March, 7s Mid. CORN 8 pot firm; American mixed Id. Future steady; October 6s iTsd; Jan uary, 6s 9d. Dalwtk Grata Market. DULTTH. Oct, 12. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 31.00; No. 1 northern. 11.08; No. 1 northern. 11.08l.O5 ; No. 3, 81.00i 1 10; December, 31.08; . May, . I1.12n 1.13, bid. OATS 46c. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 12 WHEAT No, 1 northern, 11.12oLlS; No. 1 northern, 11.10; No. 1 hard winter, 1.0l1.08; December. 9c; May. 11.041,. OA T8 47H(i47e. BARLEY-41.12iSl.tO. Oaaaka Hay Market. OMAHA, Oct. 11. HAT NO. 1. ttlto No. 1. 111.00: coarse. 110.00; packing stock. 87.001400; alfalfa, 113 00. Straw: Wheat e4.50j.00; rye and oats, 6.u0. Tarpentlne A: SAVANNAH Oct. IS. ad Reala. -TURPENTINE Firm: 49Stb4DHc; sales, 745 bbls. ; shipments. kv bbls.; receipts, 290 bbls.; stocks. 36,848 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 1.035 bbls.: shipments, 2,113 bbls; receipts. ue oois. ; slocks, D l AA. .. 7H.7K1 bhls. Quotations lii-42': , U, rt. sb.46; M, 86.60; N, 16.70; W. 17.40. 1, I6 47.50; K. tack la tttht. Receipts of live stock at th five princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattl lln.. Qv. . South Omaha 6.9U) 4.70 15.100 St. Joaeph 1.4) 4.(00 ' SftiO Kansas City 7.0H0 8.000 15.000 Bt. Ix)Uls 6.5U) 9 1.0 g juo Chicago 7.000 lO.OOi) 40 uu) Totals .28.400 46.300 78,100 Prisoner Dies of Strange Ailment C. Forbes Robertson. A watchman an a hog ranch near South Omaha, died at th county hospital Wednesday night after aa Illness which haa baffled the doctors for two days. His body was taken by th coroner and an autopsy will b bald. Robertson was picked up on the street drunk by Officer Hagerman early Sun day morning. Th next day when h was to be taken to th court room h became suddenly 111 and lost all control of bis vocal powers. His condition became worse until Tuesday afternoon h was taken to the county hospital. Robertson died leav ing the doctors mystified. He has a brother living at Forty-sixth and Sara toga streets. WILSON CASEJS DISMISSED Judg-e Crawford Holdi Wilton it Net Guilty Under Complaint. HAD NOT VIOLATED STATUTE Law Does Net Provide that It Is tha Defy f Registrars to Advise " Vetera Where Tfcey Are apposed to Register. Judge Crawford dismissed th case against James Wilson In police court Thursday morning. Wilson was charged by John J. Mahoney. candidate for nolle magistrate on th democratic ticket, with Illegally registering several nonresidents of th Third ward, of which h was reg istrar In th First precinct. In handing down his decision In the case, which he had taken under advise ment, Judge Crawford said: "Th evidence In this case tends to prtvv that one c. A. tmber presented himself at a Third ward precinct, where he had previously voted, for a transfer to the Eighth ward, where he Ig now living; that th defend ant, Wilson, who Is one of the Third wartl. registrars, advised Duber that It waa not necessary for him to change his voting place and that fife should register from his former residence In WUson's precinct. The evidence shows that Wilson knew Duber no longer lived In his precinct, and that, acting on Wilson's advice and sug gestion. Duber was sworn, and by his false answers qualified as a voter of th preolnct. taw and Facta la the Case. "Th Information Is drawn under a sec tloti of the statute making it a rotsdl meanor for any registrar to be guilty of any neglect of his duty, as such registrar or any corrupt or fraudulent conduct In the performance of such official duty. "To make It clear and plain that thla evidence does not constitute a violation of this statute tt Is sufficient to say that It I nowhere made' the duty of a regis trar to advise or Instruct a cttiien as to his rights to register and vote. "If one present himself to the board of registration, makes oath as to his birth, residence, citizenship and party affilia tion, the registrar's duty Is to spread that information on his books. If he does not do It he Is guilty of 'neglect of his offi cial duty.' If he records the cltlsen's an swers Incorrectly and does so corruptly and fraudulently ha Is guilty of 'corrupt and fraudulent conduct In th perform, ance of his official duty.' "But giving advice to on presenting himself to register Is not his duty as a registrar and Is not a violation of th section under which this complaint wag drawn, even If fraudulent and corrupt." Mrs. Hahn Seeking -. to Eject Tenants Bertha M. Hahn of Chicago Instituted ouster proceedings in the United States circuit court Wednesday against Hugo Melcholr, the Pa bet Brewing company and Robert Btoddard and Cain B. Mere dith, of th co-partnership of Btoddard A Meredith. The plaintiff asks the court to eject the defendants from the three-story brick structure at 214-116 Bouth Four, teenth street, on the ground that they have refused to pay rent since the first of August Mr. Melcholr claims that h baa toad permanent improvements at the place for his sub-tenants and that thes Improvements are equal in valu to th rent demanded, which Is 1X000. Th plaintiff says she has no knowledge of any improvements mad, but Is willing, according to the lease, to pay half the cost of Improvements that have been made. If the defendant can convince the court he has made them. Eagles Give Stag Party This Evening The Eagles will hold a stag party at the aerie. 1410 Harney street, this evening and President William Kennedy has se- cured soma special attractions. Some of the Ak-Sar-Ben "Oymnake" songs will be sung. Captain Henry Dunn, ex-presl-dent of the local Eagles, will appear in the role of Chief Bakonuts. Manager Charles Frank of the Krug will furnish some acta from his burlesque show and the four Hottentots wll be present. Ther also will be moving picture. General F. A. Smith has promised a drill team from Fort Crook. . Insane Man Causes Pjanic in a Theater Nearly 100 patrons of Elite theater No.l, on Farnam street, near Fourteenth, were thrown into a panto Wednesday night when E. V. Nicholson, who Is thought to be Insane, suddenly leaped up in hi seat and began to shriek and curse. Ushers at tempted to quiet him, but when they ap proached he began to fight, and it was 1 with great difficulty that h was finally taken out. He was locked up In a cell pending an examination. While being f ejected from th theater he fell r.nd cut 1 a deep gash on his heed. OMAHA TEACHERS PLAN FETES FOR VISITORS Omaha teachers, acting In conjunction with Superintendent Graft of the city schools, or laying plans to glv th stat teachers a royal welcome when they come to th convention to be held No vember to 10. The teachers of th high school are arranging to receive the visitors at the high school building dur ing the afternoon of the last two days of th convention. Two of th rooms In th high school building will be converted Into parlors snd In thes th teachers will entertain tha visitors, serving tea and perhaps tight refreshments. The big social event of the convention will be held Thursday evening, November 9, th second day of ths convention, probably in th Auditorium the Omaha teacher will all join In tendering a publlo recaption to all of the visitors. During the evening refreshments will be served, but most of the time will be devoted tj getting acquainted with th guests. ROSENZWEIQ MOVES UP IN THE RAILROAD WORLD Julius Roanswlg. an Omaha boy whose railroad career started In this city and who for several years haa been con tracting agent for th Illinois Central, has Just received notice of his promotion, to the boaltlon of traveling nuu.n .ni freight agent, with headquarters st Waterloo, Ia. His territory will Include the Central tinea between Albert ia, Minn., and Manchester, Is, Freeman Bradford succeeds Rosenswelg In this city a contracting freight agent for th Illluol Central.