Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Our Magazine Features
fcnmcr, fiction an comle
pictures th. teat of entertain
mailt, tnatrnetloa, luiumml
VOL. XLI-XO. 101.
Revolutionists Occupy Chang Sha,
Nan King-, Sui Ting Fu and
Hang- Yang.
fcommander-in-Chief Gives Order to
Legal Holiday Decreed by the Last
Advance Against Turkish
Tribes in Tripoli.
State Legislature is Appro
priately Celebrated.
Nineteen transports arrive
landing of Troops, Artillery, Ammu
nition and Horses Accomplished.
Tart of Force Will Be Sent to
Be.nFhazt nrl Dsrnii.
Plate Department la Washington
Believe Agreement aa to Peace
la Near Grave Sltnatloa
la Tarkey.
f tTRIPOIJ. Oct 12 General Canevi
bommander-in-chief of the Italian ex
pedition baa. It appears, ordered an 1m-
edltlon, haa. It appears ordered an lrn
gnedlate advance against the positions
pf Tripoli.
Nineteen transport arrived In the har
bor thla morning;. They brought the sec
fcnd part of the Italian army expedi
tionary oorpa which la to occupy Tripoli.
(The landing of the troops, artillery.- am-
tnunltion and homes began immediately.
Whan th tranaporta were sighted the
forts saluted, and the colors of Italy were
frun up over the fortifications and prin
cipal buildings of the town. Great crowds
tit Europeans and natives in character.
ftsrjo costumes, Bailors and soldiers gath
ered along the shore.
i The landing was continued expedi
: The Beraagllera sappers are busy con
structing wooden huts for the accommo
dation of the troops. A part of the force
landed today will be sent to occupy
Benghazi and Derna.
1 Think Peace la Near.
Washington, Oct. 12. state depart
gnent officials expressed the view today
ihat with the German emperor working
on his ally, the king of Italy, and the
tzar of Russia in a favorable position
to Influence the porte, peace between
Btaly and Turkey is not far off and and
that an armistice, at least, can be ar
ranged aa soon as Turkey is prepared to
hdmlt that Italy ia in technical possession
jpf Tripoli.
j PARIS, Oct. 12. The French foreign of-
glee had no confirmation today of the
(published statement that Italy and Turkey
Cnere on the point of arranging an arm is
tee. On the contrary, the officials re-
vard the report premature. Neither
power has Indicated to France the condl.
jtion under which an offer of mediation
tould be mace.
Grave Situation la Tarkey.
I LONDON. Oct. 13A news dispatch
from Constantinople forwarded by way
kf the Bulgarian frontier, to avoid the
HTurkJsh cenaor. today say that tha situ.
feion in the Turkish capital is grave. It
is xeerea vnai np
Saturday an open conruct win tax piaca
fcetween the committee or union ana
progress and the reactionary party. -The
naases are greatly excited against the
iToung Turka committee and the beat men
Itrefuse to Join the government while the
committee attempts to dominate it.
f l tT rMTTTT T .V Til., fw. IS. John W.
TWash, a spectacled, stooped merchant of
Palmyra, took the witness atand today
auid told how he ahot George Clarence
... . . i . l . i j ,i A ir..
tin had Improper relations witn Mrs.
fWaeh and with their 14-year-old daugh-
ter, Iietta.
I "When I accused him.
he said he had
koved my wife ever since that first night
jiwhen he saw her at a protracted meet-
ling," said Wash, "and I told him I would
get a divorce, since my wife had said she
Joved him, too, and that I would give
torn half my property, and he could take
liny wife and Isetta, and that he go his
way and leave the other two children
!wlth me."
He said It waa Martin's refusal finally
'to stand by this agreement which
Iprompted him to shoot Martin to death,
The Weather
FOR NEBRASKA Generally fair,
FOR IOWA Phowera.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday
, fa
Loral Itevord
1911. 1910. ISM 1D0S
Highest yesterday...
Lowest yeeterdav. ..
Mean temperature...
.... 6 tl Z 3S
5H f
.... "0 3? 52
T .00 00 .
Temperature and
precipitation de-
part urea from the normal at Omaha since
March 1 and compared with the last two
Normal temperature 67
Fxresa for the dav i a
Total excesa since March 1 78
Normal precipitation (Winch
peflclency for the day ns inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. 12 Inches
Iiefidency since March 1 13 79tnches
reflcleney for cor. period. l"lrt 12 U Inches
Ixkticiency for cor. period. iy9. 1 42 Inches
Reports from etatlons at 1 P. M.
Station and
State of Weather.
Temp. High- Raln-
7 pm.
... M
... 61
... 6f
... 70
... 3
... iO
... kS
gl Ill
I I aa aitortel 6 am.
eansrtpber I 6 a. m.
I ( t poop J 7 a. m.
1 veatbsr propbtt. I S a. m.
, L. ' m-
7' 1 10 a. m.
rfJsj' ' 11 n.
l&TKe 12 "
" Ju 1 p. m .
t P- m.
C&Cff S p. m.
rA "iSr 4p.m.
J-fji S p. m.
' m
A "Sj 7 p. m.
fej, S p. m.
est. Ull.
66 00
70 ."0
72 00
70 .00
M .0
tS .00
74 .no
6 .04
M .on
62 1!
"2 .00
Cheyenne, clear
Tjavenport. clear ,
I.nver. clear
Iites Moines, cloudy
Tode City clear ,
Iender, clear ,
North Platte, clear
Omaha, cloudy
PuebloJ clear
Rapid City, part cloudy
Fait Lake City. cler...
f-anta Fe clear
thendan. cloudv
tloux City, cloudy
alenttne. clear
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
1 A. WEUafcl. ImcmX Forecaster,
Los Angeles Grand
Jury Ends Year's
Work on Explosion
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 12. After
serving ten days less than a year, the
grand Jury which Indicted John J. Mo
Namara, his brother, James B., and six
others ror murder in connection with
the wrecking of the Los Angeles Times,
will make Its final report tomorrow and
be discharged, according to unofficial an
nouncement here today. Officials here
were unable to find record of any grand
Jury which had served ao long a time.
The Jury was empanelled by Judge
Walter Bordwell, October 22. 1910. Three
day later It concentrated lta attention
upon the Times explosion case to the
exclusion of everything else, the first
fruit of lta labors being secret indict-
mont returned January 8 against James
B. .Rloe. Milton A. Schmidt and David
Captan. On March 14 the same Jury
found that vlctlma of the Times disaster
met death In a wreck and fire caused
by a dynamite explosion and on April
IS . it returned the indictments against
the two McNamara and against Ortte
McManlgal, who later signed a formal
statement concerning - his knowledge of
the case.
Since returning these Indictments the
grand Jury haa found time to take into
consideration other matters,' but has re
turned from time to time to considera
tion of the case to Investigate which
K waa gathered.
One minor Indictment not connected
with the McNamara case will be returned
Columbus day, a legal holiday in this
state, halted today the trial of James B.
McNamara, under indictment for the
murder of nlneten men In the ax plosion
of T)me9 building here a year ago.
When court reconvenes tomorrow the
examination of talesmen will be taken
where In terrumed at the enenlna- of
the session of the trial yesterday moan
CINCINNATI,- O., Oct. 12-Whlle thou
sands of dotlara are being subscribed for
the defense of her brothera, John and
James MoNaniara, Mary McNamara, the
only member of the family now in this
cltv. tolls Ions hours each dav to make
enough to provide for her modest wants
and to meet the payments on the humble
I McNlnurt home on the North Side
.Mrs. MoNamara, mother., of Jolin and
James, Is now living with a married
daughter In Nebraska, and Mary McNa
I - - 1 1. I. . v. II , -
Aitnougn living on me same street tor
over twenty yeara. Miss McNamara has
but few speaking acquaintances. Her
only confidant la Father Hlckey, who Is
a life-long friend of the McNamara fam-
Hv and to him she only shows letters
which she occasionally receives from her
Woman's Suffrage
Wins m California
BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12 -Woman's
suffrage has triumphed in California.
Straggling returns late todsy wiped out
the majority previously recorded against
the amendment and since thla turn the
margin In favor of the amendment haa
increased steadily.
Totals struck off early tonight showed
the following result: ' For the suffrage
amendment. 113,W; against. 117,408; mi-
IftHtv ttvr thm mnf1ment. 1 7S
I Th flnirn rnntwnl the mhlrn, frtw
M I '
c2 1 3.717 precincts out of a total of 3.121 in
the state. As virtually all of the remain-
63 lng p reel net n are In counties which have
83 I been srivlnE suffrage maloritiea It ia
reasonable to suppose they will Increase
5 i mi iDviia,
65 I So overwhelming waa the vote In favor
et of the other more important amend-
W I ment the ' initiative and referendum
and the recall, Including the Judiciary
that tabulation of the returns waa sus
pended with nearly a third of the pre.
clncts remaining unreported. The final
count taken showed the following re
sults: For the initiative and referendum,
i3181; against, 44.&50. For the recall,
14S.&72; against, 46.290.
Organizer of Prison
Congress is Coming
Dr. Charles R. Henderson, most promi
nent among the prison reform workers of
America and Europe and the moving spirit
responsible for the organization of the
American Prison congress forty-one years
go, will attend the sessions of the con
gress in Omaha, beginning Saturday and
take part In the program.
He Is head of the department of
ia an axprealdent of the American Prison
association and ax-president of the In
ternational Prison asaoclatlon. Ha will
speak at the opening eeaalon of the con
gresa Saturday evening at the Rome and
at the mass meeting at the Auditorium
Sunday afternoon at t.
F- H Wines of Springfield, 111., and
Z. R. Brock way of New York, who were
alao among the organizers of the move
ment, have writ tea that they will be hera
Four Regiments in City Kill Hun
dreds of Manchus.
Insurgents Destroy Twenty Miles of
Railroad to Delay Them.
31ovenient la Guided by shrewd aud
Temperate Leaders, Who free
that It la Directed Only
at Dynaety.
HANKOW, China. Oct. 13-It la reported
that Chang-fhe, capital ot Hunan, has
arisen In revolt and that at Nanking,
"the southern capital," Capital of Klang
Su the Yamena of the viceroy and Tartar
general, have been deatroyed. Twenty
miles of Peking & Hankow railway
has been torn up and th bridges burned.
The situation Is most serious.
The revolutlonlata have occupied Han
kow unopposed.
There waa random ahelUng between
the revolutionary forte at Wu Chang and
the loyal cruisers In the river during
the day. The foreigners of Hankow. Wu
Chang and Hang Yang report that they
received every consideration at the hands
of the revolutionists.
PEKING, Oct. U-Between S.OnO and
S.000 Chinese troops in Hankow native
city are reported to have, mutinied this
morning and killed from 200 to 300
Manohus. The rebels occupied Sui Ting
Fu yesterday.
It is believed that the revolutionaries
will attempt to destroy the railway and
prevent the transport Into Hu Pen prov-
nce of the. troopa that were concen
trated In Pse Chuen last month.
An Imperial edict Issued today orders
tthe minister of war, General Yln-Tchang,
to proceed .to Hankow with two divtnlona
of Peking troops, about 20,000 of whom
will be Manchus. The commander of the
Chlneae navy, Admiral Sa-Cben-Plng, ia
commanded to assemble a fleet of war
ships In the Yang-Tse-Klang and Join
the land forcea In an attack on the
rebels now In possession of Wu-Chang,
Hankow and Han-Yang.
The edict caahlers the vloeroy at Wu-
Chang, who fled before the rebels, but
at the same time orders him to return
to hla post and retrieve his reputation.
He is threatened with severe punishment
If he fails to recapture Wu Chang.
It is expected that the revolutionists
will dynamite the bridges of the Peking
A Hankow railroad to prevent the early
arrival of troopa. Extraordinary pre
cautions are -being enforced here.. .Chi
nese passenger are forbidden to travel
on the Peking ft Hankow railroad beyond
Chumatieo, Hunan province, ' In either
A dispatch ao the British legation . from
Chung-King says that the rebels of Sxe-
Chuen hold the Mln river and the coun
try weat and confirm alao earlier reporta
of daily fighting In that vicinity.
Koor Reglmeata Motley.
Elaborate military preparations have
been taken to prevent any sympathetic
revolutionary uprising In this city and
the palaces are guarded by troops of
proved loyalty. - The advices received
here Indicate that' three regiments of the
army participated In- the revolt at Wu
The American gunboat Helena and the
Japanese - cruiser Taushlma were ex
pected at Hankow today. Several British
warship have been ordered to proceed
thither. The women and children living
on the water front slept aboard th mer
chant steamers In th harbor last night.
According to Chinese rumors, Klang
Yu Wei, who was adviser to the late
emperor untU 1898, when the coup of
the dowager emprea reatored Her regency
and drove the emperor' adviser into
exile, has arrived at Hankow. The
missionaries at Wu Chang are safe.
A dispatch from Cheng Tu says that
the insurgent in 6ze Chuen province bold
all the country west of the Mln river
between Klatlng, which U eighty-five
miles south of Cheng Tu, and Kwan
hssien, fifteen miles north and thirty-five
miles west of Cheng Tu, Five hundred
troops have Joined th rebel and th
fighting continues dally.
Hondrvds of Usaekai Killed.
" HANKOW, China, Oct. U. The revolu
tionary movement la gaining momentum
with every hour. Since noon yesterday
it ha swept the little city of Hang
Yang and the naUve quarters of Han
kow. Great number of Chines art
Joining th movement voluntarily,
Th loaaea in the fighting thus far ag
gregate aeveral hundred, but practically
all th dead are Manchus. The alogan of
the movement, which la guided by shrewd
and temperate leaders Is evidently "Down
with the Manchus "
. Thus far there haa been no Indication
of any animosity against foreigner on
the t of the revolutionists. The capture
of Hang Yang, which la a town
of perhaps 100.000, Just . north of
Hankow, has delivered Into tha hands of
the revolutlonlata the arsenal and th
important Hang Yang iron worka. Th
revolutlonlata had no trouble in Haug
Tang, overwhelmingly outnumbering the
local troopa. General Chang Plao ea
caped and th members of th local gov
ernment were dispersed.
Th popularity of th revolutionary
movement all along th river and in th
Interior la Indicated by apparently
authentic reporta that several nearby
cities have fallen. Where resistance was
offered the town appear to have been
put to th torch.
Th Methodist missionaries in Wu
Chung are known to be sat. An expedi
tionary force la now engaged In gathering
up the American and releasing them
wherever they are hemmed In by the na
'Woman Mardered at era, Ka
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct. 11 -Mrs. Mary
J. Proctor, an aged widow living near
Seneca, Kan., waa murdered last night by
an unknown person, fche waa found with
bullet hoi In her bead upon Ui return
horn of her son.
i X , I
?t rrct ir co.ree fk Co rur
S GttXT GUNS' WONDC H ir . v Te rcen ro a
at Greatly Advanced Prices.
Eastern Fans Art Falling- All Over T
From the Denver Republican.
Government Wins Its Suit Against
Big Combination.
Hold that Corporation and Forty
Subsidiary Companies Are Vio
lating the Sherman Anti
Trust Art.
TOLEDO, O., Oct. 12. In the United
Statea district court for the northern
district of Ohio Judge John M. Ktlllts
today rendered a decree In favor of th
government In the case brought by At
torney General Wlckersham laat aummer
In Cleveland against th General Eleo.
trio company and about forty subsidiary
companies controlled by th General Elec-
trlo company under . th Sherman antl
trust law. .
The decree orders the General Electric
company to conduct all lta buslneaa under
Its own name and the dissolution of the
National Electric Lamp company and
about thtrty-flve subsidiary corporations.
The petition was dismissed aa to the Ken
tucky Electrical company.
The contention of the government waa
that the General Electric company and
lta subsidiary corporations had entered
into an uniawiui comninauon in rviruu
of trad.
Decree la Important.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 13. The Toledo
decree, according to Attorney General
Wlckersham, establishes precedents of
genuine value to the government in
Sherman antl-trunt law prosecutions.
"By this decree." the attorney general
said, "the contracts and combinations
entered Intto by all the defendants are
declared unlawful and they are severally
enjoined i'rom entering Into or performing
any agreements . or arrangements of any
nature by which the price of Incan
descent electric lamps of any type or
description whether patented or unpat
ented, are to be fixed either at wholesale
or retail "
Citing other Important accomplishments
of tha decree the attorney general added:
"he National Lamp company and all lta
subsidiary companies are ordered to be
dissolved and the General Electric com
pany Is forbidden hereafter to conduct
any business In th manufacture or sale
of electric lamps except In Its own name.
"The-practice of fixing the resale price
of any style of lamp, whether patented
or unpatented, 1 hereafter forbidden and
when one lamp haa been manufactured
by the owner of a patent or hla licensee
and sold to a wholesale or retail dealer,
th price at which the dealer sells to
another or to the public Is open to free
'The method by which competition in
unpatented articles has been suppressed
through the use of a patented article Is
declsred to be unlawful and is forbidden.
C ARTJTHE RSVILLE, Mo , Oct. 12. -Of-
ficlala of thla city and of Femlacot county
thua far have made no effort to Identify
membera of the mob which took two ne
groes from the Jail . early Wednesday
morning, lynched one of them and drove
th other out of town.
It la now claimed that th negro Ban
Woods, known also as "High Pockets,"
arrested for annoying two young whit
women, did not meet th fate of A. B.
Rich, who was shot and hit body thrown
In th Mississippi river. It is said that
after a severe whipping he waa released
and that he fled to Tennessee. Tha atti
tude of official of the town and county
Is approximated In the following com
ment today by Mayor Garrett:
'Unless a complaint la made by some
one who can prove that a mistake waa
made In killing the negro Rich, I will
take no action."
The Only
See Sport Page.
hemselves Buying Tickets to the W
Taft Promises to
Send the Oregon
Through Canal First
SALEM. Or., Oct 11-Presldent Taft,
amid great applause, promised tha people
of th Oregon capital tody that th
battleship Oregon would be the first ves
sel to pass through the Panama canal
If he had the power to arrange It.
He made the principal speech of his
stay here at the court house to a throng
that filled the square In front of It.
Governor West Introduced Mr. Taft, wel
coming him to the "state of popular lawa
and popular government, a state where
w have the recall, but where the Judge
are ao upright and Just that we do not
need It, and they do not fear it."
Mr. Taft said he hoped to be able to keep
his promise about the battleship Oregon,
that If he remained In authority he cer
tainly would.
"And I hop the governor will help ma
keep It," he added with a laugh.
The president said the Panama canal
would double the efficiency of the Ameri
can navy, but he hoped the navy would
never be used for any more serious pur
pose than tha firing of salutes.
leaving her at 11 a. ra the president
started on twenty-four hour run down
the oaet to Sacramento, Cal.
Kidnapers Given
Life Sentences by
Chicago Court
CHICAGO, Oct. lJ.-Gluseppe Nlcolosl
and hi brother Camello waa sentenced to
life Imprisonment after they had been
found guilty by a Jury of kidnaping
6-year-old Angelo Marino, August S.
Mrs. Cologera Nlcolosl. wife of Carmtllo,
was sentenced to seven years In prison
for complicity; ' and her mother, Mr.
Biagla Cutrona, waa acquitted.'
The Marino boy waa kidnaped on
August & and released three daya later
after a MM ransom had been paid. Dur
ing the trial Antlno Marino, father of the
lad, told of a plot whereby tha Nlcolosl
brothers In 1900 had tried to swindle htm
by a blackmailing scheme. The Nlcolosla
were nelrhbora of the Marino family
and had known tha aon alnce hla birth.
Leoluca Mecalura and Onlogera Coa
tandlno also were Indicted charged with
the kidnaping, but have not yet been
Arbuckles Attacks
Beet Sugar Interests
NEW YORK. Oct. 13-Juat before sail
ing for Europe today John Arbuckle, th
ugar refiner and coffee manufacturer.
Isaued a statement strongly attacking th
tariff on raw sugar, declaring tt to be a
"wicked tat" for the benefit of the beet
sugar Interests. Mr. Arbuckle said:
"Th duty which th United States
exacts on the Importation of raw sugar
holds up th price of the beet sugar, as
well aa the cane sugar. The beet com
panies have atated, aa I am Informed,
that they can produce beet augar at from
2V to 3 cents per pound. They sell It at
from 6 to 7 centa.
"In California tha beet sugar Is sold
Just under the price of the cane sugar
and tha cane augar. although It la manu
factured from Hawaiian raw sugar, which
Is admitted free of duty, costs the con
sumer the New York prlc of refined
sugar plus the freight. In short, beet
sugar people use the tariff to exact the
uttermost penny for their producta."
FORT DODGE. Ia,, Oct. 13 (Special
Telegram Judge Albrook today took th
disbarment rasa against William F.
Condon under advisement after two days'
trial. This raornjng during th final
pleas. Condon broke down and cried.
When he addressed the court be begged
clemency for the sake of his parents and
said his career waa practically ruined and
that be la "tired of life "
ew Postal Savings Baa Us.
WASH1GTON, D. C., Oct. 12.-(rciul
Telegram.) Postal saving banks will t
established on November S, as follow.
In Nebraska:
Alma, Arapahoe, Callaway, Crofton,
Harvard. Howell, Litchfield, Madison,
bhlckley, Wiener.
On th recommendation of Representa
tive Wood, Dr. E. W. Wilson baa been
appointed pension surgeon at Rolfa, Iowa,
vice, Dr. J. J. Hamilton, deceased.
orld's Base Ball Championship Series
Representative Sheppard Tells What
, . tt :
juorimer Agreea w uivo aim.
He Voted for Senator, bat Rlcharda
till Retalaa Office Hlne Be
fore Committee, la Se
cret deealon.
CHICAGO. Oct. 13. Former Representa
tive Henry L. Sheppard of Jeraeyvllle
underwent a two houre' grilling by mem
ber of th Larimer Investigating com
mittee ot the United States senate today
without changing th testimony which h
had given regarding th case.
Th commltu probed Into vry phase
of f-heppatd's alleged relation to th case
and had not finished when receaa was
Edward Htnes, Chicago lumberman, waa
called before an executive meeting of th
committee thl morning. Mmbers of th
commute examined Mr. Hlne in private
for a period of half an hour whll other
wttneaaea waited for th formal opening
of th day's hearing. When th xcutlv
session had conoludad, counsel for th
committee declined to. ay what had oc
curred daring th examination or nines
' . m-M.A
nee I ( , m u,iui,
Former Representative Henry Shep
pard of Jarseyvllle, one of the deraoeratio
membera and th "vine president of .the
general aseembly who voted for- Mr.
Ijrlmer, teatifying before the committee
today, aald that Lee O'Neill Brown flret
asked him to vote for Lorlmer. The wlt-
neaa said:
I told Brown that I would vnt for
Mr. Lorlmer on but one consideration- I
told him that I would do so If a certain
editor in my town could be refused
further .appointment aa postmaster".
Sheppard said that on th day of Lorl
mer' election George W. Alschuler of
Aurora alao asked him to vote for
"I then went to Mr. Lor1mr and told
him about this editor-postmaster, who
had been attacking me and my family
for a period of nine or ten years. Mr.
Lorlmer said tha matters of the post
mastership could be arranged. Than I
agreed to vote for Mr. Lorlmer and
did ao,"
"Mr. Lorlmer promised me what I de
sired In theae worda;
" I will certainly have my share of
patronage and I think I can prevent the
appointment of this editor a postmaster.
I will make th effort to do so.
Richard H 11 Postioster.
Sheppard said, however, that th edl
tor. Rlcharda. waa atlll poet master at
Jerseyvllle and that Mr. Lorlmer had
failed to carry out the pact on which
Sheppard aald ha caat hla vote for the
Chicago enator. The wltnea then related
various meetings with Lee O'Neil Browne
In Chicago and St. Louie and, under
further queatlonlng. told of meeting
Browne. Whit. Link. Luke, Beckemeyer
and other legislators at the Southern
hotel In St. Loula, June 21. 1W0, following
artlnurtnent of the legislature hlch
elected Lorlmer.
"In July I alao met Robert E. Wilson
f Chlcaao. Browne and othera In Bt,
Loula," aald Sheppard.
Senator Lea of th committee took up
th examination of Sheppard In regard
to the meeting of Sheppard and Robert
Wilson at the Southern hotel In 8t. Louis,
July 15, l'J09, and at which time the .
called "bath room" episode occurred.
Witness said he went Into the bathroom
with Wilson because Wilson wanted to ask
regarding a woman with whom he aaw
the witness at lunch that day and did
not want others to hear the oonveraa
Uon. Witness said ha thought Brewn.
Luk. Whit. Link, Beckemeyer nd
Clark were in h room. Witness said he
had received a measage from Mr.
Browne to come, but did not know about
tha other.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-Sentor La
Follette of Wlaconsln, progressiva repub
llcsn leader, today decided to start early
next month on a apeechmaklng swing
through the middle west.
The tour will last until congress meets
in December. It will embrace the Da
kota, Minnesota, Iowa, Kansaa. Ne
braska. Missouri, Oklahoma, Illinois, In
diana, Michigan. Mississippi and probably
Ohio. The Itinerary has not yet bean ar
ranged. Senator I Follette will make
eight or ten feature speeches and numer
ous brief one.
Senator La Kollett aald If he did not
visit Ohio en thla trip he would during
th Christmas holiday.
Initiate 200 Candidates Into th
Fourth Degree.
Bishop Tihen of Lincoln Speaks cf
Great Discoverer.
Italian C'lab Hold Meeting and
Berne, net, Bsaks Close aad Pnhlie
Schools Hold Eterrliei of
Appropriate Narare.
For th first time In the history of th
city, Columbus day wu observed by
Omsha Thursday, In commemoration ot
th discovery of America by Christopher
Columbua 419 year ago. Banks, many
business houses and city and county
offtcea closed for the observance. The
lvoard of Education did not order the
schools dismissed, but the greater part
of the school day waa given to a dis
ousslon of th explorer lite and deeds.
Th Knights of Columbus from the
fourth degree district composed of Ne
braska and South Dakota, Initiated 200
members In th fourth, or patriotic order,
and aerved a banquet to 300 candidates
and member of the degree- About
twenty-five priest were present?
Initiation at the Den.
The initiation ceremonies were held at
the Ak-Sar-Ben Den all Thursday after
noon. B. W. Blmeral of Omaha, master
ot the fourth degree In this district, waa
in charge. The Den had been appro
priately decorated for th occasion and
th most beautiful and solemn rites of th
order were carried out In full.
Assisting Mr. Slmeral in the Initiation
of the candidates were the following de
gree officers: John Rush, T. J. Mahoney,
William J. Co 4, J. C. Kennedy, C J.
Smyth, Dr. D. W. Morlarty. Dr. C. F.
Crowley, all of Omaha. Tha executive
board, consisting of J. E, O'Hern, T. P.
Redmond, J. H. Schmidt and T. J. Mc
Shane, alao participated.
Banqaet In Evening.
At the close of the Initiation a banquet
waa aerved In the Den. . Bishop John H
Tlhen of the district ot Lincoln waa th
speaker of the evening. Judge George F.
Corcoran of Tork waa toastmaster.
Bishop Tlhen, on the subject of "Our
Heritage; Our Bequest," apoke at length
upon patriotism and the love of country,
drawing his Inspiration from the life of
Such celebration are not often held by
the Knight of Columbus, as th by-laws
rtqulr that Initiation Into th patriotlo
degree shall be held only on an Impor- .
tant holiday, auch as Columbua' day, the
Fourth of July or some other day set
aald by atat or national law aa a legal
Italians Also Celebrate.
The Omaha Italian club alao observed
"Columbus day," a banquet being held
In Columbun hall, Twenty-aecond and
Pierce streota. Membera of the Italian
Benevolent association also attended.
The hall was decorated profusely with
Italian. Spanish and American flaga, the
Spanish flaga paying honor to Spain
which lent assistance to Columbus in his
sesrch for financial support. The walls
were decorated with four picture aent
from New York to the Italian club here.
One aaa a portrait of Columbua; a
second depicted hla landing at San Sal
vador In H!2. and the third was a por
trayal of his reception by King Ferdl- -nand
and Queen Isabella of Spain. The
fourth waa a collection ot many scenes
showing Incidents In ths life of the great
The banquet waa In charge of Samuel
Mancuso, who acted aa tnstmaster.
Speeches were made and songa of a
patriotlo nature were sung.
Discovery Day Elsewhere. i
' In fifteen atatea Thursday waa cele
brated aa the anniversary of the discov
ery of America bv Christopher Columbus,
the state legislatures having made It a
legal holiday. Nebraska la the only ono
ot th fifteen In which It is known ai
Columbus day: In the others It la called
Discovery day.
When tha Dlacovery day measure was
Introduced In the legislature laat winter
It waa beaten. It then wa taken . to
Senator John E. Reagan, who changed
th nam to Columbua day on th theory
that Mr. Columbua should b honored
personally, and Introduced It In the sen
ate. It waa passed and later concurred
lu by th hoius.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-Th National
Association of Railroad Commissioners
adopted resolutions approving th recent
anion of the convention of governor of
varloua atatea at Spring Lake, N. J-, In
authorizing the presentation to th au
preme court ot a brief supporting the
right of states to regulate freight rate
within their borders.
Boxes of O'Brien's
Dalzell's Ice Cteam Bricks.
Tickets to the American
Ail are given away fre t
those who Had tbeir nam la
tb want ad.
Read th want ads every da,
your nam wilt appear gome
Una, raiayb toor than one.
No puszles to aolv nor ub
gcrlptlon to get Just rad tb
want ad
Tura to th want ad page
titer you will find nearly rrr
bulne house lm th city r9