Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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cttt morKR-rr for salr
Owner going atr, offers on of the
newest and most complete 10-room houses
on West Farnam hill at a bargain.
Hicks Real Estate Co.
21 Board of T.ade.
O NEIL'S Real and Ineurano
Agency, 1606 farnam; city property and
lajm uuiai a specially; w nave bargain
FIVK-HOOM modern cottage wun full
cellar and attlo, I'avtd street, very da
irable lot; on terms like rent, frarlent.
lth and Douglas bis., mate feldg. at Loan
IXH N. JSTH, South Omaha, two 'cot
tages, 4 and rooms, rorner lot, con-
IrMiUnl lallllM from IMkln
j'rlce right, liberal terms, owner oa
BEMIS PARK. 8 rooms, modern, hot
water heat. Ursa comer 'ot, H tuu. Ulovr
Realty byndicate. Uouglaa Wo.
Bargains Fruit land. 182 Brandel Bid,
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for
two or three gentlemen, fcl N. ijd KU,
near t.umming.
I Tha Orand Trunk racirio railroad Is
Bow closing Its gap across the famous
.Freaer valley In CENTRAL HKlTlfeH
.COLUMBIA tha choicest region of the
.richest province In Canada. Here la your
hanea to buy fertile land at opening
prices In tha great ort Ueorg country.
Kor further information cau. writ or
i wire.
(1 Faxtfm Bldg, Omaha, Neb.
rhone oDuglaa 1167; Ind. A-4M7.
.Bargains Fruit land. (XI brand! Bldg.
FRUIT land bargbeing. Intermountaln
Land Co., 1UI Farnam. Phone L). auua.
IF TOU want to buy good farm land
at 110 00 to tlt.00 per acre, or want a
good homestead relinquishment writ to
or call on The Matieson-F urdy Land
Company, Otis, Colo.
Cheap Excursion
Our next excursion to RIVERVliqW
FARMS, FLORIDA, situated on th mag
nificent St John river, Is Tuesday, Octo
br 17. Thl la a better tlma to ie Flor
Ida than In mid-winter. Call at ones at
our office and sea product of th land
r writ us by return mall for full in
formation. Benson & Carmichael
(41 raxton Block, Omaha. Neb.
Traversed by th
Lands adaptable to th widest rang ot
cropa. All tha money crops of th Mouth
plentifully produced. For literature treat.
Ing with thla coming country, Its soli, ell
mat, church aud school advantage,
li surra i fr'anneiiger Agent.
U5-ACKE Improved farm, with orchard,
I utiles N. E. Council Uiuili, per acre.
If tiulck, M acres, will tiuproveU, u,t
fcoi e.
Uy 4 Hmi Co., Bole Agent. Co. Bluffs.
THE easiest way to find a buyer tor
your tarin Is to Insert a small Mailt ad
In the LMm Moines Capital. Largest en
culaiion In th slat of low a, u.uuu daliy.
The Capital ts read by and believed in by
til standpatter of Iowa, wiio simply re
fuse to i-eriiiit any other paper In theif
homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; H.ii
per line per uionth; count six ordinal
words to III iln. Addle Uea Glomes
Capital. Ue Molne. la.
14 ACRES, fl.ttO.
twelve miles out. a! smooth upland, not
a font of waste, no buildings, but fine
building site; JIuO cash If you build; vijii
If ou duo'i; long lime on balance at
per cent. slctlea Real Kstal Co.. 1
l-earl tit.. Council Bluffs, la.
bO-ACltE Improved farm, northwestern
Iowa; IMI acres fine luw land, balance
hay and pasture; toa.&u; worth To; titan
Junes, felerson, la.
12R-ACRK Improved farm, with orchard"
I mtire N. K. Council Bluffs, lxi tM.r
acre, tf quick, acres, well improved.
tlMt per acre. $tU I nillea from town.
ay lleas Co.. bole Agents, Co. Bluffs.
Ml 8T sell eastern Kansas farm, $10
acrrs, choice property. Well Improved, toll
miles from Kansas City: price, too. J.
M. Neville, Lawienc. Kan.
60-Acre Sarpy County Farm
I3.WW takes this. .oe ua at once it ,uu
mean buaiiies; small llnpioveiiicnt. Ad
drees Graham-Peters liealty Co.
t Omaha Nat 1 Bk BUIg., Onieiia, ,h.
WANTED fA Nebraska ranches and
forms for Iowa customers. Alleshouaa
Co, Council bluffs, la,
Farm Bargains
160 Acres
Only on mile southwest of Elk City
and about a miles from lm:liM K'urlw
hM acres has been under plow; about 0
aires now in cultivation, to acres In
good oak timber. All feuced. Three-room
,. Buvu um. i rice, siu.tMi. Reason
able terms of sal, fosaessiun Alarvh I
lull '
162 Acres
miles east of I-oulsville. Neb about
U mile weet of i'Uttsmoutli. Land Is
rather rough, but the soil Is good na
fakUlfi tvak tmiilsi i I.s.wln... ii
it y farmed. About b acres
UM" F'w, wstiit: in nay una pa,tur.
tuv HFC mviv. AVeasKUiUl lrill.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both Phones.
1 CCBTKR CO. f.rm. lust on market
The bllxr-nrds are coming. Th cold winter will soon b her.
Mhf not tak a trip with us down to th gulf coast of Mexico, wher ther Is
no cold westher.
Where the gentle gulf breete equsllki the temperature, making It pleasant and
delightful, winter and summer.
Where you can enjoy warm, pleasant weather every day.
Wher you can buy n farm at I12.W) per acre, easy terms, near railroad, near
Tampico, the great harbor, where you can sea the ships of tha world loading
and unloading their cargoes.
Where you can grow the finest oran! and other citrus fruits.
Where you can grow bid crops of corn.
Where one crop of com pays for the land.
Where they grow big crops of cotton, a bnle per acre, worth per hale.
Where they grow the fiber plant, out of which they make binding twine, real
ising llmi.OO per acr annually.
Where rattle, horses and mules are grown with little expens.
Where the Kxicalyptu trees grow faster than they do In California,
w her poultry ts produced In nil season of th year.
Where vegetable grow to perfection.
Wher bee make honey everv month. Where th ellmnte Is healthful.
Wher the rainfall Is abundant In th growing seasons, but little in th
winter months.
Wher you can make monar easily and aulckly. Wher fortune are being
Wher labor Is cheap, (SO cpnt per dav).
Wher you will get rid of your rheumatism and catarrh.
Where you can have your winter home and enjov life.
Wher thousands of Americans are going and locating.
Wher you will have American neighbor In an American colony.
Wher no Mexicans own land.
Wher gam, deer, wild turkev. duall, ducks and geese are plentiful.
Nebraska Con tlnaed.
FARMS It per acr un within 2K mllea.
Or In 8. Merrill, 1212 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
NEBRASKA and Oregon land. II un.
KM Brandels Blag.
HOMESTEAD 120 acres for II 7i: abnm
to mllea out; rich farm land, not sand.
Was an old ntry, now cancelled. Wur.
Row). J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb.
IMPROVED Nebraska farms, n an
acr up. Writ or vail for our list. Wood
ward, 714 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg.
100-ACRB farm near Benson for sale
cheap, owner has Incurable sickness.
ln-qulr room tvi. Brown block.
WELL Improved Frontier Co. farms tnr
sale; from 0 to WO acres, f 17.00 to t.W
Term right. D. F. Johnston. Curtis.
Neb.. Box No. i. '
North Carollaa.
FARM for Droflt In eastern Nn r...
Una. nation' garden spot. Leads other
localltlea for vegetables, fruits and atapla
farming on small rapltsl. llom-eekers
and Investor writ Carolina Trucking
lievelopment Co., 824 Ho. Bldg., Wil
mington, N, C.
FOR SALE Best of corn and veeatsKi.
lands; two crops yearly; delightful oil.
mate; near ocean. Box Sol Uouthport
N. C
North Dakata.
lliu.OOD acre rich wheat land In east
North Dakota: own your own home.
Bale Mgr. Omaha Office, U Bee Bldg.
1.100 ACRES of apple and strawberry
laud In Hood river valley, Oregon for
sal on easy terms and cheap; best whole-
I proposition in west. He or writ
owner, A. W. 11., Minneapolis blate
Bank, Minneapolis, Minn.
oatk Dakota.
AUTHENTIC map of thai portion opea
for settlement next mouth. Maps, tea
each, on sal at Beaton Drug Co. or U
fcluConnotl, I'axtoo Blk.. oroaha.
3M ACRES In Uregory county. South
Dakota: luu aciea broke. U acres more
suitable for breaking, balance very best
hay and graxlug land; has abundance of
water and lots of timber; thla Is one ot
the best locations In Mouth Dakota tor a
ranch; price J4 per acre; cash, bal
ance 6 year time, 6 per cent Interest J.
K. tnats, eit. onariea, B. u.
Ml see
IOWA and NEBMAtiK A farms. Oraham
6 I'etera, 827 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Do you want a swacra
Fare ss4 Raacb Land.
IM acre Irrigated. 4 mlls from Wheat.
land, VVyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 section It
miles from Kimball. Neb.; tuo acres
broken; fin land; and ltM acres 11 mile
from Atkinson, Neb. H. Urosa. 01 8. UU.
WANTED t-'lty loan and warranla
W. Farnaui Hmith at Co., UM Faruain ml
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Landa
O hliKKK REAL KfliA l tt CO..
1014 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building.
MONEY TO LOAN Pay n In v. Co.
WANTED City loana Peter Trust Co.
tllld In tlU DlA mud liramllllv M II
Wsad. Wead Bldg.. lath and arnara.
MONEY to loan on business or reel.
deuce properties, ll.ouu to x.uu.ouU. W. H.
'illOAlAH. un f irst kil Hunk tiidg.
:iu-SU Brandels Theater Bldg.
Klok la-
vestineiii Coitipatiy, Omaha.
VlllST TliUfciT CO'"?
LARGE city loans wanted: mortaaaei
It bonds bought and sold. ai'ULL lMo
LARUE lXANrf. municipal bonds. mrt.
gaa bought and sold. b'l'ULL liliotl,
1 for salTor exchange""
TO TRADE 160 acres New Huron. S.
D., price l0,tM; mortgage sieuu. euuliv
M.400. What have ouf C. C. laaauauut.
iw nranoeis ineaier mag.
room house, barn aud two lots in omana
w. .v -. a. vuuuuiii, Aauer
tun, la.
EXCHANGES, all kinds; list with us;
rend lor exchang book. Colorado Land
4k Investment Co., Palisade, Colo.
EXCHANGE A. C. Jewell, board of
Trad. D. IwJ.
HALF section of good land, I mllea
trim Klmbail, Neb. (oouuty seat). Taenty
acres and a town lot in the onion be.t
ef 'iexaa. Twenty acres aud two towa
lota in tha tig aud. orange tgull otj
bait vl Texas. Two nice usiariais ef tsbie
laud Bear Juleabuig, Colo. V ul coaaiuet
a buucu ot good horae. good cattle or
ciear. earuing tou iwpe(ty. Auuxeae
iox 44. AiUou, Nob.
BEE J. L. Barber to sell, or exchang
auyuung. t xtwa.d of 'iraJ. 1. uu.
TRADES If you have anything ta
trade, writ lua A. E. Wait, all Be tfldg.
I HANDLE exchange every w here. For
results ee lua, peas, ell be llulg. D. luu.
WE cxcliaag properties of merit. C. W.
Welsh. eU-U o. N. bee Hid. Doug. Ikaa.
at ACREA In Thurston Co. fur Omaha
Ital eaieie. lei. Uaruey eu. iiariy ii.
t'utnaui. altA Burt.
GOOD paying leiephon exchange In
live town, uo cowpeutii.u; wui cousider
larot la uaue. w 4J. live.
WANTED, from owner only, large and
small stocks of general merchandise,
clothing, hardware, etc., to exchange for
unimproved, clear land In Minnesota,
North Dakota and Montana. John A.
Martin, Aberdeen, 8. D.
I OWN 4o acre ot fin grass and
farm land miles N. W. ot Wallace, Lin
coln Co., Neb. 1 want on or two good
residence properties not too large; will
give clean honest deal. Prlc 4A per
acre. Address tt M, Be.
IOWA FARM 360 acres, Woodberry
county, 4 miles southwest R.oan; rich
black loam, ZM acres In Cultivation, 40
acrea pasture; fair Improvementa. Price,
IliW per acre; want t.UUO to fJO.OUO In
come or Implements or hardware. Oet
buay, this la a good one. J. W. Dean, eli
Be Bldg., Omaha.
Ar you a trader I trad anything
wher or time. Kelley, 227 Neville bile. Om.
peaches and apples. H-mlle from Palisade,
Colo.; would exchange for Improved farm;
prlc U2.IKJ0. W. E. Bell. Emmett. Ida
fd-hand good. Kleser, 1020 Center. D-6662.
WE PAY highest prlc for men' 2d
hand clothing. M. Nathan, lot) 8. 13th. .
I WANT to bur About a dozen S.
C. White Leghorn hens. Price nmt
be reasonable. Tel. Webster 6776.
A SADDLE. Address F 441. Bee.
FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxnll's lea
cream. If Mrs. C. W. Eckermsn, 810 N.
4Xth Ave., will come to The Bee office
within three days we will give her an
order for a quart brick of this fin Ice
WANTED To rant 4-room house, part
moueiu, iu any pait of uity. Addroas
N. Ms Be.
WANTED Two rooms, with private
bath, near business district. Address with
details, car U 442. Be.
THREE or four unturnlshad heated
rooms, or apartments; walking distance
preferred. Douglas 7711.
WANTED A cottage, four of flv
rooms; rent must not be over IK per
month. Address, C 278, car Be.
WANTED Three or four unfurnished
rooms, must not be very far out. Mrs.
Herman, $3i California.
YOUNG lady, with luu aciiool duua.
lluii, wutiiea a poaiuou. C IUL b.
MAN want posluon as Janitor; good
Kieieuue. Addiaa b-JAi. car b.
tljuji' cia practical nuts can b
engaged at ouc. Duugiaa ais4.
SEWINO by th day In families; good
work guarantee!. Phone Webster 4M4.
A CAPABLE anergelia woman ot as.
penence aud ability wants poaiiion aa
koua ana uouaeaeeper loi uiuo iiouee, or
in wiuowiia laiiu.y. can lurmsn ui
referenuea. Addresa Jklr. ia, to. LUt Weal
iu oi., muiiu nails. iMSO.
DAY work and family washing, liar-
WANTED Plac on farm tor boy it
years old. rJ W. Be.
MAN and Wit, very capable, deairaa
employment; experienced aa inanaasr
and Housekeeper. Aodieas, b-SiW, be.
Comptometer operator, railroad axner.
leuo. G. K Be.
WANTED Position aa houaakMner in
f I rul .11... Hnlttl ; I lioniMir III v .wtii...n. .
r.l.r.iinM' til .if nilt .if IMI v Inrf.-.. L...J
M, a.xciaior Mprings, Mo.
IT'il un ahnw . ... . . I
..a . . ...... .k r iiin .11
theater. Hee the Woodward tttock com
pany. If J. H. Donnelly, 2.K2 Bo. 11th tit.,
will colli to The Bee ulftc within three
oays we will give him an order for a
pair of tickets.
SCANDINAVIAN man and wife, .with
two children, one 4 and one 1 year old,
want to work on a tarin or camp; good
uoug woiker. Audrvss Y 2. care Bee.
YOUNO man wants position as team
ster. Harry Glaaer, Hit Garfield Ave.,
SITUATION by woman cook; call or
wr.te. U1U Chicago tit.
WASHING or cleaning tor Thursdays
and Fridays. Webster 4A.
WOMAN wants day work. Phon Web.
situation at once. Address Frank Wal
ker. Persia, la.
OK KM AN. middle aged, respectable
widow; all alone, would Ilk a good horn
with an elderly gentleman, more than
wagea Best references. Address Y.
i, car lie.
LADY with 1-year-old child wants to
work for room and board In private fam
ily. D. MS. Be.
GOOD penman wishes position
writer. Address K 444. lire.
STENOGRAPHER, nigh school gradu
ate and have completed atenographlc
course: salary not th object; will a tart
on trial. H 413. Bee.
COMPTOMETER operator; railroad ex
perience. References. L 46, Be.
WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchant.
toaslgunienta olioited. fw braudeia
Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 74 Brandels,
mf.r'...F,r,,ullr handled. Omaha. Neb.
MkRHiAM Commission coTvii. u
nuu wno aa Umm! ua. '
CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. wholesal m in ira1!, nay, coop ieo.
ROBERTS ORAIN CO.. grain consign
ments sniiciteu, grain bought to arrive.
izn jtranoeis.
BhJp roar stock to South Omaha:
save mileago end shrinkage; your
consignments receive prompt and
careful Attention.
Byers Bros. At Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS., 2.(4-30 Exchang Bldg.
Great West. Cora. Co., Omaha & Denver.
W. R. SMITH At BON Just hand Is sheep.
W. F. DENNY At CO.. 233 Exch. Bldg.
TAOO BROS, handle cattl. hogs, sheep.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange Bldg.
Donahue & Randall Co., 202 Exch. Blda
Clay, Robinson 4k Co., 20u Exch. Bldg.
Th Standard Coin. Co., IIS Exch. Bldg.
W. R. SMITH A BON Just handl sheep.
Interstate Co. Better riauita. Ship to us.
BURKE-RICHLY CO.. 201 Exch. Bldg.
L. E. ROBERTS At CO., 22t Exch. Bldg.
Allen Dudley At Co.. 236-37 Exch. Bldg.
Cox A Jones Com. Co., bunch of hustiera
Ralston A Fonda, 11 v stock com. tner.
Farmers L. 8. Com. Co,20 Exchanga
n.niull nrnct. if hlnn..n.. 1. c ..
Yards Nat'l Bank. Only bank at yard.
WINN BROS. A CO.. Exchang Bldg.
Paxtop-Eckman Chem. Co. sfk remedlea
Martin Bros. A Co., 203-7 Exch. Bldg.
Alex O. Buchanan A Son. 1&4-M Ex. Bldg.
Products of Soil
Being Assembled
With the near approach of tha rn
show opening arrival of exhibitors, dis
plays an managers sre frequent, and be
fore th end of th week the hniir
western energy will be centralised In
The Idaho exhibit, which la nn.' ,.
largest that will be seen at the ex posit on
has arrived and Is now being arranged
In the big Coliseum. This rhihu i.
charge of R R Will of Boise, assistant
to jamcs w. Jones, commissioner of Im
migration, labor and statistics or ih.
Stat of Idaho.
Another interesting dlsnlav ! nn.i.
from North Yakima. Wash Tt .
shipped Tuesday night In sixty-three
crates, and la expected to arrive soon.
Th exhibit will be In charge of R. J.
Morgan of North. Yakima Commercial
The Western Develonment ii.Hnn
an outgrowth of the Omaha Land show
held last January, will have a meeting
her on January 26, according to a call
Issued by President James II. Ttrsriv
former governor of Idaho. This promises
to be an Important meeting, as It will
be attended by big men from all .k.
ten states embraced In thee association's
The Key to the Sltuatlon-The Bee's
Advertising Columns.
aye the
And Exchanfe Them lor a Ticket to the
Omalia '
Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum,
October 16th to 28th
The big show of big things with something to amuse,
educate and edify all classes and ages for 13 big days.
FIVE COUPONS, like the one below, conseHutlTely numbered,
Hill entitle the holder to one ticket to the big show. The five
coupons will not be honored unless presented within X)KTV.
UltiHT HOL'IW after publication of the last coupon of the eerie,
of fKe presented. For example: the coupon No. 1 and four con
secutive coupons, 2, 3, 4 and 5. will be accepted at the business
office of The lloe, if presented before 0:00 a. m. Monday. No
coupons will be accepted after Monday, for the last one will ap
pear Sunday morning; and must be presented within forty-eight
hours. The first coupon was printed In the Monday Evening liee.
October 9th. V
At the blje Land Khow will be thousands of exhibits, showing
a most complete display of fruits, displaying results of dry fann
ing;, of Intelligent methods of grain growing-, alfalfa raising, irrt
KHtion work and detailing the story of the development of the
west; farm machinery In operation, including the newest power
driven machinery; concerts by a famous band; wonder-creations
of Luther llurbank; travel-talks Illustrated with motion pictures
and colored views; unique bee shows by Frank Odell; trained seal
circus; Hawaiian-.Maorlan singers and players; refined vaudeville
magnificent decorations of Italian beauty and hundreds of other
things to Interest and educate all.
Another advantage for The Bee readers
Cut this coupon out and bring it with four others, con
secutively numbered, to the Business Office of The
Dee and get a Free Ticket to the Land Show.
Land Show Coupon
On presentation of any five coupons, num
bered consecutively, at the business office of
They may be exchanged for a ticket good for one admission to the
Omaha Land Show
These coupons must be presented within 4A
hour of date of last one of series of five offered.
Xo more titan one free ticket imtucd t any one person.
Decision in Wilson
Case to Be Handed
Down on Thursday
Judge Bryce Crawford will hsnd down a
decision Thursday morning In the case
of the State of Nebraska against James
Wilson, In which case John J. Mahoney,
candidate for police magistrate on the
democratic ticket,, asserts ' that the de
fendant Illegally reentered voters on
September . The trial wss held In police
court Wednesday morning and was taken
under advisement by Judge Crawford.
But two witnesses were put on the
stand by the state and none by the de
fense. C. A. Duber and Court Officer
Alfred Olover were the only witnesses.
The testimony of the first mace up the
case for the stste, while the testimony of
the latter was objected to by the de
fense on the grounds that It wss Irrele
vant and Incompetent and the objection
was sustained by the court
Mr. Duber said that about a year sgo
he lived at 801 North Sixteenth street.
but about the middle of October moved
to 603 North Sixteenth street, and lived
there occasionally until August, when he
moved across the street to 804. On Sep
tember i he went to the voting booth In
the First precinct of the Third ward and
wanted to get a transfer, but did not
know whether he still voted In the Third
or the Eighth ward. He said James Wil
son, one of tha registers, told htm that
It was not necessary, as he had voted
from the Third ward for several years
and was still a qualified voter of that
ward. Duber then said that he swore
that he was a voter of the Third ward
and registered.
In cross-examination Duber said he
thought he was a voter ot the Third
ward, or would not have sworn to such
a statement. He said that his home was
anywhere he had his money.
Prior to the trial Duber swore to a
statement before County Attorney Eng
lish that he knew certain men who had
seen entered on the registry books as
living at 801 North Sixteenth street that
did not live there. However, when asked
by the county attorney In the trial
Wednesday morning It he knew these
men he said no, but when his signed
statement was handed to him and he was
asked it he swore to that he said yes, and
then' contradicted his testimony on the
stand by saying that he did know these
The county attorney admitted that It
was Impossible for them to prove whether
these men lived at that location on the
day of the fifth, as It was Impossible to
find any of the men who had registered
from that house, with the exception of
Annexation Foes
Ask Withdrawals
- m
The South Omaha antl-annexatlonlsts
who have been checking the Omaha reg
istration books are not finding things to
their liking. They have made the 'dis
covery that they are not going to be able
to strike off enough names to prevent th
submission of the proposition to the
electors. Now theye have hit upon an
other scheme.
City Clerk Good of South Omaha was
at the Omaha city hall Wednesday "morn
ing and to some friends confided that If
the antls could not eliminate a sufficient
number of names to answer their pur
pose, they would seek to have enough of
the registered Omaha voters withdraw
from the annexation petitions, so that
they would be able to carry theler point.
12, 1011.
No. 3
Tlie Omaha Bee's Great
ooklovers' Contest
A Sia: ' ' 't; ,i i
What Book Dees This Picture Represent?
Author .-. ..............,..,
Your Name i..
Street And Number .............
City or Town
Writ In title and author of book and IATI coupon "end Vlcture nn,t
no coupon until finish of th conte.t Is announced. Kaon plcturs T rVrTresent.
a book title not a seen or character. Catalogue contaWg I.Oof nlmll
on which all pur.zl picture ar baaed tb catalogue used I b ihi eoUI!!
editor ar for sal at tha utuinu. .. SJ. Tr. ?."..oont"t
Ju rents.
Rules of
AlleersoBs ar allgibla t enter tht contest eiespt employes ef tb Onus Be aaS
J'1' ot their fosuilas. Back j. for seTitjr-llv asa, there will b published la
It.. . !otur which will rapnMot the aae et a book. BeaeaU each picture there
"" a blank for th ooatastant to fill Is the title ot Uo book.
Cut out both the picture and the bla ak aa4 till la tha same and author ef the book
ana add your asms as4 aaarsoa awtlr as plalnb la the ipse prorldod.
No restrictions will bo placed oa the war la which answers to the pictures sue be se
cured. Each picture roprososu eel one title ot oa book. It rou are aot sure of a title
and wish to send la Bore than oao answer to each picture, rou sr do so. BUT NOT
correct answers will aot bo counted sgalsst contestants If correct answer Is slao glvoa.
More than one snawor should not bo put oa the same eoupos. Astra ooupoaa should be
used tor ostra answers. All aaswera to the same number should bo kept togelhar whoa
seeding la the sot. Only one list aaar be submitted by ens contestant.' though say list may
ae firs snawors to each putile. '
The number of coupons used answers given most be plainly wrlttsa ea the outside et
each BET submitted, but do aot write such Information oa the wrapper.
While aot absolutely nocosMry, It Is desirable that the plcturea should 'in each eass
be cent la with the answers. Is order that all answers be uniform. Additional pleturas
sad coupons may be obtained at the office et Tha Boo by mall or la poraoe.
Wboa row save all seventy-five plotusas. faaten thorn together In s FLAT packer and
ring or mall thorn to The Omaha Bes, asdmaand to Booklovars' Coatost Editor. Prises
will be awarded to the contestants sending Is the largest number of oorrect sol ut lone, la
orent ot two er more parsons hsvlng the sama lumber of oorrect solutions, the period
ailng the smaller number ot extra coupons In his sot of snawors will be declared wlnnar. ia
OTont ot two persons having the same sumbar correct sad aalng the same number ot cou
pons, the person whose sot et snswas la moat neatly prepared. In tha opinion ot ths tall
Judslng committee, will reoolre the tint prlie.
Only one list ef an ewers may be submitted by a contestant aid only ene Bets will be
awsrded to ene family st one address.
The use ef th ooupoas Is aot obligatory pos the contestant, and an answer may be
submitted la say loci bio manner the contestant may select.
Awards will be made strictly according to the merit et each separate list.
Tbs name ot more than one peraoa must aot bo wrlttsa upoa any ene eoupoa.
The awards will be made by the Costest Editor asd a eommlttee et woll-kaowa eltf
lena, whose asanas wilt ss announce later.
.So contest Is limited to the following territory: Kobrasks. Wyoming, that portion of
Iowa weet of but not Including D Molnea. ssd thst sectlos of South Dakota known as
tha Black Hills District.
a o-paaeenger in mooei wnite Nteamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless
and noiseless. No cranking no shifting of gears; any desired speed. Whit
Steamer sa es Increase each succeeding year. Ha practically an endorsement
of th United Mtates government, which owns and operates mors White
bteamers than all other cars combined. Richly upholstered, beautifully fin
ished, unlimited power, controlled speed. This ear will be exhibited la Omaha
at "itisfHi. ink AAA magmf mm.
In th soft, semi-tropic, climatic gone, extend
ing north from San Diego to Shasta County, Cali
fornia, lies Tehama county, in which Is situated
this beautiful little 10-acre ranch naar the town
of Red Bluff. This is fruit land of a very high
order and is part of the celebrated Lutheran col
ony which had its inception with an Omaha
clergyman. Literature describing this property
may b seen at the office of TmowsmxsOB-BOlV.
BTzm CO, la the City Vatloaal Bank Building,
ftaiston is to t A manufacturing city. They
hav a fin atart with th Brown Truck Man
ufacturing Co., th Itoger Motor Car Co., and
th Howard eltov Work. Everything desir
able to comfortable living mav b found there.
On one of the main business streets Th Bee
has selected It fourth prize, business lot
16x100 feet, and valued at Aa75.
FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225
In the same town And with ths same prospect ef advancement, Th Bee
has selected a residence lot 60x120 ft, and valued at $235.
.u. " . ton " ,on .,n" .nl? Interuban trolley lin runmug out of Omaha and
within forty minute of the Omaha poatofttce.
swrra,mTirlonw ,hu P.rPerr at th office Of th B4XSTO
TOwatATra COaUASnr, ADA Aonta lTta At-, Oaaaha.
This atwv1nnilla . T oupeuxga, v. men waa rounded in 1798.
be saVn a '1 OmS. telv volumes, which Is valued at 9 a aet, may
be oen at th Omaha ortio of w. A. Miaenbeaga Co., 1S14 At. Starr's Av.
of Know Mimnicirir'.IJ'1!!" J ." S. W B"t
lnl -w.r rtttn in .l.npl
rhi. worg l. ri. tn in ii.-nii
M.r-tiL,"'" r""p.'",r.' kou?
hundred of colored pltiM ani thouesnds li
equipped encyclopedia made fop rlillrirem
Office of W. A- AUAATHAAPttm M 11
Hvc IMzes of $10. Ten IMies of $5. Ten Trizcs of
m a n. s a. .
I a wemy iTizes or $1.
- A ag
- w ny mall.
tha Contest
White Steamer Automobile
The magnificent, fancy walnut ZAEU
ing can excel. No other player-piano has In
th absolut tha "human touch" so desired by
a musical ear and so prized by the manufac
turers. Thl Instrument will be exhibited, ex
plained and olayed for anyone who wishes to
ee it In th ware rooms on th third floor of
Thl Ingenious encyclopedia, which Is a develop,
ment rather than Invention, ha besides It con
venience th value of hundred of editor men
tally equipped to mak on of th greatest ency
clopedia ever compiled. On of the strongest
recommendations for this work Is that it Is from
the prese of the reliable old house of TXOS.
JtALhow ft IOII, ef arew Tork. London, Dublin
f.nguag and taVw
r.--T..--.-i".. v.
nc...rr .UbrU education: Th era
At. Mary' AveaaaT