Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    But the Horse Had Another
All Start Loie Game by Three to
Two Score.
Vttchebs woek in good idem
Philadelphia Famishes Sarprlse by
reaadlng Walter Johnaoa at
his Best Davie Gets
Home R.
' WASHINGTON. Oct. 10 -Philadelphia
pitcher worked In something like their
true form today and the All (Stars went
down to defeat. I to J. tha winning inn
coming over In the ninth Inning with no
one out. on Colllni' single and Bal.or'e
hard double to tha right field fence.
Coomba pitched the flrit four Innings
and hla baaea on balla to Milan and Ueti
ler, oouilad with Chaaa'a singls and
Davit' error, gave the All Stare their two
flank pitched three Innlnga, allowing
but one hit and Bonder finished up thf.
game, but one hit being registered off
Ma delivery.
Tha way the champlona hit Walter
Johnson surprised the on look era a ne
had all hla well known apeed and con
trol. Eddie Colllne hit three singles
while Harry Davla slammed a fast ahoot
over the right field fence for a home
run. 6enatlonal fielding playa were
made by Chase and Elberfeld. Score:
AB.H O.A B An H O. A ID.
. 4 I IMII.a, It.... 1
.414 4 Cobb, ef 4 I
. 4 I t I (Owl, rt., I
.4111 Orh.x lh . 1 I li I a
lor. If ...
OHrlni. r(.
Olllns. b.
Rsker, lb
Msiror. rt.. I I I orih l.ld, Ih. 4 4 t
'is, to... w w iiMrnnw, lb. I f a I
Barrr, M....I til 1 MrHrld.. M. 4 I I
lrp. a. 1 1 I t irifhi, ....! i
Thorn... ... t 4 tJohnwa, .. I 1 1 a
rianli. p.... 1 Totala U tJ 14 I
Bodf, p... 114 14
TaUla M U n 14 4
No one out when winning run acored.
All Stara I 9 0 0 0 0 0 J
Philadelphia 0 1 0 1 0 0 1-4
Two-bae Ihlt: Baker. Home run:
Davla. Hlt: Off Coomba, 1 In four In
nlnga; off Tlank. l m three Innlnga; off
Ilrnder, 1 In two Innlttgi. Rtolen baaea:
Milan. Chaee. Sacrifice fly: Gardner.
Double play: Johnaon to MrBrlde to
Chaae. Left on baaea: All (Kara, 4;
rhiladelphla, 1 Baaea on balla: Off
Coomba, ; off Plank, 1. Drat on er
rora: All 8tara. I; Philadelphia, :.
Struck out: By Johnion, i. by Coomha,
I: by Plank, t; by Ilrnder. 1 Time:
Vmplrea: Ulneen and t:gan.
sam i.oue rinT or skhikh
t'larlnnatl l.eada la Itare for Ohio
CINCINNATI. O.. Ot. 10. -Cincinnati
defeated Clevrlan In the first game of
the Inter-league arrlea for the champion
ahlp of Ohio todoy by 4 to 0. Suggs out
pitched Blending, holding the Anierii-bn
leaguera aafe ail the way. and
l.ajiile. Cleveland'H moat powerful bai
ter, particularly were at ra. It waa
announced that owing to the dralre of
the Cincinnati club to rush work on Ha
new grandxtanda. the reinklndrr of the
aerlra will be played In Clevelund. Hcnre:
Cleveland ....0 0000000 ft-0 I 0
Cincinnati ...1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0
Batterlea: Falkenburg and O'Nolll
Rugga and Clurke. I'mplrea: Itoghtir,
National; Evan, American.
' UNCOLN. Oct. 10 -gpeoial Telegram.)
In a vigorous acrlmmace Tuesday night
the acruba tore big holes In the Corn
hunker line and all but carried the hall
over for a tiuohdown on two different
occasion. The showing of the regular
waa moat disappointing In the face ot
the brilliant game played laat BMurdav.
With the ball the varsity showed new
life and had little difficulty In scoring.
8tlrhm lined twenty-two men aealnst the
varsity on the one-yard line In an at
tempt t.i prevent them from souring on
the scrubs, but they carried the ball over
Just as easily. He put three elevens
against them , and agnin the varsity
aeored, but weak defensive work has
caused considerable apprehension.
Nebrfteka'g vaunted stona wall Una
showed very little Tuesdiiy plglit and
Btlrhm cave the regulars the most caus
tic talk since practice started. The scrubs
were coached with Minnesota plays and
they worked to perfoctlon against the
tegulars. Krgularly the scrubs mad
distance until a shift In the lineup weak
ened them. There were four complote
teams out for practice Tuesday night.
The scrimmage was short, most of the
evening being devoted to teaching the
vareity hew plays for the Aggt.a and
the Gophers. Ktlehrn expects a stiff rub
with the Aggies Saturday and Is going
to take no chances for surprises.
The probable retention of Elliott In
school resulted from a conference Tues
dsy afternoon. Once aaaln the husky
lineman arranged with I. is uncle to re
main In school until the close of the foot
bail aeaaon before leaving to take a
plate with the law firm of which thu
uncle is the head. The regulars will tx
given stiff scrimmage work Wednesday
WASHINGTON. Oct. la-Claiming to
market practically all the proprietary
medicines, drug and lotions in this coun
try, the Proprietary Assentation of
America today comiilalhed la tha Ini.r.
Llatu Commerce commission that th r.,.
on the Immense volume of advertising
matter it ships from New York to Chi
cai over . in New York Central and
biher isilroada should be o rents a hun
OMd pounds Instead of 75 cents, which
aaivvej the value of the shipment
f V ( wWi ThB. V
t0 COCO .
Standing of Teams
P. W. I,. Pet.
New York 151 9 C2 (Mi
Chicago 1D3 M M t1
Pittsburgh lf.4 W CT U2
F'hlladeliilila 161 7 71 !30
Ht. l.ouls 149 7 74 MS
Clnrlnnntl UiJ m M 4M
Brooklyn 147 61 84 419
Boaton 161 44 107 'M
Teatrrday'a Ilrealta.
Brooklyn, 2; New York, 1. (Ten Innings.)
Giants Depending
Upon Matthewson
and Marquard
NKW YORK, Oct. 10.-Chrlty Mathew
aon donned his base ball togs, drew on
his pitching glove, and, calling on
Catcher Hartley, strolled out on the Polo
grounds this morning ' to take up his
dally pitching practice. The big blonde
twlrler quite agrees with Manager Me
Oraw and Mack that the world's series
between the New York Nationals and
the Philadelphia Americans Is a problem
ot pitchers and for this reason the Olants
elnbmen ars keeping in the best possible
The Olants themselves say "that
Matty" Is their mainstay and on him de
pends largsly the result of the series,
with the hope that Marquard, the sea
son'! sensational left-hander In the Na
tional league may come through with a
victory or two and cinch the series for
the home team.
"I know Just what the team and the
crowds expect of me," said Mathewson,
"but my work Is necessarily defensive
and It Is up to my team mates to make
tha runs.
"My condition? Well I foel first rate
and am on edge for the series, but you
must know that In this game that
"breaks' or luck must play a big part"
Marquard thinks he Is ready and will
have the old apeed and jump to his ball
that made him Invincible while tho
Clanta were making their successful dash
for the pennant In August and Hpptem
ber. Vlthout speed Marquard admits he
has no terrors for even a minor league
"But I have the speed and the curves
will Jump and hook over the plate all
light" said Marquard today.
All the Ulant twlrler were out today
putting In a little practice Just to ke.p
their curves working and perfect their
Marquard has won twenty-four and
loHt six games this year and leads the
National league. Mathewson, notwith
standing hla slump In mldseason, has
won tyenty-flve and bean defeated thir
teen games.
National Waterloo Cemtest Opens
With Mnar Dog Hand.
BUTTON. N,eb., Oct 10 (Special Tele
gram.) Fair weather greeted th crowd
gathered for th first day of tha national
Waterloo coursing meet The number ot
dogs equals that cf previous years and
all bids fair for a good week. The fol
lowing Is the result of today's woursing:
Creka beat Miss Hartgrove. Black Iac
brat Princess Klnauve, Ixird Night beat
Hilvsr HiikI, Hobble Skirt beat Mlndiii
uuevtt, II)' Tune bent K. I'., Bashful
Kitlv beat Deacon, Trey of Hearts beat
Hand Of Honor. Sir Patched beat Hilnlng
Hour, Hunntroke beat Hilly Ral1ufii,
Mamie H. Wolford beat Unify McCann.
jHt'kall heat Blavk liaden. ttusle N. bent
Wonder, Kter l.Uy best Lord nt. I.nur
ence, ti!ter Jane bent llari v Keen. Mr.
KhkIus Brown beat bhak Hands. Mnturr
Kd beat Lucy (liltera. Bashful Lilly beat
Kiitma laisy Iteeiing, Hural Damael beat
iK'fii Klixaurth, Confidence beat Mla
alulah. Cure Fight beat Bell Claire.
Ja-k Coombs be I lr. Darling. Heck less
Athlete beat Tilll Brener, Mav Balloy
brat Mav Klllen, MIhs Cnrelll heat
hlvlla Uraaeu, queen Roseleta beat
I)ouh(MI Carlo, Ppltier (llil beat Hnuw
H. Nellie beat litres lloiiln, Siilru ot
the Vale beat Chlpewa, Olnuer ltdv beat
Klne Kffort. Wild Bill beat Mttle Mug
gins. Uoldle locka beat Thomaa I'avia,
ussy Chanre peal lronto I'.ov, chlet
Craiiv Snake brat lliy liliux, Mr.
Bright Chain brat Pudlry Paitoti. Prpity
Picgy beat Anna Bell. Klni? Arhlculator
beat Mis Vlnli'tta. Soch a Ilurrv bent
I.lght l oot Lnddy, Ja'k S. 8. lu'at Smil
ing Hanna. Oak I-af brat Oley Tear
Arm Ned beat t'tu-oe. Model Nevcisetlle
beat Boval Chief, (Kilden Buck beat 8ame
Here, The Model beat tie U'llg. H.'lle K
beat Ilerklrs lldv (). J. II. beat Idila.
Clair Kllent Ktar beat Iineaom t.adv.
Her rrdont brat 1 rank Jamra, llanua
Bell brat Molly M-Carty. Kasier Polly
brut KetiHatlon. Oklahoma Bill beat I.ady
Vanell, Pair Warning brat Nelli Barton.
MieKV Neversetthi beat Haivexler. Cin
(Iriilia beat Mamma s Choice, lectrlo
King beat Tlperu. Handsuinr Joe brat
Bootlegger and simplicity beat Iaraey
BOBTON, Oct. It)? The legal domicile
ot Mrs. Mary Baker U. Kddy. the foun
dr of th Christian Bclenc denomina
tion, wa at th time ot her dvath in
t'otioord, N. (., according to the ruling
of Associate Jastioe James M. Morton
of ths Massachusetts supreme Judicial
court today. At tlx time of Mrs. Eddy's
death she was "temporarily residing" In
Secretary risner to Washlaatea
CHICAGO. Oct. I.-Wtth hi vole ttll
husky from a minor operation on hi
throat. Walter L. Fisher, secretary of
tit Interior, with his family, left today
for Washington. Beyond saying hi forth
coming report on the AUakan situation
would be voluminous Hecretary Fleher
declined te discus th document
Bad Habit and
Whx x took (w
SriftN,STAlTeO to
CftXJ it ftNO THfc Bum
(r& SAT RA6-HT t)OMM
New York Meets Defeat in Tenth,
Two to One.
Wheat ftlnajlea and Comes Home
With Wlnalngr Ran on smith.'
I.osg Doable llanusrl Gets
Tbree-rinae lilt.
BROOKLYN. Oct. 10,-Brooklyn closed
Its 1911 season at home today with a ten
Inning victory over New York by I to 1.
The visitors scored their only run In the
first on a fielder's choice, a batter hit
and Murray' single, but war blanked
by Barger during the remaining Innings.
Maxwell had a shutout up to ths ninth,
when Hummel tripled and tied the score
on Barger's single,. In the tenth Whea.
singled and came home with the wlnnlog
run on Smith' long double. Score:
AB.H. O. A. B AD H.O.A C.
North.n, r(. 4 4 4 ORm-Hsr, If... 4 1 4
iMutxrt, lb. 4 4 14 Sllurns, CI...I IS
Whitst, If... 4 lit OHnudsr'ss. lb I 1 II
Smith, lb... I III OMurr.r. rt.. 4 lit
Toolsr, ss... 4 111 OMorkls,- lb., 4 1 11 4 0
Oulsos, rt.. 4 Sit 4lMvlln, lb... 4 till
llummsl, lb. 4 1 I 4 IKIslrhsr, ss. 4 0 4 I 1
Crwln. ..,. I Oil IWlim, S...I 111
barger, p.... 4 14 OH.rdrr. c . I I I 1 I
Maiwsll, .. I 1 I
Total II MM II
Totals II 111 II I
No on out when run scored.
New York 1 0000000001
Brooklyn 000000001 12
Left on bases: New York. 4; Brooklyn,
11. Two-base, hits: Becker, Snodgrass,
Smith. Three-base hit: Hummel. First
base on errors: Brooklyn. S. Double
plays: Merkle to Fletcher, Smith to Hum
mel, Tooley to Hummel to Daubert. First
base on balls: Off Maxwoll, 3; off Bar
ger. I. Struck out: By Maxwell, 2: by
Barger. 2. Hit with pitched bail: By
Maxwell. Wheat; by Barger. Snodgrass.
Time: 1:22. Umpires: Flnneran and Bush.
SHOrtT HILLS, N. J., Oot. lO.-WJth
representative from all sections ot the
country present match play In tha wo
men's national golf championship tour
namant began today. Miss Dorothy Camp
bell of Hamilton, Canada, the champion
ot three countries, met Miss Manchester
of Chicago and Mrs. R. II. Barlow of
Philadelphia met Miss Florence Harvey
of Hamilton, Canada, in the first round.
Mis Bartow defeated Mlse Harvey
and 1.
MIhs Campbell beat Miss Manchester
S and 7. Miss Qrance flemple of St. Louis
beat Miss B. F. Chandler of Huntingdon
Valley 4 and (.
Playa Basket Ball at Home. '
Luthor Kountxe has equipped his back
yard with bankotball appliances and Is
forming a team ot West Farnam young
men, who, after a little practice, will
Issue a challenge to any team of be
ginners In the city.
MILWAl'KF.E, Oct 10. Missionaries,
Congregational ministers and laymen to
Ih number of 4ii0 are In attendance at
the 10:d annual meeting ot the American
board ot commissioner for foreign mis
sions which opined a four day' con
vention today. J
Th missionaries and layman cam
from as far as Main and Hawaii to
hear report ot th year' work, to listen
to twenty-five of the fifty or more mis
sionaries home on furlough and to the
addresses ot leaders in the work.
Among ths prominent missionaries pres
ent are the veterans. Dr. J. K. Green of
Constantinople, who for nearly fifty years
has watched tha dramatlo events of
Turkish history, and Dr. Chauncey Good
rich, who lias seen a like term at Peking,
The report of the treasurer, Frank H.
Wlggtn, announced at the opening ses
sion, showed the total, current exiwndl
tuie of th board for the year to have
been tl.070.tiOt agamst total receipts of
The report mentions th receipt of a girt to th board as a memorial
to D. Willis James by his family, th
fund to be known a th 1). Willis James
foundation. Another gift amounting to
SKiu.ou) was received from Dr. D. K.
Pearsons for the higher educational en
DK.S MOINF.S. la. Oct. 10What
threatens to become a judicial contro
versy over the legal status ot ths divorce
recently granted to Mrs. Zoa Varney
Webster, the second wife ot Dr Harry
F.. ebster, confeased slayer ot Besets
Kent Webster, gained headway today
with tn declaration ot Judi: Lawrence
De Graff that the Cedar Rapid woman
had obtained her decre illegally. The
divorce was granted by Judg W. N.
Trelchler In the district eourt at - Cedar
Kaplda last week on th waiver ot lr.
Webster, obtained In th ;all at Oregon,
Judge F. C Piatt of Waterloo, la., con
tended that when Webster signed the
waiver allowing the Immediate trial of Ida
wife' suit, th decree was mad Illegal
for th reason that the waiver wa tanta
mount to an agreemsnt to th divorce
Th stat of Iowa frown upon divorce
by agreement. Judg Piatt aald there
wa no dlvorc In tha Wehs'er caa.
Th Kay to th Situation Th Bee
Advertising Column.
Jeff Didn't Know
F&8.40T To TfiLU "YOO
Bodgers Sets New
Distance Record in
Cross Country Trip
MARSHALL. Mo., Oct. 10.-Exceeding
th world's record for a cross country
aeroplan flight by 134 mile, and apeeJ
Ing through the air at times at Iho rate
of sevsnty mile an hour, C. P. F.jrlger
landed her at 4:32 o'clock this ef' irnoo.i
on his air voyage from New York to
San Francisco. The former world's rec
ord, 1,265 miles, waa made by Harry At
wood In a recent flight from Sr. Loui
to New York. Rodger ha flown 1.3M
mile, according to railroad mlltago.
"It was a 'bully' day for a flight,"
said Rodgnrs, as h stepped from hi
plane. "If I had started eat Her this
morning I certainly would hav tried to
reach Kansas City tonight."
Rodgcra will spend th night here. He
will start for Kansas City, eighty-fives
miles distant tomorrow morning.
From a start made at Springfield, 111.,
at 1:35 o'clock this morning, Rodger flew
214 miles today. H made two stop
during the day at Nebo, Mo and at
Thompson, Mo. At both places th avi
ator replanishsd his supply of gagolluc.
BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. 10. (peolal.)
At the horn ot Mr. and Mr. Burrows
Hail Begole at 7:30 Saturday evening oc
curred the marriage of their only daugh
ter. Miss Donna, to Mr. Cheney Carlisle
Bagby, formerly ot Salt Lake City, but
now of Denver. It was a quiet home
wedding, followed by a reception. Rer.
B. Y. Bagby of Wichita, Kan., officiated,
using the ring service. Mndlssohn's
wedding march, rendered by Mis Haztl
Caman, wa used as a processional pro
ceding the ceremony, during which were
heard the soft sweet strains of "Trau
merel," given by Ml Caman at th
piano. Following th reception, which wa
attended by over 100, guests, Mr. and Mr.
Bagby departed for Denver to mak their
PHILADELPHIA, Oct 10.Brlgadlr
Oeneral A. W. Hoyt, U. 8. A., tatlond
at St. Paul, Minn., and Mis Cora M. K.
Harbold, daughter ot Mr. Mary Harbold
ot Harrisburg, Pa., were married her
this afternoon. Th bride wa recently
graduated a a trained nurs from a
Philadelphia hospital.
RACINE, Wla., Oct. 10 Miss Jeanott
Bull, daughter of Mr. Frank K. Bull,
wa united In marriage today to John
Held, Jr., of Yonker. N. Y., In the pres
ence of 1.000 society people. The bride
come from one of th wealthiest famllle
In th stat and 1 widely known.
KANSAS CITY, OOt. 10. Charging that
th County marshal and hla deputies ar
prejudiced and cannot act fairly a motion
thut elisors be appointed to take charg
ot th jury In th eoond trial Ot Dr.
B. Clarke Hyde on th charg ot mur
dering Colonel Thomaa II. bwop wa
filed In th criminal court here yesterday.
Tha trial la scheduled to begin October
11 Th petition for allaora also bar
th coroner, who, according to law, ntlg'it
lak charg ot th jury In place ot the
marshal, on th ground that ha, too, I
prejudiced, being a witness against the
defendant The argument on tn motion
will b heard Wednesday.
Ulmar Uwop of Martinaburg, W. Vs.,
who I trying to prov that h I a
Son of th lat Colonel Thomas H. Swope
In order to establish hi claim to th
Swop million, would b willing to 'ac
cept ROW In settlement ot Ills claim.
This was th announcement of counsel
for the Swope estate here today, follow
ing th tiling of a demand tor Immediate
trial of the case in th circuit oourt. Th
wop attorney said they would not
consent to pay Klmer Swope one cent
In ettlemnt.
At least 500 eminent criminologist.
Judge, criminal attorneys, alienists, war
dens and social workers will b in Omaha
Saturday evening when th annual meet
ing of th American Prison association
open In th Flrat Methodist church, ac
cording to Ilev. A. W. Clark, assistant
secretary of th association.
Judge Le 8. Katello, who has been ill
at his horn for tw week, will prrsld.
hi condition having Improved. Dean
Tancock of Trinity cathedral will pro
nounce the Invocation. Governor Al
drlch will deliver th addreaa of welcome.
Th meeting will close with a sp-.-eial
service in the First Methodist church
Thursday evening, October 11.
NKW YORK. Oct. 10. Ths United
States circuit court of appeals this after
noon handed down a decision affirming
th convictions in the lower eourt of
Charle l. Heik. former aecretary of
th American ttugar Refining company,
and Ernest Qerbracht. former aupertn
Undent of the company' Williamsburg
refinery, who wr found guilty of par
Oolpaiing la tha underweight fraud.
1- 7T-
II 1 K I , M
11. 1911.
Fingerproof Soup
Plate and. Noiseless
Spoon Invented
BT. I3UI9. Oct. 10. Sterling H. Camp
bell of thla city, inventor of the noiseless
soup spoon, hastened congratulation
when he learned that Isaac Allen of Chi
cago had perfected a finger-proof soup
plate. They will go well together, he be
Campbell reside at a hotel and he
knows how It Is. Observation In public
rating places ha sharpened hi invent
ive genius. A ladle which will enable
anyone not Italian born to make reason
able progress with a dish of spaghetti Is
about perfected. He has discovered that
a teaspoonful of olive oil on a grape
fruit will keep th Julc from squirting
Into on' eye.
Report that Walsh is
Paroled is Denied
WASHINGTON, Oct. lO.-Department
of Justlci officials today deollned to dis
cuss tha case of John R. Walsh, the Chi
cago banker, beyond the statement that
It was not true that Walsh had bean
paroled. This denial was made em
phatically, but official announcement of
the status of the case was not vouch
safed. It was stated that the parol
papers had not yet reached Attorney Oen
erat Wlckersham.
John ftcheve.
BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 10. (Special Tel-
egram) John Scheve, a prominent farmer
and stock raiser of Gage county, who
located on his ranch five miles north
west of Beatrice In 1867, died suddenly
Monday morning at Salt Lake City while
en routa to California for hla healOj.
H was 69 years of age and a director
of the Beatrice National bank of this
city. Hla wife died three month ago
today. Th body will be brought her
Thursday for Interment.
Hohert M. Conn.
BLOOMFI ELD, Neb., Oct. 10 (Special.)
Robert M. Conn died at Holyoke. Colo..
Thursday of tuberculosis and hi remain
were brought hera Monday for burial.
The deceased was 4S year of age and
leave a widow and family ot children.
He wa formerly a resident of thl
county, having lived nln mil north
west ot this city.
Captain F. 43. Power.
WIN FIELD, Kan., Oct 10,-Captaln F.
O. Power, on of th pioneers at th
opening of southern Kansas, la dead at
his home hare, aged TT. H wa a mem
ber of th Kansas legislature from 1SS3
to 1S86. H served In th olvll war as a
member of th On Hundredth and
Twelfth Nw York Tolunteer Infantry.
Oaataf Inisios.
YORK. Nb., Oct. 10.-(8peclal.) Mr.
Qustav Swanson died at hi home, on
and one-half mile south of th elty.
Cancer ot the stomach caused hi death.
WASHINQTON, Oct 10.-Th eontempt
proceedings against President Oompers,
Vice President Mlchell, nd Secretary
Morrison, of the American Federation of
labor, for alleged violation of an order
of the District ot Columbia uprm
court, were begun anew today.
The committee of prosecutors appointed
to examine Into th case. Joined issues
with the labor leaders answers filed
several week ago. Justice Wright ot
that Court is expected to appoint a
chancery examiner Friday to take testi
mony of both sides.
COLUM BUS. O., Oct. 10.-John D. Rock
efeller today through hi attorneys ap
pealed to the stau tag commission to
lower th assessed valuation it hla home
property in East Cleveland. He declares
the valuation placed thereon by the ap
praisers Is esoeaalv. - Th appraiser
raised the valuation of the Rockefeller
property from 3.0 to tuCt.UJ.
The Key to the Situation The Bee'
Advertising Column.
7T , n
"3 ' WHfVTS i
Family Trad kupplied t
Cbaa. tUora, Pboaa W abate
Pish, too
Bowlers Get Busy
in Omaha Leagues
In the Mercantile league, Corey A Mc
Kentle , won three from the Midland
Glas & Paint Co., Le Smith rolling
high total with 670. El Paxo took three
from the Root Printing company, Lamb
being the star, having high total with 584,
also high single game of 225.
Columbia Fire Underwriter took two
from the A. O. II. W. No. 17, Nelson
getting high total with 554. The Out
Laws won two games from the Spauld
Ing Oreen, having high total with 625.
In the Commercial league the Pete
Locks won three straight from the Rog
er Permits. Kuhry had high totals
with m and Rando high single with
214. Tonight the Jetter Gold Tops v.
the Luxus team. .
The fast Drummer took two out ot
three from Maneys Sunklst on the
Basement alleys. Barton had high gam
of 17 and high total for the Drummers.
Comeback Laird got high game of 181
and high totals of 631 for th Maneys
Sunklst Bob Griffith was out of form
and shot th low core of the night of
Tuesday, October 10th, Chrla Lycka v.
Besellr Mixers.
Bout Not Allowed
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 10. Th police depart
ment refused to permit "Paoky" Mc Far
land ot Chicago and Orover Hayes of
Philadelphia to box six rounds here lust
night before th Motart club. A crowd
of 2,000 had gathered at th coliseum to
ee McFarland and Hayes, and two pre
liminary bout.
Chief of Detectives Allender notified
th club' officers that arrest wouid b
mad if the club staged any of th box
ing matche. He allowed two boy to
This is th third tim within recant
data that McFarland ha been prevented
from fighting by th police. Th Chi
cago pugilist announced h would be
here until tomorrow noon and in the
meantime th officer of th club said
they will aeek an injunction restraining
th police from interfering. If success
ful, th fight will b scheduled for to
morrow night
No person not a club member was ad
mitted to th coliseum a waa the case
In the two former meeting of the club.
To com within th law, the club which
I Incorporated a th Mocart Oesang
verein, with athlatlo and Singing exer
cises as It main object, ha had a
quartett alng between each of th bout.
Tare Ilaata at Wilson Stale for
Paoera Deoldcd..
LEXINGTON, Oct 10.-Th race at th
fall meeting of th Kentucky 1 lotting
Horse Breeders' association were post
poned yesterday because of the rain after
ihre heat ot lh s.iiaon stake and two
of the K 7 pace had bten decided.
The third heat of th Wilson aiak re
sulted In a victory for Branham Baugh
maa in straight heats, Longworth B. fin
iHhing second and Uam Maid third, In
each heat.
But two heat of the 2:07 pace were
raced, Twinkling Dan taking th first
and tiarah Ann Patch landing the second.
The 2:14 trot, the 2:14 pace and the time
Performance of Uhlen, Willy and Gay
Audubon went over to the tomorrow's
card. Nummary:
Tha Wlisun stakaa, value $2,0ifi, three In
five, for 2:11 pacera:
Branham Baughman, b. h., by Gam-
betta Wilkes (Cox) 1 1 1
Longworth U., b. h. (Murphy) 2 t 1
Game Maid. b. m. (Snow) S 3 S
Time: 2 0; i 212.
Pacing. 2:07 claaa, purse 11.09), tm In
five (unfinished):
Twinkling Dan, br. h., by Dan Patch
(Murphy) , 1 2
Farah Ann Patch, b. m., by Joe
Patchen (Cox) ( 1
My Shadv Belle, b. m. (Pnow) 2 5
Gttorite penn, b. g. (Seags) , I 3
On Time. g. g. (Valentin)...'. 4 5
Patrick Pointer, b. h. (M. Crist) 4
Rollins, b. g. (Loom'sl C
Shsughran, b. h. (Key") 7 7
Gold Seal. ch. m (Kerr) I 9
Time. 2:1H4: M"4-
Wolsast Will Meet Wells.
NEW YORK, Oct. 10-Ad Wolgast,
champion lightweight or the wor d, ai.d
Matt Wells, the English champion, will
ill eel in a irnruii .win nriw iciunrr
t. Announcement of the bout, which was
a.i " - " . .-"I . c;i i i
hrcause Of an Insufficient guarantee for
Wnlgaet, waa made tonight by Ueorge
McDonald, manager for Wells.
The Key to th Situation Be Ada.
By "Bud" Fisher
Fort Omaha Men Get
Aviation Lessons
Major Russell, Major Reber and Cap
tain Chandler of Fort Omaha made a
test flight In any army balloon Monday
afternoon, leaving the fort at S o'clock
and descending In the neighborhood ol
Calhoun half an hour later.
This and a former flight were made to
give Major Reber a chance to qualify
a a pilot. The flight have not been
made with a view to altitude or dura
tion but with the Intention of teaching
th Omaha men to land and ascend
again. The special army man from
Washington, who has been superintend
ing the flights, returned Monday night.
A large balloon Is on the way to the
fort The flight Tuesday waa made Iri
one of the smaller gas-bags. The avia
tor did not land at Florence, a they
Intended, but drifted to a point four
mile southeast of Calhoun and then no
tified the fort. Lieutenant Haskell and
a party left for Calhoun to bring back
the balloon.
The Key to the Situation Th Bee' a
Advertising Columns.
"It t good
and wart aowlL"
r great underwear
to live in. It has a
pleasant, free feeling
though it fits like a
glove. It gives luxurious
warmth yet is as agreeable
as the softest, silkiest gauze.
OneiTK5iI Vud&nemz
VEL VETRIB ii knit of th finest
Egyptian yarn in two clostly inter
woven layers and ji alike on both
sides. Thus, without coarseness
of fsbric, clssticity, warmth and
velvety softness ar obtained.
Vtltrib Is 80 to lOO stroagar the
underwear of aqua) weight and tha
?artneot double stitched and reln
orced throughout.
Vtlvtrib I Cuarantaad
not to Irritate, shrink, rip. tear, bag
or money bsi:. Made in medium aod
heavy weights. Aik your dealer,
MEN'JI Sarat Car-
aaaats, til Union Salts, $1.
BOYS' Several Oar.
seats, gOai UsuaaSuils, SL
Vttvrlrii Union Bults ar Perfection
in Kit and Comfort,
oKEiTA mrmNQ hulls. usa. n. t.
TrmJ. 6mpel4l t
Byrn A Hammer D.. O. Co.
M. E. Smith at Co.
Cords. Chief guartermaster's Otfis
Federal Building, Chicago, 111., October l',
liill. Sealed proposals, iu triplicate, sub
ject to the usual conditions, will b re
ceived at this office until U:00 o'clock.
M., October 30, lull, and then opened, for
furnishing and delivering at sillier the
i.ostun. New York, l'hllauelphla, tit. Louis
or Chicago depot of the Wuartermaater
Department: iUl.iHO pis. Leu Ins, Canvas,
and lU'.uuu Cords, Hat; subject to Increase
of not to eaceed uU per cent. If desired by
this department. Might is reserved to
reject or accept any or all proposal or
any part thereof. preference will be
i,lven to articles of domestic manufacture,
conditions of tluallty and price (including
in the price of foreign productions or
manufactures the duty tnereun) being
equal. Standard samples can ba aeen, and
specifications, blanks for proposals and
full Information nil! be furnished upon
application at this office. Knvelopea con
taining propora to be indorsed
"proposals fur L,eglns and Hat Cords,
to be opened Oct. Su, 111." COL. JNO L.
CLEM, Chief Quartermaster.
J. hi. tiff ice. Central DUlsion. Ji8 Fed
eral Pulldliig, Chicago. 111., Oct. 7. 11L
Sealed proposala, In triplicate, will be re
ceived by the Quartermaster at Fort Rob
inson, Neb., until II o Cock a. m., moun
tain time, Oct. 21, 1911, and then opened,
for furnishing all material and labor re
quired tor the construction of a Hay Shed
at that Post. Full information, plana
and apeclficationa furnished on applica
tion to that officer. Plans and specifica
tions can ba seen at this office. Colonel
John L. Clem, Chlet Quartermaster. .
Headquarters Central I i vision. Chief
Quartermaster's Office. Utt Federal Buiid
tr.g, Chicago. 111., October 6. 1911. gealed
ErupoKals, in triplicate, will be received
, th Quartermaster at Fort Hllev Kan
sas, until 11 a. m. Octnl-r 27, 1S11 and
then opened, for furnishing necessary
material and labor required for rebuild
ins; one cavalry stable at that Pot. Full
Information. pUns and anecifiratlona
furnshed on application to the quarter,
master ther. Col. Juo. Clem. Chief Q ig.