10 TIIKKKB: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1911. REAL ESTATE FARM at. R4.MH I. AMI Ktlll Ht.h (Continued MEXICO The Mlisards ar mmltir. The cold hr not take a trip with us down to no coin westm Where the aentle gulf breesr iKiiiutit' delightful, winter and summer. Where you can enjoy warm, plesssnt weather every dev. Where you can buy a farm at 112 infer acre, easy terms, near railroad, fear Tnmplco. the gteat harbor, where you enn are the ship of the world loading and unloading their rargorn. Where you can rn. the flneat orn" and other citrus fruits. Where you ran grow big cropa of corn. ( Where one crop of corn paya for the land. Where they giow .lg cropa of cotton, a bale per arre. worth f0 per bale. Where they grow tne fiber plant, out of which they make binding twine, real lilntr IH'iOO per acre arnually. Where cattle, horaea and mules are Brown with little expense. Where the Kuralyptua treea mow faster than thev do In California. Where poultry I produced In all seasons of the year. Where vegetables grow to perfection. Where beee moke honey everv month. Where the climate la healthful. Where the rainfall Is abundant In the growing seasons, but little In the winter months. Where you can mako money easily and quickly. Where fortunes are being made. Where labor Is cheap, (V) cents per day). Where you will get rid of your rheumatlam and catarrh. Where you can have your winter home and enjov life. Where thousands of Americans are going and locating-. Where you will have American neighbors In an American colony. Where no Mexicans own land. . Where game. deer, wild turkey, quail, ducks' and geese are plentiful. HI'R NKXT KXf'I'KSION, Ot'TOHKIl 17TH. RAIROAU FAHK FHUM OMAHA TO TAMI'ICO AND RETURN $49 25. CHOCOY LAND COMPANY tU DRANDEI3 BLDG. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrant, W. Farnain Smith Co.. UiN Farnam 8L OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O KEKFK REAL EHTATB IX.. 101 Naw Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONET TO LOAN I'ayna lnv. Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. CITT and farm. JOHN N. KKKNZKH. $100 to llO.oiiO made promptly. jr. D. Weed. Wead Bldg.. lath and Farnam. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $300,000. W. U. THOMAS. KM First Nat. Bank Bldg. LOW RATEH, BEMIH-CARLUEKO CO, 110-411 Brandela Theater Bldg. WANTKD-FAKM LOANS. aClok In vestment Company, Omaha. FIKST TltUST CO LARUE city loan wanted; mortgage bonds bought and sold. B'l'ULL. UKuak FOR a dainty deasert us Dalsell's Ice cream. If Mrs. J. Johnson, 22 Cedar at., will com to The Bee ofric within three day we will give her an order Xor a quart of this fin lc cream. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO TRADE 15 acre New Huron, 8. IX, price $10,000; mortgage $6,40 equity $4,600. What have youf C C. innuta, m Brandela Theater Bldg. TO TRADE A 11.000 equity In a fjve room bouse, barn and two lot In Omaha for automobile, V A. Chamber, Ander eon, lav EXCHANOEB, aU kinds; list with us: rand (or exchange book. Colorado Land Investment Co., Paltaad. Colo. - EXCHANGES A. C. Jewell, board of Trad, it, it&i. I HALF section of good land, I mile f run Kimball. Neb. (county seat). Twenty acre and a town lot In the onion belt ef Texas, Twenty acre and two town lot In th fig and orange gull eoAati belt of Texas. Two nice quarter of table land near Juleaburg, Colo. Will consider a bunch of good horse, good caltl or clear, earning town properly. Address Boa M. Albion. Neb. SEE J. L. Barber to sell, or exchange anything- 440 Boaid of Trad. D. 4441. TRADES If you have anything to trade, writ me. tt. B. Walt. 617 Bee Bldg. I HANDLE exchangee everywhere. For results see ni. Dean. 611 be Bldg. I), lm. WK exchange properties of merle C. W. Welsh. I1J-U u. N. Be Bldg. Doug, Isoa, SMALL. RANCH WANTED. A widow woman wants to trad bet two new house located In Omaha, rent ing for $4e per month, and some uiilra- (nuved laud she owns tor a good small uiproved stock ranch in Nebraska. Would like one with some stock and ma chinery on it. Olv location, pric and full description In first letter if you want an answer. Box 4i, Omaha. WHAT have you for a good, cheap sec tion of Lincoln county landf Price, $11) per acre. Address, T WS, car bee. M ACHES In Thurston Co. for Omaha real estate. Tel. Harney ott, Harry li. Putnam, 4140 Burt. GOOD paying telephone exchange la live town, no competition; will couslder farm in trad. C 4J. Bee. f A MONEY MAKER. 640 acre Improved stock ranch In cen tral western Nebraska, Price, $., nitg., r.'.UJU, long time. This la a good one. What have you clear for th equity T si. K. Walt. 617 Bee Bldg. I OWN 640 acres of fine grass and farm land mile N. W. of Wailaoe, Lin coin Co., Neb. 1 want one or two good residence properties not too large; will gi ve clean honest deal. Price IJU per acre. Address b but. Be. IOWA FARM ) acres. Wood berry county, 6 tulle southwest 8.oan; rich black loam, juu acres In cultivation, eu acres pasture; fair Improvements. Price, , $ls per acre: want $J6.U00 to $J0.U0 In come or Implements or hardware. Get busy, this Is a good one. J. W. Dean, eli Bee Bliig., Omaha. Ar you a trader? I trade anything wher or time. Keiley, U7 Neville blk. Oiu. A BIO SNAP. 646 acre unimproved good land, lVj nilie from ton and rallroaod. In Ham ilton county, Kuiaaa. Would make a flu stock and grain farm. Price, $11 per acre; mortgage. l,4oo. Want Income, merchandise or acreage. Make offer; aot quick, e). E. Wall, 617 Be Bldg. THE REAL ARTICLE. ix) acre Improved ranch lu W heeler county, Nebraske, good, fair Improve lnenta, fenced and cross-fenced. Price, $i:M per acre, clear. Want clar Income or small Unproved farm In good location. Act quick. H. K. Wait. (17 Be Bldg. feEE Miss Lang In 'The Widow Might" at th American theater. If Mi a. B. Wolfe, h'14 Nicholas e)t.. will coma to The Be office within three days we will give her an order tor a pair of tickets. FOR BALE OR TRADE 10 acres peaches and apple. H-mlle from Palisade Colo.; would eichenge for Improved farm prtu C.(M). W. K, bell, tuiinett. Ida. Th Key to th Situation Th Bee's Advertising Column. WANTED TO BUY td baad good. Kieeer, 1030 Ceuter. D-6UO. W E PAY highest pric for men's Id i.ainj iwiuui. ai. ftaman, tu b. uui, I WANT to buy about a druen R C. White Leborn hens. Price must be reasonable. Ttl. Webster 77 A SADDUS Address F HI, Be. REAL ESTATE IMItM A It A C If I. A Ml I OH S AI.K. (Continued ) winter will unnn be here. Hi gulf const of Mexico, where ther U the temperature, making It Measant and OMAHA. NT.BRA8KA. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent t-room house, part modern. In any part of city. Address N. tin. Be. WANTED Two rooms, with private rath, near business district. Address with details, care U 442. Be. TIIREK or four unfurnished heated rooms, or apartments; walking distance preferred. Douglas TiKL WANTED A cottage, four of five rooms; rent must not be over $16 per month. Address, C 37$, car Bee. WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms, mtiHt not be very far out. Mrs. Herman, 2026 California. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNO lady, with high school educa tion, wishes a position. O til. Be. MAN wants position a Janitor; good reference. Addles U-tMl. car Be. V1K8T class practical nurse can b ngaged at one. Douglas HIM. 8EWINU by th day In families; good work guaranteed. 1'hon Webstar 4M2. A CAPABLE energetic woman of x perieuce and ability wenta position a cook and housekeeper for olub house, or in widowers laun.y. Can furnish best reference. Address Mrs. U. W. 1U4 Wa till tel.. North Piatt. Neb. - DAY work and family wash log. Har ney 2ti3t. WANTED Place on farm for boy 1$ year old. 8 $31. Bee. MAN and wife, very capable, desires employment; experienced as manager and housekeeper. Address, JJ-396, Bee. WANTED Position; attendant or housekeeper; references exchanged. Ad dress 404, Be. Comptometer operator, railroad exper ience. U. t&i. Be. FIR8T-CIaAS8 colored laundress want. wor uy m oay. vv cosier jMra. WANTED Position a housekeeoer In first-class hotel; thoroughly coniDetent: reference; In or out of city. Address Box X, Kxcelslor Springs, Mo. REFINED elderly lady wishes iAaiif, as companion or car of Invalid or chil dren. At convenience. H. HA, car Be. WANTED Kituatlon by a middle aaed exiieiienced man. Position a general farm auperlntendent accustomed to op erating large Illinois farms, understands modern farm methods of handling stock of all kinds. Addruss BJ39, Be. L- V t OM WVPLMl a , , r. . r. 111 . I. ear of small sat of book during spar time. B 4J7. Be. nniUPTnMRTlCn iiunlnr rllrni perlenc, references. Address b-Itd, car Be. EVERY Person know who D. J. O'Brien Is because he ha made Omaha famous with hi candy. If Mrs. J. P. hlsasser. HM) ho. list St.. will com to The Be office within three day w will give her an order for a 00-cent bog ut O'Brien's candy free. SCANDINAVIAN man and wife, with two children, on 6 and on 1 year old. want to work on a farm or camp: good strong worker. Address Y t, oar Bee. YOUNO man wants position a team ster. Harry Olaser, .1410 Oarfleld Ave., city. SITUATION by woman oooki call or write, Ulu Chicago bt. WASHING! or cleaning for Thursday and Fridays. Webster 4.V9. WOMAN wants day work, rbon Web. 9. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchant. consignments solicited. ilW Brandela. Nebraska-Iowa Qraln Co, 764 Brandela. THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Conalua. mnits carefully handled. Omaha, Neb. MKRK1AU COMMISSION CO. "Asa th man who hea tried ue." CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. wholesale 6ater in gra'a, bay, chop feed. stiajtaeta xuag. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST 6hip your stock to South Omaha i gave mUe and hrtukagoi our consignment rceiT proiupt stad carff ui aueation. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byra Bros. 4 Co. strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., Z-a Kxchang Bldg. Great Wast. Coin. Co., Omaha at Denver. W. R. SMITH A bON Just handl sheep. W. Y. DENNY A CO.. Cil Kxch. bldg. TAOO BROeV. handl cattle, hog, sheep. CLIFTON Com. Co.. Xa Exchange Bldg. Donahue A Randall Co SOS Exch. Bldg. Clay, Robinson A Co.. M) Kxch. bldg. Th Standard Cora. Co.. lis Each. Bldg. W. H. SMITH A eKJN Just nandl sheen. Interstate Co. Better rtauiia. Ship to u. BURKE-RICKLY CO- Ml Kxoh. bldg. L K. ROBERTS A CO.. ta Exch- B.dg. Allen Dudley A Co.. tl-17 fcxeh. Bldg. Cox A J one Com. Co., bunch of hustler. Ralaion. A Fonda, Uve stock cum. uiar. Farnr L. al. Com. Co Mt Kxchanga Deposit lroceeds of shlpinents la Stock Yards Nat l iaut. only bauk at yanie. WINN BROS. A CCv. Excbaog bldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Figurei Show Further Beduction in the Crop of Spring Wheat HEAVY MOVEMENT ANTICIPATED Uoversjmeai Report on Cora $ Ball- Ish, the 1911 Crop Belaaj 8T, 00O,MM Ileshels Short of l.aat Year. OMAHA Oct. 10. 1S1I. Th official figures posted after th Close yeslertlay snowed some further re duction In the spring wheat crop, the total crop of spring wheat la now esti mated at 2Uo,U"vkio bu., and thl checked the decline. Value have been suffering the lest week. Jr'svorable weather may cause a renewal of the heavy movement to terminal maikita. but no severe de cline can be expected In face of the large proportion of low grade spring wheat and stiff pressure for hard wheat. The government report on corn was bullish, the mil cron Is eH7.0Oo.O0O bu. short of the 1910 crop, which means a shortage in tne commercial corn supply of this country. Ktocks In all positions are de creasing sharply and rash corn Is bnng- ng tanry premiums over futures. Ciliorts covered on the bullish govern ment report and values advanced, t ables were strong and higher and cash prices wer Vic higher. Corn waj aironsT and hlaher on the bullish government report and light re ceipts gave cash corn an advance, sam ples selling Mic higher. lrlmary wheat recemts were 1.6MS.0W bu. and shipment were 432,000 bu., againat receipts last year of irtO.vou bu. and ship ments of &f,000 bu. Primary corn receipts were 396.000 bu. and shipments were 4.U.O11O bu., against receipts last year of 411,000 bu. and ship ment OI 244,000 bu. Clearances were if?. 000 bu. of corn. 1.600 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 143.000 bu. Uverpoul closed 'li'nlVkd higher on wheat and VuVl higher on coin. j ne iuiiowing cash saie were reported: W H EAT No. 2 hard. 1 car. KieVc; 1 cats, vtc. No. $ bard, 1 cars, Hso. No. 4, i cur, VYftc; 1 car. 97c. No. i mixed. 1 cur. $1.01. No. I mixed, 1 car. Ifec. CORN-No. 3 white. 2 cars. 671xc: No. 3 yellow, 1 cars. 67 Wo. No. mixed. 1 car. 67c. .OATS No. t white. 1 cars. 46c No. 4 white, x cars, 46o: 1 car. ttVu: 1 car. tliVic No. $ yellow, 1 car, 4Cc. Oeaauaa Cash i'rtees. WHEAT No. 2 hard. WV4c4ill.02: No. $ hard, vscr(j$Mm; No. 4 hard, KiVjciulLOO. CORN No. 3 white. l7Wtt74ic: No. a white, 7Vu417V'; No. 4 white, 67'fl7U,c; No. 2 yellow. (-ViitiVcL No. 2 yellow. friVd 07c; No. 4 yellow. Matilc; No. 2, WMMiie; ivo. 3 wtic; No. 4, tWAttwic: OA i n No. 2 white. 46t4ti4iu,c; standard. 4C4j4tic; No. a white, fc'o46c; No. t white, 46H'a4oo; No. i yellow, SitHoc; No. 4 yellow, Vit 4o1iC. BAttLEY Malting, ai.10iiil.20: No. 1 feed, Hlcull.Oli. RYE -No. 2. &3tc: No. 2. 94i8!)jC. C'arlot Hecelpte. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago UK 1!71 m Minneapolis 3x3 Omaha 12 ' 13 14 Duluth 3X6 CHICAUO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Featarea of the Trading and Closing l'rleee on Hoard of Trade, CIIICAOO. Oct. 10.-Fear that Black ea shipment won be hampered by the Turns had a illlsn etiect louay on Wheat 8o did front report from th Argentine. In consequence the close was He to Wao higher than last night. Corn fl.l.l..i . tz?..:.. A4.,.nA 1 1 n , iinmiim b vwiw lm , - - ohangod to o up, but hog products wer from uwaioc to r7Vko down. More auDrehenelon reaardlng war en tanglement developed than previously, owing to the fact that Liverpool scored a ahurp gain. In this connection wneat traders here took account of the world's available supplies being now 17,000,000 bu. less than a year ago. New of heavy frost In Argentina seemed to be Judged by many dealer to take equal rank as a factur on the buvlnx aide. Almost the only offset for the bear wa the better weather and large receipts northwest. De cember varied from Oka to lOPy and wound up Hrto net hlxhi-r at Ssieuo. Corn wa lifted by mean of foreign orders to purchase future. December ranged from WSrtiMVo to 647c. closing steady. HA.C up. at WMltrt'-kC. CuhIi grade were In active reiuetii. No. I yellow finished at ilHy --'. Oat were slow moot of th time, but gradually hardened lute In the day with other grains. The east continued to take cash offering rather freely. High and low point touched bv December wer 47SJi47e and 47 '40. with th doe at 47Sc, exactly th same as last night. i-roviMions wer weax. in outcome won a decline all around pork 2MiZ7Hc, lard i: VJU lfo and ribs 16fl7So to 200. Quotation of leading products wer: Artlc'sl Open. I Hlgh. Low. I Clos. Yes y. Wh't Dec. t M 8t4(TfS 97 May. 1 W' 1 04S 1 03 1 04 1 03 July. mt Corn Dec. MW S4'4 64Vtr14 6411 U May. tiiStfW 6i! ttH W Oats Dec. 1 47W 47Vi 47 46V4 May. WV.W'US 60 60i 47S Pork Jan.. 15 t08 15 $0 15 10 H 10 IB I7H IS 30 May. UUHU 12'i 14 rH 14 7H U lt Lard Oct.. a 87H tfc a to a Jan.. a Xl'm t 7H t Kl I 77H IKH - S 80 0 SO Rib Oct.. a is as a i!H a 12H Jan.. T TK T87WT7Sa06 y so May. a OTVi t 10 7 7Vi I 7H a IS Hi 10 lrtniTR Steady: winter patent, at.15 -4)4.76; winter atralght. $3.Hi4.W; spring straiahts, $l.Kat mi; pagers, hi ivjit.iv. RYK-No. 2, s.iawio. HARL.KY Feed or mixing. Soctjll.OO; fair to choice malting, $l.lOia1.22. 8KKDB Tlmotny, lawu.w. viover, $14.00ui 19.25. FROV1SIONS Me pork, per bbl., ai5.27Siilli.60. lrd, per lt lbs., an.no. Hhort rib, side (loose) $KOOift.&0; short clear sides (boxed), $a.27V(l 60. Total clearances or wneat ana nour wer equal to 244,000 bu. I'rlmary receipts war liW.000 bu., compared with 960.000 bu. the corresponding: day a year ago. Th world's visible upply, a shown by Uiailxtreet'a. Increased e.7M,oiv nu. b.si- mated receipt for to.norrow; Wheat, 60 care: corn, 14J cars; oats, iw cars; nogs. 26.0O0 head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat No. 1 red, 7tic: No. 2 red, 90.j97c: No. a hard, $1,0141.08; iso. 1 tiara, p.wi 1 ts; r.o. 1 northern, SLllffl-IS; No- northern, ai.10 111: No. a northern. xi.OMjl.lo; Mo. 3 spring. $1.0210110; No. 8 spring. 31.02? l.o; No. 4 eprlng, t0cf1.05; velvet chaff, SOcJrtl.OS; durum, $100104. Corn, No. 2, 71n'l4o; No. 3 white. 71tl71o; No. t yellow, Tivtinsc; jso. x, wwio; ro. 1 white. nViu71c; No. 3 yellow. 7lVii Tl"o: No. 4. 70c: No, 4 white. TOtrWo; No. 4 yellow, 70ttT7mc Oats, No. 1 white. 4TliHc; No. 2 white. 4Hji47c; No. $ white, 4iS404,'Ne; stanuara, .ki-,'c. Ry. No, 2. 7iuo. Hariey, T&rti$1.2&. Timothy, 31S.tt(15.00, Clover. $14. 00m 19. HfTTFR rtrm. cretuneries, dairies, ainatic. F.ous ttteady. re-elits. SK9 cases; at ark. oaee Included 17c; firsts. Soc; prime firsts 2l'o- ItiTATOKS Steady, cnoie to fancy. TVu'Wc; fnlr to good. Sj70c. 1'Ot'i.TRT rum; turkeya, ic; cnicx ns. UV; sprlnaa, 10c ("HEKSE-(Steady, daisies. Itvtc: twin. 13olc: Young America. l4Wc: long horn. UVic V..AL fiteadv: 50 to so pound wis.. o: til in li pound wts. tW4i !'-: to luO pound wis. 110. Receipts Shipments. Flour, bis 24. M0 l ) Wheat bu M.Oul . "4 00 Corn, bu 2--t 2tw 0n0 . Oat. bu 2O3.0IS) Rye. bu lsooi 1 no barley, bu 194.0UO 23.000 Carlot receipts: Wheat. car, with 14 of contract grade; corn 271 car a. with LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ltv Stock losasataaloit Mercavaata LAVERTY BROd-. ISM ttxeh. Bldg Paxtun-kckman Chain, Co. l k remedtea iart-n Bros. A Co., X3-I txch. bldg. Ales, U. buchanaa A aoa. M U kg. bldg. i of Contract grade; oats, c.s, total receipts of wheat at cnlrago, Alin neaiiiis and Duluth tu-day wire niH car, compared with W7 cars last week and UK car th corresponding day a year v. NKW 1 0HK UKKRL MARK KT Qaotatloa of the Day ts Varlo t'onsssodltles. NHW YORK. Oct. .-FLOfR-Market steady; spring patents, J.iu'-. winter straights, $4.004.15; winter patents, l.litt u, spiing clears, ti.Zjtt 4.60; Kansas straights. 4I7 4 70. Rye Hour, market steady; lair to good, $4.'idu' l.ko; choice to fancy, $u.Oti6.3n. COHN.MKAI, 2m ark el, film; fine white and rllow, 11 .40y 1.4i., coarse, xl.A4jl.4o, kiln oried, H.tv. W II K AT 8 pot market, firm; No. 2 ted, Mc elevator, export basis, and W f. o. b. atloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 111'.' f. o. b. afloat. Futures market: 1 here was a good deal of strength to th wheat market today, partly expressed In a net rise of Sc per bushel. Besides reports of Argentine frost damage, sen timent was Influenced by runner cash markets, export talk and foreign buy ing. December, $1.02 7-1H-81.0Z 16-1 closed $1.04; May, $).oVcl.0', closed $l.oe's. Receipts, M,80uvbu.; shipments, 79.o7 bu. CORN ripot market, firm; No. 2 corn, 76o elevator basis to arrive and exiKirt; No. 2, 7ti'.4c f. o. b. afloat. Future nom inal. Receipt, 1,300 bu.; shipments, 62 4X9 bu. OATtJ 8pot market, steady. Futures nominal. Receipts, 16,500 bu.; shipments, 1.6.7 bu. HAY Market steady: prime. 31.22V: No. 1. ai.UVnl.20: No. 2. $1.10B1.16; No. , $1. 00 1.06. HlDKd Market, stesdv: Central Amer ica, 20c; Bogota, 2(Qi2c. LbATH K K Market, tirm; nemiocg firsts, Unite; seconds, 2ft)Hc; tulrds, l(iwc; rejects, 16c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady: mess. $lti.ifx 17.0(1; family, $19.oU4l.O0; short clears. $16. 7.Vu 17.60. Beef, uuietl mess. $l2.6onl3.00; family, $13. 61XU 14.00, beef hems. U. M). Cut meats, steatiy; picatea cllles. 10 to 14 pounds. IU.0o.uU.Vj; pickled hams, $12.00 L3.60. Lard, weak; mlddleweat crime. $.109.a; refined, steady; continent, $j.86; 8uuth America, $10.ti0; compound, $7.6ot7.76. TALLOW-Market, steady; prime city, hhds., bc, nominal; country, tVi'tt);c. BU 1 1 U.K f inn; creamery specials, aitt Otic; creamery, extras, blc; creamery, firsts. 26Hi'iitc: creamery, seconds, 254 26c process, specials. 2tr(j24Vc; same, extras, 23'u?4c; same, firsts, ZYtiZitp, factory, current make, firsts, zic. C tit'.e.bf. t-ieaoy ; skuiih, yjhw:. EOQS-Kteadv: fresh gathered, extras. 30fe,lc; same, extras, flraut. 011 Ac freen gathered, firsts, 2oTu2rc; held, fresli, poor to fair, uniMc; rresn gatnerea, airuee, No. 1. 17'a17Vie: fresh gathered, checks. prime, 15V<lc; refrigerator, first sea son's storage charges paid, IW-KaZlc; No. 1, dirties, 13(3 lbc; western, gathered. whites, ZHW30C. 1-OITLTRY Alive, firm: prices not es tablished. Dressed, easier:, western broil- 1 ere, l2Q19c; fowls, lX17Vo; turkeys, it 623c. . St. I.oeils tleneral Market, ST. LOUIH. Oct. 10. WHEAT Cash, higher: track No. S red, 8Vciil 00; No. 2 hard, $1.03I.U; December, ir7 VaflTftc ; May, . . ., CORN Higher:- track No. 2. 71Hc; No. a white, 72Vtc; December, 63ftc. OATS nleaoy ; iracg rn. i, nac; no. 1 White, 4Ko December, 471)ic. K T rj l. ncnangea, wc. riiuunrniu, 1 : " 1 11 1 - 1 . ...... ... . - P4 70; extra fancy and straight, $3.9041 4.2n; hard winter clears, iJ.io'u-J.w. KEEP-Timothy, u.uoai4.tio. CORNMEAIy $3.20. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, $1.12 4M15. , 11 A y rirm; umomy, u.woo.w; pruj- rie. aia.40fris.no. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobblnir, $15.00. Lard, unchanged; prima steam, $H.0fu.0. Dry salted meats (boxed), un changed; extra short, $9.00; clear ribs, $9.00; short clear, $9.12. Hacoh (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts. $10.00; clear ribs, $1000; short clears, 310.12H. I'ULLi Kt-urm; cmcaens, ic; springs, 10c; turkeys, 14Vii16c; ducks, 11 He; geese 10c. Bin 1 niK itigner; creamery, j-ujuc. ECK58 Firm, lWtf21e Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls ,4K 12.000 Wheat, bu 9t.uoo 41. corn, nu azuw m,uiv Oats, bu 43.000 25,000 Kansas t'ltr Or In and Provision, KANSAS CITY. Oct. 10. WHEAT Un changed to Ho lower; No. 2 hard. $1.01t 1.0H ; No. 3, $1.00H107; No. i red. SvWic ai.OOVj; No. 8, 74lo; December, WVic; May, II.03H; July 9tfsNo- CORN Unchanged to Ho higher; No. a mixed, 70Hc; No. 3. 70c; No. 2 white, 71c; No. 3. 7O&70HO; December, Sl&SlVio; May, 4c; July. 64V4c OATS Steady ; No. a Whit, 7tPU"o; No. 3 mixed, 46U'47c R Y K stKy 9oO. HAY Steady: choice timothy. 313.50 1S.00: cholc prairie, 312.GOU12.00. BUTTER-Creamery. 2ttc; first. ZWX seconds, 24c; packing stock, 19c. KOUS Extras. 22c; firsts. 2ic; sec onds, UVxC Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu 6.0O0 , 34.000 Corn, bu 26,ti0 13,000 Oats, bu 11.000 6,000 Visible Sapply of Grata. NFJW YORK. Oct. 10.-Th following cable and telegraphic communication re ceived by Bradatreet show the follow ing change In available supplies a com pared with th previous account: Avail able aupplleo: Wheat United States, east Rockies, lnoreaa. 4, 266,01 W bu.; Can ada, Increase, 2.1S8.O0O bu. Total United State and Canada, Increase, . 436.000 bu. Afkiat for and In Europe, decrease, 700,- 00 bu. Total American and European supply. Increase, 6,Tta0K) bu. Corn United State and Canada, decreaa. 1.203,000 bu. Oat United State and Can ada, decrease, 426.000 bu. Th leading Increaae and decrease reported to Brad street, follow: Increase: Manitoba, Rtto.ouO bu.: Chattanooga, 246,000 bu.; Nash ville, W.00O bu.; Louisville, 63.000 bu. De crease: St. Joseoh. 65,000 bu. : Ooderlch, 66,000 bu.; Newport News, 62,000 bu. Mlssessolli (irwla Market. MINNEAPOLJS. Oct. 10.-WHEAT-D-eember 31.09Vl.0USi: May. $1.134: No. 1 hard: ai.W; No. 1 northern, fl.ObHtfl.OPH; No. a northern, 31.05Hi6l .071; No. 8. $1.02Vi C104H. FIAX-a2.K4. BA RLE V 70c(&1.18. CORN No. 3 yellow, 7Hj38c. t OATS No. 3 whit. 468-460. RYt) No. I. S2c. B IIA N-4P1 fHitj 22.00, FIAUR . First patent. $6.804750; ec oud patent. $4 90rn5.30; first clears, $3.s0(J 4.16; second clears, 32.Ml3.10, Pklladelphla Prodao Market. PHIUtDEU'inA. Oct. la BUTTER Firm, extra western creamery, 3Jc; nerby print. S4c. EtRlSFirm, Pennsylvania and other nearby first, fro canoe, $7.80 per case; current receipt. $7 Per case; west ern first, free easea, $7 so per case; cur rent receipts, free cases, $Ow7.80 per cae. CHEESE Firm, New York full crestma, fancy, 16u IbT; fair to good, 14o14Vo. Liverpool Gralw Market. MVERPOOD, Oct. 10 WHEATSpot dull; No. 1 and No. 3. Manitoba not quoted ; future steady; October 7. 6Hd; lVcembcr 7s. d; March 7. Sd. CORN Spot firm; American mixed a. S',d; futures steady; January 6s, 3d; Feb ruary 6s, avxd. Peoria Market, PEORIA. Oct. 10. CORN Higher: No. 8 whit, 70c; No. I yellow, 7W; No. 3 yellow, "Oo; No. 4 yellow, !Ho; No, a mixed, 70c; No. a mixed, 70Sjo; No. 4 mixed. vc. OATS- Inctlvo; tndard, nominal; 46ViQoe; No. I whit. 46VxO. Mllwaake Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. R WHEAT No. 1 northern. 31. lit? 1 l:1; No. 3 northern. 1104111; No. 3 hard winter. 8104O1.0; December. KOo; May, aiMVi. OATS Standard, 7l,c BARLKi -Malting. $1 lltf L22. Dolath Grala Market. DUMTTH. Oct M WniKAT-No. I hard. II. No. 1 northern, $1.0hS; No. 3 northern. $1 U3S: No, 3, SSSoti I1.00S; lecembr. 3l0 asked; May, $1.12 bid. ('Ilea Market. NEW YORK. Oct l.-C!OTTON-Tot Flowed unchanged; middling uplands, 7Sc; nildtlllng gulf, 10c; sale, none. Futures closed steady; closing bid: Oc tober, 94iw; November, 9.fcc; December, ;c; January, 3 47c; February, 6Jc; March, 9 69c; April. $4c; May. 9 71c; Juue, I. "ic, July, $.79u; beptember, $ Mc. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Supply of Cattle ia Fair and Valuea Are Generally Steady. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN LOWER apply l.araer and Advices from Other Points Are tafarorable Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 10. 191L Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 10,33 3. 4K,737 Estimate Tuesday 7.200 . 62,000 Two days thl week.. 17.5S3 3.6 100,n3 Same days last week. .26,67 6.o 109.196 Same days 2 w'ks ago.. 26 4'.'2 10.H44 S9,!i Same days 3 w'ks ago..l8.9Z0 M.3.17 fame days 4 w ki ago,.19.( s."m Same days last year. ..25.769 6,727 108,449 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1911. 1910. lnc Dec. ( attl (ihH.411 915,040 . Hog 1.918.3.15 1.578.073 SM Sheep 2,093.393 2,003.4X3 84,906 The following table shows the average fuicea for hogs at South Omaha for the ast few days, with comparisons: Dat I 1911. 1910.109. 1908. 1907. 1906.1905. Oct. 1. . 855787e00126 Oct. 2.. 6 25 7 66 63 6 92 26 t Oct. S.. 28 8 4J t 42 $ 81 27 3 14 Oct. 4.. 6 21 8 2ft 7 82 84 8 01 Oct 6 224 8 27 7 80 4 46 6 84 6 9 6 06 Oct. 6.. 6 311k 8 40 7 67 4 31 6 81 8 01 Oct. 7.. 42' 8 47 7 64 t 16 5 92 6 05 Oct. 8.. 8 27 7 67 16 6 98 $ 22 Oct. 9. . 3 6 7 61 6 201 07 t SO 6 IW Oct. 10. 1 8 22 6 15 t 11 6 26 6 05 Sunday. Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hour ending al i v. tti. yesterday: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hons. Sheep. H'r's. c, M. & St. P. Uy.. 3 7 .. 1 6 13 5 2 4 25 73 8 7 3.. 10 18 27 2 4 1.. 1 100 199 3 Wabash R. R Missouri Pacific Ry 1 Union Pacific R. R. 67 C. & N.-W., east.... 3 C. A N.-W.. west... 61 C, St. P., M. ft O... 3 C. H. ft Q.. east C. B. & Q., west... 129 C R. I. P.. east 1 C, R. I. ft P., west 7 Illinois Central Ry. 1 C. O. W. Ry Total receipts... 276 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 419 626 6.662 Swift ft Co 1,179 1,821 Cudahy Packing Co.... 656 1,826 2,492 2,818 2,343 dchwartx-Bolen Co lib Armour ft Co 707 1,792 Murphy 129 Morrell 9 ... W. B. Vansant Co 145 Benton, Vansant ft Lush 203 ... Hill & Son 249 F. B. Lewis 378 Huston ft Co 4 ... J. B. Root ft Co 183 J. H Bulla 102 L. Wolf 42 L. F. Hubs 29 McCreary ft Kellogg.... 283 S. Werthelmer 76 II. F. Hamilton ' 105 Lee Rothschild 76 ... Mo. & Kan.-Cal. Co.... 191 ... Clin ft Christy 90 Other buyers. e. I,9u6 19,444 Totals 7,241 6,109 40,757 CATTLE KecalDta were very fair for a Tuesday and th quality of the offer ings was pretty much th same as 11 has been of late, western ranger con stituting the big bulk of the supply. For the most part prices held fully steady on Doth corn red and range beeves ana un der the Influence of a broad demand the trade was reasonably active from start to finish and the liberal offerings Ulsposed of In very good season. supplies of cows and heifers were oniy moderate and the demand better than It ha been of late, so that the move ment was free and price steady to a had stronger all around. Veal calve were In liberal supply but quotably firm and there wa a broad outlet and prac tically steady market for bulls, stag, etc Inquiry for stockera and feeder, wa somewhat better than on yesterday and price a shad stronger as far as desir able offerings wer concerned. Both yard trader and country buyer took hold mora freely than recently and the gen eral undertone to the trade was firm. Volume of business was heavy and an early clearance made. Quotation on native cattle. Good to choice beef steers. $7.27.90; fair to good beef steers, $6'if7.25: common to fair beef steers, 14.75tj6.60; good to choice heif er, $4.76i&5.&0; good to choice cows, $4,609 5.00: fair to good cows, $3.764.60; common to fair cows, $2.76id3.76; veal calves, $3.50 67.60. Quotation on rang cattle; Good to cholc beef steers. $6.6Wu.60; fair to good beef steers, $4.90y6.40; common to fair beef steer. $4.25ft4.M); good to cholc heifer, K7&41&.26; good to cholc cow, $4.40u.6.00; fair t good cow, $3.7543.4.40; good to cholc Mocker and feeder. 36.00 ti.00; fair to good slocker and feeder. 4.40too.Oo; common to fair atocker and feeder, 83.264H.26; stock heifers, 33.26 126; bulls, slag. tc, 33.264i6.00. HOUS Packers pounded hog values with a vigor, taking off loialic early and practically refusing to buy toward the close of th session. Sum Increase in the supply, together with unfavorable advice from other points, caused the lump. Decline wer attended by a dual demand from ail quarter and the market as a whole merited plenty of criticism. In the neighborhood of ninety-five loads were received in all. bulk of offerings con sisting of heavy packing grades, the same as recently. Movement scaieward started out In halting faahion and finally cam to a dead standstill alter tne more urgent orders had been filled. Probably twenty loads of animal were still In first hands when th trade became dormant and bid filaoed on them afterward were all of 200 ower than yesterday' prices. Close proved mean at thl decline and complete clearance appeared doubtful. Long string early settled to 36.30S4L33. and hogs that sold lata had to move at and near 36.26. Th best bacon weights on sale dropped to $6.46, a nickel less than yesterday' low limit. Shipper furnished poor support at all time, buying lea than a half dosen load on outside orders. Representative sale: K. At. Bk, Tr. . No. A. r. Pr. ...I4 M III ...lm) N la ...lit ... Ill ...141 40 I II ...III 120 I M ..137 ... I II ...mi M 111 ...241 mo I 15 ...141 SO 4 W M U stf 6 Sf 14, . M 164 la in It.. u l 40 1 a .. ..U4 11 le ..174 III IS ..Ml M IN ..174 M I 10 ..171 W III ..Jul MO I lo .114 W I 10 ,.l:l Mil ..HI ... I M 41.. ?4... II .. 47... 47..., 14... U 40 M .til so 1 xs .Wi M I It 44 It 14 M ...! ...Ill ..lt ...ki ... Ill 10 I n mi 1 11 10 I I7S ... I 17 ... 4I7S4 .171 .IO .Ml .14 I U4 I lit 6 II t M... 1... 71... II... It... 11... 11... II... II... II... T... II... 11... It... 17... T... 41... M... II... U... 12... 11... I U 40 IM 14 4 I1U, as) lie 1 11 wi iw 1 use KM ... 4 12 ...IT 4 44 41 .141 140 I 17 ...I SO I ITU, ...III ...111 ...KM) ...104 ...14 ...311 I 17 .11 .111 I I ut M I N 4 34 4 U ... 4 11 0 4 4 4 44 4 40 .lit .11 M... 44... U... 4 4 4 4 .SM SO U .1M M I U .11 ... I U .171 M I M .14 ... I U .11 11 I U . M III .171 SO 4 M .HI IS tN ...114 140 4 4 4... ...lo 110 4 ...141 ... 40 ...lot ... 4 44 ...lt.1 124 4 4 ...l4l ... 4 41 ...ttl ... 4 40 ...M ... 4 4 U... 11... 44... II... 4t... 14... 14... .ha) NIK PIGS. tl to ... 4 H SHEtP-limb receipt had all th ear- mark of a late fall 'clean-up" run. aver 111 quality being low-grade. Th esti mate wa large enough to throw some doubt on th is belief, however. a full U.ouuj bead wer expected, making a two daya' total of over lOO.OuO head. Some thing like mi per cent of fresh arrival were suitable for only th corn-field and feed-lot, bulk consisting or lambs. In view of yesterday dullness in feed- era, th final dearanc proved very sat isfactory to eelling Interest, only a few thousand head remaining unsold. This tale supply was too small to be used as an effective bearish argument but the demand from the country seemed to be under requirements and the trend to value was undeniably easier. Uood fat class of sheep and lam ba, being In the minority, met with healthy Inquiry from acker. and trad opened on a steady b-l. Fat lambs with dressing promise moved round $0 M denoting a limit of $i 90 or possibly $e.D0 for something fancy. The beat lamb her yesterday brought $6 Wl Anything selling below f..ti Is not very respectable and the fact that most of ferings must be shaped up through the sorting gate, lends emphasis to the grow ing scarcity of finish. I'sual conditions were apparent In the market for fat sheep, the demand being ample and fairly active at price well sustained. Toppy wetheis were wanted around $4.00 and ewea drew very fair competition at $4.40 and less. Yearlings were rare exceptions. All buyers on country account appeared hesitant and the feeder market during early rounds did hot produce any busi ness worth mentioning. What few sales were mads Indexed a weak to dime lower scale of prices. Merely good feeder lambs sold from $6.00 downward while $6.10 bought strings that were thrifty and first-class. Anything landing above this limit at present can usually qualify for a short fat sort. Feeder ewes are In good demand under $3.00. Yesterday's feeder purchase amounted to 84.00O head. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lamb., good to choice, $6. 60116. 90; lambs, fair to good. 85. 20416.60; lambs, culls, M.7fnl3.1.i; lambs, feeders, $4.2Va5.10; yearlings, good to choice, $4.204j4.4; yearlings, feeders, $3,904-4.26; wethers. handy, $3.7trfj4 lo; wethers, heavy. 33.65(5 4.00: wethera. fee... ers, 33.2wU3.66; ewes, good to choice, 83. 309 ewes, iair to gooa, J.WK(3.3W; ewes, breeders, $3.26i4.00: ewes, feeders. 2.iHa 2.90; ewes, cui.s, $1.60(2.36. CHICAGO LIVU STOCK MARKET Dent Bad for Cattle Mow - Hogs are Lower Sheep Weak. CHICAGO, Oct. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 7,000 head; market slow, steady: beeves. $4.76rd8.40; Texas, steers, M.lOruti.lO; western steers, 14.1ub6.16; stockers and feeders, $3.1&5.66; cows and heifers, $2.0oru6.1o; calves, K;Wn9.25. HOG.-4 Receipts, 23,000 head; market 10 aM lower; l.ght, $6.00rg.7O; mixed, $6.05 tiO.75; heavy, $6.96(66.76; rough, 85.96&6.16; good to choice heavy, $6. Mi. 75; Pig and lights, 4.iVu10; bulk of sales, $6.6.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 45,000 head; market weak; natives, $2,50tft4.25; western, $3.0063.25; yearlings, $3.8fitj4.76; native lambs. $4.25ft6.2o: western. 14.6x,c 6.25. Kansas City LIto Stock Market. V A NJ & A fit 1'ITV , ... . ,A , . T' T I I." ............ . , vv 1. iw. .1 a 1 t.r. jo- OltltM 1 U l.m I . A . i I nli.ln IUW . J . ... . .., Mrgvw . . . 1,. IIIVIUUIII ,,UW lltU southerns; market steady to 10c higher; u 1 roui-u ucci auo export sieers, f.2oqs.3o; fair to good $5.2Dr7.00; western steers, 14 (II V.I V T. inr.it.r. unit fn-A nr-m lil,i,A southern steers, $3.76Ui5.25; southern cows! .iva-i.ov, native cows, iovtuo.w; native heifers. 14 OfWi.7 on hull. t'j or..j . calves, 84.254tf.75. llOU Receipts 14.000 head; market 6 (&10o lower; bulk of sales, $6.30a.50; ' J I T ' w. " ... , m v. r ci n iiu uuiuilCIB, $0.20&i4.60: liichts. X6.0iirn,i:.6f;: nlirs. 11 anna 6.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000 IiarH ma rko( mt tx 1 r n i inwx i . 1 B1.vsuj iv A.-n- ivrnvi. IO, 1 11 Ua, $4.76f0i6.1O; yearlings, $3.85(&6.00; wether. $3.25i'4.25; ewes, $3.0t)j3.76; stockers and feeder, $2.5044.00. St. Loots Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 10. C A TTLE--Recel nt a. 7,000 head, including 3,000 head Texans; market, loiftlac higher; native shipping and export steers, aT.OOfria.OS: dressed beef and butcher steers, $6.75((t7.50; steers under 1,000 lbs., $4.10f'4.S0; stockers and feeders. 33.Ofto6.25: cows end heifers. 23 00 W.25; canners, $1.00f(73.00; bulls, $3.75(fr5.26; caives, 14.00(8. 76; Texas and Indian steers, $4,001(7.00; cows and heifers, $3.00c6.00. HOOS-Receipts 6,000 head; market 10 fc'loo lower; pigs and lights, $5.0O6.77H; packers. $6.4&ii6.77Vx; butchers and best heavy, $6.50(B6.77H. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recslpts, 2,200 head; market strong; native muttons, $3.26r4.0O; lambs, $40tgi6.10; culls and buck, $1.26(2,3.50; stockers, $1.603.00. Stock In. Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ....... 7,200 6.200 62,000 V 3,000 75oO 6,000 19.000 14,000 18,000 ...... 7,000 6.O0 2,200 7,001) 2.3000 ; 46,000 South Omaha St. Joseph ... Kansas City . St. Louis .... Chicago Totals ..40,200 66,700 123,200 New York Mosey Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. MONEY On call, steady; 2Vu2Vt per cent) ruling rate, 24 per cent; closing bid. 2',i per cent; offered at 24 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days, 3iU3Va per cent; ninety days, 3H43X per cent; six months, SUi per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4 per cent. , STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8316 for sixty-day bills and at $4.8635 for de mand. Commercial bills, $4.8676. SILVER Bar, 52V4; Mexlcandotlars. 45c BONDS Government, steady; railroad, firm. Closing quotation on bonds today wer as follows: V. 8. ref. s. rtg..NH Int. M. M. 4Hi.... Mlt as is. coupon iou japta 4s I7u do Is, rsg. to coupon. 101S do 4VIS 14 101SK. C. Bo. Ut I..... 7IU. .1114a L. B d.h 4a iui li 4s, rs- as . coupon unu A N. ani. 4s.... Hit Allls-Cesl. 1st ts... I14. K. T. 1st 4s.. 17V, Ani.r. A(. ts 101 da gon. 4Hs 14 u A. T. A T. OT. 4s.. 1M . Psclflo 4s.... 74V, Am. Tobaeco 4s IH N. R.R. at M. 4, mJ do 11114 N. Y. C . Ins... I7Uj Armour 4V Co. t de dab. 4s Atcblna bod. 4s.... 8,N. Y. N. H. H. de cv. 4s to or. Is ijaia do cv. ts 17U,N. A W. Ut e. 4s.. mu A. C. L. 1st 4s IMt do ot. 4s 106 2 Bl. A Obio 4s HVNo. Pacltlo 4s looi? do ls 1 do I uuT O. 8. L. rfdg. 4s.... II l3P4nn. cv. lm iiu. NU 10744 do eon. 4s 10s 2 MSAKesdlu son. 4a S7U de g. W. Is.. Brook. Tr. ev. 4s. Can. ot Oa. ts... Can. iMtbar la C. of N. i. g. Is.. .111,44 g. U A 8. F. fg 4s 7IU, Chss. A Ohio 4M..lKi do gas. la......... 17 aa rat. as II. U. . W. e. 4s. . 71V. Cblcaco 4V A. 14. 44 do 1st gold 4s.... 0V4 C. B. A Q. J. 4s.... HS. A. Ia 4a 74 do sa. 4s N go. Pne. col. 4s 11 CM. IP. g ISis 1144 do CT. 4t K.V C. R. I. 4k P. s. 4s 11 '4 da 1st raf. 4a ui do rf(. 4a IIS4 80. Rallwar ts 1044 Oolo. Ind. ts 74 da gan. 4a 77'Z Cok. Mid. 4a IMl Union Pulfle 4a-...101sZ c. at B. r Si 4tt.. MV, do or. 4a 101t4 D. A H. av. 4a.. D. A R. O. 4a do raf. la Dlitlllors la ... Krlt p. I. 4a.... 17 do 1st raf. 4s... I7U, UU. 8. Rabbar la.,.101S4 II II. 1 Btaal Id U ... 10144 Tlwvs.-Cr. Ckam. Ie.10 M Wabub 1st ta lui 74i in is I u ! HK do gan. 4a. u ... wr. sv. e Tvaotarn Ma. IS..... HX4 do series B 14 Wast. Elan. cv. ts.. II 14 a Klac ev. la.. ..141 Wia. Cantiml 4a sou. III. Caa. Ut raf. 4s. 14 Mo. Pse. ev. ts 11 Int. Met. 4a II Bid. Otlard. Panama Is ....102 I.oaeloa Stock Market. LONDON, Oct. 10. American securities opened steady and about unchanged to day. During the first hour prices ad vanced on light covering and at noon, values ranged from unchanged to So higher than yesterday's New York clos ing. London closing stock quotation: Consols, money ..77 1-14 liouiavllla A Ntah.lS0 aa socouni tt i-ia Ala., has. at Tax.. 10 Aual. Copper .... toN. Y. Cantral 107 Anaconda 1 Norfolk A Waatara.106 Atchlaue 107 da pld o do prd 1H Ontario A Wastara r Baltlmors A Oblo.. PaanajrlTanla 11 t AOAdna arlfle .. .11! Rand Mlnas 1 ChaatpaaXo A Ok la 14 Roadlns 70 Cht. Uratl Waalani 11 SoutUars Ry 1 Chi., Mil. C P.110 do pfd D Basra 17gouthorn Ftcine ..1 DasTar Rle 0... x!L'nloa Ptaltla 144 do pfd 41 da pfd 11 kVIo 10 V. g. Stool li da 1st pfd tii do pfd Ill do td pfd 41Wabasb 11 Orand Trunk M do pfd U Illinois Cantral ...141 ttl LV tit Bar. steady at 24'd per ounce. MONEY-lVr2 per cent The rat of dlacount In th open mar ket for short bill Is SS,4j3 per cent; for Ui re month' bill. X per cent, Evaporateol Apple sal Dries! Fraat NEW YORK, Oct. 10- EVAPORATED APPLES-4Ju!et with price unchanged: fancy, 10 0 a lb.; choice, $l4jlrVo and prime, trHo. DRIED FRUITS Prune, now crop, bev glnning to arrive here quit freely from th coast, but most of th stock Is said to be going directly Into consumption and price ar firm; quotation rang from 7ti7Wo for California fruit up to 40-60; Oregon, nominal. Poaches, quiet but steady, with choire quoted at lit) HSsc: extra cholc at 12alSo and fancy at 11SC. Apricot, quiet; choice, 154 l.Wic; extra choice. 16ilio; fancy, 17J 18c. Raisin, dull, but no pressure to ell wa noted In the local mit.;t and price ar firmly held: loose muscatel. tS4X7Ao; choice to fancy seeded, ev.jy.jc; seedless, tj7c; London layers, $1.40. Dry 43o4 Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 14. DRY GOODS Trad In cotton good today wa re stricted to hand to mouth buying, buy er not being Inclined to anticipate fu ture requirements. Trade lu exports wa quiet. Some slight demand was re ported for prints tor Manila and South America. NEW YORK MOM MARKET 1 Quotations Eemain Steady Through Bay of Dull Trading. PBICES RISE IN FIRST HOUR Drmenitrstloa Against Short Inter est Prove I asaecessfal aad Market 800a Pall Bark Copper Market Heavy. NBW YORK, Oct. 10. Quotations held steady today, through an unusually prosaic session of the stock exchange, i here seemed to he no business and noth ing to attract business. The only appearance of activity wa In the first hour, when prices rose gen erally. The rise was only fractional In the active shares, except In the case of I'nlon Pacific and Iehlgh Valley, each of which gained a point. It Is probable that the buying which prompted the rlt was In the nature of a demonstration against short Interests. The movement was not effective and the market soon fell back. Among the less active Issue Norfolk Western was conspicuously strong, with a three-point gain. Several of the southern railroads continued yesterdnyis upward movement, but Atlantic Coast Line and Louisville & Nashville, which led In the advance, fell back sharply to day. Allls-Chalmer preferred, after Its recent heavy break, moved upward slowly today, but the bonds showed fur iner heaviness. The decrease of 84.000 tons In th amount of unfilled orders on the books of the United States Steel corporation September 30, a reported today, was In a negative sense unexpectedly favorable. Shipments during September . were con siderably heavier than In the preceding month and a heavier decrease than that reported was looked for. The state ment, however, was without influence on the stock. Some gain were reported In the volume of new orders for steel pro ducts, but the Increase was small In view of the low prices now prevailing, and earnings for the current quarter of some of the steel companies are expected to show large fallings off. The copper market was heavy today. In sympathy with the lower quotations reported abroad. The bond market was firm. Some of the southern and southwestern bonds were especially strong. Total sales, par Value, $2,254,000. United States bonds wera unchanged on call. Number ot sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Sales. Hlsh. Low. Clnta. Allii-Chalmers pfd ton 12 12 1 Amalgamated Copper ... 1,109 41 41 . American Airlcultural 44 Am. Beat Sugar t.SOO t 6ft M American Con too 10 10 10 no... 1. . 1, V.. IK . ........ JW M 19 , I Am. Cotton Oil 1,700 to 4 10 American H. A U pfd 20 Am. Ica 8ecurttlea 17 American blnaaad 1 American Locomotlvs 84 American 8. A K 1.400 43 .41 13 Am. 8. A R. pfd 101 Am. Steel Foundries 100 13 II 324 Am. Sugar Refining II American T. A T l.ftM) 114 114 134 American Tobarco pfd... loo 17 17 17 American Woolen 100 11 11 30 Anaconda Mining Co 100 11 92 31 Atchison 2,000 104 104 104 Atchison pfd KlO 103 103 101 Atlantlo Coast Lino 100 127 121 111 HaltlmnM A nhln AiMl UL OS M Bethlehem Steel 27 Brooklyn Rapid Tr t.rOO 74 73 14 Canadian Parlrla 1,004 237 231 x2IT Central Leather tl Central Leather pfd ..... 11 Central of New Jerooy ' 270 cnesapeue at unit) i,nv fs 1 ( - Chicago A Alton (7 Chicago a. W., naw 100 1 1 1 Chicago 0. W. pfd Chicago A N. W 200 143 143 142 Chicago, M. A St, P 4.300 10S 107 107 C C. C. A St. L 100 4.1 IS II Colorado F. 4k 1 100 II 27 27 Crilorada A Southern 100 47 47 44 Consolidated Oas l,ti0 111 137 137 Cbrn Producta too 11 11 11 Delaware A Hudten 100 140 10 109 Denver A Rio Orand.... 100 11 31 11 Denver A R. O. pfd , 4 Dletlllars' Securities K Erie 700 0 tt'ia Grls 1st pfd 104 41 4 41 Erie 3d pfd 100 41 41 41 General Eloctrla 1,100 1M 143 14 Oraat Northern pfd 1,M0 124 124 114 Great Northern Ora ctfa.. 1.00 41 4 41 Ullnoli Central 137 Intarborough Mat 700 II 14 14 Int. Met. pfd 700 4t- 41 44 International Harreotar .. 400 104 104 10i Int. Marina pfd 14 International Paper 1) International Pump 300 t 24 21 lows Cantral 13 Kanaaa City Southern.... tot I it 2X4 K. C. Bo. pfd 44 Laclede Oao 100 103 103 102 Louievllls A N SOO 144 144 144 Minn. A St. Louis 31 M , St. P. A S. ft. M 137 MUomirl. K. A T 3.100 30 21 31 M . K. A T. Pfd 100 17 17 IS Missouri Paclfla POO 17 17 17 National Biscuit 121, National Lead 200 44 44 41 N. R. R. of M. 3d pfd 30 New York Cantral 103' N. Y.. O. A W 101) 31 31 11 Norfolk A Western....... I. loo 101 103 106 North American zoo 47 17 ( 17 17 ( Northern raoltlo w 114 Paetfls Mail "0 10 Pennsylvania 1.700 Ul 14 114 114 10 10 10 41 !! ltr4 People' 0 Oas 104 104 04 104 104 P.. C. c. at Bt. L. Ptttobarsh Coal ... .... .... 12 " . 47 Preaaad Steal Car 104 21 ti 2S Pullman Palace Cur loo 117 117 1M Railway Btaal Spring.... 300 27 17 27 Reading 10.100 117 191 1V, Rapublls Bteel lot 11 22 31, Republlo Steel pfd.... II Rock Island Oa. 404 84 13 33 Rock Inland Co. pfd 100 4444 44 41 St. U A S. F. 3d pfd.... 404 31 It 14 St. Louis W t 14 St. L. S. W. pfd I'nlon Paclfla nfd 1,700 II 10 tt United States Realty 100 11 411 41 t'nlted States Rubber.... Mi 44 43 41 T'nlted St. tee Steel t,to 11 M II V. 8. Bteel pfd 40 lot 101 ici4, lite jue in, 41 40 404 41 47 47 11 11 11 t'tao Copper I, Va. -Carolina Chomtoal .. 400 WabaeH 100 Wabaak Pfd 100 2 ? Western Maryland l.eeo il 12 II Weetlngnnuio Electrto ... loo 11 11 II Weetern t'nlon KM 79 71 7 Wbeallng A U E 1 Lehlch Valley 1.004 164 117 117) Total oaloo tor the day. SM.O0 shares. - Boeton I lock Market. BOSTON, Oct. 10. Closing quotations or on stocks .and bonds: Alloa 1 Mokawk t Amal. Cop -ar 4t Navada Con 14 A. Z. L. A S WN1pUalng Mlaas .. .. 1, Artion Com tl North Butta 34 B. A C. C. A g. St. 4 North Lake 4 Butte Coal It las 1441 Old Dominion tl Cal. A Art o no. 47 Osceola II Cal. A Hod. 17 Parrett g. AC Centennial Qulncy M Cop. Rauga C. C... 11 Shannon T Eaat Bulla C M... Superior 31 Franklin Superior A B. 31.... 3 Oiroux Cob 1 Tamarack tl Oranby Cos. I V. 8. 8 R. A M... 11 Oreene Cananas .... 1 do pfd 44 lei Royal Copper. 11 t'taa Co. II Kerr Lak 1 Vtah Capper C 404 . u. eii. wimma a Wk. , - '. ...... La Sails rapper 4 Wolverine tt Miami Coppar 17 . Hew York Mlalasr Itooka. NEW YORK. Oct. 10. Closing quota tlona on mining stocks were: OAlloe to Little Cklef I Cora. Tunnel stock.. 14 Meilcaa 371 da booda IT Ontario 10 On. Cal. A Va 80 Ophlr lit Mora SIlTor t siAsdard 10 Iron Silver IT Tallow Jackal 41 LeaTllla Co. 1 olferea. A POSITIVE CURE FOR FISTULA, POLL EVIL tallUat aa Jack Bore, Old Mor, al ...iii.i from any caus. Many bad cases wher other remedii hav failed have been cured permanently by a few application of r lSTUPOLB. If applied In Urn a cur kin. Ordinarily worat case ar cur. within three to four week On bottl la Pric $100 prepaid. Guaranteed to' cure op money refunded. If your l.HUUtiloT doe not hav it writ to th w ' IMstnpol Compouadiag O, J-aikam, XllUAOla, U. A, Vslusbl tuilmoniai glvao on applica tion, j heutit by currency, draft or P. O. ordac. PIS TU POLE