10 TIIK HKK; OMAHA. TUESDAY, OCTOBEIt 10, 1911. REAL ESTATE FARM A HAM II I. AMI FOR SAI.R t'olorad ontlnaed. FOR PALI": Choice .UO-ncrc homestead rellnuul!riiiient. within three miles of town. Improved, with a mall hou; choice level Innd. 43 acres broken. I'rlce V'2. Good smooth quarter rnlrle land within seven mile nf Fti-rllng for sale for l? per sere. Morton & Waldo, The Ijind Men, rUerllng, l olo. Georgia. . GKEAT SOUTH GEORGIA Traversed by the ATLANTA. HlliMINDHAM A ATLANTIC K A 1 li II O A D. Lands sdaptable to the widest ran ot crops. All the money crops of the South plentifully produced. For literature treat ing with this coming country. Its oll, ell 1 mate, church and school advantages, write XV. H. LEAHT. DEPT. K. General 1-e.si-enger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. levy a. IK-ACRE Improved farm, with orchard, ml iea N. K. Council Bluffl. IW. per acre, tf quick. 64 acre will Improved. 1Z pf acre Day Hess Co., Sola Agents. Co. Bluff. i THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm Is to Insert a small want ad In tha Dcs Moines Capital. Largest cir culation In the state of Iowa, 4:!.0uu dally. Tha Capital Is read by and believed in by the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re fuaa to iernilt any other paper In thelf homes. Hates. 1 rent a word a day; 1 2i per line per month; count six ordinary words to the line. Address IMS Molnea Capital. Des Moines, la. Nebraska. WANTEI 60 Nebraska farms for Iowa customers. Co., Council Illuff a. la. ranches and Allushouse tt FARMS m per acre up within 25 miles. Grin 8. Merrill. UII t-lty Nat. Hank llldg. NEBRASKA and Oregon land. M up, 834 Hrsndets Blog. HOSIE8TKAD S30 acres for 17t; about in miles out; rich farm land, not sand. ' Was an old entry, now cancelled. Woru fi'.ttJO. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. 100 CUSTER CO. furms Just on market, lii up; rasy terms. Walker Co., 843 Bran dels Theuter. IMPROVED Nebraska farms, M an acre up. Write or call for our list. Wood ward. 714 Omaha Nat Han a llldg. 100-ACRE farm near Denson for sale, chesp. Owner has Incurable sickness, ln-uulre room S04, Brown block. North Carolina. FOR SALE Best of corn and vegetable lands; two crops yearly; delightful ell male; near ocean. Box 3il ttouthport N. C. uresss, 1.10(1 ACRF.S of apple and strawberry land In Hood river valley, Oregon for sale on easy terms and cheap; beat whole sale proposition In west. Hee or write owner, A. W. H., Minneapolis Slate bank, Minneapolis, Minn. goatk Dakota. ROSEBUD LANDS. AUTHENTIC map of that portion open for settlement next month. Maps. bOa each. On sale at Beaton Drug Co. or la McConneU. & 1'nxUia Bik., Omaha. HOMESTEAD lands In the famous Rosebud country of Houth Dakota. Mel letle and Bennett counties to be opened October 1 to October 81. Dallas la the terminal registration point and closest point of registration to these lands. Free booklet and Information by addressing Ureater Dallas Committee. Dallas. N. D. MlscrUaja earns. IOWA and NEBRASKA (arms. Oraham Peters, 87 omana Nat t Bank Bldg. Do you want a Sa-acre REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued.! HOOD paying telephone exchange In live town, no coniiietitun; will consider farm In trade. C 4J8, Bee. A MONEY MAKER, f 40 acre tmnroved stock ranch In Ten tral western Nebraska. Price, p.). nits., t'.uau. Inns? lime. This Is a good one. V hut have you clear for the equity? S. K. Walt, 617 lie UlUg. I OWN 640 acres of fine grass and farm land miles N. W. of Wallace, Lin coln (c, Neb. 1 want one or two good residence properties not too large; will give clean honest deal. Price t-W per acre. Address h W2, Ilea. IOWA FARM 3fi0 acres. Woodberry county, miles southwest S.oan; rlcn black loam, 2J0 acres In cultivation. 40 seres paxture; fair Improvements. Price, I00 per acre; want $. to M.000 In come or Implements or hardware. (Jet busy, this Is a good one. J. W. I "can, 61 lire HMK . Omaha. Are vnu a trader? I trade anything where or time. Kellcy, 227 Neville bik. Om. A RIO UNA P. f40 acres unimproved good land. 1 miles from town and rallroaod. In Ham ilton county, Kansas. Would make a fine stock and grain farm. Price, til per acre; mortgage, 11,400. Want Income, mcrr'hsndls or acreage. Slake oner; act quick. S. E. Walt. 617 Ree Rldg. THE REAL ARTICLE. Stt acre Improved ranch In Wheeler county, Nebrssks, gootl. rair improve ments fenced and cross-fenced. Price, 12..V per acre, clear. Want clear Income or small Improved rarm in gooa location. Act quick. 8. K. Walt, 617 Hee Hiag. WANTED TO BUY 2d-hand good. Kleser, 1030 Center. D-M62. WE TAY hlghei.t price for men's hand clothing. M. Nathan. 109 8. Llth. 2d I WANT to buy about a dozen S. C. White Leghorn hen. Price must be reasonable. Tel. Webster 6776. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Hrlon Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. Frank lloyd. 302.1 Harney rit.. will come to The fine office within three days we will giver her an ordur for a 60-cent box of O'Rrlen'a candy free. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent 4-room house, part modern, in any part of city. Address N. W, U WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNU lady, with high school educa tion, wishes a position. J 831. Baa. MAN wants position as Janitor; good references. Address B-32U. care Dee. FIRST class practical nurse can engaged at once. Douglaa 818 be BEW1NO by the day In families: good work guaranteed. Phone Webster 4813. A CAPABLE energetic woman of u. perlence and ability wants position as cook and housekeeper for club house, or In widowers famliy. Can furnish best references. Address Mrs. U. W. U24 Weal bin ei., norm riatte. nsu. WOMAN with 4-year-old child wnnte position as lioiiaekeciwr In some private famliy; In small town or city; give best of references. J-8t care Bee. WANTED Place on farm for bov years old. 8 136. Bee. U MAN and wif. very capable, desires employment; experienced as manager und housekeeper. Address, U-396, Bes. Fa rot and Raach Lands. IM acres Irrigated, 4 miles from Wheat, land, Wyo.; all In alfalfa; 1 section 14 miles from Kimball, Neb.; too acres broken; fine land; and It) acres I miles from Atkinson, Neb. II. Uross. 601 S. 21!d. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Parnam He OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands. O KEEFE REAL EBTATE CO., IQH New Omaha Natl Bank Building. MONET TO LOAN-Payne Ipv. Co. WANTED Cltjr loans. Peters Trust Co. AN EXPERIENCED manaaer nf hiblts at world's cotton centennial, world's Columbian exhibition and trans mlsslsslppl exposition, or nuuiufaoturer during tha Agricultural Implement and Land show. High class relorences. U. 401, Bee. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cablet from Abroad Puzzle the Ope ratori Monday Morning-. TRADE PRESSES THE SHORT SIDE Improvement la torn Crop Average la Kx peeled from Fig-ores Which Are Umm at the Close Today. OMAHA, Oct. 10, 191L Cables were puuig ie hum auiui ilie tarly session touay, opning cauie weing lower und later snowuig an auvanc. -rc, naeiy uue to ituiuuan or Arstuiina not. i i. trade la generally bearish anu prcMiing Uie snort side. Cash prices lot iiuru kinier wucat are very auong, but uetter weather lorecasted win euaole a eiiewal o( threslnug operations in the northwest, aa conditions are uocidediy inproveu this morning on both slues ot too Canadian line. Beats in the corn trade are figuring on sums unpioveiuent In toe crop average uy the report due at the olose today. ja ilmate are for a total crop of X,suu,00Q,Uu0 uuMiiels. The commercial strength ul casli com Is decidedly the bull feature. A period of fine weather will no doubt nave a temporary bearish effect. Wheat valuoa sagged lower In face of stronger cables, uomentlu news being beaiiHli enough to ease the market. Casn wheat sold Vsalo lower. Fine clearing weather over the corn belt had a bearish effect. Traders were slow In making new commitments until after the government report at the cioss touay. Primary wheat recclDta were 1. 631.000 bu. and shipments were M),0HU bu., against receipts lust year of l,iiu,uuo and ship nrms of bli.Uio bu. 1'ilmary corn receipts were 638, 0f0 bu. and oiiipinrnia were Mu.OuO bu., against rsculpts last year ot tt,t,ouo bu. and ship ments of 4a9,uuu bu. Clearances were 2.0U0 bu. of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour eu,ual to 46,0uu bu. llveruool closed jHp'm.A higher on wheat and t(d lower on corn. lh following cash prices were re ported: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 3 cars, V9c; No. iiuiu. 1 car, ti.Ou: i cars. Hoc; i cius. Wki; S cars, Kc; No. 4 hard, 1 car, tfHc; ro. a spring, I car, ii.vi; i car, il.uo; No. 2 durum, 1 car, Sjc; No. 4 mixed, i car, 8c CORN-No. 2 yellow. 1 car. 67c: No. S yellow, 4 cars, 67c. u B etanuard. l car. 46V e: no. i white. 1 car. 4uc: 2 cars. 4bc: No. ' white. 1 car, 46c; no grade, 1 car iio. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. Ml4cifril 02! Nn 1 hard, KiViC!U.1.01; No. 4 hara, Ki VtfWSo. v uni r.o. -x white. 66iiic: No. 1 while, W(Ki7c; No. 4 white, tW416c; No. 1 color, 6ivti7c; No. I yellow, UtHkW 67c; No. 3 yellow, hoV(lic; No. 4 yellow, vhtic; No. 2, tHv6c; No. 3, 66VH 6tVo; No. 4, 66uC64c; no grade. oiihb,o. OA I 8 No. 2 white. 4t,kM4ittc: standard. 46i(46Wo; No. 2 white, 4fVac; No. 4 white, 4oVk-Hi4c: No. 2 yellow. 45Viui6c: No. 4 yellow, 4uraibilc. AKL,isy Maiung, L10(jpi.zo; No. 1 feed, Vlciutl.06. lti'K No. 2, 9696c: No. 8, MSKc. Carlo! Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago 43 lii Minneapolis 6W Omaha bi 28 Duluth 77 Oats. 1S7 'io 13-4'5'14c: young Americas, 14gl44ic; long horns, 14144C. IMTATOK8-Essy; choice to fancy, 75 tior; fair to good, tiTOn. POl'LTRY Firm; turkeys. Hie; chick ens, lie; springs, lfiVic, VBAL Hteady; 60 to 60 lbs . Ic; 60 to ffi lbs., Vdl"Sc; 86 to 110 lbs., 11c uaiiy movement or produce: Articles. Flour, bills.... Wheat, bu Corn, bu. ...... Oats, bu Rye. bu , Barley, bu. Receipts. ... 13,l ... 70.WT0 ...1W.M0 ...453.MIO ... 15..VI0 ....1M.6O0 Fhplments. 32.4"0 .7'I0 641. U4,iift l.tfO Carlot Receipts Wheat. 43 cars, with 4 of contract grade; corn, 126 cars, with "t or contract grade; oats, M7 cars. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago, Ml'ine apolls and Duluth today were l.?l cars, compared with 1.S97. cars last week and W3 cars tha corresponding day a year ago. NEW YORK OKMRHAti MARKET aoa(loas of the liar oa Varloas Commodities. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS WANTED Position; attendant or housekeeper; references exchanged. Ad dress 404, Bee. Comptometer operator, railroad exper ience. G. Bee. " FI RST-CLAS8 colored laundress want work by the day. Webster 2472. WANTED-Posltlon aa housekeeper m first-class hotel; thoroughly competent; reference; In or out of city. Address Box 36, Excelsior Bprlngs. Mo. REFINED elderly lady wishes no.i.ion as companion or care of Invalid or chil dren. At convenience. II. 364, care Bee. WANTED situation by a middle ared experienced num. Position as general farm superintendent accustomed to op erating large Illinois farms, understands modern farm methods of handling stock ot all kinds. Address 113.3. Ree. 16,600, ample real estate security. . years, T per cent. D . Bee. C1TT and farm. JOHN N. FltENZKR. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wsad Bldg.. I8th and Farnam. MONET to loan on business or resi dence properties. 11,000 to 4JU0.UA). W. U. TllOMAH. Mil First Nat. Bank Bldg. LOW RATES. BEMlS-CARLBERa CO 110-JlJ Brand. U Theater Bldg. EXPERIENCED accountant will take ears of small set of books during spare time. B 4J7, Bee. WANTED FARM LOANS, Vestment Company, Omaha. Kloke la- FI11ST TllUST COftESg ti ' 1 i i LARGE city loans wanted; mortgages 4k bonds bought and sold. 8TULL liKUd. COMPTOMETER operator, railroad ex nerlence, references. Address B-363, care Be. Th Merchant Who Has the Goods la tha One Who Lets the Publlo Know It Throug Advertising In Tha Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO TRADE 160 acres New Huron. S, D., price $10,0U9; mortgage 3u,4uu, equity 14,600. What have you? C. C Issennuu. 1v Brandeis '1 beater Bldg. TO TRADE A J!, 000 equity la a Ovs room house, barn suid two lota In Omaha for automobile. J. A. Cuaubera, Audsr son, la. KXCHANQE3. all kinds; list with us; rend for exchange book. Colorado Laud 4k Investment Co., Palisade, Colo. EXCHANOEd-A. C. Trade. D. 1637. Jewell. Board of TO EXCHANGE I have several good quarters of bouih Dakota land slightly encumbered to exchange lor merchandise. If Interested, write lock boa 317. kstle Butte, a. D. tiAL.r secuin o( gooa land, I miles jriin n.imuaii, ceo. toounty seatl. Twenty acres and a town lot la the onion bait of Texas. Twenty acres and two tows lots In the fig and orange tguli oat belt of Texas. Two nice quarters of tabis land near Julssburg. Colo. Will consider a bunch ot good horses, good cants or clear, earning towu property. Address Uttl M. AllHUtt, mo. , SEE J. L. Barber to sell, or exchange iijwuii. w immi u vt g raue. u. 4H1 J ir you nave anything to iraue. write me. o. fi. wait, all Bee Bldg. I iiamjle txensnges everywhere. For rceutie e uia, Lnao, sil jmss Blag. 1J. 1&2, WE cxchaUKe properUea of merit. C. W WelBlt, kii-U O. N. Bee Bldg. Uoug. 764, 8MALL RANCH WANTED. A widow woman wants to trade bar to new houses located In Oinai.n r. Ing for lU per uionth, and some unim proved laud she owns fur a good small Improved stock ranch In Nebraska. Would Ilka one with sou.e stock and ma chinery on It. Give location, price and full description In ftrat letter If you waiii ku anawer. nuji itfc jniana. U'UlT have von f..r r.t k.. . Hon of Lincoln county Und? Price, lit) xsr acre, jtuuiess. l su, care Bee. 0 ACREd In Thurston Co. for Omaha real e.iaie. "lei. liiuney ek Harry 11 l ULUklll, ulv lilll'l. Peraislent Advertising li'g IUtuius. the Koad to BEE Miss Ianc In "The Widows Nlsht" at the American theater. If Mrs. C. A. Hproft, 1403 8o. lfith Ht., will come to The Ree office within three days we will give her an order for a pair of tickets. Ship your stock to South Omahat gave mileage and shr1nkaK: your congiRnmenu rvceiTa prompt and careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dyers Proa tt Co. Strong and responsible. Features of the Trading- and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Oct. 1. Evening un ,of trades to be prepared for the government crop report rained the wheat inu'kot to day from depression due to better wea ther northwest. The cose was a shade to Ho higher than Haturday night. Com showed a net loss of to Va4rHc, oats finished a sixteenth otf to a like amount up and hog products varying from 2Vjo decline to an equal advance. The Washington figures regarding spring wheat turned out to be slightly buliuh.. The fact was not definitely known, however, until trading had come to an end. Indeed for the greater por tion of the day a heavy tone prevailed, the result largely of hedging sales for the northwest. The bg Increase In visi ble supply formed another Influence atralnst the bulls. Besides the edge was otf the cash market. The main factor most or the time, however, was the Idea that the better weather In American an1 Canadian northwest would permit a re newal of threshing nd hasten the for ward movement of the crop. Aa a rula speculators Inclined to buv did not art on the report that Turkey had declared grain snipments to be contraband. The only real comfort on the bull side came from contemnlallna the notion suhea. qiiently verified that the government re port wouia w against the bears. During; the srnslon December f luctiiateil Wun !7Va7c, closing firm at 87. a gain of net. In com guesses about tha srovernment report went wrong, the 'actual exhibit being In favor of the bulla aa a condi tion percentage better than '71 had ben looked for, whereas the news from Wash ington said 704. Better weather and larger offertnss from tha muntrv ran. trolled the market and bent prices down ward. December ranted from tat tiiUL er4c closing- steady Wo net lower at vtitc. t-aan grartee were easy. No. I yellow finished at 711rTlV4je, On account of an erroneous belief that the government figures regarding oats would bo practically the same aa a month ago, the market waa steady. In reality, the report proved bearish, indicating al most a bushel an acre average gain In the total estimated yield. High and low levels touched bv Ie cemhnr sum 174k ana iec witn the cose a shade net nisner at iiic. Provisions were firm. In the end. how ever, no change could be noted In pork. aru or ros more man svtjo either way from Saturday's closing. wuoiations of leading products were; NEW YORK. Oct. .-FLOUR-Market moderately active; spring patents, t.30i 6.60; winter straights, I4.0u4i4.lo; winter patents, M 2.VU4 60; spring clears, 4.2. 4.60; Kansas straights. 4-64 70. Kye flour, market steady; fair to good, S4.7!l 4.f; choice to fancy, 3ft.0Ofci5.U0. CORN MEA I. Market steady; fine white and yellow, 3l.4otf 1.45; coarse, fl.3iyUl.40; kiln dried, 13.65. WHEAT Hoot market easy; No. 2 red, M'ac, elevator, export basis, and 9fic f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern ouiutn, si.iots o. b. afloat Futures market opened a little higher on cables. Wheat turned heavy today under bearish northwest news and the visible supply Increase, later rallying on unfavorable political ad vices from southern Europe. It ciowed net unchanged. December, $1.02 l-lhW ! ;; cloned at $1. OB 6-16; May, tl.OHD 1 OH 6-16: closed at ll.WVi. Receipts, 190,- 700 bu.; shipments. 803.100 bu. CORN Knot market easy; No. Z, 7tc, elevator, uometlc basis to arrive, and 76HO f. o. b. afloat for export no. . fu tures market nominal. Receipts, zv.to bu.; shipments, 65,670 bu. OATS-Hpot market steady. Future market was nominal- Receipts, lU.lio bu.; no shipments. HAY Market steady: prime. II.ZZi No. 1. Il.lutol.20; NO. 2, 1. 101.15; No. 3, II .0001.116. ... H1DEH 'Market aun; t,entrai America, 20c; Bogota, 214U22fcc LEATHKR Market Bteady; hemlock firsts, 2.Vr7c; seconds, li3'tc; thirds, l(t'i0c; rejects, 15c. PROVItsiONB Market stcaoy; mean. tl6.764Tl7.0u; family, llD.OOuai.OO; short rl.um 116 7.frl7.M) Re4f. aulet: mees. 312.6m),13.00; family, 113.60114.00; beef hams, .00(j32.fi0. Cut meats, steady; p,tcaieu bellies, 10 to It pounas, tn.win..ii pickled hams, $12.004j-12.5O. Lard, steady; mlrlrtlewem nrlme. 39.10(39.20: refined. steady; continent, $.6; Houth America, 310.60: compound, $7.D0ii'7.75. TALLOW Market nrm; prime ciiy, bhds., 6c, nominal; country, Vu6c. UttTT. LI ...... rrn m.ru ni.iitlM 31 U. &3ic; creamery, extras, 31c; creamery, lairs, firsts, 27j29c; creamery, held, spe cials, 2Vrtl!30c; creamery, extras, 2S 2c; same, firsts, 26Vjr.c; process, spe cials, 2W.!4Mc; same, extras, 23c; same. rirsts, 2XauW. factory, current maae, tlrHts, 21c. CHEESE Steady; skims, 12H1ZC. EGGS Firm; fresh gathered, extras. 3Cu31c; same, extras, firsts. XTg'Xo- fresh gathered, firsts, 22-c; held, rresn, poor to fair, 154(19c; fresh gathered, dirties, No. 1, 17H17Vic; fresh gathered, checks, prime, 1516c; refrigerator, first sea son's storage charges paid. 20tt&2lc; No. 1, dirties, 1316c; western, gathered, whites, 26300. POULTRY Alive, firm; prices not es tablished. Dressed, easier;, western- broll ors, 12$ 19c; fowls, WalTHc; turkeys, broil ers, 2ie; others, 1018c. WOOD BRO&, 2J4-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha Denver. W. R. SMITH 4t BON just handle sheep. W. F. DENNY t CO., 133 Kxch. Bldg-. TAQG BROS, handle cattle, bogs, sheep. CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange Bldg. Donahue 41 Randall Co., 303 Jxch. Bldg. Clay, Robinson 4k Co.. 300 Exch. Bldg. The Standard Com. Co.. US Exch. Bids. W. R. SMITH t SON Just handle sheep. Interstate Co, Better results. Ship to ua. BURKE-K1CKLY CO.. 201 Exch. Bldg. L E. ROBERTS 4k CO.. Exch. Bidg. Allen Dudley 4k Co.. 236-37 Exch. Bldg. Cox 4k Jonea Com. Co., bunch of hustlers. Ralston 4k Fonda, live stock com. tner. Farmer L. 8. Com. Co.. 203 Kxchanga Denoalt proceeds of shipments in uil - - .i V1.il 1 . L- . . . " iivua . t i vuijr vaua at yarils. WINK BKOH. 4k CO.. Exchange Bldg. LAVERTY BROS.. 138-40 Exch. Bidg PaxtoA-Eckroaa Chem. Co. st'k remedlea. Martin Bros. V Co.. 3u3-T Kxch. Bldg. Ales Q. Buchanan 4k Son. U4-M Ex. Bldg. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchants. -".'.'" viivhtc. IW liiauutia Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 74 Brandela. THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Consign. nivuia caictuny nauuiea. uuiana, Neu. ME1;R1AM COMM1.H81GN CO. "Ask the mail no naa iiu-u ua CAVKH8 ELEVATOR CO.. who.a dealt i s In gi a', bay, chug feed, allantiasis L1J. tale Jl St. Loots General Market. 8T. LOUIS. Oct. t. WHEAT Cash, lower; track. No. 2, red 9)aaSc; No. I hard, 11.01 WQ 110; December, Vic: May. ll.K.'tt. CORN-Hlgher; track. No. 2, VHffl0c; No. 2 white, 714j'72c; December, MQac. OATS Bteady ; track. No. 4. lc; No. 2 white, 4.S',4rg4'.tc; December, 47c. RYE Unchanged at 98c. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, t4.3CKa4.70; extra fancy and straight, 33.90 4j4.2f; hard winter clears, S3.25to3.40, bekp-nmotny, iiwBH.oo. CORNMEAL-43.20. HR AN Higher; sacked east track, H .126 LIS. HAY Hteady; timothy, 20.00& 25.00; prairie, 11 2. Wo 16.00. PKOVIS10N8 Pork. lower; jobbing. 16.26; lard, unchanged; prime steam. S8.8oru.9o: dry salt meats, unchanged. boxed extra shorts. 39.(10; clear ribs, 19.00; short clears, 39.12H: bacon, unchanged; boxod extra short, 310.00; clear ribs. 110.00; short Clears, 3L0.12H. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 9Hc; sprlncs, 11c; turkeys, 14Htol6c; ducks, 11 He; geese, 10c. BlITTlDR Higher; creamery, zxtiac. EGGS Higher at 21c Keceipts empments Artlcl s Open. Illgh. Low. Close. iKat'y, Dec. May. July. Corn Dec. May. Oats Deo.. May. July. Pork Jan.. May. Lard Nov. Jan.. Ribs Jan., May. .1 44 4' 47 W, 60H'OH 15 46 16 30 97V 1 I 103SVI 1 H mi S3 64-,' V&4iHK,,66W!H tws 47W 4ISI 47W 16 30 t 93 8 om I 8 8 a mi 106 I IS too I 96 07H 1TV 47' IS 3?S 16 24 I 96 8 ITM, I 8 ICS, I 02Vs 8 06 8 12Si I 14 'H4WH 47S sOii so is r 16 22Si 96 8 97 H 8 fi'ml I0S 16 40 96 I 92V, 106 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 4.L'Vli 176; winter straights, 33.Mxu4.iO; spruig stralghu, S4.an4.M; bakers, 83.70Uo.lo. RYE No. 2. 97c BARLEY Feed or mixing. SOcdtLOO; lair to choice, malting. 31 lt'ul.63. tEEl)8 Timothy. U3.ouuia.ou; clover, tl4uuuil9.26. PROVISIONS Moss Dork, per Dbl.. tl6.6ou 16.76; lard, per 100 lbs., tv; short ribs, sides tiuose), 3H OiHj fciV,; short clear sides (boxed). 3S.S7Wii4.5o. Total clearances of wheat and riour were equal to 4J6.000 bu. Primary l ceipts were 1.631.1MJ bu., compared with l.iU2,ou0 bu. the cvrresuundlng day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In tha United Mtates Increased 3.989.000 bu. for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage Increased 808,000 bu. Estimated receipts for tomorrow Wheat, 89 cars: corn, 271 cars; oats, 324 cars; hogs, 18.0W head. Chicago Cash Prlcesv-Wheat : No. red. tsiVrtTSc; No. 3 red. 9uiXV; No. I hard, 81.011(11 vt; jvo. i naro, sucii ui No, 1 northern, 31.106'l.U; No. 1 north ern. 31. oii 110; No. 3 northern, 8l.07tit.10: velvet chaff, (Octi'lO?; No. 2 spring. 11.03 6107; No. 3 spring, 1 o,ri 07 ; No. spring, 90--r1.04; durum. 9oc'til.04. Corn No. 2. 7lo 7le; No. 3. TlViulVo: No. ; yellow. 7lUv71Ho; No. 3, 70V!i'71o; No, 3, ni,iso; Nil. s yellow, iivay; rvo. 8i''r.0lc; No. 4 white, 7o'?i7oVc; No. yellow, 7t''y 70V- Oats: No. 1. 4oc No. 2 while, 4VWa4c; No. 3. 40V'i No. ; white. 46i'a471c; No. 4 hlto, 464:c stalitlard, 47'.6 7o, lit ' Vl'EU-r'irm. creameries, tiii2Vrc uulrlea. tiu.xc. Mlii8-fcuady: receipts. 8.643 cases; at murk, caws included, lie; firsts, 3oc Prime fiiMts. 21 Wc. CUELU-btMtay; daisies, H'Ho; twins. Flour, bhls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. ,. Oats, bu. ... 17,000 . 67,000 . 11.000 .117,01)0 12,000 31.0CO 21.000 68,000 OMAHA tlYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle EeceipU Are Light and Tone of Trade is Stronger. HOGS ABE A NICKEL HIGHER "esaloa Is Fast aad Snappy aad the Yards Are Cleared Early Sheep aad Lambs Are Irregular. 1.M6 3.001 l,.t3 2,152 1.826 6.9o6 48.t"V 4i,0.1i W.t)Cl 83.714 SOUTH OMAHA, October t. MIL Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Estimated Monday 9,i Hame day last week.. 16.543 Same day 2 weeks ago. 16.4m hime day I weeks ago.ll.&to Same day 4 weeks ao. 10.8J Bame day last year ..13.0.5 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared witn last year: 1911. 1I0. inc. Dec. Cattle 8x0.428 901.965 21,637 Hogs 1.9U.9H6 1,6m, 2( 334,718 Sheep 2.046,ttt) J,9Uf.774 46.IW2 The following table shows the average prices for hogs at South Omaha lor the last few days, with comparisons: Data 1911. 1910.109.1.!1907. 11906.116- Sept. 29 167 I 2 dept. U Oct. 1 Oct. Oct. 8.. Oct. 4.. Oct b.. Oct. .. Oct. 7.. Oct. 8.. Oct. .. 6 22fe 8 41 1 H fail 0 21 25 I 1 2H 8 4o, 8 2. 8 2 s 22Vki t m 6 1 6 40 UWI 8 47 I 8 27 2: 26 7 80 6 45 6 841 7 6. i 81 1 7 64 1 lb 6 92 7 67 1 8 li 6 9H 7 61) 8 20 6 0; 6 2U 6 : 6 19 i u 7 981 6 66 I 7 88 6HI 03 7 871 6 bO 6 011 7 88 1 6 3i 6 91 1 6 83 6 81 6 27) 6 l 7 82 i 6 M 6 IS 6 Ok, 6 06 6 3i t 03 I ft 00 6 32( ti 30) 6 06 Sunday. RacelDta and disnosliion or live a lock the Union block xarus. South Omaha, f twenty-lour hours ending: at t p. m. ys terday: RECEIPTS CAKH. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r' c, m. ft st. p union Pacific ...... 43 C. & N. W. cast.. .. C. & N. W., west.. 146 C, St. P., M ft O,, 8 C, B. ft Q., east.. .. C, B. ft 14., west.. 191 '., R. 1. ft P., east. 1 Illinois Central C. G. W Total receipts.... 8S 2 6 4 12 1 1 6 2 3 1 37 96 6 60 20 1 178 26 DlOtubliitjN- Hk.AD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co .... 495 boO 1,807 Hwlft and Company.. ..l,0.lo 406 2,520 Cudahy Packing CO....L131 fcti 3,823 Armour ft Co 1.400 461 2,916 Morrell 6 W. li. Vansant Co 21 Benton, Vansant ft la. 341 Stephens Bros 3 ..... Hill ft Son 672 F. B. Lewis 209 Huston & Co 76 J. B. Root ft Co 156 J. H. Bulla 191 i... U F. Hums 846 U Wolf 614 S. Werthetmer 8X5 H. F. Hamilton 237. ..... M. Hagerty 24 , lrfe Rothschild 167 Roth 29 Mo. ft Kan, Calf Co.. loO Krebs 34 ..... ..... Cllne ft Christy 127 Hlggins 4 ..... Mcconaughy 16 ..... ..... Huffman 60 ' Longman 1 .. Myers 4) Goldberg 6 Baker, Jones ft Smith.. 4 Other buyers 1,340 22,950 Kansas Cltr Grain aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 9. WH EAT Cash. unchanged to Ho lower; No. 2 hard, 31.01 61.08; No. 3, 11.0111.07; No. 2 red. 11. Ox l.OOH; No. 3, OTto-SUc; December, 99toi99Vko; May. IL02S. COltN uncnanged to ho lower; No. I mixed. TOtolOHc: No. . 7oo; No. 1 white, 70Ho; No. 3, 70c; December, tUftfrtilHc; May, 63ato; July, 3o OATS Steady ; No. I white. 4S48VLe: No. S mixed, 4tff47c, RYE 9WU96C, HAY Slow; steady: choice timothy. $18.5019.00; choice prairie, l3.50ft 13.00. HUTTBlt creamery, Vic; firsts, 2480; K-nnds, 22c; packing stock, 164o. EGGS Extras, 22 Vic; firsts, 21o; sec onds, 13VC . Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu 145.0W 42.000 Corn, bu 61.000 20.000 Oats, bu 10,000 16,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 9. W H K AT De cember. 31.08W; May. 31.12: No 1 hard. fl.OtH: No. 1 northern. 1.07H&1 08a; No. northern. 8l.04bktoi.ut; no, 8. l.ouv(o 11.02. FL.AX 82.33. HA RLEY 70c& 31 IS. CORN No. I yellow, MVrffO. OATS No. I white, 4641460, RYE No. 2, 92c. . B RAN 31.606 23.00. FLOUR First patents, 3S.S((6 60; peo- ond patents, 34.90o6.a0; flrvt clears, $3.80 64.16; second cleara, 32.7ihq3.10. Liverpool Grain Market. IJVERPOOL. Oct. , WHEAT Spot steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 8s 4d; No. I Manitoba, 8s Id. Futures firm; October, 7s 4'd: December. 7s ld; March, 7s n-d. CORN Spot, nrm: American mixea s 2d. Futures, dull; October, not quoted, January, 6s Hd. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. Pim.ADELPHIA. Oct. I. BUTTER Firm: extra western market io. i cream er v. 82: do nearby prints, S3. rXtOa r irm ; jrenns iranis anu oinw nearby firsts f. c, 7M per case; do cur rent recelnts f. C.T xrf730 per case. CHEESE Firm: New York full creams fancy, 16; do fair to good. 1414V4. Mllwsskes Oraln Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. a WHEAT No. I northern. I1.1061.1: No. 1 northern, ll.0btol.lo; No. t hard winter, 1.04L0tt; December. t8c; May. 31 03. OATS Standard, 47V4hc, BARLEY Malting, 11.101.25. Ttelatk Grain Market. D1TLTTT1L Oct. .-WHEAT No. hard, 11.6: No. 1 northern, 1107; No. t northern. 81 0CMS 1.04V; No. 3. 97SlSc: December, tl.tf. asked; May, L11 1.11 asked. OATS 460 Omaha Predsee Market. BUTTER Creamery, 28c; packing stock. 19c. EGGS No 1. 20c: No. 2. 13c. llil-LTKY-Rrolers. Uc; springs. c: roosters, 6c; hena. 9c; ducks, 10c; geese. lOo. laiar Market. NEW YORK. Oct. .-SUGAU-Rs w, firm; muscovado, 89 test, 6.46c; centri fugal, 98 test. 6.96c; molasses, 89 test, i.'Ma Refined, steady. Omaha liar Market. OMAHA Oct. t.-HAT-No. 1. tlS 00: No. 1. 811.09: coarstf. 810 00; packing stock. ;(i.ii; alfalfa, 313-00. Mraw; Wheat, I.6oiu.o0, r a and wata, Is.ou. Totals ...f. 9,618 1.953 34,020 CATTLE The week opens out with a liberal run of cattle, although there was a 30 per cent decrease as compared with a week ago. Very few cornied cattle were Included In the arrivals and the shortage In dry-lot stuff this season has been very pronounced. What few corn feds were ottered found a ready sale at somewhat stronger prices, but the quan tity and quality ot the offerings pre vented any very intelligent comparison of prices as compared with last week. The tone to the trade, however, was de cidedly stronger and the demand also showed Improvement. In western rangers tha beef end of the receipts was fairly large, but as was the cane last week, the quality was not very good as a rule. Anything attractive enough to bring out competition found a ready outlet at prices strong to a dime higher than last week and the trading was tolerably active. The medium to common kinds that did not appeal to ether packers or the feeder buyers showed little or no Improvement and trade was rsther sluggish on anything of this kind. There waa a better demand for cows and heifers than last week and most grades sold to rather better advantage, although the preponderance of low grade skull naturally operates to reduce the demands for she stock. Good to choice grsdes, however, sold fully as high as last week and the medium to common grades were. If anything, a shade stronger. Veal calves were quotably about steady and there was a good outlet and linu market for bulls, stags, etc. Business In Blockers and feeders was not overly active and for the most part prices were about In the same notches aa toward the close of last week. Yard traders carried over liberal supplies front last week and were not very enthusiastic buyers, although there was a very fair Inquiry from the country and desirable fleshy cattle sold to somewhat better ad vantage than recently. The medium and common kinds, however, made up the big bulk of the supply and found a rather Indifferent outlet at much the same prices as prevailed last week. uuotauons on native came. Good to choice beet steers, 7.a7.90; lair to good beet steers, ).oOi7.io; common to fair beet steers, 34. i6tou.60; good to choice heir ers, $4.75to5.6o; good to choice cows, $4.bu6) 6. DO; fair to good cows, 83.iato4.6W; common to fair cows. Ki.7Jto3.ia: veal calves, 83.60 6'60. Quotations on range cattle; Good to choice beef steers. 3&.60toi.60: fair to good beet steers, 4.90u)6.4u; common to fair beef steers, 34.25to4.oO; good to choice heifers. S4.75to6.26; good to choice cows, H.U-oO. fair tJ good cows, 83.7uto4.40; good to choice etockers and feeders, 86.00 66.00; fair to good Blockers and feeders, I4.40to6.oi; common to fair stockers and feeders. 83.3ixa4.26: slock neners. 33.UKU) 4.26; buns, stags, etc, tt-axtro-w. huUB-Bel. era In the nog yards made the most ot tne opportunity that a mea ger supply afforded and managed to boos the Iraue levels a nickel higher. It was a fast, snappy session at the advance and tne varus were entirely cleared iteiore lu o clock. Only thirty-five loads were received in 11, hardly more than enough to make one good sixrd packing drove. Ordinary grades, weighing over 260 pounds, made up tne Dig bulk, ana mere was practic aily nothing on saie In the way of bacon animals. Naturally, long strings settled at very narrow spread and the extreme top proved to be also tne nign price on bulk Moat of the hogs were purchased at 86.46 tt .60, tha latter price being the highest paid. Shipping demand had little or no In fluence In causing the advance, as the total buy on outside account did not ex ceed a half dosen loads. There waa no buying worth mentioning of a purely speculative character. SHEEP For the first time In many days the market for sheep and lambs appeared wobbly. Twin factors, a heavy supply and relatively poor demand from the country, were mainly responsible for lack of activity and easier trend to val ues. These conditions were also aggra vated by one of the largeat runs of the season at Chicago and all early advices from that market were decidedly bearish. Very little business was transacted In any branch ot the trade during opening rounds, but a big majority of feeder stock In receipts placed good fat grades In a firm position, and strings of this description usually escaped coat cheap ening, ruling just about steady. Tuppy fat lambs, coming straight, were rare exceptions, and bulk of packers' buy had to be shaped up through the sorting- gate. Good lambs ranged around S5.6to6-60. n. dleatlng a limit of 86.90 for something prime in this line. Heavy'wethers. rather rough, sold In a wholesale lot at 81.76, and ewes landed at figurea little different from those In force at last week's clone. Few good yearlings were available, but Inquiry had healthy tone and offerings moved off In very good sesson. In general light pro portion of fat sheep did not admit of weaker prices, and trade as a whole was Well sustained. Feeders, claiming the market, met with a slack demand and clearance promised to be difficult. Desirable lambs with quality and a little weight sold around IS and high-grade stock proved very slow over 8R.10. Most of the early sales car ried figures under S5. Indicating a list of values weak to a dime lower. Feeder ewes sold largely under 13, the Bame as recently, uut or a total supply m , head the percentage of feeders was esti mated nt seven-tenths. wuotntions on sneep sna ismon; iyiii"i good to choice, 5. 605. 90; lambs, falr to sooo, a... ai7H.no; ismns, cuns, n.iuv"."i lambs, feeders, t4.264i3.10: yearlings, good to choice, 34.aV(j4.40; vearllngs. feeders, 33.&&4.25; wethers. hsndy. t3.7Mrr4.I0; wethers, heavy, 83.6504.00; wethers, feed ers, 33.2T-(i3.6.r; ewes, good to choice, t3.30j 1.65; ewes, fair to good, t3.00M3.30; ewes, , a ., , . , . i mi IT'. vircumn, to .rr!'.w; ewe, icvuu 3.10; ewes, culls, Il.50ii2.33. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle Steady Hoys Higher Rhrrp Weak. CHICAGO, Oct. . CATTLE Receipts, 24.000 head; market for good grades 100 higher, others slow and Hieady; beeves, I4.6itos.30; Texas steers, t4.10Hj.00; west ern uteers, tl.104rtl.6D; stockers and feed ers. t3.15fn5.5A: cows and heifers, t3.00yj 6.2u; calves, t6.OOtr9.50. HOG-Recelpts, 24.000 head; market &-uj 10c up; light, fi,15;iB.82; mixed. W.Svij 6.90; heavy, t6. 067.6.80; rough, tv-Onto'lfe; good to choice heavy, t6.25fr8.s6; pigs, H00 toti.90; bulk of saies, ! 40ti .75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, fiOOOO head; market weak at early declines; na tive sheep, t2.50ii4.25; westerns, $3.014 23; yearlings. I3.85to4.7n; native lambs, t4.25toi 4.35; westerns, 84 60to6.40. St. Load Lire Flock Market. ST. inms. Oct. t. CATTLE Receipts, 7.821 head. Including 8.400 TexanB; market 10 to 16o higher; southern morsei strong 10c higher; native shipping and export steers, t7.00&.00; dresued and butcher steers, 35.7&'a7.60; steers undoer 1,000 pounds. H-OWf-Oo; stockers ana ieeaera, t3.0lKq6.25; cows and heifers, 3.0iK('7.25; canners, tt-OOWAOO; bulls. 3.76yS.2&; calves, H.hkH.&0; Texas and Indian steers, 11.00 to7.00: cows and hellerB, w.uwao.u". HOGS Receipts, 6,892 head; market 10c hlirhor: nlirs and llchts. to.0OflG.86: pack ers. 36.Vijti.90. butchers and best heavy, t6.X&6.80. J J .......... . . . n ..me T", I AT CVl 1 f . r. AINP liAMDO rvcw.-ciyia, head; market strong to a shade higher; native muttons. t3.ito4.0o; lambs, t4.0oy 6.10; culls and bucks, 1.2oa3.60; stockers, tl.50to3.00. Kansas Cltr Lire Stock Market. iivuid -ttv o p ITT! V H e- n mi ...to v . . w - - - - celpts, 32,000 head, including 2,500 south erns; market Sleaay to loo lower; caira, lie higher; dressed beef and export steers. t6.80to"S.Oo; fair to good, t5.00to4.75: western steers, tl.OOSjj7.16; stockers and feeders, t3.75ffi5.76; southern steers, 83.50toi 6.25; southern cows, t3.GOft4-40. nntlve cows, 82.7orpo.oo; native netiers, w.imi.w, bulls, t3.25to4.26; calVes. t4.0o7.60. HOGS Keceipts, t,uuu neaa; marnei a to 10r; hfa-her: bulk of Bales. Sti.40xit.56: heavy, t6.406.60; packers and butchers, t6.25to6.55; lights, 16.25toe.50; pigs, . H.VoW 6.50. . . SHEEP AND IAM1J Keceipts, j-j.uuu head: market strong: lambs, 4.!srtj.li; yearlings, t4.00to5.O0; wethers, t3.50fa-4.10; ewes, tl.2aW4.9U. Btocaers aim iccuuia, t2.6Gto4.00. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. rt JOSEPH. Oct. . CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head; market, steady to lua lower; steers, t4.60J.00; cows and heif ers, t2-80to6.60; calves, 33.7uto7.75. HOGS Receipts, 2,500 head; market, 6 lOo higher; top, 16.60; bulk of sales, 16.40 SrlC.iilr' AINU LAUDO JV c'l'in, w,wv head; market slow; lambs, t5.ooto6.00. y Stoek In Sight. Recelnts of live stock at the five princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 9,600 2.200 48.000 fet. Joseph 4,000 Kansas city oz.wv St. Louis 7.80O Chicago ..24,000 2.500 6,000 6,900 24,000 6,000 19,000 2.400 60,000 Total receipts 73.400 40,600 134,400 Coffee Market. tt7iit vrt3v rw. ft nfiFPRE Fu tures opened Irregular at an advance of la points to a decline of five points, near montrls being higher on active covering Inspired by the continued strength of Braaln and higher European cables, while tne late aeJivenea remKi .. T . -i a .. ,,.i ...altered realising. nib uoinii m...- - . . Trading was very active, but while there was liberal profit taking, offerings were a 1.. v.A aomanrl O WsllTlli ti ,v ino tnxriMBai anrl fnlUwin& Drivato l II rj ulrtHiuiH avsausHia m cables from Brazil reiteratlutc com plaints ot unfavorable weather for the flowering, tne marnet woraeu aun with every delivery making new high records during the afternoon. The close i. .. i .. - .... .i An i w- fiKr hut steady WB uai i J ni. j " w.w on all the later -tnonths with prices from 15 to 20 points aoove me cioiiih of Saturday. December and January con tracts were relatively firm and winter months shorts seemed to be very nervous over tne sirengtn oi ora.au aim piv cables from Santos claiming that U waa dangerous to offer coffee for -forward - V. ! . An,lnv Hi. linfll Vflrahlfl CTOU outlook and advancing tendency of the . ...... , C, V. . . M . M primary marKeis. oai, the day, October. 13.50c; November, 13,55c; December, 13.60c; January, 13.50c; February, J3.46c; Marcn, April, may, June, July, August and September, 13 34o. tiavre was imiWJ' nan , 1L- burg was IJi'l pfg. higher. BJo, "73 rels, higher at 8 8575; Santos 4s, 60 rels higher at 8 t50; 7s, 10 rels higher, at 8 1000. Receipts at the two Brullan ports, 94,000 bags against 69,000 last year. 800 last year. New York warehouse de liveries Baturuay, iu,a nags, bbujuov 637 last year. The special cable from Santos reported 4s, 150 reis higher today nrf San Pauln recelDts of 109.000 against 89,000 on Saturday. cipot conee. nrm, io. i raw, ti-iv 14; Santos No. 4, 164, iff 1574 nominal. Mild, nominal, Cordova, ltito'li. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Oct 9. METALS Stand ard copper, weak; spot, October, Novem ber and December, 8H.75toTl.85. London market easy; spot, 54 12s d: futures, 55 5s 6d. Arrivals at New York reported today, 475 tons. Custom house returns show exports of 2,562 tons so far this month. Lake copper, tl2.50312.C2; elec trolytic, tl2.atol2.37; casting, tl-00 U25. Tin, firm; spot and October, t40.-i 4i40 55; November, t40.35to40.66; December, tu).36to4070. January, t40.35to 40.55. London, firm; spot. flS6; futures, 184 6s. Lcsd, quiet; New York; I4.20ji4.27 East St. Louis. London, 15 5a. Spelter, quiet; t5.95to6.0S New York; t5.Mi5.95 East St. Louis. London C7 lfis. Anti mony, dull; Cookson s. t.26to837. Iron, quiet; Cleveland warrants, 46s In London. Locally Iron waa quiet; No. 1 foundry northern, tl5.2toi5 &0: No. 2, tl5.0ohl5.25; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, I15.00yio.i0. ST. LOUIS. Oct. t. METALS Lead: Steady at K26(84.r. Spelter: Higher at 15.96. Evaporated Applies nad Dried Frnlts NEW YORK. Oct. . EVAPORATED APl'LES Continue steady on spot with fancy quoted at P4tollc; choice, 9to9Vc and prime, 8to8o. DRIED FRLilTo Prunes, in the local market with quotations ranging from 7c to 13c for California fruit up to 40-&os: Oregons nominal. Apricots, quiet and practically nominal; choice, 15iil5c; extra choice, ltKil)bc. fancy, 17to'l&c. Peaches In slow demand and the tone ot the market appears fairly steady, although no quotable change Is reported in prices; choice, lltollc; extra choice. 1-tol-Wc; fancy, 12c. Raisins, firm; loose muscatels, 84i7c; choice to fancy seeded, 8i9c: seedless, 6toc; London layer. tl.4otol-45- Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. .-COTTON-Spot closed 20 points lower; middling uplands ,75c; middling gulf, 10c; sales, 1.700 bales. Futures opened steady; October, 9.65c; December, 9.75c; January, 6.600; Febru ary, 8.66c; March, .70c; April. .74c; May, t.83c; June, 88c; July, t.89c; September, t 72c. Futures closed steady; October, .42c; November, 8. 46c; December, 9.60c; Janu ary, 8.40c ; February. 8. toe; March, 9.62c; April, 9.67c; May, 8.66c; 'June, 9.70c; July, 8. ilc; September, 9.53c. Tnrpentlao nnd Koaln Market. BAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. , Turpentine, Arm, 41pi: sales, 3J: receipts, 478; shipments, 173; stocks, 36.000. RtSlN Firm; aatvs, 1,J; rei-elpts. 2, 921; shipments, 1.175; stocks, 76.'. Quota tions. II, 832: D., 635; K.. 637: F. G.. 64.': 11. R., 4oto4.': I. K. M.. 7L'; N.. 8u6TO; V. G.. 71uw715; W. V., 735. Elnla Baiter Market. EIXIIN. Oct. .-BUTTER Firm, at I9o; an advance of lc; output, 706,uoU pounds. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Trading: Becomes Ball Following Teriod of Moderate Activity. BEAES MOVE A0AD7ST C0ALEH1 Selling of Theso Storks Asseelatee! with Cosveslsg of Sapresne Conrt Which la to Pnss on Reading Case Soon. NEW TORIC Oct. t.-Heavlneag of tha coalers and strength of the southern roads gave today's stosk market Its only movements of Importance. Following a period of moderate activity In the fin hour the market became dull. Trading was without Initiative o purpose, j. though the excited selling which kept the market In an hysterical stale mont of last month has now definitely uubsldcd. security owners have shown no Inclina tion to Increase their holdings or ISka back stocks sold on the decline?. The market opened today on a some what higher level, but the Improvement was of short duration. The coalers were fored down to well below Saturday's close and the remainder of the list ragged with them. Before noon the market had recovered Its loaaaa ,!, the exception of the coal stocks, and during the remainder of the session changes were only nominal, except In n few Isolated cases. Rending was heavi est of the coalers, at one tim showing a loss of more than 2 points. The selling of those stocks was asso ciated vith the convening today if the supreme court, whlcn is soon to pns upon the government's case againet Reading In the anthracite suit. This Is the first case of thla precise nature, to come before the supreme court since Its promulgation of the "rule of reason" in interpretation of the Seherman law. Nothing more definite than a report of a coming extra dividend for Louisville and Nashville was nt hand to explain the buoyancy of southern rallers. Both Atlantic coast and Louisville ft Nash ville advanced more than 4 points and other southern roads scored smaller gains. The decline in Allis-Chalmers se curities which begun last week was con tinued today. The 8 per cent bonds sold down to 68, a loss of nearly 2 points, and the preferred stock declined 2. al though both Issues subsequently made a partial recovery. Reports that the com pany was not earning Its fixed charges were followed by the official admission that the corporation's business had fallen off largely. A larger increase in copper stocks than had been expected was shown in tha September statement of the copper pro ducers. The increase was due chiefly to the heavy shrinkage In foreign con-. sumption, ana mommy crop report was without Influence on stocks. Further reductions In the price of varl- nua nteet nrtwltictfi were rennrted. TTnlted States Steel was sold on these changes, and on a report subsequently denied of ficially, that the Department of Justice was to bring a suit for dissolution of the corporation at once. The stock yielded for a time, but later recovered fully. Bonds were lrrejrular. Leading Issues showed early heaviness, but the general tone Improved later. Total sales par value. 82.570.000. United States 3s ad vanced on call. . Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were aa follows: galea. High. lw. uoae. Allls-Cbalmers pfif 1.&00 HVi 10 11 Amalgamated Ooppar ... 4,800 American Agricultural Am. Beat Sugar 21,400 American Can 1,900 1,100 4 4H 10 47 11 100 9.300 4 63 Sa 100 101 101 101 400 81 U 700 134 1,700 Ml 83 110 13SH 133 ..... 81 8.004 104 103 104 12 1,400 lt8 114 136 l.toO K o 00 71 73 73 !, I2v u 2e KM 21 n to 3 270 71 I-' 26 UH 18 34 100 142 14!. IO 3,100 107V8 104 107 M , 41 100 13& 137 13S too 11 11 1,300 "'ioo II 'iiii 500 100 "iiioo mo 110 21 47 4Sa 41 lliO 148U. 14 110 124 123 14 no 4 u 41 3O0 13 li u 1C 41 600 45 800 104 American C 4V I Am. Cotton Oil American H. L p(4... Am. Ice Securities American L4naeed American Locomotive .... Amarluan 8. tk K Am. 8. A K. ptd Am. Steal Foundries..... Am. Susar Kalinins American T. at T American Tobacco ptd... American Woolan Anaconda Mining Co Atchtaon Atcnlaon prd Atlantic. Coast Una Baltimore 4 Ohio Balhlaliam Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacltlo Central Leather ......... Central Luther pfd...... Caulral of New Jaraey... Chesapeake Ohio...... Chicago A Alton Chlcaso O. V.-., saw C'hlcaso U. V. p(4 Chicago 4c N. W Chicago, M. ft St. P.... C, C. C. A St. L. Colorado F. & I Colorado A Southars-.... Couaolldatad Oaa Corn Product! Delaware Hudaon Denver A Rio Grande... Dauver R. O. ptd Planners' BacuTitlos Krla Erla lat ptd.. Krla id pfd General Klactrta Great Northern prd Great Northern Or ctta. Illlnola Central Inter borough Met. Int. Met. ptd International Harraatar .. Int. Marina ptd .v International Paper International Pump Iowa Central .. Kanaas City 80 K. C. 80. pfd. Laclede Oaa Loulevtuojb N Minn, to Bu Louis M . Ht, P. A 8. B. at.... Muwourt. K. A T M , K. A T. ptd Miaaourt Pacltlo National Biacutt National Lead N. R. K. ot M. 84 aid.. Now York Central N. Y.. 0. A W Norfolk A Western. North American Northern Pacific, sx-dlT. Pacltlo Mall Peoneyrfanta People's Ga p.. :.. c. et, L Pittsburgh Coal Preaaad Steal Car Pullman Palaee Car Railway Bteel Spring Reading Keouhlie Bleat Rrpublln Steel ptd Hark Ialand Co. ptd Rock laland Co St. Louie at 8 I. Id pfd Ht. Louie 8. W Ht. L. 8. W. pfd Sloaa-Bheffteld 8. A I.... Southern Pacltlo Southern Railway So. Railway p'd Tennessee Copper Texaa Pacific T.. St. L. aV W... T.. St. U W. pfd... t'nlos Paclfto Vnlon Pacltlo pfd t'nlted States Realty... t'nlted Slates Rubber.. United Btal.ee Buwl.... 1-. 8. Steel ptd I'lah Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical (, Wahaeta Wabaah pfd Weetera Maryland Westlnghoure Elactrle Weatern Vnlon Wheeling L. E ihiah Vallar Total aalaa for the day. 44.400 shares. 4 84 4U aa M 10 47V 49 0 17 I 34 82 47 29 4' 41 ISO HI 4 30 2Di 4k 4(1 4 147 44 103 101 14 ' tt to II 18 47 , 10J I. TOO 147 142 144 2 , 127 2 2 4V4 37 S7 127 48 , 3D 104 10214 102t4 aevi 8.2O0 114 113 114 KI SO 1 tOVi 30 1,100 121 120T 121 , 104 1 aesso 1 esoaaa " vi 27 129.100 138 ltd 1 t! 83 44 S 44 44S 44 3 1 30 7 1.900 84 "'ioo 'iiii 'iivi 00 84 "i.'ioo 'iiii tOO 104 104 100 31 1.000 lot CO 800 100 44 4 SI 200 41914 400 37 8.000 107 8.400 17 800 47 300 100 too 4i 14 41'4 , Tl.ooo ir.9 100 (0 . 8,200 .118.100 , 10 . 1,400 41 100 lie) 1M 100 MO . Moo 43 7 W4 7 se-H 24 17 41 lt 0 u 43 t 24 1 ir.H 0 '4V4 8HU. 47 11 11 "4 8114 fl 19 ion. 1(4 40S 40 4744 11 l 7 14 II 000 1384 181 U7 474 81 ts 78 Dostoa Stoek Market. BOSTON, Oct. . Hoslng quotations on on stocks and bonds: Allouea Amal. Ooppar A. & U g Alisons Com. B. . C. C. S. at. Butte Coalllioa .... Cel. aV Arlaona Gal. eV Hacia Caatennlal Cop. Rang C C... Kast Bulla C. M.. . Franklin .. Olroas Cbn. Orsabr Cos. OreoM Cananea tk Mohawk 4"4 Nevada Con t Mplsslng Mlnas . 48 Norta Butts 44 North Lake 14 Old Dominion .... .. 4k1 Osceola ..ISO Parratt 8. 4k C... .. 14 Uuloer .. 81 Shannon ., S Superior .. t Superior eV B. M.. 8 18-14 Tamarack .. 1 U S S R M. So pfd , lata Hoyala Coppar. II t'tsh Con. Kerr Leka Laka tteppae 1 Balls Copper.. Miami Copper ... s.x-4lldso4. 3 I lea Coooar Ca... , 2414 Winona , 4'4Wolaartas 17 . , 8 . 16 1 J tt 4 . 8s , I7t , I . 81 . T . 15 :. M 14 , 40 , I It New York Mtalagr Stacks. NEW YORK, Tct t. Closing quotations on mining stocks were as follows: Alice la Cow. Tannel stock.. 34 da honde IT Con. Cal. aV Va.... t Hors Si leer 8 ros SIWss SO Leadllla Oaa. .... 18 of farad. Little Chief Mriicaa Ilaurlo Ophlr , Staudard Yellow Jacket 8 SU. , ioo 13 lev 88 Ilaak riearlaga. OMAHA. Oct. . Bsnk clearings fop today were 83.143.12271 and for the corre sponding day last year t3,:i8,4U43.