THE BEE: OMAITA, MONDAY. OCTOHETl P. 1011. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Commissioners Eywx and Pifonlta Enter General Denials. INSPECT ANNEXATION PAPERS .AssLtant Cllr Attorney Assert Mfrirfr Law Wilt Mot Staad , Teat of Con.tltatlonalltr Before Toart. In a short verbal statement yesterday John J. Ryan and Joseph Plvonka, fir and police commissioners, entered a gen eral denial to the allegations of malfeas ance In office set forth In the ouster petition filed Friday evening In the su preme court. Both of the accused mem tern said they probably would make a statement Monday. Now that the proceedings have been filed there Is said to be a tendency among many of the saloonkeepers and gamblers of the city to save themselves at any coat and some of them axe expected to nbosom themselves at the ouster trial. This Is especially true In the case of the mall property holders who, as sureties on the liquor license bonds, made oath that they were worth S2.S00 over and above all their liabilities. It Is also said that the saloonkeepers who are said to have been assured pro tection are up In arms. The feeling among the friends of the two accused commissioners Is that the proceedings may drag along for some time, thus allowing the commissioners to finish their terms of office. Another sentiment la that If the prosecution should succeed In making a strong case the fol lowers of the commissioners will throw the city over to the annexationists and nullify further action against Ryan and l'ivonka. Inspect Prtltlona. Mayor Trainor, City Attorney H. C. Murphy, Assistant City Attorney Bam Winters, City Treasurer John T. GMIn and City Clerk Frank Good, together with a force of stenographers, left the city hall yesterday afternoon for the county clerk'a office, where the work of Inspecting the annexation petitions was begun. The work embraces a cer tified copy of the names subscribed to the petition, a scrutiny and examination for names of all those who according to law are not elegtble to sign the paper. Assistant City Attorney Sam Winters, before leaving the hall, asserted that the merger law will not stand the test of constitutionality before the supreme court of the state. He Instanced several Notes and West Ambler. Mrs. Evans, who lives on the heights on South Forty-eighth street, la still quite 111. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter have been entertaining relatives from Iowa during the last week. Miss Jessie Hefler was the guest of her cousin Miss Cora Ream of Eckerraan on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer of Lincoln have been the guests ot friends In West Side the last week. Charles Oqulst of West Point was the truest of his friend, H. 8. MUler between tialns on Wednesday. Harry Thompson of Walthlll, Neb., has been the guest of his uncles, Joseph Laird and E. Gorman, the lust week. ' lien Keener has purchased th 3oucor Ola restaurant on Forty-eighth and Leav- . in .... ...... I lliur. tnwortn ueeis ana mu Mrs. John Long entertained her nelce Mrs. Taylor, and small son from New York at her home In West Side on Tues day. y Mr. and Mrs. Ola Carlsen have had as their guests the last week their daugh ter. Mrs? A. Jacobsen and family from Ft. Crook. ,. H. J. Homan and bride (nee Miss EdUh Cogllser) of Westsld. have taken room. on Park avenue "u the winter. The Misses Martha and Nellie Bwanker of Red OoakT la., have been the guests of Miss Bertha Swanker lor the aw-Sar-Ben festivities. Rev. R. M. Henderson and wife spent Wednesday with their daughter. Wtrh"a Nelson Pratt In her new home in the West Farnam aminci. . Clifford Wesman ot Red Oak, la. has been the guest of Mrs. Swanker JVest ?ide and fooklng after his father, who Is In the Methodist hospital. It Claggett and family are temporarily reading with Mr. and Mrs. John Blake in EckcYman until their home, which was X$$LT$l '"hohHs been spending th 'season wlth'ciyde btult. I" will leave for Illinois on iionday where he will spend the winter.. Mrs. Charles Barman had the mlfor tune to fall from a chair on Monday breaking her left aim near the wrist at her home on Weft Ohio street. Mrs P J. Trabor and small ;on' Eugene, were guest, t" dinner on Mon i,v of her old school friend Mrs. How srd Engelman. on Jackson street. Mrs. Robert Long of West Tolnt ar rived on Frl.lav to be the guest other Saughter. Mr. Frank Wellman and Mis. EHiabeth Long, on Martha street. !- on1 Mrs Swan of Auburn. Neb., a"r; "a eno Quests of their friends. Mr. Jnd Mrs James Krcdder of outi Korty TbVhth street. They returned home on Eaturdny. Miss Bertha Morley. who has been the Fue t of her friend. Miss Marie Gorman on West Puppleton street the last two weeks returned to her home In Lincoln Ftlday afternoon. The llvelv little Shetland team belong ing to ' Campbell of Forty-third and Center street elicited a great deal of rralVe and admiration In the stock food font In Tuesday's pnrade. Mr and Mr. Flnloy Bonewlts have Mr. ana hom4 in Vet Side yea-iwthenlyson poacoe, and wife, ft f o . h rndPlr,e,urn"trh. coast soon to reside permanently. ' ,, . ,T- rMrs WhA Wenbehr"of Tr? norh7,reVreI7rrmAonth w,,. return to her home In Henderson, la .. the first f,a-t of the week accompanied bv her Slighter who has recovered her health st one of the local nuauua Klnrenet. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. P . . .1.. ir.t ( the week. Miss Mable Cole was the guest of Mis. Helen Nichols -lueruajr Mrt R H. Olmsted attended ,r Allien ball In Omaha Friday . .,, strlbbUng were Mr. arm . South Omaha priests ai - Wednefday. . n .w f?v Oeorsre 8. S.'guesVraT"'...- Tucker home Wednesday nlgni. Mr I nclan Thompson was the guest .. .'Sh,r W. M. Thompson, and . i,.. i. . i,.t m-eek. Charles Elbourn left the first of the week to register for th. land drawing to r he.d at tiregory. n. w. i ii Krt.hln ana Mrs. ti A Hits bin attended' the Ak-Sar-Iien ball i- tn .h. wvidav evening. Mits Lucille McCool of Gothenburg. Neb was the guest of Miss Helen Jlcn r.1. for a few days this week. r. -., r;rmA Janasen of Florence of ficiated at the wedding of Miss Harriet Mut.hlL and Mr. T. Edward Dickinson lu k Muniltv. Wilbur Nichols of Gothenburg was ths similar cases In other states, where the supreme tribunal had ruled that the law was an example of vicious class legis lation. Mr. Winters also went into the subject of Omaha's un preparedness for a merger at this time. He said that according to the Omaha charter there can only be a total levy of tl.150,000 to cover the ex penses of both cities for a year. The present levy In Omaha amounts to $1,200, 000 and the law only allows an extra (100,000 for the expenses of the city merged Into the old one, he declares, v Knaeral of W, l. Troaaon. The funeral of W. D. Tronson, who tiled Friday morning In St. Joseph's nospital, following an Illness of nearly a year and a half, will be held Sunday 'afternoon In South Omaha from the First Presbyterian church, with Rev. Wheeler and Rev. Higby officiating The deceased was over twenty-five years a resident of South Omaha and was well known there. He removed to Omaha a few years ago and took up his residence with his family at 3705 Ames avenue, where he resided at the time of his death. He was 68 years of age and has a vide circle of friends to mourn his loss. Notice to Oar Castomera. Beware of fraud liquor solicitors, repre senting themselves at your door to be selling for J. Klein, which Is not true, as I have no solicitors at all. - T. Klein, Family Liquor Dealer, 26th and N, South Omaha. The llelht of Fashion Is embodied In all our overcoats, such makes as Hlrsh Wickwlr & Co., for men. and Harvard make for young men, at unequalled prices. M. Culkln & Co. Maarlo City Gosalp, By your coal. South Omaha Ice Co. Low prices on good stoves. Home Fur niture company. C. B. Scarr has returned from his hunt ing camp for a few days. B. W. Barmlnd of Auburn Is the guest or. ms aaugnter, Mrs. in. m. uraham. W. S. Victor ot VUllBca. la., Is the gUMt of his daughter, Mrs. Zalda Dlmond. Miss Eva Pitkin ot Mount Vernon. O.. Is the guest ot her cousin, Mrs. Jennie Stormer. Miss Anna PJandon, a young musician of Peoria, 111., is the guest of Mrs. Harry Trumble. Miss Catherine Carroll entertained Miss Anna Mueller during the Ak-Sar-Uen festivities. Mrs. Mary French and daughter of Lin coln are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCullough. Mrs. M. 8. Church has been called to Alexandria to the bedside ot her mother, who Is very 111. For rent, six-room house, modern ex cept heat. Also large barn, 2ul8 U street. Phone South 1094. The Knights of Columbus are preparing to Join their brethren In Omaha for the proper celebration of Friday, October 12. Gossip from Omaha's Suburban t guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. piicnois, vveanesaay ana inursua-y, i turning Thursday evening. Mrs. F. R, Wedge of Genoa, Neb., was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Tracy, the lasi wees. ivev. vvfagfl irnveu tt cuuw day evening for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wixon and Miss Hasel Wlxon, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. lwe and family, re turned home to Stella Tuesday. Mrs. Hender, who has been the guest ot her daughter In Seattle, Wash., for three months, returned last week and Is the guest ot ber daughter, Mrs. Charles Elbourn. Jasper Smith of Alnsworth, Neb., who at one time ran a drug store here, and who has been visiting friends in Flor ence, loft Wednesday for a short 'Visit In low a ueiore returning nume. R. H. Olmsted. R. A. Goldlng. J. B. Brlsbln, F. S. Tucker, Henry Anderson, i., r m.i. nr I." XI ' 1 1 1. ml rank L.. rinili . A iy iirco -." - " Parker attended the meeting of the Ponca improvement ciuu munuay evening. was held at the Ponca school house. 1.1.- . l,.h T.-1 rt re O f.h I 11V J .1 1 L' I 1 IB VIUM i 1W1 ,... i - composed of the business men of the city, will meet Tuesday evening to make plans for a two-day celebration in Florence on November S and 4. Among the attrac tions on these days will be a balloon as cension, dance and free pertormances at tno uieaier. n'. v..i.ial n... 9 ITu ifl.a have Ilia riaiciuai w i u t v& -. i, " - - tntn, nnw hall on the corner ot Main and Jefferson streets. They have spent several liunurea uouars in nxius . . i .. . ,i, fin..! hall in the U) HI 1 U nun lia n ma a... ,, -' - -"- city, both tor lodge purposes and social entertainments, xne emri miuuicm. mlttee la planning a big time In the near future to Introduce the hall to the public. Thursday and Friday will be big days In Florence, for on these days Charles Lonergan and Herman Kuhl have their sales ot pure Drea i-oiana-tjnina, iiuh. At the Lonergan sale last year there buyers from five states present and the hogs sold for over $4,000. This year, with the two sales, a larger crowd is expected and the volume ot sales will run niuon higher. Tl, r. I a r. r.n rallltifr MMnl U 1 election to vote bonds to take up the indebted ness of the city, which was tentatively passed by the council laBt week, was killed Monday evening when Councllinen Grig! and King voted against It. The . . - u V. .. .. i..ra lha f 1 1 1 nfflclalM for several months, and the object was to Issue bonds at o per cent to h outstanding warrants which draw 7 per ,..r. t-horo la niuiut 130. ouO outstanding at the present time. George E. Carpenter of Salt Lake City, i i . 1. mumninth Unrmnll Ul Buvmiitj ih ..... ...wv.. Tabernacle choir, which will be In Omaha the last of tho monm, was in riumiiM this week visiting historic Mormon places. The choir Immediately on the arrival of the train In Omaha will take caxs for Florence, where tliey will visit tne urn ham loung tree in the city park and tne Mormon cemetery west of town, where they will honor their dead. Afterward they will return to umana tor mcir con cert. Reason. a .nn mi horn to Mr. and Mrs. Kaus- man on last Monday. , 1 A .. milt fta.nlt the Nft. tlonal Life Underwriter's association, held in Chicago next week. , . , , t V llnHnn hlva ir. ana jars. .v.. - moved from Bouth Cottner avenue to North Clinton avenue. At Monday evening's Odd Fellows meeting the third degree will be con lerrcd on one candidate. Miss Marie. Schneider of West Point, Neb., has- been visiting at the home of Jonas Fry and Mrs. Hlnse. Mrs. Rowderer of Rock Island, 111., was a guest during carnival week at the homo of Mrs. A. G. Harte. Mr. ad Mrs. Marvin Armour of Homer. Neb., spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Barnes. Mrs. Mary MnCray has returned to her home In Wupenu, la., after a few days' visit with hel- son, F. V. McCray. Mrs. Jennie Smith of Fairfield. Neb., visited at the borne of Mrs. Clelland and Mrs. On. ok during carnival week. Mr. and Mrs. Novak of Prague, Neb., spent part of last week at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Joseph Peska. sirs. r.vt miner oi rreiiiuiiv, wiw waa attending the Ak-Sar-iien festivities and ball. WL m KUI Ul Ml 1 If V. V. L. Din. f.U IVUIII cniruaiiu mi uiiuiri last Wednesday for Mra. John Rojgen , ma 1..i. Ulll.. t..AVa '..IV....... , , , j tr..iaa .-...!... . .1 i HIH1 aula, tfunii hii isi v a u . v aa.fivaaaa. Mrs K. W. Norris has returned from a lew aays amy in j i-eui, nru., whbib ana was called by the sickness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Custer of Lennox, a., . CI a a . ttaai uviua of Mrs. Custer's sister, Mrs. Tom Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Uegan entertained Mr' Keis of Corning, la., and Mrs. MclJonaid nf Ci-Aitaii. la., during the last wwk. Mrs. E. E, Murdock has returned home rroin m iny w nw awi. .,, . ui am- nols, where she spent thrae weeks visa ing. Miss Freda Johnson f Fremont, Nb., hlrh Is Colnnibu. day and a leaal holi day. Ask us about the twin flue art I -an re I heater, best heat producer made. O. K. Hardware. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter of Unrein will spend the week end with their sister, Mrs. George Paddock Mr. and Mrs. Uemnilll of South English, Is., are the guest a of Mrs. J. L. Ueny mill and slaters this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifton and Mrs. Hoblnsm of llnlilrege were the Ak-Sar-Ben guests of friends In South Omaha, The story hours for children will begin Monday at the library and continue on every Monday until further notice. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Darling of Auburn have returned home after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Graham. There will be a meeting of the trustees of the First Presbyterian church Thurs day evening at the office of J. La. Duff. Mrs. E. W. Crevlston Is mourning her father,. William Belglinger, who died last Wednesday at his home In Kinsley, Kan. Don"t forget we have the largest line In town and they are all twin flue. O. K. Hardware. The I-adles Aid society of the Presby terian church will serve a noonday lunch eon at the church on Wednesday, Octo ber 11. Misses Nellie Bemls of Futton and Myer of Florence were the guests of Mis Bemls at 1010 North Twentieth street last week. The women of the Methodist church will hold a home baking sale at Herman ft uerry a grocery store on Baturaay, Oc tober 14. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Wheeler enter tained Dr. Wheelers nephew, H. II. W heeler of Lincoln, during the fore part of the week, Walter Pitkin, a theological student of McCormlck Theological seminary In Chl cngo, Is visiting with Deacon and Mrs. W. H. Nichols. Police Officer Jacob Small, who la charged before the Fire and Police botrd with assault on a prisoner, will be tried Wednesday morning. BUY Cherokee COAL now $4.00. E, II. 1 lowland Lumber Co., 617 N. 24th St. Phone South 7; Independent F-1036. Mrs. Esther Wells, after an extended visit with relatives and friends In this citv, will leave Tuesday for her home In Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. Harry Trumble will entertain Mon day evening In honor of Miss Delia Huestln, who leaves in a few days for a sojourn In California. The women of the Christian Temper ance union will meet with Mrs. Robert son. Twenty-third and G streets, Tues day, October 10, at 2:30 p. m. Mesdames Clifton and Robinson of Hoi dredge have been the Ak-8ar-Ben guests of Mr. and Mrs. L, Larson, 110 South Twenty-second street. The Ladles' Aid society of the Brown Park Baptist mission will meet Wednes day for an all-day sewing bee with Mrs. Nath, 482 South Thirteenth street. Phone Bell South 808 Independent F lRUR for a case of Jetter Gold Top. Prompt delivery to any part of city. Wil liam Jetter. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian association will meet on Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. D. G. Robb at her home, 11118 North Twenty-fifth street. Secretary E. T. Dcnnlson of the Toung spent a few days as a guest of Miss Helen Norris while taking in the carni val. Fred Carpenter of Bloomfield and son, Everett, have been visiting t the home of Mrs. H. Laavey, his sister. In Benson hurst. James S. Colvan, a noted pianist of Omaha, gives a grand recital next Thurs oay evening at the Benson Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Nellson have taken part of the Misses Campbell's home. They have gone for a short visit with friends In Iowa. Dr.-Parsons has been appointed by the Metropolitan Insurance company as medical examiner and Inspector for the company. Mrs. John Kurts and daughter, have returned to their home In Minneapolis, Minn., after a three weeks' visit with relatives here. The Lutheran Ladles' Aid society will meet next Wednesday in the church base ment at an all day session, with a lunch served at noon. Mr. J. F. Ringo of Belle Fourche, S. I)., unclev of Mrs. M. C. Campbell and Mrs. F. C. Tripp, visited at their homes during the week. Vj. C. Jacobson, James Howard, William and Ernest Tlndell were participants In the parades last week, also the Benson Merchants' band. Mr. and Mrs. William Wlsner and chil dren of Redlnglon, Neb., were spending the week at the home ot Mr. Wlsner s uncle and family. The women of the Methodist church will give a "money shower" social at the church next Friday evening, to re plenish their kitchen. Robert Faussett returned home on last Tuesday morning from Gregory, B. L., where he was tavorably Impressed, and registered for a claim. Miss Bessie Lancaster attended the firotographers' ball given In Omaha and ad tho grand march with K. C. Nelson, president of the association. The Eagles' drill team went to Lin coln Saturday, where they put on their worg lor Lincoln lodge, wno win initiate about seventy-five new members. Dave Washburn spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Butler last week. "Grandma" Washburn was a guest also at this home a few days. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet at the home of Mrs. R. K. Wosworth next Frlduy afternoon, when a parliamentary drill will be had. Mrs. Dr. Ryman received a visit last week from her two sisters, Mrs. Florence Raybrlck of Union Center. Wis., and Mrs. Mary Lemons of Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. A. Z. Leach and daughter ar rived In Benson last Thursday evening and visited with Mrs. J. N. Horton till Saturday, when she went to Bennington. Mrs. C. W. Reed Is still at the Meth odist hospital, Mrs. Carlson has returned home and Misa Allle Campbell Is about recovered from her long Illness of the summer. The Benson Woman's club educational meeting, was postponed from last Fri day afternoon, until some future time, when Uie speaker-to-be, Mrs. Orris, can be present Mrs. Charles Vols of South Omaha and Miss Katie Hartahenbush of Ida Grove, la., were dinner gueats at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Breiten ger 8unday. Mrs. J. C. Colt entertained at dinner on Thursday evening at her home, when covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johon nae of Omaha. E. H. Oleson la erecting a 26x100 brick building on Military and Lynn avenue, which will be used fur a bowling alley with Messrs. C. Voss and Emll Carlson as proprietors. 1 The young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tlbke waa operated on at the Swedish Mission hospital for appedicltlt.. While It was a bad operation she la doing well at lust report. . Mr. and Mrs. Erneat Tlndell returned last Monday morning from their wedding trip and are visiting at the homs of Mr. Tlndell, sr., a short time before go lng to their own home here. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Oleson and Mr and Mrs. Strobeck of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. 11. Knudsen of Benson will be guests today at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. c. xseison. Mrs. Andrew Dray, Misses Lett a and Carolina Dray and Hoy Dray and Mrs. A they, all of Missouri Valley, la., have been guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. it. uawaiiis. Mra. Julia Cornwall and Mr. and Mrs n. Cornwall and son of Paul. Kan., and Mrs. Nettle Murray and daughter of Falrbury, Neb., were guests at the M. P. Gould home during tne last week. Carl R. Meyer of Benson has leased the business of the Guarantee Abstract oompauy. He was for two years the sec retary and manager of the Midland Guarantee Sk Trust company of Omaha Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright entertain at dinner at their home today, when covers will be laid for Dr. Lyle and Mlas Lylo, Miss Koey Banbauui and liua Men's Christian association will epenk j tomorrow night at the First Presbyterian church on ' The Significance of the Re ligious Forward Movement for Men." Coal, money talks, 1.000 lbs. Cherokee Nut roal, $4. Special prloe, aot quick. Broad well, Roberts Co., Phone . Rev. Dr. Robert W heeler, pastor of the First Presbvterian church, will attend the svnod of Nebraska to be held on October 14 to Ifi, Inclusive at the Presby terian church In North Pintle. Mrs. !. 1 Holmes is giving a farewell supper In honor of Mrs. Esther Wells of Battle C.vek, Mich . this evening. The Invited guests are Messrs. and Meodames J. M. Tanner. C. A. Melcher, IXiisles, Sage, Mis. Ames, Mrs. Klllott, Mrs. Young of Pes Moines and Mrs. Wells. J. O. Parcley, an Inebriate, arrested by the Mllca Friday forenoon, fell In tlm Jail yesterday and Injured his head while In a fit said to be the result ot drink. The physicians, considering the man at lrust temporarily Insane, ordered him to the county hospital for treatment and observation. For sale, large heating stove, cheap, quirk. Apply Bee Office. South Omaha. FOR 8AL.K 7-room modern house In best residence block In South Omaha; owner moving away. Must be sold soon. Address II," South Omaha Bee office. Mr. and Mrs. 1). G. Knlm entertained last Friday afternoon at a box party at the Brandels theater In honor of her nieces, Mrs Fred Jackson of yilllsca. la., snd Mrs. Horace Carter of Corydon, la. Besides the honor guests there were present Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Robh. Mesdames Durklea and Sage entertained at a bridge luncheon Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sage. The decora tions were white and red roses. Places were arranged for Mesdames J. M. Tan ner. D, L. Holmes, t A. Melcher, H. Klllott, A. A. Jasmer, Dtirkles, Sago, Coy, T. Ensor, Olllver and Barnhardt. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Rohb entertained last Thursday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Sutton's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Those present were: Miss Fleta Sutton Messrs. and Mesdames C. G. Sutton, J. K. Talmnge. George Henderson, l, j. Srhmldt. Fred Fisher. William Allen, Harry Miller and 1). G. Rohb. The Levy Furniture and Carpet com pany, 2M0 N street, announce that they are going to retire from handling any more second-hand stoves and are selling all their slightly used stoves ut a great reduction from their former prices. No reasonable offer refused. With banners and badges and songs of merriment a big contingent of local Kagles left yesterday evening at 4 o'clock for Lincoln, where a diss initiation of Eagles was held last night. "Doc" Tan ner, president of the local aerie, was the head of the party. There were also present J. Williams, state president; C. C'hrlstensen and other members of acrlo No. 164. Coroner Willis Crosby will hold an In quest on the death of Ilo'j Hently, the negro who died In the hospital Friday night as the result of wounds inflicted by Willie Williams last Saturday morn ing. The Inquest will be held In the police court room Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. At the samo hour the funeral of the dead man will bo held from Larkln's undertaking rooms. Mrs. Nellie Williams, a colored woman living with Mrs. Donovan at 523 North Twenty-seventh street, dropped dead In her bedroom yesterday afternoon at 1:45 o'clock, from an attack ot heart Neighbors Banbaum, all of Oeddes, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Bralley ot Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hansen entertained at their home last Thursday evening, In honor of Mr. I.awrensen and daughter of West Point. Neb.. Mr. and Mrs. Tonder of Omaha, and a number from Benson. Mrs. M. Chalupsky entertained at her home last Friday afternoon for the Ben son Kensington club. The afternoon was passed In games and muslu. A dainty luncheon waa served to the eleven mem bers. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hall entertained at a family reunion dinner last Thursday evening when covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hall and sons, Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Hall and son of Benson and Dr. and Mrs. Chllds of,Vllllsca, la. Mrs. Peter Christiansen was called to ues JHoines, la., the last of the week by the sudden death ot her father, who had been sick for some time at hla home In Stillwater, Minn., but was thought to be better. Burial was In Des Moines. At last Thursday evenlnir'a ritv conn. ell meeting, two petitions for pave ment on Bouth Cotner avenue waa presented. It was moved and car ried that the H. C. Specr & Sons company's $30,0(10 offer for water oonas oe accepted. Building permits were given E. H. Oleson and Newton Meltln. The reports of the city treas urer, water commissioner. Dollca lutlirn and chief of police, were received and placed on file. Dundee, Mr. E. H. Westerfleld waa In Das Moines, la., on business during the week. air. ana Mrs. 11. T. Cutler have returned from a visit of a few days with Mrs. Cutler's mother at Modale, la. Miss Donovan and Miss Ermal of ChaD- man. Neb., were the guests for Alp-Sar- urn ot tuisa merceaea iougnian. Dr. Elwood Rtggs has taken possession of the house recently purchased from Mr. a. u. uoyer at 43l Underwood Ave. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ktors have returned from their wedding trio and are settled In their new home, 6114 Cuming street. Mra 1. H. Leavltt lert Wednesday for Baldwin, Kan., to attend the meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary society. Mrs. Nellie Havens entertained at a bridge party at Happy Hollow Monday afternoon. FSrty guests were present. Miss Elizabeth Hewitt gave an after noon party Saturday afternoon for Mrs. McCandless at the home of Mrs. A. T. Hewitt. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Culver and family have moved from G10T Cuming street to a new home just completed on Chicago street ner Fiftieth. Raymond Anderson leaves on the 15th for Phoenix. Arhs.. where he will art as general agent for the Northwestern Mu. tuai L.ire insurance company. At Happy Hollow club last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnson had eight guests at dinner and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Carmichael had four guests. Mrs. T. A. Smith of Humphrey, Neb., was the guest fur Ak-Bar-Uen of Mra E. O. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton spent the week In New York on business. Mrs. W. E. Kllgore, who has been the Euest for a few weeks of her daughter, Irs. Burke H. Sinclair, left during the week for her home In Eldorado, Kan. Mrs. H. C. Freeman and daughter, Miss Shirley Freeman, leave soon to visit Mrs. Vance of Lexington Ky. From there they will go to Florida for the remainder of the winter. At dinner at HaDDV Hollow laa Caiup. day Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Ralph had as tueir suesia: nr. ana Airs. Henry U Lemere, Mr. and Mrs. Ueo. D. Turnl cllffe and Miss Florence Deverell. At supper at Happy Hollow last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Perry had fiv mama Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Klmberly two guests and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar three guests in nonor or congressman Norris The Dundee Woman's club met Wednes day witn Mrs. H. K. Hume. Mrs. 11. H Sinclair was leader for the day, assisted vy jnesaames j. r.. uoous and Mrs. E. it. rvesteriieia. Airs. i'. j. iiarr was leaaer or tne current topics department Mr. W. E. Tompkins has Just bought a home at 6002 Chicago street, Mr. Hoy M. Scott at 6"12 Capitol avenue, and property to be built on at once has been sold to Mr. E. W. Hlchok at Fiftieth and Capitol avenue, ana in tne same block to Mrs Phoebe Crane. Mra Samuel Cotner entertained Friday aiiernoon at a ivensington ror ner guest, Mrs. Ella Wilson of Des Moines. Mra. Cotner will soon Join Mr. Cotner In the Hlg Horn liasin. where they will cele brate tneir golden wedding anniversary together, Mr. (Jot ner being compelled to be there on business at that time. Among those entertaining at the Har vest Home amner ami dance at Happy Hollow Tuesday evening the Dumifr people were; Mr. and Mis. R. C. Petri s with twenty-four g uesls; Mr. and Mrs W. E. Shipard, tour guests; Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Klllck, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hush Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Klmbeily, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polcar, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Talmage, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hamil ton, Mr. and Mrs. I 1. Johnson with three gueats; Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Benson Mr. Henry I.eavltt, with five guests; Dr. and Mrs. II. H. Iniere. Mrs. Henry C. Van Gleson. Mr. and Mrs. W S. Curtis, with two guests, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Brown. failure. Mm. Williams, who was a very firstly woman, had hern i usam-d about toe kitchen prior to the attack. She left thu kitchen stid walked Into the bedroom, presumably to rest. A few moments after. Mis ' Donovan found lier unconscious on the floor. Owing to the Miocss of the inee'.lne beld IhM Sunday nl;lt Iminl Secretary E. !.. Simpson todav announced that the Young Men's Christian association branch of South Omiilm bad been placed on a better financial foolliiK than ever before. The secretary and his dire, tors now look forward to a successful year, thanks to the assurance of financial hacking recelxed from the local business men Mr. Simpson says that there Is now a need of several young men to take up the work of training the local youth. The Trl-clty Feilerntlon of Christian Churehea of Omaha Council 11 tiffs. Irvlngton and South Omaha will hold a meeting at the Christian church In Omaha. Twentv-slxth and llnrnev, Tues day, October 10 Luncheon will be aerved at noon and the regular program will begin at 3 o'clock. Mrs. W illiam Oeschger of Cotner I'nlrersltv. Bethany, will de liver the address of the day. The offi cers of the association are Mrs. V. M. Graham, president: Mrs. John Bates. Irvlngtnn, vice-president: Mrs. ,t. A. Williams. Omaha, secretary; Mrs. Chnrlo H. Bofler, Council Bluffs, treasurer. An article that has real merit should In time become popular. That such Is the case with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Here Is one of them. H. W. Ilendrlckson. Ohio Falls, Ind., writes. "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is the best for coughs, colds and croup, and Is my best seller." For sale by all dealers. NAVY RUNS OVER JOHNS HOPKINS Winning; Tram Hellea I'.nllrely on tralaht Foot Hall. ANNAPOLIS, Md Oct. 8,-Relylng en tirely on mass plays and line plunges because of a wet ball and soggy field, the Navy's football players yesterday after noon overwhelmed! Johns Hopkins, to T. Hopkins scored In the first period through taking advantage of a blocked kick that rolled bark of Ilia Navy's posts. Straight line plunging by Nichols and Dalton followed by Sowell'a short quarter back plunge of two yards for a touch down, made six points for the Navy In the third period. After McReavy had returned a short punt that Fulton was forced to send away hurriedly from under his own goal posts, a dash through tackle by Palton resulted In five points more but Brown's try at goal failed. A few minutes later MlcUens fell on a fumbled punt thet rolled behind the goal posts, making the score for tho game 27 to 8. j ir !r 1 i Lff,r' ermany anc England. INj ; :i 1 ire 1, 1 We have adopted every idea, every invention that could aid to attain and preserve purity. If you knew what wc know about beer, you would say, "Schlitz Schlitz in Brown Bottles." lha t Made Ml 0 SCHLITZ DEER MILLER LIQUOR CO., 1309 Farnam St. WILLIAM H. WYMAN DEAD Well Known Fire Insurance Man Passe Away at Home. FIFTY-SIX YEARS WITH AETNA l.ona erlre nltk Compear Kada In tils Retirement l.aat Year Ills' Library m Won. derfal Collection. William Henry Wymsn, one of the best known fire Insurance men of the middle west and a noted bibliophile, died lit .1:41 Saturday afternoon at his home. 124 North Thirty-eighth street. He was Rrt years old. Tho ftineral will be held Monday after noin at 4 o'clock at Mr. Wymnn's late home. The body will be taken to Piav eniHirt, In., for cremation by Crosby Wymnn and John W. Bobbins, son and son-in-law of Mr. Wyman, Immediately after the funeral. The asnrs will be re turned to Omaha. Mr. Wyman had been In poor health for many months, but became seriously ill five weeks ago under an attack of nervous prostration. A man of high edu cation, he had but a few years of schooling. His knowledge was almost wholly self acquired. He was born In Canton. N. T., the son of William Lyman, editor at various times of news papers in Canton, Madison, Wis., and Omaha. His father was the first regu larly commissioned postmaster of this city. Most of Mr Wyman's education, as a boy and a young man was acquired In his father's printing offices. Fire Insiirnnee Agent, After sKMidlnn several years at news paper work, Mr. Wyman took up fire Insurance in Cincinnati, and entered the service of the Aetna Fire Insurance company. In 1MI, the company estab lished a "northwestern" department, em bracing the territory between the Mis sissippi river and the Rocky mountains, and placed Mr. Wyman In charge. He selected Omaha for his headquarters. Last October he retired, having been In the service of tho company fifty-six years. His department was consolidated with the Chicago branch. Mr. Wyman twice was married, his first wife dying In Denver lnt 1M0, He is sur vived by Mrs. Wyman, a brother, Albert U. Wyman ot Washington, 1. C.s two sisters, Mrs. George A. Hoagland of Omaha, and Mrs. Joshua P. Rogers of Hs.ts 20. ff BJWn& bottles 01 :d for beer Germany and England. The chemists of this country as well have re peatedly warned against the possible dangers to purity following the use of light glass bottles. Light starts decay even in I pure beer. Dark glass gives pro tection against light. DELIVERED III PLAIN IVAGOIIS DY Ottawa, 111., and sons and daughters, Watson II. Wyman ot Shell. Wyo.j Mrs. John W. Robbing and Miss Mary Wyman of Omaha, and Crosby Wyman of Chicago. Wnnilerfal I.llirwey. Mr. Wyman's love of books amounted almost ta a passion. His library Is ens of the most Interesting In the city. It numbers many hundreds of books, msny of them centuries old. Among them are ancient Bibles and other religious works, some hand-lllumlned by priests and monks. Among the most interesting art "The Hours of the Holy Virgin." hand Illumined on psrehment, hand-Illustrated, made In the fifteenth century for the u of the nuns in the convent of St. Cecilia at Hoorn: a copy of th famous "Breeches Bible," printed In W14. snd a nine-volume set of Shakespeare's com plete works, the pages measuring but !x3 Inches, the type the smallest ever used In printing. Some of the books are yellow with ngo, falling to pieces and showing the ravages of worms. Shakespeare was a passion with Mr. Wyman and his memory held some plays by the master almost complete. He was deeply Interested In the Bhakespeare Bacon controversy, though he never doubted Shakespeare's authorship. He published a book entitled "A Bibliog raphy of the Bacon-Shakespeare Con troversy." Privately Illustrated bonks were another enjoyment of Mr, Wyman. He purchased books, unbound them snd had them rebound with pictures gathered by him from all over the world. In this way he made hundreds ot wonderful books. By the Illustrations he trans formed a five-volume set of Shakespeare Into a set of twenty-five volumes. Most Komi Is Tolsosi to the dyspeptic. Electrlo Bitters cure dyspepsia, liver and kidney complaints and debility. Price SOc. For sals by Beaton Drug Co. Persistent Advertising Is the Read t Big Returns. MISSOURI ELEVEN IS STRONG School of Mines Loses Game, Twra tr-Mnf to TtothlnB, COLUMBIA, Mo., Oot. 1,-Four tench downs, three goals after touchdown and two goals from field won yesterday for the Missouri state university eleven In a one-aided contest with the Rolla School ot Mines. Captain Hackney, quarterback of the university team, suffered a dis location ot the right shoulder, The snore was Missouri state university, Rolla School ot Mines, 0. 3b "4 in Starts Even in Pure Beer See that croivn or cork is branded '"Schite." none!1 Independent A tSSZ l Schlitz Bottled Beer Depot 723 S. 9th St., Omaha, Nebr. 13 BOTH PK3XES