4 TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 8. 1911. A AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA John Huhei, Veteran Stockman, Thrown from Bujyy. GOOD HrAES FROM BOND HEM CUt ClerV nerelres Wor.1 th Ills, tnrlrs Ilnve lire Found OfflP at Toledo Colonel ntrkfr Vlell. John Hntties, plnneer cil!"n arM vet eran stockman. thrown from hl biicfry and palrfulv Injuria Thiir-liv fcftrrnoon lit Tven'y-f ninth and Q sire. t The sccldrnt wn enu.ril bv a fins'"'"!; automobile, slilcli Irliihtrnrd Mr. lliiKlir.' Horse The Injured men sva. attended ty Dr. A. It. KornlK. who found thai the right arm and rluht leir had !- n torn by the full. He va ttl.pn to M homo at Thirteenth und Boulevard. lloW ( nl.inrl pi -kef l.llH. If you want to be year younu. like Colonel James !.cky of Hi, Joseph. Mo.. don't smok or dr:tiK and keep a sroeery at the cross road near Ml. I'lennnnt. la. That I Ihe advice given to Alt nt City Attorney Xemuel Wlntcra. with whom ths colonel visited yesterday. Tha olonel la M yeata of a" and looki to. Ha la linle and hearty and enjojs to tell of tha ld daya at Mt. I'leammt Where he lived before lis had retired from buxlnea. The colonel had been on a visit to thla city for Ak-Unr-llen, but ha mini" It a point to aoe Bum Wlntcra, no'v u al-iant city attorney and candidate f 'i district jiirife, whom h had known buck In tht days when Ham, at a aliavcr, In qucnled the ".tore at tho crosa roads." nonil lllatnrte foe nil. That the I15.0P9 park bond hlmorlen vent a ho ut a month eiio to the bond buyers, Hpltaer-Rorli'k of Columbia. (., and mlKlald were discovered at tho company' Office, was the new received by City Clerk Frank Uood yeeterdey. Tha bond company reported that thu paper were mislaid among Home other transcription of Houth umalia bond which had been filed awaiting the ally's determination whether tho Issue ahould be comprised In one batch or In many. The park bond histories .after being re ceived by the bond company were filed with the pupera pertaining; to the pav Inv Improvement district bond. The delay hai cauaed the city clerk con Ideruble worry became ot tha i-hariris that he had been a party to th eques tration ot the paper for aome ulterior motive. A aoon a Mr. Good learnod of the complaint mad by thoa Interested In the park bondi he wrote the bonding company and received a reply yesterday, The letter of HplUer-ftorlrk company In dicated that th work of reading tho hlatorle would be taken up at once and puraued without delay. Thl will probably assure the marketing of th park bond before January 1. Ilyrne Vlalte la City. Owen Byrne, postmaster In tha atate houa at Dee Molnea, arrived In town yesterday on a visit to hi atater. Mra. V, J. Tralnor. Mr. Byrne pnt th after nnoa In and about tha city hall In com pany with his brether-ln-Iaw, P. J. Tralnor. Th vlaltor expressed hlmielf aa much Impreaaed with th progress ad elvlo energy ot South Omaha. Tamyayera Tar Hundreds ot delinquent taxpayer called at th traaurr'a offlc yssUrday to pay up their taxes and In om cases to pro teat agalnat tha alleged wrongful publication of their ' property In the delinquent tax Hit. For th moat part, however, It waa found that th tax oom- mla!onr mad no mtitak In hi work and a llttl referenc to th book aoon convinced th protesting cltlsen that lila property had been legally listed among th tax sales, ' All day lone th treaaurar's offlc wa crowded and when venlng cam th of flea fore admitted to wearlnea a the result ot a hard day. ' Claim Aaatnet City. Alleging that th carelsasness and negllgeno ot th city engineering depart ment had damaged her property on Twenty-sixth between It and I atreet. Mra. Iowa Conord through her attorney, P. H. Walls, yesterday filed a claim against th city tor M0. llty Bank Itatrmtat. Tha monthly bank statement ot tha city treasurer showa that tha elty haa a dully average of M.&W In th Live Block Na tional bank and ;8,C00 In th Stock Yarda National. Th Uva Block haa also ,7W oi achool monies. Church f erf lore. Wat Bide Melhodlst-Bunday achool at I;J. Praaolilng at I'.m anu a p. iu. i'lrst chiiiln Twemy-thlid and B.....i.v a. iioni . t 10. Preaching at 11 Letler Wemo.Ul SaUbatn scno.il at 10 Preaching l l. a.venutg wuiauip a '-8un'day ax-hool wij be held at 8t. t:& waida Mlixioa at .39-..a. m.,-and at Bt i i.m.nt MlMMinn kl J:SU D. 111. Hethet iiaptiat Churcii, Krt -third an J I rilieeta bible school, i w p- rmui Haley pieachvea si me itinm u.i-.rw irritidv meht at 1.90. Ht. l.uK. a l.ULiivran. Hav. 8. H. Terlau Pator Kuuday schuol al .4&; morning worahlp at 11. hptn-tal meeting of cSL- dren a mtaiot boiid at 4. V alccliewcu claas at i. . . , '. Urat VlathodUt. ervlcefc In Odd Ke. low's hall. Hev. J. M. Hothwell, r-aor llibi auhool at K i. l'ia-li)n at 11 by the paator. k.pwoilh laatfu at untit Chunh. Twenty-fifth and 11 5trla. Bev. C. T. Haley, fc-aator-illbiu ...V.....I s n. a m Biuriniig worahlp m. ' PaDtlst Young r-eopie's union. .. ... Vt.nln WMIhhlU. l.Jli. Brown I'sra buptlai, Twentieth and B Btrt.eta itioie aeliuol, 46 a. in. M. An treaon will plch at p. m. Mia l l.nrhi i mtr. the nwly appotiilrd C t tiklaakonary and aaltanl to k aalor llxley will aaelst al Una service and piesen a a pee la I meaaaga to lh illiitiren. Th I'nited tnabyieilaii. rweniy-thli' I. ie.e. W. A. i-oll CK. 1'aHlol tiun day achool at .44. Preaching at 11 o'clock subject. Mia.lon. o iuk-i Lhrtatlan union at i. Preucuiiii: at a. toll iaut. "Missions." The itev. I'll. It. I.lnco aMd YVaoibrouk ot Uonkisr. Neb., wll K.va rt.araa of the iiri ki'i fur tho day. tlalnt Martins inurcn, i acnifi.iunu and J Htreets, Htv. Alfred G. White, hector 4 a. m . holy communion service, la a. m . ituuday school i ll a. m., morn ing prayer and sermon by tho rector, toplo. "Th Guard ol lite tfourc." 'I'lila Is th special Hunday set for Saint Martin's Mens cioo to attend chinch Service In a body und the sanuon will be eaprclally for inert. All inu whether inniiibrs of lbs club or pot sis especially Invited. Ktiat Prabyteilan, Twenty-third and end J, Hev. H. I. Wheeler, Paator hible achwjl at ii sharp. Celebration ot tua Lord's suiper at 11 o'clock. An open communion lo which nil Chriatlnna and believers sre Invited. Haptiam and recep tion of members to piecmj communion. Christian r ndeavor at i ii. I rrachuiit at 1 a lr. Wheeler's toplo. "Victory Ovsr the Pitching brier, and the tirlevlng Thorn." Karklel vlil::i. All seals Ilea aud th public Invited. Maale t lr Cloasltu The parking boueea report an Inoreae Of vlaltor and ghiaeer at Ibelr plain. Kd Coltral and wife of Twenty-fourth and T sireeia ar rejoicing over tn blilh of a girl. (Hev Brsrka and .wife of Thirty-first and Polk street aouounc tue Uiria oi a daughter. John Bennera waa arrested Thursday for uttering menacing threaia against one ot but neighbui-a it nvl and Ike Burnsions were sr rented Thursday on a charge ot peddllnf without a license. Ktchard O'Keefe, sr. who haa bean ae)uriun In Ireland for the lat three Bi'Vbiba, will arrive hoiu bast Weiiusa- day frnm rel!nr ftprlhse. Mo, whr ne stopiea en rout from m:w i ora. K're and Police Cotimlaa oner John J. Pynn hum hrrn iulte III with an attack of etomach troulile. John Mnrphv, vho hse been 111 In the hop tnl fi.r the :t three week, re turned homp toilay. Jack Mover ct th Rhamrork font ball tenm Is sntloue to p"t eome out-of-town enuHRemrnts fr hi team. There will be a mm ml snd lltersry en tertmnment at the First Haptlst rhuirh. Twenty. f fth end II atreet", on Friday, October 1.1, at o'clock p. jn. The athletic a"ocl itlon f the hlKh achool will i.-ive a tecrp'lon for the Ne braska f t hn'l Irnm on Saturday nlnht St the hlich schoo: auditorium. Mrs. Kurrnt fl'Itrlen snd ilauehter. Ii ith. r.f -vt Iwdnke. after n pleasant visit with Mr. snd Mrs Wllllnm J. Hren nan. hsv returned lo their home. The funeral of W. IV Tionson. who rt ed at Ht. Joseph's hostiltal Frirtav will he held st the First l'i etivierlHti rhuri ti, Twentv-thlrd and .1 stne'a Hunlay after noon nt .1 n'Coi k. Itev. tnlvln l. HlRhee of (ittwin w II off:i l.'ip. Icc. Mr. Wheeler asflistinrr. Kurlal will be In Laurel Hill. CITY AND RAILROADS CONFER Minourl Pacific Official! A?Tee to Be-in. Some Viaduct Work 3oon. Ed Pheissen Wanted For Striking Marshal KKAfiXKY, Neb.. Cct. T.-iHpecIal To rram Fd r'Tiuteh") PheMsen. a 13-year-itd hill player. Is wsnteil st Ravenna, his home, for B-oiaultlnw James 'Jenipel. town mnrrlial, lust nluht. I'helsscn's brother wns nrresfed In the afternoon for leaflns" n mule on the sidewalk to avoid Batting Into mud while living on aome new harness he had bought. The assault was the result of th re sentmint of the j o timer brother w ho followed the mnrhsl from the court room, striking: him down. The marshal fell striking his head on the cement sidewalk, being rendered tin ronae'.ou for nearly an hour. Ills eondl. tlon was reported critic al this morning but lute this afternoon It was thought he would recover. Pheissen Is still at large. MEW ACCUSED OF SILK THEFT GO BACK TO IOWA I From a Btaff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Oct. ". (SpeclaD-Oovernor ldrbh after heailng the mutter In detail day extradited J. H. I.enmann ann larry Itorsky, the former a jjineoin yoiins man who with the latter waa Re used of stealing I'M worth of silk from Cedar Itaplds. lu., store. Th men er arrested In this city after they had offered bolt of the goods for salo In this city and had sold glove to various (oral ealers. At the hearing a plea for mercy was mad by M. Well, a local banker, who I related to young Lehmann, and who de- ared that the governor ehould exercise emency toward the pall ot men. The executive after a review ot the rase de- ided that hi duty lay In sending the boy back to Iowa, where they could httv a fair and Impartial trial. FUNERAL OF GUSTAVE ANDERSON TO BE SUNDAY Funeral service tor th late Judge Qustav Anderson, will be held at I o'clock Bunday afternoon at Maaonio temple. Bey. T. J. Mackay, rector of All Balnta' church, will conduct the rellgl- ou ssrvlce In accordance with the ritual of his church, after which th Maaonio service, under the direction of Covert Lodge, will be held. Interment will be at Forest Lawn cemetery. Honorary pallbearer will be: C. D. Finch, Kearney; Henry Gibbon. Kearney; Judge W. II. Manger, Je.org H, Ttium mel. F. II White, M. Iowllng, W. V D Uord, Dr. A. A. Edglnglon, Jarrte Tyler, Lincoln; Fred J. Schanfelberger, llaat- ng; Carroll D. Evan, 'Columbus; Fred W. Vauthiul, Fremont; William Fried, rremont; O. M. Btonebraker, Lincoln; J. H. McClay. Lincoln; Henry II. Wllaon, Lincoln; Harry P. euel; 8. P. Davidson, Tecumeeh. 1, NICHOLAS STREET AT ONCE Locust atreet Btrartare Is to Start In the fprla mud th Dodge Street a Anna a Oat of Court. prttnt Advert sing Big Tteturns. Is th Road to The city council Friday afternoon met with Vic President Plerson. General At torney Waggener. F. A. Brogan, local attorney; Uensral Huperlntendent De l'ernsdl. General Agent Loftu and Aa- flstnnt Chief Knglneer Bmlth of the Ml sloitrl Pacifio nallroad company and two hours were spent In threshing over via duct matters. The final outcome was Ihnt It was practically decided that work upon th Nicholas street structure will begin within thirty days, that th Locust street viaduct will wait until next spring and nothing will bo don with reference to the bridge alone OortKfl atreet where It croscs the llelt line tracks until after th decision of th court of appeals, which I expected some time In Decem ber. In addition to the foregoing, the city attorney mid the local attorney for the road were requested to get together and formulate seme plan to settle tho ciue tlon of dsmaaea that may arise from tho closing. of Nicholas and Locust streets, this plan to be reported back to the cout.cll Monday nfternoon. when that body sits as a committee of the whole. Pulley WagKcner of Atchison. Ksn., general attorney for ths Missouri Pacific, started the ball rolling by auggestlng that the city and the road ouitht to get to gether. The only objection that the Mis souri Pacific had to the construction of the viaduct was the fact that It would Insist upon doing away with grade cros- Ings. He stated that everything wns In readiness to begin work on th Nicholas street structure; that the company wanted an extension of time until next spring before beginning work on Locust atreet and that nothing could well be done out on Dodge street until the court of appeal had passed upon tha case, which Is now pending before that body. Attorney Wapgener pointed out that at thl time the Missouri Pacific 1 con fronted with a 5.2ii0,000 deficit, but that regardless ot thla It Is willing to go on with tho Nicholas street viaduct and complete It with all posalb'e speed. He laid considerable stress upon th necessity of doing away with grade crossings at all viaducts to be erected In the future. Vice President Plerson pointed to the financial embarrassment of the Missouri raclfle, referring to the fact that It has a deficit ot t5,20O,Ot0 and at tha earns time the falling off In business as compared with some of the former years Is about ix.ooo.ono. The funds for lmprovemsnt of th road he said have been limited, but notwithstanding thl during the last year the company haa expended J500.000 In rebuilding the line between Omaha and Kansa City. He added that the com pany sought to make Omaha one of Its greatest terminals, giving It a train service that would be unequalled. Mr. Brogan for the railroad company raised the point that the street railway company on account ot having tha right to use the Locust and Dodge street via- ducta ahould be compelled to stand a nortlon of the cost. He. like the other rsllroad men. objected to th grad cross ings at th vladucU, designating them a dangerous. City Attorney Rln toolt th position that If th grade crowing wer don away with the city would b forcd to pay heavy damages to ths ownera of property abutting' th viaducts. Councilman Bheldon assured th com pany officials that th council desired to be fair with the railroad, but that the city had waited two and onee-half years for the Nichols street vladuot and that additional delays In thl and other via duct should not be permitted. Death His Reward For Answering Cry For Help in Hotel SALT LAKE C1TV. Oct. 7-Respon.l-Ing to crle for help from a room opposite M In a hotel her tonight, C. L. Krlck son, a mining engineer of thla city, wa shot and Instantly killed by one of two men whom h sought to prevent from besting Holnmon Urown. a traveling sales rrsn of Chtlcagn. Samuel Klrkpatrlck, n sheep herder, who la charged with fir ing the fatal shot, and Ills companion, Harley McWhlnney, who gave his home as Davenport, la., ar In Jail. DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Business Continnei Large in Spite of Retarding Influences. LEON AND STEEL IRREGULAR Order llelnai Placed Are Kapanrilna Itaptdly, Rapeclally In Iron ripe, While Rail Are Doaaat More Freely, Weekly Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Ii'g Returns. NEW YORK, Oct. '.Duns Revel w of Trsde today says: Tn spite of war, Industrial disputes and other Influences tending to Impair con fidence and retard enterprise, the move ment of trade continues large, althouKh still below producing rapacity. The best of foreisn commerce, but appeara also In the reports of specific trades The a.tuallon In iron and alt-el Is stlil rrwrked hv Irregularity snd there has been a sharp fulling off In the volume of business sine August. Orders being plared. however, sre expanding, especially In Iron pipe, while the railroads are buy Ing rails more freely. There Is little more Inquiry for pig iron and capacity Is s ightly larger, especially with merchant turns, 'es. Hessemer Iron Is nominally quoted st $15. valley, but sales tre reported at IM So. vallev. Basic Is currently quoted at $ia0. valley. The demand for plates (s much under ca pacity. In all finished lines concessions ar obtainable for desirable business. BBt)ITREET' TRADK REVIEW Relatively Liberal Velssi of Read Kale Dnrtnar Week. NEW YORK, Oct 7.-Drdstreef to day says: Thnua-h a relntlvalv IIKaeal .r.li,ma feature Is shown not only In ihe statistics road sales came out thla week, th prob abilities are that trad as a whole has receded a little from last week. This, perhaps. Is due to the fact t hut buyers have become cautious about future1 com mitments. In other words, they seem b prefer to let demand catch up their stocks. The developments of the" week show that staple articles continue In com- Fsratlvely (food demand. As It Is. eatla artory order are noted for most lines of dry good, shoe, clothing, hardware, grocery and kindred lines, though pur chases of cotton goods are being made along conservative lines, primarily be cause of the recessions In rsw cotton prices. Leather ia firmer, while hides are higher and eastern shoe manufacturers report encouraging orders from western buyers while western trade in the lat ter has been helped by wet weather. Corn exports for the wek were 1.127.003 bushels, against 1.037.SM bushels last week and MS.321 bushels In 1H10. For the fourteen weeks ending October S corn ex ports are S.019.S34 bushels, against 4,091. ilt bushels laat year. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising .' LS PE-RU-NA RECEIVES PRAISE, For Relieving Such Symptoms as Debility. Backache and Headache. Mrg.TretsU Kelson, ISO 8rd At., X Nashville, Toon., writes! AaPtwint baa done m a world, c I feel la duty bound to tell ot It, In hope t may meat tha ay a ot aoma who baa Buttered aa I did. . 'For flra year X really did not know wnai i pet fscUy well day waa, and U I did uoi have ' V ft IIM Mil 'wwtMfisiwW rftlSWHM Children's Sidewalk Roller Skates Made of all steel, sell ordi narily at 76c, special 1Qn price, per pair OVC ' ft Base A Per Week 'Jt on Any vi Stove. Always Hammering At It! Everlastingly Telling You About It. That credit here is for YOU, ready for your coming for it, and here in fiuch a way that the giving of it to you is GLADLY, WILLINGLY, PLEASANTLY done-in a REFINED and ABSO LUTELY satisfactory way. Our credit giving is a feature that has developed into WONDERFUL proportions and today this store enjoys the distinction of having helped establish thousands YES, MANY THOUSANDS of homes in Greater Om aha. Read the SPECIAL values offered you for next week. $5.15 for an Excellent $8.50 SOFT COAL HEATER Have full cast Iron top and base and full blue eteel drum,' heavy prates, screw draf. air attachment for regulating the In flow of oxygen, have pretty urn and are artlktlcally trimmed with allver nickel. A first class heater In every respect, and the biggest soft coal beater value in the city. K" 1 1'" ""' 1 '" 'iMn uu-iia 1 J.aoJ " !j,-tv tr.rY'r-s.v . , k-y A.V.Vr.v2i. ! IP) G?2fflii f.WSS Thirty Days Free Trial on Any Stove Your Old Stove Taken Back in Ex change on the Purchase of a Kew , Steel Range. mm BIG RUG SPECIALS tlt.BO Tiger ami Brusl Bug, Bite 6x9 ft., an excellent value .Rood wear- C(I 7S lng quality. Bale price.. P 18.60 Tiger Brnssl Hug, slr.e 9x1. feet, blgKt value In tha city, '.node of heavy quality, pretty patterns and S10.50 designs, sale price . .! VasJV $38.00 IVealngton Axmlnstsr Bogs, slse jxl2 feet, a beautful rug, has deep rich pile, an excellent Pqru,tty:."f $22.75. CIO 50 fr an Excellent ?LL- $35 Steel Range 'The' best medium priced steel range on the market. Have large square even, top is fit ted with six 8-lnch lids. Have large fire box equipped with Duplex grates for burning wood or coal. Warranted lln I inga. and. comes complete with upper warming closet aa shown in Illustration. Hand somely trimmed in silver nickel. , CO 095 for a Regular $35 PZO- BASE BURNER We are sole 'gents for the famous Gold Coin Baae Burners, the most wonder ful and nowdiful heating atove ever In vented. Every Oold CuTn Btise Burner S Is a double neater. Have large venti- V duct flues, a feature entirely distinctive with Cold Coin Base Burners. Have removable flrepot, snd have Duplex dumping gratea and shaking rim. Have large reflector top and a large heat ra diating urfaoe. Olvea you twice the heat with one-half the fuel consumption. (Hnse Burner advertised Is not Quid Coin. , Union OMAHA ?s V rS.E.COR.I6G-JACKS0H STS. C0N30LIDATED;WITH TUE PEOPLES STORE A a W LW' i) ' a. mm t Tf Vllllr VAI1MI hsLJ $9 50 for a Regular $15 HOWARD HEATER We ar sol agent for this wonderful soft coal heater. Guaranteed to pay for Itself in a tingle aeason In the coal It saves you. Are fully guaranteed In every reapect. Handsomely nickel trimmed. v- mitts H its . li ti t i .' ViA 4 A ' ; yv. ''''' "''" MRS.TRES3IK NILAOM. beadaaae. I nad fcackaoh Of a paia aom wkar and really Ufa was not worth th effort I made to kP going. "A good frUnd advised me to us re run and I va glad to try anything, and I am very pUased to say that alx Dottls made a'new woman of me and 1 have r.o inor pain and lite. look bright again." Thra ar grat many pfiaaa of womaa's allrosats that requlr th aiatano of th sUrgou. But by far th gratrat number of aon casa are amsaabl eorrsot aasdlcal tratmnt. A vast nultllui'. of women hv ben rlivd from th ailments peculiar to their sex thriugh ths us of rVruiia. Our Helical 1ihii tment rclvea many Utters (roin all part of th coun try relating to aubjeuia of vital lntrn to womankind. Of the Vast multltuds of women who take 1'vruna tnly a very small percen tage consider tt necessary to writ u on th SUbJaCt. Whll It i not fflrni4 that Parana wl l reliete every case of thla kind, it ia certainly the part ef wt adorn 1st vry sreanaa a affUete4 e gtv run a fal trial. Mr. Joseph Lai!!, 184 Qlnora Av.. Ottawa, East. Ontario, Canada, writs: "I suffered with fcaekach aal ktad h fut; over nine months and nothing relieved me until I took rerun. Thl medlcln la by far better than any other medicine for theae troublea. A few bot tles reheed m of my mlaarab!, half- dead. half-alU condition. I am sow ta good kltn, have n.l thar ach nor pain, nor hav I had any for th past year. If vry aufftrlng woman outd tak faruna. thty would oon know it valu and r.over b with uut it." kirs. Klla Vl.k.U, R. Y. D. I. Box ti. Bcoilat-ui s, Indiana, wrlteai "I suffarej .'or two year with catarrh tn th head, having auuh parna In th htsd and fao that 1 far-d I would loss my reason. I tried v-y known remedy. but gradually giw worse. Night of rtlcnes aould acce4 daya of agony. After taking-twelve bottle of Pfruua I am entirely well." S ru 3 ru s c5 3,000' Government Homesteads . Rosebud and Pine Ridge (South Dakota), Lanidl Openm; October 2nd to 21st The Chicago and North Western Railway Co. announce train service to Dallas and Gre (Points of Registration) Leave Omaha .... 8O0 a.m. 800 p.m. Leave Lincoln 7 JO a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Superior t 8 30 a.nu Leave HasUng Uo.ii a.m. Lv Framont .... B-55 a.m. 100 p.m. Leave Norfolk 1:15 p-m. 1:03 a.m. Arrive Orfory .... BOS pjn. IS avm. Arrive Delia 8:20 p,rru 8O0 a.rru Arrive Winner . . . 9:15 p.m. 10J0 a.m. Coavenient train rvHunaiag laavai Wlnnr a.rn. f9:40 a.m 4k)0 p.m. Dallas 3-50 a.m. 10:40 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Qrgory 6 00 a.m. 10J0 a.m. 0:43 p.m. "Daily f Except Sunday The Only Lint to the Reservation f 7O0 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:10 p.m. f3:10 p.m. KW1909 The M lor All the tlcrjs Don't be "Ltiken W arm "Lnke Warm," never accompUshc) very much! Doctor will prescribe) either very cold application or very hot one) the temperature between tho two counts for little. . "Warm Up" to your work uo matter how small the job; even the loftiest aky scrapers are) held toKotlirr by LITTLE steel rivets, but the rivet are put in H1ZZLIXQ HOT. An advertisement that cannot pull an exclamation of en. thualasm from YOUtSKLF, isn't ffolng to imprest: casual reader very much. An advertisement that IMJESVT look like the scores of ads that Bl RKOl'M) It. is going to get the QUICKEST read, lng, and THAT'S an advantage. The advertisement tliat Is written without Injecting heart, soul, brain and originality into It Is going to make aa much of an Impression aa a ci lcket'a chirp In a saw mill. The man who fills a $30 newspaper space with listless to mm j rot is like the fellow who keeps axle grease in a cut glaaa bowl. Enthusiasm has built greater fortunes than conservatism) a business optimist is a lubrtrant for the wheels of industry, while the I-Am-Cmteiit-With-The-UuBlnes-l-Arn-Doing sort of a fellow ia the make that slows commercial machinery. YOU have the belt shift In your OWN hands and can shift onto the HIGH speed or the LOW. The writer fairly oo.es with enthusiasm and is Willing to sell U at so much per ooxe; he has gainedand earned a reputation for construcUug heated advertlaemenU that climb high iuto the tube of business mercury. He may be accused of other things, but it shall never be said he is "Luka Warm I" TV Toby Jacobs "He Writes Ads" B07 Brandeis Theater Building. Omaha. Neb.