Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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    .... c.
Xlic Omaha Lice a Great
Booklovers' Contest
Sun Rooms and Sleeping Porches
By Arthur O. Clang a.
CJ4i I i
Ht widespread esu-n.aixu
sgs:nt the white p.uue ,.
resulted In several veiy im
portant facts becomlns knowl
'rrlfl dge. The most Important of
nese is mat fie.h air in,
absolutely essential to good
that no one la Immune, fro.-.-i,-n,.tion who does not give proper
hetu to the fundamental laws at he,u.
A prominent phytlclan once raid
hercaity was responsible for the very
smallest number of d.f.ese, that most
or the dltcaaea either baU their o:-iu
In our htiul 01 our ho.-nca. I ha architect
ba , thereto -e, become tomethlna of a
deccor-tu tiio ex:, uuu lAt, pro
fc'''t-1 striving conssaclly' fu' provide
rr.L , sanitary conditions in the home.
'' tor the .iojaetvitu tluou,..,
-.. conveniences, and In evry .wy
to .-rake them better and happier abodes.
1 he fact th.. ; ouliImc iiwuu In'.!.'
Cunutta will Ij rnoBt'cases cure a 6
curjMptiun II. at iiaa not advanced too
fur, lob'ether, of course, with the observ
ance of other, lawa of health, . has led
niany people to try aa an experiment it
few nights of sleep out of doors. .Thin de
lightful eensalien. avfng" ortco been ex
perienced, .1 variably 'becomes it ' habit.
It Is ImposHlblo to fully appreciate . huw
delightful fetid' Ijiylfofatm one' soon feel
after practicing- ;the'.hablt, even though
the health was considered perfect to atari
with. :, . t
It can l.twrka pn any on sleeiuog
that deeper, breaths arc takon when on.i
Is asleep , than ' when awako, this bcinc
nature's thno 'or"i-et and recuperation.
It responds': tf-th8 opportunity quickly
and strive- by1 -deep breaths to - cleanse
and rebuild the' body as much "iie possl
ble. Where ih"or.e 4s no fresh air supply
during sleeping hours, nature's efforts in
this ayej'.a nothing.
The moht practical sleeping porch la
built within the main walls , of the house,
at one corner, providing glass windows
the full length of the, wall on carh side
will give one all "the fresh air needed fend
make It possible o so, adjust the windows
that the air can' Come 4n from either,
below or above and when a sudden atom.
comes up. the room can bo quickly ,cn
closed. , : ,
In the winter time a built-in sleeping
porch can be kept; warm by a radiator
during the day. The radiator can tj?
turned off when the' windows are op.Tt '
In thin way the bed is kept war:"
the sleeper. One man provided ;
o v' ..iu.(
Will Take Prominent Part in Open
ing of Omaha Land Show.
Extraordinary Ezhlblte from All
rarte of Nebraeka Will Be Dlo
plBTed Caneptrnoaelr from
October 1! to SA.
Governor Chester H. Aldrieh will be
cne of the prominent flgurea at the forth
coming Land show which opena on Oc
tober Ifi, continuing until the 28th. The
exposition portala will bo swung ajar at
o'clock on the evening ot the 16th with
appropriate ceremonies. Governor Aldrlch,
Mayor Dahlman and other prominent
men will deliver addresses, marking the
formal opening.
The governor also will be here on Oc
tober 18, which has been set aside as
Nebraska day, and will take a leading
part In exploiting the opportunities and
advantages of the state. Nebraska will
occupy the most conepicuoua space in the
big Coliseum with Its exhibits. .The state
has btn allotted booths on the prom
enadd at one end of the building and
thete can be seen from any part of the
exposition hall.
Nebrabka's display will consist largely
of grasses and grains and it will be one
of the most attractive In the exposition
building. A number of communities in
the northwestern part of the atata have
been working all through the summer
months to prepare a representative as
sortment of soil products. Tbe North,
western will come with a fine display of
alfalfa. At tbe show In January this
road had the most novel exhibit in the
Auditorium and It Is announced that the
former efforts will be far surpassed at
the coming exposition. There will also
be a general state display under the
auspices of the State Agricultural col
lege, managed by Prof. C. W. f ugaley of
the slate agricultural department. This
display will represent every section of
On Nebraska day an especial effort
will be mads to exploit the advantages
ot the stale. There will be Illustrated
lectures lit the lecture halls and there
1 I IvLmc
, . . 17 ' , .K,; . ; . . r ; j . T
.,-.. -. r... ini ,i, - - .. a... t.. .j w .ft. . . j ,-.., ......
arrantieuiuiiL by encloaiiin the t-idc of tiJ
bed. exi'ept a small damper pluceJ lit the
foot for circulation, and had a little
radiator' under It. which a kept par
tially turned on, and In this way lie was
In ' perfectly comfortable bed with a
temperature even .far belov astro, his
home being In a northern climate. ,
The most practical side' of the house
for a sleeping porch is the south side.
In this location It receives the southern
breezes in the mmnier time and does not
receive the "north winds In winter
time, '
The sun room which is fast growing
Into popularity Is simply a porch added
onto the 1ioue, but provided with glass
sash on all aide. When these are open,
the sun room serves all the practical pur
poses of an outdoor porch. When the
temperature makes It more comfortable
to have them closed, one still has the
u?e of 'this porch as a pleasant room.
It Is. usually furnished with furniture of
a porch character, and being a splendid
place for growing plants, takes the place
of a iiorr.e conservatory, and la often
very beautifully decorated with growing
fun rooms can be . openly connected
with either living room or dining room,
or closed off from the main living room
French windows or doors with glays
"he floor are used, they are seldom
1 . ..
I .-
will be speeches by Governor Aldrlch and
other prominent men. From all Indica
tions there will be an unusually large at.
tendance on thia day.
Jury Exonerates
Young Guardsman
The body of Earl Hohlbeck, the militia
man who was killed at Camp Mickey
by a sclar plexus blow delivered by Don
McKenztr, a comrade In Company 8,
Second regiment, was taken to Wlsner
Saturday for burial. On the same train
:ode the broken-hearted comrade, who has
lecured his release following the Investi
gation made by the ftsrpy county cor
oner's Jury.
The Inquest was conducted at Papll
Ilon Friday afternoon and the Jury
reoommended that McKemle he dis
charged, as It was not shown that he
struck the blow In malice when the
scuffle between the comrades took place.
Pians are being made to hold the an
nual meeting of the Knights of All fir
Ben this winter In the den. now that the
building has been put In good repair and
can be kept Warm In cold weather.
It haa been the custom to gather at
one of the theaters, tout the knights
think they can have a lot more fun at
tbe den. after business Is over, by putting
on a little entertainment of their own.
followed by Dutch lunch In the "banquet"
hall. The meeting will be In December
of January.
Bamson'a books show 1.865 members on
the Ak-Par-Bn roster, many new mem
bers having come in Just prior to the
Tha arcBrariaei presented to Un!.ex3
t?.ta Orrult Jodre w- H. Wunrror F:
?y arwrrran V? li Dondt-s riralir cttrr
;any, ssvV.rar frr tin nciAlfir- Vra c i1?
Ttji jKsJeri w?id V-'ettMsAt ;r t vw
ia vurr orsnpaAy, raswig nem an)
aa a rasralt wtrrrssrtVna wtLh tha Trsu
emnpauiy"s mains are jiooj boa rig mada
"The Art, Science and Sentiment
of Homebuilding."
Thirty chapters, SOO illustrations.
It covers a wide range of subjects,
Including the planning of bunga
)o'? btirbsn nd c'tv Homm,
costing- from 12,000 to $30,000, let
i u.u.oti, oiiooslng utitiUii,
proper design of entrance, win
dows, fireplaces, etc. Mew third
edition. Price, postpaid, 91.00.
Address, Arthur C. Clausen,
Architect, 1138-37-38 tiumber Ex
change, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The principal thing In favor of the nun
room la the fact that It can be used the
year around, wet days, dry days, warm
days and cold days. When not located
on the front of the house. It Is often
nurd at night as a sleeping porch, by
providing It with one or more f-anltary
cota which, when folded up during the
day. become lounges or seats.
A home with a convenient, Hanltary
kitchen. Indirect radiation for fresh air
supply In winter, an open fireplace and
other means of ventilation a sun room
and a sleeping porch, ought to Insure a
family against many of the tllshat flesh
lb heir to.
I loV 12.' g iO 12.' I
The company asked that their tenants be
allowed to have the use of water pending
the i-ett nment of the case, us there was
no other supply at hand, and the cuiir
V:antrl thlr reqwgt
Harriman Officials
Going to Salt Lake
Secretary Alexander Millar of the Har
riman system arrived yln Omaha In a
special car Saturday on his way to Fall
Lake City, where he will attend a meet
ing of the stockholders of the Vnlon
Pacific and Oregon Short lines. From
Omaha Mr. Millar was accompanied by
N. H. Loomla, general solicitor of the
Union Pacific, who will attend the meet
ing. The stockholders will elect directors
of the two roads early In the week, the
election of the Oregon Short Line di
rectors to be held Tuesday, and the
Union Pacific election to be Wednctday.
The Kind llaua
removes liver inaction and bowel stop
page wilh Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
paiuleKH regulators. Z'jc For sale by
Btaton Drug Co.
OtxBrjvi F Baiuct.
This Institution la the onlj one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
staple grounds, yet entirely
distinct and rendering it possible
to classify cases. Tbe one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
conmental diseases, no others be
in admitted. The other Rail
Cotiage, being designed for antl
.levoted to tie exclusive treatment
si selett taental caaao. requJrirt;
for a time walxhul care and ape
rial nursing.
ass" i r7 ms -taw w ,ssa-
to Pacific Coast
Union Facifilc
and you hear the olces of tlie famous Plnger of the world,
reproduced on a Vlctrola, three tlmpB a day. A lounging, car
has hoen added to the special solid tourist slot-ping car trains
for this purpoKO. These trains will leave) Omaha October IS.
14, 15 and 10, mid will carry a Ulninft car, with a la carlo
Bervlce at specially reduced priced. Such low faro, touiblnod
with such luxurious accommodations, does not
occur vry often. Better mako your arrange
ments todny. Write
L. r-EIXDOKFK, C. P. & T. A.
1324 Karnam Street. Omalia, NbraaVa.
rhonen: IHiug. 1828; Ind. A3231.
Btaadard Boad
of the West.
A tvf Hi."
Xaln Office. 808 So. 16th Bt. Braacbee, 309 Bo. 17tb and 1 180 Bo. lttb Its.
Telephonei Douglas 4183 and Ind.. A-133B.
Get Our Figures on Your Mantels and
1Ny & Sons Co.
It Insures ssttsfaetorr completion of
work aooorwlns; to oatrmct.
(ffeTroiAi I zn
Viorirtye I-V
Sate Holbtln. a Specialty
1818 Farnam Street
Te)l. Doug. 353
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet the demand
of. its readers for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on Boils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of the country. It is willing to give out this
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc.
How to get irrigation lands, location of projects
laws governing same, etc.
Beet sections for fruit growing, general fanning,
6tock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato
plainly and specifically what you want to know. Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Fanner
Omaha, Nebraska
Comic Section
The Sunday Bee
Tiling, Furnace Work, Builder's Hardware
1515 Harney St.
Tour household goods are In
safe bands when left with as for
Kortsg, to ring or racking.
Both Phones Douglas 149S
ln. A-staa.
Oeasral Offioes 1713 Webster St.
Best Sporting News
The Bea prints full box scores
of all bit leagua games
la no other Omaha newspaper.
With Happy Hooligan, Little
Nemo, tha Katzenjammer Kidi
and the whole interesting fam ly
ffi fmxi, this is m
What Book Does This Picture Represent?
A Ut bOT ...... . . . . MS ...
Vour Nam .
Street sad Number . . .... M . ....... .
lty or Town
Write In title and author of book and IATE coupon and plctut. Send
no coupon until finish rf the contest Is announced. Kach picture represents
a book title not a scene or character. Catalogues containing 1.000 names
on which all puxsle plcturee are based the catalogue used by the contest
Jl'nr--r for aale at tbe Irtielness Otr.m at The Be for I came; by mail.
Rules of
All senmi are eligible to eater this eoetnt eirept employes et tbe Onsks ae asl
Maikere el Unities. Etc St?, tor eovtnir-llvo ear. Iboro will ke eukllaM la
To B pKiura which will rprunt tbo naaio 0". a book. Banetth jack ptcturo thore
will bo s blank lor tbo roetoetent ta till In (bo tltlo ot tko book.
Out out both tho itctura and the bltsk a no ml Is Iho saue ni author ot the book
s4 odd your saiua and addroaa Boaily sod plalnle to tbo opao rroMod.
No nmtrlollona will bo piaooa a Iho War In which aaawore to lha plituros aty be so.
cured. Itaca picture roproaaoto eoir ooo title of oso book. U roe oro Dot aure of a title
and wlah to sand In nnra th.a one slower lo each ploturo, rrto mar do ao, SL'T NOT
rorro't an.w.ra will sot bo rouutod aala it coataatania If corrn.l sniwar li sloo etroa.
More than one euawor should sot bo put rs tho aamo coupon Eitis cotipona abouid be
uard for oitre suaworo. AH snawors to tbo same sumbor inould ho kpt tosothor whoa
aosdlns la tho oat. Only ooe lint our be iiubuUMd. bj ous conia.laot. thoush ouy hot mar
have five anawon te each puulo.
Tb numlior of coupons uaad onowaro glTon must he plalslr wrttus OB the eetslde et
each SET oubmlttad, bat So not write suoh Intorewtloa os tho wrapper.
V. blo sol abaolutolr nacaaaarr, It U doalrsblo that tho plcturao should iB each esao
be soot la with the SBawaro, la order Ikal alt eoowore bo unllnrm. , Addlttoosl ptcturoe
sod rnuijons mar be obialn.d at tho office of Tho ftoo br mall or la serosa.
w.bon yon have sll san4y-ftve plots ea. fasten thou toeathor In a FLAT eochsso aad
bring or mail thoa to Tbo Omaha Boo. aadrtaord to BookloTars' Coatoot Editor. Frtioo
will be iwardad tn tbo eontoaianta oandlnt In tho largoat aumbor el eomot ooluUoaa le
eont of two or Baore poroou hartn the sso nuanbar of oorrort solutlona. tho poieoa
Ins tho imallar number of xire cnuponi la hto oat of tsawors will bo deelarod wtnaor. la
ovont Of two borenna herlnr the some aumbor oorroot sad aalns Uo soato auatbor el eo.
poni Uie poraon whoao sat ot eaawas Is noat aootij prepand, tn the oplsloa of tho till
iudsins com mil too, will revolve tho Mrst prtae.
Only obo Hal of suawors ar be subattloA by s eeatoeUat ard only eae prise will ho
awardod to one family ot obo sd4rers
Tbo oso of tbo coupons Is not oblltotory upoa the cootaotAot. aad aa answer Bar be
eubmlttod Is uiy loslblo motinor tba rontoatint may oalact.
Awards will bo made strictly eccardlns te lbs aaortt of each eoperete Hot.
Tho Borne of mora thaa ooe poraoe a oat not bo written upoa any eee coupon.
The awards wilt be ma da by Iho Coatoot Editor ead eoasalttee el well-baowa etU
Bons, whoao asmoo will bo snaouncod latar.
.io eoatast Is limited to tho following territory: Nebraike. Wyomlnr that portion ol
lows west of but aot laoludlnf Dos Molaes. and that sootlo ef South Dokote kirowe as
tha Black Hills Dlalrlcl
A 5-passenger 111 Model White Hteamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless
snd nolseleee. No cranking no shifting of gra: any dnitlred speed. White
(iteamer sales Increase each succeeding year. Haa practically an endorsement
of the United Mates icovernment, which owns and operates more White
Ntaamara than oil hlh.r r itnhln..! nlhlu iinlmlBl.fH hsuutlfiitlv fin
ished, unlimited power, i-nntrnliert six
as tmmnoana, mm aid
In ths soft, aeml-troplc, climatic sane, extend
lng north from San Diego to Shasta County, Cali
fornia, lies Tehama county. In which la situated
this beautiful little 10-acre ranch near ths town
of Red Bluff. This Is fruit land of s very high
order and Is part of the celebrated Lutheran col
ony which had Its Inception with an Omaha
clergyman. Literature describing thla property
may be seen at the office of TKOWSKXSOB-BOlj-TSB
CO., la ths Olty national Bank Building,
Ralston la to be a manufacturing city. They
have a fine start with the I3r.wn Truck Man
ufacturing Co., the Rogers Motor Car Co., and
the Howard Ktove Worka. Kverythlng desir
able comfortable living mav be found there.
On one of the main buslneris streets The Bee
has selected Its fourth prl a business lot
25x100 feet, snd valued at S375.
FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225
In the same town and with the same prospect of advancement. Ths Bee
has selected a residence lot 60x1 JO ft. and va utd at 1339.
Ralston Is nn the only Intefuhan trolley line running out of Omaha snd
within forty mlnutea of the Omaha postofiice.
Complete information about thla property at the offlca Of the XAX.BTOV
T0WM8ITX COMPAMY, 308 South 17th at, Omaha. ""w"
ha .Ihn,,..,?ryciop,dK,a tw'.vi Lvoium::: "which "i.""iu.d 19" L.:. m,y
be seen st the Omaha office of W. A. Blzenbaugh ft Co, 1814 at. Mary's Are.
. klt.rj'liit".r0n"'"t ?f "ty-four volume cloth bound sets of tho "Book
of hnoulee an ncyc.ot.r,,U made especially ior children and sold at i
f. kr i T)l, 'ork written 'n simple unuae snd Is a "wondar book" In
Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $3. Ten Prizes of $2.
Twenty Prizes of $1.
. .1., j, .012.
th Contest
White Steamer Automobile
- eii This oar wtU fee exhibited la Omaha
S 1.2 SO
The magnificent, fancy walnut XBZLL
AUTO OX A BO riATZB-PXABO which noth.
lng can excel. No other player-piano has In
th sbsolute ths "human touch" so desired by
a musical t-ar and so prised by the manufac
turers. This Instrument will be exhibited, ex
plained and ilayed for anyone who wishes to
sea it in tbe ware rooms on ths third floor of
-..(.i.iiij.i.iMii I 1 1 ;"" l
This Ingenious encyclopedia, wnich la a develop.
mem rather than Invention, haa besides" lis con
veniences the aluo of hundred. of editor, men
tally equipped to make one r.f the greatest ency.
clope'llaa evr compiled. One of the strongest
recommendations for this work Is that It Is from
Tori"a."i-S T'J1'1' house of TBO".
BOW", of Maw Tors. London, Dublin