Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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: ' ,"lu - " . 11 ' I
Rat Boot Print St.
. Else rutnres. Bnrxsss-arandea.
Onu. Maca, Wks. Autogenous welfllnf
Herrley Bound Over Fred Herrley,
who murdered Alis. Samuel Nuriis, was
bound over to the district court by Judge
Crawford Monday morning without bonds.
Herrley waived the reading of the com
plaint. Taylor Oets Thirty Saya Charles
Taylor was sentenced to unity tlajs in
Jail by Judge Crawford Monday morn
ing for cutting with Intent to wound
James Crystal with a razor.
Bain Does Little Damage While the
rain of Saturday and Saturday night was
the heaviest of the year, but little damage
was done to the streets or the public
works. Monday a number of cases of
slight damage were reported to the city
engineer. In moat cases they consisted
of the sinking of the eaxth over sewers
and a few minor washouts on streets re
cently graded.
Sops Field Bans Wild Mike Dugan,
while under the Influences of morpmne
Saturday night, created a scene In the
business district by running and yelling
that a mob was after him. After a long
chase Dugan was arrested by Officer
Bloom. When brought Into police court
Monday morning Dugan had not recov
everd from the effects of the drug and
was sentenced to fifteen days In order
that the dor might work out of his sys
tem. Newspaper Man to Try Coolsy A Jury
of newspaper reporters will try the case
againK Judge Julius . Cooley In police
court Wednesday morning on the charge
of obtaining money under false pretenses.
The continued case against Cooley was
brought up In court Monday morning,
and an attempt was made by the de
fendant to gain another continuance, but
Judge Crawford recused to grant It.
Cooley then asked for a Jury as 1h al
lowed by the statutes under an act of the
last legislature.
Carload of Bias A solid carload of
6iK, containing over lfi.OOO bottles, will
be shipped today to a dealer In Wash
ington, D. C. Plzz Is a flavored powder
which, when added to water, makes a
pleasing drink. The article is manufac
tured In Omaha by Leo Grotte company
and Is attaining a worldwide sale. Mr.
Grotto Just returned from the east and
south, bringing back some big orders.
One Texas firm placed a standing order
for $500 worth of Sits every month.
Land Company Incorporates Article
of incorporation have Just been filed for
the Shary Development company, with
a paid up capital of $100,000. John H.
Shary of Omaha Is president. The- ob
ject of the "corporation Is to develop an
Immense co-operative farm In Texas, ad
joining the farm and on the plan of that
of Charles Taft, the president's brother.
A "town with excellent hotel building and
a number of fine homes ha been estab
lished near the project.
Walnut Kill Bunday - School Bally
The program giver at Walnut Hill Meth
odist church Sunday morning was well
iked by the large audience. It consisted
of music and recitations. Among the
musical selections played by the church
orchestra was "Poet and Peasant." The
Junior classes turned out In full force
and made an excellent showing. After
the larger Junior classes had contributed
several selections the younger folks
five recitations and songs. The church
was neatly and artistically decorated
with flags and flowers.
:-x &t.
Women who bear children acd re
main healthy are those who prepare
their systems in advance of baby's
coming. Unless the mother ais
nature in its pre-natal work the crisia
finds her system unequal to the de
mands made upon it, and 6he is often
left with weakened health or chronic
ailments. No remedy is so truly a
help to nature as Mother's Friend,
and no expectant mother should fail
to use it. It relieves the pain and
discomfort caused by the strain on
the ligaments, makes pliant and elas?
tic those fibres and muscles which
aature Is expanding, prevents nvtmb
jiess of limbs, and soothes the inflam
mation of breast glands. The system
being thus prepared by Ilothcr's
Friend dispels the f :-ir that the en: is
may not be safely nxt. Mcthi.r'3
Friend assures a spee'.y and complete
recovery lor tee mother, and sl.e is
elt a healthy woman to enjoy the
rrmg or her
child. Mother's
Friend i3 sold at
drug stores.
Wri te for c:s r free
book for exrtt-
- A-i- J
ant mothers which contains much
Valuable information, and many sug
gestions of a helpffll nature.
Beautiful Teeth
There are but te-. pe'.ple who have
them 1,1-cd -e-t:. c rvone might have
If they would j:o to Dr. Uradbury i ns
tiulrkest, easiest and leaat painful are
the only jietliods employed by us and
hundreds of our patienta. both In and
out of the city will gladlj tell you about
the good dental work aud our up-to-date
ways of doing things. Crowns and bridse
'work iioiu J j On per u-oth. Plates tint
fit from $4 HO to $U- h) rainless extrac
tion of teeth. Nerve ot teeth lemovt-d
without ivirting yea. Work warranted
DR.'bRADBURY, The Dentist
17 Years Bams location.
Is04 rax nam 1. FfcoM D
... . j
Many Cheer Taft as He
Through the Streets.
Twnty.m Mile Covered by the
President in at Drive Over the
Streets of the City to
Port Omaha,
Saluted snd chenred by thousands, men
omen, boys and girls, soldiers and
civilians, President William Howard Taft
toured Omaha tn an automobile Monday
morning from 9:15 until 10:30. The start
was made from the Omaha club, Twen
tieth and Douglas street. Immediately
after the president and his party and the
local committee had finished . breakfast.
The tour ended at the Burlington rail
road station five minutes before time
scheduled for the departure of the presi
dent's special train. In the hour and a
quarter occupied by the tour twenty-seven
miles were covered.
While the president and his party and
their hosts were still at breakfast and
long before the published time for the
start of the tour about "oft persons had
assembled across Twentieth and Douglas
streets to see Mr. Taft when hs should
appear on his way to his car.
At 9:15 the party hurried Into the eight
automobiles provided by the committee
and was off.
But a few seconds were required to
reach the High school, where Mr. Taft
stopped for a brief addrens. At 9:30 the
party again was on Its way, speeding
northward on the boulevard. All along
the boulevard houses were modestly
adorned with the national colors. Bunt
ing was draped In windows and on
porches of some: from some flags flew;
hardly was there a residence which to
some degree was not decorated In honor
of the chief executive's passing. In
doorways and on lawns were women,
men too old to work and children too
young to go to school. They smiled and
waved handkerchiefs or flags.
Blavny at Lake School.
Nearly a thousand school children
were assembled along the boulevard In
front of Lake school. Nineteenth - and
Lake streets the first school to be passed
by the party. They cheered and waved
flags. The automobiles went by at lowest
speed. The president bowed, raised his
hat and cried, "Hello, hello!" . There was
time for nothing more.
The automobiles whirled on through
Miller park to Fort Omaha. There musi
cians with their bugles heralded the ap
proach of the commander-in-chief of the
army. Soldiers drawn up in periect lines,
handsome In perfectly pressed uniforms
snd highly burnished arms., stood at at
tention and saluted as their leader passed.
On the purade ground a squad of gun
ners fired a i-alute of thirty shots from
a huge gun. cavalrymen ana artillery
men maneuvered for the president's
pleasure as his car spun through the
grounds. The president smiled and
clapped his hands and responded to the
salute with a salute to the flag.-
At the Sacred Heart parochial school
a huge bouquet was presented to the presi
dent. He expressed his thanks as well
as he could with no time, to spare.
Taft Sera His Fla.
At Twenty-ninth and Hickory streets
Mr. Taft saw flying the handsome flag
presented by him to the Seventh Ward
Republican club as a token of his ap
preciation of its endorsement of him for
renomlnatlon and re-election, July 17.
All along the line of the tour women,
old men and children greeted the presi
dent, waving handkerchiefs and flags.
In front of every school that was passed
the children and teachers were lined up
outside saving flags and cheering. The
cars came to low speed as they passed,
in seeral instances children of schools
not on the route were brought In bodies
to the nearest point on the route and
cheered Mr. Taft.
School children who greeted the presi
dent are those of Lake, Monmouth Park,
Lothrop, Sacred Heart, Franklin, Saun
ders, Columbia. Park, Windsor, Faxnam.
Central, Long and Saratoga schools.
The students of the I'nlverslty of
Omaha were lined up and gave their
varsity yell bravely as Mr. Taft rode b.
He boned and smiled to them.
Tries to Die After
Fuss With Husband
After a quarrel with her husband last
night, Mrs. Blanih Ray went to the
home of her mother, ;?;i California street,
and tried io -.e. the drank a small
quantity of carbolic a .Id. Police Surgeon
T. T. Harris attended the woman. Hs
says she would live The Rays live at
iP13 Cuming street.
The city council met In adjourned
slon Monday morning, transacted Its busi
ness Inside of ten minutes and adjourned,
the members hurrying to the high school
grounds to listen to ths speech of Presi
dent Taft. ,
While in sess-lon the council received
notice fiom Gas Commissioner Crowley
o the effect that h had appointed Oscar
i A Scott Hi superintendent of street gas
lighting at 125 pet month. The appoint
ment was promptly confirmed and Mr.
Bcott at once entered upon the discharge
ot his duties. -
The appropriation ordinance providing
for the payment of September salaries
was psfcsed.
( rniskt la the 4rt
and arrested by Dr. Kings N'ew Life
Pills, bilious headache quits and liver
and bowels act right. 36c For sals by
Beaton Dru Co.
Merriweather Will
Ask for Recount
CJ E Mm InfH'ii.T d'fra'eil candi
date for the republican nomination tor
road overseer In Platte allry Precinct,
announced Monday that he will contest
the nomination of uecar Talcott. The
nomination was given Ta'cott bv a vote
of 35 to 38 Several votes apparently In
tended for MerriwiMtlier would have nlen
him a majority If t ov had he:i counted
but the canvas-sing boa id refused t count
hem because his nam was mtirilc.l
on the ballets and the board could not
assume the otees meant their votes for
The board held drawings Monday for
persons who had tied for nominations
for minor offices Winner are K. K.
Long and I'd McGinre;-. democratic Jus
tice of the peace. O": t'.-.t. I'h.nlr Wltte
and J. I'- O'i'r'i u ni t i.i.l, nistlce of
the peai-e. t. Ii...t-n ,: -c-.iicl : Triti Mo
Gulre. democratic c -n. Sable, Benson pre
cinct, liuil ftlncr. tit nuH-ratie constable.
Douglas precinct; Ed ljrwte and C. Col
lins, democratic constables, Tlatte Valley
precinct; P. E. Nell, democratic oon
stable. Waterloo precinct; Clvde J
Wright. socialist supreme Judge, James
Urban, socltillst count v Judge; Robert
Smith, people s independent clerk of the
district court; Nels A. Lundgren. peoples
Independent sheriff.
Workman is Pulled
from Jaws of Death
James Nelson. H?2 North Twenty-third
street, escaped from almost certain death
at 1 o'clock this morning on the Bur
lington bridge st Second and Hickory
streets by the timely assistance of Of
ficer Ringleman
Nelson, who Is ;v years old. started out
from his home early in the morning for
his work. On the way he had to cross
the trestle. He had gotten half way arroos
when a train appeared from behind
Not hiving tome to get across to safety
he crawled down under the bridge s.nd
held to the ties while the train thundered
by over his head-
Officer Ringleman saw him ret down
beneath the tracks and waited at the end
of the bridge for him to come up. After
watting a short time he went over to
where Nelson was dangling thirty-five
feet above the ground and found that he
could not climb up. Rlgleman went for
help and with the assistance of two men
living close by brought Nelson up onto
the bridge to safety. 1
Coleman is Burned
While Taking Bath
A. Coleman, a laborer living at lilt",
North Twentieth street, was so severely
scalded while taking a Russian bath that
he was sent to the hospital In a critical
condition. Coleman went to the bath
house at 2417 Hamilton street Sunday
afternoon. In taking a Russian-Turkish
bath the bather Is placed In a small air
tight compartment. He lets a hot stone
Into a small receptacle of water, thus
producing the necessary vapors. Instead
of letting the stone down gradually Cole
man dropped It. the result being that he
was severely scalded about the body.
Frank Griffith grew tired and he laid
himself down on the soft thoroughfare
at Tenth and Dodge streets. "Just a bum
all tired out; throw him In the wagon,
mused a big policeman who happened
along. But 'the big policeman's deduc
tions were wrong, entirely wrong. When
searched at police headquarters Griffith
was found to possess thirty-two flve-dol
lar gold pieces neatly tucke-d away In a
sack which had been secured about his
neck. He will not have so much when
the police Judge gets thrpugh with him
tn the morning.
Now Skin Absorber
In Great Demand
(National Drug Review. )
Sines the discovery that mercollzed
wax possesses remarkable absorbent
powers when applied to the skin, ths
demand for it as a complexion renewer
has been tremendous. Druggists in
every section report sales aa far ex
ceeding those of anything similar they
have ever had on their shelves.
Ths mercolide In ths wsx. according
to Prof. Hoffman, gently absorbs ths
devitalized cuticle. In minute particles,
so that the user gradually loses hsr old,
worn-out complexion, the more youth
ful under-skln taking Its place. Cuta
neous eruptions, blotches, moth patches,
tan and freckles are of course removed
at the aame time. As mercollzed wax la
entirely harmless, and easy to use,
women all over the country are purchas
ing and using It to quickly rejuvenate
their complexions. The wax Is applied
to face, neck or hands the s&m as cold
cream, allowed to remain over night,
then washed off with warm water. Adv.
Used Sage Tea
To Darken the Hair and Re
store Gray and Faded Hair
to Its Natural Color.
It la easier to preserve the ootor of the
hair than to restore It, although U Is ;
possible to do both. Our grendmothsrf
understood the secret. They mads
"sage tea," and their dark, glossy hair
long after middle life waa das to this
fact. Our mothers have gray hairs bs-
fore thej- are fifty, but they are bsgln- j
n'ng to appreciate the wisdom of our ,
grandmothers In using "sage tea" for
their hair and are fast following suit.
Ths present gsnsratlon has the advaa
tags ef the past in that it ean (st a
ready-to-us preparation called Wyeth'e
Eage and Bulphur Hair Remedy. As a
scalp tonic and color restorer this prep
aration Is vastly superior tc ths ordinary
"sags tea" made by our grandmothers.
This remedy Is sold under guarantee
that ths money will be refunded if It
falls to do exactly as represented.
If your hair Is losing color or coming
out, start using Wyath's Bags and Bul
phur today, and see what a chsnge It will
make In a tew days" time.
This preparation Is offered to ths public
at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recom
mended and sold by all druggists.
Special Agents: Bhsrman sc McConnell
Drug Co., lata and Dodge fits.; Owl
XtfUf C.0 lth and &arnejr ,
Fifth Annual Convention to Be Held
Two Days This Week.
rKlons IH lie Held at Home Hotel
and Problem nf Interest tn
lemter of Profession
H III Kf Dlai-nssed.
The Nebrat-ka A..-oc:atloti cf Bonrifd
Abstracter will bold its Mth annual
oiitntion Wednesday anernoon and
Thursday at the Koine, with the annual
banquet Thursday nthl. About
delegates are expected.
Important in the business of the con
xentKui will be the seUclion of dele
gates to attend the national convention
at Little Hock, Ark, October 17, t snd
1 . and endeavor to bun:, the l'.'l'J nutl
ni to Omaha.
Veonesriu nlternoon s program in
cludes (lube addresses. W. W. Wyckoft,
York, "A Discussion of the Tonen.s
System"; M. W. Kolaora. Lincoln, ,H
lation of Mortgage to Abstracter," A
Chapman, Lincoln, "The Advisability
of a Ptate txaminlng Eoaid of Ab
stracters:" 8. M. Sadler, Onialuc. "Ethics
of the Business." Tiiursday morulnx
these addresses will be given: c. e.
Kitchell. Milwaukee. Wis., "What the
kJiainlner Wants an Abstract to bhow
Hltn"; William Dalrd, Omaha, "Court
Proceedings"; V. H. Gaines, Omaha.
"Proceedings in Probate." Owing to Ak-Far-Hen
festivities there will be no pro
gram Thursday evening.
J. Fred Ksrr, president of the Omaha
Abstractors' association, will preside at
the banquet Thursday evening, and the
following responses will be made: "He
bates," J. C. Hamilton, Wahoo; "Rela
tion of the Real Estate Business to the
Abstracter," F. J. Norton. Omaha,
"Ideals," L. O. Allan, Grand Island: "Is
the Examiner Our Brother." Verne
Hedge, Lincoln; "Little Things," L. F.
Jackson, Nebraska City: "Compensa
tion," Oeorge F. Undley, Omaha.
Po far as births were conoerned during
Peptember of this year the population of
the city shows an Increase of one ss
oompared with the corresponding month
of last year. During September one year
ago the births were: Males, 113; females,
10J; a total of 221. During the fleptember
of the present year the births were:
Males. Ill; females. 111. A total of 223.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
setts. They break all records for style and com
fort. Here Is a lightweight winter tan. Russia
cal New idea in perforation.
Lewis A. Crossett, Inc., Makr
WinssKi r mi ii it iani " - f
This Car Delivers
sTAfaaasaVaaasaMsBaBSSaMBsVssfsaaa VBBsVssBbTsIIbTMV sWsBWssBsWsBfsTsMBBBMMsHslBtBWB
More Goods In Omaha
Than Any Other Auto
Delivery Wagon.
. - -
A Demonstration Will
Convince You That It Is
the Logical Car At the
Logical Price. Sold by the
International Harvester Co, of America
8th St. and Capitol Ave., Omaha
You the
We w 111 rne but on class of goods
In our store Hoods of such trade
that they require only tne truth to
sell them
Salesmanship by exaggeration sod
false claims have no place hera Ws
have no need for It.
We will be Just as quick to tell you
that n garment is not all wool as we
wl',1 to tell you that It is (However,
but eiy tew aitules that ais not all
wool find a (lace with us I If wo
think that a certain garment will not
please you after you hae worn it a
while w will tell you. for we Insure
future as well as present satisfaction.
If ws have to choose between ths
truth and a mlosed sale will mtea
the sale there Is pit half Vay
ground, for we ir hers to serrs
please We have built up ths great
est clothing business in thle western
country why, because our founda
tion was started on abnoluta truth
fulness. Nebraska Clothing Co.
hupevlntendent (4. Jamleson of the Hay.
den store, who has been with the store
since It was first opened twenty-five
years ago, waa presented with a gold
watch and chain by his friends Saturday
night after closing hours. The gift, which
was presented by Charles L. Varies, ad
vertising manager, came as a surprise to
Mr. Jamteson.
Mr. Ja.mleson first entered the employ
of the store tn Chicago In 1&S6 in the
men's furnishing department. A year
later the store was moved to Omaha, and
he was promoted a few years later to
buyer of the same department. In 1S96 hs
was promoted to superintendent.
Desperate) Nbnotlna
pains In the chert require quick treatment
with Dr. King's New Dlscoery. Prevents
pneumonia ,Vc and Sl.flO. For sale by
lieaton Drug Co.
gear. That's the new Cros-
$4, to $6. everywhere.
North Abington, Mais.
Sole Omaha Agents
Crossett Shoes
Ak-Sar-Beii YI eek Special
$15.00 For Men's Suits
and Overcoats
No ltvigh term of description tt Butts said overcoats
will produce their own effect. Aa leader for 25 years
know that thatr richness and general superior ton will stamp
them as superior suits and overeeata and that ths man who
has studied the situation and who knows good value will find
In them surprlsltiKly fine return for hts money. Many fab
rics and patterns from which to seleot Including the newest
fancy hltie worsteds, figured worsteds, dark gray and brown
mixture In which the "rough and shaggr" is well developed.
MY! What a Selection for $15.00
This la an Invitation that no thin man
or woman can at terd to ignore. We'll tell
you why. We're going m give yuu a
wonderful discovery thS hnlps digest
the foods you eat thins fUls good, solid
flesh on people who sre thin and under
weight, no matter what the cause may
be that makes brain In five hours ana
blood In tour that puts the red oor
puoules in the bLood which every thin
man or woman so sadly needs. How can
we do this? We will tell you. 8oleuce
has discovered a remarkable concentra
ted treatment which Increases cell
growth, the very substance of which our
bodies are nnule a treatment that makes
IndiKestlon and other stomach troubles
disuppear as If by magic and muluw an
old dyspeptic or a suiferer from weak
nerves or lack of vitality feel like a 2-year-old.
Thla new treatment which has
proven a boon to every thin person. Is
called BargoL Don't forget the name
8-A-H-O-O-L. Nothing like It
has ever been produced before. It Is a
revelation to women ho have never
been able to appear stylish In snvthln
they wore because of their thinness. It
1 a godsend to every man who Is under-
weigut or wno is lacKiug in nerve force
or energy. If you want a beautiful and
eli-rounded figure of symmetrical pro
portions, of which you can feel Justly
proud If you want a bodv full of throb
bing life and energy, write the Sargol
Company, T4-K Herald Bldg, Btngham-
ton. in. Y., today, and we will send you.
bsnlutely free, s 60-cent box of 8araol
that wtll prove all we claim. Take one
with every meal, and In five minutes
after you tske the first concentrated
blet of this nrecloua product it will
commence to unfold its virtues and It
has by actual demonstration often In
creased the weight at the rate of one
pound a day. iTut you say you want
proof: well, here you are. Hern Is ths
sratement of tnose who tried who have
neen convinced and who will swear to
tne virtues or this marvelous prepara
tion 1ST, OKOKOll VT. SAVI8 saysi
"I hiT (iineft lmmnlr lnr I toov sargnl.
ratmnt mn4 inuM av It h hrnurht tn m
nw lit and vlnr 1 hars salnH iw.oiv pounKs
n4 no -Uh ITO pennila, anil what la hstlSr.
t havs gained th dava of ray hnvnmnl It has
been ths turnins point of niv llt Mr health
la now ftna. don't ha to tab anr m1.
rlo at all ani nnvar want tit ailfi '
I havs galnM tnimena)? alnc I took Sarsvil,
for I only wl,hM twin I lf pitunfla hn t
began utlnt It and now wal(h tun pumla. an
Thla coupon antltlra sny thin parson to oos'BOn package of Sargol csaisntntsd Flssh
Bulld.r (provided you hav. nsvsr tried til. s ad thst ino Is sarloasd tn covsr poaug.. pack
ing, sir Itesd our advertisement printed shov s, and thn put loo tn stamps la Isttsr today,
with this ooupns snd th. full Mr parkag. will hs asnt to you h nil urn of post. Address,
Ths Psrgol Company, 74 K Herald Hlng , Bltig hampton, N Y Writs your nsms snd addrsss
3,000 GoYemmeiiit
Rosebud and Pine Ridge
(South Dakota)
Land Openin:
October 2nd to 21st
The Chicago and North Western Railway Co.
announce train service to
Dallas and Gregorj
(Point of Registration)
Leave Omaha .... "6:00
Leave Lincoln 7:30
Leave Superior.
Leave Hasting
Lssve Fremont .... 9 3 J
Leave Norfolk 1:15
Arrive Gregory . . . . 8:0S
Arrivs Dallas 8:20
Arrive Winner ... "9.1J
Convenient trains returning leave t
Winner "5:00 S.m. t:40 --m.
Dallas 3 JO a m. 10:40 am.
The Bee for
raaulr this sssksa twentr-four pouaaa I fssl
at-rooasr ana am looking osttsr than srsr befor.
as4 bow osrry rosy obsk. which la som
thtna I eould new ear bafors.
"My old frlenda who hs boss usM to sso
tni ms with a this, Inag tans, sty that 1 am
Inoklns batisr thsn thT ' srer smb in
twtara and fathor saa mot hsr srs so slaassa to
think I havs tot to look an wall sod waits so
hssvy 'for mi ' "
"PIMas send ins mother tan-day trsstmsat. I
am woll plrsaad with Partol It haa been ths
llfht ot mr I if. I am aettlng back to tar
proper wsignt atain. nsn nsn to
sol I only welKhad US pounds, and now. four
works laior I am walghtng Ui pouuda and tsallnk
fins I dotit has that atupld fawllns svary
morning that I iiwd to havs. I !! good all
ths tints. I want to put on shotit flvs pounds ot
,i..u nA it,! will ha all 1 want."
1", O AO WO If wrttssi .,.., ,
Hrs is my ropon inc mums ,
trastment I am s mn 7 ynan of as i and was
all rundown to tha very bottom. I had to jut.
work, as 1 w.a ao weak. Xow, ";;
got. 1 look Ilk. a new man. 1 talnod Jl I"""
In 2 daya' trsalm.nt. I cannot t.ll you how
hippy i f mi ,,r ,';t,t11!;;
tight My fr has s rood color snd t
waa so happy In my I'f "
Sargol t. rsrtalnly ths '0"'41tr,,,m!;!,M
sr ussd It haa hslosd ma sTsstly- I iM
prrdlr -t snythlS. and waa
thrs daya out of s art. wtih atomsoh troohls.
I took onlr two hogs of Sargol snd can sat
aaythlsg 4 don-t hurt ns snd I bs so
tors My was J pound. nd
sow I w.lgh 14 an fo.1 lsr than I '
lot flvs y.ars t am bow t. fl.ahy as I wast to .
hs. snd .hall oartatnly wommsnd Sargot, tor H
doea )u eiaetly what ru aay It will do."
Ton mav know some of these people i
or know somebody who knows them. ,
w will send vou their full address If I
you wish, so that you can find out all
nhnut Bara-ol and the wonder It
wrmia-ht ,
Probablv vnn are now rhlnKlnrt
whether all this ean he true, "top It.
TVrlta us at r,nre a" we wlH send yriti.
absnlutelv free, a nOc packaae of the
most wonderful tablets vou have ever
en. No matter what the cause of
ymir tTilnn'ss- Is from, fanrol mawes
jhln folks fat. but we dn't esk you to ,
take our word fer It Blninly cut the,
pnunon below and 1ncl 1"c In stamp"!
to hln civ'sr the distribution expensee,
and fuels farn'n mall will bring vou the,
most valunble psckaae yu ever re
ceived. in
8:00 p.m.
f 0:30 Am.
1 10:30 Am.
100 p.m.
15 a.m.
75 LIB.
8KK tn.
10JO am.
f 7O0 a.m.
2KX) p.m.
2:10 p.m.
f3:10 p.ov
4:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
6:45 p-m.
6:00 a.m. 10 JO a.m.
Daily f Except Sunday
The Only Line
to the Reservation
All the Nevjs