Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha daily bee
ronyPED by f.dward ropewattr
Fntred at Omaha iK?"f!!f-e a sscorid
cisss ms:r.
f';rlav An vr K f '
s'urtiav f nn ir 1 1 I
r'r JH-y ioj '-S'lr.Jo ."fi yfr J
t'aily ! and P ;ndv on vr . .. "
F.vnir.r Fx wi-h rsun4vi. pr rrn'n r-c
r.a!y P inrl'i4 n Pwp(iy vr mo.
B ( witho'Ji Sv.ii-1t rr mo
Adr-sn an riTfii!-.' of irre i arluil
In dilvry to rtv O'ciln'ion I'pt.
Rmlt by draft irr r P"tal
rsvab'e to Th P piiMii!r compenv.
rn))r ?-cnt s'amps r-i'' H reyment
ef mail account Personal chka
crt on Omaha and a'm eachang.
not accepted.
rmahs The P p;ril:f.
f-tjrh Om",a N
Ouncll Kl-j'fs-iS ' '.'t F
I.ln.-olr. L:v p.'iiM.nir
" riiraco :,4S Muri't'f riUltna; rttvp.':(ni" RjMina;
Vn Vork-4 ut ThirV-tMrd ft
'athinc'on f Fvirtn'h !" . N. W.
rommjr.lrni'.r.i r'aMn o r.sws an1
eOtnnal ira'fr shouM h l(lrac4
Omaha Bee. Editorial Department.
Fta ef r.rsaka County of Dourlss. sa i
Dcht Williams, rirc jlatlon manaaer I
ef Tfe Bee r"jM.hlrir comjn. tlng i
du!r sworn. ss)s tia the avf-ra dady
circulation. lsa potld unnad and r-tu-twd
copi for trie mmth of Hrrnember. I
UU. was 4.UX
Circulation Maniaer.
Subscribed In my t.rni- and sworn to
before me thin 2d lv .if iotr Cil.
Notary Public
Ithtrrllien leaving lb cl
temporarily Steele kto The
Be aaallee te then. A d d rr
will b rhaaaed aa oftee aa
Itl.r hopes to be able to make Tur
key's feathers fly.
Italy might svnd Gofrh to clamp
bis toehold on the Terrible Turk.
Kins Ak-Sar-Ben Is a merry king,
tod the clouds will not spoil bis fun.
The fair ones might change their
luck by wearing the rabbit's foot on
their Lata.
Dr. Wiley, who at 60 married a
young wife, Is now preaching on how
to keep young.
People who have wondered what
Tripoli was Intended for, now see
that It was for a bone of contention.
- The fart that the new comet is
under the dipper probably accounts
for that "first, real rain since May."
- In throwing your stone at Big
Business, be careful you do not miss
him and soak Ltttle Business In the
BleMlngs sometimes come in trip
licate. Omaha had the rain. Ak-Bar-Ben
and the president at the same
From the facility with which the
annexation ghost story worked tn
Canada, Doc. Cook ought to do well
Perhaps those European countries
are Just trying tb lure Mr. Carnegie
Into putting up some fancy peace
So long ss certain magazines re
main In business, however, Senator
La Follette will continue to be a con
spicuous public figure.
Of course. It will be better when
we do not have to settle oar labor
disputes by punishing the public, a
con-participating party.
A New York inan takes the trouble
to remark that "the trusts have a
grip on the food." What does he
think the trusts organised for?
After all. It turned out that only
one team In, each base ball league
wins the pennant, whereas at the
first of the season eight had It
Mrs. t'pple Sinclair says she has a
soul like a flying flab. Now, if you
Lave ever een a flying fish's soul.
you know what sort of a soul Mrs.
Sinclair baa.
The regular eeason being near Ha
rlose. all attention will soon be
Reused on the world's series between
the Glanta and Athletics and Turks
and Italians.
- Thus we ee in London's treat
ment of Jack Johnson, that pugilism
doesn't amount to much against im
perialism, for the crown Is greater
than even the belt.
President Taft probably under
stands by this time why Missouri
clings so perslatently to the mule.
No washed -out roadbeda ever retard
the mule's progreaa.
an Francisco papora one of
them proclaim that "San Francisco
Has Redeemed Herself." Good, that
puts it in the class of the elect, with
Omaha and the rest of 'em.
Having successfully run the gaunt
let of that mule parade. President
Taft would doubtless be satisfied to
go up against any one of Missouri's
trio of political products. Champ
Clark, "Joe" Folk or "Dave" rran
cls. If tfce fovarnment will simply Ut tba
PI1 eiono. wa ahall all b proaparoua
tan Kraaciaco CfcronJ la
Ys, now, Uncle Earn, you stop ex
pending 5, 680,000 tn eight years
for reclaiming semi-arid and swamp
land and let the people be proe-
Tie MAnufacturm' Paiade.
The manufacturers' parsde this sf-
trnoon will constitute a new feature
in the fetlTsl of Ak-Par-Ben. but it
should be a highly sucresaful fea
ture It Is time for Omaha to make
a better and more systematic dlnplay
of Ita manufactories. They amount to
$2OO.9,000 a year, which, for a city
the size of this one. that does not
claim distinction as a manufacturing
renter, Is something to advertise.
That word, advertise, has not made
the Impression as yet on the Omaha
manufacturers, which It must make
They are achieving progrs, but they
will achieve better progress when
they employ better methods of let
ting the public know whst tbey sr
making. This parade, while it a
good fhicg as far as it gos it win
make a splendid showing to our visi
tors who witness It does not fo far
ecough, that Is, other and more ex
tensive means of advertising Omaha
made goods are necessary. We
should like to call the attention of
Omaha :eople, themgelves. to this
parade, however, as well as of the
people who come from abroad to
soe It. It will represent, mind you,
a factory output of $200,968,541 for
one year, a variety of manufactured
articles and a number of establish
ments far exceeding, no doubt, what
most Omaha people have thought of.
In the year 1910 alone, fifty-sty
business hous and factories were
established In this city. A full list
of the factories we have would asfon
Uh most of our own people. And
jet we may well say. Oroioi ha
simply begun to be a manufacturing
city. It haa everything in ls favor
location, ralroad facilities, prox
imity to the raw material, established
markets, energy and enterprise. Its
progress will be great In the next few
yeara if Its business men tak ad
vantage of opportuntles, as. of
course, they will.
Winfield Scott Schley.
Admiral Schley lived long enough
to hear bla countrymen applaud blm
as the hero of the 8panlsh-Amerlcan
war, and not only bla countrymen.
but Admiral Cervera and Admiral
C'oncaa of the Spanish flagship Maria
Tereaa. Latterly Admiral Chadwlrk
commander of the battleship New
York, and Admiral Sampson's chief
of ataff. Joined with Concas and
Admiral Dewey in declaring that the
loop of the Brooklyn Bchley's flag
ship "was the consummate strat
egem which foiled the Spanish plan
of battle and destroyed the Spanish
The sudden deatn of Admiral
Schley naturally serves to bring back
to mind the thrilling world drama
enacted in Santiago harbor with its
subsequent train of pleasantness and
unpleasantness that took on a tragic
aspect in the pathetic pausing of
Admiral Sampson, Schley endeared
himself to the world in his character
latlc remark that "there la honor
enough for all" when that unfor
tunate "trial" was reaching Its
clltusx. But It waa not necessary to
disparage the greatness of Admiral
Sampson in order to recognize that
of Admiral Schley, and had mls
chlevoua partisans kept hands off,
the two heroes and the country
might have been spared the pain of
the controversy. , '
More than a week ago thla was
written by John Temple Graves and
lings now with added feeling out of
the silence of death:
It haa been aald that republics are un
grateful. Let thla republic now demon
strata to Admiral ftrhley that the doubt
and the dlatruat of the paat are melted
In the applauaa and admiration of the
future, and let our patrtotle societies and
eur histories thereafter give, place to
Wtnfleld Beott' Bchley as the hero of
the Mpaniah-Ainerlcan war.
Since "honor's voice" cannot "pro
voke the silent duat," it is well when
such things must be said to say them
to the living. Of course, history
will accord Its Just metd of praise
to Schley and also to Dewey and
Sampson and Evans and the other
aturdy men who brought success on
the sea to American ships in that
During the prime of his fame Ad
miral Schley vlaited Omaha, being
the gueat of General Manderson. who
alao died suddenly only a few daya
before the admiral. Admiral Schley
Is remembered by many tn this city
as a kind, genial gentleman, aa well
aa a great aea captain, one of the
greatest America has produced. .
Score One for the Weather Man.
Juat to keep the record atralght
and give credit where credit ia due,
It might be observed that the
weather man at Washington, who
really does not make a specialty of
long-distance prognostications, hit the
bull's-eye when along In August he
predicted that Omaha and the im
mediate vicinity would not have any
considerable rain until about the
flrat of October. The rain the most
considerable alnce May came Juat
aa September was paaalng on to
make room for October.
People are in the habit of Joking
the weather roan, but, aa a matter
of serious consideration, thla country
would not care to abolish the
weather bureau. It is more than a
Joke a good deal more. It Is an
agency of valuable service in pearly
every phase of our life, particularly
agriculture and commerce. Its effi
ciency does not rest upon Infallibil
ity, but its dally bulletins are never
theless welcome visitors to many an
office or place of bualness.
It Is doubtful if many people, had
thought, when the rala of September
30 came down all day, that it was
keeping the ichedule of the national
eathr burcs at Washington. That
ir a lone,"r d Stance over whl:h our
government service Is In the habit of
throwing its rropbecjeg, but the suc
rn It has ar.hlced,ht encourage
it to take up the habit more.
Mexico'! Opportunity.
Francisco I. Madcro was elected
president of the republic of Mexico,
as the American sportsman would
sav, hands down." Madero says it r-om J naj-y. Thomaa Mccormick.
... . f,i ; tli;ah Allen, rarauel E. Rogers, E. C. 6.
was a rair. open election, ir that Is .... . , . , .
KrSo. Adoipn 8:fktn. Charlea
true, then he has taught his enemies j Krug Thrall. David e Hum,
that Mexico Is better than theyjcarl Orandpre. Herman Gelseka. Louis
thought It was It ran hold a legal iTnomaa. J. S. Wooda and Jamea 8'.eo-
election. It wss the rhort slrhted
nes of the l)zt machine in not per
mlt'lns; such sn election when Ma-df-ro
was the opponent of Diax that
brought things U a bead and precip
itated the revolution. It certainly
would be foolhardy In the new leader,
who apparently has vaM power, to
use It tn doing exactly the thing
against whjch he and his people re
volted. Yet Reyes predicted that
that was what Madero would do and
for that r anon he, Reyes, would re
fuse to run for the presidency.
Americans who have watched the
course of Madero will scarcely ac
credit this estimate of him. They will
be inclined to regard him ns a
clearer eightcd man than that. What
ever he expected to accomplish for
himself or Mexico could not be ac
complished that way. Mexico's op
portunity is now before It. It lies
in a willing recognition of Madero
as its chief executive and a cohesion
of all the forces that make for power.
hy such a course peace and prosper
ity are possible to Mexico. To be
sure. Madero will be expected to
evolve order and industry out of the
chaos now existing and will be
blamed If this transition falls to take
place. But, of course, it would be
foolish to suppose that Madero could
do( anything of the kind without the
united support and sympathy of all
the elements within the republic
It is really Mexico that !s on trial,
not so much Madero. General Ber
nardo Reyes, who many belie 'e to
have returned to Mexico as the per
sonal a;ent of Diaz, will do well
either to retire from activity or lend
his powerful Influence to the new
regime. The condition of the state banks of
Nebraska as shown by the report of
the secretary of the banking board
is a most flattering Indication of the
prosperous condition of the sfate.
With nearly $76,000,000 on deposit,
and an average reserve of 3 4 per
cent, the banks are as firm snd
healthy as could well be asked.
That this condition was attained
without the "beneflclent" effects of
the guaranty law, is slso a matter for
The esteemed World-Herald is
frantically apologizing for, and de
fending, the democratic candidate for
police Judge, but so far it haa not an
awered the question as to why this
reformed reformer's conscience was
so suddenly stung into violent ac
tivity. -His attitude would have been
more graceful if it had been adopted
several months ago.
Aa long as the strike had to come,
Omaha will perhaps be the best place
from which to direct Its movements.
With the leaders of both sides lo
cated here. It ought not to take very
long to reach an adjuatment of the
difficulty, and the sooner tbey get to
gether the better it will be for every
body. The reception given President
Mobler by the business; men ia a re
newed assurance of the friendly feel
ing that haa always existed for him
snd the great railroad be controls.
The Union Pacific and Omaha have
been closely allied alnce the very be
Maine shows, however, in sending
Obadiah Gardner to the senate to fill
out the late Senator Frve'a term.
that It has not entirely left Its con
servative moorings, at least If there
be anything In a name.
The soldier boys at Camp Mickey
have had a little taste of what makes
soldiering real serious business. It
Isn't the din of battle, but camping
In the mud, that really tries a man's
Oitsrowa the Reark.
Chicago Tribune.
Wall street will not that there are times
when It can take snuff without causing
th rest of the country to sneexe.
Ia There a Kirk Coral as?
Brooklyn Eagle.
If the motor truck supplant the army
mule, more aentrlea will sleep on post
Th motor truck only groans when It la
working, and ia of no uae as an Insomnia
agency In the dead watches of th night
What Will th Fatare Dot
Indianapolis News.
Th time may ha coming whan w must
depend on the aeroplane for carrying
mall, a Mr Hitchcock aaya. but Judging
from th headway made hy the croaa
contlnent aviator w needn't expect Ita
arrival very soon.
Peril of Hlab Heela.
Baltimore American.
A street railway tn Pennsylvania haa
found on Investigation that in vn rv -thy
caes of feminine Injuria reported
to thalr claim department th InJurVe
war cauad by high heela and hobbl
skirt. The railway authorities resign
edly but ungallantly comment on, thla re
port that nothing an b don to rre.
vent such accidents, aa women In all Urn
follow fashion dangerous to life and
limb. Th fair patron may put In addi
tional claims at this fur added injury to
thalr reelings.
Hooking Backward ;
Ihis Day in Omaha J
rAMPii rn rooM nrr rit r.i
Thirty Veers Ago
The Ortotxx term cf the dutrl'-t court
or-ened. Jjdge favare a
frar.d Jj.-y made up cf the following
men: A. R. Dufrer.e. W. P Kartiett,
The M.iiisterlal aaaociauon meeting ar
rar.ged a program f.r a revna: r.ext
weea. under t.-.e leaiersrr.p cf Whittle
and JlcOraj-.a.aa. Tta raatora taking
chf part are Rev. J. W. fiiarJt and Rev.
J. W. gtewart.
A special hotel tar, the letters
"P. P." curiously cLtwtaed on the out
side was attached to the In leu Pao.Cc
today. It proved to ba Pullniaa'a private
i car ani contained Cailforrja a junior
Cntted Ue aeoaur Mr. Miller, and fcj
family cf six parser,
The Roman Ceihohc m:aa:on In tie
Holy Family church doaed w;th papal
benediction, the instruction having been
given by Pv. Lr. L-aeman iM col
leagues, FYad Rilorock, the oldest employe at
the Glancoe milla. 22L2 Isard atreac waa
caught In the shafting ud his r.gtu fore
arm broken In two piaces and otherwise
badly bruised.
fct. Joseph'a hoapital ha at preae&t
twenty-four patient, hjcn makes 11
cared for since January L
cabbage la retailing at the very high
rate of S cent a head and ia not very
good, even at that price.
A number of bad boy ar in the habit
of throwing atonea at the African Meth
odist Episcopal church. Eighteenth and
cosier atreeu during the service. Tbey
are warned to be on the lookout for the
police. '
Chief Oalligan left for St. Loula to
purchase three new hoe crta Pcaiblv
before another year Omaha may have
It glltterica- hose carriages for dreas
Complaint la made of the orvalnr
of pink eye among local horaea
Lt. H. fi. Lowrey, a prominent dentiat
from bececavllle. U., la the gut of hi
ui.cle. captain IJam, clerk of the district
court. The doctor may decide to locate
In thla city.
Twenty Years Ago
The Omaha Independent party nomi
nated Ita city ticket on a platform of re
form with a big "R" This wa the
ticket: For Mayor, Dr. J. R. Conklln;
police Judge, Elmer E. Thomas; comp
troller, Pred Strelu, treasurer. W. J.
Welshans; clerk, Louis J. Ihm: Board of
Education. Dr. S. R. Towns, J. w. Evans,
A. A. Perry, V. Vodlcka; councilman by
wards In order named. V. F. Qulnland,
Price founders. J. M- Taylor, Wllliani
Morrison. Charles Johnson, Charlea Lar
on. William Mulhall, John Thomaa.
Mrs. Harriet Porter of Hudson. Wis,
I visiting Mrs. H. r. Jaynca of Ko untie
place. i
Mra. R. F. Bradford of Pontlac. 111.,
waa visiting her alater, Mra W. J.
Ex-Policeman LJnde telephoned In
from Walnut Hill that hla young eon had
been burned by a fallen motor.
Fir waa discovered in the rear of Rev.
A. C. Freeden house. 5U North Nine
teenth street, but was extinguished with
$-'5 damage.
H. K. Burlcet announced hlmseJf a can
didate for coroner on the republican
Ten Years A go
Mrs. Victor Caldwell entertained a
small whist party In th evening for her
guest. Mrs. King, of Watkin. N. T.
These women were present: Meadamea
Clapp, Tost, Warren Rogers. Cudahy,
Barker. J. n. Baum, Ogden. Davis,
Barlow1 and PrltchetL
Mr. and Mr. Joseph Moraman of Chi
cago and Mr. and Mr. Edgr Morsman.
Jr.. were th sruests of honor at a dinner
given by Mrs. Henry W. Tata at the
Hillside These other guest were pres
ent: Mia Helen Millard. Mr. Earl Gan
nett. Mr. Frank Hamilton and Mr. Ezra
Mr. and Mr. Arthur P. Gulou returned
from Buffalo.
Jacob Fisher shot and killed his eon.
John, during a drunken brawl at Child'
Point, South Omaha, during the night.
It was th end of a camping Jaunt and
waa provoked by a playful remark by
the boy.
Arthur B. Smith resigned hla position
a assistant general paaaenger agent of
the B. A M. under John Francla. general
pasaenger agent, to take charge of a
new concern Id Boston manufacturing
pneumatlo vehicle tlrea.
J. M. Boyd of Hairier. Neb., waa robbed
of hi roll ef long green by two affable
fellowa with whom he became chummy
and sipped Third ward liquor.
The Pouglaa county democracy had a
ratification meeting at it room, thee
orator being tb principal ratlflera:
Dick O'Keefe, J. H. Grossman. Harry
Deuel. Harry C. Miller. Dr. Crowley,
Fred Elaaaaer. John Power, Patrick
Ford and John Endrea.
Oeorglana Cross, wife of Bandmeeter
Frederick D. Cross of Fort Crook,
brought salt for dlvoro en th ground
that th bandmaster waa cruel.
People Talked About
Tripoli la th left shoulder blade of
Egypt and carries the least meat of any
bon tackled by the dog of war In thla
Ther will fc two Ohadlaha In th
United Stales senate Obadiah Gardner
of Main and F. Obadiah Brtgg of New
Jersey. If given time they may live it
Fifty million dollar 1 th round
number estimate of th cleanup from th
recent raisle-daxsl with stock In Wall
street. It was In moat auccesaful shear
ing of lamba since October, 19'7.
If th weather man. when the king I
gone, knocks out th bottom of th tank,
hla desk for a place tn th third
division of th rain percentage column
will be taken under advisement
Tb Philadelphia club, having won th
pennant three time In succession, give
Manager Connie Mark the right to rrlnt
hla nam In full Cornell ue McGlUlcuddy.
Th cut little nightcap for bald heads.
called th fe for short. I th outward
sign of a Turk, and every Turk U ex
pected to do his duty. Faa up!
Around New York
Rlpplea the Carmt ef Life
aa la the Great Aaaerlcaw
Melroplla freaa Day ta Der
Yaadesllle B FeeSerie.
Sever! of th big restauranteur of
Nw Tork ar preparing to hit back at
the thate-s tnat last year opened food
seriirr Pijr.ts on the or tn front.
rathr fjr in to cf them dinner and
s-ippers wre served right In the body of
he theater with all th clatter ef table
ware and the gabble of diners to drown
th vokea on the stage Three rival
fe-!ries ar aweg to put In first-c'.aas
vaudeville performances. They ar not
going to have these performance given
from a mere platform visible to only a
f the f.jvd partakers with favored
hut tee., ar going to put in reg-j-lar
fases ard have the performance
cond u ted p'erlsely as they are cond'jeted
In regular vaudetlUe theaters.
The first of thee establishment will be
ready with Ita food combined with vaude
ville by November IS, and the others will
follow along shortly after that date. One
waders h..w the plan wUl sort out. It
Is certain that the theaters that atarted
eating pUnta did not make a go of it
Cwrly Head Mop Traffic.
totting In the middle of the car tracks
at Thirty-fourth street an3 Third avenue
wa a little curly haired boy deeply en
grossed in making mud pies.
"Hey. get out of there! yeUed the mo
tertnan of a Third avenue car which wa
rapidly approaching. But the child.
years old. had tit back turned and paid
no attention. The motorman !ammed
down hi brakes hard and brought hi
car to a top within a few feet of the
ple maker.
The child looked with wondering eyes
at the car man. as he told him forcibly
what would happen if he didn't "can''
the mud pi Industry forthwith.
In the meantime other cars came along
behind this one and had to stop. Like
wise the Thirty-fourth street crosatown
line had to uspend operations. A crowd
quickly assembled and grew larger and
larger. All gazed at the small lad making
his mud plea.
A policeman shouldered hi way through
the onlooker, lifted th youngster on bis
shoulder and carried him to the Thirty
fifth street station house. Later the boy's
father claimed blm.
Value of Environment.
The street car conductor was about to
be transferred to another line- Not hla
to reason why. yet on that occasion he
did. and with the chief of the depart
ment. "I don't like that line he said.
"What's the matter with It?" asked the
"It's commonplace." said the conductor.
"I will lose my good manner If I go
down there. The line I am on now 1 a
well dressed line and a liberal education
for the railway employe I am not the
same man I waa when I waa moved up
there two year ago from a downtown
line. I am more polite, my voice is lower
and I have spruced up In general appear
ance. It is that way with every man in
the business. Put him on a line patron
ised by well dressed people and he will
fix up to fit hi urtoundingm. If 1 go
back on that other line I will lose
All the chief said then . was "Wen.
well"; but the conductor was not trans
ferred. A Thoneaad More Police.
One thousand additional patrolmen and
appropriation of f-.MO.OGO larger than last
year are the demands of the New York
police dopartment for VU. In the esti
mate, which has Just betn submitted to
the Board of Estimates, Commissioner
Waldo points out that London, with one
third more population than New York, has
almost double the number of policemen.
A large ahare of the Increased ap
propriation is sought for raise in al
eriea and wage. Among other Increase
the commissioner suggest that bis own
salary be advanced from r.Ouu to tlO.WO.
Valne of Shade Tree.
The appellate division of the New Tork
supreme court. In deciding the case of a
property owner against a contracting
company, claiming damages for the de
struction of shade trees abutting hi prop
erty, approved an award of J600 a tree,
with an additional incidental ' dam
age to hi estate. Thla la. perhaps, the
highest value which haa been set on city
hade trees, and Intimates that although
the value of the tree Is not to be com
puted by it measurement of merchant
able timber or it fruit product, there I
a utilitarian baaia of estimate which In
crease Its value much above Its mere
ornamental or aesthetic service.
"Doe your naw assistant do things
with plrit?''
"I must say he does not seem to do
anything without it." Baltimore! -
"Hav you any cause to be proud of
your ancestry ?" eh asked.
"I have," he replied. "On of nr an
cestors was present at the beheading uf
a Britiah king." Chicago Tribune.
"De man dat brags about palntin' de
town. aald Uncle Eben. "glnerally aln t
got real energy enough to whitewash a
gate." Washington Star,
"X .got a greet deal of water la my
h te came puffing out
of the urf.
"I thought the ocean looked rather
low, replied hla friend -Buffalo Eipre.
8t Louis Port-Dispatch.
Com seventeen year, it was. I think (m
never forget th day).
I took a basket to th store
And when th clerk bad looked me e'er i
Unto him I did aay: w '
"Give me four bit worth of lard, and a
quarter'a worth of ham.
And ten cents worth of thai husky cheese
That CQmeat from RnrtM.m
And five centa worth of onion.
Ana a nickel worth of egg"
Well. ay. you'd a-thought that blame
fool Alert-
Would laugh hlmaelf off hi lege.
now go you inina. ' says he to
me, with a moat offensive air,
"Tou're goln' to carry all that stuff
In that little basket there?"
Yesterday I went to th store with a bas
ket aa of yore. N
The same old !. the same old kind
And hen th clerk hi ear Inclined
I named toy wishes o'er:
"Give me four bit worth of lard, and a
quarter worth of ham.
And ten centa worth of that husky rhees
That romea from Rotterdam.
And five centa worth of oolona.
And a nickel a won't of egga "
Well. ay vou'd a-thoughl that blam
fool clerk
Had gone on a laughln' Jag.
"Chuck th basket," say he. "you can
carry It ail
la this sere caper be."
Absolutely Pur
To have pure and wholesome
food, be sure that your baldng
powder is made from cream
of tartar and not from alum
Tho Label will guldo you
Royal is the only baking
powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar
No Alum No Urno Phosphates
EPOSITS made on or before
TTjx October 10th in the SAVINGS
will draw interest from October
' 1st. '
THREE PER CENT Interest is paid on
savings deposits and COMPOUNDED
SEMI-ANNUALLY. Funds may be with
drawn at any time without notice.
The combined capital snd surplus Is $1,400,00000.
It is the oldest bank In Nebraska.
Established In 1S56.
United States National Bank
of Omaha, Nebraska
at T. Barlow, President, o. a. Baeeretlek. Asst. Ca3u
w- rtl,j 11,-IV- Morsmaa, Asst. Caen.
. B. Caldwell. Tlce-PTe. J. a MoOlure, Asst. Cash.
W. ZL aUxoades, Caen. O. K. Yates, Asst. CaaiT
Open on Saturdays Until 8:00 P. M. J.
can write your bills,
A statements, balance
sheets, etc., in the usual
way with the
tffiS Typewriter
(Wahl Adding Mechanism)
and when you come to the end you
will find the correct totals of each
column whether one or more
actually staring you in the face.
Writes and adds or subtracts as the
operator goes along, without any extra
Visible Writing
and Adding
Reliable Furs at Reaeonable Prices 1
Lara-eat uWtlA. ., k. , ACO I
Largest selection and hut
tn Omaha. U will coat you noth ng to ' look .nd'-Tn"01 U foUnd
money. Com. and see 0w. wluVove tf to Jou 7011
No. 0 Continental Block. . t rcr i,k
Take Elesalor to Second Floor "K1 tt.
Omaha, Sob.
work on his
Thus the
work is cut
in half and
accuracy is
Remington Typewriter
1619 Tarnam Street
Douglas 1573
i . Vvt