Tin: BEE:. OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 1911. i "J it vtt Ycsst OWMCTOOC wmmm 1H3-1K5Q FAENALS STC of war from the hour that the ultimatum of twenty-four hours expired. Reply of Tar key. CONSTANTINOPLE. Sept 29k The Turkish reply to the ultimatum of Italy, which demanded assurance that there will be no ritano to the Italian mili tary ocoupatlon of Tripoli and Cyrene. was communicated to the Italian charge, Slgnor Dl Matlno. at : o'clock tbla rooming. The message was oouched In friendly term end expressed surprise at the action et Italy la view of the cordial relations existing between the two countriea. It pointed out that Italian Interest In Tripoli had not been threatened and en pressed the hope that Italy would desist from its contemplated measures. Assur ances were given as to Turkey's desire for a settlement of the matters pending between the two governments. The reply also stated that Italian sub ject In Ottoman territory were exposed to no danger, aa the authorities afforded them protection and added that Turkish military measures had been suspended during the period of negotiations for settlement of difficulties. The reply was determined on at a cab inet council which continued at the palace from late yesterday until early today. Upon receipt of the communication the Italian, charge Immediately tele graphed It to Rome. The Impression In diplomatic circle Is that the note will not be satisfactory to Italy. The Turkish squadron has left Bterct and Is returning to Constantinople. Every precaution has been taken to preserve order in the capital and throughout the provinces. ' . The government has decided to enforce martial law In Constantinople. The pop ulation was quiet this morning. The weakness of the present govern ment is unfortunate In such a crisis and a change of ministry Is believed to be Imminent. It Is probable that former Grand Vlsler Said Faaha will be made grand vizier in succession to Hakki Bey. It Is announced that most of the youths of tlie empire are volunteering for war against Italy. Blockade of Tripoli Ordered. CHIAESO, Switzerland, Sept. .-On the - Italian Frontier (Tripoli) The Italian fleet has been ordered to main tain a cloee blockade of the Trlpolitan coast and prevent even by force the land ing of further reinforcements. Secret Instructions have been given for the strategic distribution of ships along the Albanian. Macedonian and Syrian coasts the moment action Is begun, to pre vent any attempt by Turkey to attack the Italian coast through privateers, which would be easy from the Albanian coast, which la on the opposite aide of the Adriatic sea and Is but a few hours all from the Italian coast, which la quite undefended. J The vhlpa have been Instructed so to defend not Italians, but all foreigner on Ottoman territory, landing forces If Bee emary cr taking fugitives aboard. . The expedition consists of a complete army corps, which will be used In It entirety It necessary. It will be com manded by General C. Caneva, who has formed Ma ateff with General Brlcceole and General Peoorl, each In command of a division, and with Qneial Gastaldello of the general staff. His instructions ar that the occupation of Tripoli and Cyrene shall be conducted at the least possible delay, but with pru dence t avoid both foreign complication and unnecessary bloodshed. Admiral Aubrey, In command of the Italian vessel in the waters of Tripoli. Fresh Hcas-Ihdc Candies After a long, hot dry summer, we are again buck to the cool days when CANLiT tastes good. Our eandy-TTiaar has kn ati busy the U.M few day making up a cumpiei new fresh sux of sweats if all kind of ireah home inane pure CUndy to suit ail. Like ail other tei.rtmonts of our tore, popular prior prevail, with a pecll sale of something you like . h Wednesday and Saturday Sierial Trices Sat., Sept, 80th. Ketuember Our Goods Are All frees jtome-Made saa Saturday Hext Is Our rail Opening. 40c anaorted Nut PrUUe, rr feu-id . ...S5q ntwrt. I'ecaiL Almond and Eji--, lish Vunut- 0c "FRJNCKSS SWEETS" Chcw Utea, per pound . 3d SOo Original butter Eiuwe, per pound Sue (A good eater, peanut-butter center.) 0c Chocolate Chips, per lb. . .Se Mj:rs-Di!!:n Dru Ca.. 16th aitd Farnaiu Mi. OmaKa's Only Ci!y &hop. CicHics Jsv Fil Any Clan Too many clothes builders, in an effort to give' their clothes a fashion-plate perfect ness, design models which look well only on the broad-fhcul-dered athletic fellows. Sam peck clothes are made to fit these men and also those less favored by nature; the original, distinctive style is always in evidence. You'll need to slip Into a Gam pock suit to realUe what a personal advantage such t finely tailored clothes are. Models for young men who keep puce with the new wrinkles, others for more conservative men. A big variety of fabrics and colors. 018 to C35 Exclusive 6elling agents for Imperial Hats and Mark Croea Leather Goods. Dlmick's Orchestra Saturday After, coon from 2 to 5 on the Balcony. trmr ha? been Instructed when the order to be gin occupation Is Issued to embark Imme diately the few Italian who may be left there and any-foreigners wishing to leave. These, it is thought, will amount to about 100. In several places In Italy . vandalism continues. Lata reports describe the rioting at Langhlrano as more serious than first appeared. Carabineers who attempted to disperse the rioters after being stoned and wounded, fired into the nob, killing five persons and wounding twelve others. Among the dead was woman. The riot ers fled, but soon afterward gathered again and surrounded the barracks de termined to burn the place and lynch the carabineers. Reinforcements of troop restored order. Albanian ' Ready to Revolt. The expressed wish of the Italian gov. ernment that the Tripoli affair shall not be taken aa an opportunity to create trouble In other Ottoman provinces ap pears likely to meet with disappointment. The Albanians consider this an excellent moment for another uprising and have addressed Genersl Rloclottl Garibaldi. the son of the Italian hero, asking him to organise an expedition of volunteers commanded by himself or his son. Col onel Giuseppe Garabaldl, who figured in the recent Mexican insurrection. The elder Garibaldi does not think the situa tion propitious tor a rebellion against Turkish authority, owing to the oold and the snow in the Albanian mountains. The trouble betwoen Turkev and It.lv which culminated this afternoon in declaration of war at Rome dates back to 1878. When with the maklne- nf th. treaty concluding the Russo-Turklsh war the powers are understood to have agreed to permit Italy a "pacific penetration of Tripoli." Turkey claims that this right has been respected ever since, lt.lv h. colonised Tripoli until Its Interests in that African province are very great. It ha asserted, however, that it auhiert v.u. been mistreated by the Ottoman author- lues and constantly discriminated against. Torklan Boada Lower. LONDON, Sept. .-The stock m.rV.i wa depressed today on reports that Tur key would resist the Italian nrnnnuj cupatlon of Tripoli. Turkish bonds fell tour points and Italian securities one point at the opening, while American shsres opened from to 14 lower in sympathy. At noon the tone was weak, with price from U to 1 oolnta below v.. terday'a New York closing. Arabs Take Oath to Fight. TRIPOLI. Tripoli. Sent. 14 Tht which Is threatened with a rm.nt. a,,. patlon, was desolate early this morning. nearly en of the Europeans left last night. - . , The Arab have taken a solemn oath of unity snd allegiance to the Turkish flag "to the last drop of blood." The Turkish transport Darn ham ai.. charged 1,000 ton of . munition, stores and IS. 000 Mauser rifles. Four hundred and fifty camels were need in inv. these supplies to th Interior. WANT UNITED STATES TO ACT Oecar Straaa Soggeete Mediation Under Tie Hague Convention. NEW YORK. Sent. Tha American ambassador to Turkey, Oscar t. atraus, today sent a telegram to Sec retary Knox at Washington, urging the United States should exeroie it right unaer l tie convention for th settlement of international disputes to BrUATV. peace and prevent a possible state of wer between the Mohammedan and Chris tian cations of the world. Mr. Straus in his telegram ay in part: "Ta approachirg clash of arms be tween Italy and Turkey far traoeeends the lntereet of two power Involved. The consequence of Italy's precipitate action oannot but have th moet serious results as a precedent for similar aggression by other powers. "The United States has contributed foreroout among the naiiona In th. elusion of the convention for tho paclfio eiuneni ox International disputes. "I am sure I am voicing the peace- roving sentiment, not only of Amer icana, but of all nations, la ceiling upon our government to promptly offer Ira offices of mediation, which Is ever rxght wnicn toe eonrenUoa expreaaly p ra viae thall not be friendly act. regarded aa as tio "Whatever righta. poUttenlry or othr wUe, 'Italy may Juetry lay claim to In Tripoli certainly ran be secured wHttoct bloodshed ana wtth Just fee by submll. tlag them to Tb Hau tribunal." rftoiUBLiu r-LA.v ok nraxT May Dvetr- "Tar. rati rtr teetu tt R.oe aVkaitkmraav WiA IXU-TCKv sK. JIS. Peroc t-i!laL!- witu tit ewutUHMMt bsaaJlng vqp tth War becwewnt tvt a aVueAa secwa that. Jamaa ewa h eoncs woiua as mm being followed by Italy in praotloatly be ginning hostilities without warning to Its powerful opponent and thereby secured a tremeadou adrentage from a navel point of view by preventing th consoli dation of th two section of th Russian fleet, hlch were lying In the harbor of rort Arthor and Chemulpo, Korea. Moet of the small Turkish fleet 1 off the Byrlan coaat at tho extreme eastern end of the Mediterranean, and Italy declara tion today 1 believed to be with th de liberate purpose of securing warrant un der International lsw for sn attack on that fleet before It can make Its escape and find refuge In the Bosphorus under shelter of powerful Chore defenses. Such a move would leave Italy plenty et leisure to deal wtth the comparatively small Turkish military force In Tripoli and prevent any relnforcemente reaching that country from Turkey by water. It la ald at th Stat department that there eaa be no objection by this govern ment to the course adopted by Italy In this Instance so long as there Is no undue Inter'erenoe with American commerce or other Interests.. BELLEFORT, L. I., Sept. .-The Turkish Ambassador, Zla Fasha, ex. pressed astonishment when Informed at hi summer home this afternoon that Italy had declared a stste of war between Italy and Turkey. ' Zla Pasha said: "I am deeply pained to learn that Italy has declared war upon my country. Turkey has done everything to avoid war, but now that war has come, you may rest asaured that Turkey will do Its duty." ORDER SHOPMEN TO STRIKE TODAY (Continued from rag One) crease. Oa the Miaaouri, Kansas eV Texas union men say over 1,000 men are out. Orders to Blaekamltba and .Carmen. KANSAS CITY Sept. ' 28. Following a conference here today between Presidents J. A. Franklin and M. F. Ryan, of th Boiler makers' and Carmeos' unions, respectively, the two men sent out strike orders to tho members ef their unions this afternoon. About 15,000 carmen and 5,000 boiler makers ars affected by th orders. According to President Franklin, non union workers ars now being employed to take th places of th organised men. 'A carload of them waa shipped out of her last Week," he said. "There were thirty in the party. Only oni was a skilled mechanic and he waa on of our men. Strike breakers are also being sent out of Chicago. But In every party there are several of our member a Thua we know exactly what class of workmen and how many the railroads are employing." While the strike Involve many men and probably will run well Into the winter, ay President Ryan, he feels that there was no other action for the unions to take. "The time baa come when we had to taks some action regarding th recognl sallon of our federation," he ald. "The big fight over that point had to come some time and now is as good as any. "I haven't the allghtest Idea how long this strike will last, but X do know that we shall not return to the shops until ' our fight is won. W are prepared to pay a strike benefit of $7 a week to each of our men for a period of seven months. If the railroads can stand It longer than that so can we. "We feel assured of ultimate success In the present struggle because of the large majority of competent workers be ing members of our organization. Doubt less the railroads can obtain soma strike breakers, but the available non-union men who can do the work properly are limited. When the equipment of the roads begins to show the effects of be ing repaired, by inexperienced hands, ths railroads keads doubtless will think mors about considering the demands of our men." OFFICIALS EXPECT . A STRIKE Vnlon Pacific Ha Been Preparing; for the Event for Some Time. At noon Friday local Union Pacific offi cials were apprised of the fact that in Davenport, la., the Association of Ma chlnifta there in session, through their executive officers had, taken a vote and had ordered that a strike of the shopmen at all points on ths Harrlman line and on the Illinois Central be declared and that the walkout would occur at 10 o'clork Saturday morning. While expected, the Union Paotflo offi cials expressed some surprise, as they had been clinging to the hope that when Hie final vote was taken there might be enough men to delay the strike, for some time at least. ' What effect the strike will have Is problematical. Officials of the railroad company take an optimistic view of the situation. Th same view is taken by the labor leaders in th local shopa All of th parties to th labor controversy in. 1st that they will win. but at ths same time all agree that It will be a long strug gle. Many of the railway offloial and also a large number of the men in the loeal shopa felt that the promotion of A. L. Mohler to the presidency of the Union Pacific would have some bearing upon the situation pertaining to that road, and that perhaps It shopmen might not be called out. They pointed to th fact that as general manager Mr. Mohler had got ten along with ths men, and that In the past In holding conferences with him the existing difficulties had always been ad justed In a matter satisfactory to all. On the other hand, the men In the shopa Insisted that the promotion of .Mr. Mohler would make no difference. It a strike was to be declared on the Harrl man line. It would be suicidal to the success of labor in the contest to pemlt the men on one part of the ayalem to Sort while the others were out on strike. -Mm Expewt to Obey. Th men In the shop are not Inclined lo be talkative but they generally agree that when the word to strike la fl&ahed over the wire, nearly every man wilt obey.' They admit that there are a few of ths oldest employee who will remain loyal to the company owing to fear Of lotlng their aenJortty and being stririen from the peruUoo rolls, even should tbey win the strike. Tbey assert, however, that not k-vs than D per cent of all the shopman oa the Cnloa Pwclflq, Southern and Ceotral Pacific, the Cbort Lin th Orgoa Railway 4k KvtKK(. eowaay and Iitirtoua CVatral tUuas nUtl walk eut. coaxptetety twvJ-oc tb aarvvo by rewsoa f the fewt ttuat e oa va be left ta any of the thug to astro fur- Iho reiliug etov-fc and sank. tbe srouaaw-y repairs. OCftclbia ef the run I lack's fri to Ivtew toe itixb9i ni tM same ta.fct as 'do Uw anext. Thee- tauX the a gnwanei atrlko ef U Bo at the etwee t the iyam win eert an iowmttmutmnK. but aild that i& wiU aw, hurt as aunta. as lUwlduWoitN c71ce) kmrnl - iULCm I f "" ..t.ta.,.M..f.....ti., t.ann4ita.t..aiiit.ti1.ti.tt.i.ii,tl might be expected. They say that dur ing th past few week. In anticipation Of a strike, nearly every engine on the system has been run through the shops and put in perfect condition. This has been done to such an extent that at the present time, almost 200 freight and pas senger engines are parked and ready to go into service at a minute's notice. The same is true of the other equipment. The passenger and freight cars have been put through the ehops. ,. " Inslat on Reoogcnltloa, So tar as the Harrlman lines are con cerned, all parties, both employes and employers, admit that the question of wages and hours are not Involved. Every thing hinges on whether or not th com psny shall officially recognise th fed erated union of shopmen. The company officials declare and Insist that they will not. while the men ar equally as firm In Insisting that there must be recogni tion. , , While the Union Paclfio off loiala re fuse to be quoted. It is known that they have already taken steps to fill ths place of the men within thirty-six hours after the strike la officially declared and the workmen walk out Already the old car shops norfh of the Cass street gate have been arranged for convertlon Into a lodg ing and boarding house. Chairs, cots, tables, stoves and furniture have been moved In and provision ha been made for houxlng several hundred men. The ssme thing has been done at Grand Island and other points on the system where shops ar maintained, though to a more limited extant. In Chicago. St. Loul, Cleveland, Pitts burgh and In many other plaoes through the east aud south large numbers of me chanics of various classes have been gathered together, ready to be shipped to Omsha and other points on the Harrl- j man tines almost immediately upon the declaration of the strike. MISS CORA BARNES KILLED . BY FALL FROM WINDOW NEW TORK, ' Sept. ' .-Mlas Cora Barnes, stepdaughter of William H. Bliss, a well known New York lawyer, formerly United Statee district attorney at St. Louis, and vice president of th St. Paul V Duluth railroad, was in stantly killed today by falling from, a third story window of her residence. Her relatives refused to comment on the po lio report that she committed suicide. Miss Barnes waa an invalid and (5 years old. Farmere' Iaatltnte at Harlan. HARLAN. Ia., Sept. 29. (Special) About 600 people attended the annual Farmers' institute held In this city yes. terday. Hon. Lafe Young of Ds Molnet was the spesker of the day. He gave a heart-to-heart talk to the farmers and urged upon them the necessity of . in tensive rather than extensive farming. He also urged the retired farmer to spend more of hi money In Iowa and less of It In California or wherever he spends th winter. A colt hw was an Important feature, thert being about Ofty eoltt shown. H. O. Wyland won first premium and Ralph Miller second. Prise were also given for the beat specimens of th domestic arts. Auto Cnsete at Newton. MARSHALLTOWN. Ia,, Sept. 19. (Spe cial. ) Hardy Friend, an amateur racing car driver, waa badly injured and hia ear wrecked at Newton today while driving in a five-mil race oa a half mile track. While makina a turn tie ln control and the ear dashed through a fenoe and leaping Into th air turned over. Friend waa thrown free of th car when It turned turtle.' Scratch of Bark la Fatal. IDA GROVE. Ia.. Sept. z8.-rfSr,nll Adolph Strieker, a resident of Douglag townarup, j.aa county, since 1880, died a th result of a scratch mad by barbed wire. He thought nothing of the aerate for a day or two after It happnd. but his arm suddenly swelled and th pats became terrible. 21 died within twenty, four hour after being taken to the hospital at Holstaln. Diamonds and Sellings Diamond- are rapidly Increasing la vain snd you " i should look to yours jL"' tli 1 to ae that you do not lose thorn. Watch tho settings, aad if you tied a pront; altghUy raised, bring the store and have It attended to by experts. Or when yo 8. row tfr4 of your old. oettfnga, eonaurt ' tad wo tU1 g.fo you the) Tory fcsteet designs at tho ftiost moderate prrca. Uout Merely Buy Invest. Albert Edholm Sixteenth; ami Ilarney.. ( V : till a ? 7 k v.. u i Saa J0 The Clothes Sold at thi Store Are Different FEW RETAILERS OF MEN'8 APfAREL OBTAIN TnSIft COST LIER GARMENTS FROM THE SAME! MANUFACTURER WHO PRODUCES THEIR CHEAPER ONES. THE MAKER OF TUB LOWER Q RAPES HAS DEFINED HI3 OWN LIMITATIONS FOUND THE LEVEL OF Hi3 CAPABILITIES. AND WHEN HE ESSAYS THE MAKING OF FINE GARMENTS HE MAKES A FAIL URE OF THEM. But the drawing of this very discinctioa by most clothes shops exposes one of their chief weaknesses an indiscriminate stock . gathered from several, sometimes many, sources and represent ing no fixed standard. . Here's What Hakes Browning, King & Co.'s Clothes Different 3 , " FOLLOW THE Look What a 10c Day at Beaton's is an established insti tution. Omaha people are finding out, in large numbers, that a dime on this day is as good aa a quarter usually. Saturday, September 30th, will usher in some dime values that you OUGHT to see. For instance: 26c Hard Rubber Combs 1 60 Nail Brushes .n . 25c Sanltol Powder .' 25o Nail Enamel Stick (Imported) .... 25c Dldo Rice Powder paper (Imported) 25o Beaton's Talcum Powder 26c Do Mars' Glycerine Soap 2 So Do Mars' Tooth Powder 85c Do Mara' Tooth Paste 2 So Bansal Japanese Tooth Powder ... 2 So Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder 8 oz. bottle Glycerine and Rosewater . . 1 pt bottle Household Ammonia , 1 pt. bottle Denatured Alcohol H Pt- bottle Wttch Hasel 4 os. package Rochelle Salts 1 pound Flake Camphor 1 pound Moth Balls Largo Chamois . Beaton Drug Co. 15ft and Farnam Omaha Suits end Overcoat: to Order 020.09 C.i C:ls S:hrdsy, Soptsntcr COlh W have two expert eutters and sixty first class sewing tailors. We try every eoat en before finishing it All garments are well made and nicely trimmed. Every gar ment guarauteed perfect In fit and style. Salts and overcoats to order 50 to 45 Cal) and look over our goods and seo samples of our work be fore you buy your Fail Clothes. riacCarthy- Wilson Tailoring Co. S04-200 Eouth lEth Bt Reliable Furs at Reasonable Price 3 Largest selection and beet values ta fur sets and eoata to be found in Omaha. It vtU cost you nothing to look and will surely aaro you money. Come and awe as we will prove it to you. FURRIER No. 0 Continental T.lock. K. l. Ooa XStQ bmmI Douglas Eta. Take Elevator to Second Fluor. Omaha, Neb 1 18 Ego or m In our own shops our own designer and tallormea produco all th garment we aell. As to modeling and snaking tb 111.00 Suit or Overcoat receive th amo Jealoua car and skillful handling . bestowed upon th 140.00 Suit or Overcoat; according to th plalnnes or luxury of material th prloe ar fixed. But th sam char acteristic tailoring is apparent in all. Fall Suits and Overcoats for Ilea tmd Ycas Ilea 010.00 to 050.00. Ready for Service Ilothers, Attention Wo axe eel line tbo best School Eolta for boys ta Omaha. They aro made up In til wapl chevlota . in double breasted and Norfolk styles and have two pain of Knickerbocker full lined and full Peg Top. Tho Tailoring In these tulta Is given tho game careful attention that -the mora expen sive onea receive and have that Individuality to bo found only la Browning King ft Co. clothes. The price Is Seren Dollars and a half, Including tho ex tra pair of Knickerbockers. 1 ) BER TOtl PATH Dime Will Do e M a- 10 10 10 101 10 100 10 10i 100 100 100 il80 :1SS 100 10 100 100 f t 1 e Five Steps South of Farcim iiio to SIT Tho Hat Can Hako or Har Your Appearance No otber part of a man's attire should more necessarily be correct than his Hat It's tho one Important finishing toucn to a man's appearance. This Fall avoid all chances of getting aa unbecoming Hat by coming to this store). Juat put into stock a elassy line ef Aus trian Valour and they ar sur wlnnara Shown la black, tan and grey. $5 wo" 87.50 Teil Us Year Fcmishiss Needs Wo Just wast ta show you how quickly and satisfactorily wa can fill them. This fall w anew Joet a wonderfully at- trjcUv line of shirts th pattern are different from those that greet you in the ordinary store. The same is true In Neckwear Gloves . Hosiery Underwear. It will Interest you to seo the splendid displays. DENTISTRY iASLEY THE DENTIST New Offices Established la 113. New SaniUry White Enameled Equipment. evijcxAa rvTcsa Tot a alien xua M OO and tlO.OO Oold Crowns, at , Sl.oo and SS.O0 1 00 and 110.00 Briug Te.fhT 11.00 Silver Fillings now tue 115.00 Set of Teeth now.; flO.00 tlO.OO Set ef Teeth now 97.50 11.00 Set of Teeth now 94,00 Painless Extractions No Charges for Examinations. Written Guarantee. New Office: 704-10 City Nat'l Bank Uldg. . Cut this oat to find ua. V 1 BulbsBulbs Bulbs Hyacinth --Nsmd Varieties. Tulips la Standard Sorts and Fine Mixture. Narcissus, Oocns, Chinese Lilies, - Snowdrops. New is tho time to do over tho Lawn. Come la and it us about It. Tt3 KEiraska Se:3 Go. Phono Dooglao 1241. . 1618 Howard 6 treat. Open Saturday Evenings Until 8 P. M. Orrins for Drink Habit Any wife or mother who wants t savo hr huiband or eoe from "Lulni" will be glad ' know that she ean pur chase OfiiiUVK the atandaxd liquor tMt remedy tftat w ftave eoid tor years, and if no benefit 1 obtained after a trial, lh money will be refunded. OftHINE ia prepared. In two form. No. 1. eecret tseauuenlL a powder, to olutely tavcelaa and odorlnca, riven secretly In rod or drink. OhKlNll No, t. In pill form, 1 for (lioo ano dvr'.r to tak voluntary treatment. O t ivi tl coat only tl f0 a Come in en-1 t a free booklet out f l i.l s i rherman A; VoJotine?l Irug ?n., juti end Dodir 14'ft nd Varnam e7- Ki. ltih int.; 01 Lrug Co lia and iieraey, Omaha. I ley habsil f i L I 1 yitf w I !