14 THE BEE: 0MA1TA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER SO, 1911. REAL ESTATE FA IOt 4b RAX H LAMD FOR 84LE Si e bra akuv C A t i n eed Good Buys EVERY OXE t eeree valley land 2'i miles of good in; handy to school, nc; slight Im provements; ,Vr. house, hern for 4 head, food well, etc.: good sandy ioa.nl will; with proper care this farm can be maue a rarden ipot. All cn ha cultivated: price M pr acra; easy terms; 11.8) rash y March 1, balance J years, per cent. W irrn upland, slight Iniprovementa, t-r. house, barn 40x44. cortirrib. granary, chicken houee. (and well; AO acres under cultivation; 1 miles of food town. mils to school. Cnly per acre; ia.Ofau tasn. i.aiartce year. 122-4 acres, few thousand dollars' worth of Improvements, a homelike piace; good location, mainly German, 14 miiea of i. '.nana, mostly macadam; good value for the money, 2130 per acta; II.ijOO cash by .larch I. balance 6 yiui. G per cent. oo aciea. well improve, i good orchard etc.; Al location, a milei ot good town extra good black soil, 4125 per acra; U.Gxju by March 1, balance 6 years, a per cent. 40 acxea. kleal, unimproved, on ma cadam road. Thia la Just ft alight lift Have an extra good bargain, but too mod eat to put it in print. It will take W.00U to handle. tome on and let ua enow you. Bring wire. livery one wltnln loss than 25 miles. Orin S. Merrill Company, 1212-14 City Nat l Punk Bldg FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (Continued.) New Mexle. COLONIZATION AND RANCH LANDS YUU WANT 1HI3 11.000 acres New Mexico ranch; 20,000 acrea can ba Irrigated; liw. Terms. Kellogg, uroger, Auautxio, la. Nortk DaJtota. TWO sections ot agricultural and eras ing land in North Dakota; good o1j; tor quick a I a, 14.7b per acre. H. C. WEST E ROAA RD, 501 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb Oregon. OREGON APrLE LAND. rive and ten-acre tracta. Planted and scientifically handled for five yeara. Lo cated In the famous Willamette valler. close to Portland. Sold on convenient mommy payment, especial term made at tnia time. BANT1AM FRUIT COLOVT 7TMC! George E. Wlghtmen, Gen. Pales Agent, iniora jiiumi, imn ana r arnam. Bonta Dakota. HOMESTEAD land In the famous Rosebud country of South Dakota. Mel lette and Bennett countlea to be opened October J to October U. Dallas la the terminal registration point and closest point of registration to these lands. Free booklet and Information by addreaslng uihw u4i wvuiiiu Liee, Asaiiae, a. D RftSERTTTl t.iMna AUTHENTIC map of that portion open for settlement next month. Maps, oOo eacn. ju saie ei dwoo Drug (Jo. or I WcConnell, 60 Pax ton Blk., Omaha. FOR SAiE 160 acres, fine farm land. s mu mu, ui Auaruran, a. i-'. , will sao- rtfice If taken In 80 days. Addresa Owner. L P. Von An.. Beloit, Wis, rrVB acra orange orchards 41,000.00, 1100.00 cash, balance terma. Bearing or chard, tour years Bend for booklet. Mi tatlo Land Co., Audubon, la. . ' Vtak. LAND In large or small tracts for farming, milt raising or Investments; best of climate: artesian well water: ?lenty of water for Irrigation; fifty miles rom Bait Lake City, close to railroad town. This la the beet land bargain In uuan. n you want land It win pay you to see ma for prlcea and terma John aieresn. tw Be building. Omaha, Neb. Wyoming. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Thirty-fix thousand acrea of land located in Wyoming, near Laramie; finest (raxing land in the west, val uable water right. Over J5 per cent tillable land and 25,000 acrea can be irrigated. Excellent Improvements; fenced and croas-fenced; . railroad running through the land; stock yarda, etc. Can be had at sacrifice price; must be sold to close estate. Addresa Stewart' Realty Company. 127 North Dearborn St., Chicago, or 805 First NaUonal Bank. Bldg., Den ver, Colo. Mleeellaaeems. . IOWA and NEBRASKA farrae. Oraham A Patera. 827 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. Do you want a 230-acre REAL ESTATE WANTED HAVE you good property you are an. loua to aeUT If so, write full desert p. tlon. giving lowest price; best terma. W, E. Nichols. 1611 State St., Syracuse. N. Y. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Landa O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., loit New Omaha Nat l Bank Building. MONET TO LOAN-Fayne Inv. Co. WANTED City loana Peters Trust Co. CITT and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. MONET to loan on business or real deuce properties. Il.OtlO to tJOO.000. W. H. THOMAS. 603 Virst Nat. Bank Eidg. $100 to 10,00 made promptly. F. D. w eaa. vv eaa mag., win ana arnam. LOW RATES, BEMIS-CARLBERO CO.. 210-212 Brandt la Theater Bldg. WANTED FARM LOANS. Kloke In vestment Company. Omaha. 5AV "tins CS. on clty nl farm property. tVOtfaO v. B. Melkle, Ringa! FIRST TRUST COfcft LA RGB city loana wanted; mortgagee ft bonus bou.ht aui sold. bXULL HKoj. GARVIN BROSn & Mfc FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE TO TRADE 160 acres New Huron, 8. D., prloe 410,000; mortgage tfi.tou, equity M.sOS What have you? C. C. laaenhutn. 10 Brendets Theater Bldg. . 4S0 ACRES. McLean Co.. N. D. ; I"t acrea In crop; splendid Improvements; want good u.come, soma cash: ouuitv tux. ' lt acres near Paoll. Colo.; unimproved; M.twO; want residenca or merchandise. l.iSO acrea, lUpley Co., Mo.; want In come property. S2-room modern hotel In good Nebraska town; wact land; equity, Sll.uuo, IDA KCtrr, 434 fee. TO TRADE A tl.Ouo equity In a Ova room house, barn and two lots in Omaha tor automobile. J. A. Chambers, Ajider son. la. I HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For resulla see rue. Dean, till Boo B1I. D. LS1 WE exchange properties ef merit C. W. Welah. Ul-U O. N. Be Bldg. Doug. tsba. EXCHANGK-A, C Jswau. Board trade, D. UM. TOR SALE OR rxfHANOE We nave a large list of excellent Income Drodurlnar nrorvrtv In ChlrevA 1v. cated !n our choice resldentlsl and tusins section of the city, ranging in prices from 110,000 to $60,000. All hi eh class modern buildings, to exchange for improved farms or western lands. Send for our com Plete list and nhotnarranha. Wt ran make a deal for you In forty-eight hours. Aonlv for full nartlii1ara ins nrewart Realty CO., 137 North Dearborn St., Chicago, or 805 First iaunnai tsanK Blag, Pc-nver, Colo P. O. Box No. ia. Excelsior 6prlngs, Mo. AN EXCEPTIONAL PROPOSITION. For sale, will take one-half In ex change. A beautiful corner lot at a big sacrifice If taken at once. Km fo nn Broadway In Excelsior Springe, Mo., the great an-year- round nealtn and pleas ure resort, where the new large fire proof Elms hotel and the Kansas City, E.wiiitr opnngs ana ot. JOSepn ;iec trie railway Is now under construction both to be completed and in- ooeratlnn by spring. 19i2; besides many other ex tensive Improvements to be made la tns near future. Thia fine corner lot Is vary centrally located and Is suitable for I store Yooms on first floor, with i stories above for an apartment house. There is not on a foot vf ground for sale within three or four blocks west on the same tide of Broadway that can ba bought for less than $300.00 per foot, but If sold at once we will sell this lot for (200.00 Pr front foot, besides this Is a tine cor ner lot fronting on two streets, with the other side open. We will accept about one-nan in exenanga in good land or property, clear or incumbrance preferred, or nearly so. This lot will sell for dou ble this prlca within a year, even If party aoea not care to nulla on It. The new electric car line will pats on both front streets ot this lot. Reason for this great sacrifice, must have about 12,650.00 casn at once, Daianco long time. Addreaa HALF section of good land, I miles trim Kimball, Neb. (county seat). Twenty acres and a town lot In the onion belt of Texas. Twenty acres and two town lots in the fig and orange (gulf toast) belt of Texas. Two nice quarters of table land near Julesburg, Colo. Will consider a bunch of good horses, good cattle or ciear, earning town property. Addrt Box 64. Albion. Neb. EXCHANGE for what you want. Sbopen a t,o., exenange experts, paxton Blk. BEE 1. L Barber to sell, or exehanara urimus. w notra ot iTaae. u. 4341. TRADES If you have anything to iraae, write me. b. ti. wait, 617 Bee Bldg. r- 160 lm Droved farm. Minnesota, for Omaha residence or merchandise. M0 igan. county. Neb., for merchandise. tinap. Cheyenne Co., for Omaha city bron- AL.L.IS NANCOLAS, 441 Board of Trade. EVERT oerson knows who r 1 O'Brien la because he has made Omaha lamous with hm candy. If Josephine Gotch, 5313 N. 21th St.. will come to The Bee otfloe within three days wa win give her an order for a 60-cent box of u orien s canay tree. WANTED TO BUY CAEH paid for books. Crane, 111 8. 14U. I PAT rajih for 1iidrmnt 4f,tiji and OthiarwiR tt a inat finnth.m fornians. A. C. Toliver, 621 Byrne Bldg., WANTED second hand i.uto .unehmit 16 or i-horse power, give full narticniara and price In first Utter. . L. Tanae- man, Uanbury, la. . WANTED B&bv huvrv. mmA i. 1021 V St., So. Omaha; state prloe. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxeira in will come to The lies ottice within three uj wa win ivi uer au oraer lor a quart brick of thia fine ice cream. WANTED TO RENT WANTED DUNDEE f PREFERRED To lease a seven or eutht-room noun. It eoiue one wui build me a mouern, con veniently arranged home, handy to street car line, rooms good sue. attio and full cellar, to be ready tor oocuDancv bv Miv 1. Uii, will consider a proposition tor lung wm u terms reasonable. 1 amlly ut tares adults. N iil. Bee. WANTED To rant a-room hnm. r,.,. modern, in auy part of city. Addieas N. UL Bee, WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSEKEEPER wanta boaitlon for bachelor widower or a small family; bun day torenoons for en urea. Heien Bjuretron, Houte A Box , iiensun, iseo. YOUNG lady bookkeeDar. iwi,n In all branciiea of otlice work, aeeka posi tion; can nanale ourrespondence and aales and carry on other responaioie work; tlrbU Class refarances. Auureas x is.. B. VllLNG la.1V. With hlvh ..ht .. tlon. wiauea a position. C Ml. Baa MAN wants position as Janitor: lum rstereuces, Addresa B-Uu, care Bee. ITlHbT claaa practical nurse u he engaged at ouoe, Loualae &Uti . A CAPABLE eneraetia vonun nf perience and ability wants yueiuon as tw aiiu uuueaeper xor wuo nouae. or In widowers taitiiiy. urn fumiHh h.u references. Address Mrs. Ik. v. Ui4 West VLU Ok. , nuiiu rittlkV, aid, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Beporti of Froita in Argentina, Givet Strenfftk to Wheat S7.II.iyQ 0BSEES AEE HEAYT Traders Declare Tlaai la Not ftlpe ' to Aavaae Cera Valaes, Thaagai Coaltoas Are comlag Mare Balllsh. OMAHA, Kept. 19.. 1U. The early strength In wheat was due to a "Hash" reeardlng the poeaioie aan- Ser to the Argentina crop from froat amags. The market was eaouy e-erootigni. now. ever, and eaaed off later. Cablea were firm and higher, but northwest markets were weak and selling orders are heavy en all the advances and the market makes little headway. The big tradi-rs and leaders In the corn market are not In the market for the present, although conditlona are getting more bullish, they claim It ia not the right time yet to advance corn valuee. supplies ot cash eora are small ana win be needed, making the situation stronger dally. V. heat ruled weak and wlcea crcre slightly lower early. News at the close was bullish, reports being received that war In Europe had been declared and this advanced market values. Although there is little activity In corn prices are holding firm and conditions are working Into a stronger position, which means higher levels. Primary wheat receipts were 1.471.000 bu. and shipments were 4r6.000 bu., against reeeipis last year of 1.13S.O0O bu. and shlpmei's of 878.009 bu. Primary eom recelDts were 528,000 bu. and shipments weie 399.000 bu.. against receipts last year of 119.000 bu. and ship ments or m,ono uu. Clearances were 187.000 mi ef corn, none of oats and wheat and flour eoual to 64O.O0O bu. Liverpool closed Ud hlrher on wheat and ni higher on corn. WHEAT No. h.r1 Of, U. Xhv t hrd KVifiOfc; No. 4 hard, SSHflS'e. CORN No. 2 white, 4i44c: No. 2 White. 64lSvtVc: Nn. 4 wKlte tiU.Ur: No. 2 yellow, 63Q4e; No. I yellow, 3Wc; ro. yenow, 63"4ihc; NO. 2. 63H'ic; No. J, 63Hf?3He: No. 4. 23Hc. OATS No. 2 white, 4MMv,c; standard. 4frf?46c; No. I white. 4"H'9146c; No. 4 white, 4W46HC; No. 1 yellow, 454liHc; No. yellr.w, 44(345'4C. BAItLET Maj-iinsr. 11 n?n 11- Va. 1 feed, 80CSS1.05. RIK-Wo, a, 87Q8c; NO. 8. &38c. Omaha Cn r-rJc-e. The following cash sales were reported: wMJbA i mo. 2 hard. 1 car. 87He; t eers, 87c No. I hard. 1 car, 98e. No. 4 hard, 1 car, 24a. Ne. 2 spring, 1 ear, 98c. No. I mixed. 1 car. tec. No. I mixed. 1 oar, 97Hc; 1 ear, S6o. uorh-no. 2 white. I cars, mhc no. I white, 2 cars, ti'io. No. 2 yellow. 4 cars. 64o. No. 8 yellow, I cars, toe. No. 2 mixed, 2 cars, Se; 2 cars. 63Vja. No. 8 mixed. 1 car, 6SHe; 2 cars, 63Hc. oats no. i white, s cars, 4We. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn, Oata Chicago Minneapolis Omaha Duluth 728 48 388 273 143 NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET ftaetatlons of the Day oa Varteas Comntodltlea. NEW TORK, 8ept. 29.-rLOUR-r"lrm. spring patents. t6.Mie6.S0; winter straights, tt.wat.ia: winter patents, w.aai tJ; spring clears. 24 2fO.S0: winter extras No. 1. 13.60 3 76; winter extras No. 2. U3M53.45; Kan sas straight, Hi74.46. Rye Hour, llrm; fair to good, t4.7i&4.S; choice to fancy, 25.0Ofi6.80. CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yellow, 81.40iSi.42Vi; ooarsa, 11.351.40; kiln tvnMi-epot market, steady: NO, 2 red, 9e elevator export basis and 8100 f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 northern Duluth, C174 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market waa easier on the denial that frosts had occurred In Argentina and the larce re ceipts ana weannesa in tne normwesi, but rallied on the declaration of war be tween Italy and Turkey, closing "icfiVe net nigner. neptemner cioseo De cember. 11.08 6-164il.04 6-16. closed 81.04 6-16; May closed 61.09. Receipts, du; snipmenta, u.843 bu. CORN Spot market, steady; No. ! corn, 76Hc elevator domestic basis to ar rive and 76c f. o. b. afloat export. Fu tures market was nominal. Receipts. 18,000 bu; shipments, 144,086 bu. oats epot market, steady. Futures market, nominal. Receipts. 76,250 bu. HA Y Steady : prime. 21.25: No. 1. 81.16a no. i, si.uii.io; r.o. a, stkorrsi.te. niuts- uuu; central America, vc 011 r.. J'll m LEATHER Steady; hemlock firsts, 24H f -'.c; seconas, iitoije; tniras, vtuwe. re ects. 16o. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess. 817.00 C17.M); family. 14.00; beef bams. 2.'9.60i$32.i). Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs., S11.25&12 50; pickled name, ii3.wQui.oo. Lra. ateady; middle west prime. .Ora.40; refined, steady; continent. 89.90; South America. 810.70 compound. 88 0CHft&26. TALLOW Steady, prime eitv. hhds.. W4&7c; country, H37c. rubuiKK-Aiive, unsettled; western spring chickens, 14c; fowls, .8Vkllc; tir keys. 15c: dressed, easy- western smina cnicKens, U'i4c; iowis, itxtfi o; spring lurnvya. aeieciea. aa: oinera. liaisa. n u 11 c. rt r i rm ; creamery Mpcolais. JSa; state oairy, imest. tuDS, 20 ; good to Sn me, isiiHc; laciory. current makes, rets, 2uXVtc CHEESE titeadr: stats whole milk sna- Clala 1414c: small colored, average fancv. Uhie: atate whole milk, daisies, beat. 16il 1614c; aklms. 12tl2Ho. s uu - r lrm; iresn gathered ex tras. 361.280; extra firsts. 23:&c; fresh gathered checks, prime, 3c; fair to good, llaltc; refrigerators, second, charges paid, 13 lc POULTRY"- Alive, ateady; western spring chickens, 14c; fowls, UV'fUSc; turkeys, lAc. Lireaeed, Irregular; western broilers, Ujlc, fowls. lufjiTc; spring turkeys, selected, t-c: others. Uftfjlfto. CHICAGO CRA1TV lD PROVI6(0?fS Featerca ef the Tradla aad Closing. Prleve oa Board et Trade, CHICAUi.), Sept. War declared by Italy against 'iurkey made a strong ac tive market today tor wheat. The close was Hoc to He higher than last night. Lateat trading left corn V off to Ho up, oata at lata So advance, and hog products varying Irom the same level aa twenty four hours before to Te gain. The theory ot those who bought wheat on account of the war newa was that the c ssh would be likely to disturb political affairs generally throughout Europe. Moat of the active speculators here were caught on the short side of the market when tr actual break between the two nations waa announced, and It was the sciambl of the unlucky dealers to jiei even that caused prices to bulge. Heavy receipts northwest, despite persistent wet weather, acted as a drug on the market. The bulla were also discouraged by de ntate of frost In the Argentine. All else was lost sight of whan It became certain that war was on. A decidedly nervous feeling was manifested at the close. Be tween the Initial and the final sales De cember ranged from r,o to 8S"c, with the net result &'c advance at fc"c The notion that It was dangerous to be on the short side took hold ot the com pit when the wheat market turned strong. December fluctuated from 63VsC to 63'S64c, and closed steady at 6344, a net loss of He. Cash grade were firm; No 2 yellow finished st fi84'$69c. Oats showed Independent strength. High and low levela reached by December were i'o and 47Hc. with the close c net higher at 4Tc The war newa and the grain strength controlled the outcome In provisions. In the end pork had risen Be to TV; lard was unchanged to 6c higher, and ribs up a shade, to 7c. quotctions on leaning products were: OMAHA UVBSIOCK MARKET Cattle Eeceipta Very Light and Prices Without Chans. II0GS SELL FIVE CE3TS HIGHER Sheep aad Leasee ef All Ktads la Very Light Receipt, While Prleee. Ceatlaae Aeeat Steady with Taareday, SOUTH OMAHA. ept , ini. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoe, tiheep. Official Mnndav IK c loni 4S O"0 Official Tuesday s.iKg t,nt bl.P Official Wednesday .. 6.$r0 6.&3 24.879 Official Thursday .... 8,634 6.3.V6 12.631 Estimate Friday 636 8291 7,268 Five days this week. 27 761 26.478 144.769 Same davs last week 047 24.S97 Same days 2 weeks ago.29,9.' 23.4.8 l.tS.oW Same days 8 weeks ago.2s.2tl li3,!7 l4'i.6-" Same days 4 weeks ago it),t!4 25.793 L9.:il8 Same daya last year..4i,4S 19.628 loi2 The following table -.iois the receipts of cattle, hoga and aheep at South Omaha tor the year to date, as compared with latit year: 191L IMG. Ino. Dec. Cattle 828,857 r4,08S 46,428 nogs 1.890,411 1,648.836 J41.67B .. Sheen Ln29.Shl 1.K34.770 4.781 .. The following 4able ahows the averaga prices ior nogs at south Omaha tor tn last several days, with comparisons: plr The better kinds ef feeder lambs landed around 88 16. tirlr ewes sold st and near 82. SO and other clessea of ' seconds' went at usual figure. Intra good feeder lamtis are closing as high aa IVJfHi-i.jo. and anything quotable below 86 Is not very respectable. According to packers' tab the four days' buy on country ac count amounts to 99 000 bead. As compared with a week aee nri for both fat and feeder stock sveraae anout eteauy. it anything feeder ewes are selling on s lltue higher basia th.n they ware at that time, but the remainder of the list ahows no cliangea of conse quence, despite the fact that receipts were heavier than expected. Quotations on sheep andiamha: l,mK. good to choice 6f.5OfTS.90; lambs, fair to fwa. o.afej.nu, mmm, cuna, 4.75 1&- lambs, feeders. 84.W; yearlings, good to choice. 4.AVi4.tu; yesrllngs, frner 841MH60; wethers, bandy. 8i.7fcn4 0O wethers, heavy, 83.e0JS3.. wthera feed. era Vi.J.cio; ewes, gooo to choice, 43 o 03. 76; ewea, 'air to good, I3.00cji.40; ewes. oreeaers. .U4 (v: ewes. leedera XI ikjrt Art. - . - - . 1 tLl OK w representative sales: No Av. pr. 6t Idaho feeder lamb 62 4 25 iiuyni not assocated with local packing Data 1911. 1910.1908.1908.1907. 1908. 1190S Sept 20. Bept. 21. Kept. 21 Sept. 23 Brpt. 84 Sept. 2i. Sept. 26. Sept. 27. Bept. 28! 6 14 Bept- 2y. 6 18 v; ( 63 I 611. 6 6fj 6 4? 6 srv 6 2i - 8 73 ! 8 171 ' 8 47 8 12 g 87 8 43 2 10 0 81 40, 8 12 8 441 8 16 I 8 161 6 77 6 75 67 8 461 8 441 8 15, 8 821 8 081 6 67! I 8 2 7 9i 6 65 5 7J1 061 S 89 6 84 1 6 12! 6 90 14 14 6 63 6 89 I 4 29 I 901 171 6 96 6 11 I 28 9,-l ti 13 a ai i 97 20 1 4 19 5 IW I 1 I U I 4 211 t 19 Artic lsiOpen. I Hlgh.l Low. IQosa Tes y Wh't I I Bept.lMTiWSBSM DeclW-TsI 9ST i M4.I 34 Hi98.j. May.l 0i 1 04il 0341 04V, 1 014, t SI S8 aH;63Si634l64 'Hi6M.5V Corn 1 l Sept. 68 1 6?H Dec. 6!6364 May. C5 65H Oats I I Sept. 46 441 Dec.. 47H!f 47 May. 60V4, 60 Pork Jan.. 14 97H IS 06 May. 14 924 15 074 Lard Sept. 15 9 17H Oct.. 9tm 8 15 Jan.. 8 82H85 8 SO Ribs Sept. 8 87H 8 S7H Oct.. 8 36 8 85 May. T 96 7 86 C6 45V iiHi to 14 87H 14 82 I 10 8 07m T7V4I 8 25HI B 26 8 72H8S I 46 4' 60i 15 05 15 06 17V4 9 15 8 90 8 32H; 8 35 7 96 45S 47 60 1$ 00 14 9744 9 12V4 8 85 8 87 T 87H 7 924 LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Bhlp yoar stock to Booth Omaha t say mileage and ahiinkage; your conslRnments receire prompt aad careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS By era Bros. 4k Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-88 Exchange Bldg. WANTim-PllM An farm . ,. years old. 6 4o. Bee. ' wim ins best possible references aa to character, mwujt nuu worn ill umana, Souui timahft or Council Bluffs. Will permanent. 1" also competent to till al- u. k ..j vuwuvu ,u mi ua or ooo a sioia U Uo, care Ba CO I .T .Vfi E man ttf wlrK wanu permanent poaltloa. Take diota- uuii, utw.ua, tiMiute urreaponaenca NO short hand. Address N. too. care Use. IfXPERI ITATKh vhlt l4 iK- altlon aj, f-tiMli i,r ra,nt Ar A v A after carnival. FUaae stale aalaiy wish to give. Addiaae O iwl, lea. colored girl. 22m7 Farnaiu. Harney ioi. WASHING, or cleanina for Thumi a. Friday. Web. 4201. COLORED lady wish ha nnaltlAn aaai. Webster lAUL 8TENOQRAPHHR with om- ai experience wanta position with chance for advancement; small salary to begin nn. auurh, s en, care juee. WANTED filtiiAtlne t rim.l.u ... perlenced atenographer; Remington oper ator; legal work preferred. H 8ok Re LADT wiahes DoslUon In a (WmAn Chrlatiaa borne with children, 2618 B. 3iin, GO OUT to Kourke Bark and root fnr Omaha. If A. H. Rawitaer, 110 N. 43d St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the ball gams at Rourke park. I.tvrrexl Grain Market. LIVERPOOL Sept- 29 WH BAT pot steady: No. 8 Manitoba. 8s Id; futures easy; October. 7s Jd, December, 7s 6d; March. 7s 4d. CORN Spot steady. American mixed. 4s; futures dull; October, 6e llVl; Marco, 6s 744. Great West. Com. Co.. Omaha A Denver. W. K. 6MJTH 4s SON Just handle sheep. W. F. DENNY 4t CO., 233 Exch. Bldg;. TAOO BROS, handle cattle, bogs', sheep. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Bldg. Donahue Randall Co., 202 Exch. Bldg. Clay. Robluaon at Co., 200 aocch. Bldg. The Standard Com. Co.. 116 Exch. Bld. W. R BMITH A BON Just handle sheep. Interstate Co. Better r&euita. Bhlp to us. BUKKK-RICKLY CO.. 201 Each. B.dg. L K. ROBERTS CU. 228 Each. B.dg. Allan Dudley dt Co.. 236-37 Exch. Bldg. Cox A Jonas Com. Co., bunch ot hustlers. Ralston A Fonda, live stock com. mer. Farmers L. 8. Com. Co., 209 Exchange Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock Tarda lsat'1 Bank. Only bank at yards. WINN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. LAVERTT BROS.. 128-40 Exch. Bldgt Paxtos-Eckman Chem. Co. at k remediea Martin Bros. A Co.. 202-T Exch. Bldg. Cash quotations were ss follows- FLOUR Steady : millers askln- htrh.p "inter patents, 94wB4 66: Straights, 3.6o(a4.95: best hard. t.0u,y?i: spring straights, 1.4064.60; bakers, 83.tg? 4 86. RYE N o. 1 9644J96C. BARLEY Feed or mixine. SOifH: fair iu cuoice maiung. si.luf'i.ZJ. SEEDS Timothy, 8I3.OiAtll4.75; clover. 214.00a 19.25. ' PROVISIONS Pork, mess, per bbl., 814. 76filo.00; lard. Der lu lbs . la ITU- ihnn ribs, sides, loose, 88.009.00; short clear sides, boxed. 68.iba.g7W Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 639.000 bu. Exports tor the weeks, aa shown by Bradstreefs, were equal to 8,165,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1,4.1. wo bu.. compared with 1.139,000 nu, tne correaDonmnv dav a vu, man The visible supply of wheat in the United astimatea receipts tor tomorrow: wheat 4tk cars; corn, m cars; oata, 124 cars; hogs, 9,000 head. imcao taii Prices Wheat. No. 2 red iikc; No. 8 red, MWoc; No. 2 hard winter, 81.00a.l.04; No. 8 hard winter, 67c 21.03; No. 1 northern anrin II fwi it- No. 8 northern spring, 81,07(21.11; No. J ?,Jffifri! PrlnK' 8l.06dj.iaO; No. 2 spring, 8102I&1.08; No. 2 spring. 81.0i'ol.08; No. 4 funs, viv;iyiuc; velvet cnati, wcAjl.tn; durum, 96cj,81.03. Corn: No. 1 68469c; No. 8 whlU, 6464c; No. 2 yellow, 684 frfl&o; No. 8, 67i$6iiVc; No. 8 white, 69 694c; No. 8 yellow, 684j9c; No. 4. 674 ..?; wmie, bo; no. 4 yellow, 6.4w68Uo. Oata: Kn a white nuvuSLO-. No. 8. 464c; No. 8 white, 4644(3474c; Ne. 4 "Hticj atanaara, iiwwc. Kye: ii u. e, rtv-nmc. parley: 7cbxi.zfi. Tim othy; 118 0.HS14 75. Cloves: ll4.0ftl K BUTTER Firm; creameries, 22iS27c; dairies, 2o25c. EGOS Steady; receipts, 6,080 cases; at mark, caaes Included, 1518c; firsts, 19c; CHEESE Steadvf 4aIaIa 11a- 18H9l34c; young Americas, Ho; long horns, 14e. POTATOES Firm: choice to fancy, 6.V8 7tV as let n avjuu aWAO. POULTRT-Easy; turkeys. 16c; chick ens, 10c; springs, 11c. VEAL Steady; 60 to 60-lb. wta. 8e; 60 to 86-lb. wts., 9410Hc; 86 to 110-lb. wts., 11c. Dally movement of produce: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. floor, bbls 20.400 23.900 Wheat, bu 61.200 98,700 v-orn, du 119.000 Oats, bu 252.000 218,000 Rye. bu 8,600 8,700 Barley, bu 138.008 22,900 tar lot Receipts Wheat. 86 cars, with 9 Of contract grade; corn, 278 cars, with 72 of contrsct grade; oata, 148 ears. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago. Minne apolis and Duluth today were 1,062 cars, compared with 641 cars last week and 674 ears the corresponding day a year ago. At. T.oals General Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 29-WHEAT-Cah: firm: track. No. 2 red. 98flOM4e: No. t nard, 1.031.10; December, 9s'4c; May, CORN Steady: track No. 2. 6SV4.c: No. t white, 7071o ; December, 62tc; May, ATS Weak: track No. 2. 4Uc: No. 8 white, 47474c; December, 47sc47;; May. 48'iQnOe. R TrJ unchanged, 99e. a FLOUR Firm: red winter natents. 14 40 Q4.80; extra fancy and straight, 84.00(34 35; hard winter clears. 83.20tft3.M. LUItftWtAL WW. B RAN Firm : sacked, east track. 11.13 frl.17. HAT Firm: timothy. tSO.OOSaOO; prai rie. 8120W16.00. PROVISIONS Pork. higher: mime steam, 89.20f9.3a. Dry sale meats, un changed: boxed extra shorts, 89.00- clear ribs, 89.00; short clears. 89.124. Baoon, unchanged: boxed extra shorta. 210.00: clenr ribs. tlO.Ou; short clears, 810.12U. POULTRY blow; chickens, 9c: springs, 10,c; turkeys, 144a lc; ducks, 12c; geese. 8c. BUTTER Higher: creamery, 2lQS7c. EGGS Higher. 20a RjiCelntN fihlnments Flour, bbla 9,000 10,000 Wheat, bu. 27 ti00 25.000 Corn, bu 62.000 27.000 Oats, DU , 71.000 87,000 Kansas City Grata aad Prervlsioas. KANSAS CITY. BeDt. M. WHEAT Caeh. unchanged; No. 8 hard, tl.02ioL08; No. 8. tbo&U.Ob; No. t red, tWq'jc; No. i. 949So; December. 08Va99c; May, 81.034 91.034. CORN Steady; No. 8 mixed. 67c; No. 3, 6io; No. 2 white, 67o; No. 2, 074c; December. 614b14c; May. 6J!4fto4c. OATb Steady; No. 1 white. 46Ha47Vc: I . No. 2 mixed. 464r46c. u. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 818 7' 1900; choice prairie. 812. 5u& 13.00. BUTTER Creamery, 254c firsts, 23'v seconds, 214o; packing stock, 174c. EOUft Exuas, 24c; firsu. 'juc: so onds, 184c. Racelpta Ehipment Wheat bu 60,0u 77.0 Corn, bu 11,000 37. Cv. Oata, bu 2,0u0 13,0. Receipts and disposition ot live stock a the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for iweniy-iour hours ending at 2 p. m. y terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattls.Hogs.Shp.HTS, ... m. at et. f i Wsbash 1 Union Pacific 10 12 C. ds N. W. (eist).... 1 3 C. & N. W. (west).... 7 11 C. St. P., M. A O.... 1 3 C, B. A Q. (east) 3 C, B. & Q. (westK... 11 U C. R. I. & P. (east).. .. 4 Illinois Central 1 C, G. W 1 1 Total receipts 21 52 DISPOSITION HEAD. rt umaha Packing Co.... 18 swiit A Co 246 Cudahy Packing Co.. 243 Armour A Co 66 Murphy U9 Cudahy from country .... Cudahy from Denver.. 75 Hill A Son 7 F. B. Lewis 4 J. H. Bulla 14 L. F. Huss 19 McCreary & Carey 104 8. Werthelmer 110 Other buyers SOI Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1.271 376 1.494 639 1,254 i.466 6,914 0tSlS 1,197 8,201 11,607 Ca1il There wna t.iA ncuui l.Vi,... buBiuees in cattle this morning ana ui market was in about the same conamoi. as usual on a Friday. In fact, there was jiy nine in tne way of news or inter esting teatures worthy of comment. A. told only thirty cars were reported 11 wuiun waa not enouun to make a marke or excite any great interest. Bull there w . r "e"i-na ior this late In tin weea ana what few cattle were offeree sold In tair season. The trade, as might -aj'-wixi unaer sucn circumstances was aiow and unmtAr..iir.ff - ,,.,,.1 . Friday and Drioes ihni.n A,m rt M.iu.li little change In either direction. There uvuuui caoice to make a top on tht market. Wiiotatlons on native cattle: Good to eteers, ii.zagTi.so; fair to goou "m "-. common to tail f.Ler"' -"a i; good to choice helf -wie.ie; good to choice cows, 24.&1 -.w, .0,1 w gooa cows, sa.76ak4.W; com K?n,alr cow' 82.753.76; veal calves, wuotations on range cattle: Good to i"v,i"- et-ere, sn.euse.Mi; I air to good beef steers. 85.00i5.0;. common to fair " -1T' -,.fu' 0 x gooo to choice .1 TiJ r'.A f "; gooa to choice cows 14.40015.10: fair to Biwt m. HTuim l2 fnolc 'tockera and feeders. S5.0-' &S.76: fair to wnmt ui,.r, . n 84.26.00: eommon to fair stockers and . . . -. i" ; etocKer heirers. 83.254 4.40: bulls, stags, etc.. 83.Z&S6.00. nepreaentauve aales: COWS. At. ft. Nix 703 I 84 4 .171 I 10 41 . 134 I 10 I .1010 t bl t . 1t I 66 t . M I 4 . i.liIF.KS . (IS 2 00 10 . 460 t 40 U . too n OALVES. .140 4 00 I . no 4 no 11 . 46 4 14 4 . 810 4 60 1 IK biUi AND FJBEDt... f 0 I W IS 171 4 24 1 460 A is uUuo-ohh in the Hog aiua Cia..iie. an Inning, long overdue, and managed t elevate the trade about a nickel, a sem," lamine supply and more favorable cond, Uons elsewhere were the main reasons fo Ue reaction. Only fifty-two loads wer received and average quality showed pe haps a little iniDrovemant nv c'Pts, ths proportion of medium weigh ""'"a. oiuewnai larger man usua. Demand from all nuinn ,a r.;.n, of tone and while trade at no time w -ry runra, me movement scalewai proved fairly aoUve. All rum. cleared shortly after 10 o'clock. ouiit aoia at two or three prices 1 phase of the market which has almot become permanent, and there w. . or no discrimination shown In ssles of 01 dlnary offerings. Larger drovea wei La oomrjared with . terday'a average coat of 86 14. and the be' hacon animals on sale made a top 1 Business In shlrmlna hn . Uncertain appearance and comDeiiti, from this quarter had no visible Infl ence upon the market In general. On' six or seven loads were purchased buyeda not asaociated with local pack.'r concerns. Representative sales: We. At. k. rr. Ne. At. Sta . 63 Ill 120 4 114 U tit 140 A la Ko. U u i.'.'.'.'.'.'. T.. t.. At. Pr. ..940 IK .. 010 4 00 ..1040 4 00 ..104 4 00 ..lmxi 4 10 ..1037 4 16 .. 4l 4 X) ..6.4 4 00 tt 4 76 Ml 4 71 ISO 4 15 IN IK 44.... 61.... 41 10.... It 14 40... 46 14 44 ... 46 Kl ... 44..... W ... M W... 11.. II.. 14.. 66.. 77.. U.. ta.. M.. 41.. . iJ4 140 I U ..S( W 4 16 ..3 ... 4 15 ... 1 16 . 4 1M 4 16 .130 ... 4 16 ..126 10 4 16 .. ... 4 16 ..ill 1.0 4 16 . 1J4 40 4 16 tM 60 4 16 .. 4 16 .. 4 15 10 4 16 .. I 16 ... 6 J'v CO. . 76.. U .2(0 66 171 49 ii7 ....114 ....161 ....171 ....26 ...IKS ....176 ....2H0 160 6 1 ....Ut ... 4 17 ...it 40 4 17 ....446 10 4 II', ....141 M II' ...InO M 4 17 ... ;so ... 4 110 4 1 ,...770 ... 4 tm ....! ... 4 174 ... til lee 4 to 17 160 6 M 71.. 17... HI.. 2... bt... M... tt... . 140 30 IIS loo I 10 .. I 3j ., 4 20 . 4 10 ... i:? u lit to in ....Ji ...it ....147 ...270 ...j:7 ....14 Ml 40... 41... 14... (3... 71... f ... 11... te... 16... 71... 63... ...SM ...IN ...HIT ...127 .. 234 ...174 ...lwl 73 343 4 10 U IK .. 4 to 40 4 10 3l 164 4 to .334 ... tn .327 140 4 M .1X4 M lit 2J1 60 I la 0 I to .. 4 36 30 4 25 ... 4 tl ... 4 M ... 4 16 ... 4 26 r.. k U .. ie 40 4 H Alex Q. Buchanan A Son. 154-54 Ex. Bid g OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET WEEKS GRAIN CO.. grain merchants, consignments solicited. "l4 lirandela THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. Consign ments carefully handled. Omaha, Neb. MERRIAM COMMISSION CO man w ho haa tried ua." "Ask the Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. 764 Brandeia CAVERS ELEVATOR CO., wholesale d-vlera la grain, Bay, ettag. feed, til braxMeis Uda. Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH, Sept. 29-WHEAT-No 1 hard, 21.09H: No. 1 northern, 81. 084,: No. 2 northern. 21.04fcQ1.0fH: No. 8. a.OOj 1 4TH; September. 8108 bid; December. H. Ob-Si asked; May, 8J. bid. Omaha Prodare Market. BUTTER Creamery, I4c; pacgags stock, ltWc. EGOH-Ko. 1. lHc; No. 2. 13c. POULTRT Broilers, 12c; sprlnga c; bens. S'ic, roosters. 6c- ducks 10c; geese, 8c Baalf Clearlssa OMAHA. Bept. IS Bank clearings for today were 4a,&.1.2t.S4 end for the eorre apoadlaa day last year, IA41A0M.4S. SHEEP Measured by recent sheep and lamo maraets today's trade was a small enair, oniy 7.ttii head ahowmg up. It was largo enough to fill out a five days' total, however, that easily exceeds the entire receipts lent week. Since lsst Sun day something like 144.0"0 bead of stock arrived, aa compared with th previous week's marketing of 13t,0u0 head. I'rtaii oieiiHA had much tne aame character and variety as usual, the buik consisting of lambs In feeder flesh. A few gooU fat classes were available, but It required ths use of the sorting gate to Eut anything in thia Una In selling form, tr sight shipments, suited to the packing demand, were rare exceptions. Demand for finished stock proved healthy, fairly sctlve and reasonably broad, steady prices buying strings that changed hands early. Desirable fat lambs moved around to.505.5, denoting a 25. Du limit for some thing fancy, while the few decent fat wethers snd ewes on sale drew fuiij steady bids and sold readily. In feeders the general situation re mained unchanged. Attendance of coun try buyera proved light, but there aeemed to be plenty ot order In yard brokers' aejMls te meet the requirements at aui-, 153 Nevada feeder lambs l'C Idaho ewes 644 Idaho lambs Nevada lambs 699 Wyoming feeder wethers 6M Utah lambs 58 124 72 49 80 6 4 25 3 75 6 90 6 40 4 80 860 CHICAGO L1V8B STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle aad 8heep alow -Hogs ateady. CHICAGO. Pept. 29 CATTLE Receipts, ,wu neaa; market slow and wesk; beeves. M..o.uS io. lexaa steera, 44.30Q4.0U; western Fteers, 64.267.tiO; stockers and feeders. 430.65; cows and heifers, 82.006.20; caives, 6D.uivii.su. HOGS Receipt s, 1S.O0O head; market steaoy; light, gS.10ilJ.75; mixed, StfO&SS.SO; heavy. 86.S04ii.70; rough. I6.8uuid.06: aood 10 choice heavy, 8 06i4j.70; pigs. 84.00i6.15; bulk of sales. 3fi.l0Q.66. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6.000 nesa; marxet stow, weak; native, 81.2M 4.00; western 2.75fJ4.10; yearlings. 8S.85iS 4.011; nauve iiiddi, 4wwfeo; western 4.60(ff.00. Kansas City Live Stock Market; KANSAS CITY. Kent. 'A rATTI.K. Receipts, 2.000 head. Including 600 south erns; market steady; drensed beef and export steers. 40-.64(7.85; fair to good 6.to6.75; western steers, 83.fKnS7.20; stock' ers and feeders. 83.50ii7i.0O; southern neers. 3.fl0f6.50; southern cows, 83.004.50; native cowk, j.75,5.0O; nstive heifers. 4(.y".00; bulls, 83.26$j4.50; calves, 84.00ig 7.25. HOGS-Receipts. 4.500 head; market steady to 5c hlnher: bulk of sales. td.2Vfi 8 40; heavy. 86.25a"iS.40; packers and butch ers. 66.3ufe.4a; llghU, 46.-i45.46, plga. 84.60 go-iv, SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reeelpta, 2,000 nean; market steady; lambs, 84. go. 15; yearlings, 84.00&4.S6: wethers. 83.4tXa4.20L ewes. 63.as4.00; stockers and feeders. 82 (o 4..l. t. Loala Lire Stock Market ST. LOL IS, Sept. !9.-CAT TLB Receipts were s.auu head, including 76u Texans; market ateady, 7H,2T10c higher; native shipping and export steers. 88.75V33.I6: dressed beef and butcher steers, Jo.lStfj. i.OO; steers under 1.000 pounds, 84.0047.00; stockers and feeders, 83.0Ojj5.O0; cows and heifers, 83.00&'7.5O; canners, 8l.0XKy3.6O;, bulls, 82-75b5.2o; calves, 1.003.00; Texss and Indian steers, 84.00ti.2o; cows and heifers, 83.0OJS7.60. HOGS Receipts, 9.800 head; market 6 10c higher; pigs and lights, 84.00(460; packers, 40g5.65; butchers and best neavy, 8.4&.t5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.409 head; market a shade lower; native mut tons, 83.S54.00; lambs. 84.005j3.00; culls and bucks, 81.253.60; stockers, 81.50t7J3.00 Bt. Joseph Llye Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Sept. 29. CATTLE Receipts, 70u head; market steady; steers, calves, 83.75gS.00. tttMty Keceipts, 8,000 head: market 6c higher; top, tti.46; buik of ssles. 66. &)( 35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt b, i, suO head; market steady; lambs, 26.uu.00. I Stock In Meat. Receipts ef live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: uattie. Hons. Sheep. , & 8.i0 7 200 too 1,000 2,000 4.600 2,300 9.800 ,2.000 16.000 5outh Omaha St. Joseph ... Kansas City . St. Louis .... Chicago Totals .8,835 36.600 18,400 Metal Market. NEW TORK. Seot. 24 MtTTALK Standard copper, quiet; spot, September, October, November and December, ill.oO winuoo maraet, Iirm; spot Jvj 12s 3d; futures 65 17s Id. Arrivals n. ported at New Tork today, 300 tons. Cus tom nouse rsturns show exports ot 24,008 tons so fur thia mnntli. IaIta aaatw. 4l2.60( 12.624; electrolytic, 2112oa.l2.27Vj and oasting 4i:i.0O4i-U3.25. Tin, quiet; apot and September. 816ir39.75: October. 39.krfi 3.tw; Nov. 836. 761a 3U.50; December. 38.Oii iVJt. London market, easy; spot, 176 16s; luiurea, aits in. Laa, quiet, 44.4o4.65 Saw York: 43.31.36 East Bu Louis. Lon Jon 16. bpelter, Irregular, 85.90a1.00 New 1 01k. 46.0od.26 East St. Louis. London, 17 16s. Antimony, dull; Cookson's 6A.25 3H.27H. Iron. Cleveland warrants. 44s in i-ondon. Locally Iron was quiet; No. 1 .oundry northern, 16.23'l.&0. No. 2, 416.00 gl5.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 south in soil, iio.uuuiA.ou. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 29. METALS Lead, Irmer, et 44,35. Spelter, quiet, at 86.80. Nlnnespolli Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 29. WHEAT eptember, 21-0&H; December, 81.06'i; May, 1. 12-4; No. 1 hard, 21. 09; No. 1 northern. l.Ol.OS'; No. 2 northern, fl.041.0D; ,0. 3, 99'cgjl.(B. FLAX-22.31. BARLEY 75c81.18. CORN-No. 8 yellow, "Ac. OATS No. 8 white, 45(46Wo. KYE No. 2, 91c. B RA N 821 6O.22.00. FLOUR First patents, 85.20tfJ.49; second jatents, 84 9)6 :; first clears, 88.8Cxfi415; econd clears, 42.90373.10. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. Sept. 29.-DRT GOODS he cotton goods market Is quiet and eady with prices somewhst easier on ilnt cloth yarns fabrics. Local wool arkets are quiet. The yarn markets rk snap, but Inquiries are fair. Job em report a better forward trade In en fabrics and white goods for spring fcllvery. NEW YORK JTOGK MARKET Normal Recovery in rrices Con tinues During Iay' Trading. WAE CAUSES SOME REACTION Poaltloa ef Thia Country at Time t Crisis tn Esropr Considered l'n- snelly Favorable by Inter national Bankers. NEW TORK. 6ept. 29 -The normal re covery In prices on the stock exchsnge which chsraeterlsed yesterday s opera tions was continued through the eerly part of today s trsdlng. The extensive short Intereat was the pivot sround which the market revolved, the covering movement by that element constituting the most Important factor Dec'.arstlon of war by Italy uga.nat Turkey later brought about a reaction.. To all appearances the Street chose te Ignore the adverse conditions which con fronted the market st the opening. In London quotations ot American stocks ware depresttd In some cases ss much aa two pointa. Kerun reported ths sus pension of s comparatively unimportant financial institution. Domestic conditlona which prompted the recent heavy liqui dation were not improved, in tne face of these Influences the market rose vig orously e.,.in attar the open.ng. I mted States ble I touched Its h.gh point of the week at 61 it was apparent that this seeming Iv artlticial movement was due to the isct that the ahoit intereat had been ovei extn.ded during the heavy aelllng early .n the week, burtace con ditions indicsted that tne enormous In terest which nared Itself on the decline beginning hi midsummer hsd been largely fiut to rout, although fi'om all accounts t remains unuvually large. Italy s dec;: ut.ou ot war heightened the unfavorable etfect ot the foreign in fluence. In the isuer pan of the day the market sagKeU and gains of 1 to 8 pointa were lost. The close found some losses on the day's operations, although net changes in mobt cases were only nominal. The position of this country at this time ot crisis In Europexn politics wee described by International bankers as un usually favorable. For the first time in many years It waa said, the beginning of a war in Europe tound money rates here easy, so that New York is in a posi tion to enlarge its credits abroad. There was further borrowing here today by Berlin, and It was presumed thst war between Turkey and Italy would result In continued tiansiers of funds to Europe. Recently Italy has been drawing down its balances In London snd also has been taking some money from this country. Demand sterling ratea fell 20 points to day. Trading In American Tobacco se curities was continued on a large scale. The 4 per cent bonds weakened early In ths day, owing to a report that the plan tor reorganization of the company pro vided for retirement of this issue at 90 instead of at par. The preferred stock rose nearly three points. On the "curb'' the common stock hounded 14 points. Of a number of railroads whose August reports were submitted today, Canadian Pacific was the .only large system to show material increase in net earninss. Curiously enough, Canadian Pacific was the weakest stock among the railroad Issues. Reading, Erie and Rock Island reported smaller clearings. There waa further activity In the bond market. Some of the speculative lsauea were pushed up at a lively rate early In the day, but reacted sharply with a final upturn before the close. The total aales bonds, par value. 3.4A),0O0. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and loading quotations on stocks were as tollo'vs: tries. Hlrh. Lev. Close. AIIU-Chalinrs pfd AmAlsmatil Cnpper .. AmerUAD Agricultural . Am Baot Busir AroencAS Can Amerlcsn C. a- F Am. Cotton Oil AmeiirAD H. A U Dt4. . Am. Ice 8A.urttl4 AmiicAB LlnaeeO Amerlcsa Looomotlve .. Amsrlcso S. A R Am. S A R. pM Am. SteAl Foundries.... Am. Sugar Ktlnlng 14,100 4914 48 l.M 100 fre 104 100 14.700 61 46 36 42 t 6044 48 V, 4 14 414 14 46 60 Mj 4 43 47 ' 11 17 46 94 4144 oo 10014 loo'i ino iuo u . J4 zi 114 ADMricAn T A- T. Al-dlv 1.600 MS 1S24A U2H. - .-. iz - too it . tl' li.. t.ee 103 101 ifj' 400 ioa4 ini 14 io2a ' 00 in in uo 4.0U0 4 OSUj 04 400 M n ni t.4n0 73-, 73U, 7i4 14.400 J?f4 t4 100 u 4,400 71V 'Lioo 'ii" 14. 400 104 "ioo m" II Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Sept. 29.-OOTTON-Spot osid quiet, 5 pointa lower; middling up ndft, 10.40c; middling gulf, 10.65c; sajes. 0) bales. i''i:tures closed steady; October, 10.15c 5 'ember, lu.lfic: December, 10.30c; Jan iiy, 10.25c; February, l0.2t'c; March .ic; April, 10 42c; May. 10.64:; Jul)', Amerloa Tobacco pfd AmericAQ woolen Anioonds MlDlng Ce... Atchloa AtcbUos pf4 AtiABtis coast use.... Bsltlmore A Ohio Bblhm StsW Brooklrn Rapid Tr CaaAdlaa rtclfle Csstral L4thr Ontrsl Lether pfd ... Central ot New Jersey. CThMApAAK tt onio... Chtcaso A Altos OiIcaso a. W., BAV... CblcAco O. W. pfd Chicago A N. W (-bingo, tl. A Bt P.. C.. C. C. A St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Boutaera... ConaolldAted Gaa Corn Products Delaware A- Hudaon Deavar 4 Rio Orande.., Denrer A R. O. pfd.... Dlatlllara' Saeurttles ... Brie Erie let pfd Erie id ptd General Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore stts. llllnola Central laterborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harvester. Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump ... lows Central Kaoaas City So K C. So. pfd ei-dlT... Laeiede oaa Lonlerllle A Nae&Tllle.. 2.000 140(4 140 Minn. A St. Louie M , it. P. A 8. 8. U Mlaaourl. K. A T too, 2H 21 M . K. A T. pfd loo 46 44 Mleeourl Pacific l.Km M41 s. National Blacult 600 ltt, HSU 1!4 National Ivead 104 . 44 4'i 44U pr. K. K. of m m pra i New York Central , l.soo 1024, 1014, l"! tl 170 70V T0V4j 14 1744 II 44 141 107 104 41 44 lIUj 44 1,600 1S344 12 132Vt 100 114 114 114 Ino 161 H lllUj 141 inn U 131 t 100 47 47 47 9i 1Uj 41H 111 l.eno M to 214 . 1.700 60 4U, 44 101 404, 40 44 4.400 ISO14 147 141 1.200 12.1S 13 12114 400 41 46 44 W 1.S00 14 14 14 600 41 41 41 600 101 100 100 100 14 14 14 200 27 27 100 41 41 tilt II 31 tot la?1 i 126 II 64 I as ports at New York. NEW YORK. eDt. 29 Imnorts of mer handise and dry gooda at the port ot nv inra ror tne weea ena tir Heriremrjer 23 were valued at tl9.618.796. Imoorta ot specie, i-Ai4t uuver and UUfJ.au gold E x -lis 01 specie (.r the week were I901,&A ivoi- ana ii..tm. gold. Mllwaakee Grain Market MILWAUKEE, Bept. 29 WHEAT No. northern. 41iiOWiil.il: No. 2 northern. Jl Owil.tiiHa; No. 2 hard wlnur. 97ci41,Og; iacmnper, mc; luty, 11 1. ua 1 o-Duuiudig, a. nnf-wc uAiUKY Malting, ti.ULlX Omaha Produce Market. UTTTER Creamery, 2Mc; packing ock, l&c. G03-NO. 1. l!He; Ne. 1 13c r'uL'LTRy-Broilers, llc; springs, 9c; ..ustsrs ic; hens, 10c; geese, to. Peoria Market. PEORIA, fcept. 29.-CORN Unchanaad No 2 yellow, e'c; No. 2 yellow, oSWo: HO. A iiiizhu, n-rrgv, iiv gragi, ojc. OATs Unchanged; standard, 4oc. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, Bept. .-HAY-No. J. HJOO; o. I. ail-ttO; coarao, 410. uu; pawklng nock. fY'iVjG. alfalfa. 213.00. Btraw: V'hut I 6rKe.O0: rye and oata, 6.00. Oils aad Rosla. SAVANNAH. Bept. 29 -TURPENTINE Klrm oOaC. ROSIN Firm. F. O.. to.30i4.26. Wool Market. 8T. IjOUIS Bept. 29 WOOL Wbl--r errltory and western mediums. 17 ft 2b- flee laedluma, 17(le; tine, 11 lie N T.. O w Norfolk A Westers... North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P . O , C. Rt. U... Plttenurgh Coal Preaard 6tel Cmr Pullman Palace Cr... Hallway Slel Spring-. Reeding Republic Steel Republla Ste pfd RorS Ulanl Ce Rnek lland Co. pfd.. St. U S K 2d pfd. St. Louia 8. W St. Iuie 8. W. pfd... Bloaa-Sheffleld 8 I. Southern Pai-lftc Southern hallway Southern Railway pfd. Tenneeeee Copper Taaae A Parlflc T . St. L. A W T . St. L A W , ei-dl. rnloa Paclfie I'nlon Pacific pfd t'nlted stAtea kaltr . United Stetea Viubber. t'nlted States Steel V. S. Steel ptd t'Uh Ccrper Va -Carolina Chemical Wehieb Wabeah pfd Wealern Maryland .... w eettnghouee Elertrle Weatern Union Wheeling A L. E .... lhigh valler ino las 1144 tl 1,600 102 101 10 100 41 16 46 4,400 114 113 111 M0 1 ao X 4.000 111 111 118 l"i It 17 17 H 164 17 104 000 U4 177 1X4 6O0 11 23 12 O0 66 1.800 14 600 44 400 11 10 6O0 104 i.4 a too too 1110 100 eio 44 XH l 11 41 111 100 160 400 tc 100 M . t.te l .151400 41 . t 40 HO . 1.000 41 . 1.10 4c . 1.6O0 10 . l.ioo 11 too 61 100 61 4o0 74 16 14 13 11 44 44 II tl JO 41 II 10(1', 107 S 14 II II II ta 40 41 lf.S 1M "a, so Si! 44 66 101 r 11 40 104 40 46 to 10 10 10 49 61 41 41 71 11 tt4 10 too 15 164 161 TotAl salsa tor the day. 717.600 eharea. Boston Mlnlna stoeks, BOSTON, Sept. 29 Closing quotations en stocks todsy: ... M Mohawk . . . 4T Nevada Can ... 1 'Nipteeing Mines 44 North Butte M. 4 North Lake ...II Old Dominion ... . . . 4 Oeraola ...n Parrott 8. A O... ... I Quince 4W BhannoB 6 buperlor 4 '4 Superior A B 1 Taniaratk . . 27 f S I It. A M Allouas Amet Copper. A Z U A 8 Arltona Cob). . B C CAS Butte Oatttloa .. Cel Arieena... Cat A Herla 4atanntal t op Rang C. f. taet Bulla C. U. Pranklla Otrous Cob Orenbr Coa Oreena Caaaaes lata ftorale Copper Kerr Mke Lege Copper Ia Salle Copper.., Miami Oopper .... as-fta. . II . "4 w :iK . 61 . 71 24 B. M . 1 1.. ai4 do pfd 11 t'tah Cob 4tt t.li Cbmmar Cto wineea g lWalTertae II Americas Telepaoas (j Telegraph Co, A dividend of Two Dollars per share will be paid on Monday, October 14. tin. tc stockholders of record at the close of business oa Saturday, September to. lilt WILLIAM R. PtuvER, Treasurer.