Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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MUcellanenn oatlnard
LADIF W hilvo good' positions wait
ing if you will lesrn hlrdrHn; with
Hirminn irmiiiinl hair wave; no
, competition; big money. Manicuring,
' facial, electrolysis ami chiropody
teucht. Writ today. College, Chi
caso. III.
4!0. III.
WANTEt)-Trinifr atria, tock arlrla
and rath girl, mum be ii year of ace
or over. Apply 8uperlntondnt Branduia
lore a.
YOUNG ladles to wait on table at
nila fountain In Pompelan room. Apply
It. c. rneips, urandls fitore
V FVFRY tiersnn Itnnvt wtiA Tl J
O'Brien I because he ha made Omaha
femous with hi csndv. If Mr. Kata
llsyd.n. 2!fl Martha St., wWl com to
The Be office within three day w will
give her an order for a to-cent box of
O'Brien's randy free.
Asreats. Saleamrsi anil solicitor.
VrV Why work for was; when you
uj-jil CBn m,k, frorn ;j to Huo a week
selling the New Er Hop Machine;
Make stronger and better ropa out of
binding twine at lees than H th prlc
you can buy It for at the. store. Omaha
Sale and Supply t o.. Hole Agent "M
Brandels Theater BIU(., Omaha. Neb.
Money maker for agent. 807 Brandel.
WANTED A good subscription ollol.
V for city work. The I)ally Nonpareil,
ounou uiutis, la,
MEN TO BOLICIT-Oood pay. experi
ence not neceary. 6J 8. li.lh St
AN answer to th. ad will make vou
money. Rartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk..
Omaha, Neb.
Biggest and best 10c meals. 1310 Dodge,
TWO energetic salesman for city and
road work, halury or commisFlon. Mr.
Knox, 1014 St Mary's Ave.
Omaha School of Law. Evening: ses
sions only. Further Information, address
Secretary, 701 Om. Nat. Bank. Tel. Doug
las mi.
WANTED Ambitious, energetic men,
axe 24 to 3.1, of good appearance and fair
education, to represent established busl
V. ness; position permanent for rluht men.
Apply 10 to H and 2 to 6, 11. C. McLeod.
212 ilenhaw Hotel.
CITY saleame.i. W. A. Hlxenbaugh A
Co., 1814 tit. Mary's Ave., Tel. D. 8297.
FOUR collectors and salesmen; good
salary to parties who can furnish refer
ences and 200 cash bond. T 306. Bee.
WANTED Experienced young man for
iruit ann vegetable department. Apply
si. once, uennett.
WANTED Several trustworthy boys;
good wag. W. U. Tel. Co., S13 8. ISth St.
HOY with wheel wanted; good pay and
suauy worn. 2907 Leavenworth.
TRANSFER boys and cash boys, must
be 10 years or age or over. Apply Hu
peruitondent lirandels Stores.
HOY wanted, between 18 and 18. Brown
jewelry Ptore.
Clerical and Office.
BOOKKEEPER for first-class whole
Sale house. Don't reply unless you are
competent and experienced. J. 308, Bee,
"CANO" High grad positions. 900 Be.
WANTED Experienced dress goods
salesman at once. Apply Superintendent
iiranaois Btores,
Kuctory and Trades.
Drug stores (snaps) Jobs. Knlest, Bee b'g.
WANTED At once, a first-class shoe
maker to do repair work In shop con
nected with shoe store. Want no nmn
that use Intoxicating liquor. Steady
work year around. Johnson Bros., York,
Neb.' "
WANTED First-class watchmaker. Ap
ply (Superintendent uranaeis btores.
FIRST-CLASS pressors wanted. 1818
Harney bt
WANTED First class nrescrlnrlnn
flterk. Apply In own handwriting stating
' experience and names of former employ-
:' ers. Sherman as MoCounell Drug Co.,
win ana uoage.
LABORERS wanted; also good mortar
jeicpnune wo., ueiwecn loin ana itfin on
V ..I.. .
WANTED Men to prepare for automo
bile business, largest and beat equipped
shops. Nat 1 Auto Training Ass n, Omaha.
WANTED Window trimmer and card
Writer. Town of I.S00. Smitu-Hullln-An-
Otiisous Co., Wahoo, Neb.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Western Uarber institute, ituj Dodge.
learu barber trade. Tuition, lis. SuS 8. Lith.
Ant i." u , 1 1 r I ! a . i it
S Murine corps, between tho age of It
and a&. Must be native born or have first
impel. Kiuniuiy P ta iv u Aaai
Ing, quuiters and medical attendance free.
Alter i years' service can retire with 76
per cent of pay and allowances. Service
on board slnp and ashore in all parts of
me wuriu. Ai'i'iy m tj. o, marine corps
Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Collector; good future for
rifittl party, can at tos uniaha Nat. bank.
WANTED for U. S Army-Able-bodied
nni.rri.i an ii, between ages ut Is and
' J"; citisens of United States, of good
cuaracter and temperate habits, who can
surak. read and write the 1-iitlUh lan-
guagu. Fur information apply to He-
cri.Hi.ig utiicer. urn ana uuuglae Bts.,
uiiiHUM, reu.; uui in ct., dioux City, la..
iu i. iva cl, urana isiana.
EAKN l?5 to 150 per weak. Position.
w weeaa completes. ureal demand
rite at once. tti catuluKue. aui
ncnooi ui bi. iouis. iiui fmt St., ut.
1VU1B, AiO.
WANTED Younn men to Warn the bar
Lei' trail; comm.sslon paid tor bringlni
luauiis. Darners niSKe more monev nnji
than ever before on account of the many
aimed money making facilities; our Course
au yr of appi enllcNihlp; giaduatas
oome to u for help; places on train
steamships, of ike bulid.iiKs, private bar-
litis ana vmeis, pomuoiis always waiting'
no dull staoii; call or write for cataloua
11. , ...! ,11, O ...
WUItl N.I I'll Ul.VfcV. 41V O. l.ill bt.
WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerk
In government offlcrs at Wellington-
Omaha, Neb., examinations during Mvu.
. . . .. ..... i. . , -
icinvvi , f-t wiuiiiii, .iiiiuii vacations
tnourands of appointments commit: fan
d dates coociieu free. Franklin Institute,
ii l. 4B 11, in imivr, il. 2.
FUl ND raumess Cleaning works;
hub e.Cttill i rwry, uw.'. Jl Q. xotn. Li. S94.
I 1:Ti1 SCHOllLllMllli vro
erninrp r,.i... .t.T
cuii'ivjiiiviu Asruojr-itotel
v-tu, o i neip. iuiv davenport.
V ANTED jood porter, la. Farnara
. ' s ANTKD l.uuu men to eat four seas
BLATZ Werner. Tel. Doug, lubl (or cas
' TAKE me out to th ball gam. If
lit .XiCIHU.OU, U1T nougia tit., will
coin to 1 h Be office within three
wo win give nun a ticket to th
iat. gain, at nourae para.
Persistent Advertising Is th Road te
fcltf Keluroa.
WANTED Mm and wife to work em a
irm; steady work and rrxwl iiih: writ a
Immediately to C. J. Almg ren, Pmiw. Neb.
Horse aad Vehicle.
ron SALE All kind of good horses.
US N. list St Phone Douglas toOO.
DRUMMOND carrlaae. closed or open.
Pol or shaft, cost $460, prlc $114. ill
urown biock.
FOR SALE Second hand runabout In
nne condition. 1117 Farnam St.
DURHAM-Jerser cow for sale: 1 gal
lons of rich milk a day; 15. Inquire 1466
South 14th St.
LOST Gold bar breastpin, between 16th
nri 1UIH An I Lnn.!.. n- . m -l AB n h v
Call Douglas 44. heward. Will gentle
man who found pin on Douglas street
please call again?
PERSONS having lost some article
would da well to call up the office of the
Omaha 4 Council Bluffs street Railway
company to ascertain wbther they left
it in ins arre-t car.
Many articles each day are turned In
and th company Is anxious to restore
them tc the rightful owner. Call Doug
las 41.
UMBRELLA, rear! and void handle.
lost In Council bluffs, Broadway corner.
Return, owner; reward. O. B. Bonder
son, 24.18 Burt.
LOST A bunch of keva on rln. Mav
have lost them in South Omaha. Phone
Douglas 5S. or return to Culp-Lang-worthy,
16tli and Harney, Omaha.
STRAYED or Stolen Jersey cow. about
V lbs., fmm 51X3 Fowler Ave. Phone
Webster K'24. Receive reward for re
turn or Information.
LOST One Scotch rollle doa. Return to
2401 Cuming St. Receive reward.
UMRREILA near! and gold handle.
out Co. Bluffs Broadway car; return
owner; reward. O. B. Bonderson, 24J7
Burt. Red 54fS.
PnTTNTlTn8 Teddy Bear expert clean-
FOR a dainty dessert Use Dalsell's lee
cream. If Mrs. Hammond, 1S30 N. 22d St.,
will come to The Bee office within three
days we will give her an ordi-r for a
quart brick of this fine Ice cream.
Salary and Chattels.
We have oraranlxed our company to
loan money to people who may not have
credit at a bank or to those who do not
wish to ask their friends for a favor. W
make loan quickly and privately on
rurnltur, pianos or teams. Phone uoug
las 1236.
Room t. Patterson Blk.. 1623 Farnam St.
That has always been our policy and Is
yet. We loan In sums from 110 up on
without removal. ON REAL ESTATE or
on your PLAIN NOTE If you are steadily
employed. You ran repay In small weekly
or monthly payments. No red tap or de
lay. Place YOUR LOAN with the big'
grst. Oldest and Best.
Sd Floor, 808 Paxton Bldg.. 217 So. 16th SL
Phones A-1411 and Douglas 14U.
230 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1366, A-13G4.
GROSS, loans on jewelry and clothing,
410 N. 16th.
Wf! FTiATATT Dodge Street,
. V. T tiAlAU Telephone Red W19.
MONEY loaned salaried People, women
keeping house and others; without se
curity; easy payments. Offices In 67 prin
cipal cities. Tolman, (OS Omaha Nat'l
uanic tsiag., formerly N. I. put utag.
money refunded. Mill on dollar for pre
I A . 1 J t a
i i iuuji. AuuraH umii nuuv
Board aad Rooms.
O. M. K. hauls trunks. D. slL A-2611.
THE Landon, modern, with horn cook'
Ing, Oil S. 24th St.
Ui r. mrs. iiuiu iuviii wilii mwve,
suitable for ' four. Terms reasonable.
-A IVmioId, 2x7'l Sl.U IValut.p Ml
ROOM and board for two srentlaman or
ladles; refcrencee required; no other
boarders. Phone Webster 4410.
ELEGANT suite of rooms, excellent
home cooking; private family; West Far
nam. Call Harney 4a.
T IDHir .,rli,,tu miJ.. rrvi, ... I,. .l.
for two gentlemen, with excellent board.
JV B. UIU ATI. 111.1 lie voow.
suitable for four. Terms reasonabli uvHK'i iiin i. euaier at.
Portola, family hotel, 25th Av. V Har.
LARGE. trlctly modern rooms, suit
able for two gentlemen, with exoellent
board, om a. Zbtn av. llarney bbVi.
NICELT furnished room and board, tut
our month, lor one gentleman: walklmi
distance ana private tanuiy. uougiaa luux.
1IANSCOM PARK district, beautiful
sunny rooms; single or en suite; largv
c Insets, private lavatory, excellent board.
Phone Harney ut.
Bull WEBSTER ST. Nicely furnished
rooms and board. Ak-Sar-Ben vlxltors
a specially. Telepnone ijougiaa 4VU1.'
Faratshed nevius.
THE BHRINEIt. remodaled, nw man
agement, single and double rooms; board
If deeirea; steam neau narney ana loin
ELEGANT rooms. W. M. Hotel, 418
I. 24lb bt.
1M LINCOIJ AVE., modern, furnished
private family. Phon Douglas to".
FURNISHED room In strictly modern
bouse. Hanscom park dlstiict 1117 Park
Ave. Harney (ifcoj.
Dewey European Hotel, 13th d Farnam.
DESIRABLE room, with or without
meal; Dunuee. llarney saj.
C38 8. 20th. clean, modern sleeping rooms
for Ak-bar-lien visitors; 74 cents, with
breakfast, rhone A-S'iS.-
411 N. 1TH ST.. large, medium and
small rooms for gentlemen. Doug. 46Ji.
LARGE room, modern, complete: pri
vate lamuy; one or two gentieuien. Uoug
fciJj. iui casa
NICELY furnished room. Dew. mortem
In private family. L go. list St. Harney
M T. M IRT'lUTfra I.,..
nf and elegantly furnished In new bi lea
flat: strictly first class; walking dlstanc.
Business gentleman or married couple
preserrvu. xveierviices.
1918 CAPITOL Avs., Mcely furnished
rooms; moaern.
2411 CHICAGO, beautifully furnished
rooiua (ur ugot Aouseaeeptng.
2412 CASS, nicely furnished room.
TZl N. 24th. flat (. furnished rooms.
steam heat, 2 and II
TWO room, trlctly modern; gna ranga,
aiklng distance. No. 2&th St.
423 N. lth St., elegant modern room.
rM ST. MART'S Two larg room:
new and gantiy furnished In new brick
fiat; strictly first class; walking distance.
Business gentlemen or married couple
preferred. References.
NICELT furnlhed front room, near
Farnam car. 131 N. Slat Ave.
TWO nlcly furnished rooms. Special
term given young men. Reference re
quired and given. Mrs. Van Brunt. (34
b. gum bu
124 EMMET, larte room, fronts on
Florence boulevard, elegantly furnished
erances; reasonable. Phone Webster SA
or B-13M.
TWO nicely furnished first floor rooms
for about four gentlemen or ladles. Oss.
bath and furnace. 2707 Dodge St. H. MM.
8010 SHERMAN AVE.. brick house;
strictly modern; bath, heat; 10 minutes
car ride; delightful neighborhood; .Ive
beautiful, newly furnished rooms. 'Phone
Webster CTM.
NICE modern room, new: In nrlvate
family. 130 S. 30th St. Harney 4751.
WELL furnished rooms: walking dis
tance; white porcelain bathtub. 101 d. litli
2230 Douglas. Three elegantly furnished
rooms, strictly modern, very close in;
business people preferred.
AN ELEGANT largo room and alcove
on main floor, also two nice rooms on
second floor, nicely furnished, walking
distance, strictly modern and prival
family. 124 N. 24th St.
418 S. 24th Ave., elegant modern rooms.
tl.W up; us of parlor, '
FURNISH ED nr unfurnished: one large
room; also small sleeping room; board If
desired. 2204 Webster. D. 6629.
ELEGANTLY furnished room for room
ing or light housekeeping; all modern.
1041 park Ave. llarney 637b.
NICE front prrDr, also back parlor
room, 2213 Douglas.
NICELY furnished room with private
family. Modern and close In. 649 South
27th. Harney 4206.
THREE elegant furnished rooms; mod
ern, walking distance do sign on house.
130 N. 20th.
2318 DOUGLAS One large soui.. room,
nicely furnished, eteam heat, hot water,
bath; also small south rooms.
WANTED Nice, refined young lady
for room mate, front parlor, 86. Call
evening or telephone Doug. 1472. 118 N.
2tith St.
25C3 ST. MARY'S AVE.-Well furnished
front parlor, with use of piano; nice
place; must see to appreciate; no objec
tion to music or practice; furnace heat;
gas; nlae bath; plenty hot water; both
telephones; respectable people only: 316.
One small room 310.
WELL furnished rooms; walking dis
tance; white porcelain bathtub. 101 8,
2&th St.
TiTrntla Ol tiv 4, . I .. v. . . . u
room In new, modern home, private fam
ily; breakfast If desired. Harney 3287.
EVERY person knows who D. J,
O'Brien Is because lie has made Omaha
famous with his candy. II Mrs. p. tl.
Demsey, 1123 N. 2tith 8t., will come to
The Bee office within three days w will
give her an order for a CO-cent box of
O Brien s candy free.
Famished Hoasekevpias; Raosna.
E20 8. 36TH AVE . pleasant housskesD'
Ing room, single or en suite, well equip
ped, good furniture, polished floors; price
rtaionaDie; very maarn; goii neignoor
hood; walking distance.
1 no wii tuiiii.iii, a. i , iiiuuri ii, tun
floor rooms; heat, gas, bath. 2707 Dodge
,..r. 1 1 .11 mmI., el--.
St. H. ots.
NEW, upstairs, for rent: suitable for
urses' club or light housekeeping; 825.00.
1623 8. loth St.
SINGLE or housekeeping rooms; hot
water heat; all modern; reasonable rent,
8413 Davenport St.
TWO or three nicely furnished front
rooms, main lloor, complete tor Bouse
Keeping, zuis uavenpoil fct-
TWO furnished rooms for llgtt house
keeping. 724 N. 21t
(30 S. 2STH AVE., pleasant housekeep
ing rooms, simile or ensulte:. well
equipped; good lurnlture, polished floors
price reasonable; very modern; good
neigiibornooa; walking dlstanoe.
THREE or four nicely furnished front
rooms; main noor; complete (or bouse
keeping. 3018 Davenport Bt.
316 LARGE southeast room with bay
window; well furnished, with uee of
rlano; no objection to music or practice;
urnace heat; gas; nice bath; plenty hot
water; respectable people only; walking
umi.ri, , ur.Teil.VUU V.I WIIW VIVOS,.
25U3 St. Mary's Ave.
Furnished Hoases,
FURNISHED cottage of 6 rooms.
blocks of postofflce. Modern except heat
A snap. Call at No. 307 North 20th Bet
8 to 11 a. m., i to i p. m.
Apartments and Flats.
THREE and five-room apartments.
snerman Ave, w. oi.
6 r . modern, steam heated flat. Davlda
Bldg., 840.
2 rooms and bath, steam hsat, Davldge
tiiag., .. .
6-r. modern flat. 814 8. 27th Ave.. 1(5.
- NEW, modern, six rooms and reception
nan, m case eu narney
THREE and six-room flats. Martls
block, lath and Webster. ,
ONE t-room up-to-date apartment. No,
111, N. 25th bt. Tel. D. 4132.
lT-lv mtyA four rriAm I1.,. et -
second floors. U'Jb Lake St! 815 each.
First class. Modern. Can be used for one
or two iamiues. rnone naxney 1246.
Hotels and A part meats.
llemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 o. Uth 8t
THE SCHLITZ HOTEL. Our 2te plate
uiunrr tu unai iu i,iit vj.j.
DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all
uooi uuiiiut mum., bvwim wee rate.
HOTEL ALBANY; moist elegant rooms-
L .. . - J WB.A. 1. . . . , 1
dvi iiu vum w.i.i i iiiiiuui: pne
reasonabl; both phone. 1111 Dougis
THE IRVING, 2101 Leavenworth; flrst-
ciaaa room ana ooara.
OXFORD and Arcade, special w'kly rate,
NEW YORK hotel, rms. BOc. 1013 Douglas
en Hotel rCf" ,?"'. m
Burlington, nice rooms, 1 block to depot
CAES HOTEL, nice rooms. 1708 Cass St
WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms 80a to 31.60
Farnam St hotel, nice room, loot Fnrn.
Hotel Lyons, rooms 50c up. 113 N. 13th
Hotel Antler, elegant rooms. 810H g. 10th.
Excellent meals, 103 N. 26th, 60. Omaha.
Howard Hotel, elegant rs. loot Howard
Grand Hotel, rooms 35c up. CO 8. 13th.
Atlantlo Hotel, rooms 25c md. 140 css.
VI una. mod., reasonable. 1011-11 Fnrn.
(Continued )
lafarnlshed Itnosa,
THREE unfurnlohed rooms. moiUrn.
heated, private family, walking distance.
D. 6iS. 2223 Burt.
VOR RENT 4 .la'sre. newly paperwl
rooms on car line, ti per month. 3413
So. 24th.
TWO unfurnished rooms, bath. gas. 6
per month. 877 No. 27th Ave.
llousee and Cettage.
THREE blocks from court house, five-
room cottage, 'modern except heat; 824.
winter tm. Doug. 71RH.
HOUSE of six rooms, 2426 Caldwell
street, on block from 34th St. car line.
Rent 3:2.W.
EIGHT-ROOM house. 1012 S. 15th St..
near Center. Phone Douglas 3148.
6-ROOM modern house, nearly new. 2710
Decatur St. 326. 'Phone Webster 2711.
SIX-ROOM modern house, nearly new
snd nicely decorated throughout. Parlor,
dining room, kitchen and hall on first
floor; three bedrooms and bath on sec
ond. Good neighborhood; 2,10 Decatur
St., at 325. Phone Douglas 1636 or Web
ster Z711.
SNAP to rood tenant without Children;
8 rooms; modern except heat; good loca
tion; near car. 'Phone Web. S779.
2623 N. 20th. 8-room modern house. In-
ciulte Webster 1675.
SFTVKN-ROOM cottage, best condition.
Izard St., near 29th, block from car line.
Phone Harney 27K&.
FOR RENT Five rooms. 2302 N. 21st.
Adults only. Call late In afternoon or
evenings or phone W-653.
WEST of high school, modern. 10 rooms.
$27.60. Telephone Harney (23.
T-ROOM house, not modern, gas, water,
sink and toilet. H. 3173.
10-ROOM modern, strictly up-to-date
residence; hot water heat; east front 31st
Ave., and Douglas St.; opposite Turner
park $60,
i A Do A. HANSIliM,
McCague Bldg. Douglas 1333.
WES Farnam. new brlclt. 5 bedrooms.
two baths, 315 N. Kith Ave., 30&.
8410 Burt St., 7-room cottage, porcelain
bath, gas, sower, fJO.
i2l N. 33d. 4-room cottage, c ty water.
8119 Franklin. 4-room cottage, city
water, cistern, $10.SO.
3113 rranklln, 4 roon - first floor. 110.50.
113 Mason St.. tl-i-.m cottage, bath.
gae, sewer, 310.
Z!fi5 Crelghton Ave., 6-room cottage,
bath, gas, sewer, 31.
1F17 City National Bank Bldg.
FOR case of Blata beer Tel. Doug. 1081.
OMAHA EXP. CO.. moving vans and
storage. Trunks, baggage del. D. 3358,
41S N. 17th.
and flats T.tat Vmir ..ianl nrni irtf with
us. Payne &. Slater Co., 616 Om. Nat. Bk.
MODERN 8-room house, nc-ar high
school; 326. Apply, 2616 Capitol Ave.
8 ROOMS, modern. 2512 Chicago St.
Thone Doug. 2717.
1 ROOM 8, modern. 2704 California.
Thone Doug. 2717.
Houses " 2a" "tfi'H- Crel8h
J. N. BISHOP, furniture moving and
storage; 2 men, 31 an hour; specialty
hauling pianos. Tel. B-1407.
Houses, Ins. Rlngwalt. Brandels Th. Bldg.
warded; cheap freight rates; moving and
storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel.
Doug. 884. City office 218 S. 17th St.. Bee
825 Strictly modern 6-room cottage, 1411
N. 88th St. Phone Harney 3474.
Nine rooms, 2712 Caldwell St., 325.
Eight rooms. 2204 Maple St., 222.50. .
Six rooms, 2640 Seward St., 325.
Six rooms, 1324 N. 26th St., 320.
Six rooms, IBM Corby St.. upper part, 315.
Five rooms, 8011 B. 20th St., 318.
Five rooms, 840 8. 23d St., 316.50.
Five rooms, 4101 N. 2th Ave., 312.50.
Five rooms, 724 Bancroft St., 312 50.
Five rooms, 1415 Phelps, lower part, $C
Phone Douglas 857. 432 Ramge Bldg.
FOR RENT Six-room modern house,
4244 Patrick Ave., 820. Call Webster 4&I9.
Om. Van (k Storage Co., packs, moves,
stores household goods. Fireproof stor
age. 804 S. lrith. Branch, 309 S. 17th.
Tel. D. 4163. A-1335.
FOR RENT The twenty-room brick
house, with brick stable and about five
acres Improved grounds, at southwest
corner of Sherman avenue and Spruce
street Inquire room 314 First Nat'l Bank
Bldg. Telephone Douglas 1242.
MODERN 6-room brick house, 1111 N.
Md St., 325 per month. Phone Harney
-ROOM modern house, nearly new, 2710
Decatur St, 325. Phone Webster iiu.
FOR RENT Two 7-room modern
houses, all newly papered, new floors,
electrla light and gas, bath, steam heat,
laundry; rent vry low. , Corner 84th ana
Howard, Central Blvd. Petrle Bros.,
across street
6-ROOM, mod. except furnace, good
, 1 . , . n 1AM,lnn SIB
conaiiiou, wu iwv. a.,",, t
i-ruuiu, inuu. A . " . , v. ...... .. .
corner or ziitn ana puniw ens., boou vvu-
.... . ...... . A.vt
OUlon large ii,
BARNES & WILSON, 406 Bee. D. 2641.
i.tinnM hnuaa 3510 Jackson: Inaulre T.
I. Beard, 1410 Douglas.
SEVEN and five-room houses, good r'
pair, rent cheap. Phone Harney illX
rrn m'.rn .nt furnace, ft HI N
23d St.; walking distance. 220. Tel Doug,
3o8 during business nuurs.
, nnnu mrutAwn avMnl h. I lit ffOnit
oondltion; first floor, nice ard. Call at
3107 Urant or lei. vveu. ooi.
S1U1 U1AB1 9l l'""-
cpt heat; good born; $23 per month. J. I.
1l B III P, wnoimwiiu,
HO HOWARD, nearly new modern
house, six rooms. reepnon hall, beautiful
Interior, oak, mantel, itarney 2011.
Lronm bungalow. 2tH4 Blnney; com
pletely modern. Hall lUstrlbntor Co., 433
Kamg Miag. uouH. iw, a-wo.
MODERN 8-room cottag. except heat
10 Stanford circle. ei. uuuini mw.
tore anal ufflec.
FOR RENT A corner store, 10th and
Doug la ; modem, up-to-oate; rent rea
1M08 and lSi3 Farnam St. Tel. Har. 2496.
OFFICE to rent. Mulligan, 810 S. 12th.
CLOTHING store, cheap rent 2523 O
Bt. South Omaha.
TWO offices. 3d floor Crelahton block!
also store at 116 8. 15th St. Alfred
Thomas. Agent. 308 First Nat'l Bunk
WEIRICH Fixture Co., high grade mill
work; storm sasli. Webster Xbil, hill No.
24tn st
OO OUT to Rourke park and root for
Omaha. If Henry U Mont 24& Cuming
St.. will come to The uee office within
three days we will give him a ticket to
the ball game at Kourke park.
WISHING to leave the city will sacri
fice furniture of s-rooui house for 3lu0;
ho us modern except furnace; 820 rent;
eaay walking distant; guud place for
roomers, 4 m, .
FOR PALE Furniture of T-room flat.
Doug, as 7.K;.
ONE leather davenport nd rockrr.
tables, etc., pi srtli a ly new, cheap. R. 2177.
CLEARANCE Pile, new and second
hand furniture, less than cost. I,atk, 721
N. Ifith
COMBINATION writing desk and book
case, mahOKanv, for sale cheap Maples
Apartments, mi. i. itarney and 2:1th.
1 rpenrlters,
SMITH PREMIER models No. 2 or No.
4. In excellent condition, rented three
months for 3--
lain and i-cugiaa.
FOX typewriter. 108 Farnam St.
RENT an Oliver typewriter from the
Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 291.
THE ROYAL la king of typewriter 35.
TYPEWRITERS Remington No. 2. 813;
Ch'cnKo, 3S; Hammond. $16; Williams
Visible, 314: Und-rwoods, L. C. Smiths,
Smith Premiers, tHlve-s, etc., at bargain
nrk-es. B. F. Swanson Co., 1314 Farnam
St., city.
Typewriter, 319 50. 1007 Farnam. D-M5.
Musical Instruments.
PIANO bargains. 108 N. 15th. D. 1102.
SACRIFICE, a Stelnway Dlano. 1102
Lothrop. Webster 3K26.
Pianos, wholesales prs. 201 Boston Store.
PIANO, slightly used, at a bargain.
Pegristrom Piano Mfg. Co., 19th and Far
nam Sts.
SET of low pitch clarionets, German
make, nearlv new. with good case. 813
B. 19th. Douglas 7762.
M Iscellancons.
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
sates, all sizes and makes: bargains.
American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St.
FOR BALK At a big bargain. Kimball
organ In first-class condition. Call at
2320 N. 2Xth Ave., or phone Wehster 2603.
FOR SALE New and second-hand bil
liard and pool tables. W'c lead the world
In. cheap bar fixtures: easy paym.nt.
Brunswick-Ballte-Collender, 407 S. loth St.
FOR 8AI.E Hitrh-class base burner;
used one year. J. J. Tostll, 3916 N. 27th St.
SMALL Drlntinst office, complete with
dynamos; bargain, original cost. 810,
SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin
ish, for sale at 310.0ft. Apply, George W.
Wright, Bee Publishing Co.
FOR SALE One five-footed show horse.
Omaha Tent and Awntng Co., 1102 Har
ney St.
TWO good second-hand National cash
registers for sale at a bargain and on
ensv terms. H. B. Whltchoiise, 404 S.
15th St.
nllC 1 D , 1 r. ... I (1 n I1 1 1 Q
suited theaters. Address B 415, Bee.
FOR 8ALE Alaska seal coat, perfect
condition: worn Bhort time; 38 bust 24
long; will sell for low figure. 'Phone
Douglas 8040. '
15 DIAMONDS, horseshoe pin, solitaire
diamond ring; will sacrifice at a big bar
gain. Address, S 216, Bee.
FULL dress suits, evening party
dresses, for sale or rent. 218 N. 17th.
John Feldman. Douglas 3128; A-2636.
. am ui i tt xiricic- kuim
( lHST-LLABa tUI Ul 1 x-uuri
WEB. 2603.
BARBER CHAIR; fine violin. 2416
FOR SALE Alaska seal coat, perfect
condition, worn short time; 38 bust, 84
long; will sell for low figure. Phone
Douglas 2040.
vai.R DOCTOR'S CHAIR for sale very
cheap. Good condition. See us snd make
Oiler, jiictvee nem caima -o., ivj j-vbu.
St., Council Bluffs.
$15 BUYS almost new dress suit, only
worn a few times; tall and slim. Address.
R 353, Bee.
FOR a dainty dessert use Dalrell's Ice
cream. If Mrs. Engcll, 2401 Dodge St.,
will come to The Bee office within three
days we will give her an order for a
quart brick of this fin Ice cream
Gladdish Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge.
f AQQAlTR Bath, salt glow aromatic
SlAOOAUli treatment. Mme. Allen
of Chicago. 103 8. 17th St., first floor. D.
MRS. C. W. CHAPMAN, H. B240. Hair
good, all descriptions; combings made up.
FOR cases of Blats Beer Tel. Doug. 1061.
Massage. Rlttenhouse. 308 Old Boston Bid.
Mechano Therapy massage treatment,
a,..n,a.iH trmittlo lip. rMurmirpt Miillpn
223-3 Nevli; Blk! D. 7161. Open after 6.
-Moved to 303 S. 19th St. Douglas 1311.
Mis. Snyder, Swedish massage, baths,
radiator and vibrator treatment. The
Dunsany, Flat 3, 10th and Pierce. D. 430.
Adelight hair food grows hair". Mme.
Frayer. Mogeath sla. Co., 15th and Farn.
HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace,
strengthen, 5oc. BELL DRUG CO.
Dr. Burke, Diseases of Women, Omaha.
Automatic .Vhoue Bealnt as, 32; reel., 31.
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as
strangers aie Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building at
Seventeenth St. and St. Mary's Ave.,
where they will be directed to suitable
boarding places or otherwise assisted.
Look for our travelers' aid at the Union
DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on
10 order; catalogue free. Sherman &
Moconneii urug co., umana. Neb.
WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing
machines, lnd. A-1UC3, Douglas 16U.
IMLIiilAnRA I. II Lf. tU.,
15th and Harney Sts.
RTT AAfPPlO treatm'ts. Mrs Steele, ex
c,iiiviA pert oper't'r. 107 8. 17. 2 fl,
Af ASSAflR Treatment. Mr. Steele,
1UAOO-IUU lu7 B ,nlli 2d tlooTt rm j
TUL a&f ViTIflW AtJVIV -. . I . - ....
off clothing, In fact, anything you do not
V.'A . . 1 1 ... . , .. .. 7l .. - I .
N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the
HUlllljr voui. vmi yiivuv luuIH llO
and wagons will cull.
MRS. M 8. PIERCE Sha,Jolng, hair
dressing and manicuring. Aiake a spe
cialty 01 oying ana removing surplus hair,
2jo1 Farnum. Harney 6081. Ind. A-UiA.
MAONF,TTr!yeatment- E- Brott, 710
MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing
Detier tor rneumaiism. i.aaies, i ; gentle
men, 41.00. Apt. s, iwt f arnam, L. o21
EVERY person knows who D. J.
O'Brien la because he has made Omaha
famous with his candy. If Lulu Plenter,
1JU S. 14th St., will come to The Bee
office within three days we will give her
an order for a 60-cnt box of O Brien's
candy free.
ENTIRE flock of fullblooded Whit
Rock chicken, old and young, for sal
at 43&0 Lafayett Av. Phon Harney
POULTRY supplies all kinds. Th Ne
braska Seed Co., 1UU Howard, D. 1261.
THOROUGH!! RUE 8 C. Rbod Island
Red chickens, old and young; tak Ames
Ave. ' to 40th aud Grand. Call at toll
Frank J Norton. 21 S. 17th. Bee Blrtg.
There a Reason. "I minimis your
title troubles.1' loth phones.
Abstracts, t. T Brennan, 524 Rrandcls Th.
Midland Guar Trust Co.. 1714 Far. N
II Neale. pres.; J. Campbell, see. I). 2
Peter Jensen. Ir . Co. Tel. Doug. 2"U
M. T. Brennan. abstracts. Hrsndls. The,
SADLER A SON, abstracts. 6 8. Will.
Red Abstract Co.. oldest ahstrsct office
In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater.
Electrlo, gas fixtures. Omaha Silver Co.
Concrete bar for builders. Alpin, S01 Far.
Ideal Cement Stone Co., 17th and Cuming.
L. F. Van Valkenberg. plumbing. W. 867.
Carpenter contracting, repairs. Har, 6241.
S. F.. Waters, cement cont. 1515 N. fch St.
Platte Gravel Va3lied Sand Co., 442 Bee
Omaha Sign llong. Co.. D. 26W. 114 S. 12th
Fuchs. Son A Blind, painting decorating.
M. Peterson, gen'al con. 4336 Ohio. W. list
Amer. Sply. Co., roof'g, pnlnts, 1108 Nlch.
LIST ur cltr property for sal with
Vogcl. 409 Karbach Bldg.
1300 cash, balance S25 per month; -room,
all modern house, new furnace, new bath
fixtures, block from car and paved street.
An opportunity for the man with small
amount of cash and a large family. Look
this up.
Six-room modern house, tsth and Chi
cago, Dundeo district. Easy terms.
New C-room, oak finished house, has
all modern fixtures; east front on car
line. Terms 3750 cash, balance monthly.
New T-room rough 'cement . house,
finely constructed, has all modern fix
tures. Including outside sleeping apart
ments and sun parlor; gray oak and
white enamel finish. A beautiful home;
can be purchased on very reasonable
Benson & Carmichael
642 Taxton Block.
New House
Just listed, a large, 8-room, all modern
residonce fronting on Central Blvd., Just
north of California. Finished In oak
downstairs; decorated throughout. If
you want a home near the university or
high school and within walking distance
of town, don't fail to see this one at
(5.500. The surroundings are Ideal.
The Byron Reed Co.
Both Fhones.
217 S. 17th St
A Home For You
In the northwest part of the
city, a 5-room modern except
heat house that was built 2
years ago. This house Is In
the best of repair can be
sold for $200.00 cash, 320.00
per month. The house ad
dress Is 2911 Ersklne St.
Keys at our office.
Creigh, Sons & Co..
Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. ,
Nice now 6-room bungalow, modern ex
cept furnace, cement cellar, very con
veniently arranged, two bed rooms; very
pretty place on Avenue A and Omaha car
line, West Council Bluffs, lu-mlnute rids
from 14th and Douglas; nice lot Tills is a
bargain for someone. $100 down, balance
$26 a month. $2,250.
Rooms 1, 3, 3, First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Council Bluffs, la. Both phones 203.
2B20 N. 19th St. Six-room cottage, mod
ern except furnace; newly painted and
papered If not sold by October 1 will
rent for $22.50. Suitable terms can be
made to desirable parties. See owner,
2516 N. 19th St.
Neat 5-room cottage, partly modern, on
beautiful large corner lot, which Is
worth almost price asked for all, which
Is only $2,000; reasonable terms. Do not
le this opportunity pass you by.
Ji W. HASP CO., 6 Brandels Bldg.
$1,000 CASH,
balance monthly for a new 7-room house.
Strictly modern In every way; oak finish;
50-ft. lot Must be seen to be apprecti cd.
Price $4,300. One block to Dundee car.
Call owner, Harney 4745.
O'NEIL'S Real Ks.ate and Insurance
Agency, 1506 Farnam; city property and
farm lands a specialty; v. have bargains.
COTTAGE of flv large room and
lath, In good repair, with city water and
gas, lot 45x150, within one block of car
and walking distance of Mo, Pao, and
Union Pacific shop. 2527 N. 15th. For
ale at reasonable price. Owner will show
East Vs lot 10, block 35, In Benson, eaay
talking distance of cur; new home
being built on lota near this one; mak
offer. Addre P 352, Bee.
13 ROOMS, ALL MODERN, $4,000.
We have a two-apartment house, con
taining 13 rooms, two bath rooms, seven
bed rooms, with parlor, dining room and
kitchen in each apartment, with new
plumbing and good boating plant.
This property Is too large for present
owner and It Is a splendid proposition for
Some one who will buy It and divide it
into four three-room apartments. Owing
to the arrangement of the house this work
can be done at a very small expense and
when completed the apartments will rent
for 325 each. Th buyer can live In on
apartment, rent the rest and mak a good
investment out cf your home.
The building la Well built and In good
condition; only thirteen minute' ride to
the center of the city; one block from tho
Dodge streut car line and in good real
douce district
N. Ulil ST.
It 1 Just north of Ohio on the Florence
Blvd. A good klx or iieven-room modern
house will be taken In exchange at the
right price. This proportion 1 certainly
worth looking at.
400 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4270. A 4270.
BEMI8 PARK. rooms, modern, hat
water heat, large cornet lot $4.$ju. Ulovar
tteany eynaicai. uougias kh
FIVE-ROOM modern cottag with full
cellar and attio. Paved street, very de
sirable lot; on term like rent. Baright,
loth and Douglas Sts., Stat Bldg. A Loan
1125 N. 35TH, South Omaha, two cot
tages, 4 and $ rooms, corner lot, con
venient distance front packing houses.
Price right Liberal terms. Owner on
$3,000 buys the double frame dwelling at
F.13-L5 Dodge St.; full lot; paved street;
walking distance; rented, tor $360 per
annum. ,
W. B. ME1KLE. 205 Ramge Bldg
FOR case of Blats br tel. Doug. 1081
$'8 TO $35 AN ACRE land I offer w'll
double In value In next thiee yems; rent
better than 10 per cent. E. E. Secoi,
Krlnia. Ala.
Agents wanted In every town to sell our
contracts, big oommlnstons. easy to sell;
write at once for full Information. Me
Keevex A Tucker. V10 8. ltth St., Omaha.
SEE u about Sacramento valley land.
L. R. Yost, $12 McCagu Bldg
- Caaaria.
The Grand Trunk 1'aclfio railroad Is
now closing It gap across the famous
Eraser valiev In CENTRAL BRITISH
COLUMBIA the choicest region of th
richest province In Canada. Her I your
chance to buy fertile land at opening
prices In the great Fort George country.
For further Information call, writ or
10 Paxton Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Phone oDuglas 2157; lnd. A -4.127.
thrown on the market. Alberta, Canada;
ten years' lime. Call or write K. 8. Flor.
Oen'l Agt C. P. R., 440 Board of Trad
Bargains Fruit land. 5S3 prandels Bldg.
FRUIT lsnd bargbalns. Intermountaln
Land Co., 1122 Farnam. Phon D. 4025.
Homestead relinquish, cheap. 408 K'bach.
4.R20 ACRES eastern Colorado stock
ranch for sale In solid body; plenty of
water and hay; fenced and cross fenced;
thlrtv miles of wire. Owner, J. Bland,
Bland, Colo.
THE best alfalfa, grain and sugar
beet land. 850 per acre, with water paid,
easy payments. Call and see product or
write. San Luis Valley Irrigated Land
Co.. 110 Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, ,
Read This
Federal Point. Florida,
Sept. 15, 1911.
Benson Brothers,
West Tocol. Fla,
You asked me to give you in writing
a statement on my this year's potato
crop and also the future crops oft my
land tnis year.
From KU. acres I erathered 490 barrels
of potatoes and received 8.1-60 per barrel
net. After that I planted the field to corn
and estimate the yield at 45 bushels to
the acre. My crabgrass hay, cut after
the corn, made tons per acre.
tours truiy,
8. I. MERW1N.
This la no extraordinary yield. Figure
It nn and see what tihs man took off an
acre and then multiply It by the number
of acres you want to tena. j nen writ
for literature and Join our excursion to
Rlvervlew Farms. loritia, 'luesuay, uct.
3d. and see for yourself.
J.I r. IN 1 1 rs r t;Aitiniv,nAai
642 Paxton Block,
Omaha, Neb.
rVIU 1 1 1 1 1' I I' T .a.,,,,, nun r. 1 ,
8 miles N. E. Council Bluffs, $N6 per acre,
. . , . , . . , ...111 lM.nVnuAM .IT". . .
IX qUlCK. HVIVi, mi. iiiiiiv,w, y.1
Day A Hess CO., noie Agents, co. hiuiis.
rnn o 1 T P1 seres Iowa
farm, 850. L. B. 88, Van Wert. la.
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to Insert a small want ad
In the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation In the state of Iowa, 43 CM) daily.
The Capital la read by and believed In by
the standpatters of Iowa, who simply re
fuse to permit any other paper In their
homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day; $1.25
per line per month; count six ordinary
words to the line. Address Des Moines
Capital, Des Moines, la.
ALL-SIZED farms In Carroll county,
Missouri: 70 miles east of Kansas City;
corn, clover and blue grass land. For
Hat, write i. A. bnicias, una, sio.
60,000 acres, center of fruit belt south
west Missouri; Improved and unim-
firoved; fruit, stockralsing, generat farm
ng, $5 acre up. Write today for informa
tion. W. H. bmith. Monett Mo.
WANTED CO Nebraska ranches and
fnrmn fnr Inil'. Customers. AlleShOUB A
Co., Council Bluffs, la.
100 CUSTER CO. farms Just on market,
115 up; easy terms. Walker Co., 342 Bran
dels Theater.
NEBRASKA and Oregon land. $8 up,
$94 Urundels Blag.
HOM ESTEAD 320 acres for $177; about
JO miles out; rich farm land, not sand.
Was an old entry, now cancelled. Wor.o
$2,0e0. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb.
GOOD Nebraska land. t0 up. J. N.
Sweet, 32!) Neville.
IMPROVED Nebraska farm, $3 an
acre up. Write or call for our list. Wood
ward, 714 Omaha Nat. Bank Bidg.
100-ACRE farm near Benson for sale,
cheap. Owner has Incurable sickness,
lu-qulre room 601, Brown block.
Eost'n Neb. land, $75. 894 Brandels Bldg.
240 ACRES Improved Nebraska land;
snap. 319 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
GOOD Knox Co. farms, $45 an acre, easy
terms. J. C. -Kruger, owner, 476 Uian
del Bldg.
24 aw ataxic.
Ki.OOO acre New Mexico ranch; 30,000 acre
can b irrigated; W.uu. Terms. Kellogg,
Broker, Audubon, la.
Five and ten-acre tracts. Planted and
scientifically handled for five years. Lo
cated in the famous Willamette valley,
close to Portland. Sold on convenient
monthly payments. Special terms mads
at this time.
George E. Wlghtman, Gen. Sales Agent.
6 an turd Hotel. 19th and Farnam.
Soatkt Da kata.
HOMESTEAD lands In the famous
Rosebud country ot South Dakota. Mel
lette and Bennett counties to be opened
October 2 to October 21. Dallas is the
terminal registration point and closest
point of registration to these lands. Free
booklet and Information by addressing
Greater Dallas Committee, Dallas, 8. D.
AUTHENTIC map of that portion open
for settlement next month. Maps, 6v
each. On sale at Beaton Drug Co. or L.
MoConnell, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha.
FOR SALE 1O0 acres good farm land Is
Lyman county. South Dakota; enclosed
two sides, with three-wlr fence; 154 acre
suitable for cultivation, $ acres rough
pasture land; two miles from railroad
town of Okaton: $25 per acre, subject to a
$750 mortgage due November, la 1.1; bal
ance cash. J, 1. Watt, 2L23 Locust St,
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE 160 acra, fin farm land,
8 mile so. of Aberdeen, 8. D. ; will .
rlflce If taken In 30 day. Addrass Owner.
U P. Von Arx., Belult Wis. '
Colonization Lands
I hav tract of 20,000 acres In artesian
belt, south ot San Antonio, Tex Wisn
a partner with $2,uo0 cash to help finance
expenses in selling; good organised fore
of agents now; big profit for right man.
Call, phone or wire, ltoom 420. Millard