II m BEE: OMAHA. FKIDAT, SEFTEMFETt JUm. a; V I rVrv RUSIRT CLUB WINTER CLUB Are Sow lT4r to la tall a Hcatinj Plaat IT 13 TO B IZCOID C0S r Half af ta Big Ctib Balldlag la Ba Heeteel aad teed tar Wla tew Fmrlte kr taa Xtabra. I!ana ara under war to mak tha Omaha Country dib a winter a, well a lumnitr club. Tha proposition v. a c sldared today by tha noard of director at a meeting at tha Omaa club aad th members war a unit In saying it wouI4 ba a rood thing, provided tha coat ot tn atalllng a heating p. ant doe not prove too high. J. B. Paaum and A. V. Kmster war ap pointed a commute to in vet tigate the eoet of Installing and maintaining a heat ing plant, to report tt a meeting of the board to ba held neat Monday noon at the Omaha club. It la tha plan to neat something over keif tha club nous. Including dining roomi and parlor and a spec which can ""Va devoted to locker for thoae who piay golf In winter -The l.ica arose from to "tart that many of the member of the , club aaid they would l.ka to give more part la In th winter. If the club house I 'war only available (or them. If the ' ' . grropeaUton 1 adopted the heating plant t Will ba InataJled th first week In Xo- rembar. la eaa th contemplated Improvement Ksa decided upon, th summr ttawn at I fiTiej dub will close th lent Saturday In October. If they are not derided upon. ' tha aaaaon will close the previous Satur day, aa th service of the present ens plo;. who contract expire X'ovemher 1. win be needed for a week or so In putting thin away for the winter, i Frank Colpetzer. president of th Coun try club, haa been working out the Idea. . . . : AsDavxiated Man A Exile from Home r Bittern between X. H. Peterson, th Wyoming ranchman who died by asphyx iation In the Murray hotel Tuesday night, aad other member of bis family moved th Dana to forsake his native land and com to th United States thirty-seven year ago. Peterson believed a brother and a sister had defrauded him out of a large share f their father's estate aad had come to tha sew country to repair hi broken fortune. Ha accumulated 250,000 worth of property la Wyoming. Mr. Karen Lausen and her daughter. ,Mlaa Klsten Lausen, sister and niece of tha ranchman, will leave Friday morn. i tag tor Raw Una. Wye., to bury Mr. Peter- , boa and to take charge of the property. They will ba accompanied by Sophue i Keel. Jr.. who will aeek appointment for Lausen aa administratrix and ap- olntment tor himself aa foreign admln- or. Tha Peterson ranch la one ef lB.OM aoree waty-four miles from Rawlins. Peter- i feoa named It "Separation ranch," the f hum being a reference to hi trouble in Denmark and hia separation from hla LamUy. ! "Patarsaa haa a brother and a sister ' tD Denmark." aaid Attorney Noble. "They tara aatracged from aim. Whan ha died ' fa had not en them alno he left Pa- '.Jnarx, t lrty-vn year ago. Ha had Hot heard from them for twenty years. HI alstar and niece, with whom he was yam friendly terms, came to live with him two year ago. "Peterson hardly aver left tha ranch. Ha waa entirely unused to city way and modern improvementa, such aa gaa and alisutrlo lights. That la tha explanation of . hia death, Mrs. Lausen told him how to turn off the gaa, but it la supposed be 'failed to follow her directions. "The evening of the night Mr. Peter eon died ha and hi sister and hi niece went to a moving picture show, th first he had aver seen. "While there Mrs. Lausen lost her pur, - containing about ten. That waa about all th cash they had with them. "Coroner Croeby advanced them money for tickets to Rawlins and S'JO for addl tional expense and advanced money for all other expenses. 'Peterson and hi relatives were going to Denmark for a couple ot months' visit. Tha ranch had been left in charge of Herbert Petersen, the foreman. There are about t.OGu cattle aad X head of horses on the place now. A quarter mil' Uon dollars Is a conservative estimate of tha value of the property." OHS JENIOBa. CLASS OFFICERS 112. ( r We J :.y v . ) L? ( ; , f S A lV 1 roY ul "A HI. LYKCH T0G0 10 EGIH Local Methodist Call Dr. Williams of That Flac to Com Her. KIGOTIATIOrre NOW ODEX WAT Elgla Mlaleter Taasea t Tble City at Be.aeee f Btsbe aad Helda Caarereaew writ a Mspsat ettves of Flret tasreh. Rev. M. B. William. B. P . will be transferred from th Rock River eonfer nc of th Methodist Eplacopsl church to aucceed Per. Frank Jf. Lynch. D. D . pastor of th first church of Omaha, and the local minister will take the pastorate vacated by Dr. Wllllems at Elgin. At th request of Bishop J. L. Nuelsen. Dr. William earn to Omaha today and met a boly of first church member at a luncheon held at tha Rome hotel. All of those present declar that th visitor mad a very favorable Impression. The luncheon waa rather of an informal nature, yet It gave tha visiting minister an opportunity to express hi view of organisation and administration of th affair of a church like th First Metho dist. Practically all of Dr. William experience in th ministry haa been In what are known as "down-town' churches. In and around Chicago, and tha local members believe he 1 th best available man for the firt church, which la in a "down-town" district. Dr. Wil liams expressed himself as being pleased with Omaha aa far aa hi observations have gone. Dr. Lynch likewise aay he 1 pleased to ba transferred to Elgin, aa the Rock River conference, which 1 on of th moat Im portant In th Methodist church, offer ing a wide field and great opportunities. TWO OF UNCLE SAM'S MEN TO CELEBRATE TOGETHER "WaattMw roracastar B. W. Watea and Cuatodlaa Cadet Taylor at Uw faatoai balldixur wm orMMrai tbalr MrMya to gether Saturday. Both of tbe guresaaseH afThaakB will have resrbil tae txty-4br mile stooe ta Hf- baaa ra tha tb earn kangtft as ttasa, Tbay wtn rata tba wrest wtta a oiaat dtauaar at tba CoCTiaeicial atobv eter Pwswdkt mt S. Jeeweau ST. JOSEPH. Mo Sept. . Th aa arual motor ear parade ef tba Royal Rootdowx here today waa the erowame event of festival week aod waa vlewwd by theimnda of leitoi a There were nearly 10 care la Uaav t Tire Omaha Bee's Great Booklovcrs' Contc St I U' WW Many from State to Hear Taf t Speak at Auditorium Sunday The Toung Men Christian Association committee in charge of th arrangements for the Taft meeting Eunday afternoon at tha Auditorium has received 270 ac ceptance of it invitations to prominent Nebraskana to sit on tha stage. It la expected that about 400 acceptance will b received to the S5f invitations lsaued. Decoratona for the Auditorium will ba furnished by the Department of tha Missouri, from Forts Crook and Omaha. The Btreet Railway company will furnish a car. free of charge, to bring the Fort Crook band, which will play at tha meeting. Charles Gardner, who ton the part of Lord T. HeUyer Seigh at tha Ak-Sar-Ben dea thla season wlU mg a song es pecially appropriate to a peace meeting, th worda and mualo of which- were written by John T. Btaley of 4924 Chicago street, a war veteran. Ha will be as sisted by a double quartet. The Auditorium meeting la la charge of tha Toung Men' Christian Association rallgloua work committee, composed of James B. Wootan. H. F. KJeaer, J. H. Franklin. L. E. Cruith. H. B. Kleaer and Ira J. Beard. WORK STARTING ON THE NEW STREET CAR SHOPS Excavation haa been started for th street car company additional building at th shops at Twenty-sixth, and Lake streets. Th contract for tha building waa let to McOowaa & Jacobberger, at J20.0UO. Thi figure la exclualva of grad ing and steel work. LIEUTENANT HASKELL STILL HAS THE FAREWELL GIFT High chool tudent laat spring pre sented Lieutenant Haskell, commandant of cadets, with a watch, when he thought he was to be sent to th Philippine. Army plan were changed, however, and Lieutenant Haakell 1 back at th High school aa commandant, sporting th farewell" gift. Tha Implicit confidence that many peo ple have In Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Remedy la founded on their experience In the use of that remedy and their knowledge of tha many remark able cares of colla. diarrhoea and dysen tery that It haa effected. For aal by all dealer. Col. Pratt's Heirs to Contest Claims DUNKARDS TAKE OVER SEWARD STREET CHURCH Tha Seward Street Methodit church. Twenty-second and Seward streets, or ganised in li& and for many year th moat flourishing ef the Methodist church of th city, haa been abandoned by that denomination and ha been rented to the Duukarda of whom there e about US members In Omaha and anurh Omaha. Tha Seward street Methodist held their laat servtcee In their own bouse of wor ahip laet gnnday. after which as aa or ganisation they decided ot disintegrate Tha membership will be divided about equally between the Walnut Hill Metho dist church and Trinity Methodist in Kountse Placa Tha reason ot the abandonment of the Seward Street church by the Methodists la la a measure due to th fact that th business along Lake. Twentieth and Twenty-fourth street in the last tew jMrt has so encroached upon tha resi dent sectlona in that vicinity, where a greater portion of th member resided, thai they have moved to other portion af the city and generally too far away to make It convenient to attend the church to which they bad formerly ba loagad. PARK BOARD TO BUY NEW 'DREDGE FOR CARTER LAKE Th Park eommiasioner r considering tha advisability of purchasing a dipper dredge for use In excavating from th bottom of Carter lake. They flgura that tha coat of such a machine wm be in th neighborhood of M. and will likely tamte bida la the near future. Should a dipper dredge be bu.lt. or pur chased. It will be one of the kind that wui dig out the bottom of the lake, hoist It to a aeow, which will ba tawed t tha ahor aad there ua.oeded. the sand and kilt being transferred to the low spots aloug the shore of the laite and beyond the high water Una The commiMidnere contend that the aue Hon dredge h been ao.cg aauatactory erk Hut that now to secure the nec MKary depth and an even bottom la the ,r-- ta ae-ary to secure some echer kiad of a Bvafhui Contest of General John C. Cowin no.000 claim against the estate of the late Colonel James Hervey Pratt for at torney' fees will ba started in county court Monday by Wayland Mage, special administrator of tha estate, according to J. W. Woodrough, attorney tor Magee and other helre-at-law of th Pratt aetata Attack also will be mad on a C00 chck. held by Mr. Karla Rchn. Colonel Pratt' housekeeper and nurse during the last months of his life. Mr. Rehn claim th colonel gave her the check In part payment for her services. She also haa a note, worth about K.000. which she say th colonel gav her for ser vices rendered. 'W will contest General Cowin elaim and w will resist payment ot tha I20S check," said Mr. Woodrough. "I cannot say what our position will be. W don't want to show our band In advance. There will be a fight." Wiese Falls Down a Flight of Stairs Gua A, Wleae, secretary of th L A. Root company, la now able to b at bis post a short time each day, after having been considerably used up In a tumble down a flight of stair Sunday morning. Mr. Wleae beard a noise downstair dur ing th darkest hour of th early morn ing and he arose to Investigate. Fear ing that the sleeping children would be awakened should ha turn on the lights h concluded to grope hla way to the seat of disturbance below. He missed the top step and landed In a heap at the bottom with various bruise and a broken rib. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. A Dataa-erawa Wss rendered antlsceptlc by Bucklen' Arnica Salve, the healing wonder for sores, burn, pile, ecsema and salt rheum. Sc. For eale by Beaton Drug Co. luwaoaajsn j1 aw )x4 alxt ai vaad o2rn pw 1 09 rt ! ma PXOO BTjqdBU JO 3U33 'ftuouiuib 'xBioq jo paatx on aABif noA put? sa(J FPD 9Sil '9U0U jo, sun air; pus b p sanpiA Otj SBT 1UTTJ jaueap ano si ojaqj oja sa;sBd punreap 'spxmodraoo 3ut -ipBA spanzzaip 10 Xbxzb OAisnadza puB Snisod -mi ub aAuq prnoA"no. 'apBTH sjb ipmAi sxroti -BJBdaid Biaacfs paB3 -os aqi 0 axio 'inqqiuos pnB p'tni.Tioas ninBap 3niqsBA jo pui3 ipua joj'asn 0; ajaA no ji jo coon Axirnzz cix Cl03 j) fWX? Hi vi To dream you're walking on ftp tr. Up tnrauqh the heavens blue. Shows how you 1 feel the dag ycu wear Th saw Sfarvifi C.hne SEVERE ITCHING BURNING ALL OVER 11 1 J 1 Scalp, Body, Hands, Limbs Covered with Scales. Could Not Stand Tor ture. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. "About three years iro I was attacked with a very severe itching and burning all orer my body and easily my akin broke until my body looked like a piece of raw meat. I did believe that I could not stand the torture any longer, while ail tha time I was using the salve and tha wash ordered by my physician without relief. W lien I was advued to ro to a 4k in pvcuJut I went with 00 better teeulta Mr bodv was covered with large white sraie. with at&le en mv h-Jl. , rm- and lower Hatha In about ene week icy stalp was covered with ecmjea ehaJi luoked iie deadrult tat became a ores each day uutd ai Hi end of eaoiiMr week the araie ere aa Uuse as on a Dsn. The ttco in my head was unbenrslile. v hsir was comir.f out la cumotuls until it looked so bad 1 waa a. named te go on ine stieet. "1 asrd tar soep tor a shampoo but R took no effert. Ai ti-e end ot three wkt the back ot my head was rampietely baii. I a a sutut sMi I OecMed te try the Cuthur OiLlmwi for the hair, and when I aaw trie wunjei'ul results I dec kind to try the t'utK-ura Soap and Ouument eo fry bori After ukwg u batr.a in hot waier with plenty of Cutirura coap, and uatog tme boxee ef Cut ' lira Ointment ud one botile of Cutiru'a Pll.a. I was cured, kfy hau haa grown mute Uuta an inch to length. - Before asing the Cutirura Soap and Oint ment I lust aj of niy finger aaiU and my bands were so sore I could aot put uirm in eater. If I had tried luern sooner I would have taved a few buidred aoilars.'1 (8urrta) Mrs. K. Iil-fiuu. el tuiii keroockat Ave., auoaiuyn, . Y Jan. 3a, lull. Cuucura Soap and Ointment are sold througnout Uw world, but ihi sua witi to try them itrtuut charge may da so by saoding to Pmter Drug A Ciiem Com Dept. IDA, Bustus. fr a liberal aainpia at e -i., ptwi-rrae. Ujaathe viu a-a. au-s aa Urn sua aad a it. Your Load will be Light When you wear The Stetson Shoe Made in leathers that readily conform to the individual foot, giving extreme comfort and ample room for the toes it is the solu tion of your problem. Result: Your step will grow lighter your expression nappier you will be a more congenial companion for your friends you will be a more effi cient man in all re directions, fcsl HAYDETJ BROTHERS 16TH AND DODGE STS. "Stetsons cost more by the pair bat lew by the year" YJ7K iy 7 jr m -'CaT'- 4 0n5- ..i.t- z .Tjii'iki it ;ki?yi THE reason why travelers are so pleased after a trip on the New York Central Lines is because every em ployee takes pride in seeing that they are given perfect service. Everv convenience and comfort are provided, the . S Titt , September as, .1L. trains are fast and frequent, and the route is Level," via the Water- wYorkfentral Lines LeJm Slur RtuiwayZOtk Csntury Limxttd RauU Midugim Cndral X. -"A'ww Fail Btmtf between Chicago and New York Boston and all Points East Seventeen daily trains, including the most famous train in the world, the 20th Century limited Letvea Chicago 2 JO p. nu Arrive New York 9:25 a. nu Anivei Boston 1 J :50 a. m. Fnr tickets, sleeping ear aecomnuMiabaas sn4 sll tafotw ssaUua cail a or adorns J a. wuiebranda. tieoerai Aent Paaaeneer DeparQaaat, KB l-t-t Cuy Ksnoasl baaa B1m Omaha, Nea. "WTsat Book Docs This Picture Represent? TiUa Antaor Tour Nam Strwrt aad Number City or Tftwn Writ la title end author f Book and BATB coupon and picture. Semi Re coupon until finish of the contest I Announced. Each picture reereeente a bok title net a scan or character. Catalogue, containing 1.000 namee on which ail puaal picture are baaed the catalosrua used by the eonteet editor are for sale at th Bualnass Office at The Bee for IS cents: by man SO ceeta. Raka of th Contest are ellrlMe a eecar thM eeauel etoapt emplovM at the Oauke Be as mt taalr faillv Kaca 4aT. tor aevMlur-llve Oaya. UMre UT ae auaUMM la Tke Bm e pttturs valaa will nsrnut tae aaae t e soak. Baeast wa icura taare will ke a klaak lor tea aeauatant to till In th. ml. f ta. hsok. CM eut BMk tae awtur. an la. MU aa till la tke aaaee aa4 aataar ef tae hsek aad ad jraer aaaM aa4 aaarwe kmUj a a slainls la tee space rovtdl. Me rinmum wui a. laoa i th. ear la wbicfe aaaara te tea sMtwwi aaa r ba es varea. Back ictaie miiaaaais eaijr eaa uti. of ea. beok. it jee are dm aura at a title aad wish Is Mat te sure thaa en un te sack picture, yoa air d. so. BVT NOT MORI THAN sTva aMtEM TO i.VI ONC riCTUHB WlU. fia PIBiUTTEO. Ia cmtmn iMwari will aot a. Mmaee aaia at eoDtastaats If eorract anaww Is ulm trwa. sure taaa one tcne aseel aot ke set ea ta. at a aaosee. Ka tra cmpaei akouid ke a tor aatre aaswera. all anr.au to ta. aame austbar akoald ba kt tosMkar wtMe saadla la tke ast. Oaly aaa lu atar ba subeutud kr ene eniut aaat. Uwesk ear list ata aave ttve aaawara te aaok yeatla T. Ii.lv ef aiainaa and asaeeis He s eat be plalalr rttta ea the eetetds e( eeoh kCT aabattttad. set de aot write such lntormatMa .a tke erappar. Wkile aot abaniukalr 11 1 inai it. tt la diirabla tkat tbe plrturaa ekeeld ta eack mm fee seas la wltk tke aaswara, la order tkat all eaaware b aailona, Addltwaal ptatana aad cneBeee atr be obtain. at tke eftlaa of Tb. Ba. by mall or la paraoa. Wkaa rea kave all asveetr-Ove atatanaa, taaua lb am tothar la a VUkT pacha ead rh)g er Bull tana te Th. Omaha , aattiaand te haakitrrmt Coatwa editor Mm vlU be ewerd.4 as the ODataataata Madias ta tke lareeat saaitMr ot ..tract aiatlaea. la evaet of two er store pereaae kavtag too mum aambar of oorrMt oaluuvoa. tb. p.raua aatag tke setellor eaaibor of enra ooupoae la k Is ok of snavsra will be dacland wiaaer. la event of two puaoas saving tba same iwbit eorract and aatag the eume suatbar of eee pona tke ponoe wboa est ef eaowee la awat aoatljr praparad, la tke oplatoa ot tke full tudcis eoawslttee, wui reaotve tb. tint pria. Oalr ene Hat ot aaowars mar ba submitted kg a eoataetant at ealy eaa prls wm fee awarded as aa. featilr at oee adtroae The eaa ot tke .unpens te aot ebllsaterr ape the alttad ta aav losible aeer tke oaatastaat mar Awards will be made strictly aeaordtn te tb stant of oaeb ease rate list. Tke asms ef more taaa eee ponoe meet aot ba wrttiea apoa anr one oMpae, Tke awards will ba atada kr tbe Oatoat Xdltor aad a oammMtoo et will isiin eraV as en as win be aaasuaao later. a le llmttad too roiiowins torrttem Kobraaka, Wrwatna, that pmtlsa et at bet ea laaledlna Das mataoa. aad that oaeuoa et South Dakota kaowa aa tba Black Hills District. FIRST PRIZE J&S'oo White Steamer Automobile A 5-passB;r 111 Model White Staamer Touring Car odorless, smokeless and noiaeleea N cranking no ahlftlng of gears; any desired apd. Wait Steamer ealea Increase each succeeding year. Haa practically an endorsement of th United State government, which owna and operatee more wnite Steamer tnan ail othar car combined. Richly uphoiatered. beautifully fin ished, unlimited power, controlled speed. Tat oar will b aalbltad la Oaaaba at Peatinsida. lata aaa Hsjmey aim. ot?rnm ddtti? Value 91,280 la tb soft, semi-tropic climatic son, extend ing north from Son Diego to Shasta County, Cali fornia. Ilea Tehama county, la which la situated thl beautiful little 10-acre ranch near tha town ef JUd Bluft Thla ta fmlt land of a vary high order and la part of tha celebrated Lutheran col ony which bad lta Inception with an" Omaha clergyman. Literature describing thl property may b aeen at tha office of TBOWBainaMO TXB CO, la th City Vaoaaal Baaa Building. n THIRD PRIZE .SSo' Th magnificent, fancy ' walnut -TBXX AVTO OBAJTB nVATB-UVZABO which noth ing can excel. No other plsyr-plano haa la th absolute th "human touch" so desired by a musical ear and so prised by th manufac turer a. Thla Instrument will be xhlbltd. ex plained and qlayed for anyone who wis he ta ea It In th war room on th third floor of THE BENNETT CO. Valu 3273 FOURTH PRIZE Ralston la to be a manufacturing city. The hsve a fin start with the Brown Truck Man ufacturing Co., th Rogera Motor Car Co.. and th Howard Stove Worka. Everything desir able to comfortable living mt be found thera On on of th main buein.ae atreeta Th Be haa selected Its fourth prii' a business lot atsloo fact, and valued at 137a. FlFTn PRIZE, Value $225 la th earn tows aad with th earn prospect ef advancement. Tha Baa has selected a residence lot 60x120 ft-, and valued at $334. Ra laton ta on th only lnteruban troiier Un running out of Omaha ad within forty minute of th Omaha poatoffie. Comnlet Information about this property at the offlc Of th MZ ITOH T vowtxra coniir, aoa aoath lVth Omaha. --avi SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES Thl lneenloua aneyclooadla. wnlok meet rather thn invention, haa baaidea its con veniencee tha value of hundred of editors men tally equipped to make one of th greatest ency clopedias ever compiled One of th strongest recommendations for tni work is that It is frm raT.koi-r.-. reJ1i!1" houae of THO. BZX.aoaT ft aOHS, of slow Tork. Londn. rnt.i. BeUabttrgU. mhich waa founded In 1798. may . . aaa aausi . r ' ' rw ( i or twelve vommra. an w i , . j ft a at tha Omaha ffle nf W. A. aaamaaag ft CeCxala -. Itatr. OTNTH AND TENTH PRIZES fht makVeTmM: .-.P&V.-.-. hundreda ef colored nU t.. .nH ,hZ7. L,l".?''J'a nuc"un SJwVtoti-T-,lIt?ir eMrn. an 0 ate ay Mary. Avenue. lack and white This is a fully aeen at the Omana FORTY.FIYE CASH PRIZES Five Prizes cf $10. Ten Prizes of $3. Ten Prizes of $2. Twenty Prizes of $1. WATCH FOB THE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE.