tk THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1911. REDUCED RATES ALL NEXT WE! K On All Railroads Into Omaha. ' ONE CENT A MILE ON THE UNION PACIFIC. ' V2 Cents a Mile on All Other Railroads. jT . .1 - ' - - rf -t tof ihi inMH HinMrihiMiawi-"! iigig-lain m 1 11 im - -i - SPECIAL mem: Remnants 75c Chafe 19c " These Are All Wool Challies On Sale Main Floor These are the same kind that created such a furore the past two weeks on our counters medium and light colors, all rjl Th remnants; on bargain square, f VJTS at, yard ii DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Thousands of yards of this season's weaves and splendid colorings, coat serges, panamas, fancy suitings, broad cloth and Victoria suitings, diagonals; 2 to 7-yd. lengths J a A i e : 1 : j - e A i iuu w iuo wwues wiueironi Dargain square; tin at, yard Fall Suitings, browns, gar-n nets, navies, Copenhagen, greens, "Wisteria and Ca tawba; 50c qual- OC ity, at, yard w3L Main floor dress goods department and suitings lor coat suits Fine medium pa PfiM weight suitings, worth up to $2.50, at, yard wC"D?C"91 15c Manchester Percale at 8ic Yard ON SALE IN BASEMENT Here . are percales that are different from the ordinary percales. The 6tyles are more clear and attractive, light and dark colorings, that will launder perfectly; closely woven with a soft finish for waists, dresses, aprons and children V -xenr. These 3, 5, 7 and 10-yard dHh lengths are 36 inches wide. New lot just. tfITi received: at. vard .... 7 F ' - 25c and 35c PURE WARP SILKS at 15c a Yard Rough silks, dotted silks, figured silks, plain silks with very bril liant finish. 26c and 35c would be placing the actual value at a low figure. Prettiest shades of tan, pink, wine, brown, m rose, green, Alice blue. King's blue. Royal blue, lavender 1 Si etc. From the bolt in basement, at yard Mill remnants mercerized poplins, pongee and sois ette, all desirable HI n plain colorings, yd. I 2v Heavy outing ' flan nel remnants, light and dark styles; 10c grade From 8 till 9 a.m., remnants of 36 inch fancy allko- lines. suitable for at per yard . . . 5c comforters will be sold at, yard Remnants and Sample Pieces Alloyer Laces Insertions, bands, . etc. black, white and ecru Vfe to 2 aTethn:M .ri: ..b:el0 15c' and 39c French and German Val. Laces and Insertions T iMAn 4 - 1.11 1. 1 . m ojiucu iui i-uuus, pmii vais, ciuny curtain laces, etc ; r worth up to 12V2o a yard; at. PINE BATISTE and COUTIL CORSETS at, pr. All new models: two pair hose supporters. Actually worth up to $1 a pair, at . .. REMNANTS OF SILK Odd lines and cut pieces from our recent special sales. All the short pieces, waist lengths, some dress lengths; good pieces for petticoats and linings; worth An up to 75o a yard bargain square, at, yard .... ZiiC SALE of BOYS' Basement Clothing Dept. New Store. BOYS' and CHILDREN'S SUITS for FALL In Russian blouses, Norfolks and double breasted coat 6tyles. These are extra special values. Worth up to $4.00 a - 04 qq suit, at. ..... . vit0 Boys' Double Breasted School Salts Cheviots and tweeds, In brown, and dark mixturea, with two pants. Regular $4.00 and a nn - $5.00 values: special, at jZeJO Boys' Uag Pants Suits for Fall and Winter Wear Dark mixtures. In worsteds, tweeds and cheviots; ages 14 to 30 yrs These suits are worth-up to r f A $10.00. t .$5.09 Boys AU Wool and Worsted Knee f'ants Cut extra full: values up to 11.00. at . . .40 Boys' and Children's Wool Sweater Coats Worth up ' to 13.50; on sale t 75 od os Brandcis Stores Best Sport -News' in The Bee SALES for nam pa? 4 :.. ouij Matched pieces of drees goods in our famous basement. From two to ten of one kind match up. These are the European , samples used for the Jobbers at less than V4 the : import cost, at each 25c : 15c 6 4 -Inch and 50-inch coatings. Jr . . . Ladles' choice 36-inch long cloth, the right weight for making autumn undermuslins. Bolts of 10 yards on Boeclal thi svi. aay, at per bolt . ' . 85c Beginning at 1:30 Friday afternoon we will sell Per sian Cotton Chal- lie lies, at per yd. ... 3Vac vard 69c SCHOOL SUITS gray pairs mm I J I 1 H I LI 1 P(iMl3I Our "Omh Combined Style Show" TMs plays ai-c Continued Throughout the Week. A Tailored Suit Sensation 300 Women Tailored Suits worth V? an 17'50 9 on sa1e Friday at or if 1,500 Women s Waists in a Sale Odd lots of long and short sleeve styles with high or low necks that open either in the front or back, made of good quality lawns and dim- uiee ami variously uimmeu wiin lace lu 3 sertions, edgings, and medallions; regular J W 75c to 1 values, Friday, or while they last $2.50 and $3.00 Long Kimono at $1.50 The reason for this reduction Is that only large sizes are left-40, 43 to 44. Medium and large patterns of high grade cloths in which gray, heliotrope, tan, red or light blue predominate. Princess, empire and straight cut models to choose from. New Petticoat of Mercerizedand Hy degrade Lustrous Finished Fabric These are msde on the generoua pltn-cut full vtde and finished with deep dust ruffles. The strictly tailored models are trimmed with stitched strap plugs ond have both medium and deep flounces and ruffles. They are spe cial numbers, made to our special order In black only and all lensths. arid wa believe they cannot be excelled at our price of 1 25 each. Dress Goods Mill Ends at About Half Price This lot consist of a special pur. chase of MILL ENDS from a prom inent manufacturer about 6.000 yards all told. Thera Is almost ever? kind that's gcod In the assortment-fabrics suit able for fashionable suits, dresses, coats, Jackets and children's wear ables. The lengths range from one to six yards In some cases less than half price. In others a little more than half pricethe entire lot, however, averages about Half Price Rare Corset Bargains for "Style Show' Week Bargain Xo. One is a strictly new, down-to-date model of an extra quality coutil and boning, neatly trimmed and equipped with good hose supporters. A regular. $1.50 corset, for "Style Show" week at 85c Bargain No. Two is a regular 1.00 model of Light aud medium weight materials, with noD-rustable bouing, strong hose supporters aud Lace trimming. It is a spe cially desirable corset on account of its' . comforgiviiig qualities. Specially priced for Fri day only Particular attention is directed to the Madame Grace corsets as being the height of corset perfection. Exquisite style, superior lasting qualities and perieet comfort in every model. Prices range from 13 to $25. 10c Outing Flannels at 7kc the Yard 10c outing flannels in striped, checked ';ue. plnlt, tan and brown patterns. Friday only, JV4c the yard 7 He 36-inch unbHached muslin of a good quality fur wear, Friday, Sa the yard. $125, oxtra weight, tan and gray cotton blaaaets with either pink or blue borders, Friday only, 8o pair. 72x90-lnch seamed bed sheets our special &5c Dumber Friday only; 39e each. 1 i"Kr"L-3 Are Cut Price Days InThe Big Pure Bennett k Uxcel- sior flour, per sack 91.40 Becnett. Rmr mf. lee, i,a stamps, lb. 35o i 11. Uonnelt's Best coffee and 60 stamps jj xx Assorted teas, and 75 stamps, lh. sea Tea sittings, and 10 stamps, pound package j c"n B c- baking powder and 100 stamps u.00 Bennett s Tapltol Oats, and 10 stamps -lb. pkg loo Bennetts. Capitol wheat, and 10 st?nrs. J-lb. pkg ioo Bennett's Capitol pancake flour, and 10 stamps. I-lh. pkg 10c J6o. quart can Franco-American soups 9oa One dospn H. J. Helns large diU pickles-a very apeo.U! offer for lag J4-lb. sack "Queen of Pantry" pnslrv flour and 40 stamps gl.SS Home made cookies fresh and deli ciousthe lb 11 i,o Gatllard'a pure oliv olL and Starr m. bottle i&m Geo. Daliiet's extra choice mush roomsa 45e can for aoo Cnider's catsup, and 10 stamps, bnt t le for 83o Full cream cheese, and 10 itimn.. pound BOo Virginia swlss cheese, and 10 stanma. pound -. g5e Skinner's macaroni, and 10 stamna packaxe Oo Two tars peanut butter and le stamps 804) Comic Section The Sunday Bee IJMi $9.75 u They are 28-lnch, plain tailored garments lined with a good Quality of Beldlne's satin. Made of worsteds, Venetians, cheviots, tricots, homespuns and wide wale materials in black, navy, gray, grape and electric blue colors. Sizes range from 16 to 40.' Juvenile Coats at $2.95 worth $4 00 xind $5.00. Made of velvets, corduroys, broadcloths and caracul cloth in double breasted styles with 6torm collars and good, serviceable linings. Colors are red, navy, brown, tan, gray and white. For ages 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. A very special offering for Friday only, at $2.95. 29c Friday Bargains From the Hardware Store Be asbestos mats at 2 for Be $1.25 set "f Mrs. Pott's regular sad Irons set consists of three double pointed irons. cold handle and stand Friday only 69o Tin bread pane, single loaf size. So 8c, heavy galvanized iron wash tub for One lot of slightly damaged wash boilers which consists principally of denta from .- shipping, Friday .only EAtr PBica 25c folding lunch boxes for lOo Blunt pointed scissors, only . ...loo lOe nickel plated tea anj coffee strainers 70 Zinc binding for stove linoleums', etc . 4x4 size, the package lOo 50c. 64-inch Table Dam ask at 39c the Yard This damask pomes in a good vari ety of new designs and is of a qual ity that will give satisfactory wear 1 75, 19xl9-lnch bleached all linea napklna n assorted patterns; Friday, the half dosen, 68c. 16c, extra large size hemmed hvek towels with red borders, Friday, while they last, loe each. $1.10. good weight, full stse, hem med bed spreads many new patterns to choose from, Friday, 85e each. SATURDAY rood Grocery fliced bef. ind 5 i, tamps, ptr jar lOo Assorted pickles, and 10 scamps, the Jar ioo Diamond Crystal table salt, and 10 stampa, sack '....lOo 4-lb. can iure pepper and I stamps for ioo Beauty asparagus, and 10 stamns. can soo Enider's oork and beans, and 20 stamps, Urge csn for 30o Haarmann vinegar, and 10 stamr, bottle ; ..... . . . io Iten's fresh made, crisp end delirious Graham knd Tourist crackers, with' 10 stampa, the pkt loo DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON ALL. KINDS OF BUT TERINE. Tree Demonstration of ONION SALT The .Jniversal rood easonlng. Friday's Menu-Celery Sandwiches. Look for this announcement ev ery day. It will interest you. Friday Fish and Meat Bargains Veal Chops 10t? Veal Stew . 4 5H Round Steak 13t Baby Halibut .- 13 H With Happy Hooligan. Little Nemo, the Katzeniammr KiA and the whole inter es ting family j 4ouA CK2vT CrVjys Tj0.Vi fit I L iv l m ' w- OMAHA'S PCBt ri)OD CXKTKS Specials In Our Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Dept. Sandhill Potatoes, per peck, 80c; per bushel B1.00 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart So I Stalks Large Celery 10c Assorted Fruit, per ba.Vet at aso, BOo Colorado Peaches, per basket at 850 15 ros H-GaL Mason Jars, per doien 63o Grape Nuts, i ei packate 100 1- pound Box "Lotus" Macar oni loo 10c Fresh. Criop Pretzels, per pound eo BOo Jar Queen. Olives 35o i-pint Mason Jars Extracted Ci Fruit Honey 350 dl 15c Can Imported French Sar- tl dlnrs en 31 v 4 Cakes fapollo aao CLW CJBJW5 CvsOQj SPECIAL J HOtaSEEKERS , RATES J SOUTHWEST TO MISSOURI, ARKANSAS, OKLAHOMA, LOUISIANA, TEXAS, KANSAS. Tickets on sale first and third Tuesday in each month. , Stopovers allowed on both the going aud re turn journeys. THOS. F. GODFREY Pass, and Ticket Agent, 1423 Farnam Street, - or Unit n Station Omaha. AMUSEMENTS. ct; Wonder-Tale or THIS Wonder-Weit Told at the OMASA LASS SHOW Thousands of exhibits, model farms, farm ma chine demonstration, mo lion pictures, lectures, etc. . See the West Mi l N Whre mnr.v .. . , ., . - X under-one roof. jksi AJMiaaiow cijtts. j jp yhoaesi Bouar. 494 Ind. A-14S4 ADVANCED TATDXVII.Z,a Hat. Every Day 8:16, Every Might SUS This week: "A Mght in a Turkish Bath;" Cenaro and Bailey;- Mile De Falileres; Kenney, Nobody and Plati; Smythe and Hartman; Clifford Wa;ker; Ulnton - and Woolen; KlnoJrome. Or- pneuro concert rcneatra. PRICES: Night 100, 8 So, 800. 7So Matinee, best seats sse (Except Holidays. Saturday A Sunday) AMERICAN THEATER TO.MGHT Mats. Tnesday, Thursday, laturday. Prices lOo and 25c. MISS EVA LANG and the Woodward stock Co. la "The Fourth t-state" NEXT WEEK GUtteiing Gloria. OMAHA'S TVW CIVTEa" tfs-g g gt? ilJ Mat., l-35-50a JC5 Evgs, 1S-2S-50-7S, Befltung Ak-aar-Sen Week. iJ'i'hWn.sIGr BANKER SHOW EXTsVAVAOANSA AHO VAODEVILLS Rosita Mantilla's Oriental number, "The Escape From the Harem." Gret olio end banner chorus of Ulrlklns. t.adies' Dime Matlnoe Every Wsek Day. JARDIN DE PARIS GIRLS and COCA X.XVXBTGSTOaT Champion Woman Wrestler of the World. Meeting all Cosaers. $25 will be paiJ 10 any woman she he falls to throw in 10 minutes. BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight, 15c, 1 5c, BOo HUMAN HEARTS raiOAT AMD SATUADAY feEVESI DAVS Snaday MADAME tHXKIT, October S, S CHtOiflT OLCOTI A 1. 1 1 1 sssji r 1 sv T 11 .11 II T II in . I fir &v'a II WVI Welcome Ak-Sar-Bcn Visitors to Omaha) Style and Bargain Center. Many Very Attractive Bargains v Friday. us 59c All Silk r.cssalincs, at, Yard 30c 25 different colors in. this serviceable and popular silk black, cream and white included, all pure silk, great snap Friday at, yard $1.00 Novelty Silks 48c Hundreds of yards of pretty silks in hair line, stripes and checks. Satin barred plaids; regular values up to $1.00; on sale at, yd., 48c Dress Goods Remnants About Hs!f Price 200 Kemnants of "Wool Serges, Panamas, Voiles, Batistes, fine 6uitings, etc. worth double, at, a yard 48c and 68c $1.25 All Wool Cheviots at 78c 20 pieces in the new fall shades, just the pro per weight for your win ter suit; $1.25 value, at, per yard 78c Friday in the Famous Domestic Ocom About a carload of mill ends and up to soc yard, consisting of outing flannels, flannelettes, percales. serpentine crepes, prints, ginghams, white goods, wash goods, etc. they will be placed on five squares, according to value, and sold t EL. TMgk. fiU4. -IA.A n1 lOlj. Extra 8000181 foe rridav All rta From bolt, 8 He shaker plain white, t 80 From bolt, liVtc shaker plain white, t 7o Simpsons 1'rlnts, all colors ....440 Nurses' Stripe Gingham, . 10c quaJl ty ee 11 He Palm leaf ginghams . . . . . SV4o Amoskeag best outing flannel ..160 Amoekeag apron checks ginghams, sll colors and sizes 8340 1 case of "Product" yard wide bleach ed muslin, worth iVc, at Be 1 case of 8 He unbleached heavy yard wide muslin iJ 1 case of C. C good quality, yd wide unhl'hed muslin, worth 8c, at. . .4 1 case of white cotton Blankets, 10-4, worth H5c. at j ...... 48a 1 case 100 pairs of; 1853 plaid wool nap Blankets, worth IS. 50 pair, on sale at.. per. pair. .81.88 Furnishing Goods Bargains In the Domestic Room Men's Sanitary Fleeced Under wear, 75c garment values shirts or drawers; on sale " 35e Men's Fleeced Union Salts, $1.25 values, heavy; on sale Friday , . 75j Men's Wool Shirt Or Drawers, all wool, values to $2.60, gar mert, $l.BO, $1.35, 08c, 75 Men's Medium Union Suite, wool or cotton, worth to $3.00 at.. f 1.08, $1.45 and 98 Men's Wool Sweater Coats and Sweaters, values to $3.00 at. .... .$1.45, 08c and 49 Women's Medium Weight Un derwear, Jersey ribbed vests or pants, values to 50c at ..25c, 15c, lZWc and 5 Women's Fleeced Union Suits, also vests or pants, heavy, values to $1.60 at. . 75c, 50c, 45c and 39 Children's Fleeced Underwear, sizes 16 to 34; on sale Fri day 12H ' (Raise 2 He esch size.) Children's Fleeced Union Suits, sizes 6 to 16 years; on sale ...........454 Sugar 'Talc 18 Its. Best GraatUated Bttfar $1.00 riour is sUU Uifber. As long as our last I cars will hold out we 111 coniinue to ell, 48-lb. sacks Diamond .H High grade fam ily flour 91.18 BromangeJon, Jellycon or JelU, pkr. for THo 1-lb cans. assorted soups ..... ...Tto Com Flakes. pKf ,. 8V,o Lajje bottles purs Tomato Catsup, Worcester Sauce er Pickles . .SH.o Skinner s Macaroni pkg- loe Gallon cans Table Syrup , Sse 1-lb. pkg. Corn- Starch : 4o t lbs. good Japan Rice t&o 4 lbs fancy Japan head Rice, l"c quality 86e lbs. beet Pearl Tapioca flio feast Foam, pkg. 40 Oil or Mu4lard Sardines, can .... All kinds Potted Meats, can 40 1-lb. cans Corned Beef 16o The best Tea Sifting, lb .' HU,o Golden Santos Coffee, h BOo The best creamery Butter, carton or FOR ALL YOUR WANTS TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST s'00 A TRIUMPH IN THE ART OF BREWING I THE LEADING ttlH I I 'W)Fj i f IN THE MIDDLE WEST'I . Family Trsd SuppUed b, I . -; ' V ' I Chaa Btors, Phones Webster I i ' tvsasmmat&msm 1200 iAdieuaeni u-isox, SwaMsMMnsawJ Remnant Day in the Big Domestic Room. ..38c Black Silks Underpriced- 36-in. Black Peau de Soie, 36-in. Black Satin Duchess, 36-in. Black Dress Taffeta, 36-in. Black Dress Messa- line; all $1.25 yd. values at, yard 88c Drapery Dept. Specials $2.25 Lace Curtains, per pair $1.45 $1.75 Lace Curtains, per pair ..$1.19 75c Lace Curtains, pr. 490 Odd Lace Cure tains, worth to $2.50 pair; each, 39c $2.50 Oouch Cows... $1.75 25c Reversible Scrims, yd. 18? 10c Barred Scrims, yd. 12 H Drapery Remnants of AU Kinds 25c to 85c values; on sale at, per yard 5 10 19 fine remnants of our own stock, worth , ' - ' - - V ' XVV A 'S V 1 ea St. Lawrence Blankets, fine unio wooi, regular pries is 7.00, on this tale, only 84.50 neets ana fiuow mips. Bheets 72x90 heavy, arond nuaiitv at 380, 46o, SOo, SAo, 880 end 7So Sheets Slxo, 48o, 6o, 6S0, 850, TSo, 8 So, 800 and (l.OO ruiow Clips f.'XUQ, AUG, lS4tO. IOO. 18o. aoo, aauo, and 7....88e fiuow bupa iox36, lino, lSo, leo, aoo and g so Comfortables, fine heavy, beat any thing for the money offered, 680, TBO, 50, 81.00. 81.23, fl.50, (1.98 up to 15.00 cotton Bstts. largest line In town, urn uujic 10 . ids., ana sell irom 60 to. 91.88 per roll. Every kind of material imA frtr m.k. Ing comforts, from 60. yard up to In Domestic Room Ladies' Suit Section New Tailored Suits in all colors, $12.50 values, at .7.50 Women's Dress Skirts in black 6r blue wool fabrics good styles, to $3.00 val ues, at ......... .$1.50 50c Dressing Saeques In good assortment of colors and styles, on sale, choice . .39 Women's Long Winter Coats, $12.60 values, good styles and colors, on sale, at ..7.50 $1.50 House Dresses, ginghams or percales, all sizes and col ors, on salt at f)Sc $1.25 House Wrappers, light and dark colors, choice 79 Silk Waists, worth to $3.00, In black, white and fancies, t 81.50 Children's Winter Coats, manu facturers' ssmples, in great assortment of colora and styles, nearly all sizes, excep tional bargains 35.00 to 81.98 s a Tumble bulk, per lb. . . .. ; sgo Taney No. 1 Country Creamery but ter, lb Beo am:y No. i Dairy Butter, lb 830 The Iie of the leoh Season. Friday. -er crate, fancy Utah. F;l- berta Freestone Peaches .. 14a Tokay Orapes, basket ftse raXSH TSOKTABX.B X1TD TMJJTt PKZOXS THB TAXK OT OXABA Sweet Corn, per doses loa I 4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots 80 a risnu gwfot Peppers, dozen ......... Sweet Potatoes, lb Cape Cod Cranberries, quart . 8 bunches freh Radishes New Cabbage. b 1 atalks Celery 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce ... Rutabagas, lb Fancy Cauliflower, lb Tokay Gripes, basket Peaches, basket " Sa . So S'-sO 7o . 60 . 8e lo 8 So aoo IS 1 i) 1 I t ; J X i l! 1 v.. ! 1 t 1 1 ) : V If