8 x THE BEE: OilAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1911. W A TJT A nQ ANNOUNCEMENTS BUSINESS PERSONALS BUSINESS PERSONALS BUSINESS PERSONALS BUSINESS PERSONALS HELP WANTED FEMALE VV iXS 1 i-llID .Continual (Continued.) Dre....k,. Co.tL.ed. . (Continued r.c.orr Tr.d,Co..l..ed 1 SeJIcow, ladie.' tailor, Far m. H 2M7. Architects. cipw-tx--i w ... Ma.le, Art aad Laacaa.-.. Tailor!..-. X nnt nds received at any tlm hut SEWING by th. day. Harney 4713. GIRLS to learn h.irdresslna; price, r.a- to Incur prc.prr rif irntlon must Upholst.nng. pl.no. turn, rep 24 Tar. H. A. BAAPKE. U23 City Natl Bank. " Migs GUSIE PETERSON' alteration HANSEN 3 L- of clarionet Cleaning rep. misfit suit., $11 50. 8UH U sonabl. Oppenhelm. City Nat I. be presented l-efore 12 o'clock m. for M!!ISO,iri Flit,r Mfg. Co , 112 8. 14, D. 4714. c j. Bow.u archltect. 671 BrandeiS Bldg. '"'' 215 Oid Boston Stor. Bid. and violin. 63 S. 8 H m. clothes. D. lTi WANIBD-Wiltw. at one. Apply the evening edition and be fore 7:30 - , ... r - - -.. STRAWN" E, piano teacher, slaht ' P-'ft Tea room. Brandei. The.ter Bldg. p. m. for tnornliig and Sunday edl- DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. 641. Arte.la. Well. Terry a Dre.sm.klng College, 20th A Far. "" reading. 81 P. 27th. D 743. WE ar. now loaud at 205 Paxton tlons. Wont o,lS received after .nr.. -7ol7w Jewelry. Mil N. St. . , K,MMATr-1011 18 City Nat l ' TXGnLD. ladle.' tallor.nnounce, ' H j. tw r ,,T block' B' ' T"lorln C' Ho.a.keeper. .ad Po..lc. hours ttlll have their first Insertion . . . ! , I E. NEBERGALL. 10U-18 City Natl. htll return fr((m th, t wl(n complete ! ' 1 - - HAVE Tailor Back maka your fall suit. -- ea-.v.x-? tot PROBLEM ssw - - - SS - &sSsSrs gu&Jggyj' - vrZ Sg,.g (fl. 7 Ilf Iff; miYADSFXTjMor,"""- Bon Attor.ey.. Albert Rothery Studio. 410 Karbach Bldg. 1 Lv nmorth. H. W.. j.t th, rml Brlri your id M nTr:WI?CsSlSR- AND SELL Write fir. lMar. Q ghJl8f attorney. iTl B. of Trad. -J" LEON WELTMON, te.cb.r of yiol.n. For fal, ault. aee A. KMym. 14U Harney. .Tm oitaiM Vent pVora' and Ktb. 6ed Co.. W Jonea. Both phone.. USTON U HALL. LAWYER, 4.6 Be. P-""a 'ora. Wh and Ca.irornia. y, and h.rmony. bamrj. Blk. D. Dunham A Dunham. IU ault. U a 1 rTh lWu,rilS3 1 cent per word for each aub.rquent " : T Pure Drug., Crls.ey Phar.. 4th A Laka. Francl. Potter, teacher, mandolin, NEW YORK TAILOR cleaning and r , Insertion. Each insertion made on AMERICAN Celf-Renovatlng Co. H. .C B.gB. a.d T.alc-ba. ! Li : guitar and banjo. Baldrig. B.k. D. SStt. nBi fVrVt-.lii work . MM ifumlif. WANTED A girl for general hou.e- odd .lay. 1 fent per word. $1.50 riRST-CLAPS harher 8hnP. W W. Wh. THE ONLY WAY. ErythlgEleetrte.l. Optlclaaa. ML0XT. tailor CO 8 lit b SulU M L?" "m"y- PC,n St per line per month. . s Baggage checked to de.tinatlon. Tajcl- rK,frjll yWfrln rvTfixtur.. T !s. to tv Harney M3. R.te apply to either The Dally or AUTOMOBILES caba and touring car.. Tel. Douglaa 2S. contraj Electric Co.. fixture., p. w. Tire-Not lenses for weary aye.. L-i WANTED Whlta girl for general Sunday Bee. Altvay. count l word Mfctorer. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. r- v urn' yg'aMi rep g. 443 Brandei.. JOHN .A. RTLEN. tailor, makea good hou.ework. no wa.hlng; only three In to aline. TTrXTTmh auto t t f XT Tr dynamo.. Igniting dynamo., motor., re- wyES EXAMINED CLASSES FITTED clo,hM- s 15,h- D i29' f.mily; good wagee. Telephone Harney HONK, tear top HONK BEMIS OMAHA SIS CO.. Omaha. N,t. PTa- LeBron. !3 8. Uth 6t. Doug. 17 fa.SIS. f.rnuel A Kleklln tailor., m S. 14 D. 4714. or c.U at tout, ttt avenue ant ads for The Bee may be left here P TKF ffUt place IV OMAHA T Johnston Electric Co.. 411 8. 10th. D. 45. elt-- ili s- lstn t't- . m r WANTED A girl for general hou.e- t any of the following drng .tores HEIIt t e- 5 X-v B.kerlea. . . cteonainr CHAS, C .T;APE5T.?U .f v" ;ultJ,n' work; no obTectlon to colored girl. 114 g. one Is yonr "corner dr..l"-thy nRTTMMOND TIP-TOP bread tTbe Web.ter VL OTU- mt0r rep"r""' DUg'" O.teopjH. on display. City Nation., bank bid,. Wttt Bt are all branch offices for The Bee lXVU I'li'lVll : Harthun Electrical Co. D. 6233. US S. 14th. Alice Johnson, m-9 Brandel. The. Bldg. R. A. William., clothe, altered. 24 Laka. WANTED A servant girl at once. nrL'nTlw V,,U,Ke ,D,erU,d l,USt. M,h na Harney Eta. A. B. COKQ8. balery. Web.ter 6141. Katheryn Nikola.. S34- Brand.l. Theater. T.tdrl.ta SfiV " N'W mh NUOn, promptly and on the same rat as at domestic bakery oualtty 2406 Cuming. TloH.ta. ! Taldeni.ta. Bldg. , the main office In The Bee building. ONE pew Lexington touring car. In- DOMESTIC bakery, quairty. in u"" Oyatara. . J ' " TTZ TZ T Serenfeenth and F.rnam streets: elud.n, mohair top "and Prolit. ILBW: B.d. Lo A..oct.tt.a.. A. Donahue. 107 Farnam. D. MM. A-lOOl. 0r"' Aulabaugh. 1701 Le.ranwortn. Dou,. tm. Qmk,rVrryn.wP7'r ' tebJSk Wil iMr K J"rH S e -S HKBiCA & Loan A. K. . r- Co,. Oy.ter Co. W,o,e..l. on.y. - nwa.h aPPU . H. prpi ?N.b. H E neL.SFS dVYnVesenWor,? HESS BWQBODA. 1415 Farnam St. !-. OMAHA Tent Tt 1 Douglas. m& "WarT.TvV Tn.ls Park Pharmary. 3 and Cuming P"5. 'J- Lron Garage. Fremont. received. 16 Farnam St.. Omaha. L HENDERSON 1519 Farnam D rT HIRAM A. STVRGFS. patent lawyer. mu.t be able to cook. W M"y Av- Ulske-Prail.h. 2ri Fhermnn Ave. . "L c,"cu' 1 1018 r"m- '- f. s. and frtreiEn patent, trademark. Traaka and Bait Caae-e. CIRT ... houMwork. avu Clirton H i Phaimarv. ;:i3 Mi l'arv Ave. ; - Bicycle, aad Motorcycle.. Rtewart a florist ,Mli.mM no n la and copyright.; 25 years' experience. m Hi.. iL eww. u Caw.hlln C. R. 4725 Leavenworth. Pfeiffer Au.'? carr5gf painting. Re- cy Btewarts. florist & seedsmen. 119 N. It. Brand f Tsheat,r B5dg. Tel. Doug. 9. reeling aV Btelnle. 180S Farnam 8t Bvrt. Harney M.4. &mv p"rtn'- Lav"rth bU OMAHA BICTCUE CO.. 16th and Ch,. FLOWER pot., all .lies. The Ne- - ft - , tm B,te - rr""" et"""' ' WANTED Good girl tor genial hou,.- ?Sm7k.PFmT" W B ln Ft Auto lamp, repaired. Omaha Silver Co. "go Indian Motorcycle.. Wr.ta for bska 6eed 1G13 Howard. 'Phone D. P. Q. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. TurkU. Bath.. work. 1401 Dou.lt.'. FMer Co.. 2 Leavenworth. 8 " Wlllard Eddy U. 8. Pat. attorney nd wivri-ni .,,.K, f .,,h.- ,,- Frl't.a TArr"ioi42,N MthSt"' BAE GAINS Dill Poatln.. CHAS. EPERKR. florl.t. 30th and Brl.- "'cltor. 1530 City Nat. Bk. Tyler iMft. Ladle.' gents' Turkl.h baths. 15 Poug. AEdVnalr -work" imafl jr'va?; 'CwPniVfo1 12 TAh . IN SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES. - w- Paint, and Gla... -,. family, Third St. Co. Bluff.. T'eJ. ri. F orence Iirua Company. Florence. Neb. Wav.ri. ?v OMAHA Bill Posting Co., Douglas t7mnflla.. . . .. r,r.e:"rpharni.cy Fnrk Ave. and Pa- Veha $ Fornaee. and Stoe Repair. -.7. . nrrr, WANTED High school girl to work for t1Hr Pharmacy, Fnrk A Ve " Btrd Store.. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO- WESTERN Umbrella Co.. US! Farnam. rooi . and board; fl per week. SOS N. Oreenough Co.. W B. lrtth Pt. Stortrtard Dayton 750 Steam or Hot Water Heater ready? Tele- Farnam Ind A-SSJ1- Doii.las 4750 JUt Bt. Oreenough & Co . Kith nnd Hickory. Siod-lard Uavton L0 BIRDS, dogs, gold fish. cage.. Max phone us for free Inspection. New fur- lBJ rn jm;uina triminc tnd iImm w., M..f-ct-rr. " r . ' T rB" Pharmacy- :uh p:d LeRV'n- liSSSS "MeT tflrd Co" 1611 FarDam WaT,8S&' SvSS :3nV pa!,nl h..-. ...Tryr gwn.; Johanon rmt Co . Jith srrl Ppaulding 6iodtlard Dayton I!"!'."....!.. 90.1 Bo, mmi Packaac Maaofactnrer.. A. 3621. 1206-120S Dougla. St. Glag.. Varnl.he. and Wall paper. j). 6. Olfflth. wig mfr.. 11 Tranter blk. Weit Farnam dl.trlct. Pbon Harn.y Tohrson Pharmacy. r?0 Farnam. Locomobile 2,-MU 7 I . :: rTTt' rkn--ir-. ', 1 ... TS3. Hant.com Park Plisrmacy. 1' H S. 2!th sloddard limousine 2.J0O Wood n Box & Packace Co.. 1514 N. 16th. W. S. Heaton. Amer. furnace.. H. 3565. rttonograpua. SEE Monhelfs wig., toupaca. 411 8. 1. . -. - T T nrDTntlT p. m ooaen cox ec rmw GIRL for general housework. 1921 Bln- Hlntrrlong Dnir Co.. Slst Ave. end Far- J. J. D ilt Hi ii i & UU., carpenter, and Contractor.. Flour Made In Omaha. Edlton phon. rec. Schults Bro... 1406 Far. W,M, mmA Liquor. ney St. Phone W.b.ter 2615. HoUt. Tol n. ? f. K.'h St 1S12 tainam St. falT1(? mm FLOUR. $1.10 sack. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. Photoajrnphera. bW.tt "7ei-ieti old - A. WANTED Competent girl for general Huff. A. I..W4 Leaver worth AUTOMOBILB delivery wagon tor W. P- Deverell, contractor. Ramge Bid. . f : ii.Im w?h a P-.V;4aTmayrT N.24th. J. -nTolTcarpenter. cont. Both phones." UPPIKES Pride of Omaha Flour. Rlnehart. photographer. Uth Farnam. Iffou; Aflieulr go? & Fnam. T31 South 16th .traat. 'f?"UMffi TIRESrAN?A RErBySCn A. Lmbor.. carpenter, contactor. H. 1. d MllU.d .tor... O'Neni. artistic photographer. 216 S.l 5th. gD. ROTHERYo'f fiSSt. and IH?. Monmouth Pharmacy. 33d and Ames I 1XL Jfub6tf caTeTeT Feed, all kind.. Glencoe Mills. 232 Ird. Rembrandt .tudlo. portrait.. 20 A Farn. el-tr. cf n conn.cUon. Ill V. 14th Bt. wage. RV.i.rDr7rCo KniAtnM Ave SIMPLEX Vulcani.er Co.. Machln. for . .a .... .. T.vh Fonndrle.. Lumlera studio. f.U-30-22 8. 15th. P. 3004. Han(e-., Family Liquors. 122S Chicago. GOOD ladles' clothe. Iron.r: .te.dy s;e?:rDCu c owner.. 20,' Brand.l. E. S. Fead. weddm, cake.. 1519 Leav h. .....Waia. 107 R. ifith. T.k.e.ev. , , - PT- Leavenworth St CMra 1 neater. .,... .... M DONALD brass and bronie foundry, FINE liquors, lunohe.. th and Leav. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, tth and Cum- -TTZSZoVL automobli. painting. " ' 4 Karba'ch ! ,ed eMtlne MANGOLP'B STUDIO. 1520 DOUGLAS. may St CO.. family liquors. 1208 Douglas. grXiTttt; Prof. J. Lund, chlropodl.t. 416 Karbach. . photo.rapU BppIIe.. Bond, drlnkl. hom. cooking. t23 B. 13th. DEATHS AWT FUNERAL ?fOTICES. yl?JTo .d7 MO-heit WESTERN FUR CO repair. re- THE ROBERT 1-TpSTEK CO, 1.13-15 'cu.lck Bro... liquors. Cg.'rS. 0th Ame.. UaSU-Ahkim3mWSmKM work; bet workmen; loweBt price. Cny Nat 1 Bank. Dougla. 23i; lnd. A-2il8. m0del 13'4 Farnani repair., re- Flirnami ln their n.w .tore; branch .tore . mm .. . 1 : K B. L5th St. C. Engelland.r. liquors, cigars. 15U Dodge. WANTED-Competent girl for general FINLF-Y-John. aged 74. , WHOLESALE prices on oil. Doug. &2t8. Clear, and Tobacco. Fnrntnre Dealer.. . ' homework; no waahlng; good pay. 8319 Funeral Vedneday afternoon at 2 . ' 1 Fhyalclaa.. T. J. Hart, liquor, and cigars. 802 N. 16th. Do,tk-a St. Mrs. Charles Rich. Harney M4S. o'clock from resMence of hi. siaier. mi . HOW about your gasoline motor? Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Douglas. La Truda . ,rTVTtr , T , . .. Vmterson. 1206 Castehar St. Interment j-,., lt run 8moothlyT t not ,end 10o haa. Havana. Te-Be-Ce cigar, be. 6. LEVINS for bargain.. 310 K. 16th. DR ELEANOR DAILEY. 2518 Wool- WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, WANTED A girl for general house- Prospoct Hill. postage for "Engine Trouble" text book. 1 : 7 " worth. Red 6167. sandwiches. Alex Jete, 1302 Douglas. work; mu.t hava r.ferenoe Call 4.HU GREISE-Julla. beloTTd daughter of Mr. freeze Carbureter.. Newark N. J. THB Banitary Crown Pipe. 115 B. Mtn. Grocerle.,d Meat.. Q LARSON'S Place. 212 N. 16th. Dodge. Phon. Harney 1748. FaT "iaXVmen16 M'INTYRE AUTO C0.rMm .M.. Chapman's quality meats. 240, Cuming. Automatic Phone-Bu.lne... 2; ra,.. fS .Ki' Spir r';roCe8,r'!,o.e0pUhVarrmrahnUraarho,,fc AUTO BARGAINS IN USED ckT" prc, cloth. .ale, phand. 814 N. 16th. AHAMO Coffee. 1-lb tins. 80a. Ask grocer OMAHA SILVER CO.. 814 S. 14th. NIELSEN'S Bar Cafe. 1417 Pod,.. V - P" w-t. C,h!,lcttcem.,".rym- ,nterme'U G"rman JC- 15th. Clol.l. M.o-f act.rer. H.rne... S.ddlerL.atbe, Good- Plumber.. Ed.lw... bWj. choice liquor, and cigars. r Mma ' .Motorcycle.. Wear Ideal dreg. ahTrts. M. E. Smith C& Wichert harness, leather good.. S. ,, piUmbing and Heating Ind. tel. 8325. S. O. Munn. N. 16th. J""; NEW Excel.lor on. month. FAMOUS Collin, .addle.. Alfred Cornish REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson bt. D 1477. Loftman. s-yr-old wky. 10c drink. 14 A H.r. WANTED-A girl for housework. UM MARRIAGE UCB.UI. STl Co., DU.. A Co., 1210 Farnam. Writ, for cata.o.ue. 0m.h. plumbn. Co,, sh.rman Av., GOOD old liquors, fina cafe. 824 N. 16th. WANTED Olrl tor genera. hou..work Th. following ; Jl.. were granted Pow.r.-Heafey Coal Co.. Tel. D. 889. .HNNEY A BON, mf,. .ndde.Ier. in rMtaaWtmamL H. 3091. A-2027. Whol.-l. Carpet.. .-ndlr. b..t of llcen.. to wed today. BUSINESS CHANPFS " Butter Feed A Coal Co.. 2S6a Far. H. 545. clalty. handwork. 1020i N. 16th. age, p u m nd RA2Z1 n DUOlfiCOa UnMIMUt ... B.vernes. & Ohye. Tyler 1377. A-1828. 3. k. Oroutt Boa Co.. Uth A Farngm. WANTED A competent girl for general Elinor Meyer., Omaha........ " h-,. e. A TP At cut piicea. All Hat Factor.. . , , , . housework; family of tour. Mr.. Frank John G. Vogel. Lincoln. Neb 26 T.,e7sl'5n0,4l?uLf Vi t,,,",,," A 1 KINDS. W. save T. F. BALFE. plumbing and heating. Wholesale Dry Good.. Hadley. 4240 Farnam. Harney 6811. Nellie Markula. Lincoln. Neb 18 GAtsOiblAD. 4o4 Bee bldg. Tel. D 83b7. I I U I you 50c to 8160 per FALL nat, now re(jv , 1607 Howard 6t Tel. D. 743. Ind. A-274L Edgar E. Hale Lyon. Neb 85 jsoo EQUITY ln confectionery and cigar VVXlJ-i QualitybCoaIlm" ' Omaha Hat Factory. 114-U6 S. 13th. Pool ... Billiard. C. George, wholesale, mall. 1204 Farnam. fcMIBTCED llrl tor4l Clara Mellu., Lyon.. Neb is .tore; would consider city property or Rosenblatt'. Cut PrU. Coal Co Billiard.. hou.ework. no wa.hlng. 119 B. 87th. tlar. Jame. W Hanley. Omaha 23 rlinqui.hment on Nebraska homestead, mo N?chola. St. Both 'Phonea. Ho.pltaU. . - " ' ot Omaha DlMtory. B,y ,7- ThTresa M. Robbins. Omaha 20 A. On.al.a Bee. Council Biutt.. la. U23 Nlchola. bt. Both Phone.. Metropolitan Pool Bowling. 1518 Cap. WANTED A good girl to aa.l.t with John O. Limbaugh. We.t Point. Neb... 53 A FIVE-CHAIR barber shop for aale- UPd"" "quality yd.." 45 A Dodge. H. 737. SWEDISH Mission; both tel. ; 8706 N. 84 AM. Prlnung Co.. 8304 Cuming. D. 5847. O- K. HARDWARE CO.. 418 N. 4U Bt. r,neraI housework. 86? N. 41st Av Har- Caroline Luc. Omaha 47 gd l0cation ana good buylne.a Edgar NEW coal yard. 24th and Grand Ave. WISE MEMORIAL. 24th and Harney. " V. 1 GO OUT to Rourk. park and root for "r.la" . Lloyd C. Chamber.. Blair Neb 23 Benolt. U i.at Main Bt.. Lead. 8. D. George E. Cobb Coal Co. W. 68L - Prlntl. Omaha. If Ed Kahne. 8M8 Arbor St.. will A MIDDLE-AGED woman to take full Bertha Moore, Blair. Neb w . ,h. m. . . . ; - : BETHANY Hoapital. Dr. Nystrom. Phone . . come to The Bee office within three day. charge of the house in .mall family. 2126 r fi,010'1?1"? E- H?n?.fnrf "'m8?,? C. 8. Johnson, coal. 18th lsard. I 'phone.. PERFECT typewritten letter, made ln we will give him a ticket to tba ball Sherman Ave. Phone Webster 502. Bt.. bo. ornaha. or Helphand. au N. loth. ; Iu.r.nec. largest we.tern letter factory. Mangum game at Rourka park. . , ANNOUNCEMENTS ,-,, RHnw , ,hK , Mt Ml COAL, good, try It A.k Webster , A Co.. PrlnUng, 1108 Dodge. Both . , , w rr ,r ju , 3 WANTED A reliable girl for general AIUJjUUVItrcia toJoldWhWift VrTeTu M' Harmn & W'eth- H. S. BYRNE, .u bonds, in.urance. EDUCATIONAL tiRTjZV ' C" J. A. GENTLEMAN, VaKEsI TO 52?. SX' "Hln- Aadr8, COAL H1LL 'or Kl Phone Tel. P. ISM, ind. A-iaoS. 608 City Nat Bit, j w rb prir,ter T.l.phon. EUUWIIUWMb y th Ave. h.tm.r 1S14 Chicago St D 1659 BlbS - ca' nnaha Bee. ug. both phone.. - Flra- WHEELER A WELPTON He.i.h i- XtaDer, rTUlier DoUK. 1018 OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE WANTED-A girl for general hou.e- embalmer. 1M4 Chicago bt. D. Ib59. B lbo9. a 4.LE-84 000 .tock of ,en,r.i m.r Bond. InIuRANCE NAe?fd.nt BEB BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. v. "BEST IN THE WEST." work in family of three. Apply 4305 Dodga MOWFYM-" Collectlo.-nclo.. IXSfg&H jggag H. Ledyard. printer. 3U S. 19. D. 5618. araffiST,: fX. ft. Phon. Harney V JylUlNll.I .-V B" FhSflnalIBakSuga'S8. "2 " Phone A-26g torgood printing. TirT 1? o-.io.N LOAN CO. x'- cara uman "el- .L... ' T J WILLOWS, fire; Brand.l. B dg" Lytad Printing Co.. 16th & Capitol Av. S. 82d Ave. EEZiEE W.ccity; 7. VSgfr ALFRED C. KENNEDY. ' Rel.-Hall Ptg. Co. 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3624 Z iV' FOf .-g-jr 1 ll 25B$m mBBz gawttwm g ""n1 BSfie Office Stationery K-in.V' FOR SALE-Grocery and que.n.war. CARTER Steel Metal Works. Omaha. Rhod...Monuomery Co. Ins. Ramg.T J'1 m 3M S' St; Z and L.mVn.Mp'Jrh. catalogue AW,-.n-n.. fftr hauh ' uf.ifcHA a i t AHV .(- ti iS.f;"".. stock and fixture, about 83.500. Addrea. ---------- .. , g g"- rT T ,nmN r afe hucin... i ready and fre. for th. asking. Call, WANTED Good girl for general hoube- jVew tttrt?? "a.outhT!ithD.tUr'eet8 B SoHarvard'Neb0"1 Aidr" Cre.-erl... Dalrle. and g-ppl.e.. TALK TO VESY, "the policy plMr. l? cUyyElh7bFl-nam8g ' wrIU r Phen. for tt g"- work. CO 8, 85th lv. LOMATCH. tool., 5th and Leavenworth. FOR a dainty de.sert use Dal.eir. Ice Milk, cream. Fer-mil-lac. Alamlto. D. 411. Iro and Wire Fencing:. tt & Rest 15c and 20o meals. 1510 Dodge! Boyles College Building. Omaha, Neb. hnw.ANTEp-A. girl to tnr creamcream. If Mr.. M. KeUer, 617 No. , ., . , , , . , nouaewora. no wasnmg. oui a. Bin oi. . GOLD AND SILVER PLATING, ' " ' th" fi"' iM , PAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY ..w.lry. Dl-cU w....... BAuER'8 CAFE, beat In city. 218 8. 18th 1 ' W . U A. s2,0rBk-26'trAv.amtly' Gas tixture., brass bed, atov. trimming. Dougla. Co. Milk Producer. Aaao. D-3414. nvT vmir bar.aina at -t.vi.. . Day and avenlng claasea begin Oct t. a"d ,at,VrArHAreT.ra "cS- HAIB -hop; 8 Uvlng room.. G Hi , PARSONS, creamery Jew"rr sYo'tflOS S. Sth d Ut CEtabl Sowing. ' ,,0t, "l"'"'- ' Established 1. Doug. iiJ5. 1220 Harney. . supplies, egg cases. ExceUior poultry open uo a charge account with ... a Belmont, quantity 8b quality. 1618 Dodga. Shirtwaist kin. WANTED Chambermaid and rub Wedding announcement.-iI7Tt7 Better Be Safe Than Sorry, ..,. Acmi... M.nPielber.. Jewelfr. 1622 pgtllfg- tnd fln. ,unche.. 723 HSTSi &. f- girl. Apply to hou.eke.per. Hot., Rome. ;. t, ; t Let u. sell your .tock of merchanuise jfwelry and clothlna: harAin tm Claaae. In geenral eduoatloa. TWO girl, for chamber work and dln- M. F. Morrill, china paint. 833 Brandel. Th for cash Our plan, are sir. to win m.. fniv7i7.. ....-fcii - JEWELRY and clothing bargains. 801 fl. QUC iunch. 1616 Farnam Ing room work; $20 per month, room and """" ::z -z a w 7 , " gHp?"roo ! Chamber, reopen. Sept 25. Doug. 187L BARTONS. l"crttol Ave. MODEL tHt bt servlc 1608 Howard. . pgRCHMAN'B Day Acad.my for , fee. Wolf. . jewelry flr.t City Nat Bk. .'to? .ale; .om. good bargaln.Ti "M.ckle-. Dancing Academy 1816 Harney' orun' "'"' ' Clen"t WHITE HOUSE CAFE, firat-cl... pop- young ladle.. 87th and Bt Mary's Av -UNO ?hmi;u" B. H. CCSignCcD.. 1316 Farnam. 8. U! h.y M.' ro0M tlfyCke--l-1Mo-f.u 1ST-CLASS laundry; guaranty de.lr- ular prices. N. Koch, prop., 813 S. 16thT . Tutorn, flr.t t0 ghth H, 'chru". "Edison phon. rec. Shult, Bro. 1408 Far. WANTED Manager for .mail printing 6IN'VW" Ar" C" " Har"'y POUQB Cafe. 10. 8. It Be.t 20o meal. 1 CTfepvTUIMn cftD wft..CM ' twldlrtW HEFEY & HEAFEY " & 'blg.'."11" ft'sl'- 8" COr' 201,1 f"4 Ha""y- FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6824. Yokohama re.t. beM 16c meal. 617 N. Uth. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN lMT'lt 'VnVZ Underikeis. have moved to their new .TuTn connCe?UoUTd7r.-.0rp MISS ESTHER ROSSITER S School of N?20th sFtSSllTllB1' VJ1 ZoWnTV NovelUe., plaaUng. buttons. Doug. BUu tvDIES-W. hava good position. Wait- building. 21 Farnam St. 'Phone Harney n t A ulrifto Addrea. P. D(.n.ng will open at Metropolitan club bet ..rvlce. good coomng. 714 w. 16th. Ladle.' Tailor 111 uth at Inglf you will le.rn halrdreaalng with ki. lnuependent A-ha. y O- Bo dT. Wyo. m Hrney St., Tuesday. October 10. at Llghtnlngr Rod.. HOME cooking re.taurant. 108 8 18th, CHJOPO' T41r' C ' th. Hefmann permanent hair wav.; no ,n niPfUre theater and air4 P- m. Asaemblie. every Friday evening. HUM- coomna riurni. ii a. mm. .,nur. ,,. . competition; big money. Manicuring. ALBERT CAHN t:A!&&t2: P-on. Dougla. 2057. .bra.ka Lightning Rod Co.. 806 N. 17th. Excelsior bar .nd cafe, lunch... drinks. J2ffl&&SU fffFpS?& hV'XXt tiXTZl WTW SHIRTS TO MEVSL'PE iv n ot of 3,uu). only .how ln th. town and doing -,,.. -..,, .... . all day. H. C. Rann. 1208 Farnam Bt lntT n to0y' MOlr bmrtia 1U M-A-LF.-.. 13.'. FAR. ST. ,lnl' business; alway. get 10 cent, adm... T.ur,p'.n '..V?" '"lY; ffon. Wed. , laiaber. TJ.i, made over. Ml.. Pepper, millinery c' PA PKRH ANGERS use Snowfl... nasTT lon an1 lor v.lMllU 10 "d c,nt: -nd 8at" ""n'- D- 11' ''"ton Blk. UNIQUE Re.taurant. 207 S. 14th; flr.t- -t"B ptr)0rt, gi, g. tath. Harney 8907 WANTED-Transfer girls stock girls ggg g aasaaaaa guas store .na snip n. tt. goods, p. l,a.B.aj, AdareM v li. care Bee. . Dentrtts. . TjlfllVa' whU hat. 'leanad. blocked. ' ...... t ' -n ",;. '": STAMMERE-Rlnr,.. R.mg. B,dg. "XgeNERAL merchandise .tor. for .ale y.y. th. d.nUsTT 08 City Nat, p rt " T " BArETT rasor. sharpened. 320 Ramge Bd Htur. 8.) . uth. Omah, FurnlturTpTo,,,. D. wl, ,.. othe suburb. oOm.ha VrifW -PPe- Rubber good. Bel, Drug Co, 1218 Farn- R. C. Phe.p.. Brand.,. Store.. Linotype composition for trade n groceries, shoes, hardware and gent.' , .1. - Farnam 6t .TTTV . Velvetina shop now locaMd 1819 ramam. UCI D WANTPr MALF t,inotpe compo.mon tor trade. D. 2425. Jarni,hing goods. 6alea J,uOO per month. MACH A MACH. 8d H. Paxton. D 1085. SCOTT STATIONERY CO.. .ehool sup- H-r WAPI I -U MALE Miss Bol.n ladle.' tailor 301 Botn ..nr. Addies. C .40. car. bee. T" . " ' , . MUUnery. plies. 417 N. 24th. Bouth Omaha. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR AT " " 1 " ' FROST J1I .! BOTTLING PLANT Cheap for caah.Jn , EICKE8. 724-8 City Nat'l Bk. B.dg. jRONERT'B mlllln.ry ful, OMAHA Bt.Uonery Co.. .07 Farnam. ' THE WARDROBE. 8014 FARNAM. D-1729 A. U.-.- ..Uctto-a. hlfies. lS.X'" - DK. H. A. FOSTER. 16th and Doug,.. .1... pTi'c'e'S.' TOtST-CLASSS MN Whyworkfor Twenty per cent less than Omaha price PR. DAILEY. 603 Brandaia Bldg. D. 3738. PENNELL, Millinery, R. 8, Paxton Blk. kick th. "Brown Dai.v n m ..,,.,. selling the New Era Rop. Machine; Twentyfen SFSQn JO. , f le" Pr. Q-ntnW. ov.r Merchant's P.. .tor. O'Connor A Emblem, millinery 115 8. 16th. J2tfZf&!SMX 1 -jffl tSfhlooV fefalS BS'SP SMOKE C06TELLO S Omaha Cut K 2A B' PR. ELSTER. 408 City Nat l Bk. Bldg. Latest fall mlllnery. Raubtr. 1424 8. 16th. Ikesmaktn and (hlala Parlor..' Courtney A Co, 17th and Douglas. and 6uppiy Co, Bole Agent. 71 AMBITIOUS young man. to tak. Pra. Klausn.r A Klausn.r, 406 Karbach. Fall mllUnery Old hata remodeled Alao w." . . . TRY our onla .h.mpoo. Beet In th. Brandel. Theater Bldg., Omaha, Neb. YOU'LL ..way. be h.ppy ,f your wed! ch" oflllb'SrfS a SSSnW JS.,? - klausn.r A .Karbach. tfe K.bruV W Ts' l"fhC8t world. F. -fl- Bhad-ii, Dou.laa Bt CAPABLE man who ha. la,,. fling ring come, from Brodegaard'., us J crry h'm?ri' ,r ?i.K, 1. TSi h,i J- - Whlnn.ry. dentl.t. 407 Paxton Blk. QooO work while you wait 618 B. 16th Bt '' . k. " aoqualntane. among.t railroad m-.t.r 6. loth St. At the .ign of the crown. f op,po"u"1, f, r m,' Mirt crates. 17th and Nlchola.. MRS 8. RICHARDS. ..teat fall .tylea Omaha Eleo. Shoe Repairing 2418 Cuming DEFIANCE starch, largest and beat. ?chc and engineers to sell Babbitt in confidence. P Ua. Bee. - .. Second floor CHy National bank Bldg. Omaha -,lec enoa rtepairing. cuming - Havdan Bro. -ld.r; good .alary to right BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve ' . ; . . - Detactlyea. --------. bhehman, ladle, tauor. wayaen Bros. Only mn ability need apply. IMr--.fil RV' IrPi,d ,.fa0VoUonu7UTmnP Mo.am.at. and Ma.aoU.. gportla. O-d. 1 7771 CCMslT"" KafctoV reference rulred. A4d?.li A McConnell trug Co.. Omaha. Neb. b"ln 8 nfha !4oTP8th ""aha secret service detective sgency. , HELP WANTED FEMALE U4. cara Bern. FTASTTC .r-win. Z 1 burner, uteo i monm.. uw a. ma. bond,!. C8- Paxton Bk. D. 1319. A-1S19 J. F. Bloom A Co.. 17th and Cuming Ets. NEW shopworn gun. at low price. . " ELAbTlC stockings, supporter, and D ta rum. ir.rn.m t - Townaend Gun Co, 1614 Farnam. ... MEN TO SOLiCIT-Good pay; expert- .Tm.ayTru..ymd bP'cu 5 l VcT" ' ' CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 Karbach Blk. Mirror, .ad Mlt.rod Ola... "'. ence not n.. 4-1 B. loth St" o many, i rusfft nttcia. Evssryjhtn . BtMl Tsmlc S4il ClT't C-.i-lli i s - - ' ther?anr8t r.Uaiuu.lwV." BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8-room house JAB. ALLAN. Neville Bile Tyler 1184. N.Uon-Ryder Glaa. Co, 1608 Cumi.g. ' AT one, thro, hrlght. capabl. ladi. AJ ,h''dc wl 11.rm,k,B5tt S'ArSff Sr"C" a"ly .pdcationaiklngd Nevilu Mo.u ,tor.,, . CoA andBa.l'' R JSkSF rirri.Hdf.ieb.?ca baE1nTfo t'wTek"? cSSSfV Ir.-.o ........ VABJJg ...ph.r. ..d C.rt t.port.r.. " .,U-lld 0,. !! tl 50 per I 0U); estimate and .ample, fur- b-r-ln 'or cn thl. week. Ibin Case St. vacuum cleaners. 8u4 B. 16th; 3u B. 17th. " " Cl.rici ... uiri.. nretl saleemen for cltv n4 ffir"" Tlsardr'aX -g g---. p-- L: KaUy.aten, notaryBrandels Th. P. 8683. PRIVATE IJCStON8"nf SHORTHAND. fFH'MS . DUailMCOO r-;nOUniM-.a x gr.duai.. placed. lSUV. Dodga. D. 1S10 Col. Expre. Btorag C, 1614 Cap. Ava. ' . . , R1H T, Shortest aytm; be.t .y.tem. Text Knox. 1814 Bt. Marys Av.. " Pr,.sU... EXPRESSMEN'S Delltery Co. Moving; g ,5. Waph 01 0J.0S"S ffwTDT The Be. off ic. within three day. .rwlu BronB .nd aftTTth. .how. vl.lt th. v. oMiciVTtl'fe ESTELLE D. RICHARDS. ,t.no- AnUunatl. 'phonaw-auri, 88; r-sld-no. tl. J"! toSL'l&X ourk."D.r"k 11 U 'am " OLYMP1A l!lcl Vn2f th Mrs. Wright gown.; 4th floor, H.yd.n's office, 216 8. 17th. Tjbug. 894. lad. B L- B., MUm4 rfr, .d Tr.d... f-or.tary. T01 Om. N. tank, Tel. Doug. KUrka P Grand Theater 4 chae, wkly 807 N mh NPinky. gowns; 408 Paxton B,k. D. 6978 Twin City Expr 1114 Howard. Both Tel. rixt.r... . M,a Chamber., china ptg. H5 City Natl. Grand Theater. 4 chge. wkly. 807 N. 16th. VERNOR Transfer and Btorag. Co, FIFTEEN girl, at one to work , EASY work to mak. 84 to 86 a d.y; Mil "TTcTt vn lihT.Tlrnn .nd tank work PARK THEATER. 616 N. 16th. now Preaamaking. plain aewlng. 809 S. 81st St. fireproof storage, household good., piano. - H Welrich Fixture Co, atorm window.; ,b .pltB,B,nU C"00 Co- quick, four or flv. in a hou..; will send BOlLklt shcq iron .nd tack work. pp.. .nolher brauu, plrtur houa. for FraBk- w and baggag. moved, packed and .hipped, i, work" W.b. 2477. lia-17 N. 84th lit Uth and Jones BU on. free to worker.; unlimited field. B. C. - - " 7 Omaha- all .eats 5c matinees and even. Lulu Scott, ZJ7 Franklin. W. So83. B-8331. warhou.e 1504 Burt St. Tyler 111. Of- Montgomery, .afford. Ala. Omaha 6 it net ural Steel Work.. Inis time management " flc. 7th and Leavenworth. D 8154. T. . ,,.. WANTED Girls to wrap Woodwards : - Ihtlie" TJtta id Yu as cmerPhuM Wolff. Udie.' tailoring. 620-22 Be. Bldg. .nU ' Doora -. Baa, BuUr fcotcll and Woodward . Pur. WANTED A good .ubscrlptlon solid. VAN OORPON'3 hors. and dog hos- : ; FURNITURE moving; t men, tl Pr , , . Sugar stick candy. John a Woodward tor fot city work. Th. Daily Nonpareil. PltaJ. 810 N. 4. 6-pl.c orchestra at Rom. aummer garden. Mattiaon, modiste. P. 4608. 8410 8. 10th. hour. Web. 2748. Omah Wn'dow Bern. Co. 434 N. 14 D. 4694 4 Co.. Council Bluffs, la. Council Bluffs, la.