tht; p.kk: omatta. Wednesday, keptembk 27. ion. " r jr ! r I I- vnAv v 1J , I BRIEF CITY NEWS t boo rnn zt. Qas, Blae. rixturas, Bura-saa-Oraaasa. Om. Hut, Wks, Xiok. dsslra'ra, Mara. Haw JUonutUif Offlcsr Kara -C B. Bradley, who la turret captain In the navy, and who comes I. ere from the North Carolina at Norfolk navy yard, 1 aaslgned to two years duty at the Omaha recruiting station. Quarral Brings Damsf Bolt A quar rel over a disputed debt between Henry D. Neely, local manager for the Equitable Life Auranoe society, and Harry V. Aron, bookkeeper for the Payne Invest ment company, resulted In the Institution of a $30,000 damage suit against Neely by Aron In district court Tuesday. To Xnspeet Mstropolitaa Club Mrs. M. D. Cameron. preBidetU. and the house and home committee of the Woman's club requests the members of the club to Inspect the Metropolitan building at 2301 Harney street this week In order to be prepared to vote upon the proposed change of club rooms from the First Congregational church to the Metro politan at the first meeting of the season, October 1. Turret Captain Kara Chief Turret Captain C. B. "Bradley of the United States battleship North Carolina has re ported for duty at the naval recruiting station here, where he will assist In the recruiting work. Captain Bradley had charge of all of the big guns on board the battleship and Is an expert gunner. He will remain1 here for several months, until relieved. Heads Ex Post Facto Ltw W. B. Carter of Sioux City, charged In an Information filed by United States Dis trict Attorney Howell with having placed on lecord In Thurston county, Nebraska, a deed purporting to convey to htm au allotment of Indian land in violation of the act of congress prohibit ing the transferal of government lands, filed a demurrer In the United States clrouit court, contending that the dee was made before the law went Into effect and was, therefoi not a criminal act. Youngest Bank President Forty Years Old Tuesday To be known as the youngest bank president in a city of mint and prosperous banks and to be the sclnn of a family of bankers that have been at the very founds tlnn of Omaha's business growth Is the distinction of Charles T Kountie. Tuetday he celebrated his fortieth birthday. No one has a better right than he to be called a son of Omaha His father Herman Kountze, was a member f the great firm of bankers. Kountse Bros., which established the First National bank In Omaha In 1?. under their own aame. A little box of a building, no more than a shed, across the street from the pretent large bank building, was the home of the bank and it was necessary for the president and cashier to sleep there nost of the time to keep gusrd over the tith drawer. A branch was established In 1M In Denver and another in New Tork In 157. This Istter bank Is now fiscal agent for Nebraska In the east and handles the bond business of every town In the state. Charles T. Kountxe, himself. Is 7: -V. .7.'. ' . J j ) V-.v- v - . ' At''" f .. 'V CHARLES T. KOUNTZE. by no means only the reprf sentatlve of a great family. He grew up while Omaha was growing up. educated himself at a ' great eastern university and came bark to take up the business. Since then he has been making the First National a great financial Institution and has succeeded. AUTO EXPOSITION NEXT WEEK All the Latest Models to Be Shown in the Various Garages. FAKNAM STREET TO BE LIGHTED Tke Bee Is Assisting Ike Alts Meat la Gtvlac a Added Featarc for Visiters at tke Bl Fall Festival. v OMAHA HUB PACIFIC LINES Becomes Center of Harriman System, Mohler President Union Pacific. CHICAGO OFFICE TO BE DROPPED Krottarhuttt noes to &m York Port and Monroe Will Get Boosts Mohler Will Have Charge of Operations. HYMENEAL Baker-Hanaeai. Miss Agnes M. Hansen, daughter of Rasmus Hansen, and Charles O. Baker were married by Rev. Charles W. Sav Idge at his residence Monday morning at 10:30. A Crnel Mistake Is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cures them and pre vents consumption. 50c and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Omaha Is to have an automobile exposi tion all next week In connection with the Ak-far-Ben festivities. It will extend all along automobile row. on Farnam from Eighteenth to Twenty-fourth, where the 1?12 modela, showing all the new points In advanced construction and finisn. will he on ex hibition In the garages. The garagea will be specially decorated for the show and the street which will this year be in cluded in the Ak-f-ar-Ben lighting stem, will be as brilliantly lighted as Sixteenth street. The Bee, In assisting the autonoblla dealers In their efforts for a big and suc cessful show, was Instrumental in having the lighting system extended from Nine teenth street, the point a-here It ended lsst year, to Twenty-fourth. Frlzaa are offered by The Bee for the best decorated auto establishments. It is The Bee's idea to co-operate with the dealers In extending their business and at the same time to add another entertainment feature to the Ak-Sar-Ben jf-ason as an attraction for out-of-town visitors. The garages will be open every night next week and the prospective motor car buyer can profitably spend two or three evenings In -comparing the advantages of the models In the various establishments. week The committee nsmed by Judre Munger Is composed of the following: w, F. Ourley. B. F. Dunham. W. R. Breck eniidge. Ed son Rich, F. A. Brogsn, I. E. Congdon and T. J. Mahoney. TONE SPICES are "on honor" spices. Every step selection of stock, mil ling, packing Is taken io give you fullest value. If you want your bakings to have taste, your preserves to have snap and life, it will well repay you to insist on Tone's. Try them and youll see why it is that so many thousand care ful housewives do insist There are two kinds oi Tone's and "others." 10c at your grocer's. it ne can i supply you, sena iuc (or a full size box. any kind. spices, bkos. Aawafatae),!. ! Ceffee EULOGIES WILL BE SAID FOR DECEASED LAWYERS Heavy Details to Guard President Large details of police, tha very finest of the Omaha department, will be within hailing distance of President . Taft dur ing hla stay in Omaha. ' , Chief Donahue has prepared an order which provides for a detail of twenty men to be on hand when tha president arrives at the Union station, Sunday morning at 7:40 o'clock. They will ea cort the visitor to tha waiting automo bile, and five of the officers will ride In another machine directly back of the president's car. Twelve men' will be detailed to tha Omaha club, where they will stand guard during the entire time that the president is there. At 11 o'clock the na tion's chief executive will attend services at Trinity cathedral, and tweny-three policemen will be on duty both Inside and outside of the church. At the Auditorium, where the presi dent delivers an address In the afternoon, about fifty policemen will be on duty. Kink and His Crew Advance on Fremont A special train loaded with 300 or more Ak-Sar-Ben knights left shortly after 1 o'clock Tuesday for Fremont Tha prin ciple of reciprocity la to be carried out In a little expedition into the nearby terri tory to work up enthusiam for the Ak- Ear-Ben carnival. Members of the Initiation crew, tha Kink and tha Kannibala, war all taken along to show tha Fremont people that tha show and the stunts can ba put on In any hall a well as In tha den. Tha train will return this evening. NEW YORK. 8ept. 26.-Speclal.)-Plans now being worked out by the powers-that-be of the Harriman railroad system contemplate vastly Increased Im portance of Omaha as a center of rail way activity; In fact, these plans wil' make Omaha - tne actual, as well ss nominal, headquarters of the t'nlon Pa cific and allied Pacific lines for every thing except the financial management. The plans are brought forward at this time, partially by the Intended retire ment January 1, of Traffic Director J C. Btubbs and the completion of the Union Pacific general headquarters building In Omaha. The position now held by Mr. Stubbs will not be flUtd. It will not be maintained Intact, fur the propo sition Is to subordinate traffic to opera tion, making Vice President and General Manager Mohler president of the Union Pacific with general authority over all departments. Abolish Cblcaao Office. Thia meana the practical abolition of tha Chicago office of tha Harriman lines. Julius Kruttschnltt. In charge of maintenance and ways, will transfer his office to New Tork, where his powers will be enhanced and he wlil rank next to Judge Lovett," who wlli-'be made chair man of the board of directors of the entire Harriman system, . Just as Mr. Harriman was- - Mr. Mohler, aa president of tha parent road, the Union Pacific, will continue to have bis office In Omaha, where the actual directing of the road In all Its affairs, save financing, will be done and not only of the Union Pacific, but of some of the other allied lines. It waa this plan which led the directors to add two storlss to the original ten for the new Union Pacific headquarters in Omaha. W esteem Lines. E. E. Calvin may be elected president of the Southern Pacific, with headquart ers In San Francisco; Mr. O'Brien, presi dent of the Oregon Railway and Naviga tion company, while the presidency of the Oregon Short Line la still In question. It may be given over to the Union Pa cific. The acope of authority of both Passen gen Traffic Manager Fort and Freight Traffic Manager Monroe probably will be extended aa a result of Mr. Btubbs' com ing retirement and the general reorgani sation. The distinction which the new plan gives to Omaha as the official cen ter of the Harriman system la of great importance. All this Is to be put Into effect by the board of directors. Memorial exercises for Ben T. White and Charles J. Green will be conducted by members of the federal bar In the United States circuit court rooms at 10 ' o'clock Paturday morning You Can Ilavo Healthy Hair Vm Wyeth'i Sag and Snlphsr, A Harmless Ramecy Thai Makes the Hair Grow. LAD ANXIOUS TO GET OUT OF JAIL BOND IS REFUSED Charles Phllbert. 30 years old. charged wtih highway robbery, made a futile r( fort to secure bis release on bond !"' Judge Sears In criminal court '. Henry Bascombe, an aged u a a house and part of a lur Omaha, offered to sign all tha young man, but failed His property Is not worth to .. Phllbert said he wants to i... . can't reform In jail. County Ai....ey English said he Is willing the young man ba releaked, but he must give satisfactory bond. Natural Laxative Water Quickly Relievts: Biliousness, Sick Headache, a4 7 sai-j 1 CONSTIPATION m i MILLINERS GET PRIZE FOR THE BEST DISPLAY In accordance nlth an offer made by Hayden Bros, to the three departments making the best display in the Omaha Combined Style show, now iu progreea, both decorations and merchandise display being taken Into consideration, tha Judges awarded the first prlsa of M to tha mil linery department, second prise of 110 to tha piano department and third prise of ti to the rug and carpet department. Only home-groan leave, flowers, harvest products and greenery were allowed aa decorations In tha competition. The Judaea war J. I. Weaver of Tha Bee. J. W. Metcalfe of tha World-Herald and O. F. Slavln of the News. jnly Sober Men Wanted. Every line nf business Is closing its doors to "Drinking" men. If you are a drinking man. It may ba your time next. Bettor stop tlrinkiiig at once. Orrine, standard remedy for tha liquor habit, will help you. By tha aid of Orrine thousands of men have been restored to lives of sobriety and industry. We are so aura that Orrine will bene fit you that o say to you that If after a trial you fail to get any benefit from Its use, your money will be refunded. OKKINK is prepared in two forma: No. 1. secret treatment, a powder, abso lutely taateless and ordorlrss Kiven se cretly In food or drink: ORHIM3 No. . In pill form, la for those who desire to tske volun'ary treatment. ORRINE coets only l a box. If you are Inter ested In someone who drinks you owe It to yourself to come to our stores and get free booklet and Information. Sher man A Ud.'onneU Drug Co, Ifth and Dodge and !4th and Farnam. !07- No. ltth Ht., Owl lrug Co., lth-and Harney Sta.. Omaha. Neb. DELEGATES ARE NAMED FOR WATERWAY MEETING At tha meeting of tha axacutlva com mittee of the Commercial club Tuesday Henry T. Clarke and F. L liaUer ware drSM ta represent lbs dob at tea dssp vatarvajr oonTutioo to aa Ctua Cross October O U U pVHRON VOUPTPUSS WAY RUPTURE of all varie ties otuad la In a few days without pain or loss of Urn. No pay will ba eoeeptad ua til the patient Is cured. Write or call. "Sieetitt- Rustur Cars iue. o a. pm. oav Frank H. Wra M O. See Buitaiaa, Oatasa Wash your clothes with GOLD DUST Good soap washes clothes well if you use enough elbow grease, but Gold Dust washes them more thoroughly and with little or no rubbing. Gold Dust saves half your time, and spares your poor back. Another great advantage of Gold Dust use any kind of water you like. Gold Dust softens the hardest water, and makes it soft as rain water. Gold Dust is just a vegetable-oil soap in powdered form, with other cleansing ingredients added to make it work more thoroughly and quickly than soap ever can. Just try Gold Dust next wash-day, and see how much time you save. Gold Dust is sold in. 5C size and large pack ages. The large package means greater economy. What a pity It la ta obewrre sa people with thin and (ada bair aad tfetao realise that tha moat of thaae MODla of next 1 might have a flrTV haaltfcy bead ac hair If they weuld but vae tba simple "mere tea" of aur grandmother, oambt 8 wtlk ether tngredlenta for naauwlng and ara serving tha hair. Na ana, yeung or old, need have gray hair, weak, thin or falling hair, daadruff or any trouble of tba sort If they would but use Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur Hair Basnedy. On tba contrary, It la posslDle ta bars healthy, vtgorM hair, of perfect color, by a few applica tions of this remarkable preparation. Wyeth's Bags aad Sulphur Hair Rem edy quickly rainarree dandruff, leawroj tke scalp clean and healthy, promotes tba growth of tha hair and restores tha nat ural color of tha hair which has become faded or gray. It la a damn, wholesome tresslng which may bo (used at any time and with perfect safety. Don't neglect your hair. Start today with Wyeta'a Bags and Sulphur. This preparation la offered ta tha pvaUa at fifty eenta a bottle, and Is roeosa m ended and sold by all druggista. Special Agents: Sherman At UoOonncll Drug Co, llth and Dodge Sta.: 'Owl Drug Co, llth and Harney Rte. "Ut th COLD DUST TWINS 4 yar work" Made by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chictgo Madera of Fairy Soap (tha oval cake) DR. ALLIJIHE DENTIST H. B. COB. Mck 4k DOfJMAS &e-m oj Ou Beptoasber Price's GU Crwa ...94 Foreertn CrVnt $4 Bit Set TmU .97 OUR trWi ar EX. ACTLT the SAME aa advert!. Plata, Crowm sued Brtaass Weak, aad Palalosa Extrorttea of Tooth af BaoataUy for years. Pcraaa aeat FIIUbk. eetor of yowr teeth tha lateot oot, rain ooirgcLTATTOJi. Omoa aVooalBaTB, T to 8. Phoaost Sowar. 8 lad. A-SSTO fVMAiaAka monogram on th radiator etands for all you can atk in a motor car -30" Touring Car a peasant-era "JO" Torpedo 4 passengers "30" Torpedo Roidsttr a paasengora This New Model Is Now Here The new mode! Chalmers "30," the bis bargain of the 1912 season, has arrived and 1b now In our sales room for your Inspection. The Chalmers "30" wag the first real automobile offered to the public at a medium price. It set a standard in automobile value four years ago, and is still a leader. It has always been a standard by which other cars were judged. It is the car of the most advanced design; a car that has been more widely copied than any other. It has a grace of line and finish not excelled in the costliest cars; it has given satisfactory service to 15,000 owners; it is backed by an absolute guarantee for one year. Each season the Chalmers "30" has been greatly increased in value without increasing the price. This season we have more to offer, both in quality and price, than ever before. Last year this car sold for $1750, equipped with magneto, gas lamps, top and windshield. Think of it this year improved in every possible way with thoroughly ventilated fore-door bodies, inside control, magneto, gas lamps, Presto-O-LIght tank, and including also Chalmers Mohair top and automatic windshield for $1500! We ask you to Inspect this new 1913 model. Comparison haa sold more Chalmers cars than all of our adver tising. We thiuk you will agree that claims are unnecessary in view of such value at such a price. We can begin deliveries of this model at Once. II. E. Fredrickson Automobile Co. 2044-46-48 Farnam Street fc tf ill La Follette . further says : (in The AMERICAN MAGAZINE) J "We have long rested com fortably in this country upon the assumption, that because our form of government was democratic, it was, therefore, automatically producing demo cratic results. "Now, there is nothing mysteriously potent about the forms and names of democratic institutions that should make them self-operative. Tyranny and oppression are just as possible under democratic forms as any other. It is only as those of every generation who love democracy resist with all their might the encroachment of its enemies, that the ideals of representative govern ment can even be nearly approximated." The atory of the Insurgent Movement, in the guise of an autobiography by Senator La Follette, will open in the American MAGAZINE for October, now on all news-stand 15 cents; $1.50 a year Let Us Give Your- Child a Free Piano Lesson Bring your child to our piano department and it shall be taught how to play any Brule upon the piano in a few MINUTES; Just by way of DEMONSTRATING how THOR OUGH a musical education is offerod FREE to every pur chaser of a GERMAN-AMERICAN PIANO. Why buy un or dinary piano if NOT possessed of the ability to play It? Why not purchase a GERMAN-AMERICAN PIANO and lake ad vantage of the world's most finished course of instruction at NO COST WHATEVER? Thia sounds unusual; perhaps you doubt, but why not credit- us with having always niaiutained an unquestioned reputation? Why not call and SEE what we have to offer? Bring the child or bring several the loston will be taught to them FREE. A Complete Education in Music Absolutely Free With German-American Pianos at the BENNETT CO. Piano Ina.ruction Dept 3d Floor. Reliable Furs at Reasonable Prices Largest selection and beat values in fur sets and coats to be found in Omaha. It will cost you nothing to look and will surely save you money. Coma and see us we will prove it to you. H. E. HUBERMANN FURRIER No. 0 Continental Block. N. K. Cor. 15Ui and Douglas Sta. Take Elevator to Second Floor. Omaha, Neb.