Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Fail Opening Week
fn . Ill iff JFf
k a
The West's Most Notable Style
Continues Throughout This Entire Week
You are asked to regard this a a special invitation to view
this annual presentation of correct merchandise for fall
Direct Importations From Our Own Paris Office in
Apparel Fabrics and Furnishings
Beautiful Hats. Chzrm:ng Gowns, Clever Suits, Exquisite Waists,
Dainty Underwear, Effective "Neckwear, Smart Shoe, Hosiery,
Corsets, Cloves and All Accessories to th? Costume.
Store is Decorated AfUr a Theme in Harmony With the Occasion.
The Window Displays are Marvels of Artistic Beauty.
One of Ten Heirs Who Own Disor
derly Place in Third Ward.
Police Officer Say It U One of
Wont Ileaorta In Omaha with
Which They Have Had to
t ontcnd.
John J- Mahoney. candidate for police
Judge, iv ho hag started a crusade to clean
out the Third ward of illegal voters. Is
one of tn heirs who own the property
At 724 Houth Thirteenth street, which wu
raided by the police Saturday night In
which twenty-eight whites and negroes
were arrested for being Inmates of a dis
orderly house and from which raid the
city netted $171 In fines Monday morning.
The raid was waged by Detective Ma
loney and Sergeant Madsen Saturday
right. According to Pteve Maloney the
place at 734 South Thirteenth street was
the toughest hole In town. He said he
notified Mr. Muluney to or three dif
ferent times to i lein the place out in ac
cordance with the demand made by the
Albert law. In addition to that Mr. Ma
loney averts that County Attorney Ens
llnh and Assistant County Attorney Flta
aterald all notified Mahoney to clean the
Jilare out, which according to Maloney
was never heeded. The police found four
women who were nude and several In
thin attlie. There were both white and
black women In the place and In eveiy
room empty bottles. In one room four
bottles partly filled with beer were taken
evidence and for which the occupant
of the room say they paid (1 each.
Are to Slat Ion.
Tha entire party of twenty-tight was
taken to the police station. There were
exteeai men and twelvo women. The
lesuee of the building, George V. Brown,
was not arrested with the parts , but was
Apprehended later nU fined and costs
In police court Monday morning. Hesie
Woods, charged with running a disor
derly house, was also fined J25 and costs. I
All the white people who were In the
building at the time of the raid were
released on hmids of 110 each They all
failed to appear In police court and their
bonds w.-ic forfaited. In ail twelve tailed
to appciv
Mr. l ii.i.iwj asseitcd that lie u.d ih t
ki iiw t . tue was of such a da.-
:: -.i. lie said he was never rott
fi. J lu . !. an out llifl liuildlim out" a
v k a.'. i and then he a cr,J teat he
o..ieid !Jron tu clean II up if il was
a Miuare placn. Steve Maloney said
Muhonev told l:1':! h.- h ..; no iinht to
rati kL; b.illduiK n'..,'ht and
It waa a pUce of pit work be:.tus.i of
Mahoney- activities in clranluu oiil the
third ward of iMca' voter. Mr. Ma
loney Kdl'l lie luld Mahonry he '.;l HO
better than elM although i.e wu
a raemlx r of the pcltc- d iiarnn -'i'.-
'Several reports have been coming Into
Uiia Xfice," sjjI Mr. Maloney. 'about
the plai. t TJ-i S''iiii Thirteenth street.
I notified Mr. Mahoney persona ly to
cJivaa up the n'a.. i- il was uot being
run siiaJgbi. I k..r.f thai Mr. English
and aJ.v Mr. KitzseraJd hiive also sjoke
tu Mr. Mahoney abuut the building, but
It seemed to have done no good. I started
raids on that Htreet Saturday night and I
will continue until I gt the entire neigh
borhood cleaned out. This place I speak
of haa been the toughest one In town
and I don't care who It belongs to, Is
going to be clotted If I have to raid it
every night, which I Intend to do."
Charles Gates to
Wed Bride in East
MJNNEAl'OLr. Sept. .5. Charles
Gates, son of . ' V. Gates, who died
recently In Han, and MIrb Florence Hop
wood, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Frank
T. Hopwood of Minneapolis, will be mar
ried Wednesday In Unicntown, Pa., at
the home of Miss Hopwood'a uncle, Rob
ert F. Hopwood.
Mit-s Hopwood, her parents and a small
party of friends tonight are en route to
L'niontown. The announcement that the
wedding will take place In Cnlontown
came as a surprise here, as It had been
announced that Miss Hopwood was to be
married at her home here.
Arrangements for the wedding were
made quietly and It was not until Miss
Hopwood' left Miniuapolis for the tuet
that the rhange In plans became known.
The bridesmaid at the wedding will be
Miss - Margaret Clem j s of 8t. Charles,
Minn. Wayne Dogu of Detroit will be
beat man. Advices from Port Arthur,
Tex., say that Mr. Gates haa made ar
rangements to be there In two weeks,
thus making an European trip impossible.
After the wedding In Uniontown Mr.
Gates and his bride will leave In a private
tar for their honeymoon.
Toung Hamilton was tried for man
slaughter last winter. The Jury dis
agreed. Hamilton was readmitted to
bail. Al Shultz. who Is serving a three
year term In the state penitentiary at
Lincoln for running down and killing
the late William Krug while driving an
automobile, is the only man convicted
under the automobile manslaughter law.
The file A Hand
removes liver Inaction and bowel stop
page with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
painless regulators, ir;. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. love
Hobert Hamilton, the young man who
ran down and killed Elliott Robinson
while, driving an automobile July 4, 1910,
probably will not bo tried for man
tdaughted again. The possibility of secur
ing a conietion Is s' slight that in all
probability n- attempt will be made
and the case against Hamilton will be
nulled, according to County Attorney
Jaiiieu P. ICugllfh.
Absorption Process
Makes Faces Young
From The Home Maker.)
Buccesb has at last come to scientists
who for years havo sought soma effec
tual method of removing the outer facial
akin In eaea of unsightly complexions,
which would be both painless and en
tirety non-lnjurtoua. The new process
Is so simple, the means so ordinary, so
Inexpensive, the wonder U tiiat no on
had discovered the same long ago.
It has been amply demonatrated that
common mercollzed wax. to be had at
any drug store, completely removes, by
gentlo absorption, all the withered, life
less cuticle, showing tba youthful, rose
like hWIii jnderneath. The mercollzad
wax is applied at night Ilka cold cream,
but not rubbed in and washed off In
the morning. The absorption also
cleanses clog ;ed pore. Increasing the
skin's breathing capacity and capillary
circulation, preserving (ha tone, color and
naturai beauty of Ln new akin." Adv.
Our glove business Is growing bv
"Leaps and .Bounds" the women
of Omaha are learning that their
gloves CAN be cleaned without
leaving them stiff and streaked
They rome home to you just hi
smooth, noft and white as when
new. We guarantee satisfaction
or no p-y.
It only costs 10 cents per pair
for short and IS cents per pair for
Jong ones. Bettes have them
cleaned now for the Carnival and
Ak-Sar-Ben Ball.
We also make a specialty of
cleaning Ball Coatumea, Party
Dreeses and other valuable and
delicate gowns.
Our prices run from $2.00 to
13-60, according to the amount of
work lequired. Rest assured we
will not rob you Just because you
have a aluahle gown to be
cleaned we don't do that kind of
Call 'ik up on either phone and
a wagon will come for your work.
"Oood Cleaners and Dysrs."
1513-16-17 Jones
Fhoneai Doug. 983; Ind. A-3168.
N. B. Out-of-town business re
ceives prompt attention. Write
fur price list.
John Says:
"What do X ear
about th Canadian
duty I As long aa
the Cubans do
THXIB duty. Its
YOUB duty to buy
the ripe and rosy
aTavana smoke ax
il a 1 a r s entitled
6o ClQAsva."
John s Cigar Store
321 So. 16th St.
Tafi's Dental Rooms
'!)) y
fcl J
AllwJi J
Vou Can SeM-ur Many IVautful Thing for
Your Home Fre of Cost by Savln
S. 4 H. Stamps.
Bennett's Autumn Fashion Exhibits are Unusually
Instructive, Interesting and Entr taming.
Today the New Reigns Supreme
The new- garments, fabrics and requisiteg are holding a reception
It's their day of entertainment and admiration. It's your day of ee
curlnK style-knowledge, of planning purchases and figuring on costs.
If you didn't come yesterday, come today the occasion Is too
Important to miss entirely. Many of yesterday's visitors will be present
today as enthusiastic buyers. '
In fact, although we only Intended this "Style Show," or opening,
as a sight-seeing occasion, visitors took hold of the affair and turned
It Into a busy buying carnival.
There Is a reason for this, of course. We account It too the gen
eral excellence of the merchandise and to the remarkable fairness of
pricing. We think you will agree with our decision when you come
Ntw Dress Goods and Silks for
Fall and Winter Wear
In Sunday's advertisement we gave you a general Idea of what to
expect in the ready-to-wear departments, so here we list a few of the
newest, things in silks and dress goods You will find laces and dress
garnishments to harmonize in their respective places.
Yi-im-h broadcloths for ultra
fashionable wear your every want
can be supplied at $1.00 to $3.50
the yard.
French kernes for street and
house gottiiK In a variety of color
lugs that is uot excelled, 69o to
$2 00 the yard.
Novelty suitings in mannish ef
fectsthe kind and colorings most
admired by fashion followers4 4
to 50 inches wide, $1.00 to $2.00
the yard.
80-lnch colored mescalines in all
of the wanted shades, $1.00 to
$2.00 the yard.
Plaid wool goods for children's
KRi ment.s in ,t wide range of beau
tiful color combinations; 36 to 40
inches wide, 49c to $1.5 the yard.
40-iiu-li silk poplins in all of the
desired shades, $1.50 per yard.
40-inrh crepe de chines in many
beautiful shades, only $1.50 the
IMaid silks for waists at $1.00
to $2.00 thu yard.
40-lnch black, vool-backed sat
ins made especially for coats; ex
tra heavy qualities that will give
the maximum amount of wear;
$5 00 the yard.
A Hearty Welcome to All
Grocery Specials
Bennett's Excelsior flonran extra
special offer Ht. the. sack ....$1.40
2-lh. can Bennett's Breakfast coffee
and 40 stamps 520
Galllard'a puri olive oil and ZQ
stamps, bottle 95o
Assorted teas and 60 stamps, lb. 480
Tea si ft In. js and li stampn, lb. ISo
V-lb. can pure pepper and 6 stamps,
fr 100
Snioler's salad dressing and Hi
stamps, bottle 85o
S lbs. c J j pa 11 rlre for 3iio
I'ull cream cheese and 10 stamp.
lb aoo
Virginia Swiss chee and 10 stamps,
lb 36o
.15c Franco-American soups 200
Bennett's Capitol extracts and :;i
stamps, i)ottl I80
H-lb. pkg. Schepp's cocoantit and 10
stamps -.140
Snlder's catsup and 10 stamps, bot
tle 830
Beauty asparagus and 10 stamps,
ca n aOo
for Tuesday Only
Geo. Dalidftt's extra choice mush-
rooms--a 45c can for 30o
Calumet Baking Powder and 6
stamps for 10c
A Monty-Saving Combination
Grocery Special.
2-lb. pkg. ftennelt's Capitol Oats 10c
2-lb. pkg. Bennett's Capitol pan
cake flour 10o
Sack Dlam-wd Crystal table salt 10c
2 cakes Sweetheart toilet eoap 0c
One bottlo of assorted pickles 10c
Total r,nc
Our pperiBl offer for Tuk. only 33o
rree xieinonetrttion 01
The Universal rood Seasoning.
Tuesday's Menu Lettuce Sand
. wlches.
Watch for this announcement
every day. It will Interest you.
ai , aanit'
Three-fifty is not much
but it can buy more than
you sometimes think. "We
are speaking of our $3.50
special men's 6hoe. These
are the best values ever
offered anywhere.
It is worth the time you
spend just to see our fall
line. Six dollar appearance
and wearing qualities for
$3.50 that is what you will
. get if you buy a pair of these
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
A Harmless Way to
Darken the Hair
A Little Sage and Sulphui
Makes Gray Hair Vanish A
Remedy for All Hair Troubles.
Who doea not know the value of saga
and sulphur for keeping the hair dark,
soft, glossy and In good condition? As
matter of fact, sulphur Is a natural ele
ment of hair, and a deficiency of It In
the hair la held by many scalp special
ists to be connected with loss of color
and vitality of the hair. Unquestionably,
there la no better remedy for hair and
scalp troublea, especially premature gay
neaa. than sage and sulphur. If properly
prepared. The Wyeth Chemical Company
of New Turk put up an ideal remedy of
this kind, called Wyeth's Bage and Sul
phur Hair Remedy, and authorise drug
gists) to sell it under guarantee that thi
money will be refunded If it fails to da
exactly as represented.
If pou rave dandruff, or if your hair Is
thin or turning gray, get a bottle of thli
remedy from your druggist today and se4
what it will do for you.
This preparation la offered to the publts
at fifty cents .a bottle, and La recom
mended and sold by all druggists.
Bpadal Agents: Sherman dc McConnell
Drug Oo 16th and Dodge Sts.; Owl
Drug Co 1U and Harney Sis.
The Best Fai
fZ. . ..CT.. . ....
Told at the t
Thousands of exhibits, aVi
model larms, farm ma-
chine demonstration, mo- VN
tion pictures, lectures, etc. WkA
iSee the West the land "iN t'
w-here money grows v'li IH
under one roof. JlyyilV
Phones i
Doug. 494
Tn.1 AW(k4
Mat. Every Day 2:15, Every Night 8:15
This week: "A Night in a Turkish
Bath; Genaro and Bailey; Mile tie
rallieres; Kenney, Nobody and Platr
Smythe and ilartinan; Clifford Walker'
Hlnton and Wooten; Kinodrome; Or
pheum Concert Orchestra.
xt. u. PRICES:
"Sht-.;.. 10c, 85o, 60c, 75o
Matinee, best seats 85o
(Except Holidays, Saturday & Sunday)
Mat. Today 35c
Night. 50c.
. o oigner.
Champion Woman Wrestler of the
Tonight, 15o, 85c, 60o.
rrlday SEVEN DATS.
October 1 to 4 MADAME SHtliT.
Mats. Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday
Frtcts 10c and gSo.
and the Woodward Btock Co. in
"The Fourth Lstato"
NEXT WEEK (.litterlug Gloria.
X?sn i if fjg. y Mat., ls-as-soe
ilV'CJlA Evgs 15-8S-60-75
Befitting Ak-Sar-Ben Week.
Rosna Mantilla's Oriental number.
"The KMcape From the Harem." (ireat
olio ami banner chorus of CJirlkins.
Ladles' Dime Matinee Every Week Say.
M R Vi cl 'Il N k
pening Display
A showing of the new style ideas in garments and
fabrics never surpassed in the west. A display in which
TION, supplemented by prices which, in every instance,
you'll recognize as surprisingly moderate.
In Our Ladies' Suit Department
Ttie display la one to incite most favorable comment from every
visitor. After months of preparation we are enabled to ofter you for
Inspection and selection the most clever production of the master
designers of both Europe and America, In assortments so varied and
values so attractive that all tind selection wonderfully easy.
Street and Evening Gowns Elegant New Tailored Suits
Prices $15 up to $125 Prices $12-50 up to $98
a, aa- we are offering during Opening Week some spe
ll! clal Tailor Suit Bargain that we are confident were
f 11 yAsV never duplicated in Omaha during the season. Let
us show you these rare values.
S00 Novelty Cloth Coats, nobby
new styles to $25 value
at 814.90
Misses' Peter Thompson Dresses
navy blues and black. Just,
the dress for this weather, very
special bargains $10
Handsome Silk Underskirts
Slruond's Silk Taffetas and
iMrsbalines, to 7.60 values,
at 82.05
Ladles" Kimonos Challiea and
crepes, worth $2.50 a splen
did line for your selection, on
sale at 81.40
Special Tuesday Bargains
in Dress Goods
Arlington Mills Dress and
Coating Serges, BO Incites
wide, strictly all wool, sat
isfaction guar
anteed, $1.25 yd.
quality, at
Special Tuesday Bargains
in Dress Silks
Imperial All Silk Dress Mes
calines. 36 inches wide, a
heavy firm fabric, In full
line of new fall
shades, $1.25
Fall Beauty Reigns Supreme
in the Millinery Section
From ail the fashion centers of Europe and America the style
conceptions of the foremost designers have been assembled In a
veritable riot of rich colorings and style beauty.
No Place Elsewhere Will You Find the
Assortments, Styles, Qualities Duplicated
at Equally Low Price. Let Us Show You.
Domestic Room Bargains for Tuesday
36-inch Percales, light and dark colors, at, a yard JO
Dress Ginghams, plaids, checks and stripes, at, a yard 10
36-lnch Outing Flannel, good colors, In good long lengths, at,
per yard 8
Edison Blanket, 12-4 size, gray with colored border, our regular
$2.25 blanket, Tuesday 81.50
AU wool Blanket, 11-4 size, our regular $5 blanket, Tues'y $3.50
Good 72-90 Sheets, our regular 65c sheet, for 53
4 5-36 Pillow Cases, 15c quality, Tuesday, each ll
Extra specials on cotton batts and comforters.
Closing Up Peach Season
Kip Concord Orapas, baskst ISo
The best Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk (don't pay more) lb. 28n
Full Cream Colored or Brick
Cheese, lb 160
No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb 23o
Country Creamery, very fine, lh ,
at 26c
This areak will rloss ttaa Psaoh
SMon lor this Tear
Buy Vow,
We have two special cars of ex
tra fancy Utah, Elberta Peaches
shipped for us. This will clos
our contract for this year.
While peaches have a.-lvanrcd,
Tudiy we will continue er
to uell them, per 1 3C
crate v..
Illinois Kelffer Fsaxs for Canning;
Picked In large hampers, con
taining nearly one buwliel of thin
delicious rruit lor can
ning, Tuesday,
basket ,
Floor rioor Hour Every
housekeeper In Omaha should
put In a supply of flour now.
We have two carloads In our
rontract that we are going to
Klve the people of Omaha th
benefit of. While flour has ad
vanced, we are not going to ad
vance our price, until this Is all
gone. Tuesday per 4S-1D. BacK.
Brat High tirade Dia
mond H Kamlly
flour, eark
Kip Tomatoes for Cannlna. Iarg-
market basket ...15o
Hweet Corn, per dozen 10c
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb. Rc
4 hunches fresh Beets or carrota,
for &o
2 Eggs Plants Bo
Sweet Peppers, dozen ha
Sweet l-'otatoes. lb S.3o
Fancy ripe Tomatoes, lb 2(-iC
Cape Cod Cranberries, quart Iho
R bunches fresh Kadishaa ....fto
New Cabbage, lb ISfi
'I stalka Celery 5c
2 bunches frewh Ieaf Lettuce 5o
Kutabaa8, lb
Fancy Cauliflower, lb.
Tokay Grapes, basket
Blue Plums, basket ..
Peaches, basket
Utah Elberta Peaches, crate 7&o
wrr Hayden's First w
j,, .,.,.!. -a. .pr .
WaWi msm Will fraH irilWIaaWair Wr lllaaaaW il mBllaHHI paj
Clectric Lighted
Thrniirih Tni i ricf l.arc
Very Low Fares, September 15 to October 15
Personally conducted three days each week via Colorado.
Dailv service via El Paso and New Mexico th lnw nlti.
tilde route and via Colorado the scenio route. Choice
of three routes of constant interest.
Dining car service at reasonable prices.
Band today for oar foldar "Across tba Contlnant la a Tourist Slaaplng Car,"
tuA let m tall jrou bow laaspanaivalx you can mako tha trip.
J. S. McNALLY, D. P. A.
1322 Farnam Street
Omaha, Neb.
Lindsay's Special
We continue to display In our East Show Window
TXSLIlta SLLYES rtl iUb at reduced prlcea Don't
fail to see these bargains. Upend a few minutes
In our store. Look for the name.
S. W, LINDSAY, Jeweler