Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 11, Image 19

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6teady and Conservative Advance in
Wheat Valnei is Coming.
After abort Flarrr at Dpeili
Wheat llikti A anther Advance
Trade Is Active and
Higher l.rrrli Expected.
OMAHA, Bept. 23. 1S11
The talk of the grain trsoe now lit tor
steady and remarkable sdvance In
wheat value. although conservative
trailer! are expecting reactions after nocii
sharp advances. The deftat nf lu
reciprocity measure has put a differ -:t
front on tho whole situation.
Cash wheat prices at all hard wheat
Centers are advancing and many bullish
features are growing out of the dcSt-at i f
the 'free grain" proposition.
There Ik moro confidence In the bullish
situation In coin. 1 he country lespvr-.ds
very slowly to bids Kent out and th
forelKii ami southern demand 1 sure to
continue uigo.iit. Present values do not
take Into consideration the, shortage of
this year's crop.
After a short flurry at the opening,
wheat advanced attain today, trade was
active and still higher levels are ex
pected. Cusk wheat was lc to IW; up.
Corn wut not no artlve; some longs
sold on th-: fine weather prospects, but
vaiues held firm at about yesterday's
cloi-e. Cash corn w.m ', to Vjc up.
Primary wheat receipts were i.33.tJ
bushe s anil shipments were bS4.' bush
els, against renlpts last year of l.tKii.ot
btifhels and shipments of i.V.i bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 519. OOJ buHh
el ami ttinpments were iJ"7.ei bushels,
aa-sinst receipt I it year of tilvO1 0 bush
sis and Mlunnirnis of ITl.nJ bushcla.
Clearances were w.WJ bushels of corn.
401) bushels of oats, and wheat and flour
equal to 1i;S,"o0 bushels.
Liverpool closed 4 to -d hlKher on
wheat, and "yl :o'.ver to V1 hiniicr on
The following cosh sales wore reported:
Wheat. No. 2 hard. 1 car t'ic 4 cars at
9V;; No 3 hard. 2 cars at 9m:; No. 2
durum, 1 ear at 97c. Corn, No. 3 white.
cars at i'.4'2c; No. 2 color. 1 car at Gi'ic;
No. 2 yellow, 2 cars at tS'fcc: No. 3 yel
low, 2 tars at 3"-c; No. 4 yellow. 2 cars
at 63S4C: No.. 1 mixed, 1 car at K!c; No.
3 mixed, 3 cars at flc. Oats, No. 3
while. cars at 4. No. 4 whits, 1 car
at 44Vgc; no grade, 1 car at 44c.
Omnlia Cash Prices.
WHIEAT-No. 1 hard. 4jCft.1.01; No. I
hard. !5V4C?i 11.00; No. 4 hard, M'tfliflo.
CORN No. 2 white, 4(h4V4c; No. t
white, C4ViMc; No. I color, A'&Mc;
No. 2 yellow 63'flfi3'tc; No. S yellow,
e3'iC3'i,c; No. 4 yellow, 63&634c; No. 1,
63Jn'.3',c; No. 2. (OfcOSVic; No. 4. 62Va3o;
BO arade. 'Vi62Vc.
OATS No. 2 whit. 46'i445Hc: stand
ard, 4Mi4Tc; No. t whits, 44446c; No.
4 white, 4',tH4M,c; No. 1 yellow, 44
44V:; No. 4 yellow, 448440.
BARLEY Malting, $1.0tV1.18; No. 4,
S7t(1.04; No. 1 feed, 86ca$1.04; rejected.
Kii T9ic. .
RYE No. , 87g89c; NO. 3, 86fl88o.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 3. 300 126
Minneapolis 732
Omaha 65 22 16
Duluth 14
Featarea of the Trading aad Closing
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept. 23. Although the wheat
' market today touched the highest point
of the season, the scare over the rejection
of reciprocity was apparently at an end.
Transactions on the wnole were of a hum
drum sort, with the close steady at a mod
erate advance, c to 7c above last night.
Corn finished unchanged to 4c lower,
oats up c to Vic and provisions dearer by
IWc to lie:.
It was in the last hour of the session
that the top prices for wheat were scored.
News of Kansas sales of the hard winter
Jrade to California and Texas aroused a
eellng that millers at Minneapolis and
elsewhere might find unexpectedly sharp
competition tor supplies. The - December
option rose to within 140 of the dollar
mark, surpassing by more than la the fig
ures that stood last night after the ex
citement due to the Canadian election had
been at work. Good slsed sales of flour,
notwithstanding 4oc a barrel rise In price
within two days, had considerable to do
also with the late rally In wheat. Decem
ber ranged from 9bc to with the
last sales c to o net higher at Witjtf
Better weather made corn easier most
Of the day. December fluctuated from 64c
to 64c and closed steady c net lower at
Uc. Cash grades were not being offered
o freely. No. 1 yellow finished at 6s1
Notwithstanding that a large Increase
of country sales early carried down oats,
demand from the east was on the mend
Iste in the day. High and low levels for
December proved to be 47 So and 46T4ly47c.
with the close showing Vc net gam at
Shorts were good buyers of provisions.
The outcome left pork 5c dearer, laru
more costly by 2Hc to lUVfcc and ribs the
same as last night to 13c advance.
Artlc'lslOpen. Hlgb.j Low. IClose. Yes y
Corn ,
S5Vi 4 9fS 9ft
l4 thSSVflVi eS
1 004 1 04W 1 OiS l 04
GK RV4 f s4
( 64 64W 64
6V 66 68V.&V 664
4f T, 45 ' 4S4 454
47H 467,ti 47 4T4 47Vi
60 4iH 49g6i)4iSr4
14 9ft 14 (T7H 14 90
15 30 16 17Vt 15 27Vi 15 22Vi
15 25 16 17Vt 15 25 15 10
9 6qVi 9 40 9 62H 40
950 940 960 987.
9 02S 8 7H 9 00 I 96
9 0"J4 t 97V 9 00 9 00
8 rVi I 77Vk 8 924
8 90 8 75 8 &2V 8 70
8 92H
8 07V 8 02V 806)806
1 04VJi
Lard .
14 87H
1 17V,
IS 5
8 00
I T5
8 90
8 06
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Unsettled, millers asking
higher prices; winter patents. $1 H,"fj4.66;
straights. S3.64.95; best hard, e.W'it i;
spring straights, $4.4l(j4.60; bakers, 13.6uO
K fK NO. X, 93&4c
BARLKY Feed or mixing, 70fc.
8KKDS TlmoUiy, J12.6id 14. 76; clover,
$19 UJ.
FKOVI3ION8 Mess pork, per bbl., 815.X
015.50; lard; per 1"0 lbs., t9.62Vi; short ribs,
sides (loose). .tav(u.ti.
Total clearanoas of wheat and flour
were equal to io.uo0 bushels. Primary re
ceipts were 1.13r.Ouo bushels, compared
with 1.O7H.000 bushels the corresponding
day a year ago. Estimated receipts for
tomorrow: Wheat cars; corn, SM cars;
oats. 9U cars, hugs, 28.000 head.
Chicago Cash PrloesWheat No.
red, lV4rJ0c; No. I red. 94WV9tViq; No.
8 hard winter, Vcjtl.00; No. 3 hard
winter, stgy-'c; No. 1 northern spring,
SXtkVdOJlVa; No. 8 northern spring, ILGuit
LloVi. No. 3 northern, ILuMLUS; No. 1
sprtug. No. 8 spring. flcOU-Ot;
No. 4 spi-Uig. SU.-4iW.01; velvet chaff. Ko
tLM; danun. cvW-S4. Corn. No. 1, cBVvtf
CMc; No. 3 white. rttiic; No. 1 yet
lo, S'0Vc; No. x. cTVSVac; No. 8
white. &kUc; No. 8 yellow. efiSo;
Na. A RaeVc; No. 4 white, C7Wa.L;
No. 4 rilo. &Ta7Vtc. UsUs. No. 8
white. rc. No. 8 white. iec;
No. 4 wUU eVJrsie; atanjard, 4VJ
K TE No. t, Jc.
TlilOTHT il-ztHjlLH
ClxiVKK (IJliMl
BUTTi-R ausuly; cresanarles. 2126c;
dairies, Istrec
tXKia tay; reretpts ISO rases; at
dark, cases Included, italic; flrsLs. Uc;
uim fir La. 2uc.
CHEK-StadCr; dalslea. 14314V:;
twins. 11 iirc; y iix JLmeriias. lljiUac;
lung bora, l$14Ic.
liTTArofa U'eal: Chics to fancy.
JtirTBc; fas- te goud. st&ic.
PtHl-Ti:y jfjfJO,- turaoa, lC chlck
ars. 11W-; sirait. Uc-
VXlU-Su4y- Ui lit w-Ih. wts,
ss to Mrtix. u. JVfcjS-nflr; to UU-ln.
ata 11a.
Xjaitr snvRKmeot ctf pmdoce-:
Raaeniia. Shlnroents.
Flour. tftOa - l wo 18. lot
WhaaL bm. L K. W
Corn, . Hl.SuO lll.soo
Oaia. bu. )4IU - l.ltn)
Kir. bu 3ai 3,;ie0
Barley, bu. I3t.ui0 2S.JU0
Cailot receipts: Vhat 37 cars, with 11
of contract grade; corn, 3u0 cars, with 96
or contract grade; oats, 12a cars.
Kecipt of wheat at Chicago. Minn.
spoils und Dulutti Were 918 cars, com
pared with 621 cars last week and 67s
Cars tna oorrespoaaiog day a year ago.
Oaotatloas at the Day oa Vartoas
NEW YORK. 8"pt. !3.-FLOUR-Firm;
spring patents, 86 ti5 SO; winter strsisht,
34 0iU4.1S; w inter patents, $4.iVa4 spring
clears. M tvii4 .i"; winter extras No. 1, $
ti X 76; winter extras No. 8. $3.a.v'.1 45; Kan
sas straights, 64. t "ft 4 4"i. Rye flour, firm;
fair to kuuu, 4. oi 9u ; choice to fancy,
JiOo'ot". 30.
C'JKN M E AI Ptead v ; fine white and
yellow, II 4)rirl.42Vi,' coarse, ll.36'al.40; kiln
dried, H fro.
WHEAT Ppot msrket, easy; No. 2 red,
I'S-V-, el"ator. export bals, and $101,
f o. h. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31 19,
f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was easier
under moderate liquidation, owing to dis
app'lnting cables and larger receipts and
lower market in the northwest, cosing
y to net lower. Pt ptember closed st
$I00, December at 1 W 5-16 and May at
1.09 V.
CORN Fpot market easy; No. 1, 75e,
elevator, domestic basis, to arrive, and
74'o f. o. b. s float, export basis. Futures
market was nominal.
OATS ypot market, steady; standard
white, 62c; No. I, 52Hc; No. 3. 52c; No. 4,
51c; natural white and clipped, 51Vyo&c.
Futures markpt was nominal.
HAY St-adv; tirime, 31.2.".; No. 1. 81.15
1.20; No. 2. 1.15: No. 3, .VJ7$1.(5.
HIDES Dull; Central America, 2oc;
LoKota, 2H4ti'.'2'4r.
LEATHER Firm: hemlock firsts. 21V4
27r; seconds, 2."(i-3c; thirds, 19,i.r-'0c; re
Jccts, 1'iC.
rilOVISIONB rork, steady; mess, 112.50
ff13.i; famllv. $13.5""fr :4 CJ: beef hams.
$'.1.5f'(i02.iii. Cut meats, quiet; pickled
bellies. 10 to 14 lbs., 311 2.".ii 13.50; pickled
hams, )3.0tgl3 5 Lard, firm; middle
west prime. $9 509 60; refined, steadv;
continent. 410 05; South America, lio.feo;
compound, 8VOOi8.25.
TALLOW Easier; prime city, hhds.,
'ii'Tc: countrv, 6vu7c.
Hl'TTER Firm; unchanged. .
CHEEST'V-Firm; weekly exports, esti
mated, 4 no boxes.
EG'JS-Stnady; unchanged.
POULTRY Alive, quiet; western
spring chickens, 14c; fowls-, 13frlc; tur
kess 1Sc; dressed, easy; western broll
eis, W'i IPS'?; fowls, l"i l7c; spring tur
keys, selected. 2?c; others, lOijlSc,
Corn nn:l Wbeat Heaiea Balletln.
For the twenty-four hours ending at 8
& a. in. fcaturday. September 23, 1911:
Temp. Kaln-
Stations. Max. Min. lal.. Sky.
Ashland M 04 .w Cloudy
Auburn W 64 ,oo I't. cloudy
broken Bow .. MS 60 .00 Cloudy
Columbus Si 53 .00 Cloudy
Culbertsun 94 42 .00 Clear
Fairbury W 57 .00 Ft. cloudy
Fairmont S3 DO .00 Cloudy
Clrand Island .. M W .00 Ft. cloudy
llai-tington .... 8s CO .00 Cloudy
Hastings 85 67 .00 Clear
Holdrege 8 66 .(0 Clear
Lincoln U 65 .00 Cloudy
North Platte .. 92 48 .00 Ft. cloudy
Oakdale 85 68 .00 Cloudy
Omaha 81 56 .00 Clear
Tekamah 86 61 .00 Cloudy
Valentine 90 48 .00 Cloudy
Sioux City, la. 84 63 .00 Cloudy
Alt, la 83 66 .00 Pt. cloudy
Carroll. la 82 64 .00 Clear
Clarinda. Ia.... 80 61 .00 Clear
Sibley, la 81 a 64 .00 Cloudy
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
No. of -Temp Kaln-
Dlstrlct. Stations. Max. Mln. fall.
Columbus, 0 17
Indiana'lls. Ind. 11
Chicago, III 26
St Louis, Mo... 25
Des Moines. Ia.. 21
Mlnne'lls, Minn. 30
Kan. City Mo.. 24
Omaha. Neb 18
73 62 . 00
72 60 .00
74 60 .00
78 62 .00
78 64 .10
74 46
82 6K .00
86 66 .00
Temperatures are higher over the corn
and wheat region east of the Missouri
river, but colder weather Is moving in
over the western portion. No rain worthy
of mention occurred In the corn belt with
in the last twenty-four hours.
Local Forecaster. Weather Bureau.
St. Louts General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sept. 23. WHEAT
Futures, higher: December. 9SaM8.c:
May, 1.04V. Cash, higher; track, No. 3
red. 97Vttbic; No. 2 hard, 81.0Ojil-o6.
coi-uv weak: December. 62Hc; May.
65H'atVic. Cash, firm; track. No. i,
684c; No. 8 white, tttVtc
UAiB- week: uecemoer. tic: May.
4Hc cash, firm; track. No. 2, 4oc; No.
i wntte, 4IV4C. , .''.''
KTiS Strong; 95c.
FLOUR Firm: red winter patents, 84.40
64.90: extra fancy and straight. 84.00iil
4.35; hard winter clears, I3.2wu4.60.
CORN MEAL 83.10.
BRAN steady: sacked east track. 81.18
may steady; timothy. 820.oob26.ov;
prairie, 812.OtKga6.00.
FKOVisiUNtt Fork, unchanged: lob
bing, 315.50. Lard, higher; prime steam.
9.22Vkr9.32V. Dry salt meats, unchanged;
Doxeo extia snorts, 9.w; clear rlDs, xa.uo;
short clears, 89.12Vs. Bacon, unchanged;
boxed extra shorts, 310.00; clear ribs.
10.00; short clears, 810.12Vs.
POULTRY Weak; chickens. 10V4c;
springs, 10Vc; turkeys, lbc; ducks, 12Vmi:
geese, 8V4c.
butter steady; creamery, 20QfZ6c.
EGGS Firm; 17VQ2mc
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 13,000 9,600
Wheat bu 47.000 47.OU0
Corn, bu 76,000 38.000
Oats, bu 68,000 56,000
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
Unchanged to lc higher: No. 3 hard, 97cA
31.03. No. 3. 9ecv81.ui; No. 2 red, 9t4(96Hc;
mo. i. imhwc; ueoemoer. wwawc ; jusy.
corn unchanged to ho higher: no.
8 mixed. 67c; No. i. 66Vc; No. 3 white, 67c;
jno. 3. 6ac: uecemDer. aiviioi'c: May.
OATS Unchanged to Ho higher; No.
t white, 4tVkH47Vsc; No. I mixed. 46VV&46C
HAY Steady; choice timothy, H8.60
19.00; choice prairie, 313.t047l3.06.
BUT 1ER Creamery, tec; flrsU. Zio;
seconds, 31c; packing stock, 17c
EGGa-Extras, UVkc; firsts. 19Vsc;
seconds, I2Vkc.
Minneapolis Grata Market.
September, l.UbHi December, 31.11 Vt; May,
81.15i; No. 1 hard, 3L12V; No. 1 northern,
1.104ttl.U; No. 3 northern, U-07VH.0s;
No. 8. 31.03W&1-06V
FLAX 2.38.
CORN-No. 3 yellow, (7Q68e.
OATS 44V&45c
RYE No. I. 90c.
BRAN 421 60412 00.
FLOUR FU.t patenta, 8S.16S5.40; second
patents, 4.664.o; first clears, 82.6043-3.66;
second clears, 2.600176.
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
1 northern, ILooVxl-UVt; No. 8 northern,
31.0601.09; No. 1 velvet chaff. U. OS. Los;
No. 3 velvet chaff. LO31.04; No. 3 hard
winter. 9!cl.ul; Dacembar, 0Vw&wo;
May, 81.0rS.
OATS Standard, 47B47Vc!
BARLEY Malting, ll-LLX
Liverpool Grala Market.
steady; No. 8 Manitoba, 6s Id; futures
easy; October, 7s 4Vd; December, 7s i7d;
March, 7s 7;d.
CORN Quiet for spot; American mixed,
6s 3d; futures easy; October, 6s 11-i.d. Jan
uary, 6s Hd.
I'eorla Market.
PEORIA. Sept. 23. CORN Higher; No.
3 white, 6Sc; No. 3 yellow. &c; No. 3
yeuow, sbc, jc. yellow, f7Vc; No. 3
mixed, foe; No. 4 mixed, 67c
OATS Higher; No. 8 white, 4SV.C;
standard. 46vc; No. 3 white. 4.".c.
Dalatk Grala Market.
DULUTH. Sept 23. WHEAT No. 2
hard, 31.U; No. 1 northern, 3111; No. 8
northern. 10731.09; No. 3. 1.04 1.06;
September, 31.11, bid; December, 31.11,
bid; May, tl.l4. nominal.
OATS 45c
Boston Mining Stocks.
BOSTON, Sept 83. Closing quotations
on stocks today:
AIIoims U Mohawk II
Aml. Coppr 4fc' Nvada Con 14
A. Z L A llw KIpMDi Ml DM ...
Arituaa Con 7b Nona buu 11
b a C. C. S. M. 4 North take
Bulla Ooalliioa .... US, Old iMmialoa li
Cal. A ArlionA V Oarenla kl
I l. a 11. I 374 Parratt S. A C 7
lutODtal Qutacy M
l op. Hanta C. C. Shauaoa VI,
Eaat Bulla C. M. .. at buparlor U
Kraaklia flup.tlor 4k B. at... I4
Clroua Coa Tamaxack t
Graabr Coa Ihs, I). (SR. M . 11 X
C,rna Canaoaa .... 4 do pfi 44
UM Kola Coppar.. it Vlah Con 11
Korr Laa s l iah Caspar Os 4
Laaa Coppar ,.. 13 Wloosa
La (alia Coppar ISa Walvarias 1
SiUUBt Coppv IT,
Hank t lenrlnxa.
OMAHA. Sept. Rank cleartnea for
today, were 32.117.367. 44 and for the enr
responllng day last year 82.327,240.47.
Wall Street Surprisingly Calm Con
trasted with Previous Day.
High-Class Railroad Blocks
1 nloa raclfle Adraares
More Than Point.
NEW YORK. Sept. 2TI. Contrasted with
yesterday's tempestuous trsding the
stock market today was surprisingly
cslm. There wss no further crush of
liquidation In United Ststes Steel snd
the extreme nervousness of the preceding
dsy disappeared. Movements of stocks,
while uncertain, were not lsrgs.
Following the advance In stocks In
London, the market opened with a ma
Jorltr of gain a United States Steel sold
st 67V4. a gsln of 14 from yesterday's
close. The preferred opened at .106H. a
gain of a point. Rallies and reactions
were frequent. The trading In common
stock fell 3 points, but quickly recovered.
At the close the preferred stock wss
unchanged, and the common half higher
on the day.
A conspicuous feature was the
strength of high class railroad stocks.
Union Pacific, Reading ft Lehigh Val
ley advanced more than a point, al
though the gains were lost later. The
Hill stocks were comparatively neglected
and Canadian reciprocity as an Issue
seemed to have been relegated to the
realm of thlnps forgotten.
london was a persistent buyer, taking
larire amounts of United States Steel
and the active railway Issues.
Acute weakness developed In the cop
per stocks. American Smelting and
Amalgamated Copper fell to the lowest
point since 19ot, with no news to account
for the movement other than mere rum
ors of possible government Investiga
tion. The bond market was Irregular. Total
sales, par value, 31.045.000. United States
bonds were unchanged on call on the
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
Fflen Ulah. Low. Cloaa.
Allla-Chalmera pfd If 1vt 1H 16
Amalgamated Cnpper ... U K B;-, m 4Tt
Amarli-an Agricultural .. 100 411 47 14
Am. Daet Busar "0 (0 40a 4U
American Can 3.f la n 4-4
American c. F 1"0 44'4 44' 444 '
Am. cotton OH 1.000 (1 toVt
American H t. pfd 1J
Am c Securities 1T4
American l.lnjiepi flj
American lyicomoilva 804
American P R 4MHI i4 S14
Am. BAR rf'l 400 100 in
Am. Steel Foun1rlci , ..... M
Am. Surar RoNnlnx 114
American T T l.MM I44 U414
American Tobacco pfd Slty
American Woolen 100 1114 1x14 Ii4
Anaconda Mlnlnt Co 1.700 II 4 It 2
Atchlaon 3.200 jojh 10:4 101S
AO hlpon rtd 100 10H4 101 m
Atlantic Coast Una 1H
naltlmora .- Ohio 7oo M14 ki wj
Pethleham Steel 00 ?4 , fT
Brooklyn Faplit Tr SOO 7 TJ 1Z
Canadlaa Pacific 3.M0 JITMi 3 t?
Cerrtral tather 100 1H 16 lUj
Central Laatlier pfd 1'4
Central of New jersey
Oheaapeaka Ohio SOU 70 704, 70,
Chlcaao A Alton So
Chlcaa-o Q. W'.. new 1744
Chlcaao O. W. pfd S4
Ctilcaao Ik V. 7 tw
C, M. St. P J.!0 11S"4 11H4
C p.. c. A ftt. t 1,000 r, r.
Colorado F A 1 5M 8H4 IS H1
Colorado AV Sontharn 44 4.1 ' 434
Consolidated Oal 104 Ul 1HH 19!
Corn Producta 600 ilT, 1144 1l
Delaware A Hudaon
rienver A Rio Orande.... " 400 M tja M1
Penver A R. O. pfd 444
Mutlllera' Securltlea 1"0 S04 804 SO
Trie 4 S00 814 104, r
Erie lt Pfd 00 1014 to M
Prla d pfd 100 It 41 40
Oeneral Blectrlc on 14K 14S 141
Oreat Northern nfd 1 400 11 its tt
Oreal Northern Ore etfi.. oo 4s 4S 44
Illinola Central too 1H js JW14
lntarooroufh Met too n4 18S 1"4
Int. Met. pfd 400 414 '"4 4!4
Tnternatlopal Hanreater .. 1.100 10J 101 10! K,
Int. Marin pfd 144
Tnternatlopal Paper 100 104, 1044 10
International pump too t ! tt4
Iowa Cenrral IT14
Kansas -City goatheni.... 100 Tt tf 17
Ktwu ntT Bo. pfd . s!1
Trlede Oaa Soo 10714 1074 loj
LonlarUte A Na.hnlla... 600 UM 1 II
Minn A Rt. Txmla 100 4 4H U
M . St. P. A 8. 9, M ... , too U6 12H 1"4
Mlaaonrl. K A T 4
M . K. A T. pfd
Mlasourl Pacific 1,100 ! tSH i
National Blaenlt in4
National Lead 1,700 44 44 44
V R. Tt ef M. td pfd ..... t"1
New York Central 0 1014 -fom lOtU
N. T., O w , 400 SH W S4
Korfoiii A Waatara 100 100 100 - lon4
North American tt54
Northern Pacific oo 1144 114 114
Pacific Mall 00 10 194 l4
PannaTlranla 1.000 111 114 1lH
Paopla'a Oaa lotH
p . r., r st. b i
Plttahunrh Coal 17
Preeaed Bleel Car V MV4 M
Pullman Palaee Car 100 1S4 14 14
Hallway tteel Sprint 4
Haadlna; M.100 1404 14 !
Hepuhlle Steal l.ron Il"4 n
Ttepiihltc Sleet pfd o0 4t4 4 4
Bock Ialand Co ano 14 14 !
Fork Ialand ev,. nfd ... W0 4 4f 44
St. t. A S F. Id pfd... 100 14 18 4 W
St Iyula S W ... 0
St. t 8 W pfd 100 9 K9 4
Ploa-(rheffleld . A I.... 800 S J
Southam Paelfle .oo 1004 1074 1074
Southern Railway 800 14 164 1H
So. Rallwa' Pfd 100 414 684 8
Tenneaea Conoar 11
Teaa A Pacific 400 4 M4 n
T., St. L. A W 100 14 1S II
T . St. I. A W. pfd JOO 414 41 41
fnlon Pacific IT.SHO0 160 Ia IMS
Colon Pacific nfd SOO 04 0 4
t'nltad states FaaltT 64
rntted States Fnbbar.... I SO 844 1H MH
T'nltad Stataa Steal l ine 674 U4 t4
r 8. Stael pfd 7 ano ioa 1064 14
rtah roonae 1, 700 414 40 40
v. -Carolina Chemical .. 400 4 484
w-ahaah Ht
Wahaah Pfd 100 14 14 ?4
'eam Maryland M
wrtinhona Klactrle .. 7oo o 64 6
Waatara Cnlon 0 744 74 7
Wheeiina A U T 4
L-Mh Vallar M 000 1MU 1644 166
Total sales for the lay, 44.100 ananas.
New York Money Market.
CALL Nominal.
TIME LOANS Firm; six days, 3M03H;
per cent; ninety days, 364 per cent;
six months, 4 per cent.
SILVER Bar, UVtc; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government, steady; ralroad,
actual business In bankers' bills at 4 S326
per cent for sixty-day bills, and at 4.8666
per cent for demand.
Quotations on bonds today were as fol
lows: V. g. raf. ts. rag. .1004 Int. M. M. 4..... 44
4 Is. coupon IU04 Japan 4a 6
4o ia. rag 101 V, do 44a 4
to la, eonpoa lul'-K. C Be. lat U ... 74
do 4a, ras 118 U. 8. dak. 4a mi.. l
da 4a. co u po a 1UU A N. nnl. 4a.... 4
Allla-Chai. lat la.. 64 M. K. A T. 1st 4a.. 74
An. Arri. ia 1014 do gaa. 44a 444
A. T. A T. a. la-losaaMo. Pacific 4a ... 71
Am. Tobawee 4a.... 664N. R.K. ml M. 44a 12
do ta l('oN Y. C. t 14a.... 87
Armour A Co. 44a.. 12 do dab. 4a H4
Ateblaon tan. ta.... 4N. Y. N. H. A H.
do cv. 4a 1044 cr. a lt
4a cv. 4a ion N. A W. lat c. ta.. 4
A. C. L. lat 4a W4 do n. 4a 101
Bal. A Ohio 4a 84No. Pacific 4a M
do 14a ! do ia 41
do S. W. 14 .... t!SO. g. u rfds. 4a... M
Brook. Tr. ev. U... 4 Perm. cr. 44a 1116. M
Can. of oa. U 104 'do eon. 4a. 10
On. Leather 6a ... M Readlna (en. 4a (7
C. e N. J. g. a. .lil g. L. A 8. . tg 4a 77
i-haa. A Ohio 44a.lvu do fan. 6a 64
00 rat. aa. a2Bt. I. s. w. a. a . 7
Chicago a A 14a.. t do lat sold 4a..... 1
C. B, A Q 1. as... M 8. A L. 4a 744
do tea 4a M to. Pac. aol. 4s... 1
C. M At. P. g 14 do cv. 4a Ht
C. It. I. A P. a. 4s 70 do lat rat. 4e 4
da rft. 4a IS4o. Railway la 11
Cola. Ind. aa 74 da gen. 4a 764
Colo. hlid. 4a 0 Union PacKle ta....lnu
C. A 8. r A a 44 aa sv. ia 1014
r a H. ev. 4a (7 ado lat ref 4s.... K
ap. R O. tt... 14V. 8. Kubber 4. ...10S4
ea raf aa a U. 8. Sual Id aa .101
Dlatlllara 6a 71 Va -Car. Chant, aa.. M
liia p. 1 4a Hwabaah lat 6a 107
do tea. 4a 76 da lat A ai. 4a... 67
So ev. 4a aar. A.. IS4Waatam Md. 4a 64
aa aarlas B 76 eat. glac. . ia.. (1
Ga Elac. ev. 6a. ..161 W'U Central 4a.... M
111. Can lat rat. 4a. H Mo. Pac. cv. 6a 6
lnt Met 44a 714 Panama la 101
Bid. OMered.
Clearlasr Hens Bank Statement.
NEW YORK. Sept 23. -The statement
of clearing house banks for the week
showa that the banks hold 324.459.400 re
serve in excess of iegsl requirement
This Is an increase of Sl.U0.4ut) in the
proportionate cash reserve as compared
w'th last week.
The statement follows:
Daily average:
Loans S1.S31.SM.000 3 !5 000
Specie 31.2 "0 3 262 0i
Legal tenders .... 83 827.A' "n.fct ono
Net deposits l,S.944.0no J.933.000
Circulation 49 M.04) lstt.iJU0
KxcesK lawful re
serve I4.4F.9 400 1 120 400
irust companies reserve witn
clearing house member carry
In 2$ per cent cash reerve. r. anr fiofi
Psnks cash resene In vaults. ..t37O.731.0iQ
Tmst companies' cash reserve In
vsult O 35TKWI
Aggregate cash reserve 43t,nsi,0()
Actual condition.
loans Sl.P?.4S.0ot S.IMia
r-necle . w orn
Legal tenders .... R2 (Mi ftoo ? (vv
Net deHisits l.knO.lKi.OO S.7.VQ
Clrculailon ,40.iio ih.oi)
Panks cash reserve Jo vault ...t".077.n0
Trust companies cash reserve In
vault S W3 0WI
Aggresate cash reserve 432.),00O
Excess lawful re
serve J4.rW.0ro 904. s
Trust companies' reserve with
clearing house members carry
ing 25 per cent cash reserve., ft J7.orvt
Summary of state banks and trust com
panies In Greater New York hot report
ing to New York clearing house:
loans t TT.IM.'WI l,pQ
Specie 3.47S.!T 815. w
Legal tenders .... 11.303.300 17 oi
Total deposits .... 708.7SQ TSi.VQ
London Stork Market.
LONPON. Sept. 33 Amerloan nectin
ties opened steady and a fraction higher
here today and later Improved with
United State Steel and Union Pacific ac
tive leaders. The closing was steady at
prices ranging from Vfln9 higher than
yesterday's New York closing.
London closing toc quotations:
Conaola. money ... 774 Loulalrlle A Naah.,1414
ia account 77V, Ms. Kan. A Tax., 19
Amal. Coppar 644 New York Central. .105
Anaconda 4 Norflok a Weatera. .10.1
Atchlaon 10M do pfd 0
dp pfd 1014 Ontario A Western,. 104
naltlmora A Ohio.. 4 Penaylranla 414
Canadian Pacific. .. .1814 Hand Mlaas '
Chesapeake A Ohio. .7!,Rc.0'ni 71
Chi. Great We.larn . 14 Southarn Railway.... 17
Chi Mil. A St. P. .116 4o pfd W
Da Bean 17 Soutbarn Pacific... m
Denver A R. G 134 Inlon Pacific 16
do pfd 44 do pfd !
Erla 11 V. 8. Steal 68
do lat pfd 614 do pfd 104
do 2d pfd 42 Wabaah I84
Grand Trunk M4 4 9ti 1 3t
Illinola Central ....114
S1L.VKR Bar, steady, 2IV.C, money, 1
il per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short hills. 34. per cent; three months'
bills. 34 lei cent.
New York Mining Storks.
NEW YORK. Sept. 2:i.-Clolng quota
tions on the Mining exenange:
Alice 160 Utile It let I
tomatoes T. atock II Mexican M0
do bonda II Ontario loo
Con. Cal. A Va HOOphlr ...1M I
Horn (liver 10 'Standard 100 I
Iron Silver so Tallow Jacket S
leadvllle Con 10
Offered. t
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 23 COFrtE
Futures opened -irregular at an advance
of 4 to 15 points on the near months,
which made new high records on con
tinued covering and bull support based
on the firmness of the spot situation In
both consuming and producing markets.
Later positions started from 3 to 4
points lotver under scattered realizing
promoted by rather disappointing Euro
pean cables, but gradually steadied up
on trade buying and In sympathy with
the near month firmness while near
position eared off a shade during the
morning under profit tsking. The close
was steady at a net advance of 3 to 11
points. Sales, 76.2C) bags. September,
12.80o; October, 12.74c; November, 12flfio;
December, 12.59c; January, 12.45c; Feb
ruary, 12.36c; March, April, May, June,
July and -August, 18.28c. i
Havre was unchanged. Hamburg
opened 14 to pfg. higher, but lost the
advance. Rio, firm; 20 relt higher at
8.275. Santos 150 rels higher 4s 83200; 7s
klooO. Receipts at the two Brazilian
ports 93.000 against 79,000 last year.
Jundiahy receipts 70,000 against 64,400 last
year. Fine weather was reported in all
districts of Sao Paulo, . minimum
temperature 444 degrees. New York
warehouse deliveries yesterday 13,988
bags against 29,563 lasit year. Spot coffee,
firm: Rio No. 7. 141ll-lc; Santos No.
4, 14l&loc. Mild, quiet; Cordova, 14w
16Vc, nominal.
Cotton Market.
tures closed barely steady; September,
10.58c: October, 10.53c; November, 10.53c;
December I0.2c; January, 10 69c: Febru
ary, 10.64c; March. 10.72o; April, 10.76c;
May, 10.83c; June, 10.83c. Spot closed
quiet, 15 points lower; middling uplands,
10.85c; middling gulf, 11.10c; no sales.
-' Dry Oeaa Market.
The observance of a close Jewish holiday
caused quiet conditions In the pry,rary
goods markets for the day. Values are
holding fairly steady at the new levels
Sugar Market.
NEW YORK Sept. 23. SUGAR Raw,
firm; muscovado, 89 test, 6.46V4c; centrif
ugal, 96 test 6.964)0; molasses, 89 test
5.214)0; refined firm; cubes, 7c; granu
lated, 1,75c; powdered, 85c
Omaha Hay Market.
OMAHA, Sept. HAT No. t SltOO;
No. 2, 3U.O0; coarse, SlO.bO; packing stock,
I7.00H900; alfalfa. 113.00. Straw: Wheat
14.505.00; rye and oats. 5dia.fl0.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, SepL 23. WOOL Steady ;
territory and western mediums, 17itfrJJVc;
fine mediums, 17319c; fine, 11 15c.
Oils and Roala.
-Firm; 50Vo bid.
ROSIN-Flrm; F, $6. 55.
Llat of Nebraska and Iewa Inventors
Who Have Been Granted Let
ters Patent.
Official list of letters patent of Inven
tion, Issued from the United States pat
ent office at Washington, D. C, to In
habitants of Iowa and of Nebraska, lor
the week ending September 23. 1911, as
reported from the office of Wlllard
Eddy, solicitor of patents and counselor
hi patent cases, 1530 City National bank
building, Omaha:
To Matthias J. and P. P. Adams of
Turkey Rivet, la., for wheelhub.
To Luciar. H. Appleman of Clearmont.
Ia., for starting device.
To Charles H. Falls of Nashua. Ia.,
for animal trap.
To Herman C. Fuhrman of Cedar
Rapids, la., for means for automatically
draining pumpa
To Carl A. Kiud of Dubuque. Ia., for
window fastener.
To James McCalley of Corning, Ia., for
To Clarence II. MoCaughey of ' Rock
Ilaplds. Is,, for disk grinding machine.
To John M. McDonald of Dubuque, Ia.,
for bath tub fitting.
To Nathanal S. Peterman of Garwln,
Ia.. for burial casket.
To Theodore W. Schaefer of Burling
ton, Ia., for fence post construction.
To Charles E. Shaffer of Morrill, Neb.,
for wind motor.
To Herman L. Swanson of Stromsburg,
Neb., for bundle fastener.
To George W. Thomas at Bad Oak,
Ia., for loose leaf binder.
To John A. Tornqulat of Davenport
I a., for electric fuse.
To Leslie W. Veitch of Des Moines,
Ia., for vegetable cutter.
To James L.' Woods of Cedar Rapids,
Ia., for barber's comb.
To John M. Wright of Brainard. Neb.;
for wheeled cultivator.
L. A. Morey, grain man of New York
City, hag written to Secretary Manches
ter of the Grain exchange asking If the
Omaha hotels provide baths. If they do
be says he will bring fifteen to twenty
five grala men from his city and other
New York towns to the grain mac's na
tional convention In October.
Secretary Manchester has a drawer full
of acceptances to Invitations sent out for
the convention. They are from Canada
to Florida and from New York to the
crest of the Rockies.
Persistent advertising Is the Road to
Big; Returns.
Cattle Generally Ten to Fifteen
Higher for Week.
keen and Lambs In Smaller gnpply
Tkls Week Than Last, with
Prices Meetly Twenty
Five Cents Hlaher.
SOUTH OMAHA. Hept. 13, Ml.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hoes. 5heep.
Official Monday .....
Official Tuesday ...
Official Wednesday
tittlcial Thursday ..
Official Friday
Estimate Saturday .
"Is days this week.. 30. 1M
Same days last week..30.ori
Same days 3 wks ago..?o.44
Same dae 3 wks aio..30.7H7
Same days 4 wks ago..)1
Ssme dsys last year..42,21i
td.iaM 1W.033
2i.ti.8 ISi.ooi
27, W4 HO.isM
i.M 1.710
33.(123 W.l
i,l33 ltO.eKU
The following tsble shows the average
firlees for hogs at South umaha for the
sat several days, with comparisons:
Dates. I 18U. mO.190.190.il07. 11306. ilW5.
Sept. U
fept. 13
Sept. 15 1
Sept 15
aept 17,
Sept. ii
Sept 19
Sept. 30. 1
Sept. 31. 1
Sept. 22. 1
Sept. Z'i
9 27
I 15
8 M
S k8
t Vi
71! 5 kS
6 90, S 33
00, 8 21
OKI 6 14
5 29
( 0m S 31
0; 5 33
Ob I 6 S9
12 8 30
14! 5 U
f 5 -K
6 84Sl
7 95:
I 6 00
8 06
Mi '
8 06
S lu
6 Ml ( 90
(Ml (M
a aii ii im
C 83 6 7:
I t 73,
rr 4 64,
Ml I
-M 6 89
t 93!
8 V
I 47 12
8 43j 8 10;
k 40 ; a 12
Receipts and disposition of live stock
the Union Stock lards. South Omaha,
twenty-tour hours ending at 3 P m. V
teniay :
Cattle. Hogs. II'
C. M. & St. P ,.. .. 4
Mlseouii r'aclfic 1 1
I'nlun i'acitic 8
C. Ac N. W., east 3
C. oi N. W., west 26
C, St. P.. M. dfc 0 3
C. H. Ai Q , east 1 9
C, B. AS (J., west 9
C, R. I. A P., east
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Oreat Western 1
r s.
Total receipts 2 68 3
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co ul
Swill ami Con, puny 1,.W ....
Cudahy Packing Co Ki2 ....
Armour A Co 1,243 ....
Cudahy, Kansas City 80 ....
Other buyers 15 .... l.loo
Total 95 4,23 1.133
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were of no
consequence today, there being no market
as usual on a Saturday. For the week
receipts have been very fair, being about
on a par with recent weeks, but. still,
there has been a shortage of around
12,000 head aa compared with the corre
sponding week of last year. 'I' he shortage
In cattle is becoming a market featura
of the cattle trade, the falling off at
this point for the month to date amount
ing to about 4o,tiu0 head. Other market
points are suffering reductions In about
the sams proportion.
The demand for beef steers throughout
the week has been very fair, and owing
to moderate receipts noted above, have
gradually firmed up until killing cattle
of all kinds, cow stuff as well as steer
stuff, are at the cloi-e of the week lt(ji.jc
higher than a week ago. As high as
37.90 was paid for choice corn-fed steera,
which Is as high as has been paid any
time this year.
The advance in beef steers, together
with a fair country demand, has also
produced a stronger feeder market and
cattle of that dencription are also itXifioc
higher than last week. It is a note
worthy 'fact, however, that the country
Is very bearish in its views and that as
soon as prices show any material ad
vance the demand decreases proportion
ately. Thus the trade toward the close
of the week, when prices became higher,
was less active than at the beginning.
Quotations on native cattle: Good to
choice beet steers, ;.25i7.75; fair to good
beef steers, S6.5oe7J5; common to fair
beef steers, 84.75ti6.C0; good to choice heif
ers, 15.000.80; good to choice cows, 14.60
tJi vO; fair to good cows, 83.754.50; com-
I. .on to fair cows, tZWJS; veal calves,
.. ...78.
..uiatlons on range cattle: Good to
choice beef steers, 3o.w46.W; fair to good
beef steers, 36.00(55.60; common to fair
beet steers, S4.2u'o5.00; good to choice
heifers, 44.k04Ji6.2b; good to choice cows,
V4.4ou6.10, lair to good cows. 83.754.40;
good to choice Blockers and feeders, 85.00
tO&OO; fair to good stocksrs and feeders,
84.255.00; common to fair stocksrs and
feeders, I3.50U4.3&; stock hoifers, 83.26(4
140; bulls, stags, etc.. S3.25ft6.u0.
IIOUS As compared with yesterday's
big bulk of business in bogs, the market
ruled strong. Demand at prices easily
firm bad a fairly active tone, . but after
early rounds, movement came to a halt
and closing trade was very mean, with
the trend to values weaker. At 10:30
o'clock there were still a few loa In
first hands, despite the fact that .utal
supply was very moderate.
Out of an estimate of sixty-eight cars,
shippers and speculators bought only an
add half dozen loads. Quality and weight
of ofierings were seasonable, packing
stuff being the general rule, with good
bacon classes tare exceptions.
There was practically no spread In
prices that would serve to reflect a dis
crimination in weights. Bulk sold at
36.564(6.60, and the best light-weight hogs
on sale landed at S8.70, Identical with yes
terday's top. This limit is the lowest on
record since 'June, a month that claims
86.46 aa high price.
A slight increase In receipts this week
has been attended by bearish packing
demand and a timid shipping Inquiry.
Present prices show losses of about l-t
35c from a week ago. Really choice bacon
animals were practically lacking on most
days and today's top, aa well as thoae
made recently, falls to do Justice to the
Representative salsa:
Na A a. IT. Ma At. IT.
1 IS tO0 4 47i Tl V 140 I 67 "4
64 Ill I I 60 TO 64 140 4 6744
6 lit ... 160 14 tit ... 4 40
121 :J 164 4 60 M 171 ... 40
II 18 ... 6 6 116 ... U
6 u ... 4 6 M 147 ... 40
40 II ... 64 14 137 60 4 60
I let ... ( 64 0 i7 ... 40
14 6i IM 66 64 281 44 6
44 164 W 4 64 M Ill 1W 4
0 r6 ... 66 4 114 10 40
44 la ... 4 66 M U4 41) 0
U 16 110 4 64 17 644 114 4 ao
M la 0 66 64 14 60 40
t IOI Mia lu 44
6 13 ... 64 64 M 0
8 II ... H 0 Ul M IN
(4 II ... 6 ...., ...171 KIM
44 at! 140 ITU 4
4 Ml 10 ITVi 10 14 ... 40
64 m ... 4 67 l II
64 161 ... 4 47 M Ml 10
41 114 U t 67 61 161 840 4 40
II tt ... S 17 Ui 64 14
44 171 ... I 67 I .'.Ul KM M
4 171 0 67 u, 6 m IM 0
61 If 6 17 6 11 0 41
14) IM ... r 74 10 ... 42
61 191 ... 4 67 76 118 ... 1 6
6 tl 4 17 44 240 40 66
66 161 ... 4 17 16 20 ... 4 46
1st 4 I 67 II laa 40 4 (7
it 7 10 I 67 44 17 ... 70
46 tkl 40 6 67 40 174 ... 4 1
6 aa 1U0 I 67
-wutt lamb trade had iu
usual barrel! oaturuay appeal ance; oa-
icruay s CMMirance 01 ail t:iaaaa 01 sioca
was practically coniuleie. and there was
nothing wnatever received at in tne way
01 lre.n oiietings. Quotations reiuatued
Hie main featurea of the week's market
were a very heavy decrease In supply and
moderate advances 10 price. About Uo.-
UuO head were received, this total showing
a loss of almost Ui.oOO head irom last
week a near-record receipts. - The big eud
of daily shipments consisted of laJiiba
witn.leeaer union tne general ruie.
Fat lambs were ia active demand at all
times and keen competition boosted tne
price list to levels fully a quarter higher.
On two or three occasions choice grades
landed at 85-76. and a 8a.0u top was made
yesterday oa a string that was alinust
faultless from a buyers viewpoint.
Merely good fat lambs are closing axuuud
3.aoiu6.(. and quality that la vending
below 85.35 at present is not very respecta
ble. Fat sheep scored almost as much Im
provement as lambs, showing a general
sain of 15425c. On most days they were
hard to locate, as the run this season Is
mainly ons of lambs. Packers cleaned up
everything In the way ot good twei,
wethers, etc.. without any urging, and
upward trend seemed natural. Good ewes
moved around t3.6iirjt.7t, the latter figure
being high price. Choice wethers
reached 84 00, and prime, handy yearlings
ware wanted at M WU4M.
No complaint was heard from feeder
traders, as the demand had lively tone
and broad volume. Nebraska and Iowa
bought the big bulk of offerings suitable
for corn fields and feed lots, paying
prices that appear to be largely a quarter
above those in force at lat week's close.
Feeder lambs rsnged around I' 00 j 5 li,
while feeder ewes sold from 83. o down-
11,6.1. l.MJ 4J.U
6D 4'I.Vd
6,(ol .3L'J i7.k4
3.oo2 N.l 1 ' '4
724 3.M3 10.01S
1U 4.K7
ward. Fsckers' tab p'srea the week s
purchase of feeders at Onj head, about
&"i per cent of the receipts
Quotations on 5heep and Lambs
Lambs, KtC(l to rlvlct . $" 4-' i6 O41. ihitI'V
fair to good. $elO,i v4iv lambs, culls, 14 50
t4 "; lambs, feeders. I4ivi.-"3n. i r
llrgs, X'XmI to choice. 4:vVi4 75. vr
i'n feeders 4 1)V(50. uetlier. I arrtv,
l3reT4 0O: wethers, heavy. SJVfiSl"-:
wethers, feelers, H2Mi3-i; ewes, good to
rhoiie, .11i33.73. ewes, fair to good, 3,to)
fit 40; ewe, breedera, J. J4 O"; ewea,
feeders, J ioflj 30: ewes, culls. SloOgjSS.
f kleago I. If Hlork Market.
CHTCAOO, Sept. 23. CATTLE Receipts
istimated at SO head, market dull, beeves,
H.ik0.: Texas stecta, St.MHt-j.jA: west
ern steers. 14 :tr"l7.10. stockei s and ft ei
ers, $ t 15 1 5.V.1: rows and heifers,
.?"; calves. K(kfl.75.
Hi t;s-Recelpts estimated at 4 OnO head,
msrket stesdv. llirht. ; j-.2o: mixed.
; 507.20; heavy, ,6 4'ir7.10; rotieh, 34 40
(lot".; S"od to choice heavy, 16 " 7.10;
pigs. 4 Oi -y ;. 40- bulk of sales. t67'Sj;..
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts esti
mated at 2,om head; market slow, s'eartv;
native. t2S'i4 20; western, S? 75ft;
yearllnes. S3.864.Tn; lambs, native, 1400
j.Xi; western, 4.5viTi2i.
Kansas City !tork Market.
Receipts. 5O0 head. Including 2lo south
erns; market steady; native steers. 8-"' 25
08 00; southern steers, 34. fe(rfi."irt; south
erns cows snd heifers. 2 75ii4.5o; native
cows and heifers, '.i!7.iv; stockers and
feeders, S3.4iVi6.0l; bulls. S3.I."'i4.5t.i-.
calves, f5.nrrViJ: western steers, $i.7sj
7.25; western cows, $2. 7f.'i 4.7B.
llOUS Receipts. l.ioi head; market
steady; bulk of sales. $S5iii6 7.V heavy,
V;.o"u6.6f.: packers snd butchers, 3''.5tij6 80,
Hants. J 501i6 80.
SHEEP AND I. A MBS Receipts. 1.000
head; market strong: muttons. ,1.25fi4.2fi:
lambs, 55 tjoifl 25; range wethers and
yearlings, 3.1. jiHrt.SJ; range ewes, : 50ft
. I.onla Live Stock Market.
6T . LOUIS. Sept. 2.1 CATTLE Re
ceipts. 5(") head. Including 100 Texans;
market steadv; native beef steers. $4.5tir
7.00; cows and heifers. S3 ii75i: stock
ers and feeders. t-lnOjiSSO; Texas and
Indian -steers. Hi"rt7.00; cows and heif
ers. I3.i.nuj. w; calves, in car load lots,
HOC.S Receipts S.BM head: market
steady: plas and llKhts. S4.J5'i6"0; ack
ers, S6.S.V(t 7.15; butchers and best heavy,
86.90 at 37.00.
SHEEP AND LAMliS-Kecelpts. M0
head: market steady; native muttons,
S350&4.25; lambs, MMu.4ai.
St. Joseph l ive atock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 23.-4 ATTI.E
Receipts 2i0 head; market steady; steers,
34.SKr(i7.7."; cows and heifers, 330iti6.75;
calves. $1 notii.oo.
Hi HIS Receipts r.OM) head; market
steadv; top, f6 S5; bulk of sales, 36 i"m'ii4.75.
SHEEP AND I. AM 1)S Receipts none;
market nominal; lambs, 35.00u ti.uO.
Visiting Ministers
Are to Fill Pulpits
of Churches Today
The following Omaha pulpits will be
supplied Sunday by ministers In attend
ance at the North Nebraska conference
of the Methodist Episcopal church, now
In session In Omaha:
Penson, Morning Service Rev. S. E.
First Morning Service Prof. O. Frank
lin Ream. Baldwin. Kan.
First. Evening Service Rev. M. P.
Buck. D. D., India.
Hanscom Park, Morning Service Rev.
Edgar Hlake, D. D., Chicago.
Hanscom Park, Evening Service Rev.
S. 1). tin r tie. U. II.. Oram! Island.
Hirst Memorial, Morning Service Rev.
William Esplin, Arlington.
Hirst Memorial Evening Service Rev.
J. W. Kllpatrlck, Norfolk.
McCabe, Morning Service Rev. E. E.
Hunt Hot Springs, B. D.
Pearl Memorial, Morning Service Rev.
J. Franklin Haas, Omaha.
Seward Street, Morning Service Rev.
C. W. Ray, D. D., Columbus.
"irinity. Morning Service lilshop John
L. Nuelsen, LL. V., Omaha,
Trinity, 7 p. in. Ep worth league rally,
Rev. Edwin M. Randall, D. D.. Chicago.
Trinity, 8 p. m. Sunday school rally. Rev.
Edgar Blake, D. D., Chicago.
walnut Hill, Morning service Rev. W.
H. Wright Grand Island.
Walnut Hill, Evening Service Rev, F.
M. Drullner, Madison.
Hillside Consrritatlonal. Moraine? See.
vice Rev. J. P. Yost, Randolph.
urate Lutheran, Evening Service Rev.
K. W. G. Hlller, Ph. D.. Hernial
North Presbyterian. Morning Service-
Rev. J. W. Jennings, p. D., Kansas City.
onn x-resoj verian, evening oervice
Rev. J. F. Poucher, Stanton.
Grace United Evangelical. Morning
Service Rev. C. P. Lang. Blair.
Grace United Evangelical, Evening
Service Rev. 11. H. St. Louis, Pilger.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Morning
Service L. V. Slocumb, Wlsner.
Pairview Preabyterlan. Morning Service
Rev. O. W. Snyder, Oakdale.
Tne Kev. u. B. Warren, Ph. D.. of
Tekamah. will preach at the Broadway
Hetnuaist episcopal cnurcn. council
Bluffs, at the morning hour.
Fay Page, Al Mosher, Rarve Wlnslow
and J. L. Keenan of Utlca, Neb., re
turned Saturday morning' from Fort
Dodge, la, where they had their ten
hounds in the coursing meet, winning sec
ond and third prises. First prise was
won by Bums of Chicago. The Utlca
men ay that there was a large field of
dogs, forty-five having been entered In
the all-age and thirty-two in the futur
ity class. This year the coursing sport
waa hardly up to the average owing1 for
some unknown reason to the poor condi
tion of the rabbits.
The Invitations which are to be sent to
the maids of honor, ladles of th court
ladles kn waiting and knights who are to
be on the reception committee at the
coronation ball, are striking and attrac
tive. They are large and In booklet form,
the inner leaves cream and the outer
ones red, all fastened with a satin red,
green and yellow ribbon. On the first
cream colored page Is the ooat-of-arms vt
Ak-Sar-Ben and the words, "Edict of
the King" In (old. Within Is the green
lettered summons to the recipient
The first platinum wedding riqgs ever
exhibited In Omsha have been received
at the Edholm Jewelry store. They have
become the "proper thing" In the east
where platlnt m Is now being used most
extensively in rings, especially In en
gagement rings. The platinum wedding
rings harmonise well with the platinum
engagement designs, and It Is now con
sidered excellent taste to have one of
the latter when a solitaire la worn.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., 6ept. 23.
(Special.) Ernest J. UcKsan of Ham
burg, Ia., was united In marriage last
evening at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi C. Wills, to their
daughter. Miss Nellie E. Wills, In the
presence of a large number of relatives
and friends. The young people have gone
on a wedding trip after which they will
make their home at Hamburg, Ia.
Uoldra Weddlnar at Nebraska City.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Sept. 23.
(fpecial.) uuorga W. Brown and wTe
on .Tuesday celebrate their fiftieth wed
ding anniversary. They have a large
family and all of the children will be
present and they will hold an Informal
reception that afternoon from 1 to t
o'clock, st their home In this city. They
were married some five miles south of
this city fifty years ago, and made this
county their home ever since.
Will Make Several Stops in Nebraska
Enroute to Denver.
Will Travel Most at the Joara'T
orr the Haes f the Itarrlwiaa
system To Toar Cities
on the Coast.
The Itlneisry covering the sre"li U"ln
bearing President Tsft and his party
shows that on his rresent tour his Jour
ney will be confined chiefly to the west
ern states. The rretrint will 'v
Omaha over the Purlltigton October t
at J0 30 o'clock rn the morning. His
first scheduled stop will be at Lincoln,
v. here he will arrive at noon, remaining
until 2 o'clock, when h will depart for
he wet. He will reach Hastings at 4
o'clock, remnlninir until 8:07 o'clock the
same evening, when he will take Ids de
parture for Denver, reselling the Union
drpot In that city at 7.40 o'clock the
morning of October 3.
President Taft will remain In Denver
all dac, taking the Union Psciflo for
Cheyenne, reaching there st 8:30 o'clock
In the morning. During the morning ha
will bo the guest of the city, continuing"
weat nt noon and reaching iJiramle at 1
o'clock, where he will remain an hour.
He will arrive st Rawlins at 6:30 o'clock.
stopping ten minutes and then start for
Salt Lake City, arriving nt 7:55 o'clock in
the morning. After spending the day In
the I'tnh metropolis the presidential
party v. ill be transferred to the Oregon
Short Line snd begin the tour through
the cosst states. 1
The Tsft perlal train consists of th
private' car' "Ideal," two compartment
sleeping cars, one diner, one day coach
and a bacgage car. The personnel of the
rarty follows:
President Taft. Charles D. Hllles. sec
retary to the president; Major Butt Of
the army. Dr. T. L. Rhodes. W. W. MIs
chler and C. C. Wagner, stenogrsphers:
Arthur Brooks and M. L. .Mickey, mes
sengers; .C. E. Colony, representing the
Boston Albany railroad; James Sloan.
Jr., J. E. Murphy, R. L. Jarvls; R. T.
Small and Robert Dougan. Associated
Press; E. R. Tartwell, United Press;
Sevellon Brown, New York Sun; John B.
Pratt. Hearst News service; Royal K.
Fuller. New York Hergld; Robert O'Cal
lan. New York World; Gus J. Krager,
Cincinnati Times-Star; H. E Taff. West
ern Union Telerraph company.
In making the tour of the United States
the Union Pacific and the other roads af
the Harrlman system will haul the presi
dential special more miles than any of
the other lines.
On the western roads the Burlington
will carry the president's tral-n over l,2t8
miles of roadbed; the Northwestern, i,0l!
the Milwaukee. 269; Great Western, Uti;
Rock Island, 345; Missouri Pacific, SSS. a
total of 3,692. The Union Pacific will
haul the train 591 miles; the Oregon
Short Line, 1.009; Oregon Railroad
Navigation, 347; Southern Pacific, L256;
Sam Pedro, 742, a total of 3.947. The
grand total aggregates 7,579 out of 11,961
miles that will be covered In the ag
gregate. DEATH RECORD.
Foneral of Seth F. Stiles.
FREMONT. Neb.. Sept 21 (Special.)
The funeral of the late Scth F. StHes
was held at the Grand Army of the
Republlo hall yesterday afternoon. The
sermon was by Rev. W. H. Buss, of the
Congregational church, and the full
burial service of the Gran Army was
read. At Ridge cemetery the blue lodge
of the Masona took charge. The active
pall bearers were selected from tha
Masons and the honorary from the vet
erans. A telegram from General Qren
villa M. Dodge, who was an old per
sonal friend of Mr. Stiles, paying a
tribute to his services as a soldier waa
read. The flag on the city hall waa at
hair staff and all city officers attended
the funeral. The hall was crowded be
fore tha services commenced.
Mrs. Adeline C. Lamb.
TECUMSEH, Neb., Sept. 23. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Adeline C. Lamb, wife of
Henry W. Lamb, died at the family
home In this city at 1:15 a. m. yester
day. Mrs. Lamb had beeu In falling
health for a number of years and, her
final Ulnes datea from Mar. A com
plication of diseases was the causa of
death. Mrs. L'.mb waa 73 years of age.
The Lamb family has resided here for
over forty years. Besides the husband
Mrs. Lamb Is survived by a son, Edwin
Lajnb, a former attorney of Lincoln, but
now city attorney of Butte, Mont Tho
son will come on to Tecumseh to attend
tha obsequies. The funeral probably
will be held Sunday.
Charles Kemptar.
CAIRO, Neb., Sept 23. (Special.)-
Charles Kemptar, one of the most prom
inent and well-to-do farmers In this
community, died yesterday morning
from apoplexy. It Is the opinion of tho
physician that the stroke was brought
on by over-exertion running to catch a
train at Grand Island yesterday after
noon, aa he was taken sick shortly after
arriving at the depot The deceased was
57 years old and leaves a widow and
several children, all grown.
Mrs. Mary A. Yewell.
cial.) Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Mary
A. Yowell, wife of Samuel J. YowelL
died at her home In this city after an
Illness of a year or more. She had keen
a resident of this city for the last tea
years and prior to that time resldad at
Sidney, Ia. She waa 60 rears of age
and la survived by a husband, three
sons and a daughter. Her funeral will
be held 6unday afternoon from the fam
ily residence. ,
Mrs. J. B. tain.
Mrs. J. B. Cain died on Friday morn
ing at the family residence, 1917 Grace
street aged 71 years. She had been an In
valid for many years. She Is survived
by her husband, br. J. B. Cain, and three
qhildren, W. M. Cain of Schuyler, J. W.
Cain of Omaha, and John S. Cain of
Springfield, 111. Tho funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon from the famity resi
dence. Interment will be at Foreot Lawn
Bernard Colentaa.
MANSON. Ia, Sept 23 (Special.)
Bernard Coleman, a retired farmer and
prominent capitalist of this place, died
suddsnly yesterday afternoon when
stricken with apoplexy while helping to
build a barn at his noma
James Kelly.
SEWARD, Neb., Sept 23. (Special.)
James Kelly, lata Drivate of Cnmnanv
K, Fortieth regiment Iowa infantry, died
In the hoapltal of the Soldiers' hoius on
Friday, sged 68 years.
. IlalldlasT Permits.
Stroud & Co.. Twentieth and Belt
Line, shops, $1,300 ; 8. H. Smith. ;vH
Vinton, frame dwelling, 8600; W. A.
Bchall, 2345 South Thirty-second avenue
brick dwelling. 87,6); Haatmya ft Hy
den. 13 South Twenty-fifth, frame
dwelling. S2.5uu; T. E. l'rlti hard. ivs44
North Thirtieth, frame dwelling. $1 6uo
Charles Horn. U591 Plnknev. frame dwel
ling, $2,500: Plnkney. $2 5no: 2577 Plnk
ney, $-.5uu; R Paul, &C7 Parker, (ram
dwelling. $2,000.