B OMAHA. SUNDAY MOENTNO. SEFTFOrRET? 1911. i i i ii r a r EDUCATIONAL Continued.) The Active j . I - M Y1 ATT T jLmpioy ment of Boyles The i''jaif r Hndin- Lcrtmnt of r?-r m i.maha 9 busin.s history and in the bunding up of this now famous bubI ies col . a-. Manv times a day telephone calls and personal calls are made upon this department seeking compe'ent Bookkeepers. Ptenogrtphers and Clerks. The I. men Pacific R 11. and I O. R. R- absolutely and positively guarantee to give niijaunnM to ail Boyles College telegraphers Immediately upon graduation r'treul record is kept of all atudenis who are placed, and this record 1s open to the pab'ic fur Inspei tlon at anv time. In addition t.. in own employment department. It Is In great favor with tie t:T writer coupiinie. The Boyles -"lruaiion Finding Department. In conjunction "1th the Lmployi.i it !.( artment "f the typewriter companies, plated .luring tue months o' July and August 137 U'i: i student In permanent and temporary posi tions. When you vonsider thai July and August are the quietest months in the year, you must admit that Boyles College students are lven preference. During , ths busy fa!), winter snd spring months It Is difficult, and often Impossible, for us to fill the immense number of positions for which we are asked to furnish cspsble joung men and women. Now which most appeals to you 'he big business collage like Boylee. that really does things for its students or the small. Inefficient buainess college, that teaches you wat it can an.i lea' s It to you to get a position if you can' Resol-e to either tsik this matter over with us at once, or write for our l-.endsomt-y llustrsted 160-page fr-e ataiogue Boyles College Boyles Bldg. H. B. Boyles, Pres. Omaha COURT REPORTING If an opportunity is epen to you to become a court reporter, you should place yourself under the tutelage and guidance of a practical, experienced court reporter. Throughout the west, t.iere is hut one school where shorthand is taught that Is presided over and managed by one who has been an actual cout reporter. Needless to say that in this, as well as all other advantages. BOYLES COLLEGE Is again in the lead. TBIE WASTED LS THE SAME AS MONEY AND OPPORTUNITY LOST la tie title of a booklet soon to be published by Boyles College upon the subject of court rt porting and Y W C A HELP WANTED FEMALE ' HosiekresFn and Uoinesl les Cont'd Day a .ii svemcg classe. beg.n ' .:. . Cookinjj. WANT ED G 1 rl for general housework, j P.ain sewtng. nn washing, iilo Hamilton. Phone Harney 1 shirtwaist malting. I Millinery. G.mnaalum. GIRL fur general housework; family ot Classes in general education. three ino washing, big wages. Tel. Har- 1 PCRTEAJl college. Council lilufls; tin- Bey : twn. r. per mo. We guarantee satisfao- WANTED First class experienced cook. tu,n- good wages, no housework, must ' give . , Z7T , . . , . references. Applv at once Mrs. E. W. i Tutoring, first to eighth grade. Ii .74. BurVaL Xttl. Harney J HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED-Comtent house maid, j Mrs. Thoa. Kilpatrick. 31'JO Chicago at. I A. eats amd salral.dlea. Phone'Harney al. j , . WANTED A girl for general house- WANTED Four lady solicitors, straight work. 510 a Sth Ave. salary or commission. Reeves. 1814 Dodge. " WANTED Experienced girl for general ' Clerical aad Office. housework. S3U Harney. ! PRIVATE LE3SON3 IN SHORTHAND. WANTED Girl for general housework, Shortest system; best system. Text Bo washing or ironing. m N. J.ah St. . book. 2. Un.gr.ph Co.. Famam. AV ANTED A reliable girl for general ! EXPERIENCED stenographer to go trot housework; references. U4 S. STth. : of town. with promotion. O Ui. care wvTEjExperlenced girl for ge- amK- eral housework. 1649 Georgia A- e. Har-( Automs-tie 'phone Bus's. SZ; reaidanc, fL ngy t9- 1 WM otSJnl'. fronr!to,a1k:, ?J N UX caje Bee. WANTED Experienced' nurse "gtrl. ref- At present the Remington Typewriter nc required. Harney .; 43 N. 3Sth I company s employment department want: 6alary 40 per month and board, . rlct w?Klngi.'.!-?a ; One female stenographer, out of town Green. . Yellow-Fish is the fel-, .position in la.w office. - low. Tune your piano. Phone Webster One female stenographer, land omce, 1 out of town position, sauaj-y 140 per month " I i and board. ' . . WANTED Girl for general housework. ! ltil Farnam Bf- Phone Douglas 1578. One who can go home nights. VJ6 S. 3th. I TWO office clerks, good penmen, ISO. -- WANTED Desirable maid for general Stenographer. $-6&. - housework. Apply till Park Ave. New vaa-ncies every day. THE CANO AGENCY. SUU Bee Bldg. WANTED Competent maid who has .i worked In refined fajnilies for either up- ITOiOGRAPHER. VjO. stairs or downstairs maid, p-6 Third St., Clerav hardware, 45w Council Bluffs. Tel. ri. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 101S-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED A girl for general house- work. Work will be light as ail heavy TOCNG lsdy clerk with experience, work Is done by special help. Good wages. Uoyer Stationery Co.. 161 Farnam St. Call &U0 Underwood Ave.. Dundee, or 1 Phone Harney 280. Factory aad Trades. A COMPETENT girl for general house- APPRENTICE girt wanted at Oppen- H"!ros.delSo8CtneAUie1- M" E" B' heim hairdreasing parlors. W Oty N- a' gtn Av tlonal bank. WANTED A good girl for general FIFTEEN gtrls. at once, to work In ?2"a?'kj .anlaU d wa-"- bi dep1atnie" t- Bemls Omaha Bag Co., tu- Georgia Ave. Utn snd Jones Sts. - WANTED Girl for neral housework. WANTED-Glrls to wrap Woodward's 138 x- a,t Av- Tet- Harney 4570. Rial Butter Scotch snd Woodward s Pure im i.ii.--. Sugar stick candy. John A Woodward Miell. Co.. Council Bluffs. la. . - . TOCNO women coming to Omsna aa 1 WANTED Experienced hand shirt snd strangers are Invited to visit the Young collar lroner. If you can't do this work Women's Christian association bunding pleas don t apply. Good place for right at tit. Mary's Ave. snd 17th St. where party Inquire Horns Hand Laundry. M they will be directed to suitable boarding N 34th St- places or otherwise assisted. Look tor ' our travelers' aid at the Union station. " EVERT person knows who D. J. 7 O'Brien is because he baa made Omaha THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM famous with his candy. 11 Mrs. C. T. SOLVED The Bee will run your Dome-- Thomas, liuo South 4ia Bt, will come to tic Help Wanted ad FREE until you Bee ofrice within three daj'S we will give get too desired results. Bring your ad to htsr sn order for a u-oent box of O'Brien's The Bos of Acs or telephone Tyler lUw. ca nay f re-. WANTED A girl for general house- LADIES We have good positions wait work: no objection to colored girL Ui S. lng if you will learn hairdresaing with 1st a St. tna Hermann permanent hair wave, no , competition; big money. Manicuring. WANTED Girl for general housework; facial massage, electrolysis and chiropody must be sols to coo a. 3u tc Mary's Ave. tught. Write today. Moler College, Cht- .. eagu, 11 L GIRX, for general housework. . laXi ; Burt. Harney as. LADIES make supporters. S13 per hun- dred; no canvaasing: material furnished; WANTED Girl for general housework; stamped envelope for particulars. Wa- no laundry. 'Phone Harney 1147. .hash Supply Co., Dept. Z 1, Chicago. WANTED High arhool girl to work for WOMEN to do plain sewing at home room and bosid; U per week. ! N. for a large Philadelpuls, firm; good it 9t. i money end steady work: no canvassing, sttnd reply envelope for prices paid. L UN WANTED Competent girl for general versa! Co.. Desk 2 Wainut St.. PhiU housework: small family; good wages. Pa. We t Farnam distnet. Phono Ha rney -. . . r LADIES make shields at home. $;0 per Mi. Work sent prepa-d to reliame omen. GIB.L for general housework. 1921 Bin Particulars for stamped addressed envei ney St. Phone W ebster a Li ope. Eureka Co.. Dept. L Kalamazoo. Jih.. WANTED Competent girl for general - housework at 1 a. C4th St. Inquire at LADY traveler to employ eorsetieres: -- -h. sa-ary or commission: permanent posi- .., . . , . tlon: newest line. Address America Cor- , .WANTED olrl for general housework Ml Co.. Desk 1. Chicago loi Georgia Ave.; snoul taonily. good wages. GOOD ladles' clothes lroner; steady work and good pay. Leavenworth St. WANTED Neat girl to work in very small family; oest wages; good houio. phone Harney -.- GIRL for general housewurk; small family; good waea ISM a. th Ave. WANTED G.rl for general housework. Sid a. Xlh Ava WANTED Competent girl fcr general housework; no washing- good pay. S:.9 Dodge St. Mrs. Charles Rich. Harney Sml WANTED A girl for general house work, must have references. Call 4Jus Lodge; phono Harney 1744V GIKL for general housework, small family, wssning done, wages s per wee. .OS st, Mary Ave WANTED A girl for general houae- aork. 10 S. l.th Ave WANT P"T i Girl to work for room and: board. TTZS Dodge St. ' WANTED A good girt for genera! ! housewor-; lour rooms can go home nights. Phone riaruey S24- W ANT! D A competent coos, apply SM So. T2d Ava. or pnone Harney m. GTRL for general housework. Xo Burt, or phone Harney 5s4. GIRL wanted for general housework, two la family. Poppleton avenue WANT FT) A girl for general house work, no washing. M S. Sia EDUCATIONAL ontlrued 1 "V . a I 1 , 4 k T department i College Bo vies Colle.a has Droved wonderful the teaching thereoi. IK YOU ai:t lo make a good income learn china pauiung, the moat fs cinatlng art. Write at once for our special in troductory oner. All materials furnished. International Art Studios, Rochester. N. Y- WANTED Young lady who lives with parents, for cashier in own handwriting Bring application therman Mc - Connell Drug Co, 1Mb and Dodge HELP WANTED MALE Atvstt, Saleswiea aad Siillcltcis. BOOK salesman. W. A. Hlxenbaugh Co.. Ia14 St Mary's Ava Tel. D. J7. f pV Why work for wages when you " ' '- can u.ak from 7i ui Luu a m selling the New Era P.pe Maciune. niaaes stronger and better rope out of binding twine at less than the price you can buy it tor at the store. Omana Bales and Supply Co.. Sole Agents. ;i Brandeis Theater bldg.. umaoa. Neo. V. ir.-r-I.-v. .,..,... ,.. ' '. 'J'"''" tmo-a ii i our d.Mir ket. ban tarv kitcn.n cahinets. Bls?-st money maker, sells like hot cakes. Two in very home. Kei proiit. Writ to day for fill I particulars. Res Manufac turing Cuiup ny. Milwaukee. Wia AGENTS Eitner sex. sell guaranteed hosiery: 70 per cent profit: goods re placed free if hole appears: experience unnecessary Aad re "Wear Proof" West Philivlelphta, Pa AGENT! Improved soecialtv for au tomobile oerneis. quick se.lrr. big prufits: l!luerraiel b.imts: writs tooay. The1 time readv Barker apedaity Co., allisaorta . Kan. JT h. bee. HELP WANTED MALE- Agents sad alasaa- ewtlssed. You Can Make $250 Monthly Acting as local repi esentative of "ie snd department of the kn oily. Mexico Onit Ry . th largest rai v under construction in the (."nit riTO-wr the famous I- ed l- lower pecos valley In southwestern Texas This rich, fertt'e vailev is binu developed re,'.ur' i.id ir.i.iioni of dollars are invested m 'his new conDTi' Irrigated isnd.i. town lots and agricultural lands for Id3'.'.' n -mat, on prunl just oompieted. The land department of the Orient Hy. leads In thai development and settlement work and needs reliable arid enersete repre sentatives In every locality. The peopie are interested thev are headed towards this nw undeveloped empire tt is the is-t and best southwest, a land of ex.- par.ding irrigation projects, aifa.ia ranches and fruit farms. Fortunes a"-e bring main- from the soil hv settlers ai- D'ltninn for those mho will L-o-oDHite ! with me. No Investment required, evi dence or character necessary. Positions of trust and importance created for good men. Ne saiaried jobs for beginners. Good commissions. Write quick for free literature and full deta.ls. F. A. Horn beck. Land Commissioner. K C. Mexico & Orient Ry.. Kansas City. Mo. WE WANT salesmen to take up our l!r.e October S. Saiarv or commission. Reference must noromranv Honncation. L tired StJte. V. hip Co.. Wettllid. Mass.' FREE sample Work two hours a day. FT a day regular. Every family needs it. Write u. H. B. Mott, -.43 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago, I1L WANTED A few more active, ener getic agents to complete our representa tive statf An article that fills a iong felt want. loO per cent profit to agents. Retail price clinches the sale. Latonia Specialty Co., DeK 7. Covingion. K lENERAL and Local Agents Here is your opportunity. Y. :er:j"t:c men csn make .mi yearly and ut. The Improved Cancenter Kerosene Man"l Lamp revo- lutioraies old methods. Far -upei or to electricity, gas. aci-tvirnp ur ganniiue at one-tenth the cost. Eurner fits all lamps. Safe, clean, odorless; burns with or wuh- out mantle. Thested and pronounced by i atate of Pennsylvania Most efficient Hgnt found. Greatest seller known, we " t ,.Th. rmn.nv t'eut. j. 3C4 N. .State St.. Chu-ago. AGENTS. It's Happen""! Perfected, selltne like sixty.'' New. wonderful seif-drylng, self-cleaning mop. Just th..:k! No cogs, wheels, tears. Itnobs. hinges, springs. One movement, presto! It s dry U over. Intercnungeaoie use any mop cloth. Gives lastmu satisfac tion. All . mop idea revolutionized beaten to a fraxzle. Mechanical marvel, triple triangles. Low price. Jones sold ii first hour prof:t I7: Howe 5 be fore noon. For exclusive agency must write today. Triangle Mlg. Co.. 3 Tri angle Bldg.. Toledo. O. CAPABLE sales m.inager Splendid I chance for man who can make good. th from 2.'" lo JIU.-mI a year, in sed manuiacunng facilities enable us to employ more competent sales man- s in various localities to taite cn ro istributlon of article needed in every 'house. Financial ability to carry some , fiil reiuirements write at once. Good Co.. First N; ational Bank Bldg., CUi- rriES t"i0 Der 'week sound good? Our i epreentatlt make it and more. We i want a reliable salesman wun expen- ' ence to sell our unexcelled line of cal endars. Signs and Novelties Write for us at once giving experience ana -ence. The Winters company, Spnng- ' field. Ohio. f St.. will conio to The Ee- office within I three days we wrill give him a ticket to SALESMEN We hsv s brand new. clean cut. prompt commission, pocket side line, consigned goods for traveling . cago. ill. WANTED A 104 per cent salesman with clean record, to sell our Fireproof Account Register tn Nebraska: one who has successfully sold cash or account registers. computing scales, eiectric coffee mills or Jewelry assortments pre ferred. Splendid opportunity for ad vancement. References, bond required. The Champion Register Company. Cleve land. O. WANTED City manager for Omaha, for the best saleable, up-to-the-minute, limited accident and health policies, with all th frills: SS.oun Insurance. SH5 weekly indemnity for accident or sickness, sold without classification to men and women between the aaes of IS and 70 years of age. to all alike for only S12 per year. In fine seal leather card case with per fect identification credential. Very popu lar and quick, easy seller. In answering btaie pnor experience, and give refer ences. Address Lincoln Accident Insur ance Co., Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Agents to handle proposi tion which sells at sight. Two to six In almost every home. Particulars free. Klein Specialty Co., Box JrS. Edwards vllle. I1L AGENTS make big money selling our Metallic Letters for office windows, store fronts snd glas signs; anyone csn put thom on; samples free. Metallic Sign Co.. 37 N. Clark St.. Chicago. BUSINESS and profits big to the man ho sells our new auto accessory, just WANTED Experienced salesman for SPECIAL proposition made you to sell new article. Free sample also sent. S5 to Ss a day easily made. Wnte us. Peg- I ley A Smith. 124 Lincoln St . fpokane. I . ADVERTISING solicitor, experienced. 10 days' city work. 25 per cent; good for iJt. c'has. E. W ill.amson. lol So. ltltn st, a. HANDLE remarkable money-getter. Easy to seil. Easy to handle. Repeat orders aimot every house. Write for tree sample. Barnert Supply Co., 213 E. Canadian St.. Vinata. Okl. WANTED Agents Legitimate substi tute for slot machines: patented. Sells on sight for SL Particulars. Gisha Com pany, Anderson. Ind. GENERAL Agents Hot selling 25c article; costs you lie; sells to agents S1.5S. retailers 17. wholesalers Sl.nd dor. Parker Chemical Co. Chicago. SALESMAN Established house wants traveling representative in Nebraska; staple line; permanent commission con tract with S- weekly advanced to pro ducer. A-l references required. E. L. Rice Co.. Detroit. Mich. . i . SMflo per week sure. lling Collection Cabinets to merchants. bend tor free 1 samples and uescriptlve matter. a"ers Company. 4 Olive St.. St. Louis. Mo KENTUCKY distillery wants represent atives exclusive or side line to solicit the saloon and drug trade for Kentucky wh'saey adopted by United States Gov ernment Woodland Co.. Dept. 4L Cov ington. Ky. AGENTS wanted in every town by manufacturer Something new every body needs, sells on sight, with reorders. Write for territory Marshall A Dow ner. Auditorium. Duluth. M nn.' AGENTS Our new mi model Incan descent Kerosene Burner I'M candle uower ! licht burnt mith or without mantle. -l-t ices defv comretlTion Particulars free. , a.o.olex Gaji :ni Co.. . T.irk 'AGENTS WANTED. Greatest prcp Okition. Enormous profits. Kvej-yone a customer No competition. Booklet free. Modern Manufacturing Company, Colum bus. O. " AGENTS WANTED Latest high grade aaiutary specialty. Every home, hotel, facto. v snd offii-e buys on siunt. Write to-day. The Watroua Co.. lll Fisher bltlg . Chicago. STUDENTS and others, spare or full Uer, good pay. Adurea a HELP WANTED MALE Agrafe sad aJeaea- itls FiL NTA1N PENS For agents, demon siraioia ana premiums-goiq. stiver ana ea. 1 ioumaiii peua. wth .4-at. goto u.oe, per UU4 . m me styles in goiauie. tat e. snowy hoiuer-. tun g ua I'- uni nine at 10 w prices .-ecurity .Mininnau.t pens at uog . Kngusn seit-tiiiers. tt. t,Mi our ic una ,ikiiiiii veivet fomt r-ens. sena ior luunrateu pries uat. oM sty im. Jjiamono k omt Pen Co., sb-ss r uiloii St.. New Yora." A'jLitTMtip iiiia ulu. woiu out nn-s. Our gHma never beiore euld tu jour territory. bo uie nrst in your .ieiu and rep the harvest, particulars irte. American irroo.ui.La Co.. Jiyc niore M.4 CauiKiati. u. iSALLSjlAN WANTED by old esti-,i(-aei puLiiieners 10 handle new medical wots, cxcjusive territory aim gowa liv ing ior energetic worwr, a-uo one lor .ruUii .Neoluki experience noi ut f. u. ta il. t'nlladelpnla.. eALESMAN to handle complete lme Iiruiamtnyilt tumihiurs. nu-iiu soap. uiuuein aisiniectania ajia sanitary mv pnea. G-jCKia usee o v.. 3 government, Nw ior Central and Jrennsyivaiua ramoads. Must have good reierencea. lhe rormAcone Co . is cnurch 61-, New York. W ANTED E.pr1enced adverUstng salesman to se i our complets line 01 caienuars. comoinat.on bang books, it'ailii, clotn ana wooden goods, ex clusive teiTilnrv. HL-iai CL-mmiwiniii. t.conotujAa ci using u ioa city la ' WANTED We want a capable sa.es- man to represent our unnexceilea line of signs, caienaars. taub and novelties throughout nut. territory for laU. ItaAon Noveily Co., K.enion, OUio. HIGH-GRADE saJesman outside of Omaha, permanent position: Uw to $6 monthly. U.I umy on business men. -a expenses advanced meekly. No samples to Larrj'. international Co., iltlntire Ja'dg., Dayton. Ohio. WANTED Three high grade specialty salesman to sell hea.vn advertised trade boosting system to retail merchants. In numerable references furnished talesman. Commission proposition worta yM.w per II 1 1? 11 1 11 oi uener lo iiiuuna. 'ii'w ins talls and references In first letter. O. 14.' Masonic Tempie, Chicago. Ill AGENTS Hustlers, both sex. to sell our products; good proposition; a, I ye round business, tor samples snd par ticulars address The Red X P. O. Box 4b. vA aahington, D. C MEN to travel, exclusive territory. o to t75 per week. New proposition, book or magazine men prelerred, but not essentia i. Address A .iJ Bee. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions. HW month. v advance and permanent position to right man. Jsss H. Smith Co., De troit. Mich. THE beet treat for wife and baby la a dish of Daixell's ice cream. If Mr. E. Day, .. N. -'-tn Ave., win come to The Bee ofrice within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. vA'ANTJj Two special sa-e men. Gib son oc cruin, -41 Cuming. GOOD specialties are ready sellers. We have onie. The government recom nients its use. Sample free. Writs harian M.'s. CO., -"S William St, Den ver, Colo. STUDY SALESMANSHIP. Class in practical work now being or ganized, directed by t". A. o. Price, for merly lect irer of tne Sheldon school. Memoersmu .united, cau or phone for enrollment recreation, aui City Nauonal Bank; Douglas liOi- MEN TO SOLICIT Good pay: experi ence nut necesbary. oi S. liitn St. ENERGETIC, well dressed young men to solicit city business. Appiy ln4 St. Mary s Ave. AGENTS No matter what you do your gold mine la our beautiful catalog ahow oig m quick-selling articles at low yr.cos and bur profits. Several saies at evry house. a.J sure protit every dsjr. Over i.uuo miiu!ificant uiusirationa in our new fCj.uuu.ou fall catalog tree to agents. .Ouini tumiar.ea. U.i"J.ui prize contest begins October let. Write im meuiately lor free catalog snd territory A. V. Hoimes m. Co., i-ept. C. Provi aence, B- L HONEST MAN or woman wanted in every town to represent well-known wholesale tirm. Experience unnecessary. Must furnish good reference. Easy, pieasant work. Fair sai ry to start. McLEAN. LUCK fc CO.. 1D Beverly St.. Boston. Mass. A NEW article. Record breaking sales everywhere. Write for free sample, and our new catalogue, naipu orauoer, it park St,, Kenosha, Wia TRAVELING salesman visiting gen eral store trade to sell attractive side line. Spring dress fabrics and white goods, commission basis. Purnetl Dais Mills. Box 5nu, Pbiideipiha. Pa. to $10 a day tor reliable men and women agents; easiest, fastest, best sel lers ever offered, nine sales to ten cails, by our special plan; big profit for you. Full details free. Address Household Co.. Agency Division, No. ss. Topeka. Kan. SALESMEN, KID GLOVES THOSE HAVING EXPERIENCE AND TRADE CAN FIND EXCELLENT POSITIONS. GIVE TERRITORY COVERED AND FULL PARTICCLA RS. WERT HEIMER CO.. SO FIFTH AVE., NEW YORK. NEW CENTURY BROOMS Write for facts. Quick. Big Profits Agents sell 50 per day. make S9. No. dream. Just In vestigate. La ward HUker Mop Co., L8 Grand Av, Chicago. SIGN paintin; agents, l.ouo per cent profit. Best ana cheapest window letter made. Easiest mounted. Outfit free. Suc cess postively guaranteed. Embossed Let ter Co., 71 Milwaukee Ave.. Chicago. WANTED Bright, ambitious young man, anxious to build up a business for huuseif. Can earn J0 to Jot) per week. No money required. We have best sell ing line of hign ciass calendars and post cards in the United Stales. Addrees. with references, etc.. Dubuque Art Mfg. Co., Duouque. Ia- "THE AD WRITERS ASSISTANT' Book of J50 heuiir.es, opening chapters, each illustrated with appropriate cut, mailed. cents. Cuts suppued. F. S, Aiies. Drexei Bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa AGENTS EASY MONEY MAKER. Wonderful new invention, takes puv ce old style curry comb, every horse owner wants It. Write quick. Winner Manu facturing Co.. Waieriown. N. Y. "AGENTS WANTED" "Phonotone" restores old phonograpn records (cylinder and disci equal to new, dime postpaid enough for lu records. Phonotone Co., Ma jpeth. New York. AGENTS make MO per cent profit sail Kig Novelty sign Cards. ' Mercnanta i uuy U) to luu on sight. fc'JO varieties, cata logue free. Mulivaa Co., 1ZA van Buren et., Chicago, I1L AGENTS Wanted Pocket base ball game. k.xclus.ve territory tor hustlers, stail 21-c for sample and particular Lie Mfg. Co.. Rome. Ga. AGENTS Get busy selling Gasjet Healers. Beet ever for fa.l and winter. Gieal demand. Easy seller Outfit sup plied. Retails 50c Seed. 3 Reade. New York. JUST put on. the market. A cracker jack aruc.e. backed up by government n" Jinmi niiation. Make $5 a day. Sample free. Parxer, York Co.. 2J!i Bell St.. Kansas city. Mo. SPECIALTY SALESMAN Experienced fir Neuiaaka. tin 4sch deal; main or side line, excellent future assured sales man with record lor honesty and ability. Cmtral ills;. Co.. Iowa City, la. SIDE LINE, pocket samples; ;o min ut, I' commission, high-grade men oniy . no other need appu. Advertising Novsxty Co.. Newton, la. SPECIALTY salesmen who cal on the hardware, drug and general store trade; for turn that sells specialties to this trade.. Write us auoul our Fix-All Ce ment. Western Saies Co., Milwaukee, Wia SALESMAN wanted to carrv strong lines of belts, suspenders and garters in connection with a kinded line through Iowa and N-urajka Answer Y. a. Co, i B way, New Xrk HELP WANTED MALE lessiei ATFNT9 wanted to sell high-class vi Ala. land Com. font., eT-l. eT Gvd Nehr . Io trr open. Grand Bay Land Co.. Oi Bee Bldg. AN answer to tht- ad will make ou onev. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk.. Omaha. Neb. Big rest and bet loc meals 1H10 Dodge. TOUNO MEN. FTUDT LAW. Omaha School of La. Evening ses sions only. Further Information, address secretary, 701 Cm. Nat Bank. Tel. Doug las 7. A DOLLAR MA DE EVERT S MINUTES f-old out befre break rust sales in minutes. writes Hoffmsn. Melenson sold JB Trst day. (profit ."7. ) Wonder- ful labor, time, money-saving household invention. Scrubs, cleans, dries floors, linoleums; abolishes old-style brushes. hands dlsr.sunng mops no stoopinif wetting bands. self-feeding. drvmg. sudsing: child of 12 operates eaail . weighs 5 pounds, se ls for El.Ti. "Never such a hit. have & deughred. boosting customers suites Cook. Credit given active agents Investigation costs nothin bamtsry supply Co. Box Sts. Toledo, a AGENTS WANTED Mske big monev selling photo pillow tops, lie; bromides. 25c: portraits. c: oilettes. V. We pro duce works of art guaranteed, lowest prices, largest sludib: prompt service. Credit given. Samples, portrait and frame catalogue free. Daniel H Ritter Co., 1U4 Madison St.. Chicago. 111. SIS TO 15 PER WEEK Can he made by men, women, boys and girls representing our goods. We five premiums with every order. Write today. Hamilton Sales Agency. Inc.. Dept. U. 91 State St., Boston. "AERO" Men s choicest pad garter 25 and ooc. Agent s quickest moneymaker. Send c for both samples. R Battel. Manufacturer. 54 Mercer St., New York. BIG profits for you' Manufacture Bar ley crisp New confection, oc parkaxe costs you He. Machine $7.5". prepaid. Samples 10c. Saffer Co., SJ Natoma St.. San Francisco. WONDERFUL new machine for every horn. Merges one pint of milk Into one pound of butter to two minutes: . sold last year. Write for ll.-W cash guar antee, illustrated circulars, credit terms, sworn testimonials, horn address of 5X) users. Price only S3. Agents profit J00 per cent. Butter Merger Co.. Indian apolis. Ind. SA LESMA N Experienced In any line to sell general trade In Nebraska. Un excelled specialty proposition with brand new feature. Commission with S35 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland O. S30 OR 39 a day take your pick. Here's a hunch your opportunity. Whirlwind seller: men wild over marvel ous work of new Automatic Razor Blade; zip. zip the trick s done. Get busy witn tins money coining machine in your territory. Agents, salesmen, managers wanted. All or spare time. No experience required. Follow instruc tions. S150 profit every 10 minutes. Lifo chance for hustler Get facts, sworn proofs now. The Never Fail Company, tJ Colton Bldg.. Toledo. O. SALESMAN to handle line with strong advertising features on commission basis. Would li i0 per month and expenses in terest you? Give references snd experi ence. Saies Manager. 14 N. Franklin sc. Chicago. 111. Beys. WANTED Several trustworthy bovs; good wages. W. U. Tel. Co.. 212 S. 13th St Clerical aad Office. BOOKKEEPER for first-class whole sale house. Don t reply unless you are competent and experienced. J 3m, Bee. "CANO "High grade positions, 600 Bee WANTED Experienced dress goods salesman at once. Apply Superintendent Brandeis Stores. FOR a position as stenographer, book keeper, salesman .ofrice clerk, shipping clerk, collector, etc See us. We have new vacancies every day. IHfc, CA.NO Atit-U. WW Bee Bldg. .... Manager small laundry... Assistant bookkeeper, good penman S5o Ledger clerk, out of town S o Retail clothing salesman SW Traveling salesman, implements SloO Gasoline engine salesman 11' O We also have otner positions for im mediate acceptance. See us at once. No Charge unless we place you. WESTEKN REFERENCE & BOND ASSOCIATION. 75i-4-S-S Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg' CAT-. AT OUR OFFICE and look over our complete list of vacancies for all kinds of office help. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. (Established five years in Omaha I 1015-16 City NaUonal Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Kniest. Bee B g WANTED Flrst-clsjss watchmaker. Ap ply Superintendent Brandeis Stores. FIRST-CLASS Harney St- pressers wanted, uoi WANTED A first-class experienced cutter on ridmg saddles. Give reference. Appiy, J. B. sickles Saddlery Ca., at Louis, Mo. WANTED Experienced presser, one who can do busaeling preferred. Write or wire M. R. aeidomridge. Dallas, S. D. WANTED A flrst-claas, experienced cutter on riding saddles; give reference. J. B. Sickles aadaiery Co.. St L.uis. WANTED First class preacriptioa clerk. Apply in own handwriting stating experience and names of former employ ers. Sherman & McConneil Drug Co., 16th and Dodge. FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailor wanted. V ages, S-5 per week. Also helpers on coats. Apply J. Jawitz, The Wellington, 1AL3 Farnam St. 5th floor. Mlaeella-eou. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile buainess, largest and best equipped snopr. Nat I Auto Training Aii n. Omana. BLATZ Wiener. Tel Doug. Ul for casa Cleaning work? EARN t to M per week. PosiUons .Fevv weeab completea Great uemand. Write at ouce. Free catalogue. Auto scnool ot at Louis. WANTED Men to leam barber trada Western Barber Institute. 12 Dodge. TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE Men to learn barber trade. Tuition. S15. 3 S. Lib. EVERY person knows who D J O Brian is because lie has made Omaha famous with his candy, if Mrs. G. E. , Baird. Flat IS. Dunsany. will come to The Bee office within turee davs will give her an order for a iju-cent box of O Brlen s candy free. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine corps, between the ages of 1 and 4a- Must be native born or have first papera Monthly pay. 105 lo S&. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quaiters and med.cai attendance free. Alter M years' service can ret. re with 7 per cent ot pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in ail parts-of tne world. Appiy al U. S. Marine Corps Kecruiur. g office. 14u Farnam ot, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Collector; good furure for right party. Cad at 4u3 Omaha Nat. bank. YOUNG and middle-aged men for postal nrvlce. applications must be made seen, full particulars an to salaries, dares, places, etc. free. -,7 Nat 1 Cur Institute, v shir.ton. D. c'. WANTED for U. S. Army A blebodied unnamed men bet ween ages ot la ana C. citizen of United .-tales, of good charac ter and temperate habits whocanspeaa. read and wnte the English anguage. For information apply to Recruiting Gtflctr. lath and Douglas Sis, omana. Neb.; 7 4tn St. Sioux City, la, Uu N. loin St., ci rand Island. EARN D to (4 per week. Positions Few weeks camp ete.. Great demand. Wrte at once. Free catalogue Autj Scnool of be Louia. Ill Puis SC. at I lav, Uw HELP WANTED MALE Mleeellaaeeea se4. THE U S. NAVY iS 1 r T C.'M purm ot tae t'net body i T d men In tne w oiid It has nn pia e tr the never-do-weil or tl.e failuie. More than l.n men apply for positions m tr Navv each eek. t'nly 30 percent or tnese pa.-s the examination and are accepted, t his snows that th Navy pick lis men with rigorous care and pains. The .Navy does not urae any man to en list Hut it does urge ootn parents and sons to investigate tne opportunities Hie .Navy otteis )oung liien Hi to .. eitner as a four years training or as a lite work. I he life Is healthful, th work agree, able, environment wholesome and heipful. and th man who wimiis to learn by study and travel or to learn a trade will nnd ample opportunity, as wil,me man who deai re to save money and n pro motion and reureinent on uiree-fourths pay lhe nearest Navy Recruiting Station Is at th Host ( trice Building, tmiaha. Neb. The officer in ruarne win b glad to see parents and sons, and explain everything you wish to know about worn. pay. pro motion, retirement, recreation, etc. Or send for "Th Making of a Man-O'-Wars-nian. ' it Is tree. Aud -ess Bureau of Navi gation. Box -Ms Nevy Department, Wash ington, D. C M 00 PER HUNDRED for collecting names and addresses. Steady work. Send seif -addressed envelop. Western Adver using Co . Tulia. Tex. WANTED Young man to learn statlon erv business: bov over lti, with wheel. Apply the i imaha News Co , loth and Davenport. Omaha. BALL FLAYERS desiring tryouta In small leagues: Register now for next sea son, don t delay. National Base Ba.l Reg istration Bureau. Indianapolis. Ind. WANTED Young men to learn the bar ber trade, commission paid for bringing students: barbers make mo money now than ever before on account of the many added money making facilities. Our course saves years of apprenticeship Graduates come to us for he'p; places on trains steamships, office buildings, pri vate barbers and valets, positions always waiting: no dull season, tall or write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerks :n government officee at Washington, vjmaha, Nb.. examinations during Sep tember. SW month. Annual vacation I Thousands of appointments coming. Can- 1 dldates coached free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 2U H. Rochester. X. US. S100 MONTH AUTOINO. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE RELIABLE Employment Agency, bolai and restaurant he. p. Pilt) Davenport. HONEST man wanted In every town to represent well known wholesale firm, ex perience unnecessary; must furnish good references; easy, pleasant work; fair sal ary to start. McLean, black A Co., XII Beverly St.. Boston. Mass. S WEEKLY and expenses to trust worthy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C. H. Emery, 739 V, Chicago. EARN STiO to S75 a week. We start you in a permanent business with us and fur nish everything. We have new. easy sell ing plans and seasonable leaders in the mail order line to keep factories busy No canvassing. Small capital. Large profits. Spare time only reqiured. Personal assis tance. Write todav for plana, positive proof and sworn statementa J M. Pease Mfg. Co.. 2U3 Pease Bldg.. Michigan St.. Buffaao. N. Y. WANTED Young men to prepare for positions as automobile reiiair men. chauffeurs, salesmen. We make you ex pert in ten weeKS by mail: assist you to (:uou position i-av um. uciiimiu ior men great. Free model of automobile with LUU1K. u o j ' : t; irrw uu line. iilc . terms reasonable. Empire Automobile In stitute, llox 40. Rochester, N. Y. SPLENDID position for an honest, sc- tlve man; district manager for U. S. Fire Extinguisher: able to control agents ana ao canvassing tnitea Mig. vo., icu United Bldg., T- edo. Ohio. S100 MONTHLY snd expenses to travel and distribute eamples for big mannfsc- turer; steady work. S. Scheffer. 139 U, Chicago. WANTED A gentleman of character ' a no foree who ean furnish soon references !. ..m ..e..ni,-e i i.m.i,. . fraternal beneficiary order which is at- trsctlng the attention of the best people In this country. Address Order of White Uniform. 308 Press Bldg.. Lincoln. Neb. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. . ,. . room, for lady only; in private home with WANTED Man and wife to work on a gmall family. Everything modern, choice farm. Steady work and good wages, location. 3419 Dewev Ave? itio S Write immediately to C. J. Almgren. ; from Farna.n car; pricV leksonableTef Potter. Neb. ; erencea. Phone Harney iM. WILL you earn C4 yearly by home'; " ' .' it r,' . c V. ;..u pectus. J. H. -Kohlmst, K7 N. 4Sth St., ! . Philadelphia, Fa ANY intelligent person may earn steady income corresponding for news- papers. Experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence! Bureau, Washing- t00- D- C- - " LIVE STOCK FOR SALE H aad Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good horses. 118 N. 21st St Phone Douglas 5000. FINE rubber tired Stanhope rig. horse and harness, newlv painted and in first c ass condition. No reasonable offer re fused. Inquire 515 S. lth t 'Phone D. 3Ub7. DRUMMOND carnage, closed or open. pole or shafts, :ot JiuO. price J115. oil Brown block. THREE-YEAR-OLD Jers hull le.v- lng town, will aell cheap. Ii4th and Man derson Sts. LOST AND FOUND LOST A bunch of keys on ring. May have tost them In South Oman-. Phone Dougiaa 5!ift, or return to Cuip-Lang- wormy. loin ana rxaroey. ui PERSONS having Most some article wouid do well to call up the office of .ue omana at Coun- ii L,ujta atrect Rail way company to ascertain whether they I lelt it in the street cars. I Manv ani.,.. h siuv ar t,,-A I- I and the company is anxious to restore fuMAHA 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS' STREET ivAii.vTi cuura. i. LOST Black and- white setter dog with collar bear, ng following inscription: if I am lost return me to tL T. Jester. Dun- ning, Nebraska." Reward offered for the; return of this dog to Fred Hamilton, Merchants Nauonal bank, umaru LOtiT Thursday, two diamond rings; I one large solitaire and one of three set- I ,!n"8: supposed to have been left in toiiet ; room tn targe ary guoas store; ;uo re- ward. Return to T. I Combs at Co., U-o Douglas St. LOST on Chicago, Northwestern train st Omaha, an E-stman 3-A folding pocket kodaa. 46 reward if returned to F. Holen, h.? N. Sn Ii at No questions asked. FnTT"Vnrna Teddy Bear expert ciean uu1l,ti4 and dyers. A-ci; D. i-. LOST Pearl brea.flpln. diamond center, at Temple Israel 1-r.dav evening. Return to Mrs. Fredenck i.'ohn. 1 Park Ava, and receive rewa id. 4 FOX terrier dog marked on left fore shoulder: goes by name of Spot. If found call DoUel.as Reward. LOST Gold bar breast pin, between 16tn to Isth on Douglas, or American theater Call Douglas iiJZ. Reward. FOR dainty dessert use Daisell's tea cream. If Mrs. C. W. Curtis. 2i2 S. 32d I win i-onie m nn i.ee orni'e witnin tnree oays w- em si. ner an omer ror a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. MEDICAL TREE medical treatment; stats your dlse and conditions and receive sie- atment abaol utely free, postage cial treatment absolutely free, postage prepaid. California Heaitn b urea a. bog 17o7. Los Angeles. Ca : Persistent advertising is the Road to MONEY TO LOAN ALARY A-D CHiTTCt, YouGt A SQUARE DEAL When Dealing with Us That has always been our policy aad is rt. A e loan m sums from I'.o m n kofSF.HOLD GOO I'S. PLAN'i'S. ETC. without r-moval. ON REAL ESTATE or en your PLAIN NOTE If you are steadily employed. You csn repay In small wkly or monthly pvmnts. No rd tape or rtfc lav Flacs YOUR LOAN with the Big gest. Oldest aji'l Best. RELIABLE CREDIT 00. Id Floor. S0i Paxton Bldg H7 80. lth lt. Phones A-14U and Dong as 14U. CILV.TTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATER. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., Bee Bldg. Doug. IXA A-lffiA. GRO.9. loans an Jewelry and clothing 410 N. 16th. DLM0ND LOANS AT 5 W C FTVTTT 1534 nodf -. H.C.rii.i.lAiJ, Telephone Red :. MONET loned salaried people, women keeping house snd others; without se curity; easy payments Office in 7 prin cipal c1tts. Tolmsn. Col Omaha Nat -Bank Bldg., formerly N. T. L. Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN We have organized our company to loss money to peopi who may not have credit at a bank or to those who do not wish to ssk their friends for a favor. We make loans quickly and privately on ftimltura. pianos or teams. Phone Dong as 1Z36 HOME LOAN COMPANY, Room S. Patterson Blk.. 1C3 Farnam M. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Reesaa. O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. 1L A-2R1L THE Landon. modern, with horns cook ing, iii a. .am st. ELEGANT suite of rooms, excellent home cooking: private family; West Far nam. Ca.l Harney 46. LARGE, strictly modern rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with excellent board. fJO 8. yh Ave. Harney KvM. ONE large front room with alcove- suit able for four. Terms reasonab.a. Board. Douglas 7C 2104 Webster St. 22 a 3 TH. desirable room with ex rel ent board. Phone Douglas XUS. Portola, family hotel. 3th Ave AHameT. WELL furnished room with board; suitable for two gentlemen. Harney 5746 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC-The old Paxton residence, remodeled and under new management, with board and room, will open to the public Monday, septem-' ber Z, third story reserved for young men. Mrs. I. H. Van Meter and Daugh ter. Phone Harney ROOM and board for two gentlemen or ladies; references required; no other boarders. Phone Webster 4410. LARGE, strictly modern rooms, suit able for two gentlemen, with excellent board. 530 8. 2tn Ave. Harnev NICELY furnished room snd board. t"Jt per month, for one gentleman: walking distance and private family. Douglas Htai. . 1 Ferwlshed Rooms. Dewey European Hotel, 13th A Famam. large front room, elegantly furn steO. modem. lDO location. DOUgl y 17.16 LINCOLN AVE., modern, furnished; private family. Phone Douglas 5379. i I rrnvtsHm room In Btrlrtlv mnH - j nouie. Hanacom park district. 1117 Park .v.ve. Harney WvO. ELEGANT rooms. W. M. Hotel, 418 S. Uih St. : j GO OUT to Rourke park and root for 1 Omaha. If J. McGaffin. 101 J South Mih j St.. will come to The Be- office within I three days we will give him a ticket to . I. . Kail n-t . . . ZT ! the ball game at Rourke park. i - THREE or four ni.-iw mrni.H- e,. rooms; main floor; complete for house- keeping, ails Davenport St. i - I TWO newly furnished outside rooms. mouern. gent.emen preierred. or man and wife. itJo Dotige, third floor. Ind. A-43tt. ; WEST Farnam district, nicely fur nished, newly decorated. iiri. froot DESIRABLE room, with or without 1 iJunuee. narncy 423 N. lith St., elegant modern rooms. I WELL fnrnihi romM- n,.., .. j tance; white porcelain bathtub lcla lo," St. -. " u I . ' 25w ST. MARY'S Two lsrge rooms; I new and lei?antlv foemsHMl nA w .. flat; stirctly first class; walking distance. Business gentlemen or married couple prelerred. References. . THE SHRINER. remodeled, new man agement . single and double rooms: board If aes'.ed. steam heat Harney ond 3bth. NH1E modern room, new; rn private fannly. U S. JOth ot. Harney 475L THRilE elegant furnished rooms; mod em, walking distance, nu sign on house, -w N. 20th. ) 411 N 19TH ST -Large, medium and small rooms for gentlemen, comf ,,rtb,e inil U.. than ? . i - K ..... I. I-. .- i ' " f'-ioilC". Loug. 459. WELL furnished rooms, walking dis tance; white poicelaln bathtub. 101 s. ith St- " NICELY furnished front room, near Fainani car. 121 N. 31st Ave. THREE blocks to court house. Clean, modern rooma 3 8. 2"th. TWO nicely furnished nrst floor rooms for about four genuenien or ladies Gas. bath and furnace. J7u7 Lodgs St. H. wss-i. FURNISHED and unlurulahed rooma, Capitol Ave. 30 Douglas. Three elegantly furnish I rooms, strictly modem, very close in- business people preferred. Sherman Ave , brick house, strictly modern, bath. hat. lo minutes car nde. delightful iieigliooriiood. five beautnul "I"1! furnished rooms. Phone Webster sTM.1 AN ELEGANT large room snd slcovs on main floor, also two nice rooms on second floor, nicely furnished, walking distance, strictly modern and DrtvaLa family, in N. 34th Be THREE furnished rooms for light housekeeping, modem. Steam heated. 2224 Farnam. Douglas 493) TWO furnished rooms at 307 N. 3Tth 8t to a club of young men; hot and cold water and bath. Apply at once. 418 S. 24th Ave., elegant modern rooms. S15 up; use of parlor. TWO niceiy furnished outside modern rooms, man and wife or couple of gentle man. Call Sunday or after 7 p. m week days. Flat IK Dunsany. 1824 EMMET, large room, fronts on Florence boulevard, elegantly furnished beautiful location, gentiement only ref erences; reasonable. Phone Webster 'tat or BeliJi. 2S14 Howard St., nicely furnished rooms, front parlor and bedroom, private en trance. LARGE room, modern, complete piiv farnlly one or two gentlemen. Doug. FURNISHED or unfurnished: one large room; a. so small sleeping room; board If desired. 2304 Webster. D. C.. ,, r-,r-r.r .o , , ! GLAS One large Soutn room. """i imuisu, Hui ear. not water bath; aiao email south rooma ' FURNISHED room tn modern carta st U2 Georgia Avcs CaiL u h-- Hlrsf ISA,