Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1911, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Society it Now Guessing Who is to
Be Qneen of the Realm.
Imoii of stridor n1 nnnrtnar la
Hand anil tbr OitAnxr (lha 1
Arf Prrparlna; to Itrlns
Vriann to an Knd.
Social Cnlrnilnr.
fcfONT'AT- Mrs. CJIern C. Wharton,
Momiav l'.rld--e clil; Mn. L. L. Ham
lin iriliMim natince p;irty for Miss
Anabd Little; Mra. Kodrrt lie Herrf
min, bridge for Mm. Weiss. Mra. A.
T l'olT h :ii .Mr. Msrtines.
Tt"F.SIAV-Miss Sweet, brldire
fnr .Miss Hehecra tmlth; Mrs. H. B.
Pnvles, Tuesday Rridite club; Mrs.
William I.. Unrlcker, luncheon at Field
rlul; Mr. and Mra. F. W. Corliss, wed
ding anniversary reception; Misses
Ir-ne and Beatrice C'oad, luncheon at
Happy Hollow; ladles' day and dinner
dance at Happy Hollow; Mra. Anna,
Feycke, afternoon coffee for Mrs.
Weiss: Mrs. Charlea E. Black and
Mra. H. Bex Colton, tea; Mra. J. P.
Barnhttrt. Hermo club: Mra. Isaac
Douglas, bridge luncheon.
WEDNESDAY Mrs. Charlea Hemrle.
bridge luncheon; wedding of Miss
Louise Laurence and Mr. McHenry
Mosler; dance s,t Country and Field
clviha; Mrs. Fred Met a, bridge club.
THURSDAY Mrs. Thomaa H. Fell,
luncheon at Happy Hollow for Mra.
Bnbert C Baldwin of Manila, P. I.;
Mra. W. O. Henry, luncheon at Happy
Hollow; Mra. Charles Met, bridge for
Mrs. Weiss and Mra. I'etera.
FBI DAY Mrs. A. F. Smith, auction
bridge for Mrs. Weiss of Ht. Iiuls and
Mra. Allevne P. Peters of pea Moines;
Mrs. W. 11. Slierraden, afternoon party
at Fiold club.
RATVliPA V pinner-dance at Country.
Field and Happy Hollow clubs; Mrs. C.
C Roevater and Mra. Victor Bose
water for Mrs. Weiss and Mra. Petera.
The Ak-9ar-Ben coronation ball la the
ubject which fllle the air. As the time
of the big event drawa near the queatlon
of who will be chosen from among the
array of fair debutantea to be queen be
comes more and more pursllng. Some
folk aay that the honored young woman
la to be the aecond daughter of a, promi
nent banker a debutante of much beauty
and personal attractiveness. Othera main
tain that the fortunate one la to be the
daughter of a successful wholesale mer-chant-also
a debutante and also beauti
ful. Both of these young women were
educated In the east and one, of thera has
traveled abroad.
Sumson la not the only one who is busy
In preparing for the ball. Dressmakers
all over town nre hurrying to have tho
gowns of the women of the kingdom of
Quivers, ready for the. big function. .
, Travelers are returning for the great
event. And visitors are beginning to flock
from east and west to be here for the
festival. Among those who hava arrived
are Mra. Alleyn D. Petera of Dea Moines,
'Th. Water o!
EUrnal Youth"
(From Horns Queen.)
Ths beauties of tha Auatrlan court
uaed a lotion which was ao effectual In
i keeping the face amooth and free from
'wrlnklea, even in the aged, that they
named it tha "water of eternal youth."
Some one haa recently divulged the
secret of thla wonderful though exceed
ingly simple, wrinkle lotion, which In
her gratitude she haa similarly dub-
' bed as a preserver of youth: One ounce
pur saxollte (powdered), dissolved In
a, half pint of witch hasel that's all
there ia to It Any woman can get theae
Ingredients at her drug store, put them
together, and use the solution with en-
. tire safety. To bath the face in the
same brings immediate reaulta, even in
cass of the deeper wrlnklea and furrows.
Thla ia also effective for hanging
cheeks and double chin. Adv.
Ladies' Famishing Store
'e make a specialty
designs; none like them in the city. Our novelties
are exclusive the latest neckwear, gloves and
belts. Come and see our exclusive
lines of corsets in front and back -CfSX
317 South 16th
Fall Opening for 1911
V -af -" 3.. i.x
443 North 24th St., South Omaha, Neb.
Popular" Woman to Ft. Crook
Mrs. Nesbitt Is the wife of Captain
to the station at Fort Crook. Captain and
their former station in West Point, N. T.
who Is visiting Mrs. C. C. Rosewater;
Miss Rebecca Smith of Blloxl, Miss., who
Is the guest of Miss Elisabeth Sweet;
Miss Laura Yund of Amsterdam, N. Y.;
Miss Catherine Murray of Grand Rapids,
Mich., and Miss Alice Sullivan of Cin
cinnati, who are with Miss Beatrice
Coad; Misa Allle Hackett of Chicago, who
Is with Mrs". P. C. Heafey.
High School Parties.
The Winton club, a new dancing club,
consisting of about seventy-five members
of the high school set, will give a series
of dances this season at Chamher'a
academy, beginning Friday evening, Oc
tober 20, and continuing every alternate
Friday night until next May.
The Winton club consists of several
members of the former Oma HI club in
addition to many other prominent mem
bers of the high school set, and will be
under the direction of Donald Klpllnger
and Wyman Beebe. A cotillion will be
given on New Year's eve. at Chamber's
The following will be the club patron
esses: Mesdames: Mesdames:
John W. Towle, Thomas Burchmore,
O. T. Igwersen, George J. 8. Collins
E. W. Qetten, O. D. Klpllnger,
Iebat In Wasfclnartom.
Miss Ruth Hitchcock, daughter of Sen
ator and Mrs. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, will
be one of tha. season'a debutantes, but
the formal debut will be made tills win
ter In Washington, D. C.
Senator and Mrs. Hitchcock have is
sued Invitations for an Informal
dancing party at the Country club Oc
tober 2 for Miss Ruth Hitchcock. The
Exclusive '
of waists choice, handsome
H v
St. jmWB.
Monday, J
September 25, 26, 27.
On and after the above
dates we will be ready to
ehow our patrons a most
elaborate display of pat
tern and tailored hats.
We cordially invite you
uud your friends to attend
Our Fa))
I .imm.-s lunnsweS
fiaoeesfeoia to
Neatest equiupe.l Jental office in
Oniaha. IIlx": itrkUa dentistry (
rrawimbU prices, "urcelaia filling.
Jit like ilia toutn. All Inatrumauis
cxefully sterilised aftef each opera
tion. Cor. 16th and Taxaam Bta.
Nesbltt, who has recently been assigned
Ilia. Nesbltt will arrive October 6 from
guests will Include only the members of
the younger set and younger married
Clab Heasnn Starts.
The season for dancing and bridge
clubs for the winter has opened. The
Omaha Junior club will hold a meeting
In the near future and will give a series
of dancing parties this winter.
The Omlkron club will open their sea
son, with a banquet at the Rome hotel
next Thursday evening. The musical
members of the club, known as the
Omlkron orchestra, will furnish several
numbers and speeches and toasts will
be made. Mr. Edward JUeary will bs
toastmaster. The banquet will be for the
members of the club and an enjoyable
evening Is anticipated.
One of the Friday bridge clubs which
was organized about two years ago by
several of the debutantes of that year
has started Its meetings. Miss Katherlne
Powell was the hostess at the flrat meet
ing of the club Friday afternoon. Those
present were Missea Gladys Peters, Alice
Gary McGrew, Louisa Lord, Dorothy
Morgan, Agnes Burkley, Elizabeth
Pickens, Elolse Jenka, Martha Dale,
Katherlne Powell and Mrs. Harry Kelly,
The first of the bridge clubs to resume
its meetings for the season was the
Original Friday Bridge club, the mem
bers of which are Mrs. John L. Kennedy,
Mrs. T. F. Kennedy, Mrs. Bamuel Burns,
jr.; Mrs. William Burns, Mrs. Thomas
Davis, Mrs. Eva Wallace, Mrs. Ben Cot
ton and Miss Ella Mae Brown. The first
meeting was held last week at the home
of Mrs. T. V. Kennedy.
The Monday Bridge club will meet Mon
day with Mrs. Qlen Wharton. The mem
bers of this club are Mra. Thomas Davis,
Mrs. Louis Nash, Mrs. Horsford, Mrs.
C. Y. Smith, Mrs. Edwin Swobe, Mrs.
Jerome Magee and Mrs. Lee McShane.
Pleasures Past
Miss Krug entertained nineteen guests
at a box party Friday evening at the
Miss Minnie McDonough entertained
Friday afternoon at cards In the Brandels
green room. Those present were:
Mesdames Mesdames
J. H. BieBer, D. W. Utt,
T. W. Cox, A. B. Meston,
R. Carley, J. E. Monroe,
B. ( arley, J. a. Forgerson,
F. W. O'Rlley, Floyd Jones.
W. L. Burke,
Miss Minnie McDonough.
Mrs. Harry Johnson entertained a party
of nine at cards Friday afternoon In the
Brandels club rooms. Luncheon was
aarved in the tea room. Those present
E. L. Lawler,
Ella Jackman,
J. B. Brooks.
O. E. Hay maid,
Sarah Smith.
W. L. Kellogg.
M. W. Smith.
A. W. Bouuet.
C. G. Loft man,
M. W. Kirkendall.
Mrs. R. R. Kimball gave an informal
luncheon Saturday at her home for Mrs.
Edward Holyoke, Jr., of Madrid, Neb. It
was a family party, consisting of Mrs. G.
W. Holdrege, Mrs. Holyoke of this city,
Mrs. T. L. Kimball, Miss Kimball, Miss
Susan Holdrege, Miss Leeta Holdrege,
Mrs. Rogers and Miss Rogers of St. Paul,
Mrs. Harry Holdrege and Mrs. Edward
Holyoke, Jr.
Mrs. Walter G. Preston entertained at
an enjoyable children's party Friday af
ternoon, in celebration of the ninth birth
day of her little son, Walter Grey Pres
ton, Jr. The afternoon was spent with
games, and the children present were:
Little Misses Little Misses
Cornelia Hauni, Ruth Wallace,
Betty Kennedy, Heatrice Hoel,
Frances Hobinnon, Eluanor Scott
Elizabeth Robinson,
Daisy Rich,
Keunard Wallace,
Hubert Reynolds,
Hie hard Reynolds,
Jasper Hall,
Frank Campbell,
Ralph Campbell.
Margaret SoJtt,
Mary Griffin,
Parkr Comstock,
Edson Rich,
John Hoel
Richard Wagner,
Hunter Scott.
Howard Koblnson,
Walter Prenton, Jr.
For Miss Blanche Campbell, whose en
gagement to Dr. J. W. Stevenson of
1 aious, vt asii., wm rvcvnuy mnguuviu,
Mra. KBtner M. Koyce entertained at
luncheon Saturday at her home on Park
Wild avenue. The table waa decorated
with white asters and the same color was
repeated in the candles, cakes and ices.
The guests, all relatives and close friends,
Colt Campbell,'
Lewis D. Harris,
I. D. Clark of
Robert Armstrong
of Paplllion,
George Smith,
W. C. Upjohn.
R. C. Beavers.
South Omaha.
A miscellaneous shower was given by
Mies Clair McGevera Friday venlng at
her home In honor of Miss Muriel Con
nor, whose wedding to Mr. Frank O'Coa
ner will take place October 1L The rooms
were decorated with good luok symbols
made of tissue paper. The liwsrta in
eluded:,. MLsaea Misses
Muriel Connor, Mildred Mullen.
I Mjuux Moure. M&rg erlle Koacbe.
OtMm. Brotlae:
318-320 South 16th. St.
A Very Interesting
Day at Omaha's
Exclusive Store
The choicest of the sea
son's fashions in. gowns,
street costumes, tailored
suits, furs, etc., will be
placed on exhibition
Monday for
Our Fall
A display of assured American
styles and a presentation of the
latest French creations in women s
and misses' apparel.
Margaret Muller
of Kansas City
Mary Carrlck,
Claire Connor,
Mary O'Brien.
Jessie McVea,
Kay Kochford,
Marguerite Lowe,
Claire Tracy,
Kffie Magulre,
leon uolle;
Rose McGovern.
Katherlne Carrlck, Claire McGovern.
vnanotia L.onnor,
Earl Moore.
Robert Farrell,
Ed Smyth, ,
Gerald McVea,
Jesse Rotchford,
John Lowe,
Ray McNamara.
Francis McGovern,
8. K. Rosslter,
John Coffey,
Frank Kubltschek,
James Harry,
T. A. Conley,
Henry Hurtlg.
George Carroll.
Paul Moore,
Dick Bage.
Fred Schwertley,
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mrs. Cotf Campbell announce
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Blanche Campbell, to Dr. J. W. Steven
son of Palouse, Wash. The wedding will
be celebrated In the early .spring.
The engagement Is announced of Miss
Rogene Dellecker, daughter of Mr. O. K.
Dellecker, to Mr. Bamuel H. Pray of Kan
sas City. The wedding will be celebrated
this autumn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Becker announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Elizabeth, to Mr. Ralph L. Beaudry.
son of Dr, and Mrs. R. S. Beaudry, of
Mr. and Mrs. William Gentleman an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Miss Ruth Gentleman, to Mr. E. W.
Dooley of Omaha, formerly of New
Brunawtck, N. J.
The wedding will take place October 17
at Sacred Heart church. Miss Gentle
man ia an accomplished musician and the
daughter of a pioneer family of Omaha.
Invitations have been received in Omaha
from Mrs. Andrew Jackson Paine for the
marriage of her daughter. Miss Elizabeth
Alice Greene, to Bernard Wlnslow Capen,
Tuesday afternoon, October 10. at the
Shawomet Baptist church, Warwick, R.
I. They will live in Omaha and be at
home after January 1 at 2702 Jackson
street Mr. Capen is from Boston, but
has made Omaha his home for several
K quiet weddlnsT took place Wednesday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hubbard Lord In Worthlngton
Place, when Miss Nellie Weimar was
married to Mr. Walter Lawrence Cole
man of Chicago. Rev. Werley N. Barnes
of St. Mary's church, Nebraska City,
officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman left
I 111 . W at"
I Ml rl
VaaTsT1"'' T,-ir
immediately after the ceremony for Chi
cago, where they will live.
Miss Wosda M. Miller, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 8. F. Miller, and Mr. Harrison
A. Trexler were married Saturday after
noon at 8 o'clock at the Miller home,
Rev. M. V. Hlgbee of the North Presby
terian church officiating.
Miss Joe Lyman sang preceding the
eeremony and Mrs. Will Wallace of Mar
shalltown, Ia., played the Lohengrin
march. The bride was gowned in white
crepe meteor over white mescaline, wear
ing a veil of tulle and carrying a shower
bouquet of brides' roses and lilies of the
valley. She was attended by her sisters,
Miss Amy Miller, attired In apricot-colored
voile over white and carrying white
carnations, and Florence Miller, who
served as flower girl. Mr. Burton Trex
ler was best man.
The ring ceremony was performed be
neath a bower of ferns and smllax and
yellow and white flowers were used
throughout' the house.
The bride Is a high school graduate.
Mr. Trexlter is a graduate of Bellevue
college, atter which he took a post grad
uate course at the University of Chicago
and studied later at the University of
Bonn, Germany. He Is the son of Mrs.
Filbert Trexler of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs.
Trexler will reside In Baltimore, where
Mr. Trexler will do special work in his
tory at Johns Hopkins university.
For the Future
Mrs. Thomas H. Fell will entertain at
luncheon Thursday at Happy Hollow in
honor of Mrs. Robert C. Baldwin of
Manila. P. I.
Miss Beatrice Coad and Miss Irene Coad
will entertain at luncheon Tuesday at
Happy Hollow for their guests. Miss Alice
Sullivan of Cincinnati, Miss Laura Yund
of Amsterdam, N. Y., and MIbs Catherine
Muiray of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. Charles E. Black and Mrs. H. Rex
Cotton will entertain Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Black from S:30 to
6 o'clock, for Miss Euphemla Johnson,
principal, and the other members of the
faculty of Brownell Hall. Invitations
have been restricted to the mothers of
tha young women attending this chool.
At the Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Merriam enter
tained at dinner last evening at the
Country club when covers were placed
Monday and
Sept. 25, 26
Yon are Invited to Attend
yo efort ha$ been spared to make this the mott
beautijvl millinery display n the city. ;Model from
all the leading Uesiqnere of tarii and' Xtw York
will be ifwxcn.
Special attention is called to our moderate priced
2d Floor City National Bank Bldf.
w if IIi ii
jJ " I Ij
. i V I -V
for Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard, Mrs.
W. B.. Millard. Miss Frances Todd, Mr.
Joseph Millard. Mr. Ray Millard, Mr.
Robert Millard and Mr, and Mrs. Mil
lard. W. Fa mam Smith had six guests; H.
M. Brady, four;
At the Field Club
The Field club announces the formal
closing for this season Saturday evening,
September 30. There will be a special
table d'hote dinner and dance.
Numerous smalt dinner parties wert
given Saturday evening at the club.
Miss Graves had six guests; Love Kelly,
four; J. W. Hughes, four; F.' J. Fits
gerald, eiBht; F. L. Famlngton. six; C.
S. Montgomery, six; Miss Moores, three;
8. S. Carlyle, three; A. T. Crelgh, four.
At Happy Hollow
Ak-Sar-Ben colors formed the decora
tion at the dinner party given by Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Selby at Happy Hollow
last evening. Covers were placed for
twenty guests.
Mr. and Mrs. George Sumner enter
tained at dinner In honor of their guests
Mr. and Mrs. John Sumner and Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Sumner, all of Schuyler.
Sixteen guests weer present.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hayward enter
tained at dinner In compliment to Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Hayward of Vinton,
In. Covers were placed for nineteen. D.
DsiBcnjF Bailey,
f This institution is the only one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely
distinct and rendering It possible
to classify eases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The oher Ret
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
asaf JV I1 aF
w sjbjs as'
M. Edgerly had six guests at dinner;
W. H. Gates, four; P. M. Edserl-y, six;
W. H. Gates, four; W. 1 1. Whitchorn, six;
N. H. Loomls, four; ' j . O'Malley.
five; Mrs. Nellie Il: Mnen; B. L.
Rees, three; B. 11. 1' in, four.
Personal Gossip
Miss Horlense Eads, daughter of Mrs,
L. H. Eads, who haa been residing on a
(Continued on Page Three.)
Henry E.
desires to announce to the
general public that be is now
located in new quarters at
202 Ware Block
and better prepared than
ever to serve his old friends
and patrons.
Showing An
Exclusive Line
Seal Skins, Sables,
Persians, Otters
and Mink.
Garments Repaired,
Remodeled and Redyed.
Garments designed and made
to suit the most fastidious.
Phone Douglas 6449.