Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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I Nebraska ' 11
Representatives of Organized Labor
"The Best"
VllH C.J - 1 . . . .
I r r. c
pi J gHh
Food Act Under Inquiry.
4astlaa Wktkr Pm4 CwalMlntf
Mar All the Fndi Paid la
tmr PirMi mi Dastartaseat .
Wltaaat AaarVartatlaau J
(Trom a Stiff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Sept. 14. (Special.) Stats art facing aeverml pusslins; ques
tlona as to Ui enforcement of tha para
eed and commercial toe It food law and
the Oerdea accounting act. both of which
mriKiirxi vera put uton tha book! bjr tha.
laat legislature.
If the food commissioner la allowed to
draw from the state treasury all of tha
feea of hla department, will ha ba able,
under the etate law. to hlra an, extra,
chemist and enforce the law?
Eoea tha Gerdes bill allow the expendi
ture of funda after it haa provided that
all of tha atate funda ahall ba collected
j p paid Into the ttata treasury br the
heads of each department?
If this can be done, may each of tha de
partment of the state government with
draw all of tha funds it collects and spend
these amounts of money within each bien
Bium? These are qeuationa which have caused
the Hate officials to become suddenly in
terested In the provisions of tha Gerdes set
of accounting measures.
Letter fraaa Jirkww.
Food CommiKsloner W. R. Jackson haa
written Auditor Barton as follows:
, "Tha last lealalatura passed a pure seed
and commercial stock food law and placed
tha enforcement of It under this depart
ment. This law provides for the analysis
of seeds and stock foods by the department
and tha collection of certain fees. These
feea under tha same law in Iowa amounted
In eighteen months to (28,000. It Is safe
to assume that Nebraska, will collect at
least one-third of thla amount. In passing
this law tha legislature made no appro
priation for Its enforcement and tha law
must become a dead letter unlesa the de
partment can use such of tha money col
lected aa la necesaary to fit up a seed
laboratory and employ a aeed analyst
and an assistant chemist to handle the
work uecesaary for a proper enforcement
of the act. The attorney general Informs
me that under house roll No. 671 we can
use the money collected in feea from this
law. but we do not wish to enforce the
law unless vou are willing to draw the
warrants against this money after It has
been deposited with the state treasurer. If
you can do tliia aa Immediate reply will be
appreciated aa the law Is effective October
1. 1911. "
The auditor haa referred the mooted
points to the attorney general.
Fles;e C'sum tm 8 a pre me Coart.
Tha supreme court of Nebraska, will con-
Tjne next Monday and continue In session
J week. The Flege murder case will bo
argued Wednesday. William liege of
Dixon county, convicted of the murder of
his sister, and who is now at liberty on a
f 3.000 bond, haa appealed for a reversal of
the judgment of the lower court and Jury..
Jesh Wklteley Dead.
Joseph Whiteley. one of the oldeat rest
dents of Lincoln, died this morning at 11
o'clock at the home of his son-in-law, C A.
Lyman. CD T street. He wag 94 year old.
Mr. Whiteley was a carpenter and builder.
Twenty-four year ago ho built the Lyman
residence In which ha died. He was at one
time a road roam or for one of the trunk
lines of Canada. Nearly half a century
ago ha was employed aa a bridge foreman
on tha Chicago A Northwestern railroad.
While In its employ ha built a number of
Ma passenger and freight depots along the
4 ' 4 .""S'aSBS
XMf r s is
. ur &
The Food for Workcrs
The man or woman who labors hard need, food full of steam and endurance.
builds bones, sinew and brains. Carefully prepared under sanitary conditions dried In
dustless lofts, packed In dust-proof packanea. It It th best macaroni and sraphettl the de
pendable brand. Skinner s is the kind yon buy sgsln. Large package only 10c.
Free Mrs. MacMurphy's book of 100 best recipes.
Skinner Manufacturing Company. Omaha.
::i:;-::.ti.i. . ! ..u.n.U.IU' . m
Full retains Its high place aa the best
household remedy for all coughs and colds,
cither for children or grown persons.. Pre
vents serious results from a cold. Take
only the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar
compound, and refuse substitutes. - For
sale by ail druggists.
Anti-Saloon Men
Busy at Conference
Darnell at University Place Seeks to
Get Church. Members Into
Coming Election.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Sept. 14. (Special.) In
a speech before the Nebraska conference
of the Methodist church. Thomas Darnell,
attorney for the Anti-Saloon league, de
clared the liquor Interests are trampling
upon the rights of the people and that they
are attempting to control the courts of the
state. He declared that in many of the
Judicial districts candidates for judges are
subservient to the will of the brewers.
He appealed to the ministers to get busy
in the campaign and take an active part
in an effort to defeat the candidates of the
brewers. -
C. M. Shepherd presented a resolution re
questing the conference committees on the
observance of the Sabbath and the tem
perance committee to plan a campaign
against the repeal of the state Sunday law.
He stated, in presenting the resolution,
that the next legislature would undoubtedly
make an attempt to repeal the present Sun
day statute.
The second day of the Nebraska confer
ence In session at the First Methodist
church in University Place opened this
morning with an address by Rev. H. F.
Hall of Philadelphia. He spoke on the sub
ject. "Paul the Student and His Truth."
Following the reports of the., district
superintendents the candidates for trial ad
mission to tha ministry were Introduced
and their names voted upon. The candi
dates admitted on trial were:, .
Benjamin A. Alexander, Chicago: M. A.
Keith, transferred from Indiana; O. W.
Reynold, University Place: Le Roy String-
fellow. Malcolm: William B. Bliss, Alvo:
Geonce W. Hilton. Waverly; Alfred V.
Hunter, Princton; William L. Ruyle. Lin
coln Heights, and Reese K. Sutton, Univer
sity Place.
This afternoon a meeting of the Woman's
Foreign Missionary society was held. Miss
Matilda Watson presided. Rev. P. M. Buck
of the Northwest Indiana conference de
livered the addresa of the afternoon. At t
m. M. J. Trenery delivered an addresa
on Sunday school work.
Llacwla Stadeata ef State University
Ba Got test Oat ef Way Before)
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb, Sept. It. (Special.)
Tlcketa for registration will be distributed
Monday from tha registrar's office at the
University of Nebraska. The tickets will
entitle tha holders to register at the hour
lesignatcd thereon during subsequent days
if the week. Issuance of tickets on Mon
day, a day in advance of the regular time.
la an innovation this year and it Is be
lieved will enable Lincoln students to regis
ter and get out of the way when the rush
of out-of-town studenta beglna.
And Burning. . Sores Like Boils A!!
Over Body. Parts of Flesh Raw.
Could Scarcely Bear Clothes On.
Nearly Worn Out When He Tried
Cuticura Remedies and Was Cured.
About tour yrart sro I broke out with
my arms like bo lis. After two
mootiis they were all over my body, soma
coming, and some going sway. In about
six months the boili quit,
but my anna, nerk and
body broke out with aa
ttchuig, burning run. It
would burn and itch, and
come out in pimples like
g ain, of wheat. I was in
a terrible condition: I could
not flerp or rest. Parts of
my Ucaa were raw. and I
could scarcely bear my
clothes on. I could not ha
in bed in any position and
rest. In about a year the
extended down to my feet. Then I suf-
feerd aconj with the burning, itching sores.
1 could hardly walk and for a lon time I
could nm put on socks.
i"AU this tune I was trying everything I
yebuid hear of, arid had the skill of three
.nora. i ney stiu n was eczema. I got no
beneat from all this. I was nearly worn
out. and had given up in despair of ever
being cured when I was advtaed by a friend
to try Cuttrura Remedies. 1 purchased
Cuticura soap. Ointment, and Resolvent, and
rd exactly aa duwted. I used the Cuticura
Remedies constantly for four months, and
nothing else, and was perfectly cured. It is
sow a year, and I have not had the least
bit since. I tm rady to praise the Cuticura
Remedies at any tune." (signed) . I Cat.
Ixte. hy, Kov. 10. l:o.
Catarura Soap and Ointment are sold
tarougnout tha world. Send to Potter Drug
A Cam. Corp . Wot T. Boston, fur trrm
ample of each with C-p. book oa the ikisw
Bryan to Campaign
Over. Nebraska
Will Spend Sixteen Days in State in
Interest of Democratic State
Senator Clapp Talks
at Lincoln Banquet
Minnesota Solon Reaches Lincoln,
Where He Takes Part in La
Follette Meeting.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Sept. 14. (Special) That the
progressive movement as it Is beginning
to manifest itself at the present time is
pronouncedly against closed-dior confer
ences of political leaders, that it bee peaks
for the farmers of the west Just as much
legislative consideration as it does for the
manufacturers of the east, and that It in
sists on the right of the mass of people
to rule instead of the privileged few. la
the message brought to Nebraska by Sen
ator Moses E. Clapp of Minnesota, who
delivered tha principal address at tha La
Follette banquet held here tonight-
Senator Clapp has Just returned from
California, where he spent two weeks in
campaigning for tha initiative, referendum
aad recall constitutional amendments
which are to be voted upon there.
Senator Clapp laid great stress on the
advantages of the provisions of the law
giving to voters a right to express their
preference for president and vice president.
There are six states that practically
have auch an enactment and which will
operate under It at the coming presidential
election. They are Oregon. North Dakota.
ekmth Dakota. Wisconsin, New Jersey and
your own state."
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept- 14. (Special.) That
William J. Bryan will spend sixteen days
campaigning throughout the state in the in
terests of the democratic state ticket was
announced here today following a confer
ence held between Charles W. Bryan and
J. C. Byrnes, chairman of the democratic
state central committee- The entire ar
rangements for the trip -will be under the
supervision of tha state committee and
Mr. Bryan's entire schedule will be ar
ranged by officers of that committee
According to present plans Mr. Bryan
will begin his' campaign October 5 and
will conclude October 21. His speeches will
be made mainly at county seat towns in
the thickly populated sections of the state.
He will make three speeches each day that
ho is out, one in the forenoon, one In the
afternoon and one in the evening.
Whether Mr. Bryan will touch upon pres
idential candidates is not known here, nor
will any of tha parties to the arrangements
venture a suggestion as to that phase of
his speech-making tour. According to his
brother, Charles, however, he will pay con
siderable attention to national Issues, and
this, his brother adds, "gives him a wide
Mr. Bryan Is at present in Nova Scotia,
where he Is busy delivering addresses to
the Canadians and incidentally, it is said,
learning something about reciprocity from
a Canadian standpoint. He will return
homo September 28, according to present
plana His last address before he returns
to Nebraska will ba delivered at the Con
servation Congress at Kansas City, Sep
tember 27.
Lincoln and Halting. The change will
take effect October 1. and will cause the
retirement of seven employes of the com
pany at this point.
Charles Clems Held
on Murder Charge
In a Dying Statement Frank Smith
Acnses the Prisoner of Shoot
ing Him.
FRANKLIN. Neb., Sept. 14. Charles
Clems, a stone cutter of , this city, is being
held in the county Jail at Bloomlngton on
the charge of murder as a result of the
death Wednesday of Frank Smith, who
was shot last Monday night in a room
over Clems' marble works.
Smith made a dying statement, accusing
Clems of shooting him. while he was lying
on a bed In the latter' s room. Clems de
nies the story, asserting that Smith at
tacked him with a revolver and that the
weapon went oft In Smith's hand during
tha struggle, wounding Smith fatally.
Stat Legal Ursartiiest Wrestles
with Problem of betttaar Cash
frwaa Xatloaaltsed Basks.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb. Stpt. It. (Special. )
Whether the state can recover what la
alleged to be back due assessments payable
under the provisions of tha guaranty act
from banks which nationalised before tha
law with its amendments went Into effect
Is a question to which members of the
state legal department are now paying
considerable attention.
If the act can be Interpreted as relating
only to the time that the original act really
became effective, which was March JO, 1U.
than only four banks of tha state can be
sued cn these grounds. If the amendments
can be construed, however, aa applying only
after they went into effect, which was July
7, iDll, then only three state banks can be
sued for this assessment-
Saanber of Cassias; Coaaty Mem Form
Incorporation Tors Abast
Lwld By.
WEST POINT, Neb., Sept. 14. (Special )
The Mountaineer Gold Mining company
has been Incorporated by West Point ctti-
xens. The mine is locatea at Wellington.
Nev.. and shows rich prospects of high
grade ore.
Former County Treasurer Fred Thletje
haa returned home from a three months'
visit to Germany. He was accompanied
by bis two daughters. During their so
journ they visited the principal capitals of
Europe and spent some time at the birth
place of Mr. Thletje.
The warm weather and periodical rains
of the last three weeks has placed the
great bulk of the com crop practically out
of danger from frost
Charles Korb, a former business man of
West Point, is lying at his home In this
city seriously 111 with a pulmonary affec
tion. Mr. Korb Is the second son of the
late George Korb. an old-time merchant
and resident of West Point- He haa been
failing In health for. the last two years
BevMterw Advertlae Fate. x
ORD, Neb. Sept- 14. (Special.) Twenty
automobiles loaded with boosters made a
trm through Sherman. Custer, Loup. Gar
fltU and Valley counties boosting tha com
ing Loup valley fair and races and distrib
uting literature and advertising. The trip
was completed on schedule time. Loup City,
Comstock, Sargent, Taylor, Burwell and
Elyria leaving been la,Ud.
Kitwllti Caarsre Aaralast eff.
LTICA. Neb.. Sept. 14. Special.) Alva
Neff of Vtica was taken In custody laat
Saturday by Sheriff Gillan on a complaint
sworn out by Anthony L. Buller, charging
him with blackmail and extortion. From
the complaint It appears that Neff extorted
4 from Wendlln Buller, an aged man
aad father of Anthony L, Buller, claiming
that the elder Euller used profane and
indecent language in tha presence of Nefrs
wife. Neff was brought to Seward Tuesday
and had a preliminary bearing before Judge
Gladtniah and was bound over to the dis
trict court In the sum of Mi and was re
manded In default of bail.
Moat ra la Polaoa
to tha dyspeptic. Electric Bitters cure dys
pepsia, liver and kidney complaints and j
debility. Price, 50c. Sold by Beaton Dru
Hell ("iwij (SHlUatlas.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Sept. U.-(SDecial Tel
egram.) The Nebraska Telephone company
haa ordered the elimination of the Bea
trice district, and the terntoiy which has
been governed from this point aili b put
under the control of the dutnet off.ccs at
SEE ho ranch belter It
make the baking
SEE tow roach more mni
form in quality
SEE how pare how good
SEE how economical aad
SEE that won get Calumet
UAt your
sis vCTTv
Qi Vino POwryyV if
; l - r , v. ..... iW i JLtL
Monmouth, 111., Oct. 21, 1910.
To Whom It May Concern:
Twenty years ago I took out a policy in
the Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Com
pany of Lincoln, Nebraska, and have re
cently made a very satisfactory settlement of
the same. I paid in premiums in the 20
years, the sum of $1,079.60, and received a
cash settlement of $1,891.72, which was
$812.12 more than I paid, besides being in
sured for $2,000.00 for 20 years. . This was a
very satisfactory settlement, as I received
more money than I had been promised when
I took out the policy, and the money came
when lneed it most.
I could have taken a policy for $2,000.00
paid up for life and cash for $942.54 which
would have been almost as much money as
I had paid.
I am glad to recommend this company to
any young man who desires insurance and
investment as a protection to his family and
business interests. ,
I am,
Very truly,
Old Line
Bankers Life
Insurance Go.
Name of Insured C. E. Cornell
Residence Monmouth, 111.
Amount of Policy . . $2,000.00
Total Premiums $1,079.60
Reserve $ 949.18
Surplus . . $ 942.54
Total Cash
7 A
lb dream you're- barefoot at ftp dancf.
As vou mt crod amuse, I
Just mrans that you should buy at ence
A pair ot Stetson Snoei- JLcsS. I
Buy at once
The Stetson Shoe
if you would rid your mind of
those distressful visions conjured
up by ill-fitting footwear.
Stetson-shod, you wall be in perfect trim
to strike a care-free gait through life
wherever inclination may lead.
The Plaza last is a new
city model. Its lines are
aristocratic. It marks
the gentleman.
"Stetsons cost more by the pair bat Us by tht year"
Theu feel qood
m iT . i -
1 hey wear belter
Aad? by
Fer-Mil-Lac is tht greatest home
drink in existence. Because of its ex
cellent flavor and high percentage of
food value it is the
Greatest food drink
known to science
CUKnb, sac llsttas aa4 UOa, piak m ss4
sra mac saairsti mmA hi sssl La wLrkt. mtt
trustsf rr-Mll-La for a skors no4 , tnsy
US It tM.
Old Bopl, so-rm mmS inttabta, kavs to.
eossa csOas aaA gxod unns, tocas af is mams,
tsamaat of Vw-sDl-Us.
Wall taoyUa, ars KX7T wU aa4 tottsras
sTonMwlTaa sm4 saotnara arc iwfiaaka. wkss
ors am" a aa tlra a als sassar aals
to laooTk aa4 aaj7 tto aasaa etnU.
Try a glassi of FervMiVLc at aa aodt
foantaia, rale, baffet, hotel, dab or land)
room. Tbea order m family bottle m( bona
by the
Alanito Saaiiary Dairy Co.
??f ff. T luan iss )
PboM Doaf. 411, lad. A-4U