12 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1911. The Omaha Bcc Grent Booklovers' Contest 7W Vast Monday la the Bale of Btock. ilmTnnmTraT7ri! il 1 I 1 k IWWMil M M V FRIDAY'S SPECIAL BARGAINS .REMNANT. DAY Every Friday is a day of speciaf bargains. Here are events that trill save money for every woman who comes here. Wash Goods in Basement 15c 4 0 Inch wide Panners Satin and Mercerized Black Sateen, 40c values sale pric, yard ... Fluffy Outing Flannels stripes, checks, plaids; light and dark colors. The best flanpels for petticoat and sleeping fiJ-C garments, at. yard OJ White Sherette, the most popular 2 5c while fabric in the market. Bberette is 40 lnchea fr wide; at, yard I Fine India Linons, the regular 25c grade; on sale at, 19-Xf yai Lingerie finished Long Cloth made to sell at 12 c yd. Friday at, yard 10,000 yards of 36-inch Striped Seersucker and 27-inch wide blue apron check gingham. Long mill remnants, yd.. . 25c fancy, and plain Mercerized Poplins and Rajah Cloths that are desirable for evening wear black, whiteand colors; 1A un- 5c 4ic at, yard. An exceptionally, fine grade bleached. muslin, 40 ins. 1 U2V Buy Phretlntt. her Fri day and save money. The " genuine l'-4 . bleached Fruit of tho Loom Sheeting, from tho bolt, at,, 2&e yard .. . . "" From till 0 A. M rUnnu.iut at, yard, wide, at, yard Mercerized Sateen Remnants, mostly gray; a very fine quality; Friday at. a yard . . -6 we will sell 3a-inch wide fancy Silkolino 2.0 "yards limit . Plenty' of .salespeople. S-4 Fruit of .the Loom Bleached Sheeting; at,., perl yard ...180 Remnants and Sample Pieces of Laces All kinds Laces, Allovers, Insertions, Embroidered Bands, Appliques, etc. ; Vi to yards in each 2(J-5C-10C Mill Ends of Fine Velvets Three cases of velvet mill ends consisting of paon velvets, silk warp, penne velvets, fancy velvets, corded velvets. Boulevard velveteens, in Mack and all colors These velvets are specially adapted for dress trimmings and millinery purposes. Velvets worth up to 2.00; all -go on main floor-each piece. ; 5C-10C25C-39C at. All silk taffetas, brocades in fall colorings for linings, waists and petticoats basement, at, yard. 25c Silk remnants of . all . descriptions, up to 12 yards wide. Cut and sample pieces and odd lines : worth from 69c to $1.00 - 9fi a yard; main floor, yd.. 75c All Silk Mess alines at 39c Yard An exceptional -lot main floor .... - Qg Including black and cream bargain square, at, yard. BRANDEIS STORES Special Friday In Basement, New Store. SALE OF BOYS' FALL CLOTHING Boys' All Wool and Worsted Knee Pants cut extra full; values up to' lft f $1.00, at. .: . . riot Hoys' and Children's Suits fop Fall 'Wear In Rus sian blouses, Xorfolks and double breasted coat style. These are extra special values. Worth uj to $4.00' a suit, at. .' . . Boys' Double Breasttxl School Suits Cheviots and tweeds. In brown, gray and dark mixtures with two pair pants. Reg ular 5 and $4 values; special at.. evicts and $2.98 Boys' Long rants Suits for Fall and Winter Wear. Dark mixtures in fancy worsteds, tweeds and cheviots; ages 14 to 20 years. These Ar suits are worth up to $10.00 . special at . , v. All Next W cek--Beginning Monday We offer the most amazing bargains Omaha has ever known from our great purchase of the Dressmakers' Stock ,. . : From Mile, Angela of Michigan. Ave,, Chicago,,. Who Has Just Retired From Business. TOGETHER WITH OUR PURCHASE 0F: AN. ENTIRE 5th Avenue, New York, Dressmaker's Stock All the high class silk and wool fabrics, all the laeea and trimmings, all the unmade and partly made gowns, af ternoon dresses, coats, skirts and waists, and many made up costumes and lacs coats, etc.. The values, a re the most wonderful ever offered. . See the Window Displays Watch for Later Announcements in Brandeis Ads. SALE BEGINS NEXT MONDAY - SEPTEMBERS 18 And Continues f- throughout I " H 1 V Ajkfr Li'IZ - i: Week. Different Lots from the Stock) on Sale on Dif. ferent Days of the Week. SEE OUR CHALLENGE SALE AD VERTISEMENT ON PAGE 7 u A Special Purchase of Women's Real Kid Gloves Goes on Sale Friday at Close to Half Price ' This is the opportunity you have been waiting for-to secure an en tire season's supply of kid glovetvat lest than the wholesale cost These are not seconds or lobs, but clean, new, fresh stock; being rtie surplu of one of the best known am most reliable .makers of fine sloves In the countryreal kid nfl itood. honest workman ship the whole way hrourh None but the bet gloves are allowed In the Bennett store.' the pair And None Wortfi Less Itan S1.00 If you are wise you will pur chase, for future a well as preteut needs. Assortment . consists ot two clasp real kid glove6 in black, rthite, tan, navy, dark green, brown, dark red and champagne, lu sizes b, t, b, 614, 0, i. Sill? 59c J 1 - 7, and 8. Uuy as aatiuy a? oi. like at the pair-none worth le&e than $1.00. 15c New Plaid' Ginghams at 10c This is an introductory sale of a new line we have Just received.' Pretty plaid patterns in various beautiful color combinations suit able for school dresses, bouse dresses, street dresses, and other wear. The goods are full 27 inches wide, the colors strictly fsrst they must be seen to be appreciated. Friday only, for these 16c goods, 10c the yard. Just a little more Ifaan the trouble of tak ing them home is all we ask for the last of these women's garments Friday. $1.50 to $3.00 Waists at 89c SrSS.M long and short sleeves, high and low necks. Assortment consists of beautiful lingerie waists trimmed with embroideries and laces, em broidered lawn waists, handkerchief waists, plain .tailored waists of various materials and colored madras waists. Choice of the entire lot, Friday only, at 89c. $3.00 to $4.0D Underskirts, $1.95 iTtt mescalines and taffetas in pink, tan, brown, gray, rose and green shades. They have deep flounces with pin tucking and accordeon plaiting. Choice of one lot of $3.00 to $150 White Dress Skirts Choice of one lot of $5.00 to $7.50( pretty Lawn Dresses And choice of one lot of $3.00 Auto Linen Dusters, Friday only 100 $15 and $35 Dresses at $5.00 fTnl voiles, nets and messalines. You have never before seen such dresses as these, even in a clearance sale, at $5.00. Styles for afternoon and evening wear. $7.50 to $15.00 Dresses at $3.90 J&r2KTtg sold at $7.50 to $15.00, Friday only, $3.90. There la a liberal variety of materials and styles to select from. Fj-iday is the Last Call on Women's Oxfords and Slippers I " There are about one thousand pairs of oxfords in this lot, all being small sizes-2V2, 3, 3Vz in widths AA, And B only. i nil Friday's Price 98 Pair All of the best leathers are included and all of the styles that have been famous the past summer eeason. The former selling prices ranged up to $3.50 the pair. Those who can wear them will find them the best values offered In Omaha this year. Specials in the Hardware Store '30c 6-quart rey enamaled Iron Pre serving Kettlj--cnly 200 in the lot. Friday snly l5e J2 !5 Coffee Percolators nickel plated over a solid copper base, have glass domes,. Friday only $1.50 10c Folding Caj-d and Photograph Holders, made of wire. Friday ,...6o Universal Bread Makers, .8-los.f size, for "i-98 SOc. 14-lnch hardwood Floor Rubbers, to clone, st 'i.- Bo SOc, extra, heavy japanned Dust Pans, at, each 9c tic. Lightning Egg and Cream Whips. rnadB of glass 160 50c, 34-loch glas Towel Bars with nickel plated fixtures aso This Friday in the China Store One lot of Japanese China Tea Pots, each 5 Plain white handled Cups anr Saucers, per pair 5 500 fancy glazed and blended Jar dinieres, values up to $1.50, to close, at 25 Tin Top Jelly Tumblers, doz. gO Qne lot of Bouillon Cups and Saucers, Plata of all kinds, Oat meals, Fruits, etc.,. worth up to 75c the piece, Friday, while they last, choice ............ 19r T Uncle Sam to Sell Timber at Auction Largest Sale in the History of trie Country is to Be Held in Arizona. claimed t be th largest body of'xood umber left In the southwest, comprises paxts or the Apache and 6ilgrea.ves naUonal , forests and Fort Apache Indian. reservation in eastern Arlion. It must be sold to the highest bidder. This sale will bring to the government from H.SOO.000 to 3.O0O.OOO, as no bid of les,s than 2.so per I.0u0 feet win be considered 'or Umber cut during the first five years . oi tne contract vor of less than - IS per WASHINGTON. Sept K-Arrangements , l.fr feet for that cut later. All the Umber for the largest timber sale ever undertaken i must be cut In ten years. Other Urge liy the government. Involving approxl-! bodies aggregating 1.500,0n0,000 . board feet Kiately .000,OJ0 board feet of merchant- 1 will be made accessible.- All this work will able timber, nine-tenths of It. yellow pine, open up good coal lands. ro bring made by the Departments of j ' Apiculture and the Sector. The j Th. Key l0 the buuaUoa-B$e Want. Ads. MM FRIDAYS SATURDAY Are Cut Price Da us In The A Big Pure food Grocery iafei. t's IlBt Cofi'ee, an4 -rt Slumps, lb. 35o S U s. Bennett'8 cu v.oTiee, "and (0 stamps . $1.00 Asoiid Tt-as, and to stamps, lb. 68o Tea Siftingb, and 10- stamps, pound package ISc i-lb. caa pure Pepper, and 6 stamps. for 10c Bennett's Capitol Flour, per sack Si. 39 Virginia Su its Cheese, and 20 staim 8. pound ' 35o Cream Cheese, and 10 stampn. lb. 80o 6 lb. can B. C. Baking Powder, ami jOO stamps $1.00 t lb. box Gioka Starch, and 20 stamps. for 33 Pint can Gaillard's pure Olive Oil, 40o Two Jars Peanut Butter, and 2" stamps, for $oo Cream Honev Cookies, very special. at, the pound lo Crackers, assorted, and 10 stamps. package 100 Large can Spider's Pork and Beans, and SO stamps ,t 30o 2-lb pkes Bennett' Capitol ua'. and JO stamps 10o 2-lb. pkgs. Bennett's Capitol Pancake Flour, and 10 stamps lOo Calumet Baking Powder, and t stanys, can lOe finlder's Cocktail Sauce and 20 ' stamps, bottle 85o Diamond Crystal Table Salt, and 10 stamps, sack lOo Royalton Plums and B stamps, num ber i can lOo Ga-liway Patented Flour Sifter re duced to 10o Geo. Dalldt special selected Mush rooms, very special, at, per csn tSo ptyOlBi, Au WJAsl ! ew-raa ONION SALT . The Universal rood Seasoning. Frtdiy'e MenuSalmon Sana- -- wlches. Look for this announcement ev ery day. It will Interest you. Underwood Standard Typewriter The UNDERWOOD Condensed Billing Machine writes bills and sales book, or journal, sheets in one operation. Ledger sheets and customer's monthly statements are also written in one operation. Book keeping by typewriter is a step forward in progressive business. The UNDERWOOD is unequalled for this work. UNDERWOOD sales ex ceed those of - any other machine. "The Machine You Will Eventually Buy.". 1621 Farnam. Street, . Omaha, Neb. A. '- SW C5!WQp (JHOBpag CWAJJ n y OMAHA'S POM JJ FOOD CEITTEB Specials In Our Fresh Fruit aJid Vegetable Depal tment. S00 Boxes Elberta Peaches, per box .' - "3c (4 Basket) Crate Blue Plums at .".$1.10 Fine, Large Cooking and Eat ing Apples, per peck 20c Peaches and Pears, per basket at 25c 3 Stalks Celery 10c 2 Large Plain Lettuce 5 Stuffed Olives (Assorted) at 10c, 15c, 35c 25c Cafi K. C. Baking Powder at 15c 20c Bottle "Standard" Vanilla at 10c 10 Bars "Beat 'En All" Soap at 25c 50c Bottle Gailard's Olive Oil w at 85c Qf&u?Z$2 (J-bdrVr CSSCf gttOtt O (mfm THE OMAHA BEE Less than a penny and clean 3V i than any. AMUiEMEXTS. all OMAHA vs. PUEBLO Sept. 1S-1G-1T ROURECE PARK Friday, Sept- 15 Ladies' Day Cars- Leave 15th ud Farnam -'at 8:80 ADTAKCID VAVDSVELIiS Matinee veiy tay 2:15. very .NiKht 8:15 i This week: Arthur Deauoo; The Cour tiers', M. Golden and Runslan Trouba- I dours: Lydell and Butterworth; "Room l 44;" Stems; Albertus 1st and Jeasle Mil- : lar; Kinodrome, Oipheum Concert Or- I chestra. . Prices: Night 10c. 25ct 60c, 75c. j Matinee best eeate 25c,; except holi days, Saturday and Sunday. j AMERICAN THEATER 0- Di woodward, 'Mrr. m Tonig-bt, Matin. s Tuesday, Thursday and i fcatuaay. frioes iO and as Cents MISS EVA LANC AKD WOOOWaBD STOCK COStTAVT XV j next Week, "Tne Stubbornass of Qeraldiae" I okaba'S ruar cestzk." ' Gtjlt7g. . Dally Kat.. 15-35-BOo j lyCE f Bvg-s., 13-S5-60-75O I BAZ.X.ISAT CVBX.BY, XV ?.88r"w Painting the Town; ESTKAVAOAHSA . AJTD AUDSTIX.X.B ' Bis Chorus of Girlies and the Living Art I Gallery. Ladles' Dime Matinees Every Week Day. COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Bee against other local pavers in J respect of quality as well as quantity of timely j news and interesting yticlts from day to dmy and TheBees superiority will be demonstrated Kat. Today, 8&o sfis-nt. SOc, No Higher IDEAL COMEDIANS and KRUG ATHMORE GREY In DANCE ANITRAS Xiadlaa' Dally Dime Katlaee Ko. 31 rriday, September 15, 1911. What Book Does This Picture Represent? Title Author Your Name Street and Number City or Town - Write In title and author ot book and SAVE, coupon and picture. Eend no coupon until finish of the contest la announced. Each picture represents a book title i-not a scene or a character. Catalogues containing 6,000 names on which all puzzle pictures are based the catalogue used by the contest editor are for sale at the Business Office at The Bee for 25 cents: by mail. 30 cents ' e- Rules of the Contest All Benooi are ellglM. to ntn this oontMt exo.pt raployte et th thusi Ba. ud mtmbwa of ibelr temlllM. Eack day. tor WT.nty-flve U.yi, tbar. will be publidd la The Be. . pic ture whlea will reprMeot tk. om. of . book, bvnwtb Mck piciui. tkr will b. a blink tor tk. cootMtuit to till In to. tttl. ot tks book. Cut out both tk. plctur. anil tk. blank and till la tk. a.m. ana .utkat ot tk. hook nd a4d your lut lad addrw. autly and pUinly ta tb. pic. provided. . No mtrlctloa. will . b placed on to. wy In whlrh .new.r. to toe plcfurm nuy b. M eured. Keck plctur. rtprMent only on. tlti. ot one book. It you ar. not tur. of a tit I. and wlb to Mod in nor. th.o on. Ur to eek picture, you may do to. BUT NOT MORS THAN r'lVl 'IW1HS TO ANY ONt PICTUKB W1U. BE PERMITTED. In correct .newer will not be 0014a ted acelait eoatwunta It correct anwer 1 aleo dven. More then on. .newer Should not b. put on tk. fee me coupon. Kttrm coupon ehould be ued tor .xtra luin ' All anaware to tk. suae number ataould be kept tosetsar wken eendlns in tb. wt. Only en. liet oy be submlttm! or one eoateetant. tfcougb any lut may bav. fT antweri to each puatle. Toe number ot coupon, ueed nwen alrrn fnuet be plainly written on tb. outside ot each SIT Mbmltted, but 4. not write suck Information on tk. wrappOT. Wbll. not abeolutely n ec.ua ry. It 1. dewrabl. tbat tk. picture akoul4 in each oaa be annt is .with tk. auwem. la order that all anew. be uniform. Additional pictures ; and coupon, may be obtained at the offloe of Tb. fee by mall or la pareon. . . 'W'beo you bav. all eefenty-flv. pictures, (aatea tb.n togthw in . FLAT packet and bring or mall them to Tb. Omaha Bet. nddred to Booklorera Conteet Bdlmr. Prle will be awarded to tk. coatee Lenta eendln s In tb. largMt number of correct eolutlona. In vent ot two or more persons bavins tk. aam. number ot correct solutions, tb. penon Being tk. entailer number of extra coupons In bis set of tniwan will be declared winner. Is rent of two prnon. baring tb. sajn. tnbr correct and ualng tk. sun. numbw of sow. pon. tb. penon whoa, eet of anawws is moat ne&tly prepared, In tk. opinion of tb. full . judging committed will roc.tr. tb. first prlseu Only on. list ot anrwere may be aubmltted by a esntaetant aa4 only one prlss will be swarded to on. family at on. addrees. Tb. us. of tk. coupon. Is not obligatory noon the eontestaat, sad sn sacwer may be submitted in any l.glbl. ntnatr tb. eonteetant may aelect. Awards will be mad. atrlctly according to tb. merit of erh sarato Hat. Tb. nam. of more taan one pertoa niit not be written npoa any on. coupon. Tb. award, will be mad. by tb. Centeet Sdltor ssd a oommltu. of wsli-known ettt. tees, wbow aaraee will be anaeuno4 later. Tb. oontaet is limited to tb. following territory: K.braaka, Wyoming, that portion ot lews weM of bat not inclndlng Dm atolnee, aa tbat suction et South Dakota knows ss the Black Hills Dlatrlet. . FIRST prized; Vhite Steamer Automobile A 6-passensr 111 Modal White Stea-mer Touring Car odorless, smokeless and noiseless. No cranking, do sblftlos of sears; any desired speed. White Steamer sales Increase each succeeding; year. Has practically an en iorsement of the United States government, which owns and operates more Wh'te Steam ers than all other cars combined.. Richly upholstered, beautifully flnWhed. un. limited rower, controlled speed. This ear la on exhibition at Snunaioad's, Eighteenth and Harney Btreets. SECOND PRIZE Ju.D la the soft, seml-troplc, ellmatlo sonei' ex vending north from Ban Diego to Ehsata County, California. Ilea Tehama county, la which la situated this beau , tlful little 10-acre ranch near the town of Had Bluff. This Is fruit land of a very high order and la part ot the celebrated Lutheran colony which had Its incep tion with an Omaha clergyman. . Literature describ ing this property may be bad at the office of TOW-BaUSaE-BOX,BTS CO In the Ut National Sank Building, Omaha. BRANDEIS THEATER Tonight and Saturday, 85o to $1.50 Matinee Saturday, flo to $1.00 JTIiW YOKK'S BICrGEBT SUCCESS 11. 11. VVAH.NLU i "Alias jiMirr TaixaTTiva" Sunday Matinee Til COWVICT'S BtUOBTIS, Any Saat 8S0 'fliiili THIRD PRIZE Yalae v900 The magnificent, fancy walnut X&EI.I, aVOTO OKAKS ritATSO-FXAlTO which noth inga can excel. Ko other player-piano has In tb. absolute the "he man touch" so desired by a musical ear and so prized by the manufao turers. This Instrument will be exhibited, ex plained and played for anyone who.wlsbea to see tt la the ware rooms on the third floe oi THE BENNETT CO. UATTirril DDT7U Value Is' to be a manulaciuring city. They fine start with the Brown Truck Menu- Ralston hive a fir lecturing Co., he Rogers Motor Car Co., and the Howard Stove Works. Everything desirable to comfortable living may be found there. On one of the main business etreets the ee has selected Ha fourth prize a business lot (6x100 fsel. auJ vaiuud at S276. FIFTH PRIZE, Value $225 la the same town and with the same prospect ( advancement, the Be. Has selected a residence lot bGxUO ft., and valued at S234 Kaieton Is on the only Intel-urban trolley liue ruumug out of Omaha, and within lorty minutes of the Omaha poatofficei Complete Information about this property at the offloe ot the KAIiSTOBI TOWaftUTS CuaUlHY, 30K Month 17th Mw, Omaha. x SIXTH, SEVENTH AND EIGHTH PRIZES Tma lutauiuua em-jruoiiuii., wnico la a Ueveloo coent ratnvr letau inyeniioo, ocatues lis conv.o lencea the vauui of huuareu. 01 tailor, mentally equipped to rualte one of tu greut eucyciuuaias ever compiled. One o the suougest (ecumuTenda liens lor this worn la tui It is i.uiu tho urea, ot the reliable old house oi 1'kOa, Mx,SOI "iMiitL. of stew York, London, Kabuxt aud iMxuotutk. wuic! waa founded In 17ks. This encyclopedia of Twelve vol umea, which is valued at 9 s set. may ha an at the Omaha office of W. A. aUx.nbanga Co, 1S14 St. knarr'B Avsaue. ; NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES These prlxee consist of twenty-four volu.ne elnh bound so is of tt f Knowledge." sn enuyclopedla made especially for children nnd iuM . . et Tola work Is written lr. simple langaa.e and Is a "wouder book iJ. iff J . makes slaiple all know lads', necessary to broad oduoiUou. Xher Jr. . 1 " of colored plates and thouaar.es In black and white. This U a fual bundreds encyclopedia made for children, and may be seen at the Uuiaha orrTcUl ?) HULSaOtAOOaf at 1814 St. Mary's Avenue. miicms of W. A. FORTY-FIVE CASH PRIZES Five Prizes of $10. Ten Prizes of $5. Ten Prizes ' of Twenty Prizes of $1. WATCH FOB THE DAILY PICTURE IN THE BEE A' -ft S7 4f