tr im: BEE- OMAHA, THURSDAY SETTEMBER 14. 1011. Special Sale or Women's New S198 Fall Dresses, Worth up to $15, at "TMs 1b a rpoci&l parotiaee of just' 300 unusually attractive eilk and wool verge dresses in. fall styles that we bought from a New York manufacturer at a remarkab low price. Scores of now autumn' style features are 6Qown in this group. All colors, and each dress is' practical for street or dress wear. Values up to $15.00 Thursday at. I KfflR Smart New Fall Coats for Women These are all new cJoak models that reflect ths correct style tenden cies for fall' m Brandies styles always do; Many new materials. We especially feature the new reversible cloth rug' costs, women's snd misses' sizes, at -. ... , 815, 317.50, 319, $22.50 Women's High Qa Tailored Fall Suits at $35 These tailored garments are fashioned of heavy suitings and wool cloths that are so new and practical this season.'- Also a number of very pretty effects in. slightly trimmed suits. "Fashionseal" Suits for Women at $25 These 6uits are not to be compared in any way with other lines at this price. They supa6S most $35 and. $-10 groups. Brandies is sole agents for Fa shonseal suits. Special Group of Tailored Suits at $15 These are all new arrivals and all late models in attractive-serviceable fall suits for present wear. The best fall ap pare! of the season. Women's Fall Tailored Skirts In all Women's Ies saline Petticoat new panel and side pleated ideas, $5 very practical, at Misses and Girls Outfits for School and College Wear New fall smart coats and dresses for school girls and college girls a touch of Originality, and up-to-datene66 in every one -that girls like. Coats at $6.98, $8.98;$10$12.50, $15 to $25 Dresses at $5, $150, $10, $12.50, $15 and Up. Misses' Vhite Polo Coats-Large full double breasted effects with loose belts-the sea son's favorites, at. v. ....... . . . ... . . ...... . ; t ooo er Fall Dressing Sacques Fleece i New. Fall Showtn? of Women'. . v.. T. . . lined and flannelette, ' iW Pretty House Dresses no. ! AH ZJSXX L. . vvv at AC m .V " l" S I l .v, si ya Qflf I Women's Pretty Chiffon, Taffeta and Mes- p wVJtv I saline rlet v V V -All sizes $2.98 mm i it;M, . -n.i it. 1 t , mm mmm. lit a a ! belted and peplln style f vv at . Women's Waists Fall styles A special lot at..;.... , at. . Hand Embroidered Pillow ToniYCnrnnlet nr. $ m With Back,) Worth Up to SSJOO. each at..W.0 I Finished complete with satin ruffles, cords and fringes, in rose, poppy, violet, oarna tion and conventional .designs. Hundreds have admired them; values up to $5.00;Thurs-' jgl.08.- . .. ." '. ' .. . W X Great Display of Laces and Dress Trimmings Continues Quo More Day, Thursday. You Can't Afford to'Miss This Great est of All Great Events. See Them Thursday on 3d Floor. We Sell Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Because they are the best Patterns made. GAe Boys' Clothing Business Has Doubled this month over the same period of last year. There is only one conclusion to draw from that fact Bennett's are giving better values in boys' cloth ing than anyone else in Omaha and more people are finding it out. . Our lines for school wear have been a very big fac tor in the selling, many giving as a reason for their purchase that the school suits we sold them last "year gave such, great satisfaction After all, it is in a school suit, where wear is hardest, that the quality of cur boys' clothes shows to best advantage. There are plenty of other reasons why you should buy Bennett clothes for your boy in the suits them selves. Find Single sua ftentle brta tuiti for boys T to 17 ytiri. Worfolk and .Uor tlom gulU for boy, from S to 10 yer. K,nln Mom, .ults for Utti fellow from 84 to 7 yr. B.fn md costs for U ay. Wa mil a specialty of boy' snlts, with two pair, of pnt to mstoh, tt $3.sor45o"anl tsiooT bout 50 Boys' Bolts In medium and dark patterns for school wear, worth up to $3.50, Thursday only, $1.75 Boyr Etrs Puts, worth up to 89c. Thur.dav, 60c. 35o B;ou Wsuts, In 11 colors, Thurkday. 25c Hats That Help Make a Good Impression Bennett's Hats Since your hat it nearer your face than anything eise you wear, you should exercise special care in seeing that you are fittej out only with a hat that will make you appear to best advantage. You vlll .find that particular kind of a hat at this stored-Stetton's and other equally reliable makes and beside -, salesmen who are trained in fitting per sonalities as well . as heads wll wait on you. .The neweBt Stiff Hats-one of the Stetson models is illustrated at the right of this section-$2.00 to $3.50 each. ' - Men's rough ' finished Hats in all the newest and best shapes for Fall wear, J2.00 and. $2.50. , Special One- Lot ' of Cooper's Spring Needle Knit Jersey Sweaters in navy, gray and maroon;. all sizes; regular $2.00 values at $1.50. Strategy In A Tl Advero sing The Climax of. Salesmanship-in-Print Our Challenge Sale of Fine Millinery Begins Friday Morning. Sept. 15th See our next advertisement for complete 'particulars of this biggest'event'ofln'year." The battle of advertising are not won today by men with the 'largest -forces-.- - . - r.-..-:.. Three. llrnee in -five they are won by ., men who start with but limited re source. Five times In five, when rightly ' directed, they . are won without - any large risk. In a good many cases there Is no stake at all. There- Is no long waiting no serious ' ' uncertainty no - drawn-out ' period when expense - overtops result .' One gets his answer immediately. : Meet successful advertising pays divi- " , dends from .the .start.' Impossible.. v things are. not started at ell.-;. . ' And a pretty .large part of modern-day Isvdvertising finances itself .-" : Nstkm-wide distribution and a. profitable " sale are attained in two months, sometimes, j t Weeks do the work of years. Midgets . grow to monsters with amazing rapid-. !ty, Trade eondltSooa J are changed . evernsght. . - . Formlsabesi competition, long ' In twsaalioil, has been almost wiped , out by a single maneuver. AH beeouee of a . new-bom science, eaSled Stratagy in AoWtising. . . An advertising campaign of the mod-. era kind is based on exact information. The attitude of consumers is learned - by house-to house canvas. . Trade oossdhtions and competition are learned : by a dealer anvass. : Selling points are doveloped by actual selling. Ten thousand sources are sometimes searched for light on a single problem. The well-advised advertiser of 1911 ventures nothing on guesswprk and' 'theory."- '- ; - ' ' - Selling methods today are based on others' experiences, garnered by a won derful f ystem. Problems are solved by learning how others have solved them. Pitfalls are ' avoided by knowing others' mistakes. Each new undertaking is piloted now by a myriad recorded experiences. . As a result, men are sure of their . ground ... Errors rarely ' occur. One takes the short way to his object. Howall this Is accomplished is told in a book-a remarkable book which gives a new aspect to advertising. This book, for the first time, puts into print the secrets of our success. To show how things can be done it cites countless examples of how things have been done. Any man with selling problem Is welcome to this book. And every such man should have it. , Cut out this reminder j put it in your pocket. Then, when convenient, write us for the book. A Reminder to write Lord & Thomas, Trade Building, Chicago, for their latest book, "Real Salesmanship-in-Print. LORD & THOMAS Advertising 294 Fiftb Avetma, NEW YORK 132 North Wabash Avenue. CHICAGO Tke Thing 7o Do -If. you your pocketbook. umbrella, watch or, seme ether arUole el vlu. Ut thing to Sa U to follow th xampla ot naay otkor pooplo sad sSvor tlM without Solar ' la Uto Loot sa4 FouaS oolunut of Tho Boo. " 1 Taat Is whst moot pooplo So wboa they article of value. ' Telephone ui end toll your loos to all Omaha In a oins'-o ortoraoom. . -. Put It In I ! i tie nee 54-In. S1.50 Dress Goods, 89c . This is an extra special 6ffer for Thursday only and 6ne which should - be : taken - advantage of. by every woman" in Omaha yho has a Fall or Winter Suit, Skirt, Dress or Coat to makel . The lot ie composed of newest fall patterns and colorings in storm serges, cheviots, boucle effects,' French serges, panamas, diagonal suitings, basket weaves and heavy coating materials. The prevailing striped patterns form a good part of the offering. Regular SI. 50 goods, Thursday only, 89c the yard. Extra fancy Utah Elberta peaches. Thursday.....83c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, the market basket, Thursday 25c Taney Jersey Sweet Potatoes. Thursday, the lb....5c Young Han We are showing a full line of shoe styles for winter and fall "wear. We have A Shoe for You that combines all the style found in higher priced shoes' with exceptional wearing qualities. They have catchy, exclusive styles that young men" like. Our guarantee is back of every pair. They are Drexel's $3.50 Special Made in Velour and 'Box Calf, Patent . Colt, Glazed Kid. Qanwjjf, qwo CV3 fvJsSS. j & OMAHA'S FtTXLX If Drexel'Shoe Co. 1410 Farnam Street. 1 Low One Way Rates I to ' ' Soattlo, Taooma, Portland, Spokaao, Victoria sad Vasooavor, via Canadian Pacific Railway Through 'he famous scenery of the Canadian TiockieA snd Selkirk. Trains for Pacific Coast points, carrying tourist car, leaves fit. Paul 11:00 A. M .nd 10:30 P. M. daily. Tickets on sal 6ptember 15th to October ISth. Inclusive for Informa tion and literature ceo the .agent of any railway, or write OSO. A. WAX.TOIT, Oea. Arent S34 bo. Clark St. Chlcaa-o. XU Spec Lais In Our Fresh Fruit fand Vegetable Department. Si 300 Bores Utah Elberta $ R Peaches, per box ........ 75c !f 20 Doz, Large Fancy Egg Plants, each, ' 5c 2 Large Plain Lettuce 5c 3 Stalks Large Celery 10c Qt Fresh Roasted Peanuts. 5c Fresh Dates, per box 15c Large Square Baskets Fancy Tokay Grapes, each..... 35c Our Best Country Butter do Sanitary Jars), per pound 30c Strictly Fresh Table Eggs, per dozen 23c Domestic Swiss Cheese, per ponnd ...'. ......:25c Celery Relish or Chow Chow, O per quart aoc jl Dill Pickle, per doj.. .15c, SOc jf Sauerkraut, per quart loe U CUrWgJ Z GJJ& Where l find The Bte ii New. York City, N. Y. Arthur Hotallns, Grand Central Depot News Stand, A tor, House. Harry J. ScitulX Orand Central Station. Tyson Co's. N'ews fitinj. including Hotel Kslckarbockw. Hotfmu Heiwe. HoUl SUatutUa. Hallux HoUL Imprl4l Hotel. Hotel B.lmaat. Hum) Hotel. Wtldott-AMorU. Oru4 Dnloo HoteL Beautiful Teeth There are but low peoples wfco have thorn. Good teeth everjooe mlht bave It they would so to Dr. Bradbury. The oulckeet. oaaiest and least painful are the only nietnu.ia employed by us and hundreds of our patients, both la and out of ths city will Klidly toll you about the food dental work ana our up-to-date ways of doing thlnse. Crowns and bridge work from S 00 per tooth. Plates that ftt from 4 00 to 112.60. Painless extrai tlon of teeth. Nerve Of teeth removed without but tins you. - Work warranteJ ten years, D3. BRADBURY. THE DENTIST 17 Ters Same XfOeatloa, I SOS rarnau Bt rkoae D. 1759 Store Open Till 6 P. M., Except Saturday Till 10 P. M. If 15 V TMS - '...5, tAwfat in.iiiii naeffii u h till Store Open Till 6 P. M., Except Saturday TiU 10 P. M. Sale of Sample Tailored Suits Miiif'i by our Now s bol. man- 375 Elegant Sample Tailored vdts, f ocurod York resident bujer' from several of Now York ers at the remarkably low price. Every "suit distinctive in design. No two of them alike. Fashion's favorite fabrics and colorings. A matchless opportunity., to secure new fall tailored suit styles of. the highest order of excellence at a price saying of 25 per cent to .40 per oent. Thursday they'll be shown for the first time at. prices . CDC a ranging from . . '. . . ; VsW 10 y") Crown Jewel Suits $25--Another big assortment of these beauties Just received the most popular and best suit . produced at the Prlce $25.00 Tailored Suits at $12.30 Big spe cial manufacturer's purchase of over 200 stylish tailored suits; fine wool fabrics, in good fall colore to $25 values 12.50 itST Our reorganized Alteration Dept. is winning highest commendations from pleased customers, because of the su perior finish and perfect: fitting of every garment handled. Five Rousing Thursday torning Specials Women's Percale 'Wrappers, all sizes, to $1.25 values, at. . 50 C Children's Fail Weight Jackets, values to $5, all colors, sizes 2 to l0-yrs, at . ... . . $1.95 Women's Colored Tailored Waists, worth $2.50, choice. . . Visit our Baby Bazaar-On Second Floor Women's Long Kiuiouas of serpen j tine crepe,' $3.50 values $1.95 Women's Silk Underskirts, values to $5, in big line of colore - l $2.95 $1.00 Omaha's Greatest Rug Sale Continues ' .With scores Of magnificent bargains in absolutely perfect, new fall rugs. We mention four rousers: ; $20.00 Velvet Rugs, . in Hi 2 size, on sale at .... $12.98 $15.00 .Wilton and' AxmJneter Rugs, 6x9 size, - seamless, in full line of patterns, at $10 $30 Axminster Rugs, in oriental - and floral patterns, $16.98 0x12 Seamless Milton Rugs Values up to $40, in fine line of patterns $25.00 DOX'T BORROW YOUR NEIGHBOR'S CURTAIX STRETCHER when, you can buy a 6x12 bass wood 6tretcher, fitted with non- rustable pins Thursday for Water Color Window Shade, 7 ft, long, Thursday, at 25 - Ladies' 1.50 Silk Gloves 25c Big Special Purchase of Milanese Gloves with double finger tips and gauntlet tops, in all colors and sizes; every pair guaranteed perfect; to $1.50 values, choice .25c Ladies' Outing Flannel Gowns 'Best quality and make.' values up to $3, in three lots $1.45. 98 75 Ladies' Silk Lisle Hose Regular.SOc values, in black gauze, all sizes; ?t, pr. 25o Extra Snaps for Thursday in Our Domestic Room TIME SALES At 8:30 a. m. 1 case of yard wide- unbleached -Muslin, -regular price 7.c, as long' as it -lasts, will go at, yd..'. ... At 0:SO p. m 1 ca&e genuine ' 'Amdskeag Apron CUOcy Ginghams,--blue, brown, pink", etc., 10 yards' limit, at, yird . Y-5 At 10 a. m. 1 case Stella sheets, 72x90, regular price 69c, 35 At 10:8O a. m. 1 case of Bath Towels, 6-limit, at,- ea. -3H At 1:30 p. m. 1 case Onawa Pillow Slips, i2.ZG, 12 Vic val., at 7lie At 2 p. in. 1 caeo 12x4 grey ' blankets, very hea"y, reg. price '$2. 5 pairs limit, avpr: 90 At 8 p. m. Aay Comfortable in v the room at rctl halt marked price. At 3": SO p. m. l'-cas Lul laby Crib Blanket, refcuiar price 19c, 6 limit, at, ea. 10 At 4 p. m. 1 case 84c Outing Flannel, fine patterns for night gowns, st, yard 3e sSSy FiriE furs v .... i Thursday and Friday, on Fourth Floor. Read the Big Grocery Ssle for Thursday. It's Interesting Baydeas matt tb prlcsa ths set papa. 4 ssviotf f 85 t4 eo jtaf cast on yoiv lioaMkMplsa' sxpeaMS. Buy flour now. It's still , ad vsnclnr. as-Ions as our supply laats w wlil contLoue to ; give the people of Omaha the benefit. Xhureday, ii lb. eick best high rrade Diamond K Family Flour, sack 115 10 uars Beat 'Em All or Diamond C Eoip 3So 10 lbs. best whit or yellow Corn- .1161 . . .'. lo The best Hand Picked Navy Bean, lb So 1 lb. cans Assorted Soups THo 7 lbs. boot Bulk Laundry 6tarch a So ( lbs. good Japan Kice 8 So 4 Iba. fancy Japan Head Rice., fl&o Lu Lu, ths best scouring- soap, per can So Yeast Foam, pkg 3o The best Tea glftlnga. lb HHo Golden Santos Coffee, lb 15c put vr TOtrm rzacKzs avd A carload of extra fancy Utah Elber ta Freestone Peaches and Blue Plums for Thursday Elberta tancy FieeMicrie lehea, per rate eso Italian Blue Plums, packed 4 basket in crato. per crato . gl.oo OX2ZSZ AWD BtTTTZX SAX.Z The Best Creamery butter. In carton or oulk, per lb 28o Don't pay mors and throw your money away. No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb aeo The best Dairy Butter, lb S3o Full Creajn Colored Cheese. lb....l3o Full .fream brick Cheese, lb ISo Noufchaiel Cheese, each 3o XAYDZST'S TBZSK VEGETABLE MiBXCT BEATS 'EM AXi.. Market Basket Fancy lUpe Tomatoes tor a&o 8 bunches of Kadishes 5o Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb..7Vu Green Pepper, doxen So 4 bunches fresh Carrots So Fresh Cabbage, two for .....So Fie&b Cabbage, per lb 8 Ho DON'T FORGET yW"lllHr11ll-lllJ,1P Try (MYDEN'S First IT PAYS VOST-High Grade FURS jl EXPERT REMODELING lis- Corner SOtb and Faruam. Telephone Douglas 3040. MBSSSSBBBBB T Roiiablo Oontiotry SSfy Tafi's Dental Roim ! MODSI hn KIMTCUmt HOMKA FAR NAM SIS, COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure -The Bee against other local pavers in respect of quality as well as quantity of timely news and 'interesting articles from day to day and T,heBee's 1 superiority will be demonstrated 8