Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Piano Mfg. Co
Wlh and Farnam Sis.
P 037.00 s;d
Pnv lOo
rn ,
M peraav,
" can't compare it, nor describe it quite,
nor liken it. I never saw the like. "
To the Public:
Wa hare accumulated fn hundred or mor piano during th rt
year m part payment on new pianos, that mint Iiom uf. along
with our general array of the world beat tuakf of pianos, we come
to you on a scale of greater magnificence than any piano aale ever bold
anywhere at any time. We come to you, Mr. Piano Purchaser, wtth
an offering of $25,000.00 worth of High Grade Standard Plauoe ttiat
must be sold In the next few days.
The public of Omaha and vicinity hate been deluged with
piano salts a perfect flood of sales eale -vlthout any sense or reason
behind them sale for every day In the calendar.
Thla is no clap-trap, drumrood-up excuse, but a genuine bona fldo
ale where $25,000.00 worth of pianos must be sold. A treraendoin
whirlwind of daitllng and Irresistible bargains awaits you.
We moit respectfully and earneatly solicit yir attention for a
moment, for, during this great Bale every piano is included and nmst
Established 1ST.
In Plan
ra Mas Arrived!
Pisa. Ml(. C.
Geatlemesi i
Please mail roe
full deeerlptiea
of Bargain Plane
UI1 ma about tow 80-day
Tnl rropoaittoa.
Worth of New, Returned and Slightly
Used Pianos, While They Last
Must Be Sold in the Next Few Days
We Guarantee All to be in Perfect Condition. Act Quickly
Ad d rs. .. ......
-) a - ej
People Who Do Not Live In Oraaha Read Carefully
If you want to save money In tie purchase of a piano, let us send
you, our list. It you are Interested In any ot the above bargains, send
us th coupon today, and we will write you a detailed description of it
and tell you all about our 30-day tree trial proposition. Yes, we will
ship you a piano, freight prepaid. You can try It for a month, if It
pleases you, you can buy It on monthly payments, It you wish- If It
doesn't please la every respect, we take It away free of expense to
you. Mail us the coupon today. Every piano fully niaranteed 10 to 25
years by tbe Segerstrom Piano Mfg. Co.
Wednesday, Sept. 13, Bargain Offerings
INVESTIGATE ! Consider! Compare ! Make Your Dollars Do Triple Duty.
Wk VW- Si
bl4.7 A tli m V A 1 r ' al M
sr. If
on ail
& i
, saa . fth
... 1
I t ?r-I
The Most Progressive Dealers of
the Northwest.
are Boot print It.
Oas si tlM. ristorM-rars-MSOraa4n.
Oat, ataok. Kki. Autogenous welding
SaAqaat Is Kot rormal'Th. report
that the bis banqu.t to b. given by the
Commercial club Wednesday night is to
be a formal affair U absolutely without
foundation," aaid E- V. Parriah of the
Commercial club. "All of the potmter
and their wlvea will be made welcome
and there will be nothing formal about it
Vrarelogue Thronfli the Holy Md
J. t. Bailey, state secretary of the Young
Men'a Christian association, will five
"Travelog ues Through the Holy Land" at
Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal
church. Twenty-fourth and Lanmore ave
nu. The. course ot lectures is under the
auspices of the Epworth league. The first
lecture of the season will be given Wednes
day at S p. m.
Foor Prospect for lee Protpeeta for a
good supply of ice In Omaha for next year
are getting leas and leas favorable every
day. The water In Carter laic is so shal
low at present that a man can walk across
It at almost any point and there seems to
be little chance ot Its filling up before
cold weather sets in. Carter lake ! the
only place rear Omaha where natural Ice
can be harvested, except the river, and If
the crop there falls artificial and imported
ice la all that Omaha dealera can get.
Caldwell Cue SOU la Court J. P. Cal-
lanan a demurrer to P. C. Caldwell suit
against him for the democratic nomination
for police judge of South Oraaha waa sus
tained by judge Leslie In county court
Tuesday afternoon. Thli would have
nded the fight In Callansn's favor had not
Caldwell immediately filed an amended pe
tition. Callanan's attorney, John p. Breen.
moved to strike the amended petition from
the files on the ground that It was not
really an amended petition, but, a sew
ae. After hearing arguments Judge Lei
la took the matter under advisement.
Station Master of
Union Station Dies
Tuesday Morning
W. W. Keen Passes Away After an
Illness of Le Than a
Week'i Duration.
W. W. Keen, station master gt the Union
Pacific depot for the last four years, died
Tuesday morning at t o"clock at ft. Cath
erine hospital, following an operation for
bowel trouble.
A week ago Mr. Keen went to Bald
Eagle. Minn., for a visit with his wite,
who has been there for the last month.
Thursday morning, while eatltig breakfast,
he was aeUed with cramps.
He went to a specialist In Minneapolis,
who told him he would have to be operated
ob immediately. Wirhlng to have the work
done by surgeons here ha came to Omaha
on Friday and was operated on by Drs
Jonas Updepraff and Smith, rom which
he died Tuesday morning.
Sir Keen entered the service of the
t'nion Pacific as brskeman October 1, 1879.
and wes rromoted to freight conductor
October 11. 1S0. He was promoted to pa.i
Fer.ger conductor December 10, 18SJ. which
position he held until February 23. lat7,
when he waa promoted to station master.
tkiperlntendent Cahill In speaking of his
record while with the road said tew men
In the servlea had a clean and good a rec
ord as be baa la the thirty-two year
that Mr. Keen ha served the road he has
i.iade an absolutely perfect record.
Mr. Keen leave a widow, one daughter,
Mr. Mather of Jollet. 111., and an aged'
father and mother at Jollet. Mr. Keen wa
f vr of age and a veteran of th civil
war. .
Big Expenditure
for Benson Mains
Suburban Corporation Awards Con
tract for Deep Well and a
Pumping System.
Benson 1 adding an 111,000 well to Its
municipal water plant and will spend tlS.-
000 in extending It water main.
Th well, for the drilling of which ma
chinery 1 now on th ground, will be
600 fet deep, with a diameter of ten inches
and will have a capacity of 500 gallon
a minute. It will be operated by the air
pressure system, by which air will b
pumped down, a tub to force th water
up In the well. The drilling will cost $7
a foot, while labor and other expenses
will bring the coat up to IU.0OO. City
Attorney Haffke says the municipal plant
1 making mouey. The contract for extend
ing the water system ha been let to Dan
Benton haa also decided to put oil and
gravel on Leroy avenue, a an experiment
in permanent road making.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage llcenat t
been Issued:
Name and Residence.
Alexius J. Kettlsr, Omaha
Ruth M. Sherwood, Omaha
Daniel File. South Omaha
Mary Murori, SouLb Omaha
Frank E. Dow. Omaha
, Josephine M. Zeigler, Omaha
Orvtlle C. McCaslln. Omaha ,
Sarah F. Beeson, Omaha
Dezzo Trombltas, Omaha
Helen Sabo. Omaha...
W. L. Huffman left Tuesday morning for
Huron, 8. L.. where he will show the Hup.
mobile at the South Dakota Stat fair
jj.her this week.
Escapes with. Few Minor Bruises, but
Machine is Demolished.
Repair Will lie Mad FlUnt
Across th- CoatLaent to Be Re
sumed in Three or
Four Day.
AI,TA. Cal.. Sept. 12. While flying over
this place at a considerable elevation.
Aviator Fowler fell wtlh bis machine,
which wa demolished. Fowler escaped
with a . few minor . bruises. He said the
accident wa caused .by the rudder falling
to work, and declared that the motor might
be repaired, as it did not appear to be
badly damaged. Aviator Fowler said:
"Th vertical rudder quit working for
some reason and all I could do wa go
around in a circle. My machine swung to
lb left In the cplre. then dropped and
hit a couple of trees, damaging th frame
badly. The engine, though, 1 all right.
"My back 1 wrenched, but not a bit of
skin Is off anywhere. It will tak three
or four day to rebuild the rudder, when
the (light will be resumed.
Fowlor aid that the flight after leaving
Colfax wa amooth and he entertained
every hop of Successfully topping the
Sierras despite th encountering of con
trary air current.
When in the neighborhood of Alta and
about two milei at of Dutch Flat, some
thing suddenly went wrong with th aero
plane and the machlna began going around
In circle and dipping to the earth, getting
completely beyond th control of th av
iator. The aeroplane struck in the top of a
large pine tree at the "eae of a gore.
calug the mat hln. .which aeUied wltUy
to the rocky ground. Fowler wa caught
In the wreckage.
Person in Alta and Dutch Flat, witnessed
the fall and rushed to Fowler's aid. The
altitude at this point Is 6,304 feet.
AUBURN. Cal., Sept. li Aviator Robert
G. Fowler, who arrived her last night at the
end of the first day's air Journey from
San Francisco en route to New York via
Omaha, slept as soundly as if no attempt
at making history confronted him. He was
up early today and went immediately to
the hangar, where hi biplane had been
guarded throughout the night- A crowd
waa present and cheers greeted hla ap
There wa's little other than precautionary
Inspection to be don to the jnachlne, a
the engines made the 1217 mile from San
Francisco to this place without a hitch.
Fowler said hi machine was th perfect
condition when he atarted and that It was
just as fit when he arrived here.
Long before 8 o'clock, the hour desig
nated by Fowler a that of hi start on
today's journey, th machine waa sur
rounded by a cheering crowd. Fowler ate
a hearty breakfast and aaid he felt con
fident of a successful flight to Reno, Nev.
Fowler faces the most difficult flight of
the entire journey today. He must croa
th Sierra and expect to reach an alti
tude ot mor than S.000 feel. He said he
probably would fly about 3,000 feet above
the umrott. which would give him an alti
tude of between 8.500 and 9,000 feet.
Expecting to encounter sever cold dur
ing the three and a half or four hours
in crossing the mountains, Fowler dressed
warmly this morning. H will carry beef
tea and a thermal heater on th biplane.
He will depend on chocolate wafers to
satisfy hi hunger while in ,th air.
Fowler plana to spend th night in Wla
nemucca, Nev., a distance by rail from
thla town of HZ mile He will travel by
j the way ot Fallon and Lovelock.
j From .i:bm;i t- d.o i.iei p;au oer
i whMh i'owier will l u vuly auuy-eialH
miles and he w.ll be compelled to climb
skyward almost from the time hi machine
leave the ground here.
Fowler expects to make the tian-contl-nental
trip In twenty-six day. A sched
uled, he will make stops at Salt Lake
City. Granger and Cheyenne, Wyo ; North
Platte, Neb.; Omaha, Rock Island. Chicago,
Fort Wayne. Pittsburg. Buffalo, Albany
and New York.
He will follow the tracks of the Southern
Pacific, Union Pacific and th Northwest
ern railways to Chicago. He I accom
panied by a special train, which carries a
full staff of mechanics and parts of three
complete biplane.
Stream of Molasses
Floods City Street
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 12.-A flood of
molacsea swept, down several street lead
ing from a'atorage warehouse today, when
a large tank containing about l.ono.OOO gal
lons of treacle burst wtth a tremendous
report. A stream fifteen lnche deep made
Its way down Market street for nearly a
mile. The explosion brought crowds to th
scene and thrifty residents obtained a
year's supply by merely scooping up the
syrup with buckets.
The explosion wa caused by th crumb
ling of. a wall supporting five tanks. Th
flow of the molasses was so swift that
two boiler weighing fifteen ton were
swept from their foundations and carried
across the street. The los 1 $50,000.
HaU county. The former had ben aceue4
of unlawful relation wtth a young woman
cousin, and when one of the directors of
the school board by which Nieman waa
employed accused him of immoral actions,
the young school teacher hot him with
out further provocation. He waa en
tenced to ten year in the penitentiary, his
term of Imprisonment beginning In Sep
tember. 1908
Martin was sentenced to five years and a
half In the state penitentiary for robbery.
Ralph Mem. a of Ssteridaa Tttnmtr
mad Hfsrr Martin of Ball
Favored. -
LINCOLN. 6ept. 12 -(Special .Telegram )
The advisory board of pardons met to
day and after hearing testimony decided
to ret or. mend parolea for Rph Nieman
let fcnarldaa. cgUeVX aaH -lWB MJKUa Bii
rmm spigkpi
Food value of spices
depends upon quality.
You throw away your
money when you buy
spices that haven't all
of the essential oils that
give aromatic strength.
Tone Spices are ground from
the world's choicest growth
thoroughly cleaned to give you
rwiytunct tftfict. Freh always.
10c at your grocer'a.
Or tend us 10c for full size
rnckage--any kind. Ask for
Tone'a Spicy Talks," free.
TONE UNO- Dae Metnoa, U.