TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 10. 1911. Nebraska BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS GAIN Secretary Royie Makei Eeport on Loan Societies. INCREASE IN ZLS YEARS SJsaklna; Board Derrles TraHrarf to Tlalld la Tfoaborromlaa; Stork holders' I.Utillltr nil Tft I Still to Come. (From a Staff Correspond'"!) LINCOLN, Neb.. Sept. .-( Special )--trtm.Tr Royse of the State Banking board today made the following reiort on build Inc and loan associations of the state. In submlttlnn this, the nineteenth annual re port of the building and loan s-ociatlon of Nebraska, with such summaries and comparisons as are ncewaiy to et forth their condition at the present -time. It Is but necessary to direct attention to the fact that the unlnt' rrupted growth and prosperity of thrse associations still con tinues without apparent break or check. tinui M.00C Increase In ten years of from around .000.WO to J2j..A demonstrates the fact that In the f:n.in ial structure of the state a place existed for the work of these In stitutions, and the splendid prowth shown by this report clearly sustains the wisdom of the Nebraska financiers, who had to do with the laying of the foundation of thin branch of finance, now a potent Influence for wealth creation In this state. Test for Kola re. ' Unquestionably It Is true that the crucial test will come In future periods of depres si on when the values shrink and prices fall and the over-confident ray the penalty of want of reasonable prudence. However, there Is nothing In the condition of the associations, as a whole, or the general character of lliu management that need cause feerious apprehension that the build ing and loan a-ftui.iatiotia of the state will not stand a fri ncial strain equal with tiher lines of Iju.-iness involving the a-r- cated accumuiati"n of the people. ' I think It can be safely raid that the uildlng and lo.,n associations of Nebraska are a safe and conservative as similar In stitutions In other states where they have been long trlwl by all the financial vicissi tudes that come in cycles of years to make financial epochs. "It Is not necessary for me to go Into de tail to call your attention to the various rumm Vltarlj rVindlt nstim summaries set forth In this report, which rly Indicate the past record, the present dltlon, and the future promise of these utions. 1 am pleased to report to your honorable body that in the supervision of these Institutions this department finds the officers of the various associations usually willing and ready to adopt Its sug gestions made with a view to assist In con serving the Interests of the saving and borrowing members. o-Borroneri' Liability. "There la one practice, however, to which the. department thinks attention ouht to called, and that is the too prevalent effort to build up a nonborrowlng stock holders' liability; this, in the opinion of the department, la the most apparent In herent weakness of these associations; especially la this true in the too energetic effort on the part of the management of many associations In building up a heavy list of full paid stock. This practice Is not in keeping with the spirit of the law and la an element of weakness. The Intent of the law la to encourage thrift by assist ing the home builder, otherwise known up the borrowing stockholder, and by offering a depository for the savings of the Wage earner, who can spare but a portion of his Income at regular periods. It Is not the intention of the law to create institutions for large Investors who are looking for an Income Instead of a place to accumulate eavlngs. "The department Is exceedingly anxious ave established a uniform system ot Iookkeeping by building and loan aesocla ons, as such a course would materially Jkts.st In the compilation of statistics in 1j cation to them and would eliminate in fume Instances crude and unsatisfactory records of associations. Other minor sug gettlons might be considered, but are being taken care ot in the daily relations of the department with the associations. The following statement shows the In creases and liabilities of the building and lean associations of the state of Nebraska during the fiscal year ending June 30, 13!1: ASSETS. Increases. Urst mortgage loans JJ.OlO.COs.uO rirsi mortgage loans in process of miceiusuro 2 ,3JR iteal estate M.ils Iteal estate contracts 76 445.SS rurnlture and fixtures lMloOi Cash : 917.tfM.38 j.euno,ueni interest 14,4o7.33 Total Increases.... S3. .101. a 1 ecreaes Flock loans $ 37.6H.n3 Expenses and taxes paid. 5.472. 12 Other assets Total decreases Net Increase of assets LIABILITIES. 34.4J&.21 ....$3.KT.101.S .... 3.K7.51S.32 Increases. Capital stock running , Full paid slock 1,;xh.M1.2S Keserva fund K." Pll.t'4 . 1 . . .. . 1 ., ... Jlemlums unearned .!. 49 Advance interest and premiums.. 2.1tv.4fi Bills payable 2i.27"i.7 Overdrafts 1.211.57 Total Incifibes ..S3.:4.14H.U Decreases. Jiue shareholders on Incomplete loans $ 15. fit 01 Ailvanced dues J.ict 71 Other liabilities 7.7i6.(iN Net increase of liabilities. Total decrease Total assets In K11 Total assets la MW Net gain -S3.5i7.0pA.c n-.i; 15 K4Af,.2vi !5 21.31'7,?wi.S3 I S rKT7.5!S.a Uli. l'.'ll. Loss. Number of loans for building ins purposes during year. 2.4."S Number of loans made for nient of mortgages J10 Totals S.S4S 4.VO Number of borrowing stock holders 19.02 15.73S Number of nonl-borrow ing storkholders 35.CT0 Total gain of S.T17. Reaklrr Corn iif Plans. DESHLKlt, Neb.. Sept. . (Special ) Great preparations are being made for the corn show and horse fair. September 1 aod S. O. Hull of Alma will JuJtre com and lecture on corn culture and Congress man Sloan will be present. Prof. Oramllcb f Lincoln will Judge the horses and lec- on horse breeding. Kit-Governor enberger will be here. There will b Uding for the torn and one for the es. The speaking win te nein in a nt with a comfortable seating rapacity la l.iw. 7 wo crass r.anos anu a nauoon a ik elision for both days are scheduled Vrchants will give free demonstrations at the stores. New Disk Ituildine. BATTLE CUKEK. Neb.. Sen. . 5e elii! The tttisens ate bank will erect i l ew brick bank building which, w hen f on ; letsd will be one of the finest banking t -jses in the county. '."!; :-w tank and lower house of the t t ...it.T woikt U nearly completed and tot. .ui' will be luri-cd into lh u.i.1.4 la a few a;a. V :re f hal c Omaha Man Heads Y. M. C. A. Work at North Platte, Neb. Kundy A. Kerr, for the last last two years asrtstant s-cretary of the Omaha Young Men's Christian asso ciation, has Just been appointed gen eral secretary of the North Platte. Neb., branch of the assentation, an organization consisting of some W members. He will succeed J. F. Macabte, another former Omahan, at North Platte. Macabee goes into the ministry. Kerr Is an Omaha young man, 3 years of age. who went Into the Omaha Toimx Men's Christian asso ciation from the Vnlverstty of Ne braska and in the two years be has ben working there has made a most successful "Y" man. His work In Omaha has been very general in Its scope and has fitted him well for his new position. The North Platte Young Mens Christian association consists of both a railroad and city association. The town Is a division point of the Vnlon Pacific and there are shops of that line located there. Mr. Kerr plans, if possible, to enlarge these branches of the organisation and to upbuild a school branch. Mr. Kerr leaves Omaha on Monday. MISS MURPHmRELIMINARY Young Woman Accused fit Inciting Murder Before Lower Court. WILL DENY INTENT AT CRIME Defendant Asserts Complained of Attentions of Sellers Merely and Did Notblna; Farther to I re Men to Deed. VALENTINE. Neb. Sept. t. -(Special Telegram.) MlM Eunice Murphy, charged with Inciting the murder of Charles Sellers, a ranchman of Cody, June 17, was given her preliminary hearing 'today and bound over to district court and denied ball. The accused young woman was very composed in court and smiled throughout the trial. The state Is represented not only by County Attorney John M. Tucker, but by M. F. Harrington of O'Neill, whom the county commissioners engaged to aid In the prosecution of the four men charged with the murder and of the girl, charged with complicity. The defense is In the hands of Tyrrell & Morrissey of Lincoln and V. P. Ke'.ley of Independence, Mo. Mr. Kelley and Mr.- Morrissey were in charge of the girl's case today. The state alleges that It has evidence enough against the girl to secure her bind ing over to the October term of the district court, at which time the four men now in Jail are to be tried. Miss Murphy, on ad vice from her attorneys, has had little to say since she returned from Missouri and gave herself up to the authorities. The entire country Is Intensely interested in both the trial of the girl and of the four men. George B. Weed. Alma Weed, Harry Heath and Kenneth Murphy, all of whom have admitted- that' theJJjung Belters t a telephone pole. .Natare of Defense. The defense In the Murphy bearing con tends that the girl had nothing to do with the killing, that she only complained to her brother and the other men that Sellers had been unduly annoying to her. The state has two witnesses ot importance, neighbors of the Murphy girl, to whose house, according to the charges, she went and tried to persuade the man to go over to the bank and secure for her the papers which Sellers had deposited there. They are ready to testify, it Is said, that she wanted these papera for herself. This lat ter fact the defendant will deny. The state has another witness of Impor tance. This is the young girl who testified at the civil hearing, where depositions were taken, and told some things concern ing Miss Murphy's connection with the case that do not look well for her. The case In question was a civil suit for S10.000 brought against the four men. Depositions were to be taken and the Heath family, relatives and all, were subpoenaed to testify. All of them refused to answer on the ground that they might Incriminate themselves, except this 17-year-old girl. who persisted in making a clean breast of what she knew. Woman, of Twenty-Three. Kunlce Murphy Is only 23 years of age. She possesses some property in Cody and the neighborhood. Sellers, the murdered man, is reported to have been worth 110.000, and the families of Heath and Murphy have the money to defend the case with vigor. The Heaths and the Murphys are re CATARRH OF GLADDER A!1D KIDIIEYS A FREQUENT AND DREADED DISEASE Pres. Newhof Promptly Relieved b; O. B. Newhof, 10 Delaware street, Albany, N. Y.. President MonteHore Club, writes: "Since my advanced age I find that I have been frequently troubled lth urinary ailments. "The bladder seemed Irritated, and my physician said that It was catarrh caused by a protracted cold which would be difficult to overcome on ac count of my advanced years. "I took Peruna, hardly daring to be lieve that I would be helped, but I found to my relief that I soon began to mend. "The irritation gradually subsided and the urinary difficulties passed away. "I have enjoyed excellent health now for the past seven months. "I enjoy my meals, sleep soundly and am as well as I was twenty years ago. 1 give all praise to Peruna." Liver and Kidney Trouble. Mr. G-orge Forrester, 2747 Mascher street. Philadelphia. Pa., writes: "We have treat faith in Peruna. My wife's condition was such that she thought she would die, as the doc tors could not help her dyspepsia and catarrh of the stomach. Now she can eat anything. We keep Ptruna in the houte all the time, but it Is only once in u while that she needs to use It. "I was subject to liver and kidney trouble, which resulted in rheumatic pains, but I have not had a pain since 1 took Ptruna. and very little liver t!-cub:c, as Ptruna kec;s the digestive orgbus in coed working order, and that la the mala thins." ( : -X, DUNDY A. KERR. lated by marrlace In a rather mixed up manner. Harry Heath Is reported to have told everything that occurred and he is likely to be used as a witness by the state w hen the trial of the men comes up. Heath and the two Weed boys are between 25 and 39 years old, but Murphy Is but 18. Mat as of Murder Case. In the murder trial that is to come off in October unless the defense can secure a continuance, the defense Is confronted with the fact that all four of the men admit that they strung Sellers to the tele phone pole. Two lines of defense are open, the one, that Sellers threatened to kill the four men and that they acted In self de fense, the other, that of emotional In sanity. Sellers was unarmed and In bed when Alma Weed Is said to have .rushed In and dropped a gun on him. No overt act on his part at the time of the tragedy has been shown by the defense. The state will try to prove that all three men with Eunice Murphy's brother on the noght of the hanging were enamored of the girl. The defense will attempt to show that Sellers was so badly In the same state that he was dangerous to all the others, andthat he had told Hutch Jack that he would "get them." The four men are said to hare argued, after the kill ing, that Sellers had threatened them. they believed they had a right to hang him without any other grounds. Miss Bassett Gets Even With Accuser Fremont Girl Arms Henelf with a Pin-Loaded Umbrella, , Using it on Sankey's Head. FREMONT, Neb.. Sept. a Armed with an umbrella filled with long pins. Miss Grace Bassett of this city avenged slight on her reputation yesterday after noon by beating M. T. Sankey of Lin coln, a city employee. Sankey is said by the girl to have been spreading a story about finding Miss Bassett sitting In a young man's lap. When confronted by her he denied the story and turned away laughing. Miss Bassett fell upon him from behind and belabored him with the umbrella, the pins severly lacerating bis flesh. Fnneral of A. G. Carlson. GOTHENBURG, Neb.. Sept. . (Special.) The funeral of A. G. Carlson, who died at Pheonix, Ariz., September 1, took place Wednesday at the home of E. G. West, Mrs. Olsen's father. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Sheppard of the Presbyterian church and services at the cemetery were conducted by the Benevol ent Protective Order of Elks lodge of North Platte, of which Mr. Carlson was a member. He also belonged to the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Modern Woodmen of America lodges. Mr. Carlson was born In Iowa in 1&4 and came to Gothenburg in ISM with his brother. Airship Fllicht at Xellah. NELIGH. Neb.. Sept. . (Special.) The first airship flight in this vicinity occurred Friday at Riverside park. C. F. Walsh of Omaha made two ascensions in his biplane, circling far to the south and east, nearly to Oakdale and back over Neligh, alighting at his starting place. During his second flight he sailed over the town at an alti tude of from 1.000 to L200 feet. The exhibi tion was given by the citizens of Neligh as a free entertainment to all who would come, and the people from neighboring towns turned out in large numbers. Pe-ru-na Contains no Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotics of any kind. Perun is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time I r I . .: ,..:::..:.: .:: 'i !; I ""V !; ; ' - ; 1 ! f .--.i 1 j: -.0-- - : ! ; PRCS. C & KCWHOr. i 1 any lengm or time ' fli Tv -w- -a T T I awilhe Bee Prints the News) without acqmr runa is verm a a household million, homes. Nebraska PAROLE FOR SALINE JUDGE Monthly Report of Warden Showi Hendee Granted Clemency. OlfE DOUGLAS MAN PARDONED Xr Law EaaOOTera Prison Officii Tay Dlx-barced Coarlrta Tea Dollar, bat t Approprla tloa Is Made. (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN, Neb.. Sept. .-Speclal.) The monthly report of Warden Delahunty of the state penitentiary shows that Judge Hendee of Saline county, serving a sen tence of fire years for embecslement, was paroled during the month of August.. Two prisoners were pardoned. Jesse McCoy of Clay county and McPhail of Douglas county, the latter having been sent to the pen for several forgeries which he com mitted at Omaha about two years ago. The latter was suffering from an Incurable disease, while McCoy was troublrd with a weak heart. McCoy soon after his release from the institution was found dead In a I local street car. August 1 there were, 9 prisoners at the penitentiary and at the close 42 prison ers. Twenty-two prisoners . were dis charged during the month by reason of tne expiration of their terms, two were pardoned, one paroled and three were re manded for trial. To each of the discharged convicts War den Delahunty gave to In nash. A new law enacted by the late session of the state legislature provided that this amount should be Increased to S10. but the same session failed to make an appropriation therefore, and the warden has accordingly been compelled to cut the statutory amount in two. Gate receipts at the state penitentiary for this month will be large, according tc Warden Delahunty's prediction. This is Vje to the fact that I large number of state fair visitors called and paid 10 cents admission. During August the receipts were S148.M. At the beginning of the month there was STS1.23 In the cash fund and the warden paid $417.50 to the state treasurer, leaving a balance of $193.61 on hand at the close of the month. INJURED BY FREIGHT TRAIN Fred Forbes of Barllnaton, N. Y.. Thrown Vnder Wheel of Car at Broken Bow. BROKEN BOW, Neb.. Sept. . (Special Telegram.) While trying to board a freight train in the Burlington yards, at noon today Fred Forbes, 33 years of age. was thrown under the wheels and badly mangled. He was previously aboard the train and jumped from It In order to rescue his hat which had blown off. The injured man was rushed to the hospital where amputation of the right leg was found necessary. The back, of bis .lead was also badly lacerated. Forbes was beating his way from Montana to Rochester. N. Y., In order to see his mother. The man is in a precarious condi tion. YOUNG GIRL DROPS DEAD Miss Florenee E. Blsehel, Foarteen Years of Ae, Baddenly El ' plrea at Kearney. KEARNEY, Neb.. Sept. f.-Bpeclal Tele gram.) Miss Florence E. Bischel, a 14-year-old school girl, living eight miles northeast or nere aroppea aeaa ai nor home this morning of heart failure. She had apparently been In the best of health and yesterday registered here with the in tention ot attending the Kearney High school. Oat After Trade. NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. Sept. t. (Spe cial.) The North Platte excursion up the North River valley of the Union Pacific, which was to have been conducted on Sep tember 13 and 14. has been changed to September 27 and 28. A special train has been chartered, which will leave here Sep tember 27 and go to Sidney, thence over the Burlington to Bridgeport, and then west along the North River valley to Mitchell, and then back along the North River valley to North Platte. A Life Sentence of suffering with throat and lung trouble is quickly commuted by Pr. King's New Discovery. 60c and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. E. 171. JONES PIANO TTTTS Ml-M BOTD TUitlB. INTEREST Id TIIE HEAL DRUIK CURE GROWS V0RLD-V1IDE Requests for Literature From All Parts LOCAL NEAL INSTITUTE PART OF THE GREAT WORK. Reports of the wonderful work being accomplUned by the Real Three Day Drink Curs coma from ail parts of the United States and foreign countries. The treatment Is being accorded international recognition. After peraor.al investigation it has the endorsement and recommenda tion of Government Officials, famous Law yers. Judges, Bankers, Medical men and profeasional Nurses and all others who have investigated. An excensive drinker ran enter the Neal institute, take the Neal Treatment, and at the end of three days ha will leave the place no longer a alave to appetite, but master of himself and all craving and de- ' sire for liquor absolutely gone. I The treatment consists of the adminis tration of a perfectly harmleat and purely vegetable medicine, taken Internally and without hypodermic Injections. The treatment and the method of lta admtnio tration are nronoum ed and conceded by 11 who have Investigated to be one or marvels of the medical world. the Cowan at Orchard & WilheWs THERE is no other furniture in the world just like Cowan CabinetWork. It is furniture to live with and to get acquainted with to have and to pass along to those who are worthy of it. In design, it is the product of the "golden periods" of furniture designing in construction, it is superior to any other furniture of the past Cowan Cabinet Work is made in more than a thousand patterns, all in solid mahogany, and is the only line' of fine furniture made in sufficient variety to furnish an entire home completely. It is now on special display at our store, as a separate line, distinct from all other furniture, and to those of cultivated taste it is an exhibition well worth the time necessary to see it. The entire public is cordially invited to inspect and enjoy without obligation. Orchard Carpet 414 - Ua I STOVES Milton 1515 Harney Street. rzznczzzzz and Information Come of the World. Dr. Benjamin E. Neal discovered and perfected the Drink Habit Cure which bears his name after many years of pro fessional nnd pui.btukwir study, experi ment and investigation. He demonttrxted and proved that the drink hul.il. tiixtead of being a disease or an inherited afflic tion, i- due to atored-up puiaon in the system, resulting rron: me continued and excessive use of alcohol. The Neal Cure antidotes, neutralizes and eliminates all this polaon from the system, and all de sire, craving and appetite for drink are at once destroyed. The result is accom plished in :nree days' time The Neal Cure is backed by millions of dollars and managed by suet et ul. con- kervatlve bualne. and piufesiunal men and maintains institutes in all large cit ies. If you are a drinker and want to be rid of the haDit, or If you have a relative or dear friend so affected. Investigate. If satisfied, accept the opportunity offered Kor advice and information call, write or ' phone the Neal institute, IS1' South j Tentn street. Omaha, Neb. I Week W Company 16 - 18 South Sixteenth Street ti-A'h loves and Etanges The standards of the world, sold by us over 20 years In Omaha, have proven to be unsurpassed for efficiency, fuel economy and durability. Why experiment, when we sell the best stove made at prices that challenge comparison? Examine these before you buy. Radiant Home Cook Stoves $23.00 Radiant Home Cast Ranges $28.50 Radiant Home Steel Ranges Special $3700 Oil Heaters $3.45 AND RANGES SOLD ON Rogers & Sons Co. Next to City National Bank. 1515 Harney Street. One Way Colonist Fare to Pacific Coast September 15 to October 15 Inclusive FIRST THEEE COLONISTS TRAINS DE LUXE SEPTEMBER 16, 17, 18 Fast Schedule Dining Cars Reduced Price Meals Smoking and Lounging Car Victor-Victrola Concerts N Via Union Pacific Standard Road o! the West Prottcted by Electric Block Signa's For literature and information relative to fares, routes, reservations, etc., call on or address rTTjHTtS L. BEIND0RFF, C. P. & T. A., 1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Phones Doug. 1828; Ind. A-3231. Miniejiinni I (16) L t4 Saw PAYMENTS N ail, mmm.a 11 1 immii imnnniin 1.111 mit mm m u as u ma mm as saar bur isb k 3