V I - WANT ADS Want a1 rfcHfrd at any time, but to Insure) proper classification must b present! before 12 o'clock m. tor the evening edition aad before 7:30 for morning and Sunday edition. Want al received after such hours will have their first insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion 1H rents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent In i.ertion. Each Insertion made on odd days 1H cents per word. $1.50 per lino per month. Rts apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Always count six words to a lino. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drug stores one Is your "corner dmetfst" they are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the s.uiie .rates as at the main office In The Bee building, Keveutcenlh and l-'arnam streets: Alhach, W. C . 40th and Farnam. Eaum Drug Co.. 21 N. 1Mb St. Beranek. S. A., 1402 S. 16th St Fenson Pharmacy, BenFon, Neb Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Hlake-Bradl.-h. 2!'2 Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. Military Ava Caiighlln. C. R, 47:5 Leavenworth. CnKsev Pharmacy, 2(th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacv. 2';3 S 10th St. Cfcrmak. Emll, 1204-6 8. 13th St. Khier 4- Co.. 22 Leavenworth. r oster ft Arnold!. 213 N. 2.".th St. Preying, J. J., 1914 N. 2Vh St. Fregger Drug Co.. 1802 N. lBta St. Florence Drug company. Florenre. NB. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific Greenotigh Co., 1025 B. 10th St. r;renough Co., loth and Hickory. Oo.'dman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven- .Toha'nson Dm? Co., 21th and Spauldlng. Johnson Pharmacy, 2ft? Farnam Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 8. 29th Ava. liinterlong Drug Co., 31st Ave. and Far nam St. Hoist. John, 4 N lfith St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth. King. H. S , 24th and Farnam Kountzo Place Pharmacy, 2302 N. 24th Bt. Lathron Pharmacy. 21th and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L.. 2019 Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Patrick Drug Co., 1102 N. 24th St. Faratoira DruH Co., 24th and AmM Ave. hchaefer's Cut Price store. 16th & Chicago. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. CAHD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and mends ior me ;u,oi fiffurinen and for the sym- iiiftliy and kindness shown ua during the death and bereavement of our beloved wife and mother. F. J. McVey and daugh ters. MARRIAGE LICENSES. License to wed have been Issued to the ,.ll.,utr.r- Name and address. Age. Dean W. Burns, Omaha Nona. P. McCoy, Omaha John Curej. South Omaha 21 Katie Kluza, Omaha " George Beckwith. McPaul, la 30 Ellen Arnold, Eston. la is u,,K.r v T.iirk bioux uuy Kuby Jeffrie. Pllger. Neb BIRTHS Alt D DEATHS. Births F. H. Anderson, 3672 Ames ave nue, boy; John Dineen, girl; Harry L. Edwards, 821 North Forty-fourth, girl; Molnar SLft, 302 Popploton, boy. - Deaths Grace Luniston, 29, 1S1B Cass; Edward Kailnskl. 1, 2571 South Thirty first; Jeaneve Myers, 18. Blair, Neb.; Harry Eugene Gordon, 4, 3S21 North Twenty-sec-ond. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN, embalim.r. 1614 Chicago St. P. 1669. B-16u. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In suma to suit UO Be Bldg. Phone Doug. &L UNION LOAN BO. FOR case of Blata Beer Tel. Doug. 1081. a r rrl discount on framing. New lot of ) SW, framed pictures suitable for home JO and den deooratione at reduced prices. Omaha Art & Frame Co., 707 S. ltith. Galvanized steel and wood lawn swings. Challenge Co., 914 Farnam. Tel. Tyler 1G64. Myers' news stand removed to 1411 Far'm. MOVING picture machines; supplies. Kebra&ka Film Co., 1311 Farnam. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING, Gas fixtures, brass bods, stove trimmings snd tableware replated as new. OMAHA PLATING CO , Established 189S. Doug. 2535. 1220 Harney. DEFIANCE starch; largest and best. M. F. Morrill, china painter. S33 Brandeis Th Cinders Free Call at 20th & Center Omaha Gas Co. ED. BOTHERY gTft fipr. cigars. Cafe in connection. Ill a. litn fit. LO MATCH tools. 6tn and Leavenworth. WE are now located at 206 Pax ton block. B. G. Runner Tailoring t-o. Mrs. Chambers, china ptg., gift City Nat'L gellcow, ladles' tailor. Far m. H. an7. Cool pleasant evenings at Rome vineyard. OFFICE STATIONERY EiuBl(v. KOTEKA & LEAKY CO. lei. Douglaa 10. New aiidrens, Tlt 6. L)tli tt- Mlasourt Filter Mfg. Co., ill 8. 14. D. 4711 Blend-o-Best. 80o coffee. Grand Union Co, UpholHterlng. piano, turn. rep. 2i4 Far. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa Hi. AMERICAN Self-Renovating Co.. H. 8742. NAT'L Metal Polish Dlstrlb. Co. Silver ware, mirrors, cut glasa. M Brandeis The. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerv. Food Pill. l per box. prepaid. Sherman a MeLorineii yrui o., umana. iseo. EE Bolohlavek. new Jewelry, an N St. BEE Wolfe's Jewelry first. City Nat. Bk. OMAHA Ice Cream Con. Co.. D. 601. Linotype composition tor trad. Doug. 242a MlM Bolen, ladies' tailor. 302 Boston store. I-HOST, manutacturea and repairs ve- blclea Hi8-14U Leavenwortn. TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prloaa HOME FLHN1TL.KJS CO. twnnty-lourtn and L tta,. South Omaha. j.uiiO LETTER HEADS (good bond paper) ,.!) billheads. 1.0u business cards, $1.50 per 1 tutmiate nsid samples furnished. OtKer printing. TUard Printing Co., Omaha C um. Col. ttiug., iDtn ana iubiid. ttea boos. Fuller & Johnson, gas engines. 116 Far'm Boiler, sheet Iron and tank work. Omaha 6trULtuiai bteel works. Widding announcements. Douglaa Print. Co. COLFAX WATER. M esse; ginger ala root bear, w alnut Hill Pharmacy. SMOKE COSTELLOS Omaha Cut Plug. Hi N. loth bt. NEB. Seed Co.. 12u Jones. Both phones. J F O Leary for SHOEd. 411 N. K Ha. O. :.ia i Nolsin. horseshoera. 1511 Davt- . . T , . WANTED Information concernloa- nivdl iiinpniiie. bai.oonibts. trprs uri o ilier i.U public attiariions tor (mail ttwu. Aadrca Gcoi ge Dill, ttelvldere, Neil. ANNOUNCEMENT tConoaued.! W. B. Heatoa. American Mtmmi H. tbU. MAGOARD Van ft Storage. Pack, move, tor and ablp H. H. goods. D. 140: B-tUS. STAMMEK- Inrtttute. Ramge Bldg. Omaha Furniture Repair Works. D. 24M. YOtTLL always bf happy It your wedding ring comea from Brodegaard s. Hi 8. Ikth Bt At the siga of the crown. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers, have moved to their new building, 2hll Farnam St. Phone Harney 266, Independent A-32ii. ALBERT CAIIN SHIRTS TO MEASURE. 1323 FAKNAM ST- a H. Cols Sign Co. D. ITSa. UK Farnam. Edison phon.. rec... Shulu Bros.. 1408 Far GET your diamond at Brodegaard's. Casadv Co.. 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa RTTY AND KF.TXMotKI,e iond-- Painting, raperhanglng. Bristol. B. 130S HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR BOOK This notable treatise free by addressing. Broadway Pub. Co.. 835 Broadway, rnew York. ELASTIC stockings, supporters and bandages. Stock always new, because we sell so many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. G. Cleveland Drug Co., the largest surgical supply house, 1410-12 Harney St TAKE me out to the ball game. If G. A. McNIce, 2W)6 Charles, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a ticket to the bail game at Rourke park. WHEN In Sterling, Colo., stop at the Colorado House, 311 N. 2d St. WE Collect claims of every description. Mercantile Protective Insurance. 877 Brandeis Bldg. AUTOMOBILES llUllH.6malllWhMl, a-axai A. HERE'S THE Bi.br PLACE IN OMAHA". DRUMM0ND, lsth and Harney Sts. Pfoiffor Auto, carriage painting. Repair t iciiici lng 2526 Leavenworth Street. ft 1 T' 1 TjREPAIRING, Murphy Did It sgsiga Auto lamps reriired. Omaha Silver Co. AUTOMOBILE delivery wagon for 1175. 1914 Dodge. Tremendous Value New 1911 3,500 Miles . Guaran teed Tires! While They Last. A leading tire manufacturer's entire sur plus stock. The regular price of thes tires and tubes are twice what we are asking (.sold ungajanteed). Size Casing. Tubest 28x3 t 7.25 $2.00 30x3 7.75 2 20 30x314 11-50 3.10 3ix3H 12.50 3.25 34x3ft 13.50 3.40 30x4 ....... 16.50 3-65 32x4 17.50 3.90 iixi 18 60 4.15 34x4 19 60 4.25 3x4 21.00 4.S0 84X4V4 24 50 5 50 3Hx4ft....... 26.00 5-65. 36x5 31.50 7.10 87x6 32.50 7.50 W are' the manufacturers of the famous FALLS TIRES. v Our Gurantee. We guarantee our tires to be free from Imperfections In material and workman ship, and will repair or replace them. W cava vou both the dealer's and the jobber's profit. We are not lnthe big comDine. tnereiore wo sen ur t no lo others. FALLS RUBBER 00., . TRI(VJE BROTHERS. Distributers: Phone Calumet 3992. 1410 Michigan Ave. Write for Fails special price nsu C. O. -D. orders sent subject to examina tion upon receipt of express charges. . for SALE 1911 model H Carter car. complete except .speedometer; bought In June this year. 2o64 Manderson. Phone Webster 6407. "BARGAINS Tff PFCOVD HAND AUTOMOBILES. Wivrlv- $ 250 Velle 2' Pope Toledo oo Ktiddaxd Davton 750 Stoddard Dayton 1200 Stoddard Davton 1.50 Stoddard Dayton 900 Stoddard Dayton 900 Locomobile 2,200 Stoddard limousine i z.a J. J. DERIGHT & CO., 1812 Farnam St. Automatic Phone Bus's. 2; residence, 11 SEE the Lyon. 434 Brandeis Bldg. TTnTTO OMAHA RUBBER COM IIRLO Everything In HOW about your gasoline motor? Does It run smoothly? If not, send 10o postage for "Engine Trouble" text book. Breeze Carbureters, Newark, N. J. 35 PERCENT discount on automobile tires. Write today for price Hat, telling alL Marquette Kubber Co., umcago, in.' BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of buslneaa c-all QaMifiibui, w eee eiag. in. ix as. ROOMING HOUSE. 13 rooms, rooms always full; clears $50 a moiun or no sate. COLE & co., Kown M6, Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3211 Automatio Phone Bus's, (2; residence, II Coafection'r as lunch room. 40 Sc. Cum. H.623S BLATZ Private 6tock Beer. Tel. D. lota. COLE CO. FOR ROOMING HOUSES. FOR Sale or Trade For ranch or stock. controlling interest in well equipped manu facturing plant- E. L. Ellis, Perry, la. FOR RENT 47-room hotel, second and third floors, newly furnished, hot and cold water, steam beat; want to sell furniture; will five lease and terms to risht narrv located In business center. Address W. G. A. Jonte, U7V W. sth. Oklahoma City, uai. COLE A CO. FOR ROOMING HOUSES 14TH ST. BUSINESS and REAL ES. TATE EXCHANGE CO.. Hardware. On. cers, Hotel, Pool Kuoms. Barber Shop, ta- loons. .ic. ior saie. eome gooa bargains in real estate. Ill South 14th St, id tioor. rooms i ana . wi tujinery, iJro. MOVING picture theater, clearlna- ti2fi to $lio per week, for sale, 14,000: five year lease; rigid Investigation Invited; you can keep your position or attend your regular business and make big money on the aid Don't answer la you don't have the money. AUurcM D-AOO, UWV uoo. CLOTHING nd turn, store for sale, 26X1 q sc. bo. umana, or neipnana. sit N. loiu. COLE CO. FOR ROOMING HOUSES. WANTED A young man who has ll.ooo to $1.6u0 to Invest In a good paying busfnets and can devote his time to same on a good salary u smmiui iu oiuce. & iy, ee. WANTED Manager for small printing on ice. must nave jjv. &io cee mag. FOR BALB Newspaper and lob of fire. money making proptMlUon for practical printer; up-to-date equipment; must be sold at once; terms to responsible party. u. j. oie vena v o.. Ansiey, ssta. y- WANTED Partner, either ladr or ttn- tleman, who has 4-000 to lnvt m manu facturing business apd can take charge of oirjce wore, cxar au! luXusiuring Co. Perry, la. COLE A CO FOR ROOMING HOUSES poh SALE A toad hnrtna ivintiatin, s-ifi dunks and notions.' locate ar maJa I Ua U. ". railroad, C. ay JVj a " i THE OMAHA F you want to know "who's who" in Omaha personals on this want ad page. There you will find the livest classified business di rectory of any paper in the west live deal ers who are bidding for your business. BUSINESS CHANCES iContlnued.) WANT good paying bakery in good live Iowa or Nebraska town, from 1.00 to 3.000 Inhabitants; must be in good condition and well located; give full particulars In first letter. Address Y 166, care Bee. WANTED Two partners, ladles or men. for the road, going south and west; money maker; 500 per eent profit; small capital re quired; investigate. 519 N. IMh St.. up stairs, room 4. ROOMING HOUSE. 11 rooms, modern In every respect; very select roomers. , COLE & CO.. Room 44, nee ciug. Tel. Douglas 321 L PATENTS THAT PROTECT AND PAT. Books, Advices, Search and FRFJ'j List of Inventions Wanted. A U-'J-' Send sketch or model for search. Highest reference. Best results. Promptness as sured. Watson E. Coleman, Pat, Law'r, 622 F. St.. N. W. Washington. D. C MOVING rjieture theater and airdome for sale; in southwestern Neb. town of 3,X); only Show in the town ana aoing a une business. Always get 10 cents admission and for vaudeville 10 and 20 cents. Best nvestment for the amount or money in the state; best of reasons for selling. Price for both. J4.000. Come and investigate ana f you have the money you will buy. Aa- dress T 16S, care Bee. COLE & CO. FOR ROOMING HOUSES. STOCK ISSUES WANTED. Am prepared to undertake financing of industrial, railway or mining enterprise. Extensive connections: best facilities; terms moderate. Commission broker, suite 417-18-19. 78 Wall St.. New York. COLE & CO. FOR ROOMING HOUSES. -t FLORIDA bargain; established Miami hotel and restaurant; best trade; all year business; furniture and lease $3,000; best chance ever offered. Hotel, Box 14, Modeiio, Florida. ROOMING HOUSE. 12 rooms, with bath, full roomers all the time; low rent; close In. COLE & CO.. Room 446, Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3211 1 MEAT MARKET for sale at a bargain If taken soon; located in best town In Northwest Missouri. Address owner. C. M. Nicholas, MaryvUle, Mo. 1100 7 Per Cent COUPON GOLD BONDS. Principal fund interest gtiiaI tintAAd hv 42,700,000 trust Co.; Interest payable Janu ary and July at American Exchange Na tional Bank, New York. Descriptive cir cular upon request. Arthur E. tSUwell, Singer Bldg., New York. COLE & CO. FOR IROOMING HOUSES. 1 patent your ideas; it pays; send sketch Invention for free opinion and Illustrated guide book;, no patent, no charge. Bunyea patents Co., Koom its, Washington, v. c IOWA drug store for sale; sales, 115.000 -year; county seat town; particulars free. ueo. Tyndale, Carroll, la. ROOMING HOUSE EMPTY. Centrally located;, must furnish' good reierences to get it. COLE & CO., Room 446, Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 321L AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT ORCHARD LANDS. IRRIGATED. NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED. We need settlers not their money. Lands ready for plow and water available for lrrl gat ion. Located in famous Rogue. River valley, southern Oregon. Unequaled for productiveness and climate. Our proposi tlon and financial standing of com Dan v en dorsed by national banks and leading busi ness men. we also improve orchards and sell on easy terms to suit those who cannot come ou this year. Chance for good commissions by representing some thing legitimate. Can you interest friends or acquaintances? Commissions do not lustifv consideration of rAj enr a t a npnrn Send fbr printed matter and proposition to agents. ROGUELANDS, INCORPOR ATED, 1018 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., roruana, ure., or Aieaiora, ore. COLE & CO. FOR ROOMING HOUSES. A MINING MAN will soil a gold mine or a large copper and silver property at a low price; also a 22,000-horsepower water power, ah these rank among the finest properties in the west. Quick action neces sary. A. J. Scott, Watson Bldg., Chicago, 111 8400 ROOMING HOUSE. $400 14 elegantly furnished rooms, verv cen tral, wonderful bargain. Get here early If you want It. cole fe co.. Room 446, Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 32XL Hotel Manager WANTED Management of American plan hotel, city or country; salary or per centage; competent and experienced In every department. Self and wife experts In economical management and business building. interview or corceapondence solicited. P 214. eBe. PATENTS SECURED or money re? funded,; send sketch (or tree report as to patentability. Gnlde book and what to In vent (with list of Inventions wanted) sent free. One million dollars offered for in ventions. Patents advertised free in World's Progress; sample free. Victor J. Evans & Co., Washington. D. C ROOMING HOUSES. ROOMING HOUSES. We have the most select list in cdtv: it us prove It; we will help you buy; we nave tnem most any pnee you want to pay. COLE CO.. Room 446, Bee Bldg. TeL Douglas 3211. . e FOR SALE Florida crate factory, guar anteed daily profit $100; capacity, two cars; machinery good as new, S.0u0. Rea son, loss of health. EL A. Robeaon. .Fort Meade. Fla A STOCK or bond lsaue wanted; facili ties and clientele among banks and private Investors throughout east; mining, rail road or manufacturing projects financed. Flnley, Cook A Co., Rockefeller B-dS-, Cleveland. Ohio. COLE CO. FOR ROOMING HOUSES. A PARTNER for your business may be secured if you can show good chance to mske money; particulars free. proctor Smith. Tremont Bldg., Boston, Masa $350 ROOMING HOUSE. $S50 13 rooma nicely furnished, rlht off Far nam St., clobe In. Greatest bargain In city. COLE A CO.. Room 446. Bee Bldg. TeL Douglas X0J. . ". r ( i wiUi srarc you in tne canay dum ness; makebig money. Formulas for 10 of the fastest sellers in the world for (LOO. Address Height & Co, 1225 Campbell sc. Kansas City. Mo. I- STRAIGHT monthly salary $30.00 to re liable man as t-tai. Alan a gar, alao com mistlnn In7uuant $l.av. Secured. Buhop-Dewaters MX. Ca, Third Nail. Bank RLU. M. Louia, Ma. $6,000 IMPLEMENT stock. Northeastern Nebraska. Adores, T i7, care Use. SMALL capital starts independent busi ness, $5 to $10 a day; "American" machine I hones razors, ahaipens ail safnty razor 1 pi T' L'VHt. ! "1.. , ,1- B- J-'"" s Cutotiy 0.. Si nteMitani tt.. Cht- Jtm SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 10, 1911. look through BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) J000 ROOMING HOUSE. tm Close in. steam heat, low rent, ail brass beds. A money maker. COLE & CO.. Room 446. Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3210. ENERGETIC, hustling young man wants New York or eastern agency; staple manu factured line to handle exclusively; wide business experience; best references. Ad dress, Dessau, l&O Broadway, New York City. COLE A CO. FOR RjOOMING HOUSES. I An annuity for 30 vears Within a few days we will receive subscriptions for S per cent preferred stock of a lead mining com pany in the heart or the aoutneast Mis souri lead district. Shares In this mine practically mean an annuity for 30 years on account of the great tonnage of ore shown. To Insure getting a prospectus when it comes from the press, make application for it now. Arthur E. Stllweil, presiaent. i Broadway. New York, N. Y. WHY PAY RENT FOR A HOUSE and get no Income out of it when you can buy a nice rooming house on most any street in Omaha and make $25 a week above expenses and have a nice home and business combined? Come In and let us explain. COLE & CO.. Room 446, Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3211. OVER 20 per cent Is made per annum In scientific breedlnK and raising pure blooded pork In California, with Its green fields of alfalfa the year round. Anyone with $) and up, can participate in this gigantic in dustry, without interference with their pres ent business pursuits. One little sow pig iu time will make you Independent. Your hog Is Insured. Money absolutely sale. Booklet free. Agents wanted. Pure Blood M. F. Hog Association. (Inc.), Story Bldg., Los Angeles, CaL Rooming; Houses. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 3-room house apartment; splendid location; walking dis tance. Phone Red 6024. AN eleven-room boarding house full of roomers and boarders. Splendidly located. Capitol HID district. Bargain, must sell account of 111 health. Address J 208. care Bee. BUSINESS PERSONALS Amusement. - GRAND THEATER, 4 changes weekly. 307 N. 16th. x PARK THEATER, 616 N. 16th. now open; another beautiful TlctUT-houBe Tor Omaha: all seats 6c, matinees and -evenings'; same management as i;amerpnone tneater, 14th and Douglas. , . Architects. H. A. RAAPKB. 1223 lty- rNatlonal Bk. C. J- BOWELL, architect 671 Brandeis Bids'. Artestaa Wells. Ij. E. NEBEKGALL, 1011-13 City NatT. E. ROWE, WELL. BORING. Benson 24i; Attorneys. Geo. W. Shields, attorney, 327 B. of Trada LISTON L. HALL, LAWYER. 426, -Bee. Bag; Manufacturer. BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO. Omaha, Neb. Baggage and Taxtcaba. THE ONLY WAY. Baggage checked to destination. Taxi cabs anl touring cars. Tel. Doug. 296. Bicycle, and Motorcycles OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. Indian motorcycles. Write for catalogue. Boxes and Package Manufacturers. Wooden Box &. Package Co., 1547 N. 16th. Caterers. E. 6. Fead, wedding cakes. 1519 Leaven'th. Butldlnar and Loan Associations. NEBRASKA Savings & Loan Association has never paid less than 6 per cent divi dends. Investments from $1 to $5,000 re ceived. 1606 Farnam St.. Omaha. Baalness Stenographers. Kelley, at en,, notary. vBrandeis The. D.66S1 Stenography. Anna Redmond. Uer Grand. Chiropodist. MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. City Nat. Bk.. D. 2iii PROF. J. LUND, chiropodist. 416 Kar- baoh Blk. Cla-ars and Tobacco. r-. mrwQ rvt rvvn -l Rt T Truda, high-grade Havana, Te Be Ce ci gar, 6 eta Clothlns. DRESS well, we trust yon. $1 per week on suit. Ridgley Clothing. price cloth, sala Helphand, 814 N. 16th. Coal Dealers. Powers-Heaiey Coal Co., TeL D. 889. Butter Feed ft Coal Co. tt62 Farn. H 646. REEDER COOKING COAL. $6.60. Charles A. WestertUld. both Phones, COAL At cut prices. ALL KINDS. We save you 60c to $160 per ton. "Th. Home of Quality Coal." ROSENBLATT'S CUT PRICE COAL CO., 1223 NICHOLAS ST. BOTH.'PHONEB. Updike "quality yard." 46 ft Dodge. H. 787. Collection Aaceadea. RUSSELL ADJUSTMENT CO. First National bank. Tel. D. 894L sa-a Contractors sad Caj-peatera. Stevenson, carpenter, contractor. Both Ph'a Creameries ss( applies. DOUG Co. Milk Producers Ass n. D. Ulk, MR. FARMER make one pound of butter from each quart of milk. I sell yon a re ceipt for S oenls. Address D MA. Bee. Urian ft Co.. wholes ala Imported rheesa. FAIRMONT'S Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLB CttKAMERT COlfPAKT. MORAVD'B. 15th ft Harney. Dandns; les- aionaay ana h m jsoui pnones MACKTE'S Dsnctnc Anafltircy, KM Har- .! M kKfK-R Allf jfanyl. .TCfcDa iSlL the business BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) Dentists. BAILEY, the Dentist. 706 City Natl. DJ66s Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Douglas. D. 2186. MACH & MACH. Sd floor Paxton. D. 1035. DR FICKES, 724-6 City Nat' I Bank Bldg. DR. H. A. FOSTER. 16th and Douglaa DR. DAI LEY, 60S Brandeis Bldg. D. 2725. Dr. Gsantner, over Merchant's Dg. Store. DR. EL8TER. City Nat l Bank Bldg. DRS. KLAUSNER & KLAUSNER, 406 Karbach Blk. Detectives. OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency, inc.. bonded. 2S- Paxton Blk. D. 1219. A-U1J CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACu Ulk. IAS. ALLAN. Neville Blk. Tel. Tyler 113d Zack Ellis. 306 Neville Blk. Tyler 1136. Dreumsktngi Mrs. Wright, gowns; 4th -floor Hayden's Neplnsky, gowns, 608 Paxton Blk, D-5973. Dressmaking, plain sewing. 80S 8. 21st St. EVENING gowns, Douglaa 6629. specialty. Kelley, THOROUGHLY experienced dressmaker wants sewing by the day. Harney 1568. Lulu Scott. 2927 Franklin. W.S583. B-3331. WOLFF, ladles' tailoring. 630-22 Bee Bldg. Mattlson, Modiste. Doug. 4603. 2410 a. 10th. LADIES' Tailoring. Eng. Tall. Co. 1406 No. 24th. MISS GUSSIE PETERSON, alteration of ladles' suits. 215 Old Boston Store Bldg. 6EWING by day in families; good work guaranteed. Tel. Web. 443. ' Druggist.. REX drug store, lfith and California Dry , Goods and Notions. b. GEORGE, wholesale and retail. 1204 Farnam. Everything Electrical. - TIOAfcf . n electricians. ma chlnlsts, 813 So. 12th. CENTRAL Electric-' Co.. ' fixtures. D. 235S.: Feed , Mllb , and Stores. FEED, all kinds. Glencoe Mills'. 232 Izard. Florists; A. DONAHUE 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-MOL JENSEN. FJ(ORI ST. 4612 Leavenworth. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam Bt L, HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. D. 1268. Stewart's, florist ft aeedmen. 119 N. 16th. Ederex, Florist. 80th & Bristol. W. 1796. Floor Made In Omaha. UPDIKE'S Pride of Omaha Flour. FLOUR, $110 per sack. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. Furnaces and Steve Repairs. is youiTfurnace Steam or Hot Water Heater ready? Tele phone us for free Inspection. New fur naces. Tank Heaters and Thermostats. Douglas 960. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. A-862L 12U6-120S Douglas St. Furs. uR CO., repairs, remodels. WESTERN 1224 Farnam. Fvnlture Dealers. 8. LEVINE for bargalna 810 N. 16th. Grocers. VIZZARD. groc., meat, 2018 Manderson. AHAMO Coffee, 1-1 b tins, 80c. Ask grocer. SELGREN, groc, meats. 4502-4 N. 80th. Chapman's Meat Market. 2408 Cumings. Hat Factories. FALL, hats now ready. High grade, $2. Omaha Hat Factory. 114-116 So. 13th. Harness, Saddlery, Leather Good.. Wlchert, harness, leather goods, 620 S. 12. FAMOUS Collins saddles. Alfred Ornish & Co., 1210 Farnam. Write for catalogue. HAND-MADE harness, reduced price for fall trade. Frank Cuber, 2410 Cuming. Hospitals. SWEDISH mission; both phones; 8708 N 24 WISE MEMORIAL, 24th and Harney. Insurance. H. S. BYRNE, surety bonds. Insurance; TeL D. 1a20; Ind. A-1508. 602 City Jet. Bk. T. J. WILLOWS, fire; Brandeis Bldg. AU. C. KENNEDY, Fire and Tornado Insurance, 2o First Nat Bank. Doug. 722. John Dale ft Son, Insurance, 810 Ramga Iron and Wire rencUif Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17th. Tel. Red 814. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. GET your bargains at Reynolds' Cut Rate Jewelry Store. 106 So. 16th. Laundries. BARTONS, 120 Capitol avenue, orlum; suits 60c, cleaned $! Presa- FRENCH Hand Laundry. Tel. H. 6Si4. MDM. MITCHELL hand work, 80$ ixo. 20. D. 2JS. Lassber. H. GROSS Lumber ft Wrecking Co. Bar gains in lumber, plumbing, machinery and steam fitting. 21st and Paul. Webster 2to4. M till . fENNELL MUnaery. R. 1 Paxton Block. COOXNOa ft EVHTirU, jmliinary. E. 16th; the elwator. 115 Mourning beta and veils far rent $1 day. lira. h. M. Eck, 17u0 LeHtanwerin. ul uu. Tai f Ti mdtur. fcauiU-. M-'S A. Xlthv ULYESY styfa BilKlnery. a a. Klhv rnvntlS exclusive millinery; -"Ull JjS-'k. taafc atlO. auHlAlLS. fll rrS. JJLX. BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued.) ' Lla-btnlnar Rods, Nebraska Lightning Rod Co. V Vo, Kth, M.sameata J. T. Bloom Co., 17th and Cuming Fts Mirrors and Mltered Glass. Nelson-Ryder Olsss Co.. 1B Cuming. Bloving, storare and Cleaning-. EXPRESSMEN S DELIVERY CO Mov ln: furniture nacklnc: fireproof storaga City office. 216 6. 17th. Doug. 394; Ind. B-1.14. OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO.. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vscuuro cleaners. 04 S. 16th; 309 S. 17th. Doug, tioi MOVING vans and storsge. OMAHA EX PREPS CO. Ind. B-1834. Doug. 8354 . 4l N. 17th St Cole Express & Storage Co.. 1416 Cap. Ave. Twin City Express. 1314 Howard. Both Tel. VERNOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE Co.. fireproof storage, household goods, pianos and baggage moved, packed and shipped. Warehouse, 1606 Burt St., Tyler Ills. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 2158. Music, Art and Language.. H. J. Bock, singing, piano. David ge Blk. MARTIN W. BUSH, pianist and organ ist. 12 Baldrldge Blk. Harney 863. WALTER B. GRAHAM, vocal. 4ov5 Boyd theater. SONG WRITERS AND COMPOSERS Send us your songs and Inst; dim.; new ideas: new methods; squarest proposition ever made. Send to F. B. HAVILAND PUBLISHING CO, America's Leading Music Publishers, Wet 37th 6treet. N. Y. Optletana. GREGG OPTICAL CO., 1711 Douglas 8t. Tire-Not lenses for weary eyes. B. F. Wurn, eyeglass rep g, 443 Brandeis Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. 808-9 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 631-3 Erandels Theater. Patent.. HIRAM A. STURGES. patent lawyer. United States and foreign patents, trade marks and copyrights, io years' experience. 646 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3469 D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. TeL R.d-7117. WILLARD EDDY, U. S. Pat Office offi cial solicitor. 1530 City Nat. Eank. Tyler 1530. Phonograph.. EDISON phonographs. 1406 Farnam. So.hulU Bros. Photographers. RINEHART. photograpner. ISth ft Farnam. Rembrandt Studio, portraits, 20th & Farn. LUMIERE Studio, 61S-20-22 S. 15th. D. 3004. SANDBERG'S studio. 107 S. 16th; take elevator. Physician.. Dr. E. Lswrence, 712 O. Nat. Bank. D-1083. Plating-. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 814 So. -14th. Plnmblnc a, GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. HIS. Red tXTL PLUMBING & HEATING1" REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson-St D. 14f7. Omaha PlUnjWnjf Cr- H2 Sherman Ave. J .: PLUMBING;. Call Wessman.- H. 309L A-ia7 'ft B. "Mniery mod., niching1. 2ith ft Lake. BEVE!RN6S & OHYEV-Tyler 1B77. A-1S26. T. F. BALFE. plumbing and heating, 160t Howard St. Tel. D. 743, Ind. A-2741. DUNDEE Plumbing Co., 4tth ft Farnam Pool and Billiards Metropolitan Billiard, Pool and Bowling, 1518 Capitol Ave. Printing. ' CARD and Index cooking receipta Bee them at Corey ft McKensie Printing Co., printers, stationers and office supplies. HoJ tlarney. Tel. Douglas 2644. AM. Printing Co., 2301 Cumin. D. 6847. HARRY LEDYARD. Printer, 818 S. 19th. Lew W. Eaber, Printer ahs0?,ri8. BEE BLDG.. ENTRANCE ON COURT. PHONE IND. A-2620 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th ft Capitol Ava R1ES-HAH, Ptg Co.. 10 8. 14th. Ind. A-3M4 TIMES Printing Co., 320 8. 19th. D. 1168, Res ta wants. SEPTEMBER 15TH the Chesapeake Res taurant, 1608-12 Howard St., will be changed to the name of Gilman's Cafe, under new - r. Pnmilnr n,iri Ha,H,...... UlftlJafiCiiiDui. - r - vwuwsm 1W for the theatrical profession. VINCENT CAFE, under new manage ment; best 25c meal. 820 a 19th St U. 8. REST 15o and 20c meals. 1510 Dodge. KUENNE'S BAKERY lunch room. 600 blk. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 816 S. 15th. UPSTAIRS. BAUER'S CAFE, beat In city. 216 S. 18th, GET THE HABIT; eat at Uneeda, Cap. Av. Belmont quality ft quantity. 1616 Dodge, DRINKS and fine lunches. 723 S. 9th St BAXTER'S flneflulck lunch. 1615 Farnam. New England bakery, beet lunch. 212 N. 16ih MODEL rest, best service. 1608 Howard. Lunches, drinks. W. C. Rann, 1208 Farnam. WHITE HOUSE CAFE, first-class, popu lar prices. N. Koch, Prop. 811 So. 16th. . DOUGLAS CAFE, 108 B. 14. Best 20c meal. Yokohama rest, beat 15o meal, 617 N. 16th. BALTIMORE CAFE; every thing In sea son; beet service; good cooking. 714 N. loth. HOME cooking restaurant 108 S. 18th. School Supplies. 8TOTT STATIONERY CO., school sup plies, 417 No- th South Omaha. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 1607 Farnam. Books bought sold, exchanged, 318 So.ltth. Safety Rasora. WHEN your safety raror blades are dull remember Kutrlte Co.. 820 Ramge Bldg. Shoemakers aad Shining Parlor.. Tony Rossitto. shoe repairing. 40th CumJng. 1 NEBRASKA MACHINE SHOE RE PAIRING CO. Good work while you wait &ls So. 16th Bt LADIES and gents shine parlor. 220 S. 16th. ton and Olflos Fixtures. as ww usifl D TV UM w n a Vi 1 trK tra4 mill' work. Web. 2677. 1308-17 N. 24th. bt " Omaha Window Screen Co., D. lL Tallartaug. FOB fan suits see A. Kodym. 1411 Harney. R. A- Williams, clothes altered. 14 ft Lake Cleaning rep. misfit suit a $1160. ZI1H a 14th Ladles', gents' tailgrtxut, Frecler. !4 Far. UMVe Itliur Ex etc aaaae year full HX Samuel ft KlckUn. tallora 112 S. 14th. D47U AfB. Thorn jj sen Tailor, moved to 2MJ ' Laavanwosth. Hajr. ewl , BUSINESS PERSONALS (Continued Shoes This is Your Opportunity The fhoe to bnv is the shoe thst vn'i rSn buy right. A visit to our store will satisfy you that you get the right rTii'. then com-, paring our stock with other shoe fockr will convince you that the quality Is uch ss tells for more money, call and ex amine our new line and sat.'fy yourself that what we sav Is true. Strictly onh prices allow me to do this buslnes. Repairing men's shoes. 6nc. Repairing boys' shoes. 40c. Children shms. :4V-. Harris Freeman 1308 North 24th St. Taxidermist. AulsbauKh. 1701 Leaven vorth. Doug. s:n Tents aad Awning. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. SS3 Dougla Turkish Bath.. TURKISH BATHS Men and woman at tendants. 15th and Douglas. Trunks, Soltc.se., Leather Good.. Factory prices, Frellng ft Stelnle, 1S0X Far. Umbrella.. WESTERN Umbrella Co.. 1X23 Farnsm. " Win Manufacturer.. D. S. Griffith, wig mfgr. 13 Frenser Mk. Wluv. and Liquor. CACKLEY BROS., wines and liquors. SPECIAL offer: "American Gold." .le. llcious old whisky; res. $1 25 qt , too; ex. pl. on 4 qts. Hiller Liquor Co., 1309 Farnatn. FINE liquors and lunches, 9th and Leav enworth Sts. ' MAY ft CO.. family liquors, 1S03 Dounlas. Bond, drinks, home cooking. 523 S. 1.1th. Cuslck Bros., liquors, cigars. 30th Ames. C. Engellander. liquors, cigars. 1512 Harney C. A. Lewis, Orrheum buffet. 1509 Harney. T. J. Hart, liquors and cigars. 502 N. lth. Chas. Loft man, 6-year-old whisky lrtc drink. WILLOW SPRINGS beer, liquor, cigars, ttra, , laa. I 51 tanawicnes. ALi. Jtits, 102 Douy Edelwels beer, choice liquors and cie Ind. tel. 3326. S. G. Munson, 302 N. ltith G. LARSON'S place. 312 N. 16th. South Omaha Directory O. K. HARDWARE CO.. 415 N. 24th Ft. EDUCATIONAL OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE "BEST IN THE WEST." Day and evening sessions all the year. 6horthand, Typewriting, BookkeepuT Agriculture, Civil Service, Salesmanship E. A. Zartman, Pres., 19th and Farnam. Fellows Attention! Monday night, Sept. 11, In the-Audltorlura of the Y. M. C. A. building there will be held a mass meeting that will be of ma.t Ambitious reat a 7 oor.eiii 10 you. uooa sneaxers win aaaress rne mftf.tiir They will tell you how easy It is for you i fiuiuuw uiuneii iiyw juii may ream that coveted goal of yours how we help you to help yourself perhaps, whv ad- vancement has been slow with you. viand . music will be a feature. You'll enjoy your- ' self, sand your presence Is urgently re quested. You will be under no obligation to Join our classes. The meeting will be held under the aus pices of the Educational department, which alms to assist worthy felows to becom still more worthy. It assists them to bn more proficient in their callings and there by make of them better wage earners. No matter what your present occupation, or what your desired occupation may be, we can be of material benefit to you. We conduct spare time classes In Archi tectural Drtwing, ATt School, Bookkeep ing, Business Arithmetic, Hoys' bchool. Business Correspondence, Business Eng lish, Combined Courses, Dictation Class Electricity (Men), Electricity (Jrs.), Eng lish for coming Americans, Mech. Draw ing, Plan Reading and Est, Fen man ) hip, 8horthand, Show Card writlrm. Spelling. Typewriting and Vocal Music, and emplov the most expert teachers that can be found engaged. Men who know their buslne.su and are Interested In having you know It. Will you not set aside tomorrow evening to meet with us to let our speakers ex plain how we propose to be of lasting bene fit to you? Other classes will begin later. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS LEGE Fine new building; all business branches taught. Our graduates ars In dv mand. Enter at any time, Qtst our catalog, MOSHER ft LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam Bis.. Omaha. ST. BERCHMAN'S DAY ACADEMY for young ladies. 27th and St. Mary's Ave. FALL TERM OF TILE MOSHER-LAMPMAN COL LEGE NOW OPEN New Location, "Wellington Blcek, 1815 Farnam Street. Safest, Handsomest, Best Lighted, Best Ventilated building occupied by any Business College in Omah.i. Thorough courses in all the business branches. DAY . and EVENING SESSIONS. t Don't forget the new Loca tion 1815 Faxnam Street. MOSHER & LAMPMAN. THE FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. DAY AND NIGHT. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANT TIME. Complete courses In Business, Bookkeep ing, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil tjerlc and Salesmanship. The catalogue is ready and free for tbs asking. CaJl, write or phone for it at once. Address H B. Boy lea. president. Boyle. Coftegs) Buildlna-. Una rj. Neb. raOKlNVJ Fhet to li;hUi trad. H. Mt t Y. M. C. A. night school cpen. Sept. 11. riKr-it Aitvin.km- i, th. ru, tn ki KAtuuia, li t J.l 1 V, I t t