Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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"BERQ t.iT 4ML
A. woM alboo fall
sulci vinttep 3nmodl2l
318-320 South 16th. St.
la men's fin clothes. Theru'i ail tile snap of the season, tiie breeze and briskrtps-a of fall in
our new moileld just out of their wrapping. While our formal display is some away,
we have practically our complete lines of hand me fall suits ready for the critical testa.
Just a few of our new models are La our Dougia. street windows. SVe how they look to you.
They are very unuaual values and styles at the unusual prices $10.00 to $40.1)0.
At Our Exclusive Store
iUR entire line of elegant pongee and white serge
coats will be vl&ced on sale Saturdav mornina
at 8 o'clock. The Orkin policy of holding hona
fde clearance sales will he once more exemplified
when we place these coats on sale t OGJ
up to $35 values, on sale Saturday at yOvO
These coats are the regular
Orkin coat, noted for its dis- l
tmcave szyie, excellent quality
and high class workmanship.
Every coat on sale is a late
model and the variety is reat
enough to satisfy every taste.
Your choice of over 500
Coats, formerly sold at $15.
$1930. $25.00. $29.75 and
$35.00. Saturday at
Council Bluffs
Ail the. Comfarti of Home u Seen
5ear Council Bluffs.
C1Tr Anu(na tor Iacmulai
Caseart u4 Dimrmtn Uttf Am
Ma Bvea'j e t-e
Date ra ef H. Fa. Lea dev.
The comfort and convenience of the Hfe
of the American farmer at the present
stage of progress waa well Illustrated by
what a Council Bluffs man w ysMsrriay
en the farm of H. Fahlandsr on H. P. D.
No. 1. Mac across the tine In 54111 oounty.
A gasoline engine waa driving the cream
operator, the family washing machine and
pumping water Into an elevated tnH that
supplied a high efficiency water ay mem to
all parts of the house, lawn and barns.
While the Council Bluffs man waa out
tn the QeTde talking; to the farmer he wee
Invttad to star fer dinner and it thus be
oame necesamry to apprise the housewife
of the preeence of the guest. The farmer
stepped up to a wire fence, attached a
mall pocket telephone to the two top wires
and "sail nd up the house." In a moment
the response came, and after a moment's
chat arrer the wire the farmer calmly re
placed the phone In his pocket.
ITleeH lea II j Trained Sea.
Mr. Fahlander's oldest son had taken a
ctouroe tn electrical work in Omaha, and
baa equipped the big farm with ail of the
handy little electrical devices. He insulated
and soldered the two top wires on all of
the barbed wire fences) on the farm and i
"r'Tni oaim or inw mini m iwuavi mm
nrtoBav All that la necessary when any of
'hem want to oall the heuae la to go to the
nearest fenoa, ping tn and call up. The
oanneotlon rings big gong outside the
hauasr that can be heard a long distance.
All the women tolas or others about the
house have to do la to step up to thai
feme or the wires leading to it. which
form the family slothes Una, and answer
up. Whan these at the house desire to call
may pman at work tn the fields slgnaiS
are given on the big dinner bell. The din
ner bell Itself Is on of the steal dlaos from
a big disc barrow. It la mounted, crown
ing side downward, on the top of a tall
riasrpole. A striker actuated by a strong
spring la operated by a key from the
- . .. .1 -, whete felee I inh mmIb nrni
be ached off In tones that can be heard
oa every part of thai farm.
amateur photographers wanting seat rw-
suits get finishing done at Kuhn s studio, j
If. ainl gunui oiuu uy.u ouuoBft
household goods, hurass. cattls and ail
charted aeouDtlea at a big discount of the
uauai rata Office ever 3M West Broadway.
raw Cesaaell Blarta Aw
re Beedy
few Sararaavr
Ths Hytones and tha Blue Prince
hall 'tt both tram the bouse employes
of the Har-Haaa) Drug oompany, wtll
meet next Saturday afternoon en the
g-rejunda at HEghth avenue and Eleventh
street. Considerable rivalry exists between
tha two taama. aa tha last game resulted
In a viotory for the Hytones.
The Blue Princes have promised their
admirers that they will retrieve their for
mer defeat In the ooming gam a. Gams
uailed at S:3fc The lineup:
Blue Princes. Hytones.
Whitmans First Van Ness
4-laaver......- ...i'ond Peterstm
Ducaer Third Mollis
Ver'KxjrTen. Short Davis
A. Wvight. Rlgl.t Jordan
Hraaiey ... ..... ( enter Feul
Hunoa..-. Left Momlur
(ilvnn... .. .. at' h Mct.aiUMer
iparaa. - -Pitcn
N. T.
Plumbing Co. Tel. SA Night L-1TO1
OH least sr s for chilly mornings sad
nam The Barker and Perfection h
wtU BsatX your ran at smaJ
srtthout small or dirt. Prices taJs and Sk
TP. C. Dm Vol Hardware Caw. BM Broadway
Xbw Bans-lovers' Contest la aa!
WUltjun hlo-iler. Ames, frame stere.
n Ttt- nag arear Brerwtns; uampany. Can-
u-a buulevard and ILxug avenue orlUl
g-isr-""g, tM.t
Minor Mention.
The Conn oil Bluffs Offloa of
The Omaha Bee is at 13 Scott
Street, Both Faunas 42.
Davis, drugs.
LefTert'a. opticians.
Hit"e Morehouse emboss it.
Corrgana. undertakers. Phones 144.
For authority on warchea see Leffert.
Lwts Outier. funeral dlrecior. Phone 9T.
DR. ROBS H. RICE. Bell phone only SZ7.
Woodnng Undertaking oompany. TnL 3S.
Cail 142 for a caee of 'nnd a Peerleaa
beer. J. J. Klein Co., distributors.
J. R, Gerks has rerurnd from New Tirk.
wnera lie went on buHinnns and plfasure.
D. W. Otis has returns! fmm a nr Mol
ing trip throua;h tiie Texas coast country- i
tiet those photos taken at Kuhu's studio. '
26 ao. Jauin at. Co. Blurfa. Open dimdays. I
Hiss Jessie Pippin has aone to Burl
Idaho, to spent a month halting her suitor
Mrs. Dlukey.
Mrs. C. t. Hammei and lauirhter have
fone to Colorado Spnnira and other moun
tain pouua for a month a visit.
Classes that relieve headache, nervous
ness and improve tii vmion are ttia kind
that we fit. Leffert a, opticians.
Only one marrtaa license was Issued
yesterday. It was claimed hv V. E. James
and Miaa Lillian M. schuita. both of Coun
cil Bluffs. Buth aave the aee of yean.
County dupervtsor Children has been dele
sated by the other members of the Board
of C aunty Supervisors to devise a aafe
pliice for keeping Incornnlble bove anil
H'.f'.B. He, wtll arranKo a suitable place tn
the .letr lt'.un home.
The Board of Education will bold a spe
cial meeting Saturday afternoon at the of
fice of Pi-eMident Tlniey liisnet-tton of the
fire ecap.w on the Waaiiinston avenue
school ouilulnn and other work nm-essarv
before the opening of the city schoika 111
September are otijecta of the meeting.
Rev. Dr. Marrtua P McClure broke camp
at Spint Laite this ween and went to Chl
caxo. while Mrs McClure and the children
wumwi to their home tn this 'Mtv Dr.
McOure will remain tn Chicago for a weeg i
or mure and on Sunday will occupy the
pulpit in the First Presbyterian church.
a. Hummer, who was sent to the county
jail after a bearing in police court to await
Indictment by the grand jury on the charge
of having atolen hia mother's piano and
sold it to Abe OllllnsKy, haa applied to
Judge WbeMer for the appointment of an
attorney to defend him. li. J. Chambers
has been appointed aa his counsel.
The bond of Frank Calkins, who waa
held to the grand Jury on the charge of
murderously assaulting August Wenolendt
at the .attar's lunch room on South Main
street several weeks ago. baa been reduced
from Bus to SUM by order of the district
oourt by agreement of the county attor
ney's office.
Mra Elisabeth Helms, who has been
vtsiung her son. J. A. Miller, of the rail
way mall service, at his home. K12 Wash
ington avenue, left for her home at Montl
oeilo. Ind.. yesterday. Mra Hmi haa been
visiting here for more than a mumu. Sbe
la st years old. but a journey of several
hundred miles has no terrors for her.
The aunt cleaning department experts
to begin the work today of washing off
wy u u paving
the sand and accumulated mud on Broad-
is cuinpieted.
Chairman Mlnnlrk of the streets and alleys
committee of the council has bought a
new areum for the street sweeper and
proposes to keep uie new pavement clean.
pire uuse will be used to
wasn the etreet
this year, but beginning next spring regular
flush tank wagons will be put in service
and the atresia wtU be sraened regularly
every day.
The funeral of Gus T. aauer will be held
Saturday afternoon at an hour yet to be
fixed. The body will arrive from Denver
accompanied by the father and younger
brother una afternoon. M. B. Burke, presi
dent of the Henry adney Mining company,
where Gus aauer bad been empluyed fur
the last three years, arrived here from
Chicago yesterday and anil remain until
after the funenu.
F. Smith and A. T. Breaks, two men from
Oklahoma City, are n the city )ail await
ing a healing upon the charge of being
druna and disturbing the peace The
trouble occurred soua after they reached
town and atupped at a South Main street
hotel. They empluyed a lawyer and se
cured a continuance until this morning
seasiun of the police oourt. Mot tiler oouid
tiiinin the CtB bund required and out a
went to JaU.
Mrs. J. B. Bryan. Ul High avenue Louis
viLa. Ky., has wnttan to the puilua de-pai-ment
analog assistance in finding her
husDend. who is a traveling salesman
representing the firm of O. Schrader A Co.,
Hi Ranuoiph street. Chit ago. In her
letter ape says Mr. Bryan s fatner ts
senuusly ill and tha family is very anxious
to get into ooinmuniraiiun with him. He
s believed to he in uie portion of hia
tea r i tory , located near Council Bluff a
i An an Die hough four feet Ions and ona
inea in diameter, bearing fifty huge W if
River apples, making; mure than a busnei,
eras Brougnc ta tuwn jium 'ls and rrfa I
Ul tha wunluw of tits Jue W. Sxnita At Ca.
store m Broadway. The weight of its
eroa waa a trieiis load man it ouuid bear
and tt braas undsr the atraun. desnita the
props tusc bad oean piai mi to aetp bear
ts pumas. It was grown on rns tarm of
Jos Hantauk on the Crescent mad rust
outside tha otty limits Orchardlsts report
hundreds of trees around Council Bluffs
wlu Br arr or ousneis each.
No word has beea received frnsn the
relaUvas of Blancos Ferguson, tha young
tu waa (aaaa ua suaiuar wftaaa fuund
mT X a 1 E 1 X
to be a woman poorly illBguised bv male
attire. The pmlce doubt ner story that
sn has huunl tier way from Pnrkcrsbur;,
W. Va.. in I'umiiiuiv witli a yuung man,
and are inclined to believe that hrr home
;s nut tar away. A.UioiiKti. nut Ji years
old miib has admitted that she has been
named pvH'i, once wrien was I
yars old. and s tlie mother of two chil
dren, dhe was taKen to Merry boxpital on
Tuewiay quite ill. but was reported yes
terday to be much better.
If the connraatlon of the First Methodist
churrh can have Ira way Rev. J. M. Wil
liams, who has been pastor for the last
four years, wtll be continued for at least
another year. At the requeet of the can
irresatlon Rev. Charles Baxter, divlslun
superintendent, will ask nlabop Neeioy
axain to appoint him to the Broadway
church when the matter cornea up in the
approaching conference. Ac the close .if
the rruir quarterly ounference held in the
church on Wednesday a set of resolutions,
atronaiy endui-aing the pastor and embody
ing" the reuu:st for his return were adopted
and will be presented at the aooferanoa.
The Board of County Supervisors returned
yesterday from McOeiland. where they
spent a day or mure takina a full lnven-
tory of the county a property at the poor
farm. Foilowlns; the report of Acoountant
Reed showing the lax methods employed
by Superintendent Barrttt and apparent de
ficiency of mure than X700 tn hia flnaauial
accouiita, led to a dose scrutiny of the
situatlun at the farm. They found the
physical condition of everything In excel
lent shape and no cause tor oomplalnt af
the management of the property. The tes
timony at the inmates is ail ona way aud
strongly in favor of Mr. Barrttt. The criti
cism that followed the publication of the
report, however, may iead to change In
the management if the farm, and Mr. 8 ar
il tt may tnsiBt upon his reeignatlun being
John R- Dobbina. alias "Becky" Dob
btnB, the first of Colonel Mabray'a gang
of mlko-maKem to get into the toile of tne
iaw. was in town yesterday on hla way to
Crnatun. where ne said he Intended to go
into the hotel buslneee. Dobbins was the
inly one of Mabray steerers to get a trial
In the distriut court here. He was found
guilty and sentenced to five years tn the
penitentiary. He appealed to the supreme
:ourt ami the case Is still pending. Dob
bins is the man who led Banner T. W.
Bailew of Princeton. Mo., to o againet
he Mabray game rwlce in succession, each
time dropping C5.0. Dobbina has been
engaged in the hotel business at Bedford,
It is expected the supreme court will
reach his case tn September and he said
yesterday he would be In Dee Moines when
the decision waa handed down.
Friends of Bert Whltheae are very much
concerned over the unhappy experiences he
'.s having in Denver. v ben be waa given
a brief vacation from hla attentive labors
at Ed Rouge re' emporium and made ready
to go out in the world alone be was given
much kindly advice aa to what he abuuid
du and how he snould do It. The "ultima
thuie" was Denver and ha agreed to keep
his trends fully advised of his progress
and arrival at destination. He did so faith
fully and the Denver papers have helped
him On Tuesday some one stole his guid
watch. On Wednesday evening be spread
out his bautlful pin silk py'amas an the
bed at hla hotel and ceaiied admiring them
long enough to answer a bed caiL When
be returned to the mom the pyjamas- were
gone. And they never came baca. Tester
day afternoon he wired Rudgers for mure
monev and the exact nature of the last
aiamity haa nut been disclosed. There la
a suspicion that he wll rind bis watch, hia
pr 'aulas and several other things await
ing him tn Council Bluffs when he returns,
a. though he may not have seen the taoe
jf bis guardian angei.
Heauaavrae Weimn fecal.
WEBtfTER. CITY. Ia., Aug. 3. (Special
Telegram.) Irving Onanist of Qns city, a
i traveling salesman, died la tha hospital
this arternoun after having been tn a
state of coma sines yesterday morning. Tan
minutes after taking an antl-eamnl com
position headache tablet in A, La yestsr
day, ha tell unconscious tn he street and
never rallied. He was a membia of Qia
Sika and Masen ledges here.
len Sews f mum
CR3HTON Twi persons accused af boot
legging have been placed tn the Union
county Jail this wees awaiting the acuun
of the federal grand jury, wuicn oonvenas
November 7. one comes from ettienanduaui.
the other from dhanaua City.
CRE8TON The 1mm ease crop of ice pat
up here last winter has disappeared and
local dealers are using the supply manu
factured by the Clannda Poultry coinpany
Tbe lung, but summer haa -snsad aa on
usual sluinaaga and demand.
CaSUTON Mr. Rixigara. a farmer mar
Leauix. yeeterday sold to a Creatoo firra
ma crop of timothy mil, ig busueis. fur
BaO. aud eitn tne nay aull ramaiuing he
cas an income tur a dry aaaeua '"inn
rin with nu Cis par avre blue grass
CR-28TON It la ascartslnsd that thirty
seven fanners tn Union oounty each own
more than o4 aores of land. With a lias
number in each of tha ainety-olne oounuea
were would be 1 men who would be
oonsiaerea rirs larmera uilnois aiauns
IJUa. It la maimed that the number of
.ergs farm era increases in the states front
east to west.
LOGA-N CltijMms of Hamsan oounty
were on the road leading from Imogen to
Masnoila at sunrise today ta attaad uie eld
settlers' reunion. Carnages and automo
bile drrvere are doing tag business running
from different towns of the county to
Magnolia AOsndanue at the old antlers'
reunion often reaches H.-JUS and la a few
instances li. Jl and ever.
Merer sa lata a entaar tha Boekloyera'
Irouser suits
Aa extra pa:r of trousers will ficmble the life of
the boy s suit- Boys who are boys, are long on
coats and abort on pants.
With several of our beat styles of boys' suits we
have extra paoxs. with pes; tops and lined throughout,
33.50 $3.00
Our complete lines of Fail and Winter Boys' Sutta
are ready. We'd be pieaaed to hare your opinion.
Well Beloved Tree
Gets Treatment of
an Expert Physician
3iy Buckeye i Beinj Saved from
Destruction, with. Latest Approved
3Ietaods of Tree Sax-pry.
Treating a tree after the manner of fill
ing a hollow tooth, including cleaning,
filling and capping the cavity, is what ts
being attempted to save the life of a cher
ished ahade tree, a big buckeye, in front
of the home of Fred R. Davis of the P?o-
gieer Implement company, at la soutn ,
Eighth street.
Several years ago decay struck it to the ;
heart, and a huge cavity appeared in the :
trunk near the ground. It aacenued rapidly ;
until the forks were reached more than '
ten feet high, and then spread to the two :
big h ranches. The disease weakened the
trunk and during a recent wind the tree (
was spilt at the forks. It looked aa if I
the last chance for the tree was gone, but
Mr. Davis heard of a "tree surgeon." who
could do things, and his services were en
gaged. Fir the last few days he has been
working on the trse. lie found the wood
of the trunk to be affected almost to the
bark, and he opened up and scraped out
the whole Interior of the tree. The cav'Hes
were found to extend far up :nto the
two boughs, and these were opened and
scraped in the same manner, after the
split parrs had been drawn together and
When the scraping process was finished
only a aheil. not more than an inch thick,
remained of the trunk or the babe of the
two branches. When every vesuge of the
diseased wood was out away the cavity
waa filled with cement. The cut in the
aids of the tree waa more than a foot
wide, tapering to several inches In the
fbougha When the whole space had been
Ailed with cement the edges of the green
bark were carefully raised and a thin
sheet of zinc, moulded to the contour of
the tree and covering the enure cavity, was
attached. The edges of the growing bark
were then pressed over the zinc and onated
with grafting wax.
The tree surgeon says the bark will con
tinue to grow until It completely covers
the Una and that the tree will reach a
ripe old age. increasing in vigor as it
grows In age. It will never again have a
heart ache, for it will have a heart of
stone underneath a breast of emotionless
f w
Wlieai .. ..
Vom (ft Son.
Kimball .. .
Kimball .. .
Haines &
Former Minister
Dead in Indiana
Bv W. P. Hailing Waa Paster of
First Baptist durch. in Omaaa
m the Nineties.
Word baa been received here of the death
at Eakhart. Ind., on August 3D. of Rev. W.
P. Heilings. D. D.. who was from 1SW to
1SS pastor of the First Baptist church in
The aged divine, who had long been af
flicted with uraemic poisoning, finally suc
cumbed to the disease after lying in a
state of ooma for Sve days. The end cams
while, with hla wife and son, be waa visit
ing at the home of hla son-in-law. W
Ernest Johnson, in Elkhart. In a letter
to friends of the deceased man here Mr
Johnson atatae that hia father-in-law was
active and able to preach a weeg before
hla death.
Dr. Heilings ts survived by his wife, one
daughter. Mrs. Johnson, and one son.
Can a. of Buffaio. N. T. The body waa
taken to Rochester. N. T . for burial. The
deceased entered upon his Omaha pas
torate August 7, IWf, coming hers from
Milwaukee. Wis. It waa during his serv
ice here that the old First Baptist church
building at tlie corner of Fifteenth and
Davenport streets waa destroyed by fire
and the church relocated at Thirty-fifth
and Famam street a He closed his pas
toral work here in September. 189a, going
to a charge at Jamestown. X. T. This
uhurch he left to become pastor of the
First Baptist churoh of Buffalo, where he
waa located at the time of his death.
Deaaamrafla Speakw rrwditrfe
States Win Be Cmmtc
Mistress ef Werld.
FORT DODGE. Ia.. Aug. 26. (Special
Telegram.) "In the United States a cab
inet member cannot belong to either house.
In England he must belong to one house
or the other. I wish it was that way here
Then we could tire questions at him at
close range and ha would not have a week
or ten days !n which to think up a lis for
an answer."
Champ Clark speaker of the national
house of representatives, made this state
ment yesterday In his ad
dress In this dry before 5.0S8 people Clark
its n n r n
Will be offered in Saturday's bargain sale. Our fall pur
chases are beginning to arrive, and in order to make room
for this incoming stock, we will, commencing Saturday
morning, place on sale some of the most wonderful piano
bargains ever been offered to the piano buying public
Below are a few exceptional bargains that will be offered Saturday morning:
Co $99 00
Douglas Street Entrance
It's all off
Sat'rday night
Our 'aut suit will have bn sold then at HALF
PRICK. There '.a still a iiood asmirt merit to chimse
from for thuse who are wanting a gentiimt har;a.n
In mmtlum weights. Fir early fail wear and up to
Christmas ther are suits that will just All th bill
and give you the wrvii'n and sat iiii action a heavier
suit would do. Remember this w'll be the last
chance for a long time, if ever again, to get our kind
of garment at HALF PRICE. Come now.
crrs. S5.0O S20.0O.
spoke an "The Cnited States of America
n the Twentieth Century " dteeusalng the
country from the standpoint of an optimist.
He seldom touched upon pailtlca
He said it was an American tad to stand
for the ripened capacity to guvarn our
selves and said every single nation under
heaven has been liberalized by the influ
ence of our country. He predicted In the
year Mt the United States would be the
commercial mistress of the world.
Mr. sea Mrs. V. b, Oalaltsiwait mt
Bean CeleSrate a Hapsr
Au lvei aei t .
BOON'S. la.. Aug. 3a Special. )P"fty
mne years ago today, in . Worcester, Mass..
Nathan Ev Goldthwait and Mary A. Thayer
were united In marriage on Augtut 2a
1862, by Rev- A. 3. Swain.
Mr. and Mra. Goldthwait were bom In
Worcester county. Massachusetts. They
were both members of U abridge academy
under the direction of Dr. Macaraber. uncle
of Dr. Maoomber of Des Moines. Mr.
ioldthwait ia a graduate of Brown uni
versity of the class of LSbZ,
Prof. Goldthwait has beea a noted edu
cator, his most distinguished services
being In higher colleges of the Baptist
denomination, which faith buth ha and
Mrs. Goldthwait embraced at an early age.
Mr. Goldthwait was the last principal of
Uxbridge academy, and first principal of
the high school Into which the academy
was merged. Ha came west In US and
was for some years president ef the Wis-
con sin Famaia college and county super
intendent of schools of Dodge and Dana
Bounties. Wisconsin. In UK he came to
Boone I a., as the first superintendent of
Its public schools. He was elected pro
fessor of mathematics tn Des Moines col
lege In 1K73, which position he held conse
cutively for more than twenty years a
trustee of this prosperous Institution. He
waa for some years editor of the Boone
Republican and later of the Boone News.
Mr. and Mra. Goldthwait were In the long
remembered Iowa editorial excursion of
IBM to the Rocky mountains and cherish
many friendships formed during that de
lightful tnp.
Dar Brewt Bar at tm Mx Valla.
I aiOCX FA 1.1 A S. D.. Aug. i. Special.)
C. M. Day. former manager of the Sioux
Falls branch house of the Fuller A John-
son oompany, has been brought back to
I Sloux Fails from Minneapolis, where he
I waa arrested on Instructions from the local
I authorities. He la charged with obtaining
' money tinder false pretenses, the charge
Chick erin St Sons .
Ivers & Pond
Kranich & Bach
"- r-v r-i rr-v r n
M 8 Gife
against him grww-ng out of his having a
company check for ties cMshed at the
Cataract hotel in Sloux Fails on June JP
Ship Lost in Storm;
Ten Persons Perish
Steamer C. C. Xartin Goes Down IV1
1 owing1 Battle wita Dementi
Xonday Sight.
DETROIT, Aug. 26. A special dispatch
from Midland. Om.. aays the stramer C. C.
Martin of Midland, with a crow of ten,
probably was lost tn the storm on Georgian
bay Monday night. The barge Albatross,
in tow of the Martin, sank during the
storm, but Its crew reached the lighthouse
at the mouth of the French river last night
In a beat. Nothing has been heard from
the Martin.
Aa soon as the survivors of the Albarmea
had reported their battle wnb the storm,
searching parties went out to seek for the
Martin. They returned this sfTemonn with
out success Among the ten persons on
the Martin were: Captain George Vent
and hla wife. Richard Mella. James Hoott
and Charles Oliver, ail of Midland.
The yawl, when It reeched the lighthouse
at tha mouth of F-enrh river last night
bearing the survivors from the Aibatroaa.
bore evidence of a tarriCo battle with the
elements. The craft hud been buffeted for
thirty -six hours. There had been no food
for the shipwrecked people since the Al
batross went down. Some of them wire
not wall protected against the exposure
and are now said to be dangerously 111.
XsbmI tm Arvtaurs Is Eleeteai Ptrsrt
Exeeettve ef the Re.
LrBBOrT. Aug. 3. Mancel De Arrtaga, a
awyer and procurator general in the pro
visional government, today elected the
first president of the republic of Portugal.
Arraga was chosen bv the conNtituent
assembly, which was elected by the people
last May. He received 113 votes and waa
the favorite candidate from the start.
Charles Cltr Day's Wlaacr.
Ct-EAR LAKE. Ia.. Aug i. Hpertal
Telegram. Charles City defeated Clear
Laae in the f.naia of the tournament bv
a score of 7 tn L Thia was Dalrvmen s
day and a big ox feast waa served at
$150 00
i i i ii