14 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 26. 1911. WANTED TO RENT (Continued.) LADY want room and board; A Be private. WANTED By voting rnsrrled couple, two or three modern furnished roomi with light housekeeping privK West Farnam or Dundee section pi ef erred. Address D 104. Ba. WANTED SITUATIONS HANDT man tel r position. 41. Me about the house, want Reference furnished A MAN wanta day work. Douglas 41. Call for Wm. Walker. WANTED By elderly man. position aa night watchman; old raatdanr of city; temperate and responsible. Call Tel. Har ney 2436. COAL TARD MA.NAOER-Uit three year with large firm and over in year' e.xirtence elsewhere, will oonaider a change. Strictly temperate and reliable. Al references; good aalary expected. M u. Be. TWO neat colored girl want work. Webstr 6036. Call PAPER RULER, 22 years old. with two years' experience, wants to finish trade; out-of-town considered. What have you to QftwT A 26, liee. LADY with child would' like place aa housekeeper or any other work. Doug. 6340 before 6:30 o'clock. GERMAN wanta work of any kind. fiO. w GOOD, sober colored man wants porter Work. Phone 499a FIRST -CLASS bookkeeper employed dur ing the day wishes to keep small set of Look evenings or spare time for reason able oompeaeevUon. F 841. car Be. SUCCESSFUL BALKS MAN, clean record, employed, anxious to leave road, dealres eity selling or office work. M 86. Bee. A LADT with 1-year-old child wanu position as houaekeeper in some respect able borne; oaa give good references. Ad dress D 28. Bee. LAUNDRY day work, Monday, Tueadav afid Friday. Call B 2uug. Aak for Laura. WANTXDPosltion in wholesale hard ware store as stock keeper and clerk. Age S4, sixteen yeara' experience, wagea no ob ject. References. Address. Box 16. L'D land, Neb. WORK wanted writing circular letters, 1 or 1.000. O. L. Plahne, U3 N. 21st B-2792. Tyler 125. EXPERIENCED commercial traveler; give best of references and will taokle any job; Interview Saturday or Sunday. Ad dress D 44. Be. MIDDLE-AGED MAN, experienced as merchandise clerk, collections and aa as sistant bookkeeper, good in figures and penmanship; exoellant references. Address M 46. Be. WANTED A position as housekeeper la snail family. Address G 47, Bee. FIRST-CLAM bookkeeper, emploved dur ing the day, wishes to keep small Set of books evenings or spare time for reason able compensation. F S41, care Bee. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN desires a posi tion as housekeeper or day work. 'Phone Red 616ft. .WANTED Situation as housekeener In rooming bouse or hotel; experienced. Call at IM Farnam St. COLORED girl wants position as laun crem. Douglas 6031. SITUATION WANTED By a reliable chauffeur; 4 years' experience. Best of reference. Address K-60. Bee. WANTED Situation by young man. or flo work and typewriting; have had sev eral years of experience. Call A. H.. Douglas 6143. WANT washing by da. Web. 233. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Foreign Advice Mostly Beirith Russian Crop Delayed by Baiai. IMPB0VEMLNT IN NORTHWEST BerlTel of Cask Desasad for Cone Mrengthened (he Market sad hippies; tale Were Re ported Heavy. OMAHA. Aug IS, 1911. Foreign advices sre mostly bullish. Rains are delaying the Rusalan harveat and are (topping hipmenta from that country. Weather conditions in the northwest are greatly Improved and very little alarm is shown jer tiK rev-nt frosi. The cash heat position is stronger relatively loan the f'lture.s, which mere boujrht Crji;- 'o Jay for a H'covery from yesterday t breuK. 7Hd. Futures, easy; October. 7s lSd; le cemher 7s 3d; March. 7s Wd CORN Ppot, firm; new. American, mixed, 5s 64jd; old. American, mixed. 6s d, new, Amerlrsn. kiln dried, 6 7d. Futures strong; September, 6s 7d; October. 6s td. IfGW YORK GENERAL MARKET Vsrleas 4aetatlos,a of the Day Commodities. NtW YORK. Aug K. -FLOUR Steady; Kansas straight. $4 2,V4 45; rpring patent, 65 lotV-6.40, winter straight. tisOlO; win ter patents, f4 tofft.so, spring clears, $4 &3 4.35; winter extra. No. 1. H 30; winter extras. No. I, 15f3.2B. Rye flour, firm; fair to good, $4.bfta-4.; choice to fancy, COrlNNEAL Firm; fine white and yel low, 3L4o1.42t,; coarae, $V.S5gl.40; kiln dried. 1366 WHEAT-Spot, firm; new No. I red. t6a elevator and &:tc f. o. b., afloat; new No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.134 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market u quiet and fsaturelesa although the undertone was firm on fears of frost In Canada and unfavorable crop The revival of caah demand for corn news from Russia. Final prices showed strengthened the market and shipping sales i "c net advance. September, 8tat,67,,c. clos weie reported heavy. An im-iense in the j ing. tr67c; December. it.oOHS'lOiiiC, closing. movement Is not considered btarun, a stoclt are tmail and 'lie foreign demand Increasing. The situation Is daily gaining strength ani better values are predicted. Wheat was l-.wer. whllo corn ad vanced He and oats wore unchanged to V4C higher. Primary wheat receipt were 795.000 bu. and shipment were 43o.oii0 bu.. against re ceipt last ytar of 1,174.000 bu. and ship ment of 526,000 bu. Primary corn receipts ware 676.000 bu. and shipments were StW.OnO bu., against re ceipt last year of 608,000 bu. and ship ment of aw.ouo bu. Clearances were 10.000 buihels of corn, 3,000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 2SD.00O buahels. Liverpool closed lower on wheat and d higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 3 ars, 8CHic; No. 4 hard. 1 car. Die; 1 car, 86c; No. t mixed, 1 car, 91c; 1 car Mo; 1 car, S8o. CORN No. 8 white. 2 cars, B9H; No. 1 mixed. 1 car. 6c: No. 3 mixed, 1 car. 6Bc. OATS Standard, 1 car. 42c; No. 3 white, 7 care, 41c; 6 cars, 4140; No. 4 white, 1 cnx, 41c. Omaha Cask rrloes. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 89fi33He; No. t hard. S7HfM2He; No. 4 hard, ffiViGMVic; re jected hard, 7iHMc. CORN No. 2 white, 69iffWC; No. S white, 6igS94c; No. 4 white. 5SV59c; No. 3 color, &SVu;.Siii,c; No. 1 yellow, 6e4t59c: No. 3 yellow, i8fj&!)c; No. 4 yellow, 5S.g.u4,c ; No. 2. 6SH'5!c; No. 3, 68VMr9o; No. f. 63 68 Ho; no grade. oTfroSc; OATS No. 2 while, 67ff58o; standard, 41H 40fi4la; No. 3 yellow, 41641HC; No. 4 yel 40HS4lc; No. 3 yellow, tUSolHc; iVo. 4 yel low, 40-c. BARLEY No. 3. 88j?Mc; No. 4. 78880; No. 1 feed. 673c; rejected, 636So. RYE No. 2. 8e87c; No. 3. 6i85c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 144 282 m Minneapolis 237 Omaha 39 40 26 Duluth 30 CAVERS ELEVATOR CO.. member Omaha Grain Exchange, wholesale dealers grain, hay, chop feed. 731 Brandels. ROBERTS GRAIN CO.. grain consign meats solicited, grain bought to arrive, 72 Brandeis. WEEKS GRAIN CO., grain merchants; consignments solicited. fj Brandeis. THE Updike Grain Co. Consignment carefully handled. Omaha, Neb. GEO. A. ROBERTS ' I RAIN CO.. con signments solioited. 617 braodela. Both phones. MERRIAM COMMISSION CO. "Ask f roan who has tried us." GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT SALE INDIAN LANDS Absolute Title Given Tha un llmt.H of the Choctaw and Chlckaaaw Nation of the Five ClvUlxed Tribes in Oklahoma, and not including the coal and timber segrega tions, will be aold at public auction to the highest bidder at the following terms, time and places at not leas than the minimum price stated In the advertisement: Grady county, Chlckasha, 61 tracta, 37, WO aero, November 2, 8, 4; Stephens county. Duncan, 730 tracts. 69.300 acre; November 6. 7. ; Jefferson eounty, Ryan, 702 tracts, 49.400 acres. November , 10, U: Love county. Marietta. M tracta, 76,600 acres, November 13. 14. 16. 16; Carter county. Ardniore. 1 173 tracts. S3.30O acres, November 17. 18. 20. 21 22. 23; "Murray county, Sulpnur, 362 tracta. 26.000 acres November 24. 25; Garvin county Paula Valley, bil tracts, 39,600 acres, Ni. vomber 27, 28, 29. McClain county, Purccll 1A tracts, 14.600 aorea December 1. 2; Pon totoc county, Ada, m tracts, 45,300 acrcj, December 4. 5. 6; Johnson county, Tisho mingo, 6A4 tracts. Sy.200 acres, Docembti 7. 8, ; Marshall county. Marllll, 279 tract lS.StiO aciea. December 11; Bryan county, Durant. 6us tract. 2H.10O acres. December 12, IS; Atoka county, Atoka. LSo9 tracts. Ii:4,0ii0 acrea. December 14 15. 16. la. 19; Coal county, CoalgAta. 60t"tracis, 61.600 acre December 2o, 21. 22; Hughes county, Culvln' 437 tracts. 60.700 acres, December 26 27 Pittsburg eounty. McAlestet. '..610 tr'actj' 16T.10U acrea. December Is, ?.. :, LUl. Janu ary l, a; Haskell county, St:s:s 418 tracta SO.ioo acres, January 3, 4; Latimer county' Wllburton, 191 tracts. 15.000 acre. January 6: Leflore county. Poteap. 2,6 iiacts. il tt&) acres. January 6, Puantimtaiia county Antlers. Ml tracts. 62,(V aciea. January 3 , 10; Choctaw county, Hugo. 5M tracts 87.500 acres. January 11. 12. 13; McCunaitj county, ldabel, ;t tracts. 6.f X acres, Janu ary 15. If. 17. IK, 1912. Not mjre i.l.in lia acrea of agricultural and 6ti. r.ciea of .nh.e laud will be sold to one person In any one nation CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat. res of the TradlasT sad Cloetag Prlcee on Hoard of Trade. . CHICAGO, Aug. 25 Fear of frost damag ing wneat in the Canadian northwest to night brought about a rally today In the market here. Closing prices were at a net advance of a shade to c. Corn and oats finished within a sixteenth of last night's level. The outcome for provisions was Irregular, varying from 20c lower to a rise of 6c. As less than 25 per cent of the market crop In the Canadian northwest, out side of Manitoba, is thought .ripe enough to be out of danger from frost, the trade was in no mood to remain undleturbed when Winnipeg sent word of a forecast indicat ing unsettled weather. Misgivings in re gard to the safety of the vast fields await ing the harvesters north or the interna tional boundary led to considerable buying here. Then, too, work shipments of the week were more than S.oOO.ooo bushels smaller than at the corresponding time a year ago. rne close was steady at nearly the top figures of the day. During the ses sion December fluctuated between 94Ho and 94&94Ho with last sales Mo up at WHSo. liuying oi corn was cnecxea by over generous offering from the country. The December option- ranged from til7tG42Hc, closing steady at 6V,c, a net loss of a shade. Cash grades were firm. No. 8 yellow was quoted at 64H$45o. The oats market held to an almost even keel. High and low points were Hc and Uc for December, with the close a shade net higher at Uc. Packers were resellers of provisions after advancea due to purchasing on the part of houses with foreign exchange. Pork closed 16t20c off. lard at 5c advance to a shade decline snd rib down 6 10c. Closing quotutlons were as loilowa: Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Close. Ye'y. 1 00 13 16. Receipts, 3,0u0 bushels; ship- isms. 79.818 bushels. CORN-Srjot market firm: No. 2. 72c elevator, domestlo basis to arrive, 17c f. o. b. afloat, export grade. Futures market wa without tendencies. Receipts. 12,125 bushel; shipment. 9.829. OA',r8 Spot, market steady; standard white, new 45c; No 2 white, 4fic; No. 3 white. 45c: No. 4 white, 4444Hc; natural white and white clipped, HS-iS1. Receipts, 57,300 bushels, Shipments, 2,2oO bushels. HAY Firm; prime. $1.3631. 40; No. 1. $1.30 1 35. No. I, $140(3-1 43; No. 8, fb&90c. HIDES Quiet; Central America. 20Hc; Bogota, 21V22'c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 24H3 tie; seconds, 2230; thirds, 1920c; re jects. 16c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady, mess, $11.50 012.00; familv. $13.00013 50; beef ham. $30.00 932.50. Cut meat a, steady; pickled bellies. 1 to 14 lbs.. $16 76.313.60: pickled hams. $14 25. Lard, stronger; middle west, prime, $9.43 .; refined, easy; continent. $3 80; 6outh America, $10. W: compound, 87.26$7 50. TALLOW Firm; prim city, hhd., $6,371; country. $5.75S'6.50, BUTTER Weak; creamery specials. 88c, asked: extras, 27c. asked; firsts. 24) 26V4e; dairy, finest, 25tf.25Vio: good to prime. 23 244c; factory, current make, firsts, XWQ Sic; seconds. 19H20o. EGOS Irregular; fresh gathered extras, 22tt24c; extra firsts, lfratto; firsts. 17-Jl.So; refrlgator, firsts, season storage paid, 21c; seconds, season's storage paid, ls$f2oc; state Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whit fancy large new laid, 28i30c; hennery whit, fair to good. 243270; wst ern gathered white. l&323c. POULTRY Dressed market cleaning up; fowls and good chickens, firm; chickens, weak: prices unohanged. Live poultry, very strong and supply short; prices un changed. i ii i i Cora sad Wheat Roarloa Slltla. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a, m. Friday, August 26. 1SU: OMAHA DISTRICT. TesuD. Raln- StaUons. Max. Min. fall. Ashland, Neb.... 32 65 .00 Auburn. Neb 78 B'ken Bow, Neb. 68 Columbus, Neb... 78 Culbertson, Neb. 73 Falrbury, Neb... 78 r airmont. imcd... t Gr. Island, Neb. 76 Hartington, Neb. 75 Hustings, Neb... 74 Holdrege, Neb... 73 Lincoln, Neb 78 No Platte. Neb. 68 Oakdale, Neb 74 Omaha, Neb 79 Tekamah. Neb... 68 Valentine. Neb. 62 Sioux City, la... 74 Alta, la 76 Carroll. la T Clarlnda. Ia 90 Sibley. Ia 72 Minimum temperature period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Prices Crumble and Low Records Embrace Entire Lit HEAVY ATTACK ON U. S. STEEL Raaaor Attributes Some of Day's Ll14atloa to Prosalag? Necessi ties of Lavrere Soccalattv Interests. Sky. Clar 48 .00 Clear 40 .00 Clfaf 49 .00 Clear 34 .00 Clear 53 .00 Clear 48 .00 Clear 46 .00 Clear 46 .42 Foggy 49 .00 Clar 47 .00 Clear 66 .00 Clear 40 .00 Clear 48 . 00 Clear 66 .00 Clear 63 .00 Cloudy 44 02 Clear 66 .08 Clear 66 .00 Foggy 53 .00 Clear 60 .00 Clear iw .01 Foggy for twelve-hour Wheat I I bept.... 89X(S0O 90U DeC....94HH:94VT May... 1 ouVsil 00 torn. Sept... 64, Dec....'624k Mav... 64iV Oata- I Sept. ..4ZVal Dec....TH .,47:kMiV May.. Pork Jan... Lard Sept.. Oct,.. Dec. . . Ribs Sept.. Oct.... Jan . 16 47H 274 35 9 374 174 0J4, 9 06 9 00 074 9 024) 8 45 89 V 90404! 90 944i94Vji9464 loo i I 00 1 00H 644 644rJ, ,,t44u 4241 424 44V44H2K 47 47 644 6:4 M D4VI 424 424 4414 444 4741 474 16 4741 16 26 S 324 9 40 20 074; i 074 9 074 8 46 I 25 30 324 S 174 B 00 8 66 8 774 8 So 16 26 (16 40 9 25 9 30 S24i S 174 9 00 S 96 8 974 B 36 9 25 9 324 9 124 9 00 9 06 9 904 8 40 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull; winter patents. $3.900 4 50; winter straights, $3.604 30; spring straights, $4 25iu4.40; bakers, $3.70r4 8u. RYE No. 2, fc4SS6c. BARLEY-Feed or mixing. 75$90c; fair to choice malting, $1.14u1.19. SEED.S-Timothy, $12 cOy 14 50. Clover. J13.IUU 19.(10. PROVISIONS Pork. mess, per bbl.. $1i1.:aS16 75. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9 224. Short ribs, sides (loose). IS Wj.W; short clear Sl1e (boxed). $it.l24S9 26. Total clearancea of wheat and flour were equal to 23ti.uu0 bu. Exports for the week, a shown by Bradstreet s. were equal to 3.122,Oi:0 bu. Primary receipts were 795.000 bu , compared with l,174,(Xw bu. the cor responding day s yssr ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 13S cars; corn, 889 cars; oata, 265 cars; hogs, 8,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices. Wheat: No. t red. o. $ hard, sumc: so. l hard spnna. old. $1 . lt.fl l . 17 ; No. 1 northern spring, old. $1 l(jl 15; No. 1 northern spring, new. U.Oo'ffl.lO; No. 2 northern spring, old, $10iVt1 n, No. 2 northern spring, new, $100 District. Statl Columbus, 0 17 Louisville, Ky 20 Indianapolis, Ind. 11 Chicago. Ill 26 Bt. Louis. Mo 26 Des Moines. Ia.... 21 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 Omaha, Neb 18 Temperatures continue moderate through- -Temp.- Rain Max. Mln. fall. 70 60 . 90 88 6 .50 68 68 . 80 68 64 .80 70 68 .80 76 64 20 70 48 .20 74 66 . 60 74 48 . 40 1 out the corn and wheat region. in the NEW TORK. Aug. 86 -Prices of Mocks crumbled again today and the low record registered for the movement practically comprehended the entire active list, not to mention many Issues of lesser importance. The selling was very heavy in the first hour and, as has been the case recently, concen trated around United State teel, which broke below 70 after repeated' efforts- to dislodgs it from that figure. In fact, the short Interest which was unusually aggres sive and active, made steel the special ob ject of Its attention, sales of the stock in the early session comprising about S3 per cent of the whole. Rumor attributed some of the day's liqui dation to the pressing necessities of larae speculative interests. It is a matter of gen eral belief that large blocks of the better securities have been taken away recently by bankers In private settlement of hull accounts. In the financial district today conjecture snd discussion are the gamut or the critical railroad labor situation, the dropping tend ency of the European markets particularly London, poor, or indifferent railroad earn ings, which give ecpecial point to the re trenchment program of the traniportsltno compante and the state of trade In the steel and Iron industry. Advices from Pitts burgh and other steal canters tended to con firm the disoouraglng statements Issued by trade Journals yesterday. At the local office or the Harnman lines It was stated that no new turn had taken place in the labor situation but dispatches from the mlddlewest were mostly of an un favorable tenor. Indicating that the rail roads would refuse to meet the demands f the unions. The market was at Its weakest in tne last hour, when another drive agalnet the Harrlman and Hill issues. Reading, United Stat Steel and the metal stocks sent the list lower. Selling Increased as ptioes de clined, but the recession was at no time disorganised. In the final dealings the Harrlmans recovered part of their de clines. The close wa dull and heavy, with a 6 per Cent decline In St. Paul preferred. London sold from 20.(00 to 25 ooo shares in this market, chiefly Union Pacific Steel and Amalgamated Copper. A better tone was manifest on the Paris Bourse, but Berlin was heavy on unfavorable advices from London. The statement of the Oer man bank showed a decreaae of $11,000,000 In loans and discounts and a gain of $7.000,. 000 in gold. Indicating that institution 1 fortifying its position much after the man ner of the British and French bsnks. The most interesting railroad support submitted was that of Atchison, which showed a loss of $561,000 In net eavnlngs for July. A number of gross returns from southwestern roads for the third week of July showed declines. Bonds were Irregular, with total sales, par value, amounting to $1,704,000. United States government bonds wer unchanged on call. Number of sale and laadinr. Quotations on stocks today war as follows: Aiiiijnaimars pra AmaltKinatftd Coppar ... Amrloao Agricultural American Beet Sugar.... Amtrtcan Can Amarlran C a F American Cotton Oil A m..l. n 1J M. t w.M lAm. Ice Securities American Linseed American Locomotive ... American 6. A It Amerlcin BAR pfj.. Am. Steel Founarim Am. Sugar Refining Amerlcea T A T American Tcbecee pfd... American Wecilea Anaconda Mining Ce Atfthlaon Atchtton (fa i... Atlantic Coast Lin aitimsr tt Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian PacllM Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New jersey... Cheiapeak A Ohio Chicago Alton T S R O d ret le riv inert' te trie p I. 4 ! ge do er el, sar. A. 4" sartee B Ga Siee. cr. la.. Ill Con let rf. 4a.. lat Met 4a Bid. Ollere. t'. , jltT 4 ,.,.W IJ t Steel M So . - UM T4U Ve -Car. Ohcm. ta . HV f 7'han lat luV, ;t, in IM en 44 ... 1 n Weetern Md 4a Mt 7e Wett Ciec er. a .. .' 10 Wl Central 4a t' Mo Pac. ct la h Panama la li-'S REPORT OF TME CLEARING HOI B Traasacttoas of the Associated Baagj for the Week. NEW TORK. Aug. 25 -Bradstret i hank cJesring report for the week ending Au gust 24 shows sn aggregate of $2.6SS.167.0iio, as sgsinst $2.92,599.rx last week and $2,470, lM.OOO In tha corresponding weak last year. Following Is s list of the cities: CITIES. Amount i'lnc. Dec. 11.400 114 SMI II t.oro K4 too s 1,600 4Vt 700 U4 " soo 'ii" 200 m 1.200 U 14.100 S ?10 106 100 I3H i'oos ill" M0 M itin is 1S.W0 104 ' 400 ii" 1.000 itm 900 1014 t.tno T6U (.400 iK 100 n ton 7'4 I7H 41 4 4H H4 'l7i 4 Mi us w '4 I4H 101 iri" 74 II U S0H 4S 4 44 1214 12 17 4 un UK', 104H S3 114MI a 4 14 WH 101 121 100 294 7(44 Km IMU 24, IS "4 rains were again general portion and light and scan curred In the western portion. r more stations: In Ohio Heavy Chicago a w , new.. eastern Chicaeo a w. tfd.. portion and light and scattered showers oc- Chieeeto K w Rains orjcnioego, m st. r. one inch or more occurred at the following :C C, C. A Bt. L. Bellefontalne. Rucvrua -"ioreao r A I and Norwalk. 1.20; Canton and 'Somerset. ifn,r ., ""'"r 1.60; Flndlay and Toledo. 1.0O In Indiana: i.H;r. Bloomington. 1.66; Evansville and Marlon. 130. In Illinois: Mount Vernon. 1 80. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. fit. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 26 WHEAT-Strong; track. No. 2 red. 8&91c; No. 2 hard. 91c $1.01. corn Higher; track, no. z, 530; mo. z white. 6844c RYE Steady, at 880. FLOUR Firm: red winter patents. $3.5V5 4.60; extra fancy and straight, $3.904.10; hard winter clears, $2 903. Si. SKED Timothy, $13.003 14.75. CORNMEAL $2.90. BRAN-Weak; sacked east track. IXO&rt 1.08. HAT Steady; timothy, 06.002250; prai rie. $12.HiT17.06. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: Jobbing, $17.00. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $$.96&$06. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $9 26; clear ribs, $9.26; short clears. $9.374. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $10.26; clear ribs, $10 26; short clears, $10,374. POULTRY Firm; ohlckens, 11c; springs. 13c: turkeys, lf-17o; ducks, 94o; geese. 60. bUTTER Dull; creamery, 20S25O. ELtOO Hlcher at 170. Receipts. Shipments, ipennaylvanla jno 7,ri0 1.IO0 soo Corn Producta Delaware & Hurlaon Danrer at Rle Orande. . . . Denver A Rio Orande pfd Diatlllera' SeeurltM Iris trie let pfd Erie 2d Pfd Genera! Cleotrla 1.500 Oreat Northern pfd (treat Northern Ore etf IUIoola Central Intarborough Met Interboreugh Met pfd . International Harveater Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump .... Iowa Central Kanaaa City Southern... K C. So ptd Laclede Oea Loulavllle A Kaahrllla.. Minn. aV St Louie M , Pt P A S. 8 M . Mlaaourl, K A T M , K T ptd Mlaaourl Pacific Rational Lead N B R. ei M. Id pfd New York Central N Y., O. A W Norfolk A We tern North American Northern Pacific ! Pacific Mall T.aOO Tit, " oo 194 400 lH V) T40H l.ooo in 200 im 10 21 4 40 44 1.100 W m 124 too 1U 5H 71H ii" II 140 1114 II 214 44 111 12 H 14 124 114 10V 104 14 lH 41 474 40 tp 1111 ill 1.500 123 1114 200 41 4 1.100 1144 1JS4 1.000 14 14 1.000 42 41 4 I 000 11344 1124 U34 S4 17ft 7t4 10 n 11 no lit to 2 '4 1144 163 24 12 104 21 S 474 3,44 151 121H 47 111 14 414 New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Kansas Cltv Pittsburgh Ssn Francisco Cincinnati Baltlmor Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans Detroit OMAHA Los Angeles Louisville Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Atlanta Portland, Ore Buffalo Denver Indianapolis Providence Richmond Washington, D. C. St. Joseph , Fort Worth Memphis , Salt Lake City Columbus Albany Tacoma t.. Savannah 6pokane Toledo Hartford Rochester Dee Moines Nashville , Duluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland, Cal , Sioux City New Haven , Grand Rapids Scran ton Birmingham Jacksonville, Fla..:. Oklahoma City Syracuse Augusta, Oa Worcester Evansville Springfield, Mass.... Dayton Portland, Me Wheeling, W. V... Little Rock Charleston, S. C... Knoxvtlle Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport , Wilmington, Mobile Wllkesbarre Kalamazoo, Sacramento, Topeka Cedar Rapids. Ia.. Macon Youngtftown New Bedford Springfield, 111 Fort Wayne Canton, O Sioux Falls, S. D. Akron Helena Columbia, 6. C... Lexington Fargo, N. D Erie, Pa : Rockford. Ill Qulney. Hi Bloomington. III... Chester, Pa Springfield, O South Bend, Ind... Lowell Jackson, Miss Binghamton Decatur, 111 Mansfield. O Fremont, Neb Vicksburg. Miss... Jacksonville, III... York. Pa Waterloo. Ia Houston Galveston Muskogee Boise, Ida Fall River Reading Ogden Dubuque Del.. Mich. Cal.. 40 114 344 Flour, bbli. . Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu 7.800 ..MOnO ..sonio ..26.000 V tll.aAQ.V 444 AIS49B. UVal , A' 90itfiW4C; No. 8 red. SSH0c; No 91HIi?5c; No. 8 hard, SOfigSc; Nc ji ii itmiui hi mniis Hre inustt hnv. v- : V . - Ing a minimum valuation of S On or morel L: No. 3 nortnern spring, old. !ci?j$i os; ner acre. Terms are 25 nr renf ,h. No. 3 northern fpiing, new, 97cffl$l 03: No time of ale, a per cent In twelve month i 2 spring. 9t.cf.ijl. 03; No. 8 spring. 95cfi$l 00, ana w per cent in two years, wmi ii nr Cent Interest. Payments must be mad In the form of draft or certltled checK. oay able to J. Q. Wilght. Commise oii.-r. Upon full payment being made a- any time deed will lasue Imiiiediati ly after approval of ' sale certificate of purc;iai wili it3ue ami I po4ulon be given, but cutt:ni.- f timber I or drilling or miring for mineral thereon I win not i peruuueu until lull payment velvet chaff. 9JCjH.O0; durum. it'S'iSc. Corn: No. I, MMmy; Ko. 2 white. 6tU fuc: No. 2 ytllow, 64i4oc; No. . 64'u 6414C No 3 white, 4Wi4lc; No. 3 yellow 44;4"i'4'if ; No. 4. G3ue: No. 4 white. 63V&MC; No 4 yellow. alV.ii 64c. Oats: No. 2 white. 4J-ij43c; No. 3, Xc: No. $ white 4lVi'42c; No, 4 white, 40a41lic; standard, 41 4! We. of purohaa price. RiKh: I reserved to I 1 1 ie-iv creameries, W6o; reject any or all hide. For Information ' l1",l-ri'''. J ' . - , apply to the Commls.onor to tl. " tC.C.S-M.adv; receipts J.901 cases; Bt Civilised Tribes. Muskoa.e, Oklahoma or ! n,rk' lsf 1c,ude'1' llic- ""la. Hci any of the litrict Agents a to land , 1',!r,'1.t.I."''J' 175; . . , . ... . within thir respective d.Mrlcts. u. of ! CuV.EtE - Steady; dalales, Ul.c: thesa Isi.d have been piepared bv conn- I l '" l!H512c. young Americas, 13 tlaa, showing the term of sale, the ue- lS1: lol horns. 13SS13SC. scrlptlon of ths various tract and mini- POTATOES Firm; choice to fancy. $11) mum price. It will be imprncurable uUlS', fair to good. $1 lofil 30. furnish each inouuer all of these lists snd! POULTRY Easy; turkeys, 14c; chickens, It Is suss.'ed that persons ue.iring uci12-ci fprinys. Wc. Information pectty. the locality In winch I VEAL Steady; W to 60 lbs . 859c; 60 to thev are Interested Blue prints of the S6 lb . f'-ffiiOWc; 86 to 110 lbs. He. various counues. snowing tne location .f Recelpu. Shipments mi '-"i niiuru upon I r our. uoia a luo appuca iiou 10 ma unuerniKnta upon the i Wheat bu psyment of $50 f.r each county. In 1 Corn bu th form of dratt or iw al manev order. 'Outs bu J. O NVRIOHT. Coum lesioner to the Five'Kve 'bu Clvlltied Tribe. S4utkr,ee. Oklahoma. Au- I L'ariev hti gust 1. 1911. . "4 Kansas City Grain aid Provlalona. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 26-WHEAT-Steady; No. 2 hard. 91S97c: No. 8. 90tWSc; No 2 red. STj-te; No. 3, srffSSHX!: Pepiem ber. K"4o; December. 93c; May, 974c. CORN He lower No. 2 mixed, 62c: No. 3. lltc; No 2 white. 61H.C; No. 8, 61ifJ6lHc; September, 61l14c; December. ftaoWje. OATS Stead ; No. 2 white, 432-UV; No. 1 mixed. 41"-.?i424c. RYE-82SS.lc. HAY Firm; choice timothy, $18.0OS18 60; cj-iol- rrairie, $12.0012 50 BUTTER Creamery. 2f3c; firsts. 2$c; sec ond, flo; oacklng stock. 17c. EGGS t-jttra, 2lc; firsts. 18c; seconds, Wc. rteceipis. rnipraenis Wlieat. bu. Sorn, bu... ats, bu .109 000 .. 19.000 .. 21,000 in 000 : PecjDle's Oaa 68 00ft ? C.. C. A t. t nnn Pltuburg Coal '5vw 'reaaed Steel Oar oi.uuo ; -unman Palace Car Rail war S'eel Spring.. Reading Kepubllc Bteel Repuello Bteel pfd Hock Ialand Co Rock Ialand Oa pfd . t. L. A t F Id pfd. St Louie S W , Bt. L. S. W. pfd Ileee-Sheffleld B A I Southern Pacific SUthern Railway Souther Railway pfd i Tenneaaee Copper iTeua at Pacific T. , St. U aV w T . Bt. l AW - pfd... I'nion Peclfle talon Pacific pfd United 9tatra Realty... t'atted State Rubber . tnlted State Steel.... 400 It 1.000 64 too 104 00 142 100 144 M 111 00 10 100 4 $.700 40 4 700 151 1.100 10 400 t4 $.400 M l.O0 IIH 1.200 1011, 400 70 15.100 1174 100 II 11.200 1204 MO 101 t4 4 104 1414 144 1 M4 17 4 24 64 1014 141 144 1104 11104 24 30 4 M 404 404 IJ04 1.104 4 too 144 IU0 104 mo in 100 11 .lOt.100 141 TOO 24 400 04 . 1.40 IIS 100 44 W4 1014 I 100-4 4 114 274 11 1014 'iK 117 04 1114 154 894 M't 484 104 S4 00 II loo 4 100 II It. 100 1104 104 .HO 174 27 I.-4 47 114 304 2344 t4 4"JJ25 t. B Steel pfd 33,000 Utah Censer I Va. -Carolina Chemical Wahaah Mlnaeapolla Grain Market. jwJitVrn aryVarid":!! MINNEAPOLIS, Aug H WHEAT Sep- j Weettnghouae Electric c .v, k tl fllN.n l fil. . IWrmhtr. tl 027 . . Weatern t'nloa tt OAk. - x-,i 1 hard 11 OnW: Nn 1 Wheeling L B northern. $i.031.064; No. 2 northern, isHcf$l.M'S; No 3. 93HoU.0lH. PARLEY-S0c(g$1.13. CORN No. 3 yellow, 614c OATS No. 3 white. 414r41e. RYE No 2. TSSfiSOe. PRAN-$A)6021.00. FLOl.'R First patents, patents. $450(54 75: first second clears. $2 S52.JO. I Leblih Valley Total sale lor tne aay, wo . 1 400 100 100 700 ..112 (00 147 4 IW (04 .'.' '"ioo it" ..115.100 704 .. 1,400 1144 . . 1 700 41 .. 2.100 200 .. l.ooo 701 .. 1200 .. 1.300 00 .. 15.M0 162 IK. 400 share. 114 M1 404 11 H4 244 744 14 1114 SO M4 94 114 13 14 tt 17 114 744 24 ICO 254 1024 n 104 684 34 1J04 lot 90 1"4 304 1174 S04 1404 II 94 114 44 404) II M M 1104 174 474 304 23 u tl iiw4 to 474 17 70 114 414 M4 lt4 19 17 44 74 34 140 tl.810.363.000i 244.0O6.000l , 13'492, OOOI 121.8sl.O0Oi. 63, 771. 43.163.000 . 4U.773.UHi. 43.72S.0ilO . 21.787.000. r.7os,oooi 16.lM.00ll:. 17.7S3.0H0f 16.573,000: 16.331.0Oi, 12.845,00l . 15,795.0i.iO 10.911 ,(W ll.SSS.OOO). 10 .215 OHO . . 130.0001. 8.62B.0OO , 448.010 8,Sf.0OO , 2O7,00ol 7.477,0001. ,343.0t 8.8S6.000! 6,743.0001 8.697,000' 4.414 000 8,728.000 8.613,000 s.ro.ooo . 6.O4S.000 3.910.000 . 4.112.000 . S.6S4.000 . 3.M0.0H0 s.yo.ooo 8,S91.iO 8,421,000 8,787. 000 3.818.000!. il3.000 2.752.000' 2.825,000 2,963.00i'! 2.223.000 . 2,307,000 2,197,000 . ,2.837.000 174,000 . 2.493,000 1.636,000! . 2,000.0001 1.2S.O00l 1.9H7.0O0 1.936.ono 1.786.000 1.605.00W 1.776.000 1,576.000 1,178,00ft 1,051.000 1.57S.O10 1.954.000 1.297.000 1,637.000 1.143,000 1.075.000 1.227,000 600.000 1.568,0001 1.4M.O0W 954.000 2.2M.000 1.(3.000 943.0001 976.0001 R21.0i)0l 945.000 678.0001 1.267,0001 903.0001 45,0W S76.0 318.0001 ' 7:is.0i 706,0001 578,000 606.000 596,0001 "452.000 478.000' 463,000 261.000 435,000 499,000 865,000 2S9.000 156.000 263.000 830.000 l.OSS.OOt'H 27.441.000' 16.619.000 60S. 000' lM.OuOl 760.0001 1.359.000! . 89.000 . 1.290.0001. 6.4 .... 11'.... S.2i. ;.7. 10.1' .; r.o . 13 6 0 7.1 1.8 OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET But Cattle Are Strong and Medium Oradfi Weak or Lower. HOGS ALE Sir.u: 0 TO HIGHER Toppr Baena Welskta Are If Nickel keep Least. Are ActWe sad tllgktly lllgker Big De saaaal for Feeder. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug 25. IM Hog. Sheep lJi I4.rz 11.3 a (ma lo.-w 8tV7 14.2i 6 6-H 11.4M 4.700 4 iVn W.4-$ ?4.1i 48.762 M.i5 53.143 42 371 W-i.Mt! 39.247 3.VS76 1 81.11 122.M6 25 2' 13 4 I 10 5 4.7 8.3 I l.fi 5.4 44 26.9 19.51 6 4! .Si I 4.t .81 V7:::::: 11.1 1.7 2.6' 8.2 8.7 2 8 811 4.2 2.4 i 4.8 8.0 ' 18.7 , 6.0' ! 2 6' tij:::::: 15.6 8.8 6.5 Reoelpts were: Cattle. Officisi Mondsy 11.40$ Ofilcial Tuesdav 7 Official Wedneedar .... T.8 Official Thuraday 1.718 Estimate Friday 6O0 Fire davs this weelt.. .80 VO Parna da this week. . . 24.248 Came days 2 weeks ago.. 26.434 Same days 3 weeks ago.. 24.666 fame days 4 weeks ago.. 10.570 .Same days last year 23.206 The following table shows the receipts : cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the veer to dr.te aa com'-aren .n ine year: 1H1. Cattle 671.114 Hog 1.74S.4'vt Bheep 1.103.363 Th followlns table ation prices of hors at South Omaha for laat several days, with coinparlsena: DaTea. 1911. ltlO,19W.li.ll8OT.I19$.190$ Augr6T.77T674 S 14. 7 641 It 76, t 8 6 $ Aug. 17. .. 7 1ST. 8 SO 7 67 $ 44 6 74, 5 M 5 81 Aug. 18... 7 17 I 24 7 721 41' Aug. 19...) 7 191 I 23! 7 4 t 3l AQg. W...I I 8 3ii 7 53! 8 87 i Aug. 21...) 7 27 7 49 6 S9 Aug. ... 1 iin s Mi - e Aug. 23... 7 14i 8 6 7 3l Aug. 24... 7 8 641 7 681 t 82 Aug. 26... I T 104I 8 70 7 71 1 M 1910. Inf. Pec 6o6.1S7 14.!77 1.41S.658 32v.Sif2 ...... 1.142.8 ' the averags th t 76, 6 74, .-7o! I 621 5 53, t 561 6 5 t (71 6 9h t 03 6 95 1 5 86 I 851 5 83 6 94 6 8 e 6 84 f 84 t 92 t 2 6 89 11.21 8.11 15 1.9. "i'.il. 1.8 "i'l 25 0 5.7' 28.0! 8.6 "i'4! 13.2 31 4 34.8! S3.0 264 19.31 29.7 13.8 7.0. I 50 0! 47.2 7J 20. 71 86. 8 2. ir.9 3 1 18.81 10.8 "ii 13.0 l. "i.i 'Ha .6 "it i's 15.3 Sundav. Receipts and disposition of live stock the Union stock yards. South Omaha, tweaty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. Friday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. iSheep. H C. M. Bt. P. Ry 2 Mo. Pacific Ry 1 Union Pacific R. R... 2 4 ' C. N. W. Ry.. East.. 1 C. N. W. Ry.. West.. 10 21 C. St. P. M & O. Ky. .. 4 C. B. & Q. Ry., East. 2 S 1 C. B. & Q. Ry.. West 10 IS 8 C. R. I. & P., East.. 1 1 C. R. 1. & West. 1 2 111. Central Ry 1 C. O. W. Ky 11.. Total receipts 28 66 14 DISPOSITION at for m. Cattle Hogs. Ebeep. 9) li l.U; 796 1.0ml 84 672 16 .1? .127 .108 Omaha Packing Co. twin and company... Cudahy Packing Co Armnlif A Prt Murphy 44 .-Hie. man 04 Monell 48 Benton Vansant A Lush.. 97 Hill & Son 17 F. B. Lewis 44 J. B Root & CO 24 j, h. wuna bi L. F. Hues 8 MN'rnrv Carev 19 S. Werthelmer ... 11 H. F. Hamilton T Other Buyers 84 28.3 "ii 84 .0 24 "ii 'n.i 97 291 80 55.8 6.4 ...... Not Included In totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. 'Last week's. London Stock Market. LONDON. Aug. 26. American securities moved Irregularly during the early trading todav. A few stocks advanced, but moat of the list declined on realising. At noon the market was easy, with prices ranging from Vt above to below yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: Coaeolk. auney .... 714 boalavtll A Nee. 141 ia aooouol 71 Wo., Kaa. A Ttna . 114 Amal copper M4 New York Central. 10 Anaconda 74 p.ortou at weatera. iois Atcbiaon lm1 no pta 40 p(4 104 Ontario aV Weal era Baltimore A Ohio. 101 PenaaylTania Canadian Pacific ...23114 Rand Miaea Cbeeapeake It Ohio.. 74 Heading Chi Oreat Weetern.. le Buutbern Railway rhi Ull A. Si P. 111! An otA De Been 17 Southern Paclfto .. Denver A Rio O. .. lt4 t'nloa Paclfle .... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do Id ptd Grand Trunk Illlnolt Central .. SILVER Bar, ounce. M v do pfd . IIH V. Steal . 41 da pfd .. 41 Waba&h ... . !1S o pfd .. .142 steady at 24 l-16d per to 40 i 71 17 14 184, mi 1714 5 71H Ill, 144 10 New York Money Market. NIW TORK. Aug. 25.-MONET-On call, steady. 2MS P" cent, ruling rate. 84 pr cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered !L1?.S'2.HS??-! aTiMELOAN'8-Steady; sixty days. 23 cleara, $3 3fg-3 5o; . per c,nl; ninety days, ifjt per cant; six 1 month. !Vui. Per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER H Pr Milwaakee ttrala Market. .cent. .... . ., tt n.ur . x-- . STERLING EXCHANGE Steady with northern. $1 0 1.0&4 ; No. 2 "northern. iU nbfUx ty-dM. Ind Vt t' JJ'ZL? mj6Ci --Kf c'fo'dernanr All ber. yOMiC; December, 94Vc OATS Standard. 42,&43c. BARLEJf-l.lO"! 19. Cotton Market. .fi 010 345 0 .3s.0H0 . 6O11O . 71.000 Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 2V-COFFEE Fu tures opened steady at unchanged price to art c4Y-arw. tt i nnlnta. nurlnir the aarlv 31 1 i irsding huine . quiet and price HV'.'no 171 ( 108 0U0 " i.'soo Prorla Market. PEORIA. Aug. 25.-CORN-Hiher: No. I ;wDit. oj'c; .no. 4 wnite. c. ro. 3 yel )c; no sales. Nu. 4 lui.ed. u!c. Augua. 1J.43 OA'i a Higher; No. 8 white. 41c; stand Octooer. H3oo; 'aid. 41.; No. $ white. 40c NEW IORK, Aug t COTTON Spot tiw, USc; No. $ yellow, 6,"c; No. 4 yellow closed 46 points higher: middling upland. 162V. No 2 mix-U, 3Vc; No. $ mixed. aSVc: ruiuni uMfiier eieauy 12 70c; iSeritember. 11 tic; .luviiuwi, ii e.f. ieu. t'ftinipfr, iini-c; i January. 11 lie j March. 1153c. May. ll.tUc; ! June, ll∾ July. 11 COc. The close .' firm, tloalrg n.a: Auguat. ijksc: Septem ber, ll&sc, October. 11 5c; November, 11 65c. December. H.flSc. January. 11. Sac; March 11 Toe, May. 11.7uc; July. 1178c. Oils sad Resla. SAVANNAH, Aug. 24. TURPENTINE Firm at USe. rt'"iIN-4rin; typa F. $6 45; typs Q. a?,; i5. rtalatk Oraln Market. DVLVTH. Aug S0.-WHEAT-N0 1 hard. $lii. No. 1 northern. $106; No. 1 north ern. tl 0Vt 1 03:,; September. $1 04. bid. D'fmlir, $1 03S. bid; Miv. 11 0o. nominal. OATS Cc; to arrive. 42"eC I.lTeruuol Grain Market. LIA'ERPOOL. Aug 4V WHEAT-Spot. steady: No. 1 Manitoba. 7s lod; No. 1 Manitoba, unquoted; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s aaed Off elightly. but toward the close demand was more active with near months shorts covering and with bulls supporting on rumors that early hlpmnt from Brazil were rain dam.ged and inuhr be subject to pure food restrictl ms Closing rabies from Hamburg shewed Improvement there la?e in th day and the market here olosed steady at a net advance of I'd 11 po.nte. fale. 49.035 bags. August and September. 11 7c; October. 11 12c; Novem- I a C k lat her 1' 'le: Docerrl er. 1124c; January, j tial Ohio 11 17. Fabruarv. lllc: March. Apnl. Mir. June and July. 11 11c. Havre was un- ' changed to l f lower Hamburg was ! V,ri rfg. higher Rio r rla hi-her at' 7'4"v; Santo 50 rels lower. 4s. 7$a): 7s. I 6700. Receipts at the two Praslllan port. 6s 000 bag, agejnst 77 ("" hugs last year Jundiahy receipt 60 bags, against 54 0 bags last year New Tork warehouse deliveries yesterdav wer 17 M bacs. aralnnt V. SUV bngs last year. The specie' fanto cable renoted 4 SO rels higher this morning and Fan Paulo receipt of SO 000 be. against 17.000 last year. Soot eoffee. teadv: Rio No 7. 13Hc: Santo No. 4 13S614C; mild, dull; Cordova. H416c. a. x SILVER Bajr. S7e; Mexican dollars, 45o, BUMJB uovernmeni, steaay; railroad steady. Closing quotations on bonds today wars f.illowg: V- 1 ret Is, re 1"" Int M M ua hiuh ejapaa 4a 11 Mo 4Ua ul K C. So lat H ... (. f ek 4 141 u L. i unl. 4a - ! K 41 lat 4a 10iH o , 1014 Me paclfle 4a MX K. H B of M 4a, 104, n. v e 1 , Mo d-b 4a N . T . H M 4k M lo tr e ii N W at e. 4 K.1-1 o o 4a S No Pacific 4a ' o la , 0 t L rfdt 4a . Per.n ev la ltii 101 do con 4a Readlns (en 4a do coupon U t. la res 4 coupon . . . V. B. 4a. re. 4e ooupen Allte-Cnal 1st ... Arnar As ae Am. T AT a. 4. An Tobacco 4a do s Armour ft Co 41 j AtchlaoD faa. 4a ... o cv. aa ia er le 4a An l4a do k W Bruo Tr. v en of Oa la Ce Leather la C ef N J I Sa C,' 4V Ohio 44 do ref le Chlcao 4V A C B Q 14.. do sen 4a C. M ft I. f I IHa l4 do cy CHI P. i 4a. 71 40 let ref 4a ... da rf 4 l to Ballwar U . Colo Ind la 7a do en 4i .... Cele. 9414 4a . I?t nio Pa.-lftc 4 - t r 4- e 4 " r t D A H e. 4 ... M do lat ret. 1 101 4e sen I. H Bt L B W e 4a t do lat cold 4a S A I. 4a "So Pic. 'jol 4a ... 44 41 744 7T 1 S4 II IM 7H 10 t eO M V ia S" S.5J 114 M 44 llMv " IXl S ". at MONEY lJfl4i per cent. The rata of discount in the ooen market for short bills Is 22H per cent; for three months' bills, iT per cent. Boston "took and Bond. BOSTON, Aug. 25 Closing quotations on stocka were as follows: ...II Miami Copper .. . .. I7 Mohawk ... 114 Nevada Con. ... ... I Nlpieeln Mines M 4 North Butte ... 14 Old Doralnloa .. ... 47i Oaceola ...410 Parrott 8 CI. ... T4 Qulney . Mi, Shannoa 4 Superior . 4H Tamarack 4 1-1 U B I tl. . 17 do pfd . 4 Vtah Coa l'i t'tah Copper Co 44 Winona Hi Wolverine I AUoues Anal. Oopper ... A Z U A B. .. . Ariiona Com. ... B A C. C A Butte Ooalltioa Cal A Ariiona . Cal AY Hecla Centennial Cop Range C Eaat Butte C Franklin Olroui Coa Granby Con. ... Greene Cananea Iale Royal. Copper. Kerr Lake Leka Topper La selle Copper Ex-dlv. Aake4. C . H. A M IH . 7 . 17 . 11 . u . u . . 8J . I . IIH . 14 . H4 . 46 . II . 2144 . 7H 4.598 Total 1.107 4.3TS) 7,198 CATTLE There was the usual small Friday's run of cattle, but th offerings included a few loads of choice cornfed baevea. and it did not take dealers long 10 clean these up at good, firm figures, the best of them sell ns at 87.6Wi.i6. Aieoium and common grades wer slow sals and somewhat easier, and the same was true as to the fair to medium weetern range beeves. Right toppy beeves, both cornfeds aim rangers, have held about steaay an wetik. while there has been a decline of fully 26c on the ordinary run of beet cattle. ihe slump in prices this week has Been due largely to the very liberal supplies, as there has been a broad demand throughout from both local packers and shippers. The tone to the irade al the olose was rather weak. Buyers seemsd to be a little more anx ious for the few loads of cows and heifers that were offered for sals today, and they changed hand readily at fully steady prices. Compared with a week ago ths market tor butcher stock Is fully a Quar ter lower. Right toppy heifers have not suffered so much, nor have the canning grades and stook cows, but on the fair to medium stuff the trade has been very dull and unevenly lower from start to finish. in stooksrs and feeders ths trade was very dull today, althougn tha supply on hand was considerably heavier than at this time last week. In tact supplies have been accumulating in speculators' hands ever since the tlrst of the week, and although prioes in general are 25c lower than Mon day there Is little prospect of a clearance, as the country is not taking hold very freely and Is apparently waiting for val ues to strike a lower level. Volume of business for the week has been fair, but the tone to the trs.de is rather bearish. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $7. 257. SO; fair to good beef steers. J6.40y7.25. common to fair beef steers. $4.75&-6 40; good to choice heifers. t5.uG4p6.76; good to choice cows. $4.0i4.l; lair to gooa cows. H.tujtiu, common to fair cows. $2.60(3.bO; veal calves, e3.CO26.j0. Quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beef steers, U.Mtyi.bO, fair to good beef steers, lo. iodjo.ao; common to fair beef steers. $4.50(95.26; good to Oholce heifers, $6.00 3juoO; good to choice cows, l4.4Wia.lo, I air to good cows. $3.G&4 26; good to choice stockers and feeders, $5.0C6 76; fair to good tochers and feeders, $4.4iKtf6.00; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.75$4.40; stock heifers, $S.4ift4 4o; bulls, stage, etc., $3.e representative sewee; en-a, BIKLns, NEW TORK. Aug. 25 Cloalng quotations n mining stocka were: on mining a Alice Com Tunnel stock do tonda Con Cal Va . Horn Silver Iron Silver Leedville Con. ... Of!ere4. 145 'Little Chief Mexican Onurlo Ophir Standard Yellow Jacket 19 17 . II . W 10 . IV I wo 1 160 .100 .. to Bank Clearing. OMAHA. Aug 26 Omaha bank clearings todav were $2,265,140 and for the corre sponding day of last year $2,136,438. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 25.-METALS-f.tand-ard copper, weak; spot and futures. $12 00 12 20. London mark-t easy; spot. 56: futures. ii 12s td Lsk copper, tli'bj 13 0i; electrolytic, $:2 50iSl2 62; casting. t;2 2'5 12 50 Tin, weak; tpot. $42 BU 43 00 ; future. $40.87i7i41 624 London msrket steady; spot. 1SS lu. future. 186 2s 6d Lead, easy; $4ofi4&5, New York; $4 35 bid. Fat St. Louis. London inaiket quoted at 14 5a. Irpeller. weak; $5 BOfoe.OO. New York, $5 7v55.4 East Ft. l.oul. London mar ket quoted at '47 l'i Antimony, dull; Cookson's. $f, iJ 7 50. Iron. Cleveland war rant. 47 ld In London. Locally Iron wss steady; No. 1 foundry, northern. $15 VS 16 00. No. II... 10... u". v'.'.'. A. ..mi Ft. Ne. Ill It.. Cowa . Ml .10110 . Io0 . 741 . Ill . 140 . 140 . t4 . Ill 111 . M0 I. II... I... 4... 4... I 00 I 16 I 10 I w I II I t HEIFERS. I 40 I IN I I 44 U I 71 1 1.6 ID BTJLT.8. I 40 I I 40 1 1 AT. ..1487 .1111 . Ill Pr. t 6 I 10 4 00 . "l 4 00 . I7 4 10 .1210 4 Tl l.iO I 41 M I 41 C .. IM .. 7JS .. Ill .uoo inso .1044 4 SO 4 00 4 W 4 II I SO I 41 Ill 106 n M k.M STOCKERS IM III tti t 4 00 4 M 4 X 4 IS I II 6 21 4 II I 11 741 4 10 760 4 a ALVCS. AND I . M . 11.. I . II . I . 10. . .1444 I 71 20 I so 120 21 140 111 I 40 I 10 SO I M FEEDERS . 4I . 121 lit . 14 .1005 . 164 J004 TW 4 oO 7M 4 14 III 4 M WESTERNS. SOUTH DAKOTA. A v. Pr. No. ,713 3 30 16 COWS... I H 4 a 71 4 71 9 01 I 10 I H Drr Goods Market. NEW TORK. Aug 28 PRY OOODt Stai'ie prints eie 1 educed cent a vard bv the American Printing company Othtr 1 manufacturers made th cut, reducing then goods 1 r and V a yard These fabrics are no v priced at 4c. There was more In I quirv for grey goods and all the goods that mill care to re'! at present price have t"en rtir",'4 n' Toriher continued to buy In a hand-to-mouth way. No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 86 heifer... 718 3 30 11 cows 3 z 13 rows 70 8 75 29 calves... 174 t 00 a. R. Romm South Dakota 14 cows 923 3 50 7 cows 782 8 50 4 cows S12 t 75 2 cows 800 8 75 3 bulls 6fi6 3 50 3 heifers... 410 8 76 1 bulls Hilo 3 60 8 cows 3 "6 82 feeder.. 818 4 70 15 feeders . 678 4 85 2 feeder.. 45') 3 50 11 feeders.. 810 4 25 feeder.. 1047 o 00 HOUS sunio Improvement wss shown in hog trade, but it was nothing to brag about Prices ruled merely strong and in some quarters sellers assertad that no trenjtth whatever could be detected. Here and there a nickel higher al cropped out. rtenplie steadv opinion, cost of larger ilrovu belna shaded In Belters' favor. Bull- 1 Ish trend was larnely confined to smooth I shipplntt grades snd packing stuff that lamW at 37 00 yesterday. Supplies wrre onlv moderate amounting: to seventv.two lods. and average quality a seasonably plain. Demand from all quarters appeared quiet throughout the session, much of th run changing hsndi "st the office," after packera had made one or two round of Inspection and tem porarily retired. Phlppera and ipeculators elected about twentv load of th better r'asne. this purchase amounting to fully I', ner cent of the total recelps Toppv bacon weights resched 17 40. a -ickel above veteMav's xtrep- price, and long strlnrs of orditiarv Mtcher sold at e irrow snrfad of 17.057.10. Tefreaent-'-c elea No ae th. Pr. 7 HI . . t 00 40 140 ISO T 0U The Booklovers . jnt--"l i now on! .til .140 . Ill . i7 .. 141 ...7 ...4 .104 .106 . IM .. IM . . :. 440 M to 7 00 1 00 t 00 1 01(4 1 0ll ton T ."4j 1 T 0J', 0 1 "tw 7 t m 7 o s 40 7 06 K A th P. 47 tnO W t 01 11 tot ik la IJ tit 10 t 071 11 to o t a; U ! 10 1 074 41 Ill 1 t ? II .47 10 7 07 47 t'l IM t 7i4) 14 274 l0 1 07', 4 !' 7 07 t0 141 M 1 10 .11 M J 10 71 34 li T It to $4 ... tt 4 t I 4T 14 SO T 05 M HI ... 7 10 . i ... T 04) 67 245 40 7 IS 10 no ... 1 SJ 71 Ill S t IS M m t 01 i ' i .i . . . f TW 71 i 7 1 S4 7I 10 T OS 71 211 n t 1 M ... ? . . 7 4 II 141 IS t S 1 . .. 12 0 7 (V. 7 Ill IW I 114) (1 21 a T Of 74 II l I U4 j . . Hit tl It SO t 1 7 U W 142 10 7 06 tt I 40 T II 1: ... n ... lit 12 w in III 44 :-7 .. 1 0 71 14 ... Ill tt 10 1 OS 17 IM ... 7 I 44 It UO t SS II 1" 7 U 40 to 11 7 to M4 SO To 44 IM tl II 27 . . t 06 II 1.4 SO 7 4 Ill . t 4 B M H ll SO 10 II 2"! ... 1 I 12 7 ... 7 OS II. 177 ... 1 I 178 ... t 4 ... 7 4i a . 162 ISO 1 01 SI la ... T 40 tiHEEJ' It reoulred only a few fair-uses orders to make a complete clearance of supply In the sheep bain, as the volume of fresh receipts was very limited. Something like fourteen loads of stock arrived, offer ings consisting largely of lA.nbs. both fat and feeder grades. Demand from all quar ters had a reasonable degree of life and practically eterything on sale changed hsnd 111 very goud season, prices ruling quntsbl) steady. Kxtra good fat lambs Isnled at $6.35 with seconds and common to cull clauses from $6 00 downward. Some thing fancv in the way of finished lambs would hardly pass ths $6.50 mark at pres ent, a the proportion of this kind of stock in recent receipts bss been a trifle exreiv. Early business Involved no sheep rale, for the reason that wethers, ewes, etc., were hard to find. Fat ewes are selling from W.O11 on up as high as $3 36. while choice handy wethers are In very fair request at $3 5G32 66. Fat year Unas hsve been very well sustained on all days and are wanted at a wide spread of 84.2B 4.70. quality snd condition determining the price. As compared wtih last week, sheep and lamb receipts show a heavy Increase, but the total I still considerably less than the weeks total a year aso. Lambs predom inated In the run and weighty sheep, weth ers especially, were scarce. Packing de mnnd has been ample, but business had a quiet tone throughout and feeling was gen erally bearish. Fat lamba are closing a big half dollar of, while fat sheep snow net declines of about 10&l5c The feeder trade this weelt has usually been s busy sffalr. as almost 60 per cent of the total offerings laoked flesh for kill ing purposes. Out of dally receipts amount ing to fully 80.O111) head, country buyers and speculators purchased about 45,000 head, mostly lambs. Oood, thrifty feeder lambs are selling around $5 3i.i66.60 and Wyoming pee-wees, the first to show up, moved at $S05. earl." in the week. Feeder ewes still claim a $?.0d limit and feeder yearlings are In best demand at i4.0CKg4.6u. The entire list of feeder prices shows 10(gl6c losses as compared with quotations a week ago, but the country and speculative demand has been broad throughout. Quotations on sneep and iambs: Lambs, good to choice. $6.20.oO; lambs, fair to ?ood. $6 75'r.10; lambs, culls. t4.75aj5.&0; eeder lambs. $5 tt; yearlings, fair to oholce, 14 1.(4.75: yearlings, feeders, M.OOttf 4.65; wethers, handy, $3 40S.76; wethers, heavy, J.1..40; wethers, feeders. $3.0041 10; ewes, good to choice. t3.Uu74.tS; ewes, fair to good, $2.fHtfo.li; ewes, breeder. $3.60 O-t .3. ewe, (eeoera, $2.85u72.tJO; ewes, oulls. i. 0tn4v1.lt,. No. 67 Wyoming lambs, culls 42 ins Wyoming lambs, feeders 278 Wyoming lambs, feeders it Wyoming lambs, feeders 173 Wyoming lambs, feeders 325 Wyoming lambs, feeders itii Wyoming lambs, feeders 80 Wyoming ewes, feeders & Wyoming ewes, wethers 37 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 64 Wyoming lambs 106 native lambs, feeders Si Wyoming ewes 667 Idaho lambs 218 Idaho lambs 3i76 Idaho lambs, feeders 110 native cues, feeders Iu4 native feeders $5 native ewes 30 native lambs, culls 82 native lamb 124 Idaho ewes, feeders 101 Ids ho ewes l.3 Idaho yearlings, feeders 1S4 Idaho yearllngf 1:7 Idaho lambs, culls 222 loano lambs, feeders CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and heep Steadr Hogs Higher. CHICAGO. Aug. 26.-CATTLa.Receiptij. 2.000 head: market steady; beeves, to.low 8.10: Texas steer. $4.fi0iJ6.45: western steers $4.26dK96; stackers and feeders. $3 s ( "5.6O: 5w. and heifers. $2 25gtS.40. calves. $6003)11.86. HOGS-Receipts, lt.500 head; market.. o higher: best others, steady; light. $, r 7.(5; mixed. $7.107.75; heavy te.WXuVeJ; rough. to.9o7.1S; good to choice heavy, tvio 7 70, pigs, t4.75S7.50; bulk of sales. 7.20 ''SHEEP AND LAMBS - RaoclPU; head; market steady; native. 215fS75. western. $2.533.70; yearllnss. ' native lambs, $4.0ig6.60; western, $4.75(5sO. Kaaaae City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 25 CATTLE Re ceipt. 1.000 head, including 500 southerns: market steady; dressed beef and export Seeri T. $7.00 180; fair to good. t6.80.90; western steer. $4.627.50; stockers snd feeders $3.50(38.50; southern steers. tSBOifJ 8 50; southern cows. 12. 4. 50: native cows. $2.5035 25; native heifers, $400(37.50; bulls. t3.00o4 50: calves. 14.0007.25. H O O S Receipts, t.000 head: market steady; lights. 5c higher; bulk of sales. $7 15-57.30; heavy, $7.1007.28; packer and butchers, r ivfff.40; light t7 Jo 7 .40 SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts. 8.000 head; market steady; lamb. 85.JW6.40; yearlings. $3 75.$4 25; wethers, $3 2.8 75' ewes $3(03460, stocker snd feeders, $2 75 fij.75. (t. Louie Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Aue !5.-CATTLE-Rcpt. 1 000 head. Including 300 Texans: mark-t steady; native shipping and export steers. $6 TrVn'I.W; dressed beef and butcher steer. $6 75'37.00; steers under VOto lbs , $4.00. 16; stockers and feeders. $3.o0;!5 25; cows and heifers. $3.O(S7.0O; canners. H OCtiJ-W; calve. MOu&g.OO: Txs and Iniilan steers, HCWt TjoTcows and heifers. $3.0o3S.OO. HOGS Receipts. 5.1"0 had; market steadv; olgs and lights. $4.75?T7.; packer $2 1037.06; butchers ond best heavy ,$7.40 7 80 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 6o0head; market ateady; native muttons. $S2rV8176: lambs, t4.0t3.80; culls and bucks, tl 2521) 2.75; stockers. tl.802.26. St. Josepk Live Block Market, ST JOSIPH, Mo.. Aug. 25.-CATTLE Receipts il)0 head; market steady: steer, $5 0038 0: cows and heifers, $3.001.t; calves, ,14.0007.26. HOGS Receipts, 200 head; market steady to 6c higher; top, $7.50; bulk of sale. $7 10 C 35 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt 700 head; market steady; lambs, $5. ttna 6.50. M "k lu BtkTht. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. psl western markets yemeiday : VBttiC. lllr O. gwill't-c-ar. Av. Pr. 42 4 25 45 5 0C 84 t 46 60 6 4 61 (46 62 6 45 65 6 45 84 2 90 107 8 33 78 4 40 60 75 51 4 80 $5 2 46 64 6 85 62 86 56 6 40 86 t 00 51 4 50 82 2 60 48 4 00 68 t 25 84 2 26 86 3 00 72 3 DO 76 4 25 44 4 00 56 6 40 South Omaha .. St. Joseph Kan -a City ... Bt. Loui Chicago Total 6X 200 1.000 l.onn 2.00 4.700 20 8 Ourt 6 100 r.500 4.800 "00 3 0") ApO 1000 ...t.SiiO 26.600 17.100 4M AHA OBNBKAI. HARHIT. BUTTER NO. 1, l-lt. carton, 2Bc; No. I In 60-lb. tub. 27c. No 2. 25o; packing, 17c; "CHEESE Imported Swle, 82o; Americas Sla -c block Bwisa, 10; twins. lHui triplet. 16c; dalJiea, 16c; young America, lie; blue label brick, 16c; Umburger U Ib.j lbc, llniburrser (1 lb.), lc. POULTRY Broiler, 20o per lb.; hens. 18c; cock. 8c; ducks, lac, geese, 15o; tur keys, 24c, pigeons, per do., $1.30. Alive: Broilers, 12V ; hens. o: old rooster and etaa 4VjC, old duck, full feathered, loc; gee. full feathered, tc; turkaya, Uc; guinea fowl, lie ocb; pigeona. per do., 5c; homer, per do.. $2.iti; equab No. L ki-yi, lie. VEGETABLES Eeans. etrlng and wax. per market basket. uc. Cabbage, home grown par lb . c. Cucumbera. home grown, ls and I do In basket, per baaket, ioc Egg plant, fancy Fiorina, per doz., $150. Garlic, exlra taxcy, white, per lb.. I.e. Lettuce, extra Iniicy leaf, per do.. 40c Onions, home grown, white, per crate. II 75, e-low, per crate. 41 bu. California, In acns. per lb., 2c. Parsley, fancy borne grown, per dos, bunches, 46c. potatoes, California white stock. In satcka, per bu., $1 SO; Minnesota, per bu., $1251 86. Sweet potatoes, Virginia, per bbl., $4.60; par bu. Laaket, $1 50. Toiot, home grewst. per market baaael 75c. Sugar Mark .. NEW YORK. Aug. 26. -SUGAR- Raw, strong, ctntrifugal, M teat. i.lMKio.Uc; muscovado, ss teat. $4 5u44.634jc; molasses sugsr. teet, 4 2fV4.37'c. Refined, firm. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 26 WOOL Firm; te:. rltory nd western mediums. KHU-JOc; fi.ie medium. 17iv; fin, lljltc. Never too late to enur the Booklover' Conieni t