Tilt: HF-K: OMAHA. MONDAY. A TV, r ST 21. 1011. OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR RENT 1 REAL ESTATE FARM AMI RAM II UMI FOR Ml K (Continued ) REAL ESTATE (CiTtioued ) 6t atiawed. I 00111. n r - I rl"1rn r !' In rf-rnc. , fr.irily. Hatete ami Arnrtmrntn. .VTf'F.l.T riTM'HKD ItOiM' tor r-n-lnifn. THE HAriiAV. lit ;3tn at DODGE HOTEL. 13th end 1 d;e; a. I coi cMsitc riKmi. (pedal ra W'RMMiTON HOTEL nic rKim. on t-L.1 - J . . NEW YORK HOTEL csfe. 1011 LMugiss nli e rooms and THE BCHL1TZ Hotel; oar 25c plat din l.er me oesi in tiiv m ORU and Arcade, speclsl wkl'y rata. KtXtU hotel Nice rms. Mod. 114 N. 14. The New Elk Hotel Now open, all outsid room. Xf snl fOc by day; wck. $2 up. M7 N. lth. D. 72S7. VI K.N N A Farnam. Hetel, mod . reasonable. 1011-15 OitIpti Hntpl Council Bluffs. Rooms ugien noiei ,2o, to t7 40 WMk MILLERS' hotel, headquarters. 312 N. 2ttrt. Stockmen's MOTEL, ANTLER Elegant room. Bo. 10th. 5104 BXCfcLLENT meals. SOS No. 2Sth. South aha. HOWARD HOTEL Elegant rooms, Howard. 12 GRAND HOTEL, rooms 35c up. 620 8 13th WlNL'SOIt IIOTEL lloomt. fr to $1 5u f trr.um St. Hotel, nice rooms. 1104 Farnam. Varalia4 Haaaea. FOUR-ROOM mooera apartrneat; fur tuahed. W abater 4ea FURNISHED seven-rtx.ni modem house, large reception hall; term reasonable Webster . M17 Plnkney Pt. PRETTY home furnished; lawn, awnings, ahade. worth 640 fur $22, privilege of huyn.g furniture on payments and rent. $1. 9i South 40th Bt., Leavenworth car line. Apartsaeat aa4 Plat. (-ROOM apartments, completely modera Pcargo Bldg., so. Omaha, above 62 N. 24th, Thoa F. Hail. 433 Ramge, D. 740. A-44U. TO LEASE APARTMENTS. TO LEASiv Two beautiful, new, strictly modern t-room apartments In the Maples, fcUi and Harney. Hlgheat class apartments In the city, bee Janitor or N. r. ilerjers, lou ML ' STEAM HEATED APARTMENTS. of four rooms each: every other Improve ment, with aaa ranae In each: iith and Oir,lng. To only small famlllea. $1 to 114, pl By heat. TiiOi. W. HA2SN, 207 Mccasjue MIOCK. Telephone LHiug. UOu. FIV&ROOM flat. 223 Lake. Call H. 124. NEW four-room brick flata. atrlctly mod ern, walklns distance. Telephone Web- ster 9U. u 5-ROOM heated flat, strictly modern; t 8. Uth Ave. TeL Red 2177. Rti. and aiz-room Qaus. iarua siktc4. na M abater. rooms, modern. tZX Howard. 1VNTER Reaity Co., elegant apartmeata. l is. Xbtb. 41&S DAVENPORT, modern, 7 rooms, best residence district. Harney ca 114 N. tith Ave. New, modern t-room flat, ten minutes' walk from postofflce. Ind. B-1S2. ' APARTM EN 8 cf two, three and four rooms each. Corner 17th and Cumins. -THOS. W. HAZEN, SOT Mc('i(U Block. Telephone Douflas Uuu. THE nOL'OLAS. 2301 Douglaa. .Trunslenu. bOc and up. lTtS and 17J6 Be uth ZHh street, one block from ocautitul llanscotn nui k. a rouuis. modern. Combination Uhtlng, ahades, fine porohea. Thirty-five dollars, water free. Phone Tyler 1449. forenoons FIVE room apartment. The Mason, list and Mason. u per month. Douglas 1S7L LOW PRICED FLATS. 2150 Ames Ave., 4-r.. $7-60. 17 Clark St.. l-r . $. 412 S. lth. 4-r., very close In, tlO. 4 Knrnre St J r . no. 56 Ames Ave., -r., $10. 1047 8. 23d. 4-r.. $12. 1410 N. 17th. J-r., $10. 1W St. Msry's Ave., -r . all modern except heat, very close In, 11' PAYNE A SIATEK COMPANY, ti Omaha National Bank Bldg. TWO FLATS Qond location for doctor, over drug store, of I rooms each: M. K cor. 24th and Ham ilton Sts. Pee me for price, etc. THOS. W. HAZES'. 207 MoCague. Phone D. 1200. ) - f EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous. If J. F. Deahy, Hi So. 24th St.. will come to-The Bee office within three days we will gij. lna an order for a 60-cent box free. i-Oood store room, corner, will make Hood grocery, meat market, etc 1066 So. aoth rt- . $12.60 Three large rooms In flat, 2210 No. list sc $10 Five-room flat. IS04 No. 21st St. $32 60 Five-room modern apartment. The Albion, loth and Mason Sts. $30 Six-room flat, modern, cloae In. S20 Ne. lith St. ROBINSON WOLF, rtione Doug. 241$. 426 Paxton Block. STEAM-HEATED APARTMENTS New Trov. 3Lut) Harney, of 4 rooms each; ase one year at $.0O. THOU vv. tiAir,.i, 207 McCagua. Phone OIW. rarslsktt Heaseaeealan- Ssssm. THREE elegant front rooms, furnished varurnisnea. moaern, reasonaoie. sju K. JOth St 2671 8T. MARY'S Ave., strictly modern housekeeping rooms. Douglas iOC EXCELLENT south front parlor, fur sUshsd for housekeeping: er sleeping; puea tree. 26'4 11 ax Bey a. HOCSKKfcVKPlNO So. 141U. Bleeping rooms. 71$ 3 or 4 nicely furnished 1st floor and 2d floor rooms, all modern, with gas. bath, etc . reasonabis terms to steady roomers, walking distance or take Farnam bt car. 27U7 Dodge. 11. 6ww. NICE rooms for light housekeeping. BV 24th. 213 TWO furnished rooms, 3n04 Marcy. A- $427. TO quiet couple, suite of housekeeping rooms, all modern, very reasonable. i4 ho. Ath Ate. IM & 26TH AVE Two pleasant house keeping, conveniently equipped, newly fur bished, outside rooms, larg lawn, modern, walking distance. tit, LARGE well furnished southeast par lor, with bay window, well furnished; use cf new piano, furnace heat, gas and bath; plenty hot and cold wster. Also Ice water. Both phonea. Permanent respectable coupl. On block from car line. Ml St. Mary s Ave. i- 8. S5TH AVE Modem housekeeping sleeping rooms. Tyler Who. room. TWO suites of strictly modern furnished to.isekeepiug rooms; desirable neighbor LsVmI; eay walking distance. Price reaeon- (ve. phone Harney 171. - f i . UOUSF.KTr:PINi3 lli No. 3etk St W ... and Bleeping rooms. CAFiTti. AVE.-urc Tront room aad small kitchen connected; modern, nicely furnished, $12; no children. THREE unfurnished rooms: modern; tyate l " f 6J:o Vn'-ii 'Vr. ed; private family; walking distance -A 222 Burt WEBSTER. I nice, clean, modern rniahed rooms. Douglaa 4701. 711 REE - housekeepina rootua. modem. cheap. li Ne, M bb -I nntlnneit. Tvri erf i Si s frof t r "1 STietW : re '"Brio. L'vTpir'. R ! 7. or rr,riA f'o.T. mern f i-msn rr.ni nvt Nnr nnl-. Two in nr family . T-th St. Ft- '-rencf I" ew er pi rest car Ad-its Api lv ?'! S Hee (olllin J N. BISHOP, furniture moving and tofrn, 2 men. t' n hour; spr-ecs-ity hauling pianos. Phore Wb. 21M. B-1407. Houses in all parts Cretga Pons of Co. the Bee city Bide EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at U h Ft. on W. Farnatr- Dundee lis a Ta Harney loM cr Douglas 444. 6EVKN-RCOM modern hons. In gorxl condition; Urge coiner lot and ihade trsea lent t-V 1S"2 Ohio tc Apply laU lathrM i. Te'. B-i-U. MAPLE BT five rooms, modem at (pt furnace lt in Hail Distributor Ce. A-440S. D. 74uC 7-ROOM modern hou.-e. Ml North Kd If. CS. Phone Douglas (la. WEST FARNAM. new brtck. i b. r.. S Latlrk. fine location. 31j N. Ave.. FIVE rooms, lii. 4 rooms. $12; IsZi 3. 4th. I7J 8. KTH ST. Eight rooms, completeif tno.lern. $3i. Thorn F. Hall. 433 Hamgi bldg. r hones Duuglas 7Vi Ind. A-44ol BLATZ Wiener. Tel. Doug lugl for case. I-ROOM cottage. 27J3 Franklin 8t SEVF.N-ROOM modern hou.e. 60J N. S2d ISt.. 2S 'Plione Douglas !16. VERT CHOICE. NEW. Seven rooms and bath; near school; Han om l ark. Keubenb-rs Bros., b4J Brandels Hid. Tel. Douglas 1S70. 8T. MART 8 AVKM'E A 7-room. strictly modern ft. Louis apartment in a choice location. I3n00. PAYNE PLATER CUMPANT. D. !nlj. 61 Omaha National Bank Rids TWO H. 3075. modern houses. M5 8. 28th. Tel. HOUSE. J0C3 Leavenworth, all modern: R. tm. LkjL'BLK house. U1S Ul South Cd 8t six rooms on each aide. 13U each. Tele phone Douglea 04. SIX-ROOM modTn hous distanre, 2709 Capitol Ave., eter 30n6. , easy walking only IS. Web- FOR case of BlaU Beer Tel. Doug. lOeL Houses, lna Rlngwa It. Braaaala Th. Bldg. HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., lal. Doug tsw City efXice. i!4 8. 17tb Bt- Bee Bid. ' U MONTHLY rents a rood plana. A. heape Co.. Ull Douglas St. TWO (-room rottagaa, beautifuly located. n and 7U Bo 17th bt. Webstsr i&Ssi. Om. Van A Storage Co. packs. moves.f tores ho'isehold guods. Fireproof storage. BU4 S. 16th. Branch, S. 17th. Tel. D. 4163. A-1335. MODERN, I rooms, oppoxlte park. $40 Modern, 6 rooms, 2801 S. 72L PHONE HAKNEY lt. S04 South Uth, K a u.uix.11. u I rooms. Ttlephons Uoun.s H- FOR RENT Close In, S rooms: modern; neer high school; 126; l-roorrr flat; bath; new plumbing; range; gas stove; $22.50. Tel. Red 6624. TWO rooms modern, reference, M0 Dewey Ave. -I 704 N. 30th St.. rooms .strlcly modern reduced rent to desirable tensnts. R. H. LANDER YON. 432 Board of Trade. Douglas 215L r- HEVEN room house; modern except heat. 24 Parker St. 2407 SO. 17TH 8T. 6-roora. entirely new, modern. D. 4334. I ROOMS, strictly modern. Tel. Web. 3S2S. TWO modern 10-room houses at 2S33-26S4 Harney St. Tel. Doug. 1J! or Harney li4. 6ee T. J. O'Brien. Henshaw Hotel. FINE ft-room house. Tel. D. 162. iM N. 21 ST BT. A s-room, strictly modem brick dwell ing, newly decorated throughout; bargain at $46. PAYNE A PLATER COMPANY. 816 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRICK HOUSE of six rooms, modern, with furnace, 1411 Hamilton St.. $2". THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague Block. Telephone Doug. Uuu. FOR RENT TO NICE COIORED FAMLY. $16 Nice S-room flat, modern, except heat, 2623 Lake St. $12.60 Four-room cottage. K14 Binney St. ROBINSON A WOLF. 436 Paxton Block. Phone. Doug. 2411 Stores atid Offlece. TWO office. d floor Cre'g!ton block; also store at 11 8. lltb Bt Alfred Thomas. Agent M First Nat l Bank Bldg. W-A-N-T-E-D 99-Year Leases Central Property Only. ITEXRY S. KOPPIN BRE1TMSYER BLDG.. DETROIT, MICH. I- take a boat nae at i.ane Manawa, we will give a pair of round trip ticketa to C. Nelaou, '10 Frederick St., If he will come to The Bee office within three day. FIRST clasa butcher, to run a meat market next to a grocery store. Market established three years, new building. 16x43 feet, modern, good propoaitlon; to make cheap rent, living rooms In rear It de sired. L 910. Omaha Bea FOR RENT-Store In new "Pullman building." next to Burlington statltn; a very dealrable location for millinery and dressmaking or hardware, notions, novel Oca or other business to catch oul-of-towa and south of viaduct trad. IMPERIAL INVESTMENT CO. Pullman Building. TeL Doug. Kit. McCAOUE BUILOINa. ISth and Dodge, oppoeit new' Union Pacific headquarter, desirable offices for rent remodeled and decorated, rents moderate, service corn- f'lele. Omaha Loan and Building asaocia ion. FOR RENT A corner stcre. 10th and Douglas; modem, up-to-date; rent reasona ble. FOR RENT New store. 2x60. swell loca tion, eapeclally suitable for ladles' tailor or plumber. Address E 921 Bee. STORE-ROOM. 16x42 feet, with living rooms In rear ir aesirea, suitable lor bar ber shop, notions, news or so on; all will pay well, new building. Cheap rent L Ks. Omaha Pee. SPLENDID layout of offices In "Pull, man Building." next te B. A M. station. Rentals moderate. Imperial Investment Co.. Pullman Bldg., TeL iHmglaa 161. 1ST snd in Farnam S Tel Har 2H los-l HOWARD restaurant location JOHN N. FREN7.ER-BOTH 'PHONES. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. -FOR SALE Oak bed. springs and mat tress, eheap. Webster 1234. FOR SALE Household goods; dining table snd chairs, buffet, fss range, re fiigerator. water power washer, oak chif fonier, msple chiffonier, beds springs snd msttress, child's bed, rugs, etc 1612 Georr-a Ave. FOR PALE Bookcase and sideboard, g. 2Mh Bt. 12 I nfnrlhrd Remans ileal Estate Paper of the West. Omaha IV'. Want i TMitor: Saturday I subsfHld for Thr Hop on account of the real On the following Sunday I saw a jilnco advertised which AVedne?dav. So much for Tlie Hoe. Results are what OFFERED FOR SALE Fa ra I tare t eat la wed. NEW furniture of 6-roora flat, 1160. Typewriter. BUT an L C. Smith Troe. typewriter E F. Bwanaon Co., Distributer. f-r. nam St. TYPEWRITERS Hot weather prices: Remington til Denetnore ll."i. Oliver $22.60. Williams $.4 Chicago $7. Hammond $U. Underwood $. U C. Smith $4u. Monarch 40. Smith-Premier $30. Fox Visible $35. Fox $12. Large stock to select from. Full guarantee. Call or send for list. B. F. Swanson Co.. Lui r emain bt.. Omaha. RENT an Oliver typewriter from the OUver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2911 COX typewriters. 6M Brandeis Bldg. SMITH PREMIER models, No. 2 or No. 4 In excellent condition, rented three months for five dollara. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., ltn and Douglas. Maateal laatraasrata. BUSH-CERTS pianos. 201 Old Boston Blk. Mlacellaaeoaa. BAFES Overstocked with second-baa,! safes .all sixes and makes; baiga.na Amer ican bupply Co.. Ul Farnam St. FOR SALE New and ee ond-hand bil liard and pool tables. We Uad the worid In cheap bar fixturea. Easy paymenta brunawlck-Uaike-Coiiender. 407 So lpta. blX-t'UO'l utwk Keepers uesa. oak l.u au, lor sale at llouti. Appy George ri. wngiil. Be. Publismng Co. STRAWBERRY PLA NTS For fall planting can now be had of J. II. Marnett?, 6'Hi' Davenport. Phone Harney &4j. Get prices. New and second-hand safes. MIS Farnam. Leonard Ice boxes. Wlemer. 24 A Farnam. PRIMO vacuum Paxton. Ice cream freesers. 46 FOR SALE At a big bargain. Kimball organ. In first class condition. Call at 2J2v No. 2th Ave., or phone Web. 2603. POOL table for sale; nearly new; full siced table: mission setyle. Phone to East man, Douglas 123. ONE Fairbanks-Morse friction hoist. IS H. P., single drum. 2S-fnch. One hoist, 10 H. P., single drum, single cylinder, one hoist, D. D. D. cylinder, 1 H. P.; good re pair; with boiler. C. D. Woodworth A Co., 402 Karbach. RUBBER-TIRED reclining Invalid chair, almost new. Webster 1048. WE sell Oaa Stoves, Water Heaters, Fix tures, Lamps and all kinds of Gas Man tles snd Lamp Supplies. JOHNSON LAMP CO.. 21 8. lfith St, Phone. Doug. 1760; Ind.. A -1445. FOR SALE One Model $ Mergent haler llnotypa. Good condition. A 91 S Bee. FOR blocks; SALE 5,0n0 yards stone paving good as new. C. D. Woodworth. GASOLINE engine for sale, cheap. 8. 19th St. 316 FtLL stamped saddle and bridle, excel lent for breaking horses; best In city. Call after . Harney 2o4S. ECLIPSE gas range Douglas 644. for sale. Phone Harney 3361. FOR SALE CHEAP Set Call Douglas 1917. of dishes. 100 pieces FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell'a Ice cream. If Mrs. Marguitx. 1016 S 3oth Bt. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. OMAHA THE GRAIN MARKET CAVER8 ELEVATOR CO.. members Omaha Grain Exchange, wholesale aealers grain, hay. chop feed. 731 Brandels. ROBERTS GRAIN CO., grain consign ments solicited, gTain bought to arrive. 72 B'sndeis WEEKS GRAIN CO., consignments solicited. grain merchants; 793 Brandels. THE Updike Grain Co. Consignments carefully handled. Omaha. Neb. GEO. A. ROBERTS ORAIN CO.. con signments solicited. 617 Urandeis. Both phones. OSTEOPATHY- Alice Johnson, tut-t Brandels Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 634-6 Brandels Theater. PATENTS WILI.ARD EDDY. Solicitor. 1130 City Nat'l. Bank. Tyler ls3u: Ind. A-1S64. H. A. STURGES. patent lawyer. 646 Bran dels Theater. Phone Doug. S4. D. O. BARN ELL. Pax on Blk. TeL Red-TUT PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY rossage treat ment stomach troubls. Dr. Margaret Hal turan. tu-i Nevilie bin. D. 77 iL Open after 6 MASSAGE. Kiltenhouse. 30s Old Boston Bid. Dr. Burke. Chronic Disease, Omaha. Neb. FOR case cf Blata Beer TeL Doug. lOkL ADELIGHT hair food grows hair. Mm. Prayer. Megeath ata. Co.. lith and Farnam. MASSAGE It glow aromatic treatment suae. Allan of Chicago. Us) S- rtn bt.. first l.oor. D. FRENCH corn remedy 2ic. guaranteed, smooth skin, no pain. Kiccard Cheat Lab., iw Pax tun. tVBRlEN'S chiKOlates are famous every where because they are tne best. If Mrs. Fred Metx. JuO Su. lh i-t., will cum to The Bee office within three aays we will give her an order for a su-cent box free. Automatlo Phone Bus s. $2; residence. $1 ell I MPf C treatments. Mrs. Steele, ex-BXJ-aU.i. JJ rt oper't'r. 107 a. Uth. 2 fl VOL'.NQ WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangurs are invited to isit the Young A ttioeo s Christian association building st Seventeenth St and St. Mary's Ave . wber they will be directed te suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. MRS. SNYDER. Swedish msssage. bstis, radiator and vibrator treatment. T be Dunsany. Flat 3. loth and Pierce. D. MASSAGE bwedisk movement; nothing better for rneumaiism. Ladies, $1; gnti Sucn, $1.60. Apt 2, lstfi Farnam. Doug. 6uX ee is Recognized as Hespeet fully, you pay for results PERSONAL (Continued.) JAMES CORK ELECTRIC COMPANY moed to 203 S. lith 31 Douglas 1311. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on $lt I orders, catalogue tree. Sherman A 11c ! Connell Drug to.. Omaha. Neb. I M AKSAGE TREATMENT. Mis Steel. room 6. Tilt; SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing, in fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 134 N 11th St., for cot of collection, to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4U6 anil sagons will call. MaSSAOE Swedish movements; excellent for rheumatism, nervous and kindred all menu; treatments, $1.00. Drs. B. Prlbbe now and Harriet L Joy. Sj;ts 4"1 War Blk.. 20J S. lith SU Tel. Douglas 2786. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUQ CO. f ATI W TIP! Treatment E. Brott. 71$ aiAUitDilU. . s M floor tJ-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Olsddlsh Pharmacy, Utb and Dodge. W IE RENT and repair all kinds of sew ing machines. Ind. A-1061; Douglas lwil NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Haruey Sts. HVND-WORK wash, expert shirt and shirtwaist lroners; flat work, 40c per dos. 2.""6 No. 25th. Webster 2976. POULTRY AND PET STOCK THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington cock erels for sale. Harney 1663. PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer rltTis BEE BLDQ.. ENTRANCE ON COURT. PHONE IND. A -3620 for good printing Lyngstad Printing Co, 16th A Capitol Av. R1EB-HALL Ptg. Co.. 108 8. 14th. li A-3624 TIMES Printing Co.. 210 8. 19th. D. 2164. HARRY LED YARD, Printer. 318 S. 19th. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLES. FRANK J. NORTON. lib So. 17th. Bee Building. "There's a Reason." "1 minimise your title troublea" Both phones. MIP1.AND Guar. A Trust Co.. 1714 Far. H. H. Neale, pres.; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2. PETER JESS EN, Jr. Co. Tel. Doug 2291 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract etfice In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. ALF. C. KENNEDY, Fire and Tornado Insurance. 209 First Nat Bank Bldg. Douglas 721 J. A. Flke. Investments, $1 Clt Nat Be. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. ELECTRIC and Omaha Silver Co. gas lighting fixtures CONCRETE BASE for builders. SOI Farnam. Alfirn. COMMERCIAL LAND CO. Can ship from 1 to IS cars or stone per day. Orders promptly filled for 2-Inch stone down to chips. Mail orders to Room Is, Nebraska Nat Bank Bldg. Call up D. 1149. Gate City Plumbing, Heating and Supply Company DIRECT TO CONSUMER Saving 20 to 30 per cent. Goods all high grade. Your confidence Is our motto. Write for prices. Address, Omaha, Neb., Gen'l Delivery. CARL C. THOMSEN. cement contractor; Sidewalk. 11c and 13c. Web VZZ. Har 4107. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE ISIS GEORGIA AVE. On account of leav ing city owner will aell the 7-room modern house for $3,300. lerins to suit FOR case of BlaU Beer TeL Doug. IOsL INSURANCE bargains, real estate. Mar shall. 213 Board of Trade Blk. HOME builders. Guaranteed T per cent shares. 309 South 17th St Ground 100x120 in Benson 1,000 Bearing Grape Vines Two fine lying lot, south frontags, with young bearing grape vines, corner location, within three blocks of good school and street csr; good homes nearby. $650 buys both easy terms. SCOTT A HILL Douglas 616. 307 McCague Bldg. INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY 11 ROOMS All MODERN, 66.000. W have a two apartment house, con taining 13 rooms, 1 bath rooms, I bed room, with parlor, dining room and km hen In each apartment wiia new plumbing and good beating plant Till property la too large for present owner and it is a splendid proposition tor some one who will buy It and dlvlae it Into four 6-room apartments. Owing to the arrangement of the house, this work can be done at a very small ex pense and when completed the apartments will rent for 6-6 each. The buyer can live in on aparuccjst, rent th rest and make a good Investment out ot your botna The budding is well built and In good condition, only 13 minutes' rid to the center of the city, one block from the Doug treat car line and la good resi dence dietrict. THE NUMBER 18 2619 NORTH 20TH 8T. Il is Just north of Ohio on ths Florence Boulevard. A good 6 or 7-room modern boue will be taken in exchange at the r.ght price. .True proposition la certainly Worth loosing Into. NoKKIS A MARTIN. SOU Be Bldg Doug. iii'O A-4270. TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to R. B. e-mith. 2113 Gold St. If hs will come to The Bee office within three days. TWO toth. lots, modern conveniences. 6016 N. Sec That Cotttage Among the Trees at Lifi" Sherwood Ave. talking distance. t.ew, 6 rooms, completely modern, oag finish, poiceiain plumbing, art lighting' fix tures; best of ever thing. .ay price, ea terms ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO, Tylar iUt, 3 South 17ta aM the Leading August 1. 1011. estate ads. I boupht on the following MRS. H. K. BEACII. are what you get. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOPF.RTY FOR 9AI.E (Continued Bachelor Hotel Lease and Fixtures We have a 60-room bachelor hotel. Sit uated right In town. Highest clas. Build ing practically new. This Is a very de sirable proposition and the oarer has the best reasons for selling. It will take tio.oo to handle It. A. P. Tukey & Son Tel. D-21S1. 444 5 Board of Trade Bldg.. lOVofc INVESTMENT 194:?-45 S. 11TH ST. PRICE $5,500 RENTAL $600 This property Is a i4-room flat consist ing of two 7-room apartments, both mod ern except heat; and a l-room cottage, also modern except heat. Situated on a W-1M feet of ground. The rent on this property Is low enough so that It Is al ways occupied. The owner of thla prop erty has moved to Colorado and Is dispos ing of all of his property In thia city. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. lt!14 Harney St. New Home Six rooms, all modern, three large living rooms and hall on first floor; three bed rooms and bath on second floor; oak finish; furnace heat; full basement; large lot: orated at 2341 S. 36th St. Open Sunday afternoon. Owner wants an offer. Must be sold regardless of price. Will consider chapr house or vscsnt lot. J. 'W. RASP CO. 689 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 1S3: A -2663. SMITH INVESTMENT CO.. Real Estate, Stocks. Bonds. 640 Brandels Theatre. WE handle all kinds of houses for seile and rent: If you want to buy or rent a house, call on us. FISHER & CARLSON 403 Omaha Nat Bank. D. 6469. FOR BALE By owner, two houses, 1437 N. 20th St WE offer for Immediate sale the follow ing: Lots 9 and 10, block 26. village of Benson, lot 7. block 2, lilniebaugh A Pat terson addition, to city of Omaha, Ander son A McGrew, Tekamah. Neb. 14th St. Business and Real Estate Ex change company. For sa.e, first class sa loon doing A-No. 1 business, located in Omaha. Call at ill so. :4tn St., 2d floor, room 1. Ed Rothery, president NELSON, Ell Bee. Home at sacrifice. SMALL house. Florence 3J2. large lot for sale cheap. LOTS IN FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. For Sale Lota west of Hanscom park In Field club district. Tel. D. 161t. Imper ial Investment Co., Pullman Building. BEMIS PARK. $ rooms, modern, hot water heat large comer lot, $4,2. Glover Realty Syndicate. Douglas 3963. EIGHT-ACRE PLACE Right In city, 4 mile of car line and school; good 7-room house, new barn, ( or more tine garden land, balance good for pasture; grapes, fruit, for family use; located on a street that is rapidly building up. and will soon be wanted for lots: fine place for hotbeds or greenhouse. A cheap place at $4.5"0. M GEE REAL ESTATE CO., 106 Pearl St, Council Bluffs A FINE home: some cssh and balance on easy rental payments. Webster 440. FINE LOT, front of lot. Miller's Park. wtlh beautiful parkage In In Norwood audition by Call Webster I'M- BARGAINS, company. city. McCague Investment EASY terms: 24 acre, partly in fruit: 7- Toom house, with bam, one mile from Ben son, $2,500. 'Phone Benson 146J. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR S4I.E. Alksssss. 2.8O0 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off timber land; much fins timber on laud: 6 to 7 ml from Eureka Springs; fins for fruit ranch and general farming. $7 60. Special bargaia In ln.pl oved farma. $10 to $30. WM. JENKINS A CO.. Eureka Springs, Ark. 1.600 ACRES rich bottom land, sis mile from Newark, lit per acre; terms. Fine orange grove. Florida Forty acrea, $7,606. Other bargains. A. A, Henderson. Newark. Arkansas. Callferala, FOR SALE 160 acres near Holtvtlla, Imperial Co., California. Irrigated. all In alfalfa, abundance water, devoted te dairying, cows pasture on alfalfa year round. Price. $2l uiX; HO.tsO cash, balance tl .000 yearly. 7 per cent. Further particu lars. Augustus H. Rehkopt, owner, 6113 Haildale Av.. Loa Angeles. FINEST irrigated fruit and dairy land la California; very cheap. 007 Bee Bldg. Caaada. W. V. Bennett, Canadian lands. 230 8. 17th. IRRIGATED farm bargain. Bldg. 637 Brandeui lawsu THE easiest way to find a tiuysr tor your farm is te insert a small want ad in the Dea Moines CapitaL Largest circula tion In tl.s slate of Iowa, iXitM dally. Toe taapital is read by and believed m by the standpatters ot Iowa, who simply refuse to pu.i.it any other paper la their homes Rates 1 cent a word a day; $1-2 per line per month; count cia ordinary words to the il ua Address Dea Moines Capital, Das Mo.aea, la. FINE 29-ACRE TRACT Five miles of bustneas, $ miles of oar line; all good, smooth upland, with beau tiful builuing site; on one of best road out of city. We haven't time to wast showing land that won't suit therefore do not want o Misrepresent and do not la saying this is one of the prettiest 30-aere tracts near the city, and cheap at ths pnoe. 12.ju: $oo0 rash, balance long time at 6 per oenl. Will divide If you want 10 aores 1TGEE REAL ESTATE OCX, lus Pearl bt, Couxual fcluftaj. Idabw. CHOICE i'i;Kl'Kl L.vM'N WITH PRI VATE NATEK RliiHTS. I.N ONAKK K1V1:K VAL . LET. ll'AHO Clock ranch. inn. uJ.n-.nng epen isnge. good buildings, fence and bearing crchard. per acre, worth Jim stock ranch. 240 acres, water for all year Uther bargains In stork snd fruit Isnds rellngulsment and locations. For fuil nformatlun addrean P. O. Bos No 1JI. Olenns Ferry. Idaho Haaaaa. I HAVE landf from te to MS per acre. 1 always have the bargains at the loaeat ;rt-e, write or come and see me and I ssBtire courteous treatment; also the ben uf refelencea. L L Webster, Wellington. Kan. Laalalaaa. VERNON parish, Lev: the land ei sun shine, soil, climate, markets, water, heata. twd criers cheap: write Leeavllle Hrai ! r-state and Improvement Co.. C M. Mo Farland. Sec y.. Leesvnie. i-a. LOUISIANA farm good tor truck, corn, count of cotton pest, msrket. Hall. Elder liouiaiana. and timber lands, caltie, etc., on ac chiapest lands on A bei.cit "aou.o FOR SALE 6i00u acre wet lands. Terre bonne Parish. La. Can be reclaimed at from $li to $J0 per acre. Fin truck, corn and fruit lands. Reclaimed lands now sell ing at $100 per sere. Will sell this tract now for quick turn at $4 per acre, liberal terma E. P. Brady, Macheca Bldg. New Orleana. La Mlssrsets. FARM. SNAP-23 acres level prslrl land. 200 In crop, balance ture and meadow ; good buildings. $a acre. Morhart 4. Atchison. Munkato. Minn. I HAVE a farm ot 320 acres 2i miles from good town. M miles from Minneapolis. 100 acrea under cultivation; atout SO acres meadow, baiance tinnti , can ail d openea up; r'ch sou. good nouse. nam ana otner buildings, rric )oi r acre. jio wacre farm two mlies from good town; 40 acre under plow, 16 acres umier. gooo ricn sou. 6-room House, two barns ana otner out buildings, winami L line natural grove, or chard just commencing to pear. Price, 13,600; easy terma Write oner. Charles h. bwaasoii. c-ia itivsr. unu.- FINE farm home. 320 acrea $ miles front good town; black loam soil All fenced, large frsms d veiling. barn, granary, macnln sheds, etc.. Its) acres In field, 44 acres timber, Da ance ciover ana 1111101.117 and meadow. Ideal aalry farm. ja ier acre, one-third cash, balance easy terma. 64. J. Kolb, Fosston. Mian. Mtaaoarl. STOP! Don't go a atep farther than Louglas county, duwn in the benutlful Cisarks, raise anything; corn au to uu bush tis per acr, ail other crops In proportion, cheapest good land on earth. $6 to m per acre. Free Information. Broaa steal hatate Co.. Ava, Mo. 10-ACRE farm, all cultivated: fine bouse, barn, fence, ftrst-class condition; fins spring water; 2 miles from town, I miles from rauiuwd Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co . Piedmont. Mo, CONNOLLY. Land, $4 up. 1619 Dodge. MISSOURI farm, 3J0 acres; 6-room house, barn; 100 acrea wheat, aju acree corn; level, biack dirt; 4 miles railroaa. $u acre. Cuaa E. Huckstep Keaiur Co.. Elsoerry, Mo FOR BALE 66 farms, large and aaiaiL between Mississippi and Missouri rivers, average $36 per acre. Write for big price list William Crewe. Wright City. Mo. MISSOURI FARMS None better ea earth; highly improved lsu acres; raises anything, $W. Other decided bargain. Write ua. Gilliam Realty CO.. Ullllam. Mo.- FOR BALE Finest farm In Leavenwotth county. Broaddus farm of lvO acrea. 1( mile from tort ieavenwoi th. $6,0ut brlca residence. 60u 46-year-oid wainuta. lui sugar maple treea, natural gas two telephone free delivery, IV uil.e Iroin Santa re ata lion; examine premises and write Mrs. J. L Klrby, 11U Felix Bt bt joeepu. Mo. Montana. WHOLESALE TRACTS IN MONTANA, the coming farm state, $U.60 to $J0 per acr. Writ for description. Shaw A Clark Land Co.. Hackney Blug., St Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley, HJ0 acres fin fruit land; old water right; best sec tion of the valley; tine proposition tor sub division; fair buildings; easy teims. Ad dress owner, hi. O. Lewis. Stevenavllie, Mont 320-ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale; also one hotel; one bakery; one gen eral store; one saloon; one ffed store. Ad crca Cnarlea F. Brown, 'tautta, Mont hrbraaaaw. - FINE 640-acre ranch. 12 miles from town, t quarters lame ha, balance wi,d nay and pasture. 4u0 acres level, balance slightly rolling; heavy biack soil; two flowing wells, 6-room house, barn, granary and ehickea bouse; telephone; V mile to achooL 'lias is an exceptionally fine rancii auu a snap. V II sell on easy terms. Georgs E Colllns. owner, Atkinson. Neb FINE EAST NEB. FARM. (67.50 per acre. Address 331 Chamber' ot Commerce. Omaha. 160 ACRES In Chase county. Nebraska; 12 miles souih of Elsie; If taken soon will take $17.60 an acre; this la a good quarter section and can all be farmed; will take a good 1910 or 1911 automobile on the deal and carry the balance. F. A, Garland. Charlton. Ia. FOUR sections of extra flue land In Boone Co., Nebr. Two te seven miles from good town. This Is no cheap or aandy stuff but all good black loam land with a clay subsoil. Price from 65o.uw to $66.tu per acre. One-fourth cash, balance long time at f per cent interest. Will be sold In parcels - to suit purcbaaera Write us tor a tree map of this county showing the location of the land, also other information in regard to this land. Pieper A Payne, Albion. Neb. L.100-ACRE farm 7 miles southeaat lias sett. Rock county, Nebraska; Ml acre In corn tin ear. large acreage In timothy snd clover; good set of luipio amenta Price, $2X60 pr acre; one-third cash, bal ance easy terms at per cent CARL TENNIS. 220 F. L A T. Bldg.. Sioux City, la GOOD eastern Neb. farm land. $76 per acre, fctt Brandeis Bldg. . HOMESTEAl 330 acres for $150 In cash, about JO mues out; rich larni land, not sand. Another tut for $175 caxh or In payments- J. A. Tracy, Kimbail. Neb. FOR SALE By owner. 320 acres Un proved land, mostly in crop to corn, wheat and oat, all fenced and in good farming community; only luO miles northwest ot Oniana and where crops are always good; lerui to suit purchaser ; price $uo. It taken soon. E. 8. Babcock. Manning, la. 3.VMI acrea. euO meadow; lakes; wsil im proved, near town; half trade, Wa.ker A Co, 640 Brandeis Theater Bidg. (tarts Dakwtsw FOR SALE An exceptionally fine let. 3 miles of elevator, six miles of Wyndmere, good, heavy, black aolL Wild Rice river inrougb pasture. Fine new buildings, wall (it excellent water, windmill, etc; 636 per acre. This is a snap. Lock Bvg U. Wyndmere. North Deaoia. BUY AT rlf LOATE, MONT. There a an honest opportunity for you to DOUBLE YOUR MONEY In a few year by buying our Musaelaheil vailey lands at HY LOATE. MONT, others are making big money wny not youT 2i.00u acres so. a s.uce l.0 and over 6.1 UO acre since Febru ary. U.0u0 acres to choose from at $10 to la) per acr. One-third down, balance In five iual annual installment st ( per cent INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. Low fares oo 1st and 3d TueaUaya Illustrated folder tree. Send for It Live local agents wanted In Iowa. Lib eral commission to hustler. Agency ap plication solicited. Write us today. WHEELOCK A WHEEUXk, Land Owners. Room D. Watkins Bldg.. Fargo. N. D. ONE ot th finest farms In Richland county, consisting of 266 acrea of good, productive land. Joining Wyndmere. Fin Large buildings, lots of fruit, nice grovs and oavsr-failing flowing well. Price ta'iM per acre and easy terma Marl, a Paulson Land Co.. Wyndmere. North Dakota- WHEN answering advertisements found In the Want Ad columns, pieaae mention The Jsea. Uklaaaaaa. FOR ALE "1 . ciuin,. . ali tn r(i tl stitm sway eni timet o'ii J.ihn. Mikogee. nl - : a. i " in te- o i er hs move-l Ad'ltess Sll.ei4 Ore g ww. FREE, a home in Cie worMrrful Hsrtie. i. tiotre-fsd la'd" on i1e-it rlaims In c.ntrnl oifgon l'"t informaium photic Hartir. .Ml '! aliform S' , tnalia, N-nr. i ska. 1 i-u arte ,1- miles treni ton. ne. nu.l ein Mouse, barn, trneimnt. .I' iai prune". Learma. ; ouiig t:'s !.' e'Jpe vines. ginnl watei. wou. or will sen sii etirs 1th all linpi o einents In estiaiion - lulled C. II Wch-ur Tne '.-. e oi - AS YOL' read tn mi1 )our want ad. s ail. so t I thousands If it is in The Be INVESTORS ol-:OR l'l'MTl'-ii sshin ton Fine t'.My land, close ion. ami. Le . river vaMey l.a. Ka.n price rite for information quickly. Mucl'uffee ! Wl.d. 10JN Belmont Prt and. Ore. Soatti rarollaa. LANl'iJ.'D per acre made grow nit figs lor i,---eies on the Inlands Oicnaids .ti ss tnonthi) pai ments. Sea Island Or el srd oinpany. Ciiarieston. S. C. Saatb Dakota. SOCTH DAKOTA LAND FOR SALF. We tiae a list of EUiiiunus couiil land (or ea r at fioui IIJ and up per acre, if inu i ?Mrd rile us tot particular and w will send our prices and pocket map If ou on lulu in South lakota, list It witn us. our motto is "A Square Deal to Buer and Seller' Ui us a chance to pro ii,i statement llasvold Land Co., Mina Lummid county, buuth l'akota ll.L exchange choice farm land near Pierre, tbe ca;nal of South Dakota, for i land. What have Lanu C w , rie. . uuu lona ur nfursini ou to s:ferf V si s o.- 400-ACRE corn farm, out from fAou l'ti l excellent mpro.emtius larg gro.s snd fruit; all In cultivation; price for qulca sale, 46. easy terns; also 21 well lui ,ioiu. easy terma and ls acres unlm .roeo. i lu-i v a e bargains lor Muick aa it. A. Silvius. owner, tioux Fall, b. D luO ACRES IN DEUEL CO . S. D. Cloae to tne Ai.tincsola Hue, heavy black son. ciay auuaou, lies very level and all under cultivation. Aiust be sold within t eas to c iute an eslat. iiaif uf th its! i nop tu iin la price, $3 per acre, irinia; vuv Mill bauui it aud 11 it a k..ap. ,ii giavei, no atones, no foui w.eil Auuuta . t. aitit. Lake Preatuo. a o..a.-.uCHlii OLCTION FIVK MlLa.4 FROM TOWN. Fair Improvement, nice. $6,600. Lqu.ty. 42,w. Alaska Itsaa Lslate Co., Aiaaka. o. u. FOR Ai.E section good ra laud. a. I teuceu, giMa tiuing t:l, mlies front Plankmglun, b. D. rot parucuiai mt t. L,. o aianey. Piullp. e U Teaaa, SPECIAL lauu. loiu i ueatra anaps A t ea leaaa Gulf Coast FORCED SALE To close partnersnip, 7ou acres hurawooti limoei istiu, living atei', 4Mv act e second botom isnu, aele cuitivateO. lea on Pulii siues o, tottun out K., lVs tulles from hsisnull. Tex. Railway switch v nine A uarga.n at 4Co, price, la per aci e. il. C. v anu eer, Alliens, lex. SEE the Bender Realty and Development U, B. easing, iex., or Merchants hotel, Omaha, tor booklet orange and Iig fauna. r'OK SALE Slkieen-acie unproved farm at Aiume, lex., li nine Irom Houston, uood ruevds. All unucr cultivation. Fin tig and orange iana. Air. M. b. biafto-u, owner, Aidine. !. TEXAS lands. 210 Bea Bldg. D. 113. TEXAS LANDS 1 have some wonder fully aiiracuve prices lor hume-aeeaers and iuveetors. 1 handle bargaina om. nis your exact warns. D. hi. Hlrsca neia, Waco, lex. 10 ACRE FRUIT and truck farms, $u cash, balance monthly; uo interest, ne taxes. W. b, Jones, 415 Brandeis lneatr. VA'saklsstss. IRRIGATED WASHINGTON FRUIT LANDS. Raw alfalfa and orchard tracts; water now on land, with permanent water right, $150 per acre; eaay terma; write Muse Lake Land and Irrigation Co., 607 Leary Bidg., Seattle. Wash WyoaalB.. WRITE thla company for Information about Cokevllle and western Wyoming op portunities. HEUTT REAL ESTATE CO.. Cokevllle. Wyo . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FINE TEXAS LAND 20 acres, fine country, three miles from town, for sale or trade for city property; good M..n lor selling. 4-U-4 onuna Nat I Bank. WE exchange, properties of merit. H H. Culver. 612-13 O. N. B. Bldg Douglas 76i. LIST your exchanges Brandeis Theater. with Jones, tli DANDY H-sectlon So. Dak. land, value $4,0u0, clear property or touring car. H 979, Bee. I HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For results see me. Dean. (17 Bee Bldg. D. tax. WIIA. trade six-room house and lot for 1911 five-passenger a-ito. W. O. Jensen, 6o4 Ware Block. FOR EXCHANGE Clear Omaha prop erty for southern California. Give full par ticulars In first letter. Box 64. San Gabriel, Cal. TRADE Eastern Nebraska farms for Omaha Income property. Nlchoiaa, 4li brandeis Theatre. EXCHANGE for what you want. Shopeo A Co. Exchange Experts, Paxton Bk. National Inveatment Co. trades everything. $16,'0 real estate for farm. ply E 806, Bee. Owners; re- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WANT TO trartv 3-room house and S-acre of ground worth V". or a blacksmith shop and lot worth tJou. In Mondamln. Is . for hors and cattle. Call or address N. R. Ewtng, 2o6 N. i.lBt St., Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1230 Farnam St GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. $50 to $100,009 on Improved property. No delay. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Landa, O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 New Omaha National Bank building, LOANS to horns owners and noma build ers, with privilege of making partial pay menu aemi-annually. W. 11. THoMAS, sul First National Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Pay n Investment Ca. WANT2D City loana. Patera Truat Ca. $100 to (lO.GvQ made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., iih a.iu remain St. LOW RATES. BEMIS-CARLBERO. CO.. $10-412 Biaudeis Thsatar Bldg. WANTED FAR61 LOANS, vestment Company, Omaha. KlOke lo CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. 5H' Mi0" c,t "id farm property O- OaAit ME1KLE. 3ti Rainge I W. ge Bldg. First Trust Co.. farm A city loana. 306 8. 13. TAILORING FOR fall suits see A. Kodym. ltil Harney. R. A. Williams, clothes altered. 24 A Lake. Ladles', gents' tailoring. Piegler, 2j Far. CLEANING. K eoth. pressing, etc. Miller, all LULU B-333L SCOTT. 2927 Franklin. W. l.w. A Bee Want Ad will aeii the old furni ture you have stored In the attlo