Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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Seven Beautiful Girls Whose
suss iz&R&AjRET vmmmr
Several Travelers from Omaha Tied
1 Up ia London by Strike.
Society people of Omaha. Take ID
Horseback R 11 In s as Means
'.at Girtflu and Recreation
'-We-U In Society.
. .. Social Calendar.
MONDAT-Miss Elisabeth Bruce, luncheon
at Country club; children's matinee dance
at ' Field- club; Mrs. K.- H. t'orter, chil
dren's party at Field club.
TUESDAY Mrs. Mosher Colpetser after
noon bridge party; .Mrs. L. H. Korty,
luncheon at Field club for Mrs. Charles
Oyser; Mrs.. A. V. fcihotwell. luncheon at
Field club; children's matinee dance at
Happy Hollow club; ladles' day at Field
and Happy Hollow clubs; dance at Happy
Hollow club
WKLNi;8LAyf Dinner and dance at
Country and Field clubs. ...
THURSDAY Mrs. Herbert W. Johnson
entertains for Miss Rola Rumohr; ladles'
day at Field and Happy Hollow clubs;
vaudeville at Kod and Gun club.
SATURDAY Dinner and dance at Country,
Field and Happy Hollow clubs.
Autumn, Is fast superceding summer as
wedding, time,. The cool fail days are com
ing more and mora to be chosen by pros
pective brides and groom" for the celebra
tion of the greatest event In their Uvea,
and June la losing popularity. Many
Omaha young men and women will be mar
ried this fail, borne of tliem will marry
out of town the young women going to
ether places to make their future homes
and the men bringing .'their brides to
The earliest of thee weddings will be,
that of Miss Mi-sraret Whitney, daughter
Of Mrs. C. W. Morton, and Prof. Bralnerd.
Hears of Wtlllamstcwn, Main., which will
take place' August 23 at t o'clock at the
borne of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Sumner Baiter, In VllHa:rstown.
Miss Whitney spent her glrlPood in O raha,
was graduated from the high school and
later from .Weilesley cnlleg.-, She will be
attended by her sibtcr. Mlca Iorothy Mor
ton of Omaha, and by her cousin, MUl
Edith Salter., a trip to Canada the
young people will reside In Wl'.llamstown,
where Prof, Mears jls Juril r professor In
chemistry In Williams college. .
One of the first, of the September wed
dings will be that of Miss Ethel Mattson,
daughter of Dr. and Mm. Alfred S. Matt
son, and Mr. Present Heald of Peoria,
111., September 1. This will he a home
wadding with the Rev. IX E. Jenkins offi
ciating. The wedding of Mr. Joseph -Barton
and Miss Gladys Graham of Portland
will be a large church affair in September,
with Mr. and Mrs: 'Joe Barton among the
attendants' la. September .Miss Frances
' MoCreary. daurMer of . Mr. and Mrs.
Charles 'McCreary, will be married to Mr.
Thomas Lynch.
Tha weddtng of Mlm Ruth Pra'ndels.
daughter of Mri aid Mrs. Arthur P. Bran-
dels, and Mr. .Irving C. '."tern of New York
City wni'iead off the Octob-r nuptials. U
will be held October io "in the'' Maxlr.f El
liot horns'. on East Eighty-first street, which
Mr. and" Mrs. Eramlrts'' hsve taken In New
Tork. .tha marriage will be followed by a
tour of Europe which ' will Include a 'visit
at tha hoVn of Mr, firm's sister, Baroness
Lao da Js.ffnreitn, 1n Part .' ".'.
Tba wadding of Miss Siisaa Holdrege.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hol
drege, and Dr. R. R. Holllsttr will take
place in early October In. Unity church.
Two other weddings which will occur on
the same day early In October are that of
Mrs. Anna Yates and Mr. John Lindsay,
and Miss Ethel Ballman and Mr. Charlea
Johnson. The marriage of Miss Mayon
Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George C. Thompson, and Mr. Thomas
Moonlight Murphy of Kansas City, Mo.,'
will be held- In October.
Most elaborate of the November weddings
will be. that of Miss Brownie Baas Baum,
daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. J. E. Baum, and
Mr. John Rouse of Baltimore. Tha wed
ding at All Saints' church will be followed
by a reception at tha beautiful Baum
home. Miss Baum will have a number of
attendantb In her wedding party, several
of them from tha east. .
' Poms of the weddings soheduled for tha
future will be held' In the early winter.
Among these ta that . of Mr, Ross Towle.
and Miss Hasal Deweete of Canon CUy,
Colo., which will ba held In December.
This will ba a large church wedding. The
wedding of. Miss Roslna Mandelberg,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs! A, Mandelberg,
and Mr. Edward FVeedman of Springfield,
Masa,, win take place during the holidays.
Tha data for tha marriage of Miss Edith
Patrick, daughter of Mrs M. T. Patrick,'
and Mr. Mylea Blandish has not yet been
Oolf a as tha big attraction last week
eocially as well as athletically. Although
the women at ths Country ciub were not
In the TransmlssissippI tournament, they
took part In the festivities for the golfers
and watched for some time the play. In no
other local golf tourney have the women
Shown so much interest. The presence of
tha wives of some of the golfers accounted
for this in part. Among ths visiting women
were: Mrs. McLoughlln of Denver. Mrs.
Ferguton of Oklahoma City, Mrs. Hires of
1 van i as City, jrs. rr rrfman of Marshall
town and Mrs. Darr of Des Moines.
.' The approach of fall brings with it many,
(,sttv!tlea among the college sets, partic
ularly with the fraternities. Friday even
ing the Beta Theta PI fraternity gave a
large dinner dance' at Happy Hollow club.
About fifty local members of the Delta
Tau Delta fraternity and an equal number
frbm .out th tha state and aurrounding
states " will .meet Tuesday "s the Loyal
hotel. There will be a dinner at 6:30 o'clock
and after that tha remainder of the evening
will ba spent In preparing to leave, for Chi
cago to attend the Karnca, tba fraternity's
bi-annual national convention. This will be
he d In the Chicago Auditorium hotel.
The members of Phi' Gamma Delta will
be entertained thjs everting at supper by
Earl Saga in South Omaha. The decora
tions will be in purple and white and their
emblem. ..the "FIJI." will be used. . Those
present will be Dana Van Dusen. Harold
Van Dusen,'. M.. C .. Rohrbouiih. Earl
Holmes, John Brain, Wal-ace Troup. Mor
ris Bllsb. AI1 -of these -young men attend
the l'ntverty of Nebraska. .
. Misa, Dedu;ona Baldwin, ona fit the out.
of-luwn. guests at the Beta dance. -Is giving
a housa party for. some, of the Betas and
her 'girl friend at her bomee, Happy Hill,
in KUhorn, Neb. The party of young
people left Saturday evening In .autuxpoi
bilea for EUkhorn and are fcetag entertained
at the. Baldwin home today, una of. the
stunts planned la a ewinomang eactyrln lbs
Klkhoro, In the party ate Ml Marjoiie
Weddings Are Planned for the Coming Autumn
Howland, Miss Dorothy Dale, Miss Louise
Bedwell, Miss Bernlca Whitney, Miss
BIbyl Nelson. Miss Trss McCold of Logan,
la., and Miss Baldwin; Bob Thompson,
Chester Baker, Harold McKlnney, Clar
ence Slbberson, Lawrence Robinson, Tsm
ple Robinson and D. B. Baldwin of Water
loo. ...
Soma Omaha people are atlll loyal to
the horse, although they own automobiles,
and horseback riding is proving to be ona
of the most popular diversions at some of
the summer homes and summer camps.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward' A, Cudahy are en
tertaining a house party this month
at their summer home at Mackinao.
The young ' people include Miss
Frances Nash, Miss Helen Cudahy,
Miss Alloa Cudahy and Miss Flor
ence Cudahy, Mr. , Alexandra Shoeller of
Germany, who Is spending thia year In
New York; Mr. 'Edward Cudahy and Mr.
Robert Burns. The latter is spending part
of the time as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles T. Kountse. Although the young
people have sailing and swimming parties,
each morning Is devoted to horseback rid
ing. The young women of this party are
all expert riders, as well as ths men.
Omaha people who are apendlng the sum
mer In the western mountains are also rid
ing horseback. Mist Alice Carry McQrew
returns homa today from Wyoming, where
she has been on a camping trip with her
brother and Mr. and Mrs. McGrew. The
principal diversion was horseback riding.
Mr. Charles Saunders has Just returned
from Tepee Lodge from a hunting, fishing
and camping trip. Other Omaha people
now at the Lodge are: Miss Ella. Mae
Brown, Master Orcutt Beaton, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Keellne and Mr. Charles
Brown. Horseback riding is the prtnlcpal
recitation there, as well as at the Howard
Laton lanch, where Mis. Wilson Low and
Miss Mae Loulbe Hamilton fcpent a part of
the summer.
Misa Grace Soren.-:on, who left Omaha
March 1, for an extended vacation on the
pacific coal, has been bavin interesting
experiences. From Ban Francisco Miss
.-orenson went to Lo Ani'ele. tian Dingo,
Cuionudo lsiund urd oilier attractive apoU
:i southern Civ.ifoinla, after which she
went through the Yost mite valley and re
turned to tan Franc sco and Alameda for
a month. Miss rioien-ion made a study of
the Indian legends and historical places,
particularly tl.e old missions with a view
to uslnb' them "as material for future lit
erary work.
From ban Francisco, Miss Sorenson vis
ited Shasta pniJ and Portland, her
foimer heme, and from there went to Ta
coma and (Seattle, tjhe is non In Alaska,
having reached Hkagwsy On ber
return she will visit Seattle, and enrouto
homa will visit in Helena. Butte. 8alt Laks
City, Colorado Spr.ngs. Denver and will
inske the trip through the Yellowstone
Mrs. John' Mahoney and daughter. May
are. tied up in London, because of the
strike which has stopped navigation. It Is
Impossible for them to travel to Liverpool
to get a boat bound for home.
May Mahoney has been in Be.glum for
the last year studying French. Last June
Mrs. Mahoney went to Belgium to meet
her daughter and, aepmpany her, home.
hen the school searon i !ot'd tha last of
July. They went to- London a few days
ago '"and secured transportation to this
country on a steamer which was to have
lefv Livarpwol -We4uiJ-.--Tb,oi'.-Ar
In London, and do not know how long they
will bava to remain before tha strike la
The tie-up in London detained also Mr.
and Mrs. Oeorga A. Wlloox, who have beer,
three months In Europe. They succeeded,
however, in getting a boat and will arrive
home Monday.
Wedding Bells
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Neef announce the
marriage of their daughter, Lena C. to
Charlea Chrlsman of Neola, la. Tha wad
ding took place Monday, August 14. Mr.
and Mrs. Chrlsman will reside in Neola,
and will be at homa to their frlneda Oc
tober 1.
Tha wadding of Miss Lulu D. Patton,
daughter of Mrs.. 8. D. Patton, to Mr.
Samuel H. Jamleaon took place Wednesday
afternoon, at I o'clock at the home of the
bride s mother. Rev. Mr, Tyner of St. An.
drew'a church performed the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamleaon bava gone to the
Minnesota lakes and will be at home In
Omaha after September V.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clarke of Manila
announce the engagement of the daughter,
Gertrude, to Mr. Frank Holland of Manila.
Miss Clarke is a granddaughter of Mra,
Touzalln of thia city and has many friends
here, having lived in Omaha as a child and
been a student at Brownell Hall. Mr. Hol
land is a graduate of tha Lei and (Stanford
university and Is city editor of the Manila
Everybody is looking for "something for nothing." There is no
denying this. Everybody is willing to accept something for nothing. There are few
places in this world, though, where things are given free. For this very reason, then, the
Hospe plan of giving customers a slightly used piano free is a big hit with all people.
Hospe does not charge a cent for a slightly used piano-a beginner's piano on which the children can learn
to play. All he a:s is that you return this first piano and buy a new one. The payments which would bo
charged for the first instrument in case you wanted to keep it for all time are applied on the second piano.
These slightly used pianos are priced from $C0 to $110. They are in perfect tone and in highly finished
The wedding takes place In
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson of Philadelphia
have announced the engagement of their
daughter. Vera, to Mr. William Hentz of
Philadelphia, tha wedding to take place
early In September. Miss Henderson has
spent several months in Omaha at different
times as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Baldrlge and was very popular In tba
younger set here.
Pleasures Past
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. i Klauck entertained
at a lawn party at their homa. 3830 Flor
ence boulevard for Dr. O. J. Olafson of
Chicago. Japanese lanterns decorated tha
lawn and the evening was spent In danolng
and music.
Mrs. Charles Scott Smith entertained
Thursday in honor of Miss Lillian Rosen
swelg, who sails next' week for Europe.
Tha place cards were hand painted suit
cases, and thoee present were: Misses
Lilian Rosenzwelg, . Beatrloe Cole, Alice
Duval, Alfreda Powell, Edna Rosenswelg.
Mesdames: Vincent O'Shea, A. C. Stokes.
C. P. Southard.
At Happy Hollow
Other dinner partlee at the club were
given by Dr. A. B. Somers. who had five
s-uests; W. R. Mullvlhill, two. and T. H.
Ross, two.
One of tha larger dinner parties Saturday
Cable News.
ospe see for a piano
The Badge
If J
customer may be. "One price to all." This policy makes thia the safe
place to buy, for the person who knows hut little about stones secures
here Just the same treatment as the cne who knows all he Is given
the same prices, too, and the same grade of stonea.
Don't Merely Buy- Invest.
Albert Edholm, Jeweler
Sixteenth and Harney.
evening at Happy Hollow was given by Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Russell In honor of their
daughter, Miss Agnes Russell, and her
guest. Miss Helen Wright, of Chicago.
Covers were placed for thirty-five.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nobis had at their
Mr. and Mrs. George Payne,
Mr. anrt Mrs. C. C. Belden.
Mr. snl Mrs. William Balrd,
Pr. and Mrs. Palmer Flnley,
Miss Martha Noble,
Mr. Thomas Hanna of Bloomlngton, 111.
At the Country Club
An Interesting feature at tha week-end
dinner dance at the Country club last even
ing was the awarding of the trophies for
the golf tournament.
Numerous dinner parties were given.
Mr. Guy Furay entertained In honor of
Miss Katherlne Dean of Chicago, guest of
Miss Mary Furay. Covers were placed for:
Mlspes- Misses'
Katherlnn Dean, Gladye Peters,
Marie McShane, . Elisabeth Pickens,
Helen Ryrie Carolyn Harding,
of Toronto, Mary Furay.
Messrs. Messrs.
Ralph Peters-. Roger Holman.
Albert Burnett, James Allen,
Charles McLaug?hlln,Ouy Furay. ,
Wilson Austin,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Remington had aj
their guests at dinner:-
Mr. and Mrs. John. A. McShane,
Mr, and Mra W. J. Foye,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Low, 1
Mr. Harry McCormlck. ' J -f
Mr. and' Mrs. Conrad Spans had as their
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dixon,
Misa Lynn Curtis, , .
Mr. E. M. Fairfield.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Westbrook bad as
their guests:
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Klnsler,
Mr. and Mra. Ben Cotton,
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Swobe,
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Smith,
Mr. Elmer Cope.
Mr. J. W. Redlck had four guests; Mr. H.
F. Wyman, six; Mr. O. C. Redloa, six!
George Prlns, four.
At Rod and Gun Club
Mist Helen Riepen entertained Friday
evening for Miss Snyder of Memphis, Tenn.,
who Is bare on a short visit. Supper was
had at Manawa. Those present were:
Misses Misee
Snyder. Guyette,
Schoolle, Riepen.
Messrs Messrs.
C. Hall, B. Elsenhart,
A. Kellstrom, Dr. Oeantner,
A. Jackson,
Master Rolla Smith entertained twenty
four of his little frlende Friday afternoon
in celebration of his ninth birthday. Thoee
present were:
Little Misses Little Misses
Irene Aetletord, Hattle Carpenter,
Georgia Astleford. Hannah Do ten,
Norma Kopp, Ruth Strom,
Helen Chestia, .Isabel Clark,
Irene Chrlstofferson,
Messrs. Mers -
Herbert Drexel, Bud Muicahey,
Arthur McCaffery. Manuel Prelsman.
William Wagner, Samuel Prelsman,
Jean Stevens, Frank Smith.
Harry Smith, Rolla Smith,
At the Field Club
Several dinner parties were given last
evening at tha Field club. Mr. and Mrs. J.
J. Sullivan had as their guests:
Captain and Mrs. J. N. Kllllan,
Dr. and Mrs. Q. A. Young,
Mr. and Mrs. I. 6lbbernsen,
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Peareall.
cases. Hospe will rent you one oi mese pianos Dy me
month with stool and beautiful scarf for $3.00.
1513-1515 Dougla Street, Omaha.
Branch Store 407 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia.
Western ltepreaenUUes for "W'ondertone" Maaoo A Hamlin
of Prestige
The diamond is much more than the
rarest of all gem9. It means more to its
owner than this. It's possession is a badge
of prestige and a 6tamp of worldly suc
cess. Aside from its beauty and charm ns
nn attractive article of adornment, the ad
mitted distinction and class that it implies
to the wearer should be an additional in
centive towards the acquisition of one or
more. Moreover, diamonds are steadily in
creasing in value, which fact makes them
a good, permanent investment. People who
put their money into diamonds ten years
ago todar can realize more than 100 per cent on
their Investment. Those who know the value of
diamonds and the manner In which they are in
creasing In value are yearly putting several hun
dred dollars Into these atones. They form one of
the beat kind of investments for the cautious
No store la the west presents superior Induce
ments and advantages to the purchaser than the
Rdnolm establishment. The attention paid to dia
mond buying here results In the collection of an as
sortment of gems that Is among the best in the west.
Here It is possible to get the best stone for the low
est possible price. All stones bear a price from
which their Is no deviation, no matter who the
Mr. and Mra W. F. Gurley has aa their
dinner guests:
Mr. and Mra W. D. Bancker.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe.
Mr. R. C. Martin had six guests at dinner;
Mr. G. T. Vllson. six; Mr. C. E. Bedwell,
four; Mr. T. C. Van Buren, four; Mr. T.
W. Joselyn, four; J. W. Towle. five; Mr.
E. M. Sister, six; Mr. K. Denman, four;
Mr. Ray Wagner, six.
Personal Gossip
Misa Stella Jenson Is visiting friends in
Mr. Robert Morsman has returned from a
trip abroad.
Mrs. Herman Kessler ia out after a re
cent illness.
Mr. Walter Hafer left. Thursday In his
motor for Okobojt.
Miss Katherlne Dean of Chicago Is the
guest of Miss Mary Furay.
Mrs. E. F. Riley and daughter are visit
ing relatives In Pennsylvania.
Mr. 8. D. Barkalow left last week to Join
Mrs. Barkalow at Watklns Glen, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton will move
Into their new home about September 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor .White will be in
Boston until the latter part of the month.
Mr. A. E. Ooodson has returned from a
three weeks' stay at Excelsior Sprngs, Mo.
Mrs. Henry. Hiller la visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Lester Klrschbraun, In Chicago.
. Frank Campbell, jr., has returned from
an outing In Colorado Springs and Manl
tou. Mr. Charlea Ladd Thomas left last even
nlng for New York City to spend two
weeks. ' '
Mr. Arthur C. Sorenson has returned
from a visit tn Colorado Springs and
Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Hamilton left Satur
day for points In northern Michigan and
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoo Homan left Friday
for St. Ayer and Houston, Tex., to spend
several months.
Mrs. Hudson and Mra. Louis Bradford re
turned Thursday from their trip through
the Yellowstone.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Knott and snh,
William, will leave Sunday for a two' weeks'
visit In the east.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Seelemlre and Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Farrar returned from' a trip
through Yellowstone park.
Mr. George Forgan and Dr. F. J. Wearne
leave Sunday for a three-weeks' fishing
trip, west of Douglas, Wyo.
Miss Marjorla McCord is the guest of
Colonel and Mrs. Evans and Miss Elizabeth
Evans at Fort Leavenworth.
Miss Helen Drlscoll, who has been visit
ing for several months at Detroit and Flint,
Mich., returned home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Platner and chil
dren have returned from a two weeks'
automobile trip to Minneapolis.
Miss Elsie Neef, who has been confined
to her home for seven weeks with an at
tack of typhoid fever, is convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, who have
been spending some time at Cherokee Park,
Colo., will return home about September 1.
Mrs. Howard Baldrlge has been visiting
In Hollldaysburg, Pa., but goes soon to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Allen at Shorthllls,
N. J.
Mrs. Alfred Darlow returns today from
New York, where she has been visiting her
brothers, Mr. Gutson and Mr. Solon Borg-
Mrs. R. 8. Hall and daughters. Miss Jane'
and Miss Dorothy, and son. Wars, return1
(Continued on Page Three )
a -