The Omaha Sunday Bee ! NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT WTATHO FORECAST. Generally Fair vol. XU NO. 9. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1911-FUUR SECTIONS-TH I RTY-TAVO PAGES. SINGLE COPY El YE CKNTS. ENGLISH STRIKES ! END AFTER MEN Coming and Going in Omaha CONGRESS QUITS ON TUESDAY FOR SUMMER HOLIDAY MEET OFFICIALS f I Decision Reached in Conference Be- tween Leaden of Home and Senate. i IROGRESSIVES RAP COTTON BILL Negotiations Between Chaacellot Lloyd-George and Executives of Unions Successful. MEN WILL RETURN AT ONCE f ! ' Official Announcement Made of Re mit of Conference. FOLLOWS A DAY OF RIOTING : TrAATiB Vire en Mnh i-n X7a1a TTillino- v Two Km in Fight PERFECT ORDER KEPT IN LONDON I turrlriai stranded la Metro pel Vavrrrd la RrrliU Port, bet jtrrrnl Mniarn Are Dcleyed by Ubar torn fl let. BY LLKTI. LOMOS, Aug. It. The settlement of ihe railroad strike was reached at a con ference bftween David Lloyd George, i hancellor cf the ixcheqrer, and the executive of the mn'i eocltiee. The lalor leader eay the men will re- I turn 10 work at once. LONDON, Aug. 11.. The strike declared by the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants and three allied societies waa at tended with comparatively little rioting today, though the afternoqn brought re Iorts of bloodshed at Uanelly. Walea, where trop fired on a mob. killing two men and wounding two otheru. Shortly before this news waa received here, the home office Issued an optimistic ' bulletin on the situation. It read: "Perfect tranquillity and order prevail I Throughout the London district. Reduoed hat effective train service la operated at kll stations. The port of London la work ins at I in full activity with the exception of the lighter men, who are at 111 on strlka "No serious rioting la reported from any part of the country, although there hare been disorders at varioua polnta. The lord mayor of Liverpool reports that be 1 being loyally supported by magistrates, officials end large numbers of dtlsena. Three thousand special constables have iworn In at Liverpool." Pew Attempts te Diup llaea. The disorders mentioned by Home tary Churchill were chiefly conflicts be tween the strikers and polios In the north em towns. Violent attempts to damage the railroads were few and isolated. In seme instances! the rails were torn up, telegraph wires . out and signal wrecked. Trains have been stoned and some obstructions put In their way. but all of these obstructions were discovered lii time to avoid accidents. Large suajbert of the clerical staffs of the railroads trained In other branches of work, and clerks at a meeting at the Boston railway station, today agreed to fill the places of strikers and ' were as-" signed to duty at the signal boxes and ts other work with which they were tamlMar. Some union men who were out yesterday returned to work today. An official of the railroad men's union stated today that If the strike waa pro tracted the Amalgamated society of engine drivers and fireman intended to aak ths American Society of Locomotive Engineers for assistance. The two societies have kept in close touch, and the present or ganisation in England is due largely te uggestlona received from the Americana. Stranded Americans Gettlan; Away. VI ore stranded Americana are getting away thia week thaa bad been anticipated. Special trains to connect with the Celtic at Liverpool and the Minneapolis at South hamptoa left uston station promptly on time. The railroad oompany promisee te supply the usual special train to take pas sengers to join the Vaderland at Dover. The Cusard line waa confident that Caronla would sail from Liverpool oa Sun day, but the White Star line has definitely cancelled the scheduled sailing from Liver pool of the Megantlc. which should have gotten away for Quebec and Montreal to day. Tb railway terminals were the scenes of confusion but no violence thia afternoon. At Peddlngton and Mnrylebone station where the strikers ware in aa ugly mood, ne one without a ticket was allowed oa tha platform. At Bustoa station flat clerks ectnd as volunteer baggage porters and signal men. large parties of Americana hound for Soutland and the seasids ware unable to proceed. The Amerloan boat tralna, bow- ever, atartea on time rrom all stations. Tha mjdn Itn nil tyrtm a p. ....... Marylebone and Paddlngton was practically paralysed. Late la the day the troops at Paddlugton and Marylebene were reln foroed. Train Attacked in Wale. UNEU.T, Wales. Aug. la Pour riot era were shot down by the troops this aft- (Continued on Second Paga) The Weather. For Nebraska Genially fair Sunday. or lv e Unsettled ratter. Tessweretnre at Ossaaa l'eeterday. Deg Csaaralive I era! aVe-sard. . -flni isia twm ittnc lilshret yesterday M U n TS 4 .outiet yeteidy ek M CS U .Mnn temperature TS 74 7J st 1'rrtiphailoii T . . . 'iin.ueraturee and precipitation departurea from tue nurmai at Omaha: Norma: temiwrature...... ....v.. 74 F.xete for the day Total exoves elnoe kiarch 1 73 Nii-nul ! iniMii.rr 11 fnrh 1 j li-ut y for the day . Inch TvkI r it fall sinre Viarch 1 S W inches 1 x n k-i.-) e'.noe March 1 Tl (if inchee I t fur cor. period. 1W.. IS 76 Inchee jjvXictaucy tuc our. penod. IMS.. LM Inrflies j I t j C Hours. .'vJtlJ- 1 I l I P. m I 1 i . i 0 b iSS:::::::: c. -r J P. m. BRINliLEY TELLS OF HIGH FLIGHT Amateur Aviator Who Has Altitude Record at First Refused Entrance. COULD NOT READ BAROGRAPH Ha bare He Knew Where Tea Tses wil Mark Waa aai J art Kept a Oalsug CatU Ha a It. CHICAGO, Aug. . The amaahlng of the world's altitude record by Oscar A, Brlnd ley yesterday was aa International surprise that today caused a setback among the experts, wha hitherto have considered their knowledge the last word, both as to aero planes and aviators. Without detracting from B rind ley's credit or questioning the accuracy of bis record, other aviators toVd of the circumstances la which be waa flying at the Interna tional meet here. , Brlndley's lloenee was obtained at Day ton. O., only a few weeks ago and. while ha was considered a fair flyer, ha was not thought by the Wrights te have sufficient si pern n r te fly here. His mams waa suggested te Chairman McQann of the en triee committee, however, end again waa turned down. .. Bxindlay nevertheless, obtained the .sym pathetic ear of tjouls Mttohel' of Memphis, who lately had bought a Wright machine. Bt the passenger type, bearing the same ro ot the meet as a family carriage horse semblance to the fast, high-flying machines might to the fastest trotter. Take my machine and fly," said Mit chell, "1 11 get you In all right." Bo Brlndley came to the meet. The family machine waa not satisfactory, however, and no later than last Sunday did Mitchell protest to Oreille Wright that his aeroplane waa good lor exhibition pur poses only when on the grurl. A little tinkering waa duue and Brlndley J eat Kep mm Cwtagr. started yesterday for the first time with a barograph attached. "I did not know how as read the baro graph," said Brlndley . today. "But Cap tain Culler snowed me how It would look after It had passed the lu.000 mark. I just stayed up until it passed 10,000 and I saw Parmelee and Welch below me aad then I came down. Pannelee and Welch, halW aa the star Wright maa of the meet, made elaborate preparationa for their altitude attempts and both made food fliga:a. Parmelee bet tering the previous Americaa record. Neither came within 1.000 feet of Brlndley's record, however. Indications were good for SytaaT today as the boor for ths opening gun drew near. There was almost no wind and both Welch and Parmelee declared they would make a final effort to set a new altitude mark. C P. Rodcera kept his lead for duration total, the standing- of the leaders being as follows: C. P. Rodgera, i; W. O. Beatty, IS. Mil; a A. Brlndley. 17 .-; A. U Welch. W-tlrOs; Jamee Ward. 11 :(:.. The oorooer'e inquest over the body of St. Croix Johnstone, ths aviator who plunged X 000 feet te his death in Lxo Michigan, while flying in the international aviation meet last Tuesday was ooocluded today aad a verdlot of aectdental death re turned. Inspection Charge Declared Too High County Commissioner Lynch Objects to Claim of Dietrich for $250 on Bridge Inspection. J Pa-ment of S2u0 to J. E. Die trick for Inspecting county bridg-es waa held up by the county commissioners Saturday morn iiig, ahen Commissioner John C Lynch le-otested, declaring the charge exorbitant The eonimlasioaers agreed te let the mat ter of payment ge until next Saturday and consider ths advisability of reducing the jj ! bill during the Week. without autnonty rrom tne eoara. com mieeioner Plckard hired Dtetrick to Inspect the bridges, the parjoee apparently being to anibarass County Surveyor McBride. by shewing that hs bad aceepted bridge work not up to apeciflcatioaa. After LMetrlck bad reverted the demoeratio majority of the board hired him te Inspect. His re port was like his first ana. except in that it ass mere detailed. Whether Commis sioner pickard paid him S3 for his first tnapectioa hi not known. The oummisaioriere. ever objections of Lynch, re-hired & L E. Ridgway as custodian of the voting machines at a salary of flS a muata frem now until after election. Last year SM a month was con sidered enough for htm and he waa wilt ing te take the job at Uat fura W4 mmmmm- j- when mGmnooD is nmowrR SHERIFF STARTS FOR ISLAND Rock of Mondainin Continues Pursuit of Murderers. COUNTRY AROUSED AND WARNED Ceaaty aad Leal Officers la lewa aad Nebraska, Watchla few Slay, ere ef Offleev Batcher Who Are la Hiding;. LOO AN. la.. Aug. U (Special Deputy Sheriff Williams, has Just received word from Mondamln, conveying the Information that Bherlff Rock left there at an early hour this morning for the Island where the outlaws made there escape In the ter rific wind and rain storm of yesterday afternoon. Mr. Williams and others sxpect to start for the Missouri river at an early hour to co-operate with Sheriff Rock la his efforts to pick up the trail again and capture the desperadoes. According to reports 160 men were on the road for the island at an early hour. The offioera of Omaha, Council Bluffs. Sioux City, the sheriffs of Burt and Wash ington counties in "Nebraska, also ths sher iffs of oounties to the north and every lo cality possible have been notified by tele phone and the deperados may be flnnaly captured, despite their escape of yesterday, at Missouri Valley, after shooting down Officer Butcher Wednesday afternoon. Sheriff Rock returned tonight, having elve up the hunt for the day. A pair of shoes waa found en the Island and ma further trace of the men.. One theory is they were drowned trying to swim the river, but this Is not generally believed. A man was arrested at Blair on suspicion of being one of the murderers. Washington Hears About Lattafs Health Dr. Kayo Telegraphs that Third Dis trict Member Will Return for Operation. fPVom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, D. C Aug. (Special Telegram-r Congressman Lobeck 'received this morning the following telegram from Dr. Maya at Rochester, Minn., in respone to a wire he sent yesterday inquiring as to the condition of his ool league. Repre sentative Latta: Congressman Latta has gone borne. Ex pect be will return for operation later. Present condition seems satisfactory. This telegram to Representative Lobeck was given circulation and expressions of satisfatcoia waa heard en both sides of the chamber because of its encouraging words. Representative Lobeck has caused te be mailed te J. T. Burgess, secretary of the school board of Omaha, a number of wall maps of the United States for use la ths high school. The maps' are the latest Issued by the beard and are thoroughly np-to-data Senator Kenyan today called en President Taft and iavtted him re visit the following lewa cities during his weetera trip: Sioux City, Des Moines. Waterloo, Cedar Rapids aad Ottumwa. The president, while stat ing that ha would be pleased te accept, waa not able off-hand to say whether he could aooapt or net. Hs has taken this general Iowa hrvttattoa under advisement and will give Senator Kenyon a definite reply next week. The following pestoffloss were designated te open postal savings banks September 1: Clarion, la.; Clartanda, la; Chamber lain, Madison aad Vermilion. S. X. Pluvins Continues His Flirting Game Heavy Rains Reported in Many Sec tions, but the City of Omaha is Not Favored. Again Friday and Friday night It rained all about Omaha, but not a drop fell here, aside from a sprinkle for about three mln utea Frem a point a little north of Flor ence, all the way to Sioux City, on both sides of the river, there was a heavy downpour, the precipitation running from one-fourth ta twa Inches. Around Blair, Tekamah and Lyons there was almost two Inches ef rain, accompanied by a UUls wind. From Fremont to lnman. oa the North western ths rain was very heavy, soma hall coming- with It. From a littls west of Norfolk all ths way through te Chadron there waa a rain that continued from two to three hours. AU through the southern part of the state, from Superior west, ths rain was very heavy, from W) more to MoCeoa. on the Burlington the average being but little leas thaa aa Inch. Oa the I'nion Pacific there were heavy rains all ever the weetera portion of the stala From Ogallala ts Sidney, the fall was about three-fourths of an inch; half inch from Juleeburg te Chappell and aearly an inch between Buahaell atd Pot- tec fh. ' a. Qcar yat PING AROUND A OMAHA CITT OF HEBRON HIT BYT0BNAD0 Hig-h School Building Wrecked and Catholic Church Damaged by Twister. LOSS ABOTJT THIRTY THOUSAND Hundreds ef Ssaail Balldtacs Mere wr Lees Passaged Jtebwdy Killed r Injured fueae Partly Oev ered by laisruce, HEBRON. Neb., Aug. IS (Special Tele gram.) A tornado passed over this city last night wrecking buildings and doing great damaga A heavy rain accompanied the storm and lasted about three-quarters of an hour. The high school building Is a oompjets wreck and a new ens will have te be built. The Catholic church, parsonags and school building were badly damaged. Hundreds of small buildings were some what damaged and many trees blown down and uprooted. The loss will probably reach $30,000, partially Insured. The court house was slightly damaged. STORM damage: at abapahob Twe BeuM Struck by Lightning; and Several Are lbexkei. ARAPAHOE. Neb . Aug. II. (Special.) This section was visited last night by ths meat severe electrical storm for many months. The large new farm house nf John Michael just west of this city was struck and baAly damaged. The plastering in every room of the houae was torn off and every mirror was broken. Although one of the boys waa somewhat shocked. bo one waa severely Inlurod The Flnsteln house one mile northwest of Mr. Michael was also arrack. The date acre, however, waa alight and neither Mr. Frost, ths tenant, nor any of his family was Injured. During the storm there w-aa an inch and one-el flith of rainfall, which brings the precipitation in this section up to nine Inches within the last twe weeks. WIND STORM AT T A MEW TUTS New Catkedle Ckarck ta Twteted Out f Plumb. VALENTINE, Neb., Aug. . (Special). During the rain and wtnd storm, which visited this section of the oountry lata last night, the new Catholic' church of this place, which Is partly built, was twisted out of plumb by about twelve or fourteen inches, and a two by six was blown off of the steeple and carried over the rectory and went through the side of Jordan's res idence; luckily though, K did not Injure any on e. The weather bureau reported a little over one-half Inch of rain, and then again today another fine rain of about ths same amount fell. Halleterss at Ovwatdy Oater. GRUNDT CENTER, la. Aug. . (Spe cial.) The second severs hailstorm of the week visited- this section yesterday. In one section the hailstones knocked the ears of corn off the stocks aad ruined about forty acres of corn. It broke eighty window panes tn the house and barn at ths Charles Dieh! place seven ml lee west ef this plaoa The storm was one of the worst la central lewa this season. Ths storm came up qulckty and was followed by a heavy down pour of rain. BOY TORN BY VICIOUS DOQ Sea ef P. A. Hera ef Tripp Cwmnrr, death Dakota, Is Badly lalared. SIOUX FALLS. 6. D.. Aug. IS (Special.) Rushing to the aid of her young aoa whea he was attacked by a vicious doc. Mm R. A. Ham, wife of a well known resident of Tripp county, was herself at tacked by ths flares animal. hSe waa quit badly injured before aaeisiance arrived aad the dog was driven off. The little boy also was seriously Injured, the fangs ef the dog having been sunk about half a doaen times in bis aids. lnCiotlng deep and ugly wounds. Aa the dog had a reputation of being vicious and had previously caused muob complaint oa the part of persons who were compelled to pass the heme ef its owner, it is believed a damaga suit will result from the last escapade of the animal, which was shot and killed in ac cordance with aa order from the Board ef Health. New Industry fee Nebraska. Caty. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb.. Aug. IS. (Spe cial.) Ths Quaker oats people have secured poseeasioa of ths cereal mills of this dty from ths Oreat Western Cereal oompany and are bat ing ths plant overhauled with a view of opening the name ta October. Thia plant was closed the first of the year and part of the machinery moved to Fort Dodge, la , and some of the outside build ing torn dowa and removed. Ths company proposes to place a great deal ef new ma chinery tberala and make It a model fac- f tory, from which they will supply ths I westers country with their nraducbv UNION PACEFICLETS OUT MEN Order to Retrench Received at Omaha Headquarters. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED ARE HIT Barataaw Have Been Decreasing: aad Officials Declare Aetlea Nerea. aary- Affeeta Men ta AU Depart wee t a. Wben lew of the Union Pacific employes report for duty Monday morning they will find notices awaiting them that their aerv ioes will not be needed. In other words, ths Union Pacific Railroad company will this week lay off LI00 people now In Us employ. 1 he action of the Union Pacific Railroad oompany is said to be due to the fact that since October business has been steadily failing off and that each suueeeding month ths earning! have been growing less. At the office of the geneiai manager of the Union Pacific last night the Informa tion waa give nout that the retrenchment order has been given and that Monday morning or early thia week notice will be served upon the employes who re to go. The redaction la forces will not apply te any ana cfSoe or part of the system. It will hi the high., as well as the low places. It will apply to every department of the system. No department will be ex empt Cram the effects ef the order, if in that department, the services of any maa or woman can be dispensed with. la dispensing- with employes, they will not be discharged. However, they win be laid off and no time will be set for their returning to work. The reduction In forces will In the highest offices of the oompany and will continue all along the line, even down to the men and women who scrub ths floors. In tact, according to the statement given out last night, at every place where It hi found that one person can do the work ef twa now employed, one will be dropped. Printers Endorse New Agreement With Publishers Contract Negotiated by Executive Council Approved by Convention Chicago Strike Condemned. BAN FRANCISCO. Aug. IS Ths Inter national Typographical union, at Its con vention here today endorsed the proposed arbitration agreement reported by the executive council and to be submitted to ths American Publishers' association for signing oa January L 111 The proposed agreement, which Is for five yearn, is in tended to replace the present agreement, which will expire in May. U12. The question ef the abolishment of piece work, left tn doubt by the referendum vote of May 17, will be resubmitted ta the unions by another referendum. The convention last night by unanimous vote endorsed the acOen of Us executive council tn declaring illegal the strike of Its members called February SS against ths Chioae Amerloan and the Chicago Ex aminer. The action followed three hours of tempestuous debating. President Lynch waa accused by former President Oeerge R. O'Brien of the Cnloago Typographical union of serving the employers' interests and of having snppi sasid important tele grams and messagea bearing oa the Chi cago strike ceatrevervy. Delegate George Konpe of Chicago Joined O'Brien In the denunciation of Lynch. Lynch In his reply read telegrams to show that the Chioage strike had bem caned la open violation of the orders of the execu tive eeuiKxl transmitted by him by tele graph from Washington. He denied the charges of having suppressed communica tions and declared the Chicago strike was Instigated as part of a plot to overrule bun and defeat him at the next election. The vote waa given with a cheer, which ended ln a Lynch deroonatration. Cvwpe Geed la Caster. CALLA WAT. Neb.. Aug. IS. (SpeclaLr Rain has fallen here almost every night for aa entire week. The day a are hot and with the ground thoroughly soaked oorn and- all vegetation la making a rapid growth. Unless aa early frost comes there will be a larger com crop In this locality than that ef last year. Much tall plowing is being done and an unusually large acre age of winter wheat and rye wiU be planted. A targe acreage of alfalfa is be ing planted aad conditions were never bet ter for getting a good stand than at present. Governor Aldrlrk at Nebraska City. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Aug. It. (Spe cial.) Governor C H. Aldrlch was here this afternoon and delivered aa addreas be fore the Chautauqua tn place of Dewitt Miller, who waa booked tar this data A largs crowd greeted him and be made a must able talk. Ife 0h Jr OUR BILL FITE MEN SAVED BY ASTOJ'S CKEW Sailors Taken Off Disabled Sloop Dur ing Storm that Had Almost Overcome Them. MORE TRAINS ARE .RUNNING Americans Stranded la London !. eeed la Rent-king Pert, bet Sev eral ateassers Are Delayed Mere Talk ef lelOenesl. NEW TORk, Aug. 1 Colonel John Jacob Astor and his fiancee. Miss Madeline Force, stepped nearer the spotlight today when the wireless on their yacht, the Noma told of the rescue of five men from their wrecked sloop Zingara. The Noma is now at Newport with the rescued men aboard. The reerue of the Zingara's crew occurred shortly before midnight, twelve miles off Hortoa's Point. It was described in the following wireless meesags received by the Associated Press today from ths Noma. 'Captain Richard Roberta master of Colonel J. J. Astor 'a steam yacht Noma rescued the crew of five men from the ftfty-two-foot sloop Zingara at 11:1ft p. m, Friday. Strong wind from west, northwest, with very rough sea. The Zingara left Duck Island this morning beaded towarda New Haven. She struck a heavy aquall oft Indian Neck, which nearly capsuted her, waahtng binnacle and everything movable overboard. The five men worked at the pumps all the afternoon, but without avail, as the seams had opened badly. "'Captain of the Zingara said several ves sels paid no attention to their signal for help. Colonel John J. Astor was on deck during the rescue and gave assistance when launching and taking In life boat. Mr. and Mrs. Force were on deck during the thrilling operation. This is the second rescue at sea Captain Richard Roberts has made within the last few years." Sheriff is Guarding Dr. McDavit Against Possible Violence SAN BERNARDINO, Cel. Aug. 1 Fearing an attempt to wreak summary vengeance on Dr. A W. McDavit, the den tist held on a statutory charge In connec tion with the alleged fifteen months' im prisonment In his office of Miss Jessie Vo Donald, a high school girl. Sheriff Ralphs and his deputies took extra precautions tonight to prevent a mob penetrating the Jail. Publle feeling, which has been at fever heat since McDavlt's treatment of the girl has oome to light, shows no sign of subsiding. It developed today that one of the grounds or. which McDavlt's first wife, who before her marriage was Edna Pro vost of Nsw Tork, obtained a divorce was that hs exercised a vicious hypnotic influ ence over ber. The first Mra McDavit tes tified during the trial of the divorce suit that her husband delighted In forcing her to grovel at his feet whenever be so willed. The district attorney asserted today that McDavit through this same baneful newer has left a trail of human wreckage from New Tork, where he married Miss Pro vost tn VOL to this city. It waa asserted that be had fled from Butler and Bloom ingdala. N. J, to escape similar charges to the one now resting against him here. Bushel of Pennies Stolen at Manawa Ten Thousand Coppers Disappear from 0. W. Byrnes' Photograph Gallery. The theft of M.Ooe pennies is the re markable teat nocomplUbed Friday night by culprits who broke Into O. W. Byrnes' photograph gallery at Lake Manawa. As a concessionaire Mr. Byrnes has need fur a big supply of coppers and these are kept In packages of S10 each. The thieves learned of the hiding place and took ad vantage of the opportunity Friday night to cart away the plunder. In bulk the cop pers would about till a buehel basket and rt would be impossible for one man to make away wtih them unless be was pro vided with a conveyance. Twe Deaths at Madieea. MADIBON, Neb., Aug. . 8pecial. Samuel Lauver, a pioneer resident of this county and for several years a resident of Madison, dropped dead while walking In the garden early this morning. Heart fail ure was the immediate cause of his death. John Davis, the aed father of Lien C. Davis of thia vicinity, died early this morn ing at the home of his son. Old age was ths cause of big death. , Representative Lenroot of Wiacontin Announces roiition. MONETARY COMMISSION IS ETT I Honse Pas&es Measure to Discontinue i This Body. J TAFT SIGNS THE FURUCITT BILL i Measare l.lmltUf Asnoaats beaatava aad Bepreeeatatlwe Can ! for Bleettea Eapeaeea eeeeee Lw. SIHiTtl La Follette la trod need and spoke o) bill to define reasonable restraint a ef trade. Penrose after eonf ersnos with vies ree ldsnt and house Democratic Leaaar Trader wood prepared reeoluttoa for adjournment at 4 p. m. Tueaday. Penrose resolution for eongreea adjonrn. msnt Tuesday reported by appropriations committee. atoxrss: Considered miscellaneous business, pre ceding new statehood resolution. Ways and means committee favorably report cotton Mil exactly aa pa east the aenate. Mouse will pass Mil Monday. Paased resolution Inviting btsaleaa aad Oaatral-Southera American parti orpatles la Ban XHego exposition, ltlS. Passed bill as discontinue menetary oommlssioa Starch SI, ISIS. Considered statehood bllL Bl Ll.ETIW. Mexico-Arisona statehood resolution elim inating the Arisona Judiciary recall fea ture and making easier of amendment; the New Mexico constitution, was passed by the house late today by a viva voce vote. It already had naiad the senate and now goea to the president, who has Indicated his entlr approval. WASHINGTON. Aug. 1 Ths senats today passed the Penrose resolution pro viding for adjournment of congress at S o'clock Tuesday afternoon. August TL WASHINGTON. Aug. 1 A djournment of the extra session of congress at S p. m. Tuesday vras virtually agreed upon at a conferenoe today between Vice President Sherman. Senator Penrose and Democratic Leader Underwood of the bouee. The con ference raulted In Mr. Penrose's decision t Introduce a resolution providing for ad journment that day, Mr. Underwood agree ing to make every effort to complete the legislative program of the democratic house Monday. This action closely followed a formal an nouncement on the floor of the bouee by Mr. Underwood that while he could make no promise In sdvanoe, he saw no reason why adjournment ahould not be had by Tueaday or Wednesday. Mr. Underwood was the storm center of questions from both democrats and repub licans regarding the legislative wind-up plans. Representative Lenroot of Wisconsin, progressive republican, announced that the cotton bill as amended by the senate, would receive no support from the progres sive republicana. Mr. Ijenroot is a close political ally of Senator La Follette of Wisconsin, who voted against the trill In the memorable fight cf Thursday, when the democratic-Insurgent alliance wis broken. Republican Leader Mann of the house preesed I eroocra.tic Leader Underwood for a positive assurance aa to what he pro posed to do when the president vetoed the cotton hill. Resiabllraes Treed te Remain. Mr. Mann declared that If the aesaion continued until Monday he would not look for adjournment for two weeka He said it was necessary to know whether to keep the republican members In town. Mr. Un derwood candidly advised him to hold his forces. Mr. Underwood Indicated that ha did not wish to say In advance whether an attempt would be made to pass the Mil over the veto. Mr. Gardner of Texas, democrat, insisted the house should pass the new statehood resolution and the cotton bill and adjourn at 11 o'clock tonight. Mr. Underwood re plied that there was no occasion for unduly rushing imiKtrtant businesa but tliet it waa Impossible that there be any attempt to override the veto. Mr. Underwood was careful to avoid com mitting himself not to take advantage of any opportunity thst might be created at a crucial moment by republican absentee ism. Republican Leader Mann Introduced a Joint resolution directing the vice president and speaker of the house to adjourn con greas at 10 o'clock tonight, but this was tabled on motion of Representative Shack elford of Missouri by 1U6 to 86. Taft Signs Pabllelty Bill. President Taft today signed the campaign publicity biU. The bill requlree publicity of all campaign funds before election and ex tends the publicity features to primary cam paigns and nominating conventions. It limits ths amount candidates may spend to SC.WO for congressional candidates and Slu.OUO for senatorial aspirants. Candidates are also required to make public all pledgee of political appointment i. The bill, of course, applies only to congressional eiec-tlona Round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. Boies of O'Brien's Candy. Base Ball Tickets. Quart Bricks of Daliell Ice Cream. AH are given away free to thona who tied their namea la tbe want ada. Read tb want ada every day. your iinixie will appear eomeUma. in ay be mora than o&ce. No putties to bo! re nor sub BcrUtlofis to set Just read tha wait sea.