Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 19, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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I t
i I i
court house bomb n mop
Count EWir Poll B'Kkj u.d VeVi
Till U TtUj. j
r immf Baltaat Haa Matte
F4 A-d iIiim! I
ta Mr aa Ra4 it.
tkrtMitoa War Oaaa.
r1a-rpaMla ra)!ng from mrrm In
oodw-riftg th '.artk on th provoaltlon
for y ft awS to mvplU ard f'jraltfc
rh bw vOtty bAjd!ng DM 7 Invalidate the)
were irnA ..Vm atd rmA-r 1mpoe-b'
rfc Iwtmum and of the bond,
the fact that vo a.-tially rt r I
Ivii tiia.yrrt f In their favor.
Ileervery that th poH W,Ji bow r.-iary
nor r eaat for th. bond than ttutl'r
were tut a rr.ale by the 'en ea; t.g
board mir Th. total of vote for and
agalraat r' bond falls Bhort of th total
Tot. , a Indioatd by O.e poll book.
Th. es.lanaaon la that bond bat'.o'a were
bmij4 to many nton who 414 not a'-tuelly
t U.on, trot throw them a. nr
troyed lhm.
Wbli th situation doe not )ndl;at
freod It nawerthelaas rtgbt be ufii-lef)t to
Irrra&data th bnd ljaroe. In th. opinion of
fnirty A I torr. ry Jam p. Kngllah, to
wtjrni ma'ter waa referred by tha board.
It atpear Ilka iwit aort of Irregularity."
aid Mr. Kt.f.lgh. "I don't thick ther. ta
any evVJenr of fraad. but the poll book
ronord of vwta oaat and tha trrtaJ for an4
against plo apoflod ballot ortit to tmJIy.
I east g?v aa .-pinion now, 'Jt I be
lie, ft prabl. that It will bo nor saury
ta ta soma tarpa yr atari a friendly oon
Wt of th. vaJ141tr of tha bonds and have
tha eourta daetda. OthanrWo tha bon4a
m)(tit bo laoviad and aftrwar4a la might bo
found thatr authorisation waa Illegal.
Dr. H.A.Foster Wins
In Primaries for the
Board of Education
Jam Eichardion, J. J. Fotter tsd
Edward 2. Btreits Are Othr Ee
poblican Nominees.
Xrr. Harry A- Foatar woo tha rapubllean
nomination for tha chool board In tha
Twalfth ward. Tha final eountlnf of tho
balloU waa a una Friday mornlns. Jimm
JUohardvin, republican, In tho ESovonth
ward, tha only othar man mnnlnf for ra
olontlon, cot hla notnlMLtlon. Ttio raauJta
on all candldaua waro aa follows :
Mrnlfr for "lata Ward.
John J. roat-r Tl).... t,tf
Will am A. flmlth R)
Mara M I'armr a) 2.244
J K. Ixrialiy M)
Mimlirr for Taata Ward.
Edward J. Hralta, R).... 4
I'r. r A. na4la-k
Mra. O C. Vaurhn f 3
Mrnkrr for Klarralk Ward.
Jamea rtU:har1aon (R) 1.774
Joarh P. (Inland (JO 1.171
'W-ora Authaa (It) W'l
liohort H Fialtman (r) t.luT
(",. O. Itoblnaon Of) ...... ... W
Mrnihrr for T wolf (a Ward.
JUrry A. rator fft) , I.t7
Ir. fir an f. Wllllwiia Qi) IV.)
frua A. W. Millar (11)...... l.Hl
Joo li. Kadflald (II) 1.1M
1. T. Walkar 1,1X7
K. IX Hnydac H 70
Monday is Fremont
Night at tho Den
Arlington it to Move on the Strong
bold of tho King in Sep
Arllnnlon. Nnb., la irolnir to transplant
Itaalf Into Omaha or come nrar doing that
or know the rraaon why on Monday, Hp
tembar 11, the niotlre being to be rnter
talnrd by Ak-Har-Ran. flrcrrtary Panfold
of the Knlghta nf Ak-Har-IIrn revived a
lattrr Thuralay from K. V. Kanaalt, puat
maator at Arlington, to the affart that the
bualnaaa nun nf that oiitarpiialng little "lty
will noma to Omaha I'd atrong, or oven
atrongar, In r)onaa to tha Invitation of
tho rnnrry old monarch to come to tho limn
and be eaten alive.
Arlington inioii-a to do a little retal
iating, too. Mr. T'rlifold racrlvad a letter
from the Arlington Oiautftucjua aaaootatlon,
Inviting Knlghla of Ak-Kar-Hn and other
Omahana to attmid tha Arlington Chau
taii'iua araaloil which baglna Haturday,
Fritamlir It. Mr. Panfuld waa rr.jupatrd
to tiama a day to be dealgnmted Ak-rlar-Ren
day at the Chautauqua. Ha hat
nam 1 HiU'l'mher 19. Knight and
thnaa who ought to be are advlaad to travel
to the llllle city and make themaelvaa at
home at the cliautaujua on that day par
Unularly, .and on nthara, If thny wlah.
MoiMlay night, Auguat 21, will te Fremont
Bight at the lan. It alao will be printers',
engravera' and allied tradi-a' night.
It la aipwlrd that What room la left aflrr
Fremont haa been let Into the ln will lm
taken up by the piiullng folka. Tlia Ran
Kranklln olub of Omaha la huatltng to
awall the crowd that atti-mla.
The ineinberahlp of tha Knlghta at noon
waa I. UK. Whnn tha IiiihIIIhk rommltleea
have raiof td auJ whan the aprclal huatllng
oummltleo whlt'h meetg at the'llenahaw
Ftlday haa reported thla will be ralaed to
1,0110, HaureUry IVnfnld brllevra.
Meoretery Pentold la lorue tlrkled over
tha proaprota of having I'raalileut Taft for
a gueat and hnpae thlnga wlll ahape around
ao that the rratdmt may accept the In
vitation eitendvd him.
Illrt ha Charles Niaks. yu Mouth Twen
tieth alreet, slrl. Fled Klllott, Jr., UJ Ohio
Btrest, buy; Uooige Kltxgerald, 61b Honlll
Twenty-sixth avenue, hcv; Joarf lluatak,
17'JU Huuth Thlrteenlh street, tioy; Ham
llutldleatou, u! .Sol Hi 'I'wenly-aecond
street, gill.. Reuben Kelly, 111 North
Twenty-fifth avenue, Aloie Krajli'ak. XM
Hciulh Twenty-Uilrd street, tiny; Aiietlii
Uathaws, gill) Henry Hltal, lull Oraie
sliest, sli l, II. While, 1HU VS ehaler street,
boy; Civile Weyer, iCU Davvniiort street,
liUh-Netlle liurns, M years, 2KH Kouth
Tenth street; riatlla Walmiit. M yeaia, W:l
Ilaai'all streeL
A tbeolla Scrape
with both partlaa wounded demands Ruck
Ian Arnica Halve, lleala wounds, sore,
burn or Injuries. e. For sal by Reatou
Drug Co.
We notni room for fust arriving Fall Milliner)'. A lim
ited lot of beautifully trimmed summer hats that sell regu
larly ns high aa $10.00 to bo closed out
Saturday at $1.00
Nifty white felt hata in tho newest late styles at very
attractive prices.
Fall styles arriving daily and now on display.
Second Floor City National Bank Building.
r -
Rev. Leonard Groh Leads
Many Men Into Ministry
Lavkir. but two yra f rwunttnc
out a h f ot'jry 1a Uo aJlt.
Kvr. Ixoard Oroh. pastor of tha
1 1 Mark a luUara churi. em
idvra tha frvaiaot mrjoamont to hla
work 1o 'hat tlrno to be tba laaa
pumbr of ymit.g rr.-a whom ha ha
ld to octr tia rrffnltry. "Durirg
my frot patrat at Boyrwn.
fa., wharo I rrJn for ttrenty
na yaart," aaya firtb, 'ln
TvauM ttn from my cna;r(aU'n
bsarr. mlntara. 7h n thmr
t o-n tar a lod o.hera to aitr tr.
mlriJatry. Today my "epirltual
a;raidaot'' number fifty or mora."
Pr. roh la a natlvo of Lebanon
county, and waa bom lo Usn Ha
rtr4 hla grriJo.ratory odunatlon
at NorrrJ vllaa;, MJItaorllla. Pa..
ao4 hla rlaall and thaolof.' al
work at I'ir.rylanla oollifa.
Entarioc the mlckatry in IKS. ha waa
tmty-fla yeara at Boyarotown,
which rharga. a proaporoua ena
numberlriir 14a) mmbri, bo lft to
mlrla'er to a efaurrh of a1ztan at
LAnrin Ho earno to Omaha flfloon
yoara ao to bocoma paator of ttt. Mark 'a church.
Tha orrilnant dlvlna waa Tt yoaro old Knday. and la atlll moot aetJro aa tha
ha-4 of tha lara corraatlon which Ht Mark a boaota and U actively tnteroatad
In aararal chartaJlo roHai warj tatior.a Id tha city.
jFrom Omaha's
C. B. Nl'-hole waa In Omaha Thursday.
Rv. if. 1'. rjray spent Tuaaday with hi
Mr. and Mia U. p. Urvn wore Omaha
vlaltora Waonee4ay.
Mlaa Iywll of Waterloo Is TtaltlDg her
Vauy friend this wwk,
A. C lledberg spnt Wedneeday and
Thureday at Cedar Jtaplda, Neb.
A- J. McClung la apendlnir the week with
hla paSMjta at Cedar Rapids, Neb.
Mra A. K Rurke and Mra. Tom Merry
wrather wre shopping In Omaha Wednes
day. Mra. Krud Whltmore garo a rarty In
honor of hrr UtUe daughter Helen Hatur
day afternoon.
Mr and Mra. A A. Kgbert are camptng
on V. H. Ihotnaa' Island In tha Platte
river Uila wk.
Mrs. Henry Walletroem rotumad Wednee.
day from a three wetki' visit with her
sister In Wisconsin.
A Urge number of Valley Woodmen of
the World attended the plcnla aad log
roiling at Waterloo Thursday.
Mra. A. Oardlner went Into Omaha
Wednesday to vielt her alater, Miss Maggie
Vass, who Is at the t'larkson hospital.
A mans meeting wss called by the village
trustees Thursday evening ti dlecue mat
ters relative to the welfare of tho village.
Mra. John Mehl returned Wedneedav
from Harvey, In., where she was called
two weeks ago by the Illness of her mothor,
Mra. Rayleaa.
Mra H. 10. Hyare and Dorofhy and Mlaa
Krsdiihaw returned from their Colorado
trip Thursday morning. Mlaa Rradahaw
expects to go to her home In Kdlna, Mo.,
before returning to her position In Eddy
ilros.' store.
Fred V. Curtis, who has ben suffering
from a on tho fa for over a year,
and who haa leen confined to his bed
suffering Intensely for the last six weeks,
died at his home at 2 o'clock Thursday
morning Tho furmral was held at the
home Friday afternoon. Mr. Curtla was
40 years of age and baa been a rratdent of
Valley and vicinity for over thirty yeara.
At tha time of hla death he waa a promi
nent and highly respoctrd fsrraer almost
In the Tillage of Valley. Ho leaven a
widow, a daughter W yeara old and a son
U yeara of age.
l eke mail.
Dr. Sutherland of Urand Island haa boon
visiting Tekamah friends this week.
Tha old settlers of this county are plan
ning on holding a big ylcnlo at Tekamah
on Heptember L
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Cokes and Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Hlnghaus are home from their
trip to Colorado.
Mrs. J. A. Goodwill and daughter, Mlaa
Jeanette, returned Wedrieeday afternoon
from their Bummer's visit In southern
Mr. and Mra. C. W. Conkllng and Mlaa
Truag left Wedneeday morning for Chicago
In the Conkllng touring car, Ralph Conk
llng at the wheel.
M. A. Olson of Athens, O., arrived
Wednesday for a visit at the home of his
son, (Superintendent A. II. Dixon of the
publlo schools. He expects to spend the
winter In Nebraska.
Hon. P. E Taylor, United Htatee conaul
at Htravenger, Norway, waa In Tekamah
Thuraday calling on old friend. Mr. Tay
lor la enjoying a two weeks' leave of a
aenne and with hla wife la visiting Ne
braska relatives.
K. D. Pratt and K. W. Rrvant left Tues
day fur Canada on a landaaeklng trip. Tlx
eamo day there alao went from Tekamah
for tha same country. Frank Rmlth, In
C, A. Raver, R. J. Mitten. Karl Huther
laud, Pete Wllott and Wilbur McPheraon.
Krra Pruaata haa returned from eastern
Colorado. Hla family will aoon follow him
He reporta that country badly burned and
his crops there all dried up. He la fortu
nate In having a half section of Kurt
county soli to back him. Ho will move
on his farm In the spring.
Miss liiils Anderson waa an Omaha visi
tor Fiiduy.
Miss Frieda Jlolstein Is visiting with rela
tives n Houth Omaha.
Walter Rergman of Weat Point I vlatt
Ing with friend thla week.
Mlaa Tlllte Nelao of Omaha apent Sunday
with her parent a, Mr, and Mra. O. Nelaon.
Mra. Christ Framlaen entertained friends
In honor of hnr birthday Tuesday, Au
gust, s.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuka of Milwaukee are
v lei Una their relallvea, Mr. and Mra.
Mra. Ilennan Koch and daughter Wll
helinlne deiarld Haturday for a trip In
the east
Mra. Ilenr-ga Rnyer of Paiillllon vial tad
with her parent, Mr. and Mia. Herman
Koch, Thuraday.
Neal Parsons. Clifford Harrow und
Duncan Ruhmtaon of Omaha were giieats
ot Vivian Roberta on Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Mluehart nf Chnmheraburg.
Ph. Mrs. rSkllHnslon nf Renova, Pa., end
Mra. T. A. Oelweller of Oareola, Neh.,
have been gueals at the Delweller horn
the last week.
The picnic given at Millard laat ftiinday
by the Woodmen of the World proved a
great auticeaa and a large crowd waa In
attendance. Various games and dancing)
were ansaged In Manv of the nelghborlnar
tnwna were represoiitad and everyone re
ported a good time.
William II use will build a new house
C. W. Lllanl haa the cement work.
D. H. Klrsrhored, local candidate for
i j
Near Neighbors
commissioner, got the majority vot In hit
borne precinct. Jo to L
WUIIam LAbbert celebrated his eighteenth
birthuay at t.ho Hill Wednesday evening
Rlhs ax out for the Bennington Platt
deutecher verelna annual picnic August 27
8. Mangold Is rem'delllng hla houae, put
ting In hot and cold water and bath room.
Miss Klla Ulandt of this place and Frank
Mocklemen of Elkhorn were cairled
Carl Ldmlck brought hJs automobile out
Tuesday to have the blacksmith overhaul
It (or him.
Miss Jones of t'alJs City la tha gueat
of her auui, Mia. T. L. Itoberu.
Mlaa Mabel Jirisley has been ejected a
assistant principal of the Cralg High school.
Cbarle W. Back has bought the William
Overton farm, the purclumo price being
and Mra E. J. Brnlth returned from
wjiuvri ai i nermopoiis. wyo.. on
laat Friday.
Oeorge 'lackel has purchased a 200-aer
farm one inli norm oi iJiau, pajir, tu,,
tor the tract.
Oua W. Petera left on Tujeday for a
three weeka' outing In Limver and other
Colorado points.
The popular play "Dolores," will be en
acted by the home talent company at the
Mpringfield Opera house on the evening
of August 24.
A. E. Hoard man, aged 7 years, died at
the home of hla daughter, Mrs. Tlvlna
Milks on August US. Mr. iioardman waa
an early aetlier of Hatpy county.
Ou pter received the riorninaUon for
county superintendent and Joe Armstrong
Uie nomination fur clerk of the district
court, both on the detnocratlo ticket.
The county poor farm was again leased
to Oeorge Bunde, who baa had charge of
the farm for sixteen yeara. There haa never
been more than three or four paupers to
keep and the rental of the farm mora than
pay tho expenses of maintenance.
Kherry Moore and wife of Omaha apent
Hunday with hla father and Bister.
The Misses Dal and Oale Btapleton vis
ited with the Warrick, family this week.
A little girl baby came Haturday to make
Its home with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jensen.
Mix Josephine Arndt was a guest this
week at the home of Captain Killlan lu
Miss t'lma Lundt returned this week
from a visit with John Hub and family In
Houth Dakota.
Dr. and Mrs. O A. Langstaff returned
Thursday from their outing with their
children In Canada.
Dr. W. M. Haller left Thursday to spend
a few wreks with Mrs. Haller and the
children In Wisconsin.
Ilernsrd, son of W. D. Haller, passed
his drutiglKt examination at Lincoln and
received his "sheep skin" this week.
Rev. J. A. Eeavttt of Omaha spoke In
the Raptlst church last Hunday In the In
terest of the Hoclety for the l-'rlendlens.
Florence and Kdlth Wells, with Fred and
Ous Renard were down from Oakland and
apent Hunday at the W. D. Haller home.
Mlas Orace, daughter of the late M. I'-al-lard.
pioneer attorney of Hlalr, will enter
the Plate urilvemlty September 1, to take a
full law course term.
Weeping: Water.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mra. J.
C. Morgan Wednesday.
The Weeping Water Chautauqua opens
August 18 and lasts flv day.
Mis Lillian Rates leave today for Hlouz
Fall, H. li., to visit Mr. Fred Evan.
Misses Mlna Thlsrolf and Ethel Deyda of
Plattamouth are visiting Mrs. O. H. Olive.
Mr. A. C. Cllzbe I attending tho funeral
of her brother, James Doane of Western,
Neb. J
Mis Mabel Hansen of Hastings. Neb.,
has been the guest fur several days of
Mrs. Clara Andrus.
Forty-one hundredths of an Inch of water
fell Thursday nix lit and waa very much
needed lo make corn.
Weelpng Water city council engaged a
permanent night watch and expect the
streets to bo free of tramps.
Twenty automobiles loaded with ninety
saengers funned a boosters club that
Weeping Water and vlsuad the towns
of the county advertising the Chautauqua
and fraternal picnic.
The Cass county teachers' Institute, con
ducted under the supervision of the county
superintendent, MIhs Mary Fouler, is now
In session. The extreme heal has been a
hindrance, hut the teacherx apeak highly
of the work of the Inxtructore. Tha regis
tration showed 140 present
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen spent Sunday at
Mr. and Mr. A C. Deln were visitor In
Iogau, la., Bunday.
Mr. and Mra. Andrew I .a men visited at
tha Chris Jensen home tsunday.
W. 1. 1U harda attended tho stale con
vention at Hethany Wednt-aday,
Mlaa Florence Richards, who broke her
arm a week ago, 1 now Id tho Immanuel
The Christian Hunday achnol will give It
annual plcnlu Thuraday, August 24, at tha
Hales homo.
Tha Congregational Hunday erhool gave
their annual picnic Friday at lluuscoui
park In i imaha.
Mr. aad Mrs. Frank Ohm of Omaha and
Mhai Clara Whaler were tha truest a of Mra.
William Haturday and Hunday.
Mra. 8. A. Ratea left Monday for Beth
any, where site will attend the state con
vention of the Church of Christ.
Mr. and Mra Chris Paulsen and Mr.
Trier Dunn of Council Rluffs were visitor
at the Deln home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. K. K. Richards Is In the Immanuel
hospital. rth underwent an operation
Thuraday which was not very serious, but
ahe la not Improving; aa she ahould.
Tha Jolly Thirteen atarted out on their
annual camping trip Wedneeday. They ex
pect lo apeiid about a week at Round val
ie, where two of the original member
of the club, Mr. and Mr. Usury. kjilght,
are living.
Hchnol will commence September 4
Prof. Fate and wife have taken up their
realdenoe m th David Hmith huuaa.
Carpenter Meyer and hla men have com
menced the building of Auguat Rlerbaoh'a
X BquOou rpreniaa Ryatm tsiaad tor
Piano Department
a leavo of absence, lntondto t taka a trip
to California,
J G. 8efuB and family vlBlted with D.
Reil and family on Bunday at Herman,
going there In their automobile.
Dr. Roecher B. Baldwin waa married
Wednesday to Viae Roma Rorolne of Mar
shall, Mo., by Rwv. Charlea Bavldgo at
Klkhorn and vicinity was well represented
at the Woodmen of the World picnic at
Waterloo Thursday, and they report hav
ing on enjoyable tlma.
Mr. and Mr. J. Greggerson visited their
Khter, Mrs. William Btel, at Immanuel
nrpltal In Omaha, where she Is taking
treatment, Thursday. Mra. Blel 1b Im
proving. James Olbney ha Rome to hla Klncald
homestead In tho northern part of Garden
oounty. He Intends putting op buildings
In preparation of moving his family there
thla falL
A rl In a; ton.
H. 1. McKlbbon waa an Omaha visitor
on Monday.
Ml Christina Johnson returned home
after a two weeks' visit at Jerman.
Tho Mlsea Rlanche Marshall and Gene
vieve Newcom were Blair visitors on Sun
Mr. O. C. Robert and son, Lawrence,
were Omaha visitor Monday.
Charley Hughe of Northvllla, Ky., 1 the
guest this week of hi sister, Mrs: U. A.
H hnelder.
Mrs. L. F. Gllfoy and children returned
the last of the week from a visit with
friend at Farragut, Ia.
Mrs. J. I. Pfelffer wa visiting friends
and taking In the bird men's exhibition at
Fremont last Saturday.
Frank Holley, after a week' visit with
hla parents here, returned to Omaha Hun
day afternoon. He la employed at the Baker
Itro. engraving house.
Mr. and Mrs. T K. I. wis are visiting
friend at North Doup.
P. J. Dangdon made a business trip to
Colorado, returning Tuesday.
Miss I.lmbach of Klkador, Ia., Is visiting
her cousin. Miss Inora Tangeman.
Miss Gannon of Chicago has been visiting
Gretna relatives the last few weeks.
A treat many Gretna people have signi
fied their Intention of Joining the ranks o(
tha Rooklovers' prize contestants. 1
Pat IllesHlngton, residing- west of Gretna,
had a rather painful accident Monday.
While at work on a load of hay he acci
dentally fell off, fracturing and dislocat
ing hi shoulder. Considering his age,
which la past V), hi recovery will be ex
tremely elow.
Qus Preith Falls
Down One Floor and
Will Probably Die
Employe of Kirkendall Plant it Pre
cipitated Down Elevator Shaft
Thii Afternoon.
Gu Preith, aged 22 years, Waa precipi
tated down one story In the F. P. Kirken
dall elevator shaft at Eleventh and Harney
Btreet at 1:45 o'clock this afternoon. Hla
skull la fractured and he la not expected
to live.
Preith wa ruahed Immediately to the
Swedish hospital, where surgeon are en
deavoring to learn tha extent of the In
juries. Preith Is unconscious and hi con
dition I such that hi parent, who live
at Twenty-fourth street and Park avenue,
were summoned to th hospital.
She Celebrates
the Ninety-Fifth
Year of Her, Life
Mra. Lucy Parker celebrated her ninety
fifth birthday Thursday at tha Old Peo
ple's Home. The board of manager for
the home gav a luncheon In honor of the
vent, thl being the fifth annual luncheon
at which they have celebrated. Mr.
Prker" birthday.
A birthday cuke, with candles, wa the
climax of a dulnty luricheon, th table
being ornamented with a bunch of red
roe given Mr. Parker by the residents
of th home. Tha members of the board
present were Mrs. George Tllden. Mra 8.
K. Hpaldlng. Mra. J. W. Bedford. Mrs.
John Steele, Mra Edward E. Johnson and
Mia Emily Roll.
Marriage l.lreaeca.
Tha following marriage license war la
euftd un to noon todav:
Frank Mockelman, Klkhorn. Neb...-
Ella Olandt. Kennlngtun, Neb
Harry J. Pouthlt. Omaha
Palsy E. WaUlng. Lehigh, Neb
Loren McKelgban. Portsmouth. Ia.
Elhet Newlova, Portsmouth, la
Otl 11. Brown. Sioux City..
Lulu X AJdrtdga, Sioux UtjK.rj..
of Pianos is
Hayden's Piano Dept,
This is a real, bona fide sale and one
of the best clearance sales we have
ever had. Many people have already
taken advantage of this opportunity
and purchased pianos for their homes.
Saturday morning we will place on sale some of
BARGAINS that we have ever offered. Below are
the many bargains that will be included in
$119 00
Pianos Sold on the
elO ,Z2
Court House Bonds
Carry Big in Omaha
Indications Are that the Betnrni from
the Best of the County Will In
crease the Majority.
Tho proposition for a $300,000 bond issue
to complete and furnish th new county
building was carried In Omaha, 4,619 to
2,708. according to figure taken from the
lection return poll book by tho official
election canvassing board Friday morning
and early Friday afteanoon.
Tho bond carried stronger in tho coun
try precinct than in Omaha, though tho
figure have not yet been gone over. Tha
official return from South Omaha alao
remain to bo canvassed.
Canvass of tho primary election will b
started Saturday morning. It will not be
completed before tho middle of next week.
Rev, Jolla F. Si-bwarts of German
Presbyterian Chnreh Rlerted Re.
cord I k Secretary ot Weat.
Rev. Julius V. Schwartz wa elected re
cording clerk by the German Presbyterian
ministers of the west, who are meeting
this week at Hickman. At the same elec
tion Rev, F. E. BoeU of Riley, Kan., wa
mide moderator and Rev. J, H. Ahren of
Rlsmond wa chosen a a second recording
Rev. Hllko DeBeer of Marlon, 8. D.,
opened Wednesday' session of the conven
tion with a sermon and the rest of the
day wa spent In transacting tho business
of the association. Enpectal attention was
paid to reports regarding the publications
of the church, the Presbytertaner, the
Sabbath school literature, the calendar and
tha Bong books.
Casper K. Tot and Archie Love leavo
for New York City Haturday evening.
Miss Fay Ulanchard of Fayettevllle Ark.,
who haa been visiting her alxter, Mrs. A.
D. Stowltls, haa returned home.
Robert Rosetuswelg and famlly.and John
Drexel and family have arturned from an
automobile trip to Davenport, la.
Superintendent of Parks Keuber of Terre
Haute, ind , was In Omaha Friday and
made a tour of Inspection of the local
boulevard system.
George Walters of I's Angeles 1 here
visiting his brother, Frank Walters, gen
eral manager of the Nebraska lines of the
Nortnwestern. George Waltera yeara ago
lived at Cedar Fails, ia., where lie waa a
schoolboy playmate of the Gerlng brolhura
of Omaha and Plattamouth.
Railroad Notes and Peraoaala.
The Great Western Is pushing the Im
provements being made st Uelweln. la.,
where a modern brick passenger station, a
transfer taiae, a power house, a lTu.ilo
gallon steel tank, a blacksmith shop and a
new coaling station are being erected at a
coat of lluu.OiiO.
The new management of the Missouri
Pacific has placed an order for two new
combination ours, eight day coaches. eleen
chair cats, fourteen mall and fifteen ban
gage cars. It Is said that a portion of tho
new rolling clock will be used on the lines
running Into Omaha.
Nebraska roads have announced a rata of
on and one-halt fare fur the state fair to
be held at Uncoln, September 4 to 8. In
the past the roads have sold an admission
ticket to the fair grounds, Lpls being a
ooupon attached to the railroad ticket. Thla
year th plan haa been abandoned.
Th Great Western has adopted a system
by which In the future it will be able 1j
keep an accurate account of every pound
of coal used upon the system. It Is ex
pected that the present cost of fuel ll.&uO,
(u annually will be reduced 10 per cant.
Scales will be put In at each of th com
pany's twenty-three coaling stations and
teport will be mad dally bowleg; tha
. - " ;
y. ;- - ,
I . - J
now on at
Payment Plan if Desired
Douglas Street Entrance
Round Trip
Tickets to
Eta Votm
Atlantic City
and other Seashore Resorts
Tickets on Sale Daily until Sept. 30.
Saving in Fare and Satisfaction derived
from the High Standard Pennsylvania
Service are Travel Advantages worth in
vestigating. Costs nothing for particulars
319 City National Bank Building, Omaha.
of package
w v -
-bread ...
average conaumptlon of coal per locomo
tlve mile and per ton mile.
J. W. Vanderford, son of Officer Vander
ford of the police department, is here on
a visit to his parents. Young Vanderford
lived In Omaha all his life until some five
years ajro, when he went to San Diego,
Cal., where he entered the employ of the
Santa Fe. receiving promotion after pro
motion, finally becoming chief clerk to the
general frieght agent, a poaltlon which he
now holds. Hesldes being In the railroad
business. Mr. V anderford has become the
owner of an Improved five-acre fruit
ranch, Just outside the city limits.
Mania Anderaou'a Team Rnea Away,
Toppllua Him Over aad Break.
Ins Hla Leg.
Martin Anderson, Forty-eighth and
Leavenworth streets, tried last night to
down tha reputation of the Ice wagon for
slow movement. Being a driver for the
West Omaha lo and Coal company, ha
desired to show hi companion, Uen Nel
on of Fifty-fifth nd Center treet. and
residents of th Thirty-third and Center
streets neighborhood that everything low
1 not to be compared to an lo wagon.
At least not to hla.
So AAdaraon, lat out tn rain ot hla
the BEST
a few of
the sale:
$190 00
Variable Route
Tickets to
New York
via Norfolk one way
Host Popular Bread Today
Tip Top bread 1 by far the biggest seller
In Omaha South Omaha and CoSncll B?uff.
today. With our Immense plant and del"!
ery eyatem. no grocer la allowed to offl;
It for aale except when absolutely fresh.
Tip Tod bread la helno- imii.i. ,
not In quality.
ao nui in quality.
5c at all grocers
Saturday Special
Whhe Felts.
$1.50 to $2.50
Penncll Millinery Co.
Paxton Block
team and they atarted. The end of tha
demonstration came at Thirty-third and.
Center street, when, in turning a corne
hi ll wagon upnet. Anderson' right leg
waa Viroken by the fall. Police Burgeon
Harris and Peppers attended th. man an4
sent him to BL Joseph hospital. Nelaon,
waa -uninjured.
Persistant Advertising la th Road aV Big) ;
Return, - - 1