14 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 19, 1911. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Spot Wheat it Finn and Receipt Con tinue Light CORN RECEIPTS ARE NOT HEAVY Only Few Sample of Oat A re Seen fleleat to Afceoro All tn Offee-ln;. OMAHA. Aug. IS. 1111. Spot whrM w firm. Receipts of that cwmI continued light and the demand lor It waa sufficient to take caro f tha offer ings. rorn advanced Receipt of corn mere not heary and tha Inquiry for tt waa active. Oat were strong, advancing e. Thara were only a few sample on tha tables and the demand for the cereal waa sufficient to absorb all that waa offered. Rye waa a cent higher. There were no offerings of barley, which waa quoted nom inally unchanged. Comparative reoelpta were: St. Louis: Today. Yar ago. Wheat J1 Corn 7 M Oats Kansas City: Wheat 1W W rnm 64 a Oats I a Chicago: Wheat 123 J Corn 167 Oata 178 1 Omaha received 80 cars of wheat, against 34 a year ago: 48 cars of corn, against 60, and 1? curs of oals, against U. Shipments Included S3 cars of wheat, against 14; 2 cars of corn, against 64, and I cars of oata, against 13. Liverpool opened 3& higher on wheat and d higher on corn. At the close wheat was tad higher and corn mtiVd higher. The following cash salea were reported: WHEAT No. t hard; 1 car tturkey), tSVtc; 1 car. 8oo; 1 cars, tSVfcc. No. hard: 1 car. 860. No. 4 spring: H oar, 76c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car (oladed out). Io; 1 oar, 86H. tuRN-No, 3 white: 1 oar, 60o; No. I white: J ears. eoo. No. 4 white: 1 oar. Ukx No. 2 yellow: 1 ear. 69Vo. No. I yellow: 1 car, SHo. No. t mixed: 1 car, 6W; 1 oar, MK). No. 4 mixed: I cars, USto. OATS No. 3 white: care, 41"4c No. 4 white: 1 car, Mc. RYE-No. 3: lVi oars, 87o. Omaha Cash Prleea. WHRAT No. 1 hard, k6vj90c; No. hard. 8cJo; No. 4 hard. al'tf8o; Rejected hard, 74u80e; CORN No. 3 white, MrSoc; No. I white, itf)0c; No. 4 white, MSdtM; No. I yel low, &$Wc; No. 3 yellow, 9fjd9Vo; No. 4 yellow, 6H3W,c; No. 1, MOc; No. I. 6f)Va!Wo; No. 4. fcdSWc; no grade, 67W9 68c; OATS No. t white. 41H41e.; atandard, lH441Ve; No. 1 white. 41Ul4c; No. 4 white. )4840c; No. I yellow, 40y&41o; No. 4 yellow, 4040Ho; BARLEY No. 8. fefJflSc; No. 4. 7330 ; No. 1 feed, SaaTSc; rejected, 6tt8c; RTE No. I. g6C7o; No. 3. 86421. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION! Featnres of tbe Trading; ond Clesloat Prleea ea Hoard af Trade. CHICAGO. Aug. 11. Business waa quiet again today on tha Board of Trade. Wheat failed to hold an early bulge, September closing taQV,c down. September corn closed a shade higher and oata unchanged. Pro visions were firm, closing 3taul6c up. The main consideration In wheat waa the unvaryingly cheerfull reports from the Canadian northwest, where a bumper crop la being garnered. Shorts covered early on higher cable, and because Europe was said to be taking everything offered. Sep tember rose to 80e under this Influence, but the advance overtaxed the strength of the market and a decline to 894e followed. There was a reaction toward the close on covering by shorts. Tha official statement of shipments from this country lor juiy ahow a gain of 3,600,000 bushels over the corresponding month last year. i . - . I J . . 1 1 a.k..t but trade waa small and tha range of nrlces narrowed although the tone was gen erally firm. September Bold between 66Vi Oata' prices followed the drift of wheat and corn over a narrow range, September selling between i2mio, and closing un obana-Ad. I Provisions were strong. January pork eloaed 15o over yesterday at SW.46; Septem ber lard, IZHo higher, at 80.07H. and Sep tember ribs, 2f5c up at t.WF..2. Closing quotations were as follows: ArtlclesTopen. High. Low. Close. Ys'y. Wheat- Sept.. Pec... Sept.. Deo... May.. Iec... May.. Lard Sept . Oct... Jan... Hi bet-eft.. Oct... Jan... I i mi OXa-IVsl 0H 44 1 oot, 62 64 I 43 V 44HS t I 16 48 42(n42M, i44 47VFi47Vf4J' IS 46 soavi 10 3 73 124 9 w 8 36 3 074 16 8 80 12H MS 414 44 47 Wl I SSHiSOtJSOH 9!l OOS1 1 00 SI l4TAJ6 64S,;HI 4V 1 4111 47141 U 35 41t, 44 47 1 46 I 1 30 01V, 10 8 7214 1 9 07 Ui 06 i 8 7H 17H1 8 Xl'S 07H t 16 8 80 3 024 8 3iV,l 8 96 8 034 8 70 B 07 8 S5 S 30 yellow, fi2Hc; No. 1 mixed, WV,c; No. 8 mixed. tiy,c. No. 4 mixed, 2Vio. 1 iiiKiier, iracn, io. 1 w nue. ri: tandard. 4oc; No. 3 white, 3c; No. 4 wnite. NSW YORK (lENERAb M ARK85T 4)aeatloaa s Vartoee ef tbe Day Caatasodltlea. NKW TORK. Aug ll-nXUR Steady ; spring patents. In U6.4; Kansas straights, 34 14 4.,; winter stralghta 3"tH10; win ter patents. 4ot(4.(i; spring clears, 84 000 4 35; winter extras. N. 1. U .W 60; winter extraa. No. t, 831.Vdl.26. Rye flour, firm; lair to good, 4.i"ii47i); choice to fancy, 34 on CORNMF.At .Rle4v! fine white and vsl- low. 81.4t-ifl.43'; coarse. 31L40; kiln dried. 1.1 U. WHEAT PDot. steudr: new No. 1 red. Kq, elevator, and 4e, f. o. b.. afloat; no. 1 northern, Duluth, new, 1.104, f. o. b , afloat. After a strnna onenlna. due to firm cables, the futures market had a spell of weakness which laxted until the final hour, reflecting bearish Canadian news. Local coveting and liberal weekly clear ances steadied the late market and It cloned HC net higher. September. 4W4e. closed at H r- December. M ll-lo.M 6-HV closed at ll.OO'v Receipts, M.4U0 bu.; shipments. 1U.449 bu. CORN Spot, stead v: No. i. TIlo. elevator. domestic bssls, to arrive, Tlc, f. o. b.. arioat, ror export No. 3. The futures mar ket was without transactions, closing nomi nal. Receipts, kl.fttu bu.; shipments, bu. OATS New, steady: standard white, 44c; No. I 444o: No. t, 43H; no grade, 419 44c; all prleea for new oats. HIDE steady; Central American, SOVtc; BogoU, Hfu&2'c. LKATHKM-1 irm; hemlock firsts, 349 27c: seconds. aSil'ilHc; thirds, l30c; re- PROVIHlONSw-Pork, steady; meea. 87.r It.tO; faml.y, 318.75(81.00; short clears, 316 00 fH7 60. Beef, f'rmer; mess. 31loU00; amlly. tll.K-imuO; beef hams, HaooJ.6. Cut meats, firmer; pickled bellies. 10 te 14 lbs , 310 .T.HrU.60; pickled hams, 814 00. Lard, firm: middle west prime, 149 25; re fined, steady) continent, 3 60; South Amer ican. 310.60; compound, 37.00ty7.36. TALLOW rirm; prime city, hhds., country, 6V9'c. BUTTER Unsettled; creamery specials, 2V: extras, tic; flmta, 24flHc; seconds, K'rflia; thirds. Xienc; stats dairy, finest. XtTtf'toc; good to prime, tfS4Vio; factory, current make, flrsta, 20(321c. CHEESr6teady; skims. W10c. 1 J KJ3 Irregular; fresh gathered, ex tras, 224c; extra firsts, 1SjOo; firsts, 17 & 18 Vic; seconds, 16u)17o; thirds. 15c; fresh gathered, dirties, No. 1, 16c: fresh gath ered checks, good to prime, 13914c; fresh fathered dirties, poor to fair, caae, 82.400 tO; refrigerator, flrsta, season's storage charges paid, 21c; refrigerator, second. 18 2.'Vc; western gathered white. 1823a. POULTRY Alive, steady; western spring, 16c; fowls, 13914c; turkeys, 13c; dreesed. Irregular; western broilers, 14ftle; fowls. llrlKc; old turkeys, lilBc; spring turkeys. 20Q 300. Torn aad Wheat Regloi SIlettn. Record for the twenty-four hour ending at 8 a. m. Friday, August U 13U: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Stations. Max. Mtn. fall. Sky. Ashland. Neb.... U 6 .00 Clear Auburn. Neb 89 (6 .03 Clear B ken Bow, Neb. 88 63 .00 Clear Columbus, Neb... 80 04 .00 Pt. cloudy Falrbury, Neb... 91 07 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... 87 04 .00 Clear Or. Island, Neb. 80 M .00 Clear Hartlngton. Neb. 8 . 60 .00 Clear Hastings, Neb... 0 66 .00 Clear Holdrege, Neb... 88 64 At Clear Lincoln, Neb M 68 .00 Clear Oakdale. Neb 80 60 .00 Pt. cloudy North Platte ..88 63 .01 Clear Omaha, Neb 80 73 .00 Clear Tekamah. Neb... 83 .00 Clear Valentine, Neb. k) 63 .66 Cloudy Sioux City, la... 88 64 .00 Clear Alta. la 88 00 .84 Clear Carroll. la 8 60 .63 Pt. cloudy Clarlnda, la l 64 .00 Clear Sibley, la 83 61 .00 Pt. cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at a. in. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. ef Temp. m strict. citations. Max. afln, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Lovett Statement Responsible foi Market's Recovery. ENGLISH STRIKE HAS DJTLUXNCE Heavy Selling ef t sited states steel Indicates Some fneaalaesa Over Prpes1 Tariff Revlelea Psettrava NEW TORK, Auk. 19 -No small part of the recovery recorded by the stock market today waa directly traceable to the state ment put out by the Harrlman msasge ment after the close of business yesterday. Judge Lovett s unequivocal denial of any Internal dlesenslon In the Union Pacific or Srobahlllty of a reduction of the existing Ivldend waa accepted on Its face value In most quarters, accompanied a It seema to be by purchases of Harrlman stocks on the part of bankers closely Identified with that system. Of the Union Paclflo episode much of the mystery, Including the origin of the enormous selling of the laat three weeks, remains unsolved There were hints today that the near future might Inject a new and highly Important Interest to that prop ertyan Interest which In bygone days had often oppoeed the plans of the Harrl man faction. But for the fact that the labor situation In England haa become even more aoute It Is quits likely that today's movement might have proceeded farther. Private ad vices to International bankers were In some Instances almost alarming, snd there was a disposition to blame employers rather than the employed. Heavy selling of United State Steel to day Indicated some uneasiness over the proposed tariff revision program at Wash ington. All other shares participated In today's gains to the extent of on to two points, but trading became extremely dull on the decline. Under the lead of union Pacific, which advanced to 1.72n, other leaders also tended sharply upwards tn the final deal ings. There were numerous met gains eg two to three points and the market tone at the close was more sustained than at any previous time of the dav. Some Incidents Included threats of a strike on the Illinois Central road. Fore casts of tomorrow's bank statement pointed to a large cash gain. Ronds were strong, aside from weakness In American Tobacco 4 per cents. Total sales, par value, amounted to 31.(71 000. United States government 2 advanced on call. Number of sale sni readTng quotation) n stocks were as follows: sIm. Hick. Lew. (in. Columbus. 0 17 Louisville. Ky 30 Indianapolis, Ind. U Chicago. Ill 36 St. Louis, Mo 36 Dee Molnea. la.... 21 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City, Mo., 34 Omaha, Neb 18 Cash quotation were as follows: K LOU K Easy ; winter patents, 83 60iS4.26; straights, 3.4i;4.00; spring straights, 64.atji 4.40; spring patents,, bent hard, lu.ooy li.J; bakers, IXaO-u-ttW. KY K No. 2, S643V4c. BARLEY Feed or mixing. 70ff90c; fair to choice malting, !1.10ni'1.18 SEKim Timothy. $12.00fil3.50; clover, $12.iOfl8 00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.75 17.87V,; lard, per 100 lb.. 34 87Vi39.0l",i; short ribs sides (loose), 3S ifj812; short char sides (boxed). 3.0ih.3&. Total clearances of wheat and Tour were equal to 6O9.0U0 bu.: exports for tb week, an known by Bradatreet's were equal to S.jOl.OuO bu.; primary receipts wer Sll.OuO bu.. compared with 1.1S1.000 bu. tbe corre sponding day a year ago. Estimated receipt for tor tomorow are: Wheat. 141 tare; corn, Z'2H cars; oats, 616 cars; hogx, V.0U0 head. . Chicago Cash Prices Wheat. No. 3 red, fcHSfttoWc: No. 3 red, Ksj'Jc; No. 3 hard, 80iiV4c; No. 3 hard. 69Hi92c; No. 3 eprlut. old 31. 144111. 16; No. 1 northern spring. SI .03 01.06; No. 1 northern spring, old, ll.l-tf. 1.14; No. 3 northern spring, OScfySl.02: No. 3 northern spring, old. U-Wdl.lu; No. 3 northern spring, lc&$l.00; No. 3 northern spring, old. Jl.oriVU. No. 3 spring. aScir 81 m: No. s spring, imwum:; velvet cnaii, 4 tiwc; durum. (Wo Corn: No. 1 640 64c; No. 3 white, 6l6c; No. 3 yellow, totli&'vic; No. S, 64i64atc; No. 3 white. oc; No. 8 yellow, 6466c; No. 4. (O',ojc; No. 4 white. SSS041c; No. 4 yellow. tu() 64o. Oata: No 8 while, 41414c; No. t white. 4V4-lc; No. 4 white. n-fte; atand ard. 41fWc. Rye: No. 3. 8iyc; Bar ley, TOoeSI 11 Timothy, H3.00til3.6O. Clover, 812 O0f 18 .00. BUTTKR creameries, 300 Sc; bines, 160 c FX1G8 Steady ; receipts. 8.314 ease; at mark, caaea Included, l'gJ14c; flrsta. 16c; prime first, 16o. CHEK8E Firm; daisies. lf18Vio: twin. 1211 UN c, young America, 12ol2; long horns. UfllS. POTATOES Firm; choice to fancy, 8122 T1 86; fair to good. 31 1W1.I0. POULTRY Firm; turkeys, 14c; chickens, lie; sprtngs. 14c. VEAL Firm; I to 60-lb. wts.. WV; to lb. wis., 910; 86 to ll-lb. wts.. He. Receipt, tmipments Flour, bbls . 15 W0 41,000 Wheat, bu 1000 ll5(wx) Corn, bu 1M 0"0 244.000 Oats, bu 313 00n M4.0H0 Rye. bu.... S0U0 Barley, bu S7.OU0 3.000 Carlot Receipt Wheat. 13 ear, with 44 of contract grade: corn. 137 car, with 76 , of contract grsde; oats, 176 car. Total re ceipts of wheat at Chicago. Minneapolis and Duluth today ware 311 cars, compered with 3C3 car last week and 73 ears the corresponding day a year ago. Mlaaeaaalla Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. IS. WHEAT Sep tember, 31.01; December, 3103; May, 3107: No. 1 hard. Slot; No. 1 northern, 81 04fl OM4; No. I northern, fci1r04l im; Ho. 3. 86ttrS.101V KLAX-S8.41. BARLEY-76cC31.lt CORN No. 3 yellow, 4M56c. OATS-No. 8 white, 41t41. RYE No 3. 8flMc. BRAN $!" 60621 00. FLOUR First patents, 8V00rTo.30: second patents, 34 60(14 76: first clears, f3.3673 66; tecond clear. 3T.3S51.60. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Aug. 18. CORN Track, higher; No. 3 whit. 64c; No. 3 whit. 64c; No. t eljow, 63c; No. 3 yellow. 63; No, 4 Rainfall. 90 64 . 80 M W .30 tffl . 64 .70 86 43 .30 83 68 . 90 86 63 . 30 80 63 . 40 32 68 .00 80 64 .40 Temperatures were moderate In the west ern portion of the corn and wheat region during the last twenty-four hours. Warm weather prevailed In the eastern portion Thursday, but was followed by cooler dur ing the night. Showers occurred In all except the Kansas City district. The rains were moderately heavy In the extreme eastern portion, and the following heavy rains occurred In Indiana: Evanavllle, 1.38; Farmland. 1.62. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. St. I.oals Qeaeral Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 18. WHEAT track, No. 1 red,878Jlcc; No. 3 hard, 8aJ6o; Septem ber, 87fco; December, 82e. CORN Steady ; track. No, X 880; No. 3 white, 63c; futures, firm; September, 64e; December, 61$iU.e. OATS-Hlghor; track, No. . 40c; No. 3 white, 40c: futures, firm; September, 41c, FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, 34.1uvt 34.60; extra fancy and straight, 33.90Q4.1O; hard winter clears, ia.90rirj.3o. SEEK Timothy. 312 50C14.00. COKN'MKAL-2 90. RR AN Weak; sacked, east track, 3107 Gil". HAY Steady; timothy. $17 OOSt23.50; prai rie, 316.0018.00. PROVIsrONS-Pork. unchanged; lobbing. 317 60. Lard, qulrft; prime steam. 88.76tf.. Dry salt meats (boxed), unchanged; extra shorts, 39.28; clear lihs, 8926: short clears, 3D.37. Bucon (boxed), unohanged; extra shorts. 310.25; clear ribs, 310.26: short clears, 310.37. POULTRT-Steady; chickens. 10c; spring, 13c; turkey. lc; duck, 9o; geese. So. BUTTER Dull; creamery, JJo. EOOS-Hlgher; 16c Reoelpta Shipments. Flour, bbls 10,400 M.O09 Wheat, bu 6DO0O 71,000 Com. bu 70.000 SS.ftfl Oats, bu 41.000 3!0u0 Kansas t'lty Grata and Provlstea. KANSAS CITT, Ma, Aug. IS. WH EAT Cash, unchangsd; No. 3 hard. M:Ge; No. 3. 86yD4c; No. 3 red, 8tc; No. 3. R4;iNdc; Sep. tember, tSc: December, a2VU3'sCt Si'tlHec. CORN Unchanged; No. 2 mixed. 60c; No. 8. eOtVoOVec; No. 3 whit. 600; No. 3, 6utic: heptomber. lgilo; December, tiotreoSc, OATS-Unchanged; No. 3 white, 4ifUc; No. I mixed, 4043 t:e. RYE-8SC. HAY Steady to 60c lower; choice timothy, 31HOf3l860: cholc prairl. 31.So!l4.oO. BUlTER Cteamery, 25o; first. 23c; e. onds, 31c; packing stock, 17c. EK3i-Extris, toe; firsts, 14c; second. 10c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat 1170)0 MO0 Corn MOD) U,0 Oata 8.I.O0 9,000 Allle-rslmen pfs Amalgamate Cropper ... Asierlnan AtHenltuml .. Aiaerlnsa Beat lusar, . . . Amerlcea Caa America C tt T Am ottos Oil Amarleas H U pH... Am. Ice 8eerttla Ameelces Ltnaeed ....... American Ueeeeiotive .., Aotarleaa . R , Am. B AR. p(4 , Am. Steel Foundries Am. Susar Refining. .... Amartean T. a; T ,, American Tobeeee pM... Amerlaaa Weelea Aivmda Mining Oe ... AtchlaM Atuhlaon M Atlantlo CoM Uae Baltimore Okie. Bethlehem Steel inrookljm Itapl Tr. -an1ln rmcltla Central Leather Central Leather ptd rentra.1 of New Jereey... Cheaapeaka AV Ohio Chicago St Alton Chicago O. W., now Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago aV N. W Chlrago. M Bt P.... C . C. C. St. L Oloraee F. A I Colorado & Southera.... CeneoMdated Oee Corn Products Delaware a) Hudaon Denver A Slo Grande... Denver A R O ptd Dlatlllenr' geewrltlee ... Brie Brie let ptd Brie M fd Oeaeral Blectrle Oreat Northern M Great Neither Ore at fa. llllnola reaual Interborough Met Int. Met. pf Internatlonel Harveater Int. Marina ptd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kaaaaa CUT soutkers... It. O. Be. pM Laclede Gas , Loulavllla aV Nashville. tlnn. St. Loula M , 8t. P. tt . g. M. Mtaaourl. X. A T M . K. A T. pfd Mlaeourl Pacific NatlMl Blacurt INattenal Lead N. R. K. of M. td pM.. New Tork Central N. Y . a A W Norfolk A Wester North American Northern PMlft Peeinc Mall Paesarlvaela People' a Gaa P.. C, C. A I Ptttetaurg Coal Preawd Steel Car Pullman Palace Car... Railway tM Spring.. Reading Rapnblla Steal HeeuMIe steel ptd tHork lalaji Oe Heck Iaiau Co. pf .. St. U A 8 F M ptd. St. Loula 9. W gt. U S. W. pfd 8loae-Rhefrield 8, A I. Southern Partflo Soethera Railway BoailMr futlwer H. Teenasaae tapper Tuaa A Pacific T., St. L. A W T. St. U fc W. ptd.. t'nlon Parlrle t'ntea Pacifte pf t'nlld Sialee HeeHy.. Vattea uiiaa Ruhber. Unit Bute Blael..., t'. R. Steel pfd t)Uh Capper va-(.srUB (jwoucai ,. Wabaah Wataeah Pfd Weatera ktarrlaa Weetlnghenae CleelH ... Western tinto Wheallsg A It, Lehigh Vsller Total ui tor the day, 10,100 ) S.n too 400 14 U .ft 100 31 10 lien 10 "m ton too . MM) 100 too SO l.teo 4.M 400 M tin 104 151 Ma 'iisi lftlUj llt 101 W 9tl 81 "ti" 11 1MS4 iiH 'm llw 102 ll 101 to 61 ls M'4 44 mi L i i.ioo n 73 too ttto m T.tOO 1154 114 to 8.000 4M4 lrr u 'is a 60 11 11 4 140 4 H lit IS 1H 7 104 400 llilt "'70 iiiu l.too u 's.'i '" mo 400 10 T.joo 3, 600 4.100 l.SOO 100 40 too SO0 100 ie 800 IM 100 4H 13(1 II 'is-' 4 u 11 4 iw" 114 4t 1404 W 42 117 15 'si" 1 so tl 104 143 134" 1 "ii" 100 eo te 3.400 100 70 100 ,000 1.10 I, DO 300 too 100 0 64. in I, too !. 10 oe 104 104 40 109 tl U ie H 1M 1M 103 10 J 14 101 40 100 tl 11 11 1W u 1U l 1 11.700 114 loeo wh 4 KM W0 ""ieo ... H.teo ... SM " 00 ...Ulteo ... l.soo ... 4,oe eo (on 41 111 M 'ii' ii 45 u !! so 1 1AI 1 14l 'ii 4 41 II iii kit w 34 41 17 W 'i 73 ni 43 44 14 M V U to to 11 n 4W 14 454.100 there. 143 11 71 10 Ii 11 133 M M 4 104 101 1U lol 10 71 3t K'l rr M0 75 so 10 141 115 51 w 4 1T 13 17 35 54 4 4 Ul 111 140 $ 115 11 10 1 1) t 4 104 1U M 115 11 5 41 111 604 38 104 31 103 tl 111 3 120 104 W 13 1 1T II 144 w I H P 44 114 0 7 M ' 41 t3 U IT l" 4i 44 & s 8 14 the first hour and prices continued to ad vance. At noon the market was steady and from Vd to ld higher than jester day New York closing. Unrtdon closing atnek qtiotttlrmi: Onaola. moner . . .. 77 Ixtulavllle A Nh lit do account TS Va Mo., Kan A Tries.. U"4 Area) Copper 42 New Tork OMra.1.. 107 Anaconda 74 Norfolk Wentern .liK A'hlaon 1014 do pfd 11 do pfd 10' Ontario Ar Weatrrn.. 4i' Ftaltlmore A Ohio. . . 1' rennaylvanta 43 Canadian Pacific . . . H Hand Xlnea 7 Chapeke AV ()hto.. 7 Heading 74 rht. Great Wretem.. 14- Southern Railway .. !1 Chi , Mil. at St. P..113H do pfd 71 w, n Bere 17 Southern Parlfle ...117 Denver A Rle O ... I Vnlea Pec.me Ill do ptd 65 o pU 14 rle N C 8 Steal Tl do let pfd II do pfd 111 do td pfd 41 Wabaah 144 Grand Trunk 14 do pf4 11 Illinois Central 144 SILVER Bar, teady at 24d per ounce. MONET 1 rer cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for thr months' bills, 14 per cent REPORT OF THE Ct-CARIJCQ IIOl'fE Basle Condition aad Advance of Year Make for Improvement. NEW TORK, Aug. 18. Bradtreef bank clearing report for the week ending Au gust 17 shows an aggregate of 82.92.&4.0u0, a against 33,801, STw.OuO last week and 32,o37, 74.1.000 in the corresponding week last year. The following I a Ust ofthe cities: CITUE8. Clearings j In. 1 Deo. Liverpool drain Murkrt U1VERPOOL. Aug. 18,-WHEAT-SDOt steady; Manitoba. 7a 9d; No. 3 Manitoba. 7s 3d. future, steady: October, 7s ld; le- cemlier, 7s 3d; March. 7s 3d. txRN Spot firm: new American mixed. Se Sd; old American mixed, 8a td : Amar tean kiln dried, 8 7d; future ateady; Sep. Umber, ta 8d; October, 8a 7d. llllwaikee Uraln .Market. MILWAI KEF-, Aug 18.-WH EAT-No. 1 nnrthf,i'ii 11 nT,4i1 A ' Ma nurthurn tt AMl i 31 04; No. Ehsrd winter, 89TSlc; September. ' 'Armour A Ce. 4a. K 1 0c: December 94c. Alchlaoe gee. 4e N OATS-Standard 4?c. BARI.ET-41 S84J1 la. lork Money Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 18. MON ET On call. teady; highest, 3 per cent; lowest, 3 per cent; ruling rat. 2 per cent; laat loan, 3 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, very dull: sixty days, 34J3 per cent; ninety days, Sis 3 per vent; six months, 3 Per oert. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4J4 per cent, MTKRLJNO fcXCHANOKtady. with actual business la bankers' bills at 34S')ttt for sixty-day hills and at 14.8s for demand. Commercial hill. 34.M. SILVER Br, ale; Mexican dollars 4Ac, HONla Uovernnient, firm; railroad firm. Closing quotations on bonds were a fol lows: V. S ref. la. ra..100 let. kt M. 4a. 4 do coupon 10 Jaeas a aau V- A aa. ea 1 e 4a t -a. v. eo let 33.7 38.01 78 3.6 M 14.8 S3 13.31, 17.7 , 'ia.ii, .81.. 18.11.. 8.1 .4 6.0 4.8 18.7 Ul T.l 3.81 18.5 3.1 2.8 1.1 30.0 3.4 61 "lib 33.81 18. H 16.3 4.1 10.4 35.8 30.8. "i'sl 1.2 W.S 36.31 16.11 io!6 TO TT 16.3 18.8 4.4 35.7 Sl.l 1.8 13. 7 166. 3.4 10 4 14 3 3 1.1 'i6!i "i'.i, 31.5 New Tork .767,4P7,000 Chicago SH.030"0 Boston l.3,a,0X Philadelphia 180,2)4.000 St. Liouls .. M.7M.000 Kansaa City 4.82.ono Pittsburg 44.04.(aH Ban Franclaoo 49.887.0il0 Baltimore I 80.637,000 Cincinnati I 33.77.0uO Mlnneapolla 17.ShS.0nw Cleveland 80,64S.0U0 New Orleana 18.467.000 Detroit 34.tU0.0ii0 OMAHA U.840.0UO Lmb Angela 1,.00 Ixsulsvlll U.848.0IXN Mllwauk 14.8.,UHI Seattle 10.8'b,(KH) bt. rau 8.9n0.00i'i Atlanta 8,238.000! Portland, Or ll,l-e,u Ruffalo ,7i:.0i Denver ,'i0.0i)i Indlanapolla 8.788.0)0j Providence T.419.000 Richmond 7.U7.0IM) it.. ..1.1.. T" a. a a, , ... 1 BDiiuiHiuii, v.,,.,1 ,Vro.v, 8t Joseph I.712.UOO Fort Worth 1427,Or) Memphis 4.489.000 Salt Lake City 1.206.000 Columbu ,3K.000 Albany I.Jbo.OOO Tacoma 4.0tM.000l Savannah 3.629.O00 Spokane, Wash 4.0S4.0QO Toledo 4.603,000 Hartford 3.8M).000 Rochester 4.000,0u0 Des Moines , 3,767.000 Nashville 8.9W.(KKM Duluth 3,'3.0ijO Wichita 8.39,000! Peoria 3.8A8.OUU1 Norfolk 3.8M).O0Ol Oakland. CsJ 3,494,000 Bloux City 3 0X6.0(10 New Haven I.64,000 urana Kapias i,bi.u, Scranton 3,371, 000 Birmingham 3.18O.O0O Jacksonville. Fla 2.771.001 Oklahoma l,8O3,0OM eyraouse 8,4.om Augusta, Oa 1.1M.00O Worcester 3,39: ,0 Kvansvllle 2.2ut000 Springfield, Mass.... 3.010.000 Dayton l,88u,00O Portland, Me 1,770,000 Wheeling, W. Va 1.898,000 LJttle Rock 1.6(17,000 Charleston, 8. C 1.044.000 Knoxvllle 1.4A2.000I Chattanooga 1, 929.000 Lincoln l,gl4.onu Davenport 1,08,000 Wilmington, Del 1,668 000 Mobile 1.1M,(" Wllkes-Barre 1.2Jl,0ti0 Kalamazoo, Mich 717,000 Sacramento, Cal 1,722,0m) Topeka 1,427,000 cedar Kapida. la i.ihu.oow Macon 1.404.000 Fall River 7U0.OJU Youngstown ytn.fnio New Bedford 1,040,000 Springfield, 111 ., l.OnD.OOO Fort wayne j.iou.wu Canton. O LIOS.OOW Sioux Fall. 8. D ttta.ouu Akron , . 1,755,000 Helena 861.0001 Columbia. 8. C 617.000 Islington 684,000 Fargo. N. D SS1.00') Erie. P 830, OuO Rockford, 111 7O3.OU0 Qulncy, III 609,000 Bloomtngton. Ill 846.000 Chester, Pa 490,0001 Springfield, 0 620,000 South Bend. Ind 608,000 Lowell 827,000 Jackson, Mlas 94,00M Rlnghamton 470.000 Decatur. Ill 4U6.000 Mansfield, 0 367,0001 Fremont. Neb 318.0001 Vlcksburg. Miss 1A8,0)01 Jacksonville, 111 M7.000 York, Pa U66,x Waterloo, la 944.000 Houston 24.8M.000I .1 Oalveston 13.nl4,000 7.6 Not Included In totals beoaus containing other items than clearings. URADSTREKT's REVIEW OP TRADE OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Very Light and Price Little Changed. HOGS STEADY TO FIVX HIGHER Moderate Ren of Sheen and Lambs, with Price Folly Steady or Pos sibly Little trn o All Klnda. SOUTH OMAHA. Aug. 1A, lMJ- Recelpts were: CaH. Official Monday 8.7M Official Tuesday 6.98 Official Wednesday 4.48 Official Thursday - 3,90 Estimate Friday 800 Hogs. Sheep. 2.414 12.7"4 6,6 4.1M 6.713 6.0 12. HO 9 4o8 10.194 3.200 Flv dy this week...!.9M 24 273 Bams days laM week....W.434 2S.rS Sam dav 2 weeks go..24.6t 42.371 Same days 3 weeks axo..l9..V70 39.247 Same day 4 week ago.. 11.664 42.618 Sam dava last vear 39.8M 38.W8 The following table ahow th receipts of rattle, hog and hrep at South Omaha for the vane to tu as eomuareu wmi "-v 49 311 M.143 60.363 S.1.376 30,440 66.403 year Cattle Hog Sheep Th price ton. 1910. inc. uec. 840.390 827.3H1 13 019 1.714.364 1.886,871 32S.8S3 ..... 1.021,788 1,038.60 4-0S following tefci snow th avr of hoc at Soirth Omaha fr th laat several days, with eomparlaJ UaTes. I U. l3lO.l.l9to.1W.llK8.iyiS Aug. .... iug. 10.. Aug. 11... Aug. 13... Aug, 13.. Aug. 14.. Aug. 16.. Aug. 18... Aug. 17... Aug. 18... 7fl T ft I T 41 7 23 7 61 7 41 7 20 7 88 T 84 T 11 1 8e! T 42 8 08 7 47 T 10 T 48 7 08 3 18 T 1 8 84l T 84 T lr.i 8 80. 7 871 T 17 I 8 341 I S 801 S 081 I 84 4 401 6 &l 5 itil ." S 60 6 4l! t 84 3 231 I 63 6 171 t 74 4 80 73 I S 78 6 441 I 74 6 89 6 89 6 14 T M S 41 6 83 I 84 I 88 I 83 1 ( 90 6 88! 6 82 I 80! 8 38 I M i 84 at for 11 21.4 30.7 "ri'.v 11 . "W1 is 13.0 4.SJ e l U.3 . 1 . 3.3 13.4 16. 3 7.1 "it! 8 8.8 7.8 .7 0 4. J 3 3 1.3 11.3 'ii 36.3 "i'.o S7.8 "i'.i U.3 to "i'.i 18 0 4.0 Crop Improvement anal Advsse of Seaeoa Help Trade, NEW YORK, Aug. 13. Rradstreat's to. morrow will gay: The Improvement which Is generally con ceded to have occurred In the later planted western crops and particularly corn, since the first of the month, the advance of the season of fall lobbing activity and th consequent peresenc in the leading mar kets of fall buyer ar all reflected In A further slight Improvement In the volum of wholeaale trade this week. These gain, I POBBlbl Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock tha Union tock yards, South Omaha, Friday: RECEIPTS-CARLOTS. Cattl. Hog. H' C, M. AV St. P J Wabaah Mieeourl Paclflo 1 f Union Pacific 4 U C. A N. W., east 1 1 , C. A N. W , west 13 21 C, St. P., M. A O.' 1 11 .. C, U. Q.. t .. C, B. Q , wst 16 17 C, R. I. A P., east 1 C., R. I. A P.. wt 1 Illinois Central 1 C. O. W J 11 Total receipts 8 78 13 DISPOSITION HEAD Cattle. Hogs. Shsep. Omaha Packing Co 484 630 Swift and Company 178 1,022 683 Cudahy Packing Co 8 1,461 1,112 Armour A Co .'442 1,464 818 Murphy 740 Hill A Son 84 F. B. Lewis 7 J. B. Root A Co 87 J. H. Bulla 19 McCreary A Carey 48 H. F. Hamilton 2 M. Hagerty T Lee Rothschild 46 Other buyer 271 Total ..1,18 8,161 4,160 CATTLE Th cattle run wa very small, only thirty-four cars being reported in, whloh was not sufficient to really make a market. Th ottering of beef teer wer very light, but still what there were sold In good season In th morning at about steady price. Ther wre really no good oornfed cattle her to make a test of value on that kind or to establish quotations. The recalpt of cow and heifer were also small, and the reoelpta wer limited largely to a miscellaneous assortment of odds and snds. .It was In every respect a typical Friday's market. Packer had al iady laid In a good many cattle during th wetk anil were not uaueclully anxlmn for additional supplies unless they eould buy them cheap enough to msk It an ob. Ject to carry them over. Aa a reeult th trade, as usual on a Friday, was very slow, dull and weak throughout. Still th cattl wer pretty well cleaned up and In fair eaon In th morning. There waa only a little sprinkling of feeder, but there seemed to be some littl Inquiry, and the market as a rul wa Just about steady with yesterday. Quotation on native cattl: Good to cholc beef steer. 87.OO07.SO; fair to good beef ters, 3S.3Sfl7.00; common to fair beef steer. 34.7604 2 ; good to choice heifers, 86.002.00; good to choice cow, 34.60fi5.26; fialr to good cows, 33.754.50; common to fair cows, 12.60(33 76; veal calves, 13 0rvn.60. Quotations on range cattle: Oood to choice beef steers, tfiUXgiM; fair to good beef pteera, 86.265.90; common to fair beet steer. MOtQ.; good to cholc heifer, 86 0005.86; good to choice cow. H.40rfj.lfl; fair lo good cows, tit.e.vgi.25: good to choice stnckrs and feeder, 46. 205. 90; fair to good Blockers and feeders. 14 608-6.80; com mon to fslr stockerw and feeder, li.7C4.I6t stock heifers, 33.2Sxfr4.40; bulla, stags, etc., 2 8696.00. Representative' sales: COWS. r. 3 I M I II 16 4 DO 4 44 4 M 4 M I 44 4 04 4 M 4 88 I 4 8 M 3T3 I T5 4 00 I 04 4 14 4 It I M 4 40 however, are moderate, pending clearer views of crop outturn ana tariff revision. Ise " ' a. eo lei aa .... V S. 4a. rag 113 U A Sen. 4 lall.. M oeuson A N ital. ...., W I AlHa-Ckal. 1st 8.... M K A T let 4s. Tw I ia a. 4. W1H o 4 I J aa. T. A T. . 4..l4 rltt 4 nij Aaa. Taoeoce aa ..... -n. n. n. 01 lam ,W aa 101 N T. a 3w -.. 41 e a. ta M : Y , N. H a) H. I4a av. 1:1 ..Ml; N A W lat e. 4i. 17Vt .. ttk 4o fv a lMfe ,, tai ,N. Paalll 4a KW .. 1 o 3 1 ., 4 O S. U ! 4a ... MK .. 41 ran av. tU lll.. Mvl 11 e aaa. a 103 V Hea4las aa 4a, at r. IB 4 tH a la. rt S. W e. 4a.. ni Cklue A A lw -. 44 No let sl 4a ... 414a C A Q t 4 ... M"t B. U a M- 4a sea 4. M'4 raa ae. 4a..... 41 Z P M S. P. Stta 7H e av. 4 C H. 1 A r. a. 4s. U e tat rat a u 4 rts 4a aae s. rUMv aa W Ontaka Prod ore Market. nUTTER Creamery, 34c; packing tech. 17 F.OOS-No. 1. ISHe; No. V lie POULTRY Proller. 131; rootr. 4je; hen, c; duck. 10c; geese. Sc. rtnlnta r.rnln Market. ri'Ll'TH, Aug 18. WHBAT-Nt. I hard. 31.0f.Si: No. 1 northern, 31.O8S4; No, t north ern, 81 .OSM441I 01U: September. 31 0'4; IX comber, 31 03"; May. Sl.OeLa. nominal. OATS 4,134c; to arrive, 0c. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 18.-COTTON-pt closed quiet, 10 points higher; middling up lands. 12 60c; middling gulf, 11.75: no sales. Future opened ateady; Auguat, 1310c; Sep. tember, 11.30c; October, 1133c; rveoember, 11 37c; January. 1113c; March, 1138c; May, 11 ;;. Future closed steady! Augutt, 1331a; September. U.Snc: October. U Bc; Novem ber. 11 lie: Lerember, 11.40c; January, II 8-; March. 11.44c; May. 11 Mo; July, 11.64c. . do cv. o cv. A. C L lat 4e ... gal Okie 4a.- 4a llki eo W. 3te Break. Tr ev. la twn. ef Oa. Is..,. Coo. Leetke Se... . ut N i t 6e..iaoais. L. Tkae. A Okie 4os. 10ev a s 4a rat. te N1 pt. u Wool Market. BT. LOUIS. Aug 18 WOOL Unchanged; territory and western mediums. ITJIKc; fin medium. Hil7So: fin. UcJUVi. Persia tent Advartlalng I th Road to Big Return. ('.la. Ia4. te 71 i Ma. Cola Ml. 4a 41 I a to a Paeih 4e.... r. s t. a 4a ho a. av t eD. A H ev .... I '4e at ref. 4a . D. A a. O. 4s ru)4 T. A Hubar 4a ... 4e rat la Mi t 8 Sieol 34 aa . Planners' le tj Va .Car ffceea. e grie I. 4a 1 Wakaek lat te gee. 4e TT 4e lat A as. 4s , . Sa cv. 4a, tee. A w Waaler 14.4. 4a 4e aaeioe B Waet Blar. cv. U etaa. a: lea ev 8 . 14 Wis tanieal 4e Ill Tea lal ret. te. MM Me. fa, av. lav... lat Met. 4te tTA hxai te Bi4 lare4. 4 101 loH, Ml 14 lH M l ;S . 14 , 104 lc. In th oa of th wool tariff rvlion. the disapproval by th necutlv ef th mea ui naa apparently brought out mere con fident buying of good and of raw material with tome hardening of value. Most ac tivity In distributive trade Is shewn In dry goods and kindred line. grocrle and fall supplies generally. Trad at beat Is only fair and demand await on real or ex peeled consumption te en extent not often witnessed at this season. Not all lines of trad ar equal In allowing expansion, The clone interdependence of international trade Is ihiiwn In the I atlfaetory re ports rerelved aa te some branch of ex port and Import trado, whli h are feeling the effects of the iabor conflict In Great Urltaln. with the eonnequent Interruption of or congestion In the usual channels. Grain, provisions and manufactured line xported ar most affected by tha regula tions adopted by some stesmBhlp cempanlea pending the stiika ettlement, and even some line of Import trde note cumulative effect af past interruption to traffic in rthl country greatest customer' terri tory. Although production of finished steel I of goodly volum. there Is rather lea doing In th way of new business and report of prloe rutting are mor numerous. Buy er 1 In general are conservative and It Is said that attractive business would bring out lower quotations. Collections run fair tn slew. Ftuslnesa fail ure In th United State for the week ending Auguat 17 ware 315, against last week 223 In the like week of 1010, JJ In IS, tn In 1908 and 168 In 1907. Wheat, Including flour, export from the United States and Canada for the week ndlng August 17, aggregate 3,607.806 bush els, against 3.600,1"" bushels last week and 1,487,614 bushels this week laat year. For th neven week ending August 17 export ar 11728.707 buhl. against 3.087.471 bush- ' els In tiie corresponding period last yesr. varn atpani tor ins wees re m,M bushels, against 436.781 bushels last weak and 48,637 bushel In 1810. For th seven week ndlng August 17 corn exports ars 4.018,120 bushel, against 1,860, til bushel laat year, Ml, Av. fr. No. Av. IT Ill I 10 11 M4 I no I ID M M4 1 120 I 40 4 100 4 M 14 I a 411 I It 1 1S4 Ill I 10 44 I4 81 41 8 44 II 4M 8 777 I 40 4 toi HEirEKo. 4 4l I U 1 471 10 431 114 1 044 11 131 3 Tl 7 TM 4 MO I 11 4 100 BULL. 8 474 8 44 1 1144 1 1100 3 tl 1 UI0 3 1344 3 4 CALVKS. 3 Ill 4 00 4 SST 1 K0 4 eo 3 104 144 4 00 I ill 1 314 4 0 1 830 4 Sal 4 44 t 1.16 1 340 I 00 1 1T4 10 347 6 00 I tu3 It 217 II 8 140 14.. 11.. No. STOCK ERf T 4 1 HI 114 . 101 4 1 4 11 in 4 44 4 K Av. .1090 11 865 Hall Colorado. 8 ter. ...IOCS E. Mitspelcn-Nebraska, Fr. I 60 4 00 2 90 6 00 AN1 FKEDKK3. I Til 30 141 II 14 4 14 I...-. 844 WKSTEHNS. WYOM1NU. Av. Pr. No. 41 feed er.. 1022 35 117 steers. 4 feeder.. 1026 4 60 NEBRAaKA. I hifrs... 666 3 6 4 i-aiv COLORADO. 9 feeders. . 617 4 25 k cows.. U steer . ..1U3 8 60 J. V. and J. O, 116 Steel 6 M W. 24 cow ISO 4 40 26 row 1214 8 78 liOOS Sellers managed to do soma busi ness on a shads to a nickel higher basis In the hog yards, but ordinary butchers and heavy lard grades had to sell largely at steady priors. Packers, aa well as ship pers and speculators, put up drove with a (air degree ot freedom from th open ing, and, a supplie had rather email size, tha yard wer easily cleared In very good (eaaon. Total receipt consisted of about eighty loads, this animate Including usual liberal pervanUg ot weight sow (tuff. Outside buyer avoided tough and highly mixed fiaoking offerings, but showed no r uutance In purchasing smooth animal of all weights. Fully per cent of th run moved un order In thv hands of hlppr and speculator. Cost of drove for local killing waa much tha same as yesterday, long suing rang ing fiom 37.10 10 37.20, Choice bacon classes reschad 37.60, a nlckl abov yesterday's toil, s well aa a nickel heluw th hi git price o( laat Saturday. tvlr.'eui'i s we. 4 .. Tl. It it ok rWavlntra, OMAHA, Aug. IS Rank clearings for to day wer 83.1M.4W and for the correspond ing day lat year 32. 800.004. London Stock Market. LONDON, Aug 18 American aecurltle opened steady and a fraetiea higher today Fair biiytbf order f t'tcuted. Jurln( llaaton Btovk and Bonds, BOSTON, Aug. 13 Closing quotation on Stocks wer a follow a: Amal Copper II H4 Mohawk , 4 A Z. L A S 33 Nva)a Onn 11 Arlaea Cvnt IV KIiaalH Mla .... I B A C. C. A 8 St.. K'orlh Dull. tt nuue Oialltlua .... 11 N'ortk Lake I Cal V Arlmns 41 014 Dominion . Cal Hacla .41 Oaroola M rvntannlal I rarrott I tt C 10 Oe Ranee C. r". ... I4i Oul IT Eaat Bmte C. at lul Saaaaoa 1 Franklin ,, 3ueorur X'i Glroui iVn I ,iPrlor A B M ... 4 r.ranbi ton M Tamarack 34 Orooee raaanaa 4s, f ( S. A 84 ... SI ale lUrala Co'.. H a f .. 4 Bare laa 48 tlak f'va II Lake Caeres Via Ooepa Ce Ill, Lm Salle iNisrer It l.aa s4 kllaml Cnpiiar He Welvarln 1M E-v14ta4 H AV. U Ill IT It) 13 la 13.. IT.. II . IT . 44- 14 41 44 . 44. . 40.. II . 41.. 41 . II.. . St.. v.. il . II . II.. II . II u , 41 . u . II 41 . II.. II . 4.. 41 44 . t . V.. 44 . 4T.. 44., k 44 M 134 130 .314 II M 111 ,-TZ M 111 7 04 T 47)4 7 10 1 14 T 10 .141 131 .161 rn .Ml ..I .1:1 ,.3k4 ..S4 ..III .141 . la . 3l ..Jul . .3T .17 ,il , 4 . 3 . 3ak , M ,.U .111 .140 . IH . IM M 140 140 iio 110 IM M 114 l4 f 134 M l4 M Ml ,. T 14 1 14 T 14 T Iv f 10 t 14 t 14 1 i t IS r to t 14 t it . 7 lit t n T II, T llu 1 12 f n1 i ii T ma t II I I 13 I Hi t 11 T l3 T Its T 14 t U Ko. 8 ft. 71. 114 ,., f IS 44 IT MTU M ITI 41 T ti 14 Ill ... 1 IS 41 IM IM T II IT 141 w T 11 Ill 10 T If 44 ill MTU M Ill ... Ill 1 I"0 IM I 11 Tl 317 110 f II 1. 113 M III M IM ... T II 14 lal 10 7 14 14 110 840 f II 44 Ml ... 1 II U iu im t us II 340 ... 7 17S M 1 ... 7 HI 4 to M t It, 1 til 3f T 17S4 M 3M ... 7 17Sa TJ 1T ... J 17V, 41 U4 IM t ili al Ill IM 7 I II 134 ,.. IN 14 IM ... I e Tl HI 44 T !l 41 .Ill ,.. T lift 4T M 13 I II Ta li l" T Ii to Il al T 34 4 la . . I M 4T in :n i m Ill M Ik I IM M I M Tt Ihl WO 1 14 14 113 M T 14 II IM ... Ill M 247 .., ft . ft K 1 8 74 Ml ... t 40 . III MTU II IM ... t M II M 140 111 tl M ... U IT MO 150 1 11 M Ill ... T 44 10 '0 ... fit m )M ... 7 44 4T Ill ... t 14 4 1M ... f 4 oHKICr' Business In sheep and lamb wa measured by ! Involving only a doien load of stot k. supply consisting largely of fat Irtnho lambs. Oood firm prices were laid lor bulk, and with th demand fairly active, sellers had little dif ficulty In making a clearance. Th lamba moved at 37 on. a top that wa also quotable limit a week ago, and very good killing ewee changed hands at 3.160. Tn only wethers on sal were "scenery -fed" animal taken out a week ago on a apeculatlv order at 34 .38. They were heavy, but wight i re ceiving better attention from packer, and a 84 66 bid bought them. An ampl outlet ha existed during th week for all kinds of fat stock and som little Improvement In prlcee ha resulted from a healthy demand. Heavy wether and ewe ar closing at moderate advances, while handy sheep and fat yearlings aver age stesdy to strong for the flv day From top to bottom, th present coal of prices for ft aheep and yearling rang all th way from ateady to perhaps a quar ter higher than value in fore at last week close. Classy we resched 33.86 ) s terday and bulk and good quality atuft ha been landing at 3V2t4rV60 llandy yearling touched 84-76 on two or three occadnns, In dicating an extreme quotation of fj.00. and the spread between heavy and handy wethers has narrowed. Fat lamb trade has held an even keel from the start and th market shows no quotable change as compared with a week ago. Some strength developed on Monday, producing a 17.15 top on seventy-two-puund Wyoming, but prices settled bstk Into former notches th following day. Imand on all day ha been actlv and fairly broad. No business of conssquenoe wa trans acted In feeder grades today for th reanon that fresh sorts war very mall, while yeaurday' clearance was complete. Trade has born mending rapidly of late, however, and anything lacking In flesh was ensured of a quick sale. Present price show ad vances of UOV over a week ago, lamba selling from 86.80 downward and feeder she.p moving on much the same baa a killing grdea In many Instance. Feeder yearling brought a much a 34.80 yester day, while feeder ewes have been drawing bids of 13 003 20. Unfinished wethers have been ecaroe, but are wanted around 81-2-Tftf 8 40. Feeder purchases yesterday amounted to 8.800 head, bringing the total output ot the week up to an odd 20,000 head, about 40 per cent of total receipts. Quotations on slifen mm lambs: Oood to choice lambs, 86 .5017.00; fair to good lamb. V' 0(it,.ifi; ie oer lumh-, 8n 2."1j o fair to choice yearlings, 34.26ifft.00', feeder yearlings, 84.10(34.80; handy wether. 33.5v5 if.7A; hesvv uetners, Ki.i i 3.50; feeder weth ers, 3. 1083.40; fair to choice ewes, 8J.iM 85"; breeder ewes, 34.0tV(4.75; feeder w, 8280718 25: cull ewes. 31.60fl2.2S. Representative sales: No. Av, Tr. 721 Pouth Dakota yearlings, fdr. 67 4 SO 175 "nuth Dakota awe 84 3 40 36 South Dakota yearling culls 80 8 60 3W South Dakota ewes, fdrs.... 89 3 15 39 Wyoming bucks 63 t 00 713 South Dskota yearling, fdr. 78 4 40 ITS South Dakota wea, cull.... 97 3 76 137 Couth Dakota iwei & wth l'w 3 40 1S8 Idaho awe V 3 40 64. native ewe 104 3 60 61 native ewes, culls I'M 3 86 124 Wyoming lambs 40 I 75 383 Idaho lambs 71 6 60 80 Idaho lambs, feeder 66 t 69 9W Idaho lambs, f eiders 64 8 78 74 Idaho lambs, cull 80 4 85 100 native lamba 70 8 88 6K8 Idaho lamba 84 7 00 5S0 IdHho lamb 88 7 00 3X3 westerns, wether 124 3 68 so Idaho w( 114 3 SO 164 Idaho lamb, feeder 45 6 60 84 Idaho lamb, feeder 36 4 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for Cattle and Bheep Strong; Hosts glow. CHICAGO, Aug. 18.-CATTLE Ttecelpts, 2.000 head; market strong; beeves, 35.26ff 8.10: Texas steer $4. 6068.46; western steers,; stocker and feeders, HlbTtiW; cows and heifers, 32. 27rf! 6.2.1; calves, So.OutQ) 8.25. HOGS Receipts, 12.000 hesd; market slow end steady; light. 37.2537.00; mixed, 87. OV? 7.80; heavy. 3o.9O07.7O; rough. W.rW7.1V, Soocl to cholc heavy, S7.15t7.80; pig, 16.10 17.70; bulk of salea, 7.20fi7 80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8,000 head; market atrong; nstlv, 32.4Xrf360; western, I2.7&413.80; yearlings, 3-1.70oj-5.00; na tive lambs, t4.25fj7.10: western, 34-7697.10. Bt. Loots Live Stork Market, ST. LOUIS, Aug. 18. CATTLK Receipts, 1,800 head. Including 000 Texans; market strong; natlv shipping and axpeirt steers. 3rt.7M18.00; dressed beef and butoher steers. SB 5fVgt.50; iteer under 1,000 pounds, 84.60 7.78; stocker and feeder. 8S.00j!7.2f ; cow and heifers, S3.00fi7.00; eanners. 810O7T2.75; bulla, 8J.7ntr6.60; calves, 84.008.00; Tea and Indian steers, 34.004 26; cows and heifers, SSOOOSOO. HOGS Receipts. 7,000 head; market steady; pigs and lights. 35.007.90; parkere, 37 80tg7.80; butchers and best heavy, 37.80UT 7.90. SHEEP AND UHDIU Recelnts 1 ATM) head: market strong; native muttons, 3 25 3 16; lambs, t4.Xit 7.00; cull and bucks, .2622 75; Blocker and feeders, $1.6k34.'75. Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITT, Aug. IS CATTLK-Receipts, 1.600 head, Including 800 southerns; market teadv: dressed beef and export steers. S7.00ir8.00; fair to good, 86.00af6 80: weetern steers. 34.40177.00: Blockers and feeders. SS.&OifJS.Tn; southern steers, f 3.869 5.50; southern cows. 32.75414.75; native cows. 32.5(Vf(5.25; native heifers, l4.rXXff7.28:, bull. 3S.0f)iff4.5fl: calve, 84.OW7.00. HOOS Receipt, 100 head; msrket steady to Be hle-her; bulk of sales, tJ.NXft 7.66: heavv, 37.8oi77.56: peckers and butchers, S7.JW?7674; lights, V. 807 65. SH7CEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 800 head: market strong to 1V higher; lambs, 36.OfVfr7.0O; yearlings, 84 OOff4.50; wethers. 33.4O1J400; ewes. 33.2534.00; stocker snd feeders, $2.5027 3.75. Bt. Joaenh I. two Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Aug. 18. CATTLE Receints. 300 head; market staadv; teer tS.0OiWT.76; cow and hlfr. 33.00fflrf.00; calvea 84 0041700. HOOH Hecetpt. 1.800 head: market strong; top. 1, so: bulk of sales. 87.8007.60. SHEEP AND LA MBS-Receipts. 3,800 neaa; maraei now; lamos, 84.ouQr8.7S. lock In Slgrht. Receipts of live stock at tha flv principal western market yesterday: Cattle. Hog Sheep. nouth Omaha goo 6,300 3 200 St. Joseph 800 1.600 8.800 Kansss City l.rW) 8 400 oo St. Loul 1,800 7.000 1,800 Chicago 3.000 J2.0O0 8.000 Total ... .6,300 29,300 17,300 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. lt.-MF;TAL-Stan-dard copper, dull: spot 311 .1 64712. S2H; August, September. October and November, 111 124 ftl2.80 London market, quiet; spot 1168 6s; futures. 1157. Custom house returns show exports o far this month of ls.pos tons. Lake copper, 812 75918.00; electrolytic, 312..V) 12.76, and eting, mt.vtmi bo. Tin, un settled; spot and August. 346. 00)47.00; Sep tember. 342.12yf42 60: October, S41.25ffl-42 00; November 341. 00B 41.60. London not, fl; future. 188. Lead, asslsr; 84.46fl4 80, New York; 34.424tri 45. Ft St. Loul. Sales, 60.000 pounds East Ht. Loul. August de livery et 14 42H. London, f 1 4. ."pelter. regu lar, 38 0694.15. New York: 35.76 bid. East St. Leu's. !. 60.000 pound. Eaat St. Loul, September dllvry, at 85M. London. 127 6s. Antimony, quirt: f'nokson's. 88 8008 60. Iron. Cleveland warrants 47s TA London. Lo esllv Iron waa firm: No. 1 foundry northern. 815.MVW 14.00: No. 3, 815.26S716 76 ; No 1 outh rn and No 1 southern soft. 814 781118.28. ST. LOT" Aug. 1A-METAT.S-Ied, teady at 14.4".; spelter, quiet at 8o00HftJ. Coffee Maruet. NEW YORK. Aug. 18.-COFFFE Futur eloaed steady, net unchanged to 4 point lower, Sales. 48,000 bag. August, 11.78c; September. 11 0c; October, 11 43o: November, ll.JSc; December. ll.lSe; ,rnuary. 11.16c; February, 11.13c; March. H.06e; April, ll.OAc; March and Miy. 11.07c; June and July, 1l.0e. Spot coffe. (teady: No. 7 Rio, ISHe; No. 4 Santo, 14c; mild, dull, Cordova, 14Q 16o, nominal. Oils and Itosln. SAVANNAH. Aug. 18 TURPENTINE Firm M'34c. ROSIN-FIrm; types T and O, 348t9U star harktt, NEW YORK. Aug I -St'O AR-Raw firm; Muscovado. 8 test. 4 42o; centrifugal, 98 teat, 4 3c; mnlaaaea auger, S3 test. 4. 17a; refined, tdy, Dry Good Mark!. NEW YORK. Aug. 18-DRT GOODS Th cotton goods market ar omwhat alr, with a littl mor business being done. Cotton yarn ar being sold for lat delivery again on a basl of futur cotton, which 1 from 1c to 14c per pound belter than prices aaked on pot. Silk ar In moderate demand from th retail trad. DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Business Sentiment Everywhere Re ported Much Improved. ACTUAL BUSINESS PICKCTO UP Wholesale Operation Inelod Wide Variety of Fall and Winter Oood and Orders to en par Favor, ably with Laat Year. NEW YORK. Aug. MR. O. Duns Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Sentiment 1 Improved at Boston with a prevailing belief that buslnes will soon be much better. Dry Roods Jobber report a fair demand and ordera are well dla trlbuted. Indicatlona appear of expansion In Industrial activity, although curtailment Is still drastic at cotton mills. Men s wear woolen mills, however, are booking a good volume of biiFtness. shoe factories ar busy and wool trading is brisk. Slow progress I noted st Phllsdlphla, merchants In most lines confining their operation as much aa possible to Actual reinlrements. Manufacturers are buying; co, ton and woolen goods to some extent, while wool milliner- sal house ar busy with preparations for fall and report In quiries very encouraging. The wool market I mora actlv and vry firm. With Industrial plant Increasing opsra tions to a moderate extent ther Is mor optiml.sm In commercial line at Pittsburg and wholesalers of dry goods, notion and shoes receive good order for future de livery. Numerous visiting buyers have stimu lated trsde activity at Raltlmore, especially In wholesale lines. Local retail merchant were well patronised, the reduced prices Incidental to this season of the yesr at tracting many buyers. The outlook for fall In the wholesale dry goods and notion mar ket Is exceptionally good. Normal oondl Hons prevailed at New Orleans, retail trad being considered satisfactory and a good demand developing for plantation up plles. Visiting mercham ar Increasing In numbers at St. Loula, and while purchases r usually along conservative lines, stocks of dry goods have been considerably re duced. Retail trade Improved slowly, hot weather retarding business In a measure. Numerous buyer ar In the different mar kets at Kansas City and Jobbers generally report conditions excellent, with prospects for a good fail trade very encouraging. Dealings In retail lines at Chicago wer favorably stimulated by th large number of visitors attracted by the aviation meet. Wh.olce.ale operations Include a wider va riety of fall, winter and holiday goods and road and mall orders com par well with this time last yesr. Improvement appears In certain line at Clnemntl. notably dry goods and procerle and thre I a much better Inquiry for pig Iron with eonaldarabl actual business placed. Cleveland report that trad In nearly all retail branches I low and unsatisfactory and dealings at wholesale show no spaclal activity. Build ing operation ar still brisk, however, and several permit for Urge new structure hsv been Isausd. Wholessl bu sines continue qutt at Mlnnenpoll with orders being placed for Immediate requirements only. The general undertone throughout the northwest IS good, however, and stocks of merchandise are not burdensome. Abundance of rain has repaired much of the early damage by drouth and threshing returns are proving better than expected. Some Improvement Is noted In wholesale trade, the Pt. Paul buy ers operating with more freedom In dry goods, clothing, hats and caps and furnishings. vfeve York Mlnlnc Stock. NEW YORK, Aug. 18.-71oln; quotations on mining stocks wer: 8 lire IM Mttle Chief 8 Com. Tunnel stork., t" Mrxlcan 40 oe honda IT Ontario l" Con. Tal. A Va 0 Ophlr 11 Mors silver I ftu4ar I "4 iron Silver M Telle Jacket 88 Iadvllle Cos 14 r-lnr fosslr Anto Association. CLAY CENTER. Neb., Aug. 18. (Spe cial. ) The any County Automobll Oood Roads association was organized hers last night, with about sixty mmber. D. E. Watkln, secretary of th But Automo bile sssoelatlon, wa present and gav an address. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Staled bids will b racelvee by th Board of Trustee of th Vlllaeg of Meadow Orov, up to August 24, 1911, at I o'clock P M., for th construction of a water work system In said village, according to plan and specification prepared by Th Lytl Company, architects, of Sioux City, and now on fll with th village clrk ot said village. Bid for th construction of the well to be separat from th balance ot th system. Tn engineer's estimate of the ooat of said svaUm I 38.900, and no bid for mor than that said estimate will be accepted. All bids to be accompanied by a certified check for 3000. The board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. C. E. HARLOW, Chairman. A. M. FIELDS, A12dl0t Clerk. GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT HALE INDIAN LAN)S Absoluts Tills Given Th unallotted lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nation of th Flv Civilised Tribes In Oklahoma,, and not Including the coal and timber segrega tion, will be sold at puhllo auction to th highest bidder at th following terms, times and place at not less than the minimum price dated in the advertisement: Grady county, Chlckaaha, 68 tracts, 37,600 acre. November 2, 3, 4; Stephens county, Duncan, 730 tracts, 69,800 acres; November 8, 7, 8, Jefferson Bounty, Ryan, 702 tract, 49.404) acre, November 9, 10, 11; Love county. Marietta, 604 tract, 78.600 acres, November 13, It, 15, 16; Carter county, Ardmor. 1,171 tracts, 93.300 acres, November 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23: Murray county, cjulphur, 352 tract. 26,000 acres, November 24, 26; Garvin county, Pauls Valley, 421 tract. 39,5j0 acre, No vember 27, 28, 2S; McClaln county, Purcell, 286 traot. 14,600 acres, December 1, 2; Pon totoc county, Ada, 899 tract, 45,300 acre, December 4, 6. 8; Jolinon county, Tisho mingo, 664 tracts, 89.200 Sores, December 7, 8. 8: Marshall county, Madlll, 379 tracts, 18,500 acres, December 11; Bryan county, Durant, 608 tracts, 96,100 acres, December 13, 18; Atoka county, Atoka, 1,809 tract, 124.000 cre. December 14. 15. 14, 18. 19; Coal county, Coalgute, bo? tract, 64,800 acr, December SO, 21. 22; Hughes county, Clvln. Pittsburg county, McAIter, 1.6.10 tracts. 167.100 acres. December 28, 29. 30, 1911. Janu, ary 1, 3; Haskell county, Stlglar, 418 tracts, 30.300 acres, January 8, 4: Latimer county, Wllburton, 191 tracts. 16.000 acres, January 6: Leflore oounty, 1'otea". 276 tracts, 21,SnO acres, January (, Pusnmataha county, Antlers. 641 tracts. 62,000 acres. January 8. . 10; Choctaw county Hugo. 661 trcla, 37,800 acres. January 11, 12. 13; MoCurtaln oounty, Idabel, 778 tracts. 6I.50C acres, Janu ary JS, If. 17, 18, 1912. Not mor thn 10 acre of grteultura! and 640 acre of othr land will be sold to on person in any en nation. Agricultural land ar those hav ing a minimum valuation of 38 00 or mor per acr. Term are 26 per cent at th time of sale. 26 per cent In twelve month and 60 per cent In two years, with 6 per cent Interest. Paymenta must b mad In th form of draft or certified check, pay able to J. O. Wright, Commissioner. Upon full payment being mad at any tlm deed will lsaue Immediately after approval of tale certificate of purcnas will leu and possession b given, but cutting of timber or drilling or mining for mineral thereon will not be permitted until full payment of purchn prloe. Right I reserved to reject any or all bids. For Information applv to th Commissioner to th Flv Civilised Tribes. Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any of tha District Agents as to land within their respective district. IJt of these lands hav been prepared by coun ties, showing th term of aal. the de scription of the various tracts and mini mum price. It will be Impracticable to furnish each Inquirer all of these list and It I uggeld that paraons desiring ucn information pclfy th locality In which thy ar Interested. Blu print of th various counties, showing th location of th land to be sold, will b furnished upon application to th undersigned upon th payment of 1 60 for ch county. In th form of draft or postal money order. J. O. WRIOHT, Commissioner to th Flv Civilised Tribe. Muskogee, Oklahoma, Au guat 1. 19U. PROPOSALS FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Chief Quartermaster's Office. Federal Building, Chlrago, Ills, August 15. 1911. Sealed proposala will be received her un til ll oVIock. A. M . Augut 28. lull and then opened, for furnishing bltuminou coal required during the period commenc ing October 1. 1911, and ending June 30, 1913, at Fort Mackensle, Wyoming. Infor mation furnished on application. Envelope containing proposals to b Indorsed "Pro posala for Bituminous Coal to be opened August 38. 1911," and addressed to COL, JNO. le CLEM. Chlf Quartrmtr