HTE BKK: OMAHA. THUIISDAY, AUOUST 10, 1011. BRIEF CITY NEWS rave Be Prta. XV Wrtlim for district Judce. adv. . . tnia Formerly of Miller, In. rt Beaton, la a Republican Candidal for County Treasurer. , BfMt Imm Oea MmM-Olielk R. Jsroes wm granted a divorce from Charles W. Jum of Unoolo and 11,(00 alimony by Jadjea Kennedy Wednesday. Brvad Oas Dlssalssed The case against the Union Pacific Bakery company In which the city alleged that tba defend ants aold bread under w right was dl Bilaaed in police oourt Wednesday morn- Flam fa Msaa ttoala At tha regular monthly meeting of the Nebraska Pioneers' asaoclatton to tha city hall Thursday after noon, a program will bo mapped out and final arrangements made for the annual picnic, which la to be held at Florence on August IS. aba, area Heads Missionary Committee Mrs. Oeorgc Ryan was elected chairman of tha missionary committee of the Young Women's Christian association to fill the vacancy left by Mrs. M. J. Klrsohetetrt's resignation, at tha board meeting Wednes day marnmg. Oaka Van Inheritance Tea Albert Cahsj, aseoutor of his brother, the late Emanuel Cahn, paid the inheritance tax to City and County Treasurer Furay Wednesday. The tax amounts to SIM, half being a assess against Albert Cahn and the other'' half against Martin Cahn, an other brother. oyoUg Xaaa TaoaMea Conunlsaloner J. M. Oulld of the Commercial olub, has re turned from Okobojl, Ia, where he has bean spending his Tacatlon for tha last ten days.' Ha will leave Thursday for Lin coln to appear before tba State Railway commlaslow In regard to a hearing on transportatJoa matters. Ka Omt of Kospltal Oeorge Knott. reeaoUy con rioted of manslaughter for a hooting his wife to death with a shotgun and paroled because the Jury recommended It and because he was suffering ' from dropsy, has been discharged as cured by UM County hospital. Knott has retarned to has home and children near Third and wnikun streets. Bridge aaa Boy Oa Contract Tha new Monmouth Park school will be built by Bridges. Boy Co. for S3.U. The contract was let by the Board of Educa tion at a special meeting held Wednesday noon. Tba bids on the building ran up to about U04Q0- The new building wul be equipped with an assembly room and a room for an extension of the publla library and will M one of tha most modern build ings la the city. Mystery Surrounds Disappearance of ... OrvilleC.Wolcott BBBBBBBjaaaa Prominent Insurance man Hissing from Oman and Pinkerton De tectives Look for Him. Orrllls C. Wolcott, ons of the best known Insurance men in the west, has disappeared from Omahaand It la understood that Pinkerton detectives have been set to work on the case. Wolcott lately resigned as general agent of the Prudential in Omaha, having' previously, about four weeks ago. signed a contract with the North American to go with that company, lie was to re eetva W0 a year and commissions. Neither of these companies Is able to explain his disappearance. About a month ego Mr. Wolcott gave un his apartments at ths nam 11 ton. stating that his wlfs was to go to Kentucky on account of the serious Illness of a relative. The wife has been communicated with and she Is unable to throw any light on the mystery. Wolcott Is 4 year old and a very capable man. He came to this city surly In 1310 from Toyeka to succeed Henry R. Gould a general agent of the Prudential STEWARD OF METROPOLITAN CLUB IS REMEMBERED Is Prvsvated with HaadMne Gold Wateh and Fob by the Clato Directors. Tn recognition of lomj sua faithful serv ice sa steward of ths Metropolitan eltfb. Alphonse Wilson Is te be presented with a handsome gold watch and fob as tha last efrtnnl ad of the organisation before dls- bandmvnL The Metropolitan, which has bean the leading Jewlab social society for yexr... has oocupieJ Its present eatsbllsiv mmt aim or, twenty yetrrs, fnarloni to that "t.isit atfn a hall on Fourteenth and Dodge. Durvac all that Ost 1. has de pcviOd oa "Kf Wilson, Its colored ateward, ts lutfk after the entertalnmeat and com. fai o'- tl member.:. At .he laat meeting at tb tttrvc tors it was decided te us the armed surplus In the treasury to purchase tlilu euuvuiV. d'Vo':'lnit the dut? on a sre rlal commutes to procure the watch and tviakv the preocntftt:cn. , Th hlctrob-jllta:! club house haa already Veen gHren over to the new lessee, W, IS, Chambeii', who has started la at altera tior.s ti-d decorations that will fit It for t,he purpuee of ball and entertainment rooms, to wtrk'ii It Is to l-a devoted. Major John Burke One of Leaders in His Profession One of the real old guard of press agents .Is Major John Burke, who has for a quarter of a century pio neered the world ahead of Buffalo Bill's big show. Jt la as unneces sary to Introduce Major Burke to an old Nebraskan aa It would be to Introduce Bill Cody. Both are known In these part as real men. Major Burke modestly keeps himself on the nA-paper firing lli.t handing out stories to city ed'tors about the manifold attractions of lbs Wild West' show, or telling of some great enterprise In which Colonel Cody took part, but never a ord about John Burke. This mliit mlsla1 some folks, but In these parts are those who know of ma.iy incidents In which John Burke has been the central figure that are as exciting and Interesting aa any his great chief In the show world took part In. Majos Burke was a real Indian fighter In the days before tier yras driven- back beyond vanishing point, and loJav many friends among the BIoux In dians as any white man. with th poeslbls exception of Major Mc Laughlin and Pr. McOilllcuddy, who I .... .." ."- ft ( .1 Indian I , : thf fron- 'i yond tha l , r has as i MAJOR JOHN BURKE. were agents at "tandlng Rock and Pine Ridge. And. on the other hand, Major Burke Is aa well known and as welcome In Washington or New York as he Is on the reservation, while in Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Vienna and other capitals of th old world he Is greeted as a pal by men whose titles awe their fellow countrymen. This cosmopolitanism has given to the genial major a Buavlty and a polish that is Irresistible and makes him a wonder In hla way and the envy of ths younger men who are coming up in Ms profession. He has 'quit having birthdays. Timed to Save Vour Time These CUot Pays i B00KL0YERS ON THIS DAY Second Game to Be Better Than First Exciting Contest FRIZE LIST MORE ATTRACTIVE Bee Offers Haadeesse. aal Costly Ile warda for Basy Work of Telllnpr Titles f Seventy-Five Books, Oae ' for Each Day. t In this issus of Ths Bee the first picture In the second Booklovers' contest of-The Bee appears. It represents ths title of tome book, the flams of which Is printed In The Bee catalogue of SOW titles, which may be bought at the business office of this paper for Stf cents. For seventy-five days a picture will be printed in all edi tions of this paper. For the largest num ber of norreot answers to these pictures The Be will award several thousand dot, lars' worth of prtaea. Details of ths prises list will be found under the pussle picture In this issue. With the announcement, made more than a week ago, that a second contest would be started came hundreds of Inquiries to the contest editor, asking whether those who had participated In the first gams would bs eligible .for this second contest. The answer aent to all was that tha con test la limited to the earns territory as he fore, and that everybody, with the ex ception of employ of The Bee and mem bers of their families, living in this terri tory. Is eligible to compete for the prises. Prise Mat Greater. The lilt of prises for this second con test Is muchjretter than, that which waa held for the first, and th contestants will outnumber those, of ths first by many hun dreds, yesterday" many who announced they would enter the gams rame to the business offics of The Be and bought catalogues and made inquiries about the game. The contest editor will be glad to answer all questions that contestants may wish to ask. AU who enter this race should remember to read the rules cart-fully" and see that they fully understand what they are to do. Some of the contestants In the first game disobeyed the rules'. No Infractions of the regulations will be permitted In this contest. Another Horse and Wagon Taken by Boys from Detention Home McDonald Boys, "Who looks the Butts Delivery Wagon, on Another Escapade. Bert and Howars) McDonald, ths two boya a ho were arrested July 0 for stealing a Cellrtry wagon froth th Butts grocery at Thirty-f.fth and Famam. escaped from the Detentlun Hrme Tuesday night, appropri ated another horse snd ate driving around the county with It. The boys srs brothers. 12 and U years old. and live at 613 North Forty-fifth street. They took the Butts' delivery wagon out toward Millard, robbsd a child's lemonade stand on the way and tut finally caught by ths sheriff. lias time they got away from the Jjetem Un Horns together, found a horse standlag jnca? Fui'ty-tourth and Dodge streets and mavua off with It. They are said to be alcepms In th (leldVb as their parents deny having aen them. SAMSON BOOSTS MEMBERSHIP Has a Recruiting Committee Organ- ized to Get New Members, AFTEB TWO THOUSAND MASK Dad Weaver Heads Committee. Oa After Rec raits to Make Record for Ak-lsr-Bea This Fall. r That S,000-membership dream which Sam son, lord high chamberlain to his majesty, King Ak-flar-Ben XVI. has been harboring In his ministerial bosom since the first of the year seems now to be practically as sured of realization. Monday night at the den the paid membership was announced at 1,462. Within a few days an up-to-the minute volunteer recruiting squad, with "Dad" Weaver at its head, will start out on, the enlistment Into the ranks of too volunteer knights. The vointeer recruiting squad, which is really a hustling committee, although Sam eon refuses to designate them by any name ao bourgeois. Is to be mads up of ten mem bers, although ths personnel has not yet been made public. "Dad" Wsavsr Is chair man and general-ln-chlef of the field forcea. Tha reason (or the extra effort ilea In the fact that Bamaon is spending closs to $10,000 this yesr on remodeling the den. Much of this ha been paid for. The new roof Is on and the walls are completed, but a new floor is needed and ths money is not at hand. Also ths heating plant Is badly In nsed of repair. Although that part of the Institution has lain In dlsuae for years, the new den will be beatable. . efficient Advertiser. If anyone ever doubted the efficacy of Ak-Sar-Ben as an advertising medium for the city, a visit to Samson's office Monday morning would have entirely convertad him. On a large table were spread out the cards ot the visitors at the den for Mon day night, when two national conventions, a national tennis tournament and the west ern handicap trap shoot were taken under the king's mantle. There were over COO cards sorted out among the various states of ths vlsitora. Every state in the union had Its own little stack, and soms were not little. While the sorting was In progress Joseph A. Griffin of Syracuse, N. T., former president of the Ka-Noo-No of that city, came Into the office. Mr.'. Griffin statsd that lis had stopped off In Omaha ex pressly for the purpose of getting some Ak-8ar-Ben ideas. "I don't see how you Omahans get the results that you do," he said. "All over the east we hear more about it than we do of any other organization of Ha kind, either the Mardl Oras, th Priests of Pallas or the Silver Serpent. KDLFAY.r30liV 8:00 A. Pil- About 1900 yards of fine Ginghams, some of which came from Bonnie Scotia; balance made in America. Sold in best stores in most cities at 25c, 12 ents Yard Thursday 9:00 A. SVL Big lot Ladies' Umbrellas, taffeta, with a case for each, tassel, fancy and plain handles', usually $1.25 and $1.50 Also a lot of Colored Linen Psrasols, worth more than $.00, at 40 enftsThuirsday n Also a lot of Colored Linen Parssols, worth more than 00. at 40 10:00 A PJ1- 100 doz. Bleached Turkish Towels, small in size but very fair quality. Some stores ask 12i cents each for similar QH ents Thursday 11 A. Ft!. Basement Salesroom We have dug out and discovered small lot of ginghams, similar to the lot which caused the excitement Monday. iyz Cents Again on Thursday 12 Noon At Front Square, timed and arranged especially for those who work and are limited for time. A big lot of Collars and other neckwear, in lace and sailor styles all goods which sold up to 50 cents originally 15 Cents Each at High Noon Thursday NOTE PARTICULARLY, PLEASE: That no one of these items gdes on sale until the hour mentioned, but that each item will continue on sale from that hour on if the goods last, up till closing time, 5 p. m,. We hope you approve of this ar rangement to save your time and energy these very hot days. Thomas KIDpaMdk H. L. Zust Hurt When Auto and Cycle Meet Collision on Famam Street Provef Unpleasant Experience to One of the Eiders. Bested on the handlebars of a motorcycls driven by a friend. H. I Zust. manager of ths Adams & Kelly cbtnpany, was hurled against an automobile driven by C. D. Clark at Fifteenth snd Famam streets. Zust was the only person Injured, his legs having been severely bruised. ftOlX SALU liiTlltlltY, 1 rVrasjdrla Stores V.'tlt 3rll Hssdred tf niil Polli r: fir-? Rirgalsa, fc'E T1IK WINDOW, TVs vi f laoe o:i sale next Saturday hun dreds of thv Mghet trade sample dolls ever bcu in Omaha at about one-half tttfir regular prices, Heoutirul dre-.'sed dolls will g at Mo. San:i'' dressed dolls, worth 17 50 and 1 at UK U auU U BO finest kid body dolls. tl.W. 12 and KM kid body and Jointed dolls at &c. ' $1 Jointed kid body dolls with moving e) s. 4lc. It dressed dolls st and c. We c ha Vcttr baby do la at lie. AU ON 8AJLK SATURDAY IX THE BAlfiMKNT. BUANDK18 STOHIilS. Th w Uouk lovers' meat to be Suatltuted la Ths Ilea rusttalus out lirlae that will iuesi a llvrliiiood for m fasully as loae aa time shall laat. se aaaoci'ceutent Ssuda , A attest 13, bolonvon a Wed to:- wisdom. It' lie were in business in Omaha he would advertise lu The Be. - Cupid Furay Waters the County Pigeons IIitc Hornet in the New County Court House but Have No Place to Drink. "Copld Foray, marriage license clerk and cashier In Cottnty Judge Ieslls's of fice, has established a watering plant for a score or oors of pigeons that have made boinea fur themselves la 4 he new county bufld-n", ; Mr, Furay has observed tha birds for some mi'uths. Recently It occurred to him that they n:lrht not be sble to find plent of v-ster. He found a small dish In the store loom, filled It wits water and place J It on the window ledse. The birds dran . so freely that "Cupid" Judged his water iuf plsnt inadequate and bought a large, shallow pan. It wilt hold water enough to carry the birds ovsr Sunday. As aatossaklle, a plana, a raack, two skarkaa lota ass ether alaahls prises are to ba ia Tha Bee Bnk lovers' Contest to start la, a few days, 8m aaaeaaeuieat la Tha Saaday Ilea of Aaarnat 18. NEGRO MURDERER IS ARRESTED Haa Said to Be Wanted la Chicago for Crtnae Committed Last Year Is Held la Omaha. Detectives Murphy and Sullivan Wsdnea- Cay morning arrested Fred Jones, a negro, ho. they assert' Is wanted In Chicago for a murder committed laat November. Jones was arrested nea- the high school building. The police claim to have the prisoner thoroughly Identified through photographs and Bertlllon measurements. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Thoms J. Klynn, street commissioner, returned lost nigtit from his vacation trip which he has spwut taking In Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Jolwt left yt?rdsy for teorta, III., whtre thev are called hv the death of Mrs. Jolat'a brother, Kobert auehlow, of that city. W. E. feUark of Aurora, candidate for the supreme court nomination on the demo cratic tlckft. and Chairman Crosvenor of the populist stale commit lee celled upon Mayor Lahlinan Tuesday morning. Albert Kdliolra hs gone to Is.e Royale, on the north shore of I-nko Superior and near Fort Arthur, Ontario, for a month's vacation. Mr. Kdhoun makes this trip north every summer end doss considerable tianlug and motor boailng. COMMONER NAMED IN HEARING Letter Read ta l.ewle Case Wrats( llryaa Fabltcrf'tioaa Ulvra Away Not fcrevad Class, WA8H1NOTOX. Asg. .-William Jn nlns Pryan snd "The" were mentioned before the bouse pjt office ex penditures committee today. Third Assist ant Tostmastsr General Urttt, di fending the attitude of his department towards ths Woman's fiational Dally and other con rtrns headed by K Q. lwis of SU Louis, read a Utv r written eight years age by I the then third assistant postmaster gen eral, r'aaam, now counsel ror Iewis, in which Mr. Hryea was warned that publi cations given away too promiscuously or circulated chiefly in tha interest of aa Individual or combination were not entitled to the sccond-cla poatage rate. Mr. BHtt insisted that the proceedlnM against tha Lewis companies were nsvilsr and that prejudice was not responsible for hi activities It is the duty of every expectant mother to prepare her system for the coming of her little one; to avoid aa far aa possible the Buffering of such occasions, and endeavor to pass through the crisis with her health and strength unimpaired. This she may do through the use of Mother's Friend, a remedy that has been so long in use, and accomplished so much good, that it ia in so sense an experiment, but ft preparation which always produces the best results. It is for excrna! application and o pen etrating in its nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten don involved during the period before baby comes. It aids nature by ex panding the skin and tissues, relieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother's Friend has been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in need of such a remedy. Mother a inena is old st drug1 stores. Write for free book for expectant moth ers, which con tains much valuable Information. IKADnOD REGULATOR C&e Arfssas, Co. miim The new Booklowra Contest to bo lustltoted In The 11 ee contains one prise that will mean a livelihood for it family as longc aa time shall last. 8eo announcement Sonday, Asgoit 13. Mill ion-Dollar Suggestions Distilled From Advertising Experience Stop Diarrhoea Wakefield's Blackberry Balsam Quickly stops Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Infantum and all bowel trou bles without constipation. No opium nor other habit forming drug. Accept only Wakefield's. It cures after other remedies fall. 8 Bo or 8 bottles for 11.00. Everywhere. 1 $990 TOMORROW Will be Another Big Day In Our Oxford Sale 84.00 and $4.50 Men's Ox fords, a leader at the reg ular price. Harvard and Foster makes In all sites and leathers, sale price.. Hansn, Clapp & Boyden f COO and 86-50 oxfords for men -M $4.25 Hanan's men's tb.SO oxfords In Russia calf and vlcl kid $4.15 McDonald, Klley, Furbuah men's 84.00 and 86.60 oxfords $3.85 Men's oxfords a miscellaneous lot, worth 83.50 $2.55 HOY SOOl'T SHOES. The shoe every boy wants. Comfortable and with the wearing qualities that make them the Ideal boys' shoes. 82-60 grade 82.00 grade Women's 86 00 and fords Hanan, Foster, Peters Armstrong Women's fords twenty st tl.85 1.55 86.50 ox- Wrlght aV 83.85 84.00 ox- complete lines 82.00 Koppendorf &. Selby's Women's 83.60 oxfords fifteen lines at $2.55 miscellaneous lines, all priced 83.00 Welt Oxfords, taken from at $2.25 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Famam Street. FOR CuUftIT intAekJrttH. w. g. vm To our every client our business ad vice) is th most valuable service we render. Many can point to some single idea which haa proved itself worth more than all our commissions. And a single suggestion, quite a num ber of times, haa netted some client over one million dollars. This business of ours, while called merely advertising, really involves the whole science of making money. Our ability to warn, to suggest and accomplish, result from a rare experi ence. For a good many years we have been selling advisers to leaders in a thousand lines. With them we have met the count less problems of selling. We have seen them solved, both rightly and wrongly, in a good many different ways. We have watched the outcome of every solution. Every mistake and suc cess haa been analyzed. Where most men learn from one busi ness experience we have learned from a thousand. And the lessons are all re corded. For about every selling question that ever comes up, the very best answer men ever obtained is found in our Books of Experience. And our lives are too short to learn all this' without gleaning from others' experience. From our wealth of experience we've evolved .a new science, called Strategy in Advertising. It consists of countless idea which men have found profitable, distilled into accurate rules. It solves the best way to get wide dis-, tribution, to avoid substitution, to meet hard competition. r It shows how to do quickly what once ' took years how to do cheaply what once was expensive how to do safely what once involved risk. . It has made an exact science of ad vertising, asjiearly as seems to be pos sible. It haa formed the foundation of all our recent auccesses. We have now, for the first time, put these ideas into print. And the book that results is our greatest contribu tion to advertising. No bright man can read it without adding to his powers. Any man with a selling problem is welcome to this book. And every such man should have it. Our benefit will lie in the higher conception it conveys of this Agency's efficiency. Cut out this reminder; put it in your pocket. Then, when convenient, write us for the book. There lies the valuer the utter need of efficient help in selling. Mere advertisings mere force of at tack rarely wins out under modern conditions. It ,can never win out against Strategy. Advertising must be aided by many clever maneuvers. It must be backed by right methods and policies. A Reminder to write Lord & Thomas, Trud Building, Chicago, for their latest book, "Real Sale$man$hip-in-Print," LORD & THOMAS Advertising 290 Fifth Aveaee, NEW YORK 132 North Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO (41) IBEE WIT AD PRODUCE RESULTS