12 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1911. I imnvuriirarol il I Pi asm. j kTil R B I J 3Ci Inn' - i i i ii ii - i -i iii ii ittr ii i Vast Sjatur- ar Ont Bala of Kid oUy Dolls. Great W aist Sale High Class Waists, Worth Up to $2 and $3, at BOc and ToC Thousands of waists of every desirable kind this seaon. Made of fine lawn, Swisses, lingerie cloths, marqnisettes, cotton voiles, Jap silks, etc. Many have alloved embroid ery, others are lace trimmed, fancy colored trimmed, sailor collars, jabots, frill fronts, etc. Also many plain tailored waists. Actually worth as high as $2.50 and $3.00, at 50c and 75c Women's Lingerie and Colored Wash Dresses. Also silk dresses. The former prices aa high as $18. Wash marquisettes and voiles, fine ginghams and novelty materials; great lot, at. . . wO Wool Skirts at $4.95. Fine voile, panania, serge aud novelty cloth gkirts, In women's and missed' sizes. Every one a deslr- able style. Worth $7.60 . . to $10.00, at $4.95 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE All Our Summer Shoes IVIUST GO Many of our lines are sold out with the exception of three or four pairs. These small lots bunched, regardless of their value, and sold at jnst half or less than half the former selling price. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Main Floor Old Store WOMEN'S OXFORDS, SHOES and PUMPS Everything we have In the house in White Canvas. Shoes that sold ui to $-i.oo; also the Ked (. ross brands and everything f Q v. have in small lots that sold from $3.50 to $5.00 Jk 1 X'l a 1'air, ut. WOMEN'S PUMPS and OXFORDS All our bench made shoes by the best manufacturer Riieden, buckskins, velvets and satins that sold from $3.50 to $0.00 a pair at. '. . ; : -In $2.40 W o ni ri's Patent Kid Strep Puir.pl Nobby Ifttle rreti Slippers for duni'lnx ami rireas: fliit tailored bown, cel luloid heels, worth 3. 00. at ; . $1.50 Women's Juliet, Prince Albert, House 81li Iers Made by "Ev ans;" Martha Wash ington and -other , brands, worth vup to . $3.00 a pair, 31.40 i W o m e n's Himalaya Cloth Pumps lu col ors with tailored hows. About 100 pair that sold all season for $2.00 08 Reduced Prices on Men's Low Shoes Men's Oxfords Odds and ends, including samples from T. D. Barry are marked Men's Ix)w Shoes and Oxfords Hurley RroB., T. D. Barry, etc.; button and lace, $6.00 and 4 Of $6.00 values. JO.dJ Hoys' Outing Shoes; made of good strong Elkbkin; athletic style, will give excellent service, all sizes worth $2.25 $1.50 Boys' Oxfords In tans and blacks that are worth up to $3.50 a pair, all sizes 1.50 Men's $.$.50 Oxfords, in tans and blacks special, at $2.25 51.75 Infants' Slippers In tan, black and white canvas. Everything we havtt in stock will be marked at, per pair 75 Barefoot Saiululs for Children In all sizes; worth from $1.25 to $1.75 a pair, at, pair 75 BRANDEIS STORES GIFFORD PROPERTY IS SOLD Lots at Serenteenth and Douglas Bought by Boston Men. MAY BE SITE OF A NEW HOTEL 1 aorenre Mtaot mm Maee WlUlama, triittn of Boatoa Groa4 Met fevmpaay, Par Sam of 8100, O for tae Property. Announcement was mada Wednesday by John McCague of tha McCague Investment company that the Gtfford property on the northwest corner of Douglaa and Seven teenth Btreeta had bean aold, the pur chasers being Laurence Mlnot and Moaea Williams. Jr., truateea tor- the Boaton Ground Kant company of Boaton, Maaa. The price paid for It waa tHK.OUS and the deed hea been placed on record. The property In question la that which. It had been rumored, had been aold for fabuloua eume In tha last ftva montha and upon which a new eighteen story hotel waa to be erected. Mr. McCague. speaking of tha deal, said that the Boatoa company had purchased with the Idea of ImproTlng It, and al though they might build a hotel nothing definite has been planned. Should anyone wth to build there tha property can be had on a long lease, and Mr. McCSgue aid that should nothing develop before next spring tha new owners will probably erect soma iclnd of a building upon It. ;The purchasers of tha Glfford property ate tha aame ho own the property where tha Kaxton block now lands and aluo val uable property at Seventeenth aJui Far nam and Fifteenth and Farnam. nTtwiXTm? iMUlNulNUy n I I i j 0 THE FALL QUARTERLY STYLE BOOK OP THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS IS NOW ON SALE. The Famous Hamilton-Brown Shoes in a Special Sale Thursday We purchased them from a prominent Omaha store that la Clos ing out Its entire line of women's footwear. The terms secured were practically of our own making, as Is usually the case when a store can handle an entire line. Assortment consists of women's tan Russian calf. vlct kid and patent colt oxfords, with both high and 'low heels; and several pairs of high shoes. All $3.00 and $3.50 Values on LA Sale Thursday at, lie Pair ... Vl.U" Sale of White Canvas Pumps and Shoes 1 M9 One lot of white canvas pumps with Instep strap, leather lining, turned soles and leather nee is, tnat formerly sold at $2.50 the pair, Thursday $1.75 200 pairs of 14-Dutton, white canras shoes with leather heels, plain toes and short ramps; reg ular $3.60 values, specially priced for Thursday, at $2.35 For Women's Coats Worth $15.00 to $29.50 This Is one of those special bargainings that is mak ing the later days of the summer season the best days for you. There are covert coats, tan serge coats, navy 'and black serge coats and gray mixture1 coats in (weights that will serve you well for a long time to come. Some are plain tailored, some have sailor col lars and some have Persian trimmed collars. The I sale begins with all sizes, but we advise early shopping. $10 Boys' Clothing Reduced Supply Vacation Wear and Tear and Get Ready for School No careful mother can afford to miss such good reductions as the boys' store af fords Thursday. There are about 150 boys' Knickerbocker suits of fine quality all wool materials, carefully tailored and finished, to sell at $2.75. None are worth lees than $3.50 and from that price they range up to $6 In value. All sizes for boys from 6 to 16 years of age. Also, for the one day only Thursday we will give a special discount of ten per cent on every boy's - Puritan blouse waist In our stock now selling at BOc One lot of blouse waists that have been selling at 40c, Thursday, special at 22c each. $2.75 Y 1 3 Fruits lor Less Thursday and Friday HILLER EXTENDS SALE FEW DAYS Recent Sensational Sale Prioes to Hold Good for Balance of This Week. A HANDSOME STORE. Because of a slight delay In the at rival of certain fixtures. The Hlller Liquor Co., of li0 Far nam street, win ba able to quote for the balance of this wek the Identical sensational ale prices that hare made their re cent Remodeling Sale of Liquors the most talked of of any in recant years. Therefore, call, write or telephone for any of the choice llquora you aaw advertised during the paat few weeks, and get them at prloes that will not be duplicated for many a day. By Saturday next all remodeling and Improvements will have been completed, and The Hlller Liquor Co. 'a establishment, resplendent In new clothes, will soon make Its bow to the more discriminating liquor buyers. Further detail a of thla beautiful new store will be announced In due time; In the meantime . atock up on all the liquors you can poaalbly use. Here are aome of the aatoundin Kleaa that will be quoted for the lanoe if thla week only: after that regular fl-ures will again be In force: FINBJ CALIFORNIA WINH8. always selling at 7 Sc. now at, only 48o CHOICE WINKS that bring 10c In variably, are going now at to PUREST WHI8KIES that usually sell at 1, now selling at. only..o OLD QTJCKENKBIMER RTB, Cedar Brook Bourbon and ether well known brands, now going at. ...880 VIRGINIA DARK WINK and South ern Bouppernong. that brings 76c always, go now at, only.. 8o POMPEIAN ITALIAN OLIVE OIL, In l size tins, now at, only.... 680 And many other Items as thor oughly reduoed. KaBaVnBSKBBaBBSSBBECSDE Extra fancy Whitney crab apples, the market bas ket 24c Large, extra fancy can taloupes, each Be Home grown jelly grapes, about half green, the basket 25c Fancy potatoes, always 15 lbs. to the peck, Thurs day, per peck 400 ' Advertisers can cover Omaha with oue aewapijher Tbe Bee ABSTRACTERS PREPARE FOR THEIR CONVENTION easBBasl Nebraska Association Me4 Here Dertaxsj Ike First Week la October. i The Nebraska Association of Abstracters will hold Its annual convention here Oc tober 4 and t tor tha first time In tha hla tor of the organization. Almost every year Lincoln Is selected aa the meeting place, but thla year Omaha won out and will get the convention, which probably will bring at least a hundred delegates. The local abstract men held a meeting Tuesday In the Young Men's Christian as sociation, at which the following were pres ent : Harry Reed, John Campbell. S. M. Saddler. Frank Norton. M. T. Brennln. Peter Jessen, George Llndsley and J. Fred Kerr. A committee composed of Mesars. Kerr, Norton and Campbell was elected to have charge of all arrangements for the convention and these gentlemen will Im mediately busy themselves, ANOTHER INVITATION. TO TAR Preslaeat Plckeaa of the Bear 4 of Goveraora aad the. Nebraska . Ramaoa has lasued another Invitation to President Taft to corns to Omaha during the fall festival. C. H. Plckena, prealdent of the board of governors, Is la Naw Tork snd ha has been aaked to go to Washing ton and together with Senators Brown and Hitchcock Invite the prealdent to Omaha. A Crael M Intake Is to neglect a cold or oough. Dr. King's Naw Disco vary cures them and prevents consumption. 60e and 11. 00. For sale by Beats Drag Co. u In a class by itself As an office ding, there is not another in ie city which will compare in the solidity and beauty of construction with THE BEE BUILDING Everything has been and is being done to make this fine building thoroughly comfortable for tenants who office here. New elevators with the most modern equipment have been installed, greatly facilitating the transit of hundreds of passengers daily. The magnificent court and lobby have been altered and redecorated, as well as the corridors throughout the building. It has been the aim of the management to keep a high class of tenants inv the building and to do that it necessarily follows that the accomodations must be the best. If you are looking for a permanent office, we invite you to pay us a visit and see for yourself the advantages wo offer. We list a few offices va- cant at the present time: ROOM 840 A very attractive space on the sixth floor, facing Seven teenth; having In connection a commodious vault which affords space for stationery, valuable papers, etc. This room rents at, per month flS.OO ROOM 548 Was especially designed as a suite desirable for lawyers. There are three rooms of good size, having solid tile partitions between all the apartments. The suite Is In the southeast corner of the building, looking out on Farnam and Seventeenth streets; Is conveniently located to the elevators and all the court rooms of .Douglas county, affording every convenience, Per month, tJUOO HOOM 440 Directly opposite the new Court House facing Farnam street. Our front offices are much In demand on account of the prominent location. This room la 13ttxl9ft feet in else, and is subdivided with frame and glass partition, giving two offices in one. Rental price, per month 930.00 ROOM 820 Is a choice corner office having a north and west expos ure making this space attractive at any season of the year on ac count of good light and ventilation. We will arrange this space. 19x20, suitable for tenant, and there being a vault in the room It affords extra protection for valuables. Rental, per month $40.00 The Bee Building Company Bee Businsss Office. 17th and Farnam Sts. DON'T Let Your Feet Look Shabby. You can buy a new pair of low cuts at Fry'i Clean-Up Bale for 95c-$1.45-$2.45 For Men For the man who wears small snoes, choice of 180 pairs, nr. value np to $6.00 300 pairs Men's high grade 14.00 and $8.50 Oxfords, f JfT mall slsea sjleld IB lines $4.00 and $8. SO low cuts, tan and black, For Women Tour choice of 225 pairs Women's tan and black oxforda and Q pumpe, small sizes JfJC 160 pairs Women's gray buckskin and tan low cuts. IIP values up to $5.00 1.TJ 10 lines regular $3.00 Oxfords and Pumps, Patent, tan tif Q' and dull lrd FRY SHOE CO, Sixteenth and Douglas 0cRrgk C&Wx (atr$j roo-o ctDTii fcl ssa MILLIONAIRES VISIT IN OMAHA W. H. Crkre an 4 J. C. Alexander Thronak with Ka mil Ira In I'rlvat C'ara. Two private cars containing the families of W. II. Crocker, multl-mllllonaira of San Frandncu. and J. C. Alexander, millionaire of Naw Tork, came In over tha Illinois Central and went put en the Union Pa cific's Overland thla morning. This waa Mr. Alexander'e flrat vteit to Omaha and he expreaaad hlmaelf as being delighted with the city. The ride acrosa western Iowa waa a aurprta to him, he baying that never in his Ufa had he seen such fields of corn. Mr. Crocker states that the prcllmlnarlea for the expoaltlon to be held In Baa Fran cises la are movta along rabidly. BANKRUPTCY SALE The Orman A Crook contracting and grading outfit, uaad In- the construction of tha Uella l-'ounJie Dam, will be offerad for aale at pjl'llc auction at Orman (twelve mliea from Belle Fourche). Boutn Dai ota, on Wedneaday, Beptember I, 1H. at 10 o'clock. The property to be Bold comprlaea a vary extensive outfit. Including two ev-enly-flve ion Vulcan ahovela, fifteen Davenuort locomotlvea four traction englnea, alxiy-atx four-yard Weatern acrapera. concrete nilxera. road ronera, pumpa, machinery, bulldinga. aupplies, etc. Complete inventory of the property to le aold ntay be aeen at the office of tha Truatnea in Denver, ami the property may be examined oy applying to the cuamdlan, V A. Danlela, at Ormun, Mouth Dakota. Circuiara deacrtblnz the property will be furniahed on application. The property will be offered In convenient parcels. Tenoa of aale, caah. WXXO.IAM" XV DITTOS, Trostee, 1 I. a a MutMiMK, ZHMMres, THURSDAY SPECIALS Freeh Fruit and Vegetable Department Fancy Crab Apples, peck.. 15c Fancy Cooking Apples, pk., 20c 2 plain Lettuce Be Wax or String Beans, quart, Be Brown's Floor Polishing Brushes. . ,7Bc, 1, 91.60, 93 $1.00 heavy, well made Clothes Baskets, each 6 Be ft 16c Imported French Sardines, Q It per tin Vc 2 Pkg. Convert Splsbrod. . . .90c ft 3 cans Ked Cross Mllk....2Bc New Honey, ner frame. .. .20c f50c bottle Oalllard's French " OHto Oil SBo jj 6 cans Luln Scouring Powder for .BBc fjl Batter, Eggs and Cheese Dept. ' Strictly Fresh Eggs (from the C Brandels Model farm) per f doten 8Bc O Our Best Country Butter (In m Sanitary Jars) per lb 30c p Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb., 25c "jf 1 50C Jar Queen Olives 85c M 2 Quart Jars Chow Chow or Cel- O cry Sauce . .20c QVStrg. QpXKfZ (3rVrjk fKCrwr Store Closes at 5 p. m. ex. cept Saturday at 9 p. m. .iiibuhj.hu ..j i...imaaaam.anM,i mawaii Store Closes at 5 p. m. ex cept Saturday at 9 p. m. Men Fall Suits and Goats A showing of the new fall Forcifrji and Domestic models that is surpassingly beautiful and complete. Beautiful Serge Coats Correct weigh for early fall wear, made full length, in all most desirable shades and styles special values at $10, $12.50, $15 Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 The first shipment of these always most popular creations Just received; styles, materials and finish equal to the usual $35.00 suits shown always .QC An one price AJiUU Hundreds of other beautiful creation in the fall and winter 1911-12 ideas; man tailored and finished equal to custom made garments at greatly under custom prices. See them. 93.00 Dress Skirts 92.05 Panamas and serges, In black, navy, gray and white; clever new styles, at $2.05 Dainty Lingerie Waists To $5.00 values, high and low neck styles; choice . . ...... .08 Silk Petticoats Black and colors, new effects, values up to $5.00, at Tretty Wash Dresses, value np to 97.50, choice, 91.45 Values and assortments that will astonish every visitor on Thursday; lots of new ones Included. . . .$1.45 n w d . it 32,05 Children's Fall Jackets To $5.00 values; at, choice 92.08 Values to $7.60; choice, 3.05 Children's Wash Dresses All nob by new styles, at. . . .Half Price. Ladlee' linen and Pongee Coats of all kinds at Sweeping Price Reductions, to close. 20c Embroideries 71c A full case of 5-yard strip loom ends of dainty 9-in. Edges and Bands, 15o and 25c values, sjj, at, yard I 8w 50c Belts at 25c A new line of fine Silk Elastic Belt 8; they're well worth 50c; we're go ing to sell them Thursday, at . . . 25c Thursday Specials in the Domestic Room Serpentine Crepe, good, long mill ' lengths, sella always 18c, at, per yard 12H Everett Dress Ginghams, all new patterns, at, yard 101 Simpson Prints, at, a yard . . 5? 86-lncb Percales, all neat patterns, new goods, at, yard 10t Figured Lawns and Batiste, good assortment, to close, at yd. 5 Chambray Remnants, good lengths all colors, at, yard ... 7H Cotton Challle, good patterna at, a yard . 5 Good 81x90 Sheets, each.. G5 Good 72x90 Sheets, each .. 48 Good 46x36 Cases, each.... Good 42x36 Cases, each .... Oft Soecials in High Grade It Wash Goods . ;A new line of Tolle dn Nord, A. F. C. and Red Seal Ginghams, all new patterns, at, a yard, 12 ft Dress Ginghams, 32 Inches wide, extra good quality, at, yd. 15 Gallcla Delaine, with fancy bor ders and all colors, 19c goods, at, yard '. 15e Cotton Challle, 36 inches wide, all new patterns, at a yard! 12)4f Pompadour Silks, In plain colors, t, yard 25 Fancy Flowered Silks, neat pat terns, at, yard . . . 25 ft Lawns and Batiste, good assort ment, worth up to 19o, to close, t, yard iot Hay den's Make the GROCERY PRICES That Keep Down the High Cost of Living When you trade at Hayden's for groceries you help to fight combina tion and trust pricea. We fight for the people not the truat. near Is going te eavesee. Wheat ad vanced 4o buaheL Ifivary prospect of going; higher. Buy now. 48 lb. aack best High Grade Family Diamond "H" Flour, nothing batter, per sack $1.15 10 bars Beat 'Em All or Diamond C Soap S5o 7 lba. beet Bulk Laundry Starch S5o 8 lba. best Bulk Rolled Oatmeal 860 lbs. good Japan Rice, 7 Ho quality, for ao 4 lbs. Falcy Japan Rice, lOo quality, for 5o Bromangelon, Jellyoon or Jell-O, par pkg TVo 1 lb. cans Aaaorted Boupa 7Ho Gallon cans Golden Pumpkin .... 85o The best domestic Macaroni, pkg. SVfce OH or Mustard Sardines, can.... 4Vio 10 lb. aacks beat White or Yellow Cornmeai. ISe The Beat Tea 81ftlngs, lb lSHo The beat Santos Coffee, lb. ...... 80o is roonti or mow votatobi to TM VJBGjr, par peek ...7.40o Daman IS sooads. The law requires it. Sweet corn, per dozen loo I heads fresh Cabbage loe 4 buochee fresh Beeta or Carrots... So 1 large graen Peppers. ., ........i. .So Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lfe. ...15o 1 bunchaa fresh Parsley ....So 2 bunches fresh Celery .So ( bunchaa Kohl Rubbl ao Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, I lbs. loo Fresh Pie Plant, lb u0 5 larre Cucumbers for Jo Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb....l9Uo Fancy Denver Pea, quart. .. ...7e Large Egg Plant, each 7V0 omi imii tom nur Market basket, Whitney Crab Apples for BSo CAxrroaurxA BeJSTXarrr raajM Bushel Boxea fancy California Bart- lett Pears ror Preserving. . . TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Rollablo Dentistry P Tafl's Dental Roiids FOR COUNTY TREASURER. W. O. URE Sinders Free Call at 20th and Center Sts. Omaha Gas Co., Omaha land iriFonr.iATion bureau F K E K I N F O K M A T lo N LEARN WHERE IT 'IS BEST TO FARM Thinking about buying landT Want to know tha soil and climate best suited for certain farming? Our Land Bureau glres free information about soil, climate, conditions in all parts of tha country. We hare gathered data and can tell you what you desire to learn. Write the Land Information Bureau, The Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb., today and your questions will get prompt attention. F R E E I N F O K M A T I O N FREE INFORMATION 3 COMPARE FOR YOURSELF. Measure The Dee against other local papers in respect of quality as we)) ms quantity of time)y news and interesting articles from day to day and TheBee's superiority wi)1 be demonstrated f f H IT