The Omaha Sunday Bee; FAXT THEX2 HOME MAGAZINE FACES 051 TO FOUX. CHILDREN PAGES 03TE TO TOZ&. r VOU XII NO. 7. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST C, 1911. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS Transmississippi Golfers Coming for Annual Tournament 4 Mhill mil Wm IW m i ?ifpa W l'M i t 1 1 .ins i -v it -w.." i " k. 4.--.' i vv it wna , i zz: j" . j L s, V, tw 1 nfc f i vV k l s' ; .; I V V few v j SEP your bd tod7. TL1, nji a mu ter cf rolf Cm 1th, u ea et LU prim BMU&la X cood plf. Mb of tan1tt vba as xpcUA la Om&bt to ptrtlcip&ta ta tb TraasmlMiaaippi coliL toaroaiDMit, Aafaat 14 to 11. la tata partlcuUr tao TnutaxalstlsBlppl orittloa ta prltly ta gTMUst ta tao ooaatrr slao It membrsU ta xoado up ot mea ot tb solid baalacH aad protauional damt, fho ftldom. It evar, "Ioh their aMda." It to aa axtoia that a &rbt-ae&ded man li not of much x&orc use on a eolf eotu-M taaa a Ue&t-a&dd dth. aad EnUta ta aista taat U uaelcsa on U sroe&a. ErtTj estrj In tt blc touraamcnt,- -which la ex pected to max a record tor atteadaaca aad Interest, Las tons axo mastered all the tine point of etaaoa. (rip. swlns. addreaa. follow throofh, and will po to work with the oontlda&oe of a trained mechanic. While they will he plaj-ln- oa creena strange and new to them, in this every man will he egaal. The entry llt threatens to he so lare that the qualifying rounds may have to be played oa two courses, thoee or the Omaha Com try duh and the Omaha Field club; bat if this eTestuatea, the oontestants will still he all even. The managers cherish the hope that It may . be feasible. If necessary, to send the oontestants away In fonrsomes, six minutes apart, and thus hare the Cualifylns rounds all played on the Country club 'course. Reception Committee Re6y. Te besln with the reception of the visitors, it may he said the arran-emsu are cxoellent. All clubs ea4iac delecatlons wUl be registered as to time of arrlnl la Omaha, and from the first train BatnrdaT mtri-U- next all will be met by the Omaha reoeptica committee oa the three days, Saturday, Be a day acd Monday. Aatomobiles will be seed to carry the Tint tors end the baggage to the Quarters they hare re served for their stay here. walk orrr the greens win probably be the first serioas bnslness of the ,jlayrs srrirtng ta time, to get the lay of the land. - Beginning with Monday, autos will leave the Rome hotel everr morning from 7 o'clock until It: Is..' After -our tie nactines will be at the dis posal of tr r fers to bring them back to the city. At I o'clock Monday morning, August 14, the first half of the (uallfring round will be started promptly. Should It be found necessary to start halt the play ers away on the Country club course and half on the Field club course, then on Tuesday thoee who hare gone the eighteen holes at the Field club will play the second half of the qualifying round on the Coun try club greens, and the men who have played the first half at the Country club wfQ do the seoond eighteen holes at the Field club. Flayers making the thirty-two lowest soores la the Qualifying rounds wtH Qualify for the championship; ths second best thirty -two will Qualify for the presi dent's rep; the third best thirty-two wlQ Qualify fur the directors' cup. Wednesday ths eighteen-bole match play will be oa, with the first aad seoond rounds for ths cham pion hip, president's and directors cups ea the schedule; and following this, lata ta ths aftsraoos, ths defeated sixteen of the chaxnplenahlp SQaad will play the first round tor the eonaolatloa rap. Thvrs day and Friday the hours ca the frees, from o'clock ts lats afternoon, win be spent ta determining the rttal Questions of championship aad raaasrs an ta the rarlous coe lasts. Hard to Pick a sxaes. A Bftcmbsr of ths local committee -The ta likely to wia ths championship f" "I cannot answer that better thaa to Qaots ths saying of aa eld golfer. Es itassrtsa his ballst, la words of graetoas rsrsrsaos. that at ths start cf a aaatch Cod reaches ion aad plaess hki Cagsr oa the shoulder of oas player, saying. This ta xcy saaa. Lot xo see some of yoa beat tHa. 1 tost Just that way about It. and perhaps a really truly story of aa Incident I ssw myself will exflain tbe UDceri&isty of golf results at crith-nl momfnia. At r', -- Chamberlain was playing Harry Legs, ths champion of ths association ths last two years. Lgg mibsed his putt and lay dead to the hoie, at the thirty-sixth. Chamberlain made a beautiful putt aad we saw his bail actually disappeur from eight. His ua-iit. t . ... catching their breath to shout when tbe ball tounced out and settled oa tbe lip of the rup and Chamberlain had lost. So the wise beads are aot attempUag ts pii-k a winter before the play berioa. Ths visiting golfers are to be cared for in style, aad will be shows everything worth seeing In and about Omaha, and ths same will bold good of ths wet) en who accompany them. For the first time In tour years the women have been invited and the local women will see to it that their stay la Omaha shall be mads enjoyable during whatever leisure time they may have from participation la following ths play oa ths links. Great Brants Flaaned. . Monday night, August 14, wlU bs devoted by ths Ah-6ar-Bsn crew to ths god ot golf. Previous to ths opening of ths gay proceedings at ths Den, ths board of governors of his majesty's realm of Qui vera will all gather with ths visitors to put Uta is a proper humor to receive a asw and most pleasurable sensa tion, a&d will personally escort thsm to ths court of ths rcyal ruler, Ak-Sar-Bea XTX What thay draw there ta expected to put them ta a winning humor tor ths rest ot ths week. As a welcome rsst or diversion from ths dab wl&flng, baS-chsslng stunt. Tuesday afvsmooa ta to bs tirsa ever to what oas member of ths local com mittee asserts will bs "Ths greatest parade of ths best fsUowi that sver went through the streets ot Omaha," The proposed parade will bs partidnated la by most ot ths local gollsrs aad all ot ths visitor. MatUrst will bs decorated with ths colors ot Ak- aad ths baaaara ot ths Traaamlssisaippt Golf among the visitors, to give them correct Information "Tirerning all they see on tbe trip. UuMt s aad luQoctt Oa the Card, Wednesday evening orchestras will be provided at j the Country and Field clubs, and the joyous ..vurs will be given over to dancing and social enj&-went- Tbe Field club has given a special Invitation for this evening, and the great gathering of amateur sportsmen will be royally entertained all around. Thursday evening will occur the annual banquet, at tbe Country club. The exact program Is being kept under cover for the present, except that the banquet will be served in the open air. weather permitting, and 410 people are expected to ait at the tables. I. must suffice at this time to say that the arrange meats for this ban q Bet, are unique and cannot fan to make a solid hit with the participants. A. V. Kinaler has this feature in charge, as head of the en tertainment com mitt, and from the manner ia which he is "covering up" one gets the idea it ts to be a memorable event In the history of the association, and likely to make an Impression that will cause Omahs to bs talked of by visitors for soms time. Each club entering tor ths tournament pays a fee of 110 and each man playing pays a fee ot If. A great many Omaha men will psy the entrance fee who tfo not expect to play, and from thse sources come ths money to defray the expenses of the entertain ment to bs provided. In any event, there is to be ao stint la ths matter of expense to make everybody happy and glad he cams. Attending tournament of this character are a great many who do so for the social pleasures. These do not come particularly to play, but as s sort of vscation trip during which they can relax and cut loose for pure enjoyment amid con genial surroundings and at the same time have aa op portunity to watch their favorites chase the flying whits balls ta strenaoas temper. And here It may be said every golfer worth his salt Insists golf balls do fly; that they possess some peculiar quality of es thetic, fairylike Quality entirely different from any association, aal it ta Bfltrtood some modest noise- thing propelled by man power. maker wi3 bs la crids&oa. All ths prlaotpal streets of ths city WIS bs travarasd. aad likeais ths beauti ful Crtvsa aboat F)ort&e oa ths aorth aad aa far as Fort Crook oa ths south, Spislsrs aad lecturers Of fisiaa4 traialag will be plentifully tnUnparasa Experts Coming Frees Btg Ten late j. Players ta all ths country west of ths Mississippi rrrsr to ths mountains are eligible to membership ta this easecisUoa and ths Omaha tournament has at tracted attention that is bringing entries to a number beyond any yet recorded la ths tea previous tourna ments. They are clean, enthusiastic sportsmen, who follow tbe game for love of it. Minnesota devotees vie with those of Texas in lively Interest, and ths officials have a tip that El Paso, Tex., ta sending along four dark horses who may possibly astonish the better-known experts. Besides these, soms of ths big men ot other Texas towns will be here, among tbem Bam Park of Houston, who will be accompanied by J. W. Robins, B. H. Atwell jr., C D. Ooldlng. Ben Brown, Milby Porter and Bryan Heard, all steady imtrora of tbe Houston links. Fan Antonio win also be represented, the two Moores and others having sent word they will come. xu.rry lg of Minneapolis, ths association cham pion, is to be on the ground to defend his twioe-won title, and he always has a following from his horns city of admirable players. Legg is a Tale senior, and has been st the head of the Tale golf team for three years. He was runner-up at Rock Island and Kansas City the two years previous to winning the cham pionship, and has plsyed consistent golf ever since he tackled the game. J affray, who will be recalled for h's fine playing at the Field club some years ago. will also be here from the Flour City, and there will be MiriifeBota men on the links from St. Paul and other town la ths Gopher state. Iuws, Ouiorado sad Missouri Men Strong, From Des Moines will corns Ralph Ryder. "Billy" Eheean, Fred Carr, Bunnle Quinine, Harrison and aortic a ho know Quite s little about playing the gams. John Cady, of ths Rock Island Arsenal club, knows all over the circuit as "Handsome Jack." will head a bunch from his stamping ground. Denver will be heard of through "Forty-hols" Fairbanks. Millar,' Tics President Frank Woodward sad J. R. Lemist, with oompaaioas not Quits ss well known. Ths Lfenver lismist ta a brother of H. T. Lemlst ot Omaha AoQompa&ylrg President Frank Peaaell of IT librae City will bs Colonel Jsha Lampkia, Raad Trees. Hodge, Everett. Severs aad ths "golfing persoa," Rev. Paul Talbot. Ths latter ta oas of ths aaost genial aad popular member of the association, aad ao toarramext would bs quits right wtthoat his pres ence. Kansas City's Evanston Golf club ta knows to hsvs oa Its rolls some ot the best players la ths west. Jones, especially ta reported as playing a swift, steady gams right now. Bt, Louis, too, ta expected te have worthy representation among the entries before ths list closes on August II. Bait Lake City will send the present champion ot ths Pacific coast aad two or three good men are oozs tng with him. indicating the widespread Interest ta the Omahs tournament is s recent letter from a small town In Kansas. The writer said fifteen members of his club will be in Omaha, "which has become knowa everywhere as a good town la which to have a good time." Program of the Play. Following ta ths program ot ths various events, day by day: Monday, August 14, I a. m, first half ot Qualify ing round. One-half of players start the first eighteen holes on the Omaha Country club course and other one-halt ot players start the first slghtee holes oa the Omaha Field club course. Tuesday, August 16, a. m., seeoed half ot quali fying round. Players who have played their first eighteen holes oa the Omaha Country club coarse sew play on the Omaha Field club oourse aad players whs have played their first eighteen holes oa the Omaha Field club course sow play oa ths Omaha Country; club course. Wednesday, August 16, s a. m.. first round eham aionehip; 6: SO a. m, first round president's cup; a, m., fJ-st round directors' cup; 1 p. m., second round championship; 2 p. xn., second round president's aad directors cups; I p. m., first round eonaolatloa cap for the beaten sixteea la ths first championship round. Thursday, August 17, eigh teen-hole match play; I a. m., first half third round championship, first halt second round consolation cup, third round p resi dent's and directors' cups, first round secretary's cup for ths beaten sixteen in the first round president's cup; 1:10 p. mM seoond half third rouad champloa ship, second half second round consolation cup. semi finals president's and directors cups, second round secretary's cup; 7 p. m., dinner at the Omaha Country club la honor of the visiting golfers. Friday, August IB, elghteen-hole match .play. I a m., first half semi-finals championship and consols tion cup, first half finals president's aad directors cups, semi-finals secretary's cup; 1:0 p. m second half semi-finals championship and consolation cap, seoond half finals president's aad directors' cups; finals secretary's cup. Team competition, thirty-six holes against bogey for Brock cup. for teamB of four representing dabs which are members of the association. The scores ot contestants still playing for tbe various prizes will bs accepted in this competition. Otherwise ths pairings will be arranged to suit the contestants, except that members of the ssme team may not play together. Saturday, August It. all elghteen-hole match play rounds; .S0 a. m.. first half finals for Tra&smla sissippi amateur championship, first half finals conso lation rup; 2 a. to., second half final tor Traaamls slsaippl amateur championship, seoond halt Casta con solatioa cap. lBt of Prises and Officer. Ths prises tor ths various events are: Champloa ahip, gold medal and cup; runners sp, silver medal and cup; semi-fiaaiista, bronss medals; best Qualify ing score, cup; consolation cup. presideaf s cap. seers tary'a cup aad directors' cup ts winners aad runners as; team competition, bronss medal to each member of team and custody of Brock cap to winner's clan. Ths present officers sad director of ths Traaa mlssisiiippi Golf association are J. C FeaaeU. Evans ton Golf club. Kansas City, president; Frank I Wood ward. Denver Country club, vies presldeat; Jerome f. Mages. Omaha Country dab, seer eixry -treasurer. Dfr octors: Henry Comley. Wichita Coaatry dab; Wil liam J. Foye. Omahs Country clan; W. M. ffbtrai. Hyperion Field club, Des Monee; Wendell Hertig, Mlnaekahds dab, Minneapolis; Tarletoa brows, Nar mandls. Golf club, St Louis; Frank L. Woodward Denver Country dab; Joha C. FeaaeU. Eveastoa OolZ dab. Kaasas City; H. B. Davis, Oolorads Cprlags Golf dub; George Fredericksoa. Lakeview dnb, Oklahoass, City; J. B. Uadsey, Omaha Field dab; Frank 1. liest, Omaha Coeatry dab.