THE P.KK: OMAHA. THUKMJAY. AUGUST 1011. ft ! f I rt REAL ESTATE iTHrrt op Titir. Tr.V""nr" . - 'RANK J NOP.TnN E, So lTtfa. T'-e rui'dms: There A Pt-asnr " "1 mmm-ir vour tit troubles," ivih rhcr,- I " V.t-V.-.-.T- ! PEEP APTRACT CO . r,r- fttmrl efTc la Nebraska. 24 Branoels Theater IILDKRI' INFORM TI. CARL C THnyers pern' ror-rc"or; He Itl 12c. Web Har 4:07 tt Mortmv mn mlc Six Rooms, New Close In Fine Neighborhood I 2763 Webster St ' $3,550 ci-Porian.ty for yofl to t a rtoa Jt1 It It oil on of tt i-rrttit I'jwti In th city wtdr and biuufuilT Irk. on block from th llamr far line. Im than miu)' ride downtown rifl wl-.hin r waikix t difUDrt of U r-::i d:-.rvt 1 b hcuw ha (ood tax-mut cfrnntiS; fiwTir bat Cu th firt floor thr la a rrertioi 7bb.I1. ojn mlniT, moe i-arlor and lars-e !ntii room, jiantrr. kltrhen and rear en try. n tb acond fioor three bedrwm -nd t.ath.. Al of the room re rice r J;rfd. Th woodwork la in rood eond'. tion and the euimoe ta jun had two ol cf rjit. It r. an food I'luniblrg. rcrena c'mi-lrt. lertrlc 1 rht and r 1 be yard ie etidded. the rtreet it paved and i paid for. Thi la In &t John prrt'h. clae ! to Creiarbtoa roUere. ona blot k from fmbil' OCboo-1 ad Ooet lo U hlch Rhticil. It lo a aeirhhorhood of home ownera and wf.1 icaka a nice horn. Thla la a cah price, but the owner wi'.l e41 to reepowslhle panr ria ear term, with only C per cent Imrwt. Thi 1 worth looking' Into It la vacant now. PoneeaaloB can P riven at race. Norris & Martin, WBEE BtXG. foi'OLAS trti a -en SrVe Have For T-a 1 fi bale Kesidence Lots Within WalkingDistance J.e cholccgt regidesce lou In the today, located within wanting dla tanr and atill in the choice residence I Aj?frict, Juat one-half block from the V. li.heat-prleed propertj in Omaha, f sear acbool and chnrchea. close to three car line; there la vater, tu, ewer and permanent walk.. We would like rpry much to show theae lots to anyone, as we know the price will be interesting" both as InTestment ad home site. Call s op. Doug las sm. Gallagher & Nelson 4t0 Brandeis Blds Omaha, Neb. Bed Rooms A great many people want a horn with I bodrooma To uit the people w have a fin room modern boo at li & Hon. 1 block east of Hanacotn Park. Hous is tn on of th best location In th c!ty. yin east front lot, Just block from oar. Clos to good church and school. Frio only f&JOS, If Interested ceil at bona SELBY M Board of Trad Bldg. T. 1T3. mil Build Warehouse W hav a Quarter f a block In the wnolaal district with R. R. spur t It. Will build tor a rood tanast. Harrison & Morton at( Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid.. D. C4. BEAUTIFTJL riEXJJ CXUB HOME The most desirable home la the Field dab district, eight rooms and ftalthed attic, modem la every re rdect: lot tOillO; saxaca. Price ln teVeatlnK. OXLLaQHER A NELSON, 49 Bran4is Bids. Dooflas Hit. rrw 6-Room Modern Viae home, good locatloa.. (121 North 24th. Lot 41x127. Only M.200. W. H. Gates, 44 New Omaha National Baak Bld. 'Phone Hou.. 12 4. On 22d St-Close In A strictly modern g-roon dwelling, wltn bet water beau I rooma oak tuaaa on 1st floor, snanti and grate. 4 bedrwum. large Blue, aiao on imij boua gors with troirty; 1 .xli. fruit. f:i abad; bu.u y owner t a boma This Is a splendid t'UT. alLhar for bom or Investment. Pric ha. Tarm: caaa ad baianc ui suit. STAXLKT P. BOfiTWICW Us City Nu l laxik Bldg. bo Agent. U.l e-room cottar city water, batn. toilet and electric lights. tLMs room eottaa, baan, dty water, tot-et and e.ectrlc Lghta; S2d cask and the tialaac S per moLtn. P.aj room tuiuw. near West I sstbb werta: easy terma HESuLlOaT k CO.. (U Bee Doug. MS. A-Odl. LOT8 IX FIELD CLCB DISTRICT. For hale Lots a est of Haiiacutn park ta Field club district. TeL D. K.4 Imper ial Invesuncxt to, PuLmaa Buiidiu. a. Utb - AIN- i-roum. aaos. hotna. at a. gud. I)M SALE to move. 4-roam boua. west taut of bouts Omaha, fair condr-iua xi-t teost tnre times this to 4uikd: easy pay- soentA. Alas hav cheap, but tin lug near tb bouse. b dowa and 44 per aaoctAv Tu. D- riT ar li. ; (vemngsi. (A.() PER foot for TV-foot lot aa lstb St, aorth of Center, for lmnaediaia au. jr. rx Weed. IM Farnam st. FOR SALE A bargain, a nw 4-roera Jttag oa Bauathiy iyn-enia. Pbun uver Ti BR1EVS caocolale ar famous every, wbera. kwcauas they ar tue beat. If Mra K. F. Young tM Cl,r bt.. will cum M Tn Bm office wltrui thre d wc wui gutw bar a erear Sag REAL ESTATE 1 t l-uci I H i I HK V A LB Cut tin u-d ) That Coinage Among the T a . . i ..r-wr.i,.. a . saikir. diStalfCo. i.r. t roots.. comp.te.y m:3-m. osk f.r.isn. Ir ... n piimbing an mfcting f.x- i jr; t-eet of everything til pnce, easy .rr -UiMSlKOXG-WAL&U CO. ie. L.S1 j kouoi i7tn si. See lIxlTt east from, on st, frond bus'ness location. tulh i t Cumir-g St.. new stores t I e'ectm oil boib a.oea. F. Wead, 1S91 ' Al:Cl'T 1W FEET WE?T Or i Thf.'ir.;d..n a: 1M iHrii .ore. e-rtora houe , .i:t frCirjUtge 1 .:mo. ah. bai- arue eary. t per cent. K. U. ! i rnm u f-RC.'M bouee. tikf bic Pam and three p. 712 Fatt U loui ferif-ed t heap. I J hona W toiler I SMITH INVEFTMENT rO, BeaJ Batata. Btotka. r-otiGi. MC KrariOeia i neatre. REAL ES i ATE FARM AS D HA.MU A.AAU FOR IlLK. Ar 5ttT inut and ttaraJ farmlhf land fo pra L- sJt-y Co.. Ait tod lor pioaiel tlKui 10 tii iaiid baar A (- Nijai- Ki c ul-oU UO. joio . iiiuto I.i-e i.:.tJ uii iBi.u. l i Bo. .jouj i.arm i'rI. fif lo iruit rancn axiu aer.Ki-aj laiiuuit. ... KCi! bara.l ut-i uvrt nu ui. to ' Vi M L.N ivlS a at CO.. Eurtka tprins. Ark. IkA' ACIU-s nch twtwn laod. aix milea from Neaark. lt per acre; lerma Fine oiai.fce trut, nuriui. Forty acrea, J7k ouiei UifLuk A. A. HenderBun, Nawaxa. Arkknaaa. Cui'loN p.ajiiaLion; acrea. ciecant 10-room dmeuiiiH. plenty tict liouaa, (ktKjd ua:n a:.a o-lt.uiiajr.s. rich, h.ack i.ia:n. hiii trow Pa.. cotton or 7i bunei roiu l-er aire; woven wire feuc k acrt-a rmutK.n; Hirciianiao uniwr; .ai vuu, titsaithiul iockLon, t nine Irom goji tood Deafhborhood; bear achooi and church: jrf-ica tMi.gOt,, reaaonabie teraia Addreaa Johnnon at Veliia cara touujem I ruat Co.. ljtlie Kock. Ark. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. All uutti ol unitHi. farm and fru.t landa In Arkaxiaai. lxiwunt and Miaaiaaippi, from 10 to per acra. 'Vkrt J. u. tejr- I tKMoa. Camden, Ark. 232A.. SMLtOTH, IS rnl. raJway tUon; Km lesoed. u cuiu; amall boue; two aelii: no public road; Vnion Bank it Truat Co-. RtaJ Lt LpU. toearcy. Ark 1. g ml. out. 10 tn culU UD black alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor hood; SL. Mi, t mi. from town of near p. O. and acbool; nearly all aroootb up land: cult., bai. timber. Si clover. I al talfa, i bearing orchard. l'& fenced hog tight; extra good -r. residence, etora, loage bidg., new bam, dark red Bandy loam; good community; de:ightfal location, abundance good water; tlMH. subject M) -yeax loan t-. term eay. WILLIAM GJLMORK. Maj-khail. Ark. BEST fruit and general farming land for price in C S., s-t-arcy Co., Ark head for booklet Bhoalnr (! to flB land near town. li. M. Heuon, Leslie. Ark. OZARX LAND CO, Oraeette. Ark Stock ranchea, fruit farm a. berry fieMl. mall tract installment P'an; town prop erty. BunneM hou.e Writ tia fHi TRACTS cf land In th corn and al falfa district of IeJta land : black soil, good achooia; land wili double In value tn thre year; now rent from gS to (7 per acr. Writ us what yon want. F. C. HOLLAND. Pine Buff. Ar- Calif FINEST lrr'.gatod fruit and dairy land la California; very cheap. SO? Be Bide ta ACRES, close to tow. Saskatchewan. 1 7b acre tn wheat; Sis acre; third caah. balano ta suit. Wrt for terms. UK Brodi St Fort WUliama. OnL, Can I OWN a section of good wheat laad Situated leas than two miles from growing town In Kaakatchcwan. Will sell for t pa. acr Addreaa. M. J. Carrotnera, P. O. Box 1T7, Winnipeg. Manitoba. FARM lands In th Canadian west, town lots In railroad divisional point, property tn Wairoua, th Caricbad of America. Writ w. M. Ciaibraiift, Watroua. katchswasv GOLDEN wheat lands for aala 1m- I proved and unimproved prajn farm, any aiaa. Aioena, oaakatencwan. n ooaneaa coy. Watroua. BfclL, Can. REAL ESTATE 1 hav a larg list of land in tn Goose and Eagl lake district, no better tn Canada. H. P. Laecb, Rua. town. Saak. CANADIAN lands. Offios 30 B. Hth. KORTH EASTERN Colorado wheat land. t-2 to II Pr acre. A few Improved farina. $ to gi. Writ J. fa. Beimhardt. Sterling. Cola. liiu-ACRE best Irrigated farm, Colorado, finely Improved; new lo-raom dwelling. bajn. poiAts Cblar holds 10 carloads; Hi acre of wheat. acres alfalfa; mo wast land, every foot under old water ngnt; hav another farm, can't work both; mile nurth of Ienvar. t rnlie sovtb of Greeley, a A- Gregory. eUu Mac a bidg.. tenver. Colo. Raca County, Colo, 10,000 ACHES CHOICE CN IMPROVED LAND IN THJt Artesian Belt of Southeastern Colorado Tb laad la level, black soil from t to test; artesian water Mi found at lad to ue fee. Albert E King. Rooms 1011-14 First Nat. Lku.k Bidg, Leaver, Coe. ldaba. Finest Idaho lior&e Banch acres best farming land; improved; In center of vast tie rumt; 4.4 wm. For terci ai d pkJicu.ars adore ewnar, M. C. Berueaon. Emmett. ldaba CHOKE I'EEl'Ei) LA.Nl.iS, WITH PHI- V ATE WAlEit rUulHTa, IX c.VAKE KiVER VAL- LET, IDAHO. Stock ranch. Ut acrea. adjoining open ran, good building, fences and beanng u.'ruu J, tit per acre, wona l:u. fioca rancu. zv acres; water ror ail year, tin. inner bargairii tn stock and fruit landa. rfelinijuut.mei.te and locationa For full information add re P. O. l-vx No ia.. Glenn Ferry. Idaho inx. easiest way u. una a euyer lor your farm is to insert a smaU waat ad ln th De Moines capiiaL Largest orcule- uon In U.e stai ot Iowa, Uu oally. Tb t aai .tal ia read by and believed ia by tb ' tai.di.tters of Iowa, wb s-mply refuse te prro-u any other patw U their bomea Kate 1 cent a word a eay; U.Jt per line per month; count six ordinary words to tb una. Aadrea De Mow Capital. Moines, la. AK EVENING at Lake Manawa Is well i lnt- It R. K. Jensen. l.k N. f7t-h Sl (will com te Tn Be offlo wubia three I days w will give him a ..air of rouad-tria . tickeu to Lak. Maaawa. FOR SALE OR TRADE My equity ra ecu.. of raw land. 1 milae of BVjrenta, I miies Kit Carson and 4 miles Wid bora. Chrin Ce, Cola.; oa I'. P. Ry.; axys roud; shallow water district; mil te liver; a. fa. fa given successfully Bearby. Price t par acra. encumbrance gl li. ae bocal at 4 par eent. du May IA 114. Will traa in aqiciy. a.. tor reawdeno of equal valua. I aa bat V sirna laialaa this wbica k clear, ta trad tar town prop- erty nam prkoa. W eaid carry baca d.BA isua, II- RFAL ESTATE FIRM AMI KA.MH U'uro 4 LB , lewi aliased. Jf ACRES and 11 cr-s ft outb-T, Io ; '' ,ur in stor boiid.rie. " con. no-eny lor ek. or .aid raercn.nd w or Bui-mot-ue Adore. ; tM i."eOBBA. la . 1 AlKw, .. iviiti.-. I jxt'ie-d ins atii loca:-1; ' aT. tr. e--u'. , farm im t M.i.ntota or itttu ian.1, c-r 'Tl- UirJ j.rK' rouf.or.'pd. .r lw-torae--orr n!'4 ct-uuix rrfirie fc.r fja: ' r. you Aoor-! C. U. M cCauUarjfl (u couriy, li.ian. 3a :-ACRK Irrrrovrd farm. T tnilea from u.uin Pin 1 n.Dea from m-.all town. 11 an acre, -a trm and fT-endid t'f am. j l.t-are ptoea larm i; iruie rou i only MO an acre. We have the P-t bar aarns tti p'r:hern lea a Come arid aee aa ltA-N C1TT RXALTT CO. Hlwd Ciiy. ia FOR fcALE Pplrdid farma, well Im proved, rar.ging in price frwm 180 to ! per & frm TKia im rSiciy Iowa land in well In. proved mmnwiliiH. near ton and achooia ! i here it no more lemie or oeauiirui pan of th atat t .T) Cw-eola county. rit for panic uiara. T. S. Redmond. Sibley. la. nK liiirnF Tract a f mw,t. ,r. r. nn.v,aif rultlTatloe; one-naif m ailalta. about e . fruit trea bM:clnf to tar: M Louee but fin cite lor one, good road to tit) tl.ZTA IK caan. If you tLlid at once tZJu if ou do cot build. M"ee Kul Ertat Co.. 1U Feari feu. Council Bluff a JUNE SNAPS. WINNEBAGO CO. Act quick, opuon expire July 1 and prices ad van of U to li aa acre on date. acre. unlraproTed. at CU aa acre Hi acre, unimproved, at g77 an acre. I1 arte, unimproved, at MC an acre. 20 acrea. unimproved, at M an acre. Mm acre. Improved, at a" an acre. S. at ft " BCFFALO CENTER. LA FOIt SALE Py owner. D( acre Improved lard. moelly In crop to corn, wheat and om all fenced and in rood farming eom mun:t.v; omy HiO m.lea port ha eat of Omaha auJ ahere crop ar alaara good: term to auit purchaaer: price if taken Boon: a'.no acre improved at K; It acre In crop now; term to pleaae man with amall Ck(ltbl that want to can a borna Lock t-cx JK, Manning, la 6C'-, ACRES. POLK CO.. r. IH noi'e go. town; land all lay grod; all In culuvation and tame rrua. 1-reoia I ho'jae, cellar, barn. i'4x3f ; crltpa. good wU. r. ne prcr.arn trio grove. i mn to Bcnooi. Thi 1 a f:he home, if void thla montn w-ill tak B per acr 8 F. F"RICK LAN'P CO.. Bl Clapp Plk... re Molnea. Ia. I1S ACRES four mile from Fort Col lin. Colo, well Improved, lrr'gated land, all under cultivation; price. 4UE. rW cre In Guthrie county. Ia-. mile from town, land lay rood, well Improved, clone to acbool: 3W cre tinder cultivation, balance parture; price. 113 per acre; good term PI acre In M-u?1boo reranty. Ia.. well Im proved: I mile from town; land lay good price, 1715 per acre: good terms. A. C. SCOTT. Casey, la, 1W-ACRE Improved farm In Lynn Co.. Kan : 4 mile from town: X" mile from Emporia, county Beat:, smooth land; all under crop except th acre set to ny. good -room houne. ham and outbnlldingf : fine grove and orchard: MS per acre; wiri carry I3.W at S per pent. For further In formation ad drees Doctor. Box , R. R. X MadiBon. Kan. FOR a dainty depaert use rmlse'.l- lc cream. If Mr. Banks, ra N. 24',b St., will on roe to The Bee office within three davs w win give her an order for a quart brick oi uiis use loe cream. I HAVE lands from f to US per acre; I always hav th bars-sins at the lowest ptic; writ or com and see roe and I assure courteous treatment; also the best of reference. L. L. Webster. Wellington, Kan. UaUtaa. VERNON parish. La.: the land of nr.. shine, soil, climax, tnarketa. water, beath, good pncea, cheap; writs Leecvtll Real Estate and Improvement Co. C M. Mo Farland. Sec'y Leas.-l.le. La- LOUISIANA farm and timber lands; good for truck, corn, cattla, etc., oa ac count of cotton pest, cheapest lands on market. Hall. Eider at Benclt. Monro iiuin FOR BALE C.0 acrea wet land. Terra bonne Parish. La. Can be rec Aimed at from lli to S3 per acre. Fin truck, com and fruit landa. Reclaimed land now sell ing at gJOO per acre. Will sell this tract now for quick turn at M per acre; liberal terma E. P. Brady. Macheca Bldg., New Orleans, La. IS W0 equity la good quarter In sontbarn Minnesota; qnarter I miles from rood town, having house SkxJu, new bam Bind, with gable roof, mail granary and fenoa Want ms rhin. stock of dry good, prtc. t per acre. Benj. A. Cone, Window Minn. FINE tarm bom. B0 acrea, miles tram good town; black loam soil. All fenced, large trams dwelling. bam, granary macfcla aheda. eta, li acres in Cieid. 4 acrea timber. baAnoa clover and timothv and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. ia per acr; j buy. oue-Uurd caaa, balano easy tcraja. M, J.iyou Koib. Fossuia. kl l ;in FARM, f NAP 23S acres level prairis land, JU in crop, baiano pasture and meadow; good buildings. Hi acre. M or hart A Atchiaoa, Maakato. Minn. FOR SALE ! acres cf rood new bard wheat land near WaihaUa. Pembina county, Nonb .Lakota. For particalars ad drca owner. A. Lucasaa, 37 I bird Ava, Mlnneapolia. Minn. EENU tor a list of our tin Improved aouibera Minnesota lan as; we have hun dred of p,eaed custosuera. C E. iirowa Land Co, Ottioa Madaaa and Nw Kick. Mian. A SNAP; must b ick; Ve-acr Im proved farm la Murray ooanty, Minnesota; ha first daa buljuuiga, fauce. apienoud grove, arcnard, two tnue frwn tawa. Vknt eoha Ueidea. jr Uarvin, Mina. EXCHAMlEr-iJO acres cxoelient timber laad, located near rauroad. a lie ready aai for timber for tiea, lumber and feno posts, good tarm land; northern Minnesota . will xchang for tarm landa. improved or and. or will take income property; tome Incumbrance and will aasum a Improved land or mcome property. HENRY RINEe. MORA. MINN. LANDS No. U. 140 acrea. 74 miles Tw-ia Cities, good UliaM soli; Sluts map maiied with aS-iiaa book for s cents. Hnkirf Land Co- Phenix liiag., Minneapvua. vmn.- I HAVE a tarm ot t acres sais frem good to wm k nules from Minneapoua j acre under cultivation; atout u acres J Bueadtiw, baiaac tiinber; can ail b opened up: rich soil, good boua. barn and other bulldicra Price fc2 per acr. Also ko-ara farm tw mlie from good town; 9 acres under plow. U acres timber, good rich soli, B-room bouse, twu bams and etner out building. viadmLl. fin natural grove, or chard lost commencing to bear. Prase. j Hi; eaay terma Writ owner. ChAJi a s T inrn r.i uver, ai u.e 16 ACRES, tf mile from St. Paul, anlles ttom jvosamant. ail fenced; b.ack kim j, fcCre, cultivated, bsrence paaTlr s ... . t-. rr r., i. i ZZz. TI f,.,r -..h w I Ffcul , from r.. Valley eiauto. j.ruom koi.. wlndmi.l. Urge liara ai ' k-, tuainx. ail in sood eJLii.!..!0? la-tai tmpruved farm. U miles from St. other butidliuaa ail in good condition, black juero shm. -.v7 mwou, sivtii oeea culti vated by waer; ISO acres uader plow 7 acr fruit trees, mostly appiea. balance good timber land. Special pric and terma W. FAR. W. Monty. Pinnate Preaa Bidu. a. PauL Miaa. MINNESOTA CORN FARM, lag acrea lw miles ta town and beaatl ful laka. 4 mile from Minna pou. na wast land, good larg bulidinga Saw per acre, 41 . caaa. loi.g cm on ' J t Will U Ml acres of this Exoe.leot cropa T. H. Davy, M Paiaos Bidg, Mtin io n ATTENTTON. HOMESEEKERH. If yu are thinking f inuaigratuig aseat ima year, wnus ua xur on lpuv star. l,,ure of- eur ULads ta Miaaeaota, Nortb .a w,,.. w. . . T na snatiar wbal M want aad wher , u went It. and can sell vou anywber aorea I lsw. Wi. I K. ... loi d Imia 4. Crawra4, iLam REAL ESTATE H It A!D H4.MM i. A 1 FOR LE V IN N r'.TA ; WEAimwUNi'j an: El i LLM cs 1 S UHi CC'UNTl. LAH I'l LVIH- J Farmers. gi.rdnei s and o..rvmn eci-d 1 j,flu ti,nit. r r, so.i. b,noant ra.Mai. (TiiJil H(mi t( rf ,,,., on our- Lm -t-e,u m tre'n tn ut, Ewi j m .ut , v a. . ht iv. iruu i v ' t- v rv.. ir iM.u cju., i'uiui L Mic Mia ari. FARM.- -"None bettr on earth: hifhr mijxved 1M acr-. ra anylhu.f. 141 cher deeded harcaiu. Writ ua GiUiam rtaJt Co.. Uiiliam. Ma average to per are. irue lor pig price uau Muliaui Creaa. vlri.t City. Mo WHAT doe a name mean? If you want to know Juat try c t?rnn randiea. 11 Mr . Brunlng Mi No. iC.n St.. wi.l come to Tl Bee oitice w,thin three Cioi w will give her an ordr lor a -cexit boi j uv ... fTTOP: Don't go a nep farther thaa tOLig.aa county, dowa in th beautiful Oaarka, raiae anth.r.g. corn to m huh- e.a per acre, a.l other crop tn proporrion . cbeaoert rood land i.ii tarth. gf. to 1 W per bxtb. Fre inforniailon. brosa Real Hriau c.. FOR BALE Finest farm la Leavenworth county, broacdus farm of i-A arre. 1H nuie from Fort Leavenworth. fc. brick residence. bM 4&-year-oi w a nuts susar mapi trees, natural gas two telephones fre delivery, I1 mi.ff from (Santa kt sta tion: examine premlsn and wrt Mrs J. L Klrby. Hi Felix t?t- e-t. Joseph. Mo MISS'T'VRl frm. scree; t-room bouse. barn: WO aera weat, i. acre corn; level, back dirt: I tnlle railroad. acra Chaa. E. Hurkstep Realty Co.. Elsuerry, Ma 0-ACRE farm, all cultivated: fine boue. barn, fence". first-Ciass condition; f.n spring water; I mile from town. m.ies from railroad pout heart Misaouii immi gration Co., Piedmont. Mo. HOW much fine farm stock, fruit ard timber land, well watered, do you want in the beautiful Gzarks? No moequltos or malaria: X) to Tv.Wio acre in Texas and Wrirht counties: Si to M an acr. near railroads. Good a I15P Tllinnl land Write for list. W. F. Carroll. Mountain Grove. Ma Maataaa. WHOLESALE TRACTS TN MONTANA, the coming farm state, til B0 to IJG per ere. Writ for dcr.ption. Shaw A Clark Land Co. Hackney Bldg.. Bt, Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Bitter Root Vaney, XX acres fin fruit land: old water right: best sec tion of tb valley; fin proposition tor sub division; fair buildings; easy Uitni Ad dress owner. L. O. Lewis. Sievensvlij. Mori S20-ACRE homestead retlnqulsbment for sale; also on bote); on bakery; on gen eral stor: on saloon; on teed store. Ad dress Charles F. Brown. Oalata. Mont- BUT AT RTEX5ATE. MONT. Tber an honest opportnnlty for you to DOI BLE TOUR MONET In a few year by buy ntr our Musselhell valley land at RTEGATE. MONT. Cther ar making bir money why not you? acre sola since 1W and over i.KW acres slno Febru ary. li.W acres to choose from at n to 430 per sere One-third down, balance In five equal annual Installments at per cent INVESTIGATE AT ONCE Low fares on 1st and M Tuesdays. Illustrated folder free. end for it. Lrre local arents wanted tn Iowa Lib eral commiswons to h tinier. Agency ap plications sofcited Writ n todav. WHEELOCK or WHEELOCX. Land Owner. Room 1. Wstklns Blflg . Fargo. K. V 1100 CASH 160 MONTHLT Pay for a ten-acre tract cf gilt-edred orchard land of th Bitter Root Valley Irrtratlon company, which win provide an tneotn for life f from g200 to gSft per year Rewldent and nonresident plns HUSH-GRAPE LA VP fALEMEN WANTED FOR ILLINOIS INDIAN MICHIGAN WTPCWVeiV IOWA. KAN SAS. MISSOTOt. VEPRP1TA AND MIN- NFrOTA. BIO OPPORTUNITT FOR I-TVE WIRES. Address Rxbert F Lemon, General Bale Manarer. Suite 806, First National Bank Btrlidlnr. Chlcaro. THE GREAT jmiTH BASIN. Fergus county. Montana, yields forty to fifty bushel cf wheat t-er acr yearly with out Irrigation. Don't hesitate to go right out there now snd see the great eropa Get our map and fact Tou can buy our lands now on th easy payment plan. Please look us rjp and then come to see us. Wm. H Brown, Corner Msdleon and La Palle Sis., Chicago, or Hobaon, Montana. Webraaba. 25 Miles Omaha Out on main lln Burtlnrton to Lincoln. I miles to large town. Improved quarter at a very attractive prioe; t-r. boua, well kept: larg bam. room for all your stock. Kntrano ta high taMment direct from pasture. Barn is new. and corn crtba, granary, etc. are 'J you could ask. About la ncres are divided Into big com and best of small grain, balance Is excellent Pas ture with running creek and plenty of shade. Not low land, but high with genu roil. Owner asks tl2 per acre, but terms ar such that either investor or renter caa Write when we ma meet you. If own Omaha residence up to B.wiiG. send description. It might Interest owner. O K-KEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Mii Omaha National Omaha. Neb. FINE Mo-acrs ranch. 12 miles from town. I (..-antra tame nay, Ssisrio sud nay and pasture t acres level, balano sugbuy ruiiing, heavy black soil, two fioaing a el, irroua buua. barn, granary and chicken bous; taiepbon; aula to srhofti. i iiis is aa esoepuunauy tin ranoa auu a nap. Vv il ell on easy term. Oeorg Av Coillns, owner. Atkinson. Neb. I WANT to Bell t of best eighties ot land In NebraakA. Mill tak modem car ot 4b bora poaer In part peymenL K- F. bt LI iter. Norfolk, Nebraaaa. l.ltkl-ACRE tarm 7 mile southeast Bas sett. Rock county, Nebraska: w acre tn com this year, larg acreag in timothy and ciover. good set ox imprvexuenta price. tJLa per acr. one-third caaa, bai- aao easy term at per cent. CARL TENNIS. SB F LAT. Bldg.. bioux City, la FOR BALE Fin Oto county farm; fair Improvement: level land, at 7tt per acra Address Box Vi. David City. Neb. 444 ACRES improved, deeded; a star do ing good busmesa. tiS.BAi, bait caaa. V a-ker 4k Co Brandeis TbasAar Bidg 1 ACRES ia Chaa eouaty, Nebraska; 11 mile south of a.; if takea soon wij tak t-l-i as svere; tnia Is a good quarter section and can all b farmed; win tak a good 11 or 111 euioowbiia en th seal and carry tn tiaxnra F. A- Garland, c hen ton. Ia AW ACRES 4 miles out from Crawford. Kk) acres of fin alfalfa, a.1 under Imtv tion. 74 acres more under plow and 144) acres ruur can be Irrigated. Hav tmgujoii system aitb plenty of water. Small bouse, larg barn, ehada, corraia. etc Larg lake, all stocked aitb trout. FMily Muuv a orth of improvement ea thla plana. It s v great bit bargain at the pric I have, 4714 per acta. Terms te suit you. Arab L, H ungertord. CTaarora, eo. ONE of tb fines l farms la Rlcblaad county, eoaaiating of JaV acres c good, productive land. oln-x.g Wyadmere, Fin rg buikUtLga lots f fruit, aios grv and a ver-f ,ilng flowing wall. Pne ti-'M per acr aad easy terma. Marcn Pauisoa I at. 4 Cw Wyadmera. KortJk Day-kola- FOR SaLBV Aa exorpUonaaJy fin Is. 4 mlies of oievatar, six mlies of Wyndaser. good, heavy bmck soil. Wild Riee nvwr threugb pastara. Pin aw bulldiaga, well of excelieat water, windmill eta.; 4S par acra This is a snap. Lack Baa li. Wyadmera. Kurtb Dakota. FOR S A LB Or trade US acres la Story count) ; ail la rultiratioa; ewwar has moved saay and must sell. Address Wkuard John. Muakosea. OkL REMEMBER H take tmt e tew etrehes e b ar as tata tkat yoa sew tb -al" ta Tb Be. Ta advertiaer waau te kaets. REAL ESTATE F4RM tU H4 H l U FOR M1K K acre. mu. from trwr; re. mod- em houee. t-n. tenerrent: pear prune. '. ariri. 1 ,,.ur. tree KwitTiM. a Ki ate'. ..r wnl .i W ae '' 'i m.prpi etnerta 1 rxec'.tai ion v- Cited C H Wetwter The l'a .e. ur, - ' ton Fir.e Pcj ad. f.uae Ue,. n"f ii Prt.r pine Write lor i .tlcir-Tt : on quuklv. Marl'uffe 1 imo: t lon.and. at Wijd. keetb Carallaa. LA NT'P-ll'V per cre ma'e r-cwinc ftr tor jreserves on the I nd crcha"-ds on easy n.oatr ,y pa met.ts Sea lrland Or tljird Company, Char.eston. " C Saath Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA LAM FOR SALE We have a list cl Lcmirai cojrtv land for a at from li? and up per acr If inteieMei write us for particular and we wij send cur prices and packet map II jou c n land :n s-' uth Iakota. list It with ua Crur motto ia "A Sqvar Iiea) to Buyer and Seller ' G:v us a ct anc to prove our statement Hasvoid Land Ca.. Mine. Edmunds county. South Iakota WILL xcr.nre choice farm land near Pierre, th caftal rf South I'kota- fnr rood Iowa .r Nebraska land. What have you to offer West Land Co. Pierre, a p - A CXL plunge In Lake Mar.awa will overcoro that h-' feellnr. If Charles Oron. , 2 Caldwell St . will come to Th Be i omc within trree cays we will give htm pair of rovhd-trtp tickets to Lake Manawa. 40"-ACRE corn farm, out from loux Fa: s excl!er.t 'miToveroerts larr rrove snd frtut; all tn cultivation: price for quirk sale. ; easy terms; aiso ;-4C well im proved. eay terms, and li cre unim proved. 7 ! nre barralns f'ir quick sale R. A. Silvius. owner, Eioux Falls. R. D 10 ACRES IN DE7"EL CO.. S D Cost to tb Minnesota line; hesry black c II : ciay subsoil; lies very level and all under cultivation Kurt be sold within TO cas to close an estate- Half of this year s crop roes with the price, KB per acre. easy term; . wi9 handle it and It is a sran. No gravel, no stone, no foul weed Address v. . r. MoGea, La Preston, a. D. ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair improvement". Price. If. W0. Equity. fl.eflO. Alaska Real Estate Co., Alaaka. S. V. FOR SALE .Section good raw land all fenced: good flowing well: t miles from Piax.kir.rton. E. D. For particulars writ J. E O Mallcy. PliiBp. S. D- Texas. FORCED SALE To clos partnership; 700 acre hards ood timt-er land; living water; JP acres secr.nd bottom land; 71. ere cultlvsted. Lie on both sine of rotton Belt Ry.. Ii mfle from Maiakoff. Tex. Rails ay w!tch mile A bargain at JS: pric. tli per acr. H. C. Vanda veer. Athens. Tex Ft'R SALE Rlxteen-wcra Improved farm t Aliine. Tex., U mile from Houston Good road. All under cultivation. Fine fur and oranre land. Mrs. M. B. Stafford, owner. Aldlne. Tex. TEXAS LANDS I have some wonder fullv ttractiv price for home-Beeker and investor I handle barg-ams only. Wrt your exact want. D. E. Hirsch fleld. Waco Tex 78 ACRE FnnT and truck farm, 115 cash balance monthly; no Interest; no taxes W. S. Jones. 414 Brandeis Theatre. TEXAS land. DO Bee Bldg. D. U1X SPECIAL snap in Texas Golf Coast land. Tom Ay re Land Co.. Brandeis Theatre. Wasslagtea IRRIGATED WASHINGTON FRUIT LANItS Raw alfalfa and orchard tract; water now on land, with permanent water rlrhts; Hi per acre; easy term: writ Moses Lake Land and Irrigation Co., ' W7 Leary Bidg.. Seattle. Wash Wyemlag. WRITE this company for Information about Cekeville and western Wyoming op portunities HEUTT REAL ESTATE CO.. Cokeville. Wyo . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange properties of merit. H H. Culver. I2-lt O. N. B. Bldg. Douglas 746, LIST your exchanges with Jones, Brandeis Theater. 414 I HANDLE exchange everywhere For eault see me. Dean. 17 Be Bldg. D. 12& FOR SALE OR TRADE Residence property in K astir. g. Neb. Address Lock Box IX. WUcox, Neb. EXCHANGE for what you want. Shopen V C E Chang Experts. Paxton Bik es CHOICE farms. In Madison and ad joining counties, for sal or trad for aTtM-k of goods or income property. F. L JONES LAND CO., Winters. Ia. TRADE Eastern Nebraska farms for Omaha lnoom property. Nicholas, 414 Brandeis Theatre. FOR a dainty dessert us DaJreH's 1- cream. If Mr. Hoge, TIT Pacific Bt, will com to Th Be office withta thre davs we will rive her aa order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loan and warrants. Farnam bmith 4k Co.. IHfe Far nam bt. W. GARVIN BROS.. d floor N. T. Ltfa taO ts tlisxdUO oa improved property. No delay. OMAHA Property and Nebraska Landa O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. UM New Omaha Nauonai Bank bulidlav MONET TO LOAN Pay ua Investxoent Co. LOANS to bom owner and Bom build er with privilege of making partial pay ment semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS. aSl First National Bank Bidg. CHEAP MONET. Representing th Peas Mutual Llf Ia rvranc company, wnb assets of over SLT. 1 sm prepared to aocept all th god loan effered on Improved Omaha real estata Business and riaenoe tiaa man ithout de. THOMAS BRENNAN, City National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. 410t to 4i4.0W mads promptly. P. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 1Mb and Farnam Sta CJTT and farm. JOHN N. PRENZER. LOW RATES. BEM1S-CARLBERG. CO, tifr-ni Brandeis Theater Bldg WANTED FARM LOANS, vestment Company. Omaha. Kloke la- 5. CI A CM city and farm property. W. .5Ar. M El K LE. hk-tx Bldg. TAILORING LADIES and Gents' Tallortr.g, McLeland. 1M4 Sherman Ava WANTED-TO BORROW WANT to borrow 4B oa second mort gage loan. Win pay good rats and pay oa principal interest monthly. C . Bea WANTED TO BUY BEiT pric paid for 4d band furaitur carpet, clotning aad aboaa. Tsl D IiTl WANTEDSITUATIONS MAN want position en farm, America , caa give refereacea P-eE7. Bea WORK Need assist anew good education; machinist, bouer. painters b per. eievator aparator, add Jobs not refused. aV-saa. Bea. WANTED PosiOae as sasaamaa by young man of 14 Litt experience aad willing te work. Anawer at onoa P si. Bea, WANTED A position by lady a care taker f - children. J kSL. Bee. (.nlit.ufd OlTfM. WANTED SITUATIONS tCor.thnB-d I TCVNa rin rf 1 wm lke f"" f Biiraftt lr1"W trlrrtmr or i.'utd I'ke lo t li 10 aorr Bdvert.F'rr aTir '. - rn and a ckI worker d ' Be ,"r,T ,, ' T, , . .... . M.T I-LK -AdHi ornun want to care n ! . uir.r.i p m it. u . , i1.1-!!. .,1, ,m M rm IL .-arah Ft.iK.a. (oun.U HlufTa. la i .iii.rnTi.-;vf ,i . ADVERTISING mhcer ictv ; manecer ir-tv and mail 1 :.-al at.iht. with thorough order of except lo kne ixige of window deoo-at on and w.rd ; anting, ould Iik to connect itb ti:tt rraJe re' 1 or wh.-iia e. tb : Kn-t.t j C'n aha reference Address M " Be WANTED Sweeping and dusting mend tr.g or ironing ly the hour. Phone A-W TOUNG man ..: ',d steady Job. will lr.g to work W -.. Bee. WANT El A jKiMion a rrnerai repair man with l-arty who ha a fair sired lit of bouse. Wl;i attend to painting par-erlng cartnterlr.g. etc. Pboii Webeter EiiH. or aodiess K HC Be. WANTED General housework Koreans. Address. P. O. Box MA. So. Cmiha. Neb. COLORED woman Wt osier M34. wants dy work. COLLEGE man wishes position in store. Best of reference. C F7S. Bee. WANTEI Portion as salefman by young nan of lk. Lttti exj-erience a-id willing to work. Answer at once. F K. Bee Turv.-i mn r.f n Twnion as aindow trimmer or would like to get in some advertis'r.r arency Will ing to lsm and a good worker G. STJ". Bee P-R1GHT younr man f If. want clerical position. Oterte typewriter and is quits at f.gure AVouid Ilk a pt.on with chance for advanoement. Not afraid of work. H m. Bee. BUSINESS sants to work for board and room. 1 bore Harney 4141, A FIRST -CLAPS busbelman warts a po sition; stranger In the c.ty. E gii. Bee.- PilfitTUiV . . .a mtmnrm- WltllriS- to work. P IM. "Bee. ' - LADT want work cf any kind. Re D r. 1 WANTED By a sober. Industrious Bin steady work of any kind, must be steady. Phtia A -aw. LADT desire stenographic or clerical po sition. Addressing envelope, etc Hub a day. F-H74 Bee WOMAN want place a housekeeper on farm pear Omaha; small wage. G K77, Bee, j A TOt'NG man with three years of trb- nical training in civil englneerinr desires j a position tn his line Phone Red 277, or i write W. T.. JSU2 St. Mary's An. WASHING WANTED Harney Cl. GOVERNMENT NOTICES GOVERNMENT SALE INDIAN LANDS Absolute Tine Given The una!lott.d laiids of the Cboctaw and Chickakaw Nations of the Five Civiuxe-i Trites in ck'.ahoma. and n i Including the c.-aj and timber st-green-uoti will le soid at public auction ui tr, highest bidder at the loiiowlng terms, tim-s and places at cot less than the minimum pre stated in the advertisement: Orady county. Chickasha. 6- tracts. I710 acre. No ember I. I 4, Stephens county, Duncan, TS- tract, d I0 acres; November . 7. V. Jefferson county. Ryan. 7e tracts, 4!- acrea. November . ). 11: Lov county. Marlett, K;4 tract. XK acre. Novemtier 1. 14. li ti: Carter county. Ardmore. 1.174 tracts. HS.aflO acre November 17. Ik. SO. Tl ZZ. Z3; Murray county, Sulpnur. U tracts, v(A acre. Novemlier 14. ti : Garvin county. Pauls VaLey. 3:i tiacts a.in4i acroa. No vmber 17, 2; McClain county. Puree 11. 2tt tracts. 14 6' acre. Ieoerober 1. I; Pon totoc county, Ada fci tracts, 4n.3' ac-ea, IecemtH-r 4. t. t. Johnson county. Tisho mingo, W4 tracts. !! 3i acres Lecember 7. S. if. Marshall county. Mad: 11. 278 tract ls.liie acrea. December 11; Bryan county. Inn-ant, tracta. ati.K acre Deremtier 12, 11. Atoka county. Atoka, l.i tracta. V-T .--7 i".T Iecember Hd. 111. 22; Hughe county, Cslvin. 47 tract. 5.7 acres. Iecemhr K6. 27 Pittsburg county. McAlerter. 1CK tracta, acrea. L-ecemtier 2e. If, SO. lMil. Janu ary l. 2; Haskell county, Stigler. 41k tracta, Su acres. Jaauary I 4: Latimer county. Wli burton, 1M Uacta, UOUb acrea January l: Leflore county, Poteau. 275 trac;. a.tnO acre. January t; puar.mataiia nounty, Antlers. Ml tracta C2.0LV acre. January K. . 10; Choctaw county, Hug.j. if,1 tracta. 7..r0(i acre January 11. 12. 11; McCurxain county, Idabel, 77k tracts, acres, Janu ary IS. It. 17. . 1102- Not roor than l0 acres of agricultural and 4 acre of other lands will b sold to one jrson In any one nation. Agricultural lands are those hav ing a minimum valuation of tkflO or reior per acre Term are 2S 7r cent at the time of sale. 25 per cent in twelve months and 40 per cent in two years, with 4 per cent Interest. Payment must be made In the form of draft or oertifb-d check, pay able to J. G. Wright. Commissioner. UjKin full payment being made at any time deed will Issue Immediately after approval of aale certificate of purchase will issue and possession be given, bet cutting of timber or drilling er mining for mineral thereon will not be permitted until full payment of purchase prioe. Right Is reserved to retert any or all bids For information apply to the Commissioner to the Five Civilised Tribes. Muskogee. Oklahoma, or any of the District Agents as to lands within them reepectlv districts. Lists of these lands have been prepared bv coun ties, showing tb terms of sale, the de scription of th various tract and mini mum price. It will be lmnracacabl to furnish each inquirer all cf these lists and It is surgested thai persons desiring such Information specify the locality la which they are Interested B!u jrinta of th various counties, showing th location of th land te be wold, will be furnished upon appHcatioa to the underslcned upon the lyment of 4.b for each county, in the form of draft or postal monev order. J. O WRIGHT. Commissioner to th Fie Civil lxed Tribes. Muskogee, Oklahoma, is-S-uat L Wi. RAILWAY TIME CARD BarllaartaB Statlai lOtb aai Msmi, arltasTteai Depart- Arrlv. Denver ft California. ..a 4 H pm a 4 45 pm Puget Sound Expreas...a 4 HI pm a 4 45 pm Neorask points .A 4.30 am a 10 pm Black KI'.j a 4 i pm a I 44 pm Lincoln MaQ bl tOpm all 15 pm Northwest Express ail 15 pm t 7 W km Nebraska jxiints a 4:20 am af.lupm Nebraska Express a l li am a 4 10 pm unooin iocai B m am Schuvler-Piattamoutb ..b 4-6 pm bl am Lincoln Local -a 7Ab pm a Ti I'm Piattamouth-lowa a 4 lk era af:b0am Beilevue-Plattsmouth! i pra a I il pm Chicago Special a T 14 am all:15 pm Iirnver S;ciai all tS pm e7:m Chicago Expiess a 4 ls pm a I 55 pm Chicago Fast Express . a t .M pm a 00 am loss Lock a I It am alii. to am reston Oa Local b 1 SO pra bin 45 am St. Louis Expree a 4 30 pm all :41. am K C. A St. Joseph -! 45 pm a 4 45 am K- C. A St. Joseph a s.ii am a ijk pm K. C dt St. Joaapb a 4 pm rSION STATlO-i Teatb aad ataawa. rateaae A Sankwesiers NORTH BOUND. Tsln C3ty Express ... a 7 45 am alO 90 pm Sioux City Local a t 45 pm ill pm M:nn. A Dakota Ex.. ..a 7 m pra a r 15 m Twin City Limned I.ii tm a7.J0am Minnesota Express all.-uu am EA.ST&OUN D. Carroll Local a 7 a am a 4 14 pm I-aj light Ctucag a 7 is am alO pm CtiicAgo Local aUiki pm air- pin Colorado-Chicago a 4 10 pm a l a pm Chicago Specs! a 4 id pm a 4 4 am Pacific Coat -Chicago.. a 5 pm a I 2k pm Loa Angeles I imlled ..IHI pra a IS SO pm Overland Limited a C ji, pm a k li am Carroll Local -a 4 0 pm elf ' am Fast Mail i pm a I 35 pm CeOar Kaplda. Sioux City A Cmalia a 1 pm Centennial Stat Urn . 1 4 am 11. M pm W EST BO UN D- Loag Pin all -o am Norfolk-Ialas a til am alO 15 pm Laag Ptne-Llncola. a 2 U pm a 5 M) ptn HaftJnr-Superior b t 15 pm b 4 SO m Iieadaood-Hot &prtr.gA t it pm a 5 pm Caper-Landrr -a 4 55 pra all - p Frem oat-AiUoa b 4 .3k pm b 1M pra Cbteaeta Great wetlsra Ckicag Limited a 4 E pr Twin city Limited a 4 t5 pea a 7 41 am 7 wia City Express. .. a 4 aa a4.opm Chicago cxpreaa a I 44 km 40S pm hi, . , oatlaeed. t ala Farlfi fn Tar. f-Uri4 I. I) -n a 7 .,...... i .... r u m . r,m f t. ; A, . ' a 4f ero ITtacn Fiprea ' 1 r" 1w Al!,.w Urrlied i'I n a rm il-eiver Sj-wl a 7 ti a " V a-n Crntennlal Male Special: S" t m a:: S am Kc-ao Kpra a 7 ' fm Kf 1 arri f r-tti !(t,Br, f v r-n ' s-i M7 41 pm h 1 pm ,u lx lla -ati M-omtu-a lxal C car'' Ft pre a '' m a t r p"i a ' pm os m b 7 a-n jm a -V set a ") am a 7 sm all M pm ! W p-n fhni LiTtteJ v r-n -St Pwl Fx Minn -St. Paul Ltd Sdlaeoarl Pwrlfle K C k St L r, K C A St 1. Ex . Cblrwe. R k Island A Par Hie FAST P.orky Mcunt!n Ltd alf am alf F rn Tl.e Mou-italreer a 4; ra a 7 41. sra (maha lay Express s 4 pm Ct.lcsgo Pas . ! am llf 1 pit Chlrr Ex;ir-n . ... a 4 V pm a 1 M' pm Ies M"tne Locsl Psss a 4 77 pm a!7 7J pm Chicaro-Nebraska l.U a pm a 7 47 am WEST. The Mountaineer a am ate an Loral l ass to Lincoln a S am Colo-Cal Express a I :5 pm ilm ('kl A Tex Express a i 00 pra all 4i am Chi -Neb Ltd Unjoin ( K pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. a)P 4f pm alT.M) am fblrac. Mllniakee A Bt. rial Overland Lmlte. .. Cimaha-Chicayo Ex... 1 erry L.-ckl Ccio -v al. Expr-s ... Colorado S;vikl Perry Local WSkiik "miha-St. Ixuls Ex. . a 7 V pm . b 7 if. am ..a C ;. am . a - pm . a 7 47 am . b L .li pm :11 am 11 pm I S5 pm r am U- pm f pm a 15 am a 7 Oi am a'.l U pm Val knd Expre'-s Stanb y Lcl ifrom C.B ib :( pm blO.lS are Webster Staties -llb and Webstar. Mis erl Pad fie Arrive Tsepart b pra am Paal. Mlaiaeapella A Auburn Local.., t blew go, St. Oasaba . TVpart. Arrive. . . . b ! .!! pm bit pm f r pm c ar, rm b f 4" sm .. b J. i pm b B10 am Sunday. c Sunday 'Sioux City Express. 1 Omaha L"C1 Stonx '"it v I'a'S Tsln City pasy. ETners'.n iocs. b daily, excej-t ,cn;y. iai daily WOULD GlYE CITY HOSPITAL CevnC il it Offered Building for That Purpose by Anna Wilson. PAE.K B0AE.D CAXT PAY PEEKIUM Cwmptrwller Held I Isiirasre Pay. aeats A therlred by Baaid Cwaaw ell Certifies Levy for Hrwraat Rental Jwdarsaeate. An emergency hospital for Omaha, situ ated near the polio station, win be do nated by Anna Wilson If the city will ac- cept th terms of her orfer. made last nlgM to the city council. The property In ques tion is a three-story brick structure on Douglas street, east cf Tenth street- The lot has 146 feet froctare and th buffdmg is in good repair. Niss Wilson offer to advance 4WW for Immediate repairs and asks that the city give her a rental of 4725 a month during her Ufa At her death, by contract, the ownership of the property will pass unincumbered to the city. She asks, s lso. freedom from taxes on it after th dty begin to u It. Th matter when brought up in the council was not dis cussed and will be taken tip la committee of the whole next Monday afternoon. Health Commissioner Council said tn re- ' rard to tb need ot such a bowpltal: 'Omaha Is sadly in need cf Just such in Institution, and this building Is In aa Ideal location. Nearly all cf the serious acci dents In the city happen downtown and an emergency hospital of any use most be downtown. This building could prob ably be well adapted." Tb members rf the council seemed inclined to look favor ably upon the proposition. Mere Is prove Keats for Dewalaa. In response to requests from representa tive of the Omaha club and tie motorists of the dty the intersection of Twentieth street with Douglas street will be included In th Improvement of Douglas street. It was cot Included In ths original plan of improving Douglas from Sixteenth to Twen tieth, but as it win be one bad spot other sis, the plans were changed. Csagi ve's Rallagr A ppe-aled frwaa. Aa argument between Comptroller Cns grov and ths perk board over th au thority of that body was referred te the dty council in the claim of II. K. Palmer A Son for Insurance premiums. The law. as the comptroller Interprets It. gives the board power to make purchases of mors than 450 only when bids are asked through public advertisement. Tb board aseerred that the Insurance premium was en re newal, but ths comptroller insisted that it ehould bar bees advertised. Th coun cil will take the matter up through the finance committee. Comptroller Co grove objected also te a Mil from James Wnelaa and tbs Omaha Rendering and Peed company for rental of garber wagons. Tn teams aad driv er tor garbag service were hired from the companies by the city at 4114 a month apiece. The wagons used were th prop erty of the eompanlea. but after some weeks' Berrice were purchased -at fall price, t: with nut running gears, by tb city. Wheian and the feed company eent in a bill for 4724 for the use of ths wagons before tb purchase was made aad Cos rrove refused to pay It- This also was re ferred to the finance committee. Eaarlaeer Claims Daaaagrew. Prank Hynelt, formerly aa e&gaaeer to th city ball, mad claim tor 42 oto for Injuries ht says he received two year ago. Hynek was hurt In an ex plow, on of gas In the effio of th Board of Fir and Polio Commissioner. H left th dty's employ at that time and has mad no claims for damages heretofore. H dec-art that bis eyesight was permanently lxjured. Thomas J. Pyan. street comm. leal oner, was granted tae wet' leave of absence The amount of the recent water rental Judgment which th city was manda-' mussed to pay, 424.164 .12. was certified (or levy. Contracts with James Wheian fur re moval of gar bag and with Herman bchaidt for th removal of dead animals were approved. A meeuhg of tb couacil will be be-d Wednesday morning a a board of equalization and Thursday bight a es-eeial ceeting will be called t cearaae the vote oa th water bonds. W1LUAM BURKE IS DISCHARGED talesakeeser 4 Alkrsed te Have Re. reived Fr barbs at Flear W kkrb Had See ftlelea. Tbs charge cf reoelvlnc stolen property against William Burke, proprietor ot a saloon at 213 North Tenth street, was dismissed by Pelice Juflye Craaford Tues day mornir.g. the evldtno being Insuf ficient. Burks was alleged te have re ceived four sacks of flour from A lor. so Lockhart. a aegra, who was bald te th district court for breaking aad entering and eieallr.g tb flour. Tber was nothing to show that Burks reocved the Dour or intended to, though tb aegra. w hen ar rested,, was about to d-siie of the plunder to tb aaiooa maa. RAILWAY TIME CARD c