WANT ADS Mailt ads received at any time, but to inttiio proper rlo.titinration must lr present oU before 12 o'clock m. for Ilia evenliiK edition anl before 7:30 for morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hours ill have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN embalmer. 1CH Chicago St. UNDER TAKtH, D. 1009, -Bit.. MONEY TO U)AN-I,OW HATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. i'hona Do us 23u4. UNION LOAN CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES KodcUs and tamerus. The best develop !iig mid flnHhlng in tho city. MKGEATH STATION KRY CO., Photo Department lrtb and Farnam flu. OFFICE STATIONERY KOTIU'.A & LEA It Y CO., Tel. Dougius l.stO. Alter Ausiibl 1st ill. 8. loth St ED. ltOTIIEK Y CSr. 2 cigar?. Cufe in cunucrtion, lit S. 14th St 'LYnintosr EPn?isgIND REPAIR WORK. 1701 Jackion Bt. D. UT1. 1.000 letterhead! (good bond paper) 1 000 Estimate and sample furnished. Other printing. Tlrard Printing Co., Omaha Com. College Bldg., 19th and Karnam. lied 6666. SMOKE COSTELLO'S Omaha Cut Plug. 606 N. 16th St .Ms,V YORK'S latent success talking mo tion pictures. Jewel theater, 16th and Douglas, one week. BVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien I", because he has made Omaha famous with his candy, if M. H. Halvera, 1218 No Wtii St., will come to The Bee office within threo iayn we will give hlni an order for u 60-cent box free. YI.S, the NEBRAS'C SUSPENDER Ml ti. CO., OMAHA. K;u, makes the best 'coatleas" suspender tto be worn under ti.e shirt when you wear belt). Insist on ceding "Tho Nebraska." If your merchant ct.n't supply you send 60 cents and we will fc.-nd you a pair direct by mall, postpaid. TWENTY pet uent lean than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., ftventy-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha. Louie Ahko, best Chinese cafe. 1417 Doug. OI7R LKTTER liiinllpBHnir ,!, I. relied. A trial vlll convince -you. Both phones. Westcs uplicatlng Co., 400 Bee Bldg. BOYDEN w korln and pump work. " Thonr Webster 1988. W. E. WEIiCH, Pre Foods. No. 1 48-lb. sack very bent flour, $1.25; 2-3 lbs. ftranu lated sugar,. $1, with each 16 purchase of groceries. 24th and Farnam. .MRS. CHARLES HUNOATE. china firing. 870 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Webster 67. ELASTIC Stockings, Supporters and Bandages. Stock always new, because we ell so many. Trusses fitted. Everything guaranteed. W. O. Cleveland Drug Co., the large Surgical Supply house, 1410-12 Harney St. U. S. RESTAURANT, beat lBo and 20c meals prepared. 1510 Dodge. CHOP 8uey, Chinese and American dishes. Tel. Ind. A-1352. 1313 Douglas. HAMILTON CAFE. Mrs. Fullaway. 24th and Farnam. GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. 118, Red 2177. B. F. WURN. Brandela Bldg. eyeglass repairing. 443 THIEU Cut Price Tailoring. 71 South 16th. EMIL GANZ CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. 801 Brown Block. Tel Doug. 7483. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., lfiOO',4 Farnam. Ind. A-3821; Douglas 4760. We do picture Framing and Glasing. SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on Paint. Glass. Varnishes and Wall Paper. WILLOW SPRINGS beer, liquor, clgara, sandwiches. ALEX JETES, 1302 Douglas. DRINK Grandma's Wild Cherry Phos phate, tonlo and blood purifier; better and cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. 10c. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 641. PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department stores; moBt select stock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 8. 16th St. Phones Douglas '1094, Independent A-2051. LADIES' and gents' shine parlor, 220 8. 16th St 8. I r. Colo Sign Co. D. t76tL 1316 Farnam. HOI? nON'he magazine man. 2423 S. vjxiiV7iMMth omaha. When your magazines expire call Douglas 7163. - Steamllttlng; repair work. Call Ind. B-1773 MAGGARD Van & (Storage. Pack, move, tore and ship H. H. goods. D. 1406; B-Wa TheNew Elk Hotel. Now open, all outside rooms, 3oc and SOo by day; week. 33 up. 817 N. 16th. D. 7237. W. 6. Heatnn. American furnaces. H. SMS. OMAHA Furniture Repair Works. D. 2481. YOU'LL alwavs be happy If your wedding ring comes from Brodegaard's. 114 8. 16th St At the aign of the cruwn. COAT and PA NTH to order, 317.60. Mao-Carthy-Wilton Ta!orlng Co., 304 8. 16t.h St hZ. ROWE, WELL BORING. Benson 245. DAVJIJ COLE CSKAJIEKY COMPANY. TAKE a boat ride at Iake Manawa. We will give a pair of round-trip tickets to J. A. Tilton. 2434 Seward St., If he will come to The Bee office wtlhln three days. Casady Co., S. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa IJUY ND SELLMor,,;a'"; lJ O-Wiite fire Insurance. BEAUTIFUL Concordia park. 69th and Center. HKST bracer for m?n. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 per box, prepaid. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Plumbing hardware. G. A. Hill, 116 N. 40. EAT KOSHKR HOME COOKING ARKINS. 316 8. lLth. UPSTAIRS. Missouri Filter Mfg. Co.. 112 8. 14. D. 4714. BAUER'S CAFE, best in city. 216 8. 18th. VINCENT CAFE-Best 260 meal, extra Sunday dinner. 1.0 S. 19th. PENNELL, Millinery. It 3. Paxton Block. DOUGLAS CAFE, 106 8. 14. best 20o meal. J. A. ANDERSON, Life Ins.. 206 McCague. SCHMARSE, hat factory, cleaning, re pairing. 1630 California St New England bakery. Beat lunch. 212 N 16 HEAFEY HEAFEY moved to 26U Far nam. BARTON E laundry; cleaning and press. Ing. liO Capitol avenue. JEAN GILBERT JONES piano studio; Pavldgo block. Leschetlzky method. ATTORNEYS GEOROE W. SHIELDS, attorney. Prandels theater. (36 AUTOMOBILES H0NKHSH0NK HERE'S THK BEST PLACB IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND, ISth and Harney St a. MW and M-band auto. Dcrtgbt, Omaha, AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) 'WRITE for ltt of second-hand auto mobllea. Pome exceptional bargains In run abouts and flve-passcneer cars. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. Murphy Did It REPAIRING. PAINTING. TRIMMING. FIVE-PASSENOER Midland, good order, PAX). 2515 Leavenworth. NEW ERA auto cycle: five H. P. ; nearly new, for sale cheap. Address Box 66, Madi son. Neb. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND AtTTOMfirtTT.TS- Wavcrly $ 2S0 Velio ! ATiO Pope Toledo 7fio Stoddard Dayton 1 ! :m Stoddard Dayton 1,250 Stoddard Iayton 1,2ii0 Stoddard Dayton ! ! 900 Stoddard Dayton !......! 900 Stoddard limousine 2 200 Locomobile 2.200 J. J. DERIGIIT & CO., 1818 Farnam St. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE WARDROBE, 201C FARNAM. Doug. 1729. 14 horse-power rune bout, tlon. Cheap. O 860, Bee. Good condl- BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business, call on G ANGST KAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 2367. FOR SALE First-class millinery buninaaa id eated In live county seat in central Ne- oraska. rersonai reasons for selling. Business perfectly satisfactory. Ex ceptionally good terms if taken at once. Inquire Box 74. St. Paul. Neb. LISTEN! A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Great chances to make fortunes are too often lost because men fall to Investigate. A new, fresh, clean, fine paying business, one that hasn't been worked tn death and worn threadbare, one you handle without being pushed and crowded, one in which you have all the say; absolutely exclusive; takes little to carry on; experience un necessary; can be handled bv an Individual or a company; fine for Incorporating; an inaepenaent lortiine can De maue out of it Address B 872, Bee. 36,000 DRUG stock in 1.600 population centra'. Nebraska town; 312.0UO yearly busi ness. No trade considered. Don't write unless you mean business. Address, T 103. Bee. DENTIST, DOCTOR. A good dentist, also a good physician, would do well to locate in new "Pullman Building," next to Burlington station; very desirable location tor south of viaduct bus iness. IMPERIAL INVESTMENT CO., Pullman Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1616. A BARGAIN. A good clean stock of groceries, ahoaa and gents' furnishings for sale In a good town in Loup Valley. Crops never looked better in this locality. Will take a little trade. Good, reason for selling. Box 691. Scotia, Neb. THE best treat for wife and baby is a dish of Daizell's Ice cream. If Mrs. J. H. Mechley, 1231 8. 7th St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. HAVE one of the largest bodies of rich gold and copper, well opened up, that exist in Arizona. I am here to try and Interest capital enough to build a large concentrat ing mill on the property. For particulars address J. O. Goodwin, Omaha, care Hotel Home. ttnn QAT.irnAirv conniatJiiff nf 22 pavi 6 horses, route and wagons; will sell all or part ti zm. FOR SALE Stock of groceries and variety goods. Address Y 114 care of Omaha Dally Be. FOR SALE A paying Jewelry atore, easy payments. Address Y 118 care of Bee. GROCERY and variety store stock and fixtures, with or without property. Reason for selling, bad health. Address, L 8b3, Be. AM HERE from Chicago looking for a man to take charge of Nebraska and ap point agents for the dairy filter and strainer, milked Into at the barn, 3350 re quired. Do not answer unless you have that amount and want to get into business: 32U0 monthly. H 870, Bee. A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer will carrr a 16-word eltvulfl Ad. Into ft million homeo ouo tlmo (uijr daj) la on tiro list: Boiton Horald, Buffalo Expreeo. Boltlmoro Nwi, Byrocuo. Hormld, PltUburg Dlspotch, .Now Haven Loader, Bt. Lou it aiobo-Dom.. Wuhlnium Pout, Milwaukee Free Preaa, Cincinnati Enquirer. . Minenapolla Tribune, Jjetroit Free Pren, Kocheater Democrat. Omaha Boo, Providence Tribune, Cleveland Loader, Deo Moines R. fc Loader Denver Republican, Ban Francisco Chronicle Atlanta Constitution, Dalle- News. Cb lcago Record Herald, Indlanapolia Newa, Kansas uiir journal. GIVE THIS LIST A TRIAL. Pocket Guide Free Kudolph Guenther, mg"iw&o Kefuvaoe Any publication en this list. FOR SALE Barber outfit, the only one shop in town. Address N. H. Wlebe, Mal colm, Neb. I FOR SALE Five-year lease and furnish ings of best paying hotel in South Dakota; modern and up-to-date. The Turner, Cen tervtlle, a D. Rooming; House tor Sale. GREAT BARGAIN, eight-room roomtna bouse, good location for boarders. Web ster 4191. CHIROPODISTS MONHKIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. tt Nat Bit., D. 1331 DETECTIVES Inc.. bonded. 44s- Paxton Blk. D. UU9. A-liil CAPT. T. COR1UCK. 617 KAHBACH Blk. Titfira ATT .WM A V...III. MaaI, T31.hha Tyler 1U6 or A-2767. 16th and Harney. ZACK ELL18. Both phones. K Neville blk. DENTISTS BAILEY 4k MACH. 3d floor Paxton. D. lUba. DR. KLOPP, lCtb and Locust. W. 1476. DR. ALBERT A. CRANDELL. 613 Bee. Bell phone, D. 4942. DRAINAGE J. J. STUBBS, room 416. First Nat. bank. LOTS surveyed. Bruce Standeven, Be Bldg. DRESSMAKING Terry's Dressmaking College. 30th 4k Far. Mattlson. Modlst. Doug. 4601 1416 8. lotk. FIRST class, reasonable. Web. 3911 FiKS T-CLAtS dre&smaking. 648 8. 26 Ave. DR8liMAi;iNn tR2t farnim. Hlran WOLFF, ladles' tailoring. 630 621 Bee Bldg. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL UARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. (193; 816 8. 14th. POTH ELECTRIC CO.. repairing dye uos and luuiois specialty. 13. 6W7. BECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynumoe, inotoia and repair. L Brou. 313 S. 12th bt. Douglas !7S. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN Bl'SINESS COL LKGb. t';n new bulldiaj; all bualm biauvhes iaui;'u. Our graduates are In de Maud. Lmer at any limo Cntt our catalog. MOSI1KK A LAMPMAN 17ta aud FartuuB bta Omaha. TP TO TUTU3 SITUATIONS WANTED if lilLalLj SERVANT GIRLS The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. EDUCATIONAL (Continued.) Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE Is Now Open. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANT DAT. Omaha's largest and most successful Com mercial College. Business, Bookkeeping, bienoKraphy, Telegraphy, Civil Service and balesmanKiiip. The catalogue is free. Ad dress 11. B. Uovles. President. Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CTJR.TATNS laundered, ssuj tUXl.AlXl0 Dewey Ave. Tel. H. 1198. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers. 2336 8. Uth. D. 66tie. WILLOW PLUMES made from old and new feathers. 1963 & 11th. R. Sokolof. T.. I -TTTFBV 113g ITmrnun. Hamati IU1A Ladles' tailor.' Now ready for fall season. M. 8ELICOW, 2S66 Farnam. Harney 2047. ICE Cream, 30c quart. Sts. 41st and Hamilton FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001, A-10UL HESS & 8WOBODA. 141S Farnam Bt I- 1IENDKRSON. 1519 Farnam. D. lna FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS .TV fi TAr A Telephone today to Don t W ait j?.aev y0orurh.uTa,ce steam or hot water beater cleaned and rexdv for fall use OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORK 8. U06-8 Douglas St. Doualaa 940, A-362L Furnaces set repaired. Haberstroh. H.2971 HELP WANTED FEMALE AsTats mad Saleawosaem. WANTED Experienced canvassers; good salary or commission. Deposit required on goods; sells fast Gaa Stove Asbestos Mantle. Manager, 2707 Dodge street Tele phone Harney 66S4. Clerical and Office. Bookkeeper, thoroughly experienced, good penman. $76-890. Stenographer, fire insurance. 363. Bookkeeper, wholesale. 360. Stenographer, real estate, 375. Stenographer, wholesale produce. 266. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHAND At your home or office. Unigraph Co.. P. O. Box 888, Omaha- Stenographer, wholesale commission, S6. Bookeeper, Insurance, 376. Stenographer, wholesale, 370. Billing clerk, 346. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO-1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aa Trades. GIRL to learn halrdresalng. block. 18 Paxtoa GIRLS to learn hair dressliur. o r non- helm Parlors. Prices very reasonable. Hotel and Restaorauit. CHAMBERMAID, Carey Hotel; 18th and Howard. Housekeepers amd Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM 60LVED The Bee will run your Domestic Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1U00. DESIRABLE women between 18 and 40 years of age, residents of Nebraska, wish ing general hospital, laundry or dining room work may find good employment by addressing Lock Box A. Ingleside, Neb. COOK or kitchen helper, las. Ust and Doug- WANTED A girl to work for muslo les sons and small wages. Webster 4208. GOOD girl for housework. 422 So. 18th St. WANTED An experienced caretaker at the Creche, 1824 Harney. EXPERIENCED glri for general house work In family of two. Apply Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm, 401 S. SSth St. WHEN you spend your money spend It for the best there is. If Mrs. H. Saunders 1402 No. 26th SL, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. WANTED Competent second girl, W. W. Marah, 806 Pine. Mrs. GIRL for general housework. Three in family. Mrs. A. E. Merrltt, 8236 Harney Bt. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to take care home; small family; no washing. Apply Mrs. Wolf, 436 Paxton Bldg. "WANTED Danish or Swedish working housekeeper in family of two. Apply even ings, loll & 29th St. M. F. Thomas Mlaoellaneoas. TOTJNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and Kth St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places urn n,KA,4ilA B 1. 1 , u '1 T . w . L- , . . . . . . . v. ... ..,uw - . " . . twi trav elers' aid at the Union station. A LITTLE spare time each day from now until August 19 will pay you well in com missions in addition to winning one of the prises in The Bee's "Ad Getter" contest. Call on or writ Be Want Tad Edltur. Omaha Bee. WANTED Two younir lad lea tn tr. v.i with a r&pnlval' watlirht nr.. ,e pounds. Experience unnecessary. Address Tom Hughes, Red Oak, la., August 3. HELP WANTED MALE- Aceatta, Salesoaea aad Solicitors. AGENTS Wantea at ono. first clue proposition; big cemrotaslou. Writ today, bartleas supply Co., Brown Block, Otuaaa, Mb. WANTED IMMIGRATION AGENTS to interest parties In Irrigated fruit land, will aiviao commission equally, writ at. A. Snyder, Ciltlon, Colo. WANTED Reliable first class salesman to sell Central British Columbia farm lands along the Grand Trunk Pacifio Railway now under construction. We pay big com missions, also advertising and office ex pense. Excellent opportunity to establish permanent connections with largest land company la British Columbia. Send refer ences with applications to North Coast Land Company, Limited, 4UMU-411 Winch Building, Vancouver, B. C WANTED Stock salesman. Man of ability can earn $6,000 this season. Write Immediately If you want this position. Ad dress. Y 101. Bee. SALESMAN for city, w. quick Selling specialty; glv reference. Address A 671, care Bee. WHY work for wage when you can make from $76 to $luu a week selling the New Era Rope Machine, makes stronger and better rope, out of binding twine at less than the price vou can buy It for at the atore. K. W. Day. Bole Agent 738 Brandela Tbeau Bldg., Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Coatlaaed. I WANT a man to sell an old line life Insurance special policy In Iowa. Salary and commission, The Western Mutual Life insurance company. Home office: Coun cil Bluffs, lewa. Clerical I aud Office. Ledger clerk. 3'S0. Typewriter salesman, salary and com mission. Stenographer, out of city. 366. Bookkeeper, experienced. 3ti6. Shipping clerk, experienced. 8Z. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. factory and Traues. Drug Btores(snasa).Joba. BLnlest. Bee Bids. WANTED All around blacksmith; must be a good horseshoer. Steady job tor right man. Tea i-amry, i,enox, la. A GENERAL butcher . of good appear ance who can speak German. Apply at ain and laateiiur st-s. LEARN barber trade. Tuition $16.00. Special class. Western Barber Institute, itn ana uoage. - i Mlscellaweoas. FOUND Faultness Cleaning works, suits steam pressed, 60c 113 S. 16th. D. 884. WANTED Men to prepare for positions now waiting at top wages. Learn the bar ber trade. Thousands have become success tul shop owners by our system and send to us for barbers. Few weeks qualifies. No dull season. No strikes. Cash every Sat-. urday night. Commission and tips in add! tion to wages amount to more than most mechanics earn. Tools given. Apply per sonally or from country by mail. Molar Barber College, 110 So. 14th Bt. LAKE MANAWA is the coolest place to be found, if j. Aroniooid, ltus M. zttn St.. will com to The Bee office within three days we will give him a pair of round- trip tickets to Leice Manawa. S7TVERAL young men Omaha or vicin ity ti fit for RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, POST OFFICE CLERKS AND LETTER CARRIERS. Salary $60 to 376. Pro motion. Address P. O. Box 763, Chicago. U.S. 3100 MONTH AUTOlNG. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE, WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; largest and best equipped shops, in at i auio Training ass n, Omaha, MeD. RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel ana street neip. jiuu Davenport. WANTED Slngl man. salary $5 day; experience unnecessary, steady work. 3200 requireo, una uoage su, itoom u. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and eggs, 100. Coffee. John, 1404 Dodge St WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerks in government ornces at Washington, Omaha, Neb., examinations during Septem ber. $M month. Annual vacations. Thou sands of appointments comlnr. Candidate coached free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 218 it, itocnesier, n. I. LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Melcher, Livery. Feed, 1616 Leavenworth LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uorscs mma Vefclcles. AEEYOU BUGGY WISE? Answer us by coming In and baying an open or top BUGGY at less than factory cost. A dozen Special Buggy and Car riage bargains. These are medium-priced vehicles. If you want a fine high grade Buggy talk with us. We've got 'em. but not at half price. See DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. FOR SALE All kiuds of good horsea 318 N. Cat 81 'Phone Douglaa fruuO. ONE good light work horse, $36. W. 6182. DRAFT TEAM, wagon and harness: 3300. Webster 866. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rlgntrui owner, tin uougiaa 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST In Omaha, dull wrought silver belt pin with large rose colored set. Liberal reward. Mrs. G. E. Draper, Concourse Inn, Exoelslor Springs, Mo. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. notice"to all If you were positive that our rates and terms war the best in the olty, wouldn't it pay you to see us when you need money? A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convince you that this Is the place to borrow. $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $60 loan for fifty weeks. Other payments in the same pro portion. If you need money write or phone State Mortgage Loan Co. R-12 Arlington Block. I'M1, Dodge St Phones Douglas 2466, Ind. A-Woo. MONEYI MONEY!! WHY BE WITHOUT MONETT when It can be obtained of us on your FURNITURE, PIANO, WAREHOUSE re ceipt, fixtures, stores, building, horses, wagons or. In fact, anything of value. Also advanced to anyone holding a steady SALARIED position. Rates lowest. Terms easiest Confidential and quick. . RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 3UJ Paxton Blk. 217 8. 16th Bt Phone Doug. 1411 and A-14U. CHATTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 320 Be Bldg. Doug. 1366; A-1366. MONEY loaned salaried people, vomit keeping bouse and others, without security; easy payments. Office In 67 principal cities. Tolman, 601 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., for merly N. Y. U Bldg. W. a FLATAUephr.KR.dBtr DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 MOVING, STORAGE. CLEANING EXPRESSMAN 8 DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing: fireproof storage. City office. 316 8. 17th. Doug. 34; Ind. B-Uil FERRIN, Moving fit'g. Tyler 1300:B-17ML OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO, cleans lour carpets on your fltors; electrte vacuum cleaners, toi H. 16th; M 8. 1VU. Doug. 414. MOVING, STORING CLEANING (Continued.) VERNOIl TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., fireproof storage, household goods, pianos and bagKage moved, parked and ehlpped. Warehouse, lfxis Burt St. Tvler 1118. Office. 7th and Leavenworth. D :'1&8 MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES REMBRANDT studio. IS per cent count on Portraits. July and August ds- FRANC1S POTTER, teacher of mando lin, guitar and banjo. Baidrige Blk. TeL Doug. 8863. Muslo lessons. 2824 Farnam. Phone H. 1817 OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Hooma. LARGE, nicely furnished room: best board; private family; West Farnam. Call Harney 46. or two oeauiuuuy located rooms wun irauro; warning aisiance; large yard. shade trees, veranoa. etc. An Ideal place IVI auiUlllN. VQ D iOlU ATI, J. M. E. haul uui.lu. U. fill. A-261L MODERN furnished room with first-class ouaru, near tnree-minuie car service, or warning uiaiaiice. ruuna Harney 33fev. NICE rooms; 1809 Chicago St home cooking, modern. rn.jii urmsnea parlor room, with nuine i mining , an moaern nom lmnrve- . T ... ,1 f . II it: 11 LO. ,uuki cu THs HARNEY; horn cooking, ney. . 2323 Har- Varalabed Roema. TWO furnished rooms. TeL Webster 6871 2618 N. 20th St 2126 DOUGLAS Two newly furnished rooms; strictly modern; clean, cool rooms shady lawn and porch. Gentlemen pre (erred. Phone Tyler 1228. TWO rooms, all modern, good location, private family; gentleman preferred. Phon DKWBY Kuropeaa Hotel. Ilia a Karn-. NICELY furnished 2006 St. Mary's Ave. room, all modern. NICELY furnished room In good locality; all modern conveniences; refined home for lady employed. 220 N. 23d St Tel. Red 4232 BOME good close in rooms for voun, mo or man and wife. $2 to 35. 218 N. 18th St TWO modern furnished rooms, facing south. 2206 Douglas. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; whit porcelain bath tub. 101 a 26th St NICELY furnished room, modern, eleo tiio light; $10 per month; 2664 Douglas St Phone Harney 1667. ou 412 N. 22d, a large-area room; yard and shade; neat and cozy; rent reasonable references given and required. NICELY furnished, cool rooms, 1707 Dodge St WELL-FURNISH ED rooms; modern. 101 CALL AT 614 N. 23D If you need a lar?. airy front room, modern, close In. Beat reference. LIGHT and airy; nicely furnished; easy walking distance; modem; references. 220 No. 26th St. Red 7046. ROOM with breakfast D. 1462. 1911 CASS BT., light and cool, for ona two people. 2412 Dodge St, elegantly furnished smith front double parlors; cool and modern: nn. other large south front room. 1616 S. 10th St; large, cool, well furnished room, suitaDie for two; bath and phone. Breakfast If desired. . 1 OR 3 nicely furnished front mnme main floor, complete tor housekeeping, 2ul8 uaveupurb dl. NICELY furnixhed room. 1816 Chicago. Phone Ind. B-2M6. FURNISHED complete, gas for cooklnr. Phone in rooms. 1302 Douglas. D. 72J0 A-1786. 7025 S. 17th St. light housekeeping rooma au wuuei u. ELEGANT furnished room in flrat-rlasa location, with private family. Bath, hot and cold water, gas and electric light; tele phone and walking distance. Call 2826 Chi cago st, or 'pnone llarney 6036. TWO LARGE front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; ail modern. 2221 wiius avo. web. 1660. FRONT and back parlors, modern. 1818 CUlcago. COOL front parlor: also other cool rooms; reasonable; 1V4 blocks from post office. 1814 Dodge. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern. with couple; good neighborhood; walking distance. 'Phon H 4983. - NICELY furnished room for gentlemen private family; Majestic apartments; South front; up-to-date hot and cold water bath references tequlred. Price reasonable. Telephone Webster 1223. FURNISHED rooms, $L60 to $3. 1623 Dodge. NICE front room, walking distance; new, modern. Gentlemen only. Phone Harney 68a. 2702 FARNAM Modern, up-to-date rooms, summer rates. Tel. Harney 2673. PARLOR bedroom, modern, elegantly furnished. 2046 Dodge. NICELY furnished rooms. 714 S. 17th Ave. MODERN furnished rooms. . 612 S. 18th St 2223 Dodge; south room. modern; home cooking. THE HARVARD. modern rooms. 24th and Farnam. Hotels aad A part meats. NTCELT FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13 tn St DO DO It HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all cool utslde rooms; special week rate. OXFORD snd Arcade, special wkl'y rats. THE ATLANTIC Hotel. 140 Cssa St Ogden Hotel tf?2v fa.,k.RooM DREXEL hotel. Nice rms. Mod. 614 N. 16. EAGLE hotel; rooms, day or week. . 13th. 606 -V- faratahed H oases. FURNISHED HOME CLOSE IN Very detilrabl furnished home, to rent: everything that Is wanted In a home; rea sonable rent. GALLAGHER ft NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Neb. POUR-ROOM modei-a apartmvnt; fur nished. Webstar 4468. Aparttaeata aad Flats. FIVE room, steam nested flat. The I Dunsany. lxh and Plerc Sts.. $26 00. Ap- I ply ku Brandeia Taaaler MaM. Doualas I IbV I OFFERED FOR RENT Apartmeata aad Flats itlnaed. 6-ROOM apartmenis. completely modern. Pcmgo Hldx., bg. Omaha, above kX N. Hih. llios. F. Hall. 4UI Kainge. D. A-4o. FINE five-room apartment on West Far nam street; heat, phades, g.is stove and janitor service; very choice. JOHN W. liOUBlNS. l0i FARNAM ST. ItfKkB-nothing Uk (at ail luoueia. it N. i li 4 1 or 21 St. 8 rouS IHHfc-h, BU six-rvuiu tlais. Iftth anu t elibtvr. Aiarus B!.' FOR RliNi Kenwood Terrace, MM Har ney, modern, V ivoiiiu, newly unisnrd, tile bath mill wsubuie. 1 Irst c!as tnruutdi out. Relerencc. Key next door, Harney. FOR RENT 6-room modern flat, newly papered. K.Jepsou; botii phones. JcuJcuin 6 ROOMS, modern except heat, (18. Owner pays water. U4U is. imh bt. $27.60206 S. 30TH, o-room modern flat; gas range, window shades; uevwy uecoruted, ll& a f. Jjin, rooms, moaern except beat; water paid. WALK 11 REAL ESTATE CO., 872 75 BiaiiUfis Kldg. Doug. A-S305. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is, because he hue made Omaha latnous with his canuy. If Mrs. George Keitiiiuel 2t3t Hamilton St.. will come to i lie Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a (W-cent box of O Urlen s candy free. 668 S. 26TH AVE. 641 S. 2th St. Lower 6 rooms in St Louis flat PHONE DOUGLAS 646L HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. FINE eight-room modern flat, 30th and Pacific. Wright & Lasbury, 606 So. 16th. Phone D. 162. APARTMENTS in Collin's block, 2S60 2668 Cuming St.; four-room modern apart ments, wltii private bath, gas range in kttohen, gas and electric light; to put in steam beat In the fall; to only small fami lies; from 314 to ix THOS. W. HAZKN, McCague Block. 'Phone D 1300. Farntaaed HoueUeepln iloonas. TWO modern housekeplng rooms, fur nished. Call 2:30 or 6 p. m. Walking dis tance. 6-ui J-.evenworin bu WALKING distance, car one block, fin lyocatlon. Must see to appreciate. With or without piano, no objection to muslo or practice. iNewiy papered, furnace heat, gas, nice bath, plenty hot and Ice water, both phones. $18. 2oti3 St. Mary's Ave. TWO nicely furnished, rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. FOUR completely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Desirable neighborhood. To couple without children. References re quired. 366 No. 4oth bt TWO desirable close In rooms for light nouseaeeping. o.ou. &ib n. win. WELL furnished modern housekeeping rooms. 256 St. Mary's Ave. Red 4300. 2 OR 8 nice rooms for light housekeep ing; modern. 1618 Webster St Three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, with bath and go. iwXi Douglaa St. TWO suites of strictly modern furnished housekeeping rooms, desirable neighbor hood; easy walking distance. Price reason able. 660 S. 26th Ave. Phone Harney 147L tJufurnlabed Ilooma. FIVE ROOMS, on second floor, modern excep.t heat, one block from car. Adults only: only two in owner's family. Apply 704 So. 80th street " 7 Houses and Cottages. 260$ MAPLE ST., five rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $22.60. Hall Distributor Co.. A -4406. D. 7406. ' 7-ROOM modern house, 602 North 82d St. $26. Phon Douglas 816. DOUBLE house. 1313-1316 South 32d 81 six rooms on each side, 330 each. Tela phone Douglas 4040. $3 MONTHLY rents a good piano. Hospo Co., 1613 Douglaa St Kjja. vaa m oiurage .. pacsa,moves,stor' auuaenuiu iouup. nreproor. siorags; 304 Itth. Branch. a 6. liiu. Tel. u. i4. A -11 Benson Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 16D6 cuf ooutn join, ta a montii; ail uiuusro. ruuiiia. leiepnoue uougiaa imu. E1GHT-KOOU house, modern, at 111 m Htn et.,- on w. rarntir-uuiiiiw ilea Tel. Harney 8361 or Douglas 644. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; ciieii ueigui rates; muviiig ana storing. Expressmeu's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 314, Lity OLiice. no d. 11 ta at., nee liug. FOR a dainty dessert use Daizell's ice cream. 11 Mrs. Ji. M. Carrol, N. W. Cor. ISth and Cass St.. will come to The Bee ornce within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. UNEQUALLED. central. 1-room houae, 00 N. 33d. OMAHA Express Co., 416 N. 17th. D. 3364, SEVEN-ROOM modern house, in rood condition; large corner lot and shade trees; lent axd. 10V4 ujuu ou jiyviy ibis lauirop 01. x ei, Houses. Ins. Ring wait Brandels Th. Bldg. Houses In all parts of the eit Crelgh Sons Co., Be Bldg. 672 8. 28TH ST. Eight rooms, completely modern, $36. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramae 1 1 1 .1 .. T-1 W.All . . . . dug. muiica uuuaiR, iwu, 1UU, A-440tt. FOR RENT Excellent 6-room flat. 614 No. 22d St, 322.00; good neighborhood! fine view. Tel owner. Red 6264. TWO 6-roora cottages, beautlfuly located. 718 and 721 So. 87th St Webster 2690. 6-room moaern rouse, vacant Aug. l; house nearly new and well located; cement siaewaias anu vavca nireei. nan n. zgtb St $26. FIVE-ROOM house, 2547 Reea St., mod ern except heat Sundblad. 'Phon Red FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern, $15. 3U3 IN. Zitn Ave. irnone vveDster bbUi. 6-ROOM modem; combination fixtures. 1913 Charles. 'Phone Harney 1104. 6-ROOM modern cottage, near Farnam line. 2740 8. 9th. Phone Harney 1660. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; near car line, big lot; good neighborhood; located at 2066 N 18th St Get key next door south. Look It over and telephone Harney 1609. 340401 S. 42d. 8 rooms, strictly modern. 1 blocks to Famam car. WALKUP REAL ESTATE CO.. 872-76 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 2698, A-3365. SPECIAL. FARNAM LINE Eight-room and hall, modern, deco rated, well kept, lawn, trees, fixtures to suit, fireplace, east front, one block to Farnam and Fortieth line, close to cathedral and best homes. Lease at 140, maybe less to right party. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016, Omaha Nat'l. Doug, or A-2162. tores aad Offices. FOR RENT Store in new "Pullman building," next to Burlington statUn; a very desirable looatlon for millinery and dressmaking or hardware, notions, novel. ties or other business to catch out-of-town and south of viaduct trade. IMPERIAL INVESTMENT CO., Pullman Building. Tel. Doug. 1616. al 1808 d 1818 Farnam 81 Tel. Har. 241 8TORE rooms for rent 2209 Cumin r. Call Douglas 6aS9. TWO offices. 3d floor Crelehton block: also store at 114 8. 16th Bt. Alfred Thomas. Agent J First Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR best grocery and meat market ia City, with fixtures; a snap . 1U0 N. iOd. DESIRABLE offices In th Wead Bids-.. 16th and Farnam. SPLENDID layout of offices In "Pull- man Building,' next to B. ec M. staUon. I ltntals moderate. i m rn.niA 1. invr.ainc.-vr '.. 1 Pullman Bidg., Tel. Douglaa liU. OFFERED FOR RENT k j2 Stores and Of Hers CtitlaJd McCAOUE 1U7ILDING 18th ami DodKe Sts, oppoilt New Union Pacific lle.-ulcjuartera. Desirable offices tor rent rmodjitns; snd decorating Just completed, ta moderate, service complete. Apply OMAHA LOAN HUILD1NU ASS'N 1st Floor. FOR RKNT-Good room suitable for store room or manufacturing purposes. Inquire Anchor Fence Co.. :W N. 17th 8t. ""TAKE a boat rldo at t.nke Manawa. W will alve a ralr of round-trip tickets to Henry Vartsen, 2438 Charlis Ht., If he will come to The Bee office within three days. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnlture, FURNITURE of four-room sparTurKt. Will sell all or part Apt. 8, The Sterling, Phone Doug. 7613. Typewriters. BUT an L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swanson Co., Distributer. 13lf Far nam St. TYPEWRITERS. Hot weatlier prices Remlnrton. $12; Bmlth Premier. $20. Oliver, 126; Under wood, $40; L C. Smith, $40; Monarch, $40; Jewett, $10; Chicago, $6; Den 8 more, $12; Fox, $15. Larse clock to select from. Full guarantee. B. F. 8WAKSO.N COM 1316 Farnam St.. City. RENT an Oliver typewriter from's juver lyiiiwuiw v-v. liouiiu zvik, SMITH PREMIER models. No. 1 or No. 4 tn excellent condition, rented three months for five aoiiars. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO., 19th and Douglaa Musical laatrameats. FT NTT; unrlght piano, good condition. sonable, leaving city. Tel. Douglas 6817. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes .all sises and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply CO., uiu r urnam bt FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead trm world In cheap bar fixtures. Easy .ymenti. Btunswlck-lialke-Coliender. 407 So. loth. K1X-KOUT bookkeepers desk, oak tui-. Ish, for sal at $10.00. Apply George Ji. Wright. Ktee Publishing Co. CHICAGO Upholstering A Mattress Wka. We sell mattresjes retail, wholesale prices; ten. furn. repairs; 2d hand furniture bought and sold; mattresses and springs mads over. Ind. F-1446. 2617 N. St, So. Onialnu AT a bargain, 12 second-hnnd Wheel-r and Wilson and Singer sewing machines, l'lione Harney 1360. New and second-hand safes. 1818 Farnam. KINDLING WOOD t?freadryw $3.60, delivered to any part of city. Wocni 130X anu I'acaaKB -u. weuster kxjh. FOR SALE A good organ, In fine condi tion; also a good iron bed, springs and mat tress; will sell cheap. CaJI at 2320 No. 28th Ave., or phone Webster 2603. SIT A VINOS nlce ana f,ne- b's- lvaJ o-oxj-n. v Aixtjo Uvere,a to any 1)art of c(t $3, vvuuuen dui anu 1'ae uo. eD. own. PRIMO vacuum ice cream freezers. 4T3 Ptixton. 1 OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. 308-9 Brandcis Theater Katheryn Nikolas. 634-6 Brandels Theatg PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red-7117. WILLARD EDDY, Solicitor. 1530 City Nat'l. Bank. Tyler 1630; Ind. A-1S64. HIRAM A. STURGIS, reg. attorney, 6-X Brandeis Theater Bids. Douglas 3469. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPY massage treat ment, rheumatism. Dr. Margaret iial loran, 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 7761. Open after 6. TO F. W. Z. of Chlcsgo. home at one. Hurry. Kiiu. Wally com Dr. Burke, Chronic Disease, Omaha, Neb. f A QSJ A flW Bath, salt and aromatlo iiLtlOOXVIi-i treatment Mme. Allen of natlo a. en vVr z Chicago. 7Goa. 109 8. lUU St., first floor. TT AAfPflO treatments. Mrs. Steele, ex- peri oper 1 r. iw a. , . nth. 1 ft MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing better for rheumatism. Ladles, 31; gentle men, $1.60. Apt. 2, 1802 Farnam. Doug. WJ.l,. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Youti Women's Christian association building u( Seventeenth St. and bt Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at th Union station. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue tree. Sherman 4V, Mo-' Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalzell'l cream. It Mrs. Stave Stevenson. 2611 Ht.. will coma to The fiea off ion wlfnin three days we will give "her an order for a quart brick of this tine Ice cream.' $25.00 REWARD The above reward will be paid by th sheriff of Cheyenne county for th arrest and detention of Henry Handley who left his home near Dalton Neb., July 6, 1911, and was last heard of from Kearney, Neb., where he sent a letter to his wife. From. tone of letter it Is evident that he has uva Wit id if. become mentally unbalanced and his wants him detained. He is a small man, blue eyes, blind one eye. weight sdoui vib pounds. 40 years old; wore wnen iai seen. Drown pants with belt, new green shoes. Wire any Information, collect, to 3. W. McDanlel, Sheriff, Sidney, Neb. KK'CA flP TREATMENT. Mrs. 8 lU2ii3tcuiJlw a 17, h 2d floor, room h JAMES COllR ELECTRIC COMPANY moved to 203 S. ISth St Douglas 1311. STRICTLY private confinement home. We find homes for babies where mothers are not able to care fur them. 2618 Daven port THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing. In fact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to th worthy poor." Call 'phon Douglas 4126 and wagons will call. HINDOO Strengthen. TABLETS will build, brace, 60c. BELL DRUG CO. MAGNETIC L"!6": S 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdish Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. MASSAGE Swedish movements: excellent for rheumatism, nervous and kindred alU ments; treatments, $1.00. Drs. B. Prltibe- now and Harriet L. Joy, Suit 401 War Blk., 8u9 S. 16th St Tel. Douglaa 17&6. MASSAGE, Rittenhouse. 80S Old Boston Bid. MRS. SNYDER. Swedish massage, baths. raiHator and vibrator treatment. The DuAsany, Flat 3. 10th and Pierce. D. ilia W7E RENT and repair all kinds of sew' Ing machines. Ind. A-1063; Douglas 16ti3, is.urtAH.A uTt.j.rc CO., 16lh and Harney Sts. ADEXJGHT hair food grows hair. Mma. Frayer, Megeath Sta. Co., 16th and Farna.ni. . -a WHEN answering advertisements fouiTl in the Want Ad columns, please memlonV The Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK WANTED To sell 211 doves for 36. CaU Harney 4276. PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer BEE BLDG, ENTRANCE ON CO UK I PHONE IND. A-2620 for maeiA nrintin. I Lyngstad Printing Co.. loth Capitol Ave. Ring - HALL Pig. Co lot t. 14th. lad, A-4t2a I t 1 J 1