Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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Best Mm re.
aUastrl rasa Barreen .arraaasa.
BicklaaoB for district lualss. adv.
Tfr Coaaty Otort, rrank. Dewer, Ac
tt . Hliltr-Kornwly of Miller. f Ir
an at fcieenoa, t a ltepufcitoan Candidate
tor County Treasurer.
nee Mm a metlne; of
tbs Nebraska Aasovhulon n Loca rirt In
t surancs Agenta la scheduled for rhuredaj
afternoon. Tha meeting will beiieM at ths
Omaha Field dub.
IMvorese Oraatsa T,r aivnreea
weTe granted in dlntrtet coi.rt Wefnef1iy:
. Torter F. Johnson from Armenia N. John
, ma, Bmtm A. Arma frm William H.
Arma. and Mary K. 8'4jth from Charles
. Sire's.
f Xawavd TJsee a Ma'a-Jerry Howard has
j a moat pleblan vehicle In whtrn he 1
working his campn. He takea a real
democratic emble'jn wUh him In the ahape
t Missouri amis, hitched to aa sld
I fashioned charbt from whkh he booata
, bjs campaign tor sheriff,
f arflara aTntar Saloon A burglar en
, tired the saloon of 8. tK Pop, North
Twentieth street by prying- open a baae
'4 ment wltajow and stole $10 from the caA
rtgbner, Home titna Tuesday night r
Wednesday morning. The burglary waatrs-JH-fit
to the police by rope.
T A. Balph, TrtBtar. Try biro. Til its
Seeklna; msaraxt Boy Qore V. Gross
man, a lfi-year-old. lad. of Boswocth, Ma., la
being looked for In Omaha. Qrossmaa dis
appeared from horns July S and has not
been seen sines. It Is thought ba came
to this city. He la fiva- feci six lnchea
In height, weight 13e pounds, light "brown
hair, brown eyes, with a mjar over one eye.
Iasolontaxy Bastes- PstltlMk An In
voluntary petition for bankruptcy was
filed against John A lam of Winnebago,
Neb., by tie Fqunojit Milling company,
Fremont Saddlery evmpany and tha Parlor
Furnltars and MaAresa company of Fre
mont, la the federal csurt Wednesday
moraine Tha petitioners allegw tbat A I am
is Indebted to the amount of 143,000.
Oo Saa OoW May Will Pspper.
V ran da Pepper and vTallacs Gary, three
Detroit. Mlf.ti,. boys who have bean work
in at the Union station, Omaha tha last
year, left Omaha Wednesday for a two
weeks' 'vacation. They elected te return
Patroit aa spen a tew days there
and a-mtch Cobb and Crawford line out
honsa runs what tbs team returned home.
Vnaeral ef C K. Cartes The funeral
'of C. H. Carter will be held Thursday
'morning at 1 'slock from tha realdenee
at WJU Bouth Talrty-sesand street Inter
BKt.c will be For eat Lawa cemetery. The
honorary pallbearers will be H. J. Lea. E.
M, ndrsesen, W. M. Glass, J. Clarke Colt,
A. Lk Tiro ma, and I A. Elua, Active pail
bearers. O. B. Daks. C. E. Dunn. Waldo
A. Smith, Thee. W. Baumer, J. L Hasktns,
Arnold Anderson.
ua Wk Coaf esses U Paroled Tha
sentence of six months In the, county Jail
Imposed: epoa Clifton H. A II no last week
0"e brekln and entering charge. ' wa
set aside by Judge Eat el la Wednesday
moaning In district eaurt and the young
'f. wm given a parole. He was paroled
taJa. M. Roman of Sua Dav nrwirr trsaas
sa pleaded guilty to-, stealing a watch
from a room tn the boarding Irmiee at
Kigbteenth and C&aa atreeta. It was hla
flrat offense.
Parts of Nebraska '
, Get Good Showers
South Platte Country ia the Principal
Beneficiary of the Bain of
' Tuesday Higtt,
Southwestern Xebrajtka received- rain hi
snowers Tuesday night, the beavlan pre- i
cipltation being at Republican, St. Francis j
j u tain i
was recorded. The rals over this part of ;
the Bt-ile hju r.een grenerikl It. tK W.w i w :
irioitffh It has fallerr in very light !
shJW-rs in must of. Uie counties. Red j
Cloud, Republican and along th Burling-;
ton Hne to Wlironvtlle, the rain has aver-
aged tn inch. 1'ollo-Aicg la th report of
Tuesday night:.
Repuhllran 50 r.afayette
t. rrancis Cui-tts
Holyoko -rir:ing
Ught raina felt at:
Bcrketman, Sheridan,
Kckiey. t.1 armuat. ahoe. Crow Agency,
lit rndoa, ArvMa,
OxJurd, Ksuiu.-y.
Norton. ICcrih la4ts
L'i'tou, to Korby.
Offers Surety
Bond, but is Refused
County Attorney lasiits So-Called
Automaniac Be Held m Sura ef
of Five Hundred Dollars.
Arthur K. !
1 G. Xi-Qilrcm. aUorciy (h-
wtio Is arr-urr-t -t havtrtif stolea fuar !
.jiiobili a. apuaarml tk-fr.r JuiTkp Estclli ,
in'ttiMtrtat coust WadiMuaay mural ns il ta . , , , . .
. . . , Tke pMrs have bTi aakrd to search fer
effort tn g tmnA for hia i4inc Wln i . . , . .
,, , , . ' , i hem. Tl?s boys ttl honia Tuesday morn-
was held, In ths mm of JZM an e:cll of rvro I . . , , , . .. .. . .
., t . , !ns, and It la probable thui they are by
complaints. Hs aatdi that a Hater of tha,,w . ,h ...u,.
jd man would b able to furnish tl I
JntiK'e- Estelt- nM that uador aa cuxiuu
tanea conlil hs accrpt rnrrtr bonds and
at tha raquvat ot Caunty Attorney Knh'sh
h pUcort the bumnt at apiece,
will probably lit Jail.
M. Mfl.nm. Anunrn tftat KaUti
stains Mt (io VT7k l'r-ir t
5tok of Oods.
, t: boat the iveik'ht or other reffula-
f H. Melan of Llaculn. deputy atate ' Uno. However. C. C. Trouce, baBa-
ford inspector, is hi the city visittns; th ' master at the BurllnKtun statiwa In Omaha,
wholcstti Krecrrs. Mr. Mclaa anaouocas ! admits that a new oa waa prang In this
that tha rubber atami may- be net ro'dty Wertnejfday.
mark tha weight or mca.-ure of grKd aolt. j
but that after th i'K-asat npiiiy ic ;
inaoH of wkdtfsuem wU: b ietreu t
have printed litt-.- deKigviatinv nelgnt or
measure aad Uw mut be placed su all i
BSMtda a;d ta Xebranka. i
Two Masks- Ilea Iluld l fe-.lsrtaa
oi DmIii tst sad Vasue 1U
His :wMn,
C. F. McLAaghllB .11 Cumlaf stroet,
encjuntered a racs ol thaga Tuetday
night at Nineteenth and Dtnlca streets. '
luiijx wars aiasaea. en earriea a club j
1 in etner a revolver, wtia wnivk tkey
trauaded Sf cjui,hr!n to give ua aaont
tnd a cold watch.
Jt DnO
iet iraa Ryan Prefer I
Tkclr Caaea ta Over to tke
ntxlcl Caasl.
Charles Roave4T an John ftvan, who
csisjtiw ut taa sti os soomag in
ol am. rf. a. larsnn. cv turning)
eat. waived prvfimhvvry esaanraat'oa
Wtdnaadar. sad tkey were buand ta anawor
to th dfcstrirt eaurk 7b Cartoon, stars b
tb uaa tscantl buneV
"Mayor Sahlmaa Decides Bee't Petition
for Comraiuion it Sufficient.
After CnlrrF with (he City Legal
. IX-pertmest the Msyor IrelJrs
The l r latvrsre4atlB at
lin la for rest.
The commission form of government will
be snbmlttee) to Omaha voters September L
Msyor Dahlman has decided that tha peti
tion rtrruUted by The Bea and new In the
haada of the city clerk Is a sufficient Indi
cation, within the law. that the people
want the auestloa put before them. This
declalun waa reached after conferences
with the eltT legal department, aad the
mayor decided upon a course in accord
with The Dee's Interpretation of the law,
whfch waa tbat it was not stated any
wtiere la the statute that the city clerk la
Compelled to check over the namea on the
petition before the mayor cotild order the
election. It la known tbat the petltkm con
talna over 6.000 names, or 1.700 more than
are necessary. City Clerk Butler said
Wednesday morning: "Olanclng over the
petition woald cun v race aaybudy that it
has been elgned by mea who are legal
voters, as aw many of tbem ars well known
Septemher Serond the Date.
The mayor decided upon September f aa
convenient timet because It will gtva a
month for consideration and will com lust
before the first new registration, which Is
made September 5. He thought at first
of fixing tha registration day for the elec
tion, but as the saloons are not ctoaea on
registration day he would be saving nothing
to them, and the question would Im
mediately arias aa let whether the eligibil
ity at voters was la be determmed by the
new or old registration. Fixing It on Sep
tember 2. gives every voter new registered
a chance to vote without further traubi
"I am satisfied that the hnramg of an
election proclamation is to a great ex
tent discretionary with the mayor." said
Mayor Dahlman, "and I am satisfied with
out a checking aver by the city clerk that
tha petition la sufficient. If anybody has
any objections he can. as The Be has eng
gested. require soma numea to bo checked
over. I. received my notice from Tha fie
when the petition was filed and I need none
from the clerk himaeff."
Mayor ta Be n t a Mil date.
The mayor doea not deny that he will be
a candidate for the commission and b
tieves that tha commission will be estab
Ushed. "I will probably run as a candidate for
the eommlsalon," he aaid. "unless some
thing ehouM Intervena to chang my pres
ent ideas. I am well convinced that the
vntern will want to try th new kind of
government. As for Its chances of surrean.
I think that will depend entirely upon the
men that are elected to fill the offices.
They cannot make a wen rated city unless
they ars tn themselves efficient no matter
how favorably arranged tha laws are."
Refusal of Rakeoff
Results in Arrest
This is Excuse Made by C. Wright,
Accused of Selling; Beer With
out License.
Despite his protest that ha merely was
working fur H. L. Hlbbeler when ha di
rected the sal of beer at plcule at
Hibbder'a park Saturday evening. July 22.
C. Wriabt. a nearo. was held to- the dis-
trict eourt m 130 bail for selling liquor
without a lice rut e by Justice Cockrell in
ponce couri weanesony morning. Bisv
Mullen and John Young, two ,other negroes.
...... . - . , . .... .
Vright declared hia arrest resulted from
his refusal to pay Bob Johnan, another
negro. rakeoff for the privilege of run
ning a picnic in the park. He said John
son buys Uie privilege from lilbbeler and
then resells it to otlieia at a profit. He
muTO he wtnt to Hlbheler direct and bought
tho privilege. Johnson had the police In
formed that he was selling Veer, he said.
Wright pvoaured a permit from Hlbbeler
to use the park for a picnic and showing
a brewing company's bill against Hlbbeler
for the beer dispensed.
Armed to the Teeth,
Two Lads Disappear
Yonngsten Bearing Arms Leave Home
PrrnnBsblj to Shoot Up In
dians mud Bnffalocs.
rm-d with a rifle and a revolver Martin
?,?,!lun' 11 ' s4d, J4Mt Miiuiit. aad feVWla
, ' , ,
' . , .
r,-.. mvilll. bufrnlo
lIaaKraB-e Man In Uui&a Is ( aafrautr
nltn a etr War t-' Ua
Mm TlNOKk.
There's all klndn of ways of setting your
, bu;gBtt shlypcKi ! llu) ralTread and many
I iiiai T ins tncka tm t:e Iwwtxcmui every
Vclav Irv-jtak oiid hU newly married wife
Mn:J t tl.ire Die batexagem-Mter's window
at ihe alat.oo. Thcv wanted baggage seat,
r-ut awt midk tSe meat psnUcient vt nn-
luk sprakors :.ey bad a little trouble la
untietstandlng that the cneck af tho bug-
:fcacrraa that had brought tbe traaks down
to the statfoa was what Trubew wanted to
uwr Ue
1st Tom
Asa Kaaertr Watrktaar tkei Mo.
pasts of Trnwhlr.
Rrjark.. af Uoabla Cuba, ara balng
rcsMMlel csrofuily In Incul array sn-elea.
EkouM condltluas Uutrs grow vosae lbs
troupe returning from Texas woUd aaaaet
to k eHe aowthw tm htm ret am from Ban
Aatonln. General S. A. Smith- commanding
the military depastaieat hare, said that the
offieers e parting after their aperlence
on tho Msrcaa bordsr bad loa-ulki-lv miw
"Watt meat aala msx. yax ia Cuba,"
uradir f risjas
peaseases suffers from lurg, troubles till
thay Uarit Dr. JOrm-s Nea IPlaoavery will
relp them. Mo and $1. Purjoal by BeaUta
i Drug Cot
Real Estate Men Are
Given Compliments
Duluth and Minneapolis Dealers Ex
press Appreciation for Hos
pitality Shewn,
II. A. Tukey. secretary of the Omaha I
Real Kstate exehang. la In recetot of the j
following two self-explanatory letters from '
the Minneapolis Real Estate exchange and '
the Dulath exchange: I
Pl LtTir. Minn.. July 25. Wll H. A. I
Tukey. Secretary Omaha Real Kstate Ex- !
change, Omaha. Nb. r I-r Sir on be-I
half of the Duluth Real Kstate exchange I
and myself. I wish to thank you for the i
delightful day spent In Omaha on the 17th. I
The entertainment you furnished the dele-1
gatea waa most enjoyable and your hospi
tality was theroughly apprevhttett by all.
We were very much Impressed with your
city aad hop we shall always havs close,
friendly relatione between Omaha and Du
luth. Again thanking you for th pleasure we
enjoyed. I am. Jf. P. L'PIT.VM. Secretary.
The following resolution, adopted by the
Minneapolis exchange, was received:
Resolved. That the Minneapolis Real Fs- i
tate board express to the Omnha Real Es
tate exchange their hearty appreciation of
the courtesy and hospitality extended bv I
tneir exchange to the Real Estate Roans of
Minneapolia on the occasion of the- recent
convention of national exchanges m Den
ver. Be It Further Resolved. Tbat this beard
feels tbat nothing wss left undone on the
Part of the hosts on this occasion) to make
the visit of our delegates l4n pleasurable
and profitable, aad w wish to formally
thank the Omaha axcitasar tor thatr ef
forts m our behalf.
H. P. KIWTIAXX, Secretary.
Dundee Residents
Object to Grocery
Petition. Asking for Kertraining Or
der Against Establish meat of
Store Hied in District Court.
A petition, of a large number ef Dundee
residents hearted by Charles fL DaLong,
asking for an Injunction against Elmer H. j
Roder, Hatew P. Marks and Loots gam- !
mers to restrain them from establishing a '
grocery store ao their property at Forty- j
ninth and Dodgw streets, has been filed In i
district court.
Delivery wagaas. then, Wud taik and j
loitering are named as the things that
would inevitably coma with the establish
ment of a grocery store. The petitioners
state that they bongM their property and
built homes with the understanding that
ao basmess asablisstaieatB war ta be
erected la Dundee addition except ew lots
facing Cnderwood avenue.
C. W. Megeath, rrr-aideat of CwsBgaay,
Host at Elaboraa Dlaavsnr at
rirtd Claw.
O. W. Megeath. president of tha Sharl-
daa Coal ronrpany, acte4 as host to US
Omaha enai dealers and their friends at
a sumptuous banquet last night at tha '
FVM club,
The luxurious feast, tha ftflk annual one j
given I.' tha Sheridan Coal company, was i
followed by short witty Impromptu talks j
by the guesta. and when the evening; waa
far spent, and the assembly brake up. a
rousing cheer was given to th host, wh
for the sake of good fellowship among
business meat gives a banquet each year.
WKTlam F. Gurley was toaatmaster, and
his remarks brought forth, many uproarous
Among the speakers were: W. B. Barton
of Chicago. Edward Horrrtt of the
Howell Coat company. Prank Cotpetser
ef the CTiIcago Lumbar company. M. C.
Peters of Omaha, J. W. Bedford of Omaha.
, Samuel Miller, general freight and pas-
amger agent of the Northwestern rail
road; Mr. Jones of the Missouri Pacific
an4 the- host. O. W. llegeath.
Th addresses were interspersed with
songs and music. Charles Gardner of Ak-Sar-Ben
fame rendered "To'ell Ta' Say"
and "Ifa a Dam Good Town." .from the
"Gymkhana," with great effect, and he waa
repeatedly called upon following these
selections. The Field club quartet then
sang a couple of coon songs, after which
the banquet was brought to an end with
more bhort addresses.
Jodgt Lrrdrr Uccidrs Torrl finf In
at Urfraxtaat aad PlatB
ttff Talks Appeal.
Judge Leeder deed in favor of the de
fendant in the dog case In which John
Sheflin, ITtB lavenwortn street, was tho
plaintiff, and Mrs. Flora Brows, I'M
Leavenworth street, wss the defendant.
Tha Sheflin family formerly bud a male
bull terrier, valued at tl.CnaV which was
mated with Mrs. Brown's do on the
agreement that thejr were to receive in re
turn a pup tbat resembled their dug tha
Two pups were born and Sirs. Sheflin went
ever tn the Brown's to iret one of them.
j Mrs. Brown told her that aha had prom
j bvsd a pup to a friend in Chicago and that
tf she gave one of them to her she would
I be left out on the ileal. Mrs. Sheflin toU
Iter ta kaep tnem, ana tnat tney would mute
the two dors ararn and she would then
take lier a pup.
In tha meantime the Sheflin dog died
and Mr. Fheflin sued Mrs. Brawn for th
pup which he claimed he had a right to
acoordiwt to tha contract. Judas I.eeder
I'rtitd that he hed no riant to the doc as
the flrnt contract T.-ai broken when Mia.
Bhefiin agreed to Wt Mia Brawn keep
the pups and wa;t fcr her k until the
; nti-t litter.
Shtflin tays he will carry the
: cssa ta the district court.
j '
, Fleven cn'ej of bier and a bottle of whiaky
were confiscated by Sergeants Cook and
JVanous In a raid last nlxht on B. B. Paris'
j pool hull and barber ship, SIS South Tenth
Irtrret. whk h ta to be ued today as a
i potting placv of tho eeeono recinct of the
j Third ward.
i Ua is wa arrestea. cbaged aalllag
; liquor without a licence, a was later re-
' ''ed on hall prod need by B.
J. Mc-
Darls took to the station two government
liqpor lirtnres and declared he hsd been
operating a "beer dua" for soms lime
In the hruef that H was lawful.
Agcea Mia lot ev W k Maa Bmb Critt.
rally III la ftrrovrrlaa- at
Ul llooto.
r.ev Thomas M'('anue. who has been
dangerottaly ill at bia hataa, 26 Swath
Fortieth street, was reported much im
proved laal nl;ht.
lnk aad Dowtka.
Blrtha-August fitock. Mtl aVsuth III
teeata. buy; f. T. Lie. v. Itl2 Luthnp boy;
ICdward C Blukteir, Uil kir stwi. girl; John
Hwll. Kti Bancroft, girl; Tn liob. av.-
Nurtu Twenty -aecoud, tlrl. Uuidim Cook.
ptiuui inuuuiui. uuv ; juilaao tnrt-o
I'arlll', coy; Olaioina Indro. 7i
Leavenworth, trl: Cor ion p.uble. tt!i
StM.lh Twenty-cWhih, boy; W. f. Rk-b-arda.
Biondo. g:rt; John Nelson.
Thlrty-aocond and OoM. boy; John Bulges.
Do the
Between the False and the True?
lilpairich's Srowded August Sale is the Answer
Thursday, August 3d, from 8 till 5 at Silk Section 42 pieces of all
Silk Faille Francaise and Messaline, regular value $1.25, go on sale at 69c.
Stationery Section 500 boxes fine Writing Paper, 50 sheets, 50 en
velopes, worth 45c per box, at 23c.
Undermuslins Ladies fine Drawers, nainsook, embroidery edging,
sold up to $1.25, at 69c.
Another lot, beautiful and dainty styles, sold up to $2.50, at $1.39,
Gowns kimono style, lace edge and beading,
value GOc, at 30c.
A splendid number which sold at $1.50, for 9Sc
Princess Slips at $1.39 and 98c. Both great bar
gains. Indicator from Toilet Section Carmen Powder,
the 50c size for 29c.
Kayser Silk Gloves, everywhere 50c, at 39c.
12 and 16 button, colors white and black, at two
prievs, 98c and 79c. Worth double. Only for one day,
Snit Section More suits, worth up to $45.00, for
$S.50. No alterations.
B Corbr, boy: William SeJlner, tSIt North.
Twenty-nrtn, boy; CDarUfs eortnouse,
Webster, girl; Anton Rihel, IT9 South Fif
teenth boy.
Deaths Franrfs A. Rehoul. JS Fort;
Helen McDonnell, Si, Fifty-third and Pop
rleton; fhnrles Brobes, Infant, baby camp;
May L. Stsnky. Infant, 24 Seward.
BatldlaiK Pomits.
Davis ft Pancost, C16 North Twenty
ninth, frame dwelling-. n,Rm; 4514 North
Twenty-ninth. 1.M0; 4.')U North Twcnty
ninea, O.StH) Park theater. 516 Nrth Six
teenth, alterations. 2.iuu; V. P. Chido. !"9
11 Poiith Twentv-flfth, atone apartment,
Omaha Safe Deposit and Trust com
pany. 1610-1S Fajnam. alteration. t-,0;
B. O. Khults, 3401 North Forty-second,
frame dwell, a Jl.TWi; A. B. Cramer. T.J)
Plnkney, frame dwelling, K.SOO; WJO Sara
toga, 2,000.
( Marrlaare Licenses.
The following marriage licenses were
i? sued today:
Name and Residence. Age.
P.ohumll Nakorsky, Oklahoma City, Okl 3
Ui oTKia Siiestak, Omaha. 2t
Carol A. Metson, Omaha 20
Henrietta Ounderson, Omaha is
Guisi-ppe Vaaaro. Omaha
Concctta Castoro, Omaha 21
John F. Taylor, Waterloo 22
Anni.s Kewvtlle, South Omaha 21
Homer H. Gane, Stunrt 44
MaXfc'le M. Kaibaura. Omaha Sit
J.imes 1 Harrington. Grand Inland 2
C'armelita Miller. Umaha
Th highest point of woman's hap
piness is reached only tUrou-jh rioiii
rrhciod, in the claspin cf her child
within icr arms. Yet the mother-to-be
is often fearful of natnre's oniea!
and shrinks from the suffering' iuci
knt to its consummation. But for
nature's ills and discomforts nature
provides remedies, and in Mother's
Friend is to be fonnd a medicine of
frrcat value toevery expectant niolht r.
It an oily cmnlsion fur external
application, composed of ingredients
which act with beneficial and sooth
ing effect on those portions of the
rystem involved. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisb, and
taus relieve, in great part, thesuffer
ms through which the mother nst: ally
passes. The regular nr of Mot!ier's
Friend will rep-iy any mother in the
comfort it affords before, and fj. help
ful restoratiou to health and vtiv, titb
it brings about after baby c?-nes.
Jlother'a Friend
13 for sale at
drug; stores.
Write for our
free book for
expectant moth
ers whkh contains much valuable
information, and many eujcstions
of a helpful nature.
tit tht 0:12) crJ Gonulat
Tl rwd-drfcl (or A3 !;.
For Infants, Invalids, and Growtn g chiLJren,
fireNutrilkai, up building tint whole body,
lavigof atfs lh nursing raoJiq and the aged.
BK rnilk, riaHej gnwny m powder form.
A iakk Inrxi prepared1 in 'a eJaotrV
Tikt bs sahsiihrie. Askiar HCRUCX'S.
la No Ootnblaa or Trust
People linopj the Difference
Great Doin's at Kilpatrick's filorning is Best
Havj your t'eket real "Burlinjton"
To DElWERand
Through standard and tourist sleepers, Omaha to San Francisco,
via the Western Pacific Railway.
I.v, Omaha (Burlington Route p. ni., Monday, for example
Ar. Denver (Rui-lington Koiittr) 1:00 p. m., Tufsday, for example
Ar. San Francisco (Western Paeilic) 10:00 p. Thursday, for example
Complete electric lighted train service of through tourist and ataniard
sleepers, also diners and library observation cars, via Denver, Scenic Colo
rado, Salt Lake, the Koyal Gorge and Feather River Canyon, the now scenic
route to San rranclsco.
Lv. Onaah. ( Burlington Konie) 4:10 p. tn., Monday, for example
Ar. Denver (Uurlmuton Itoute) 7:20 a, m Tuesday, for example
Ar. Kan r'raaclxct) (SiMithern Pacific) . . . .:28 p. m., Thttrwlay, for eainp)e
Ar. IiOs Angeles (Salt Luke Koute) 8:0O a. ni., Fi-iday, for example
Zrfis Axa;slas Oaily tonriat slaspar stops over ta Salt Sake from 2:15 p. m. antil
ll:SO y. m.
Dully thnmgrh standard sleepers, Omaha to San Francisco.
Daily tourist sleeper service, Omaha to San Francisco.
Personally conducted through tourist sleepers, every Tuesday, Thursday,
Sunday, to Los Angeles, via San Francisco and the coast line.
All Darlington through service to California ia via Den
' HblkWr 1
Round Trip. Dally
JqCOO and 2G.C0
&U Detroit
$OQS0, 32.D0 and 34.C0
SCAQOuid 34.00
tiiagara Falls
$CG0 an-l 34.03
CI at, Buffalo
$ n Q50, 41X0 mi 45.00
Hlf Ocstcn
Fast trains ot con'jrnUnt hours
wilA all fout tost. Liberal
favarabU stopevr priiilcgts.
You travel in luxury au enjoT
14C1-1W3 Famam iWl Omaha
Dressing Sacques and Kimonos, sold up to $3.50,
at 9Sc
"Wash Dresses This is a marvelous bargain, sold
up to $12.50, at $2.98 each.
"Wash Dresses Sold up to $7.50, at 98c, Think
of that.
5c and 10c Wash Goods sale in Basement.
Main Floor All the cotton goods which sold up
to 35c, at 12 Vic per yard.
And the best goods from over the sea, worth up
to $1.25, in one lot, at 25c.
Hosiery and Underwear bargains by the thousand.
No exaggeration.
ir2in 5aHvr
ver, Scenic Colorado) and Salt Iake with choice of WeaU
ern Pacific Railway, Southern Pacific Railway or Halt
Lake lUmte bt-yoml.
4. H. KKYXOLDH, C. 1. A, 1503 i'ariutm Kt.
Phone BeJl D. inj. A.a533.
Until September 30
$QOS0,388tnd 39.10
wi Montreal
$yi500 2Jid 4S.Q0
L& ?ew York City
CO and 44.53
AilsrJIc City
(35 and 46.35
mai dtrtct ctr-ittiieHi in CLkajt
rttum limits and
JirglO ant 4453 IH
Si!3Sind46.aS 19
I - I a a.J" . -T V " &
U you have tried every other known
remedy for rheumatism do not do
pair. lou still have Urlosoi, too
practical certainty of CUK&, a& tho
absolute certainty of material ana
lasting benefit to fall back on.
Uricsol is not "a cureall. Its special
Held is rheumatic diseases and it
cures them by removing the cause.
Everybody nowadays knows that
rheamatlsra la caused by en excess or
Uric Acid In the blood, local appli
cations r&ay relieve, but they cannot
possibly get at the seat ot the dis
TJricsol Is Just what its name Im
plies, a solvent and eliminator ot
Trie Add.
Remove the cause and the disease
la gone.
Urieae-l not only cores the common
forms of rheumatism, but it does what
no other remedy has before accom
Uncords are tn our possession ot
not one but many cases where the
Joints ot the fingers were so thick
ened aa to be practically useless;
where the hip or the knee joints were
so filled with the deposits as to rea
der the victim wholly unable to walk;
yet the patients were completer re
stored to health and activity by the
systematic use of UriesoL
In this way Uricsol has been
We can truthfully claim the remark
able record of 90 per cent of cures
where a proper opportunity is given
our remedy to accomplish the result.
We will gladly supply testimonials.
Write for folder.
If your druggist does not have it.
Send arte dollar to The California
Chemical Co, 32S New High St Lea
Angelas. Calif and eill aeu4 you
e bottl prepaid.
For salo ant recommended by
Sherman ic McConnell Diug Co., Owl
Drug Co., Omaha. Neb.
to Toronto, Montreal, the Mus
keka I-akes. New England aud
the Fishing and Hunting i;o
aorts at Eastern Canada.
ITwe tiuatk tt.tna t.iiir CW.jjj.
Tho one real scenic touto to
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Spo
kane. Vaucouver. Uelllngbatu,
IvlMiiaa Uroiith tr tint freta M. ral
ti iuU au ib su.-Si.
Descriptive matter aad informa
tion tm apvucauoa w any xau
road aaeat.
A.B.Cilder, Sen. Kjt CLE. Dtsher
834 So. Clark UU. rasa. Traf. al'r
Cbioxe atautieal. Can.
EO. MCKCRAaT, T. r. a-.
Ml Sieldl., UUn. Xaasaa Cltj
' fas Mrs Stork Growers.
ma ..i i j