in THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1011. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Early Prospects of Northwest Wheat Will Not Be Fulfilled. LACK OF EARS Iff IOWA COEN Wkral llulcs rro, bpt Slightly Unrr Than rrerloae Pay Vallmmt t'ontlnnea to nr llnlllah. OMAHA. Aug. S, 19U. Tlic dpfrlnrstinn in the northwest, which lift l.rn sensational, while not entirely iiiinrllew. Is considered far-fetched and IimIiIv colored. 'I he MilnK wheat crop has been hurt romc mid early in o.pett will not be ful filled, ai d lii "in the market are making the mnHt of black rust reports and the lowirtiiK of early estimates. Hulls In the corn are gaining- friends. There were renewed reports of a lack or mrn on the srowInK stalks and the Iowa crop report Indicates Important losses, (iood'rains would undoubtedly change thla netitlmi-nt, as cash demand Is slow. Wheat ruled nervous, but sllshtly lower than yesterday's close. Sentiment contin ues bullish on bad northwest crop news, fash wheat was strong, ttc higher. t orn ruled shniply higher, buying was of good character following numerous bullish crop report Cash corn was fa.v4chlgner. t'limiiry wheat receipts were l,Wt;,000 bush els and shipments were SIS.UOO bushels, against receipts last year of 1.762.000 bushels ml shipments of .W.AOO bushels. I'rlmury corn receipts were 384.000 bushels and shipments were 443.0M) bushels, against receipts . last year of 628.000 bushels and shipments of 4is.O0O bushels. . C learances were 2.000 bushels of corn, S.00U bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 62S.OO0 bushels. Liverpool closed S1 higher on wheat and Hd higher on corn. . The following cash sales were reported. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 4 cars. S6c: 1 cars, tSc; b cars. S5Vic; No. S hard. 1 car. KV.c. J car, RWc; 1 car, 86c; 2 cars. rVc; No 4 hard,, 1 rr, S3 Tic; no grade, 1 car, 72c, No. 2 spring. 1 car, R6Vc; No. J spring. 1 car, 86Ai; No. 4 spring, 1 car. Sc. No. 2 mixed. 11 ears, 88c. CORN-No. 3 white. 1 car. file; No. 2 yellow, 1 car, GOc; No. S ylKw, 1 car, Otoac; 8 cars, 00V4c; No. 4 yellow. 2 cars, SOc; ro. 2 mixed, 2 cars, 0c; No. 3 mixed, cars. He; No. 4 mixed. 2 cars. 63c. OATS-1 car. 39,c; 6 cars, toftc. Omaha Caen Prices WHEAT-No. 2 hard. RBHfiWHc; No. 3 hard, 844WS7c; No. 4 hard, SOtjtfic; rejected hOr'.f-No. 2 white, OMilc; No. 3 white, H4Hlc; No- white, 60'Wc; No. 3 color, t'AfriiOie; No. 2 yellow. 60amc; No. 8 yellow. MrVnWc; No. 4 yellow. 59V40o; No. 2, KMih'601e; No. 3. 5(giOAo; No. 4, Di4fifjM4c . OATS-No. 2 white, sOTiirwtic-. standard, 3!Vm40c: No. 3 white, 39V4&39c; No. 4 white, iWWr; No. 3 yellow, 39&39V4c; No. 4 yellow, 3SV4tl39c. ' , HARL1CY No. 3 S&ff90c; No. 4, 7580o; No. 1 feed. (6tf75c; rejected. 5nff65c. RYE No. 2. 7&80c; No. 3, 7M?77c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. fhlcago Bl 46 27 Minneapolis . 1 ... .Omaha 77 W 17 luluih 3 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Wheat Market Declines Mlshtlr, sod Cora la Hltcher. CHICAGO, Aug. 2.AUeged fear of reci procity, coupled with absence of exports hud a bearish influence on wheat today, 'iho market closed at prices varying frjm the same as last nlt!ht to 'Ac declino. Other leading staples showed net gains all around. Corn, Wac to vg4c; oats, V4c to c and provisions, W-fcc to 12V,c. Although black rust reports, from Min nesota eepoclally were serious, ihe news did not bring commensurate buying orders for wheat From the start prices had been handicapped by an official estimate that Italy would have a crop this year 40,000.000 bushels bigger than for the previous t'ele months. Minnesota advices that black rust hud attacked every field from Ciookston to Staples rallied the market for a while ! but failed as a source of permanent sup : portd urlng the session. September ranged i from 80'!lc. with the close steady Vic down at Wi!sWiC An opinion from a leading expert that I the condition of corn showed a falling 1 off of 12 points from a month ago, stnt ', the market for that cereal to a materially I higher level. His statement was ntpreted ; as meaning a crop more than 800,000,000 I bushels less than Indicated by tht govern- ment report for July. Price changes for the September option ran from 63S,c to 66c. with last sales firm at 64c, a net gain of Ho to o. Cash grades were only in meager supply. No. 2 ytllow finished at Forecasts of a greatly reduced yield led to a rise In the price of oats. There were also assertions that the same output of , hay would show tht lowest rate In fifty I years. High and low points reached by the i September option were 4T!o and 41c. The close, 41So, represented a gain of lo 1 over last night. Provisions ruled firmer. Pork closed Vic , to 7Wai0o above the figures current twenty four hours before; lard at &7o 4o 12tto advance, and ribs with an increased cost ' of 70 to 2fic. The leading futures ran;4 as follows; Artloles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Sept.. Dec. May.. Corn Sept... Dec.., May.. Os: 8ept.. Deo... May.. Pork Sept... Jan... trd Sept.. Oct... Dec.. Jan... Bibs , Sept... Jan... 90T491V4I 44tf1fc I 3e4 6S1WJ&4 I Sl4 I 90U1 80S1 9V WVrf1 88 ft WSft I 4mig4 SVtfVsl 17 42Vs 16 W 8 62 8 67 8 56 8 62 65 63 64', 624 6mrH 63Viifi'Ai. 9OTff01 8834 64 8 82V, 41Ti 41 lilw'lSH.r)U. 471 ' &' 17 421 16 86 8 75 8 80 8 60 8 60 8 87( 8 10 8 371 17 871 16 26 8 60 8 67! 8 65 8 62 8 87' 8S2 I 41 4141 4i43 Wffs 4b 17 85 16 25 8 82 8 65 8 62 17 421 16 85 8 76 8 80 8 60 8 60 3 10 8 371 8 85 8 80 Manitoba, 7s M; future firm; October, s lid; December, 7s. cons Spot firm; new American mixed. Rs4d; old American mixed. kM; new American kiln dried, Rs 6d. futures, firm; September, 60,d; October, 6a 7d. SEW YORK GE.XF.H4L MAHKF.T Cash quotations were as follows: Kl.ol"K Firm; winter patents, 83 en4 20; -winter stralnhts. 83 40iU4.60; spring straights, 34.10(ii 4.30; bakers. 3X4tXj4.50. KV'B No. 2. Mo. BARLEY Feed or mixing;, 6075c; fair to choice malting, 9Gc$1.05. SEKDS Timothy, 31 L00i(plt50, Clover, 10 5.17.60. I'HOVlsilONS-Mess pork. $17 fJ17.I7. Iyard, per 100 lbs., 88.67. Short ribs, sldea, louse .Ooiuy.00. Short clear sides, boxed, $8 DtfuS.75. Totul clearanoes of wheat and flour were equal to 525.000 bu. Primary receipt were 1.060,000 bu., compared with 1.762,000 the cor responding day a year ago. t stliimu-d receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 3K3 cara; corn, 2S cars; oats, 220 cars; hogs, 21.0H0 head. Chicago Cash Prloes Wheat : No. 2 red, new. 7Ui&S!c; No. 8 red. new, S6J87o; jno. z nara, new, s.vu9vc; x o. nara, new, k7t(Sc; No. ( northern. 31.04igl.O7; No. 1 northern, new, 8tic(o41.02; No. 2 northern, 84o ftitiC; No. 2 northern, new, 81ft!Kc; No. 8 northern, 86lsic; No. 3 northern, new, 809 84c; No. 3 spring, new, VUgfloe; No. 3 spring, new, kScaSJc; velvet chaff, new, 88 titc; durum, new, iijj-92c. Corn: No. 3, sa-Vti'c; No. 3 white, eavifiHc; No. 1 yellow, 644''i4c; No. 3. 634iti3ic: No. 3 white. 66.ajt;c; No. 3 yellow, tftf4e; No. 4, 2'oWc: No. 4 white, 634c; No. 4 yellow. 62Q63o. Oats: No. 2 white, new, 3yti40o; No. 2 white, new, 39S39o; No. 4 white, new, 383; standard, new, 39 o. Rye: No. 2. 83gtl4c. Barley: 65ci6l l5. Clover 310.0117.64 Timothy, SU.0013.00. Ui:ivrKK-Steady; creameries, iiiuitic; dairies. lHiCic. ICUOS Firm; receipts, 8,768 eases; at mark, cases Included, 10iQ14c; firsts, 15c; prime firsts, 17c, CHEEK K Irregular; daisies, lS4finSc; twins, 12itfl3c; young Americas, 12V4iJc; long horns, 13t)13o. POTATOES Strong; choice to fancy, $1.41 60. POULTRY Alive, firm; turkeys. 13c; chickens. 13c: springs. 140. VEAL Steady; (0 to 60-lb. wts., sigc; 60 to 86-lb. wts., 8ai0c; 86 to 110-lb. wts.. lie. Dally movement oi proauce Articles. Flour, bbls.... Wheat. bM Corn, bu Oats, bu. Rye, bis Barley, bu... Re- Ship- celpts. menu. 32.000 833.800 132.100 ....606.6)10 2.600 .... 25.600 29.300 46.500 239.100 264 6000 1 4.600 c.rlol Recelnt s: Wheat: 616 carl, with 401 of contract grade. Corn. 46 cars, with 13 of contract grade. Oats: 276 cars. Total receipts of wheat at Chicago, Min neapolis and Puluth today were 748 cars, compared with 1.1S3 and 40 cars last week and MO cara the corresponding day year ago. Liverpool Gralsi Market. LIVERPOOL. Aug. S.-WHEAT-pot steady; No, I Manitoba. 7a 54; No. I 4) notations of the Pay on Varls Commodities. NEW YORK. Aug. 2 FI-OUR-Ptesdy ; with prices steady to firm; spring patent. S4.Hi.ri.l6; winter straights. $; wlntrr patents, 34 2'ii4.50; spring clears. 83.7!'fi t 10; winter extras. No. 1. 83. 350 3. 30: winter extras. No. 2, 33.1fyrf3.25; Kansas straights. 84 1yri4.16. Rye flour, essy; fair to good. 34.;(i4.'.: choice to fancy. 85 tiows.15. COUNMKA1, Steady; fine white and yel low. $l,i 1.40; coarse, t1.30fil.35; kiln dried, 83.55. WHEAT .spot marktt. easy; No. 2 red, new, Wc. elevator, and lc, t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Puluth, 31.13. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market: A better class of northwest crop news together with weakness at Minneapolis and big Interior receipts carsed n decline In wheat today, the market closing irv9c below last night. September, i 7 lfiffiist 5-16c. closed at ' ll-16c; December. 9fCn41.00, closed at Wc. Itecelpts, 156,000 bu.; shipments, 215.2X2 bu. COKN Spot market, firm; No. 2, 71c, ele vator, domestic basis, to arrive; export No. 2, 70 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing nominal. Receipts, 19 125 bu. ; shipments. 2,200 bu. OATS Spot market, steady; standard white, 4ti'fcc. Futures market was without transactions, clnclng nominal. Receipts, 89,1)75 bu.; shipments, 5,00) bu. HAY Steady; prime, 3145; No. 1, tl 35 145: No. 2. tl.2fai.30; No. 3. 8Ti7i9.V. LEATHER Firm; hemlock, firsts. 24V 27c; seconds, 221i23'4c; thirds, lifg20c; re jects, lile. pnoviHIONS-Pnrk. firm; mess. SI. So"1 19.00; family, t18.0ltyl9.00; short clears, 31600 ti 17.50. Hef, firm; mess, 310 5o?i 11.00: fam ily, tl-'-ftyri 12.50; beef hams. t-IOO'd 30.00. Cut meats, dull; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs.. l0.0Nrt!3.: pickled hams, 81400. Lard, firm; middle west prime, 38.00r(i8.70; re fined, quiet; continent. tw.oO; South Amer ica, t9.80; compound. t7.004T7.25. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials. 27c; extras, 26c; firsts. 23i24'c: seconds. 21f? 23c; thirds. 19fT20c; process special, 22c: extras, 21c; firsts, 20200; seconds, 18 18c; factory, current make, firsts. 2oc; seconds, Ifkij inijc. r-HFTCSE Firm; skims, lif?9ie.. EOOS Steady; fresh gathered extras, 22 24c; extra firsts, 188 19c; firsts, 17ifl8c; seconds, 1561 lie; thirds, 14c; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1. 13c; No. 2. ll(S12c; poor to fair, 9i0c; fresh gathered checks, good to prime, lOftllc; poor to fair, per case, tl. 50g 2.70: refrigerator first season's stor age charges paid, 21c; seconds, 1820c; western gathered whites, 19(3230. POULTRY Dressed. steady; western broilers, 133:i6c; fowls, 10 15c; turkeys, 12 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Shows Pronounced Inclination to Seek Lower Leyels. SEVERAL CAUSES ARE PRESENT Recent I'tteranrea of Railroad Other Executive Adtlalni In tloa Are Seised I'posi as Wnrnlnai by Many and Corn and Wheat Ren ton Dalletln. Record for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m. Wednesday. August 2, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln- Statlon. Max. Mln. fall. Skv. Ashland. Neb.... 85 6) .00 Clear Auburn. Neb 85 65 .00 Pt. cloudy IVken Bow, Neb. 81 51 .00 Pt. cloudy Columbus. Neb... 81 63 .00 Pt. cloudy Culbertson. Neb. 89 68 .20 Clear Falrbury, Neb... 84 61 .00 Clear Fairmont. Neb... 79 69 .00 Clear Or. Island, Neb.. 80 ISO .00 Pt. cloudy Hartlnston. Neb. 79 65 .00 Clear Hastings, Neb... 79 69 .00 Pt. cloudy Holdrege. Neb... 81 61 .00 Cloudy Lincoln. Neb 83 60 .00 Pt. cloudy No. Platte. Neb. 76 66 .01 Clear Oakdale, Neb 79 51 .00 Clear Omaha. Neb 79 62 .00 Clear Tekamah, Neb... 82 61 .00 Clear , Valentine, Neb.. 80 60 .00 Clear y Sioux City. Ia... 76 64 .00 Clear Alta. Ia 77 52 . 00 Clear Carroll. Ia 79 48 . 00 Clear Clarlnda. Ia 76 61 .00 Clear Sibley, Ia 75 60 .00 Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-bour period ending at 8 a. m. DISTRICT AVERAOKS. No. oi Temp Hist net, stations. Max. jnin Rdn- laii Columbus.' 0 17 86 60 Louisville. Kv 20 84 66 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 84 66 Chicago. Ill 25 82 60 St. Louis. Mo 25 86 62 Des Moines, Ia.... 21 78 62 Minneapolis. Minn. 80 76 60 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 86 62 .10 Omaha. Neb 18 80 68 .20 Temperatures continue moderate throughout the corn and wheat region. Good rains were general in the eastern por tion, and light and scattered showers oc curred in the western portion. The show ers in Nebraska were limited to the west ern portion of the state. Rains of one lncb or more occurred at the following stations: In Missouri: Ironton. 134. In Indiana: South Bend. 1.60; Delphi, 1.00. In Michigan: Battle Creek. 1.00. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. On a much larger volume of trading the stock hiarket today manifested a pronuonred Inclination to seek a lower level. lrlces held fairly steady at the outset, but taily in tne ses sion a considerable selling movement re sulted In a number of sex ere net losses. The heaviness of the llt probably was traceable to a number of causes. Railroad and other executives have recently been preaching the gospel of caution and con set vatiym. and these utterances were selxe 1 upon yesterday when a number of poor railroad reports were submitted, as some what In the nature of a warning. Another unwholesome Influence Is the persistency of rumors that a federal Investigation of tho "money power" Is probable. An Incident which added much to the day's unsettlement was the action of the American Tobacco company directors In deferring payment of the quarterly divi dend on the common stock. This step. It appears, was taken largely as a legal pre caution pending the readjustment of the company's affairs, as ordered by the United States supreme court. Tobacco shares were materially affected, the common stock making a net decline of 12 points on the "curb"' with a loss of over five points for Standard oil. whoso affairs also are In the way of reorganiza tion. Another theory advanced In explanation of the market's heaviness Is that the local exchange Is now digesting the large amount of securities sold here through Ixindon and continental sources, while the Moroccan situation was most acute. London was falrlv active here today. The fortnightly settlement was accom plished without strain, but disappointment was expressed at the showing of the Har tlman lines. ..... Distinct weakness was shown by united States Etce! today and the selling was naturally associated with developments bearing upon the federal Inquiry Into the company's purchase of Tennesee Coal and Iron. In point of fact, however, steel was much stronger than many other specula tive leaders, both Union Pacific. Northern Pacific and Reading losing 2 or more points. Bethelham Steel preferred declined as much on a denial of rumors that divi dends are to be resumed (n the near future. Many of the more obscure specialties suf fered heavily in the course of the session, which closed weak at about the lowest prices. The government cotton crop report fix ing up to July 25 the average conamon of that staple at 89 1, as against 88 2 the previous month, and 75.5 in July of last year, seemed to exercise no Influence market wise. . The bond market reacted In sympathy with stocks. Total sales par value were t2.639.0O0. United States government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: .! Hit. Low. Clo-. All!-r.lmeri. DM t.M0 "4 " Anulximated Copper .4K 7 WH An...l.n Arrtmltural I ldO 40U 49 Brat Bunr i.iu eJft .4 On W0 It 10' C A r 1.400 MV4 MS4 rvitton oil l.0 tl 111 H. U pfd.... WO it 84 let Securities.... 700 2214 tl Ulniwed UcomntlT 100 t H 8. A R 6.700 1 77 8. R. pfd.... 8tel V Suiar Refining. Tel. Tel. . OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Desirable Kinds of Cattle Command Good, Steady Prices. HOGS ARE FTVE CENTS HIGHER fat herr Weak to Ten to Fifteen Cents l.orrer. While Fat Lambs Sell In Ahont Tuesday's Votches. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 2. 1911. I Receipts were: Olficlal Monday........ Tutsday , Official Estimate ednepday . Cattle. ... 7.611 ... 6.6.16 ... 4,w Hogs. Sheep. 4.'J3 21.twl 10,60 V y.iuu toil 12.XAW Three days this week.. 18.04; 25.1SO 40.51 Same days lat M.slJ? Same days 2 weeks ago.. 10.820 26,li0 21,Mi Same tiajs 3 weeks ao.. 14.445 'i-i.M 10, 00 Same dyj 4 week agj. .13.251 25.4-lj 4.4ns Same days last year 2i7o4 21.157 42,82j The following table sho-AH the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Mouth Omaha for the year to date as ompiired with last year: 19' 1. 1910. Inc. Cattle 5M.16I 500,212 Zi.Hii Hos 1,WJ.2J4 1.2!W,1S0 842.104 Sheep lOS2i Nll.711 16.568 The following table shows the average prices of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Dates. I 1911. 1910.190a.190S.1907.1906.1906. July July Julv July .1 UK July J Uiy ug. Aug. 25.. 26.. 27.. 28.. 29.. 30.. 31.. 1. 2 I 241 5 951 6 25 5 8 7 61 6 M 6 601 6 l T 45 6 131 & 7 6 44 6 68 7 3,1 6 07 I 451 6 61 7 27 6 14;' 6 0I I 6 U) 7 40; 6 24! 8 06 37 7 4(i 6 411 i 01j 6 o2 5 88 ..16 3V 7 001 6 44 5 US, 6 lo 6 W ..6 69 I 7 00 7 49 I 6 9i 6 U 6 73 6 SCSi 6 4lh! 6 611 6 63 ', 6 69s 8 28i S 2" 8 31 8 21 7 !'S I 7 71 Sunday. Recei is and disposition of live stock at the Vnlun SIock lards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yes terday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & St. P M abash Missouri Pacific Union Pacific C. & N. W., east.... C. & N. W., west.... C." St. P., M. & O.. C, B. & Q., east.... C, B. & Q., west.... C, R. I. & P.. east.. C, R. I. A P., west.. Illinois Central C. O. W 10 1 1 22 9 97 7 4 88 6 8 6 8 2 25 25 70 ii 10 1 20 6 4 i !! 8 141 48 Total receipts 200 D1SOSITION H EAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 886 Swift and Company 996 Cudahy Packing Co - 734 Armour & Co 768 Sch warts-Bolen Co .... Murphy Morrell 88 Uo.dberg 9 W. B. Vansant Co 282 Benton, Vansant & Lush 76 Stephens Bros 65 1,259 2.247 2,155 2,177 643 780 968 1,131 8,652 910 American American American American American Amatican American American Ameplrn American American American American Amarlcan American Anaconda .V I Atchlaon .... .40 Atchlaon pfd 80 I Atlantic Coaat 70 : Baltlmoi .70 j .tn .20 Tobaeco woolen Mining pfd. 100 loo i.ano 1.M0 1114 1N4 4 n 114 114 4 M St. Lionls General Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Aug. 2. WHEAT Firm; track. No. 8 red, 85486c; No. 2 hard, 89ti6c. Futures, September, 8714c; December, 92VtC CORN Higher; track. No. 2, 64c; No. i white, 66Q'66c; September, 65c; December, 63&3c. OATS Higher; track. No. 8, S9ft39V4c; No. 2 white, 391B4K'; September, 414c. RYE Unchanged; 88c. FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, 83.90 64.00; extra fancy and straight, t3.404j4.90; hard winter clears, 82.80rU3.10. SEED Timothy. 85.CM&9 50. CORNMEAL 82.60. BRAN-Bteady; Backed, east track, 81.05 61 06. HAY Strong; timothy, 818.0OiirC3.00; prai rie, ti&ootgftn.oo. PROVISIONS Pork. higher; lobbing. tl7 50. Lard, higher; prime steam, S8.37fe& 8. 47 Mi. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, 88.87Vs: clear ribs, 88.87H: short clears, 89.00. Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, t87tt; clear ribs, 89.87Vi; nort clears. 810 00. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs, lie; turkeys, 16c; ducks, lOHc; geese, 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery. 21&26c. EQOS-Steady; 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.900 13.000 Wheat, bu 70.00) 63.000 Corn, bu 59.000 72.000 Oats, bu 116,000 82,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 1 WHEAT-Cash unchanged to He higher; No. 8 hard, b 92c; No. 3. 8459U4c; No. t red. 84c; No. 8. 81fc8Sc; September, 82Hc; December, 904 90c. sellers. CORN Steady to He higher; No. 2 mixed, 624c; No. 8, 62Hc; No. 2 white. MWa&Kc; No. 2 62Hc; September, 63Hc bid; Decem ber, 6H4C. . ... OATS Steady to Ho higher; No. 1 white, 89Hft40c; No. 2 mixed, 3Si&3SHo. R Y E 90cti tl 10. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $18.80 19.50; choice prairie, tl6.OOf4l6.6O. RUTTEH Creamery, 25c; firsts, 23c; sec onds, 21c; packing stock, 18c. EGOS Extras, 19 Vic; firsts, 18Vc; seconds, 10c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 151.000 38.000 Corn, bu 76.000 29.000 Oats, bu 3,000 7,0u0 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 1 FLOUR First patents, 5.1ik(i6.30; second patents, t4.6u 4.85; first clears, $3.46.66; second clears, 82.4.V&2.6S. FLAX-t!.l. BARLEY 0c81.06. CORN No. 8 yellow. 6V. OATS No. 3 white. 4o40Hc. RYK No. 2. 7Wrj7ic. BRAN-4iO.6O3l.00. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Aug. l.-CORN-Hlgher; No. S white. 66c; No. 1 yellow, 66c; No. 8 mixed, 65c; No. 8 mixed, 65c; No. 4 mixed, 64c; sample, C14c OATS Higher; No. 2 white, 89ic; stan dard, &u3Si'c; No. 8 white. 8Vc; No. 4 white. SsVc. Llna . . . A Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Paclfle Central Leather Central ueather pfd On Ira I of New Jeraay ... Chesapeake ft Ohio Chicago 4V Alton CJll. Ot. West, new Chi. Ot.- Wast pfd Chicago " Northweatarn. Chi., Mil. St. Paul C, C. C. St. L. !.. Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado ft Southern Consolidated Oaa Corn Prod seta Delaware aV Hudson Dearer A Rio Grand D. 4k R O. pfd Platlllera Securities Hrls Erlo 1st pfd Erla Id pfd General Electric Oraat Northern pfd Oraat Northern or ctfa .. Illinois Central Interborcush-Met Interborougtl-Met. pfd International Harraatar ... Inter. Marina pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central K. C. Southern K. C. Southern pfd Laclede Oaa Loulartlle Naahrlll ... Mln. 4 St. Louie M , St. P. B. Sta. M ... M., K. 4V T M.. K. T, pfd Mlaaourt Pacific National Blaeult National Lead Nat. Rt of M d pfd New York Central N. Y., O. ft W Norfolk at Westera North American Northern Paolfte Paclfle Mall Pennsylvania popl' Gaa Pitta.. C, C. ft 8t. L PUtaburf Coal Preiised Steal Car Pullman Palace Car , Hallway Steol Spring Reading Republic Steal Republic Steal pfd Rock Iiland Co Rock Ialand Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F- td pfd St. Loula S. W St. Loula 8. W pfd Sloaa-Shaffleld 8. A I Southern Paclfle Railway Railway pfd Copper Pacific U A W I. A W. pfd.... Pacific Pacific pfd. 14,000 WO 400 l.too T.400 I, mo I, 0) 00 too 100 6,400 iiooo 600 700 II, 100 100 sou 100 l.too lllH 10s 106 H 1 144 toti 74 so ' 44 141 m 67 S3 14 64 146 4 10ST, 103 12SV4 KM14 16 W 42 BS 880 74V4 ...... 44 V 144 126 67 ! 64 Si 144 "4 100 too 7,400 l,oo 100 00 ll.OUO 100 1,100 1.400 1.100 61 s 66 464 12 1114 6T4 141 17 4 in 67 44 83 64 44 149 Ul 64 141 " 4 111 600 100 400 "600 1,400 100 600 1.100 100 I.too 100 too t.000 l.soo 1.1U0 U.100 700 6.700 100 00 700 100 40 II ' 4 104 144 1 140 6 7 4 m 66 ioi 41 10a iio' its 10 M to 4 3M 1 1 104 147 1 1M 14 7 47 lit iii" 41 101 121 11 124 104 N 20 4 81.100 600 100 6.400 600 1.600 1111 ! 4 11 41 47 Southern Southern Tennessee Taxaa A Tol.. St. Tol.. St. Pnlos Vnlon Mllwanke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. t WHEAT No. 1. 81.06.iil.08H: No. northern, tl 04 1.Q5H: No. 1 velvet chaff. 1.41; No. t hard. 91c; Sep tember, S0c. OATS .Standard. 40H41c. BARL.EY Malting. 8c4jtl.06. Oalntk Oraln Market. DULUTH. Aug. 1 WHEAT No. 1 hard. 8104; No. 1 northern? 8103; No. t northern, tl ufiil.01; geptember, 8103. OATS 414c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 2. COTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 12.60c; mid dling gulf, 12.76e; sales, 8 bales. Futures opened steady; August. 12.10c; September, 11.06c; t)ctober, 10.90c: Novem ber. 10 87c offered; December, 10.92c; Janu ary, lo.87c; March, 10.98c; May. ll.Oso. Futures closed steady; August, 12.08c; October. 10.97c; November, 10 2o; Decem ber, 10.97c; January, 10. Wc; March, 11.01c; May, 11.14c ajar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. SUGAR Raw, tlrm; muscovado. 8 teat, 4.110; oentrirugal, 6 test. 4.41c; molaasea, 88 test, 1.16c; re fined steady. CnFFK.K-Qulet; No, 1 Rio, lfic; No, 4 Bantos, UQ t'nlted State Realty .. Vnlted State Rubber .. t'nlted SUta Steal t'nlted State Bteel pfd. I' tan Ooppar Vrrwlnla-Carallna Chera Wahaah Wahash nfd Western Marrland I.eOO Weatlnghous Blectrto ... MO Weatern Vnlon 1.100 Wheeling A Lak Brl Lh Irh vaiiar e.ju 14.000 6.100 400 1,100 100 "too 74.MO 100 100 1.6O0 l.too 1.100 600 1,100 400 LH 121 11 72 40 11 47 188 4 71 404 71 111 4H 61 16 11 II 71 14 16.1 11 4 10 4 11 46 11 30 72 7 11 47 144 11 19 11 1174 47 67 16 12 40 72 71 61 61 10 66 66 24 10 10 11 77 lM 11 117 114 4 11 11 100 102 121 104 14 0 4S 11 1 290 71 0 11 41 146 126 67 lim M 144 14 171 11 M M 14 14 41 141 111 44 140 11 44 ltl 14 11 49 11 11 41 104 141 11 111 14 44 41 lit 64 2 101 42 104 12 12t 2 124 104 16 10 S4 16o 14 1M St 0 11 46 11 48 48 111 0 11 7 1 10 47 184 4 71 !. 117 47 11 14 12 40 TS 71 Hill & Son F. B. Lewis Huston at Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L F. Huss L. Wolf McCreaiy A Carey S. Wertheimer H. F. Hamilton Sulilvan Bros Lehmer Bros 'Lee itwthschild Hoffman Other buyers 359 219 60 l5 . 32 74 96 267' 63 120 81 6 11 3 765 trsde. Shipping grsdes failed to show much Improvement for the reason thst smooth lights, butchers, etc., hnve been selllnj relatively high lately. Iemand from ail nunrter had plenty of life, however, and yards were cleared of a moderate run In very good season. Aoout Kh loans, usual quality anil usuni variety, arrived rind a better adjustment of pru rs for shipping hogs to the ordinary run of stuff naturally caused a slight narrow. ng of spirads. orders In the ha ml of outside buyers called for nhnut thirty- five losds, liKhl around one-fourth ot en tire supply. Choice linron animals passed the t7 Oil mark for the first time In over lour months, reaching ti-05. Hulk advanced to fti.Htrt;.76. piartlcally everything te.ling In by 10:30 o'clock. Ropresentstlve sales: 8.432 174 174 174 Total sales for the day, 447,000 ahank. London Stock Market. LONDON, Aug. 2. American securities were quiet ana steaay a u ring the early tifTdlng today. Prices advanced from W to on light covering. London Closing siock Quotations: ...71 Louisville A Naeh..l64 .71 1-14 Mo., Kan. A Taiaa.. 24 ... 41 New York Central. .111 ... 7 Norfolk A Waalern..U0V 114 do pfd II 104 Ontario A Wasters.. 44 Baltimore A Ohio, .lot Pennsylvania 44 (Canadian Paclflo ...260Si Hand Mines 1 Cheaapeake A Ohio.. 12 Reading 11 Oil, Great Weatern.. 11 Southern Railway.... 11 CM., Mil. A St. P.. 110 da pM 1414 Consols, money do account , , . Amal. Copper .. Anaoonda Atchlaon do pfd 11 Souther Paelfla ...114 . ibh uoroa racing 193 ,. o pi .. .. . M tj. S. Steel. . 47 pM ... . 47 Wabaah .... . 1 do pfd .... .144 11 1214 11 14 L Beer IMnvar A Rio O de pfd Brl do lat pfd da Id pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Central .. SILVER Bar. ounce. MONET 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, 3 per cent. steady at 84 1-164 per New York Money,1 Market. NEW YORK. Aug. S.-MONET On call, steady at tV2H per eetit; ruling rat. 2 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, stronger; sixtv days. 2,i3V per cent: ninety davs, 34j3 per cent; all months, SiQ3 percent. PRIME MCKCANTH: PAPKH 4i4H per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at 84 8435 tor sixty-aay diiis ana at 14. sow tor de mand; commercial bills, 84 83H- b I L V EK Bar, 62 c; Mexican dollars. 46c BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. Oils anal SAVANNAH. Aug. Firm at 4sc, 1 TURPENTINE Totals 5,606 9,261 10,103 Chi x l.E Cattle receipts were very HD eral for a Wednesday; 193 cara reported in. This cakes the total for the three days this weed IS, 000 head,' a gain of over Z,vuO lituu as compared wiui tue same days last ween, and the largest ot any similar period tor a number of days back. Still the total for the week shows a falling off of around 4.T0U0 head, as compared with the same three days a year ago. A considerable proportion of the cattle received today con sisted of range stock and a good deal of It on the common order. The demand for beef steers was very good this morning, both for cornfeds and for grassers. Buyers were out In the yards early In the morning and the trade on de sirable kinds was reasonably active at good stesdy prices. The best cornfeds In the yards sold as high as 87.06. the highest of any day so far mis year. Common and In ferior grades of beef were not tiverly ac tive and may possibly have been a little weak In spots. Good cows and heifers like the better grades of beef steers were In active demand and sold freely at good steady prices. Com mon and Inferior grades were a little slow and hard to move with the tendency If anything a little lower. Stock cattle and feeders of the better grades were In good demand and sold freely at firm prices. Common thin stock ers were slow and weak. A feature of the feeder trade this year la the fact that packers are buying a good many cattle that previous years would have sold as feeders, that Is, cattle while not good enough to be considered really desirable as killers still carry sufficient flesh to make It possible. For this reason shippers will understand that prices on feeding cattle are not quoted relatively as high as last year for the simple reason that the high Snced cattle are going as beef steers and ence appear under the head of killers rather than feeders. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 86.40r7.00; fair to good beef teers, 86.00xft6.40; common to fair beef steers, ,4.40ij6.00; good to choice heifers, I5.005.80; good tc choice cows,' 14.606.25; fair to good cows and helfr 83.754.40; common to fair cows anet neliers, t225j? 8.75; good to choice Blockers and feeders, t4.605.20; fair to good stockers and feed ers, 84.0004.60; common to fair stockers and feeders, 13.26(84.00; stock heifers, 92.76tgp3.76; veal calves, 83.50S7.00; bulla, stags, etc., t2 85af6.10. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 11 10 16 71 11 41 tl II. At. . Ill . KH ,.10b! .1237 .1201 .1074 .1221 .1091 Pt. I 0 6 00 I 40 1 40 40 I 70 4 25 4 40 No. It.'.'.'. At. 11(7 l-'4 1144 1M6 1174 1711 1711 Pr. 4 a 4 76 4 76 7 00 1 40 T 06 T 04 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 11 1021 4 40 11 114 40 COW B. 4 760 I 74 14 101 4 00 11 101 1 16 14 1M1 4 00 T 917 1 00 4 466 4 16 I Z1 1 00 1 1091 i 16 1 714 1 00 1 1041 4 40 4 180 I II 11 1060 4 40 4 M7 I 26 11 939 4 46 1 1004 1 26 14 9ti6 4 45 II 772 I 26 6 1111 4 60 11 823 1 60 4 HO 4 60 7 121 1 40 4 1080 4 66 1 1017 1 76 II UK! 66 1 984 1 76 14 IIS IK 11 119 I 16 11 941 4 74 1 1004 1 90 14 1000 4 II 10 192 I 96 4 1116 4 II 10 117 4 00 1 1104 f 2 HEIFERS. 8 426 1 16 1 642 1 71 11 447 I 40 11 762 4 16 4 674 1 40 4 I6 4 25 660 I 60 1 Ill 4 60 1 444 I 10 4 761 4 60 1 470 1 46 IT 7HS 4 M 4 M I 111 4 404 I 40 BULIJ4. I 160 I 16 1 1010 I 40 1 1130 1 M 1 1626 4 00 1 430 1 40 1 1560 4 IS 1 1100 I 40 1 1(30 4 46 8 1026 I 60 1 1150 06 1 ..lti I 60 CALVES. 8 194 I 60 14 191 I T 1 41 1 10 1 176 4 00 1 134 4 60 1 170 4 00 4 281 4 rO 1 100 1 00 1 101 1 00 1 160 4 00 8 HI I 00 1 210 4 00 8 104 4 00 1 151 I STOCK ERS AND FEEDER. I 194 1 40 1 194 4 ot 1 454 I 40 4 14 4 04 II 116 IM 14 146 4 10 4 4M4 I 10 4 640 4 1 4 461 I 16 10 181 4 II 4 411 1 76 IT 824 4 14 1 641 1 40 I 21 4 16 11 484 1 16 17 404 4 14 14 401 I 16 I Ibl 4 16 1 444 1 90 10 144 4 14 714 1 90 11 161 4 10 4 724 4 00 4 777 4 14 T 404 4 00 14 Ill 4 36 1 444 4 00 T 184 4 24 4 ... 661 4 0 T 1017 4 14 II 708 4 ) 1 177 4 60 4 481 4 04 II 191 4 70 t 414 4 04 IT I 90 WESETRNS NEBRASKA. 8 feeders.. 61 4 16 8 cows 804 I 75 6 calves... in 4 00 8 calves... 1x0 (00 12 heifers... 727 4 40 8 feeders.. 648 4 26 7 calves... 812 8 80 8 heifers... 542 8 46 15 calves... 268 4 75 Caker Bros. Nebraska. 25 steers.... W6 4 80 87 cows..... 851 4 20 16 cows 864 4 20 8 steers.... P66 4 S 25 cows 4 20 S cows 600 8 28 8 cows too S 76 T. A. Rock-Neb. 21 steers.. ..1216 6 86 SOUTH DAKOTA. 15 feeders.. 121 140 cows 871 4 80 8 heifers... 426 8 16 HOGS Packers were aggressive buyers at an advance of a big nickel In the bog No. At Sh. Pr. Mo. At. Sh. Pr. 66 311 120 4 :.S 6! 27 80 1 85 68 307 120 4 65 74 Ill 40 4 8) 66 212 1.0 6 66 70 254 I2J t, 85 68 lit ... 4 40 (t ;: 0 I 85 65 IKS M I 80 80 2il6 40 I 85 84 251 ... 4 40 64 242 ... 4 85 68 2.14 40 4 80 67 211 110 I 15 (0 :"0 40 4 to 17 231 ... (70 81 147 40 I 80 74 157 140 4 74 12 2X5 40 4 60 68 210 ... 4 70 M 118 M I 81 67 J31 ... a 70 48 286 ... 4 (0 14 !? 40 4 70 43 26 ... 4 f0 64 214 120 4 111 86 22 ... 4 40 68 24.4 ... 4 70 64 Ml ... 4 80 18 2W 40 4 70 66 296 10 4 80 74 219 40 f 7tl 84 151 ... 4 60 77 280 ... 4 70 48 224 40 4 80 04 23 10 4 70 60 210 40 1 80 61 2i3 ... Jo 47 247 40 4 fO 74 231 ... I 70 12 2 10 I CO 17 253 180 70 60 280 ... I 60 6 21 40 8 70 24 2XH 10 4 SO 70 2.11 40 I 70 10 .130 ... 8 fO J1 249 40 4 In 61 1.11 120 I CO 73 228 10 In 89 284 140 I 80 IS 208 40 I 10 44 249 180 4 GO 19 224 10 I 72 69 3n6 ... I Ml 80 ID 40 4 72 42 295 120 4 80 79 224 80 4 1!t 28 321 10 4 60 94 193 170 4 76 17 231 ... 6 CO 14 191 120 4 76 rr 24 ... 4 eo 64 m o 4 75 86 281 ... 4 80 80 110 . . 4 76 49 251 ... 4 40 61 262 tn 8 7", 43 268 ... 4 60 f8 221 40 4 774 63 231 ... to 89 223 40 4 77, 47 265 80 4 60 72 211 ... 4 80 46 2.(1 fOO 1 fo 90 178 1:0 4 80 40 S4 120 4 80 74 25C ... 4 80 66 288 120 I 62 80 208 80 1 80 98 229 80 4 80 70 2.11 40 4 80 44 268 120 4 65 72 211 ... I 80 74 248 80 4 45 77 220 ... S 80 45 247 ... I 115 CO 278 ... 4 80 79 220 40 I 85 74 225 120 4 10 49 275 ... I 88 87 217 ... 4 80 11 266 ... 1 85 78 in 40 4 80 11 100 20 4 45 80 221 80 4 80 46 224 40 4 85 14 Ill SO 6 80 64 242 ... 4 65 46 214 80 4 80 48 261 ... I 85 84 241 ... 4 86 "87 211 160 4 86 62 222 ... I 85 63 216 160 4 85 44 211 ... 4 15 .19 224 ... 4 65 68 176 10 8 14 214 40 85 81 224 ... 4 90 41 284 80 I 86 11 201 ... 90 41 1X1 l'.O 4 86 "1 262 ... 6 86 14 222 40 4 45 11 261 ... 4 15 47 252 40 8 45 85 201 ... T 00 14 2.18 40 4 45 76 105 ... 1 00 41 117 80 4 86 93 180 40 7 05 40 251 10 4 45 91 110 40 7 05 11 241 40 4 46 SHEEF Situation In sheep and lambs today had few good points to recommend It to sellers. Yesterday's finish was very soft packers' tab showing about 2,83a head unsold. They were mostly fat wethers and their failure to move lends emphasis to the fact that killers are getting more muttons than they care to handle at pres en prices. Something like 640 head of tho holdover supply were available today. Clearance of feeder grades was complete, speculators taking fully half of total offer, lngs suitable to finish. Fresh receipts amounted to about fifty loads of stock, practically all rangers. Sheep outnumbered lambs and plenty of weight was a discredit. The wether sup ply, exclusive of stale stuff, was measured by about twenty-six loads and fully tnrec tourths of the fifty-load estimate carried killing flesh. Packers took little Interest in the early traae ana buyers, as a rulo, consented to visit pens only after two or three Invita tions. It was a very quiet market from the start with feeling bearish. Some busi ness was done in lambs that uveruneil about steady and, as good lambs seemed to be In best demand, prices were very well sustained on bulk. A spread of t6.00C!i6.2j embraced promising dressers. Indicating a limit of 86.50 for something strictly choice. Sheep acted draggy and ruled lower, mov ing In most instances at lorr15c declines. Good wethers sold around t3.254j3.50, and desirable ewes held at usual small m i counts. Yearlings changed hands at 84.20, 1 indicating a quotable top of 84.50. quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, goud to choice, t6.0up6.50; Iambs, fair to good, 85.50&6.00; feeder lambs, tt.00U6.00; yearlings, fair to chnlce, 84.0094.50; year lings, leeders, 83.2.Vd3.75; wethers, fair to choice, t3.163.50; wethers, feeders, I-.7.V!) 3.16; ewes, fair to choice, 82.75a3.35; ewes, leeders, t'.25(i2.?5; ewes, culls, tl.5fti2.25. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 250 Idaho lambs 66 6 40 100 Idaho feeders 61 4 S3 60 Idaho yearlings 88 4 00 130 Idaho ewes 115 8 40 40 Idaho ewes 106 2 35 143 Idaho yearlings 87 8 50 4 Idaho ewes 117 3 40 2 Idaho cull yearlings 65 2 00 201 South Dakota wethers 14 3 35 320 South Dakota wethers Ill 8 60 407 western ewes, feeders 84 2 20 St. Joseph Live Stock Market. St. JOSEPH, Mo., Aug. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,500 head; market steady; steers. 84.5047.00; cows and heifers, 83.006.60; calves, t3.0Otf7.00. HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market 6c higher: top, 87.15; bulk of sales, t6.854C7.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,200 head; market 10 16c higher; lambs, 84.60 6.75. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand for All Classes of Stock Is Steady. CHICAGO, Aug. 2 CATTLE Receipts, 18.000 head. Market steady for best grades, otheis weak. Beeves, t6.00((i7.25; Texas steers, 84.406.10; western steers, t4.006.10; Blockers and feeders, S3.0G&6.35; cows and heifers, 12.10'i6.t6; calves, t5.6iK(i'7.75. HOGS Receipts. 22.000 head. Market steady. Light, 46. 8.7.50; mixed, 86.70.55; heavy, t6.5uCu'7.40; rough, t6.60dui.80; good to choice heavy, t6.S0i?W 40; pigs, S&.KKjFi.'JO. Bui kof Bales, J6.9Vri7&0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20,000 head. Market steady. Native, J2.2MM.Oo; western, S2.50(iM.OO; yearlings, t3.75(p'4.80; native lambs, t3.76ft4l.60; western, S4.26u685. Knnana City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,000 head, Including 1,300 Texans. Market steady to 10c higher. Dressed beef and export steers, 84.754t7.25; fair to good, 84.56Z6.a); western Bteers, 84.7ofjU.60; stock ers and feeders, t3.264i6.35; southern cows, S2.50fo4.26; native cows, 82.7ki.00; native heifers t4.754(7.10; bulls, S3.25ft4.75; calves, t4.0O&7.00. Huij 8 Receipts, 7,600 head. Market 6o to 10c higher; bulk of sales, S6.9057.15. Heavy. 17.0O4ii.16; packers and butchers, t6.9507.2o; ; lights, t6.0(n"7.2O. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts. 3.000 head. Market 10c to 26c lower. aLmbs, t5.604j 86; yearlings, t4 254)6.00; wethers, S3.764jj4.15; ewes, 83.00(3.60; stockers and 1 feeders, 82.604i3.76. , St. Loula Live Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS, Aug. 2. CATTLE-eReeelpts, 4,800 head, Including 2.000 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and exiiort steers, t6.OO416.8O; dressed beef and butcher steers, 86.50(1(6.25; steers under 1,000 lbs., 84.504j7.00; stockers and feeders, 83.uu4i4.75; cows and heifers, t3.004l6 66; csnners, tl 0041-2. 76; bulls, t2.7546.25; calves, S3 .50j4S.00. Texas and In dian steers, 84.004i6.26; cows and heifers, 3.0o&.00. HOGS Receipts, 8.400 head. Market steady. Pigs and lights 86 0041.30; packers, 87.1047.40; butchers and best heavy, 87.10 4J7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,600 head. Market steady. Native muttons, t3.5o4j3.76; lambs, M. 2646. 75; culls and bucks, tl.OU4itt.75; Blockers and feeders, tl.6o4j3.00. Stock la Sikt. Receipts of live stock at the five principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs South Omaha. St. Joseph.... Kansas City.. St. Loula Chicago Totals 4.4 2,500 ..10,1)00 . 4 feiO .18.0W 8.700 4.000 7.600 6.400 22,0u0 Sheep. ' 12.000 1.800 8.000 6.600 20,000 ....41.200 49,700 41.800 Philadelphia Produce Market. ' PHILADELPHIA. Aug. J. BUTTER-- i Firm; extra western creamery, 28c; extra nearby prints, 30c. I EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other 1 nearby firsts, free cases, 86.00 per case; j Pennsylvania and other nearby current re ceipts, free cases, 15 40 per case; western ' firsts, free cases 86.00 per case; western i current receipts, free cases, to l"4j6 40. . CHEESE ! ii in; New York fun creams, I fancy, I3c; fair to good, 12V&13C. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 2 COFFEE Futures closed steady, with September unchanged and other months vhowlng losses of from 4 to 11 points. Sales. 28.260 bags. August, 11 31c; September, 11.88c; October, 10.87c; No vember, 10.74c; December and Januar f. 10.65c; February and March, 10 64c; April I and May, 10.63c; June and July, 10 64c. Spot1 coffee, quint; No. 7 Rio. 13c; Santos No. I 4. 1310. Mild, dull, Cordova, 14loc j s MOW KI (REGARDLESS OF AGE) rvn1 TPrPhTl mm mm mum AD-GETTELSS' Every contestant gets 10ro commission on each cash ad. Every day the ad runs counts as a vote. A little work each day will win a big prize. Standing of contestants: Hazel Kernan, 2320 N. 28th St 679 lone V. Urates, 811 So. 34th St 623 V. Boobce, 128 N. 31st Ave 273 Paul Macken, 822 No. 42d St 211 E. Theil, U001 So. 19th St . . . . Frank Squires, 1515 Madison Ave 132 Bess Tobin, 980 No. 2Cth St 53 Bennle Telkner, 1715 Webster St 47 Esther Knight, 3601 Davenport St 43 Wm. Campen. 541 S. 26th St 88 Wllma Howard, 4722 Capitol Ave. 37 Clarence Stock, 124 N. 37th St 35 Warren Ege 116 So. 31st Ave 35 Daniel Omening, 4C12 N. 24th St 35 Jacy Allen. 1124 So. 29th St 35 Victor Graham, 4729 No. 38th St 14 James Vlckery, 724 N. 18th St 13 Leland Smith, 906 So. 33d St 13 Lucy Garvin, 124 So. 35th St 13 Howard Douglas. 4412 Douglas St 13 Mildred Stratford, 120 So. 35th St 19 Madeline Roselten, 2306 N. 2 8th St 13 Albert Wedemeyer, 4 4 02 No. 28th St 11 d Albert Anthony, 2712 Ames Ave, .10 Look over this list of big prizes. Any one is worth any effort you may make. Contest closes August 19th. Read the Rules Carefully ejvervona is ene-ioie excent m- ployes of The Bee and members ot Everyone Is eligible except em their families. ly oa sent In by contestants count us votea Each paid want ad counts as one vote each time the ad appears. Want ads from Omaha real estate dealers and those alreadv advertising In The Bee do not count. All ads subject to Investigation and rejection by The Bee. Only bona fide ads will count; ads found to be of bogus address snd in serted only for the purpose of getting votes will be declared void and not counted. Cash must accompany each ad. As The Bee runs Domestic. Kelp and Situations Wanted Ada Free, all contestants are obliged to take such ads with the same courtesy as a palW ad. Domestlo help and situation I wanted ads cannot be counted as vntH No entry fee Is charged. The receipt vy i no nee nam l ia realtor OI a nomination blank, properly filled out, constitutes sufficient entry, and counts as ten votes for the candidate. Only one nominating blank will be counted for each contestant. - Receipt books will be furnished all the contestants on application. The Ad-Os'ter contest will close Saturday evening, August 18. at 8 P. M. The standing of the contestants will be announced weekly. The contest Is limited to the fol lowing terltory: Nebraska, Wyoming, Iowa and South Dakota. A Beautiful Ludwig Baby Grand Piano $750 A beautiful high grade instrument that will bring Joy and con tentment Into any home. An instrument you will be proud of all your life. It ia worth any effort you might make to get it. To those hoij. mn.lKul arliicntlnn it nffori tha hi cheat ntialltV In tha mikr I er's art. To those beginning their musical education It offe-i a broader scope tor their ambition. This Baby Ludwlg may be seen at any time at Hayden Bros. Piano department. SECOND AND THIRD PBIZES-$140 Each A Graduation Scholarship Course in the Omaha Commercial College Comprising complete course In Business, Shorthand, Special Bank-ins- Pmnnratorv Courses. Principle of Agriculture. Business Agricul ture and Salesmanship. -J These prizes offer an education to the winners, and start therk In life with the necessary knowledge to make their efforts In the busi ness world a success. The management of the Omaha, Commercial College, 19th and Farnam, will be glad to discuss any point relative to the scholarship at any time. FOURTH PRIZE-Beautiful Gold WatcMlOO Either ladies' or gentlemen's solid gold case witch with T. I. , Combs tc Co.'s Special Movement. Selection left with winner. This beautiful timepiece is one that anyone would be proud of. It will satisfy someone's desire to own a solid gold high grade 'atch. This watch may be seen in the wludow of T. L. Combs tt Co., 16. U Douglas street. FIFTH AND SIXTH PRIZES $50 Eacl Two Ladles' Suits to be made to measure In any style and material which may be chosen. Style, fit, workmanship and quality fully guaranteed. These suits will be made by the Novelty Skirt Co., who have a reputation for turning out only high grade work. Goods and methods of tailoring may be Inspected at any time at the shops of the Novelty Skirt Co., 214, 216 North 16th street. SEVENTH and EIGHTH PRIZES $50 Each Two National Pw.ce Follower Special Bicycles, 1911 model, for boy or girl. The bicycle fad is growing in popularity each day. It Is a recreation that affords a healthy exercise combined with the pleasure of paying visits to places which were out of your reach before. These bicycles are on exhibition at the store ot the Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago streets. NINTH AND TENTH PRIZES-$13 Each Two full memberships to the Y. VV. C. A. for one year. Including the Olmnaslum and choice ot the Educational classes. Every young lady should belong to the Y. W. C. A. Its elevating Influence Is felt the world over, These prizes will appeal to those who wish a place to spend an euJoyaMe hour down town. When you are down town, drop Into the Y. W. C. A. ELEVENTH AND TWELFTH PRIZES- $13 Each Two full memberships in the Y. M. C. A. for one year, comprising all the membership privileges, including the gymnasium and swim ming pool. These prizes are uplifting and elevating t mind and body and should be eagerly sought alter by those who wish to make a place for themselves In the world. Visitors aro always welcome at tha Y. M. C. A. If you want to enter the contest call Tyler 1000 or come to the Bee office and ask lor Bee Want Tad Editor. Each contestant will be taught how to get a start. Make up your mind and enter now. I