TIIE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1911. WANT ADS Want ads rrcrivtnl at nr time, but to Insure) prH-r rlasslllratloti mut In prrnrntcl In-fort i'Z o'rlofk in. for the niiiR (litioii anil Iteforo 7:30 for niornlnp; an'l Hiiinl.iy editions. Want 1h rt-ivWr-d after mch hours will hare their flrt-t Insr-rtlon under the heading "Too l.ate to Classify." CASH IIATK.S HH WANT ADS. ItKtil I.AU CI ASSIFK'ATION -One Insertion 1 4 rents per word and 1 rent wr word for earli aulwequent in-tw-rtlon. Kuril insertion mode on odd days, I?i rents jx-r word, fl.50 per line per month. lUtes apply to either The Dally or Sunday Dec. Always count lx words to a lino. Wont nds for The Deo limy le left ot any of the following tlrun Mores ono is your "corner druBR!-" t,,0J are all hranrli olllees for Tho Wee and your ad will be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates as at the main oflUe) In Tho Dee building. Seventeenth and Farnatn streets: All.nch W. I'., 40th and Fnrnam. Damn lrug Co., "JWl N. K.th ft. Bernnek. S. A., IfS P. K.th St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson Neo. . P-mls Park Pharmacy, 3l nd Cumins. Tj i.. ! a tjr,l;ul. ., al...vmill1 AVO. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2113 Military Ave. CauKhlin. 1.?. H. 471". Uavnortli M. Crlrsey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooncy 1'hartnacv. ID Houtli I'.th St. Ccrmak, Kmll. UW- Month 11th St. Khler Ac Co., 202 Ieavrnwnrth St. Foster A Arnoldl. 214 N. 25tl Ml. FreMag. J. J., 1.U4 N. 24th St. Freeser Drug Co.. lC N. HIM'' Florence Imn Co., Florence. . Green s Pharmacy. Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough ft Co., M2S S. Mill St. Oreenough & Co., Kth and Hickory. C.oldman Pharmacy, 24th and ''v'n.w Jolian.-on Drug Co., 24th and Spalding. Johnson Pharmary. 2;-;0 Farnam St Hanscom I'nrk Pharmacy. 1.711 S. 20th Ave. JtlntrlonK Irtir Co., S1t Ave. & Farnatn. Hoist. John. f,?4 N. K.th Mt. Huff. A. T,., 2,'2I T.i avrnwnrth. King. II. M , 24th and Fnrnrim Kotintre Place Pharmacy. 2'2 V 24' n bt. I.athrop T'harmacv. 21th and Hamilton. Mares. Fred I-., 2M! Central Ttlvd. Monmouth Phnrma'-v. SSil find Cumlnir. Patrick HrtiK Co. 1W N. 24th Pt. Saratoga Pruir Co.. 24th and Amm Ave. Pchncfpr'a Cut Price atnro. T'th ft C hlcno. Walnut Hill rharmacv, 40th and Cumlni;. Walton Phnrmacv. 2th and Grace. HEATHS A5D Ft NKHAL NOTICES. Sn7rTnrrr"at-lc-iBM!t-1 The funeral of Mrs. C. O. Talm will be held from the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. C. A. Iiraon. Flfty-econd and Ppracue. Omaha, Monday, afternoon. July 1, at 2 o'clock. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. E ANNOUNCEKiENTS T IIXT'IM Vt XT I . "SUE. ri ll. iV. VtlliiM lUijJiiWi TAKfcK, embalmer. WU Chicago St. D. ltit), U-lttOS. MONEY I TO LOAN - LOW KATL, in aunia to Hit. J10 llee lildg. hone liuug. ZM. UNION LOAN CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The bent develop ing und fiiiWiilng In the city. MEOEATlt STATION KUT CO., Photo iieparliiient, IMi and t'urnam Bta. OFFICE STATIONERY Bn,.v' KOTERA & LEA RY CO., Tel. Uougltta IsoO. Alter August lat 71U 8. loth St. U'H rifWf "ardlng Hyglea brand. tJiliVU A11 jeadi,lg urugglats. Harding Ice Creum Co. EI) ROTH EH Y Atia. fuii cigars. Cafe in connection, ill U, 14th tit. "LYNCH BROS HEATING AND "11U1 JJ1VUO. PLUMHINU. REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson Bt. D. 1477. l.CH) letterheads (good bond paper), l.OuO. Eftimnte und aamplo furnished. Other printing. Tlzard I'rlnting Co., Omaha Com. College Oldg., llith and f'urnam. Red bt'ite. SMOKE- COSTELITS Omaha Cut Plug, ooti N. 16th 8t. , YKS, the NEBRASKA 8CSPENDER Ml' vi. CO., OMAHA. Neb., makes the beat ' Coatless'' HUHpender (to be worn under the shirt when ou wear belt), insist on getting 'The Nebraska." If your merchant can't supply you send 60 cents and we will end you a pair direct by mall, postpaid. TWENTY per cent leaa than Omaha pricjs. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-iourth and I. Kts., South Omaha. Louie Ahko, best Chinese cafe, 1417 Doug. OCR LETTER duplicating work is unex '.i. "' A trlal " convince you. lloth iiUi'n"a' WeHirn Luplicuting Co., 400 Uee liOYDEV We" boring and pump work. ' Phone Webster WsS. fi?fMR'J-c-??ARLE8 c- HUSOATB, China Prtng. i. iirandcta Bldg. TeL Webster toll. ' WELCH. Pure Foods. No. 1 48-lb. ack rtry best flour, $1.85; 23 lbs. granu lated sugar. $1, with each V purchase of groceries. 24th and Farnam. GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. 118. Red 2177. B. F. WURN. eyegiusB repairing. 4i Lrunri!ia illdg. TH1EL, Cut Price Tailoring. 71 South luta. EM1L GANZ CERTIFIED I'L'liUC ACCOUNTANT. H1 brown illock. Tel Doug. 7433. BARKER BPtOS. PAINT CO., ltWJ1 Fauiam. Ind. A-3S21; HoiiKlaa 475a We do picture Framing and Ulaxing. SPECIAL lUSCOL'NT this month on Paint. " " ' . i ail A a, 'CI. WILUlW yPRINOS beer, liquor, cigars andwiches. ALEX J E TEH, 13ui Douglas. 1X31C1LA8 Printing Co. TW. Douglas (41. PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department stores; must select stuck of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 7u7 a. 16th bu Phones Douglas 10t4, Independent A-iiM. LADIES' and gents' shine parlor. 23) B. lUh L & II. Cols Sign Co. D. 274a. uii Farnam. GORDON tno n1'""1" man. 24a & uuuuo.n oiiiana. When your magazines expire call Douglas 71U, Ktcamritting; repair work. Call Ind. B-1773 MAQGARD Van & Storage, Pack, move, llore aud ship II. 11. goods. D. 1404; B-242S. TheNew Elk Hotel. Now open, all outside rooms, Sc und 50c by day; week. $1 up. el? N. Kth. D. 7J37. W. S. Heatoa. American turnacea. H. 1565. CMAHA Furniture Repair Works. D. 248L YOU'LL alwava be happy If your weoding ring cornea from Brodegaard's, lie 8. 1st a fct. At the sign of the crvwu. COAT and PANTS to order. $17.50. Mac Canny. Wilson. Tailoring Co.. Hoi S. lita bu DRINK Grandmas Wild Cherry Phos phate, tonio and blood purifier; better aud cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. 10r, MRS. M. S. PIERCE wreTdr,d,": cordially Invites you to Inspect tier new hairdresslng (triors at Farnam tit. Phone Harney usi. lad. A -142. ' E. JIOWE, WELL. BORING. Benson 245. II ARK V W. McVEA .ftSo JOBBING A SPECIALTY. Tel. HAH. 44 DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Cssady Co., 8 XV. Cor. 14lh and Iugiaa ! V W'n SFI I Mortssisca. Komi. I -'-A'DAi-A-Wrliefu-e Insurance. BEAUTIFUL Concordia park. 5Sth and liter. fluiut.tig bvidware. U. A. Ulil, 115 N. 40. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued EAT KOSJIKR HOME C OOK1NO A H KINS. lit S. Uth. LTSTAiHS Ml Sir TEAt'llETlS By our Interstate ftuilio plan. e will sharo a residence or rtflce siudlo In any fair sixed town In thl o-mmunlty and guarantee results. Write today, r. M. H.. limtlit, Neb. BA t'EIt'8 CAFE, bent In city. 211 S. lHh. NERO HHiiS. wrestling. Jul Jltsu, Friday nti'l Saturday, Jewel theater, 15th and I Hugla. VINCENT OAFE-Bc-t 25c meal, extra Sunday dinner. 320 S. 19th. WAN TFT) Carnival Company or bids for concessions at the Did Soldiers' Re uninn at Florence August ir to 20. Ap ply John Luuold, Florence, Neb. FOIl a dainty clehaert use HalseH's Ice Cream. If Air. M. Kushlan, 1111 So. 10th Mt., will conic to The I'ee office within three diis we will alvo her an ordpr for a nit iirltk of this fine Ice cream. WOCCLAS CAFK. 101 8. 14. best 20c meal. J. A. ANDERSON'. Life Ins.. McCaaue. BOHMAltSK. hat factory, cleaning, re pairing. 1.20 California Bt. New KnRland bakery. I?eat lunch. 212 N W Hi:.FKY & HEAFKY moved to 2611 Fur nam. AUTOMOBILES H0NK3.KBJSH0NK HERIC S THR HE8T PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMMOND, Uta and Harney Ets. NEW and 2d-hand autos. Hertcht. Omaha. IK -I T J T. REPAIRING. Murphy Did It jBffi Auto Snaps 11911 50 horse power Kisael K;ir, seven passenger, equip ped with top, windshield, presto tank, trunk and trunk rack, $1,500. 11910 Interstate Touring Car. First class condition, $G00. 11909 Oldsmobile, forty horse power. Has just been re paired, $800. Seo DRUMMOND, 18th and Harney. BARGAIN One 40 H. P. Oakland touring car, excellent condition, fully equipped; has run 3.200 miles $650. E. A. WILSON AUTOMOBILE CO., 2010 Harney St. WRITE for list of second-hand auto mobiles. Some exceptional bargains In run abovitn and flve-passenxer cars. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. FIVE-PASSENGER Midland, good order. Ji.00. 2515 Leavenworth. NEW ERA auto cycle; five H. aearlv new, for sale cheap. Address box. 6t, Mailt son, Neb. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE WARDROBE, U6 FARNAM. Doug. 1729. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business, call on GANGBTEAD. 404 Dee Bldg. TeL D. 3387. FOR SALE First-class mllliuery business, lo cated In live county seat In central Ne braska. Personal reasons for selling. Duslness perfectly satisfactory. Ex ceptionally good terms It taken at once. Inquire Box 74, St. Paul, Neb. UKST small hotel In state. Owner has to leave on account of daughter's health; 17 rooms, 17 regular hoarders; fine commer cial trade. Rent $36; water atid gas; no opposition. Price: $700; halt cash; will stand thorough Investigation; wo drouth. Lludcll Hotel, Petersburg, Neb. FOR SALE. GREENHOUSE and 14 acres land: 10 minutes walk from P. O. in new county seat town on two railroads; 46 miles from Ppokane; good market and fine climate; beat location In the Inland Empire. Write fur prices and terms. L. L. Jarboe, Newport, Wash. FOR SALE Stock of groceries and variety goods. Address T 114 care of Omaha Dally Bee- $125.00 Buys 125 $5.00 Instant Frees ers if sold In bulk and within next i days, at Room 12. 1524 Dodge. FOR SALE Good paying drug store In a good, live Nebraska town, lor partic ulars, Address Y M, Bee, DRUG Business, best thing In the state, county seat town of 2.000. Terms cash or as good; Invoice $i,5o0, or will lump at t 7u0 for julck sale. Reason and particu lars to bona fide buyer. Address T 112, Bee. DENTIST wanted to buy $1,700 practice, $So0 outfit In town of 1.S00, eartern Ne braska; $-' takes It. For particulars, ad dress. T I'. Omaha Bee. KOI t SALE A paying Jewelry store, easy payments. Address Y 113 care of Bee. x 15 000 DRUG stock In 1.500 population central Nebraska town; $12,(M) yearly busl ners No trsde considered. Don't write unless you mu business. Address, Y 104, Bee. GROCERY for sale or will trade for real estate. Good location, doing good business. Will sell at Invoice. C. W. Schrader, 24iu and Franklin Sts. FOR Sale or Rent In Illinois Market equipped with fixtures, power sausage nia cin. , steam and electric power. All modern equipment. Suitable for wholesale and retail. Would trade for land. Address i lo4, Omaha Bee. DENTIST, DOCTOR, A good dentist, also a good physician, would do well to loeate In new "Pullman Buildlntr," next to Burlington station; very desirable location fur south of viaduct bus iness. . IMPERIAL INVESTMENT CO, Pullman Bldg.. TeL Douglas Ult, IF YOU have $10,000 I can show you how to make it earn you 10 per cent or 15 per cent and your money will be secured by land and land that Is rapidly Increasing In value. Douglas line tot City NaUunal liauk. Ask for H. B. PHYSICIAN Exrerlenced. up-to-date, deslrea to find a good location In Nebraska, northern part preferred. Will pay $ for Information leading to auitable location. Address Y 108, Bee. KounalusT lioases for tale. GREAT BARGAIN, eight-room rooming house, good location for boarders. Web ster 4191. CHIROPODISTS MONHEir. clilrop.1't manicuring, 'air dressing, hair goods. C4 Nat. Bk.. D. $333 I'll. KOY. 1505 Farnam St. Douslas .: WHEN writing to advertisers kindly say you saw their "ad " tn The Bee. Peisielsul Advertising Is lb Road te Hit The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. DETECTIVES OMAHA Mecret Botvlc Dttectlve afer.cy. Inc.. bonded. 4&-v 1'axtun Hike. L. iilj. A-lZii CAPT. T. COHMACK, 117 KAKUACM lliK. J A MEM ALLEN, 80S Neville block. Phone Tyier lli or A-2757. ISth and Harney. DENTISTS HAILEY MACII. 3d floor Paxton. t. 10a. DRAINAGE J. J. 8TUBB3, room 416. First Nat. bank. "LOTS surveyed. Bruce & Standeven, Ue Biag. DRESSMAKING Terry's Dressmaking College. 20th & Far. Mattlson, Modiste. Doug. 4G0I 1410 8. 10th. FIRST clasa reasonable. Weh. Sat 1 1 KST-CLASS dressmaking. 548 S. 2 Ave. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 623; 814 8. 14th. POTH ELECTRIC CO.. repairing dyna mos and motors a specialty. D. 547. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamos, motors and repairs, i-e Bron, 311 S. Uth Kt. Douglas "'75. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAAIPMAN BUSINESS COI,-LKUt-Fine new building; all business branches taught. Our graduates are In de mand, i-nier at any timo ut our catalog. MOSHEH & LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam Sts , Omaha. Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE Is Now Open. 6TUDENTS ADMITTED ANT DAT. Omaha's largest and most successful Com mercial College. Business, Bookkeeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Service anJ Salesmanship. The catalogue la free. Ad dress H. B. Bovlea, President. Omaha. Neb COLLEGE of Medicine, University of Illinois; 4-year graded course for degree of M.- D. Opens Sept. 26. Address Secretary, Box 15, Congress and Honore Sts., Chicago, 111. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN V1UN10 LUNCHESr. riHJTATNS LAUNDERED. 2S15 U-Ul-iVliNQ jjewey Ave. Tel. H. lias. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers. UJi S. 12th. D. bMi. WILLOW PLUMES made from old and new feathers. 11)63 S. 11th. R. Sokolof. L. LIEFF, 3139 Farnam. Harney 5410. Ladles' tailor. Now ready for fall season. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-1W1. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnara 8t I. HENDERSON. 1318 Farnam. D. 131 FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS Don't Wait Telephone today to your furnace. titeam or hot water heater cleaned and ready for fall use. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 120S-S Douglas St. Douglas Mo, A-3621. HELP WANTED "EMALE Clerical and Office. PRIVATELESSONS IN SHORTHAND At your home or office. Unlgraph Co., P. O. Box tutf, Omaha. BOOKKEEPER, prefer one experienced In Insurance. $:nj. Stenographer, real estate, $78. Billing clerk. Wall's adding machine at tachment, $45-$50. Telephone operator and typist. $35. Stenographer (Lincoln, Neb.), $",0. Stenographer, mall order, $75. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-10 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aad Trades. GIRL to learn halt-dressing. 41s Paxton block. WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS TO SEW SHIRTS, PANTS, COATS. JACKETS AND OVERALLS; ALSO SHIRT PRESSER8. APPLY AT ONCE TO BYRNE & HAMMER D. Q. CO., ITU AND HOWARD STS. Housekeepers aud Domestics. THB SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will lun your Doinesuo Help Wsnted ad FKfc-E until you get ih desired results. Bring your ad lo 'in bee office or tslepbone Tyler luoo. " DESIRABLE women between IS and 40 years of age, residents ot Nebraska, wish ing general hospital, laundry or dining room work may find good employment by addressing Lo-- Box A. Angleside, Neb. WANTED-A housemaid. Mrs. John L. Kennedy, 211S So. 31'nd Ave. Telephone Harney 25. mwl. for eeneral housework. Annlv u once. 3021 Paclflo St. altseellaaeoas. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Maty's Ave. and litn bt-, where they wUl be Glrecled to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted, look for our usv tiers' aid at tbe Union station. WANTED A Latin Instructor to teach a boy Virgil. Apply at once. Ernest E. Hart, Council Bluffs. LITTLE spare time each day from now until August I will pay you well In com missions In addition to winning one of the prists in The Bee's "Ad Getter" contest. Call on or write Bee Want Tad r.ditor, Omaha Bee. GOOD place for good girl to do general housework. Mrs. A, M. Nichols, 3tlo Lin coln BUd. HELP WANTED MALE- Agents, talesmen is4 Solleltera. AGENTS Wantee, ac once, first elass Ltoposiuuu; big couunlsatoa. Write today. Lai Jis uvy.jr Co., tiro w a Blocs. Guuuta, Mb, I WANT a man to sell an old line life Insurance special policy In Iowa. Salary and commission, The Western Mutual Life Insurance company. Home office; Coun cil in utla, la. WANTED Reliable first class talesman to sell Central Brlttxh Columbia farm lands along the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Bow under construction. We pay big cum nations alsi advertising and office ex pense. Excellent opportunity to establish permanent connections with largest land company In BriiUh Columbia. Send refer ences stth applications to North Coast Land Company, Umllsd. 410-4U-4U Winch Building. Yauiuuver, B " SITUATIONS WANTED SERVANT GIRLS HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad Snlesmea Continued. FOUND Faultless Cleaning Works, suits steam pressed, 50c. 113 So. 61st St. Doug. 534. SALESMEN to rsrry hair goods as side llne on commission only. None but experienced men need apply, tlltt age and references. Krutx Ar Wcchsler, 258 East Broadway, New York. WANTED Experienced specialty sales man with auto to work Iowa country grocery stores. Excellent opportunity for right party. K M0. Bee. WANTED Stock falesman. Man of ability can earn $V.0ij this season. Write Immediately If you want this position. Ad dress, Y 101. Bee. SALESMEN for Alabama land, on easy payment plan. For particulars call on. J. L. Duff, 112 i M., tvmin timana. SALESMAN for this territory who has experience In selling advertising specialties. premium goods, or cairnaiirs; a wceK drawing account. (A new house with new line of advertising specialties.! M. J. Walsh & Co., 440-4..2 W. Huron St., Chicago, 111. Hoys. BOY WANTED Apply Omaha Ilroom Factory, IK 8. K.th St. Factory and Trnars. Drug Ftores(rnsps).Jobs. Knlesf. Bee Bldg. WANTED All around blacksmith; must be a good horstshoer. Steady job for right man. Fred Pantry. Lenox, la. Miscellaneous. WANTETVMen to prepare for positions now waiting at top wages. Learn the bar ber trade. Thousands have become succesp tul shop owners by our system and send to us fnr barbers. Few weeks qualifies. No dull season. No strikes. Cash every Sat urday night. Commission and tips in addi tion to wages amount to more than most mechanics earn. Tools given. Apply per sonslly or from country by mall. Moler Barber College. 110 So. 14th St SEVERAL young men Omaha or vicin ity to fit for RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, POST OFFICE CLERKS AND LETTER CARRIERS. Salary $50 to $75. Pro motion. Address P. O. Box 763, Chicago. U.S. $100 MONTH AUTOlNG. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; largest and best equipped shops. Nat l Auto Training Ass n, Omaha. Neb. WANTED 1 000 men to eat ham and eggs, 10c. Coffee. John, 1404 Dodge St. WANTED Mall clerks, carriers, clerks In government offices at Washington, Omaha. Neb., examinations during Septem ber. $0 month. Annual vacations. Thou sands of appointments coming. Candidates coached free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 218 11, Rochester, N. Y. RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and street help. 1610 Davenport. "LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Melcher, Llvry, Feed, 1514 Leavenworth LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. FOR SALE All kinds of good horses. $1$ N. 21st St. 'Phonn Douglas uOuO. COVERED wagon for sale, cheap, 3115 Burdette. ONE good light work horse, $36. W. 6132. Ridiculously Cheap $1,200 brougham, all upholstered in morocco leather, first-class lamdltlon; also good, heavy brougham harness and set of double carriage harness. Inquire, 2203 Far nam. ARE YOU BUGGY WISE? Answer us by coming In and buying an open or top BUGGY at less tban factory cost. A dozen Special Buggy and Car riage bargains. These are medium-priced vehicles. If you want a fine high grade Buggy talk with us. We've got 'em. but not at half price. See See. DRUMMOND 18th and Harney Sts. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost Borne article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to retaore them to the rightful owner. Call Doutlas 4s. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. FOUND Between Council Bluffs and Omaha, pocketbook containing lady's gold watch, owner will call at lWo N. 19th St , South Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. MONET loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; tasy payments. Office in 67 principal cities. Tolman. U'S Omaha Nat. Lank Bldg., for merly N. Y. L. Bldg NOTICE TO ALL ir inn ware positive that our rates ana itrnu were the best In the city, wouldn't It pay you to see us when you need RuneyT A omparison of our tates wlih those ot ether companies win convince you mai this la the place to borrow. $1.20 la the weekly payment on a $iA luan lor 6; fcedi. Other paments In tlie same propor tlon. If you need mcntf write or phone State Morgage JLoan Co. n-ij Arlington Block. V'114 Dodge SL Phones: Douglas 2466; Ind. A-2oi. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rstes and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO, 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. IZL&. A 135A. W. C. FLATAUrph6,,1 DIAMOND' LOANS AT MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mo-Ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage City fafClce. $16 S. 17th. Doug. 3W; Ind. U-12U. FERRJN. Moving & fit's;. Tyler 1J0;B-ITS. OMAHA VAN at STORAGE CO., clesns t our carpets on your fl ois; electric vacuum cleaners. 4 8. 16lb; 30s aV 17th. Doug, tiki VERNOR TRANSFER AND STORAOB CO., fireproof storage, boutcheld goods, pianos and baggage moved, packed and rtiiuped. Warehouse 1601 Burt bU T Ur Vu. CfLcs ?Ut sua LcftvsnworU, p, jj, MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES ALVIN E. POOLE, violin Instruction. 31&j Farnam. REMBRANDT studio. 16 per cent d Count on Portra ts, July and August. FRANCIS POTTER, tescher of mando lin, guitar and banjo. Bmdrige Blk. TeL Doug. 3tv3. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard and Kooras. LARGE, nicely furnished room; best board; private family; West Farnam. Call Harney 45. LARGE, cool, strictly modern room, suit able fur two gentlemen, with excellent board In private family. 2v S. 2tta Ave l'hune Harney 6SJU. CNE or two beautifully located rooms wan Ooard; walking distance; large yard, shade tree, veranaa, etc. An ideal place lor summer. 20 S. 25th Ave. O. At. E. hauls uur.ks. U. fill. A-K1L MODERN furnished room with first-class board, near three-minute car service, or walking distance. 'Phone Harney S&D. NICE rooms: home cooklne tnndorn 1!03 Chicago St. MCKI.V rilrniiihvil tinrlrt. vmm ....... home cooking; all modern home i'mprve ments. 2MJ Dodge St. Hantsi'mm 1Atw mTrTr"r i . roc in with private lavatory; excellent board, oenr car luie or naiaing aistance. Phone riurney j?. ' " " ' ' ' i.i. ,i L iwv.,11 auu UI1C sunt) ot rooms; large yard, with snado. 100 N. 2Tth St. Furnished Ilooms. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 5971 61!, N. iulh St. 2125 .DOUQLAS-Two newly furnished rooms; strictly modern; clean, cool rooina shady lawn and porch. Gentlemen pre ferd. Phone Tyler 1228. TWO rooms, all modern, good location Private family; gentleman preferred. Phont DUWKY Kuroeso Hotel. lJin a, txi NICELY furnished room, all modern 20c; St. Mary'B Ave. NICELY furnished room in good locality; all modern conveniences; refined home for lady employed. 220 N. 23d St. Tel. Red 4Z32 TWO desirable elope in rooms for light housekeeping. $i.50. 218 N. lilth. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bain tub. 101 s ih St NICELY furnished room, modern, elec tric light; $10 per month; 2664 Douglas St. Phone Harney 1557. TWO modern furnished rooms, facing south. 2.'ut Douglas. ONE nicely .furnished room, all modern rim couple; good nelKhborliood; walking d. stance. 'Phone II COOL front parlor; al.so other cool rooms; reasonable; lVb blocks from postof flce. 1S14 Dodge. 412 N. 22d, a large-area room; yard and shade; neat and cozy; rent reasonable; references given and required. VERY desirable front and back parlor; suitable for gentlemen or ladles; also sev eral other rooms; utrlctly modern. $13 S. 2tith Et. Doug. 6626. 040 S. ISTH ST. Double room suitable for man and mfe; un single; strictly modern, In private family. Phone Doug 7111. NICELY . furnished, cool rooms, 1707 Dodge St. WELL-FURNISHED rooms; modern. 101 CALL AT 514 N. 23IJ If you need a large, aiiy front room, modern, close In. Best reference. LIGHT and airy; nicely furnished; easy walking distance; modern; references. 2-) No. 2th St. Red 7045. ROOM with breakfast. D. 1452. mi CASS ST., light and cool, for one or two people. 2412 Dodge St.. elegantly furnished south front double parlors; cool and modern; one other large south front room. 1016 S. l"th St.; large, cool, well furnished rnoiii. suitable for two; bath and phone. Breakfast If desired. t OR 3 nicely furnished front rooms, main floor, complete for housekeeping. M8 Davenport St. 2815 DEWEY Ave . strictly modern rooms with or without light housekeeping privil eges. Harney llto. FOR RENT Large nicely furnished room with hoard for one or two gentle men; strictly modern. 2515 Dodge St. NICELY furnished rooms, walking dis tance, gentleman preferred. Everything modern. 27t Farnam. Harney 6i8. FIVE ROOMS, on second floor, modern except heat, one block from car. Adults only: only two in owner's family. Apply 704 So. 20th street. FOR RENT Furnlrhed room In private family, strictly modern, on car line. Call Beli Phone Harney !. NICELY furnished room; fine lawn. 300 N. ISth St. E LEO ANT front parlor; desirable loca tion. 324 N. 13th. Tel. Douglas 5307. NICELY furnished rooms. 170S Cass. FRONT room. Davenport. bathroom floor. 1701 STRICTLY modern furnished room In Pemls park, with private family; house and furniture new; good references required; no other roomers; $!5; ladles employed. Harney 5143. 1010 Glrnwood Ave. NICELY furnished room. 1S16 Chicago. Phone Ind. B-29i)0. 7023 8. 17th St., light housekeeping rooms, all modern. NICELY iurnlfhed room, modern. 1S14 Chicago. Tel. B-3107. FURNISHED complete, gas for cooking. Phone In rooms. Ml Douglas. D. 7200, A-1786. TWO LARGE front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; gll modern. 2221 Willis Ave. Web. lwiO. FRONT and back parlors, modern. 181$ Chicago. Hotels and A part meats. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 H. Utb St. DODGE HOTEL. 13th and Dodge; all cool ouuido room; special week rate. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rate. THE ATLANTIC Hotel. 140 Cass SL Ogden Hotel per wsek. DREXLL hotel. Nice rms. Mod. (14 N. 16. EAGLE hotel; rooms, day or week- 005 8. ma. OFFERED FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM mooern apartment; far tilth ed. Webster 44:4. WAXTElv-Refined couple to share home with owner while family is away for sum mer. Dave god housekreer; terms rea sonable to right party. Address, K 7, !. TO be leased for t years, the Mercer residence, 4th and Cuming Sts. Apply Dr. N. S. Mercer. B 25 or lHiuglas i;16. Apartments aasl Flats. WE WILL PAY YOU TOUR MOVING EXPENSES. $17.50 A beautiful f-room modern corner flat In brick building; walking distance. 105 8 2th St. $22.50 6-room modern brand new cottage, close In. 1529 N. 21st. ROBINSON A WOLF. 435 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 2418. FIVE room, steam nested flat. The Dunsany, 10th and Pierce Sts.. $25 00. Ap. pl 323 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglas 1...1. 6-ROOM apartments, completely modern. Fcargo Bldg., So. Omaha, above 630 N. $4th. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7406. A-4406. FINE five-room apartment on West Far nam street; heat, shades, gas stove and Janitor service; very choice. JOHN W. UOHHINS, DOS FARNAM ST. BUPERB-nothlng like It 4 or I room flat, all modern. AM N. t3d St. THREE and six-rount flats, klartls Block, loth snd Webster. 6-ROOM in Sherman Apartments. Web. 765. FOR RENT Kenwood Terrace, 3330 Har ney, modern. 9 rooms, newly finished, tile bath and vestibule. First class through out. Reference. $.V). Key next door, 3J2S Harney. DESIRABLE APARTMENT. 6-ROOM apartment, see Janitor. Doug las fi-37. WE WILL PAY YOUR MOVING EXPENSES. $12.504 rooms, in excellent condition. 2iH4 Binney St. $l.r.ou 5-room modern flat, with new plumbing, newly decorated. 2623 Lake St. e win rent thee to colored people. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. Thone Doug. 241S. 6-ROOM heated apartment. 25. 52J S 24th Ave. Tel Red 2177. Famished Housekeeping ttooina. NICELY furnishes light housekceplns looms, good neighborhood; gas and bxtn' all modern rOTDodKe. H. t6s Tl-M m,.,n , 1 - " y ., iiuubi nepiiig rooms, lur- nlshcd. Call 2:30 or 5 p. m. Walking dis tance. 3201 Leavenworth St. THREE rooms, modern except neat. 23"J South 12th St. TWO nloalv fnrnl.h... , . - .... o-:u ruunin, complete for light housekeeping. Ml8 Davenport. 22112 FARN'AM ITiirnUh.H I, 1. . ' . v. ,.vuDi:ni;riiii rooms; modern. NKU'l.V fnrnlil.o.l l,n..i,....,.. .-. - - ......... I" ' i K I wijiiir , light and gas for cooking free; laundry privileges; strictly modern. 813 S. 2ith St. . - -' - .......... c, , 1. 1 i 1 1 r oiock. Tine lyocation. Must see to appreciate. With or t..,,.uui. j.iouu, no oujecuoil to music or nrflrl lr- V.nl .... . , . . gas. nice bath, plenty hot and Ice water. ... i i.uiivo, 10. Lmt t?i. jnary s Ave. FOI R completely furnished rooms for housekeeping. De-lrahle neighborhood. To couple without children. References re quired. 366 No. 40th St. SOM VI IfOod CIOSA tn mtma fn. ,.n , , or man and wife. $2 to $5. 218 N. 18th St. TO quiet couple, suite of housekeeping rooms, all modern, very reasonable. 54S bo. 26th Ave. WELL furnished modern housekeeping rooms. 2560 St. Mary s Ave. Red 4300. 9 OR it nlr mnni fnm 1 1 .. v. . , - - - - - "K.ii nuuBCKeeu- lng; modern. 1G1S Webster St. CLEAN, modern frnnt r. , m .1 Till,, tMJV9, $4 per week, 2 rear rooms, $3.50. 5U s 2ith Ave. I'nfurnlaaed Itoems. ONE or t unfurnished rooms, new, mod ern; private family; close in. D. B1B7. Houses and Cottages. 250$ MAPLE ST.. five rooms, modern ex cept furnace. $22.50. Hall Distributor Co. A-4406. D. 7406. JAMES BISHOP, rurnnum moving and storage; two men, $1 an hour; speclulty of hauling planoa 'Phone Web. 2154. D-140; 7-ROOM modern house, W2 North X'ti St $25. Phone Douglas til g. DOUBLE house. 1313 1315 South Irt St tlx rooms on each aide, $3o each. Tele phone Douglas 4ot0. $3 MONTHLY rents a good piano. A. Hospe Co.. 1513 Douglas Su Om. V an at nturm. i'c packs. mm es.M ..r , hoijitriol l uud. Fireproof storage; IU4 4 '.tlh. Brsm n. Wi b. I7t. Tel. D i .1 A 'It, Benson Transfer Moves Furniture, D. ttat 04 South 3Htli, $15 u month; all nwJira $ roomi. Telephone Douglss 4040. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at 111 A 44th St.. n W. r smart-DunOss line. Tel. Harney 33tU or Douglas 44. 7 Ri-KJMS, modern. 615 N. 3tlth, $32.50 7 rooms, mod. ex. heat, 2(VI3 Seward $22 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat 2615 Franklin, $22. 7 rooms, modern, 3017 Jackson, $20. 5 rooms, c.ty water, 4J2 N. 24th, $13.50. 6 rooms, city water, 4-xt N. 2th. $15 F. D. WEAD. Is01 Farnam, 5 ROOMS In finest condition; modern ex cept furnace; owner leaving city; house for rent cheap to small rehponslhle family; fine piaee: see It first. 1M1 N lvth St. FOR RENT-S-rmui modern house, on Dodge St., walking distance: water fur. n-ht?l. 1. N. HAMMOND. &2 Hoard Trade. SIX-ROOM flat, modern except heat 1800 Chicago. SNAP 7-room. strictly modern house 541 S. 27th St. J. J. Kemp, 2512 Leavenworth. Both phones. SNAP O room. Mrietly modern house $35 per month. 4225 Fa mum J. j. Kemp 'i'.l Leavenworth. Doug.as S Ind. A-l'iis t'-HOOM house: all modern; large rooms 17 S. 23th bt. Rent reasonable. 607 HOUSEHOLD OOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and bu.nnit' Expressmen's Delivery Co.. Tel. Doug asl City office. 216 S. 17th tt.. Bee Bldg 6 Room cottage, all modern; 4128 Ixard St. $27.50. Apply Dr. N. S. Mcrccr A 1536 or Douglas 1536. "Lrtcr. $to-l..l7 Psrk Ave., 7-r., mod., fine condi tion; faces park. . H7 r!?.4IVV.3,1'it,.St.' mo1- ho""": installed electric lights and will paper for good tmant. rVM"2. N' 8,11 ?' K00'' 8-p - od- house, with hot water heat; will paper for good tenant. $10115 N. SM. new 6-r. mod. house $:)0 112 8. 44th, near Dodge car line, good i-r. mod. $iO 024 8. S5th St., 6-r. mod., new and fine. $121521 Park Ave., 8-r., mod., upper flat fine. ' $-)7 S. 2&th St., 8-r. mod house; good condition. $2s..102V Canltol Ave.. 6-r.. mod $2S-2."25 Sherman Ave., 6-r. mod.; nice $.'7 50-1715 S. 27th St., 6-r.. mod., new $5 1426 X. l!th St., 4-r., cottage, bath; nice yard. $25-1810 N, $4th. 6-r. cottage, mod. ex. heat. $232523 Sherman Ave., 6-r. mod., nice. $22 601517 Sherman Ave., fine 6-r., mod. cottage. $2v-lu7 S. 2d Ave., 4-r. mod. cottage, good. $) 6-r. cottage near22d and Leavenworth; bath and toilet. $20 No. 7 Shelby Court (22d near Leav enworth), R-r. with bath. $20 2.V3 Woolworth, 6-r. mod. cottage; fine condition. tl7.50-No. 1 Shelby Court, 6-r. mod. ex, heat. $irC07 Cedar St.. 6-r., brick cottage, mod. ex. heat; good. $i$ 114 N. 34th Bt, 4-r. cottage, city water and toilet. II",-3U'.i Miami; nice, 4-r. cottage with bath: good. $12 .50 113J N. 17th St , $-r water and toilet $50 4-r cottage near th and Bancroft. PLTtHS TUUnT CO , Omaha Nat. batik. OFFERED FOR RENT Hi rontlnweAU NKW K room flat, aJt rnodern. MlO Lake. Owner tl0. MODERN NEW HOUSE T rooms and bath, 1141 Georgia Ave. Relcheuburg Bros. Doug. 1670. UNEQUALLED, central. T-roora kousa. cm n. tad. OMAHA Expresa Co., 414 N. 17th. D. $351 finVVWnoOU nnp,. k,.ii.a l a P c . i - ..t-v . ... ........... .,..ubv, ,i. ,uni condition; lsrge corner lot and shade trees: rent $3. 1501 Ohio HI Apply BUS La thro u 6t. Tel. B-S244. PIANO tuning and repairing. Chaa. 1L Thatcher. D. 401. House. Ina Rlngwalt. Brandeis Th. Bldg. lTnuar D " Parts of the city. LlOUbtS Crelgh Sons Co.. Bee Bldg. 57$ S. UTH ST. Eight rooms, completely nuHlern, $:. Thos. F. Hsll. 43$ singe Bldg. l'honea Douglas 740ti Ind. A-4406. FOR RENT Excellent $-room flat. 514W No. 22d St. $22 50; good neighborhood; fine view. Tel owner. Red 624. "$, ALL modern. 7-room house. Jfij Franklin St. Inquire of Mrs. E. Johnson, 2414 Decatur Bt. TWO 6-room cottages, beautlfuty located. 719 and 721 So. 37th St. Webster Swa 6-ROOM HOUSE, Xlne condition. 3J a 21st St. Harney 2A. 6-ROOM modern house, vacant Aug. 1; house nearly new and well located; cement sidewalks and paved street. 1W8 N. 24 1 h St. $25. FOR RENT-NEW FIVE-ROOM COT TAGE; MODERN EXCEPT HEAT; OOOD NEIGHBORHOOD; TWO BIXX'KS FROM NORTH H4TH CAR LINE RENT 118 MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. NO CHILDREN. CALL WEBSTER 1H44. FIVE-ROOM house. $S47 Rees St.. mod ern except heat. Sundblad. 'Phone Red 5411. FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern, $1S. $11$ N. 27th Ave. 'Phone Webster 6581. 6-ROOM cottage, 714 N. 17th St. 5-ROOM modern, combination fixtures; 1913 Charles. Phone Harney 1104. 6-ROOM modern, except furnace. Jttfl Charles St. $23. FIVE-ROOM modern cottage; nice van!; 2414 Jones. $25 er month. J. t. Kenv, 25li Leavenworth. Doug. WW or Ind. A-1SS. Stores and Offices. WE WILL START YOU tN RUSINESS. A LARGE STORE ROOM AND CE MENTED BASEMENT; NICELY PAPERED AND DECORATED. IN EX CELLENT LOOA f ION FOR FIRST CLASH GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. TO HELP WORK UP A BUSINESS WE WILL GIVE YOU THE FIRST MONTH'S RENT FREE. PRICE OF STORE $20. AT 1064 SOUTH 20TH PT. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 2418, STORE room near 18th and Farnam. F. D. WEAD. 11 Farnam. 10S and 1M9 Farnam ft. Tel. liar 2496. STORE rooms for rent. 2200 Cuming. Call Douglas 389. TWO offices. d floor Crelghton block; also store at 116 8. 15th St. Alfred Thomas, Agent, VtS First Nat l Bank Bldg. FOR best grocery and meat market la city, with fixtures; a snap . 220 N. 23d. Office Space Will divide use of desirable offloe. furnished, and servlcea of stenog rapher and bookkeeper. Separate private rooms. AUdrero AX 547. Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Good room suitable for store room or manufacturing purposes. Inquire Anchor Fence Co.. 207 N. 17th St. SPLENDID layout of offices In "Pull. man Building," next to B. ft M. station. Rentals moderate. IMPERIAL INVESTMENT CO., Pullman Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1616. 140S-10 Howard: restaurant location. JOHN N. FRENZER, BOTH PHONES. TAKE a boat ride at l.ake Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to D. E. Slger, 427 N. 21th St., If he will coma to The Bee office within three days. McCAQL'E building 15th and Dodge Sts., opposite New Union Pacific Headquarters. Desirable offices tor rent, remodeling and decorating just completed, rents moderate, service complete. Apply OMAHA LOAN BUILDING ASS'N lat Floor. OFFERED FOR SALE Farnlture, HOUSEHOLD furniture, piece or lot. Phone Wtbster 40. ELEGANT mahogany dining room ault? steel range; books and other household goods: all first class and new; party leav ing city. Tel. B-634. FOR SALE 1 CHIFFONIER, 1 STUDY. TABLE. 1 BED Willi SPRING AND MAT. TRESS. 1 -VBED WITH SPRINO AND MAT- THESS. 1 SANITARY COUCH. No 2l-liand dealers need call, as this la new furniture. 2U18 Dewey Ave. FOR RENT Store In new "Pullman building." next to Burlington station; a very desirable location for millinery and dre.-.-:nalung or hardware, notions, novel ties or other business to catch out-of-town und south of viaduct trade. IMPERIAL INVESTMENT CO. Pullman Building. Tel. Doug. Mil OFFERED FOR SALE furniture Continued. FURNITURE of four-room apartment Will sill all or part. Apt. 3, The Sterling, Phone Doug. 761$. Typewriters. BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros, typewriter. B. F. Swansun Co., Distributers. Ul Far. nam St. TYPEWRITERS. Hot weather prices Remington, $12; Bmith Premier, $20, Oliver, $26; Under, wood, $40; L. C. Smith, $40; Monarch, $10; Jewett, $10; Chicago. $t; Densmore, $12: Fox, $15. Large r.tock to select from. Full guarantee. B. F. fa WAN SON CO., 1314 Farnam St., City. RENT an Oliver typewriter from th Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 291$. Musical Instruments. TWO fine violins; will sell cheap; one Strand and one Magglnl; graduated by C. L. Kramer. Web. 53i4. FINE organ, with mirror. Big bargain. $us N. 10th. KvNOTK PLAYER; cheap. Geo. Yager, 119 No. 15lh. allsccllaueuua. FOR SALE New and second-hand bil liard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures. Easy payments. Btunswlck-Balka-Couender. 407 So. HKn. e AFE9 Overstocked with second-hand safes .all sixes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co, 1110 Farnam St. SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at $10.00. Apply George H. Wright. Bee publishing Co. CHICAGO Upholstering V Mattress Wka. We sell niatimadee retail, wholesale prices; gen. furn. repairs; 2d hand furniture bought and sold; mattresses and springs made over. Ind. F-144K. 2617 N. St.. So. Omaha. FOn SALE Postof flee fixtures; Jdhand, all in good condition. Apply Dr. N. aV Mercer, Douglas 1536 or A-1534. AT a bargain. 13 second-hand Wheeler and Wilson and Singer sewing machines, phone Harney 1300. , Lu.nni,n dho ,nR f001.,n ja per M; ceiling at $15; common boards at $16; siding at $'2. Come and s. Dirnock Lum ber Co., Phone Ho, 1114. South Otnaha