BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1911. Rourkes Take Game from Des Moines by Score of 6-3; Phillies Whip Cubs, 2-1 10 WILLIAMS BREAKS UP CAME DriTei Ball Over Center Field Fence for Longcit Hit of Season. EHODES PITCHES CLASSY BALL Beau la Bratfa for tbe First Time Tkl Year by Hnnrke Family-. Tkam Mkn t'lrcns Catch at Loag Drlre. Gut Williams, the husky Rourke rlirht fielder, broke up the third and last game of the transferred series with Des Moines yesterday afternoon by slamming the ball over the renter field fence in the seventh inning, when the score was tied, and paved the way lor the home boys to take the same by a I to t score. Omaha had started off with a rush and garnered two runs in the second and another In the fifth and were two runs to the ' good at the opening of the sixth, but three bits, one of which waa a double, and a sacrifice hit. gave the Hopefuls two runs and tied the score. The Rourkes were unable to come back in their half of the sixth and the game had the appearance of another extra Inning one. when the Colts came to bat In the last of the seventh. Williams waa the first man up. He pulled two strikes before he found one which he liked. He caught the ball full on the nose and clouted out the longest hit of the sea son. It soaring about three feet above the center field fence. In the second Inning It was Williams double which scored the first run of the gsme and gave the Rourkes a start. Williams' hitting was also a feature Saturday. . . Beaa Is Beaten ... In the hope of taking at least one game of the series. Bill Dwyer sent Bens in to do the hurling for the Deserters. Bens, prior to yesterday, had pitched but two ' ftarhe this season against the Rourkes and won both, and It was evident Dwyer thought he was capable of pulling off the stunt again. Bent, however, pitched a claaey article of ball, but a couple of errors back of him did not help matters along. Rhodes, who has won the last five game In which he has . pitched worked for the Rourkes and allowed but five hits two of which were scratches. His control was good and ha only passed two men. Out of the nine In nings, he pitched seven in which no hits or runs were made. In the fourth he gave only two hits and In the sixth he waa found for three. Aside from these two In nings he was Invincible. Thomason, the star hitter for the Colts, failed to connect safely, but his Work in the field made up for It. In the'elghth Inning he stopped all chances of scoring by pulling down a liner from Mattick's bat with one .band after a long chase. Kane Starts Fireworks, Kane started the fireworks In the second Inning by batting out a single to left. Pchoonover sacrificed him one bag. Wtl ll.i ms hammered out a double scoring Kane. Williams stole third and scored on an error by Kores, who made a poor throw to first on Lynch's easy grounder. In the fourth Des Molnea made Its run Dwyer singled to left, stole second and cored on an infield hit by Anderson. Omaha came back In the fifth with ' an other. , Lynoh walked, was sacrificed to second by Rhodes, stole third and scored on a single by Moore. Des Moines evened up In the sixth with two runs. Curtis singled to center. Cotllgan cored him with a double to right' Mattlck sacrificed Colllgan to third and Dwyer cored him with a single to right. Williams opened the seventh for the Rourkes with a home run over the center field fence. Kneaves followed with a single to center and was sacrificed to second by Lynch. Rhodes struck out. Moor doubled to right and Kneaves romped In. Nlehoff singled to center, scoring Moore. Score: OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Moore. Ib 4 114 6 0 Nlehoff, 3b 4 0 t 0 1 0 Thomason, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Kane, lb 4 1 1 11 0 fcchoonover. If t 0 0 1 0 0 W illiams, rf 4 Z 1 1 0 0 Kneaves. as 3 1110 0 Lynch, o 1 1 0 0 0 0 Rhodes, p I 0 0 0 t 0 Totals 29 S 27 16 0 DES MOINES. AB. R. H. Curtis. If 4 11 A 0 Colllgan. ss 4 111 1 0 Mattlck. cf t00t J'wyer. lb 4 118 Kores, lb 4 0 0 0 Anderson, rf t 0 1 0 Oraham, 2b I 0 0 t ritowskl, c tool Bens, p 10 0 1 0 . Totals tO t 24 10 t Dm aha Runa OtOOlOtO Hits 1 I 0 t 1 H 0 M f)es Moines Runs 00010100 0-S Hits 0 0 0 1 0 t 0 0 0-11 Two-base hits: Colllgan, Moore, Williams. Home run: Williams. Bases on balls: Off Rhodes, 1; off Hens. L Sacrifice hits: Bchoonover. Lynch, Rhodes. Mattlck. Stolen bases. Williams. Lynch, Nlehoff, Moore, Anderson, Mattlck, Kores, Dwyer (2). struck out: By Rhodes, 4; by Bens, 4. Hits: Off Rhodes, R: off Bens, 8. Left on bases: Omaha, t; Des Moines, 8. Double play: Colllgan to Oraham to Dwyer. Time: 1:45. I'mpires: Haskell and McDowell. OPEIXa GAME TO GRIZZLIES PifMo Loses KselttnaT Contest by Eta-kt to Seven Seoro. JUEBLO, Colo., July So. In an exciting contest In which eight pitchers and twenty eight players participated. Denver won the first game from Pueblo, t to 7. Score: DENVER. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Uoyd. 2b t 1 1 I t 0 Qulllen. 3b t 1 0 0 t 0 Sieall. If 4 11 0 0 Caxsldy. rf 8 1 I 0 0 0 IJndsay, lb 6 1 I T I 0 Collins, cf 4 0 1 10 1 Coffey, ss 4 112 10 c 111(10 Klneella. p 10 1110 Kenworthy. p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Olmatead. P t 0 0 1 0 0 Oil more, rf 100100 O Brten. p 0 0 0 0 10 Totals 1 8 13 27 11 1 PUEBLO. AB, R. II. O. A. E. riavls, rf 4 2 t t 1 0 llerger, a 4 1 1 1 I 1 Jielden, If 8 114 0 0 Mlddlvton. cf., 6 110 0 0 Huxhea, tb 4 0 1 4 8 1 Koerner, lb 8 0 1 0 0 0 Claire. 3b 1 0 1 t 0 0 haw. c 1 0 0 8 1 1 Jackson, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kills, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 ('lemons 1 0 0 0 0 0 Perry. l 1 1 0 0 0 0 flchmld. lb t 0 1 1 1 1 Craig 1 1 10 0 0 Faber, p v 1 0 0 0 1 0 Totals W T 11 27 12 4 Hatted for Ellis In second. Batted for Perry In sixth. panver 1 t 11 1 Pueblo 0 0 I I 0 I0IM 10 0 0-7 SIOUX DIV1UK IOl HLE-HEADEH St. Joaepk Forfeits Seconal Gaaao After Wlsslis First Enallr. SIOUX C1TT. Ia.. July JO. St. Joseph won the first gsme of a double-header here today. 14 to 7. The second game waa forfeited to Kloux City, to 0, la the last half of the fifth Inning. The teams agreed to play until o'clock, stopping then If ean laninc bad been played, thus allow- Standing of Teams WEFT. LEAGUE. I W.I. ret : Denver 02 .4; Lincoln 67 39 .6:k:i NAT L LEAQl'E. W.LPct. Chicago 55 M Philadelphia M M .Hti New York.. ..56 M .H Pueblo 51 44 .6.171 .St. Joseph. . .50 4 .52l Ploux City. ..4s 47 .605, Omaha 47 4 .4'Kii Topeka 41 66 . 4271 Des Moines.. 20 C .3061 AMER. ASSN. I W.L.Pct I Minneapolis .67 46 .6fi' Kan. Clty.,.55 46 .MFI Columbus ...65 47 .Mi St. Paul 51 60 .m Milwaukee ,.62 62 .600' Toledo 49 54 . 471 Louisville ...45 67 .4411 Pittsburg ..54 ST .5S ..52 40 .Ho . .Ss 53 .411 ..14 67 .371 St. Ioula . Cincinnati Brooklyn , Bof ton . . . ; .20 72 .107 AM BR. LEAGUE. W.LPct. Detroit 61 U .Sti Philadelphia n 32 .fl Chicago 47 41 .622 New York. ...48 46 .61ft Boston 48 40 .511 Cleveland ...48 49 .495 Washington. .33 60 .3oo Indianapolis 46 58 . 437 101. uuuia 41 W .490 NEB. LEAGUE. W.L. Pet. I Fremont ....45 28 .616 Superior 46 29 -AW Grand Isl'd.40 35 . 583 Columbus ...86 40 .474 Snwnrd 34 39 . 411 Hastings ....83 40 . 452 Kearney ....33 41 .4461 MINK LEAGUE. W.L.Pct Falls City... Shenandoah Auburn .... Clarlnda Humboldt . Neb. City... 19 24 .619 .36 2 .662 .32 32 .600 .31 33 .4X4 .30 33 .478 .23 41 .3o York 29 43 .403 Yesterday's Resnlts. WESTERN LEAGUE. Des Moines. 1; Omaha, 4. Denver, 8; Pueblo, 7. Lincoln. 4; Topeka, 1 St. Joseph. 14-0; Sioux City. 7-4). NATIONAL LEAGUE, Brooklyn, 6-4; Cincinnati. 4-1 Philadelphia, 1 Chicago, L New York, 6; Bt. Louis. 0. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. . Columbus, 2; St. Paul, 8. Indianapolis, 1; Kansas' City, 4. Toledo, 6; Milwaukee, T. Louisville, 0; Minneapolis, 8. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. Hastings, 0; Grand Island, a Seward. 4; Columbus, 2. ' York, t; Fremont, 1, Games Today. Western League Sioux City at Omaha, Des Moines at St. Joseph, Denver at Pueblo, Lincoln at Topeka. National League Boston at Pittsburg, Brooklyn at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Chicago, New York at St. Louis. American League Cleveland at Washing ton. Detroit at Philadelphia, Chicago at New York, St. Louis at Boston. American Association Indianapolis at Milwaukee, Toledo at Kansas City, Louis ville at St. Paul, Columbus at Minneapolis. Nebraska State League Hastings at Kearney, Grand Island at Seward, Colum bus at York, Fremont at Superior. Mink League Humboldt at Nebraska City, Shenandoah at Falls City, Auburn at Clarlnda. - - Ing St. Joseph an hour and twenty min utes to catch a train. When the Packers went to bat in the last half of the sixth the score waa a tie, S to 8. It was almost 6 o'clock and, with the basea fall and two down, St. Joseph began playing for time. The umpire pslled his watch and ordered the visitors to continue to play. Captain Shaffer Insisted It was 8 o'clock and that the game should be called. The umpire declared the Inning had not been completed and when Shaffer called his me from the field at the suggestion of Manager Holland. McKee forfeited the contest to the locals, 0 to 0. Score, first game: BIOUX CITY. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Andreas, 2b 6 0 0 0 1 ? tem. lb 4 t 8 It 0 0 Breen, If . 8 0 0 1 0 0 Wagner, cf 6 1 8 2 0 1 Fitzgerald, rf 6 110 0 0 "mman " 4 0 t 0 4 0 Rellly. 4 1110 2 Dawson, c 8 0 0 9 8 0 Clark, p t 0 0 1 2 0 W. Miller, p 1 0 0 0 1 0 J?erep. ,f 110000 Towne 1 0 0 0 ' 0 0 Totals . "t io rt 5 "i ST. JOSEPH. n o .1. .v. ABl R- - E. o ib 6 114 0 1 powe. I 6 8 1 "1 0 0 Jones, rf 1 A 1 0 0 Zwllllng;, cf 8 3 2 0 0 0 Borton, lb 6 1 1 T 0 0 Mf"- 0 8 t 10 0 0 Hamilton, 8b 4 1 1 t o Melnke. ss i. 8 0 1 8 8 1 Johnson, p 4 1 2 0 2 1 Totals 7l 14 18 27 "7 "l 'Batted for Miller In eighth. St Joseph 0 1 2 0 4 1 0 1 514 Sioux City 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0- 7 .8aciiiLc.n,ta: Powell. Johnson, Melnke g. Two-base hits: Stem (2). Johnson, FttsgeraJd, Hartman, Wagner. Home runs: Gossett. T. Rellly. Stolen bases: Stem, Wagner. T. Rellly. Zwllllng (81. Powell (2). Hits: off Johnson, IS; off Clark. 6; off Wil son. 1; off Miller, 8. Double play: Hamil ton to Rellly. Struck out: By Clark, 2; by Miller. 4; by Wilson, 2; by Johnson. . Bases on balls: Off Johnson, 2; off Clark 8; off Miller. 1; off Wilson, 1. Passed balle: Dawson, (3), Clark. Wild pitches: Clark Miller. Time: 8:46. Umpires: McKee and Weaver. Score, second game: SIOUX CTTT. . . AB. R. H. O. A. E. Andreas, 2b 2 1 1 1 I 0 8tem, lb 8 1 0 8 0 0 Breen, If 2 0 0 4 0 0 Wagner. cf 8 0 t 1 0 0 Fitzgerald, rf..:...... 10 0 110 Hartman. ss 1 0 0 1 2 0 Rellly, 3b 1 0 0 0 0 0 Miller, c 1 0 1 4 1 0 Wilson, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sage, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sherer 1 1 1 0 0 0 T w.nn A A a a ...... & V V V V V Towns 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 18 t 6 16 4 1 Batted for Wilson In the third Inning. Batted for Flugerald In the fifth inning. Batted for Hartman in the fifth Inning. 8T. JOSEPH. AB. R. H. O. A. E. G. Rellly. 2b..... 8 0 0 4 0 0 Powell, If 8 2 1 0 0 0 Jones, rf t 0 1 1 0 0 Zwllllng, cf t 1 1 1 0 0 Borton, lb 10 1 8 0' 0 Gossett, o 8 0 0 0 0 0 Hamilton. Sb..... t 0 0 0 1 0 Melnke, as.,... 2 0 0.1 1 0 Glffln, p 10O011 Totals 21 "i 16 1 1 St. Joseph 2 0 1 0 01 Sioux City 0 0 2 0 t-8 Sacrifice hit: Breen. Two-base hit: ,n dreaa. Home runs: 8. Powell (2), Zwllllng, Herrer. Stolen basea: Jonea, Wagner (2). Hits: Off Olffln, ; off Wilson. . Struck out: By Glffln. 2: by Wilson. 1; by Sage. 1. Basea on balls: Off Glffln. 4. Wild pitch: Glffln. Hit by pitched ball: Rellly. Umpires: McKee and Weaver. Time: 1:46. CLARK'S WII.DXKSJ COSTS GAME Tssrks Is Not Able to Overcome the Handicap of Tkree Rons In First. TOPEKA, Kan., July S0.-Clark's wlld ness In the first Inning, when he walked two and hit one, enabled Lincoln to win. 4 to S. The locals scored In the fifth and sixth Innings by hitting Knapp hard, but Ehman stopped the scoring. Score: , LINCOLN. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Cole, cf 8 118 0 0 Gagnier, ss 4 1 0 4 8 0 Cobb, rf t 0 1 1 1 1 McCormlck. If 4 1 t 1 0 0 Thomas, lb 1 0 0 10 1 0 Dundon. 2b 4 0 12 11 Cockmsn. 3b 10 0 110 Stratton. c 4 0 0 ( 1 0 Knapp, p t 1 0 0 t 0 Ehman, p 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total "4 8 27 12 1 TOPEKA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Rlckert, If 4 0 1 10 0 King, cf 4 0 0 1 0 0 Whitney, lb 4 1 2 7 10 Gardner, rf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Emory, 3b 8 1 2 4 2 0 Chapman, o. 4 0 1 8 1 0 Kduiitton. ss..... 4 110 10 Kreps, 2b 8 0 16 11 Clark, p t 0 0 0 1 1 Beecher 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 23 I I 27 11 1 Batted for Krepa In the ninth. Lincoln 8 100000004 Topeka 0 0001300 0-1 Two-bane bits: Whitney, Emory f, Ed mlston. Sacrifice hits: Cole, Cobb. Double play: Chapman to Emory, lilts: Off Knapp, 8 In six innings. ' Bases on balls: Off nark, 3; off Knapp, t Struck out: By Clark. 8; by Knapp, 1: by Ehman. 2. Hit by pitched ball: fey Clark. L Time. 1:46. Umpire; Clark, SEWARD DEFEATS COLUMBUS Connor Eat Better of Pitching Argu ment with Hay. F0UB TO TWO 13 FINAL SCORE Leonard Gets Two Home Rons Ont of Fonr Times at Bat Melxell Se enreo Tbree-Mase H it One Two-BasTarer. COLUMBUS, Neb., July 80.-Speclal Tel egramsColumbus was defeated by Sew ard today, Connor having the better of a pitching contest Columbus' errors were costly. Score. ((WARD. OOUTMBrS. AB.H.O.A . AB.H.O.A R. RoMnaon, e(. 4 I t Mlll, rt.. 4 18 4 1 Prannos. Sb.. 8 1 8 1 IB Brows, tb 4 0 1 I Wnk, lb 4 8 10 Qrahim. lb.. 8111 Nff. Ib 4 1 I 4 0 1) Brown, as 4 8 4 i t Leonard, It.. 4 8 1 ITilUIck, of.. 4 8 Hanry. rt.... 1 lLMrh. It 4104 ,ty. rf I ( 1 Corbett. lb., lilt Fullm, as.... 1 I 8 1 Harrison, a.. 4 4 Wallr, e 4 t II liar, a 4 84 Connor, p. ... 4 0 t I 0 Totala M 4 17 14 1 Total! 14 I 17 8 8 Seward 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0-4 Columbus 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Earned runs: Columbus, 1; Seward, 2. Two-base hit: Robinson. Three-base hit: Melxell. Home runs: Loon ax d, (2). Sac rifice hits: Brannon, Graham. Stolen base: Corbett. Struck out: By Hay, S; by Connor. 1L Bases on balls: Off Hay, 1; off Connor, 2. Double play: Graham to Corbett Umpire. McDermott Final Game to York. FREMONT, Neb., July 80. (Special Tele gram.) York won the last game of the present home series by the score of 6 to 2. While Fremont outhlt the visitors, the latter were more fortunate In bunching their hits. Potter pitched steadily all the way and was given faultless support by his teammates. The feature of the game waa the hitting of Farrell and H. Smith, both getting home runs. The Fremont club has won fourteen out of thel last eighteen games played. Score: YORK. rREMONT. AB H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A B, Farrall, Ib... 4 I I 1 Ron Amu, Ib. 4 1 II C. Smith, lb I 110 Kullaa. lb... 4 11 1 1 Hannlaaar. It 4 I 1 0 Roum, of ... 4 I 0 Parna, lb.... 4 IT 0 Bohnar, o.... I 11 DaTla. rt 4 t 0 t 0Nrf, rt 4 ( 1 t Dra, m. ...... 441 0 Turpi a. It.... 1010 vbimi, cii 1 1 1 orr. IB.... 4 111 Coppla, 0.... 4 01 0 Thompaon, aa 4 1 1 4 1 Pottar, p 8 1 4 OH. Smith, p. I 8 1 8 Totals 84 T 87 8 Totala U I 87 14 I York 1 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0-6 Fremont 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-2 Two-base hits: Farrell, Hennlssey. Three base hits: Hennlssey, H. Smith. Home run: Farrell, H. Smith, Rouse. Bases on balls: Off Potter, 2. Struck out: By Potter, ; by Smith, 8. Stolen bases: Paj'vne, Davis, Bonner. Sacrifice hits: C Smith, Potter (2). Double play: Potter to Dye to Payne: Hit by pitched ball: Turpln, C. Smith. Time. 1:40. Umpire: Edwards. Grand Island Blanks Hastlnars. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 80. (Special Telegram.) Grand Island's superior playing and Clausman'a pitching did not give Hast ings a lookln In the gains today. The visi tors got just two hits and did not get farther than second bane, Slndelar did not pitch his usual game and was given poor support. Score: GRAND ISLAND. HASTFNtM. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. McKlbban, If 4 1 1 0 0 Bromley, ef.. 4 010 Cook, ct I 0 1 0 0 Fortman. as. 4 1 4 0 MaLear, rt... I I 4 0 tWataoa, 2b... I 1 I I 0 Harma, lb... 4 114 0 Cook a, lb.... 1 011 0 0 Armit'ni, lb 4 0 11 0 0 Kata, Ib I 0 I 1 t Ward. Ib 4 0 1 1 0 Jonea, It I 0 I 0 0 Buchanan, e. 4 i 1 0 0 O'Brien, rt... 8 110 0 Smith, aa.... 4 0 0 1 0 Hocrnlo. e... 8 0 111 Uauaman, p. 4 1 0 1 0 Slndelar, p... 8 0 0 4 I TeUls 84 I 17 10 0 Totala 7 1 24 18 t Hastings 0 0 o o o o o n ait Orand Island 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 1 8 Earned runs: Grand Island. 2 Two-base-hits: McKlbben, McLear, Watson. Three base hit: Hargls. Bases on balls: Off Slndelar, I off Clauaman. 1. Struck out: By Slndelar, 2; by Clansman, 8. Left on base: Hastings, 2: Grand Island, 4. Double play: Hargls to Armstrong. Umpire: Gar ret Sioux City Comes Today to Open Up a Three-Game Series Today i Also Ladies' Day at Bourke Park and Robinson Will Twirl the Sail. Tom Falrweather's 1910 Champs are the next victims. They will arrive In Omaha this morning and will be taken on by the Rourkes In the first of a three-game series In the afternoon. Omaha's chances for taking the opener ought to be good aa It Is ladles' day and the home boys have not lost a game on ladles' day during the sea son. Robinson Is also scheduled to pitch, which Is more convincing evidence that the Rourkes should win. The last time the Champa were here, it will be remembered, they were trounced for the three games. Should the Rourkes take two games from Sioux City this time they will exchange place with them in the percentage column and go Into fifth place.. Following in the lineup In today's game: OMAHA. POSITION. SIOUX CITT. Kane. Flint Stem Porkorney First Moore .Second Andreas Kneaves Short Hartman Scanlon .Short Nlehoff Third Rellly Schoonover Left Breen Williams Center Wagner Pick -Right Fitsgerald Thomason Right Arbo?ast Catch Miller Agnew Catch Towne Lynch Catch Hall Pitch Dawson Demott Pitch Kleppner Robinson Pitch Wilson Lots Pitch Clark Rhodes Pitch sage Hurst Has Arranged Fights for Tom Dixon First Boat with Joe Coster, Second with Joe Bivers and Third with Frankie Conley. KANSAS CTTT, July SO. Jimmy Hurst, msnager of Tomtny Dixon, featherweight champion of the south, today accepted the terms of the West Side Athletic, club of New Orleans for three fights for Dixon early In September. The first bout will be a ten-round affair with Joe Coster, the New Tork featherweight The second will be a return engagement with Joe Rivers of Los Angeles, who recently got a sixteen round decision over Dixon on a foul. The third match will be with' Frankie Conley of Kenosha, Wis. Ths fights are to determine the real champion of ths featherweight class. Abe Attell, who now holds the title, will fight the winner. Dixon will leave for New Or leans about August IS. Covrles Wins Ball Game. COWLES. Neb.. July . (Special.) Cowles defeated Inavale In a ball game Saturday, 8 to 8. Coles got eleven, hlta and Inavale three. Batteries for Inavale. Dledrlch. Palmer and Shafer; Cowles, Vance and Rltchey. Pierre Defeats Haroa. PIERRE, S. D., July 80 (Special Tele gram.) In the base ball game here today between Pierre and Huron the home team won, 7 to 0. Mason City Bents Hnmboldt. MASON CTTT. Ia.. July 80. (Special Tele cram.) In the opening game of the series Mason City today defeated Humboldt by a score of t to 4. Ths Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. MOORE HOLDS THE CUBS TIGHT Loosens Up in One Inning: Long Enough for Chicago to Score. PHILLIES TAKE SECOND GAME Winning; Rnn Made In tke Alntk, Wken Knabo Dooblea and L-o bert Follows wltk Oppor. tnne glnale. CHICAGO, July SO.-Phlladelphla handed Chicago Its second defeat of the series today, 2 to L Moore was the master of the locals In all but on Inning, when a double, wild pitch and a single netted one run. The visitors got their first on a base on balls, an error and a double. The win ning run was made when Knabe doubled and scored on Lobert's single. Score: CKICAOO rHTULDBIJTHIA. AB.H.O.A B. AB.H.O.A.B. Stiwkard, If. 0 I Knaba. lb.... 4 14 BeJiiilta. rf... 8 4 Paakert, ct... 480 Hotman, ef.. 8 0 8 1 0 Unbrrt. lb.... 8 8 8 8 Ztm'rman. tb 4 1 1 4 1 Ludrrua, lb., t 1 10 1 Poyla, lb.... 4 10 1 0 Walah, If.... 8 1 1 Tinker, .... 4 8 4 1 0 Brrk. rt 4 1 8 1 0 Aaler. lb 8 0 7 0 0 Doolan, as... 4 8 8 8 0 Arrhar, .... 441 0 Mnran, e 4 8 8 1 0 Richie, p.... 8 0 0 0 Monre, p 8081 Alaiandar, p. 0 0 ToUla 87 4 17 10 1 Tltua 1 0 0 Totals 17 11 87 1 1 Batted for Moore in the eighth. Chicsgo 0000010001 Philadelphia 10000000 12 Two-base hits: Walsh. Doyle Lobert, Knabe. First base on balls Off Richie, 4; off Alexander. 1; off Moore, 1. Time: 2:18. Umpires: Rlgler and Finneran. Ilrooklyn Takes Doable-Header. CINCINNATI. July SO. Brooklyn de feated Cincinnati today In both games of a double-header the first 6 to 4 and the second 4 to t In the first game Scanlon. who relieved Knetxer, was effective with men on bases, while Suggs was hit timely. In the second game Brooklyn bunched hits with Seyerlod's costly error in the eighth and scored all of their runs. Wheat's timely batting and great fielding featured me game, score, nrst game: BROOKLYN. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Tooley. ss.... 8 1 I 0 Baarhar, If... I 1 I naubert, lb.. I 1 0 1 Bataa, of 4 8 4 t 0 Whaai, If.... 4 8 10 Hnhllttol, lb I 8 10 0 Hummel, tb.. I 1 1 I 1 Mitchell, rf.. 10 4 10 Davidson, ef. 4 1 0 0 OAlmalda. lb.. 1114 1 CVulaon. rf.. 810 0 Grant, aa , Still Zlm'nnan, Ib 4 1 4 1 0 Etran, Ib 4 8 18 Krwln, 8 1 a 8 0 McLaan, ef.. 8 8 14 Knatier, p... 8 8 1 Ruca. p 8 0 8 0 Scanlon. p. 1010 H'mphrara, p 0 0 0 1 0 'Maraans ... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals K 8 87 11 8 nlantl 0 0 0 0 Ksmrmd .... 0 0 0 0 Downey .... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 8 18 87 17 8 Batted for Suggs In seventh. Ran for Almeida In seventh. Ran for McLean In ninth. Batted for Humphreys in ninth. Brooklyn 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 0 1 5 Cincinnati 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 14 Three-base hit: Wheat Struck out: By Knetzer. 1; by Scanlon. 2; by Suggs, 2; bv Humnhreys, 1. First base on balls: Off Knetzer, 5: off Scanlon, 3; off Suggs, 3; off Humphreys, 2. Time: 2:20. Umpires: O'Day and Emslle. Score, second game: BROOKLYN. CINCINNATI. AB.H.O.A.B. An h n A wi Wark, as JS 0 I 0 0 Baecner. If... 4 1 1 0 nauhert, lb. I Oil 0 Bataa. of 8 1 8 1 0 Wheat, If.... 4 8 8 0 Hobllticl, lb 4 8 10 1 0 Hummel, lb. 4 0 8 1 0 Mitchell, rf.. 4 1 0 0 0 DaTldaoo, of. 4 0 0 0 AlmeMa. tb.. 4 8 8 1 0 Coulaon, rf . 4 1 1 0 OOrant, aa 4 1 1 0 Zlm'rmxn, It I 1 I 1 0 Baan. tb..... 4 18 10 Rrn, 0.... 8 14 8 Serarold, .. 4 0 1 Ernie 1 1 0 0 0 Gasper, p.... 8 118 0 Burns 0 0 0 0 0 'Mariana ...1000 Millar, e 00100 Kasmn. p.... 8 0 110 Totals SI 10 87 18 1 narnor 1 1 0 0 0 Bchardt, p.,, 0 0 0 0 0 Totals IS 7 17 "o Batted for Oaspar In the ninth. Batted for Bergen ia. the eighth. Ran for Erwln In the eighth. Batted for Ragan in the eighth. Brooklyn O0OOOOO4O4 Cincinnati 200000000-2 Three-base hits: Hoblltzel, Coulson. Struck out: By Ragan, 4; by Schardt, 1; by oaspar. 4. First base on balls: Off Raan. 1; off Gaspar, 1. Time: 1:46. Um pires: O'Day and Ehislle. WUtso Stlnay with Hits. fha holt all m . shut out St Louis aaln today by a score i v. ii lie gave om i wo nits and no local player reached first base after the first inning. Score: NDW YORK. ST. LOUTS. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. tTOre, if ... 4 ISO 0 Hunrlns. lb.. 4110 Doyle, lb.... 4 8 1 8 0 Hauaer, as... 4 0 8 4 1 Snodarsaa, cf 8 1 8 0 0 Flit.. If 4 0 10 0 Becker, rt.... 8 8 4 0 0 Konetchy, lb 1 0 I 0 0 Merkle, lb... I 1 T 1 0 Bvana, rf.... 8 110 0 Henog. Ib... 4 111 0 Smith, lb.... I 0141 Fletcher, as.. I 0 8 0 0 Oakea. cf.... 8 0 8 0 0 Mcyera, e.... 4 I 8 0 0 Bllaa. c 8 0 8 1 0 w""e. P 4 1 1 0 0 Harmon, p... 8 0 1 8 tt wilioo.".::-.: . S o 1 1 llii Touia ZuT;-.- To St- Loula o 00000000-0 ' wo-case hits: Devore, Hersog, Becker balls: Off Harmon. S; off Wlltze, f, struck out: By Wlltze, 2; by Laudermllk. 2. Time 2 00. Umpires: Klem and Brennan. GAMES IN THE THEEE-I LEAGUE Waterloo Shots Ont Decatnr and Qulncy Takes Donble-Hender. WATERLOO, Ia.. July SO. Waterloo won from Decatur. 2 to 0. todav In a nm. played In an hour and five minutes, the Shortest game ever played here. Nagle, a former Decatur player, batted In both of Waterloo's runs. Score: R.H.TI! Waterloo lit Dtcatur 0 8 2 Batteries: Stnwtri and niprlnri... irn lis and Johnson. DANVILLE. 111.. July 30.-KIrwln won his twelfth straight game for Danville to day, defeating Dubuque, 8 to 2. Score: Danville 8 7 2 Dubuque 2 8 2 r.atteries: Kirwin and Massing; Rogge und Boucher. PEORIA, III., Jujy 30.-Rock Island won the final game of the series from Peoria today, 2 to 2. Score: R.H.E. Rock Island 17 1 Peoria t 6 0 Batteries: Woods and Oondlng; Saun ders, Rlchenbaugh and Jacobs. DAVENPORT, Ia., July SO Qulncy won both games of a double-header from Dsvenport today, 1 to 0 and 2 to 0. the second in seven Innings. Score, first game: R.H.E. Qulncy 14 1 Davenport 0 f 0 Batteries: Vyskocil and Clarke; Crabb and Coleman. Score, second game: R.I.E. Qulncy 2 5 1 Davenport 0 8 1 Batteries: Royer and Clarke; Flnke and Walsh. Scotia Overwbelms St. Pnnl. 8COTIA. Neb., July 30. (Special Tele gram.) In the presence of the largest crowd this season Scotia defeated the fast St. Paul team here yesterdav, 14 to 1. Cook pitched shutout ball. Only for a bad bound of sn Infield hit Scotia would have scored a shutout. Scotia hit Rhoder, the Grand iBland Import, to all corners of the lot. Hutterles: Scotia, Cook and Ammerman; St. Paul, Rhoder and Olda. Hlta: Scotia, 13; St. Paul, 6. Struck out: By Cook, 6; by Rhoder, 1 Hlfkland Players Win. OXFORD, Neb., July 80. (Special Tejr gram.) The Mascot town team and the Highland country team played a game of ball on the local diamond yesterday, fea tured by the good pitching of Bowers for Highland. Highland won, T to 0. Score: Highland 8 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 T Mascot 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Batteries: Highland, Bowers and Vopat; Mascot, Grace and DuvalL Umpire: Wade. Elgin Takes Contest. ELGIN. Neb.. July SO. (Special Tele gram.) Elgin won from Madlaon In thirteen irninpe on the home grounds In sn excit ing game. Batteries: Elgin, Gore and Stewart: Madison, Ballou, Fox and Her man. Struck out: By Gore, 15: by Ballou, 8; by Fox. 6. Hits: Elgin, 8: Madktoa. U. Umpire; WrifcJi BREWERS WIN IN TWELFTH Toledo Defeated in Exciting- Game by Seven to Six Score. B REEFS DOUBLE BRINGS A BUN Hickman's Double and t karles Krror Allows Visitors to Tl Score In Nlntk Inning Marshall Geta Home Rnn. MILWAUKEE, Wis.,. July 80. Milwaukee won an exciting twelve-Inning game from Toledo today by a score of 7 to 6. Hick man's double In the ninth and Charles' error permitted the visitors to tie the score in that Inning after two were out. In the twelfth Breen doubled and went to third on Clarke's sacrifice. He iniured his leg sliding Into the bag and Llebold scored the winning run on Lewis' single. Score: AtlLWAt'K EB. TOl.KIKl. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B. Stone. It 1 8 0 0 Nlles. ef t 8 4 0 0 Uiarlea, 8b.. 8 4 8 8 H'rbman, tb. ( 1 4 Orendorf, Ib. I I 11 0 0 H'nhorat, lb. 4 I 10 1 0 Kendall, rf.. 0 I 0 1 Burn.. If 0 0 10 Breen. cf 4 110 Clynea, rt.... 4 1110 Clarke, Sb.rr 4 I I t 0 Hronkle, lb.. 4 1 0 I Lewie, aa.... ill 1 CVrlach, a... I 110 Marshall, c 4 8 I I 0 Duller, as.... 4 18 8 1 Dougherty, p 1 0 8 0 Baakette, p.. 8 8 Llebold I 0 0 Jamas, p 1 0 0 0 0 'Hickman ... 1 100 Totals 4 II 8 II 4YU(lln ... 0 0 0 0 Totals 41 1114 14 1 Ran for Breen In the twelfth. One out when winning run was made. Batted for Baskette In the ninth. Ran for Hickman in the ninth. Milwaukee ..0 S 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 Toledo 1 1002000200 0-$ Two-base hits: Charles (2), Hohnhorst, Breen t2). Hickman. Three-base hits: Clark, Nlles. Home run: Marshall, Struck out: By Baskette, 2; by James, 1; by Dougherty, 8. Bases on balls: Off Dough erty, 8; off James, 8. Time: 8:45. Um pires: Blerhalter and Handlboe. A 1 cock In Old-Time Form. KANSAS CITY, July 80 -Indianapolis was unable to hit Altrock safely here this afternoon and Kansas City won the last game of the series, i to t The visitors' run was made in the third, when Williams singled, was sacrificed to aecond. took third on Schlltzer's single end scored when Hoffman beat out an Infield hit. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. KANSAS CITY. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B Hoffman, of . 4 110 0 Barbeau. Sb.. 6 8 0 0 Woodruff, If. 8 0 8 0 0 Sullivan, ct. 8 0 1 Rallman. rf.. 4 1 1 0 Lore. If 4 110 0 Houaer. lb... 4 1 11 0 0 Hyatt, rf 4 8 0 Oeti, Ib 4 8 1 8 0 Bo'erman, lb 8 1 14 I 0 Rltter, e 4 1 8 1 1 Corrldoo, a. It I II Williams, 8b. 4 1 8 8 1 Downey, 8b.. 4 8 4 4 1 Horn, as.... 814 0 Jamre, e 1000 Brhlltter, p.. I 1 0 L 0 O'Connor, .. 8 1 8 1 0 Burke 1 0 0 0 0 Altrork, p... 4 8 18 0 eghannoo ...00 Totals IS 8 84 18 8 ToUla 81 mil 1 Batted for Mowe In the ninth. Ran for James in the fifth. Indianapolis 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Kansas City 00012100 4 Sacrifice hlta: Corrldon, Mowe. First base on balls: Off Schlltzer. 1; off Al trock, 1. Struck out: By Schlltter. 2; by Altrock, 1 Left on bases: Indianapolis, 8; Kansas City, 9. First base on errors: Indianapolis. 1; Kansas City, 1. Hit with pitched ball: Bv Schlitier, James and Sullivan. Time: 1:36. Umpires: CbUl and Weddlge. O'Tonle. Strikes Ont Fifteen. ST. PAUL, July 80. St. Paul won its third straight game today from Columbus. I to I O'Toole was in fine form. He struck out fifteen of the Columbus batters and allowed but four hits, three of which were made in the ninth Inning. Score: COLUMntTS. ST. FAUL. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.K.O.A.B. O'Rourke, 8b 4 0 1 8 0 rd'hanty, rf 4 4 1 0 0 Htnchman, If 8 0 1 0 1 Brauronnt, cf 4 1 1 0 f. Conralum. rf 4 8 8 0 0 M. MoCk, Ib 4 1 0 Downa, lb.... 4 0 1 8 0 Jonea, If 8 8 1 0 0 Perrlna lb.. 4 1111 Autrey, lb... 4 18 10 Mahllng ,ss.. 8 0 18 0 Butler, as.... 8 1110 Prlel 1 1 0 0 Land, c 8 1 14 8 0 Odwell, et... 8 0 X 0 0 B. MoCk. 8b 8 1 0 8 0 Welnh, e 4 0 4 8 0 C Toole, p... 8080 Packard, p. .. 80100 Totals 80 8 87 W 1 ToU'a 81 4 24 i I Columbus 00110000 18 St. Paul 02051000 Three-base hit: Jones. Bases on balls: Off O'Toole, 4: off Packard, 4. Struck out: By Packard, t; by O'Toole, 15. Time: 2:10. Umpires: Hayes and Fox. WOMAN UMPIRE AT TOURNEY MUs Amanda Clements Will Officiate at Randolpk In Ansrast. RANDOLPH, Neb., July 30. (Special Tel egram.) Randolph will hold the annual base ball tournament and street car nival August 9 and 10. The best teams from Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota will compete for 8450 In purses. Miss Amanda Clements will umpire the series. This tournament Is an annual affair In Randolph and gives the lovers of base ball an opportunity to see high class ball with out going away from home. Y. M. C. A. WINS BY GOOD SCORE Defeats Imperials -Will Take Rod and Gnn Next. The Toung Men's Christian association base ball team defeated the Burlington Im perials, 18 to 2, Saturday afternoon. Next Saturday the Toung Men's Christian as sociation and the Omaha Rod and Oun club meet In the third and decisive game of the season. Score: R.H.E. Imperials 2 2 4 Y. M. C. A IS 11 8 Batteries: Young Men's Christian associ ation, Wright, Bohan and Hamilton; Burlington Imperials, Kempter and Dol phin. Wayne Rio ere rs Victorious. WAYNE, Neb.. July 80. (Special Tele gram.) A large crowd witnessed the Wayne ball team defeat the Wausa-Bloom-field club to a finish today by a score of 12 to 2. Three pitchers assisted the visiting team, but to no avail. The Wayne sluggers got two home runs and several three-baggers. Batteries: Wayne, Depew and Leahy; Wausa, Shank Brand and Cateber Spencer gold. 8T. PAUL, Minn., July 80. Manager Kelly of the St. Paul base ball club announced this afternoon that he had sold Catcher Edward Spencer to the Philadelphia Na tional league for 82,500. Spencer Is expected to loin the Philadelphia team tomorrow. Courtland Beach All This Week Kvery Afternoon and Evening. Hruby's Orchestra of Cleveland, 0. (Rohemlans) Combining Merit, Mirth & Melody. Each Member An Artist, Each Number a Hit. Don't Miss This Rare Musical Treat. Prize Rare Dance in Dancing Pa vilion Tonight. BASE BALL OMAUA vs. DES MOINES July 28.29-30 ROURKEPAREC rrldsy, July gsj, JVadlea Say. QAktXSJ CAXI.ZD 8) MS Cars Sheave lfitk and rarnam at i30 ROME SUMMEE GARDEN 1 Vaudeville and Photo Plays Dine Ont Doors COO I. EST riVACxl IZf OMASA t BOX MTBa 8TTXST BYtUIIsTw I Admission 20 Casta BULL AND MARTIN WINNERS Defeat Church and Mathey on Lake Forest Tennis Courts. WIN THE FINALS IN THE DOUBLES Women's Donblrs Championship tioes to Misses Keeley and llotchklsa, Wko Defeat Misses Taylor and Holler. LAKE FOREST. 111.. July 30.-C. M. Bull, Jr., and Harry Martin of New York and Maurice McLaughlin of Los Angeles won the principal events In the western tennis championship tournament here yesterday Bull and Martin won the finals In the doubles by defeating O. M. Church and Dean Mathey of Princeton. 7-9. 2-8. 6-2, 7-5, 9-7, and McLaughlin defeated Walter T. Hayes of Chicago in the final round of the singles, 6-2, 6-8, 6-3. The women's doubles championship were won by Miss Carrie B. Neeley of Chicago and Miss Haxel Hotchklss of San Fran cisco, who defeated Miss Adelaide Chat field Taylor and Miss Msrlon Buller of Chicago, 6-2, 6-8. McLaughlin played excellent tennis against Hayes, and although the latter waa In good form he seemed outclassed by the California youngster. McLaughlin's court covering was ths best seen In the tourna ment. By defeating Hayes, McLaughlin Won the right to meet Thomas C. Bundy of Stin Francisco In the challenge round on Mon day. Bull and Martin will be the western representatives In the national doubles preliminaries, which are to be played on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Cknrch and Matkey Take Two. Church and. Mathey of Princeton took two of the first three sets of the final round In the doubles this afternoon from Bull and Martin of New York, and when time was called for the seven-minute rest between sets, led 9-7, 6-2, 8-6. After seven minutes rest, play In the men's doubles was resumed. Bull and Martin, after a hard struggle, took the set. 7 to 6. This left the sets 2 all. In the second the Princeton men seemed to have Bull and Martin on the run and won in easy fashion, 6-2, Bull's Inability to handle lobs counting against his team. In the third, after the Princeton men led 8-1, Bull and Martin braced and ran out the next five games in succession, winning the set, 6-8. After the Intermission Bull and Martin seemed refreshed, but Church and Mathey were more so and ran the score up to 3-1 before the New Yorkers got started. The Gotham pair braced and the score tlod at 3 all. Thereafter it was nip and tuck up to the finish, first one pair leading and then the other, up to 5 all, when the Gothamttes pulled themselves together for the final struggle and ran out the set, 7-5. Boll Abont Exhausted. At the ouUet of the third set Bull ap peared in the last stages of exhaustion. It was an effort for him to walk and it did not seem possible he could play another set. Martin played the whole court for the few games and did it in so thorough a fashion that he ran up the score to 6-1 before the Princtton men straightened out. In the seventh game of the set the New York team had three chances to win the match, but each in their anxiety to kill easy shots they smashed into the net and the Princeton men finally took the game. Then the form changed. Church and Mathey went like wildfire and both Bull and Martin seemed almost ready to drop from exhaustion. The Tiger pair ran the score up to 6-5, in their favor, and it was only by extraordinary efforts that Bull and Martin made it 6 all. Then Church and Mathey came forward again after a hard deuce contest and won, putting the score 7-6 In their favor. The New York men tied It on Martin's serve. With Church serving the New York players made It 8-7. Jonea Wins II lie Usee. NEW YORK. July 30. John Paul Jones, the Cornell runner, holder of the world's record for one mile, won the mile race today on a grass grown track at Washing ton Park, Brooklyn, at the games of the St. Agnes' Athletic club. Under the eon iltions Jones' time. 4:2, was considered remarkable. He finished fifteen yards ahead of Abel Klvlat. Cannon and Jones Win. BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. July SO The Inter state tennis tournament which has been in progress here for a week came to an end today when Jack Cannon and Herbert V. Jones of Kansas City won the challnege round in the doubles, dffeatlng A. E. Sterling and H. H. Brewster of this city. The scores were 2-6, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4 and 6-1. A TRIUMPH IN'THE ART OF BREWING THE LEADING BEER IN THE MIDDLE WEST Family Trade Supplied by Chan. Store, Phones Webster 1200; Independent B-1201. Lake Rflaraawa FREE MOVING PICTURES Five Thousand Feet of the Latetit, Modt rn Moving lietur Filiiiii, Hhown in the Open Air KVKKV KVKMXO at 8:43. Change of Pictures Kvery Kvenlnif. (Films Furnished by Nebraska Film mpany) NEW, LARGE, GRAND BALL ROOM Music furnished by Smith's Orchestra. Women and Children ad mitted to ball room FKEK every weekday afternoon from. 12:30 to 5:OU o'clock. ROLLER SKATINC, ROLLER COASTER, LAUGHING GALLERY AND MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS Delightful Family Picnic Grounds In Shady Grove, Tree Use of Kitchen for Those Bringing Their Own Lunch. ROSS IN GOLF SEMI-FINALS Young Happy Hollow Player Defeat A. 0. McClure in Club Tourney. GOOD CHANCE TO BE CHAMPION Hatfield Wins for Best Hnndlen Scorn Analnat Hoey Semi- , . Finals for Benton Cnp. Oeorge Ross, the young golf player of tha Hsppy Hollow club, defeated A. A. Mc Clure In the semi-finals of the club tourna ment Saturday afternoon. 8 up and 4 to play. This leaves Ross and two other players In the running for the club cham pionship, W. E. Shafer and E, A. Nord strom. Ross will play the winner of the Shafer-Nordstrom match some time this week. ' Ross Is one of the youngest players) of the Happy Hollow club and also ono of the best. He Is conceded a good chanco of winning the tournament even against the older players. Following are the complete results In the second round for club championship said other flights: CHAMPIONSHIP. Oeorge Ross beat J. J. Fitsgerald. tip "a. A. M'Clure beat T. W. Austin, S up and 2. V. E. Shafer beat J. 8. Weppner, 3 up and 2. K. A. Nordstrom beat C. O. M' Donald, 6 up and A. Second Flight A. W. Clark won by default. H. B. Lemere beat J. R. Webster, t up and 4. E. E. Kimberly beat E. W. West, 4 up and 8. J. L. Van Burgh beat T. J. O'Neil, I up and 1. Pairings for semi-finals: Clark plays I.emere. Kimberly plays Van Burgh. Third Flight B. N. Robertson beat W. P. Dura-ee, 5 up and 4. W. C. Lyle beat H. A. Hathaway, S u II. A. Hathaway, S u ia IS. M. Burnett, 1 tip. ' , i it John Hoffhlne, 5 up and 7. B. W. Tandy beat R. M. Laverty beat and 4. r-ainngs mr semi-unais: Robertson plays Lyle. Tandy plays Laverty. The seml-flnals club championship be tween Oeorge Ross and McClure resulted In Ross' favor, 5 up and 4 to play. E. A. Hatfield easily won tho cigar case offered to the player returning the best handicap score against Colonel Bogey In match play, by trouncing the colonel six holes, with a handicap of eighteen. . f Other scores returned were: "' Hdcp. Soore. ....12 4 up J. L. Van Burs-h 1i 4 un ' W. W. Buchanan 16 C. O. McDonald 12 A. O. Buchanan .....18 F. W. Half So. A. W. Clark 18 V E. Kimberly 14 O. Ross Sc. W. E. Shafer Sc. W. C. I,yle ,.;2J B. N. Robertson 16 6 up 8 up 3 up 8 up 2 up 2 up 1 down 1 down 1 down 1 down In the seml-flnals for the John II. Beaton cup, E. E. Kimberly (12) beat George Ross (2) 1 up. and F. I. Elllck (14) beat B. W. Tandy ((11) 1 up. In the first round of match play for the Q. E. Carpenter prlxe, A. G. Buchanan (14) beat B. E. Kimberly (11) t up and L J. II. Van Burgh (14) beat E. A. Hatfield (IE) 1 up, and A. W. Clark (12) beat D. M. Edgerly (17). PITCHER DEMOTT IS RECALLED Twlrler gecured from Cleveland Goes Back at End of Season. CLEVELAND, O., July 30. (Special Tel egram.) Benjamin Demott, the pitcher who was obtained from Cleveland by Omaha this summer to strengthen the Omaha twirling staff, has been recalled by the major league club. He will report at the end of the Western league season to his league, as will four other players of Cleve land's who were sent to minor leagues. The four other men are Hohnhorst with Toledo, Jack Adams with Memphis, and Harry Knapp and Dave Callahan with New Orleans. Cosad Pitcher Strikes Ont Sixteen. COZAD, Neb., July 30. (Special.) Coxad played a fast, interesting game with Over ton on the home grounds Friday and car ried off the honors to the tune of 2 to 0. The work of the Coxad battery was al most perfect and but few errors were made by either side during the whole game. Faught. the Cozad pitcher, struck out six teen men and the fact that Overton has taken the last two games from Cosad, the victory was even more sweet. Victors to Vort Cnlhonn. The Victor club will leave for Fort Cal houn at 8:25 this morning. Owing to a change In the lineup they expect to take the big end of the score. Beber and Miller will form the battery for the Victors. 4 i