Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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W- H
rtRM axd mxii i.ajvo roR sale
' SaaaB
f I
have some c-f the choW-est home Prs
In th cathedral district that are on th
T-iarket today. Thy are rlose to three ar
lines and rontmtt to w-hool and rhurr.hea.
If will atop to rail ua up by phone
Iouria 113, w know the prion ni in
terest you.
4W Brasdels Bid.. Omaha. Neb.
Lsrjre eottAge In fine condit-on. "close
In." located near hlch school and Crels-hion
college; with or without rood barn; No. X,2l
Chicago St- he owner at 2U Chicago M.
Three very desirable r. aldence kta, with n
St Nirjii of th postoffice. handr to schools
ano churchea.
444 Bra ad tea Building.
F"R RALELtrge forcer lot and twven
ro.irn eottsse. cloe h-: loiithirMt correr
of 2Mb and Charles Pta. Price, 14.000. W
H. Unfxitrt. odm. Charles St.
MdPERX bungalow, oak finish, lot and
i half. Wehrter UCX '
TOR 8ALK New 1-r.iom cottar In north
part of town; electric litht, cement cellar,
lot tlxWi. High and sightly tin location.
prjt cash; terms can be made for balnea.
L m. lis. ,
NINE-ROOM private corner noma: mod
em Improvements: reasonable. If bought
from owner: tl.OW down, balance on easy
trrma. Inquire at 1701 Dodge.
Close-In Vt to trade on elptit-roorn.
strictly modern residence; good location;
south or weat district preferred.
4M Brandies Building.
BARGAIN A-room. mod. home. 914 8. JM.
FOR SALE It row want a farm or fmrre
landa In southwest Alabama. w hsvs ail
kiwda, especially a.falla. corn and cotton
land, from H ta l.feM acres. Fur full ln
formatlea write to ua. Heluer Umj Heally
Co.. Akron. Alabama.
nr nrtr-a in U. nV- In aeaicr IO. Ark. bead
.. huakWt hoaina to lis land Bear
I own. W. M. Hanson. LsaUA Ark-
I.jBO ACHa.S hU bottom fauti. aim mliee
Newark. 414 per acre; ttrniA Kin orangs
grovA "l'rua. roily ac.ea, fl.Aai. Other
bargains A. A UeoOeieoa. Aeear. Ar
UJ A- SMOOTH. l' fBl. railway atatioa.
KM feaecd. U curu aniaU bouse, in welia,
two IMiotie .oaaa., Ldjub Bank A
'i rual ca. Reai Aav Ltepu. Be&rcy. Ara.
- !, mi. out. W la ulu. l black alfaifa
ar clover lane; (air Imp.: atom neiisftour-
hMMi jw AM, a mi, troia towu uf i.ww, a ear
Y. O. asd achoul; nearly ait atoootA tip
lane; culC. aeJ. Umber, b twr; a
laifa. 4 . beaxu arcliard. U lexscad boar
Mm; extra Boel 4-r. reaMleoca, avore,
u4e biOA., new bara. oark red aaAuy
Ujuu; kx cuoumiri.ty. deUatuUut Icsaioa;
abundance kinol a.f-r, (aOu, auiev4 W
eeaf Iuab . tar ma away.
i M. Uit-atuUlC
XiaiahA-i. ait.-
COTTU.N plaotAQoa; ) acrea; elecaai
M-room dwelilnc; paeaty teoaat bouaea;
aod bara and uuifeuiiuinaa; rich, fciack
team; will grow bale ootlou or it btiahet)
earn ptr AcreC B wire fence, acre
cultivation; W9 mercbantable timber, hard
Vuod, fcealtblut tocauoo; 4 mile trum good
Wan; sutMl oeigliboi huwd; bear achool and
cburcii; price tjw.lkw; reasonable term.
Addreaa Jotinaton A V.'eiila. car asutawi
Truat Co. UUi tUck. Ark.
t,M A. UKlMPItOVKO cut-oft Umber
UnU; much line umber yet en laud; a te i
Uia. trout KureaA pilAa; lu tor fruit,
laiick and seneraJ taroung; I7.&A rpec-a-ia..aAiM
In improved taima. tut to Ai
kvtM-ek epnnae. Ark.
BC8T fruit and oerai farming lands
fur price km U. aV, la bearcy Cu Ara. Mead
lur booklet abowlng la to tii Ua4 near
lewa. W. M. Maaauav. iyealia. Ark-
OZARK LAND CO. Oraretta, Ark,
Itock raJscbeA fruit far ma. berry tkeidA
(mail tracta, toaUUlmaBt ptaa; towa pra
iv. touaiaaat bouaeA 1ArU as
id TRACTS of land la th corn aad a
.U.fa dietrlct of ietA lead; black aoU; good
.uoia; lands wiii doubi la raJu la tare
eare; bow rent irom a a. pw
me what you wast
Htn BluU. Ark
AU nae t Umber, tar as And fruit kaada
la Arkanaas, Louiaiaaa aad atiaaiaaippt.
Iiom 44 l J per acre, wrut 4. I.
i .lea. Uaon. Ara-
U ACRES, rVoe te town. HaAkatchewaa;
I.e. aorea 4a wheat; l acre; ttilrd caah.
baiano ta ault. Writ tor lerma. i&
I too St . Fcrt WlUlamA Ust, Caa.
I OWN a secUoa at good wheat lead
ituated lea thea two mne from a rowing
lvi la baakatcbewaa. 41il awll fur US pr
acre. Addreae. M. J. CarrvtAera. f. O. few
f '.. Wmnipeg. MaaitAba.
FARM lands ta the Canadian weav towa
let In raiiroad division points, property
la MkAtrouA the LArlabaA at AmeriLA.
Write W. at. iJAlbraitA. WauwwA bae-UtdMSka.-
A-t r.ww n . tu u t
loved aad unimproved praarl Urau, any
"se. Albert A baakalrhawao. Wuodbead
.y UatrouA, beak-, .
HEAL. KSTAT&V-I kav a Urg list f
lands ta th Goose aad k-agla bake disMrtct,
a better ta Canada H. f. I sai a, kmi
town, bask
NORTH WKbTKKM ColorS wheat lands,
t II per acta A tew Improved
farma. Ml to 14. V rile J. fa. atetubarat.
btaruug. Colo.
las-ACRE beet tmgata farm. Coiorada.
aiu; pvtjtu cellar boloa lw wruad.
acre wheat; a acre Aifaifa; a waet
laa; every toot voider oia water rieai,
Aave aaoibar farm, caa't wora both; 4
bums i.Ath of iHiaver, m miles avuib f
tileeiey. C A. util. eve .at.. li. . Cete
FOR BALE UD-acr relinauiahment In
Moraaa county. Coiurado; 4 tuiiea trout
town; acre under duck; good house,
barn and leave; aandy keu auii; k bar-
ga.a r or caaa prtu auoraas A. sortta.
Cruodrlcaa t-OiO. '
Finest Idaho Horse Ranch
4b) acres beat taj nun. Mild; i.ved
la center of vast tree range; fMeua. 'or
terma aad iajucurs ediiiea owner, ii.
C. beruaOB. tmrneit. ldaiio
I.tOA ACRr; fares 1 tmi.s aoutiM
it. Roca uu.ty, Mebraaka; e
t (
.or tti
iaig acreaae ta umothf
good set ef iniprekvoaeuia
I rxe. per sere, eaa-lbi.'d caab.
aae tiT-r awroi At 4 per ceac
ta F. U A T U4
tateag Qiy. la.
IYIR BALK Exoeleot 2-aere farm la
rum and blue grws belt. Adam eeui-ti. j
leva; larm ail well tenetd. v acrea b
naiii. lav acrea tiled, aad ail la i-:Woi I
. Co.Lt vt U : umuu auua. . ' K ones
J ciiax wilA ceaueat fi or. remeet wa k.
I arge new bara and talil. wltk geu4 Fair
. I batiS 4bglae. new A bouaa. xuer Mit
I Luiidinga. ail la goud repair; iumI biucH
aaJ ba.rnaid. Iar grova and goad er
f shard, (our suod wei.a eaoelieat lr. tw
.tu!mili for fertner particular addre
Mr Aims ML NasA. a ri)A !
..icAee, ta.
"TOR ALK Tw tots, number 4 and It,
Kock av. Enslewe"d adiltion. HlgMaed
'al a. Address J. H. Bennett. OskaiouA
I ACRES. Caa enmity, toera. farm rw
raved and wen K-ted. price, tlla per
ere; my equity Is f IS 300 Want souibsra
i nceects -r iak'tK land. cl-ej. No In
flated fre' considered ne 10-horse
ri.wer portabl gasolia engnB ffer what
its you? Address W. McCauailAi.
Casa county, lorah- 1a
IA4CRK eioata. all the very eaeirewt At
land, aothing nicer ha th s ste. K.44 r
siars of lmproveoaCBts a 1 la good Sap
lt miles from ie aood towna. Must be
Sold and seen. I hate tbe eaeivurte hand
ling of thiA Fnce. per acre. March i
seuvery; V cash. bsiAAr 4w tex eeck A
M. i-roery. Nortbwxwd, lA
FOR SALE Splendid farma. well ln
pioved, ranging la proe f ram to p-f
acie This is choice low land, ta well hst
p. oed Communities, near kuwa and schoo.a
Tbere is Co fertile beautiful part
cf the stats thAa Osceola county. Writ
lor (Articular. T. UaAmood. bibls;
1ACI:; Unproved tarm. T miles from
Maa Clt). t u.iK fium amaj town. ii
a if acis; eaay terms and spiendld bargal ...
ll-aci e umuiiruved farm U miles fruai
aaun Oiy. . tr in Iwj a,ier Uiw.'A
tily He an acre. v hat the best bar
S4tas in Tiurihejn lea. Come and ae UA
Atasoa City, la-
ZST-acr f a. m .a l- waboaiaa cuatr.y; ear
ner right In t wu; Lu. .duijt vn block f r a
depot ai.4 arwamary; tea-room houae aicel
tkxnihed; 1 Id grov aad duu treei; bAu
i.lul but iilr.g- a te taciug siUih; cattle ball
44xM, 24-foot posts. MaLshxiU for about
litty eattie; two alio bins; roo.n for lot ton,
cf hay; a la. feed c utter, cora gncder and
24-bera powar gaAoline eng. no, bre Uaig
lor IS Lorsea. wiiA bay loti and g ain b n.
windmill and three water taaks; tana
luced in aix leids: 7tf acres hogughL
ITiCA ('Us per Sltc wa very eay teraaa.
J. A. CARROLL. Rolf, la
TILE easiest way to find a buyer for
your fana ta to insert a small a ant ad
in lh Lie Moines Capital. Laxget circu
lation in th tst of lowa, 4C.UH0 daily.
Th Capital 1 read by and believed la by
tbe standpatters of Iowa, who simply re
fuse to i-ermit any other paper in their
homes. Kates, l a word a day.
1-er line per month; count all ord nary
worda to the line. Addresa Lies Moines
Capital. Pea Moines, 1a .
tut ACRES and 171 acres ef row t hers
ioea land, improved, well located,
soil, light price, for sal or trade; 17. Oh)
gulty in brick store building: A rtrst-ctak
.nct nie property, f aal r trade, qalca.
i.n land, merchaodis or aatomobllA Ad
cress Uos A Liiagonal, la.
FOR SALE OR TRACK My equity ta u.
Section ot it lAnd. 2 m.le of Koreriti. 1
miles Kit Carson and t mile Wild liars.
Cheyenne Co. Colo ; en L". P. h.y.. lays
good, shallow water district; I mil t
river; alfalfa grown Successfully nearby.
Price. $Jt per acre; encumbrance tl.tae. op
tional at ( per cent, due May 11. m. Will
trade the equity. n.KA, tor reaidenc c
equal value 1 else hsvs f aecUoa ioiainf
this which I clear, to trsds for tuan nroL.
rty. Same price. Would carry back ILaul
on this at 4 per cent- Walter U. Boyd.
Ncwumi. la-
i acre. 1m mile cut; ID acre In wheat;
ht delivered to buyer, level, ricn, aeep sou:
good well and windimii, fc.i&u; terrue
Other wheat and AllaJUt landa. all aiae
and prtcea. L - bcnuhniacnar. awaer.
Meada. A-aA.
S2 ACRES. 14 mile oat. 204 In wheal.
V to buyer; balance pasture. The let raia
tioor; per acre; terms, w. u. Cul
vmuub. avvu m lt.
WK aave aom cnolo bargains la earn,
wheat an4 aifaifa lands tor sal la Baa to
aad Ruab counties; write tor UK ot farr
bargain- American uveal mast otMnpany,
t ACRLS, all. mile from Mineola. WS
acre la wheat, ene-mird to buyer; new
l-room house, a table, weu, mill, tank, paa
tur fenced; rich olack Boil; baa raiaed
good crop every year since broken out.
a real oar tain. sj per were, terms, ins
Rey C Beard Land Co. Mineola. ICaa.
- ar-wv a mm mH i.m. -
.-II ........ all .nuwitli m n A w i
sou; good orchard, R. F. L.; phone; (.as
urroundlngA &; good terms; will ex
change fur hardware. Implement er gen
. u 11 1, . . LI
S1B4 umbiiBBiiii " u. an. uvwjuat
KM ACRES S ta alfalfa; la-room bouaa,
larg barn, granary, etc; tw mile to
LAined. Pawnee county i W acres pastura
baiaaca la cultivation; rich, deep soil, attun
aanoe of water, weiia and ou.ia; t.M4;
teiuiA siunt Realty -. aiutcbioaOA
Lew la a am. .
VERNON parish. La.; toe land at rui
faine, sou, climate, mar eets water. beaitA
good; price cheap; write Leesvili Heal
Lstat and ImprovemAUt Co.. C M Mc
i ariAiid. bee y . LeeavlLe, Lav-
LOUIS1ANA farm' and Umber land
good for truck, cora. caut etc; en ac
count of cotton poet, cheepeat lands oa
market. Uaii, Elder A . heiwii, aienroe.
Louisiana. I
FARM, SNAP aerw level prmlrt
iBaa . r I. LAl.nM .91 . .
meadow; good bbiidiag, 114 acre. MorehArt
a a
144 ACRES 11 ta from fit. Paul, t mils
from Kosemont: ail fenced, black lesra seal:
fci acres ruluvated, balance paature ana
black eak Umber, only Us par acre tut lav
uj t-uiie aaie, hail caaA .
14u-acr improveU taim M miles from fat
Paul. 1 Ball fro a Kick Valley station,
laue-rootn bauae. windmill, large ham aad
bther BulidingA Ail In stood BeodJUoa;
black loam aotl, clay aubao.l; aleays beea
cultivated by owner; ltv acres under aew.
i acre fruit tree, mostly apple, b-'-nn
od timuer laud, tim-ai mice aad terma
W. r. A R. W. Montr. Pioneer sra
rUf. t- Paul. Mina.
LANtS Na 4oA 144 aerw It mile
Twin CI tie; good Ullabi eon; Slats map
maiied with -paa book for A eeaiA
Bokart Land A. pbaniA Bldg.. AUhAaap
liA Mian.
I HAVE A tarm at 134 Acre 2 mtla
from guod t-wn. a mJe troui MinneapubA
i4 tuu ulidrr culcitauon; abuut aV tuH
aoeaduw. balAiiC Umber; cA ail be opened
p, rich ao.1, gooa noua. barn and outer
bujloings. price. 422 per acre. Alee lo-aor
larm tw auiie from good town; ay Acr
under plow, la acrea umber, good ilea soil
a-iowm hAusw. tw barns ana other eui
bui.dmga, windmill, fins naiuiai gruva, or.
ctard J oat coumcaciiui to boar. Prioa.
43.ov4; easy teraaa. VYru owAer. Cuarics
L. aj-a. L.k Riter. MinA
FINE farm home. 4?4 acrea. mil
from good town, black loam aoU. Ail
fenced, larg frame dwelling, barn. gran,
ary. aaUust enetta, ia. Is acre la tieid,
4 acre umber. tiaace clover and uav
ethy aad meadow, ideal aeuy tar at. aaf
per atve, oae-tnira caaa a, - nan no away
terniA aa. . aveia, m easvus
A ANAP; MChT fcK QUICK: W-acre lia-
Keved larm in Murray county. Minnesota:
is tirst-covas bulidiuga, lisini, apieadid
gruvA ercAard. two faule trwa iawa
Wri;e John iloideA. lr. Uarviu. uk.-
8END tor A Ust f aar tin Improved
Ku.htm Mima&oia laaJs; we tAve nun
dreda of pleased customer C E. Brvsi
Land Co.. MatleliA and Nee huca-
ui.d. Minn,
If yeu are thiaaing of Immigrating west
t. year, writ u for deacripuva liter.
tI aur lanoa ua at niiiaaura Kraa
t - . . l . ,n . r. Vk m w m r . . M u
as BBAiter waat ye want aad what
lull Want It. end caa aeu you anywoer
trota m acre te l.SaU. W Uiiam E. ulbBvAA
La, atea A LaraMraBl. JU1BA.
4.404 eg lit y la rood quarter In souther
M-uneaoia; qoAitrra iwo mil as frwa
owd low a havuig house JFiJ. new bara
a-Jiea. with gsoia roof, sk.AU granary aaa
-jic. N an I tuacbuie. si oca of ary good.
pnoe 4W per acre, atenj. a. coo.
A. AN acres la St. Lawia ana CurHe
counties id inn asm a near duta ot lu
uiui abd iw.-rruM. at pnoe w.tnia the reach
rt ai' 4 to lu aa acre ; ay term; fur
twa raiiroeua auw enter 'a. these t eiue
luravtaA ct-eap aavd quick IranapertAtliNa. A
tin atael poant aew buiiumg br th
United Dial's fcteel curpuraitoa bear laaAa
Sail la leruie ana well AOeiAeA te diversi
fied tareiug. aairying su4 gardea trucA
Ke icua bsuik or UaaiiwUusa chargea
but rut tit at ue Aour oi
ef the ct-lled sea lea. -lh eoasuvel isrt
And Blh rrtceav Sa nt lur fuii tuturm a uoa.
Immi A Lvauta Pavim Laai c. aav Al
so! t Mlg . WutA. Malta-
FOR SALJf Me acres ot guod aew hard
wheat land. near VY;ha!la, Jeinbtae
county. North Hiake'A Far tarUcuier ad
dree owaer. A. Lwim, UJ laird Ave,
K.. Miaaeolia. aUaav.
M law tool ppL.
FOR BALK One ef the bean and cheapest
farm kn the Muss saii.pi Delia, constsang of
IV acre, Ttsi aorea a cala.aiien. la ua
flower county, i or p.tcee and tertca writ
t sue. i. Jjl RigA beiaaa. Aia.
MISSOURI FARMS -Noo better ee
earth- Highly improved IN acrea. raiae
anihiuA Other decided bargstnA
Writ we UUlwam KeaJly Co.. Uuliam, Ma.-
THIHTEvEN secrtona la Lwwaoa couaty.
bear bidaey. one w lit best towa la ta
Yeliowstob vsiley; alee bare other Lauds
that w ar reiailAg in guy sis tana roe
a ant. W rite your aula Price aiw right,
Tb Hayward Lead Ou.. Gieoiane, Moot.
STOP! Don't go a step farther than
Lwugiaa county, down la the beautiful
CiaarkA rat anything, corn A' t m busb-
is per acre, all ether crope in proporUoa.
cheapest goud land wa cart A 44 be J per
sere. Free information. Uroa iieai Asutia
Co.. Ava, Mo.
FOR SALE CS tannA large and a mall,
between VliMtissippl and Missouri rlvera
ateiake 43a per sere. Write for big price
Ust. WOhacn frA Wrlkht City. Ma
MIS.POU1U farm. W acre; A room bouse,
barn; H4 seres wneac im acres cota, Isve.
black dirt: 4 miles raUrusua. (i acre. CbaA
a- aiucfcstep Really Co. euabrny. Ma
FOR BALE Finest farm In Leaven worth
county, broaodua farm of lav acres. l-
mHes from Fort Leaven'vorth. ta.uu brick
residence, ttt 4-year-oid waisulA 144 sugar
maple tree, naiuiai gAa. two telepboneA
free dellven. 1 miles front rsanta ata
lloo. eaamme lecmise and writs Mrs. J
L Kb by, 1Kb leiis et. be Joawpau aia
kft-ACRE larm. aU cultivated: fine house,
bara. lenrta. first-class condltloa, Dae
spring water; 2 miles from town; I in, e
from railroad, bout beast Missouri lauAl
r ration Co.. Piedmont, lie.
FOR SALE Bitter Root valley Kj4 acre
fine fro it land; aid water right best sec
tion of th vaiicy Cue proposition lor aub
Si vision; fair buildings, easy terma. AaV
teas owner. aw U. Lswis bicvenavttA
tbe aon-iing farm state, fu .44 te 4A per
acre. . V. rite fur deacripuoA Shaw A
Clark Land CotnpAsy. liecr. n btdg , si
1111, Minn.
E2AACRK bomMtMH MlinnutohinMil. f m
aaie; Also one botri. one bakery, on general
siurw, on saloon, on teed store. Andres
Coax law " Brown. Oaiata. Maac
FINE 440-acre rsuco, i: miie from tows.
I quai-ter tame hay, itaiaAce Wild bay and
pasture; 4tu acira level, .in..
tolling; heavy black soli; tw fiowm.
seiiA -ivum buuM-, uli o, i ana. t a.. I
chicken house. ieit"oiic; n mite tw accoot
i his is an excvpuuitaliy tine rai.cli arm a
snap. Wilt aeil oa eaa wi in a. ,cil a r.
ColunA owner. Atkiaaon. Nab. .
HOMESTEAD 324 acre for tlaO in cash;
about 2v miles eut; good pow land; not
sand.. Another one for 117t: 4J4 cash and
tl a xnontA. - J. A. Tracy, Kim bail. Neb
14 ACRES in Chase county, Nebraska.
12 anilea south of Lisle; if taken aoon wui
utk H7.U aa acre, una is a guod quartet
eectioa and can all b farmed; win tea
a good li or lsll autooiobii on the dea,
and carry th baiaaca. . A. taarlaaA
Cbartlun. la
K2S acres of best land. Kenced and cross-
fenced. On and one halt miles of woven
wire fence. Two good sets of improve
ment. Land all lies together escept 44
acres. Can All be cultivated except where
small stream runs through, which is sup
plied by sprints. Land is all choice, nun
low, Don rough, but all just rolling enough
to drain well. No waste, no sand, no rock.
all the land Is high grad soil. Four mile
from Waverly, four miles Xrom Havelock.
Lleven miles from Liuoom. . Good renter
now on place, but possession can be given
tor UU. Address or -rail and se lh Lan
caster County Lank. V a verly, N en.
IF you want to buy a farm of any si ?
W. 1311. 160. 140. 40. VO. 440, 1,600 or
Urmi alt well improved. In the corn and
alfalfa belt, northeastern corner Nebraska,
at the right price and oa easy terms, make
your wants known, just what you want enj
what you can pay down, to 1. K denox.
Alien. Neb. He has Just what you are look
ing for. Don't mis It.
J. K. LEXOl.
tsft-srr ranch. U miles from Schuyler,
Keb.: 100 acre la corn, balance blue crass
and clover paatare; runnlny wster through
tbe ranch; boll black, aandy loam, suitable
for cutting up Into small farma This I
aa BAcBptlonall fin ranch and a aoA
Will sail on easy terma
W. b. KING. Owner.
(It McCagu Bid.
NEW TOWN on Union Pacific extension.
In rich Irrigated country; good opening for
merchants In all lines. Addreaa. Castle Rock
Land Co.. McGrew via Wins tare P. O.
Scott s Bluff county, NcbraskA.
Xerth DsksiA
offl ef the finest farm ea Klchlasl
runty, consisting of 23 acres ef good,
iroductite lanA Joining Wybotnere.' Kiat
larg building, lots of f i alt nic grvt
sad nsvvr-tainsg flowing well. Price
W.-SA per acre. Easy terma alarm
Paulaoa Land C . Vt yadmare, Norm cia
keta FOR SALE Aa excepUonal y fine 14. I
STille ot elevator, six mile u( S admer
food, heavy, black aoli. Wild Rice river
through lAstttre. Fin new bullain-. mn.
f excellent water, windmill at a. A pe.'
acre i his ta a bbap. Lack Rag U
v. yadmere. AortA Leaota.
AUCTION SALE North DakctA: choice
Well And Stuiaraan county farm at puoln
aucuon Julia A tll. on easy termA Writ
tor information. A. P- bolcnor, aAlaa Mgr.
bykaatoa. N. P.
Too ran buy a lso-acr farm or (3-Acre
farm from ua located in Morton County,
North laot ry paying two dollars an
acre down, balaaos t suit you. trot our
Ire maps and lactA Wm. H Brown Co..
tN. Laisalle bu. Chicago, or Mandan. N. It.
Ore ww
FOR EALE-let acre CAoscea apple, pear
cnerry. giape land la tbe west, alx miise
trota Ink ae mils from railroad; aod
latii volcanic aaa. 'lb LaiieA Wrm. prue
lav acrea. fm nJles from Iowa new, mod
ara house, baxA ten-sment; to pear pruA
bearuig. LU young Ucm, l.uua iraot vines,
good water; wood. Or will sell a acre
with AU Imt ruvexneni Investigation
soitdtaA. C. H. V ebaicr. Th I'S ilea, cue
1 Swath Dakota.
FOR SALE Section good, raw land; all
fenced; goud flowing well. 4 mile from
t'tankingtoA A. D. For pmrucuiaia write
1. k. O Ataliey. PblUn, a. U
W bav a list of awuau'taat cuumy land
for eais at truui 41 awl vu per acra. if
lntrsid write u lur pai tuut and ws
aw. send our price And pocaei map. if
you Bwa land la Aouth Dakota list it slit
t. Our Btolio is "A fcuuara Leal la Buyer
and e-cilei." in u a i-bancs to prote o-r
iitluicsL Haavaid Lead Ca, Mina. bd-
uiunoa county. boutA t'eAolA
WILL eachange chulee farm land near
PiertA the capital uf South Dahlia, lor
gewd lea er Nebraska lead; a nat bavs
lou to eflerl Wet Land Co.. Pier re. A u.
This as tha aand w bv. Free bosa.
SieaAs; re-iuuuianmalil and Ureued iaxua.
lor perUcaiais write P. O. Wgakat A t.
fevaf faoj laap, A la.
' Fair improvemanuL i'noa. KAA Equity
tXeA Asaska steal Esisie s-'a. AaaaaA
k l
Cloee to tbe MmaesoiA has; heavy black
Bull; clay subsuu; He vary level end U
under cultlvnuaVA Muat be swd wiin.a j4
ta t cloa aa ostate. Half uf thia year s
crop go who ute pi toe. a, per Ad
easy ursia ti-tas) will bandie. It and it
a WAk atucsA ao foul a, .a la
AuAiwa VV . i". MoGee. Lauta piostOA a a.
4US-ACRE car (araa. out from Sieux FaUa
axcwiieat Impr easeniA. luge gsov aad
truu; ail 1a cultivation . peace lor uuict aai
XmL Ml I m . a alAA kai a.!l lmnn.tul - . .
Is acre unim-irotea. ita ej
r viuUA ask. AC. A. AatvtaA
euer, cuoux F alia. A IX
Boy erensrd end garxlea lands Bear
Houatow. th greal-l and mast prosper.
ua uty la tbe seuthweat. arer vs.ues
r gulag up all in tir and fortune
mad in real eatata in short wrul. taaf
l, i ma if ue.r4 Adtiresa K. C Robert,
son. Vet a lea., and a lAacr farm in ts
Kio tiranle valley, wo era th farmer t
rarh Inromt I as perpetual a th days
that cum and go. a. II. Jackson. M Fust
Natteoai i-tm iitdg. Uoumoa Ta
WE ar subdividing 2. See acres of fertile
- s aw av as st i-wM w aJ J rpif l Stcg 1
rrups every year. Rainfall about riant, M I
mcheA For aeanrlpuoA niat and pricv
til E. Houston AC. Ssa Anionie. Tex-
RAN SAHA VALLST. tbe rsrnen spot f
Texas, home of the paper ahell pecan. Wt
taa buy land for ou or Invest money. I
per rem Bet to you eecured by mortgage s
these lards. Correspondence solicited.' Re
fer to Firrt Net'l bank, nan Seba Nail
bank. Ward. Murray A Co. and the mem
bers In congress from Texas- Ketiey
bur issue Co. xn SabA Tsx
Swath rarwtlaa.
LAND! 1504 per acre made growing figs
for preserve on the Islands, orchards on
easy monthly payment- .-. iriand orchai
f.cnipi,nv. Charieeton, S-' C-
WRITE for Inforrra.loa about (h "n
land iCmpire, aiao Spokane. I's metropolis
Isrnm. fruit landa nl, Mata
I our office your headquarter and Inlornia-
inn uuresu oea IB OUT City. IUMA
REALTI CO. 4U Undelis Bla, bpoaane
W yeaale s.
FOR SALE is.ajd seres la Laramie
county. H)omlnx. In ilo.den Prairie d's
tnrt; u.table for larmlng; m-w stocks!
with cattie and sheep, will ell with ranch,
will sxebsngs for ejtera Nebraska er
Iowa term a J. T. Beit, owner, cosyenna
WTOMING farm and stock ranch; Im
proved, fenced, wejl watered. sA) acre,
wiu be Bold best olfer next sixty dAya
Writ owner. Andrew Wilson. Parser.
t E ucnahse properties ot merit, it. 11
Culver. kU'-U N. B bldg. U. TkCL
FOR SALE or exchang tor CoIumbuA
O ptoerty. six -room r.tag In deiraoi
resident portion of OmajiA tut Lrunaoa
u.Q.. Coiumbus. u.
I HANDLE exebsnges pvery-where. For
results -e me. Dean. 417 Be bid A D. UK.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 404 acres land in
South Dakota and Colorado. Hard a are or
mds. stock. Addresa Lock Box 11. Otis.
Colo. ' ,
EVERT person known D. J. O'Brien be
cause he has made Omaha famous with
his candy. If A. Bus. 4234 Harney 6L.
will come to Tha Bee office within three
days we will give him an order for a 4-
cent box free. . .
LIST your exchange with Jones, ill
Siandeis Theater.
WANTED City loan and war.-aut. V.
Famam Smith A Co UJ4 Farnam 4c.
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Ca
Representing th Pens Kutual Life In
Co. with sets of over tlK.flutr (wa. I are
prefAred to accept Ah the good loan of
fered on Improved Omaha real eatata
Buainess and rt dene loaaa xnada w.LA
sut deiaf.
City National Beak Bdg.
Farm -Mortgages
Always on hand' and ' for a&la
gmounu trom $JO0 to 43,000.
412 New fork Hit Bids.
OARVIN BROS.. Sd door N. T. Ufa VM
to 4ii.ia on improved property. Ke Oelay.
Ka-25 City Nat l Bank Bldg.
Telephone Xoug. 127a
WANTED City loaaA ('ler Trust Ca
LOANS to bom owner and bom build
ers, with piiviiege of making partial pay
BienU eml-annuaiiy. W H. THOMAS. s
4 arsl NAUOBAi Bank BeOaV
CITT' and farm. JOHN N. PREX7ER
OMAHA Property and Nebraska. LaadA
ID14 New ontaba National bans Buildiag
(144 to till. Out made pram pel y. T. U
Vtaad. Weed k!luu. IkUt and Farnam.
Lv-AU Biandais 1 neater Uui
FARM LOAMA kluks Iba
CLEANING, Pressing. McLeland. tailor.
1446 Shermaa Ave.
BEST price paid for 2d naod furniurA
carpetA, clothing And ahpeA TL D. 2V7C
A MODERN cottage or residence, be
tween 2uth and Ann Dodg and Be Mary s
ava pounnary. Aaureaa u sis, xma
FOR a dainty dessert use Daisell'a lee
cream. If Mrs. Lundstron, 24:4 Caidwsll
St.. will come to The Bee office within
three day we will give her an order for a
quart brick of this fine 4c cream.
FOR turat-Aaa practical nurse call IX
YOUNG lady wants position AS house
keeper In city. A Art, Be.
WANTED By A-l colored man cook; do
meat or pastry looking. .have good ref
erence, city or country, itfll So. lith St
UUes. YOUNG MAN. sieaogTapber and book
keeper, wants position. Moderate salary.
Andreas Guy T. Ward, Cedar Creek, NeA
Route L '
WOMAN of middle age. neat, experienced,
tht position as housekeeper, small fam
ily, city or country. Address Box 430.
WANTED Situation by a first-claa middle-aged
man position of janitor, or care
taker of estate, or gentlemanA private
home-; tm teinperai and industrious, as
well as loyal to any Interest In my car.
CAxr-furaiaA best of references or bond it
necessary. Adaross T IC. cat OmahA Boa
EITCATION wanted as blumber or gas
titter la or out ot town. N kU, Bca
GIRL wants plac for general bouse
work la Gerxnaa tamely. Addrwea 2ai7 a.
EXPERIENCED laundress wan la clean
ing or Ironing. D. 4iA4
WANTED By elderly man. position as watchman; old residnnt of city; tem
pera's and responsible Call Tel. Harney
WANTED By A-l colored man cook, do
meat pastry cooking; bav good ref
erence, city or country. Hut So. litk be.
1 l.a.
TOL'NO mn as rhsi.ffeur with private
pertr. Three year cipeitenee. Address
v -sir Bee.
IXISITICN wanted br photosrapher; good
all aroaad R-414. Bee.
NEAT, evnerleri'-el woman wants day
work. IksukIba 7
A MIDDI.E-A;F.r womsn would I'.k
pis re to work n.ghts and mornings for
room and board. Add rets A-414. lee
PITI ATION ofTtoe clerk, city le-
man or other repons1ble position. Hsvs i
position at present. Oood reasons for
changing. Best ot referenrea F 421. BeA j
COLORED woman wants day work, j
Phone South tlOL
TOI'NQ man tor th last three year with j
a railroad desire cleric! work of some
kind. Some knowledge cf bookkeeping and
will work anv number cf hours but must ,
have 75 or better a month. Addresa H lUa,
Omaha BeA j
WANTED Position as bookkeeper or j
office clerk; cab giv beet of reference;
have had two years- experience. Thomas
H. Evs n. Bo 17. Norfolk. Neb.
WANTED Work br th day. Mrs.. Wm. j
Summers. 414 N. 17th EL, rhone lad. B1J.L j
Ptif-ITION as Jsnltor; Rood references;
willing to work. P-74S. Bee.
VMOW STATION Tewtb aed Maav.we , I
v'-bIob Paelfle
r-an Fran. Overland L a 4 45 am
China and Japan F. M.A 4 fc prn
Atlantic r2 1 press
Oregon Express atl 36 pm
to Angele IJmlted... 12 44 pm
Denver Special a 7 04 am
Centennial State Spee'l.All SO pm
Colorado Express a I 30 pm
Oregon-Wssh. Limited al? SO prn
North Platts Local a 4 14 aa
Grand Island Local a S pm
7 40
a l
a 4 41
a 4 14
a I s
a 7f7
a V
a I
a 4 45
b i it
Ktromburg Local hll 41 pm
Illlaol Central
CM rat Expree a TW am a -4 nra ;
Chicago Limited a I -00 pm tIA ara
Mlna.-t. Paul Ex b 7K ra j
M .nn.-.3C Paul Ltd a 4.(0 pm a 4r04 am
tftawwwri Paetfls
K. C. t ft- L. Ex.
K. C. Jt St. la Ex.
..a t:I9 am
..ail ill pm
a 7-49 am
14 pm
CA4eww, Reck lelana A Pacific
Rocky Mount si a Ltd..al2:3t
The Mountaineer a 4:4s
Omaha l y Expree
Chlcaco Loca! Paaa bl 25
Chicago Eipreev a 4:14
Des Moines Local Paaa a 4:17
Cnicatio-.'vebiAskA Ll4..t4
The Mountaineer a 141
Local Pass, to Llnooln-a :4
Colo.-Cal. Expres ....a Lit
OkL A Tex. Express.. ..
gnW pm
a 1:44 am
a 4:t prs
bit 14 pm
a 1:14 pm
all 12 pm
a 1:47 am
a t:4t ara
a 444 pm
all:tf am
a 4 &4 pm
sll: am
ChL-Neb. Ltd. "Cincoln
Rocky Mountain Ltd..alt:tf pm
-Alewgw at Nertb veestec m
Twin City Expret a 7 46 am
Sioux City Local a 1 pm
Minn. A Daitota Ex.... .a 7 44 pm
Twin City Limited a 4 4 ptu
Minnesota Express
Carron Local ... a 7.-04 am
Daylight Chicago ..a 7:44 ara
Cbicaso Local al.u ui
Colorailo-Chlcago a :1 pm
Chicago Special a 4:02 pm
Fsclflc Coaat-Chtcago...a 4:L m
Los Angeles Limited.. a M pm
Overland Ltmiteu a t - put
Carroll Local a 4:34 pm
Fait Mall - a 4.J4 pan
Cedar Rapid A Sioux City
and Omaha
CetitentcAl Btat Urn . . . . It :4ft ara
Long Pin b t.04 am
Norfolk-Dallas a 4i ara
Long Pine-Lincoln ....a 2:14 pm
Hastings-Superior b t lb pm
Dead wood-Hot Springs. 244 pm
Casper-Lander a 1:46 pm
Fremont-Albion ....... ..b 4J6 pm
-si are. Mil www. Aew A a, I
Overland Limited .. ...a 74 pm
timaha Chicttg x....b 14s am
14 24 pm I
a 13 pm i
a (.14 am '
a 7:24 am ;
all.iW am j
a tilt pm
Alt :4s prn .
a mi ''
a 1 -s pa i
a 4:44 am
a 121 pm 1
all 24 pa !
a Sli am
AHI.04 an. I
A 1.& pm
.a I-t ei
11:14 pm
all 4 am
alt:lt pm ;
a k M pm ,
b 4:44 pm
a 4:14 pm
ill am j
a i:ds pm i
-tot km
I -la pra
M am
12 Mi pm
a l li am
ail. li put
blS.t auw
larry Local ....a aa
CWO.-CA1. aCxpra ....a ' w pm
COMirauo bpectsi . ... a 7 . am
ferry Local to pis
Jmaha-nt. Luuls Ex.. ..a 4:34 pm
aaaii aiiu uyrcat a I tt am
bianb'y Ui tcrum C B )o 4 v pm
lsuui ureal aeestersv
Ctcagu aAmileti a -as pm
Twm city aainitea......a - pm
'1 win City avAtirwaa a A1 am
a 7 : am
A AM put
A 1: pm
CCoCSAU avJtpress .....
locai r ii t"" ........a e.t pot
Buusttss btaclwav
at a rile a tew
Denver California...
l-uel Bouuu capreaa.
-IWtA sal Haass
.A tin out
.tiiti tu
A 4:20 Am
.A 4:ik put
-all -ao .ua
,.A Aa aio
A :is ecu
b 2 Aa pm
.a ! -a. pm
a :ls aia
.ai..Al pm
.a .Aa am
..all: pm
..a tw pm
.a -Ai pm
.a :ls am
.b 4 A pm
.a 4.w pm
.a ill 44 uoi
4. put I
a S.aj wu j
a s:it pm 1
4.4 prn ;
Neuraska puiala
IValctMll a,ll ...........
iul tnweal s.xpres
AeuraaaA points .......
NvoraaaA n-xpres
Ltucuin Local
bum ier-P.eilsit.ouiA .
lnowin Local
beiie v ue- P isl tamo uth . .
CiucSAO npeciai
PaDver ttrcuu
Chicago tuxpreas
Cbicasu i tApreas.
leas txical
Cresioa tia Local....
be louis tvaprea
K. C A bC joaeptt
E. C At bt. Joseph....
a i . aia
a 4:1 ptu
b 4 .VS aus
bis.s aus ,
li:w put
a li Bui i
a 2:4 piu :
ail . la pui
a I : pui
a l.iw pm j
a 4 us am ,
ai4:M am '
bio am i
au: am 1
a 4:44 am
A tot paa
.a 4 14 am
av. C. A St. eesetiu.
4 .SI pus
Wsksttr ttstiew . ltb and Wobster.
Mlssoari Peetf to
Depart. Arrive
Auburn Local b !: pm burst am
CaAesA, St. PawJ,
Depart. Arrlv i
...b 2 -A pm bli4t pm I
c :ii pm
Kioui Citv
umana Local
Xiaui utr Pa
... s.x ua
...b 4:44 am
...c 4.a am
1 a in Lily paaa....
moua cny Local. .
Emerson Local
b 4-as pm b 4 14 am
tb daily, except Sunday
icy Sua 17
only , tai daily.
Deeds Med for record July 24 1411: '. ,
J. A- Cooper to Daisy Cooper et si.,
lota L 2 and 1, block 4. Ltnwodd Park4 1
Hastings A- iievdea to Heiga P.
liergo, lots 17 and U, block 1,
Pruyn para S
V. Haimuneo to J. Swansea, west 78
ft. east lw te lots 4 seed I, Motter s
sub. 2.0U4
H. F. Hie land to Emms J. Swaneon.
lot 12, block "B," Prospect Plac and
lot 14, LindsAy s Addition L0E4
E. R. Porter to J. J. Bucher, lota 1.
4. 4. 4. 7 and k, block 1. Alamo
P1A 120
R. ii. LAuderyou to W. 8. Prank,
lot . block 14. Hitchcock Ut 200
E. J. 8e Felix to Mick el Investment
Co., lot 7. block I. J. 1. Redlck sub. XTO
M. Mar met to John Marmot et aL.
north 41 fC south 44 fe, lot 1 and
north 41 ft-, south 44 fe, east 24 fe,
lot 2, block U, laaacs A SeidenA.... 1
R. B. Held to J. T. Bronnum, lots
11 and 14. Ludairk Plaie A Too
E. 14. Hopper to H. J. GrovA lots I
snd a, block 2. Andrews A Benson s. got
A. M. Trumbull to J. E. Trumbull,
lot 4. block 14, ShullS Id 1
K. L. Marriott to A. A. WnilA 1 fC
of south aide north IIP ft lot 44,
block 4, Hanscora s PIacs at
la Oisen to W. Street, lot 17, block .
Rush A nelby't LA
Is aiixioaily B-raited 1
those who arc specially
iatereitd la Undj tit
sort that boy and sell
and eaconiAfs others to
do llitwiAA.
C3flV aiDEIl
Every contestant gets 10 coinmission on each caab
ad. Every day the ad runs counts as a Vote.
' A little work each day will win a big prize. , .
Standing of contestants: '
Htxel Reman, .320 K. ZStta St. ...
lone V. Hates. SIX So. J4Ul bL . . .
W. Beebe. 128 N. 31st Ats
Frank Squires. 151 i Madisoa A. .
Best Tobln. S0 N. 2 6th SL
Bennle Tel k ner, 1715 W ebtter SL ..
Esther Knight, 3601 Davenport SC.
Wm. Campen, 541 S. 26th SL
- Wiltna Howard. 4722 Capitol Are. .
' ' Clarence Stock, 124 N. Sith 8L ....
Warren Ege 116 -o. tlst Are
Daniel Gruenlng, 4612 N. 24th SL ..
Jacr Allen. 1124 So. 29th
Paul Macken. 822 No. 4 2d SL ....
B. Thell. 610 Ro. 35th St
Victor Oraham. 472 No. 38th SL
James Vickery. 724 N. 18th EL .'. . .
Leland Smith, 906 So. 33d SL ....
Lucy GarrlD. 124 So. 35th St
Howard Douglas. 4412 Douglas SL
" Mildred StrafTord, 120 So. 35th SL .
Albert Anthony. 2712 Ames Are, ..
OUre Atkinson, 1902 Emmet SL ..
Look over this list of big prizes. " ,r.
Any one is worth any "effort you may make.
Contest closes August 19th. ' "
Read the Rules Carefully
Everyone Is eligible except em
ploye of Th Bee and members of
tneir famllieA
Only paid want ads brought In or
sent In by contestant count as votes.
Each paid want d counts as on
vot each time tha ad appears. Want
ads from Omaha real estate dealers
and those alrea J advertising In Tb
Bee do, not count
All ads ubtect to investigation and
rejection by Ttie Bee.
Only bona fide ad will count: ad
found to he of bogus ddrs and In
serted only for tbe purpose of getting
votes -will be declared void and not
counted. -
Cash new accompany each ad.
AS TAB Be - rnxts Oomestts stain
aad Situations Wanted Ads Pi A U
contestant ara obliged to take such
A Bcautifu! Ludwi Baby Grand Piano$750
A beautiful high grade instrument that wiU bring Joy and con
tentment into any home. An instrument you will be proud of all
your life. It is worth any effort you might make to get it. To those
who bare a musical education it offers the highest quality In the mak
er's art To those beginning their musical education It orfet a
broader scope lor their ambition.
This Baby Ludwlg may be seen at any time at Hayden Bros;, Piano
' A Graduation Scholarship Course in the iiniha
Coaaerrial College , : . - .
Comprising complete course In Business, Shorthand, 6piar Bank
ing. Preparatory Courses, Principle of Agriculture. Bualnesa. Agricul
ture and Salesmanship. ... :
These prltea offer an education to th winners, and start them
in life with the necessary knowledge to mak their efforts la the busi
ness world a aticcesA. . t
The management of the OmaiiA Commercial College, 19th and
Parnam, will be glad to discuss any point relative to tbe scholarship at
any time. - ' ' ' l: ';'
FOURTH PMZE--Bcaiftiful Gold Watch..$100
Either Udies' or gentlemen's solid gold case witch vita' T. U
, Combs 4 Co. a Special MovemenL Selection left with winner. ;
This beautiful timepiece Is one that anyone would be proud ot
It will satisfy someone's desire to own a solid gold high grade watch.
This watch may be seen in the window of T. U CombS t Co.; 152V
Douglas streeL' ...
Two Ladles' Suits to be made to measure In any style and material
which may be chosen. Style, tit. workmanship and quality fully
These salts will be made by the Novelty Skirt Co., who have a
reputation for turning out only high grade work. , ,
Ooods and methods of tailoring may be Inspected at any time at
the shops of the Novelty Skirt Co.. 214, 21C North 16th streeL
' Two National Pace Follower Special Bicycles, 1911 model, for boy
or girl. The bicycle tad la growing In popularity each day. It la a
recreation that affords a healthy eierclse combined with the pleasure
of paying visits to places which were out of your reach before. - .
These bicycles are on esbibltlon at the store ot the Omaha Bicycle
Co., Kth And Chicago streeta. , .. ,
Two full memberships to the Y. W. C. A. for one year. Including
the Glmnasium and choice of the Educational classes. ' ; : r: ,
Every young lady should belong to the Y. W. C. A. Its elevating
Influence Is felt the world over. These prises will sppeal to those? who
wish a place to spend aa enjoy arj hour down town. J'
When you. are down town, drop Into the Y. YV. C. A.
' ' $13 Each
Two full memberships la the Y. M. C. A. for one year, comprising
all the membership privileges. Including the gymnasium and swim
ming pool. These-prlxes are uplifting and elevating tt mind and body,
and should be eagerly sought after by thok who wish to make a place
for themselves In tbe world. Visitors are always welcome at the
Y. M. C. A.
If you want to enter the content call Tyler 10U0 or coma
to the Bee office and ask for Bee Want Tad Editor. Each
contestant will be taught how to get a start.
Make up your mind and enter now.
......236 .
...... .33
.......35 .35
.-... .83
, 23
' .; '12:
!!"!!. io
ads with th ttmi courtesy as a paid
ad. Domestic lisln and situation
wsnted ad cannot be counted
No entry fee ts charged. Th receipt
by Th Bee Want Tad Editor of a
nomination blank, properly filled sue
constitutes sufficient entry, and
counts aa ten votes for the candidate
Only on nominating blank will be
counted for each contsstanL
Receipt books will be furnlahsd All
th contestants on applicatioa.
The Ad-Oetter contest will close
Saturday evening, August 14. at t
P. M. . , -
Th standing of tb contestants
will b .Announsed. weaklF',. .., - .
The contest Is limited" tejtb fol
lowing terltory: NebrsskA Wyoming,
lowa and South Dakota. .